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Friday, March 15, 2013
Volume 9 • Issue No. 11
York ambulance Offers Transfer Services to Patients YOrK – York Ambulance Association Inc. in York launched a transfer business recently, providing transportation to patients between facilities such as hospitals, hospitals and nursing homes, and even back home after staying in a facility when it is medically necessary and physician-approved to transport the patient by ambulance. Patients may be transferred from a Maine location to anywhere in New England. “This is an essential and long overdue service for York Ambulance to make available to our community,” stated Mary Andrews, president of the board of directors for the organization.
“We now offer a local, non-profit alternative to transfer services in existence today.” According to Andrews, the goal of implementing this service
is to improve patient care, better leverage ambulance resources and strengthen relationships with area healthcare facilities. While private ambulance
companies have provided similar services in the area, they often have long wait times and/or are cost-prohibitive. York Ambulance will respond to emergency transfers within a half-hour and one hour for non-emergency transfers. Facilities may also schedule transfers several days in advance. Insurance, including Medicare, will typically cover the expense of an ambulance transfer as long as a physician or medical representative affirms that is the only mode of transportation a patient can use. However, private pay arrangements can be made for those not covered by insurance.
This is the first phase of a regional transfer service being established by York Ambulance, Wells EMS, and South Berwick Rescue over the next six months. The three services are evaluating the needs of their communities, and have been working together to identify opportunities to reduce cost, create further efficiency and optimize their utilization of resources, all in consideration for the best outcome for the patient. Transfer can be scheduled by calling 207-337-0587. For questions or more information, call the York Ambulance office at 207-363-4403. (photo by Eric Fellows,
annual Waban Telethon Scheduled SaNFOrd – A 42nd Annual Waban Telethon will be held on Saturday, March 16, at the St. Ignatius Gym on Riverside Avenue in Sanford from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Television coverage will be produced by Metrocast Cablevision (Channel 12) in conjunction with Time-Warner Cablevision. This year’s expanded viewing
Arts & Entertainment 29 Calendar of Events 17 Classified 33-34 Computer Lady 17 Home & Business 30-31 Library News 37-38 Pets 28 Puzzles 36 Real Estate 19 Sports 32 Where To Dine 22-27
Local Average Tide Chart
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area will be from Kittery to Presque Isle, including all York and Cumberland communities as well as most of the state of New Hampshire. Over the past 41 years, $1,979,972.00 has been raised through the Telethon. Last year’s effort raised $80,122.00. The funds are used for developmental therapy, specialized equipment, therapeutic recreation, and other educational and habilitation-based services for children who attend the Waban’s Fraser-Ford Child Development Center or who receive services from the Children’s Case Management Program. In the course of one year, the Fraser-Ford Child Development Center provides service to over 150 children ages 3 to 5, the Infant Toddler Program will support over 40 children ages birth through 2½, while the Children’s Case Management Program will provide services to over 175 children and their families. All the children have special needs that require specialized training and equipment. The Telethon is sponsored by St. Therese of Liseux Parish Catholic Church of SanfordSpringvale. Hosts for the day will be
Kevin Mannix of WCSH-TV, R.J. and Jim Legere, sons of long-time telethon volunteers Bud and Sandy Legere, and Kristen Guillemette Perfeuto, who works for Boston Medical Hospital. Entertainment will kick off with Local 109 to start the day, followed by The Returnables Band and Ben Guillemette with his band. Country singer Brian Wardwell will be performing as well as another favorite from last year, Pretty Girls Sing Soprano. The Eric Andrews Jazz Quartet will join other local young performers including the dancers from Northern Explosion and Jazz Tappin’ Dance Academy. The Sanford Mainer’s own B’roose da Moose and Kenny Bear from Kennebunk Savings Bank will be there and once again, MECA will be on hand to finish out the day. Certificates for merchandise and other items donated by merchants, businesses, and individuals will be given away. A complete listing of raffle and gift items can be found by clicking the pledge item link on the home page of Waban’s website at www. or on Waban’s Facebook page at www.facebook. com/wabanprojects.
Health & Fitness A special section concerning your health... INSIDE:
PG 13-16
Brandon Baldwin from the Maine Attorney General’s Office speaks to students at Wells High School (courtesy photo)
expert on Bias-Based language Speaks to Wells Students WellS – Brandon Baldwin, a schools and curriculum coordinator for the Civil Rights Team Project of the Maine Attorney General’s Office, spoke to freshmen and sophomores about bullying and the negative effects of speech meant to hurt others at Wells High School. Baldwin was invited to speak at Wells High by the school’s Civil Rights Team. His appearance corresponded with National No Name Calling Week.
Also check out our special section on
business & finance PG 11-12
“The one-hour presentation reminded the audience that our words can have a great impact on others and the way they feel about themselves,” commented WHS teacher and WHS Civil Rights Team adviser Nancy Cotty in an e-mail. “The presentation explained what constitutes biasbased language that violates the civil rights laws here in Maine. “This information was well received and will help to make Wells High School a safer, more comfortable place for all.”
Happy Easter! Special Pages PG 8