Your Community Newspaper Serving: ARUNDEL, BERWICK, CAPE NEDDICK, ELIOT, KENNEBUNK, KENNEBUNKPORT, KITTERY, KITTERY POINT, MOODY, NO. BERWICK, OGUNQUIT, SO. BERWICK, WELLS, YORK & YORK HARBOR U.S.PRSRTECRWSSSTDPostage PAID Seacoast Media Group Portsmouth, NH POSTAL CUSTOMERSentinel The Weekly 2517-19PAGES Have you seen our New Hampshire Newspaper? Available www.granitestatesentinel.comat The Granite State Newspaper Check out the pages on &FINANCECAREER Health Fitness& A section concerning your health . . . Friday, September 2, 2022 Volume 18 • Issue No. 35 Date am Local Average Tide Chart ampm pm LowHigh Sat 3 4:38 4:57 10:33 11:19 Sun 4 5:37 5:57 11:31 Mon 5 6:42 7:02 12:23 12:35 Tue 6 7:52 8:10 1:31 1:43 Wed 7 9:00 9:16 2:38 2:50 Thu 8 10:01 10:16 3:39 3:52 Fri 9 10:56 11:12 4:34 4:49 Sun Rise Sun Set Sat 3 6:07 7:15 Sun 4 6:08 7:13 Mon 5 6:09 7:12 Tue 6 6:10 7:10 Wed 7 6:11 7:08 Thu 8 6:12 7:06 Fri 9 6:13 7:05 Arts & Entertainment 11-16 Calendar of Events 4-7 Classifieds 29-30 Dining 20-21 Home & Business 26-28 Library News 9-10 Obituaries 24 Pets 22 Puzzles 31 Real Estate 22-23,32 ELIOTFirst Congregational Church of Eliot continues to connect in sweet ways. The joy of being able to get together again for good, sweet fun has the church excited to invite everyone to their annual Wild Blueberry Festival on Saturday, September 10 from 8:30 a.m.-1Thep.m.congregation’s “Fun-raising” team is raising the tent and raising hope for a wonderful turnout as they raise funds for the mission and ministry of the church. Feeding the hungry, sharing stories of love and keeping the doors of fellowship open for all who seek acceptance in community are the church’s goals. The Blueberry Fest brings out support for mission work from people far and wide. The connections made are the sweetest! Local crafters and artisans will have their goods on display for sale. Retailer Upscale Resale opens their sale tent bright and early for those one-of-a-kind vintage treasures. Craft tables, baked goods tables, a wine raffle booth and the now-famous Blueberry OGUNQUIT -
On Saturday, September 10, Ogunquit Performing Arts (OPA) opens its 30th Annual Capriccio Festival with everyone’s favorite event, the Capriccio Festival of Kites at Ogunquit Beach. Returning to provide high-flying music for this event is Portland violinist, fiddler, singer Andy Happel. 1879. For more than 100 years, lighthouse keepers lived on the island with their families. Coast Guard Petty Officer Russell Ahlgren was the last keeper to live at the lighthouse. His family left 35 years ago in 1987 when the light was automated. Rosenberg said if he had the opportunity he would live at the Nubble like the keepers used to. “I’d have to talk my wife into it, though.” When he isn’t working at the Nubble, Jim is an English teacher at York High School. His unique skills helped set him apart from other applicants for the York Parks and Recreation job. “Rowing to the island is challenging in rough seas,” he said. “I was a whitewater raft guide for 10 summers. I’ve also worked as labor in the trades, mostly plumbing and landscaping. They also needed someone who could talk to the public, and I’ve been a teacher for twentythreeRosenberg’syears.” job is to mow the lawn and do maintenance work at the lighthouse, and he’s also responsible for the Sohier Park grounds. The seasonal schedule is from early April to early January. During the school year, he works about 15 hours a week. In the summer, he works around 35 hours a week, splitting time between the island and the park.It may sound pretty simple, but one cannot drive or walk to the Nubble. Murphy’s Law is immune to the lighthouse’s charm. “I think the key to this job is being resourceful,” Rosenberg said. “Things usually do not Matt Rosenberg Nubble Lighthouse Keeper
OPA Presents 30th Annual Capriccio Festival 8th Annual Wild Blueberry Fest in Eliot See ROSENBERG on page 8 . . . See CAPRICCIO on page 2 . . . See BLUEBERRY on page 16 . . . September 5
By Gina Carbone, Staff Writer YORK / WELLSRock stars? Pro athletes? Dime a dozen. The coolest, most exclusive job one can have – or rather, can’t have – is Nubble Lighthouse keeper. Matt Rosenberg, 48, of Wells, has been the official lighthouse keeper and Sohier Park caretaker for the past 10 years, making him one of the few people on the planet allowed at the iconic Maine lighthouse. Maine Open Lighthouse Day is September 10, but Nubble Light is not participating, Rosenberg said, because it is too difficult to get people to the island. He does get help with various tasks on the island as needed, but otherwise to head out there one has to win one of the raffles the run twice a year for a picnic, with tickets sold at the gift shop. The Nubble, also known as Cape Neddick Light, opened in Andy will perform two concerts during the day, one at 10 a.m. and one again at 2 p.m., serenading beachgoers, spectators, music lovers, and hundreds of kite flyers. Andy plans to bring along some musician friends to join in the fun, playing selections from his repertoire of exotic tunes and lilting rhythms. In addition to Andy’s performances, festival activities will be scheduled throughout the day, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This delightful annual festival features professional kite flying demonstrations, with multiple and oversized kites filling the sky. Children will be provided with free blank canvas kites, along with colorful markers and crayons. They can decorate their own kites, which can then be entered in a contest with multiple categories and many prizes to be awarded. Kites are also available for sale at the beach, so that no one is left out of the fun. The finale scheduled at 2 p.m. is the “Grand Ascension” when the sky will be filled with all the day’s kites. It’s a spectacular sight!
A well-known festival fa-

WS 2 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 CK CLEANING Homes - Businesses - Rentals - Vacation Homes We don’t cut corners, We clean them! TrustworthyExperiencedReliable Call today for your free estimate 207-752-7585 Locally Owned & Operated, Fully Insured & Bonded • Ask how to get a FREE CLEANING!sk The SentinelWeekly Southern Maine’s Largest Weekly Circulation 952 Post Road, Suite 10 Wells, ME 04090 (207) 646-8448 / 384-5500 Toll FREE: (877) 646-8448 Fax: (207) www.theweeklysentinel.com646-8477 Deadlines: Ads & News: Monday 12 Noon Classifieds: Tuesday 4 pm for following Friday publication Publisher: Carol A. Brennan Operations Manager: Dan Brennan Art Director: Raina Keim Graphic Designer: John Crommett Copy Editor: John Crommett Account Managers: Carol Brennan DanKevinBrennanCox Contributing Writers: Nancye Tuttle Peter JeanneValentinoCouturierJesseScardina Errors & Omissions: The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. ~ News ~ Basement Waterproofing Basement Structural Repairs Basement Sump Pumps Basement Humidity&MoldControl ...and Nasty Crawl Spaces too! 888-905-8395 MailBox Doctor We’ll deliver so you can receive your mail daily! Installing NEW & CUSTOM Mailbox Systems and Replacing Old & Damaged Mailbox Structures! Galen Humphrey ghumphrey1@maine.rr.com207.432.1738 10% Senior Discount PAVING & SEALCOATING RECYCLED ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS • PRIVATE ROADS RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS • COMMERCIAL PARKING LOTS Specializing in asphalt paving and repairs, driveway and parking lot asphalt, sealcoating, patching, rubber crack-filling and linestriping. 207-281-2224 DANA BROWN 207-247-8706 520 Ossipee Hill Rd, Waterboro, ME 04087 State1103156.1FarmMutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL Discounts as big as a house. Or condo. Or apartment. See just how big your savings could be. Your savings could add up to hundreds of dollars when you put all your policies together under our State Farm® roof. GET TO A BETTER STATE.™ CONTACT AN AGENT TODAY. Tracey Bricker, Agent 45 Portland Rd Suite 3B Kennebunk, ME 04043 Bus: tracey.bricker.gpct@statefarm.com207-985-6969 Nancy Hafford, Agent 960 Sanford Road Wells, ME 04090 Bus: 207-641-2186 You can support Library Programming with a shopping bag! The Friends Supporting Wells Public Library provide funding for the children’s programs and many of the adult programs at the library. Buy a $2.50 reusable community bag from Wells Hannafords this September and the Friends will receive $1 for each bag sold! WELLSThe Town of Wells Energy Advisory Committee will hold its second annual, free electric vehicle (EV) show at the Wells Public Library on Sunday, September 11, from 1-4 p.m., rain or shine.Provided they have them in stock, Southern Maine car dealers will have EVs on display for public inspection. Local dealers to include Rowe Ford of Westbrook, Bill Dodge of Saco and Westbrook, Ira Jack of Saco, Key Ford of York, Patriot Subaru of Saco, Volkswagen of Saco, and Arundel Ford. Models may include the Kia Niro, Ford Mustang, Chevy Bolt, Hyundai Kona, Nissan Leaf, Subaru SUV, Teslas, and hopefully, the new Ford F-150 Lightning pick-up truck. Test drives will be possible for severalLocalmodels.EVowners and organizations will also be on hand to show their own cars and to discuss the pros and cons of going electric in Maine. Some “pros” of EV ownership include the extended range of new models, their low maintenance costs, their remarkable acceleration, and Federal tax credits still available for some models. Owner vehicles will include a Tesla, a Kia Niro, several Nissan Leafs, a Chevy Bolt, a Prius Prime plugin, as well as other models from owners in both Southern Maine and NewEfficiencyHampshire.Maine will be present to provide interested buyers with details about cash rebates for both new and used EVs, as well as rebates on a range of products from heat pumps to washingBecausemachines.they run on electricity, much of which can be genavailable now more than ever. “Come and take a look,” says Beth Widmayer, chair of the energy committee. “It may change everything you think about cars.” erated from renewable sources, EVs are on a fast track to becoming a primary mode of transport in the very near future. They are economical, “green,” low-maintenance, and are becoming more vorite, Andy Happel and Friends continues to dish up both familiar and provocative new sounds in an original music repertoire from across the continents. The band represents a wide range of musical styles, such as Appalachian string music, Canadian Maritime music, Tex-Mex folk, classical, country, folk, rock, and R&B.Aconcert violinist and fiddler, Happel has shared the stage with symphony orchestras, pop stars, and country music artists. As leader for the 1990s rock group “Thanks to Gravity,” Andy was signed to Capitol Records and toured extensively with several well-known groups including Guster, Train and The Dave Matthews Band. A successful run with country singer Don Campbell followed, where he opened for such country legends as Willie Nelson, Randy Travis and George Daniels.
Andy Happel and Friends will perform at the Capriccio Festival next weekend.
. . . CAPRICCIO from page
Admission to the festival and the concerts is free. The Capriccio Festival of Kites is presented by Cricket’s Corner Beach and Toy, Ogunquit Performing Arts, Ogunquit Rotary Club, Kennebunk Savings Bank, That Place in Ogunquit, and the Town of Ogunquit. For more information, visit ogunquitperformingarts.orgwww. 1 2022 Electric Vehicle Showcase at the Library

The Weekly Sentinel 3September 2, 2022 WS KTPCTNCTNMA Sept 5-11 Starts Labor Day Monday! visitforforktpevents.commoredetailsmoredetails T-Shirt Give-Away! Chainsaw Carving! Axod! Our Biggest Event of the Year! Super StorewideSavings!FreeEvents!$20,000 in Prizes! T-Shirt Give-Away Mon-Fri! for Storewide SPECIALS visit AIRGUN TRAILER Sat & Sun, Sept 10 & 11 (9-5) KITTERY FIRE TRUCK & 911 MEMORIAL FUND All Week! Kittery Fire Truck (10-5) KTP will be donating 1% of sales on Sun 9/11 to the Kittery Firefighters Association Memorial Fund. Another 1% will be donated to Tunnel to Towers Foundation. VALID MON-SUN SEPT 5-11, 2022 Must present this coupon for redemption. *NON-SALE, IN-STOCK ITEM ONLY Excludes gift cards, non-merchandise items, previous purchases, special orders. Not valid on boats, SUPs, racks, bikes, firearms, bows, electronics, trolling motors, products by Asolo, Avet, Canada Goose, Carhartt, Chaco, Dansko, Dr. Martens, G. Loomis, Habitat, Hoka OneOne, Hoyt, Life is Good, Mathews, Megabass, Merrell, Mountain Hardwear, New Balance, Patagonia, Pura Vida, Randall Made Knives, Redington, RIO, Sage, Shimano, St. Croix, Taos, The North Face, UGG, or Van Staal. No copies. One per customer. Can’t combine with another offer. Additional restrictions apply online. Visit KTP.COM/COUPONS for online offer details & code. Rte 1 Kittery, ME • 888-587-6246 Rte 1 Kittery, ME • 888-587-6246 VALID TUES-THURS SEPT 6-8, 2022 Must present this coupon for redemption. *NON-SALE, IN-STOCK ITEM ONLY Excludes gift cards, non-merchandise items, previous purchases, special orders. Not valid on firearms, bows, boats, SUPs, racks, bikes, electronics, trolling motors, products from Avet, G. Loomis, Mathews, Megabass, Randall Made Knives, Redington, RIO, Sage, Shimano, St. Croix or Van Staal. No copies. One per customer. Can’t combine with another offer. Additional restrictions apply online. Visit KTP.COM/COUPONS for online offer details & code. 20% Off MONDAY - SUNDAY any ONE item* WS 15% Off25%TUES-THURSOffONLY! any ONE Clothing, Footwear, Camping, Paddlesports or Wintersports Item* Rte 1 Kittery, ME • 888-587-6246 VALID TUES-THURS SEPT 6-8, 2022 Must present this coupon for redemption. *NON-SALE, IN-STOCK ITEM ONLY Excludes gift cards, non-merchandise items, previous purchases, special orders. Not valid on boats, SUPs, racks, bikes, electronics, products from Asolo, Canada Goose, Carhartt, Chaco, Dansko, Dr. Martens, Habitat, Hoka One One, Life is Good, Merrell, Mountain Hardwear, New Balance, Patagonia, Pura Vida, Randall Made Knives, Taos, The North Face or UGG. No copies. One per customer. Can’t combine with another offer. Additional restrictions apply online. Visit KTP.COM/COUPONS for online offer details & code. TUES-THURS ONLY! any ONE Fishing, Archery or Shooting Sports Item* WSWS ON the GO AX THROWING Sat, Sept 10 (9-5) The first mobile axe throwing company on the Seacoast! You’ll feel excited safe & comfortable ... most of all, you’ll have fun! CHAINSAW CHIX DEMO All Week! (Showtimes 11, 1 & 3) PIG KAHUNA BBQ Mon, Sept 5 (11am) Sample scrumptious pork butt Hawaiian sliders with BBQ sauce! (Patio) MAINE LICENSEHUNTINGLIFETIME&FISHINGGIVE-AWAY! All Week! Enter to win! For ages 0-5 as of 12/31/2022. Visit for details FREE GRILLED FOOD SAMPLING! Sat, Sept 10 (11-3) Food sampling with Kamado Joe grill master, Mark Kasok. Grilled chicken, pork, beef, kielbasa, fruit & vegetables! SHAVEDFREEICE! Mon, Sept 5 (11-4) Sat, Sept 10 (11-3) Sun, Sept 11 (11-4) Sponsored by Olukai YETI POWER DAY! Wed, Sept 7 (10:30- 3:30) Giving away prizes ever hour on the hour! BOOK SIGNING Thurs, Sept 8 (1-3) Book Signing with Andrew Vietz, author of “This Wild Land: Two Decades of Adventure as a Park Ranger in the Shadow of Katahdin” MIDWEEK Tues-Wed-ThursSPECIALSSept6-8ONLY:TENT!SALE Reg. KTP Prices / In-Store Only Winchester, Zuber, Sierra, Federal, Remington, CCI, Speer BLOWAMMUNITIONOUT! No Limits! While Supplies Last! DAYS! Tues-Wed-Thurs!SPECIALS!In-Store ENTER TO WIN a Complete Carhartt Outfit Each Day! Up to $200 Value! Mon-Sun 9-7 / 888-KTP-MAINE (587-6246) / Visit for more info! 20% OffTENT! Enter to Win! FREE KTP gift cards to lucky winners every 15 minutes! $25 to $500! No purchase required! $500$100$25$50$250 KUHL • LEVI’S • CHAMPION • LIFE IS GOOD Climbing Gear, Day Packs & Sleeping Bags! Up to 50% Off! Reg. KTP Prices FREE PONY RIDES! Mon, Sept 5 (10-4) Sat & Sun, Sept 10 & 11 (10-4)

FMI: Sunday,
WS 4 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ Calendar of Events ~ CHASELITTLEFIELDFARMSSINCE1659 OUR OWN BUTTER & CORNPUMPKINSCORNSUGARMUMSSTALKSHAYAPPLES&CIDER! 1488 N. Berwick Rd, Wells • Open 7 Days 9am-5pm • Visit us on 207-646-7888 • PROUD MEMBER OF THE KEY AUTO GROUP 422 ROUTE 1, YORK, ME 03909 (207) 363-2483 • NO SALES TAX! TO NH RESIDENTS “THE LOWEST PRICE, PERIOD!” 2020 Lincoln Corsair Reserve AWD 2021 Ford F-350SD XLT 4x4 2021 Ram 2500 Power Wagon 4x4 2020 Ford Escape SE AWD 2018 Jeep LatitudeCompass4x4 $36,195 Stock: K0583 $61,867 Stock: P9475 $59,995 Stock: X1069 $24,759 Stock: W2495B $23,295 Stock: YU6221 2019 Ford Escape SE $22,9874x4 Stock: P9306 Now Open for PICK YOUR OWN APPLES Open Friday-Sunday 9am-5pm & By Appt 1396 North Berwick Road, Wells For details, call owner Matthew Chase at 251-5700 or visitTtheorchardatchasefarms.comatChaseFarmsheOrchard Door to door driving service for your car, pets, RV, or moving truck. CDL / Veteran / Local Text Austin 207-200-4729 Town of Kittery Updates Holiday Closure The Kittery Town Hall will be closed in observation of Labor Day on Monday, September 5. Friday, September 2 Explore the Shore 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at The Wells Reserve, 342 Laudholm Farm Road. Treasures found on the beach can tell stories about the land, the ocean, and the beach itself. Join in a stroll at Laudholm Beach and investigate the sand, the wrack line, and objects found along the way. Free with site admission. Registration required at caryn@ or 207-646-1555 x 110.
September 3 & Sunday, September 4
Chill at the Hill Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, 53 Old Post Road, Arundel, is open to the public every Sunday, 3-6 p.m. Local music, food trucks, local vendors, and an outdoor garden bar. This week’s music is provided by Don Mills. Admission is free. FMI: 207-985-5552. Music in the Park Concert DND Music Group will perform 5:30-7 p.m. at the Dorothea Jacobs Grant Common, 86 Obeds Lane, Ogunquit. This event is sponsored by Anne Erwin Sotheby’s International Realty and is free to the public. FMI: www. Tuesday, 6 Monkey VaccinationPoxClinic There will be a monkey pox vaccination clinic, 12-4 p.m., at the Dunaway Center auditorium at 23 School St., Ogunquit. For more information about monkey pox in your area, visit dhhs/ and monkeypox/ Tuesday Truck Show Featuring trucks, 5 p.m. to dusk at Bentley’s Saloon, 1601 Portland Road, Arundel. This a free event with spectator choice awards, door prizes, and cash raffles with a portion of proceeds going to Town of Arundel’s Holiday Program. FMI: Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Hiring Event 12-3 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, 300 Woodbury Ave., Portsmouth, NH. FMI: shipyards/portsmouth/ See SEPT. 6 on page 6 . . .
York GOP Headquarters Open General hours: Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Sunday 1-4 p.m.; Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 4-7 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday Labor Day Weekend. Located at 519 Route 1, second fl oor above Estes Oil. FMI:
Ellis Park Concerts
FMI: calendar. Ellis Park Concerts The Ellis Park Summer Concert Series presents the Key Elements Band, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at the gazebo by York’s Short Sands. This free series is sponsored by Ellis Park. FMI: Concerts on the Cove Chris O’Neil will perform 6-8 p.m. on the common in Perkins Cove, Perkins Cove Road, Ogunquit. This free concert is sponsored by Kennebunk Savings. FMI: www. Saturday, 3
Great New England Food Truck Festival 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. September 3 and 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. September 4. Crafters corner, kids’ zone, face painting, axe throwing, food, live music, caricatures, cold craft brews and cocktails, free parking, and $100 door prize at the Kittery Premium Outlets (Old Navy parking lot). $5 Tickets at the gate or Ages 10 and under are free. Proceeds to benefi ts Kittery Youth Lacrosse.
Sandcastle Contest
Ogunquit Parks & Recreation presents the Annual Ogunquit Beach Sandcastle Contest 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Main Beach in Ogunquit. There will be prizes and free tee shirts available. At the same place, take a sand-art drawing lesson with Sebastian (Subby) Privitera 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Space is limited for the class so register on www.eventbrite. com. Both activities are free and open to all ages and abilities. FMI: Ogunquit Parks and Recreation on Facebook.
The Ellis Park Summer Concert Series presents the Mark Marquis Band, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at the gazebo by York’s Short Sands. This free series is sponsored by Ellis Park. FMI: www.yorkparksanSaturday,

The Weekly Sentinel 5September 2, 2022 WS

See SEPT. 10 on page 7 . . .
FMI: from
Concerts on the Cove Cover Stories will perform 6-8 p.m. on the common in Perkins Cove, Perkins Cove Road, Ogunquit. This free concert is sponsored by Kennebunk Savings. FMI: www. Thursday, 8 Rotary Recovery Conference 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Regatta, 28 Levesque Drive, Eliot. Brought to you by the Rotary Recovery Initiative Committee, Kennebunk Police Chief Bob
The Historical Society of Wells & Ogunquit, 938 Post Road, will be hosting its “Mornings at the Museum” children’s program from 10-11 a.m. Families will enjoy stories, a fun museum scavenger hunt (with prizes), and a takehome craft. The theme is “Back to School!” Program is free, donations accepted. FMI: 207-6464775 or
Erase the Stigma 4-5 p.m. at the Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library, 18 Maine Street, Kennebunkport. Bimonthly discussion open to the public, admission is free. Friends from the Kennebunkport Public Health Department and Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition (through the University of New England) present helpful ways to arm families with the appropriate tools to fight opioid overuse and abuse.
FMI: Concerts on the Cove Jim Dozet will perform 6-8 p.m. on the common in Perkins Cove, Perkins Cove Road, Ogunquit. This free concert is sponsored by Kennebunk Savings.
. . . SEPT. 6
page 4
WS 6 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ Calendar of Events ~ Think Ahead! Plowing Bids for Commercial and Residential Handyman Days Have lots of small jobs that you need completed? We can help – Hire us by the day! Call 207-337-4498 Serving Southern Maine Fully Insured Locally Owned & Operated By David & Teresa Babkirk • Eliot, Maine 03903 SERVING THE GREATER SEACOAST AREA WWW.HEATWAVEOILLLC.COM CASH CALL 207.703.0291NOW DIESEL#2 HEATING OIL MOBILE HOME BLEND K1 Garden & Landscape Design Award-Winning Design Company YEARS ANNIVERSARY (207) www.thomaslynchdesign.com641-7500 Kathryn Bedell Attorney at Law Now more than ever it’s important to make sure your assets are protected. Estate WillsPlanning Powers of Attorney Healthcare Directives Irrevocable & Revocable Trusts (207) 363-5300 408 US Route One ❖ Second Floor ❖ York, ME 03909 ❖ We are still serving our community during this difficult time. Now is a perfect opportunity to set a plan for your future Schedule your phone conference with Attorney Bedell today. Community Meals Available to go or to dine outside. Union Congregational Church, 18 Church Street, York Beach. Meals are ready, 4:30-6 p.m. Wednesday, September 7 Closing Vacationland to Green Crabs 6-7 p.m. Wells Reserve, 342 Laudholm Farm Road. Invasive green crabs disrupt important fisheries, compete with native species, and harm salt marsh habitats.
Dr. Jason Goldstein, research director at the Wells Reserve, will host a virtual talk about about the ecology of green crabs in estuaries. Registration required at www. Concerts on the Cove Cover Stories will perform 6-8 p.m. on the common in Perkins Cove, Perkins Cove Road, Ogunquit. This free concert is sponsored by Kennebunk Savings. FMI: www. North Berwick Democrats Monthly Meeting 6:30-7:30 p.m. at North Berwick Town Hall, 21 Main St., North Berwick. North Berwick Democrats extends their welcome to democrats from Berwick and South Berwick. FMI: Kate Whalen at or Dan Baker at dbaker4@maine. Wednesday CheckerberryWandering:Trail 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Great Works Regional Land Trust, 551 Emerys Bridge Road, South Berwick. Volunteer Linda Posson leads a walk along this wooded trail that connects the Orris Falls Conservation to Mount A Norman Mills trail. Free to members. Reservations required. Suggested donation is $5 for non-members, $10 for families. Register at 207-646-3604 or
Mornings at the Museum
FMI: www. Saturday, 10 Iron Pour 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Sanctuary Arts, 117 Bolt Hill Rd, Eliot. Participants design their own iron tile from scratch! Green Foundry members will cast 2300 degree iron into molds to create handmade tiles. $20 per mold, all proceeds will benefi t Sanctuary Arts’ new scholarship program.
The program takes place on the second Thursday of every month in the Community Room. Sommelier Betsy Ross 6:30 p.m. at The Community House, 8 Temple Street, Kennebunkport. The Newcomers and Neighbors Club of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport & Arundel welcomes all to a wine presentation by featured guest Betsy Ross, certified Sommelier and owner of Wine House on Maine in Kennebunk. Ross will share her expertise and knowledge of wine and where and how it is made. Social time starts at 6:30 p.m. followed by the presentation at 7 p.m. Friday, September 9 Poetry and Storytelling 6-8 p.m. at York Art Association Gallery, 394 York St, York Harbor. Open mic event.

2nd Annual Bridge-A-Thon and Super Raffle 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Four Tree Island, Peirce Island Road, Portsmouth, NH. $29 fee includes t-shirt and swag bag. Enjoy live band, refreshments, and a raffle. “I Got Bridged” and this event helps bridge the gap for those in need on the seacoast. Kids are free and can receive a complimentary face painting. FMI: www.igotbridged. com or 1-866-274-3433.
The Center for Wildlife, 375 Mountain Road, is excited to hosting partnering organizations for ongoing seminars about loon conservation throughout the region. An open house will take place at the center. Loon conservation partners attending include Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Maine Audubon, and wildlife researcher and lecturer Mark Pokras. FMI: 207-361-1400 x105 or . . . SEPT. 10 from page 6 The Weekly Sentinel (877) www.TheWeeklySentinel.com646-8448
Summer Solstice Craft Show 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Wells Junior High, 1470 Post Road (Route 1), Wells. Free parking and admission. FMI: Sunday,craftshows.comwww.summersolstice-or207-967-2251.September11
The Weekly Sentinel 7September 2, 2022 WS~ Calendar of Events ~ Why Ride An Electric Bike? • Rediscover the joy of cycling! • Improve your health by staying active! • Find new adventures! • Hills and wind? No problem! • Leave the car at home, save $! • Keep up with friends! Why Choose Seacoast E-Bikes? Because we only sell electric bikes. It’s our passion! • Hilly and safe test ride area! We Sell And Service High-Quality Brands, Including: • Specialized Turbo, Gazelle, Gocycle, Riese & Muller, Aventon, Urban Arrow, and Yuba Cargo Bikes • Authorized Bosch, Shimano, and Rad Power E-Bike Service Center Learn About Our Financing Options! Open Tuesday - Friday 10-5, Saturday 10-4 • Closed Sunday-Monday 603-294-0370 • 109 Gosling Rd, Newington, NH 03801 • Corner of Woodbury Ave Bring this ad to get 10% OFF all accessories in store. This offer cannot be combined with other discounts. This coupon excludes car racks, as well as e-bikes and parts since it is only for accessories. Expires 12/31/22. 310 PORTLAND ST, SOUTH BERWICK • OUTLOOKGOLF.COM TWO PATIOS OPEN FOR THE SEASON! OPEN WED-THUR 12-8PM, FRI-SAT 12-9PM, SUN 12-4PM CLOSED MON-TUES Outlook Tavern & Patio Restaurant RESERVATIONS 24/7 @ OUTLOOKTAVERN.COM / 207-384-1004 Opening Reception for “Shine” Exhibit 5-7 p.m. at the York Art Association Gallery, 394 York Street, York Harbor. FMI: Culture & Cocktails Painter, printmaker, sculptor, and coppersmith Peter Dugovic (www. will present his eclectic style to the Lightship Function Room at the Anchorage by the Sea, 125 Shore Road, Ogunquit, 3-7 p.m. The event will be accompanied by music. Cocktails will be available for sale with proceeds to go towards the Ogunquit Museum of Art. FMI: 207-646-9384 or www.anchorSaturday, 10 & Sunday, September 11 Wild Blueberry Festival First Congregational Church of Eliot invites all to their annual Wild Blueberry Festival from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. This fundraising event showcases local crafters and artisans, blueberry pancake breakfast 8:30-10 a.m., upscale resale, craft tables, baked goods, wine raffl e booth, bounce house, live music, face painting, and Robin Wheeler’s famous blueberry jam corner, burger (and veggie burgers) and hotdog lunch 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., and much more.
Laudholm Nature Crafts Festival 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Wells Reserve, 342 Laudholm Farm Road. This 34th annual juried event highlights New England’s creatives and artisans with music, food, and environmental education throughout. Funds raised go to Laudholm Trust, the nonprofi t that supports the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve. $10 general admission, $5 for members. FMI: 207-646-4521 or www.
Open House To Celebrate Community & Conservation

See NUBBLE on page 19 .
One of the craziest stories was around Memorial Day a couple of years ago when he got a call that there was a deer on the island.“I went out to check on it and it jumped off the island into the ocean. The park was busy, so it swam far down the shore before getting out on the rocks and disappearing. The next morning I got another call that there was a deer on the island. When I went out to see what was going on, there was a newborn fawn out Afterthere.”Rosenberg talked to the Maine Warden Service and they waited in vain for the fawn’s mother to return, he went out and got the fawn into a dog crate, brought it back in the rowboat, and handed it off to the game warden. Accord ing to Rosenberg, the deer now lives in the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray. Rosenberg said York Parks and Rec offers him a lot of support but he loves the independence of the job. One thing he does get help with is maintaining the Nubble’s popular Christmas lights, which are permanently installed but need to be replaced every eight to 10 years.
WS 8 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ News ~ MEDICARE PLANNING HELP Turning 65? Confused with Medicare and all of its options? Need individual help? We can help with the A-B-C-Ds of Medicare for FREE Bernie & KLK Benefits & Insurance can help with your Medicare Planning. We can help with parts A & B, then fit you into a supplement program or advantage program with no premiums and no deductibles! See if you can take advantage of a no premium national medical network that we have! THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE If you are on Medicare or about to go onto Medicare, it would be to your advantage to sit with us to plan which program would benefit you the most. Call Bernie or Kimberly Lontine at Bernie & KLK Benefits & Insurance to help with any questions that you may have: CALL 363-7500 FOR MEDICARE HELP BERNIE & KLK BENEFITS & INSURANCE 484 US ROUTE 1, YORK, ME 03909 28 Long Sands Road York, ME 03909 (207) DivorceCriminal363-0222DefenseandFamilyLaw Atty. Thomas P. Elias Peer-Rated • Client-Reviewed Maine • New Hampshire • Massachusetts Elias law OfficEs PUMPKINMAN TRIATHLON FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 10TH & 11TH, 2022 – SOUTH BERWICK, ME –The Pumpkinman Triathlon Festival Committee greatly appreciates the support of the local community. At the request of the South Berwick Police Department, and in an effort to promote the safety of the athletes, community and volunteers, a listing of the roads that will be used for cyclists and runners are listed below. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the event organizers at Saturday, Sept. 10th Expect delays 7-10am Runners & cyclists will travel: * Pond Road * Junction Road * Knight’s Pond Road * Hooper Sands Road * Emery’s Bridge Road * Boyd’s Corner Road * Thurrell Road * Great Hill Road * Bennett Lot Road Sunday, Sept. 11th Expect delays 8-11am Runners will travel: * Pond Road * Junction Road * Knight’s Pond Road * Hooper Sands Road * Emery’s Bridge Road * Boyd’s Corner Road * Thurrell Road * Great Hill Road * Rodier www.pumpkinmantriathlon.comRoad York GOP Headquarters Open General Hours: Sat 9-12; Sun 1-4; Mon, Wed, Fri 4-7 (Except Labor Day Weekend: Closed Sun/Mon) 519 US Route 1 NB Side Second Floor above Estes Oil in York Come pick up Lawn Signs and Voter Info Sign Voter ID Petition! Website: Email: | Phone: 207-370-7523 PAID POLITICAL AD • PAID POLITICAL AD • PAID POLITICAL AD . . . ROSENBERG from page 1 go as planned at the lighthouse.” There’s a small white rowboat tied up on the rocks on the northeast side of the island, and that’s what Rosenberg takes to get to the island. The row should only take a couple of minutes, and it is usually easy in the summer.“In the winter and spring we get a lot of northeast wind which makes launching impossible. Most people think the current running between the mainland and the island is the challenging part, but the worst part of the trip is the twenty feet closest to Rosenbergshore.” turns to his weather and tide resources –offshore buoys, surf reports, and webcams, to help him determine if he’ll even be able to go out on any given day. “I did dump the boat many years ago on a cold rough day in late spring and I had a pretty big audience,” he recalled. “When it’s rough, me rowing across will draw a pretty big crowd of onlookers. When you see them standing up on the rocks watching you, you know that they all are expecting to see you end up in theAswater.”forequipment, there’s an electric-powered tram running on a cable between the mainland and the island to bring out supplies. “Things are always breaking or missing when you need them. If I need a tool for a job, it seems like it’s always on the wrong side of the water and requires a trip in the rowboat.” Sometimes he only has quick tasks to complete, like tending to the flag. Other projects take several days. Usually, a full mow of the lawn takes Rosenberg about six-and-a-half hours. “I usually break it up over a couple of days. It is one of my favorite regular tasks at work. I just put on some music or podcasts and go.” But it wasn’t always a fun job for him, and it started as something of a horror show. “The very first time I mowed the lawn, the drive wheel for the self-propelled push mower I used wasn’t working and the grass was almost knee high. It was a stormy May and I hadn’t been able to get out there for almost a month. It was an exhausting nine-hour mow to get it done. That was the worst mow I’ve ever had on the island.” As much as Rosenberg loves the job, “a lot of crazy things happen at the Nubble.”
“The weather is pretty tough on them and we end up repairing or replacing about 10-20% of them each year,” Rosenberg said. “I used to do it by myself. Getting up on a ladder on the tower – 80 feet above the waterline – was the worst. Over the last few years, the guys on the construction crew doing exterior preservation work have been really helpful. They installed all new lights when they had the staging up for our big painting project a few years ago.”
Rosenberg said there’s not much to dislike about this job, althou gh he is tired of picking .

The library now has two 6-person Coleman Skydome tents available to borrow. Tents can be reserved for up to two weeks. Please make a reservation.
Erase the Stigma 4-5 p.m. at the Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library, 18 Maine Street, Kennebunkport. Bimonthly See LIBRARIES on page 10 . . .
The Weekly Sentinel 9September 2, 2022 WS~ Library News ~ We represent all major Medicare Health Plans MAINE’S LEADING SENIOR RESOURCE Senior Planning C E N T E R SENIOR RESOURCE Senior Planning C E N T E R MAINE’S LEADING SENIOR RESOURCE Help, when it matters most! Kathy Kotakis, MBA Licensed in Maine, NH, MA, FL Contact your local expert: kkotakis@maine.rr.com207-332-6732 Many new plan options for 2022! Medicare Advantage Medicare Supplements Part D Rx Financial Planning Life Insurance Snowbirds!BookYourCarsNow AUTORUSTSHIPPERS Your Dependable Auto Transport Serving All of New England 800-331-3496 • 603-430-6080 CALL FOR AVAILABLE DISCOUNTS! SAVE ON: Gas • Tolls Lodging • Meals BreakHeadaches!Downs www.MarquisDecorativeConcrete.comDecorativeMarquisConcrete207-337-0363SummerisHere! NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO GET A FREE ESTIMATE ON A STAMPED CONCRETE WALKWAY OR PATIO WALKWAYS • PATIOS • STEPS CONCRETE COUNTERTOPS • BAR TOPS FIREPLACE SURROUNDS Berwick Public Library Bendable Maine Bendable Maine is a new resource that includes content on a wide variety of subjects, including job skills, cooking healthier meals, handling personal finances, fixing things around the house, understanding technology – even foraging for mushrooms. Most of the learning through the system is free to residents of the Maine. Otherwise, costs are clearly indicated. Visit
Tents Available
New Videos Scales and Tails with Chewonki –Emma Balazs, Director of Maine School Programs at Chewonki, visited the library in August with a Scales and Tails presentation; Children’s singer Judy Pancoast’s August performance at the library is available on video; Marine Mammals of Maine visited the library in July, sharing animal artifacts and talking about the important work they do rescuing marine mammals and sea turtles; Zoologist Audra Byram also shared animal artifacts and talked about her experience as a zookeeper. Videos are available at website Blog link.
For More Information Call the library at 207-698-5737 or visit
D. A. Hurd Library Outdoor Book, Bake & Jewelry Sale Friday, September 9 and Saturday, September 10, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Proceeds to benefit the library. Weekly Crafts In the children’s room on Tuesdays, 5-6:30 p.m. Teen/YA Book/Craft Group Wednesdays at 2 p.m. Alternating book discussions and crafts, includes snacks. Weekly Games Thursdays, 5-6:30 p.m. in the children’s room. Hand and Machine Sewing Thursdays, 1:30-3 p.m. Birding Backpacks York County Audubon Birding Backpacks are now available at the library for patrons from the Martha Sawyer Community Library, Lebanon, The South Berwick Public Library, Berwick Public Library, and the D. A. Hurd Library to borrow for a week at a time. We are grateful for the generosity of York County Audubon for these amazing birding backpacks
Borrow Instruments Continuum Arts Collective donated four instruments: a full-sized acoustic guitar, a three-quartersized acoustic guitar, a soprano ukulele, and a tenor ukulele, to the library for their “Try Before You Apply” partnership program. These instruments are available for all North Berwick residents to borrow for a week. K-12 students who borrow these instruments can then apply for their own at www. Library Kits STEM kits include licsing,create-a-chain-reaction,astronomy,engineer-gaming,humanbody,hydrau-engineering,metaldetecting, natural disasters, 4-H Galactic Quest, rocks/gemstones/minerals, and LittleBits coding. There are also backyard game kits, several game kits, and an audio kit for audiobooks. Patrons may check-out a kit for one week. For More Information Contact the library at 207-6762215 or Graveswww.dahurdlibrary.orgPublicLibrary

The Friends Supporting Wells Public Library provide funding for the children’s programs and many of the adult programs at the library. Buy a $2.50 reusable community bag from Wells Hannafords this September and the Friends will receive $1 for each bag sold.
The library is presenting an educational series on aging. Local speakers and resources made possible by a sponsorship from AARP Maine. The next topic covered will be on Thursday, September 8 at 2:30 p.m. Estate Planning, presented by Brin Moore, Esq, Attorney in Maine and NH. This is not an AARP event and the speakers do not represent AARP.
Author Mary Lou Bagley Tuesday, September 6, 6-7 p.m. Bagley will discuss her most recently published novel, “This Other Way of Knowing.” Bagley is an artist, storyteller, poet, and actress who lives in South Berwick. She will be back with the book group that meets on the Department and Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition (through the University of New England) present helpful ways to arm families with the appropriate tools to fight opioid overuse and abuse. Library News ~
For More Information Call the library at 207-646-9024 or visit
Holiday Closure
Closed Monday, September 5 in honor of Labor Day. Plan Ahead & Age Well Series
Italian Conversation Group Tuesday, September 6, 6:30-8 p.m. in the Wheeler Room. Parliamo Italiano! We’re pleased to resume our group for casual conversation in Italian. Suitable for intermediate to advanced skills. Baby and Toddler Time Wednesday, September 7, 10:3011:30 a.m. at the children’s storytime area. Register to guarantee your spot and to receive a reminder email. Drop-ins welcome as space is available. Lego Builders Wednesday, September 7, 3-5 p.m. in the craft area. Kids in kindergarten through 4th grade are welcome to participate with a caregiver. This is a drop-in program. No registration necessary. For More Information Call the library at 207-363-2818 or visit
discussion open to the public, admission is free. Friends from the Kennebunkport Public Health
Toddler Storytime Wednesday, September 7 at 10:30 a.m. Ages 2-5 years old and their caregivers are invited to meet at the library for stories, songs, movement, and crafts. Nonfiction Book Group Wednesday, September 7 at 4:30
Support Library Programming with a Shopping Bag
The program takes place on the second Thursday of every month in the community room. For More Information Call the library at 207-967-2778 or visit
WS 10 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 Yes, we have various styles of tables and chairs. Visit our showroom soon to see what treasures you can find! We also buy gold and silver, offering the best prices around! LIGHTINGWILLARDMOSESLT. ANTIQUES COUNTRY CUPBOARDS FOLK ART 111 York St. (Rte. 1), Kennebunk, Maine 207.985.8356 • Toll Free 877.619.0903 • Open7Days10-5 111 York St / Rte 1, Kennebunk • 207.985.8356 • Toll Free 877.619.0903 ANTIQUES COUNTRY CUPBOARDS FOLK ART LIGHTINGWILLARDMOSESLT. Open 7 Days 9-5 • The Area’s Premier ANTIQUE SHOP We Build Custom Furniture Farm Tables WE ALSO BUY GOLD & SILVER Our 21st year in Kennebunk buying gold and silver! – Ask for Cindy @americana_workshopAmericana WORKSHOP VETERAN’S GOLF TOURNAMENT 100% of the Proceeds to Benefit Seacoast Area Veterans Organizations. Monday October 3, 2022 8:00am Registration & Range Open 9:00am Shot Gun Start Scramble Format TEAM NAME: PH # Team Captain: E-Mail: Player 2: E-Mail: Player 3: E-Mail: Player 4: E-Mail: Individual teams at $150 per person One Check $600 per team made out to: The Links at Outlook Golf Course C/O Veterans Golf Tournament PO Box 385 South Berwick, ME 03908 Contacts Je Maldonis: The Links at Outlook em: ph: 207-384-GOLF(4653) Paul Amatucci: American Legion Post 79 *Non-Golfers can attend the Luncheon for $30pp. All ra e donations are greatly appreciated. PLATINUM 3 Foursome Teams & Tee Sign $ 1,800 GOLD 2 Foursome Teams & Tee Sign $ 1,200 SILVER 1 Foursome Team & Tee Sign $ 700 Tee Sign Sponsorship $ 150 BECOME A SPONSOR of this Event today! Sponsorships Deadline September 25, 2022. All ra e donations are greatly appreciated. 9 Chance to Win 2 Round Trip Airline Tickets from Jet Blue. 9 Range use Prior to Golf. 9 18 Holes of Golf with Cart. 9 Luncheon in The Red Barn. 9 Continental Breakfast. 9 Ra e Prizes for Golfers & Guests. 9 Gift Bag to Every Golfer! 9 Closes to the Pin & Long Drive Contests. *PRIZES FOR WINNERS * TOURNAMENT INCLUDES SPONSORAVETERANTOPLAY$150 HOLE IN 1 CONTEST FOR A NEW CAR! 1 Donated by: Tri City Subaru Charles S. Hatch Post # 79 Episcopal Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022 8 a.m. Eucharist & Sermon 10 a.m. Eucharist, Sermon & Music Sanitizer and masks will be available. If fully vaccinated, masks are not required. Celebrant & Preacher: The Rt. Rev. Gary R. Lillibridge Eucharistic Minister: Ann Brzys Layreaders: Linda Seager & Dr. Mark Constantian Music by St. Peter’s Choir Music Director & Organist: Harold Stover EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE Celebrating Our 125th Anniversary! 535 Shore Rd, Cape Neddick, ME Serving Ogunquit, Wells & Cape NeddickSince 1897 Jesus Christ, e Good Shepherd125th Anniversary Concert with renowned organist Ray Cornils on Sept. 18 at 4 p.m “Blessing of Animals” Liturgy on the Feast Day of St. Francis on Oct. 2 at both services. Bring your pets and chairs for outside mass! Fellowship with food and drink follows the 10 a.m. service at the oceanfront rectory. Everyone is invited. 16dmghardwoods.com603-502-7485WhiteBirchLane,York WOOD SHINGLES Fire & Wind Rated 25 Year Warranty p.m. The nonfiction book group will meet in person. All are welcome! Our pick for this month is American Made by Farah Stockman. Tick Talk with Mainely Ticks Thursday, September 8 at 1:30 p.m. Bob Maurais from Mainely Ticks will share strategies to better protect families from the everincreasing threat of ticks and tickborne diseases. Items discussed will include personal protection strategies, landscape modifi cations and the life cycle of the deer tick. Educational literature will be distributed, including fine-pointed magnified tweezers, tick identification guides and bookmarks.
Crafternoon Friday, September 9, 2-4 p.m. Children ages 6 and up are welcome to the library for afternoon crafts, younger children will find a simplified version of the crafts too.
For more Information Call the library at 207-384-3308 or visit
. . . LIBRARIES from page 9 ~
Great Decisions Friday, September 9 at 10:30 a.m. Great Decisions is back at the Wells Public Library. Join other community members for lively and informative discussions on global issues of the day. Meetings center on topics outlined in the Great Decisions briefing book provided by the Foreign Policy Association. John Randazzo facilitates. Lego and Rubik’s Cube Club Friday, September 9 at 3 p.m. Participants are invited to build master creations with Legos provided by the library. The library has Rubik’s cubes on hand with instructions on how to solve them. All ages welcome. Free. Mother Goose Storytime Monday, September 12 at 10:30 a.m. Mother Goose Mondays at the library! Children up to 24 months and their caregivers are invited to engage in lap activities, rhymes, songs, and finger plays. For More Information Call the library at 207-646-8181 or visit
first Wednesday of every month. Copies are available at the library for anyone who wants to join. Pre-K Storytime Wednesday, September 7, 10:30 -11 am. Join us for story time with Miss Maureen, for children ages 2-4. Siblings up to age 7 are also welcome. Baby Toddler Storytime Thursday, September 8, 10:30-11 a.m. Baby time at the library for singing and reading with Miss Maureen, up to 24 months, siblings up to age 7 are also welcome.

WELLSAdd Finest Kind to your Labor Day weekend plans as they close out the free-to-attend Wells Summer Concert series on Saturday, September 3, beginning at 6 p.m. The band is local to southern Maine and features traditional country music and its “kissin’ cousins,” blues, and honky-tonk. Jeff Merrow, on guitar, is a YORKYork Public Library will host an exhibit featuring work by artist Berri Kramer entitled “The Remains of the Day: A Layering of Life’s Remnants,” September 3 to October 28 in the library’s upper level. This collection of work will include collage, mixed media and encaustic.An opening reception with the artist will take place on Tuesday, September 13 at 5 p.m. Berri Kramer grew up in Lincoln, MA, and spent as many hours as she could in the studios at DeCordova Museum. She earned a BFA in Design and Crafts from Kent State University and a Masters in Fiber from Lesley University, Cambridge, MA. As a textile artist she explored color, pattern, rhythm and construction. She worked for 25 years designing for Better Homes and Gardens. Bringing that background with her to paint, collage, cold wax and encaustic, she utilizes her experience to voice a new layer of thought. Berri was the founder and president of Heartwood College of Art where she has taught Color and Design and Explorations of Crafts. She is currently a full time artist in her studio in “MyKennebunkport.workreflects the blocks of color and patterns that surround all of us every day,” said Kramer. “I am fascinated by the tools and tracks that are unintentionally left behind: a fiber remnant, a letter, a feather. The exercise in choosing from endless imagery and palettes, and editing it to distill the message, has become my practice in every medium. Often the scale of these snippets is exaggerated or reduced to take the viewer away from the ‘assumed.’ The simplest forms can often tell the greatest story.” Of the exhibit, Kramer commented, “Collage is a curious method, constructed in layers, base to surface, top to bottom, left to right, all at the same time. Life is a juggle, requiring balance and motion concurrently. One can always do more or leave well enough “Lost Ledger,” an encaustic by Berri Kramer. Library to Host Berri Kramer Art
The Weekly Sentinel 11September 2, 2022 WS~ Art & Entertainment ~ Route 9 Location Open Tues-Sat 9-5, Sun 9-3 Route 1 Location Open Tues-Sat 9-3, Sun 9-2PATIOS&LANDSCAPINGIRRIGATION,FORESTIMATESFREE DELIVERYLOCALWITHBULK&BAGSINSOILSMULCHBARKJo-Ann ’s Gardens Garden & Landscape Center • 207-646-7020 2 Locations in WELLS to serve you better: 708 No. Berwick Rd / Rte 9 • 576 Post Rd / Rte 1 Bark Mulch: Red, brown & black by the yard available for pickup or delivery. LABOR DAY SALE ! Fri 9/2 - Sun 9/4 Both Locations will be closed Monday for Labor Day 30% Off Shrubs, Grasses & Container Trees Large bound & burlap trees are excluded. 1 Gallon Perennials 25% Off 4.5” Annuals are $1.00 until Gone Asters, Mums & Millet are Here FDI-1867K-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. > | Member SIPC Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured Minimum deposit % APY* Minimum deposit % APY* Minimum deposit % APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 08/30/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). Taylor Dimick Financial Advisor 5 Shapleigh Road Suite 107 Kittery, ME 207-439-916403904$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 3.403.15 2-year 2.85 6-month1-year
2nd Bridge-A-ThonAnnualandSuperRaffle
Sunday, Sept. 11 10:00am - 12:00pm Registration: 9:00-10:00am Four Tree Island Peirce Island Rd, $29.00Portsmouth T-shirt & Swag Bag Live Band Raffle
Registration: 9:00-10:00am Four Tree Island Peirce Island Rd, $29.00Portsmouth Includes T-shirt & Swag Bag Live Band Food & Refreshments Super Raffle Follow us on Social!(274-3433) "BRIDGING THE GAP FOR PEOPLE IN NEED ON SEACOAST"THE ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELPING OTHERS IN NEED. FREE FOR KIDS COMPLIMENTARY FACE PAINTING 2nd Bridge-A-ThonAnnualandSuperRaffle Sunday, Sept. 11 10:00am - 12:00pm Registration: 9:00-10:00am Four Tree Island Peirce Island Rd, $29.00Portsmouth Includes T-shirt & Swag Bag Live Band Food & Refreshments Super Raffle Follow us on Social!(274-3433) "BRIDGING THE GAP FOR PEOPLE IN NEED ON SEACOAST"THE ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELPING OTHERS IN NEED. FREE FOR KIDS COMPLIMENTARY FACE PAINTING 2nd Bridge-A-ThonAnnualandSuperRaeSunday,Sept.1110:00am-12:00pm Registration: 9:00-10:00am Four Tree Island Peirce Island Rd, $29.00Portsmouth Includes T-shirt &
See KRAMER on page 19 . . .
Nashville alum, having sought his fortune there before returning to Maine. Mark Gunter is a local, sought-after keyboard player who is dedicated to music of many genres. Ron Breton is an experienced drummer and does not overpower the subtle sound that country music can call for. Christopher Bailey is an experienced bass player for several area
Follow us on Social!(274-3433)
2nd 10:00am 12:00pm Swag Bag Band
bands. Janet Wentworth has been singing country songs since she was a young girl. This free concert will be at the Hope Hobbs Gazebo at Wells Harbor Community Park, 331 Harbor Road, Wells, where there is plenty of free parking. For more information, visit
FinestKind to Wrap Up Concert Series
Food & FollowSuperRefreshmentsRaeusonSocialMedia!@igotbridgedwww.igotbridged.com866-BRIDGED(274-3433)
Bridge-A-ThonAnnualandSuperRaffle Sunday, Sept. 11
Sunday, Sept. 11 10:00am - 12:00pm Registration: 9:00-10:00am Four Tree Island Peirce Island Rd, $29.00Portsmouth T-shirt & Swag Bag Live Band
Food & Refreshments Super

YORKThe Seacoast Community Chorus (SSC) invites new singers to join this fall. First rehearsal is Tuesday, September 13, 7-9 p.m. at First Parish Church, 180 York St. This is a non-auditioned chorus, directed by Wendell S. Purrington. This semester’s theme is “Peace, Liberty and Justice.” A concert will be performed in late January. For more information, contact Elyse Barry at 603-498-8311 or elyse.barry@
NORTH BERWICKNorth Berwick’s Mill Field Festival was canceled last year but will now return on Saturday, September 10, in the usual place – the field in front of the mill downtown.Check out the entertainment, vendors, food, parade, kid’s activities, movie in the park at night, and fireworks show. The North Berwick Firefighters Auxiliary will be hosting a pancake breakfast, 7-9 a.m., at the fire station with vegan options. The William Hill Firefighter’s Association will also be hosting bingo, 4-7 p.m. at the fire station. For more information, BerwickRecDeptfield-festivalparks-recreation/pages/
OGUNQUITOne of Maine’s premier cultural happenings will return for its second year on Saturday, September 10. Rain date will be Sunday September 11. Meander through Perkins Cove, the Marginal Way, into the heart of town, and along the sandy shores of Ogunquit Beach. Explore paintings as they are created live on the easels of 100 professional and amateur plein air artists, who will gather to capture on canvas the coastal majesty of this “Beautiful Place by the Sea. Outdoor painting, or ”plein air”, is a time-honored tradition amongst many artists. For more than a century, Ogunquit has been known as an “artist’s colony”.As the organizers of the event point out, “There are very few towns in the world, especially small towns like Ogunquit, that been depicted so many times by such a wide variety of artists.” For generations, Ogunquit has welcomed an artful parade of luminary and local artists, who draw, paint, etch, and photograph its boundless inviting nooks and crannies. Perkins Cove – the birthplace of the storied Ogunquit Art Colony – is now the heartbeat of one of Maine’s most important cultural happenings: Ogunquit’s Perkins Cove Plein Air Event. This year’s event is scheduled to include 75 professional artists and 25 amateur artists competing for $3,400 in prize money. From 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., artists will paint in various locations around Ogunquit and Perkins Cove. Artist David Lussier will lead a Plein Air painting demonstration in Perkins Cove, 12-2 p.m. David is an awardwinning contemporary impressionist and nationally recognized plein air painter and workshop instructor. Judging will take place in Perkins Cove, 2:30-3:30 p.m. with an award presentation for both professional and amateur categories and David Lussier Gallery of Excellent Amateur Award presentation. Finally, the Wet Paint sale will be held 3:30-5 p.m. Imagine choosing a piece of Ogunquit, memorialized on canvas, to be cherished long after the memories of this fun art-filled day have faded. Throughout the event, visitors can enjoy live music performances, art demonstrations, and historical talks which will bolster the festival’s lively energy. Perkins Cove and Ogunquit are peppered with eateries featuring some of the region’s best seafood and coastal fare. Enjoy the restaurants, art galleries and shopping while strolling among the quitpresentedCovepainters.TheOgunquit-PerkinsPleinAirPaintingEventisbytheTownofOgun-andParksandRecreation
WS 12 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ Art & Entertainment ~ The Ditty Box THRIFT SHOP Benefit of Wells Congregational Church Cappy’s Plaza, 166 Post Rd / Rte 1, Moody (same parking lot as Mekhong Thai) Half Price Off Summer Clothing SALE Tuesday - Saturday, 10:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. August 30 through September 10 Donations accepted year round. Small furniture items appreciated. LOBSTER MEAT • FRESH FISH • THE TASTIEST COCKTAIL SHRIMP LIVE LOBSTERS COOKED TO ORDER PACKED TO TRAVEL •SHIPPED OVERNIGHT 32 Rt 236 N, Kittery ME 1/2 mile off I-95 & Rt.1 (207) 439-1350 Celebratewww.taylorlobster.comLaborDaywithLobsters! Starting at $6.99/lb. 61 Willie Hill Road, Wells (Transfer Station Access Rd) 207-251-3427 Monday–Saturday 8am to 4pm Appliance Recycling Oil Tank Removal & Disposal Scrap Metal Recycling Pipe Threading Roll Off Dumpster Rental Schedule a pick-up, or drop-off Our Services: & THE ENV I WRONMENT ORKING WITH PEOPLE ALL DRY SERVICES OF SOUTHERN MAINE EMERGENCY WATER DAMAGE SERVICES MOLDSEWAGEREMEDIATIONCLEANUPODORREMOVAL(207)607-5952CALLOPEN24/7 WEBSITE: | EMAIL: FullyinsuredcontractorservingresidentialandcommercialcustomersthroughoutSouthernMaine ALL DRY SERVICES OF SOUTHERN MAINE CALL (207) 607-5952 OPEN 24/7 EMERGENCY WATER DAMAGE SERVICES MOLDSEWAGEREMEDIATIONCLEANUPODORREMOVAL WEBSITE: | EMAIL: Fully insured contractor serving residential and commercial customers throughout Southern Maine Welcome Home to Annie’s! New & Used Books Arriving Daily • Since 1985 676 Post Road, Wells • 207-646-3821 Open Mon & Wed-Fri 10-4, Sat 10-2, Closed Tues & Sun anniesbookstop@netscape.net10 SHAPLEIGH RD, KITTERY SundaysSundays 10 AM - 2 PM10 AM - 2 PM B ake d G oo d s F l o w e r s K i d ' s A c t i v i t i e s C a nd l e s M u s i c F i s h M ea t & Egg s Soa p & Sk i n ca r e P r o du c e A rt i sa n C r a ft s P r e p a r e d Foo d s Featuring HALL FOR RENT FOR ALL OCCASIONS KITCHEN & BAR AVAILABLE TRAILBLAZERS CLUB 102 BILLS LANE, WELLS CALL / TEXT 207-651-3674
Plein Air Painting Event Returns with support from the Ogunquit Chamber of Commerce. For more information, to go Event.Perkinscomogunquitperkinscovepleinair.www.oronFacebook:Ogunquit’sCovePleinAirPainting Mill Field Festival is Back
SSC Seeks
New Singers

See ROOTS on page 19 .
The Weekly Sentinel 13September 2, 2022 WS~ Art & Entertainment ~ ORCHARDS One of the most spectacular views in York County! Open Wednesday-Friday 9-2 Weekends & Holidays 9-4 SUNDAY 9/11, 1-3PM MUSIC BY “B-SIDE” Corn Maze • Cider Pumpkins • Apple Cider Donuts READY NOW: Ginger Golds & Peaches! Route 109 to Acton, Turn onto H-Road, Follow Signs to #1149 (207) 608-7577 • • BACK!IS 9 HOLE DISC GOLF COURSE PICKYOUROWNAPPLES 478 Main St, Ogunquit • (207) 216-9235 47 Shore Road, Ogunquit 2165 Post Rd, Wells • (207) 646- 5454 “Where the Locals Go for Ice Cream” Ice Cream RightHomemadeHere! Open Fri-Sun 12-10pm & Mon & Thurs 12-9pm Closed Tues-Wed Help Wanted! Jonathan’s Ogunquit ELEVATED NEW ENGLAND CUISINE 207-646-4777 | Serving Dinner Tuesdays-Sundays | Tickets at JonathansOgunquit.comALSOUPCOMING...Catie Curtis & Mark Erelli 9/18Jon Pousette-Dart 9/9 Eagles Tribute Band Another Tequila Sunrise 9/4 Sinatra Tribute Patrick Tobin 9/30 Tom Petty Tribute Band Runnin’ Down A Dream 10/1 Cris Williamson 10/7 Jim Brickman 10/12 Suede 10/8 with Fred Boyle & Rich Hill Live Jazz in our lounge Fridays & Saturdays Buck A 4-6OystersShuckp.m.&8-9p.m.inourlounge Coastal Cleaning Serving the seacoast A professional, insured, residential cleaning company 207-806-7879
all,” says Ar tistic Director Dawn Boyer. “For instance, many sing songs like ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ and have no idea that it was written and sung about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. And how many know that rock ‘n roll was actually started by Sister Rosetta Tharpe, a gospel singer who crossed over 20-member, roots-based choir and band well known for its “raise the rafters” style, has garnered an ever-growing following and performed for packed houses throughout New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine. The group has received critical acclaim and has been featured on WMUR-TV’s “New Hampshire Chronicle,” WSCH-TV’s “207,” and Maine Public Broadcasting. One of its songs was featured in a PBS documentary, “Freedom Songs: Music of the Civil Rights Movement.” The group will debut brand-new songs of the season as well as a couple of well-known surprises.“Roots music has such a deep and lasting influence on us their part to spread the greatest music on earth around their home in New England and throughout the rest of the country. The band serves its jazz messy, mixing brass-fueled mayhem with spirituals, Meters-style old-school funk, and the Caribbean side of the New Orleans tradition.”
The group specializes in standards, spirituals, and swing tunes along the lines of traditional Dixieland and “Second Line” sound. In addition to Dias and Effenberger, The Soggy Po’ Boys is made up of Eric Klaxton and Nick Mainella on saxophone, Zach Lange on trumpet, Brett Gallo on drums, and Scott Kiefner onRockbass.My Soul, a secular, ELIOTProjectMusicWorks, a Seacoast-based arts and cultural nonprofit dedicated to uplifting those in need through music, will celebrate its 18th anniversary at the annual Big Easy Roots & Gospel Fest on Sunday, September 11. A reception with free hors d’oeuvres and cash bar will begin at 3 p.m., followed by a concert at 4 p.m., featuring The Soggy Po’ Boys and Rock My Soul. A silent auction and raffles will run throughout the afternoon. CDs and merchandise will be available for sale. The event will take place at the Regatta Room at 28 Levesque Drive (the Eliot Commons) in Eliot. Proceeds will benefit ProjectMusicWorks and its mission of performing free outreach concerts at hospice centers, homeless shelters, nursing homes, rehab programs, correctional facilities, and other facilities that support those in Theneed.Soggy Po’ Boys, a seven-piece, New Orleans-flavored band led by seacoast musicians Stu Dias on guitar/vocals and Mike Effenberger on piano, have made a name for themselves as one of the hottest acts in the region. As their web site states, “Part of the beauty of New Orleans music is that it’s celebrated and appreciated wherever it goes, from the street to the theater. The Po’ Boys are doing onto the Top 40 charts? She was a highly skilled guitarist as well, and Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Elvis Presley were all influenced by her. There’s a lot of rich history in American roots music. Rock ‘n roll, blues, jazz, hip hop, and other popular Roots and Gospel Fest Brings Soul to the Seacoast . .

Craft Show Features New England
Many of the crafters and artists have been coming back for years, and they always look forward to making new products for their customers.Below is sample of the variety found at the show: Karol Peralta, from Salem, MA, with a beautiful selection of sterling silver and gold-filled jewelry, including bracelets and earrings. Karla’s varied designs are a Anndelight;Torrey, from Worcester, MA, with acrylic paintings. Ann’s paintings on eggshells are both beautiful and unique and are bsolutely incredible to see; David Sullivan, from Ogunquit, with beautiful photographs of the surrounding area.
OGUNQUITAfter a two-year absence due to COVID-19, the Friends of the Ogunquit Heritage Museum (FOHM) will once again hold their annual “Dinner and a Chance” fundraiser for the Ogunquit Heritage Museum, at Jonathan’s Restaurant on Sunday, September 11, 5-9 p.m. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.The “dinner” part of the night is a buffet that includes dessert and coffee. There will also be a cash bar available. The “chance” part is a silent auction of gift certificates from local businesses and artwork donated by local artists. Paintings and artwork by Patience Haley, John Neill, Charles Woodbury, Hara Harding, Russel Whitten, Dustan Knight, Don Gorvett, Marilyn Eimon, and Pat Dateo are just some of the artwork up for auction. Live music will be provided by the band Pieces of Eight.
WS 14 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ Art & Entertainment ~ 30th ANNUAL CAPRICCIO FESTIVAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 KITE FESTIVAL 9AM-2PM OGUNQUIT MAIN BEACH MUSIC BY ANDY HAPPEL & FRIENDS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 TIM SHOWHUMORISTMAINE’SSAMPLELAUREATETIME7:30PM Dunaway Center, 23 School Street, Ogunquit TICKETS: $15 Advance, $20 Door, $5 Students More info at: GULL COTTAGE COLLECTIBLES 309 Shore Road, Perkins Cove • 774-479-2291 • Free Parking in Back BUYING ESTATE MERCHANDISE UnusualVintageCrystalChinaTableclothsSterlingHolidayItems Blow Mold Halloween or Thanksgiving Figures PLEASE CALL OR TEXT PICTURES TO 774-479-2291 OUR BEGINSSPRING$1.00&SUMMERTUESDAYSEPTEMBER6 Come on in! Don’t miss it! Open TimeWells,Call10:30am-3:30pmTuesday-SaturdayforConsignorAppts:(207)646-8885676PostRoad#2Maine04090&AgainNON-PROFITCONSIGNMENTSHOPFREE! Wells Harbor Summer Concert Series Every Saturday, July 2-Sept 3 Hope Hobbs Gazebo 6-8pm Last Show of the Season! Sept. 3 - Finest Kind For questions, call 207-646-5113 or SUNDAY, SEPT. 4 DND MUSIC GROUP LAST SHOW OF THE SEASON! MUSIC IN THE PARK • 5:30-7PM • FREE ADMISSION DOROTHEA JACOBS GRANT COMMON At The Ogunquit Heritage Museum, 86 Obeds Lane, Ogunquit WWW.OGTPARKSREC.COM SPONSORED BY:U-Pick apples • Peaches Corn 75¢ An Ear RaspberriesSunflowers For Open Hours / Days 85 Spiller Farm Lane, Wells Off Route 9A (Branch Road) photos make for great keepsakes, gifts, and vacation memories; Dianna Starbranch, from Augusta, with porcelain ornaments for every hobby, occupation, animal and sport, even the Red Sox and the Patriots; Maggie and Pete Adams, from Camden, with wire tree art. Maggie and Pete are talented artists specializing in wire and painted trees. It is always an adventure to see what they have created; Joyce Huff, from Cape Porpoise, with decorative tole painting. Adorable wall hangings and holiday ornaments for every occasion.The craft show will be held held rain or shine. Parking and admission are free. For more information, contact Rita Poli
David’s at 207 967-2251 or For a complete list of vendors and events, go to Images show books by Mary Preble, from Hampstead, NH, and bags by Diana Davis, from Stow. This is a real “chance” to help the Friends expand their educational programs at the Ogunquit Heritage Museum. The Friends have also been relandscaping the museum’s grounds to be historically correct. In addition to museum exhibits, future lectures and possibly a children’s program are also in the works. Tickets are $60 per person and can be purchased in-person at the museum, online or by phone. Payment must be received by September 6. Contact Pat Dateo at 207-251-4402 or by email, for more info. The museum is located at 86 Obeds Lane in Ogunquit. Museum hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 1-5 p.m.
A Chance, Fundraiser for the FOHM
WELLSEnjoy the best of art and craft on September 10 and 11! The annual League of Maine Summer Craft Show is a festive tradition. Now in its 38th year, the popular two-day event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Wells Jr. High School on Route 1 (1470 Post Road).Thisjuried craft show features 60-plus crafters and artists who will display their handmade wares inside and outside on school grounds. Traditional, contemporary and country crafts are featured. Stained glass, jewelry of all types, pottery, soaps, clothing, wood crafts, fiber arts, graphics, photography, handcrafted specialty foods and much more.

Open Captioning Added to “Mr. Holland’s Opus” Performances
See CAPTIONS on page 19 . . .
The event will be held on Saturday, September 10 at 1 p.m. at Haley Art Gallery, 178 Haley Rd., and is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.Marjorie Agosín, the Andrew Mellon Professor in the Humanities, and professor of Spanish at Wellesley College, is an award-winning ChileanAmerican poet, author, and human rights activist. Among her many awards are the Jeanette Rankin Award in Human Rights, the United Nations Leadership Award for Human Rights, and the Gabriela Mistral Medal for LifetimeCelesteAchievement.Kostopulos-Cooperman is a translator, essayist, and Professor Emerita at Suffolk University in Boston, where she directed the Latin American Studies program, teaching language and literature courses for three decades. A recipient of the American Literary Translation Award,
With empathy and compassion for those who are growes,demographics,becausedisenfranchised,marginalized,orexcludedoftheircircumstances,orlifeexperienc-thePlayhouseseekstobetterthetheater-goingexperiBilingual Poetry Reading
The Weekly Sentinel 15September 2, 2022 WS 207.646.5511 • OgunquitPlayhouse.orgONONTICKETSSALENOW!SALE BASED ON THE METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER MOTION PICTURE “MR. HOLLAND’S OPUS” WRITTEN BY PATRICK SHEANE DUNCAN NOWSEP 10 MUSIC BY WAYNE BARKER LYRICS & BOOK BY BD WONG Sept. 3 | 11am-6pm Sept. 4 | 11am-4pm Kittery Premium Outlets, ME (Old Navy Parking Lot, Route 1) Free Parking | Crafters Corner | Kidz Zone Axe Throwing & Face Painting on Saturday Lots of Food | Live Music | Cocktails Cold Craft NE Brews | Caricature Drawing $5 Tickets (ages 10 & under free) At the gate or Bene ting local Lacrosse teams! For a full festival schedule and tickets, visit: Paint Color Consultations & Interior Decorating by Laura DuPont colorperfectmaine@gmail.com207-604-2537 Serving Southern Maine ~ Art & Entertainment ~ works by Bill Oakes. Gallery hours are Thursdays-Saturdays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The gift shop offers social impact gift items from around the world. For more info call 617-584-2580, go online at,,emailonHaleyArtGallery, she has collaborated with Marjorie Agosín on several volumes of poetry and prose, including “Circles of Madness,” “A Cross and a Star,” “Always from Somewhere Else,” “At the Threshold of Memory,” and “Beyond the Time of Words.”Thegallery’s current exhibit, “Bill Oakes: Art-ImaginationVision” is a collection of abstract
OGUNQUITAll performances of Ogunquit Playhouse’s world premiere musical “Mr. Holland’s Opus” now offer open captioning for audience members who are deaf, hard of hearing, or whose native spoken language is not English. Captions will be projected on both sides of the stage for convenient viewing, best experienced in the center section. Specially priced seating has been set aside for people wishing to take in the captioning. By its very nature, the story of Mr. Holland centers on the power and potential of normalizing, respecting, and celebrating the rich diversity in high schools throughout this country.
KITTERYHaley Art Gallery will host an afternoon of bi-lingual poetry reading, “Reflections on Poetry and the Pandemic,” with award-winning poet Marjorie Agosin and author/translator Celest Kostopulos-Cooperman, as they recite poems from their newly published book, “Beyond the Time of Words /Más Allá Del Tiempo De Las Palabras.” The reading will be followed with a Q&A session.

. . . BLUEBERRY from page 1
Jon Pousette-Dart will be performing at Jonathan’s, 92 Bourne Lane, on September 9 at 8 p.m. Active as a performer and recording artist for over 40 years and counting, Jon founded The Pousette-Dart Band, carving a place in the landscape of American music in the 1970s. The band went on to record a series of albums for Capitol Records, two of which – “Amnesia” and “Pousette-Dart Band 3” – made the Billboard album chart. The single “For Love” reached #83 on the Billboard singles chart in 1979.The band was a mainstay of album radio, a favorite on the college circuit, and became one of the busiest touring groups in the US, working with such acts as The Byrds, Bonnie Raitt, Little Feat, The Eagles, James Taylor, The J. Geils Band, Eddie Money, Manfred Mann, Jonathan Edwards, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Emmylou Harris, Gary Wright, Robert Palmer, Randy Newman, Journey, Billy Joel, NRBQ, and many more. Other tours included the “Frampton Comes Alive” tour and opening for Yes on the band’s “Fragile” tour, playing arenas from coast to coast. While the original group disbanded in the early 1980s, Dart kept performing with drummer Eric Parker and continued writing and producing into the 1990s, when he returned to Nashville to begin recording again on his own. He has turned out five solo albums, including 2015’s “Talk,” a compilation of his best songs to date. Dart currently tours in many incarnations: solo, as an acoustic duo, and with his highly entertaining band featuring newest member Malcom Gold (Sheryl Crow, India.Arie) on bass and harmony vocals, Eric Parker (Joe Jam Corner will be open for the whole event. Popcorn and blueberry slushies add to the celebration. The festival features an extra-big play area for kids and includes a bounce house, a “win every time” Plinko game, a face painting booth, sand art, spin art and cotton candy! A $5 Passport of Fun gets everyone five adventures of tion,RoadbigChurch,forthanks$10fromdessert!blueberryveggiegrilledperson.runsblueberryThechoice.not-to-be-missedpancakebreakfast8:30-10a.m.,andis$5perLunchtimeofferssuchitemsashamburgers,burgers,hotdogs,andicecreamsundaesforLunchwillbeserved11:30a.m.to1p.m.andisperperson.ThechurchoffersspecialtoWyman’sofMainetheirgeneroussponsorship.FirstCongregationalagrowingchurchwithaheart,
WS 16 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 Heating Oil Diesel Kerosene Propane CELEBRATING 50 YEARS Proven quality based on trust, loyalty & family values for three generations! Voted Best Oil Company 11 Years Running! Budget Plans • Service Plans • Installations • A/C Service and Sales (207)363-4172 VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER BINGO EVERY WEDNESDAY May 4 thru October Doors Open @ 4:30 • Games @ 6 Food Available For Purchase Wells/Ogunquit Senior Center 300 Post Road / Route 1, Wells FMI: 207-646-7775 Wild Blueberry Festival Saturday, Sept. 10 • 8:30am - 1pm First Congregational Church of Eliot, 1361 State ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Road PANCAKE BREAKFAST 8:30-10AM BURGER & HOT DOG LUNCH 11:30AM - 1PM KIDS’ ACTIVITIES & BOUNCE HOUSE UPSCALE RESALE • LOTS OF VENDORS BAKE SALE • RAFFLES • LIVE MUSIC Blueberry Pies, Jams & Goodies •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sponsored by Wyman’s of Maine with Proceeds to Church Ministry WWW.ELIOTUCC.ORG For More Information, Call 207-439-1105 A ConsignmentQualityShop Over 50 Years in Business! 2 Bragdon Ln, Kennebunk (next to Anchor Fence) (207) 985-3544 Open Tues 1-4, Wed-Sat 10-4 and masks are now optional Open Mon-Tues for donations and consignments until 12:30 Super Savings Fridays & Saturdays White Tickets Are 1/2 Price! Fall Clothing Now Arriving! Wells Jr High 1470 Post Rd (Route 1), Wells 10 am– 4 pm Free Parking & www.SummerSolsticeCraftShows.comAdmission207967-2251 S ummer S olstice Craft Show 2 0 2 2 September 10 &11 Summer Solstice League of Maine TEAMS NEEDED TO PLAY Great Course, Great Prizes, Great Benefit, Great Fun! Wells Ogunquit Senior Center & Warriors Football 2022 GOLF TOURNAMENT Monday, Sept. 12 • Old Marsh Country Club, Wells Scramble • 11am Tee Off • BBQ • Raffles • Prizes Team applications available on Wells Senior Center Facebook or email to FMI: 207-468-9747 Proceeds Benefit the Wells Senior Center & Veterans’ Honor Flights Sponsored by Sevigney-Lyons Insurance Agency PANCAKE BREAKFASTS ARE BACK! EVERY SATURDAY 8-10 a.m. June 4 - September 24 All-You-Can-Eat Plain or Blueberry Pancakes Coffee, Sausage & OJ ~ Only $8 pp WELLS/OGUNQUIT SENIOR CENTER 300 Post Road, Wells • FMI: 207-646-7775 ~ Art & Entertainment ~ wanted to do something to celebrate moviegoing,” said Cinema Foundation president Jackie Brenneman. “We’re doing it by offering a ‘thank you’ to the moviegoers that made this summer happen, and by offering an extra enticement for those who haven’t NATIONWIDEComing to a theater near you, the Cinema Foundation welcomes moviegoers to celebrate a day at the movies with discounted admissions to kick-off National Cinema Day on September 3. The one-day event, held at more than 3,000 participating locations with more than 30,000 screens, will bring together audiences of all ages to enjoy a day at the movies with exclusive previews and special in-theater promotions at a discounted admission of no more than $3. National Cinema Day celebrates a summer of record-breaking movie-going with movies and a special sneak peek of upcoming titles from A24, Amazon Studios, Disney, Focus Features, Lionsgate, Neon, Paramount, Sony Pictures Classics, Sony, United Artists Releasing, Universal, and Warner Bros. – but only on September 3.
Pousette-Dart to Perform at Jonathan’s
National Cinema Day on SeptemberJon3
“After this summer’s recordbreaking return to cinemas, we made it back Accordingyet.”to, participating cinemas in the seacoast area include Smitty's Cinema in Sanford, Flagship Premium Cinemas in Wells, Apple IMAX Cinemas in Saco, and Regal Fox Run & RPX in Newington, NH. The Cinema Foundation is a donor-supported 501(c)3 charitable nonprofit and is dedicated to promoting the essential cinema exhibition industry by developing future diverse workforces and growing movie-going communities through research, education and philanthropy. For more information, visit,andCocker,,JimChapdelaine(AlAnder-PhoebeSnow)onguitar/Chapdelainealsoco-pro-severalofJon’srecords.matterwhichconfigurationperforms,theaudiencecancountonanentertainingprofessionalperformance.Formoreinformation,visitand

Temporarily Closed Labor Day, Monday, September 5, Walk-In Care Locations In York, Wells & Sanford Will Close Early at 4 p.m. Outpatient Lab Services at all York Hospital Locations Will Be Closed. a DiagnosisCancerwithYourEmployer
The Weekly Sentinel 17September 2, 2022 WS Health & Fitness Wellness after 50 York Hospital • 207.363.4321 • Virtual Walk-In Care allows for reliable, convenient visits with trained and certified providers through video conference, using a smartphone, tablet, or a computer with a webcam. Patients ne for a range of issues, from minor illnesses and injuries, to general health and wellness concerns, to chronic conditions or coronavirus symptoms. Available Monday – Friday, EMERGENCY CARE available at YORK HOSPITAL (24/7). see providers online 10 a.m. 5 p.m. Go to Walk-In Care 207.351.2600 Kittery Walk-In Care 207.752.8652 Berwick Walk-In Care 207.698.6700 Sanford Walk-In Care 207.608.8425 Wells Walk-In Care 207.646.5211 Prefer to be seen in-person? Save time with online scheduling. Available in Berwick, Kittery, Sanford & York. Visit for more details and hours of operation for all Walk-In Care locations. Kittery Walk-In and Imaging Reopening September 19. Lab Remains Open M – F, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. York Hospital Walk-In Care Locations TELEMEDICINE AT YORK HOSPITAL WALK-IN CARE Expert medical care at your fingertips.
STATEWIDEIt is not uncommon for people to experience a range of emotions upon being diagnosed with cancer. Fear, sadness and even confusion are just a few of the feelings people may experience after receiving a cancer diagnosis. Eventually, those emotions tend to settle down, even if the questions about living with cancer are just beginning. Once the initial emotional whirlwind settles, adults recently diagnosed with cancer may start to wonder how to go about their daily lives. That includes what to do about work. Sharing a cancer diagnosis with anyone can be difficult, and some people may be nervous about revealing a diagnosis to their employer. Fears about how employers will react and the ramifications treatment could have on their careers may concern cancer patients. In recognition of that difficulty, the Cancer Treatment Centers of America offer these suggestions about sharing a cancer diagnosis with an employer. Be direct with the boss. The CTCA recommends cancer patients find a private setting to share their diagnosis directly. Supervisors should not have to hear the news through a secondhand source like social media or a coworker. Speaking to a a higher-up directly can open lines of communication ness among older adults. Opportunities to socialize with friends may increase as people navigate their 50s and children move out or become more independent. Individuals can take advantage of opportunities to socialize whenever possible. Various strategies can help people maintain mental and physical wellness as they make their way through their 50s andThebeyond.Weekly Sentinel does not endorse any products or services suggested by thirdparty sources. through their 50s and into their 60s and 70s. That’s a significant benefit, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one out of every three adults age 65 and older experiences a fall each year, and as many as 30% of those falls lead to seriousEmbraceinjury.your inner socialite. Socialization is important for people of all ages, including individuals 50 and over. A 2017 study from researchers at Michigan State found that valuing friendships was a strong predictor of health and happiment than people who only socialized or participated in activities that were not as cognitively engaging.Make an effort to improve balance. Various factors contribute to a decline in balance as adults age. For example, a decline in muscle mass that begins when people are in their 30s is a normal part of aging. Over time, that natural decline affects strength and agility. Balance exercises can be a valuable component of a fitness regimen that help individuals reduce their risk for falling as they advance feelings of sadness or loss. Pets can help people over 50 with no children at home overcome feelings linked to empty nest syndrome. In 2018, the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging found that 86% of pet owners felt their pets make them feel loved while 73% said their pets provided a sense of purpose. Pets also can ensure individuals over 50 stay physically active and provide opportunities to connect with other people. Prioritize learning. Whether it’s taking music lessons, going back to school or mastering a new hobby, learning has a profound effect on aging brains. For example, a 2013 study published in the journal Psychological Science found that memory function is improved by engagement in demanding everyday tasks. That study reported that people who learned new skills experienced greater memory improve-Reaching one’s fiftieth birthday in optimal health is an accomplishment to be proud of. The hard work required to be healthy in midlife includes adhering to a nutritious diet and exercising regularly. Once individuals cross the threshold and enter their 50s, they can look to some additional strategies to maintain physical and mental well-being for decades to come. Get a pet. Many people 50 and older qualify as “empty nesters,” a term applied to adults whose children have grown up and moved out of their homes. Some empty nesters experience a phenomenon known as “empty nest syndrome,” which the Mayo Clinic notes can be marked by
See CANCER on page 19 . . .

Taking the Bus
Keep Little Ones Safe Keeping all students safe is the primary concern for everyone, but there are special steps for parents of younger kids and those going to school for the first time. Make sure the child knows their phone number, address, how to get in touch with their parents at work, how to get in touch with another trusted adult and how to call 911. Teach children not to talk to strangers or accept rides from someone they don’t know. American Red Cross The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to victims of disasters, supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood, offers lifesaving courses, distributes international humanitarian aid, and supports veterans, military members and their families. The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission. For more information, visit bus only after it has come to a complete stop and the driver or attendant instructs them to get on. Kids should only board their bus, never an alternate one. All students should stay in clear view of the bus driver and never walk behind the bus.
WS 18 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 Health & Fitness A Good Time to Devise a Family Preparedness Plan Our commitment to expert home health and hospice care is timeless. It began more than a century ago, and today, it continues under our new name: Tufts Medicine Care at Home. Together with our partners in Tufts Medicine, we are reimagining ways to make care more convenient and accessible for you. We’re excited about the future and know our history will serve us well. The great history of Home Health Foundation is now the future of Open Tues, Wed, Fri 9-5:30, Thurs 11-7, Sat 10-2, Closed Sun-Mon Please wear a mask in our office. “Where low price is the point!” Paul and Alex Vasapoli 2nd and 3rd generation Opticians 257 Main St, South Berwick (in town center) 207-384-LENS (5367) We use nothing but the BEST for much LESS! VARILUX DIGITAL Progressives Starting at $299 including FRAME Compare elsewhere from $500 to $600 CRIZAL Anti-Glare Coatings $89 Compare elsewhere from $100 to $150 LARGEST SELECTION OF FRAMES IN THE AREA! Need Teeth? $150 OFF ANY DENTURE - OR$15 OFF ANY REPAIR OR RELINE ONE COUPON PER PERSON • EXPIRES 9/30/22 WS Philip R. Sanguedolce L.D Same Day Repairs & Relines While You Wait Full Dentures & Partial Dentures • MaineCare Accepted DENTURE CRAFTERS LLC “We Will Give You A Reason To Smile” 647 Route 1, Meadowbrook Plaza, Suite 107, York (207) 361-4485 / DENTURECRAFTERSLLC.COM plan at school, and develop a family emergency plan so everyone knows who to contact and where to go if something happens during the school day. “There are a lot of things to think about for the start of a busy new school year, but don’t forget to include safety,” said Stephanie Couturier, CEO, Red Cross Northern New England region. “We ask parents and guardians to consider familiarizing their children with these measures to help keep them safe as they head back to school.”
Cell Phones Are a Distraction
There may be more young people on bikes as the school bells ring. They should: Wear a properly fitted helmet and bright clothing; Ride on the right side of the road, with traffic, in a single file; Come to a complete stop before crossing the street; walk bikes across the street; Stay alert and avoid distracted riding. Slow Down Drivers should slow down, especially in residential areas and school zones, and know what the yellow and red bus signals mean. Yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is getting ready to stop. Motorists should slow down and
Walking To School Cross the street at the corner, obeying traffic signals and staying in the crosswalk; Never run out into the street or cross between parked cars; Use a route along which the school has placed crossing guards; Walk with young children and those taking new routes or attending new schools, for the first week to ensure they know how to get there safely. Arrange for the kids to walk to school with a friend or classmate.
The National Safety Council (NSC) reports distracted walking can be dangerous, even deadly. Teach students the following not to text or talk on the phone while walking: If a student must text, they should move out of the way of others and stop on the sidewalk; Never cross the street while using an electronic device; Do not walk with headphones in ears; Drivers can be distracted too. Never use a phone while driving; Help keep children safe by eliminating all distractions.
Students should get to their bus stop early and stand away from the curb while waiting for the bus to arrive. Young children should be supervised. Board the be prepared to stop. Red flashing lights and an extended stop sign indicate the bus is stopped and children are getting on or off. Motorists must stop when they are behind a bus, meeting the bus or approaching an intersection where a bus is stopped. Motorists following or traveling alongside a school bus must also stop until the red lights have stopped flashing, the stop arm is withdrawn, and all children have reached safety. This includes two and four-lane highways. If physical barriers such as grassy medians, guide rails or concrete median barriers separate oncoming traffic from the bus, motorists in the opposing lanes may proceed without stopping.
Going By Car Everyone should always wear a seat belt; Younger children should use car seats or booster seats until the lap-shoulder belt fits properly (typically for children ages 8-12 and over 4’9”), and ride in the back seat until they are at least 13 years old; If a teenager is going to drive to school, parents should mandate that they use seat belts. Riding a Bike
STATEWIDESchool bells will be calling students back to the classroom soon, and the American Red Cross, Northern New England Region, has steps everyone can take to help kids remain safe as they head back to school. As parents get ready for the start of a new school year, it’s a good time to think about emergencies, such as weatherrelated disasters, and draw up an emergency plan for their household. Parents and students should know the emergency

music come from gospel. We like to show that close connection.” Advance discount tickets for the event are $25 each for a table of 10, $30 for general admission, and $35 for VIP reserved seats. Tickets may be purchased
The Weekly Sentinel 19September 2, 2022 WS Health & Fitness Quality Hearing Aid Sales, Repairs, Supplies, Solutions! Dale Rapke, H.I.S. Owner Even If You Have Insurance, We May Beat Your Copay! Visiting? Not a patient? No problem! www.hearingessentials.comCallToday!207.703.0415 316 US Route One York, ME 207.703.0415 545 Main Waterboro,StreetME 207.247.6328 We Accept Insurance Referrals Professional Grade QualityHearing“Rechargeable”Aids $1450/each With this coupon. Expires 10/31/22 Battery Special! Buy 2 Get 1 FREE $6.00 Per Pack Everyday Price With this coupon. Expires 10/31/22 Home Instead and the Alzheimer’s Association is offering Free Dementia Support Groups on the last Tuesday of every month 4-5:30 p.m. at Home Instead, 71 Post Road, Wells If you or a loved one are going through the Dementia journey and could use some support, please join us. Please RSVP to Melissa at 207-641-1155 Each Home Instead® franchise is independently owned and operated. © 2021 Home Instead, Inc. The Weekly Sentinel does not endorse any products or services suggested by third-party sources. . . . CANCER from page 17 regarding expectations and how to confront the challenges that could arise down the road. Work with the Human Resources department. Human resources professionals can help cancer patients learn about programs the company may offer and the resources at their disposal as they navigate this sudden change in their lives. HR professionals also can offer insight into how the company has dealt with cancer diagnoses in the past, including information on flexible working arrangements, such as reduced hours or remote working options.Discuss how to share the news. Once the boss and the HR department have been notified, seek their input regarding how to break the news to colleagues. If an employee routinely works with people across multiple departments, it may be best to inform everyone through email, as it can be exhausting to break the news to each colleague individually. It is also okay to keep the diagnosis under wraps. In the latter case, it might still be wise to inform those the employee works with closely each day, as the news can help everybody prepare for increased responsibilities as treatment progresses and working full-time becomes increasingly more difficult. When discussing how to share the news with an HR department, be specific about how much to share, as one may only feel comfortable discussing details of the diagnosis with certain coworkers, such as an immediate supervisor. Be willing to accept help. It is easy for cancer patients to feel like they are suddenly seen as charity cases upon sharing the diagnosis with an employer and colleagues. But offers to help come from a good place, and patients would likely offer to help if the shoe was on the other foot and a colleague revealed a cancer diagnosis. It is alright to reach out to those willing to help when anything is needed if and when a difficult situation arises. In the meantime, thank them for their kindness and prepare to lighten the professional load as treatment Sharingbegins. a cancer diagnosis with an employer and professional colleagues can be challenging. Working directly with a supervisor and an HR professional can ensure the process goes smoothly. ~ News ~
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alone. The more risks there are, the more options appear. These thoughts surface constantly in my work. Events, places, people and ideas assume different characteristics in life depending on who they are standing or sitting next to. Patterned hues with torn edges adopt a particular point of “Myview.”background as a quilter was the foundation for the piecing in my work. I focus on similar narratives, resolved through different mediums. The individual elements are collected and married into a format that will not only tell a story, but hopefully conjure up emotions and memories that were once hidden away. It is an honoring of precious remnants of the past that I hold dear.” For more information, call York Public Library at 207-3632818 or visit importance in their lives. People tell me about so many milestones and memories of this place.” He has made plenty of his own memories and great friends at the job, and hopes to keep it up for many more years. “I plan on doing this job for a long time. I love doing it and I feel like the responsibility has become a part of me. At some point, I will probably be unable to keep up with the rigorous physical demands of the job. Hopefully, that is far in the future.”When he does eventually pass the torc h, Rosenberg said from page fromfromfrom up cigarette butts on the park grounds, and spring and fall do get hectic with his teaching schedule. “Most people are lucky if they find one job that they love and get to do it. I’m fortunate enough to have two jobs I love getting up in the morning for.” He said most of his students at York High School already know he’s the lighthouse keeper before meeting him, while others think he’s pulling their leg until another student confirms it. They often ask if they can go to the Nubble on a field trip, but Rosenberg has to tell them no. “We did have a group of students who volunteered as ambassadors to the park and we did get to bring them to the lighthouse to help out for a day, which was a great Rosenberg’sexperience.” own children have also been able to head out to the Nubble, but never just for fun. “My kids are 17 and 19 now, but they were seven and nine when I started working there,” he said. “Occasionally, I would bring them to help for the day, but the rule was always that we had to work and they had to help. Now they both narrate the Nubble tour boat trips for Finestkind Scenic Cruises out of Perkins Cove. It’s fun to yell down to them when they are giving a tour on the boat and I’m on the island.”Rosenberg is also a talented photographer and frequently shares pics on Instagram @ nubblelightkeeper. He also sells prints on Etsy and Facebook at Nubble Art and has a booth at various local craft fairs. One amazing thing about the lighthouse, he added, is that it’s entirely self-funded. “All the money to pay for it comes from donations, fundraisers, and gift shop proceeds. Parks and Rec manages it with a board of trustees to determine what needs to be done. The voters of York approve big projects through the ballot process each year, but all the money is raised by the lighthouseOfitself.”allthe things he expected going into the job back in 2012, one thing he did not anticipate was how much people love the lighthouse. “Now that I see it, I understand it, but it did really surprise me. It’s a special place, and people have given it a lot of ence, making it more accessible to as many as Performancespossiblerun Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Fridays, 8 p.m.; Saturdays, 2 p.m and 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. with occasional Tuesday and Sunday evenings. For more information, visit www. or call 207-646-5511. The box office window is located at 10 Main Street in Ogunquit. the next Nubble caretaker has to be resourceful for sure, but that is not all. “The most important thing is that you have to love it. It takes a lot of time and attention, but if you love it, that’s what you would want to be doing anyway.” (207) 646-8448

WS 20 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ Dining ~ 11 Water Street Kittery, Maine 207 439 $19.99 Quarter Pound Lobster Roll, Homemade Clam Chowder & Fries Monday Saturday 11:30 3:30 Limit of 4 lobster rolls per coupon Limit two coupons per party. Not valid with any other coupon/discount/complimentary certificate Coupon only valid at time of purchase. Please present coupon before ordering. Not valid on holidays. Not valid on take-out. EXP 9/30/22 (WS) Appetizers, Entrees or Desserts Choose Any Combination of the Three that Total to Either $35+ or $25+ & We’ll Deduct $10 or $5! (Depending on Day of Week) Liquor and tax not included. Cannot be used with group menu. Maximum of three coupons/discounts/ complimentary certificates may be used. $35/$25 per coupon must be spent. Coupon valid only at time of purchase. Please present coupon before ordering. Not valid on holidays. Not valid on take-out. EXP 9/30/22 (WS) $10 OFF $35 Mondays, Tues Wednesdaysdays,&Thursdays! $5 OFF $25 Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays OR WHEN YOU WANT TO BE GOOD TO YOURSELF! Celebrating Our 32nd Season! 1205 POST ROAD (ROUTE 1), WELLS Summer Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 4-9pm Closed Monday-Tuesday WWW.THE-STEAKHOUSE.COM(207)646-4200 U.S. Route 1, Kittery · (207) 439-0330 Fish FridayFish Friday SpecialFriday-OnlyDealsonSelectHaddockEntrées FIVE MARGARITASDOLLAR Colossal On The Rocks House Margaritas $5.00 All Day, Every Day! OPEN FROM 11 AM DAILY Dine inside, outside or call ahead to order take-out. ENJOY A FREE CUP OF Fish Chowder COUPON VALID THROUGH 9/8/22 Enjoy a free cup of our famous haddock chowder with purchase of any entrée. One cup per entrée with this coupon. Sorry, no substitutions. No cash value. May not be duplicated or combined with any other coupon or discount offer. WKS 756 York Street, York Harbor 207-351-1100 • NOW OPEN DAILYHAPPY11:30AM-8PMDAILYHOUR3-5PM THE OLD VILLAGE INN “A New England Tradition since 1833” Open Monday-Saturday at 4pm for inside dining! Closed Sunday. Call for reservations. We follow all of Maine’s COVID-19 rules. 250 Main St, Ogunquit (207) www.theoldvillageinn.net646-7088 Call 646-3355 Restaurant in Wells oshua’s Open Tues-Sat at www.joshuasrestaurantandbar.com5pm Top Quality Seafood Family Operated Since 1966 Home Cooked Daily Specials to fit everyone’s budget SERVING LUNCH & DINNER BEER & THURSDAY-SUNDAYWINE11AM-7PMTAKE-OUTAVAILABLE 1732 North Berwick Rd (Rte 9) Wells, Maine • 207-646-8561 Now Open For Our 27th Season 7 Days A Week At 6:30 a.m. 35 MILE ROAD, 207-646-4155WELLSFAMILY RESTAURANT Order To-Go! Breakfast Sandwiches & Coffee To-Go! Express Service: 207-646-4155 Try Our Combo Plates with authentic Polish kielbasa, turkey sausage, and Mailhots sausage links and patties! Lobster Benedict $23.95 Blue Horizon Motel • 207-646-3178 Rooms Available starting at $135 • Stay & Eat Packages Walk To Wells Beach! • HORIZONSFAMILYRESTAURANT.COM

The Weekly Sentinel 21September 2, 2022 WS~ Dining ~ Gluten Free? No Problem. Even Fried Food! 658 Main Street Ogunquit, ME 03907 207-646-8998 Check Out Our Website For Updated Seasonal Hours NOWCALLWELCOMED!(207)646-8998OPEN7DAYSAWEEK! Route 1 North, Wells • (207) 646-4441 Maine Diner On The Go Is Now ForOpenTheLocatedOpen!InMaineDinerParkingLot5-8pmFriday-TuesdayTakeOutOnlymenuinfo, 207.361.2272 220 Clay Hill Rd. Cape Neddick Just 2 Miles West of OgunquitIndoor/Outdoorclayhillfarm.comDiningon10PrivateAcres! Fabulous food, live music and plenty of parking Serving dinner inside, outside & curbside from 4:30pm (Closed Tues) LIVE MUSIC: Nightly! ursday: Gordon Shannon on Piano Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: Katherine May eld on Piano Sunday & Monday: Local Duo Curt Bessette & Jenn Kurtz Proud Sponsors of the Ogunquit Playhouse! Join us before the show or after the matinée! Open 11:30am-8pm Every Day featuring... SeafoodBurgersSteaksRibs Outdoor Bar & Patio • To-Go Window Take-Out Cocktails Available Dine-In or Take-Out • (207) 641-0601 124 Post Road / Route 1, www.newenglandhousewells.comWells SEAFOOD LIVECOCKTAILSMUSICSummertime INSIDE DINING • PATIO DINING • TAKE OUT 207.646.8780 • FISHERMANSCATCHWELLS.COM Closed Wednesdays

Safe Haven Humane Society
WS 22 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ Real Estate ~ DEBBI BOZWORTH Broker Licensed in Maine Phone: (207) 522-8950 Email: 1810 Post Rd, Wells, ME 04090 Jerry Tatlock Associate Broker/Owner 96 Portland St, South Berwick, ME 03908 Business (207) 384-4008 Mobile (207) Jerry.Tatlock@Century21.com752-0407 Each O ce is Independently Owned and Operated SAFE HAVEN HUMANE SOCIETY Shelter: 207-646-1611 • PO Box 91, Wells, ME THRIFT/VINTAGE/ANTIQUE04090SHOP:207-216-9169•1784PostRoad,WellsOpen11am-4pmSEVENDAYSAWEEK! Help us pay our vet bills and other expenses! Donations Accepted 12-3pm on Saturdays Only ( FMI 207-229-8314) VOLUNTEERS & DONATIONS NEEDED ~ Pets ~ Wells Dog and Cat Hospital 418 Sanford Road Wells, ME www.wellsdogandcat.com207.646.832304090 Ask about ourprogram!referral Accepting new patients! Safe Haven Humane Society PO Box 91 / 1784 Post Road Wells, ME 04090 (207) 646-1611 / (207) 216-9169 Animal Welfare Society PO Box 43 / 46 Holland Road West Kennebunk, ME 04094 (207) 985-3244 Emma’s Angels Rescue 30 Meeting House Road North Berwick, ME 03906 207-676-5599 Full service provider of water testing & ltration systemsheadedInstallationbysta ed licensed Master and Journeymen plumbers - Recognized by Water Technology Magazines for excellence - Authors of various articles on water quality issues a ecting New England Installing and servicing water ltration systems for the removal of arsenic, radon, hard water minerals, iron, manganese & PFAs in ME, MA & NH since 1989 (800) 539-1100 • “Making Water Better!” WE DON’T MAKE THE WATER... WE MAKE THE WATER BETTER! KENNEBUNKHi! My name is Leo! I’m a two-year old, male Belgian Malinois with classic great looks and the characteristic protective and herding instincts that my breed is known for. I am intense, athletic and intelligent, and I’m looking for a best friend who wants to work hard and play even harder! If you are not familiar with my breed, let me tell you I am not the kind of dog for the faint of heart or for someone who doesn’t have the time and patience to put into a relationship. Therefore, my future family must have previous Malinois experience and be understanding of what makes me me.If you are someone who browses the AWS website regularly, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve been waiting to be adopted for a little while now. Well, that’s because, like I stated above, I’m not your average dog and need just the perfect person and perfect lifestyle to feel my best. Because it was just me and my first dad even as a puppy, I had inadequate socialization back then and my understanding of the world is a bit limited. I need my new person to have a confident, yet sensitive, approach to training and take the time to bond with me and give me slow and steady positive exposure to new experiences. This is essential for me to grow as a dog. I’m also looking for an adult-only home with no other animals. I currently have a few dog acquaintances that I enjoy saying hi to on my walks, but I’m not interested in sharing my home with them. Have I piqued your interest? Please email
want to meet this beautiful girl. Everything about her is sweet. All she wants is your affection. She loves to be held. She’s beautiful, too. This gray and brown shorthair tiger has a white blaze on her face, and white boots and socks on her hind legs. Her belly is unique, too: tiger and white with 2 round black dots. Lavender has no issues. She’s “purrfect!” She deserves the best home, and we are interviewing people for it. When you hold her, it becomes very clear that she’s been starved for attention for a long time. Her actions show that she’s ready for her very own home where she can settle in and be cherished and cared for, the same way she cared for her little family.Thebest home for Lavender has lots of love to give, because she’s waited so long to receive it and has so much to give back. Older children would be fine in a family that includes their animals, allowing them to be a full part of the family. Please call Nancy at 207-229-7094 or fill out the adoption application at www.
NORTH BERWICKMeet our wonderful pets of the week, Tyler and Donny! Tyler is a five-month-old, female black kitten and Donny is a twoyear-old male. Both are from Louisiana. Tyler is sweet and she and would do well with another friend. Donny is Mr. Personality! He loves everyone and would be good with a family. Donny has the most gorgeous green eyes. Both cats are spayed and neutered, and are up to date on their vaccinations. Tyler is also microchipped. To meet either cat, call 207-6765599. Emma’s Angels Rescue is an all-volunteer, foster-based organization in North Berwick. Donations can be left in the drop box at 30 Meeting House Road, North Berwick. Thank you!
Animal Welfare Society
WELLSLavender is a sweet mother kitty who was still a kitten herself when nursing and protecting her litter of six wee ones in the wild. Imagine what courageous, instinctive powers momma cats must have to hunt, nourish and protect a handful of tiny creatures who are totally defenseless and dependent upon you for everything.Andto think that Lavender was only 14 months old herself. How did this sweet kitty become homeless? We have no idea, but she quickly wound up pregnant, yet took care of everything by herself.She was rescued and brought to Safe Haven, where she proved to be a loving and devoted momma to her litter. Now the bad days are past and she is ready for a home of her own. You’ll 7 days a week from 11 a.m.-4 p.m., with volunteers ready to ring up sales and help find that unique treasure. Be prepared to spend extra time here, because we have two very large, very full shopping levels!
Emma’s Angels

The Weekly Sentinel 23September 2, 2022 WS~ Real Estate ~ HURRY! SELLING FAST! Meadowledge RV Resort - Wells Beach New & Pre-Owned Homes • Executive Living at a Great Price! Showings by Appointment: Seasonal Gated Community on the Trolley Stop Inventory is Very Low Everywhere DON’T DELAY! Stunning Brand New Homes! Private Lots! Owner Occupied - No Rentals! Central AC! Electricity Included! Full Sized SS Appliances! Three Heated Pools! TwoTennisClubhouses!Court! 207.384.4008 96 Portland St, South Berwick, ME Info@Century21BarbaraPatterson.comwww.Century21BarbaraPatterson.com03908 SATURDAY, SEPT. 3 • 9 AM - 12 PM MONDAY, SEPT. 5 • 12-3 PM 14 Old South Road, South Berwick $650,000 OPEN HOUSES PRICE REDUCED! 86 Garrison Rd, Eliot Expansive, 13 room, 4 BR, Colonial home on +/-3.02 acres in a desirable, upscale. private neighborhood. Three floors to spread out. Huge kitchen, living room with wood burning fireplace, media room / den, family room, and much more! Newly priced at $750,000 Greg BrokerGosselin/Owner Office: 207.363.2414 Mobile: 207.752.2353 647 US Route 1, Suite 210, York, ME 03909 Ready to Buy or Sell? Hire the agent with 20+ years of award-winning expertise and personalized client service – Contact me today! For More Information or to Request an Application reach out to York Housing at 207-363-8444 or email Now Leasing! MOOREHOUSEAPARTMENTSPLACE 2 BEDROOM UNITS STILL AVAILABLE CALL OR EMAIL TO DAY! Private balcony or patio Lounge with kitchenette Fitness Co-opOn-sitePlaygroundOff-streetOutdoorroomterraceparkingLaundryofficespace by reservation Energy efficient working3.York/lives2.fulltime1.willPriorities10.FhousingMoorehouseAmenitiesapartmentsInclude:PropertyInformation:Placeisaworkforce-afforabledevelopmentbuiltunderArticleTen-FTownofYorkZoningOrdinance.SelectionandIncomelimitsapply.Preferencesbegrantedinthefollowingorder:Onehouseholdmemberlives/worksinYorkOnehouseholdmemberworksfulltimeinelsewhereOnehouseholdmemberlivinginYork/fulltimeinasurroundingcommunityRents:1bedroom-670SF$12002Bedroom-810SF$14003Bedrom-930SF$1600 Prices are subject to availability. Tenant paid electricity and electric heat. Amenities Include: Private balcony or patio • Lounge with kitchenette • Fitness Outdoorroomterrace • Off-street parking • Playground • On-site Laundry Co-op office space by reservation • Energy efficient apartments Property Information: Moorehouse Place is a workforce-affordable housing development built under Article Ten-F 10.F Town of York Zoning Ordinance. Selection Priorities and Income limits apply. Preferences will be granted in the following order: 1. One household member lives and works full time in York. 2. One household member works full time in York and lives elsewhere. 3. One household member living in York and working full time in a surrounding community. Rents: 1 Bedroom - 670 SF - $1200 2 Bedroom - 810 SF - $1400 3 Bedroom - 930 SF - $1600 Prices are subject to availability. Tenant paid electricity and electric heat. For More Information or to Request an Application reach out to York Housing at 207-363-8444 or email Now Leasing! MOOREHOUSEAPARTMENTSPLACE Moorehouse Place is a workforce housing community located off of Route One in York, Maine, conveniently located, close to York Village and Interstate 95. 2 BEDROOM UNITS STILL AVAILABLE CALL OR EMAIL TO DAY! Private balcony or patio Lounge with kitchenette Fitness Co-opOn-sitePlaygroundOff-streetOutdoorroomterraceparkingLaundryofficespace by reservation Energy efficient workingwillPriorities10.FhousingMoorehouseAmenitiesapartmentsInclude:PropertyInformation:Placeisaworkforce-afforabledevelopmentbuiltunderArticleTen-FTownofYorkZoningOrdinance.SelectionandIncomelimitsapply.Preferencesbegrantedinthefollowingorder:Onehouseholdmemberlives/worksOnehouseholdmemberworksfulltimeinOnehouseholdmemberlivinginYork/fulltimeinasurroundingcommunity Prices are subject to availability. Tenant paid For More Information or to Request an Application reach out to York Housing at 207-363-8444 or email Now Leasing! MOOREHOUSEAPARTMENTSPLACE Moorehouse Place is a workforce housing community located off of Route One in York, Maine, conveniently located, close to York Village and Interstate 95. 2 BEDROOM UNITS STILL AVAILABLE CALL OR EMAIL TO DAY! Private balcony or patio Lounge with kitchenette Fitness On-sitePlaygroundOff-streetOutdoorroomterraceparkingLaundryAmenitiesInclude: 3 Bedrom- 930 SF $1600 Prices are subject to availability. Tenant paid electricity and electric heat. For More Information or to Request an Application reach out to York Housing at 207-363-8444 or email Now Leasing! MOOREHOUSEAPARTMENTSPLACE 2 BEDROOM UNITS STILL AVAILABLE CALL OR EMAIL TO DAY! Private balcony or patio Lounge with kitchenette Fitness Co-opOn-sitePlaygroundOff-streetOutdoorroomterraceparkingLaundryofficespace by reservation Energy efficient working3.York/lives2.fulltime1.willPriorities10.FhousingMoorehouseAmenitiesapartmentsInclude:PropertyInformation:Placeisaworkforce-afforabledevelopmentbuiltunderArticleTen-FTownofYorkZoningOrdinance.SelectionandIncomelimitsapply.Preferencesbegrantedinthefollowingorder:Onehouseholdmemberlives/worksinYorkOnehouseholdmemberworksfulltimeinelsewhereOnehouseholdmemberlivinginYork/fulltimeinasurroundingcommunityRents:1bedroom-670SF$12002Bedroom-810SF$14003Bedrom-930SF$1600 Prices are subject to availability. Tenant paid electricity and electric heat. For More Information or to Request an Application reach out to York Housing at 207-363-8444 or email Now Leasing! MOOREHOUSEAPARTMENTSPLACE Moorehouse Place is a workforce housing community located off of Route One in York, Maine, conveniently located, close to York Village and Interstate 95. 2 BEDROOM UNITS STILL AVAILABLE CALL OR EMAIL TO DAY! Private balcony or patio Lounge with kitchenette Fitness Co-opOn-sitePlaygroundOff-streetOutdoorroomterraceparkingLaundryofficespace by reservation Energy efficient working3.York/lives2.fulltime1.willPriorities10.FhousingMoorehouseAmenitiesapartmentsInclude:PropertyInformation:Placeisaworkforce-afforabledevelopmentbuiltunderArticleTen-FTownofYorkZoningOrdinance.SelectionandIncomelimitsapply.Preferencesbegrantedinthefollowingorder:Onehouseholdmemberlives/worksinYorkOnehouseholdmemberworksfulltimeinelsewhereOnehouseholdmemberlivinginYork/fulltimeinasurroundingcommunityRents:1bedroom-670SF$12002Bedroom-810SF$14003Bedrom-930SF$1600 Prices are subject to availability. Tenant paid electricity and electric heat. Looking to buy, sell, or invest? We’re here to help. Call today! TEAM LYNCH at RE/MAX Realty One Contact Deb Lynch: (207) 361-7712, DEB (207)BROKERLYNCH361-7712 MIKE (603)REALTORTHOMAS553-4468 ADAM(603)REALTORVERCAUTEREN957-0067 439 US Route One, York, ME 03909 | O ce: (207) 363-2497 | Fax: (207) 363-1175 Each O ce Independently Owned & Operated. TEAM LYNCHREALTYAT ONE MELISSA(603)REALTORPERKINS396-2064 LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Centrally located in one of York’s quietest neighborhoods on a loop road with an easy walk to York Village and the schools. This home is just minutes to the beaches, restaurants, shopping, Route 1, and I-95. This 3 BR, 1 BA, split-entry home with a 2-car garage under is in need of a lot of TLC. Close walk to the Harbor Beach, York Village, and the golf course. The portable generator is a plus and means you will never be left without power. Call/text Deb Lynch at 207-361-7712 or email 77 RAYDON YORK,EXTENSION,ROADME03909 REDUCEDPRICE!$350,000 MLS#1540773 OPEN HOUSE: SATURDAY 9/3 • 10AM-12PM

FUNERAL HOME Somersworth, NH We are often asked by the families we serve, here at JS Pelkey & Son and Bernier Funeral Homes, why certain expressions and traditions exist in the funeral service industry. One of the most often asked ques tions is “Why send flowers to a memorial service or funeral, aren’t they just a waste of money?” Well nothing could be further from the truth. As my friend Todd Van Beck recently wrote in an article: Flowers are sent to funerals for several reasons. Flowers are a means of expression. It is often difficult for those mourning a death to put feelings into words. Flowers are a visual expression of love, sym pathy, and respect. They are a way of lending support and sharing the burden of grief. In addition to sending flowers to the funeral, there is a growing trend to send flowers to the home of the bereaved after the service. Some people also send flowers to the church in memory of the deceased. Flowers create a background of warmth and beauty which adds to the dignity and consolation of the service. Those who have attended services where there were no flowers have noted that something was missing – that the funeral was depressing. The funeral meets the bereaved’s need for support. Death throws people into despair and depression by separating them from one who has provided love, companionship, and security. The funeral and customs provide the means by which those close to them can give their support and share their suffering. The funeral period provides for the expres sion of sorrow. Only through talking about the past can the bereaved person realize the extent of the relationship with the de ceased, and accept the loss and suffering. Only through weeping and talking to good listeners can they release their grief and feelings of guilt and hostility. Experts in grief therapy believe that it can be expressed best through rites, rituals, and ceremonies. The ceremony deals primarily with intellec tual concepts and doesn’t fully engage the bereaved’s feelings in the patterns of com munity support which are psychologically beneficial. Flowers, however, express the inexpressible – they are symbolic. There are three points to be stressed, finally, in connection with the tradition of funeral flowers. First, the role of flowers are both symbolic and aesthetic. They add great value to the richness and meaning of the ritual. Second, flowers represent sympathy ex tended to the bereaved. Third, flowers are sent to both the living and the dead. They are sent to the living as comfort and as tokens of respect for the deceased. We, at the JS Pelkey & Son and the Bernier Funeral Homes, hold the value of the work our local florists do in very high regard. We always encourage the families we serve to contact a local florist directly. Certainly there are national floral outlets that can be reached with a simple Google search but, honestly, the quality of these products are often substandard. Simply click the “Send Flowers” tab on our website and you will be directed to our list of trusted florists. Please call us about any questions with which we may help.
James Joseph Halstead, beloved husband of Tamara Dee Halstead, passed away on August 27, 2022. He was born on April 18, 1946 in Des Moines, IA. Jim and Tammy married May 18, 1996 when t hey blended their two families together as one. They lived for many years in North Berwick, most recently in Kittery.Jimwas a proud veteran, serving two tours in Vietnam. During his career he was a member of the International Union of Operating Engineers, working on many projects including Boston’s Big Dig and Seabrook Station. Jim was predeceased by his parents, Quentin and Elizabeth Halstead, and brother Donny Halstead. He is survived by his wife Tammy Halstead; daughters, Jennifer Milburn (Grover) of Shapleigh, and Jessica Nadeau of Woodstock, GA; step-children, Danielle Raitt (Kevin) of Rochester, NH, Tony Raitt (Mistee) of Berwick, and Nicholas Raitt (Nicole) of Lebanon; nine grandchildren, Adrianna, Collin, Alexandria, Benjamin, Jacob, Sara, Aiden, Dominic, and Cole; great-granddaughter Aura; brothers, John Halstead (Rebecca) of Addison, andDavid Halstead of Moody; sisters, Marian Connelly (Mark) of Greenland, NH, and Donna Stobbs (Melvin) of Kittery; along with many loving nieces and nephews.Graveside services were held at the Southern Maine Veterans Cemetery, 83 Stanley Road, Springvale, on September 1. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, Arrangements are entrusted to the Johnson Funeral Home, 26 Market Street, North Berwick, where condolences may be expressed at•••••••••• William F. Sowa, 81 OGUNQUIT – William F. Sowa passed away on Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Bill was born in Decatur, IL, on November 15, 1940, a son of the late Gustav and Hattie (Kayhs) Sowa. Following several years in the United States Marine Corp, he attended the University of Illinois and received a degree in civil engineering. He was married to Judith E. Roeske from February 9, 1965 until her passing in April 2022.Bill worked his entire professional career (1967-2002) for Turner Construction Company, with major projects in Chicago IL, Peoria, IL, Milwaukee, WI, St. Louis, MO, Pittsburg, PA, Boston, MA, and Houston, TX. Since 2004, he had lived an active life in Ogunquit, with many close friends throughout the community and a love of the natural beauty of Maine which he had thoroughly explored with Judy. He served on the Ogunquit Planning Board from 2006-2010. Bill leaves two sons, David Sowa with wife Joanne Sowa, and their children Tucker, Joshua, and Haley Grace, and Mark Sowa with wife Marta Verhoff, and their children Frederick, Ruth Anne, Henry, Therese, and Peter; brother Ronald Sowa M.D. with wife Mary Louise Sowa, and sons, Erik, Kurt, and Karl; sister-in-law Julie Sowa with daughters Dawn, Leslie, Allison, and Sara, and their children.Aservice was held at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 1 at the Lucas & Eaton Funeral Home, 91 Long Sands Road, York, with a period of visitation 10:30-11:30 a.m. prior to the service. Interment was held at the First Parish Cemetery, York. For more information, visit•••••••••• Michael E. Spencer, 65 NORTH BERWICK – Michael “Mike” “PopPop” Spencer passed away suddenly on August 25, 2022.Michael lived in Malden, MA, and later moved to Maine. He was the son of the late William E. Spencer and Marjorie E. Trahant. He worked at Raytheon Co. for over twenty six years and was a consultant at Hydrotex. Sports were a passion for Michael. He loved to play hockey as a boy and continued playing well into adulthood. Michael coached youth hockey for many years in Malden for both his sons’ hockey teams. He loved playing football games with his family on the beach, was an avid fisherman, and enjoyed the game of golf. A true Boston sports fan, he enjoyed watching and cheering on the Bruins and Patriots with his Throughoutfamily. Michael’s life, his most cherished possession was his family with whom he created many memories and traditions.Heis survived by his loving wife of forty four years, Kathleen V. (McGonagle) Spencer; two loving sons, Bryan with wife Jennifer, and their two children Kyle and Emma, and Justin with wife Laura and their two children Morgan and Shane; brothers and sisters, Mary Ellen Noel of Sanford, Christopher with wife Kathryn of Salisbury, MA, Jeanne and Paul Emanuele (Malden) of Dracut, MA, Shawn with wife Catherine of North Berwick, and Charlie with wife Betsy of Wells. Mike was predeceased by his sister Catherine, of Portland. Michael also has many loving brothers-in-law, sisters-inlaw, “outlaws,” nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews, cousins, and a great-aunt-in-law. He also has many friends, especially his true and loving best friend, Michael Taflas and his wife Donna. Our hearts will be forever broken, but we cherish the time we have had with him. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Michael’s name to the James Mark McGonagle II Scholarship Fund, Brookline Bank, 430 High St., Medford, MA 02155. A Funeral Mass was held on Thursday, September 1, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 236 Eldridge Road, Wells.
James Halstead,Joseph76
THANK YOU ST. JUDE: May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day, by the 9th day your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised and done.
WS 24 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 Kittery, ME 125 Old Post Rd., Kittery, ME 207-439-4900 Serving the entire Seacoast and beyond 49 South St., Somersworth, NH Bernier-Gelinas
BARB ~ Obituaries ~
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The Bergeron Agency 118 York St, York, ME (207) davenr2@bergeronagency.com363-8902 tivities, including four years as class vice-president, a member of Interact Club and Sober Friends, Boys Soccer & Hockey, and Future Business Leaders of America, where he earned a second-place win in the SIFMA Foundation’s “The Stock Market Game” for Maine students. Out side of school, Bryce participated in Boy Scouts, achieving Eagle Scout status his junior year, volun teered regularly at Table of Plenty soup kitchen in Berwick, and at the YCSA Thrift Shop in York, and managed three hours of flight lessons each week during senior year. He currently boasts 21 flight hours toward his private pilot’s license. Bryce’s choice of college program, and ultimate career goal, is to become a commercial pilot. He will attend Gallatin College of Aviation at Montana State University, where he will also pursue a minor in Finance and Aviation Management. Time will tell where paths – or flight plans – may lead these eager, forward thinking and hard-working students. In the meantime, York Hospital wishes them both clear skies and smooth sailing.About the Carroll Family & Michael C. Rossiter Scholar ship: This $3,000 scholarship is awarded annually to high school seniors planning to enter an in stitution of higher learning and who are currently residing in one of York Hospital’s service areas: Kittery, Eliot, The Berwicks, Kennebunk, Lebanon, Sanford, Wells, Moody, Ogunquit, and York. All applicants must be active York Hospital volunteers and have provided a minimum of 50 hours of volunteer service. Recipients must explain how volunteering at York Hospital has made a difference in their lives and what they have learned through the experience. For more information contact Director of Volunteer & Student Experiences Kate Ford at and 207-351-2224, or visit
The Weekly Sentinel 25September 2, 2022 WSFINANCE & CAREER New & Improved Coverage at Discounted Rates! Auto - Home - Life - LTC - Business Peter French, LUTCF Apply our 60 years of combined insurance experience to a comprehensive review of your personal or commercial insurance program! 716 Main Street, P.O. Box 1336, Ogunquit, Maine 03907 O ce: 207.646.7118 / / Fax: 207.646.8249 Jim Mulligan, AAI, CIC THE INSURANCECHAMPOUXGROUP PEOPLES INSURANCE DELIVERING ON THE PROMISE Clients M & M Vienneau said we are “…very thorough!” Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215. Life insurance is issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company or Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio. Nationwide, Nationwide Is On Your Side, and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. ©2018 Nationwide CPC-0435AO (09/17) 8597905 Supporting small businesses in York for 20 years. NATIONWIDE IS #1 IN SMALL BUSINESS INSURANCE The Bergeron Agency is proud to have been helping protect small businesses since 1986. We know how important it is to find insurance for your small business. That’s why from assessing risks to finding the coverage that suits your business needs, we work with you every step of the way to protect what you’ve built.
BUSINESS | LIFE | AUTO Rachel Davenport
YORKSylvester and Ruth Car roll believed in rewarding students who demonstrate strength of character, a strong will and sense of commit ment. Each year York Hospital awards the Carroll Family and Michael C. Rossiter Scholar ship to student volunteers who exhibit these traits in their daily interactions. The York Hospi tal Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce Jillian Carr and Bryce Gamache, both members of the York High School Class of 2022, as this year’s scholarship recipients. Jillian (Jill) Carr has been volunteering with the Commu nity Relations team since 2019. Her can-do attitude ensured the hospital’s “Guest Service Guides for Patients, Families and Visitors” were assembled quickly and accurately, and al lowed the Med-Surg team to de liver them promptly to new in patients. When hospitalizations surged during the pandemic, the team appreciated Jill’s help even more. When volunteers were advised to remain safe at home, Jill continued to work on projects remotely. In addition to her York Hospital activities, Jill par ticipated in band, varsity ice hockey and softball, Rotary Inter act Club, and the Seacoast Spar tans Hockey Club all four years of high school. She also maintained an uninterrupted tenure on the honor roll, with memberships in both the National Honor socie ty and Spanish Honor Society. Her volunteer work in the com munity included activities with senior residents of Sentry Hill at York Harbor, and assisting at Village Elementary School and the York Public Library. During her summer job as lead sailing instructor at Agamenticus Yacht Club, Jill created daily lesson plans, mentored young sailors, and even performed some handson repairs.“Wedidn’t have a budget for new boats, so we created a plan to patch and resurface existing boats using fiberglass. By the end of summer, a good portion of our boats were fixed, which gave me a boost of creativity and confi dence, and the ability to teach others this skill as well,” Jill says. This fall, Jill leaves York for Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT, where she will major in biomedical engineer ing. With a penchant for prob lem solving, design and STEM experience, Jill’s career goal is to be involved in “creating new devices and using technology to make people’s lives easier.” Bryce Gamache has held various volunteer positions at York Hospital. In his first assign ment, he assisted the orderlies in the Surgery Center. When COVID arrived, Bryce helped at the hospital’s multiple communi ty testing and vaccination sites whenever possible. This past year, he was an integral member of the volunteer team, delivering food to inpatients.“Ihave enjoyed delivering food trays to patients the most, as it allowed me to encounter many types of people, some talkative, some not. Everyone deals with being hospitalized a bit differ ently,” said Bryce. The Dietary Team appreciated Bryce’s “dil igence, punctuality, flexibility and willingness to help,” believ ing his work ethic will be key to his success.Bryce also kept busy with both school and community ac ANSWERS
Left to right: Katy and Jason Carr with daughter Jillian Carr, York Hospital president and CEO Dr. Patrick Taylor, and Bryce Gamache with parents Brenda and Jules Gamache, MD.
York Hospital Announces Scholarships

WS 26 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ Home & Business Services ~ LEFEBVRE’S REMODELING G Need projectyourdone? No project too small. Make your house a home again! Garages, Additions, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Decks, Interior Trim, Basements, Drywall, Painting... Ask for Glen 603•534•0643 Remodeling & Repair • Interior/Exterior Painting • Carpentry Yard Work • Power Washing • Wallpapering & Stenciling Handyman Jack, etc. LLCby Jack and Diane Professional, experienced, fully insured • FREE estimates 207-363-5793 Member of the York Chamber of Commerce Dave The Door Man Installations & Repairs Interior & Exterior Storm, Shower, Basement Wood, Steel, Fiberglass Weather Stripping Lock Replacements Call Dave Lomasney 207-475-8928 DRAKE’S ISLAND CONSTRUCTIONHandymanServicesAvailable Homes • Additions • Remodeling • Garages • Decks Roofs • Painting (Interior & Exterior) • Siding Replacement Windows • Kitchen & Baths Free Estimates - Fully Insured - References - Over 30 Years in Business Email Lance Tufts Phone 207-646-3369 Phone/Fax 207-985-9165 No job too small 207.883.6003 ww 24 HOUR EMERGENC Y SERVICE AVAILABLE Maintenance & Remodeling Kitchen & Baths ~ 25 Years Experience ~ CASON CARPENTRY “NO JOB TOO SMALL” Licensed & Insured Kitchen, Basement & Bath Remodeling ~ Decks Replacement Windows ~ General Carpentry & Repair Dan Cason Cell: (207) 651-8580 Tel/Fax: (207) 676-9840 Email: KENCARP Have an idea for your home? Make it a reality. Interior Trim • Additions & Remodels Custom Built-ins • Windows & Doors EPA RRP Certified, Licensed & Insured 603.674.4213 STEVE’S CARPENTRY Home stevescarpentry2@aol.comExpertremodelingimprovements&repairsfinishcarpenterNojobtoosmall207-361-4019 HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT ROOFING & GUTTERS Fully Insured Bryan Bedard ROOF SHOVELING • ASPHALT SHINGLES RUBBER ROOFING • WOODEN SHAKES • GUTTERS Accepting All Major Credit Cards Free Estimates Commercial & Residential 207-229-8108 Serving Our Community Since 1999 207-459-0869 ROOFING: ASPHALT & METAL SIDING: VINYL & WOOD GUTTERS: SEAMLESS & GUARDS REPAIRS FOR ROOFING, SIDING & GUTTERS Senior & Veteran Discounts Fully Insured HOME SERVICES LLC Ruck ResidentialRoofing&CommercialAsphalt•Rubber Serving the Seacoast one job at a time! Visit CallEmailwww.ruckroofing.combilly@ruckroofing.comBill@207-710-8574 Free Estimates ~ Fully Insured ~ Workman’s Comp Quality Materials Superior Workmanship Brooks207-252-2016Roofing ShovelingRoof/Removal!Snow Free Estimates Residential / Commercial Asphalt Shingles Metal Roofing Single Ply Rubber Fully Insured Serving York County J.R. Carpentr y Fully Free Insured Estimates Jim & Jesse Rutherford A father/son team with 40+ years of experience and a reputation for quality service! 207-363-6591 - Residential/Commercial - 65’ Bucket Truck - 72’ Turf Friendly All Terrain Li - 115’ Crane - 30 Years Experience of Tree & Shrub Installation - Specializing in Technical/Hazardous Pruning & Removals - Licensed & Experienced Arborist - Free Estimates & Fully DBTREE@YAHOO.COMInsured TREE FORESTRYSTUMPREMOVALGRINDINGMULCHING H3LANDWORKS@YAHOO.COM603-834-3726 FREE ESTIMATES • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • FULLY INSURED LAND CLEARING YARD EXPANSIONS LAWN INSTALLATION & RENOVATIONS TREE SERVICES FULLY LICENSED & INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 207-460-5536 TREE REMOVAL - STUMP GRINDING - LOT CLEARINGRickers Mulch & Storage Mulch / Loam / Gravel OutdoorFirewoodstorage Pick-Up or Delivery•Route4,Berwick MULCH / LOAM

The Weekly Sentinel 27September 2, 2022 WS~ Home & Business Services ~ EXCAVATION & LOGGING RENTALS!!! Excavators and Large Frame Skid DeliveryDaily-Weekly-MonthlySteersRatesAvailable Call 207-384-2001 540 Portland Street, Berwick, ME 03901 LIBBY & 207-289-4551SON Lot Clearing Excavation Work Loam & Gravel Foundation Digging Driveways Installed Rock Walls Lawn Insulation Walkways Brush Removed Trench Work Hire Local Servicing Areas: The Yorks, The Berwicks, Eliot, Kittery, Ogunquit, Wells Fully Insured • Fair Rates • Free Estimates • ReferencesHIRELOCAL HARDSCAPE: • Patios • Walkways • Driveways • Pools • Retaining Walls • Stone Work/Veneer • Mulching • Lawn Installation • Landscape Design/Install EXCAVATION: • Roadways/Driveways • Trenching • Site Work/Earthworks • Septic Systems • Land BrushClearing/Clearing • Drainage Solutions ZACH AT 207-752-0031 OR FASKIANOSHARDSCAPE@GMAIL.COM Competitive Pricing. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Contact us today to start your project! PAVING & DRIVEWAYS Sealcoating & Driveway Repair Commercial & Residential Free Estimates ~ Since 1979 207-967-1393 seal - pro Bryan & Richard Fully Insured | Free Estimates Commercial Residential Asphalt Paving & Sealcoating Hot Rubber Crack Filling & Patchwork 207.423.0079 • Complete Paving Services Belgium Bricks • Asphalt Driveways • Concrete Patios • Paver Brick Drives • Walkways Serving Southern Maine for over 30 years! FREE Estimates • Fully Insured Most Major Credit Cards Accepted *Call for Details 207-985-0164 Kennebunk 1-800-360-3178 A DIVISION OF BARGAIN FUELS M. Searles Paving & Sealcoating ParkingDrivewaysRoadwaysLots Call for a Free 1-800-624-7012Estimate: Arundel, Maine Professional,Swept,207-985-3477Lined,Repaired,FullyInsured,GuaranteedNoMess FIRE SAFETY MEANS PEACE OF MIND CHIMNEY SERVICES ASPHALT MAINTENANCE SEALCOATING • PATCHING • CRACK REPAIR Free Estimates 1-877-961-8733 Wells, ME PAVING & DRIVEWAYS “Let us make your residential and commercial needs a reality. Covering a wide variety of services in the industry, and derived from an engineering and construction background!” Site Excavation foundations, septics, roadways, driveways, trenching, stump removal, etc. Landscape Construction lawn installation, retaining walls, paver driveways, patios, walkways, etc. Property Maintenance snow plowing, drainage issues, ground-heaving issues, landscaping, etc. Competitive pricing. Free estimates. Fully insured. Contact us today to get started! 207-475-7313CameronRoll,OwnerRollExcavation,LLCYork,ME PAINTING KEY PAINTING • fully insured • • free estimates • • over 30 years experience • 207-324-8362 House Painting interior - exterior professional - insured Bob Roux Phone: 207-985-4080 Cell: 207-251-8995 Email: HARLEY’S PAINTING Professional Painters Interior & Exterior 30+ Years Experience Licensed & Fully Insured Competitive Rates Commercial & Residential ( 781 ) 983-7301 STARFIVE Ratings PMGNaintPro, LLC Specializing in Quality interior/exterior painting Located in Wells, ME and Fully Insured Call (978) 551-7007 for a Free Estimate MGNpaintpro@gmail.comMGNPaintPro.comMold & Mildew Removal Power Washing Interior & Exterior Commercial & Residential 207.439.5318 John Kardulas Serving the Seacoast for Many Years INT/EXT HOUSE PAINTING R. B. Ellis CALL 603-501-0175 35 YEARSFULLYEXPERIENCEINSURED THETODDPAINTER Careful Work / Fully Insured Serving The Seacoast Call Todd For A Free Estimate (207) 475-4376 Eastern States Paving Driveways Parking Lots Paving Sealcoating Resurfacing New Construction Free Estimates Discounts (207)York,363-7199Maine Serving Southern ME & NH Since 1990

WS 28 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ Home & Business Services ~ 15 Yard Dumpster up to 4000 lbs. $525 20 Yard Dumpster up to 5000 lbs. $650 Servicing Southern Maine (207) 324-8118 Email: WASTE REMOVAL SMALL ENGINE REPAIR ELIOT SMALL ENGINE REPAIR, INC. New Toro Lawn Mowers We Service All Brands Pickup & Delivery Available RTE 236, ELIOT, 207-439-4015MAINE R.P. PLUMBING Ryan Porell New SeasonalServiceRemodelingConstruction&RepairsTurn-Offs Insured Master Plumber (207) 730-1966 PLUMBING & HEATING PLUMBING & HEATING EST. 1959 C a l l 20 7-985-2 13 0 Plumbing • Heating Air InstallationConditioning•Service 119 York St., Rte. 1, Kennebunk, ME • Your One Stop Welding Shop! Heavy Equipment, Structural Steel & Everything in Between Repairs, Custom Builds & More “We have the skills and experience to get the job done right!” Just off Route 4 in North Berwick Serving All Surrounding Areas Call/text Owner Chris at 207-360-9547 or WELDING contact@marinacleaning.com207.337.3315 Residential • Commercial • Janitorial CLEANING MAJIK SERVICESCLEANING&RENTALMANAGEMENT 24 / 7 / 365 Residential, Commercial, AirBnb, Vrbo, Condo Assocs. & More! Insured / Bonded / OSHA10 207-289-5688 Facebook & Instagram Located on Route 1 (1638 Post Road) in Wells We detail vehicles, boats, motorcycles, and more; from a simple detail to a full customized! VEHICLE DETAILING Small Engine Repair Snowblowers, Chain Saws, RedMax Power Equipment, Lawn Mowers, All Lawn & Garden Equipment Cape Neddick, ME 207-361-1139 STANDARDSWOMAN-OWNEDLOCAL-OWNEDYOURMAMAWOULDBEPROUDOF Fully Insured, Free Estimates, Commercial & Residential, Senior & Single Parent Discount 207-200-3312 WWW.MAMASMOVINGCOMPANY.COM MOVING SERVICES ALL DRY SERVICES OF SOUTHERN MAINE EMERGENCY WATER DAMAGE SERVICES MOLDSEWAGEREMEDIATIONCLEANUPODORREMOVAL WEBSITE: EMAIL: CALL (207) 607-5952 | OPEN 24/7 Fully insured contractor serving residential and commercial customers throughout Southern Maine WATER & MOLD RESTORATION CLEANING & ORGANIZATION Enjoy a clean home after a quality cleaning done by Home Sweet Home. Looking to organize a space in your home? We have you covered! Call (207) 620-2440 to You can also reach us at FurnitureQUALITYRepairs CALL: Brian Bourque Chinchillas Antiques Kittery Point, ME 207-240-6348207-703-2567 Over 35 Years Experience Free Honest Estimates FURNITURE REPAIR COMPUTER SERVICES Computer Services & Repair Virus Removal, Repairs, Upgrades, Networking & New Systems in Home or Office Call or email Jeannine at 207-251-2235 • Snow Plowing & Removal, Salting • Pruning • Flower Bed Cleaning & Design We are a year round, full service property maintenance company! Serving both residential and commercial properties. We get it done right the first time! PEART & SON LAWNCARE 207-432-6913 / • Aeration & Overseeding • Hydroseeding • Tree, Shrub, Sod Installation • Lawn Mowing, Edging, Trimming • Spring & Fall Clean Ups LAWN CARE

Send copies to: Stephen C. Brown. ESQ Brown Law PLLC, 21 S Main St., Rochester, NH 03867 BY ORDER OF THE COURT
The Weekly Sentinel 29September 2, 2022 WS~ Classifeds ~ ITEMS WANTED WANTED: VINTAGE CLOTHING! Downsizing? Need help with a cleanout? Just have a bunch of OLD clothes? We buy men’s and women’s vintage clothing from 1900-1990! We pay cash. Condition does not matter –we launder and repair! Call today for a consultation: 207-245-8700 WANTED TO BUY Antiques * Silver * Gold * Coins CHRIS LORD ANTIQUES One Item or Entire Estate. Cash paid for all antiques. Antique jewelry, coins, silver, gold, paintings, clocks, lamps, telephones, radios, phonographs, nau tical items, weathervanes, dolls & toys, pottery, photography, military items, swords, advertising signs, fountain pens, bottles, tools, books & much much more! Buying antiques for over 20 years. Barn and Attic Clean-Out Also. (207) 233-5814 • ME & NH YARD SALES 2ND ANNUAL TWISTED SISTERS CRAFT FAIR! Sat 9/17 & Sun 9/18, 9am-3pm 11 Elmwood Dr, Berwick (off Cranberry Meadow Rd) Quilting, Knitting, Crochet, Sewing, Holiday Decorations, Woodworking – All Handmade! YARD SALE CONTENTS OF COTTAGE Sunday, Sept. 4 • 9am - 2pm 12 Clifford Lane, Moody Point, Wells • Parking on Hillside Street (Rain date: Sept. 5, same time) MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Sat. 9/3 & Sun. 9/4 • 8:30-2:00 Corner of Roaring Rock Rd. and Wavecrest Dr., York Harbor Something for Everyone! CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK KEY AUTO GROUP SELLS THOUSANDS OF VEHICLES A MONTH LATE MODEL VEHICLES NEEDED NOW PAID OFF OR NOT – INSTANT MONEY ON THE SPOT All Makes & Models DON’T GET RIPPED OFF – CONTACT ME LAST: MARIE FORBES AT 207-363-2483 or email • Key Auto Group, 422 Route 1, York AUTOS WANTED Call Dan: (207) 251-2221 or Email: TOP $$$ CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU TRADE WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS, TRUCKS, SUV’S. PAYING CASH! PAYOFFS NO PROBLEM! STUMP GRINDING GOT STUMPS? LET US GRIND THEM! Free Estimates / Fully Insured Dragonfly Property Services dragonflyproperty2021@gmail.comLLC 207-749-8798 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE PETITION FOR A PARDON STATE OF MAINE Augusta, October 20, 2022 Notice is hereby given that a Petition for a Pardon for Jeffrey Rivard (Fournier) who was convicted of the crime(s): Aggravated Criminal Trespass CR03-00250(C); Violating Protection Orders 03694 & 03255; Obstruction Government Administration CR2001-02715; Assault on an Officer(C) JV200000816, is now pending before the Governor and a hearing will be conducted on Thursday, October 20, 2022, at 9:00 o’clock A.M. Please visit the following link for hearing details: gov/corrections/adult-community-https://www.maine.corrections/pardon-board YARD CARE EAGLE LAWN SERVICE Aerating, Dethatching, Spring Clean Ups, Lawn Repair & Seeding, Mowing, Trimming, Blowing, Moss Control & Removal. Call 207-351-2887. MUSIC LESSONS TUNETOWN HAS THE BEST OF BOTH! Now offering private in-person AND virtual lessons on all instruments. Call today to schedule www.tunetownmusicgear.comyours!207-641-8863 LEGAL NOTICES THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH SUPERIOR COURT Strafford Superior Court Telephone: 1-855-212-1234 259 County Farm Road, Suite 301 TTY/TDD Relay: (800) 735-2964 Dover, NH 03820 CITATION BY PUBLICATION Superior Court Rule 4(d) Case Name: Michele Owens v Ada Tanguay Case Number: 219-2022-CV-00131
Michele Owens shall electronically file the Return of Publication with this Court. Failure to do so may result in this action being dismissed without further notice.
The Wells Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing regarding the following proposal(s) during the Planning Board meeting on Monday, September 12, 2022, which begins at 7:00 P.M. and will be held at the Wells Town Hall.
To participate in the Public Hearing, the following options are available: Send in a letter to the Town Hall – Attn: Planner; 11 Sullivan Street Berwick, Maine 03901; or email with a letter or to receive information on how to participate via phone or video via Zoom; or if attending in person, please email Supporting documentation is available at the Town Hall from the Community Development and Planning Department. Please contact them with any questions at or 207-698-1101 ext. 124.
Notice to Ada Tanguay: If you are working with an attorney, they will guide you on the next steps. If you are going to represent yourself in this action, go to the court’s website:, select the Electronic Services icon and then select the option for a self-represented party. Complete the registration/log in process then select “I am filing into an existing case”. Enter the case number above and click Next. Follow the instructions to complete your filing. Once you have responded to the Complaint, you can access documents electronically filed through our Case Access Portal by going to and following the instructions in the User Guide. In that process you will register, validate your email, request access and approval to view your case. After your information is validated by the court, you will be able to view case information and documents filed in your case. If you do not comply with these requirements, you will be considered in default and the Court may issue orders that affect you without your input.
The Court ORDERS: Michele Owens shall give notice to Ada Tanguay of this action by publishing a verified copy of this Citation for Publication once a week for three successive weeks in the The Weekly Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation. The last publication shall be on or before September 23, 2022. Also, ON OR BEFORE 30 days after the last Octoberpublication14,2022 Ada Tanguay shall electronically file an Appearance and Answer or other responsive pleading with this Court. A copy of the Appearance and Answer or other responsive pleading must be sent electronically to the party/parties listed below.
The above entitled action is now pending in this Court. The original pleading is on file and may be examined by interested parties. The Court has issued an Order for Service by Publication on defendant(s) Ada Tanguay.
Date: ursday, Sept. 15, 2022 Date: ursday, Sept. 15, 2022 Time: 5:00pm Time: 6:30pm Location: 420 Portland Street Location: Burgess Meeting Room in Berwick of Town Hall
I. STORAGE DEPOT - Grahaneli Realty, LLC, owner/applicant. Attar Engineering Inc, agent. Site Plan Application to construct four 7,200 SF Self-Storage Facility one-story buildings (28,800 SF total) and maintain the existing building uses which include Business Contractor/ Wholesale/ Manufacturing/ Warehousing. The parcel area to be 5.6 acres. The property is located off Willie Hill Road and is within the Light Industrial District. Tax Map 41, Lots 11-1A, 11-1B and 11-2 to become Lot 11-1B.
PAINTING MIKE THE PAINTER Michael Loranger / Owner 40+ Years of Experience Interior & 207-432-7761Exterior ITEMS FOR SALE 35’ DUFFY LOBSTERCHARTERFIBERGLASSFISHING&TOURVESSEL:CoastGuardInspected for 12 passengers and 2 crew to 25 miles offshore. 150 H.P. John Deere diesel, in very good condition. Call or text Captain Satch at 207-475-4676. 2 TWIN BEDS FOR SALE $600 for both, barely used. Each includes bed, box spring, mattress, 2 sheet sets, bed spread and shams. MUST SELL QUICKLY. Willing to sell each “set” for $300 each. Call: 732-742-4194 or 207-251-4738 TRUCK BODIES FOR SALE for storage or 603-937-1016shelter FURNITURE FOR SALE Brown double-sided recliner sofa in excellent condition for $250; Maple double bed for $35. Call Steve at 413-519-3317 in Wells. Is YOUR BUSINESS Ready for Adve rtise in The Weekly Sentinel York County’s Largest Mailed Newspaper (207) 646-8448 To plac e your ADVERTISEMENT in THE WEEKLY SENTINEL Call or email us a t (207) 646-844 8 ads@
August 9, 2022 Kimberly T. Myers Clerk of Court Town of Berwick - Public Notice e Berwick Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing and Site Walk on an application for a Site Plan Expansion and Conditional Uses requested by 420 Portland Street, LLC. e applicant requests approval to utilize 420 Portland Street (R071, Lot 10) for an Adult Use Storefront, Adult Use Cultivation and / or Manufacturing Facility, Cannabis Caregiver Retail Store / Dispensary, and Medical Cannabis Cultivation and / or Manufacturing Facility; with the addition of 6,050 square feet building expansion. is location is in the Rural Commercial Industrial Zoning District. Site Walk Public Hearing

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kitchen staff starting
preference needs considered. Lenses are
WINTER RENTAL: WELLS BEACH: Fully furnished, 2 BR, 1 BA home available October 15 - April 30, 2023. New kitchen with dishwasher, stainless steel appliances. Quiet street and parking. $2200/month includes ALL utilities. First, last, security due at signing. NO PETS - NO EXCEPTIONS. 207-351-6797 NOW HIRING DRIVERS Qualified applicants only please. Details: YORKTRANSPORTATIONCO.COM SALES & STYLIST
Optical Boutique is seeking motivated people to begin a career in the optical field. We are willing to provide the
WS 30 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 ~ Classifieds ~ HELP WANTED Full and part time positions available immediately with flexible shifts: BARTENDER, 2ND SHIFT UTILITY/MAINTENANCE, FRONT DESK, POOL ATTENDANTS, HOUSEKEEPERS Come join our seasoned staff! OPEN YEAR-ROUND. Apply by phone, email, or in person: 207-646-9384 • • 125 Shore Rd, Ogunquit Care Givers (CNA or PSS) Full-Time, Part-Time Medication Care Manager (CRMA) Full-Time Housekeeper Full-Time Servers / Dishwasher Full-Time & Part-Time (Age 16+) Cook Full-Time, Part-Time Maintenance Coordinator Full-Time Maintenance Assistant Full-Time toSunrise-Careers.comVisitviewopenpositions Scan ApplyCodeQRToToday! Huntington Common, 1 Huntington Common Dr, Kennebunk, ME 04043 Sunrise Senior Living Huntington Common in Kennebunk is Hiring! Apply Online Today! Come join the team and work with us! DailyPay!OfferingNow Signing$1000Bonus! MAINTENANCE “JACK OF ALL TRADES” full time, year round, exible schedule required MASSAGE THERAPIST make your own schedule! GRILL & SAUTEE COOK 5 days a week, 35-40 hours, weekends required with nights ending by 9pm ~ sign-on and end-of-season bonus ~ vacation and personal days o , health and dental insurance, retirement please email if interested e Beachmere Inn, 62 Beachmere Place, Ogunquit • Now accepting applications for FRONT HOUSEKEEPERSATTENDANTSDESK& Full & part time. Bene ts available for full time employees. Competitive pay. Apply in person to: Misty Harbor Resort, 60 Mile Rd, Wells HELP WANTED FIREWOOD SEASONED FIREWOOD Cut, Split & Delivered Call Eric 207-467-0621Hobson GREEN FIREWOOD Cut, Split & Delivered Clean & Guaranteed Full Cord North 207-409-6567Berwick SEASONED FIREWOOD $300 / 603-817-0808Cord DRY FIREWOOD Cape 207-361-1139Neddick HELP WANTED VENDORS WANTED Outdoor Marketplace Plus 10’x10’ space for $25. BYO table or rent one for $10. Saturday, September 17 Union Congregational Church 18 Church Street, York Beach Adding seller space to our SOUPTEMBER event! Sell your old, new, vintage items, crafts, products, etc. FMI 207-363-4821 souptember18@hotmail.comor IT’S A DOG’S WORLD dog daycare program is looking for help for our family-like team. We have strong COVID-19 protocols and offer fl exible weekday part-time hours. Must be comfortable in groups of dogs inside and out. To learn more, call Renee 207-363-0099 or email Administrative Assistant = KITTERY MUSEUM = Year-round, part-time, casual office environment. Flexible schedule. For details and to apply, www.kitterymuseum.comsee ON-SITE SUPER / HANDYMAN NEEDED in York duplex at reduced rent. Ground floor unit, 2 BRs, 1 BA, plus yard. Walk to beach. Near everything! Call 607-323-3011. HELP WANTED The Weekly Sentinel (877) www.TheWeeklySentinel.com646-8448 85 Shore Rd, Ogunquit, ME 03907 Hiring for the season thru mid-Nov. Seasonal full-time HOUSEKEEPERS Must be available to work weekends. Pay is competitive and bonus o ered for successful completion of season. If interested, call Carol at 207-646-5562 (9-2 Mon-Fri) or send an email to GUNSMITHING GUNSMITHING SERVICES Expert cleaning and repairs, stock alterations, recoil pads. Over 50 years experience. Very reasonable rates. 207-450-8957 207.384.4008 96 Portland St, South Berwick, www.century21barbarapatterson.comME SOUTH BERWICK 1 BR RENTAL Coming for October 1 $1400 / Month RENTALS VEHICLE STORAGE Off Route 1 in Wells October through May Call Nate 207-337-5868 TWO STORY TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT IN YORK - Heat & water included, 2 beds, 1.5 baths, built in 2021. Features granite countertops, hardwood floors, and carpeted bedrooms. 750 sq.ft. No pets or smoking. $2,500/month. Call 603-566-5095 for details.
YEAR ROUND HOUSE / ROOM RENTALS At 41 Brown Lane, Wells 207-251-1018 ACCOUNTING RAYMOND C. SNELL, CPA SOUTH BERWICK Income Tax Prep-Individual Business-Corp-NonProfit C 781-956-2713 H Kakemo1@myfairpoint.net207-384-5425
to pay for
the materials and examination fees to become a certified Optician. This is a solo doctor practice located in beautiful York. Care is centered on patient needs starting with high quality lenses
needed On job training Competitive wages Flexible hours Fun environment 18 Elm

Chamber of Commerce Welcomes
Gorham Bike & Ski
Left to right: Wells Chamber President Eleanor Vadenais, Wells Police Captain Kevin Chabot, Wells Chamber Board Member Dan Bowden of Pilots Cove Café and The Runaway, Nathan Upton, John Foster, Jamie Wright, Owen Wright and Kory White of Gorham Bike and Ski, Deb Burrows of Kennebunk Savings, and Wells Chamber Board Member Adam Hedio of Coldwell Banker Realty, Kennebunk.
Batson River Fish Camp Joins Chamber Visit our Web Site:
WELLSThe Wells Chamber of Commerce welcomed new busi ness Batson River Fish Camp at a ribbon cutting ceremony recently. Located at 73 Mile Road in Wells, Batson River Fish Camp offers craft spirits and beers brewed on site, along with a full food menu and takeout offerings. For details, call 207-360-7255 or visit
The Weekly Sentinel 31September 2, 2022 WS ~ Puzzles ~ ANSWERS TO THIS WEEK’S PUZZLES ARE ON PAGE 25 CLUES ACROSS 1. Taxi 4. Cattle disease (abbr.) 7. Before the present 8. They burn in a grill 10. Enough (archaic) 12. “A Doll’s House” 13.playwrightLongloop of cloth worn around the waist 14. Napoleonic Wars battle 16. Chinese surname 17. Fragrant essential oil 19. Follows sigma 20. Model 21. A place with many dining 25.optionsBBQ dish 26. Corn comes on it 27. A sheep in its second year 29. Triad 30. They __ 31. Actor DiCaprio 32. TV’s “Edith Bunker” 39. Sustenance 41. Man who behaves 42.dishonorablyCausealoud, harsh sound 43. A way to take in liquids 44. Gene type 45. The Miami mascot is one 46. Excessive fluid accumulation in tissues 48. Casino machine 49. Contains cerium 50. Something with a letter-like 51.shapeHandwoven Scandinavian 52.rug Legendary actress Ruby CLUES DOWN 1. Conqueror 2. Kin relation 3. Increases the value of 4. Pack 5. Popular nut 6. Dogs’ enemies 8. Former OSS 9. Unpleasant person 11. Come again? 14. Beverage container 15. Rock formation 18. Dorm official 19. The bill in a restaurant 20. Type of jug 22. Importance requiring swift 24.23.actionOutfitSmall Eurasian deer 27. Weight used in China 28. A major division of geological time 29. Popular beverage 31. Confined condition (abbr.) 32. Practical joking 33. Pouchlike structure 34. Pound 35. Lilly and Manning are two 36. Stopped discussing 37. Baltimore ballplayer 38. Candymaker 39. One thousandth of a second 40.(abbr.)Northern sea duck 44. Partner to cheese 47. Cannot be found People & Business Profiles Dr. Craft Joins Wells Dog & Cat Hospital WELLSThe Wells Chamber of Commerce recently welcomed Gorham Bike and Ski to the Wells area at a ribbon-cutting ceremo ny. Located at 2128 Post Road (Route 1), Gorham Bike and Ski offers road bike and ski rentals sales and Proprietorservice. Jamie Wright started the business in downtown Gorham in 1995, and moved to Portland in 1997. Bike specialties include road bike rentals and
WELLSThe Wells Dog and Cat Hospital has announced the fulltime addition of Dr. Nicole Craft to the practice. This milestone is a major move for the hospital to continue its mission of treating each patient as a member of the family.Dr. Craft joins Dr. Christo pher Sevigny as a husband and wife team! They met on the island of St. Kitts while attending Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2006, and became fast friends. After graduation, they continued to maintain communications, which grew into cross-country visits from Maine to Louisiana. In 2011, Sevigny moved to Louisiana to be with Craft, and practiced in Crowley for 8 years, while Craft was a traveling veterinarian for another company. They married in 2017. In 2018, Sevigny accept ed an offer to work at Wells Dog and Cat Hospital beginning in January of 2019, coming back to where he had worked as a tech nician almost 20 years earlier. It was then known as the Wells Veterinary Hospital. Craft and their children followed in June, after school finished for their sales, electric assist bikes, hybrids, city bikes, kid’s bikes and bike repair. Ski specialities include ski repairs, waxing and sharpening, as well as ski sales. For more in formation, call 207-604-1136 or go to children. Craft immediately started working for Northeast Veterinary Partners, traveling to different hospitals around New England.The practice is located at 418 Sanford Road, Wells. Learn more at www.wellsdogandcat. com or 207-646-8323.

YORK BEACH - Situated at the end of Long Sands Beach, this year-round unit is sure to please. Enjoy stunning views of The Nubble Lighthouse and Boone Island from the deck, couch, or as you wake up in the primary BR. Both BRs feature ensuite BAs and the primary has sliders that open to the front deck. The kitchen, dining, and LR areas are open to make the best of the views. W/D hook-ups and ample storage provided via closets. This unit is on the first floor and the building is equipped with a ramp to ensure accessibility for all. $599,500 REDUCED
YORK BEACH - READY FOR OCCUPANCY! Three levels of brand-new construction await at the heart of Short Sands Beach! This is a rare opportunity to own a new home just minutes from all the fun. Built in 2021-22, this home boasts an impressive floor plan that has room for all. First level features a 2-car garage, bonus room, and 1/2 bath, with sliding doors to the backyard. The second level greets you with a large living room, dining area, kitchen, balcony, 1/2 bath, and primary bedroom with full bath. Up to the third level, you will find 2 more bedrooms, an office, another full bath, large bonus room, and laundry room. Great backyard for all those BBQs and get togethers.
Are you looking for first-floor living, but with additional space for family and guests? Here it is… the Garnet Premier, bungalow-style home offers 3 BRs, 2.5 BAs, open concept first floor with primary with ensuite, upscale kitchen with island, granite countertops and SS appliances, fireplace in living room, laundry, FHA gas heat and central air, and attached 2-car garage. Enjoy the tranquility from your back deck or the 4-season room. The second floor offers two of the bedrooms, the full bath, and a large, finished bonus room. The large basement provides for plenty of storage space. Offered at $1,150,000 Currently taking reservations for home packages or individual lots. Located near the Ogunquit line, some lots offer glimpses of the Atlantic and views of the mountain.
Are you looking for the ease of first-floor living? The Raspberry Crisp offers 3 BRs, including a primary with ensuite, an additional full BA, and an open concept kitchen, dining, and living area. The upscale kitchen offers a large center island, granite countertops, and SS appliances. The living room with fireplace provides a cozy gathering place for friends and family. Enjoy the views from your back deck, front porch, or from your sunroom. The home has FHA gas heat and central air, an attached 2-car garage, and a full basement which is ready to finish and offers plenty of storage space. Offered at $1,095,000
Introducing The Ledges At Gulf Hill
WS 32 The Weekly Sentinel September 2, 2022 Jeffrey Jellison | Laura Daly | Terry Pirini | Brent Mohr | Bob Pape | Ray Pape | Jason Clark | Jeremy Mirick | Arthur Kyricos | Jack Hathaway | Ann DiMascio | Ken Moulison | Tracy Gervais | Beth Dorr Cottageinfo@c21atlantic.com207.363.4053433USRoute1Place,Suite101York,ME03909
YORK - This vacant lot, located on what is arguably the busiest section of Route 1 in York and next door to Hannaford, Irving Gas Station, and Bangor Savings Bank, is now available. This lot has been approved for a 3-story office building with 12,120 gross, leasable square feet. Land lease in place for 60 parking spaces and ingress/ egress onto Hannaford Drive. Full engineering work in place, environmental work done, and floor plans in hand. This is a fantastic opportunity.commercial $695,000
Construction has begun at The Ledges at Gulf Hill, a new 52-lot subdivision surrounded by open space and conservation land. Bask in the serenity of the wooded, private neighborhood, yet just minutes away from York and Ogunquit area attractions, shopping, beaches, restaurants, and outdoor recreational activities.
YORK HARBOR - One of the most visible retail spaces in York Harbor! This is an excellent investment opportunity for several business types. Located at the Harbor Beach entrance, this open floor plan unit is now available. Endless options to be considered. Reasonable condo fees include heat, water, and landscaping.