Grandmother to Walk Marathon in Honor of Granddaughter

KITTERYKittery resident, Kathryn Davis-Varney, recently registered for the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk in support of her three-year-old granddaughter, Emme, who is currently undergoing cancer treatment at Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

Kathryn, along with the rest of her family, joined this year’s walk to support Emme in her fight against cancer and to help raise funds for further research around childhood cancer. The family participates under their banner, “Emme Rae

of Hope,” and have a goal of raising $10,000 this year. So far, the team has raised over $7,000

towards that goal. Kathryn also plans to take on a personal goal in Emme’s
honor by walking the full marathon length, something she views as a unique and fun experience, as well as a challenge. “If my granddaughter can spend countless days and her entire almost three years in the hospital with four major surgeries, I can surely tackle 26 miles thinking of her and others that are going through this on a daily basis,” she writes. “I’m excited for the walk. I hear it is a beautiful sight to see everyone together for such a wonderful cause. The power in people and knowing Emme and others are
not alone in this battle is so important!”
Kathryn notes her ongoing training partnership with Janey Morse and Danielle Simpson, fellow members of the “Emme Rae of Hope” team. She has been diligently training for the upcoming event, currently clocking in around 13 miles per week. Kathryn’s unwavering determination underscores her belief that come Sunday’s event, she will not only meet but exceed the distance required.
See WALK on page 12 . . .
First Annual Antique Fire Apparatus Show in Wells
The Wells Fire Department is excited to announce its First Annual Antique Fire Apparatus Show and Open House on Saturday, October 7, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Wells Fire Department, at 1563 Post Road. The day’s initiative aims to provide the public with a unique window into the work carried out by the fire department, offering a day filled with engaging activities, informative tours, captivating demonstrations, and family-friendly fun.
Antique fire apparatus from both Southern Maine and New
Hampshire will be on display, with owners and crew on hand to answer questions and relay details about the vehicles.
The public will get a chance to tour the Fire Department facilities with staff member, and learn more about the inner workings of the department. Additionally, Fire Department staff will host demos throughout the day, including donning full turnout gear, forcible entry demonstrations, displaying a hydraulic extraction “Jaws of Life” tool, and fire extinguisher demonstrations.
The department is also excited to
show off their new Tower Truck.
The family fun continues with door prizes, “Toucha-Truck” demonstrations, and food, with The Maine Diner, Fred’s Fried Dough and Plot Twist Pretzels on hand. All participants will have a chance to enter their names to win one of several door prizes throughout the day.
“The event is new to Wells, and it is a chance to showcase our new fire station, equipment and our capabilities to the residents,” says Wells Fire Chief Mark Dupuis. “We are excited to show-
case our commitment to the town with an open house and a nostalgic look back into the history of fire apparatus in the region, and we hope to see the town come out to enjoy the day with us.”

The Wells Fire Department hopes to see everybody out for a day of family, fun and fire trucks! For more information, please reach out to the Wells Fire Department at 207-646-7912.
Dr. McGrath & Galaxy Exploration in Kennebunk

KENNEBUNKFollowing the Astronomical Society of Northern New England’s (ASNNE’s) threeday Starfest in mid-September, ASNNE will return to its monthly meetings, always held on the first Friday of each month. The next meeting will be on Friday, October 6 at 7:30 p.m. at The New School, 38 York Street, in Kennebunk. The business meeting, also open to the public, commences at 7 p.m.
ASNNE is proud and honored to host a presentation by Dr. Elizabeth McGrath at the
October meeting. Her topic, “Exploring the Growth of Galaxies in the Early Universe with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).” The James Webb
Space Telescope is a space telescope launched in 2021, and was specifically designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets.
The JWST is already revealing important new insights
into the formation and growth of the earliest galaxies, the early structure of these galaxies, and the nature of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) seeds within in these early galaxies. She will present results from the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) survey, which confirmed one of the first distant galaxies detected by JWST. The survey found early evidence of growing SMBHs, and contributed to the growing evidence that disk-like, or spiral, galaxies
See GALAXY on page 12 . . .
Great Works and the Goats NEFSA at 3 Seas Fish & Lobster

Thanks to an RREV award (Reinventing, Remote, Education, Venture) from the Maine Department of Education, Great Works School was able to recently “hire” nine goats from New Hampshire’s Legacy Lance Farm for a little “fall cleanup!”
The goats were penned in areas around the playground with the purpose of eating the poison ivy and other invasive plants that had been working their way into the outdoor classroom areas.

Literacy teachers, Sara Allis and Wendy Shaw, took over the task of wrangling the goats, and the students got to help with walking them around school grounds. The kids learned about using goats as a safe method for handling invasive plant species. Goats are amazing escape
artists, and this group was no different! The neighbors pitched in and helped corral them each time. Student favorites were Oreo, Dav, and Big Mama.
RREV awards provide opportunities for educators across the state to develop innovative pilot programs that address the
needs of students in remote and hybrid settings through new and creative learning ventures. RREV awards schools with innovative practices, professional development, pilot design classes and educational webinars. The Marshwood school system thanks the Maine Department of Education for this unique learning opportunity. And special thanks goes out to area neighbors for helping wrangle the goats! For more information, visit or
The New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association (NEFSA) will be at 3 Seas Fish & Lobster, 130 Main Street, Kennebunkport, on Saturday, September 30, 3-6 p.m. Fishermen and community members are invited to come and visit to learn more about NEFSA’s mission and work, meet local commercial fishermen and seafood harvesters, and sample the fresh,
local seafood!
NEFSA merchandise, including shirts, hats, decals, and flags will be available for purchase. There will also be a raffle to win a F/V Nor’easter gift basket!
Join in the fight to save American fisheries and maritime heritage! For more information, visit or email
Volunteers Needed at Fort Foster

It is time to begin the Fall 2023 phase of Fort Foster’s Invasive Species Management Plan. The Town of Kittery is looking for volunteers to help them with treating and removing non-native plants, and to establish new habitat for the cottontail rabbit population.
Volunteers will meet local Entomologist Michael Morrison at the gates of Fort Foster to go over the management plan, to learn how to identify and remove invasive plants, and to get their
work assignments. Recruits are asked to come prepared to work in wooded areas or tall grass; long pants and sleeves, work gloves and closed-toed shoes are suggested.
The town hopes to see many volunteers joining in to help keep Fort Foster Park thriving!

For more information, contact Haley Mock at 207-475-1311 or
61 Willie Hill Road, Wells 207-251-3427
Monday–Saturday 8am to 4pm
Southern Maine’s Largest Weekly Circulation 952 Post Road, Suite 10 Wells, ME 04090 (207) 646-8448 / 384-5500 Toll FREE: (877) 646-8448 Fax: (207) 646-8477

Deadlines: Ads & News: Monday 12 Noon
Classifieds: Tuesday 4 pm for following Friday publication

Publisher: Carol A. Brennan
Operations Manager: Dan Brennan

Art Director: Raina Keim
Copy Editor: John Crommett
Account Managers: Carol Brennan Dan Brennan Kevin Cox

Diesel Kerosene Propane
Contributing Writers: Nancye Tuttle Gina Carbone Susan Gallagher Lemmo

Errors & Omissions:

The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.


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Town of Eliot
Chair Yoga, Creative Arts at Eliot Aging in Place

Free activities designed to keep older adults active. Weekly chair yoga and monthly creative arts sessions at Eliot town offices. Chair Yoga: 10-11 a.m. Thursdays through November 9. Postures may be done seated in a chair or standing, using the chair for balance and stability. No experience necessary, wear comfortable clothing. Creative Connection: 10 a.m. every third Wednesday of the month through May 15. Unleash creativity with a new topic each session. No artistic ability necessary, all supplies provided. FMI:
Eliot Food Pantry
Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Eliot Baptist Church, 912 Dow Hwy., Eliot. Donations accepted at the same time and place. FMI: 207748-1248.
Towns of Kennebunk & Kennebunkport

Household Hazardous Waste Day
Saturday, September 30, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Kennebunk Public Services Department, 36 Sea Rd., from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Drop off oil based paints, stains, thinners, strippers, anti-freeze, transmission fl uid, poisons, insecticides, pesticides, hearing aid batteries, swimming pool chemicals and more. Proof of residency will be required.
Short Term Rental Portal Opens October 2
Short-term rental application portal opens Monday, October 2 at 8:30 a.m. for new and renewing license applications. Portal closes December 31 at 11:59 p.m. The digital application link will be available on the Town’s ShortTerm Rental webpage. Paper
applications not available. FMI: 207-967-1614 or email mradley@
Public Boat Ramp
The online boat ramp reservation system has been reinstated. Reservations are once again required to use the boat ramp. That there is no parking outside of the time required to actively use the launch. To reserve a time visit FMI: Harbor Master Frank Orr at 207-967-5040 or
Sneaker Recycling
Community Outreach Services (COS) food pantry is accepting old sneakers in pairs only. Drop off locations: COS Food Pantry, 19 Park St., Kennebunk, bin under awning; Kennebunkport Public Health Office, 101 Amain St., Kennebunkport, bin on porch; Sea Road Church, 140 Sea Rd., Kennebunk, bin in church foyer. The drive keeps sneakers from landfills and is a fundraiser for COS. FMI:
Kennebunk Little Pantry

Donations can be dropped off at any time on the front porch of the Kennebunk-KennebunkportArundel Chamber of Commerce offi ces, 16 Water St. FMI: www. member/little-pantry-1995.

COS Food4Kids Program
Community Outreach Services of the Kennebunks and Arundel provides nutritious breakfasts and lunches for children on weekends and school holidays through the Food4Kids program. FMI: 207604-1394 or
Town of Kittery
Footprints Food Pantry & Phinn’s Pet Food Pantry Footprints reduces the impact See KITTERY on page 7 . . .

White Birch

~ Pets ~
Safe Haven Humane Society

Safe Haven is looking for a home for two kitties who have survived the worst of times, and who ended up becoming the best of friends.
Lenny arrived at Safe Haven with a bite of unknown origin, which automatically put him under quarantine for months, confined to a kitty condo. This is standard procedure as all shelters must observe and monitor for rabies.
Safe Haven staff felt so sorry for Lenny. He seemed totally healthy, but it is imperative to to follow quarantine rules. Lenny could not be in contact with other cats, and the volunteers who worked with him had to be vaccinated for rabies and use gloves whenever handling him. That was difficult, as the Safe Haven staff loves all their kitties. At first Lenny was afraid, but eventually he settled into his new life and patiently waited his quarantine out.
Safe Haven Humane Society PO Box 91 / 1784 Post Road Wells, ME 04090 (207) 646-1611 / (207) 216-9169
After Lenny was out of quarantine, the volunteers made up for lost time, fussing over him and treating him with extra love and special care.
Lenny responded by showing off his great personality and his desire to be around his humans.
Lenny is three years old and is one of the sweetest and most loving cats ever!
At the same time, the shelter had a critically ill cat, Bridgette, who needed an immediate blood transfusion. The vet ran out of blood, so Lenny became the donor, happily letting the vet team draw vial after vial of his blood. Safe Haven staff ended up nicknaming Lenny their “Hero Kitty.” The volunteers were so impressed with Lenny’s behavior – even in the middle of all his own medical drama, he still happily donated his blood to help Bridgette.
Emma’s Angels
Meet beautiful Alice!
Alice is a young shepherd/lab mix from an overcrowded shelter in Louisiana. She is spayed, up to date on her vaccinations and ready for a happy home in Maine! Alice weighs in at 50 lbs., and is good with other dogs and older kids. If you would like to meet this happy girl, give us a call to set up a meet-and-greet.
Emma’s Angels Rescue is an all-volunteer organization in North Berwick. Needed at this time: wet cat food and dry dog food. We feed Friskies wet paté for the cats and Blue Buffalo dry for the dogs. Donations can be left in our dropbox at 30 Meeting House Road in North Berwick. Thank you all for your continued support!
Emma’s Angels Rescue 30 Meeting House Road North Berwick, ME 03906 207-676-5599 us/me/north-berwick/ emmas-angels-rescue-me
KENNEBUNKCats and books have always shared the coziest of relationships. The tradition of the library cat spans centuries, stemming from the animal’s initial roles in pest control, which ultimately led to the fierce felines eventually making themselves right at home inside. The Kennebunk Free Library (KFL) does believe, however, that every cat deserves a family to call its own. That is why KFL is very excited to be partnering with Animal Welfare Society (AWS) to help cats find their forever homes.
Since June, KFL has been hosting adoptable foster cats from AWS. In that time, nine foster cats have gone home with local families! Some cats have been with the library for up to two weeks, some found families in less than 24 hours. The cats have also become a beloved part of library life, with people of all ages stopping by to read to the cats, to soak in cat cuddles while they work, or just to visit and play.
The library staff is well
Opie, a feral, arrived soon after Lenny. The sight of poor Opie took the team’s breath away. His face displayed pain, fear, misery and defeat.
Opiewas dirty and matted, his ragged coat infested with ticks. His face had bloodied scratches from fighting. His ear was mangled from a hematoma caused by an infection. His teeth were fractured and broken, and his eyelids drooped. Opie walked with a pained gait caused by a poorly healed broken leg. X-rays revealed a bullet lodged in a bone - someone had shot this poor fellow. Opie was rushed to the vet, and his every need was met. Some of his damaged teeth were removed, he was neutered, and the bullet was extracted. Tests showed his ear needed surgery. Following the surgeries, Opie received a stylish lion cut due to the severe matting of his
KFL Partners with AWS to Find Homes for Cats
aware that some people have cat allergies. The foster cats are confined to one room in the library, which is vacuumed daily. The cat area is also thoroughly cleaned after each foster. All library programs held in the Walker Room were given the option to switch to a cat-free space, and staff is available to retrieve items for patrons if needed.
Staff has joked about following the example of Buckingham Palace and flying a flag to notify the public that a cat is in residence, but settled on social media instead. Keep an eye on the KFL and AWS Instagram and Facebook feeds to see when new foster cats arrive or are adopted.
Founded in 1967, Animal Welfare Society is a private 501(c)(3) non-profit animal welfare organization located in Kennebunk. AWS provides shelter, veterinary care, training and resources to more than 10,000 pets and community members annually. AWS’ adoption center, programs, services and operations are supported by a compassion-

Voters of Wells
Absentee Ballots for the November 7, 2023 Elections will be available October 9. Request your BALLOT online, come into the office, or call the Town Clerk at 646-2882 8am to 4pm Monday thru Friday.
*Deadline to request an absentee ballot is Thursday, November 2 at 4pm.
Shelter: 207-646-1611 • PO Box 91, Wells, ME 04090
THRIFT/VINTAGE/ANTIQUE SHOP: 207-216-9169 • 1784 Post Road, Wells Open 11am-4pm SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!
Help us pay our vet bills and other expenses! Donations Only Accepted on Saturdays 12-3pm and Tuesdays 4-7pm ( FMI 207-229-8314)
coat. The dedicated volunteers handled him with great care, recognizing that he had understandably lost trust in humans. Opie’s fearfulness was met with patience rather than aggression, and the volunteers allowed him all the time necessary to rebuild his sense of security.

Lenny and Opie developed an incredibly deep friendship. Lenny provides Opie with strength, and aids in his relaxation and courage. Their bond is truly heartwarming. As evident in the photograph, Lenny envelops Opie with both arms when they slumber side by side, keeping him snug and secure.

See HAVEN on page 29 . . .
ate and professional staff and a team of over 200 dedicated volunteers and foster families.
The Kennebunk Free Library is located at 112 Main
Street in Kennebunk. For more information, call 207-985-2173 or email kfl@kennebunklibrary. org. To see which cats are in residence at the library, visit www.
AWS After School Club
Registration is now open for Animal Welfare Society (AWS)’s October After School Club! The club meets every Tuesday in October, 3:15-4:45 p.m., and is open to area students from second to fifth grade. Participants meet in the Youth Programs classroom at the Boston House, the white house at the end of Holland Road.
During club meetings, students will dive deeper into animal care, occasionally volunteering at the Adoption Center, do crafts, play games and generally decompress from the day. Students will also be able to hang out with some Youth Programs
pets, and tour the Adoption Center. Students are advised to bring their own snacks to the program. Please note: AWS is not an allergen-free facility, as peanut products are used throughout the premises.
To sign up, email or call 207-985-3244 x 109. For more information, visit youth/after-school-club.
Animal Welfare Society PO Box 43 / 46 Holland Road West Kennebunk, ME 04094 (207) 985-3244

New Cook Bootcamp at YCCC
YORKWhether a restaurant manager or owner preparing to onboard new kitchen staff, or an aspiring culinary enthusiast eager to get their start in the restaurant industry, the New Cook Bootcamp at York County Community College (YCCC) is a great opportunity for those with an interest in a career as a line cook. This four-day intensive training program not only equips participants with ServSafe Certification, but also provides a comprehensive overview of essential skills crucial for success in the culinary world.
YCCC’s New Cook Bootcamp offers free training for eligible participants. To qualify, participants must be a Maine resident, at least 18 years old, and possess a high school diploma or equivalent. Successful trainees will receive a $350 stipend upon completion. This stipend opportunity is made possible through the collaborative efforts of HospitalityMaine and the Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce.
During bootcamp, participants will gain hands-on experi-

Ken Tuttle 207-337-8740

ence in various culinary areas. Topics covered during training include: Safe Food Handling

Practices: preventing foodborne illnesses through proper food handling techniques; Fundamental Kitchen Safety: mastering the art of equipment handling and maneuvering in the kitchen; Precision Cuts: honing skills in basic precision cuts, such as julienne, brunoise, and dicing; Stock

Preparation: discovering the secrets to crafting flavorful stocks; Vegetable Preparation: learning essential vegetable preparation techniques for service; Egg Mastery: techniques to properly prepare French omelets and various egg-based dishes; Sauce Crafting: creating classic mother sauces and their variations; Thickening Techniques: understanding the liaison method of thickening sauces; Cooking Methods: gaining proficiency in basic cooking methods, including sautéing, grilling, roasting, poaching, and braising/stewing; Protein Preparation: grasping the basics of protein preparation, including beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and seafood.

Upon completing the training, participants will have
King Tut’s Cider

Saturdays & Sundays
Mowing, Rototilling, & Dump Truck Service
815 Goodwin Road, Eliot, Maine 03903

Open Saturday & Sunday 9-5
Planning a Safe and Enjoyable Brewery Tour STATEWIDE -

the chance to participate in job fairs, an excellent opportunity for those looking for employment currently in the industry.
Applications are currently being accepted for the October Bootcamp. For more information and to apply, visit
Weekly Recipe: Fall Harvest Lasagna
For the filling
1 medium butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cubed
2 Tbsp. olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup Ricotta
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1 egg

1 Tbsp. fresh sage, chopped
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. black pepper
For the sauce
2 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. all-purpose fl our
2 cups milk
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
Salt and pepper to taste
For the lasagna:
9 lasagna noodles, cooked to package instructions
2 cups shredded Mozzarella
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
Preheat oven to 375°F. Toss the cubed butternut squash with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place on a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until tender and slightly caramelized. Remove and set aside. In a mixing bowl, combine the Ricotta, grated Parmesan, egg, chopped sage, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Mix well and set aside. In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Stir in the flour and cook for 1-2 minutes to make a roux. Slowly whisk in the milk and cook, stirring constantly,
until the sauce thickens. Season with nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Remove from heat.
To assemble the lasagna, spread a thin layer of the white sauce in the bottom of a 9” x 13” baking dish. Place three cooked lasagna noodles on top of the sauce. Add half of the roasted butternut squash on top of the noodles, followed by half of the cheese mixture. Sprinkle with 1/3 of the Mozzarella. Repeat the layers with another layer of noodles, butternut squash, cheese mixture, and another 1/3 of the Mozzarella. Finish with a final layer of noodles, the remaining white sauce, and the rest of the Mozzarella. Sprinkle with a 1/4 cup grated Parmesan.
Cover the baking dish with foil and bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Then, remove the foil and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes or until the lasagna is bubbly and golden brown on top. Let the lasagna rest for 10 minutes before serving. This allows it to set and makes it easier to slice.
Enjoy this seasonal twist on a classic favorite!

is a 501(c)3 non-profit that helps veterans who can’t afford a computer system.

Seeking desktops, laptops, netbooks, or tablets... whether they work or not. Accessories also accepted, such as keyboards, mouses, cables, old software, which

It was not so long ago that it seemed a new craft brewery in Maine was opening up just about every month. Even though the industry has passed its peak in terms of new breweries, the demand for locally produced craft beers remains high throughout the state. As of 2021, there were a counted 9,500 breweries in the United States, and U.S. openings outpaced closings, according to the Brewers Association. As of early 2022, Maine is currently home to 165 active, licensed breweries across the state, representing over 100 unique brands and craft brews.
With so much interest in locally produced beers, a brewery tour can be the perfect way for a group of friends or colleagues to enjoy an afternoon or evening together. And with Octoberfest festivities happening almost everywhere in October, the following guidelines can help to make a brewery tour fun and safe.
Choosing The Breweries
Those who live in a “walking town” or one with ample public transportation, may be able to visit two or three different breweries easily and not worry about who will be driving home afterwards. This enables brewery-hoppers to enjoy tastings and compare the various local offerings. However, if there are not many breweries nearby, touring a single brewery may the best bet.
Do not assume all breweries serve food. While most breweries integrate some sort of bar menu into their offerings, some smaller breweries may not have food service available with the beer, so doing research before heading out
See BREWS on page 25 . . .

KITTERY from page 4
of hunger in Kittery and Eliot, providing fresh produce, nonperishables, meats, dairy, and household products for those in need. Footprints can deliver to those without a car or who are homebound. Call ahead for delivery eligibility. Phinn’s Pet Food Pantry, part of Footprints Food Pantry in partnership with Maine Meat, provides supplies for pets in the Kittery and Eliot areas. Donations always needed. 37 Old Post Rd., Kittery, Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 p.m., Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m, Saturdays 9-10 a.m. FMI: 207-439-4673 or www.
Town of North Berwick North Berwick Food Pantry
At the Mary Hurd Academy, 77 High St., North Berwick, drive-through pantry open Mondays 3:30-5:30 p.m. FMI: groups/2419768814995387/ about.
Town of Ogunquit Tax Club

The Town of Ogunquit is pleased to announce the establishment of a Tax Club. The club allows property owners to pay their taxes in eight equal payments. Applications are valid for one year and must be submitted by Saturday, September 30. FMI:
Dogs Permitted on Ogunquit Beaches
Dogs on leashes are now permitted on Ogunquit Beaches through March 31, 2024. Dogs are not permitted in the Ogunquit River Estuary at any time.

Town of South Berwick Transfer Station Stickers
Now Required

Stickers are available at the Town Clerk’s office for free. The ve-

hicle’s license plate number will be needed to attain one. Stickers are to be affi xed to the bottom of the passenger side windshield. FMI: www.southberwickmaine. org/departments/transfer_station/ index.php.
South Berwick Community Food Pantry

The pantry is located at 47 Ross St., South Berwick, and serves South Berwick residents. FMI: 207-384-4324 or
Town of Wells
Absentee Ballots
Available October 9
Registered voters can can request ballots online, pick up at the Town Office, 208 Sanford Rd. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., or by calling the Town Office at 207-646-2882. Deadline to request is November 2.
WHS Culling Student Guidance Records Wells High School is culling student records for the Class of 2022. To receive one’s cumulative folder: mail request with name, mailing address to Erin Sanborn, Wells High School Guidance Office, 200 Sanford Rd., Wells, ME 04090;; or 202-

646-7011 x 2204. Requests close October 15.

Dogs Permitted on Wells Beach Dogs are now permitted on
Wells beaches, but they must be leashed. Horses permitted October 2 through March 31. All other large domesticated animals are not permitted within the beach areas.
County of York
York County Shelter Food Pantry

See COUNTY on page 8 . . .

~ Calendar of Events ~
. . . COUNTY from page 7
Stonewall Kitchen has been jammin’ since 1991!
Stonewall Kitchen started small but tasty at a local farmers market and today is an internationally awarded company with 11 brands creating our prestigious Family of Brands. Our brick and mortar stores are curated to showcase top notch products from our family of brands and beyond, and we are seeking talented individuals to join our York teams in the flagship retail store and newly opened home store. Known for passion, integrity, innovation, and flexibility, Stonewall Kitchen is a wonderful company to work for, whether you are looking for a career or seasonal employment.

If you are interested to learn more about these opportunities, apply today to be a part of our story and see what keeps us jammin’ year after year!
The food pantry is seeking nonperishable food donations and food drives on their behalf. Located at 5 Swetts Bridge Rd., Alfred. 12-3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. FMI: 207-324-1137 or
Weekly Happenings

Historic Walking Tours of Perkins Cove Ogunquit Heritage Museum offers historic walking tours of Perkins Cove on Mondays and Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m., through October. All tours are accompanied by a brochure that includes vintage photographs of Ogunquit. FMI: info@ogunquitheritagemuseum. com or 207-646-0296.
Free Admission Tuesdays 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Brick Store Museum, 117 Main St., Kennebunk. Visits are free on Tuesdays through December. FMI: or 207-985-4802.

Amateur Radio Society
Bimonthly, Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the New School, 38 York St., Kennebunk. The New England Radio Discussion Society promotes amateur (ham) radio. Discussion topics include early and contemporary equipment, digital technology, internet integration,
and striving for rare international contacts. FMI: 207-967-8812.

9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Wells Police Dept., 1563 Post Rd., Wells, on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Sweetser Drugs & Alcohol Clinician Lacey Bailey provides education about and resources for overdose prevention. FMI:,,, or 207468-4015.

Bingo at Senior Center Wednesdays through October. Doors open at 4 p.m., games at 6 p.m., at the Wells-Ogunquit Senior Center, 300 Post Rd., Wells. FMI: 207-646-7775.
Overeaters Anonymous Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at First Federated Parish Church, 150 Main St., South Berwick; Fridays at 9 a.m. at First Parish Church Hall, 180 York St., York. For those who struggle with food, weight, or unwanted food behaviors. Fellowship and support, free of cost. FMI:

Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m., at Cape Neddick Baptist Church, 34 River Rd., York. A weekly, faithbased, support group to help those suffering the loss of a loved one. FMI: See WEEKLY on page 9 . . .

535 Shore Road, Cape Neddick, ME 207.361.2030 •

Serving Ogunquit, Wells & Cape Neddick Since 1897

. . . WEEKLY from page 8
groups/173773 or
Guided Tours of Perkins House Museum

Fridays and Saturdays at 1 p.m. through October, at Perkins House Museum, 394 Southside Rd., York. $10 Adults, $5 children, and free for members. Reservations required. FMI: programs@oldyork. org or 207-363-4974.
Traip Greenhouse & Garden Farmers Market
Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Traip Academy, 12 Williams Ave., Kittery. Organic produce, berries, fl owers and bouquets. Volunteers answer gardening questions and ID garden bugs at the Garden Consult Corner (please bring bugs in a sealed bag). Open tours led by farmers market interns. FMI:
Gateway Farmers Market
Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at York Region Chamber of Commerce, 1 Stonewall Ln., York. Through October 7. Local vendors and nonprofits showcased every week. Please bring reusable shopping bags. FMI:
Kittery Community Market
Sundays, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Post Office Square, 10 Shapleigh Rd., Kittery. Produce, artisan crafts, and live music. Through November 19. FMI:
Friday, September 29

National Coffee Day
~ Calendar of Events ~

Free 16 oz. hot or iced coffee at participating Aroma Joe’s across the state. All offers during National Coffee Day are while supplies last, and cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer excludes cold brew, espresso-based drinks, and at participating locations only. FMI:

Chili Cook Off & Vintage Car Show

6-9 p.m. at Eliot Boat Basin, Eliot. Live music by 3 Alarm Band. People’s Choice trophies awarded! Vintage Car Show by local car owners. FMI: 207-439-3299.

Kittery Republican Committee Meeting
6:30 p.m. at First Christian Church, 542 Haley Rd., Kittery Point. FMI:

Saturday, September 30

Church Yard Sale
8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at First Parish Federated Church, 150 Main St., South Berwick. Housewares, clothing, books, DVDs, tools, furniture. Cash only. FMI: tinnietin@

Mt. A Trail Challenge


Due to Hurricane Lee’s high winds on September 16, the Mt. A Trail Challenge is now rescheduled to Saturday, September 30 at 9 a.m. The after-party will still be held at Lobster in the Rough, 1000 Route 1, York, starting at 12 p.m. Volunteers are still needed. FMI:
Discovery Demonstration

10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Brick Store Museum, 117 Main St., Ken-

nebunk. Bring curiosity and questions as Artist/Educator Suzanne Demeo demonstrates the magic of drawing and color. Leave with artistic inspiration! Included with museum admission. FMI: www. or 207985-4802.
Mixed Media Workshop
2-4 p.m. at Brick Store Museum, 117 Main St., Kennebunk. Join
mixed media artist Elizabeth Winter in creating an individual assemblage art piece. A handson art class that will use paint, See SEPT.30 on page 10 . . .
drawing techniques, decoupage, and other assemblage techniques. All levels welcome. FMI: www. or 207985-4802.
Baked Bean & American Chop Suey Supper
4:30-6 p.m. at First Congregational Church, 141 North St., Kennebunkport. Social distancing is suggested, exact change required. Adults and children 12 and over, $10, children under 12, $5. The last bean supper for 2023 will be held on October 28. FMI: 207-710-7060.
Saturday, September 30
– Sunday, October 1

Elks Yard Sale
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at York Elks Lodge, 2788 Route 1, Cape Neddick. FMI:

Sunday, October 1
Blessing of the Animals
8 a.m. and 10 a.m. at St. Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal, 535
Shore Rd., Cape Neddick. Retired Bishop Gary Lillibridge will officiate both services with the Liturgy of Blessing the Pets and Holy Communion. All are invited for this community-wide celebration. FMI: or 561-329-4300.
Monday, October 2
Veteran’s Golf Tournament

At The Links at Outlook, 310 Portland St., South Berwick. Registration, range open 8 a.m. At 9 a.m.: shotgun start, scramble format. Tournament includes 18 holes, cart, continental breakfast, luncheon, raffle prizes, contests, and gift bags for all golfers. “Hole in 1” contest for a new car, courtesy of Tri-City Cars. 100% of proceeds benefi t seacoast area veteran’s organizations. FMI or to sponsor a veteran:
Tuesday, October 3
American Legion Meeting
7 p.m. at Berwick Town Hall, 11 Sullivan Sq., Berwick. All area veterans are cordially invited to join the men and women of Charles S. Hatch Post #79. The town hall is handicap accessible
with ample parking. Come early for free coffee, snacks and fellowship. FMI:
Wednesday, October 4
Wells High Senior Alumni
1-4 p.m. at Litchfi eld’s Bar and Grill, 2135 Post Rd., Wells. Those whose class graduated more than 50 years ago are invited come and enjoy an afternoon under the tent at Litchfield’s! Food and drinks from the menu available to order. FMI: 207-502-7129 or
Jail Conditions During the 1692 Salem Witch Trials
6 p.m. via Zoom. Old York Historical Society’s first event of the fall season. What was the reality for those accused of witchcraft in the late 1600s? Researcher, writer, and illustrator Marilynne K. Roach presents court and jail documents (including York’s Old Gaol) that give clues to the reality experienced by the accused. Event is free, registration required. FMI and to register: www.oldyork. org/events.
Thursday, October 5
Explore the Shore
10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Wells Reserve at Laudholm, 342 Laudholm Farm Rd., Wells. Treasures found on the beach can tell stories about the land, the ocean, and the beach itself. While strolling Laudholm Beach, participants explore questions about the sand, the wrack line, and found objects. Free with site admission. Registration required. FMI:,, or 207-646-1555 x 110.
Paint for a Cause:
Literacy Paint Party
6-8 p.m. at Wiggly Bridge Distillery, 441 Route 1, York. Paint Party Fundraiser. A fun evening of acrylic painting, line drawing and fund raising in a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere. For all levels of artistic experience. All proceeds go directly to materials and activities for York Adult Education’s newest course, CLASS (Cooperative Learning and Social Skills). $29. FMI: course/paint-night-fundraiser.
Acupuncture & Herbal
Pet Care Seminar

At The Community House, 8
Temple St., Kennebunkport. Social time at 6:30 p.m., presentation starts at 7:15 p.m. Seminar to focus on pet care without toxic chemicals. Courtesy of The Newcomers and Neighbors Club of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport & Arundel. Certified veterinary acupuncturist, Dr. Bluestone, will demonstrate and share acupuncture and herbal remedies. FMI:
Saturday, October 7
Cemetery Talk and Walk Tour
10-11:30 a.m. at the Historical Society of Wells & Ogunquit, 938 Post Rd., Wells. Ron Romano returns with a 30-minute slideshow and 30-minute walk through Ocean View Cemetery in Wells to celebrate his latest book, “Curious Gravestones in Northern New England.” Featuring photos and stories about “billboard monuments” from the mid-1800s. $10 members, $12 non-members. FMI:

Seven Lakes Snowmobile Day
12:30-3:30 p.m. at Romac Orchards, 1149 H Rd., Acton. Raffles, activities including ax throwing, and a food trailer. FMI: 207-6087577 or and

Sunday, October 8
10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Great Works
Regional Land Trust. Nature Walks with Rachael Graber, in partnership with Marshwood Adult Ed, at Desrochers Memorial Forest, Town Forest Rd., South Berwick. Registration required at www., 207-646–3604, or

Tractor Show
10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Bentley’s Saloon, 1601 Portland Rd., Arundel. The event is free to attend. FMI: or 207-985-8966.

North Berwick, and Evelyn Stevens and partner Paul Hopkins of Rochester, NH; sister-in-law Sibyl Bentley of Sanford; brothers-in-law, Daniel Bentley and wife Melody of Rochester, NH, Donald Bentley and partner Gil of Florida, and Leslie Weymouth of North Berwick; along with numerous nieces and nephews, and lifelong friend, Nancy Patstone.
Doris A. Bell, 91
Doris A. Bell, 91, formerly of North Berwick, peacefully passed away on August 26, 2023 at St. Andre’s Health Care Facility in Biddeford, after a long illness.

Doris was born to Herman Benson and Gladys Benson “Lowe” on May 14, 1932 in Medford, MA. She was raised in Brownfield, where she graduated from Fryeburg Academy.
Doris settled in North Berwick, where she raised her family. She then went on to work at Pratt & Whitney, building aviation engines. Her work ethic was exceptional. After her retirement, she spent time caring for young children, and also volunteered at Wentworth Douglas Hospital in Dover, NH. Her outgoing and friendly manner was notable among people and friends who called her “Dottie.”
Doris is survived by her four children: daughter Jane Murphy and husband Bob of Rochester, NH; daughter Robin Balentine and husband Dick of Hampden; son Brian Bell of Portland; daughter Paula Bell of Half Moon Bay, CA; two sisters: Roberta Watson of Sanford and Donna Buschow of Clark, CO. She was a beloved “Nanny” and “Great Nanny” to nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
A Celebration of Life with her family will be held at a later time at Pine Grove Cemetery in Brownfield. Arrangements are in the care of Bibber Memorial Chapel in Alfred. To share a memory or leave a message of condolence, visit Doris’ Book of Memories Page at
Sandra E. Bentley, 83

Sandra E. Bentley, 83, a life-

long resident of North Berwick, passed away September 20, 2023 at home with family by her side.
She was born April 25, 1940 in Sanford, daughter of Frank and Mildred (Harries) Staples, graduating from North Berwick High School. In 1962, she married the love of her life, David Bentley, and raised their daughter, Susan, on Lebanon Road.
For over 30 years Sandra babysat all of the local kids, all the while tending to her vegetable and flower gardens and selling her harvest in her farm stand. She also sold her crafts, homemade quilts and various items she sewed.
Sandra was known for her never-ending pool party extravaganza food fests at her home every weekend throughout the summer. Everyone in the neighborhood was invited so they would not complain about the noise! She hosted the annual family Christmas party, where she rolled out the red carpet. Sandra did not care about a feast, just sharing time with her family and a good steamed hot dog.
Sandra was stern but mostly quiet and a homebody, enjoying her home and all of her collections. She enjoyed finding treasures at Another Chance Thrift Store.
Sandra and David were instrumental in raising thousands of dollars each year organizing the annual yard sale to benefit the North Berwick Rescue Squad. Their fundraising efforts truly benefited the town immensely.
Sandra was predeceased by her husband of 60 years, David Bentley; brothers-in-law, Terry Patstone, George Stevens, and Dick Bentley; and sister-in-law Sandra Weymouth. She is survived by her daughter Susan Stacy and husband John of North Berwick; twin granddaughters, Gabriella BentleySturchio of Iowa and Bianca Bentley Sturchio of Portland; two sisters, Shirley Patstone of
for in the same tender, respectful way she herself cared for patients throughout her career made all the difference when it mattered most. Thank you for that.
A celebration of Sandra’s life will be held Saturday, October 28, 12-4 p.m. at her home. Arrangements are entrusted to the Johnson Funeral Home in North Berwick, where memories and condolences may be shared at
Jean A. Boston, 82

NORTH BERWICK –Jean A. Boston, of North Berwick, passed away unexpectedly at Wentworth Douglas Hospital on January 12, 2023.
Predeceased by her parents, George and Leona Guptill, husband David Boston, and sister Janice Marshall, Jean is survived by four children, Brian Boston (Carol Merrill) and Brenda Boston, both of North Berwick, Beth Smith (Peter Smith) of Old Orchard Beach, and Belinda Boston Chase (Richard Chase, Jr.) of Wells; grandchildren, Peter and Zachary Smith, and Jacob Fields; sister Ann Hartford of North Berwick; and several nieces, nephews, and greatgrandchildren.
The family would like to thank the Emergency Department team at Wentworth Douglas Hospital. Because of their expert care and remarkable compassion, Jean’s death was peaceful, private, and full of love in the company of her children. For her to be cared
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day, by the 9th day your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised and done.
Graveside interment will be privately held in the fall at Hillside Cemetery in North Berwick, with special thanks to Missy Johnson and Johnson Funeral Home in North Berwick, and to Forrest Mansur of Heritage Memorials in Sanford. To view the full obituary, visit In lieu of flowers or donations, Jean would want you to spend time with someone you love.
Service Notice: Raymond Goodwin, Jr.
WELL S – Raymond Joseph Goodwin, 81, of Wells, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family on Thursday, August 17, 2023.
On Fr iday, October 6, friends and family are invited for visiting hours, 9-10:30 a.m. at Bibber Memorial Chapel, 111 Chapel Road, Wells. A memorial mass will follow at St. Mary’s Church, 236 Eldridge Road, Wells, with burial thereafter at Pine Hill Cemetery in Wells.
To share a memory or leave a message of condolence, visit Ray’s Book of Memories Page at Arrangements are in the care of Bibber Memorial Chapel, 111 Chapel Road, Wells.
William M. Hutchins, 76
YORK – William “Bill” M. Hutchins, 76, of Earline Circle, passed away on Sunday, September 24, 2023. He was born October 17, 1946 in Farmington.
A funeral service will take place on Monday, October 2 at 11 a.m. in The Church At Spruce Creek, 5 Pettigrew Road, Kittery.
Interment with Military Honors will follow at 2 p.m. in the First Parish Cemetery in York.
Visit for a full obituary and online condolences.
Service Notice: Billy Reeves
WELLS – The family of Billy Craig Reeves, who passed away on July 18, 2023, invites all to his memorial service on Saturday, October 14, at 11 a.m. at the South Berwick & Wells Christian Church, 612 Emery’s Bridge Road, South Berwick. The service will be followed by a luncheon at the Zebulon Knight Hall, 612 Emery’s Bridge Road, South Berwick.
Michael Wayne Warren, 69
WELLS – Michael Wayne Warren, 69, of Wells, passed away September 18, 2023. He was born April 11, 1954 in Vero Beach, FL, to Ronald Bennett and Joan Ethel (Spires) Warren. Mike graduated from Wells

See WARREN on page 12 . . .

WARREN from page 11
were quite common during the development of the early universe. She will also discuss the implications of these discoveries, as well future work that will shed light on some of the greatest mysteries revealed by these observations from JWST.
Dr. McGrath obtained
High School in 1972. He attended aviation college and was an Aircraft Engineer at Concord Jet Center in Brunswick. He loved to fly, ride motorcycles, go boating, and cooking. He even owned his own restaurant.
Mike was preceded in death by his parents, Ronald and Joan Warren. He is survived by his sister Victoria Aldridge; brother Glen Warren; step-mothers, Marlene Warren and Anna Warren; step-sisters, Rachel Dean and Rebecca Willette; nieces, Michele Dion and Brandy Bourassa; nephews, William Aldridge and Ben Dean; and grandnieces
and grandnephews, Cassandra Dion, Lucas Dion, Cameron Dion, Bryson Dion, Chance Aldridge, Lucas Dion Jr., Carson Donnell, Emily Aldridge, and Madison Aldridge.
A celebration of Mike’s life will take place at a later time in Wells. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Mike’s honor to Wells High School, 200 Sanford Road, Wells, ME 04090, ATTN: Guidance Office.
To share a memory or leave a message of condolence, visit Mike’s Book of Memories Page at Arrangements are in the care of Bibber Memorial Chapel in Wells.

her Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii in 200 7. Her thesis, entitled, “Formation and Evolution of Massive Galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the Early Universe,” investigated the link between black hole activity and the growth of galaxies throughout the universe. After leaving Hawaii, she was a researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she worked on designing new adaptive optics technologies to improve the image quality of ground-based telescopes. In 2012, Dr. McGrath joined Colby College, where she is now an Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy. Dr. McGrath’s current research involves examining the structure of galaxies across cosmic time using space-based facilities such as the Hubble and the JWST. She is a member of several international teams that were awarded some of the first time on JWST; surveying large regions of the sky, and producing images that were publicly available immediately. These public JWST findings provide a treasure trove of information, and have been integral in many
exciting new discoveries about the universe. In her free time, Dr. McGrath enjoys spending time outdoors hiking, and sharing her love of nature with her husband and three-year-old son.

The October meeting agenda includes Bernie Reim’s “What’s Up for the Month,” and the ever-popular “Astro Shorts,” where attendees and members alike share questions, activities, news and observations. Astro Shorts always give way to lively and informative discussions.
ASNNE is a local association of amateur astronomers that meets monthly at the New School in Kennebunk. Anyone interested in astronomy is always welcome to welcome to attend, from the general public to stargazers and hobbyists, serious observers, astrophotographers, and those interested in astronomical theory.
For more information, directions and last-minute meeting updates, visit
Advertise in The Weekly Sentinel York County’s Largest Mailed Newspaper (207) 646-8448
. . . WALK from page 1
The 2023 Jimmy Fund Walk will take place on Sunday, October 1, and raises funds to support all forms of adult and pediatric patient care and cancer research at the nation’s premier cancer center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Whether participating for themselves, loved ones, neighbors, or coworkers, each walker shares a common purpose: to defy cancer and support breakthroughs that will benefit cancer patients around the world.
The Jimmy Fund Walk has raised more than $167 million for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in its 34-year history. The 2023 Walk will be held during the Jimmy Fund’s 75th anniversary year and will aim to raise $9 million in the effort to prevent, treat, and defy cancer.
Extended Learning Opportunities at SRTC
As the Career Exploration Coordinator at Sanford High School (SHS) and Sanford Regional Technical Center (SRTC), Katie Schindler (pictured) helps students prepare for their post-high school pursuits.
“I’m really passionate about helping people create their futures,” Schindler said. “That drives me to watch students thrive and see their confidence grow.”
Schindler coordinates
Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs) for students at the schools. ELOs at SHS and SRTC provide students with the opportunity to have learning experiences at a business or community organization or with community experts
in particular fields.
“The ELO program is very important for some of our students who learn in different ways,” SRTC Director Matt Petermann said. “They can utilize resources around them to learn about and reflect on a subject in a non-traditional way.”
Students work with profes-
sionals in the community who become “mentors” to them in their chosen areas of expertise. The experiences can be shortterm, such as a job shadow, community interview, or a guest speaker visit, or long-term, such as a semester or year-long study.
“ELOs expand our academic programming in countless ways because they cater to the interests and post-secondary goals of our students,” SHS Principal Amanda Doyle said. “We are so fortunate to have willing community partners, talented teachers, and a creative Career Exploration Coordinator to support these unique learning experiences for our students.”
usually do this two days a week, sometimes three, depending on which program they re enrolled in. While students are off-site at their internships, they keep journals and reflect on the process of their experiences there.
“I have a student that’s in the Engineering and Architectural program, and he is working with Eldridge Lumber in their design program,” Schindler said. “So he’s working with their design program at the Sanford store. And he’s going over three days a week, spending full days there and loving it.”
into the program who started off the school year shy and soft-spoken. But she saw a different student when that young man spoke at Celebrating Partnership’s graduation later on that spring.
“He was so self-assured and so proud of the work he had done,” Schindler said.
“And I think that’s what this program can do for kids. The sky is the limit, and I want them to take ownership and feel empowered to really explore what their interests are.”
Sharron Eastman Owner
The program has been successful at both SHS and SRTC, with fifty students in last year’s programs, according to Schindler. Part of her responsibilities include setting up internships with the students and getting the required paperwork taken care of. Students do not typically start their internships until their senior year or sometimes in the second year, if a two-year program. When they begin their internship, students will typically head directly from the partner schools to the internship site and can spend the day there. They will
Business development is also essential in her role. Schindler will find industries that will support students and be willing to partner with the school. She also helps prepare the students for the job interview process, and estimates that roughly 80% of the students who have gone out to internships are offered jobs at the company where they are. “Some of them decided they wanted to go different places, but they’re getting offers,” Schindler said. “And it’s a great opportunity for students to test out a company, and quite frankly for the companies to test them out as well.”
Schindler remembers one particular student who came
The Extended Learning Opportunities program at SHS and SRTC, led by dedicated professionals like Katie Schindler, is not only expanding horizons but also empowering students to take control of their futures. These opportunities provide students with invaluable real-world experiences, enabling them to thrive and grow in confidence.
As the program continues to evolve and touch the lives of more students, it exemplifies the transformative potential of education when combined with real-world application and community collaboration.
Fore more information, visit
League of Maine Craft Show

Features Maine Artisans

WELLSEnjoy some of Maine’s best artists and craftsmen at the League of Maine Craft Show on Saturday, October 7 and Sunday, October 8. The craft show takes place at the Wells Jr. High School on Route 1, 1470 Post Road, in Wells. Known for their three other craft shows held in July, September, and November, the League of Maine has now added a fourth show for October.
The two-day event will be held 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday. This juried craft show features crafters and artists displaying their handmade wares of traditional, contemporary, and country crafts. Visitors will see stained glass, jewelry of all types, pottery, soaps, clothing, wood crafts, fiber arts, graphics, photography, handcrafted specialty foods and much more. Artisans from all over New England are featured at this pre-holiday show. Here is just a sampling of the variety to be discovered at the October show.

Karol Peralta, Salem, MA: Sterling silver and rose gold filled jewelry with semi-precious stones. Karol’s jewelry is truly gorgeous, wonderful to keep or to give as a gift. Al Pelletier, Kennebunk: Al’s pottery is not only
lovely to look at, but is functional as well. David Sullivan, Ogunquit: Beautiful photographs of the surrounding area (photo above). David’s photography makes for great keepsakes, gifts, or vacation memories. Dianna Starbranch, Augusta: porcelain ornaments for every hobby, occupation, animal and sports, even the Red Sox and the Patriots! Maggie & Pete Adams, Camden: wire tree art. Maggie and Pete are talented artists specializing in wire and painted trees. It is always an adventure to see what they have created. Joyce Huff, Cape Porpoise: decorative tole painting. Adorable wall hangings and holiday ornaments for every occasion.
The craft show is held rain or shine, and parking and admission are free. For more information, contact Show Director Rita Poli at 207 967-2251 or, and visit



“Can’t Stop This Feeling” Light Show at Sandy Hill Farm

is Sandy Hill Farm’s latest aweinspiring light show that will take
FIFTH ANNUAL Blessing of the Animals

At St. Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church 535 Shore Road, Cape Neddick, Maine
OCTOBER 1 – St. Francis Feast Day
In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, we invite you to our 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services for the Blessing of the Animals Liturgy with Holy Communion.
The Right Rev. Gary Lillibridge, Ret. Bishop, Diocese of West Texas, will celebrate in this service outdoors, weather permitting, so please come with your chair since we have only a limited number. Bring your pets to be blessed with holy water and the Spirit of our Loving God and Creator. All are welcome!
Masks and sanitizer available. For more information, call Michael Smyser, Chairperson, at 561.329.4300 or visit

the viewer on a mesmerizing journey along a one-mile trail through the property’s old-growth forest. Audiences will be enchanted as the magical world of music and light intertwines, creating an immersive and unforgettable experience for all!
The lights come alive, synchronized to the rhythm and melody of the music. They dance and flicker in perfect harmony, casting a vibrant spectrum of colors that illuminate the surrounding landscape. As audiences walk along, the path unfolds, revealing a symphony of everchanging visual delights.
Along the trail, interactive elements invite all to engage with the show. Bursts of light and whimsical effects respond to movement, adding a layer of playful interactivity to the experience. The viewer becomes an integral part of the symphony, co-creating the intense display as the journey
continues. “Can’t Stop This Feeling” invites audiences to surrender to the magic of synchronized music and immersive illumination. It is an experience that ignites the imagination, filling the body with joy, and creating memories to last a lifetime.
As with all of Sandy Hill Farm’s light shows, the roughly one-mile trail winds through 14 acres of beautiful, enchanted hardwood forest. Most of the trail is on gentle, rolling terrain with a few minor elevation changes, and participants can traverse the walkways at their own pace. Trails are compacted gravel, so wheelchairs and strollers with allterrain wheels should be able to navigate the paths without issue. The journey takes about an hour. The displays are illuminating and immersive, with some of them designed to be walked through and interacted with. There are many areas to take pictures and create
memories that will last a lifetime.
Lock the date and time in early, as the light show sells out well in advance, especially on prime nights! This is the first year that Sandy Hill Farm will have both Peak and Non-Peak price points. Please make sure to take this into account when selecting dates for the visit.
Tickets are only required for visitors ages four or older, with children three and under, free. Please do not purchase tickets for the kids under three, as there are no refunds available, unless Sandy Hill Farm cancels a night. Tickets can, however, be transferred to another person, either electronically or in hard copy.
The light show takes place in all types of weather conditions, and will run in light rain, snow, and wind. If there is dangerous weather near the farm, Sandy Hill may postpone or cancel that evening. In the event of a cancellation, ticket holders will be notified via email and text message well ahead of time. Ticket holders can move their tickets to another date and time, or receive a refund.
Pets are not allowed to the event, and those with photosensitive epilepsy are encouraged to either check with their doctor prior to attending the light show, or to skip the event altogether.
The folks at Sandy Hill Farm are excited to welcome the public to their first light show event of the season!
Sandy Hill Farm is located at 34 Sandy Hill Lane in Eliot. For more information, visit or email sandyhillmaine@gmail. com. For tickets, visit www. hillfarm/961443.

KFL’s October Art Exhibit, “Celebrating the Creative Process”

KENNEBUNKThe Speers Gallery at the Kennebunk Free Library (KFL) presents an eclectic retrospective, “Celebrating the Creative Process,” by Kennebunk resident Linda K. Thompson. The show will run October 3-30 with an opening reception on Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-7 p.m.

The exhibit’s overarching theme is exploration of various mediums and techniques, ranging from watercolor, acrylics and collage in the Speers Gallery, to weaving, needlework, and Japanese woodblock printing in the library foyer display case. Linda believes that “making art” is not only about technique, but also finding that balance between technique, passion, and connecting to the subject matter.
In “Celebrating the Creative Process,” the artist portrays a wide range of subjects, which reflect her curiosity in the world around her. Using a range of mediums, Thompson’s art is grouped thematically, and includes flowers, landscape, the ocean, the Southwest, trees, bears, and collage. In the foyer, the artist hopes that some of her pieces will encourage others to try different materials or crafts. A fun quiz will also be provided by the artist for participants.
Linda’s journey in the arts includes a Master of Education in Creative Arts & Learning from Lesley University. She taught courses and workshops at the Danforth Museum in Framingham, MA, the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln, MA, the Concord Center for Visual Art in Concord, MA, and the Rowe Center in Rowe, MA. In Maine, she continued her journey at the Heartwood College of Art in Biddeford, River Tree Arts in Kennebunk, and taught watercolor classes at the University of Maine Senior Colleges throughout the state. Particularly formative were week-long art retreats in New Mexico, “Painting from the Source” and “Wild Heart Art.” According to Linda, “what helps ignite my creativity is curiosity, intuition, exploration, experimentation, challenge... and playfulness!”

KFL is excited to display this unique exhibit. For more information, visit

~ Arts & Entertainment ~

Annual Elizabeth Dunaway Burnham Piano Festival


Ogunquit Performing Arts (OPA) is pleased to announce the return of internationally acclaimed pianist Frederick Moyer, who will perform at the Barn Gallery in Ogunquit on Saturday, October at 7:30 p.m. Moyer will present a captivating

In 1961, an adventurous law student gets a passport and picks up where Jack Kerouac left off, undertaking an unparalleled trip, pre-drug cartel, hitchhiking solo from Wisconsin through middle America to Texas, then thousands of miles down the Pan-American Highway through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama to the Panama Canal – likely the first time, and maybe the only time, such a journey has been done, particularly alone.

program that spans the works of classical giants such as Mozart, Schumann, Chopin, and Rachmaninoff, followed by a delightful selection of cherished jazz favorites. Known for his pioneering approach to piano recitals, Moyer seamlessly blends technology into his artistry, often utilizing his own original software, including the innovative MoyerCam, which offers the audience a unique perspective on his masterful performance from virtually every vantage point in the venue. Beyond his technical prowess, the concerts are distinguished by Moyer’s remarkable versatility, effortlessly crossing classical and jazz genres, all while sharing engaging and humorous anecdotes from the stage that immerse audiences in the musical journey. The performances consistently ignite standing ovations and encore requests.

Moyer has entertained audiences in more than 44 countries, in such international venues as the Sydney Opera House, Suntory Hall in Tokyo, and Windsor Castle in the United Kingdom. He has performed with orchestras in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brazil, and Iceland. He has toured extensively across the United States, playing in such major cities as Boston, MA, New York City, NY, Baltimore, MD, Washington D.C., St. Louis, MO,
Milwaukee, WI, Dallas, Houston, TX, and Los Angeles, CA. Critical praise from the New York Times refers to his work as “First class… His playing is clean, unmannered, and full of ideas and intelligence.”
On Friday, October 13 at 7:30 p.m., international classical pianist Liana Paniyeva makes her Ogunquit debut. Paniyeva has been described by reviewers as a “sensitive player... holding your attention with tender regard for the music, a captivating inwardness and sense of free spontaneity.” Her program will include works by Brahms, Chopin, Schumann, Weinberg and Lysenko.
Paniyeva began winning prizes as a young prodigy in Ukraine in 2002, and continued to win international performance prizes in prestigious competitions at the American Fine Arts Festival and the Metropolitan International Competition in New York City, the George Gershwin International Competition, and many other prestigious competitions in Scotland and Spain. In 2022, she was granted an Extraordinary Abilities in the Arts US residence, awarded to artists who have attained the highest level in their field. Her international venues include piano festivals in Norway,
See PIANO on page 17 . . .
Hungary, Austria, Canada, England, Syria, Italy, South Africa, Spain and Israel. Her domestic performances include performances at Carnegie Hall concerts in Chicago.
Paniyeva’s commitment to teaching and mentoring promising young piano students is exemplified by her founding of the first online “Young Stars International Piano Competition,” for young pianists ages six to 14. During the pandemic, children from Germany, Malaysia, Australia, Poland, Canada, Macedonia, Thailand, the U.S., the U.K., Taiwan, Italy, India, Lithuania, and Azebiajan, submitted audition recordings.
The festival and recital honors the memory of Elizabeth Dunaway Burnham (“Betty”). As a student, Elizabeth first received a music degree from Smith College in Northampton, MA, and continued her studies at Dunbarton College in Washington, D.C. and Julliard School of Music, in New York City. Elizabeth had long dreamed that Ogunquit could support such a program as Ogunquit Performing Arts to add to its attractiveness as a welcom-
~ Arts & Entertainment ~
Legislation to Increase Access to the Arts

In recognition of National Arts in Education Week, U.S.

Representatives recently reintroduced legislation to increase
ing place for artists, sculptors and summer theatre. Her dream was realized in November 1978, when the Committee for the Performing Arts was formed and began its work, with Betty elected as chairperson. In this popular annual event, students have a unique opportunity to perform on a concert grand piano before a live public audience of piano enthusiasts as well as family and friends. Admission to the Student Piano Recital is free. Tickets for Moyer and Paniyeva concerts are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, and students, $5. Tickets may be purchased online or at Cricket’s Corner in Ogunquit, the Dunaway Center, and the Ogunquit Welcome Center. Audiences will enjoy champagne receptions to meet the artists, and free parking is available at the Barn Gallery and at nearby overflow locations. For more information, visit



Off Rt. 9A (Branch Road)
access to the arts for students. The Arts Education for All Act will support and encourage arts education and programming for young children, K-12 students, and youth and adults involved in the justice system. It will help to close existing gaps in access to arts education, which has the potential to improve the lifelong health and success of both children and adults.
“Despite the positive impact arts education has on children’s lives and well-being, the arts are often the first programs to be cut in schools. As ranking member of the Appropriations Subcommittee that oversees arts and humanities funding, and as co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Arts Caucus, I am continuously advocating for the arts in Congress. And while I’m grateful for existing federal support for arts education, programs should be more accessible for students and educators to get more involved,” said Congresswoman Chellie Pingree. “Fortunately, Mainers recognize that the arts are powerful tools for development and creativity—which is exemplified by our thriving and vibrant communities. Our Arts Education for All Act will help ensure our educators have the resources they need to maintain and expand arts programming so every American child... has access to an enriched, creative learning experience.”
“The arts spark creativity, critical thinking, and empathy in students,” said Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici of Oregon, who co-sponsored the legislation

with Pingree. “These skills benefit and enrich students throughout their lives regardless of what path they take. It is unacceptable that there is less access to arts education for students from Black, Latino, and low-income families, especially when research shows
that students who have arts education perform better in math, reading, and writing. I wrote the Arts Education for All Act to help address these disparities. And with student mental health as a top concern, the arts can help bring healing and wellness.”
“I’m proud to join Rep.
See ARTS on page 24 . . .

Recovery Center Project a “Light At End of a Tunnel”

available, people can get back to their lives.”

tional housing locations in the county.
YORK COUNTYYork County’s plan to create a 58-bed substance use recovery center – offering a “one roof” model of care for residents that includes observation beds, detox beds, and residential and outpatient treatment – is moving ahead to an early 2024 groundbreaking.

The “one roof” approach is one that makes sense, according to Jennifer Ouellette, a clinical director at York County Shelter Programs in Sanford. “The barriers our target group experiences include no transportation, low to no reliable income, no stable housing,” she said. Ouellette is a licensed clinical professional counselor, a certified clinical supervisor, a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, and is currently deputy director of Sanford Housing Authority. She has worked in the substance use disorder field for 32 years. “The fact that they will not have to visit multiple agencies to get their needs met

is huge,” she said.

Citing information available at the Maine Drug Data Hub, Ouellette states about 8.8% of York County residents over age 12 have some form of substance use disorder. Federal statistics show that 90% of those who need drug treatment do not receive it, for several reasons. “Some of that is due to not thinking they have a problem, some due to affordability, some due to not knowing where treatment may be located, but much is due to inability to access,” she said.
The Maine Drug Data Hub, a collaboration between the state and University of Maine, reported 622 non-fatal and 43 fatal overdoses in York County between January 1 and July 31. In July alone, there were 103 non-fatal overdoses and seven fatal overdoses reported in York County. Statewide, there were 5,509 nonfatal drug overdoses and 366 fatal drug overdoses between January 1 and July 31. For July alone, there were 767 non-fatal and 54

fatal overdoses statewide. All the fatalities are a combination of suspected or confirmed overdoses, according to the data hub.
The recovery center, along with a separate first responder training center, will be located off Route 4 on county-owned land adjacent to York County Jail. Currently, the two projects are in the permitting process with the state’s environmental protection and transportation departments, said York County Manager Greg Zinser. The county is expecting the projects to be on an Alfred Planning Board agenda sometime this fall.
“This recovery facility is a much-needed resource in York County to ensure that those with substance use disorder have access to comprehensive care close to home,” said Dr. Michael Albaum, Associate Chief Medical Officer of MaineHealth’s southern region, which includes Maine Medical Center in Portland and Southern Maine Health Care (SMHC) in Biddeford. “With treatment options
The recovery center project will be funded with money received from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, congressionally directed funding, opioid settlement funds, and county funds. Together, the recovery center and the first responder center projects are estimated to cost $45 million. The center is intended to be barrier-free and open to York County residents, and would rely largely on MaineCare reimbursements for operational costs.
“In my mind, this is like the light at the end of the tunnel,” said Kennebunk Police Chief Robert MacKenzie, a longtime leader in the recovery community. “This is something very unique for Maine and could be a model for other counties. To my knowledge there is nothing like it, and it is much needed. To have it in one space is incredible.”
York County, in collaboration with York County Shelter Programs, has operated the 24-bed Layman Way Recovery Centre in Alfred since 2018, for people with substance use disorder who have been arrested and charged with nonviolent crimes. Currently, there are no detox beds in the area, and they are sparse elsewhere, according to sources in the recovery community. There are several outpatient programs, and an online search will reference only a handful of transi-
This past June, the state announced funding for 140 new residential treatment beds in various existing facilities across the state. The new beds complement 387 existing licensed Maine beds, according to a news release from the governor’s office.
York County Sheriff William L. King Jr. estimated deputies bring people looking for recovery services to SMHC several times a month. They may have tried to detox and are experiencing withdrawal symptoms, having drug-induced thoughts of self-harm, or other associated symptoms. “We just don’t have any place other than the hospital to take them - and we need to do something,” he said.
Dr. Albaum said SMHC sees a variety of issues related to substance use disorder, multiple times a week. Some people have overdosed, he said, and there are those with complications like heart valve issues, or bone infections from intravenous drug use. The doctor also noted the increased use of fentanyl has resulted in a greater need for services. One procedure that has helped is when a patient arrives at the emergency department looking to recover, medication assisted treatment can be prescribed as a bridge until the individual can get to treatment. “You have to offer therapy,” he said. “You don’t want to put barriers in the way.”

In reference to the recovery center project, Zinser described it as a “substantial response to a substantial problem.” During discussions with the town Planning Board, the county will consider various factors, including language in Alfred’s ordinances, to determine the final bed capacity of the new recovery center building. Zinser expressed the County Commissioners’ commitment to advancing both the recovery center and the first responder training center. Although the reception for the recovery project has generally been positive, there have been a few disquieting remarks.

Health & Fitness

Red Cross Experiences Shortfall, Seeks Blood Donations
The American Red Cross continues to experience a national blood and platelet shortage, and is asking the public help overcome their late summer shortfall by booking a time to donate. Donors of all blood types are urgently needed, especially type O donors, and those giving platelets. The Red Cross experienced a significant blood and platelet donation shortfall in August, contributing to the current shortage. To ensure the blood supply recovers, the Red Cross must collect 10,000 additional blood products each week over the next month to meet hospital and patient needs.
“When blood and platelet supplies drop to critical levels, it makes hospitals and the patients they are treating vulnerable – especially if there is a major accident or emergency medical procedure that requires large quantities of blood during a disaster,” said Dr. Baia Lasky, medical director for the Red Cross. “A single car accident victim can use as much as 100 units of blood. By making and keeping donation appointments, donors can help keep hospital shelves stocked with blood products and ensure patients have access to the timely care they deserve.”
As a thank-you, those who to donate between October 1 and 20 will receive a $15 Amazon Gift Card by email. Unique challenges to blood supply.
In late summer, the national blood supply dropped by about 25%. As people settle back into their fall school and work routines, a unique challenge to the blood supply remains: many employees continue to work from home or in a hybrid capacity, reducing the number of opportunities to give blood at business-sponsored blood drives. In fact, before the pandemic, more than 800,000 blood donations were made at blood drives hosted by businesses. Last year, the Red Cross saw only about 500,000 blood donations at the same locations, a nearly 40% drop from pre-pandemic levels. This, coupled with an active disaster season, is creating a “perfect storm,” challenging the organization’s ability to collect sufficient blood products to meet the needs of hospitals across the country.
The Red Cross provides community blood drives and

Broderick to Speak on Mental Health


donation centers across Northern New England. Those who may have previously given at a local business blood drive are encouraged to book a time to give at one of these locations by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Upcoming blood donation opportunities in the area through October 20 include:
Kennebunk: Tuesday, October 3, 12-5 p.m., Kennebunk Masons, 159 Alfred Rd.; Tuesday, October 17, 12-5:30 p.m., Saint Marthas

Church, 34 Portland Rd. Kittery: Thursday, October 19, 12-5 p.m., Kittery Lions Club, 117 State Rd. Shapleigh: Saturday, October 7, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Wakita Electric, 522 Newfield Rd. Springvale: Monday, October 2, 12-5 p.m., Nasson Community Center, 457 Main St. Wells: Wednesday, October 11, 12-5 p.m., Saint Marys Church, 236 Eldridge Rd.
A blood donor card, driver’s license or two forms of identification are required at check in. Individuals 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental con-
See BLOOD on page 27 . . .
On Thursday, October 5 at 6 p.m., former New Hampshire Supreme Court Justice John Broderick will be speaking at the Kittery Community Center on various topics regarding mental health. Broderick is on a mission to change the conversation and culture surrounding mental health issues by speaking all over New England.
While asleep in his bed one spring night in 2002, then New Hampshire Supreme Court justice Broderick was beaten unrecognizable by his own son. Now, 21 years later, Broderick
is on a mission to raise awareness about what triggered this family tragedy and mental health issues.
The event is free and open to the public. For more information and to register, visit www.kitterycommunitycenter. org/freelectures
Berwick Public Library
Hiring Event
3-5 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3. An opportunity to meet with employers. Sponsored by the Career Center at the Maine Department of Labor. FMI: Marcella Spruce at
Genealogy Club
Genie Club meets first Friday of every month, 1:30-3:30 p.m. The library has access to Ancestry. com and genealogy books. Next meeting is Friday, October 6.
For More Information
Call the library at 207-698-5737 or visit
D.A. Hurd Library
Library Conducts Digital Literacy Trainings

D. A. Hurd Library is among 215 public libraries nationwide awarded funding by the Public Library Association (PLA) to conduct digital literacy workshops. The library will help patrons utilize new resources in workshops which will focus on training for older adults in the area, increasing their digital literacy skills. Training and resources will aim to help maintain independence, access information easily, and stay connected with family and friends. Sessions are scheduled for Thursday, October 5 at 3:30 p.m., Monday, October 16 at 12 p.m., and Friday, October 27 at 11:30 a.m.
For More Information
Call the library at 207-676-2215 or visit
Graves Memorial Library
3 Towns, 1 Community Thursday, October 5, 6-7 p.m.
Sponsored by C.A.R.E.S. (Communication, Advocacy, Resources, Education, Support). Meeting to discuss the importance of community engagement in prevention and how the public can help make a difference. Learn about Naloxone (Narcan) and receive administration training. Free Naloxone will be available. FMI: 207-967-4401.
Study/Work Spaces Available

Looking for a quiet place to work, or join a zoom call? Consider the Graves Library Business Center when in need of a place to get organized or connect to work remotely. Call the library with any questions. We can help!
For More Information
Call the library at 207-967-2778 or visit
Kennebunk Free Library
Reader’s Choice Book Club
6 p.m. in the Walker Room on Wednesday, October 11. This month’s theme is LGBTQIA+ authors. Readers are invited to share a book written by any author that identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Please reach out to the library if in need of recommendations. The group meets on the second Wednesday of every month. November’s topic will be
Nature, Conservation and Climate. Program is free and wheelchair accessible.
HarvestFest Book Sale
Sale happens on Saturday, October 14, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in conjunction with the Town of Kennebunk’s HarvestFest. The sale will be held in Hank’s Room and outside, weather permitting. The sale helps to raise funds for library programs and materials.

For More Information
Call the library at 207-985-2173 or visit
Ogunquit Memorial Library
Book Arts Group
Saturdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m., beginning October 7. After taking the summer off, the group is back and will meet weekly at the library. They welcome interested newcomers to come learn the art of bookbinding.
October Book Club
Tuesday, October 17 at 10: 30 a.m. We will be discussing “The Tobacco Wives,” by Adele Myers. Copies for borrowing are available at the library. RSVP to attend. Meeting will have a Zoom option, ask for the link when RSVPing.
For More Information
Call the library at 207-646-9024 or visit
Rice Public Library
Wednesdays at 4 p.m. on the second fl oor. For builders ages 5-12. Casual, drop-in building and play. All that is needed is imagination!
Teen Crafternoon
Wednesdays at 4 p.m. For ages 12-18. An afternoon of crafts with resident crafting queen, Greta.
For More Information
Call the library at 207-439-1553 or visit
South Berwick
Public Library
Family Movie
Friday, September 29, 4 p.m. Popcorn and water provided.
Book Discussion
Every first Wednesday of each month.
Thursdays, 1-4 p.m.
Writer’s Group Saturdays, 2-3 p.m.
For More Information
Call the library at 207-384-3308 or visit
Wells Public Library
Fiction Book Club
Tuesday, October 3 at 6 p.m. Open to all adults. Chat about books, share favorite books/authors, and discover new favorites. This month features “The Maid,” by Nita Prose.
Teen Collaborative Crafting:
“Full of Hot Air” Races
Wednesday, October 4 at 1 p.m. Make a balloon car powered by air! All materials and snacks provided by the library. For students in grades fi ve and up.
Great Decisions
Friday, October 6 at 10:30 a.m. Lively and informative discussions on global issues of the day. Meetings center on topics outlined in the Great Decisions briefing book provided by the Foreign Policy Association. Purchase online at fpa. org/great_decisions or facebook. com/greatdecisions. The library will have one copy on reserve. This month’s topic is climate migration.
SMAA “Welcome to Medicare” Presentation
Monday, October 10, 5-6:30 p.m. Seminar to cover the basics of Medicare enrollment and help with informed decisions based on personal situations. Seminar will be interactive, with time for smallgroup discussion and individual questions. This event requires registration, as space is limited. FMI: 207-396-6524 or
Teen Game Tournament:

“We’re In Trouble!”
Wednesday, October 11 at 1 p.m. Participants become the playing pieces in the life-sized game, “Trouble.” Roll the dice and do your best to make it home. Snacks provided, for students grades fi ve and up.
For More Information
Call the library at 207-646-8181 or visit
William Fogg Library
For More Information
Call the library at 207-439-9437 or visit
York Public Library
Costume Swap
Ongoing through October 31. Bring clean, gently used costumes to the library to swap for a “new to you” one! Drop off old costumes downstairs in Youth Services, and select a costume. Please make sure costumes are clean and in a gently-used, like-new condition. Accepting all sizes from babies to adults.
Italian Conversation
Tuesday, October 3, 6:30-8 p.m. Parliamo Italiano! Join in the Wheeler Room for casual conversation in Italian. Suitable for those with intermediate to advanced conversational skills in the Italian language. Meets monthly.
Eyeball Flowers
Tuesday, October 10, 3-4 p.m.
A craft for teens and tweens, grades 5-12.. Stop in after school and make a creepy eyeball fl ower bouquet!
Morning Yoga 10:15-11:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 4, 11 and 25. Led by registered Yoga and Reiki teacher Maria Lovo. Meditative, gentle yoga classes move at a steady pace, slowly cycling through a series of fl oor-based and seated asanas. Most of the class will be spent on mats. For all levels and ages or practitioners. Registration required.

Crafting Group
Every other Thursday, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Biweekly meetup or any and all handcrafters! October dates: October 5, 19.
For More Information
Call the library at 207-363-2818 or visit


People & Business Profiles
Gosselin Realty Welcomes Diaz

YORKGosselin Realty Group is excited to introduce Realtor Jason Diaz as their newest team member. Jason brings a wealth of experience and a steadfast commitment to the real estate sector. Holding a Connecticut REALTOR® license, Jason eagerly looks forward to showcasing his expertise and dedication in serving clients in Southern Maine while still maintaining his practice in Connecticut.
As a bi-lingual real estate agent, fluent in Spanish, Diaz holds a unique opportunity: to help those who want to buy a home the chance to work with an agent that could overcome any language barriers presented.
Jason feels fortunate that real estate has created life-long relationships built on trust, honesty, and professionalism for him. Most of his friends today have come from his client base. His mission is to provide creative and innovative solutions that often occur by thinking outside the box while inviting collaboration among other professionals, benefiting both agent and client.
Jason has a strong sense of family, having five children ranging in age from five months to 17 years old. He understands the importance of home owner-
ship and the value it brings to families in creating a safe, warm and loving environment. Jason’s sense of empathy has proved itself to be invaluable in helping families find the right home that best suits their unique needs and preferences.

Jason’s achievements in real estate include selling over 100 homes over the past five years. His expertise is in listing properties and utilizing his excellent negotiating skills, combined with his marketing skills, to set him apart from other competitors. Jason’s enthusiasm and commitment stem from delivering consistent, high-quality service to his clients.
For more information, visit or call 207-363-2414. Contact Diaz directly at jasondiaz43@gmail. com or 1-860-993-2032.
Feast & Fettle Embarks on Maine Expansion

YORK COUNTYNew England-based meal delivery service Feast & Fettle is making waves as it expands its home delivery services to the state of Maine. The development comes after years of serving customers in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. Feast & Fettle’s signature delivery vans will soon be a familiar sight, servicing York and Cumberland Counties.
“We’ve been humbled by the support we’ve received from

. . . ARTS from page 17

Bonamici on the Arts Education for All Act to give educators the support they need to expand arts programming experiences for children of all ages. It will ensure they can foster a learning environment that promotes creativity, expression, and healing through art,” said Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernández of New Mexico, who also helped draft the legislation.
The Arts Education for All Act is endorsed by more than 100 national, state, and local organizations and individuals, including Americans for the Arts and Grantmakers in the Arts.
“The Arts Education for All Act will help bring the power

our loyal customers in neighboring states,” said Carlos Ventura, CEO of Feast & Fettle. “Expanding into Maine is the next logical step for us, as we continue our journey to provide busy families with the high-quality meals they deserve.”
Maine residents can anticipate a diverse and flexible menu that caters to various dietary preferences and occasions, whether a cozy family dinner, a romantic evening for two, or a gathering of friends. The company’s com-

of arts education to early childhood programs, low-income K12 students and systems-involved youth on a scale we haven’t seen before,” said Eddie Torres, president and CEO of Grantmakers in the Arts. “By empowering childcare, K12 schools, and programs serving systems-involved youth, this bill has the potential to enrich lives and expand educational opportunities for millions. The arts community, but most importantly the children of our nation, owe a great deal of thanks to the innovative and continued leadership of Congresswoman Bonamici on this critical legislation.”
For more information, visit
mitment to using locally sourced, fresh ingredients reflects their respect for the Maine food scene.

To celebrate its Maine debut, Feast & Fettle will be offering a special promotion for new members during their launch period. Additionally, the company remains committed to giving back to the communities it serves, with plans to support local charities and organizations throughout Maine.
For more information,
. . . RECOVER from page 18

Zinser acknowledged opposition, characterized by concerns about “druggies and addicts wandering around,” but emphasized that those who enroll in the center are individuals seeking treatment, and are, in fact, friends and neighbors in need of assistance.
Article content provided courtesy Tammy Wells, media specialist for York County government. For more information, email tlwells@yorkcountymaine. gov or call 207-432-3417. news-room/legislative-news/ arts-education-for-all-act-intro duced.
on the tour to see what is available. Many breweries do partner with local food trucks, and may even partner with nearby restaurants to offer take-out menus for patrons at the pub. Rather than drinking on an empty stomach and running the risk of becoming overly intoxicated, it is always best to arrange for some type of food while drinking.
Trying Out Flights
A flight is a sampling of the different beers a brewery produces. A flight, sometimes referred to as a beer board, includes three-to five-ounce servings of the brewery’s different types of beer offerings. Rather than playing it safe and only ordering one favorite type of beer each round, flights can help drinkers step out of their comfort zone and sample the new and seasonal brews the brewery has to offer.
Many “pub crawls” involve visiting multiple breweries in an area, so leaving ample time between visits to mingle, ask questions and tour the facilities (if offered) helps reduce the risk of getting overly intoxicated. Drinking water in-between “sets” also goes a long way in pacing out the day.

Arrange Transportation
Keeping transportation needs in mind is most likely the most important tip of all. Some brewery tours are self-arranged and self-guided, while others may be organized by a tour group service. Some brew tour package companies will provide transportation from one brewery to the next, and often the transportation is already factored into the fees and tour schedule. Whenever drinking is involved, it is always imperative to let a sober party or designated driver do all the driving. Consider taking a ride share or hiring a party van to take the group to the locations so that there is no risk of driving under the influence. Most cities have taxi services, Uber and Lyft drivers, and RideShare programs.
Ask Questions

Speak with the brewer to find out which beers they recommend and what makes the brewery unique. It can be interesting to get the back story of the brewery.
In addition to being a fun night out, touring craft breweries also offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich flavors and innovative brewing techniques that local breweries have to offer. Whether a seasoned beer enthusiast or a group just looking to try something new, touring local breweries allows everyone involved to engage with passionate brewers and gain a deeper appreciation for the art of craft beer. When seeking an enjoyable and educational evening, consider
Liquor and tax not included. Cannot be used in combination with group packages. Maximum of 3 coupons/discounts/complimentary certificates may be used. $25 per coupon must be spent. Coupon valid only at time of purchase. Not valid on holidays. EXPIRES 10/31/23. Please present coupon before ordering.

embarking on a brewery tour –all parties involved will not only have a great time but will also support local businesses and the thriving craft beer industry.
Article content provided by MetroCreative. The Weekly Sentinel does not endorse any products or services suggested by articles from MetroCreative.

~ Sports & Outdoors ~
KHS Recognized as Unified Champion School
KENNEBUNKSpecial Olympics North America has recognized Kennebunk High School (KHS) and its Unified Program for achieving National Banner Status as a Unified Champion School (UCS). Along with KHS, Special Olympics Maine announced that Scarborough High School, Hampden Academy, Thornton Academy, and Scarborough Middle School, also achieved Unified Champion status.
The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools program promotes social inclusion through intentionally planned and implemented activities that affect systems-wide change. With sports as the foundation, the three-component model offers a unique combination of activities that equip young people with tools and training to create sports, classroom, and school climates of acceptance. These are school climates where students with disabilities feel welcome and are routinely
Berwick Academy
Boys Soccer
included in, and feel a part of, school activities, opportunities and functions.
This is accomplished by implementing inclusive sports, inclusive youth leadership opportunities, and whole school engagement. The program is designed to be woven into school curriculums, providing opportunities that lead to creating a socially inclusive environment that supports and engages all learners. What a Unified Champion School “looks like” can vary greatly from school to school, based on the needs, goals, schedules and other factors unique to each school; the basic building blocks, however, remain the same.
In 2016, Paula Reetz and Joe Schwartzman worked together to bring Unified Basketball to KHS. In 2022, with the ongoing support of students and staff, Unified Bocce and the Unified Club began. The UCS recognition is the result of Unified Coordinator and KHS teacher
Karen Campanella, who applied for the recognition after the completion of the required program components.
“We’re excited and proud to work with schools like yours that put inclusion first and continue to strive to do more and better,” said Caroline Carole, assistant director of Programs and UCS at Special Olympics Maine. “Thank you for all you have done to embrace the UCS strategy and bring impactful change to your school.”
Kennebunk High School utilizes Unified Sports (basketball and bocce) and Unified Club to encourage social inclusion, peer relationships, and a sense of belonging among all students, regardless of their abilities. The positive impact the programs have had on the KHS student body is experienced every day throughout the school.
For more information, visit what-we-do/youth-and-schools/ unified-champion-schools.
Sept. 23, (L) vs. Lewiston, 1-3
Sept. 19, (L) vs. Biddeford, 0-3
& Military Appreciation Night at Friday’s Game
WELLSA special salute to CDR
Mike Guyer for Armed Services Military Appreciation Night will take place before the Wells High School home football game versus Poland High School, on Friday, September 29 at 6:15 p.m.
On February 11, 2023, CDR
Mike Guyer fought his last battle with cancer like he lived his life, with a quiet stoic resolve that was truly inspirational. CDR Guyer’s career in the US Navy spanned 29 years of exceptionally distinguished service from Seaman Recruit, to Pharmacist’s Mate to Commanding Officer of Seal Team 2. He was a long-time friend, supporter, and mentor to the Wells Football Program. His leadership, faith, integrity, and friendship has made a lasting impression on all those in the Wells Football Program who had the privilege of knowing him.

Sept. 20, (W) vs. Landmark, 3-0
Sept. 9, (W) vs. Hebron, 2-1
Kennebunk High School
Boys Soccer
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Gorham, 1-4
Sept. 19, (W) vs. Massabesic, 4-0
Girls Soccer
Sept. 20, (L) vs. Marshwood, 1-4
Sept. 22, (W) vs. Deering, 28-6
Sept. 21, (W) vs. Portland, 3-1
Sept. 19, (W) vs. South Portland,
Field Hockey
Sept. 23, (L) vs. Bonny Eagle, 0-1
Sept. 20, (W) vs. So. Portland, 2-0
Marshwood High School
Boys Soccer
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Scarborough, 1-5
Sept. 19, (L) vs. Westbrook, 1-3
Girls Soccer
Sept. 25, (L) vs. Falmouth, 1-2
Sept. 22, (W) vs. Biddeford, 5-2
Sept. 20, (W) vs. Kennebunk, 4-1
Sept. 25, (L) vs. Sanford, 16-34
Sept. 22, (L) vs. Sanford, 6-42
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Gorham, 0-3
Sept. 19, (W) vs. Wells, 3-0
Field Hockey
Sept. 25, (W) vs. Thornton, 2-0
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Scarborough, 1-4
Sept. 19, (L) vs. Cheverus, 0-11
Noble High School
Boys Soccer
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Biddeford, 0-7
Girls Soccer
Sept. 25, (W) vs. Westbrook, 8-4
Sept. 20, (W) vs. Biddeford, 3-2
Sept. 22, (W) vs. Biddeford, 49-6
Sept. 15, (W) vs. Massabesic, 29-23
Field Hockey
Sept. 25, (W) vs. Sanford, 4-1
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Falmouth, 1-2
Sept. 19, (L) vs. Windham, 2-3
Traip Academy
Boys Soccer
Sept. 22, (W) vs. North
Yarmouth, 5-0
Sept. 19, (W) vs. Sacopee Valley,
Girls Soccer
Sept. 22, (L) vs. North Yarmouth, 0-3
Sept. 19, (W) vs. Sacopee Valley, 1-0
Sept. 22, (L) vs. Dirigo, 0-42
Field Hockey
Sept. 26, (L) vs. Sacopee Valley,
Sept. 20, (L) vs. St. Dominic, 1-2
Wells High School
Boys Soccer
Sept. 23, (L) vs. Freeport, 0-2
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Yarmouth, 1-8
Sept. 19, (L) vs. Gray-New
Gloucester, 0-2
Girls Soccer
Sept. 25, (W) vs. Old Orchard Beach, 2-0
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Freeport, 0-2
Sept. 19, (W) vs. Gray-New Gloucester, 2-1
Sept. 22, (L) vs. Cheverus, 20-26
Sept. 19, (L) vs. Marshwood, 0-3
Field Hockey
Sept. 25, (L) vs. Lake Region, 0-5
Sept. 22, (L) vs. St. Dominic, 0-4
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Sacopee Valley, 0-2
York High School
Boys Soccer
Sept. 21, (W) vs. Cape Elizabeth, 1-0
Sept. 19, (W) vs. Freeport, 2-1
Girls Soccer
Sept. 21, (L) vs. Cape Elizabeth, 1-4
Sept. 23, (W) vs. Lisbon / St. Dominic, 41-20
Sept. 22, (L) vs. Washington, 0-3
Sept. 20, (W) vs. Cape Elizabeth, 3-0
Field Hockey
Sept. 25, (W) vs. St. Dominic, 3-0 Sept. 22, (W) vs. Gray-New Gloucester, 1-0 Sept. 20, (W) vs. Greely, 1-0 Scores from
The ceremony will honor all US military service members. In attendance will be local veterans, active service members, and retired Navy SEALs. Admission to the game is free to all veterans and active-duty service members. The ceremony will start at 6:15 p.m. at Wells High School, followed by kick-off at 7 p.m. For more information, contact WHS at 207-646-7011.
B.A. Girls Varsity Soccer Results
Bulldogs vs. Kents Hill
The Bulldogs added another win (5-1) to their record on Wednesday, September 20, when they played their first home game of the season against a determined and physical team from Kents Hill School.
With a shot on goal already in the first minute of the game, the Berwick Girls Varsity Soccer Team came out strong and stood their ground the whole match.
In the fifth minute, off a throw-in from Leila Beakes (Rollinsford, NH), Blake Matcalf (Scarborough) carried the ball and shot it from the left-hand side from inside the box.
Three minutes later, Ginger Friedman (North Hampton, NH), who had shot on goal in the first minute of the game, capitalized on the shot this time and scored; after a notable diagonal ball to the flag, Metcalf laid it back to Friedman who confidently tucked the ball into the corner of the net.
Off a corner kick from Metcalf in the 12th minute, Griffin Demers (Rochester, NH) shot and scored from inside the corner of the 18. With only 13 minutes
left in the first half, she also ripped the ball off the crossbar, almost adding another one to the scoreboard.
Just about 10 minutes into the second half, Tessa Keenan (Exeter, NH) skillfully dribbled the ball up the center of the field and passed it to Metcalf who slammed it into the goal from inside the 18.
Finally, in the 72nd minute, Tatum Sloper (Scarborough) received the ball off a corner kick by Keenan, and passed it to Leah Zaheer (West Newbury, MA) who scored with a powerful shot into the top left corner of the goal.
With three minutes to go, Kents Hill scored a goal, bringing the end result to 5-1.
Goalie Allie Moore (North Berwick) was steady and composed for the entirety of the game. Bulldogs vs. Winsor
The Bulldogs traveled to Winsor School in Boston, MA, on Saturday, September 23, and played a physical game in the rain, losing 0-2.
The two teams kept the game scoreless throughout the first half, and then with 12 minutes left, Winsor scored a goal off a header from a corner kick. Winsor scored their second goal in the last five minutes of the game.
While the Berwick players could have let the two goals bring them down, they fought hard until the end. Goalie Moore made several saves, including a beautiful one in the fourth minute of the game when a Winsor player headed the ball off a corner kick but could not capitalize on the play.
The Bulldogs are currently 4-1-0.
. . . BLOOD from page 19
sent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.
The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to victims of disasters, supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood, teaches skills that save lives, distributes international humanitarian aid, and supports veterans, military members and their families. The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission.
9 Stoneybrook Dr., Ogunquit
Friday 9/29 & Saturday 9/30 9am-7pm • Cash Only
Antiques, Vintage, Home, Jewelry, Clothes & More TAG SALE
Saturday, October 7 9am-4pm
121 Emerson Drive, Wells (Rain date: October 8)
Custom built, 20 foot, fiberglass over wood. Call 207-206-5081.
Corelle “Blue Lily”, 8 Dinner, 8 Sandwich, Bowls 6-8”, 6-6”, 6-4.5”, 1 Veggie Server Bowl, 1 Platter, $75 or BO • Steel Locking Box 14x10x6, $25. 207-439-9694
Retired businessman will organize you or build your sales. 207-632-5857
TIME: 5:30PM
Notice is hereby given that the Select Board of the Town of Eliot, Maine will hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 5:30PM in said Town to hear public comment on the following:
1. Change of Ownership and Renewal for an Adult Use Cannabis Products Manufacturing License, AMF275, Arcanna LLC dba East Coast Cannabis, 291 Harold Dow Highway.
The applicant has submitted a letter of attestation stating there are no changes, other than those served by this hearing, and therefore compliant with Section 11-10(b) of the Eliot Code of Ordinances.
All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Please refer to the Town of Eliot’s website ( for zoom instructions if you do not want to participate in person at the town office.
If you cannot attend meeting in person or zoom, and want to make comments in regards to the topic, please send any correspondence to the Town Manager prior to meeting date at
Copies of the renewal submittal are available at the town office for review.
The Berwick Planning Board will hold a Site Walk and Public Hearing for a Conditional Use and Site Plan review requested by Caspian Berwick Solar, LLC. The owner of this property is seeking approval to install a 5.85 acre Solar array at 93 Wentworth Road (Map R62 Lot 5-1), adjacent to the existing gravel pit area. The project also involves permitting the existing mineral extraction.
Supporting documentation is available at the Town Hall from the Community Development and Planning Department. Please contact the Department with any questions at or (207) 698-1101 ext. 124.
Date: Thursday, October 12, 2023 Date: Thursday, October 19, 2023
Time: 5:00 p.m. Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: 93 Wentworth Road Location: Berwick Town Hall Burgess Meeting Room

The Ogunquit Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom, to consider the recommendations of the Shellfish Conservation Commission relative to the anticipated opening of the clam flats for the 2023-2024 season and to set the fees for the sale of clam licenses.
Season licenses will be available to Ogunquit residents/property taxpayers, Town employees, and non-residents of Ogunquit who reside in State. The number of licenses sold is contingent on Shellfish Commission recommendations with final approval of the Select Board. While season licenses are not available to out-of-state residents, diggers can purchase a one-day dig license from the Warden on the clam flats.
Designated areas will be open Sunday (tide permitting) through March 2024, as recommended by the Shellfish Conservation Commission. The opening of the Ogunquit Clam Flats is contingent upon approval from the Department of Marine Resources.
Zoom instructions can be found on the Town’s website:
Town of Kittery: Notice of Public Hearing

The Kittery Planning Board shall hold a public hearing on October 12, 2023 at 6 p.m. in Town Council Chambers, 200 Rogers Road, Kittery. Kittery’s Housing and Land Issues Committees and staff propose amendments to comply with State law LD 2003 by providing density bonuses and reducing parking requirements for multi-family projects that include a majority of affordable units, allowing multiple dwellings to be constructed on residential properties, and eliminating parking requirements for ADUs.
Amendments are also proposed to support property owners who wish to build in existing neighborhoods while limiting development in open space areas by changing the methods for calculating the number of units which can be built on a property and by allowing two accessory units on properties located in targeted growth areas. Amendments to 16.7 would also make residential projects comprised of 3 or 4 units minor site plans subject to administrative review. The Planning Board must hold a public hearing before making a recommendation to Town Council, who will also hold a public hearing on these amendments.
A copy of the proposed amendments is on file with the Planning Department and may be viewed at Town Hall during normal business hours, at www.kitteryme. gov, or by emailing All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing in person or remotely, and will be given an opportunity to be heard at the hearing or submit public comments via email to mzakian@ in advance of the meeting or during the public hearing.
To: Marianne Goodine or Michele Stivaletta-Noble, Cindy Appleby, Mark Dupuis, Keeley Lambert, Mike Livingston, resident of the Town of Wells, County of York, and State of Maine; GREETINGS:
In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the voters of the Town of Wells that the Board of Selectmen of said town will meet at the Municipal Building, 208 Sanford Road, Wells on the 3rd day of October, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the evening.
The Board will conduct a public hearing on the proposed ordinance to establish an enterprise fund for the application fees and direct expenses of the Code Enforcement and Planning & Development Departments.
To: Marianne Goodine or Michele Stivaletta-Noble, Cindy Appleby, Mark Dupuis, Keeley Lambert, Mike Livingston, resident of the Town of Wells, County of York, and State of Maine; GREETINGS:
In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the voters of the Town of Wells that the Board of Selectmen of said town will meet at the Municipal Building, 208 Sanford Road, Wells on the 3rd day of October, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the evening.
The Board will conduct a public hearing on updates to the Transfer Station Sticker Policy.
The Berwick Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing for a Major Subdivision requested by Goodrich Farm, LLC, and Altus Engineering located on Durant and Diamond Hill Roads, (Map R40 Lot 4). The owner of this property is seeking approval for seven single-family residences to be built on 22 acres.
Supporting documentation is available at the Town Hall from the Community Development and Planning Department. Please contact the Department with any questions at or (207) 698-1101 ext. 124.
Date: Thursday, October 5, 2023
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Berwick Town Hall – Burgess Meeting Room
To: Marianne Goodine or Michele Stivaletta-Noble, Cindy Appleby, Mark Dupuis, Keeley Lambert, Mike Livingston, resident of the Town of Wells, County of York, and State of Maine; GREETINGS: In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the voters of the Town of Wells that the Board of Selectmen of said town will meet at the Municipal Building, 208 Sanford Road, Wells on the 3rd day of October, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the evening.
The Board will conduct a public hearing on the proposed changes to building permit and development application fees.
Aerating, Dethatching, Fall & Storm Clean Ups, Lawn Repair & Seeding, Mowing, Trimming, Blowing, Moss Control & Removal. Call 207-351-2887.
Small Residential Interior Painting Booking Small Weekend Jobs Free Estimates
Expert cleaning and repairs, stock alterations, recoil pads. Over 50 years experience. Very reasonable rates. 207-450-8957
Accounting & Tax Solutions

C: 207-646-5244
H: 207-809-0928

Now accepting new clients. Over 20 years of experience with QB bookkeeping and small business tax prep. Email us at
~ Classifieds ~

Two bedroom, garden-style apartment with on-site laundry, parking, 24-hour maintenance, and close to the center of town. Must meet income limit guidelines. Rent starts at $1,193 monthly plus utilities; security deposit required. NO PETS. Download an application at or call the office at 603-692-3978.
School Around Us in Arundel is looking for a part-time, year-round, FACILITIES MANAGER (10 hours/week) to ensure ongoing campus maintenance, repair, and coordinate parent volunteers and staff. Work on your own schedule, $20/hour. Skills and qualifications: Carpentry, painting (interior and exterior), Google Docs, interpersonal communication. Knowledge of plumbing and electrical, landscaping, and tree work a plus. Send resume and 3 references to
IT’S A DOG’S WORLD daycare program in York is hiring. Our program runs 7am6pm, Mon. - Fri., flexible shifts, P/T hours. If you enjoy dogs and are comfortable handling groups indoors and in fields, consider joining our college-throughretiree aged team. 207-363-0099, or

All positions require the ability to work as a team member in a patient-centered medical optometric practice. For reception, computer skills and the ability to sound like you are smiling while on the phone, are a must! Ideally we are looking for someone to work afternoons Monday-Thursday, and Friday mornings.
For an optician, the ability to work with your hands, do basic mathematics, and also have a fashion sense, are necessary. Specific training will be provided. Ideally we are looking for someone to be here Monday-Friday, but hours can be flexible.

For technician/scribe, a love for learning, attention to details, the ability to interact closely with patients, and flexibility, are a must. Specific training will be provided. This is a full-time position. Opportunities to become certified are available.
Please send resume to or feel free to drop off your resume at 764 Route One, York, ME 03909.

Cars & Trucks • Low Rates
Route 1, Wells • 207-646-7881
For a spotless home. Trustworthy and dependable. 207-439-1363
Residential & vacation rental cleaning in the Wells area, available Monday-Thursday from 4:30 p.m. on and all day Saturday. 978-766-4282

CLOTHING! Downsizing? Need help with a cleanout? Just have a bunch of OLD clothes? We buy men’s and women’s vintage clothing from 1900-1990! We pay cash. Condition does not matter –we launder and repair! Call today for a consultation: 207-245-8700
I buy collections of recorded media and memorabilia. Call 603-918-8555 or email
Vinyl Records, Rock or Metal CDs and Cassette Tapes. Call or Text
Misty Harbor Resort
60 Mile Road, Wells, ME 04090
Misty Harbor offers a great work environment! Year round and seasonal, full and part time positions available. We offer top wages, medical and dental for our full time employees.
Head Housekeeper, Housekeepers & Front Desk Attendants

Come join our team! Stop by for an application or download one from our website:

Part time and Full time
We are currently seeking candidates for all kitchen and front of house positions. If you want to work for a great TEAM with competitive pay and benefits to those eligible (Health insurance, 401K, meal per shift and more), any of our above companies be great fit for you. Please forward your resume to or stop by for an on-site interview with a manager at the above locations in Kittery.

Antiques * Silver * Gold * Coins CHRIS LORD ANTIQUES
One Item or Entire Estate. Cash paid for all antiques. Antique jewelry, coins, silver, gold, paintings, clocks, lamps, telephones, radios, phonographs, nautical items, weathervanes, dolls & toys, pottery, photography, military items, swords, advertising signs, fountain pens, bottles, tools, books & much much more! Buying antiques for over 20 years. Barn and Attic Clean-Out Also. (207) 233-5814 • ME & NH

2023 State of Maine Fall Foliage Forecast
STATEWIDEThe Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) fall foliage spokesperson Gale Ross has announced the start of foliage season throughout the state. The 2023 Maine Fall Foliage Report is issued each Wednesday throughout the foliage
. . . HAVEN from page 5
season. The report notes very little color change throughout the state at this time.
“I like to remind folks that the color change depends on the weather as we advance into fall. We rely on the cooler temperatures and shorter days to enhance the progression of color,” said Ross.
“This summer, Maine received a considerable amount of rainfall, which will enhance the fall colors, unlike the past two seasons when the state’s forests were impacted by summer drought. Minimal defoliation in certain tree species may impact color in some areas due to the wetter than normal summer, but it should not have a significant impact on our foliage season,” added Ross.
County. Check out the Million Dollar View Scenic Byway for just that, emerging above open fields and lakes along Route 1. The byway features numerous panoramic vistas and lake views, including the Chiputneticook Chain of Lakes serving as part of the international border with Canada, between the towns of Danforth and Orient. Spot views of Katahdin, rolling fields, a variety of wildlife including moose, loons and eagles, and scenic turnouts. Venture farther north for more picturesque landscapes along the St. John Valley/Fish River National Scenic Byway.
Contact me to discuss your potential home sale, for a free analysis of your home value, or to answer your questions about the market today.

These two feline companions are in search of a loving home where they can enjoy a lifetime of indoor living together, receiving the affection and attentive care they deserve. It is important to note that both cats are FIV positive (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), which means their immune systems may not be as robust as those of other cats, making them more susceptible to infection.
To ensure their well-being, it is recommended that both cats receive annual checkups, including thorough dental examinations, to maintain their health.
Whoever becomes Lenny and Opie’s new family will be blessed with two of the most remarkable kitties Safe Haven has ever had. Contact the shelter for more information, and to schedule a visit.
Typically, northern Maine (zones 6 and 7) reach peak conditions the last week of September into the first week of October. The rest of the state’s color progression starts occurring from north to south in mid-October. Coastal Maine typically reaches peak conditions in mid-to-late October.
For those in search of early foliage views to start the season, the first place to spot the progression of color as it makes its way north to south is Aroostook
Foliage season enthusiasts can visit the state’s official foliage website to receive weekly reports by email. All are encouraged to share color progression photos from throughout the state. The Maine Fall Foliage Facebook and Instagram accounts feature gorgeous images and special activities statewide.
For updates be email about foliage progression, visit www. fall_foliage/report or email For more fall-themed ideas and insights about visiting and traveling around Maine, go to www.
~ Puzzles ~

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated
GRG Gosselin Realty Group 207-752-2353 York CLUES

in soccer 53. Comforts
1. Hill or rocky peak
2. Initial public offering
3. Type of light
4. Test
5. Flaky coverings
6. Former NFLer Newton
7. Part of the eye
8. Roman god of the underworld
9. Negative
10. Indiana pro basketball player
11. Replaces lost tissue
13. Denotes one from whom title is taken
15. Historic college hoops tournament

17. Hut by a swimming pool
18. Defunct European monetary unit
21. Feeds on insects
23. Adult male
24. Melancholic
27. Sheets of glass
29. Slang for famous person
32. Not good
34. “Ghetto Superstar” singer
35. The “World” is one
36. Used to make guacamole
39. Midway between south and southwest
40. Wet dirt
43. Ancient Egyptian name
44. Set of four
46. Strips
47. Wife
49. More dried-up
51. Socially inept person
54. Clusters on fern fronds
59. Bar bill
60. Prefix indicating “away from”
61. Very important person
62. Fiddler crabs
64. Special therapy
Team Gosselin Welcomes Jason Diaz!
Jason is currently a licensed REALTOR in Connecticut and is excited to demonstrate his knowledge and commitment to clients in Southern Maine. Fluent in Spanish, he provides a unique opportunity for those who find language a barrier when working with real estate. Jason also has a strong sense of family since he has five children, and understands the importance of home ownership, and creating a safe and loving environment. His enthusiasm, honesty, consistency, and high-quality service support his goal to produce “creative and innovative solutions, thinking outside the box while inviting collaboration among other professionals.”


Contact Jason Diaz directly:

See page 24 for more about Diaz!
Office: 647 Route 1, York, 207-363-2414

PRICE REDUCED: MLS#1568965 – LIST PRICE $1,595,000
This lovely home is located in Cape Neddick, which is situated between Ogunquit and York, just minutes away from Cape Neddick Country Club, Perkins Cove, and Ogunquit, Cape Neddick, and York beaches. The home has 3086 SF with an open kitchen, dining and living area, 3 bedrooms (1st floor primary and 1st floor laundry), 2 1/2 baths, 4-season sun room, huge office space over the 2-car heated garage, walkout basement ready for your finishing touches, with another 943 SF that has a full bath roughed in. The wooded lot is 4.39 acres with irrigation and mature landscaping. The very private backyard offers for lots of fun outdoor space to choose from. The rear deck has a 24x24 hardscape patio and wood-burning fire pit. There is also a generator, security system, and fresh paint throughout. Ogunquit and York beaches have so many wonderful boutique shops and fabulous restaurants to choose from! Broker interest as this is our personal home. Call Deb Lynch at RE/MAX Realty One: 207-361-7712 with questions or if you would like to schedule a showing.

Congratulation to Marcia Giniusz on her RE/MAX Hall of Fame Award!

$599,900 | Eliot
Step into a friendly floor plan that greets you with a mud room, double coat closets & a half bath. Spacious and practical open concept kitchen with double ovens, a large pantry, a gas cooktop on the center island. The open and spacious family room, front entrance hall and formal dining room (could be used as a den), completes the main floor. Upstairs offers 4 sizable bedrooms and 2 baths. Primary Bedroom boasts an ensuite bathroom complete with a jacuzzi tub, a separate shower, and dual vanities. Third floor attic is partially finished with lots of potential.Unfinished walkout basement offers more storage extra space to grow. Experience the tranquility of Eliot while being conveniently located only a few minutes drive from York, Kittery, South Berwick and Portsmouth NH
Marcia Giniusz | 207.752.0472

| Ogunquit
Gorgeous views and large open spaces! Located at the end of a culde-sac this lovely home sits on the edge of marshes created by the Ogunquit River providing ever changing views and wildlife. The first level features a large eat-in kitchen fully equipped with everything a home gourmet could ever want or need a, ''formal'' dining room, large living room and one of two primary bedroom suits. The second level features yet another primary bedroom suite a cozy family room with gas fireplace and two additional large bedrooms. Each bedroom has oversized walk-in closets and wonderful natural light giving each room its own cozy atmosphere. As if this wasn’t enough, the property is just a short stroll to Ogunquit's famed Footbridge Beach.
Kim Bohn | 207.337.2102

Don Wunder | 207.252.1775
This Saturday 11am to 1pm
51 Pine Hill Rd, York
Offered at $1,549,000

Newly built colonial home! A vast, open gourmet kitchen, dining and living room with soaring ceilings and gas fire place. Spacious screened sunroom. A bonus 'flex room' located on the first level. The primary bedroom features a beautiful, spa quality en-suite, dressing room, and walk in closet. Additional guest suite with private bath on the third level and two additional, generously sized bedrooms. A flex Den is located on the first floor.The exterior features pristinely manicured gardens which mesh seamlessly with the beautiful surroundings and hardscape.
Don Wunder | 207.252.1775

Dawson Sibley | 207.333.0400

Located in a quiet neighborhood, this property is only 1.5 miles to Moody Beach and just minutes to both Wells and Ogunquit beaches. Sitting on just over a half acre, corner lot, this house is in need of some love. Though the owners have done property checks with some frequency, the home has not been occupied for 8 years. The water is off but electricity is on. This property is being sold AS IS, WHERE IS. Property will not qualify for FHA or VA financing. Allow a 48 hour response time for any offers.
Jennifer Moore | 207.337.4144

This Saturday 11am to 1pm
140 Pine Hill Rd, York

Offered at $1,595,000
Meticulously maintained home just minutes to Perkins Cove, Ogunquit & York Beaches, Cape Neddick Beach, & Cape Neddick Country Club. 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, Open Kitchen, Dining & Living. 1st floor primary & 1st floor laundry. Custom kitchen cabinetry, quartz countertops & SS JennAir appliances. Four-season sunroom, huge family room/office space over heated garage, walkout basement. 4.39 acres lot. Irrigation & mature landscaping. Rear deck with a 24x24 hardscape patio and wood burning fire pit. Generator, and a Security System. Freshly painted. Deb Lynch | 207.361.7712
OPEN HOUSE Wells | $280,000
This Sunday 11am to 1pm
1072 Post Rd #233, Wells Offered at $149,900

A new unit for sale at the Nautical Mile Resort! This one bedroom, one bath condo is available for year round use. Amenities include the outdoor pool & hot tub, tennis courts, basketball courts/shuffleboard, there is even an outdoor grill/picnic area. A great location centrally located between Kennebunkport and Ogunquit and only one mile to the beach!
Karen Rice | 207.451.3990