WS October 11, 2013

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Sentinel The Weekly

4, 2013 October 1


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Friday, October 11, 2013

Volume 9 • Issue No. 41

Wells Field Project Under Way WELLS – Representatives from three firms involved in irrigating and renovating the athletic fields of the Wells-Ogunquit CSD came together on September 27 to meet with WOCSD officials to discuss the timeline and logistics of the upcoming field renovation project. Some of those present in the conference room at the office of the Superintendent of Schools in Wells were representatives of Environmental Solutions, Sebago Technics, and SUR Construction, Inc. Also present were Superintendent Ellen Schneider and Director of Finance Rick Kusturin plus the District’s Activities Directors Jack Molloy and Dan MacLeod, Groundskeeper David Norton and Wells Elementary School Head Custodian David Boyd. Renovations to Forbes Field o began on October 7th. Numerous questions came up in the meeting regarding work scheduling, traffic flow, temporary fencing, permitting, fills, sod, drainage, lighting, back up alarms, and concerns about the spring WJHS sports schedule.



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25 14 51-53 41 48-50 35 47 42-43 23-24 26-34

Local Average Tide Chart




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A crew from SUR Construction, Inc. was busy removing a layer of about six inches of soil and turf covering Forbes Field behind Wells Junior High School on Oct. 8. (photo by Reg Bennett)

As of now, there can be no home games at Forbes Field in the spring of 2014 because the newly planted grass will not be

established enough to endure any foot traffic. Kylie Mason, Senior Landscape Architect with

Sebago Technics is very optimistic about the overall project to renovate the WOCSD athletic fields. “It’s not often that you see projects of this size funded, designed, awarded and then under construction within a three month period.” said Mason. “This is something the community of Wells and Ogunquit should be proud of. Not only is the community supporting it, but the different trades and design teams are coming together to make it happen within the same year. This is a big cooperative effort.” Mason says that the goal is to have the entire field project done by the end of November of 2013. According to Project En-

gineer Craig Burgess of Sebago Technics it is Sebago Technics that has designed the field renovation project and will provide construction inspections. The firm acting as the project manager for the entire field renovation project is Lavallee Brensinger Architects of Manchester, New Hampshire. Groundskeeper David Norton perhaps best summed up the project and what it means to the District and community. “It is going to be so nice to have this much money to put into the fields for the students, the town and the faculty. Everyone can see this is Wells-Ogunquit. This is the way we keep things,” Norton said. For more information, contact Reg Bennet at or call 207-6468331.

Go Red Event Set for October 22 KENNEBUNKPORT – The 9th annual Go Red For Women event for York County is scheduled for October 22nd at The Colony Hotel in Kennebunkport. This American Heart Association (AHA) event is aimed at raising both awareness and funds to combat cardiovascular diseases among women. Lisa Randall, Vice President of Asset and Liability at Kennebunk Savings, is the 2013 Event Chairwoman and has set a goal to raise $30,000. “Our goal with this event is to elevate heart disease and heart health as a top-of-mind issue for women. Most women don’t notice the symptoms of heart disease until it’s too late. That’s why heart disease has been called the silent killer,” said Randall. “For more than 10 years, women have been fighting heart disease individually and together as part of the Go Red For Women movement. More than 650,000 women’s lives have been saved, but the fight is far from over.” The event will begin at

4:00 p.m. with a silent auction, followed by three educational breakout sessions, healthy heart screenings, and a dinner program emceed by WMTW-8 TV Anchor Tracy Sabol. York heart disease survivor Dwyer Leahy Vessey will share her story of an unexpected mid-life diagnosis of congestive heart failure. Vessey will share why the awareness and education of the Go Red movement helped save her life and will encourage guests to pay attention to their hearts. Denise Rubin, owner of On the Marsh Bistro in Kennebunk and a York resident, will receive the AHA’s 2013 Crystal Heart Award which is presented each year to a local woman who has made a positive impact in her community. Southern Maine Medical Center and Goodall Hospital will provide Healthy Heart Screenings for guests to get their cholesterol and blood pressure checked. According to the AHA, knowing your numbers and learning how to control See RED page 7...

York’s Festival Weekend Opens Oct. 18 YORK – In its 29th year, Harvestfest opens its two-day event, taking place on Oct. 19 and 20, located at beautiful Short Sands Beach, in York. In addition, York Village’s fourth annual Marketfest will open on Oct. 18 at 10 a.m and continue on Oct. 19 at 9 a.m. Harvestfest (pictured above) will be celebrated this year on Saturday, Oct. 19 and

Health & Fitness

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Sunday, Oct. 20 from 10:00 a.m.-4:00pm. Harvestfest is held every year on the weekend following the three-day York Beach Sidewalk Sales event held Columbus Day weekend. This festival includes a variety of activities, live bands and performers (including the Don Campbell Band and local favorite, Skyler), bean See FESTS page 8...

Thank you Harvestfest Major Sponsors: Harvestfest 2013 - Oct. 19 & 20, at York Beach

Thank you toCheck out the our ruo ot uoy knah T informational insert inside! Sponsor: : r o s n o pS m a r g o rP Program

BUSINESS Thank you Harvestfest & FINANCE Major Sponsors:

In its 29th year, Harvestfest is a two-day event located at beautiful Short Sands Beach, in York, Maine. Harvestfest will be celebrated this year on Saturday, Oct. 19 & Sunday, Oct. 20 from 10:00-4:00pm. The pumpkin Harvestfest is a stroll continues on Saturday night from 4:00 - 8:00pm. Harvestfest is held every year on the weekend following the three-day York Beach Sidewalk smoke-free event. Sales event held Columbus Day weekend. Harvestfest extends the season For everyone’s safety & comfort one more week for many businesses in the area and aims to support the caeB kare roY NOT ta ,02 permitted & 91 .tcO at entire region and community. This festival includes a variety of activities, Oct. 19 & 20, at York Beach –hDogs Harvestfest (except service live bands and performers (including the Don Campbell Band and local favorite, Skyler), bean hole beans, local food vendors, juried crafters and trohS lufdogs). ituaeb ta detacol tneve yad-owt a smarketplace i tseftsevravendors H ,raey from ht92 sallti nover I New In itsEngland. 29th year, Harvestfest is a two-day event located at beautiful Short Harvestfest includes no raey siht detarbelec eb lliw tseftsevraHKidsfest; .eniaM ,look kroYfor ni pony ,hcaerides, B sdnactivities, aS Sands Beach, in face York, Maine.andHarvestfest will be celebrated this year on a petting zoo, painting Public Parking for Harvestfest nikpmupis eat hTYork’s .mp00Wild :4-00:0Animal 1 morfKing02 .tcOhorse-drawn ,yadnuS &carriage 91 .tcOrides. ,yadHarvestfest rutaS Saturday, Oct. 19 & premiere Sunday, fall Oct. 20 from 10:00-4:00pm. The pumpkin is southern Maine’s big continues for from 4:00 - 8:00pm. Harvestfest is held atents si tinsethe fton sball evSaturday rfield, aH onenight dleh si tsdom. eftsevThe raH parking .mp00:8meters - 00:4 m rf thgfestival. in yadHarvestfest rAgain utaS nthis o seyear, unitisnthere oac llwill ortsbe two stroll at othe food and the other for entertainment; this means you can expect to find klawediSbeach hcaeBarekrfree oY yduring ad-eerHarvestfest. ht eht gniwollof dsmoke-free nekeew eht no raey yreve every.tyear nevand eoneSunday. ethe rf-weekend ekoms following the three-day York Beach Sidewalk plenty of food under event. the tent on BOTH Saturday available nosaes eHandicap ht sdnetxeParking tseftsevisraH .dnekeeinw yaD submuloC dleh tneve selaS Sales event held Columbus Day weekend. Harvestfest extends the season next eht troppthe us olott sm ia dntoa athe era Winebaum eht ni sessFor enThe isueveryone’s bGreater ynam rYork of safety keRegion ew e& rom e n o one more week for in the area and aims to support the Chamber comfort tof rofCommerce, moc & ytewhich fas s’hosts enmany oyrHarvestevbusinesses e roF ,seitivitcaCenter fo yteand iravthe a sperimeter edulcni laball vitsfield ef sih–Tfest, .ytiisnupleased m moNOT c todnannounce a npermitted oiger the eritfour neat presenting Dogs are taentire dettiregion msponsors: rep and TOCutty Ncommunity. eraSark sgoMoD This – festival includes a variety of activities, road. Savings, Union Hotel &and Meeting House(including and lacol dna dnaB llebpmaC noD eht gniduHarvestfest lctel, ni( Kennebunk sremrofrep(except dna sdnaservice b evil Bluff the Don Campbell Band and local eclive ivrebands s tpekey cxeperformers ( tsefintsmaking evraH dna sretfarc deiruj ,srodnev doof lacol ,sdogs). naWoods eb elohFamily naeb ,)Inc. relykAll S ,efour tirovofaf the sponsors favorite, are Skyler),players bean hole.)beans, sgthe od local food vendors, juried crafters and Harvestfest happen, though much of their involvement remains behind

PG 18-22

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PG 37-40

Harvestfest 2013 -

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PG 15-16

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