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Friday, November 9, 2012
Volume 8 • Issue No. 45
5th annual Veterans day Celebration at Great Works School SOuTH BerWICK – The gym was full of wide eyed children and families all wearing red poppies, as members of VFW Post 5744 marched in and presented the flags to begin the 5th annual Veterans Day celebration at the Marshwood Great Works School. Fourth grader Adlai Sciascia led the full gymnasium in the Pledge of Allegiance, and the school chorus sang “The Star Spangled Banner.” Audrey Sutton, a 5th grade student, visited with her father, Philip, through Skype. He is on duty in Kawait. Nearly eighty veterans were guest of students and represented every war involvement since WWII. Guest speaker Malcolm Kenney, a member of
Ella Manero on bagpipes (courtesy photo)
Operation Ogunquit Offers Week Vacation for Fifty Families Chance to Get Away for Victims of Superstorm Sandy OGuNQuIT – Members and friends of the Ogunquit Chamber of Com-
Arts & Entertainment 33 Business & Finance 17-18 Classifieds 39-40 Computer Lady 20 Health & Fitness 13-16 Home & Business 36-38 Pets 32 Puzzles 41 Real Estate 28-29 Sports 34-35 Where To Dine 23-27
Local Average Tide Chart
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merce are offering respite and relief to a group of affected families in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. “We invited our accommodations and restaurants to open their doors and provide food and lodging to some of the families. The response to the initial email and then the follow-up on Saturday has been unprecedented,” said Karen Arel, president of the Chamber. “We are still working on the logistics. Northeast Charters is on board and will make the trip to and from NYC. He can take fifty-six people on his motor coach. We are working with a bus company in NYC to meet his bus outside of the city because of the devastation and impassable roads.” Ogunquit has also been in contact with airlines to transport some of the guests. They want to bring in fifty families and plan to have them here November 12-16. “We are not looking to ‘wine and dine’ the families,” Arel said. “We are looking to provide a respite, a chance to regroup and rebuild and to help them heal
from the tragedy. It will only be a few days in our beautiful place by the sea, but we hope it will be enough time for them to feel whole again.” Arel said that, during her time in Florida, she experienced two hurricanes. While there, she volunteered for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and handed out the Ready to Eat Meals and cases of water. “I heard their stories, and I felt their desperation and devastation,” she said. “I believe that the families in New York City and New Jersey are experiencing much of what I saw during that time.” For more information on this community initiative, contact Ogunquit Chamber president Karen Arel at karen@ogunquit. org or call the Chamber office at 207-646-1279 x11. Here are the names of local groups joining in to help out: Transportation Partners: Northeast Charter & Tour Co. Amtrak Downeaster
The entire edition of the Weekly Sentinel is NOW available online for FREE Our publication will be offered weekly as a PDF. Check out page 43 for additional information!
PG 43
See SANDY page 42...
VFW Post 5744, shared some of the many activities the local Post is involved with and spoke of the tremendous amount of work that lies ahead as more members of our armed forces return home and require assistance in settling back in their lives. The Post also donated over 400 poppies for staff, students and Veterans to wear proudly. Dorothy Adams, 5th grade teacher, spoke about why Veterans Day has always been important to her. She shared the poem, “In Flanders Field” with the audience. The chorus followed with a beautiful song, “One Nation,” by Teresa Jennings. In the weeks prior to the assembly, students had the opportunity to write an essay on
the topic, “Why our Veterans are Heroes.” Out of 100 essays submitted, thirteen were chosen to be read at the assembly. They were written by Alexis Allen, Kaitlin Babkirk, Bailey Birkbeck, Hannah Casey, Julia Fagan (read by Rory Blumenfeld), Sophia Freeman, Erin Gray, Ella Manero, Alexandria Mann, Cierra Perodin, Hannah Stackpole, Jocelyn Stackpole and Megan Tobey. Also joining the program were members of the USS Pasadena, a submarine currently docked at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Eliot is the host town while the sub has been in dock.The members shared what life was like on a See VETERANS page 11...
Traip academy in Kittery Goes Global
Gabriel Mancini of Argentina, Miguel Martinez Herrera of Columbia, Niels Eriksen of Denmark, Gesine Adler of Germany, and Anne-Sophie Deulin of Belgium
Five exchange students bring worldview to school Story and photo by Timothy Gillis KITTerY – This year, five exchange students from all corners of the globe are enjoying life as high school seniors at Traip Academy. The students hail from Germany, Denmark, Argentina, Columbia, and Belgium. The diverse mix offers students at Traip a chance to learn about several
Superstorm Sandy Relief
other countries and cultures, and gives the exchange students a chance to see the beauty of four seasons in seacoast Maine. Their advisors said this group of students is unique. Each of them has distinct personalities, and they are all active members of the school community. But to see so many visit in one year is not so unusual. “It’s pretty typical at Traip See GLOBAL page 22...
Holiday Hours The Sentinel will be closed Thursday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 23 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Advertising and editorial deadlines must be adjusted to accommodate the press schedule as well. Please submit content by Friday, Nov. 16. Any content received later than noon on Tuesday, Nov. 20, may not be included in that week’s edition.
Read about relief efforts made by the communities in our region. PG 41-42