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Friday, November 16, 2012
Volume 8 • Issue No. 46
Boy Scout Gets Honor medal for Saving mom from Fire Brave act features in Boys’ Life magazine next year SOuTH BerWICK – Boy Scout Max Willette was awarded the Honor Medal by the BSA National Court of Honor, for the Lifesaving/Meritorious Action Award, demonstrated when he risked his life to save his mom during their house fire in 2009. The Pine Tree council presented Willette his award at the PTC Executive Board Meeting on November 15 at their headquarters in Portland. Willette, now 16 and a junior at Marshwood High School, was 13 at the time when the fire broke out. He was sleep-
Max Willette (courtesy photo)
ing on the living room couch when an explosion woke him up. “My first thought was
‘What’s going on?’ I saw fire on the back porch,” he said. He acted immediately to go get his mom, who was sleeping upstairs. “We were walking down the steps, and the glass windows exploded,” drawing fire into the house. His mom, Alice Willette, said she is very proud of him. “He did a phenomenal job, and I’m so thankful to the Scouts for recognizing him.” This was one time, however, when she was glad that he did not do as he was told. “We had a plan, which was to get yourself out,” she said. “He didn’t stick to the plan, but if he had, he would have been out and I would have
been in.” His actions got immediate praise from the community, and he was named an honorary fire fighter by the South Berwick Fire Department. He doesn’t work with the fire department these days, but he is still active in Boy Scouts, and hopes to work to become an Eagle Scout one day. His sister Rebekah, who is now 25, was visiting friends when the fire broke out, and his brother William, now 24, had just started school at the University of Michigan. Max’s scout training served him well, and he said he “acted out of instinct.” While he saved his mother’s life that day,
the family did lose three pets two dogs named Duke and Mikayla, whom they had for five and three years, respectively, and a turtle named Squirt. Max now has a dog named Cheerio and a cat named Louie. His favorite class at school is English, and he said he’s not sure what he’s going to do in a couple years when he graduates from high school. For now, he and his mom are just grateful to be able to think about such things. “We had a lot of friends and neighbors who helped us get through this,” Alice said. “The fire completely destroyed the home. We lost everything.” See WILLETTE page 7...
York Woman Supports Troops a Stitch at a Time By Pat Sommers Staff Columnist YOrK – U.S. troops going “outside the wire” and into the rugged mountains of Afghanistan are tied to York, Maine, by a slender
Arts & Entertainment 33 Business & Finance 16-17 Calendar of Events 21 Classifieds 40-41 Computer Lady 18 Home & Business 37-38 Pets 32 Puzzles 43 Real Estate 31 Sports 35 Where To Dine 22-28
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strand of yarn. These men and women of the military are the ones fortunate enough to be wearing knitted wool helmet liners sent to the Middle East through the efforts of York resident Betsy Dorrian. Helmet liners are designed to slip on easily, providing warm and comfort to both the head and neck. A protective combat helmet is worn over the liner. Extreme heat that vanishes into bitter cold is the daily experience of troops serving in the harsh mountainous terrain, explained Dorrian. “Because they are in high elevations,” she said of military personnel, “at night the temperature drops. By wearing wool under their helmets they preserve their body heat.” Dorrian’s son, Leonard Dorrian, was serving in the Marine Corps when she learned of the need for the knitted headgear. On a trip to the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico, Va., with Leonard’s children, Dorrian spotted a helmet liner and inquired about its purpose. “I asked about it and was told that they were looking for
volunteers to knit them,” she said. Dorrian started knitting the helmet liners herself, and then through her job at the Constitution Museum in Boston, Mass., spread the word to others about the project. “I ran across other people in the Constitution Museum, people from Pennsylvania, people from different parts to the country and I told them about it,” she said. Dorrian had copies of the See LINERS page 11...
An example of the knitted wool helmet liners made for US troops (courtesy photo)
Health & Fitness A special section concerning your health... INSIDE:
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(l-r) Vicki Carr, Curtis Clark, Sr., Norma Clark, Curt Clark, and Jen Clark
Norma Clark Named Citizen of Year Story and photo by Timothy Gillis YOrK COuNTY – There has been no rest for Norma Clark. Even though she might be inclined to stop and smell the roses, after being named Citizen of the Year by the Greater York Region Chamber of Commerce last week, she’s back at her namesake restaurant working away. “It’s been like a beehive,” she said about work this week, as she took a moment to talk about the award. “It’s overwhelming to think there are so many people who are deserving of this, and how they (the
The entire edition of the Weekly Sentinel is NOW available online for FREE Our publication will be offered weekly as a PDF. Check out page 43 for additional information!
PG 30
Chamber) decide is beyond me.” The recognition hasn’t changed her philanthropic outlook, however, as anyone who knows her would know. Clark is often busy because she gives so much. She was noted for opening her restaurant at 4 a.m. to feed utility workers during the windstorms in February and June of this year. She donates restaurant space to local groups for meetings, and allowed all candidates to campaign at her place for the November elections. She sponsors local charities such as the Dream Factory See CLARK page 44...
Holiday Hours The Sentinel will be closed Thursday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 23 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Advertising and editorial deadlines must be adjusted to accommodate the press schedule as well. Please submit content by Friday, Nov. 16. Any content received later than noon on Tuesday, Nov. 20, may not be included in that week’s edition.