WS Dec. 7, 2012

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Volume 8 • Issue No. 49

Spirit of Giving Helps make Dreams Come True By Pat Sommers Staff Columnist OGuNQuIT – Christmas morning would be a lot different without the Ogunquit Spirit of Giving, according to Brian Linden, a member of the committee that heads up the community initiative to make the holidays special for children-inneed of Maine. Now in its eighth year, the volunteer-driven Spirit of Giving project provides to local residents and business owners the holiday wish lists of children who face

Santa comes early for several area children (courtesy photo)

Howe Brothers announce New armored Vehicle By Timothy Gillis Staff Columnist WaTerBOrO – The Howe brothers are at it again. Developers of the Ripsaw tank that grabbed the attention of the U.S. military, Geoff and Mike Howe announced a brand new “robotic solution,” the SWAT Bot. “We just fin-



border patrols, and even international crime-fighting agencies. They know with tightening budgets, they need to continue to adapt the uses of their high-tech machinery beyond the military. “We have to compete againt the world’s best,” Geoff said. “So we decided after Fukushima (Daiichi nuclear disaster) to develop our robotic response capability.” The RS1 is a simple robot that can travel 5 mph with a base platform upon which are designed attachments. The RS1 E1, or Eagle Eye, is a surveillance robot with an infrared camera with zoom lens used for reconnaissance. The RS1 T1, or Thermite, has the same base platform with a firefighting attachment



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ished ballistics testing on it Saturday,” Geoff said. “The ballistic armor just got painted yesterday (Monday).” Howe and Howe Technologies developed the RS1, or Robotic Solution 1, and have since created several adaptations using the RS1 base, including remote-controlled vehicles with a camera, water hose, or claw. The “SWAT Bot” concept was created in coordination with the Massachusetts State Police, according to company literature. Like other models, it utilizes the RS1 base platform, but to it are added a “collapsible ballistics shield, and a hardened AR400 steel nose shield to protect those in the line of fire.” Up to 12 people can be shielded by the SWAT Bot as it advances on an enemy. The Howe brothers see it as beneficial to police departments,

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See HOWE page 19...

a Christmas without gifts. Area sponsors, with these lists in hand, head to stores to purchase the requested items. “It would be a much different Christmas morning for these kids without this,” Linden said of the Spirit of Giving effort. “Knowing that some child is going to open a present and be in awe makes it all worth it.” The Spirit of Giving program was launched in 2005 by Ogunquit resident Jason Corbin, who recruited a few acquaintances to serve on the inaugural plan-

ning committee. The goal that year – to provide holiday gifts for 50 children who otherwise might not receive presents – was met and exceeded by 38. “Jason came up with the idea, and he reached out to members of the community,” said committee member Frances Reed. “He hand-picked people who he thought would be able to help with this.” Four of the current ninemember Ogunquit Spirit of See GIVING page 4...

Wreaths across america Coming through Town Maine’s First Lady Takes Trip Again auGuSTa – Maine’s First Lady Ann M. LePage will be on the road again this year to ride along with the Wreaths Across America caravan from Washington County to Washington D.C. The caravan will be on Route 1 in Kennebunk at 10 a.m. on Monday, December 10, and will arrive at Wells Middle School at 10:45 a.m. the same day. LePage says she is back for more after last year’s emotional trip. “I absolutely loved it. It is a long week, but it’s absolutely worth it to honor our fallen heroes to let them know we haven’t forgotten them,” she said Monday. “For me, it’s really special this year. I’m taking my sister, Tammy DeRosby, with me. She’s looking forward to it. She doesn’t know quite what to expect, but I told her she’ll enjoy it.” LePage said she will meet her husband, Gov. Paul LePage, with their daughter, Lauren, the night before they visit Arlington

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First Lady Ann LePage (courtesy photo)

National Cemetery. “And our son, Paul, II, is planning to drive up from college (Nova University in Fort Lauderdale), on December 15. So the whole family will be there,” she said. LePage, who has made advocacy and awareness for military members and their families of past and present her priority, will join the Maine-based Worcester Wreath, the Patriot Guard Riders and dozens of volunteers in bringing thousands of See WREATHS page 9...

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