WS Dec. 14, 2012

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Volume 8 • Issue No. 50

Students Visit with Wreaths across american Caravan WellS – Wreaths Across America visited Wells Junior High School on Monday, December 10, for a wreath laying ceremony at Ocean View Cemetery in Wells. Karen and Morrill Worcester of the Worcester Wreath Company donated 120,000 wreaths to this year’s trip to Arlington National Cemetery and other locations along the way. This is the sixth year that the Worcesters and their convoy have visited WJHS on the way to Arlington NC. Worcester began bringing wreaths to Arlington in 1992. Attending yesterday at WJHS were Major General (Ret) Peter Aylward. He is a con-

Jacob Laureau plays Taps while students from Wells Junior High School lay wreaths on tombstones across the street from their school. His brother, Justin Laureau, used to play for this event but now Jacob has moved to fill his older brother’s place. (photo by Timothy Gillis)

sultant with the Department of Defense’s Office of Commemorations. Aylward presented a spe-

cial blue flag to WJHS Principal Chris Chessie, honoring the 50th Anniversary of America’s

leaders from across maine Honor Charlie lyons Contributions to higher education cited WellS – Representatives from the Maine Community College System (MCCS), the University of Maine System (UMS), and



Arts & Entertainment 28 Calendar of Events 24 Computer Lady 17 Finance 15-16 Home & Business 32-33 Pets 30 Puzzles 31 Real Estate 25 Sports 29 Where To Dine 18-22

Local Average Tide Chart



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York County Community College (YCCC) gathered at YCCC this afternoon to pay tribute to Dr. Charles Lyons, the college’s president for the past six years and a leader in Maine higher education for over two decades. Lyons died of cancer in August of this year. Nearly 150 friends and fans of Charlie’s from across the state joined the Lyons family to dedicate the YCCC conference room, now the Charles M. Lyons Community Board Room. Colby Williams, a YCCC graduate and former president of the college’s Student Senate, assisted in the dedication. “Dr. Lyons’ door was always open, but even more impressive was the depth of his open heart and his open mind. We are all inspired by his legacy, his work to provide opportunities for others to be great,” Williams said. Speakers at the dedication also announced that two scholarship funds have been established to help carry on Dr. Lyons’ legacy: • MCCS President John

Fitzsimmons announced that the Maine Community College System has established the Dr. Charles M. Lyons Memorial Scholarship, a full tuition scholarship to be awarded annually to a second-year YCCC student; and • Former UMS Chancellor Terry MacTaggart announced that the University System has also established a Dr. Charles M. Lyons Memorial Scholarship, a $2.000 scholarship to be awarded annually to a YCCC graduate going on to one of Maine’s universities. See LYONS page 4...

Dr. Charles Lyons (courtesy photo)

Health & Fitness A special section concerning your health... INSIDE:

PG 12-14

involvement in the Vietnam conflict and honoring those Americans who served there. Also in attendance was the First Lady of Maine, Ann LePage. John O’Leary of the Patriot Guard Riders was there, along with several members of the group that escorts the convoy to Arlington. O’Leary is on the Wreaths Across America’s Board of Directors. Those in the district who organized the event at WJHS included Chessie, teacher Rachel Kilbride, and her husband Jim Kilbride, and teacher Cindy Roche. Cindy Mitchell and Lynn Mercier are advisors to the WJHS Student Council. They

and members of the Council made up 115 “Goodie Bags” including water and handed them out to members of the convoy. Sally Morse and her student volunteers, Abigail Booth, Anna Gould, Evan Leach, Shea Harrington and Kalaeb Fenoff, made wreaths for the ceremony at the cemetery. Some of the students who laid wreaths included, from the fifth grade: Noah Joy and Margaret Foster; from the 6th grade: Sophia Zurlo and Gary Andrews; from the 7th grade: Sam Chase and Kyle Crothers; and from the 8th grade: Kayla Looper and Ryan Barber. Teachers choose students to represent the various grades.

Chamber Names New executive Director KeNNeBuNK, KeNNeBuNKPOrT & aruNDel – Suzanne McKechnie has been named the new executive director of the Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, and Arundel Chamber of Commerce. Prior to the move, she was an economic development specialist for the Sanford Growth Council. Asked about her new job, she said “The executive director is someone who would help advocate for businesses and their services, not just for retail but for services and the tourism industry.” McKechnie grew up in Farmington. She has worked for the Maine Office for Tourism in Augusta. She relocated with her husband, Daniel Stevenson, and their daughter, Abigail, to Kennebunk about two years ago. “The central focus for us right now is membership,” McKechnie said. “To understand what members need, what there are missing, and how we can act as an advocate for those members.” The Chamber has staff members that are interested in meeting with area businesses to talk about the benefits of mem-

Be sure to shop locally! e c i al s H oliday Sp c al Shop Lo Check out these specials...

PG 6-10

Suzanne McKechnie (photo by Robert A. Dennis)

bership, she said. “We’re looking for volunteers to get involved as well. It’s a great way to give back to the community.” Some events coming up in the spring include a “February is for Lovers” event, wherein participants can stay at a local bed and breakfast, stroll the lanes, and enjoy the restaurants. Also in February, there will be a Winterfest in downtown Kennebunk. The second annual business expo See MCKECHNIE page 16...

News from Around the State A new section sharing stories from around the state of Maine PG 26

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