Rhombus Cardboard Chair Process Book

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INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design Project 01: Structure

William Felker

email: wfelker@cca.edu

site: williamfelker.com

INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Table of Contents Project Introduction


Description / Interpretation of Project


Personal Goals




Cardboard and furniture examples


Where it came from


Concepts and Development


Design Process


Sketch Models






Selected Model


From Paper to Cardboard


Design Development


Materials Used


Final Product


Product Description

Project 01: Structure



INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Final Model and Rendering


Evaluation of Process


Personal Evaluation


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How Made.How Products Are Made Volume 1. Advameg INC, 2012. ‹http://www.madehow.com/ Volume-1/Corrugated-Cardboard.html#›.

Project 01: Structure



INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Project Introduction Description / Interpretation of Project Structure is key to this project, as our goal is to construct a piece of furniture from cardboard to create a piece of functional yet design-based piece of furniture which can support 170 pounds or 77 kg. Multiple types of materials were allowed, though standard glue is not recommended. However, keep in mind this project could be a chair, couch, stool or anything that holds a person off the ground. There were several materials that we were allowed to use for this project. Some of the approved fastening material are as follows: “space tape rivets staples, bungees, grommets, zip ties, string, rope, eggs, zippers, buttons, Velcro and small bolts.” Paper is also permitted material however we are not permitted to use “wood, metal, resin, plastic, fiberglass or any other non-paper material”.1

Personal Goals • Create a chair from one solid piece of cardboard • Try to use no additional type of materials other than Velcro • Create a multifaceted piece of furniture which is both a couch and a chair depending on the way in which it is orientated.


J. Baldwin Project 1 Assignment Sheet

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Research Cardboard and furniture examples

One of the more significant designers or, in this case, architects, to design furniture

out of cardboard is Frank Gehry. The approach he uses is very architectural, which when constructing with a cardboard material can be a vital skill. Gehry’s designs appear to accent the structural features which give cardboard its strength. His works are therefore structural works of beauty, with exposed corrugation and fluid motion.

Where it came from

It was critical for me to understand what cardboard consists of and the process

behind making cardboard. The process is far more simple than I had expected. Cardboard simply consists of recycled paper which layered in a certain order to create the certain stock density which is required for the given task. So all paper goes threw similar processes during production.2


How Made.How Products Are Made Volume 1

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Concepts and Development Design Process

The design process which I follow as I create objects from scratch begins with the

creation of a 3-D model. Personally, I can better conceptualize an idea through constructing it in the physical environment before drawing the object. By creating small incisions in the paper and watching the ways in which it naturally folds, I tried to find a way in which the cardboard design can be structurally sound and not require additional materials for structural support. As inspiration for my design process I looked at the ways in which nature already takes organic shapes and creates strong forms and structures out of them. The end design was create from a trapezoid face and a back which leans to the triangle base.

Sketch Models Model 01

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Summary : For Model One, I wanted to take the structure of a lawn chair to see what it would be like to have the entire object hold itself up with out any need of adhesive materials. However, in order for the design to function, the weight needs to be shifted to a more central section of the chair. Otherwise, when leaning back in the chair the weight can shift causing the chair to fall backward.

Model 02

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Summary : Model 02 was the first ideation of the idea of the object accommodating various numbers of people depending on the orientation of the furniture. For example, on one face the object supports 3 people and on another, just one. Here the scale of the piece would out way the benefits.

Model 03

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Summary : Model 03 I found to be the most interesting and least explored. The idea of the entire chair becoming flat and not needing any adhesive material I found to be wonderful. The weight of the user would increase the strength of the chair by creating more down pressure on the device. However, further exploration would be needed to stop the chair from folding every time the user stood up.

Model 04

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Summary : This Model started the final phase. It was created from a found piece of cardboard and cut down until I saw model 05 with in it. The way I could flip the object and always have it land on one of two side pushed me to try to create a chair and couch in one.

Model 05

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Summary : After trying different models, I wanted to comeback to the chair. Although the model meets my strength requirement the awkward angle which meets your neck was not apparent until the final product. This prohibited this version of the object to contain two pieces in one.

Final Paper Model

[---- Place Scalded Paper Model Here ---- ]

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Sketches •

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Schematics Selected Model

The chosen model was selected for the two following reasons. This object could be

used in two different capacities as both a chair or when flipped 180 degrees it could then be used as a couch. Secondly, this design appeared to contain the most structural integrity out of all of my models due to the inclusion of multiple tetrahedrons to create a light and solid geometric structure.

From Paper to Cardboard In the attached video below I demonstrate the process through which I took the paper model and created a 3-D cardboard scale sketch model. 「If you are viewing this in a printed capacity then you may view the video at the URL https://vimeo.com/49839595 」 Video HERE

Overcoming obstacles

During construction I encountered several errors which were not immediately

apparent after building both sketch models. First the density of the cardboard used in the sketch models’ seats and back structures was significantly stronger and could withstand more pressure than it could in the final life size model. This required me to construct additional supports to place under the seat and back to both increase the comfort level and ensure that the user would not fall through the bottom of the chair up to the weight restriction. The most likely end result will be a series of triangles to help distribute the weight and these can also be attached via Velcro to relieve any need for gluing or hardening of materials over time. Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Design Development Materials Used • Corrugated cardboard both ¼ and ⅛ inch

---『Place Velcro sample here』---

• Industrial strength Velcro tabs

---『Place Velcro sample here』---

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Final Product Product Description

The object has transported into a Trapezium which can be used both as a chair our

a couch simply by being flipped 180.

Final Model and Rendering Final Model Front

Final Model Back

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Final Model Left

Final Model Right

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Evaluation of Process Personal Evaluation

The evolution of the object into its final form truly helped me to better understand

my own creative process. I found this experience incredibly enlightening. In the past I found myself conflicted in organizing my ideas and inspirations to meet the outside standards imposed by my high school IB art classes. I found myself conflicted between the manner in which I naturally work and the ways I’ve worked in the past. I am now beginning to better understand my own creative process and how I am most efficient and effective in my work. This better understanding of process became apparent once I was able to develop my idea during the conceptual phase and create my final shape from cardboard that could serve more than one purpose. My creative process improved when I started directly with the 3-D sketch models and could really feel and play with the object and manipulate it and its three-dimensional form. Once I had a clearer understanding of the physical form and the object I then developed a better understanding of how to convey that on paper with pen and pencil. Through the process of creating this chair and couch I experienced personal growth in terms of how my creative process evolves over time.

Although I feel that my sketch models were well rendered and clean representations

of the end product, I think I can improve on the perspective drawings ahead of time to give the user a better understanding of the concept, if they don’t have the opportunity to experience holding the actual model. As I continue to investigate my process and improve its efficiency as I move through ideas, the ways in which I document this work will become increasingly essential. I think my process book will become more efficient and beneficial to me if I start the book when I start the project and fill in the process book as I go through the project. I feel that the process book over time will become stronger as it will truly parallel my process and how I get from an idea to the full creation of the actual product.

Project 01: Structure


INDUS 100-01 Introduction to Industrial Design

Bibliography How Made.How Products Are Made Volume 1. Advameg INC, 2012. ‹http://www.madehow.com/Volume-1/Corrugated-Cardboard.html#›.

Project 01: Structure


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