Architecture Portfolio selected works 2020-2022

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The Water Testing Ground

The site is located at famous post-mining site at Tanjung Tualang, Perak, Malaysia. Due to the past mining activities, the soil and lakes are polluted by heavy metal. A series of architecture interventions are proposed to restore the barren site by cleaning the polluted lake water with biological method, phytoremediation. The project sees the lake as a precious resource that can potentially support the local freshwater demand in the future simultaneosuly enpowering the local community to sustain an intimate relationship with the nature. The project plans to convert the site into a reserved wetland forest, not for agriculture, but for hydrological, landscape and architectural research to rebond the relationship of humanity and nature. In context of glabal water crisis, the scheme proposes not just a eco way of obtaining self sufficient clean water, but also a new way of builing smaller scale & less carbon infrastructure.

The site is located at Tanjung Tualang, Perak, Malaysia. Tanjung Tualang was originally one of the major tin-mining towns in Malaysia around early 1900. It was known at one time as there are many tin mines that operate on a large scale.Tanjung Tualang Tin Dredge is a unique relic from Malaysia’s tin mining heydays. After1982 the dredge fell on hard times. All the other dredges in the area were disposed of long ago and this last remaining example was in danger of being of being sold off for its high scrap metal value until heritage-loving individuals launched a “Save the Dredge” campaign. Fortunately, that campaign was successful, and the dredge has been preserved and restored.

TT5 Tin Dredge, Tanjung Tualang
1. Phytoremediation Research Center 2. Rain Chapel
3. TT5 Tin Dredge Extension Museum 4. Wastewater tower

Phytoremediation Research Centre

Sited on the boundaries of the lake, the research centre aims to carry out the smaller ‘offsite’ filtration from the lake. The water is pumped and filtrated in the building. The filtered water will be collected and further researched to ensure the safety of drinking and daily usage. The proposal challenges the vast usage of chemicals in water filtration today and highly believe water can be filtered in a more natural way.

Rain Chapel

The Rain Chapel is designed to deepen the connection between humans and water by incorporating rainwater as a central element in both its design and experience. Rainwater, often considered the purest source before touching the ground, becomes a feature that invites visitors to engage directly with it. The chapel embodies the serene and reflective qualities of temples, churches, and shrines. The continuous presence of water, the play of light reflecting off its surface, the moisture in the enclosed space, and the tactile interaction with rainwater create an atmosphere of tranquility and contemplation. Collected rainwater will be stored and used for irrigation and other sustainable purposes.

TT5 Tin Dredge Extension Musuem

“ Visiting a museum is a matter of going from void to void” ----Robert Smithson

The idea is inspired by the phrase of Robert Smithson, where the void can be created by using the stairs. The stairs allow the users to go around the dredge and experience the unique relation of space and void. There is no dismantle of the tin dredge because it is so important to the history of Malaysia. The reinforcement will be proposed to be added on the steel structure inside. The extended parts are not rely on the dredge structure so the dredge fragile structure is not overloaded. The new staircase is proposed to allow the visitors to visit the upper floors of the tin dredge in a safer way. It also can be used as a observatory to view the scenery of the site.

Wastewater Tower

The wastewater tower is using the phytoremediation method to filter wastewater, it challenges the current wastewater plant which consuming large scale of space and unsustainable. The wastewater tower will refresh the view towards the wastewater management and celebrate the process turning wastewater into clean water.

The green plants are planted along the wall so the filtration process(phytoremediation) can be carried out. The filtered water will then be stored as water for irrigation. The irrigated water will back to the soil undergo the natural filter and back to the underground water or the lake water.

Bullets, Virtue & Wheels

The library is a parasitism architecture which made of bone and slim temporary structure (scaff-folding) which attached to the existing school (host) at the remote hilly area of Taiz, Yemen. The adaptive reused of the existing school (host) and the self-support detachable structure (parasite) create a mutual beneficial relationship which benefits the local community and injected a new life to the lifeless site. The library provides humanitarian services which helps to rejuvenate the younger generation who might rebuild the country in the future.

Bullets --- War
Virtue ---- Faith
Wheel --- Nomadic

“Apart from trinity, the limbs of the library teaches other values , as we know term of “books” work different here. Improvisation shall be imposed differently in the matter of adaptation.”

A Journey of Remembrance, The New Papan Cemetery

The idea of “the end of life is not death; being forgotten is” is implemented into the architecture programs. The spaces of handling the deceased body , from beginning to ending, will be proposed. The insertion of public space is to introduce the culture of death to the Asian culture , telling the public that death is a important cycle in the human history.

Inspired by the site shophouses invaded by nature, the concept employs a biodegradable “tree grave”/ tree burial with the deceased person’s ashes inside. Over time, the “grave” begins to decompose. Eventually, the person will be forgotten, the grave will discomposed into soil and dust, blow into the atmosphere or back down to earth.

The Nano Cave is a proposed tiny house at one of the oldest villages in Malaysia, Kg Bangau Bangau. Nano Cave aims to create a nature inspired interior with the combination of ancient wisdom and contemporary design. The house is located at the edge of land and sea, allows the users to enjoy the beauty of land and sea at the same time. Nano Cave can accomodate 2 person, suitable for couple, husband and wife, friends to stay for short term and long term. It can act as long-term home as well as a temporary escape.

Nano Cave

n. (‘wood rock’, in Chinese mu-wood, shi-stone) the 2 most primitive materials used in tool-making.

n. A chair with organic form, narrating the story of human and chair throughout the human evolution. It is a nature inspired products and it celebrates the idea of relxation.

This exploration into “chair-evolution” scrutinizes the enthralling connection between human evolution and seating development. The Mushi chair’s form mirrors the organic contours of tree logs and stones, integrating the stool concept for a departure from conventional chairs. Lowering the chair subtly communicates a break from the norm, emphasizing the notion that a lower seating position equates to relaxation.


Idea & Inspiration

Atavism (the reappearance of ancestral traits) is the overall idea of the concept. The love and needs towards nature, and the calm that nature brings us, is one of the psychological atavism.


In biology, an atavism is a modification of a biological structure whereby an ancestral genetic trait reappears after having been lost through evolutionary change in previous generations.


The form is extracted from things which familiar to our memory, like the organic form of rock, trunk and wood, which can helps use to remind our relatinoship with nature in the past 900,000 years.

Co-pulp - Prototype 1

(collaborate with Kolektif Kreatif Studio)

In this context, “Co-pulp” suggests a chair that is both environmentally conscious and provides essential support, akin to how the spine supports the body. It conveys the idea of sustainability and ergonomic design, emphasizing the chair’s commitment to being eco-friendly while prioritizing comfort and support for the user.

The Co-pulp chair is inspired by natural stone and wood texture. The seat, crafted from paper pulp, inspired by nature’s own contours, not only provides firm yet comfortable cushioning, and combating waste paper issues. Supporting the chair’s integrity are 3D-printed joints made from recycled filament, ensuring easy assembly and reducing plastic waste. EcoSpine embodies affordability without compromising on quality or environmental consciousness. The overall structure of the chair is also made by recycled plywood.

Pulp Preparation and Material Properties (MP)

1. Prepare blended mixture of cardboards, papers, wood saw and water. (MP : shredded,wet)

2. Add glue for coagulation. (MP :sticky, crumpy, wet)

3. Apply to mold, wait for drying and hardening. (MP: coagulated, less wet, harden as time past)

4. Digital fabrication (laser cut on A1 3mm plywood) to get the form mold.

5. De-mold, sort and label dried pulp.

6. Assemble according to label.

7. Tidy up surface, sand , apply shellac and wait to dry.

Assembly Process

1. Bend the plywoods according to the curvature, stay overnight and secured by clamps.

2. Assemble the legs with 3d printed joints

3. Assemble the chair parts, spray and apply oil finish to the surface.

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