Design thinking final reportg Green Building
A0761064 蘇浩崴
CONTENTS Executive Summary
1.Opportunity 1.Problem Summary 2.Solution Summary 3.Market 4.Competition 5.Overview 6.Why us? 2.Expectation ions 1.Forecast 2.Financial Highlights by Year[chart] 3.Financing Needed
1. Problem&Solution 1.Problem Worth Solving 2.Our Solution 2.Target Market 3.Competition 1.Current Alternatives 2.Our Advantages
CONTENTS Execution
1.Marketing&Sales 1.Marketing Plan 2.Sales Plan 2.Operations 1.Locations&Facilities 2.Technology 3.Equipment & Tools 3.Milestones & Metrics 1.Milestones Table 2.Key Metrics
1.Overview 2.Team 1.Management Team 2.Advisors
CONTENTS Financial Plan
1.Forecast 1.Key Assumptions 2.Revenue by Month [chart] 3.Expenses by Month [chart] 4.Net Profit (or Loss) by Year[chart] 2.Financing 1.Use of Funds 2.Sources of funds 3. Statements 1.Projected Profit&loss 2.Projected Balance Sheet 3.Projected Cash Flow Statement
1.Monthly Financial Forecasts 2.Additional Documentation
Executive Summary
1.1. Problem Summary
Today, developments that are built wit hthe environment in mind are placed at a premium, not just because it offers a high qualit yof space wit hcost-efficient features, but also to emphasize corporate social responsibility towards the environment. What if we saw every building as an opportunit yfor sustainable
development? That is just what they are. Buildings consume water and electricity— one-third of global energy consumption is in buildings—as well as the raw materials used in construction.
1.2. Solution Summary
The Economic Impact of Green Buildings
A study conducted by the US Green Building Council has shown that in 2014 alone, the green building industry has supported 2 million workers. The industry is expected t ocontribute $29.8 billion in US’ GDP by 2018, wit hgreen construction directly contributing to the creation of 1.1 million jobs by 2018 wit h386,000 jobs coming from LEED.
1 . 3 . Market
By 2050, the global floor area in buildings is expected t odouble to more than 415 billion square meters, and buildings’ energy demand may increase by as much as 50 percent. As assets wit huseful lives average 50-100 years, buildings lock in decisions today like few others, especially in high-growt hregions like India, China and Africa. Meanwhile, the buildings sector is a laggard in climat e action. Average energy consumption per person in the global buildings sector
remains practically unchanged since 1990 despit e the fact that building energy upgrades represent the single largest source of lowcost emissions reductions and creat e significant equity benefits by reducing energy poverty. Three-quarters of NDCs overlook buildings and two-thirds of countries still have no mandatory building energy codes, leaving the easiest greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions on the table.
1.4. Competition
To keep global temperature increase t o even 2 degrees Celsius requires an entirely different level of ambition. The IEA 2Degree Scenario requires that building-related CO2 emissions drop by 85 percent from current levels by 2060.
Unlike in other sectors, the technology and design techniques for zero carbon buildings are bot havailable and cost-competitive: passive design principles, energy-efficient equipment and storage, carbonnegative materials and a combination of onsite and offsite production of clean energy. But it’s clear we need to move past t he incrementalism of change ”permit-by-permit” and instead shift market expectations—in prominent, high-growt hplaces—of what acceptable building assets look like.
Why us?
undergoing m a s s i v e u r b a n i z a t io n , which could increase buildings’ energy use by as much as 40 percent in the next 15 years. Now, the question is: How can those responsible for building construction—namely, cities, towns and developers— deliver on the lofty goals set by the national government? One shining example is Shanghai’s Changning District, which recently put in place an energy monitoring platform that now tracks 160 of the district’s 165 public buildings. Thanks t o the project, 32 buildings have been retrofitted to achieve an average 20 percent energy savings. To encourage the remaining 133 public buildings t o renovate, the district is considering using a third-party ranking system t o rate buildings on their energy performance, a strategy that’s proved effective in other locales. The district also provided 23 million yuan ($3.34 million) in subsidies t o help building managers make their buildings more efficient. This lowered the payback period for the private sector, which in turn encouraged them to invest an additional 140 million yuan ($20.33 million).
Opportunity 2.1.Problem&Solution
ASHRAE sponsors these competitions t o encourage students to become involved in a profession t h a t is crucial to insuring a sustainable future for our Eart h– the design of energy-eďŹƒcient HVAC systems. ASHRAE wil l recognize the outstanding student design projects at the 2019 ASHRAE Winter Meeting t obe held in Atlanta, GA, January 12-16, 2019.
2.1.1.Problem Worth Solving
The student design competit io n’s guidelines provide enough background information to enable the teams t odesign or select the HVAC system for the given building, or t o design a sustainable building implementing an integrated building design process (the archit ec tural and building design for sustainability, and its supporting mechanical and electrical systems) for the given program.
2.1.2.Our Solution
The Integrated Sustainable Building Design (ISBD) competition’s aim is t oencourage students to extend their knowledge beyond the core mechanical systems. For the ISBD category, the final design level presented may be in a preliminary stage, as the competition’s
basic intention is t o challenge students’ imaginative thinking and creative engineering approach to the building and all of its systems.
2.2.Target Market
The competition aims t oexplore architectural developing direction which ďŹ ts contemporary aesthetics and lifestyle with Chinese characteristics. It wil l promote the application of new green building materials and new technology products in modern buildings to achieve ult ra -low energy consumption or ultra-low emissions of buildings, Looking for a new direction of architectural development in the process of urbanization in China.
2.3.Competition The first competition expert committees’ preparatory meeting has been held successfully in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province during the 14t hInternational Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Building & New Technologies and Products Expo on April 3rd, 2018.
2.3.1.Current Alternatives
More and more builders and cities are realizing how much is t obe
gained. The green building movement is growing. In the United States, for example, the percentage of commercial office space certified by LEED or Energy Star has risen to 38 percent in 2017 from less than 5 percent in 2005.
2.3.2.Our Advantages
President Nathan Fletcher founded Current Alternatives in 2015 to bring high-qualit yelectrical services to the D.C, Maryland and Virgini
3.Execution 3.1.Marketing&Sales We help our clients set their strategic direction, develop
their marketing and sales capabilities, and connect their organization to realize the ful l potential of today’s omnichannel opportunities. To deliver above-market growt hin
today’s market, we believe that organizations need to build two things:Excellent “3D” ca
3.1.1 Marketing Plan
Maybe you have no idea where to start when it comes to
creating your marketing plan and don’t want to leave out
something important. Or you might be refining one you’ve already created.
3.2 Operations Plan
If you’ve done a simple Google search for marketing plan samples for
inspiration, you’ve probably found it difficult. So, we thought you’d
appreciate these 30 examples you can follow.
3.2 Operations
Institutional quality and provide a long building systems service life. EďŹƒcient and cost eective for operation and
maintenance. Designed to provide low operating and maintenance
costs for the life of the facility. Composed of
environmentally friendly and recyclable materials.
3.3.Milestones and Metrics
A signiďŹ cant milestone was recently passed, wit hthe
majorit yof humankind now living in cities. For the ďŹ rst
time in the history of our species, the immediat e human environment wil l primarily be the built environment.
Accelerating urbanizat io n does not change the fact,
however, that human beings ultimately remain dependent on the environment. Cit ie s and their growth will necessarily become major drivers of environmental and
ecological change, and global sustainable development will therefore be inextricably tied to the development of cities.
Green Building Company has just been launched, oering
environment conscious and energy-ef fic ient construction services t o homes and projects in Yorkshire and the North
West. The company incorporates two long-standing West
Yo r k s h i re c o n s tr u c t io n c o m p a n i e s , S l a to r B u t c h e r
Construction and Chris Herring Building Services.The new company aims t o build on its combined experience of all
aspects of environmental construction by offering customers a
broad range of eco-options, including: maximisation of
energy-efficiency in building and renovations, avoidance of toxic timber treatments, installation of saving systems, avoidance of PVC in
w a t er -
wiring and guttering, and use of reclaimed building materials.
Green Impact have partnered t orelease a new report, ”Green
Teams: Engaging Employees in Sustainability.” Based on interviews wit hgreen team leaders from Intel, Yahoo!, eBay and Genentech, as wel l as a review of the latest literature on
employee engagement and green teams, the report provides an overview of the best practices companies are using t osupport and guide green teams.
Management Team
Our team of specialists, recognized by the Association of
Energy Engineers (AEE), is focused on developing custom solutions in order to reduce your energy consumption and create a Greener working environment.
5.Financial Plan As green buildings increasingly become the standard,
and as non-green
buildings risk becoming devalued in the marketplace,
ďŹ nancial institutions
should prepare for the green building transformation by considering four basic strategies.
This statistic displays
the value of the global green building
materials market in
2014 with a projection for 2020. By 2020, it is projected that the
market will reach 255 billion
U.S. dollars. Currently market demand is dominated by public facilities, and the
education, commercial, and industrial sectors.
Green buildings represent a major global investment
opportunity, with buildings making up the largest segment
of the US$231 billion energy eďŹƒciency market. In EBRD countries of operations, however, they also represent a
challenge. Currently, green-building renovation rates and practices in these countries are far below Paris Agreement targets. Furthermore, most of these eorts are not cost-
optimal due to capacity and supply-chain limitations, as well as regulatory and policy constraints.
5.3 Statements
Using t h eir comprehensive database of incentives for sustainably focused new
construction and retrofits, GMS simplifies the search
for incentives into four easy steps: identif y i ng ”green money,”
d e t er m i n i n g
eligibilit y , applying for
funds and connecting you to t h e right professionals for your project.
The studies are organized
into three categories: studies
on energy, water, and related
factors (subcategories include
studies on federal buildings and regional studies); studies on indoor environmental quality and productivity; and
studies on the incremental costs to design and construct
high-performance or green buildings. Those categories are not, however, exclusive, and ďŹ ndings from some studies could be grouped within more than one category.
6.1 Monthly Financial Forecasts
It’s a rare entrepreneur who enjoys working on ďŹ nancial forecasts. Many feel like the
time could be better spent on actually developing and
running their business. Still,
forecasts truly are a necessity.
You need them to attract investors, but more
importantly they help you
develop long-term strategic plans.
6.2 Additional Documentation
Buildings have
extensive direct and indirect impacts on the environment.
During their construction, occupancy, renovation,
repurposing, and demolition, buildings use energy, water, and raw materials, generate waste, and emit potentially
harmful atmospheric emissions. These facts have prompted
the creation of green building standards, certiďŹ cations, and
rating systems aimed at mitigating the impact of buildings on the natural environment through sustainable design.
A0761064 蘇浩崴