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A Strange Day At The Office For Vance Davis By Sean Casteel order to make connections with a woman named Anna, who was believed to be a psychic. The group had purchased a cheap van to travel in, and, while driving around in the Gulf Breeze area, one of their members (identified by Davis only as “Mike”) was stopped by police because of a faulty taillight. When his name was routinely entered into the justice system records, Mike was identified on the wanted list as an armed-and-dangerous fugitive. Davis said he awakened shortly afterward in the kitchen of their temporary home with the back door open and a gun to his head. The police entered and arrested everybody present.

A Strange Day At The Office For Vance Davis By Sean Casteel

Some of you who are interested in UFOs may remember the Gulf Breeze Six, a small group of military intelligence operatives who went AWOL in the summer of 1990 in order to deliver an urgent message about alien incursion into classified military operations to their superiors in the United States. They had not intended to garner any publicity though they certainly got plenty of it. One of the primary leaders of the group was Vance Davis, who granted me an interview recently about what the Gulf Breeze Six incident was all about. “I’ll put it bluntly, like I did back then,” Davis said. “I took an oath to protect the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And in our belief system, and we still believe this today, we have a very big enemy that’s domestic. The whole purpose is to destroy the ideals and the foundation of what the United States is. Whether it’s alien/human interactive or aliencontrolled, it doesn’t matter. It’s there to destroy this ideal of personal freedom.” Hoping to sound the alarm before the alien-led plot succeeded, the ragtag band of soldiers left their listening post in Augsburg, Germany, and made the decision to go to Gulf Breeze, Florida, in

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“When you have a gun to your head,” Davis said, “you’re either going to panic or pee your pants or something. But I was the calmest I’ve ever been in my life. A total calm came over me, almost like a spiritual thing. Just like, ‘Everything’s going to be okay. Just sit down and do what they tell you.’” The Gulf Breeze Six quickly wound up in a military prison in Fort Knox, Kentucky, where they were forbidden even to speak to anyone. “We created quite a stir in the military structure,” Davis said. “And of course stories were all over the place. Weird stories that we could do things and that we had powers that could hurt people just by our looking at them. They were trying to keep us separated so we couldn’t have any ‘force’ over them. The people that guarded us were given orders not to talk to us because we might ‘influence’ them.” Back in the outside world, the story was becoming big news. Davis said at one point a CNN reporter leaped over the fence of the prison where they were being held in the hope of getting photos of the group. The reporter was quickly arrested and had nearly been shot, according to Davis. After three days at Fort Knox, the Gulf Breeze Six were

released from prison and given honorable discharges. Orders had come down from then-president George Bush, Colin Powell and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who all agreed it was easier just to free the group than to go through a protracted and potentially embarrassing court marital procedure. As kind of a strange prelude to the whole Gulf Breeze Six episode, Davis worked for the National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Maryland. The United States Army base at Fort Meade bills itself on its website as “the nation’s preeminent center for information and intelligence.” Davis was stationed there in the years before he made the journey to Augsburg, Germany, that would have such an impact on his life and career. The military was still paying his salary, he said, but he was also officially an NSA employee at Fort Meade. “I haven’t told too many people this,” Davis said, “but I met what I believe to be an alien while I was there. Probably close to sevenfeet-tall, very skinny. Our skin’s very white or yellow or red, but this guy was – not quite translucent, but just not the normal skin color. He had the normal hands with five fingers, had almost jet black eyes, grayish hair. Kind of human but not human. Does that make sense? It just did not seem right or feel right.”


Davis and the alien did not converse, though the alien did give a “Hello, how are you?” type greeting in a “real high-pitched voice.” The alien was apparently on a VIP tour of the NSA operations there and was being shown around the facility. “I won’t go into details,” Davis said, “because it doesn’t really matter to the whole story. There are certain things I do still protect. I had to show him what my work station was and what I did. After showing him my station, he moved to the next station. He did not ask any questions and he was escorted by some ‘suits,’ some nonmilitary types.” When asked how he assimilated such a strange event into his everyday working life, Davis replied, “Honestly, you just kind of got used to weird stuff like that. Personally, it only affected me for a few days afterward. I wondered, was that person human or something else?” Davis has never met another alien in a full-blown physical form, but he does feel that on occasion he has encountered alien entities when he meditates. Seeing the alien at Fort Meade had no impact on his later decision to go AWOL, but it did lead him to see that “things and events in society are not always what they seem. My belief was

that he might have been part of the ‘consortium’ claiming to be helping certain aspects of humankind to advance. Some of our science and technology innovations have not come from normal invention.” Davis now lives with his wife in the same small Kansas town where he grew up. “I’ve been quietly watching what’s been going on in the world,” he said. “But this story has not died. For whatever reason, it still holds interest.” [If you enjoyed this article, visit Sean Casteel’s “UFO Journalist” website at www.seancasteel.com to read more of his articles or to purchase his books.]



As one of the oldest standing restaurants in San Marcos Texas, Gils Broiler has been serving up great tasting burgers and large yummy, hot, buttery cinnamon rolls better known as “The Manske Roll” . Locals and students of Texas State University know about the Manske Roll and the homemade patties made locally at Gils in San Marcos. Even as I have eaten there many times, it was only until last month that we decided to feature the infamous “Local Dive” in our featured food review in Weird known as Eat Me.

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And eat we did. The Half pound homemade burger with jalapeño’s is a gooey dripping hot melted cheese patty that literally melts in your mouth when you bite into one of these hot juicy burgers. The owners make their own patties homemade each day, and they are kind of like you’d do them yourself at home. The patties are not perfectly shaped, and they don’t always stay together like a TV commercial would have you believe. But tasting one of these burgers is just heavenly. The Burger is hot as it comes out and is served only in the paper wrap and a boat of fries. Nothing spectacular about the presentation at Gils, just a down home good cooked burger! I fill my fountain drink while I wait for my patties to come out, I notice the Texas Country Reporter episode with host Bob Phillips has done a nice expose on Gils Broiler in recent years. Yeah, the former voice for DQ country has been to Gils and knows how to eat a Manske! Cool!

Your Manske can come with toppings, or ice cream and are a great treat to bring to work or take home for your breakfast the following day or a late night snack! Students come in all the time for a Manske or a Veggie burger. By the way, If you go by after 5pm on Weird Wednesdays you can have a Gil-A-Gobbler Turkey burger for less than $3. Manic Mondays after 5pm Gils offers $1.50 burgers and

$2 cheeseburgers. So if you like your buns toasted in greasy buttery substance, drop by this one of a kind Texas original and have a Manske a burger and a Pint!

To Save a few bucks go by after 5pm and as a tip, check out their ad

on page 17 of this Issue. The staff is offering a FREE MANSKE with the purchase of a drink in June only!

THE SIMPLE TRUTH ABOUT HEMP hemp field if hemp were legal… they wouldn’t! It would be pointless. It would be an ineffective marijuana plant with little to no THC.

THE SIMPLE TRUTH ABOUT HEMP By Karli Duran Sometimes I get so wrapped up in educating people about the new laws and research regarding marijuana that I forget that a lot of people do not know some of the simplest but most important facts regarding the plant cannabis sativa. Thanks to over 70 years of government lies and propaganda surrounding cannabis, there are entire generations extremely misinformed about the importance of this plant to humans and civilizations around the world. Hemp and marijuana both come from the same plant genus know as Cannabis Sativa, but hemp does not contain enough of the psychoactive ingredient known as delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to produce any of the intoxicating effects that marijuana does. It takes at least 3% THC in order to get high and higher quality marijuana can have 10-15% THC. So how much THC does hemp contain – about 0.01- 0.03%!! It would take an acre of hemp (10-20 tons of plants) to achieve the same “high” that is produced from marijuana.

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Growing hemp and marijuana successfully in the same field isn’t even an option. By growing hemp and marijuana along side one another they will cross pollinate which will leave both plants infertile. This means the grower will loose the buds of the flowers and the seeds. With hemp these parts are very useful for a wide variety of uses. With marijuana the bud is the part of the plant that contains the most THC. If there is no bud, there is no “high”. So why would a marijuana user want to try to grow marijuana plants in a

Hemp is the longest and strongest plant fiber known to man. Hemp was the primary source of canvas, sail, twine, and webbing fiber for thousands of years before nylon was patented by DuPont in 1937. “Chemical pulping” paper was invented about this time by DuPont Chemicals, as a part of a multi-million dollar deal with a timber holding company and newspaper chain owned by William Randolph Hearst. This deal would provide the Hearst with a source of very cheap paper. Hemp paper was a threat to Mr. Hearst, and he knew in order for him to be successful (get rich) hemp had to be stopped. In 1937 in the United States, the Marihauna Tax Act was passed and prohibited the production of cannabis and hemp. Americans have never been given a clear or truthful reason why hemp was included in the Marihuana Tax Act, but many suspect it was the evil work of businessmen Andrew Mellon, Randolph Hearst, and the DuPont family.

During World War II, our sup-

ply of hemp was cut off by the Japanese. The federal government responded to the emergency by suspending marijuana prohibition. Patriotic American farmers were encouraged to apply for a license to cultivate hemp and responded enthusiastically. Hundreds of thousands of acres of hemp were grown. The argument against hemp production does not hold up to scrutiny: hemp grown for biomass makes very poor grade marijuana. The 20 to 40 million Americans who smoke marijuana would loath to smoke hemp grown for biomass, so a farmer’s hemp biomass crop is worthless as marijuana. According to a Congressional Research Service report, “The United States is the only developed nation in which industrial hemp is not an established crop.” Farmers

in Canada and other countries grow hemp for fiber, seed, and oil for use in a variety of industrial and consumer products, including food. Unfortunately, our government still insists that all parts of the cannabis plant contains THC, therefore it is a Schedule I controlled substance. Regardless if hemp contains THC, I have already clearly explained that it cannot get a person “high”. The government is not allowing any room for logic, reason, and compromise for the good of the American people. Texas Republican Ron Paul and a coalition of 33 co-sponsors are attempting once again to allow commercial farming of industrial hemp in the United States. House Bill 1831, The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011, would exclude low potency varieties of marijuana from federal prosecution. If approved, this measure will grant states the authority to license and regulate the commercial production of hemp as an industrial and agricultural commodity. Previous versions of The Industrial Hemp Farming Act were introduced, but failed to receive a public hearing or a committee vote. Please write your members of Congress and tell them to end federal prohibition of industrial hemp production.

Karli Duran Director of San Antonio NORML 601-299-0928 director@sanorml.org

100 Issues of Weird Publishing. 100 Issues of Fringe Publishing By Russell Dowden

Well, It took more than 10 years, 3 graphic designers, 3 different printers, 6,487 beers, 5 cities, 3 states, 4 offices, and 1 Zombie attack to get here, but hey, it’s the 100th Edition of Weird Magazine this month! Thanks for being patient as I have been working weeks on this edition. I can remember back to the days of the UFO program booklet in Sept 2001, that got the ball rolling on this whole crazy publishing career of mine. WARNING: Do not attempt! I’m sure there are others who have tried to make it in this dying breed called print media and found it hard to maintain. At least this long. I have not sold a million tablets of Viagra that

funded my magazine business the first few years, or inherited a band of newspapers that my family started. No, I just love the paranormal and a good conspiracy! As I wrote in the 10th Anniversary Issue in March of this year, we started out as the Austin Para Times, publishing every other month and printing in San Marcos at the Daily Record. From March of 2002 to Sept 2003 we published 9 edition of APT. I took off for about a year, and began Weird Magazine in McAllen in Oct 2004. Been monthly ever since! What a Long Strange Trip it’s Been: From a Roswell Special Edition Issue to running to multiplemarkets at the same time, we have endeavored to keep this Fringe publication going all these years. We were printing two editions a month in the transition of moving to San Marcos from McAllen a few years ago. And one of the lessons I’ve learned is that when

opening a new market it’s a good idea to tell both markets you are about to launch. The market you’re leaving must know you are still going to maintain operations while you launch the new market, and the new market needs to know you’re coming as well. We did this 2.5 yrs ago after my family and I moved to Wimberley from South Texas. Well I am doing this again. Weird Magazine will be launching a new market in Missoula Montana just in case the Zombie Apocalypse starts here in Austin, or the Alien migration of Zarthor happens 100 years earlier than 3013. In any case, Austin’s edition will stay strong, while we build new relationships with investment partners in Montana. See centerspread.* Fringe Publishing: Why do you call it Fringe publishing, Russell? Well ,because we dabble in the paranormal and conspiracy thory, Rock N Roll, punk rock, and subversive aspects of the underlying culture. We offer an avant-garde look into the psychedelic, the parapolitical, artistic, and sociological challenges facing our world. And we dare to question orthodox thinking at times with our articles and interviews. By questioning the process of big government, and the limits on our liberties, Weird Magazine has always been fringe. Remember we were born out of the ashes of the post 9/11 world right here in Austin TX. Our culture and society are on the verge. Weird Magazine acts as a voice for the people by the people! Next Issue: Next month we are going to work with 101X on our 101st edition and throw a cool show with some of our favorite local bands. Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks on these events. If you have a topic or a band that you’d like to see featured shoot us an email at weirdmagazine@ gmail.com Thanks to our advertisers for

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believing in us all these years and keeping our alternative magazine going. Hopefully we will be around for another 100 editions and in multiple US markets. The Cover this month was designed by my friend Robert Macias and gives a salute to 1950’s B horror classics. Paying homage to the generations of Pulp dime readers of a by-gone era. This dying genre was influenced by several key pulp writers, including Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, Talbot Mundy, Abraham Merritt and later Ray Bradbury, Philip K Dick, and Isaac Asimov.

Among the bestknown other titles of this period were Amazing Stories, Black Mask, Dime Detective, Flying Aces, Horror Stories, Love Story Magazine, Marvel Tales, Oriental Stories, Planet Stories, Spicy Detective, Startling Stories, Thrilling Wonder Stories, Unknown, Weird Tales and Western Story Magazine. Hopefully many of you readers will appreciate the kind of publishing that Weird Magazine carries on for future generations to enjoy. It’s been a Blast! The best part. They are absolutely Free!

Establishment Media Covers Bilderberg 2012 Infowars.com Page 12 • weirdmagazine.com Washington Post, and the London Guardian. The Guardian and Salon conducted an interview with Alex as we filed this report. In the past, the establishment media largely ignored Bilderberg confabs despite the fact the group is comprised of globalist leaders, titans of industry, and members of the establishment media.

Establishment Media Covers Bilderberg 2012 Infowars.com June 1, 201 Alex Jones reports from Chantilly, Virginia, that the establishment media is present and reporting on the event, specifically the Associated Press, the

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During the 2008 Bilderberg meeting (also held in Chantilly), there was a virtual establishment media blackout. At the time, we wrote: On its face, it makes no sense the corporate media would ignore and fail to report a confab comprised of newsworthy royal elites, chancellors, prime ministers, presidents, ambassadors, secretaries of state,

Wall street bankers and investors, CEOs of transnational corporations, and corporate media executives. It makes no sense — that is until you realize the corporate media is owned and directed by this very same elite. In the past, darlings of the corporate media have attended Bilderberg meetings, including the late Peter Jennings of ABC, Joseph C. Harsch of NBC, the “liberal” Bill Moyers of PBS, the “conservative” William F. Buckley, Jr., Robert L. Bartley of the Wall Street Journal, the neocon William Kristol, Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times, the late Katharine Graham of the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post, Leslie Stahl of CBS, and many others. Many are also members of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.

Although the establishment media is now reporting on the

event, that does not mean they will reveal the Bilderberg agenda or report in its geopolitical implications. Instead, they will attempt to make the anti-Bilderberg pro-

testers out to be clownish buffoons as they have done with the Occupy movement (a far easier task with the latter due to their muddled and often contradictory political message).

Physicist Says “HAARP Manipulates Time” cist Dr. Fran De Aquino.

Physicist Says “HAARP Manipulates Time” A brilliant physicist published a revolutionary paper citing 30 other scientific papers that reveal HAARP has incredible powers far beyond what most investigators of the high frequency energy technology suspect. Dr. Fran De Aquino asserts a fully functional HAARP network, activated globally, can not only affect weather and geophysical events, but influence space and gravity…even time itself! Now the network is almost complete with the activation of the newest HAARP facilities at the bottom of the world: the desolate and alien Antarctic. Will the masters of HAARP become the masters of time too? The most dangerous man alive? Factions of three of the largest governments in the world—the United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the Peoples Republic of China— may be cutting orders to eliminate a man who they see as one of the most dangerous in the world. No, he’s not the world’s most hunted multi-national terrorist, nor even a mad scientist with a new virus that can wipe out humanity. The most dangerous man in the world may be Brazilian physi-

De Aquino hasn’t developed a death ray or obtained secret launch codes to the world’s nuclear missiles. He’s done something potentially much worse: he’s spilled the scientific and technological beans of the greatest secret in the world: the ultimate purpose of HAARP. Allegedly, HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) now has installations criss-crossing the world and extends from pole-to-pole. The Antarctic facilities are near completion. De Aquino, whose paper Highpower ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the ionosphere can cause earthquakes, cyclones and localized heating, lifts the veil hiding the HAARP wizards—and unlike the erstwhile Wizard of Oz, the HAARP wizards have some real power at their disposal. The physicist’s scholarly work—citing 30 other scientific papers, many peer-reviewed— reveals much more than the incredible title the paper promises. HAARP can manipulate gravity Most researchers of HAARP suspected for some time that the technology can trigger earthquakes and ignite hurricanes. De Aquino’s paper tends to confirm those suspicions, but goes farther.

Utilizing high frequencies, he says, HAARP can modify, even control gravity by blocking gravity waves locally. De Aquino claims heavy objects can be moved, even transported by creating “gravitational shieldings.” But, the scientists stresses, HAARP can do even more. The ELF technology can generate “Gravitational Shielding Mantles which are made by layers of high-dielectric strength semiconductor sandwiched by two metallic foils and insulation layers. The Gravitational Shielding Mantle can be made so that it is only 1 millimeter in thickness.” De Aquino’s contention is actually supported by the experiments of another physicist, Dimitriou Stavros from the TEI-Athens, Deptartment of Electrical Engineering in Greece. Stavros successfully demonstrated an electromagnetic interaction with the gravity field. From his abstract: The period of the pendulum oscillations of a suspended electromagnetic resonant circuit formed by quarter-wavelength transmission line sections is found to be affected by electrical parameters of the oscillator driving it. Of particular influence appears to the magntitude of current at resonance, which depends on the effective quality factor (Q) of the RF tank circuit and the input driving power. HAARP can control space and time De Aquino’s paper shows that when subjected to a uniform ELF electromagnetic field, mass can be transitioned to a different time relative to outside observers. It is done artifically and at will. The analogy he draws envisions an ocean going vessel. He explains the ship “...is made of steel. When subjected to a uniform ELF electromagnetic field, with intensity and

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frequency the ship will perform a transition in time to another time. It is important to note that the electromagnetic field, besides being uniform, must remain with the ship during the transition to the new time. If it is not uniform, each part of the ship will perform transitions to different times in the future. In order for the electromagnetic field to remain with the ship, it is necessary that all the parts, which are involved with the generation of the field, stay inside the ship. If persons are inside the ship they will perform transitions to different times in the future because their conductivities and densities are different.” Remarkably, that is almost the exact scenario described by the alleged witness Carl Allende of the Philadelphia Experiment. Now widely regarded as a fabricated story, the early 1940s U.S. Navy experiment allegedly codenamed Project Rainbow never actually took place. Believers of the story, however, claim that famed inventor and electrical genius Nikola Tesla assisted in the experiment that involved a naval escort vessel named the USS Eldridge. The purpose was to create invisibility, but ended tragically when the ship was spatially transported and parts

of it were trapped in temporal anomalies. It’s strongly suspected that much of the HAARP technology is Tesla’s work—updated and improved—and built upon the latest 21st Century scientific knowledge. So, just what will HAARP be used for? Weather wars? Triggering geophysical events? Manipulation of gravity? Warping space-time? Some think the technology is already driving people mad. The most dangerous man alive, Dr. Fran De Aquino, claims it’s all of the above.


OUR GAME REVIEW by Daniel Davis arrived. I already took a look at “Starhawk,” and it was adequate but unsatisfying. But the other two releases -“Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier” and “Max Payne 3” -- fare better, raising the bar for shooters. I played both titles back-toback and discovered that neither dominates the other. One game’s strength is the other’s flaw, and visually, they’re quite comparable. If I had to pick one, it would be a tough choice.

Sometimes I wonder if publishers meet up in a smoky room and divvy up the calendar. March will be the designated time for hack and slashers, they’d say. August will be reserved for “Madden NFL” and any other titles left in its wake. As for this past May, it must have been reserved for third-person shooters. In the past few weeks, three major releases in the genre have

If narrative was the deciding factor, I’d toss my lot with “Max Payne 3.” Rockstar resurrects this noir-style franchise and updates it to contemporary times. The team manages to capture the feel of the old PC games -- complete with Max’s bad metaphors -- and tells his story with vibrant, visual flair. It reflects the protagonist’s new surroundings of São Paulo, Brazil. Players get inside Max’s head as he narrates his descent from New York police officer to a bodyguard for a foreign tycoon’s family. He’s a hero who’s seeking some kind of redemption, and

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Rockstar lets players care about the flawed character enough so they’re invested and compelled to see him pull through.

Overall Both these games offer fans of First Person Shooter’s what they want. Action Packed Kills! With all factors even, the tiebreaker has to be online play. “Ghost Recon: Future Soldier” takes the lead because of its gameplay in that mode and also the number of options and ways to play. Both titles have elaborate leveling systems and unlocks that improve the experience. But Ubisoft’s are more robust, giving players more bang for their buck and the edge in this matchup. Check out Play N Trade in North Austin for a rental of these games or you can purchase them outright and play as long as you like! DD

Free Energy

CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law Elite group calls for blatant violation of Posse Comitatus Act Steve Watson Infowars.com June 4, 2012 The Council On Foreign Relations, the elite think tank long associated with globalist policy making and subversion of the principles of the US Constitution, has published an article that proposes using the army to plan and carry out domestic law enforcement missions in the US. An article in the May/June issue of the CFR official journal, Foreign Affairs, calls for the army to address “challenges in the United States itself” with the justification being to protect Americans from terrorist attacks. The article, written by Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Raymond T. Odierno states:

“Where appropriate we will also dedicate active-duty forces, especially those with niche skills and equipment, to provide civilian officials with a robust set of reliable and rapid response options.” Odierno suggests that major changes within the US now deem it necessary to use the military in such a way. The General points to “declining budgets due to the country’s worsened fiscal situation”; “a shift in emphasis to the Asia-Pacific region”; and a “broadening of focus from counterinsurgency, counterterrorism, and training of partners to shaping the strategic environment, preventing the outbreak of dangerous regional conflicts, and improving the army’s readiness to respond in force to a range of complex contingencies worldwide.”

Odierno also specifically singles out The Army National Guard and the Army Reserve, noting “Today’s army also has an unprecedented level of integration between its active and its reserve components… Our reserve component soldiers are better than they have ever been, and we will dedicate resources to ensure that some of them will be either deployed or ready to deploy around the globe.”

Odierno suggests that the army be “transitioned” into a more “flexible force” by deploying in situations normally reserved for domestic law enforcement officials. He argues that by doing so, troops will be better equipped to deal with conflict elsewhere.

Of course, the use of U.S. troops in law enforcement duties is a complete violation of the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act, which substantially limit the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement unless under precise and extreme circumstances.

The article presents a red flag to anyone who has followed the consistent push by the federal government to militarize the police and further integrate the armed forces into domestic law enforcement.

Section 1385 of the Posse Comitatus Act states, “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.” However, despite the constitutional protections outlined in these laws, there has been and is an ongoing push to blur the divisions between military and domestic law enforcement officials. National Guard troops are routinely involved in ‘urban warfare training’ drills. Usually such drills take place within the confines of military bases, however, more recently heavily armed troops are increasingly seen patrolling residential neighborhoods and even the downtown areas of major US cities. Such “invasions” are often reported on as nothing to worry about and even as “cool.” Indeed, back in 2008 the Washington Post reported how 20,000 U.S. troops returning from Iraq would be stationed inside America under Northcom for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards. Northcom officials were forced to subsequently issue a denial after the Army Times initially reported that the troops would

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be used to deal “with civil unrest and crowd control.” As Alex Jones exposed back in the late 1990’s, U.S. troops have been training to impose martial law for a considerable amount of time. During numerous urban warfare drills that Jones attended and reported on, troops were trained to raid, arrest, and imprison U.S. citizens in detention camps as well as taking over public buildings and running checkpoints. During role playing exercises, actors playing prisoners would scream “I’m an American citizen, I have rights” as they were being dragged away by troops. The fact that such drills are now set to involve Russian soldiers training on U.S. soil to hunt “terrorists” has also caused consternation. Federal authorities in the United States have clearly been preparing for domestic civil unrest for a number of years. The Department of Homeland Security recently purchased a staggering 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets as well as bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights. In addition, worrying legislation such as the National Defense Authorization Act, has paved the way for the incarceration of American citizens under military laws, and numerous leaked and semi-secret documents position the army as partners to domestic federal agencies in quelling unrest in America and even engaging in missions involving the ”resettlement” of US citizens.


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History of KEEP AUSTIN Weird Then the phrase transitioned to a rally cry. According to Joshua Long’s book Weird City: Sense of Place and Creative Resistance in Austin Texas, in the late 1990s city hall supported the development of a Borders Books and Music by “entitling the project to more than $2.1 million in public subsidies.” “I got wind that there was going to be a Borders brought in across the street at Bowie and 6th Street and that would have a pretty negative impact on BookPeople and Waterloo (Records),” Bercu said. “I tried to figure out something we could do about it.”

Bercu said that then, in November 2002, “I went over across the street to John Kunz at Waterloo and said, ‘Hey John, why don’t we make a bumper sticker that say’s Keep Austin Weird and put both our logos on it.” “Somthing Weird” About Austin By Tara Nishimura taranishimura@gmail.com In Austin we celebrate bats and a morose character from Winnie the Pooh, we dress in costume even when it’s not Halloween and sometimes we dress our dogs in costumes, we honor musicians with statues and we call our city weird. “Keep Austin Weird” became a tagline for our city and has changed the way many people view Austin. Although Dalton Dellsperger, senior at Anderson High School, was unsure of the history of the phrase he said, “Whenever you see someone with one of those tee shirts on you know that they are kind of on your level, if you have that free spirit attitude.” “Keep Austin Weird” originated from Austin Community College librarian, Red Wassenich who coined the phrase in 2000 when calling local radio station co-op KOOP to make a donation to a favorite show. “The person taking the money said, ‘Why are you donating to The Lounge Show?’ and I said, ‘Well, it helps keep Austin weird’ and the

phrase just kind of clicked in my head.” He the mentioned it to his wife, Karen Pavelka, and she suggested making and distributing bumper stickers. “The thing that I really like about Austin is that it’s fun,” Wassenich said. “I mean you look at the stuff that’s going on every weekend, especially in the spring. It’s incredible. There’s just kind of a sense of play which I equate with weirdness.” Wassenich also created a website, keepaustinweird.com, and wrote a book published in 2007 called Keep Austin Weird: A Guide to the Odd Side of Town. “When I wrote the book that came out in ‘07, so it’s been a while, I was kind of thinking, gosh, my bluff has been called, is Austin really that weird? So over the course of the book, I’d get out every weekend and go see stuff and photograph it and yeah, it was still weird. I didn’t have trouble finding enough stuff really.” On Wassenich’s website he has a “cemetery of weirdness past” and said that in five years since writing the book “it’s sad how many things have disappeared”. One of the most recent additions to the website

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is the rest in peace for Leslie Cochran, the cross-dressing Austin icon. “He was irreplaceable. I loved the tribute they had at Jo’s coffee where they had ‘Dress Your Dog Up Like Leslie’ as a memorial. I thought it was perfect. That’s the sort of stuff that Austin would do.” Wassenich is an Austin native and remembers several Austin traditions. “I went to Eeyore’s when it was a little English Department party over in Eastwood Park. It had 200 people,” he said. The tradition continues in 2012. “We’re out here for Eeyore’s birthday party it kind of like we had Marley Fest last weekend and this is our next weekend to be whoever we want to be out in public,” Dellsperger said. Wassenich said that he believes Austin has lost some of its weirdness due to an increase in the cost of living and population. Angie Walker, who has lived in Austin since 1983 and also attended Eeyore’s Birthday, said “I think that it’s grown so rapidly so fast that it has a very different flavor than it used to but it’s still weird. It

was weird then, it’s still weird now.” BookPeople sold Wassenich’s “Keep Austin Weird” bumper stickers. Steve Bercu, owner of BookPeople and president of Austin Independent Business Alliance, said, “He (Wassenich) actually made a few bumper stickers and we sold those bumper stickers around here but it wasn’t a big deal particularly. It was just something in the background that was going on.”

Since Bercu is the owner of BookPeople and Kunz owns Waterloo Records, two separate businesses, they added the tagline “support local business”. They each left out 2,500 bumper stickers in their stores and in ten days customers picked up all the stickers. “Ten years later we have given out about 300,000 between us,” said Bercu.

History of KEEP AUSTIN Weird “I got wind that there was going to be a Borders brought in across the street at Bowie and 6th Street and that would have a pretty negative impact on BookPeople and Waterloo (Records),” Bercu said. “I tried to figure out something we could do about it.” Bercu said that then, in November 2002, “I went over across the street to John Kunz at Waterloo and said, ‘Hey John, why don’t we make a bumper sticker that say’s Keep Austin Weird and put both our logos on it.” Since Bercu is the owner of BookPeople and Kunz owns Waterloo Records, two separate businesses, they added the tagline “support local business”. They each left out 2,500 bumper stickers in their stores and in ten days customers picked up all the stickers. “Ten years later we have given out about 300,000 between us,” said Bercu. “Austin got it immediately,” Bercu said. “People get it that it’s kind of funny but it also reflects people’s interest in keeping things local.” In six months Bercu received

a picture in the mail that now hangs in his office. In the picture on the back of a Hummer in Iraq is one of the “Keep Austin Weird” bumper stickers passed out by BookPeople and Waterloo. In a short period of time the bumper sticker and its message traveled to Iraq. Bercu and Kunz joined in to get an economic business analysis of the impact of local business and the group hired, Civic Economics, found that there is three and a half times more local economic impact if you shop at locally owned businesses rather than stores based elsewhere. In April of 2003 Borders withdrew its plans for the development of that location.

Bercu said not only does shopping locally contribute economically but it also contributes culturally by providing an array of original businesses. “It’s more fun and more interesting to be someplace that’s got a lot of different stuff,” Bercu said. “It’s less fun and less interesting to be somewhere that’s just like everywhere else.” “They’re not only doing something to make it more fun to be here but their doing something that actually benefits the city,” Bercu said of shopping locally. “Keep Austin Weird” is now trademarked to print on hats and shirts by Outhouse Design. Wassenich disagrees with the trademark. “When I heard they were applying for it, I fought it and got a couple delays on it and I think I probably could have prevented them from doing it,” he said. “But it was going to cost me a few hundred dollars in lawyer fees and it wouldn’t have gotten me the trademark. I don’t want the trademark. I don’t want anyone to have the trademark.” When asked why not trademark? Wassenich said of “Keep Austin Weird” “Set your chickens free. Let it go where it wants to go.” “Keep Austin Weird” has spread. The phrase has been copied by other cities and changed into other versions to promote many other things. “There’s plenty of individual weirdos all over the city which is one of the things that I really like about it,” Wassenich said.

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100th Anniversary of the New America

By Jay Abazi

conspiracy? Once the voting commenced in November 1912 it was an obvious result. Woodrow Wilson had won with 42% of the popular vote. Roosevelt finished in second with 27% of the popular vote and Taft had 23%. It was only the second time a Democrat had been elected President since 1860 and he would become the only Democrat elected President between 1892 and 1932. What are the odds that in 40 years only one Democrat gets elected president? And that one Democrat is responsible for changing America forever? I think those odds are amazing and coincidence has no part of it. This was the start of the “New America”.

100th Anniversary of the New America By Jay Abazi It all started in May of 1912. The presidential nominees were selected and the campaigning had begun. Running for President on the Democratic ticket was Woodrow Wilson. Running against him was Republican William H. Taft, Progressive Republican Theodore Roosevelt, and Socialist Eugene Debs. It was a rare four-way contest. All do to the fact that incumbent President William H. Taft was nominated by the Republican Party with the support of its conservative wing and former President Theodore Roosevelt didn’t have the support. But he still was set on running, so he called his own convention and created the Progressive Party (nicknamed the “Bull Moose Party). The Progressive Party nominated Roosevelt and the presidential election of 1912 had begun. It was 2 Republicans, a Socialist and a Democrat. It seemed like an easy win for Wilson before the election even started, almost to the point where it looked like they were giving the presidency to Wilson on purpose. With two Republicans running, they would be splitting

all the votes from all the Republican voters, which would make it almost impossible for them to win. So why even run....unless that was the point. Who better to run a pointless race than two former Presidents? Some people believe the Progressive Party was only created to make Wilson president. Some believe Roosevelt was an egotist who was only running to spoil Taft’s chances and to feed his vanity. But maybe it was both? But when you think of Theodore Roosevelt and his creation of the Progressive Party you don’t really think of something sinister. Roosevelt was fairly well known as an egotist so the creation of a new party wasn’t something unusual for such a person. But when you look at certain facts you can’t deny the conspiracy. One of those facts is the Progressive Party was funded by publisher Frank Munsey and its executive secretary was George Perkins. Both of whom were employees of banker J.P. Morgan, the king of the banking world in America. They were all part of the creation of the Federal Reserve Act and many other monetary policies that were signed by Woodrow Wilson. It could be just a small coincidence or maybe a

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Once Wilson took office officially on March 4, 1913 he wasted no time in implementing his agendas. He would implement his “New Freedom” pledges of antitrust modification, tariff revision, and reform in banking and currency issues. On March 15th he held the first modern presidential press conference in which reporters were allowed to ask him questions. He talked about how important it was to have a limited government and business and banking reform. He thought that not having free enterprise was just like not having freedom all together. His pledge of “New Freedom” stood for political and economic liberty from such things as trusts or powerful monopolies. But when it came to the banking system it was a different story. Wilson was more conservative when it came to the banking system and monetary policies. He would try to find middle ground between conservative Republicans and left wing Democrats but Democratic leader William J. Bryan was strongly opposed to all banking schemes and denounced private banks and Wall Street. The Democrats wanted a government-owned central bank that could print paper money as Congress required. But Wilson would only agree to what the Republicans wanted and would agree to. So the bill that was brought to passage by Republican Senator Nelson Aldrich had to be revised to gain approval. The compromise was based on the Aldrich plan but was sponsored by Democratic Congressmen Carter Glass and Robert Owen. The plan allowed private banks to control twelve regional Federal Reserve banks and placed controlling interest in the system to a central board that would be appointed by the president with Senate approval.

Having the twelve regional banks was meant to weaken the influence of the powerful New York banks, which was a key demand of the Democrats, but some reformers felt it allowed bankers to maintain too much power. On the other side, the bankers themselves were unhappy because they felt it gave to much control to Washington. Wilson solved this issue by appointing Paul Warburg (the man who co-wrote the bill with fellow banker J.P. Morgan) to direct the new system. This way the banking powers of New York would control the regional banks and therefore control all of America’s currency and the Democrats were content that Washington had the final say, even though it was an illusion. After months of hearings, debates, votes, and amendments, the bill was enacted as the Federal Reserve Act. The act contained 30 sections which were revised the day of the House vote. Most legislators never read the new revision before voting but voted anyways and some who never read the changes decided not to vote. The final vote in the House was 298 yeas to 60 nays with 76 not voting. The following day, December 23, 1913, the Senate passed the bill by votes of 43 yeas to 25 nays with 27 not voting. The records show that the 27 that did not vote had previous intentions of voting nay, which would have made it a tie and the bill would have never passed. There have been articles written about this vote and many have said the Senate vote was rushed because it was Christmas break and most of the senators had already left Washington. Some Senators had said that they were told the vote would be brought to the floor after the holiday break and some said they were never even told the bill had passed the House. Some may see that a little strange but one needs to realize the timing of the votes. The House vote was called on December 22nd, a day after Washington closes for the holidays. But a majority of the legislators stayed in town to read the bill and vote later that evening. An hour before the vote the bill was revised and the legislators were given a little more time to vote. With a majority wanting to just vote and go home to their families for Christmas they voted without reading the revisions. The following morning the Senate called the bill to vote, knowing most of the Senators who were opposed to the bill had left Washington already. Before lunch, the bill had passed and the “New America”

had officially begun. The Federal Reserve Act paved a new road for the United States of America. It was a new beginning for the rich and poor alike. It turned a great industrialized nation into a system of credit that was controlled by a few powerful men. It was no longer the land of freedom and liberty but the land of credit and debt. A country that everybody loved and was proud of turned to a country that most people didn’t like, including President Wilson himself. Years after leaving office Wilson wrote a book called “The New Freedom”. In his book he wrote what he felt about the Federal Reserve and it read:“I have unwittingly ruined my country. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” So now here we are 100 years later still living in this system of credit and corruption that Woodrow Wilson himself despised of. A system that has gone through many changes but still maintains the core principles that were created by the banking cartels of the early 1900’s. Banking cartels of which still exist today and by most part are the most dominant in the banking industry, mostly the Federal Reserve co-creator J.P. Morgan who today has become one of the largest banks in America. While the Federal Reserve, which is a private bank that is “regulated” through government, still exists in the United States our country will never change. Our laws, our economy, our way of life will always be controlled by a few men. Our liberty, our freedom and everything the founding fathers died for also died with the creation of the Federal Reserve Act, the bill that ended the United States of America and the “New America” was born. A nation controlled by private banks, not by the people and their elected officials, where the bank decides how you live or how you die. If you control a country’s money you control its population. No one said it better than the banking king M.A. Rothschild when he said; “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.”

“Prohibition has failed, both in the 1920’s and since the Controlled Substances Act” more than 10% of the US population used marijuana at some point in the past year, and nearly 30% of Americans between the ages of 18-30 used marijuana in the past year. In addition, polling trends are now showing that more Americans support legalizing marijuana for adults than oppose it. Late last year, Gallup found nationwide support for legalizing adult marijuana use at 50% versus 46% opposed. Little more than a month ago, Rasmussen reported that support for legalizing and taxing marijuana was at 47% with just 42% opposed. This is not a fringe issue anymore, no matter how hard people like Mr. Herman attempt to portray it that way.

“Prohibition has failed, both in the 1920’s and since the Controlled Substances Act” From: Josh Schimberg, Executive Director, Texas NORML During the 2012 Texas Marijuana March, I was approached by a reporter from the Austin American Statesman named Ken Herman. Mr. Herman proceeded to ask me the same question several different ways, apparently in an attempt to get me to say something specific. The question he was asking basically was, “don’t you, and/ or Texas NORML, have some obligation to spend your time and resources telling people to obey the laws?” He asked this, suggesting that Texas NORML’s purpose was to encourage people to use marijuana, thereby encouraging people to break the law. Let me first state very clearly; Texas NORML’s purpose is not to encourage illegal activity.

NORML’s Mission Statement is “to move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis by adults is no longer subject to penalty.” This was explained to Mr. Herman, but it appears that he chose to ignore that. From the beginning, Mr. Herman missed the entire purpose of the Texas Marijuana March which was not, as he wrote, about “illegally making themselves comfortably numb”, but instead was focused entirely on ending the criminal prohibition of marijuana. However, it wasn’t surprising Mr. Herman missed the point considering that he began my interview by stating he not only agrees with marijuana prohibition, but also thinks alcohol should be banned. That idea was tried for thirteen years, ending in complete catastrophe as was fully documented recently by Ken Burns’ five-and-a-half hour PBS documentary, “Prohibition.”

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Just like alcohol prohibition, the idea that demand can be significantly reduced is a pipe dream. Marijuana is the most used illicit drug in the United States. The US Dept. of Health & Human Services estimates around 100 million Americans have tried it, and tens of millions use it yearly. In fact, the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use & Health estimates more than 10% of the entire US population aged 12 & older used marijuana at some point in the past year, and nearly 30% aged 18-30 used marijuana in the past year. And, just like alcohol prohibition, the idea that demand can be significantly reduced (as Mr. Herman suggested) is just a pipe dream. Marijuana is the most used illicit drug in the United States, with the US Dept. of Health and Human Services estimating that around 100 million Americans will try it at least once in their lifetime, and tens of millions using it yearly. In fact, according to the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use & Health, among all ages

Despite Mr. Herman’s attempt to label all who support ending marijuana prohibition as “lawbreakers”, the fact is that many Americans who do not use marijuana also do not see fit to use their hard earned tax dollars on arresting, trying, and incarcerating hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens every year for marijuana. And, yes, according to the FBI, around 850,000 Americans are arrested every year for marijuana offenses, with nearly 90% of those arrests being for possession. Forbes has reported estimates saying that ending marijuana prohibition could yield more than $40 billion annually from tax revenues and savings in law enforcement. That is a significant expense of public resources, no matter how you slice it. It’s ironic that Mr. Herman brought up what Mexican officials have said about this, because both of the previous two Mexican Presidents, Ernesto Zedillo and Vicente Fox, have, since leaving office, have publicly called for an open and honest debate on marijuanalegalization. Even Mexico’s current President, Felipe Calderon, has hinted in the press that the US should consider “legal

market alternatives” to our current drug policies. Of course, he wouldn’t dare overtly make such statements due to the fact that US taxpayers are sending billions of dollars annually to Mexico for the drug war. A war which has claimed an estimated 50,000 lives in that country over the past several years, which according to DEA officials such asMichele Leonhart is “a sign of success.” Have there been decapitated bodies found in Mexico related to alcoholdistribution? Why is it that cartels are not now killing thousands over beer and tequila trafficking routes? The answer is simple; because there isn’t a significant black market for those legally regulated products. Suggesting that demand in the US is primarily responsible for the violent black market in Mexico ignores the fact that marijuana (like alcohol) has been ubiquitous in human society for thousands of years. The cause of the violent black market in these cases lies with the arbitrary prohibitive laws passed in vain attempts to curb their use. And Texas NORML seeks to legally facilitate the end of marijuana prohibition, saving hundreds of thousands annually from arrest, and curbing the violent black market.

From Aliens To Tibetan Mystics: Who Are The Walk-Ins? By Sean Casteel accurately predicted the assassination of John F. Kennedy – and wrote a 1965 book on Dixon called “A Gift Of Prophecy” that sold over 3 million copies. So we can approach Montgomery’s research and journalism skills with some degree of confidence when she says, “Walk-Ins were souls on the other side who had earned the right, in previous lifetimes, that if they wanted to, could come in and replace a soul that was in desperate need of leaving that body – one who either does not want to maintain it or who is dying and can’t keep it alive.”

From Aliens To Tibetan Mystics: Who Are The Walk-Ins? By Sean Casteel Are you a Walk-In? Has the soul you were born with been removed and replaced by a more advanced soul with a mission we can only dimly comprehend? Did you ever have a time in your life when you were severely depressed, only to suddenly be able to tap into a surprising flow of positive energy and newfound optimism? There are varying definitions of a Walk-In available in occult literature, but perhaps it would be best to start with the concept as laid out by the late Christian psychic Ruth Montgomery, author of a book on Walk-Ins called “Strangers Among Us.” Montgomery wasn’t just another New Age hack. She had a long and prestigious career in mainstream journalism, becoming the first female reporter in the Washington Bureau of “The New York Daily News.” She was also a syndicated columnist for Hearst Headlines and United Press International and wrote of her 25 years covering Washington in a book called “Hail To The Chiefs: My Life And Times With Six Presidents.” Beginning in 1952, Montgomery sometimes wrote about psychic Jeanne Dixon in her columns – in one of which Dixon

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For example, as stated above, a person may be suffering from extreme depression or could even be contemplating suicide. The Walk-In steps in to relieve the unhappy person’s earthly trials, and the Walk-Out moves on to the spirit world just like a person who has died. The souls of the Walk-Ins are not “perfect,” in moral terms, but they are greatly spiritually advanced, called “aware” souls. Meanwhile, no blame is attached to the Walk-Out, for it has labored greatly to develop itself but simply cannot conquer the problems with which it is faced. One advantage to the souls on the other side is that the Walk-In can skip the preliminaries of childhood and adolescence and be immediately good to go in a full-grown adult body and can concentrate solely on his or her mission. Montgomery said she believed the American presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were Walk-Ins, and that yet another presidential Walk-In would take office in the near future. An anonymous woman posted the story of her own Walk-In experiences on a site called Namaste Consciousness in which she related how having a Walk-In enter her body led her to divorce her husband and move to another state. Her husband at one point tried to have her committed, but she managed to prove her sanity sufficiently to an examining psychologist. The woman was an avid reader of Montgomery’s books, and she quotes the late author thusly:

“Since a Walk-In must never enter a body without the permission of its owner,” Montgomery wrote, “this is not to be confused with those well-publicized cases – such as were described in ‘The Three Faces of Eve,’ ‘The Exorcist,’ et al – in which multiple egos or evil spirits are vying for possession of an inhabited body. “The motivation for a Walk-In is humanitarian,” Montgomery continued. “He returns to physical being in order to help others help themselves, planting seed-concepts that will grow and flourish for the benefit of mankind. Some of the world’s greatest spiritual and political leaders, scientists and philosophers in ages past are said to have been Walk-Ins. “Not all Walk-Ins are towering leaders. Many are working quietly among us today, going about their unsung task of helping us to understand ourselves, to seek inner guidance, and to develop a philosophy that will sustain us through the trying times ahead. You may know a Walk-In in your own office or in your community. They seldom reveal themselves, because to do so could imperil the good work for which they are returned to physical being. “In fact,” the passage concludes, “you yourself may be a Walk-In! Since the memory pattern of the departing entity survives intact, Walk-Ins are sometimes unaware of their altered status for several years after the substitution has been effected.” While Montgomery carefully explains that this is not the phenomena of multiple personality disorder or demonic possession – it also sounds a little like a benign “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” – perhaps it would be safer to compare it to alien abduction. The work of abduction researchers like the late Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs, among many others, has demonstrated that a person can experience multiple abductions over their lifetimes and not have the slightest waking knowledge of it. The anonymous writer makes the memory issue a little more believable, saying that the

reason for a person not realizing his or her soul has been replaced is that the memories of the original soul are stored in the physical body, in the makeup of the brain and in the DNA of each and every cell. The Walk-In must take a certain amount of time to learn the memories and life patterns of the host body and can’t immediately take up the new mission on Earth without careful preparation. So one can hypothesize that it is possible to be a Walk-In and an alien abductee, possibly both simultaneously, and have no conscious knowledge of it at all. The foregoing has been the Western view of Walk-Ins, but there is also the Eastern Mysticism approach to the same phenomenon. Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, an occult author still much revered in the many years since his passing, professed to being a Walk-In himself. From his humble origins as a plumber in 1950s England, he claimed to have taken on the soul of a young Buddhist monk who lived in Tibet and studied with innumerable wise masters. His implanted soul remembered a lecture by an elderly lama who explained the concept of “transmigration” in a fascinating bit of historical mythology. “Long before recorded history began,” the lama said, “giants walked up on the Earth. They were the Gardeners of the Earth, those who came here to supervise the development of life on this planet. The Race of Giants was not very suitable for life on Earth, and so by magical means the Race of Giants shrank until they were the same size as humans. Thus they were able to mingle with humans without being recognized as the Gardeners. “But it was often necessary for a different senior Gardener to come and carry out special tasks. It took too long to have a boy born to a woman and then wait out the years of his babyhood and childhood and adolescence. So the science of the Gardeners of the Earth had a different system:

they grew certain bodies and made sure that those bodies would be compatible with the spirit who would later inhabit them. “But the Gardeners of the Earth permitted certain men and women to mate so that a child was born to each, and the growth of that child would be most carefully supervised throughout, perhaps, the first fifteen or twenty or thirty years of life. Then there would come a time when a highly placed Gardener would need to come to Earth within a matter of hours, so helpers would place the trained body into a trance, into stasis, or, if you like, into a state of suspended animation. “Helpers in the astral world would come to the living body, together with the entity who wanted to go to Earth, and with their special knowledge they could detach the Silver Cord and connect in its place the Silver Cord of the entity who was the Gardener of the Earth coming to the Earth. The host would then become the vehicle of the Gardener of the Earth, and the astral body of the host would go away to the astral world just as he would do in the case of a person who had died. “This is called ‘transmigration,’ the migration of one entity into the body of another. The body taken over is known as the host, and it has been known throughout history. It was practiced extensively in Egypt and it gave rise to what is known as embalming, because in those days in Egypt there were quite a number of bodies kept in a state of suspended animation.

From Aliens To Tibetan Mystics: Who Are The Walk-Ins? By Sean Casteel From Aliens To Tibetan Mystics: Who Are The Walk-Ins? By Sean Casteel continued . . . They were living but unmoving. They were ready for occupancy by higher entities just as we keep ponies waiting for a monk or lama to mount the animal and ride off somewhere.” “Oh, my!” exclaimed one boy listening to the lama’s lecture. “I expect friends of the host were mightily surprised when the body awakened and the one they had thought of as their friend in the past was possessed of all knowledge. My! I wouldn’t like to be a host. It must be a terrible feeling to have someone else take over one’s body.” The teacher laughed and said, “It would certainly be a unique experience. People still do it. Bodies are still prepared, specially raised so that, if the need arises, a different entity can take over a fresh body – if it becomes necessary for the good of the world as a whole.” Much of the foregoing statements by Rampa’s lama have their echoes in the UFO and abduction literature that came later. For instance, New England housewife and abductee Betty Luca Andreasson said that the familiar gray aliens called themselves “the Watchers,” and compared themselves to “Gardeners of the Earth.” Abductee Whitley Strieber was shown an alien standing in front of a dresser drawer full of “bodies” that the aliens put on and took off like clothes. So the idea of inserting a different soul or consciousness into an otherwise empty body is part of the same continuum that Rampa’s lecturing lama describes. At another point in his abduction history, Strieber is told by the aliens that they “recycle souls,” which could mean either reincarnation or is perhaps another way of referring to the Walk-In phenomenon. Meanwhile, Rampa was no stranger to direct contact with the alien presence. In the last book Rampa authored, called “Tibetan Sage,” he encounters a UFO while on a mission with his mentor, the Lama Mingyar Dondup, to rescue a hermit overseeing a small hermitage in the mountains of Tibet. A sudden earthquake topples the hermit to his death and does serious injury to

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the Lama Mingyar Dondup’s legs, who finds himself trapped under a boulder. In the process of freeing his mentor, the young Rampa stumbles onto a secret compartment in the mountainside and carries the Lama inside. The compartment houses a flying saucer, which Rampa explores with the Lama and which will come to be the primary setting for the rest of the book. Much to Rampa’s surprise, the Lama is already familiar with the aliens and the languages they use and even with much of their technology. The ship has lain dormant for a million years, yet everything is still pristinely clean and functional. Some alien occupants are discovered frozen at their control consoles in a state of suspended animation. There is often a dramatic shift of consciousness associated with a human being actually boarding a UFO called “the Oz Effect.” It is given that name because the extreme contrast between the two environments resembles that moment in the film “The Wizard of Oz” when Dorothy crosses over from the black and white world of Kansas to the Technicolor land of Oz. This is certainly applicable to the changes Rampa undergoes in “Tibetan Sage,” as he views holographic recordings of the formation of the Earth up through the Second World War, all stored in the mythic Hall of Records and accessed onboard the flying saucer. Rampa feels as though he is living and breathing in those previous and even future times, a degree of realism still not attainable by our own current technology. Sadly, most of what he sees involves bloody warfare both among people and between the gods themselves, another testimony to alien truthfulness, with no attempt to paint a rosy picture for Rampa’s benefit. In a new reprint of Rampa’s book “Beyond The Tenth,” published by Timothy Green Beckley at Global Communications, Rampa deals with the UFO controversy from another angle. “Moses was found in the bulrushes,” Rampa writes. “But he was placed there by the Gardeners of the Earth, that is, the people who are known as UFO people, to be found. And later in life, Moses ascended into the mountain; Moses did a lot of strange things. But if you reread the relevant chapters, you will find that Moses stepped on a terraced floor. Did he do that on a mountain, or did

he step into a flying ship, a UFO? Moses had the Rod of Power. It wasn’t made on Earth, you know, it was made on another world. Moses was in fact another spaceman specially planted on Earth.” It’s so interesting to see Rampa speaking out for the ancient astronauts theory of UFOs and the Bible, many years before the idea was popularized by researchers who came later, like Erich Von Daniken and Zechariah Sitchin. A few pages further along, Rampa again discusses UFOs. “There are people in spaceships,” he writes, “who are watching this world. Watching to see what happens. ‘Well, why do they not come and talk to us like sensible people would?’ you may ask, but the only reply is that they ARE being sensible. Humans try to shoot them and try in any way to harm these UFOs, and if UFOs, or rather the people within them, have the intelligence to cross space, then they have the intelligence to make an apparatus which can listen to Earth radio and Earth television. And if they watch Earth television – well, then they will think they have come to some vast mental home, because what could be more insane than the television programs which are foisted on a suffering public? Television programs which glorify the unclean, which glorify the criminal, which teach sex in the wrong way, in the worst possible way, which teach people that only self-gain and sex matter.” Rampa compares people’s expectation that the aliens would come and speak to humanity openly as being as silly as asking one of us to dive into a fish tank to discuss things with some worms at the bottom of the tank, or going into a hothouse and speaking to the plants and saying, “Take me to your leader.” “So the people of space,” he says, “whose one-year-old children would know more than the wisest man on Earth, just watch over this colony.” Rampa also writes about UFO sightings of his own. While living in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, he was able to see, from his ninth floor apartment, across the river and out to the South Atlantic with no obstacles or obstructions to his view. “Night after night, my family and I used to watch UFOs coming from the direction of the South Pole straight over our apartment building, and

coming lower so that they could alight in the Matto Grosso of Brazil. Night after night, with unvarying regularity, these UFOs came. They were seen not just by us, but by a multitude of people, and in Argentina they are officially recognized as Unknown Flying Objects. The Argentine government is well aware that these things are not the product of hysteria or a fevered imagination. They are aware that UFOs are of surpassing reality.” With his combined expertise in Eastern mysticism and occult practices, with the additional factor in the mix of his fervent belief in the UFO and alien phenomena, Rampa’s many books make for interesting reading indeed. While they are to say the least entertaining as a peculiar kind of science fiction, Rampa himself would bristle at the term. In spite of the fantastic nature of what he writes about, Rampa insisted to his dying day it was all hardcore fact, etched in the stone of time to endure forever. And the point of origin for Rampa’s legacy of wisdom is traced back to when the soul of the sincerest of Buddhist monks replaced the soul of an English plumber and took the reading public on an epic journey that has no end, even in the decades since Rampa’s passing. There are still others of a similar type, including an attractive young woman who called herself “Vivenus,” and claimed to have come, as her name suggests, from Venus, on a mission of mercy. Vivenus attends something like a college on Venus to prepare herself for her missionary journey on Earth. After arriving on Earth in a flying saucer, she is given a fleshly covering that is identical to a young American woman who has recently taken her own life because she could not succeed as a singer of love songs. Vivenus slips into her role so perfectly that even the relatives of the woman she replaces can’t tell the difference. The book Vivenus wrote, “Vivenus Starchild” is another story about the Walk-In phenomenon that makes for engrossing reading as she travels the country singing folksongs about positive change but also encounters the many disappointments any Earthling is likely to suffer.

Still another Venusian Walk-In is a woman whose Earthly name is “Sheila”

but who has penned an autobiography called “Omnec Onec: Ambassador From Venus,” in which she calls herself by her true alien name. Omnec Onec was born and raised in a near-perfect Utopian paradise on Venus, but she willingly sacrificed her idyllic life there in order to come to Earth and help a young victim of child abuse work through her punishing karma. It is an act of unselfishness few people on Earth would be capable of and it makes for a great motivating factor in this inspiring story of interplanetary compassion. “Omnec Onec: Ambassador From Venus” opens with young Omnec landing in the Nevada desert in 1955 and then journeying to Tennessee to take the place of the little girl she came to inhabit the body of and protect. Other human-looking aliens are here, according to Omnec, operating unseen on Earth as they work to help us through the world-shattering difficulties that lie just ahead of us and to overcome the faults in character that threaten to destroy us from within. Current research into the alien abduction phenomenon has found that the hybrids being created by the alien genetics program have lately begun to be more and more human looking, which adds some real world support to Omnec’s story. So, returning to the question asked at the beginning of this article, are you, the reader, a Walk-In as well? While one hesitates to heap one mystery on top of another, the most likely answer is that there is no

way of knowing for sure.


Mad Scientists Create Freedom Eating Monster By Jamie Balagia -

criminal history and the money flows. And what safeguards do we have that this device will be further advanced to take DNA samples while it has your finger inside it. And what will be done with the record created by the test run on your sweat and what limitations will be in place for privacy issues.

Mad Scientists Create Freedom Eating Monster by Jamie Balagia (the 420 Dude)

The latest and certainly one of the most frightening scientific advances soon to be released upon the world population is something called “Intelligent Fingerprinting”. It is a recently developed detection system that uses your own fingerprint sweat to snitch on, none other than - you. I can remember watching the old science fiction horror movies in my youth and they dealt with ideas like this one. Once again we find that our government, our military and our law enforcement agencies are using scientific technology against us - the public, the citizens, the people they are supposed to be serving. That’s our government at work - “stick your finger in this device and we will label you a criminal!” Intelligent Fingerprinting is a company formed in 2008 by Professor David Russell of the University of Anglia (UEA)in collaboration with researchers at King’s College, England. The Intelligent Fingerprinting device uses high sensitivity detection reagents to identify metabolite substances in the sweat contained in fingerprints. The Initial studies have demonstrated the ability of the technique for the detection of metabolites of drugs of abuse. Unfortunately, the studies have also successfully shown that it is possible to both identify an individual and at the same time reveal private information about their lifestyle.

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Weird scientific advances like this one are the beginning of the end of personal freedom. Intelligent Fingerprinting has raised two million pounds (or a little over three million dollars) in funding from a consortium of private United States based investors. Wouldn’t you know that it would be money from our own country that would finance another step towards the enslavement of the people. It would be interesting to find out just who these investors are and what other industries and investments they are involved in. I would love to see if any of these investors are members of our government or front companies for our government. The investment deal follows the recent announcement of the company’s prototype fingerprint drug-testing device – the first of its kind in the world. The investment will allow the unique product, which detects illegal drugs from the sweat in fingerprints, to be marketed worldwide. I thought it interesting that the company lists “illegal drugs” as the substance that the device seeks to identify. What about prescription drugs, homeopathic medicines or mimicking substances that can be mistaken for illegal drugs. It seems interesting that we can’t seem to find enough money to adequately research the cures for cancer, diabetes, HIV, childhood diseases and so many other blights on our health. But advertise a devise that will reach into our personal business and help the criminal justice system create more arrests and more citizens with a

I immediately thought of the abuses that this technology could bring into our lives. How can we be sure that the device accurately tests for the metabolites. Think about the increasing number of scandals that are coming out of the labs run by law enforcement agencies. The Gas Chromatograph (GC) is an extremely expensive instrument ($500,000.00) that forensic scientific labs use to test blood (for alcohol, DNA and drugs), liquids, solids, drugs, and all types of physical evidence that are submitted during a criminal investigation. The GC uses a Mass Spectrometer or a Flame Ionization Detector or a UV/Vis DAD system. Since you don’t know what in the world any of that means how can you know whether the Police Forensic Lab isn’t cheating on the tests with expensive instruments? You don’t know and you are smart to assume that the police labs cut corners, buy the lowest bid materials and equipment and are held to lower standards than the high end scientific laboratories that do testing for the private sector. You might as well know that their employees are not the brightest and the best graduates of the top universities. If you got your forensic toxicology degree from MIT, Harvard, Stanford or the University of Texas would you actually try to get hired on at a state police lab run by law enforcement types? I don’t think so. And what testing will be done to assure that the device is incapable of making a false reading. While the company provide funds to replace those you have to spend on your lawyer and his expert witnesses to fight a wrongful charge. Or what if you are locked up and lose your job because of a false reading. If you are on probation you can rest assured that the judge will believe the device before ever believing your denial. How hard would it be to plan a trace amount of an illegal drug in the device so that your finger has to go across the drug before it

reaches the area that takes the reading. I find it interesting and sad that Smart Start Incorporated, an ignition interlock device company, is the company that will be introducing, promoting and advancing this monstrous device into the law enforcement community. Smart Start advertises that their ignition interlock device saves lives by disabling drivers from driving if their blood alcohol is over a certain limit. I suppose they will market this device as something that will help you get into a treatment center for whatever drug problem it determines and documents against you. Certainly it is a device meant to label you as an illegal drug user and that record will make it into the courtroom and the court record is a public record. Just how far will this go before reputations are wrongfully destroyed and careers ruined by a false reading? I wonder if the device will save a sample of your sweat so that you can prove it mistakenly identified a non-prohibited metabolite as one that has criminal implications. What will the cutoff level be set at so that if you go to a concert and get some second hand smoke in your lungs you don’t get accused of smoking some killer weed. What if you touch something that has someone else’s sweat on it and that person was using illegal drugs. Or if someone handles illegal drugs and transfers that substance onto a surface that you touch just prior to getting your intelligent fingerprint taken by a potential employer. Had you thought of that issue? What prohibits your current employer from using this device at your workplace? Can the teachers at your child’s school force them to give their intelligent fingerprint? Maybe your pastor or priest will decide this is better than a confessional. Will it be installed on the steering wheel of your vehicle along with an ignition interlock device that Toyota is talking about installing on all the cars it makes in the near future? Most automobiles already have a black box installed in the newer model vehicles so that the police can see what happened just before you had a collision. That

device takes and saves readings on speed, braking, and other vehicle conditions that were occurring while you were operating your car. With the recent court rulings that authorize police officers to search your cell phone for numbers, emails, Facebook information, text messages, contacts, voice messages and tweets if you are arrested it is hard to imagine how the technology will be used against us next. Take the time to go to dwidude. com, 420dude.com and balagia.com and read the information provided to help educate you on your legal rights and some sound advice on how to respond to law enforcement agents during an investigation of you, your family or your fiends. Learn what steps to take and gain helpful information that can protect you in a time of uncertainty. Then look at the intelligent fingerprint device I have written about at http:// www.intelligentfingerprinting. com/. Remember that knowledge is power and you cannot possess that power unless you take the time to educate yourself. I am not promoting the illegal use of drugs or any use of illegal drugs but I am fearful of what damage can be done when our government is empowered to utilize science against the freedom of the people instead of for the betterment of the people. All it takes to lose our freedom is to remain silent or blissfully ignorant of what our government is doing while they take measures that can be used against lawful and peaceful citizens just as easily as against terrorists and hard core criminals. Read the Amendments to the Constitution and read the Texas Constitution sometime instead of watching the television or playing a video game. There are some very suspicious activities being conducted by our own government as you are reading this article. Stay watchful, stay alert, stay vocal, stay informed and stay vigilant, my friends. Peace, Dude

The Dead Ride Across Austin:


By Chelsea Harfoush

The Dead Ride Across Austin: Blood Over Texas Zombie Bike Ride By Chelsea Harfoush As the sun set over Austin May 16, scores of the undead pedaled through the streets, carving their path of terror (and inebriation) through the city. The participants were dressed to the nines in their creepiest duds and ready to roll. The invitation stated zombies, ghosts, and other monsters were welcome so long as they fit the “undead” theme. What they ended up with was a mishmash of fake blood, tattered clothing, and lots and lots of eyeliner. If you happened to be enjoying a post-workday drink somewhere on east Sixth Street you might have been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them as they went on their merry undead way. This particular event was organized by Blood Over Texas, an Austinbased social group designed to

celebrate Texas’ thriving horror community. In addition to social rides, the group organizes other macabre events such as screenings, meetups, and horror-themed parties. The social bike ride is a blossoming concept in Austin, a city that celebrates its bike culture with typical Texas flair. These rides, which often follow a theme, are becoming a trendy alternative to the traditional pub crawl, allowing drunkards to work off a little of the guilt that comes with that third pint of Guinness. As opposed to the hardcore group rides that usually take place on the weekend (or, in some cases, over a period of several days) and feature challenging paths and lots of middle-aged men in those weird shiny shorts, the social bike ride is social first, physical second. The Ride of the Dead covered a very agreeable four-and-a-half miles broken up by scheduled stops. The pace was described

as leisurely, ensuring riders of all abilities could participate. The ghoulish trek began at 6 p.m. at Live Oak Barbecue on Second Street, which served up heaps of in-theme fare for the riders. Live Oak’s pit boss pulled out all the stops with his Long Pig tacos slathered in Bloody Mary sauce, a condiment that looked quite nice smeared across the lips of the undead consumers. Afterwards the zombies headed north to Jackalope on Sixth to begin the intoxication process (biochemical research to the undead). As the Facebook event page explains, this pit stop was mostly for the pleasure of “invading downtown”. I don’t know about you, but the idea of Midwest tourists on Old Pecan coming face to face with a pack of bloodied monsters on bikes brings a smile to my face. Eventually the crew wound their way through downtown to Spiderhouse Ballroom on Fruth Street, just north of UT campus. The original plan was to end the night with a screening of a classic horror film, but this was eventually changed to a program of horror trailers. No matter; zombies aren’t known for their long attention spans anyway. Stephen Romano, of Shock Festival fame, curated the showcase, which featured a wide array of classic, seventies, exploitation, and obscure trailers. Would-be riders were encouraged by Blood Over Texas to ride safely, utilize commonsense equipment like helmets and bike locks, and obey street signs and traffic laws. Some

of the more creative zombies found ways to integrate their safety gear into their costumes; it turns out a bike helmet can make a nice base for rotting brains. The event invaded social media, with people flocking to Twitter to exchange costume ideas and beg their followers to lend them a fixed-gear. There was even a bit of controversy on the event’s Facebook page. In the comments section one user arrived and asked the zombies to respect another, more somber social ride that was occurring the same night. The Ride of Silence, which also wound through downtown, was a global event created to honor cyclists who had been injured or killed while cycling. One of the organizers of the zombie ride assured the concerned user that they would do their best to avoid a potentially awkward scene. All in all the night was a success, as illustrated by the reaction on various social media

sites as well as the trail of limbs left all over the east side (just kidding). In reality, horror fans got to come together to do what they love best; scare the living daylights out of regular workaday citizens just trying to survive their weeknight. George Romero, eat your heart out. To learn more about Blood Over Texas, membership, and future events, visit their website at www.bloodovertexas.com.

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Eeyore’s Birthday and the Magic MushroomBy Molly Maroney

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