June Issue 2010

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North American Union Coming!

Mexican Lord tells Congress he want’s our Guns!, WTF? Felipe Calderón Pressures U.S. Leadership to Re-Enact Unconstitutional Assault-Weapons Ban from House Floor

Three Amigos, part 2Most of all, the two heads of state, Calderón and Obama, have demonstrated a reckless and uncaring attitude towards curbing illegal immigration– which threatens to wreck both countries. Yet they have pushed hard for amnesty and other provisions to legalize workers and prevented any attempts to impede the open flow of goods and people across the border.

Aaron Dykes Infowars.com May 20, 2010 Mexican President Felipe Calderón called upon the United States Congress to re-enact the assault weapons ban in a bid to disarm the American people as they are integrated into the North American Union system. Further, he placed blame for fueling drug cartels and gang violence squarely on the United States and their supply of firearms. Calderón made these outrageous and anti-American remarks from the floor of the U.S. Congress during an official visit, and also renewed attacks on the immigration legislation passed by Arizona. President Obama joined in his cause, making the startling declaration that “We are not defined by our borders” during a press conference welcoming Calderón on the White House lawn. Such a statement with immigration AND “weapons” problems on the border? Whatever happened to the Robert Frost adage ‘Good fences make good neighbors‘? Alex Jones responds to these radical statements in a video address, questioning Calderón’s wherewithal to scold the United States or meddle with its internal affairs, particularly when Mexico has become such an unmanageable, nightmarish police state– where, by the way, there is a total gun ban for ordinary citizens. Calderón told the United States that it must “regulate the sale of these weapons in the right way.” He continued: “Many of these guns are not going to honest American hands. Instead, thousands are ending up in the hands of criminals.” Calderón’s Call to Disarmament

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is particularly inappropriate before Congress, who are Constitutionally barred from making any law which would violate any part of the Bill of Rights– secured to the people and several states in balance against the power given to the Federal Government. Further, Calderón’s plan holds the same fallacy as other attempts at gun control. If carried out, banning “assault” weapons would empower– rather than restrict– narcotrafficking gangs and leave “good” people helpless. It would not, as he naively intends, curb cartel violence or dry out the tools of their intimidation. Yet his proposals have long been advanced and supported by the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, among others. President Obama voiced general support for a renewed ban last year, but acknowledged that it would be difficult to achieve politically. Moreover, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has also expressed support for re-enacting a gun ban, but has shied away from it while the White House has kept it quiet purposely to avoid political damage to other parts of President Obama’s already wildly-radical agenda. Last year, Newsweek scolded Eric Holder for “backing away” from the ban issue and failing to support an issue ‘important to Mexican officials.’ A MESSAGE FOR ARIZONA President Calderón also used the opportunity to amplify his

criticism of Arizona’s immigration laws, a position which is hypocritical on several points. First, why would he have a voice among Mexican people who fled at all costs from the failing and violent narco-state which he heads? Furthermore, how can the Mexican President decry the efforts of Arizona to control its borders and maintain stability, when Mexico has considerably more severe laws against illegal immigration than that recently introduced by the under-pressure border state. Though Calderón issued a tongue-in-cheek travel advisory to ‘visiting’ Mexican citizens warning them to be wary of the strict new attitude in Arizona, it

is his own country which has grown wild with corruption, violence, drug cartels, authoritarian police and the unsustainable blow of mass exodus which has turned Mexico into a vacuum and failed state. While the United States has attempted to progress on issues of discrimination, Mexico continues to openly oppress its minority groups and stifle attempts at resistance. Despite this distinction, many sanctuary cities across the United States have joined with Calderón and proposed bans on Arizona of their own. ‘SOUTHBOUND FLOW OF ILLEGAL WEAPONS’ ISSUE RAISED TO PROMOTE NORTH AMERICAN INTEGRATION

They have both worked furiously to fast-track North American regional integration. They met in Guadalajara in August 2009 alongside Canadian PM Stephen Harper to continue– largely in secret — the agenda announced under the Bush-era Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America agreement (talks included the hot-button issue of “illegal southbound flow of American guns and cash that helps fuel this extraordinary violence”). President Obama– for someone who claimed ignorance about the North American Union during his 2008 campaign certainly has gone a long way in supporting the total destruction of United States sovereignty, all while embracing cheap globalist clichés, obliterating the economy and opening-up the floodgates to labor replacement from Mexico and other Latin American countries.

North American Union Coming!

Take your rights, replace the dollar, finally your GUNS! certainly has gone a long way in supporting the total destruction of United States sovereignty, all while embracing cheap globalist clichés, obliterating the economy and opening-up the floodgates to labor replacement from Mexico and other Latin American countries. –

Politicians– through NAFTA, WTO, CAFTA and SPP agreements, among others– are ushering in a corporatist-controlled North American Union, alongside a longer-term global merger. Robert Pastor and other key architects from the Council on Foreign Relations clearly designed the North American Union to circumvent the confines of the U.S. Constitution, and such a system is unlikely (once in power) to allow or accept the resistance of an armed population.

UNITED NATIONS ATTACK ON THE SECOND AMENDMENT United Nations: Monument to Global Gun ControlUnfortunately, the United States has long-ago set its course in that direction, having signed onto the United Nations treaty and its disarmament plan, already poignantly and also frighteningly symbolized by the monument outside its headquarters of a tied-up gun barrel, rendered incapable of effective action. Clearly, Calderón and Obama now hope to finish the deal. At the same time, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has recently renewed her campaign for the UN Small Arms Treaty (NEW START), urging the Senate to ratify the treaty signed back in December with the Russian Federation. Clinton utilized frightening Cold War rhetoric about the proliferation of nuclear armaments to argue for the control of “small arms.” Unless the Senate ratifies the treaty, Clinton argued, there would be no existing protection against a nuclear threat (despite a valid 2002 treaty). She stated:

“The choice before us is between this treaty and no treaty governing our nuclear security relationship with Russia, between this treaty and no agreed verification mechanisms on Russia’s strategic nuclear forces, between this treaty and no legal obligation

for Russia to maintain its strategic nuclear forces below an agreed level.” To fulfill the UN’s mandate of eventual disarmament (of private, citizen-held arms) or to listen to the dictates of a corrupt puppet-figurehead like Calderón is to commit treason against the American people and our way of life. How many authoritarian regimes in the 20th and 21st Centuries have taken away its people’s arms, only to enslave and exterminate them? How

could we in the United States allow ourselves to be disarmed at a time when law enforcement along the border have warned citizens to buy guns because its sheriffs, police and other authorities cannot protect the border zone? Calderón should take the advice not of his flattering host Obama, eager to dismantle America’s strengths, but from his harshest critics, who would gladly embrace a neighbor, were he not spitting on our culture and seeking to undermine it through diplomatic channels or base immigration-attrition. We at Infowars.com have already recommended that he get the hell out of our country and refrain from being the pot who called the kettle black.

His country has too many problems for him to be busy with the lessons America should learn. He should go back to Mexico and start on his own mess. Let’s hope he takes the recommendation. Page 5 • weirdmagazine.com


DRIVE WHILE YOU’RE HIGH, YOU WILL GO TO PRISON. Delaware: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites. Georgia: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, mandatory 24 hours jail, up to 12 months upon conviction.

Illinois: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, up to 12 moths upon conviction. Indiana: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, up to 60 days upon conviction.

Feds Move to Throw Pot Smokers in Prison for Impaired Driving . . . A MONTH LATER! Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com May 19, 2010 If you smoked marijuana last week or even last month and you drive a car, you may be sent to prison under new guidelines drafted by the federal government. The Obama administration released its National Drug Control Strategy guidelines last week. The federal government wants all of the states to adopt its authoritarian and draconian diktat and expand the drug war. From the guidelines: Encourage States To Adopt Per Se Drug Impairment Laws [ONDCP]. State laws regarding impaired driving are varied, but most State codes do not contain a separate offense for driving under the influence of drugs (DUID). Therefore, few drivers are identified, prosecuted, or convicted for DUID. Law enforcement personnel usually cite individuals with the easier to prove driving while intoxicated (DWI) alcohol charges. Unclear laws provide vague signals both to drivers and to law enforcement, thereby minimizing the

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possible preventive benefit of DUID statutes. Fifteen states have passed laws clarifying that the presence of any illegal drug in a driver’s body is per se evidence of impaired driving. ONDCP will work to expand the use of this standard to other states and explore other ways to increase the enforcement of existing DUID laws. TCannabis metabolites can remain detectable in the urine for up to 100 days or longer for a regular cannabis consumer and up to fifteen days for the casual consumer, according to NORML, the marijuana advocacy organization. In other words, even if a pot smoker is conscientious and does not drive while intoxicated, that person can be arrested and convicted for DUID days or weeks after consuming marijuana. It would not matter if you are sober as a teetotaler — if THC molecules are detected with a urine or blood test, you are probably going to prison. You can kiss the right to vote and own a firearm sayonara. In 2007 there were 14.5 million current users of marijuana in the United States, compared with 14.6 million in 2002, while the number of Americans who have used marijuana increased. The following states enforce “zero tolerance” draconian DUID laws:

Arizona: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, mandatory 24 hours jail, up to 6 months upon conviction.

Michigan: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, up to 93 days upon conviction, vehicle immobilization for up to 180 days. Nevada: 15 ng/ml for cannabis metabolites. Ohio: 15 ng/ml for cannabis metabolites, mandatory 72 hours in jail, up to 6 months upon conviction, 6 month to 3 year license suspension. Pennsylvania: DUID for cannabis metabolites, amount unclear. South Dakota: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites for persons under the age of 21.

Utah: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabo-

lites, mandatory 48 hours jail, up to 6 months upon conviction.

Obama’s new guidelines will criminalize and add to the system hundreds of thousands of people and add thousands of people to the prison industry slave labor complex. In 2007 an American was arrested on marijuana charges every 36 seconds. Obama will increase this criminalization rate significantly. DUI checkpoints are on the rise around the country. In California, for instance, the state increased grants in 2009 by 47% for DUI checkpoints, including “roving” DUI patrols. 2010 was predicted to be “the year of the Checkpoint” in California. In California and elsewhere, these unconstitu-

tional checkpoints are a highly profitable business for the state, netting billions of dollars every year.

Behavioral impairment is not the issue. Expanding the criminal class is the issue. Government will never rest until it categorizes most of us as criminals.

Did you smoke pot last month and drive a car this morning? Obama wants to arrest and incarcerate you.

INTERVIEW: MEDIA DESIGN/SMTX.tv Dave Newman Air Force, went back to school for a while to decompress, and figure out what to do with the rest of my life, had an interest in the new VHS camcorders and technology, and started the SWT Media Club so we could check out the University’s video gear, and run around San Marcos and Austin with it, and see what could and did happen. When we discovered that people would pay us to do video work and production for them, Media Design was born, but duplicating tapes gets old after about 15 or 16 years (Media Design started in my garage in 1989) so we started thinkg about the next cool thing to do, and streaming media seemed to be it. So we moved into Live HD streaming, with a little help from our friends at Kulabyte. W: Welcome to Weird Magazine Dave. Tell us about SMTX.TV and the Studio there? DN: Hello Russell. Thanks for having me here. SMTX.TV grew out of Media Design Multimedia Production Studios, here in San Marcos, Texas which in turn grew out of the (then) Southwest Texas State University Media Club. I had gotten out of the

W: How long have you been doing the micro tv broadcasts? DN: We’ve been streaming live HD video for about a year now but had our official “SMTX.TV Launch Party” on Jan 30, 2010 and have been streaming live HD netcasts (Internet Television) since that night. Before that we were in sort of a soft launch mode, where we were doing our beta testing, and working

out the bugs in our process. We built this up from scratch, so there have been a lot of pieces in the puzzle to find and then put into the right place to make it all work. Live HD video streaming is a technology, but it is also kind of an art form, in that there are so many variables that must be worked out to get the right and desirable result. W: What kind of shows have you had on the air since you started? DN: Well technically, Media Design started streaming back in 1998 with KIND radio. We had the first (A)DSL connection in San Marcos and again with some help from our friends Jeff Kramer of 57th Street Productions as well as Mark Thornton and Chad Neff of San Marcos Internet. As I recall, Jeff had borrowed a couple of these “experimental” DSL modems from his buddies out in San Fransisco at “the Well” which was some hacker group based out there on the West Coast. Jeff had a desk at Media Design, and needed to transfer files back and forth across town to SMI, so he leased a twisted copper pair from Century Telephone and just like that, we had the first broadband

DSL service in San Marcos. We had bandwidth to spare there, so Chris Hurd whom I started Media Design with in 1995, and I had this bright idea to try to stream KIND radio, which was the underground pirate radio station in Joe Ptak’s garage that broadcasted at 30 watts for three years (circa 1998). We were all afraid that we were gonna get in trouble (me, Chris, SMI, Kramer, etc.) but it was so cool to be doing that, that we took the “risk” and did it anyway.

So,...I’ll count that as a show

that we streamed for two years, but audio only, in that case,... along with a 10 year gap. Now that HD video streaming is a reality (that I saw coming, back then) we are streaming live candidate debates for the San Marcos Area League of Women Voters and CONA, the San Marcos Economic Development Council Summit Conferences, live San Marcos music offerings with our show “Hill Country Live”, “EntertainMeTX” which is a weekly show about the Texas Indy Film Industry, “512 Unscripted”, which is about “All Things Austin, All the TIme!”. and “College Life, Live” which covers topics related to Texas State University student life here in San Marcos. Also we have some other shows that are in the works or have done a pilot episode, with plans of more to come. W: So the encoding ability is here to broadcast live video in HD finally. You’re into some cutting edge technology Dave.. DN: Yes we are! I have had an interest in video streaming since our early days of streaming KIND radio. Back then I was flying a 767 for the Saudi Oil minister, and running Media Design as a sideline business, and while the 30 watt broadcast at KIND was streaming worldwide (or at least we thought it was...)

“I walked into a cyber cafe in London and logged on to our KIND Page 8 • weirdmagazine.com

page with the Real Audio Player, and picked up my buddy Dave Leder on a Saturday morning doing his show “What’s the Story Dave?” I thought at the time “Wow,...this is Powerful ! And if its audio now,.It’ll be video one day. I gotta get ready.” And on a later trip, the same type of experience in Jakarta. That’s on the othe other side of the planet. When it’s day here, it’s night there, and vice-versa. Powerful. We played around with the various forms of streaming technology that were then emerging about three or four years ago. Before that, video streaming was a postege stamp size presentation in the exact middle of your computer screen. About 4 or 5 years ago I heard that a new software company, Kulabyte, had set up shop in downtown San Marcos. Shortly after that I went and knocked on their door, and said “Hi, I’m Dave Newman, I have a video production studio just across the alley, and I want to stream video. They had just come back from IAB in Amsterdam with about 4 million in investment capital and were feeling pretty proud of themselves, and they looked at me and said, “you’re who? from where?” Anyway fast forward to the present, I am a Kulabyte distributor, and beta tester, and I also do on location streaming gigs for them. I streamed Alex Trebek (Mr. Jeopardy) from Texas State University about a month ago, and I’m heading up to NYC to stream a gig for them next week. It’s starting to get pretty exciting. We streamed Willie Nelson from Carl’s Corner last April 10th. It was a lot of hard work, but it was also a blast and we met a lot of very cool people, including Paula Nelson, Clay Canfield, Jarrett Schaub, and I was very close to meeting Willie himself (from 3 ft. away with our wireless HD camera.)

INTERVIEW: SMTX.tv To Introduce The Weird Show

Coming soon . . . theweirdshow.tv

I have a broadcasting background in radio you know, Hosting Weird Radio for many years; this would be cool to have a Weird Show on here. Hint . . Hint . . Dave. DN: I think it would be,..... well,......WEIRD. Come on DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! W: I look forward to working with you guys over there. We could make a pretty trippy Weird show with special guest and callers.

W: This studio you have here is Awesome ! Kind of industrial looking, how long did it take you to build this?

effects, skype video and audio, youtube etc. etc. etc.

DN: We built it from scratch starting about 3 years ago. It is still undergoing changes. I like to call it the “process of successive refinements”. As a matter of fact, we just acquired a Comrex broadcast phone patch system today, so that we can take multiple callins and stream those types of interviews back out live, to the world. We have direct confirmation that we are viewed overseas, so as our capability grows, so can our viewership, internationally without bounds or borders. We are excited about that.

W: (Editors Note): YET!

DN: We’re pretty Trippy anyway,....but with your Ph.D in Weirdness, Russell,..... SMTX. TV would be WAAAAAY over the top. And that’s a GOOD THING! W: Do you have advertising space available on these shows? DN: Oh yeah! Get in now while

it’s still cheap !!! The price is going up! haha! Yes,...we can do commercials, clickable banner ads, product placement (I’ll drink Coke or Gatoraid ON THE AIR!!!) and general show sponsorships. Please call 512 754 0083 for rates. W: What do people need to know about SMTX.TV? DN: This is cutting edge, brand new technology. We have the capability in our hands right now, to exceed where Ted Turner was headed when he conceived and started WTBS and CNN, but we can already do it farther (worldwide) and in higher resolution (1080p HD) than they can right now. And all from a small studio with a high bandwidth (fiber) internet connection. We are still really in the developmental and testing phases today, but as I saw Mick Jagger say on Larry King last night,...”someone has to stop you and say OK,...you’re done, now get out there and do it for the public.”

So,...we are, but we are on the dirt roads of this new technology. Wait until we hit the on-ramp to the freeway! W: Thanks Dave. Let’s start talking about doing THE WEIRD SHOW this summer. Any final thoughts to the Weird Readers? DN: If you think that you like to read about all things Weird,.... just wait until you get to see the show. It’ll be a blast to produce and a riot to watch. Cool guests, cool topics, and outrageous possibilities. Yep, for sure !!!..... I can hardly wait!

Also, every show that we do is somewhat different, with different requirements. For that reason we are constantly configuring and reconfiguring the broadcast booth and studio for the needs of the programmers,

but I must say that at this point, we haven’t even scratched the surface of what can be done and what we plan to do, with green sceen, multiple cameras angles, call ins, sound Page • weirdmagazine.com

Has Something Tampered With Voyager 2 Spacecraft? Has Something Tampered With Voyager 2 Spacecraft?

It left Earth 33 years ago, now it’s claimed the Voyager 2 spacecraft may have been hijacked by aliens after sending back data messages NASA scientists can’t decode. NASA installed a 12-inch disk containing music and greetings in 55 languages in case intelligent extraterrestrial life ever found it. But now the spacecraft is sending back what sounds like an answer: Signals in an unknown data format. In late April, the signals sent back from Voyager 2 suddenly arrived in an unknown format. Unable to decipher the data stream and completely baffled by the cause for the shift in how Voyager 2 communicates with its Earth-bound team, NASA scientists have for the time being instructed the probe to send only information on its operational health and status while they get to the bottom of the sudden and strange behavior. Engineers are working to solve the strange data transmissions. It is now being suggested that

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someone, or something, is trying to send a secret message to Earth. Alien expert Hartwig Hausdorf said: “It seems almost as if someone had reprogrammed or hijacked the probe – thus perhaps we do not yet know the whole truth” Launched in 1977, Voyager 2 and its twin, Voyager 1, explored the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and kept on going. Nearly 33 years later, they are the most distant human-made objects. Voyager, because of its distance from Earth and the resulting time-lag for commanding, was designed to operate in a highly-autonomous manner. In order to do this and carry out the complex sequences of

spacecraft motions and instrument operations, three interconnected on-board computers were utilized. Currently, it takes 13 hours for a message from Voyager to reach Earth. Voyager 1 is 10.5 billion miles from Earth and in about five years is expected to pass through the heliosphere, a bubble the sun creates around the solar system, and enter interstellar space. Voyager 2 will follow after that. Note: 1977 Also gave us Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Jim Marrs Speaks at Brave New Books in Austin Weird Magazine Visits Brave New Books for JFK Birthday Celebration with Special Guest Speaker Author Jim Marrs. By Russell Dowden

Jim Marrs spoke in honor of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s birthday on Saturday May 29th at none other than Brave New Books in Austin Texas. Jim gave a very entertaining lecture on many of the discrepancies the Federal Government offered the public on the official story of the Lone Gunman theory. He told of eyewitness testimony that most Americans are not even aware of. It was an eye opener for even this Fan. Austenite’s listened intently to the fellow Texan as he explained how the events of Nov 1963 tie in very similarly to what many of us had experienced on Sept 11th 2001. The event filled out nicely as a full house of people crowded in to hear Jim speak and offer a slide show lecture while taking time to field questions later on into the presentation. He closed by saying that; “We all share a common bond regardless of color, religious creed, and ethnicity. We are all Americans!” Ask questions Demand Answers. Marrs has been a featured guest on my Radio programs nearly 10 times in my very brief radio career going back to June of 2001 some 9 years ago. At that time,

Jim had just written Rule By Secrecy and this interview was one of my favorite, but would not be the last, since Marrs would return to my radio shows many more times after 9/11. Jim Marrs is one of my favorite investigative journalist and authors and it was great to sit down and talk and chew the fat about politics and current events. Jim is currently working on a new book that will be out in September 2010 entitled

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“Trillion Dollar Conspiracy” Jims website is simply: www.JimMarrs.com Jim Marrs (born 5 December 1943) is an American former newspaper journalist and author of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover ups and conspiracies.[1] Marrs is a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfire was a source for Oliver Stone’s film JFK. He has also written books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens, 9/11, telepathy, and secret societies. He was once a news reporter in the Dallas–Fort

Worth Metroplex and has taught a class on the Kennedy Assassination at University of Texas at Arlington. Marrs is a member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth. Jim Marrs will be one of our first guests on The Weird Show coming next month in July so stay tuned.

Feds Declare Terror Alert on Texas Border war asset al-Qaeda and has made statements about its intent to harm the United States, according to Fox. “In recent years, American Somalis have been recruited by Al Shabaab to travel to Somalia, where they are often radicalized by more extremist or operational antiAmerican terror groups, which Al Shabaab supports. The recruiters coming through the Mexican border are the ones who could be the most dangerous, according to law enforcement officials.” In April, Somalis with alleged ties to alShabaab were arrested and then “mistakenly” released from custody in Mexico (meanwhile, apprehended illegals from Guatemala rot in prison). “Included in the group is Mohamed Osman Noor, 35, of Somalia, who U.S. officials suspect has strong ties to Al-Shabaab Mujahideen, an Islamist insurgency group in the ongoing war in Somalia with ties to al Qaeda,” the Washington Examiner reported.

Feds Declare Terror Alert on Texas Border Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com May 26, 2010 Narco-terrorists, Mara Salvatrucha hit teams, kidnappers and slave traffickers cross the US-Mexico border with increasing frequency. Ranchers are murdered and cops robbed and assaulted at gunpoint. Millions of people enter the country illegally and drain state resources and fill the welfare rolls and prisons. Mexican military helicopters violate the sovereignty of the United States at will. atta Muslim terrorists don’t need to sneak across the border. They can enter legally — thanks to the CIA — like this guy did. But the feds are not worried about this. Instead they claim to be worried about the Somalia-based alShabaab terrorist group. “The Department of Homeland Security is alerting Texas authorities to be on the lookout for a suspected member of the Somalia-based Al Shabaab terrorist group who might be attempting to travel to the U.S. through Mexico,” a security expert tells Fox News. It is said the group is running hundreds of Somalis from Brazil through South America and eventually across the Mexican border. “Many of the illegal immigrants, who court records say were given fake IDs, are alleged to have ties to other now-defunct Somalian terror organizations that have merged with active organizations like Al Shabaab, al-Barakat and Al-Ittihad Al-Islami.” Al-Shabaab has aligned itself with the prized fake terror

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“All were in Mexican Immigration custody due to illegal entry into Mexico and were released on January 21, 2010,” said an intelligence official with the Laredo Sector Border Intelligence Center, a joint federal task force under the Department of Homeland Security that operates on the border.

“All agents are reminded to maintain a heightened level of awareness and emphasize officer safety tactics when encountering individuals at all times. All agents are highly encouraged to wear ballistic armor, utilize long arms and work in groups when responding to illicit activity along the immediate border.” “Something must have gone wrong internally for these persons to have been released by Mexican authorities. If you can move narcotics and other contraband through the porous border, you can’t tell me they don’t have the ability to move terrorists as well,” said a former U.S. government official who worked closely with Mexican authorities on border issues. Nothing went wrong and members of al-Shabaab were not released by mistake. The CIA has facilitated the movement of terrorists — or more accurately, patsies and dupes — across international borders for decades. Michael Springmann, a former head U.S. consular official in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, was ordered to issue more than 100 visas to unqualified applicants who later turned out to be associated with al-Qaeda. The CIA told Springmann to expedite the visas. Recall radical Muslim leader and useful idiot Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman who was convicted of plotting to blow up the the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, the George Washington Bridge and a federal building housing the FBI. He was issued a visa to enter the United States by the CIA — in fact, he was a spiritual leader of the CIAbacked mujaheddin in Afghanistan. He entered and exited the U.S. at will, never mind he was on a terror watch list.

Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law was fortunate enough to get a visa from the CIA through the U.S. consulate in Jeddah. Mohammed Jamal Khalifa was kicked out of the Philippines because he was a suspected terrorist. He had no problem, thanks to the CIA, entering the United States. The notorious al-Qaeda mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who later confessed to blowing up buildings that did not exist, had a valid U.S. visa. The 19 cave-dwelling 9/11 hijackers applied for and received a total of 23 visas at five different posts from November 1997 through June 2001. Hani Hanjour, Khalid Almihdhar, Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alnami, all Saudi citizens, applied twice at the CIA’s Jeddah visa mill. Only Hanjour applied for a student visa, the others received tourist and business visas. Fayez Ahmed Banihammad and Marwan Alshehhi received their visas in Abu Dhabi and Mohamed Atta and Ziad Jarrah applied for visas at the U.S. embassy in Berlin.

In short, there is no reason for Muslim evil-doers who hate our freedoms to enter the country illegally when the CIA can get them in with few questions asked. The terror look-out on the Texas-Mexico border is simply another propaganda effort designed to frighten the American people. It will not be used as an argument to close the border. It will be used to attack the Constitution and the Bill of Rights like past fake terror events and would-be underwear and fizzle non-bombings are now being used as an excuse to chip away at our liberty and construct a high-tech surveillance and control grid.

Editors Note: There are also recent AUV sightings in South Texas and new Body Scanners have been put in place in the Airports of the Rio Grande; all in the name of Security of course. While you are meant to feel safe, your right to privacy methodicly instilling FEAR are what they are after. Dont you Love your Federal Government?

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Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition Host Barrett pointed out that to carry out the successful controlled demolition of three of the biggest buildings in history, the conspirators would have to ensure that they were hit, making the use of remote controlled airliners a distinct possibility. In addition, Barrett mentioned the fact that he had interviewed numerous pilots who dismissed the chances of accurately guiding a huge commercial airliner into a building while flying at sea level at around 600 miles per hour, especially considering the alleged 9/11 hijackers struggled to even fly basic Cessna light aircraft.

“Sounding a chilling note, Hart added that the U.S. is in grave danger of an Israeli-instigated false-flag nuclear attack, perhaps using an American nuclear weapon stolen from Minot Air Force Base during the “loose nukes” Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition : Respected Middle East expert and former BBC presenter Alan Hart has broken his silence on 9/11, by revealing that the world’s most prominent civil engineering company told him directly that the collapse of the twin towers was a controlled demolition. Speaking on the Kevin Barrett show yesterday, Hart said he thought the 9/11 attack probably started as a Muslim operation headed up by Osama Bin Laden but that the plot was subsequently hijacked and carried out by Mossad agents in collusion with elements of the CIA, adding that since its formation, Israel has penetrated every Arab government and terrorist organization. “My guess is that at an early point they said to the bad guys in the CIA – hey this operation’s running what do we do, and the zionists and the neo-cons said let’s use it,” said Hart, making reference to how top neo-cons like Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and their fellow Project For a New American Century authors had called for a “catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor,” the year before 9/11.

“The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion, not the planes,” said Hart, adding that this view was based on his close friendship with consultants who work with the world’s leading civil engineering and construction firm.

Hart asked the company to study the collapse of the twin towers, after which they told him directly, “There’s absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion.” Hart then explained how the five dancing Israelis seen celebrating the attack on the World Trade Center in New Jersey as it unfolded, who turned out to be Mossad agents, proves at at a minimum Israel knew the attack was going to happen. Hart went further in speculating that the planes had been fitted with transponders and that the Israelis were guiding them in to the towers.

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rogue operation of August, 2007. The motive would be to trigger a U.S. war with Iran, and perhaps to finish the ethnic cleansing of Palestine under cover of war–which Hart is convinced the Zionists are planning to do as soon as the opportunity presents itself,” writes host Barratt. Given his biography and standing, Hart’s comments are not to be taken lightly. Hart is a former Middle East Chief Correspondent for ITN News and has also presented for BBC Panorama specializing in the Middle East. He was also a war reporter in Vietnam and the first journalist to reach Suez Canal with the Israeli army in 1967. Over the decades, Hart has developed close relationships with numerous high profile political figures, including the Shah of Iran, Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres. Hart has been a successful author for years and has no reason to fabricate the fact that a top construction firm told him point blank that the towers were brought down in a controlled demolition. In forwarding this

information, Hart joins legions of other credible experts who to some extent or other have all publicly challenged the official 9/11 story, with many outright stating that the attacks were an inside job, people like 20-year decorated CIA veteran Robert Baer, who told a radio host that “the evidence points at” 9/11 having had aspects of being an inside job. In addition, no less than 1198 architectural and engineering specialists have signed a petition demanding Congress re-open an official investigation into the 9/11 attack and the collapse of the twin towers.


Rumtide Interview W: How long has the band been together now? R: Jaime: Let’s see ten years? No twelve years actually. Ed: Close to twelve, eleven really. W: Name some of the bands influences. R: Pearl Jam, David Garza , Jimmy Buffet, Mute Math … W: Welcome to Weird Magazine guys. How have you been?

W: Where is the band performing this June?


R: We’re concentrating on tying up loose ends finishing the album. We’re currently booking shows for our Cd release. Visit our Facebook page to check for upcoming shows. www.facebook.com/rumtide

Great, alright alright

W: Introduce the band members and what instrument each performs. R: Jaime: Guitars and vocals Joel: I play drums &percussion Ed: I sing and play a little harp Michael:Bass, guitars, organs, pianos … W: I understand there is a new album out this month in June. Tell us about that and what is it’s title? R: Joel: It’s called Pier 60 and it just released this June. Michael: It’s a mix of old songs and new songs that we’ve put together over the last eleven years … W: Where is the CD available at? Where can we get one? R: Joel: CD copies of Pier 60 are available for sale at our shows. You can also buy it online at iTunes or visit, myspace. com/rumtide or email us at: rumtide@gmail.com

W: What was it like recording with Omar Vallejo? R: The guy is a great friend of ours, an excellent musician and an excellent producer in the studio. Working with him was exciting, fun and educational. Except when he said he was going to use my guitars as firewood. Joel: I thought he brought some really good ideas to add into songs, like adding in B3. Michael: Omar was great at walking us through the recording process… W: Why the name Rumtide? R: I think it was ..it was during the time in the early nineties when everyone was basing their names off of liquors, Everclear, Gin Blossoms, Tonic. Well, tonic is not really not really a liquor, but more of a mixer. I think there

needed to be something right in the middle, so Rumtide came in …. Joel: Really? That was the reason? Ed: Ok really, our friend Carlos came up with the name. He said it sounded like us and he thought of it in a dream. W:The music is full of energy, with soaring harmonies and ear catching melodies. The band is really having fun with the music. You can hear that you are all enjoying this. Is that fair to say?

R: Joel: First of all, thanks. Um, it’s totally fair to say. That’s the one thing that has kept us together. We all like making music together. That, and Ed is related to Jaime. Ed: That’s true. Jaime: Yup, true. Michael: I think the thing that keeps this band going is the times that we can get together for a few hours, play our songs and maybe some other people’s songs and lose ourselves. At the end of those few hours, we all feel great. The music is a catharsis for us … W: Where are you guys from originally? R: Michael: I’m from the Rio Grande Valley, Harlingen and McAllen originally. But I bounced around Texas through my childhood. Ed and I were childhood friends and were able to stay in touch after I moved away. Ed and I played music together all the time, even though I might have been living in East

Texas, while he lived in the Valley. Joel: I met Mike in college at UT and we ended up being college roommates. I’m from San Benito/Harlingen originally. Ed: Jaime and I are both from the valley. Jaime: From McAllen … W:What inspires the band? R: Ed: I think we inspire each other. I know whenever I get lazy or caught up with life, I’ll get a random phone call from Mike reminding me that we have to keep things going with the band, and vice versa. Michael: I agree. We are a group of friends, but the music is the glue. Joel: I think our past inspires us and our common musical interests. Michael: And our interests as friends. Joel: I think that goes to our past experiences. I think there’s a history and almost a…

We don’t have a choice anymore on whether we do it or not. That’s my driving inspiration. I don’t have a choice. If I didn’t do this, I’d feel like something was missing. W:What are you thankful for? R: Joel: I think we’re thankful for each other. I have three great friends that I can bounce musical ideas off of. I’m in a band that gets along and that loves

to be in the same room playing music together. Ed: I totally agree with Joel. I think our band is beyond the idea of friends being in a band. We have gone through everything together as a band, from the most serious life experiences, to the most simple arguments on how to put an album together. We’ve made it eleven years with each other as a band, and I’m thankful for that, it’s been a great eleven years. Michael: Yea, I agree. I’m thankful that we got this far and have been able to record the last eleven years of music and memories on Pier 60. I’malso thankful that there’s a new chapter ahead for us.New music and experiences. Jaime: I’m thankful to be in a band where we’re more than just four musicians playing music. More like brothers/close relatives/tightly knit friends that I can count on for anything … W:Thanks guys! You rock on! Any final thoughts to Weird Readers? R: As a cart full of liquor and beer roll by at the Omni hotel, we all say, we really hope that our music gets to you and you can listen to our life and what we have created. Check out Pier 60 on iTunes and come check out one of our shows this summer …

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Weird Magazine talks with Niles Williamson of Throckmorton much work is involved with the veneering process alone. There is no shortage of frustrations in the tedious process of constructing drums. W: I understand the quality of the sound of these handmade kits are incredible. Describe what makes this sound unique? TD : I start my projects with Keller American made raw hard rock maple drum shells with V.S.S.(Vibrating Sound Source) technology. Vertical sound source refers to the ply configuration of the shell. The goal is to form the bearing edge of the drum so that the drum head is resting mainly on the vertical grain ply sheets sandwiched between the outer and inner plies. Truth is, these Keller shells sound so good, you could probably stick any old hardware on them, leave them raw, and leave the edges square, they will still sound better than the kit you have at home! W: Where can Austin musicians and San Martians order these rare percussion drums? TD : throckmort@yahoo.com niles7@austin.rr.com http://www.myspace.com/throckmortondrums http://www.throckmortondrums.com/home W: Welcome to Weird Magazine Niles. Tell us about your unique brand of drums. Throckmorton Drums. TD: Yeah, I make Throckmorton Drums Here in San Marcos.When I restored my early Ludwig kit in the late 90’s, I realized the process of customization was something I was really attracted to. When I became aware of the availability of literally “mind blowing” veneers, the light bulb went off. The veneer application process was very similar to wallpaper application, an industry I had worked in for at least a year. Other drum companies have definately used exotic veneer on their drums, but Throckmorton Drums are unique because the veneer “wrap” is a custom one of a kind layup consisting of multiple “identical” sheets of veneer wrapped around the drum in a Rorshack bookmatch pattern that lines up with the hardware placement on each drum. These drums are very much ART. I have worked as a house painter in San Marcos for 18

years now. Everything I have learned in the painting industry carries right over into the finishing process for my drums.

W:What else would you like people to know about Throckmorton Drum kits Niles?

W: I understand this brand of drum kit really rocks?

TD : My kits are for musicians, and studio owners who appreciate great sound and stunning one of a kind custom work. Their satisfaction is my main reward!

TD : According to anyone that has heard them, that seems to be the consensus. I agree, The sound of these drums makes playing them 95% more fun than the average kit!

W: Niles thanks for your time. Final thoughts to Weird Readers?

W:What do you mean by “vertical grain” and “zig zag” ? TD : “Vertical grain” refers to the direction the grain of the wood is oriented on the outer skin of drums. Think of a beer can (easy) standing up. Now think of vertical stripes on the can, That is vertical grain. As far as “Zig Zag” think of Charlie Browns’ shirt. That is roughly what my zig-zag veneer layups look like on the drum shell.

TD : Thanks to Weird Magazine for helping a local hobbyist/skateboarder/punk rocker/former child actor turned house painter/drummaker spread the word. Thanks to my dad Jerry Williamson for instilling my love of wood and working with my hands! And My Mom Barbara for pointing out the beauty in the world. UNITED FREAKS OF AMERICA UNTIE!

W: Do many local bands order these? TD : There are a few local artists using my stuff. I have also lent out some of my personal equipment for a few gigs around San Marcos and Austin. W:How much time goes into your craft of making a single drum kit? TD : It really doesn’t happen over night, like Overhaulin’ or something. From ordering to delivery, it could take as long as 1 month.

People would be suprised how Page 19 • weirdmagazine.com

Weird with Red that would be a good slogan. We got bumper stickers and I set up the KAW web site and it slowly took off. W: So the saying caught on to some marketing folks after you made stickers. Then the phrase was purchased, trademarked, marketed, and the rest is history. Are we warm?

W: Welcome to Weird Magazine Red. Tell us about yourself and your background here in Austin. RW: I was born in Austin in 1950--when the population was 130,000--so I’ve seen a lot of changes, some good, lots bad. I got a couple of degrees from UT in the ‘70s.

W:How and when did you come up with the phrase “Keep Austin Weird” ? RW: I was donating to “The Lounge Show” on KOOP radio in 2000 and when asked why, I said “It helps keep Austin weird.” I mentioned to my wife

RW: In 2003, after it became a common catchphrase-largely due to BookPeople and Waterloo Records using it to fight the city’s proposed help to bring in a big box store across the street from them--Outhouse Designs trademarked the phrase for use on hats and shirts. I fought it for a while, but it was going to be pretty expensive and wouldn’t have stopped the next guy from doing it, so I decided to be satisfied with seeing them rot in hell eventually.

Keep Austin Weird Red Wassenich

RW: Thoughts? I have none. I’m not the czar of weirdness, just a bemused bystander.

W: Tell us about your book Red. RW: Keep Austin Weird: A Guide to the Odd Side of Town came out in 2007. My vision when writing it was it would be the sort of book you’d keep by the toilet and browse through. Sort of a coffee-table book / jokes-for-the-john synthesis. I won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2008.

W: What are some of your favorite Weird places in Austin?

shunned if you do odd things. Here in Austin you’re congratulated. W: The phrase has been adopted by many other cities in the country right? RW: At least a dozen, I think. Boulder, Portland, Louisville. That’s mainly the work of Steve Bercu of BookPeople, who travels around preaching the buy-local message.

W: Austin is culturally eccentric and the charm is progressively Weird. But many in the anitcooperate activism community disagree with the very popular trademarked slogan now. Arguing that it defeats the purpose of support local business. What are your thoughts on this?

W: What is new with you Red? Any plans for another book at all?

RW: The Cathedral of Junk is #1 (and as we speak, it is being threatened with demolition by the city; this is one of the darkest episodes in the slide toward blandness in recent times). The Museum of Ephemerata. Dart Bowl. Peter Pan Mini-Golf. Poodle Dog Lounge. Carousel Lounge. My house.

RW: I am trying to write a novel, which happens to be set in Austin. It’s about evangelists and librarians. W: Thank you Red. Any final thoughts to Weird Magazine readers? RW: Give up on reading, kids. It’s a dead end.

W:Why is Austin so “Weird” Red? RW: It’s filled with everyday weirdoes. Sure, we have the prima donna weirdoes like Leslie, but the streets are filled with average oddballs.

In most places, you’re Page 20 • weirdmagazine.com

The WEIRD Crossword Puzzel The Capital of….? By Jay Abazi

Across 1. Super Mario ____ 5. Nothing 9. A Poet 13. ___ out; withdraws 17. 100,000 rupees 18. In the same place (lat.) 19. Windward; away from 20. Fused material for enamels 21. NORWAY 22. Coagulated milk; cheese 23. Being of little importance (hyph.) 25. U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS 28. Bogota’s country (abbr.) 29. Steal 30. Prolongs 31. “ ___ She Goes” 33. Sound of a cow 35. Neither win nor lose 36. Had food 37. Gas 38. Points in a direction 40. Dioceses second highest ranks 46. Braid of straw 48. Caspian or Red 49. Scottish cap, slang 50. Russia’s continent 51. Sentence structure 53. Kind and sweet 56. New Jersey Cager 58. Lay out on a sunny day 59. Attracts paper clips with current 63. Small pocket 66. Disparaging slang for native Australians 67. Hooligans, slang (brit.) 68. Missing person locater 72. Froze 74. Nightmare on ___ Street 76. At night; in poetry 78. Medical assistant 79. Net exports; value difference of export to import 84. Exactly right (idiom) 85. Greek God of Love 86. Primary medical group (abbr.) 87. Deep black 89. “A Boy Named ___” song by Johnny Cash 90. Brazilian aardvark 92. General term for ringworms 94. Middle Easterners 96. Unit of energy 97. Metaphor for being deceptive (like a magician) 102. Sickens 104. Fashion model ___ Hemingway; granddaughter of Ernest 105. Declare 106. Walk; foot action

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107. “__ and the Real Girl”; 2007 film starring Ryan Gosling 108. Long periods of time 109. Hindu’s sacred book (sing.) 110. Weird 111. There’s nobody ___ ! 112. Quarrel 113. Before present time (adv.)

Down 1. Alliance 2. Allergic reaction 3. A Sooner? 4. Line between water and land 5. CYPRUS 6. Adjacent land owners 7. Soil or earth, e.g. 8. Increased 9. Long grain rice of India

10. Ptolemy’s book on planetary paths 11. Former silver coins of Spain 12. Meat shop 13. Frequently; used in combination 14. A record of sale items (2 wds) 15. Indonesian island split by east and west 16. Upright slab of stone 24. Pause; relief 26. Started (a flame) 27. Middle East dweller 32. Greek goddess of marriage 33. Used for directions 34. Greasy 37. Inflame 39. Place or location 41. Rapper 50 __ 42. Opposite of bald 43. Put clothes in closet 44. Successor of the OSS

45. ___ Diego, CA 47. Samoan dollar 52. Mediterranean sail ships of the 16th century 54. A Dove’s murmur 55. Piece of a dying fire 57. Set of three 60. Jazz artist Nat King ___ 61. Away from land 62. Tense 63. Small lie 64. Perennial plant of the high Andes 65. Surround with trouble 69. On to the other side 70. Jacob’s brother 71. Network of veins or nerves 73. Sudden movement 75. Nicknames 77. CHAD 80. Loud sounds 81. Having delicate performance 82. Texas’ version of the

ACT 83. Weirdest 88. Residue of tobacco smoke

90. To burn a stick for certain odors 91. Speak pompously 92. Sum of numbers 93. South American mountain range

95. Courageous 98. Certain gender 99. Word after rain or eye 100. Metal poles 101. To swing at 103. James Bond, e.g.

Answers Next Month -

Henry + The Invisibles. of San Antonio W: Welcome to Weird Magazine Henry. Where are the invisibles? LOL.. H: W: OK . . . . Great name for your band. How long have you been performing solo like this? H : I’ve been with the Invisibles for about 2 yrs and some change. Great band, not a lot of help when loading in or out but I love ‘em still. W: What type of equipment do you use to loop all the instruments? H : I run all of my instruments (bass, guitar, keyboards, drums, vocals) through a mixer and into a loop pedal. Most of what I do is pure and raw, no smoke and mirrors

of... watching and listening as the music takes shape in their presence. W:Name some of your influences? H :I like the raw rock n’ soul sounds of Velvet Underground, David Bowie and Zeppelin. I like the phunk sounds of the Godfather of Soul James Brown, Sly Stone, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Prince, the Headhunters, Bootsy Collins. I love the screams Jimi Hendrix’s guitar makes. I love the punk jazz bass tone of Jaco Pastorious. I dig the rhythmic pound of a groovy Fela jam. I listen to Johnny Cash, Donnie Hathaway, the Roots, Leo Kotke... if it has a groove, or a story I’ll give it a chance. If it makes me dance, I’ll love it forever. I have Chicago Transit Authority’s first album on my turntable today, tomorrow it may the The Mighty Imperials or Billie Holiday; maybe the BeeGees or the Swingle Sisters. Music is one of my all-time greatest inspirations, but I am also very inspired by great artists like Alex Grey and Henry Matisse.

Or perhaps the inspiration may come from an amazing athlete/ entertainer like Muhammed Ali. I find a good cup of coffee on a beautiful late morning with a nice cool breeze and slight overcast quite inspiring. I am extremely fascinated by the Universe, the concept of the Multi-Verse and all that these never ending boundaries care to share. These kinds of ‘things’ I find very influential to my music and overall well-being. W: Do you have an album out with your songs? I hear that your in the studio. H :At present, I am diligently working on my CD. It’s coming soon... promise! I am going to post some music for the masses on my web pages (facebook, myspace, iTunes) very, very soon. Stay tuned! W: Your pretty booked in San Antonio, where do you perform in Austin or San Marcos? H : In Austin, with this project, I perform @ Ruta Maya. In San Marvelous, I enjoy the Tantra Coffehouse and Triple Crown. I have also been performing a number of private events in both cities. here. The real magic is the vibration created from the intensity of audience reaction to performer excitement in a back and forth fashion. Kind of like the organic and enthusiastic love affair of the high tide and hot sands. Oh yeah, and an internal metronome that comes with birth and practice. W: How did you get started in this kind of creativity? H : I like to think of myself as a mugician (pronounced myoogician) . Making magic with music is a passion that I have always held deep in my soul. I essentially wanted to create something LIVE, captivating and entertaining for the audience. A ‘something’ that they could be a part

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W: Great funky sounds. I love it! Just how many instruments do you know how to play? H : Well, let’s see: Keys, Bass, Guitar, Drums, Alto Sax and a number of miscellaneous ‘instruments’ like the harmonica, jaw harp, congas, timbales. Does singing count? I would love to play more! Perhaps a sitar is in my future. W: How you Living” has a Prince feel to it. Am I getting warm? H : If you are, I suggest you jump into the ‘grown-up’ swimming pool. Um, yeah, Prince. I love Prince! Best show I have ever seen live. Madison Square Garden...

yeah, that’s all I have to say. I thought ‘How U Livin’ had more of a late Curtis Mayfield sound but hey, I’ll take a Prince comparison any day. Thank you! W: How long does it take for you to set up a single song when doing a live set? H : That just depends on the structure of the tune. Sometimes the setup is involved and sometimes not so much. It also depends on the vibe of the show. If I’m set to do a 45 min. show and have the middle slot to ROCK the HOUSE, I usually set songs up fairly quick; about 30 secs. If it’s a relaxed setting and I am the only act to create the vibe for the evening... who knows. I play for the audience. W: When and where can readers check you out for a live performance in June? H : If you are ever in SA on a Friday night, I perform most Fridays @ Rebar on Broadway. My next scheduled San Marcos show is June 24th @ Triple Crown - special guests TBA. If you would like be in tune with H+TI, please hit up my facebook page @ facebook.com/henryinvisible. There you will find my show calendar and most recent uploads of song mixes and photos. If you’d like to follow my myspace or twitter, all of my links end with ‘henryinvisible’. W: How can peeps get a hold of you for a show or private party? H : For booking info you can contact me via any of the links listed above or simply send an email to henrybooking@yahoo.com. W: Thanks Henry. You give new meaning to playing with yourself! H : In public. Yeah, thanks and stay WEIRD! And to all of the beautiful San Martians, the UFL, Soul Shakers and Dreamers... STAY GOLD, we shall see you soon! Save the date - @ Tantra on Saturday June

12th? Thursday, June 24th @ Triple Crown! 10pm

like the SMS, via a hand-held device in the ‘Popular Mechanics’ magazine in 1909, its Technology Editor Seth Porges has claimed. Nikola Tesla, the physicist and a mechanical engineer, whose name lives on at the electric car maker Tesla Motors saw wireless energy as the only way to make electricity thrive, according to Porges.

Nikola Tesla Predicted Text Messages in 1909 Texting may be a boon in today’s world, but the concept was visualised more than a century ago.

And, it was a pioneering American physicist who had predicted about the portable messaging service,

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Tesla wrote in the magazine that one day it’d be possible to transmit “wireless messages” all over the world and imagined that such a handheld device would be simple to use and one day everyone in the world would communicate to friends using it, Porges said. This would usher in a new era of technology, Telsa wrote in the publication. “Nikola Tesla was able to predict technology which is still in its nascent forms a hundred years later. He talked a lot about his other great passion, which was wireless power. “It has taken a little longer to get off the ground, but work on fascinating wireless conductive transmission is going on right now in research centres at MIT and Intel and other places,” Porges said.

Porges disclosed Tesla’s prediction at a presentation, ‘108 years of futurism’ to industry figures in New York. The magazine, which has nine international editions that is read by millions, has been trying to imagine how the world will look in future years since it was first published in January 1902.

Russian Governor Tells Tale of Alien Abduction

The aliens came for him on September 18, 1997. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was at home in his Moscow apartment when they came in and abducted him, taking him to their space ship where they communicated with him telepathically. That’s the tale Ilyumzhinov told a popular Russian television host in a program that aired last week. Rt_ Kirsan_Ilyumzhinov_100505_main But Ilyumzhinov isn’t simply one of the thousands who claim to have been abducted by aliens, he’s also the governor of the Russian republic of Kalmykia and a former president of the World Chess Federation. Now a Russian parliamentarian wants Ilyumzhinov questioned, fearing he may have given the aliens “secret information,” according to the Echo of Moscow radio station.

And not just interrogated by anybody, but by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. State Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev made the request to the president by letter, news website GZT.ru reports. Lebedev doesn’t believe Ilyumzhinov’s claim that he was simply shown around the ship and released, so he has asked the president to find out what else happened and report back to the Duma. Lebedev is especially interested in what Ilyumzhinov may have told the aliens about his job and whether the abduction has affected the governor’s ability to perform the duties of office. Ilyumzhinov said the aliens didn’t make themselves known to the rest of the world because they weren’t ready, adding that he communicated with them telepathically because there wasn’t enough oxygen.

“I believe I talked to them and saw them. I perhaps wouldn’t believe it if it

wasn’t for 3 witnesses – my driver, my minister and my assistant,” who were apparently in the apartment at the time, Ilyumzhinov said.

The Cursed Bulgarian Cell Phone Number of Death A Bulgarian cell phone number has been suspended after three owners of the unique number have died in the last ten years. The Mobitel number - 0888 888 888 - has proved to be both easy to memorize and deadly for three successive owners. The first user - the former CEO of Mobitel - died of cancer in 2001. The number then went to Bulgarian mob boss Konstantin Dimitrov who was gunned down in an Amsterdam ambush in 2003. The final owner of the doomed cell number was another gangster, cocaine smuggler Konstantin Dishliev, who was shot to death outside a restaurant in 2005. The number was on hold while the investigation of Dishliev’s death was underway but now Mobitel has disabled the cursed number. Ironically, the number 8 is considered a lucky number in Asia, where the Chinese word for eight sounds very much like the word for “prosper” or “wealth.” In some dialects the word sound similar to the word for “fortune.” The number eight is considered so auspicious in the east that the opening ceremonies for

the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics began on 8/8/08 at precisely 8 seconds and 8 minutes past 8 pm local time.

This is just one of the things the cofounders of the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Society say confirms the fact, Bigfoot is out there.

And unlike Bulgaria, a Chinese phone number with all digits being eight would be considered very lucky. Just such a number was reportedly sold in Chengdu, China for $270,723 US dollars.

“I’m 110% convinced that it exists. There’s just too much evidence, too many people’s emotions showing when they recount their stories,” Bob Olson, a co-founder of the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Society said. “One lady cries when she recounts her story of how this thing stood up and looked at her. She felt it looked into her soul.”

Source: Examiner http://www.examiner. com

President told Aliens are on Earth EX US President Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth and was invited to meet alien visitors. Henry W. McElroy, Jr, retiring State Representative to New Hampshire, declared this week that former US President Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth. McElroy also said that the document he viewed while at the State Legislature made referrence to the opportunity for Eisenhower to meet the alien visitors. This new revelation could result in timely support for the August 2010 election on the Denver ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission. The proposed commission would collect credible evidence and whistle-blower testimony regarding UFOs and visitors to Earth of extraterrestrial origin. It would then share such evidence with the public through the Denver city government web site at no cost to the city budget. The aim of the commission is to brief the public with information previously viewed only by a privileged few.

Bigfoot: Alive and Living in Greater Minnesota? Page 25 • weirdmagazine.com

eliminating the possibility of some sort of footprint stamp.

Since 2006, Olson and Don Sherman have received about 75 reports of similar Bigfoot sightings in Northern Minnesota, some of which have been captured on camera. BENA, Minn. - Bigfoot alive and living in northern Minnesota? The cofounders of the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Society say, “100 percent yes.”

The most recent was captured in Remer. Though to some, the image may look like a man in a suit, a comparison with 6 foot 5 inch Bob Olson showed this man would have had to have been at least 7 feet tall.

They said they have received more than 75 reports of sightings, captured images, and Bigfoot footprints in just three years. They’re sharing their insight while sorting fact from fiction as they take KSAX on the hunt for Bigfoot.

Sherman and Olson say “wood knocking” is just one more way Bigfoot makes his presence known. Olson said Bigfoot responded to him at Carey Lake when he knocked on a tree five times.

“I’m a skeptic of Bigfoot because I’ve trapped this whole area and never, ever did we see any Bigfoot tracks or see Bigfoot anywhere,” William Tucker of Bena said. Long time trapper William Tucker is anything but a believer, but just miles away from Bena, mind boggling footprints were found. Each track was a bit different, different pressures, different depths,

What about bones? One KSAX reader says, “I believe Bigfoot is 100% real, as are a lot of the other creatures of Cryptozoology. But i believe in their true form, they are spiritual creatures, that manifest in flesh as they so desire. That is why we will never find bones, or other such evidence of them.” On the other side of the coin, Olson says giant bones belonging to Humanoid creatures were found in the late 1800’s, stretching 10 to 12 feet. While there haven’t been any Bigfoot skeletons found, many trappers say they’ve never come across any bear, wolf, or other large animal skeleton either. Other signs Bigfoot exists include branches plucked straight out of trees, strange looking shelters, and stick men to warn other Bigfoot of humans in the area. “When there’s stuff that doesn’t go away, there’s gotta be something to it and the evidence just keeps mounting up,” Olson said. For some Bena residents, the legend of Bigfoot is far from a tall tale.

“I never seen it, but like I says I believe in it,” New Prague resident Leo Hinderscheid said. “I don’t know what to say Megan but I believe in it and that’s the way it will be,” Helen Tibbetts of Bena said. So, the hunt for Bigfoot continues. If you’ve seen, heard, or had some kind of Bigfoot encounter, Bob and Don want to hear about it! You can reach them at 218-308-1451. On a related note, according to FlashNews, Bigfoot mating season is underway in the Florida Everglades and the furry, horny creature is out for blood. Dave Shealy, an RV park owner in Ochopee, Florida, is the leading researcher of the Skunk Ape, Bigfoot’s “smaller, smellier cousin.” He says there are seven to nine Skunk Apes currently living in the Everglades and right now is the best time to spot one because it’s their mating season. Lately, he’s heard lots of campers report strange sounds coming from the swamps. He figures it’s the Skunk Ape’s mating call, which sounds like a low-pitched dove cooing.

Though Skunk Apes are generally shy, Shealy says women on their periods should be careful when hiking the area because the cryptoids are attracted to the scent of menstruation. They’re also aroused by used lingerie, so female campers shouldn’t hang their panties out to dry because, in his words, “That’s like raising a flag and inviting them in.” Source: KSAX


Alien Agenda: Mystery Of Water on the Moon.

Chapter One The Greatest UFO? One particularly bright, circular object has been observed moving through Earth’s skies since the beginning of human history. Every person on the planet has seen this object. We call it the moon. Although this object is identified-at least we have a name for it and we know it’s therethe moon cannot be hastily disqualified as a UFO. Despite six visits by U.S. astronauts between 1969 and 1972, the moon remains a riddle to scientists in many regards.

THE ALIEN AGENDA a book by Jim Marrs “This is a concise history of the CIA’s and US Air Force’s costly and omnipresent media campaign to discredit anyone who publicly mentions aliens or anti-gravity craft....The reason I think this book is a helpful discernment tool is that we’re beginning to identify the same tactics being directed against this unorganized effort, too. Marrs leaves a lot of questions open, which is understandable since he had very little direct experience with the subject matter. Marrs had or has a slight crush on Drunvalo Melchizedek but in spite of that he still leaves the subject matter open, so as a piece of research journalism it’s quite valuable. “--Don Croft Excerpt:

The solutions to these riddles could indicate an alien aspect of our familiar moon.Before the Apollo missions, lunar scientists longed for the time when humans could walk on the moon’s surface. By studying the makeup of our satellite, they hoped to resolve some of the mysteries of how our planet and solar system came into existence. Well-known space expert and the first chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Lunar Exploration Committee Dr. Robert Jastrow has stated,

“The moon is the Rosetta stone of the planets.” Six moon landings later, the public perception was that we had learned all we needed to about the moon. However, those same lunar scientists were no closer to

agreement on how to answer even the most basic questionssuch as how the moon was created. Despite the return of some 842 pounds of rocks and soil samples, photos and videotape, and the placement of five nuclear-powered scientific stations on the lunar surface, there are still no clear-cut solutions to the moon’s mysteries. Quite the reverse: what we have learned about the moon in the wake of the Apollo missions has only raised more questions. Science writer Earl Ubell declared, “The lunar Rosetta stone remains a mystery. The moon is more complicated than anyone expected; it is not simply a kind of billiard ball frozen in space and time, as many scientists had believed. Few of the fundamental questions have been answered, but the Apollo rocks and recordings have spawned a score of mysteries, a few truly breath-stopping. “Consider some of these “breath-stopping” mysteries, or anomalies, as scientists prefer to call them. The moon is far older than previously imagined, perhaps even much older than the earth and sun. By examining tracks burned into moon rocks by cosmic rays, scientists have dated them as billions of years old. Some have been dated back 4.5 billion years, far older than the earth and “nearly as old as the solar system,” according to Jastrow. The oldest rocks ever found on Earth only date back 3.5 billion years. It is accepted by scientists today that the earth is about 4.6 billion

years old. Harvard’s respected astronomy journal, Sky and Telescope, reported that at the Lunar Conference of 1973, it was revealed that one moon rock was dated at 5.3 billion years old, which would make it almost a billion years older than our planet. This puzzle was compounded by the fact that the lunar dust in which the rocks were found proved to be a billion years older than the rocks themselves. Chemical analysis showed that the moon rocks were of a completely different composition from the soil around them. Since dusty soil is usually produced by the weathering and breakup of surrounding rocks, the lunar rocks must have come from someplace other than where they were found. But where? The moon has at least three distinct layers of rocks. Contrary to the idea that heavier objects sink, the heavier rocks are found on the surface. Stated Don Wilson, “The abundance of refractory elements like titanium in the surface areas is so pronounced that several geo-chemists proposed that refractory compounds were brought to the moon’s surface in great quantity in some unknown way. They don’t know how, but that it was done cannot be questioned. These rich materials that are usually concentrated in the interior of a world are now on the outside.” Ubell, a former science editor for CBS television, acknowledged this mystery, saying, “The first [layer], 20 miles deep, consists of lavalike material similar to lava flows on Earth. The second, extending down to 50 miles, is made up of somewhat denser rock. The third, continuing to a depth of at least 80 miles and probably below, appears to be of a heavy material similar to the Earth’s mantle. . . .” Ubell asked, “If the Earth and moon were created at the same time, near each other, why has one body got all the iron and the other [the moon] not much? The differences suggest that Earth and moon came into being far from each other, an idea that stumbles over the inability of astrophysicists to explain how exactly the moon became a satellite of the Earth.” The moon is extremely dry and does not appear to have ever had water in any substantial amounts. None of the moon rocks, regardless of location found, contained

free water or even water molecules bound into the minerals. Yet instruments left behind by Apollo missions sent a signal to Earth on March 7, 1971, indicating a “wind” of water had crossed the moon’s surface. Since any water on the airless moon surface vaporizes and behaves like the wind on Earth, the question became, where did this water originate? The vapor cloud eruptions lasted fourteen hours and covered an area of some one hundred square miles, prompting Rice University physicists Dr. John Freeman Jr. and Dr. H. Ken Hills to pronounce the event one of “the most exciting discoveries yet” indicating water within the moon. The two physicists claimed the water vapor came from deep inside the moon, apparently released during a moonquake. NASA officials offered a more mundane, and questionable, explanation. They speculated that two tanks on Apollo descent stages containing between sixty and one hundred pounds of water became stressed and ruptured, releasing their contents. Freeman and Hills declined to accept this explanation, pointing out that the two tanks-from Apollo 12 and 14-were some 180 kilometers apart, yet the water vapor was detected with the same flux at both sites, although the instruments faced in opposite directions. Skeptics also have understandably questioned the odds of two separate tanks breaking simultaneously and how such a small quantity of water could produce a hundred square miles of vapor. Additionally, Apollo 16 astronauts found moon rocks that contained bits of rusted iron. Since oxidation requires oxygen and free hydrogen, this rust indicates there must be water somewhere on the moon.

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The Organics INTERVIEW

High Class Dirtbag: CD REVIEW VAN SANCHEZ If you have been around Central Texas local music venues especially in San Marcos, you’re probably aware of the enegmatic sounds of the band Van Sanchez. We have allready featured an interview with them a few months ago in Issue 75 with our 420 Edition in April. Well , we weirdo’s have gotten our grubby little green hands on this album and it ROCKS! You know when talking to the band and asking them what it is that VAN SANCHEZ would REALLY like to do? They say “Do Scrore work for film�. Listening to High Class Dirtbag there are several songs on the CD that should be in movies in either opening or closing credits of any feature film. The diversity of tracks are very psychedelic, trippy, and gives me a feeling that reminds me of my acid days in 1990 Austin. Or maybe the feeling is really that I want deep down to actually take mushrooms and tune in , turn on dirt bag, and fall into the movie script that these tunes take me to while driving down RR 12 on a lazy Saturday afternoon drive.

OK . . . .BACK TO EARTH . . . play with the lights the mean lean time to drive off and die bee’s & bibles she lost her mind All of these tracks could easily be in movies in my opinion. Fans of Pink Floyd, and Phish, would really enjoy HIGH CLASS DIRTBAG. I’m not sure who all in town offers the album, but i imagine many record stores do and you can also visit the band online for more details on how to get this great CD. This band is a great secret that San Martians can be proud of! visit myspace.com/vansanchez RD




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EAT ME DINING REVIEW: D’Blazios Pizza Located off RR 12 in San Marcos there is a great tasting pizza joint with a warm and friendly staff of guys & gals that make D’Blazios Pizza a real Gem for San Martians.

Just in Time for the NBA Playoffs! Locals know it. Newbies hear about it real quick! John and Dirk have been feeding this area for years now. They used to have a place in Lockhart back in 2002 and eventually got back home to San Marcos. They are about as real and as genuine as the pies they make daily, and that’s some good a pizza pie!

sauce, fresh basil, and mozzarella cheese. A pretty good combo of flavors if you like to mix things up like we did. Next up we got somthing simple for the kids in our family and that was just a plain old traditional Pepporoni Pizza. But there is nothing plain about DBlazios. The sauce explodes in your mouth and as the cheese dangles off your chin, while zesty pepperoni attack hunger like Rondo attacks the rim for the Celtics! Aww there I go talking about them Celtics again!

D’Blazios is popular with the students and well liked by the community too. The place and staff just have a charm that is iconic for San Marcos TX.

But hey . . . call in your order for the Finals this month and leave dinner to DBlazios. They will deliver to your door or you can pick it up yourself, just leave a little change for the driver yall.

Weird went by recently for a variety of things to taste and things didn’t last long at the dinner table. First off we combined two great items onto a single pizza. Our combo was the SLEEPY HIPPY, that’s D’Blazios signature veggie pizza loaded with squash, carrots, bell peppers, onions,zucchini, mushrooms, black and green olives and JAPS if you like. The other half of our 1st pie was the traditional Margherita with

What else . . , ohh yea we had some groovy breadsticks and some wings to get things going with the regular Hot & the Wing Sting flavor. Spicy but tasty at the same time and very good with a cold beer! They have great chicken salads that are popular with students and healthy dieters alike. There are awsome variations of sandwiches you can order as well like the grilled chicken sandwich pictured here or the meatball sub. I’m getting that one next time. If you are not sure what to order over the phone just go online for a quick glance at the menu at dblazios.com and dial it in and get back to the game! Before you know it, the doorbell will ring and it’s time for some love from your D’Blazios delivery staff! So kick back and get the broom out sportsfans. Time to watch these Celtics ripp apart them Lakers in 4 games for a Sweep!

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D’Blazios Pizza

Irish Beer and Pizza = Happy Weird Readers! Go Celtics! Well at least this Weirdo! Enjoy your Summer sportsfans! Order D’Blazios!

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