by Tim Moore
It’s that time! The annual Great Meredith Rotary Ice Fishing Derby is upon us. The derby runs on February 8 and 9 this year and for the first time in several years, ice conditions are
pretty decent. Last tear saw the worst ice conditions I have ever seen on Lake Winnipesaukee. While the derby allows participants to fish statewide, many anglers choose to stick with Winni, and that meant anglers were stacked on top of one another. Not this year, though. With better ice condi-
tions, excitement is at a high. Here is some info for those considering fishing it, possibly for their first time.
I don’t speak to ice conditions, because I believe everyone should verify the conditions for themselves, but I can tell you that not only is the lake
If you are an adult seeking a career change, earning a certification, or furthering your education and are currently enrolled in an accredited institution or certificate program, we offer Scholarships to help you achieve your educational goals.
The Meredith Altrusa Foundation 2025 non-traditional scholarship application is now available online at www.altrusameredithnh.org and through the town libraries of Meredith, Moultonborough and Center Harbor. If you work or live in these areas you are eligible to apply. Scholarship applications can also be obtained through the Financial Aid offices at Lakes Region Community College, Plymouth State university and NHTI.
Completed applications and reference letters must be received no later than Monday, March 31, 2025 for traditional programs or three weeks prior to First Responder certificate programs.
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Why You Should Always File Returns for Past Years, Even if You Haven’t Filed in Years Time Limits for Refunds and Audits Remedies for Missing Tax Documents Are My Social Security Benefits Taxable? Records You Need to Keep
To The Editor:
Ideologies and policies determine actions which produce an outcome which is the assessment of the beliefs and policies. A reasonable assessment of the last 4 years of Democratic party domination is incompetence, mismanagement, failure, and destruction, all a fulfilment of Winston Churchill’s description of socialism/communism. It is “a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy, and its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” Most Americans saw this as the wrong direction for their country and rejected it with their ballot. The real “threat to democracy” was ousted but we can be sure it will not go away. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Second, any institution built on falsehood, deception, propaganda, and fantasy thinking will self-destruct. This is the Democratic party and their cohorts in the major news agencies which have lost all credibility and, to no one’s loss but their own, may be on their way out. President Lincoln’s statement, “you can fool some of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time” is a timeless truism perpetual liars don’t seem to get. The antidote to this problem is also addressed by our Founding Fathers who insisted democracy can only succeed with an educated and informed populous which cannot be eas-
ily duped. In the end Truth will prevail because “There is nothing so powerful as the truth.” (Ben Franklin).
Third, when people or their elected officials abandon timetested moral norms to experiment with mindless, reprobate perversions and demand these be accepted as a new and universal morality, the enlightened conscience of some will cry “Foul”. This “new morality” is really nothing more than the old immorality dressed in modern attire. Accepting it is to poison the stream of human relations as has been clearly demonstrated to us over the past 4 years. Even language has been perverted. Right and wrong are no more, but only relative. The right is declared wrong and wrong right. As with perverted speech (falsehood) so with perverted morality, the deadly germs of self-destruction permeate it, and it will be its own self-judgment. “The perversity of the wicked (that is really what they are) will destroy them.”
Finally, in spite of the mockers, there is a God-factor to take into account. In the affairs of men, “He sets up whom He will and puts down whom He will.” Believers rejoice in His intervention and deliverance, His vindication, and the extended hope for a good and prosperous future, under God. And the aimless, noisy crowd will never know what they owe to a relatively few who stand in the gap, make up the hedge,and are heard on High as they plead for divine blessing on this fa-
vored land they love. God bless America.
This following psychological illness has not yet been coded in medical journals to dateTrump derangement syndrome (TDS) - a colloquial and derogatory term used to describe irrationally negative reactions to the actions and policies of former President Donald Trump. It often refers to extreme criticism that impairs people’s judgment and ability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and emotional responses.
President Donald J .Trump was elected by an undisputed number of voters to be our 47th President of these United States. This after having to endure false accusations since 2016. This is just not my opinion but is fact, if one were to do a little research outside of mainstream media.
This United States is Our country whose laws are not to be manipulated by promoting misinformation adopted by certain elected federal officials who have not the courage to deviate from their peers. Might I add, for their own personal gain, not for those of their constituents.
Our newly elected President has been tasked by the govSee MAILBOAT on 20
This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for 33 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff.
Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 24,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 60,000 people reading this newspaper.
To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 603-366-8463.
by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer
We, as human beings, have the capacity to learn from history, which simply means things that have already taken place, and facts, truths that there is no question about, and opinions, which may or may not be profitable. For this column I’ve chosen to give you some history from the period of 1895 to around 1900 which is a mixture of fact and opinion that I hope in some way will prove valuable to you.
In the year 1895 a Laconia newspaper protested a bill that had been introduced in the United States Senate. “We protest,” the editor began, “against that bill which has been introduced into the United States Senate creating a department of public health and making the head of it a cabinet officer.” The newspaper editor observed that people were already “scared and worried” about taking care of their health and seemed to think
Baptist Church in Somersworth, New Hampshire. In 1895 some controversy in arose in the town concerning the observance of Sunday and the enforcement of laws relating to that day.
a health department would just make things worse. He continued, “What with 5,000 new doctors graduating every year, with 10 patent medicines for every man, woman and child in the country, with the household and ladies’ pages of the newspapers teeming with awful warnings and horrid examples of ailments brought on by neglect of this or that fanciful precaution, the race is in a fair way to be driven crazy over its health. To do all the things the hygienic writers require of us now would take our whole time, 48 hours out of every 24. Go to. Give us rest. Keep your body clean and comfortable, eat a moderate supply of wholesome food, keep you conscience clear and your tem -
per good, occupy yourself with cheerful work and forget all about your health. That is the way to be well, and we charge nothing for the prescription.” Though Congress passed health bills, I don’t think we had a national health department until 1953 when the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare became a reality during the administration of President Eisenhower.
Also in the year 1895
there was excitement among some folk in central New Hampshire over a proposed electric railroad to begin in Haverhill, Massachusetts and go through New Hampshire all the way to Quebec, Canada. It had not yet received the approval of the New Hampshire legislature, but the proposed route for the electric train, not another steam driven one, was to go from Haverhill west to Nashua, NH, and then follow a northerly route through the Merrimack and Pemigewasset valleys with stops in Franklin, Bristol, New Hampton, and Ashland on its way to the northern portion of the state and eventually into Canada. It was anticipated that the line would be particularly favorable to the development of the New Hampton School.
Another 1895 news item was this: “One state had last year a revenue exceeding its expenditures by $150,000. Agriculturally it was one of the
See SMITH on 18
Leading up to the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in July 2026, the New Hampshire Heritage Museum Trail has launched 25 Stories for 250 Years. In this initiative, member institutions on The Trail will share stories about unique and interesting people, places, and events that celebrate New Hampshire heritage. “Every museum has interesting stories to tell about the men and women who have shaped the history of the state,” said Trail President Jeff Barraclough. “This project will highlight some often overlooked stories about those people and events and raise better awareness of their importance to New Hampshire’s history.”
The project, which kicked off in December 2024, asks each of The Trail’s 21 member institutions to contribute at least one story about New Hampshire history. These stories will be released each month through 2026. “It is our hope that people will learn new things about New Hampshire through this project and that they will be inspired to visit the museums on the Trail,” added Barraclough.
In December, The Trail highlighted “Raid on Fort William and Mary” by the American Independence Museum (AIM), which also contributed “Revolutionary Women” in January. Featured stories are available on nhmuseumtrail.org, Facebook, and Instagram. Member institutions on The Trail are located in New Hampshire’s Lakes Region, Merrimack Valley, and Seacoast. To learn more about The Trail and 25 Stories for 250 Years, visit nhmuseumtrail.org.
Though new to New Hampshire, Ken Ludwig’s The Gods of Comedy was first produced in 2019 at the McCarter Theatre in Princeton, New Jersey, site of the premieres of Our Town, You Can’t Take It With You and Bus Stop. Audiences may remember Players’ productions of Ludwig’s Lend Me a Tenor and Moon Over Buffalo, both good examples of Ludwig’s fast-paced, farcical comedic style. The plot of The Gods of Comedy revolves around a longlost ancient manuscript, found and then lost by two classics professors who then call upon the ancient Greek gods to help them in their plight. When two wacky “Gods of Comedy” actually come to the rescue, mayhem and hilarity result as they are let loose on a modern-day college campus. This fun show makes a perfect Valentine’s Day date. You can be among the first in New Hampshire to see The Gods of Comedy (and cheer on these two new Players), Friday and Saturday, February 14 and 15 at 7:30 pm and Sunday, February 16 at 2:00pm at Concord City Auditorium, 2 Prince Street, Concord, NH. Tickets for adults are $20, $18 for juniors/seniors and $16 when purchased as part of a 2-show subscription. Tickets may be purchased online at communityplayersofconcord.org. The theatre box office is open 90 minutes before each performance. For questions call 603-224-4905.
Mark your calendar for the first 2025 Friends of the Meredith Library book sale that combines gently used books and craft supplies. Thursday, Feb. 13th (10 to 4:30), Friday, Feb. 14th (10 to 4:30) and Saturday, Feb 15th, (9 to 1).
New this February, you will enjoy browsing through a collection of gently used CRAFT SUPPLIES along with our large inventory of used books sorted by category. Also new will be a cozy children’s book corner. Additional Parking (handicapped accessible), is located at the back of the library (off High Street).
Members of Scout Troop 55 provide help year after year for the Friends of the Meredith Library annual book sale.
There is no admission to the book sale but your financial donations are appreciated. Become a NEW member of the Friends, (Individuals $15, Family $25 and Business $50), and you will receive an attractive canvas book bag which in turn can be filled with books (one time), free of charge! Memberships (optional) may be updated any day during the event. Book Dealers are welcome and scanners are permitted at any time during the sale. Book donations will be accepted until February 6th and then again after the book sale.
The mission of the Friends of the Meredith Library is to promote library involvement in the community and community involvement in the library. All book sale proceeds benefit our patrons in many ways. They provide funds for children and adult reading programs, the after school teen program, summer reading, Binge Bundles, passes to the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center and Castle in the Clouds and guest speakers to name just a few! Visit our website at www. meredithlibrary.org, follow us on Facebook or call 603-279-4303. Thank you for your support.
As sure as NFL fans are getting ready to celebrate the yearly Super Bowl on February 9, so are the Sunday School kids from First Congregational Church of Meredith getting ready to celebrate the annual Souper Bowl of Caring and Sharing! Beginning with posters and ending with a skit by Scout Troop 55, the goal is to overfill the shelves of the Meredith Food Pantry with record breaking donations.
From February 2-9, E. M. Heath Supermarket in Center Harbor will again collaborate with the church by encouraging shoppers to purchase a little extra while shopping. In past years, many truckloads of food have departed Heaths, headed for the Meredith Food Pantry. Contributions for the Meredith Food Pantry are also welcome at the 1st Congregational Church in Meredith (4 Highland St, parking in back).
Additionally, checks, written to 1st Congregational Church of Meredith, with “food pantry” in the notation, or made out to the Meredith Food Pantry can be dropped off or mailed to the church at PO Box 533, Meredith, NH 03253. For more information, including convenient drop off times please call 603-279-6271 or email fccmeredith@gmail.com.
by Brendan Smith Weirs Times Editor
With the Annual Ice Fishing Derby taking place this weekend, it brought me back to a column I wrote way back in 2006 when I had hair.
I figured that as the leading voice for Flatlanders adjusting life in New Hampshire I needed to do my due diligence in this regard.
I had lived here in Central New Hampshire for a while and I constantly listened to the natives accuse me of being a “soft Flatlander” since I seemed hesitant to venture out onto a frozen lake on a below zero Sunday afternoon to sit in a tiny wooden shack waiting for a stick to bob up and down.
Of course, there were plenty of other Flatlanders who came to New Hampshire in the winter to do just that, but since I was so prominent I provided an easy target.
So, after years of ribbing and embarrassment I finally decided to take the plunge. No pun intended.
For the past year previous to this experience I had been saving up my pennies and buying all the things I would need to make my first appearance on the ice not a cause for mockery but instead an event that even the most hardened native might store away in his mental tackle box of stories to tell his greatgrandchildren.
I had it all: jigs, cusklines and bait baskets. I had the top of the line in jet sleds and chum baskets, ice grippers and nets. I went out on a financial limb and spent big bucks on and aerated bait system and a high-powered gas driven ice auger. I also had a portable ice shelter and the very best in boots, glove and coats. My biggest investment, though
I dared not mention it to anyone at the time, was sessions with my own personal ice psychologist. Not many know about these folks, but I recommend a good one. You see, no matter how much equipment you have, if you can’t wrap your mind around the fact that you are about to be spending a cold weekend on something that was only water a few weeks ago, then you don’t really have that much of a chance on surviving even a few minutes upon this giant frozen glass of water.
At that time, my ice psychologist was recommended to my by my friend Vinnie, a fellow Flatlander. He helped Vinnie immensely when he first considered trying out ice fishing and today he loves the sport even though he did just recently moved to Florida.
I wish I could tell you all of the methods the ice psychologist used in helping me overcome my fears, but I am bound by a non-disclosure agreement so I cannot. I am only allowed to disclose that it involved positive affirmations, mantras and numerous visits from a representative of a local ice company.
After ten visits and a few thousands dollars I felt that I could tackle my first excursion on the ice with exuberance and confidence.
a dry run making sure I could squeeze everything into my tiny car. It all fit fairly well and even had some room leftover for a case of domestic beer as well as some cigars I got for the cheap at a local store. I went over all I had learned and went to sleep the night before confident that my maiden foray onto the ice would be a smashing success and my designation as a “soft Flatlander” would soon dissipate and I would garner the respect and admiration of, might I be bold enough to say, my fellow ice fishermen.
I woke up the next morning, the big day, loaded with confidence. I went to sleep repeating one of the mantras over and over that the ice psychologist instructed me to say. (Once again, I cannot divulge.) It had worked, I felt all the confidence in the world and I was truly ready to fit right in to participating in this strange winter ritual.
I pulled back the covers, took a deep breath and opened the shades.
The wind was blowing at full force as tree limbs sailed through the air as well as garbage can covers, articles of clothing and anything else not tied down.
“I Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging”
Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)
The only thing that threw a small metal block upon my psyche was that I planned to show up on the ice in a small compact car I owned at the time. My budget already overspent I could not even lease a small pickup. An encouraging three minute phone session with my ice psychologist helped me overcome this near setback. Once again I am not at liberty to discuss our conversation but I can tell you I did attach a “My Other Vehicle Is A 4x4” bumper sticker and it did wonders for my confidence.
As the big weekend approached I felt pretty good. I did
I looked at the thermometer. Eight degrees. I turned on the news. Minus fifteen with the wind. I felt a wave of fear sweep over my body.
I called up my ice psychologist for some last-minute inspiration. His message informed me he had just left for Florida for the rest of the winter.
I felt a little lost and didn’t know what to do, so I brewed a cup of coffee, turned on my computer and sold most of my fishing equipment on ebay.
Here I am, eighteen years later and I still haven’t ice fished. Maybe next year. i Was so close
“I Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging”
Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)
by Ben Shapiro Syndicated Columnist
This week, China shocked the West with its announcement of DeepSeek, an artificial intelligence network capable of competing with OpenAI, Meta and Google. The fact that China was able to develop DeepSeek without a heavy supply of sophisticated microchips from Nvidia sent Nvidia stock spiraling, along with the other major tech companies in the United States: China seems to have cracked the code to bringing down the cost of AI development radically, in the process ending-around sanctions against their access to those microchips. In the words of former Intel Chief Executive Pat Gelsinger, “Engineering is about
constraints. The Chinese engineers had limited resources, and they had to find creative solutions.”
Now, it remains to be seen just how revolutionary DeepSeek’s development was. China has a bad habit of both stealing intellectual property and lying about its own technological development. Suffice it to say, however, that China has demonstrated once again that America exists in a competitive world -- a world of enemies determined to outcompete the United States.
Some, like investor Marc Andreessen, have likened China’s announcement to the Soviet announcement of the launch of the satellite Sputnik in 1957, a development that shocked the American people out of their post-war arrogance and led to the creation of the American space program.
Trump’s DEI Executive Order -Good for Blacks, Good for America
An going principle of America’s democratic republic is e pluribus unum. Out of many, one. We honor and respect the uniqueness of every citizen. But we also have a common turf, a common set of transcendent values, that brings us together and we become one nation.
Sometimes, cracks appear. Sometimes, they grow and get larger and deeper. Things get dangerous when the cracks so severely deepen that they threaten to totally sever our common turf and our social cohesion.
Generally, the cracks reflect ero-
sion of agreement about the nature of the core principles that hold us together.
We have arrived at the brink numerous times. But only once, the Civil War, did we cross it. Our principles were challenged over the question of slavery. It took the blood of individuals to heal the wounds of the nation.
For sure, I am not predicting civil violence in our country. But our common turf, our social reality, is clearly deeply, deeply frayed as there is increasing disagreement about our social reality, about the ideas and principles that bind us together and define us as a nation.
Nothing is more illustrative of what’s happening than President
Four years following a Beijingbacked military coup which turned the clock back from an elected, if flawed, democratic government to an authoritarian and corrupt military regime, the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar/aka Burma has sunk into new socio/economic depths.
Significantly, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has demanded that “Myanmar’s military must relinquish power to allow a return to civilian rule through an inclusive democratic transition.” An official statement adds, “The Secretary-
General condemns all forms of violence and calls on all parties to the conflict to exercise maximum restraint, uphold human rights, and prevent further incitement of violence and inter-communal tensions.”
Indeed the largely Buddhist but hyper-nationalist Myanmar military regime has long been in conflict with Christian minorities and more recently Rohingya Muslims. But widening chaos is destabilizing the region.
A new report by the UN Development Program (UNDP) warns, Myanmar is “facing an unprecedented ‘polycrisis’ marked by economic collapse, intensifying conflict, complex climate hazards and deepening poverty.” The report points to “the bleak picture of a na-
tion in free-fall, with nearly half the population living below the poverty line, essential services crumbling and the economy in disarray.”
It stresses that with no political resolution in sight, the crisis is expected to worsen.
Since 2020, Myanmar’s economy has contracted drastically with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) falling by 9 percent. The national currency the Kyat plummeted from 1,330 Kyat per U.S. dollar in 2021 to 4,520 in 2025, making imports unaffordable and sending inflation soaring.
Nonetheless, the report warns that a booming black market has replaced the formal economy in the resource rich country where, “Myanmar’s illicit economy is thriving and it has become the world’s
leading producer of opium and heroin, and one of the largest manufacturers of methamphetamines.” Burma, a strategic land, borders five countries; India, Bangladesh, Laos, Thailand and China. Illegal teak forest lumbering, as well as a lucrative multi-billion dollar jade industry, remain largely unregulated. The report cites human trafficking which flourishes along the country’s porous borders. None of this trade is new but is now put on steroids due to the “Chinese connection.” Cross border rackets, gambling and illicit trade have proliferated.
Ongoing and long running ethnic conflicts have plagued Burma for decades; yet eight years ago
By Bishop Budde To President Trump?
At first glance, her sermon appeared to be an appropriate plea for unity and compassion from the President and the power of his office toward the weak, vulnerable and disenfranchised. A Shepherd of mine could say nothing more important to those who hold power over the powerless. Yet, as you look closely at the sermon you should be as disappointed and reproachful as I am toward her sermon. I say this for a number of reasons, but I will develop only two. First, she is holding a position in my Church that I have clearly asked and demonstrated over time, to be a role to be held by men alone. I remind you that I am God and that this was my design for life and that I have never changed. In the Old Covenant, which provided for limited access to me, a holy God with you, sinful people, I established a sacrificial system in which an animal was brought for an offering to Priests in the temple in which I dwelt. Once given, the blood of the slain animal was placed over a mercy seat that covered an ark that contained elements which recalled the failure and sins against me. When I saw the blood of an innocent substitute, given by a person seeking forgiveness and reconciliation, I accepted it as payment for the sins of the offender and it “covered” the penalty for their sin (Psalm 85:2). Thereby allowing me, a sinless God to be in relationship with sinful
humanity. It was my will that men alone, be the religious leaders in the temple and sacrificial system, to carry out this religious ritual. A ritual that, when offered sincerely, enlivened humanity who had become dead in their sins and separated from me, the source of life.
Space in this letter will not allow all the reasons why this was my will, but it was. We have much to talk about when you arrive in my presence. In the New Covenant, when my son Jesus, who was God in flesh, gave his eternal and sinless lifeblood, I not only covered the sins of all who received him as their Savior and his sacrifice for the penalty of sins, but I took them away, (1 John 1:7) enabling them to walk into my presence without a Priest. Being consistent with my calling on godly men to serve, no longer as intermediary Priests but spiritual leaders among the church, literally “called out ones,” I again asked and raised up only men to be these spiritual leaders. At no time, either in the Old or New Covenant was it because men were better than women for, I created them equal, both bearing my image (Genesis 1:27). It was because this is my will (1 Corinthians 14:34). If, for no other reason, the sermon of the “Bishop” was illegitimate on this basis.
But there is another reason. It is true that I am a merciful God (Psalm 86:15). However, the “Bishop” and you must understand that my mercy ends when you reject my grace and offer of forgiveness and become hardened in
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(NYT) — For such a tiny fish, the snail darter has haunted Tennessee. It was the endangered species that swam its way to the Supreme Court in a vitriolic battle during the 1970s that temporarily blocked the construction of a dam.
On Friday, a team of researchers argued that the fish was a phantom all along.
“There is, technically, no snail darter,” said Thomas Near, curator of ichthyology at the Yale Peabody
see DARTER page 28
sin, that I have deemed “abominable.” (Leviticus 20:13). It is then, that I have always been consistent to punish the sins, in order to stop the spread of death that those sins produce. Much like a Doctors, who would do all they could to stop an infection but when it begins to overtake the rest of your healthy body, they would amputate the limb that was resistant to attempts to heal. You must know that the sin of the world grew so pervasive and malignant, that all but 8 people died in a worldwide flood which I brought to stop the metastasizing of the evil (Genesis 6). You must never forget, that when the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah grew so pervasive and malignant, that in order to save others from the spread of this spiritual disease, only Lot and his daughters escaped my judgment on sin that day (Genesis 19). You must never forget, that my mercy ended
(Psalm 2) my revealed will and the long-established values instituted by your “Founding Fa thers” who looked to me and my book, The Bible for wisdom that brings my blessings and life. Believe me, President Trump is no saint, but he has been wise enough to oppose the trajectory toward godless and in sane woke agenda of lawlessness, and have it stop! You have “dodged a bullet.” Remember when Jonah preached to godless Nineveh and told them I was about to judge them with na tional destruction. The King and all the people repented, and they were given a “stay of execu tion.”
It lasted for 100 years, until they went back to their sinful ways and my mercy ended 1:1-8). They, like all the rest became a part of the scrapheap of nations that defied me and my laws. How long you, as a Nation, will last will depend on how long you embrace me and my will and follow “clergy” who love you enough to tell
Brenda Allen stopped to photograph an ice fisher on Newfound Lake and captured the moment he pulled a fish though the hole. If you have a great local photo you’ve taken recently, send it to readerpics@laconiadailysun.com for consideration. You can check out previous Reader Pics –and bonus pics not chosen for print – by going to our website, following The Laconia Daily Sun’s Instagram page and liking our Facebook page.
“Bishop” Budde sounded so “loving” in her castigation of your President but in fact, she was attempting to protect behavior that is sinful, and which will always bring death. Thank you for asking this question and allowing me to share the “truth that (John
These letters are written by Rev. Dr. Sam Hollo
Over the years, I have authored articles titled “Books You Aren’t Supposed to Read.” These are books that the Establishment may not have outright banned but are ignored or panned by Establishment critics.
I will now begin a series of articles, on an irregular basis, concerning movies that the Establishment has ignored or smothered. All of these movies are available on our Rumble channel-link below. They can also be found on YouTube. We recommend that the readers not only watch the movies, but let others know of their existence. Why not host a movie night in your home, church, civic organization, or your local library?
This is a short adaptation of the free market essay Sockdolager. While the story, originally published in the January 1867 Harper’s Magazine, is historically inaccurate, it is an excellent lesson on the U.S. Constitution and the proper role of government.
It begins with Congressman Davey Crockett discussing among his colleagues the reason why he voted against a bill to offer relief to a widow of a War of 1812 officer. He recounts an experience he had while on the reelection campaign trail. He stops
by the farm of Horatio Bunce seeking his vote. Bunce tells Crockett that while he thinks he is well meaning, he violated his oath of office. Crockett asked him to explain. Bunce tells Crockett that he gets a newspaper from Washington which reports the votes of Congress, and that Crockett voted to give tax money for victims of a Georgetown fire. Bunce explains that the money in the U.S. Treasury was for the purpose of running the U.S. government and not to give money to fire victims. While Bunce believes in charity, he explains that it is not a power granted to Congress in the U.S. Constitution. He explains that if Congress can give money these victims, they can give it to anyone. Bunce ended with “It’s not yours to give,” Crocket used the archaic word “sockdolager (the original name for the story) to describe his response.
Sockdolager is defined as a forceful blow or a conclusive argument. He realized that Bunce was right. He told Bunce that he will be back next week and if Bunce could get some of his neighbors together, he will issue an apology and pledge not to do it again. Crockett shows up at the Bunce’s and is shocked
to see how many people Bunce is able to gather. Crockett tells the group that Bunce taught him a lesson and that he will not violate his oath again.
How many readers know how their members of Congress vote?
For those who have no idea, please visit the Freedom Index www. thenewamericxan.org/ freedomindex
Produced by Brigham Young University, the movie is a dramatization of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. While the actors are not household names, the film does an excellent job recounting the story of how our Constitution came about.
The film focuses mainly on James Madison, the Father of the Constitution. He knew that George Washington’s mere presence would give the convention the legitimacy and support it needed. He referred to Washington as “the indispensable man.” Washington was initially reluctant, but not only did he attend, he was the president of the Convention. The movie focuses on the disagreements, arguments, and compromise between the delegates, but in the end, they gave us the greatest man-made document for the governing of free people the world has ever seen. The film does an excellent job depicting the distinct personalities of the delegates.
This was a made for TV movie with an ex-
cellent cast including Glenn Ford, Dean Jaegar, Will Geer, Rosemary Forsythe, and William Conrad. It is the unofficial story of the Skull and Bones, the secretive and, some believe satanic organization based at Yale University. Both John Kerry and George W. Bush are members. The first scene has Professor Andrew Patterson, played by Glenn Ford, and his fellow Bell members initiating a new member-Phil Dunning, played by Robert Pine. at the fictional College of Saint George in San Francisco. After the initiation ceremony, Dean Jagger, who plays Chad Harmon, a financier gives Andy an assignment-his due bill. The assignment is to convince Patterson’s friend and colleague Dr. Constance Horvathy, played by Eduard Franz, not to take a position that the Bell wants for one of its own. If he refuses, the Bell will turn over a list of names of anti-communists from his country of origin leading to arrests and certain death. Horvathy, feeling betrayed by his friend, commits suicide. Patterson, full of grief and remorse, is determined to expose the Bell. He goes to the media and tells his story of this secretive organiza-
(Family Features) If you’re feeling pressure to plan the perfect Valentine’s Day date, it may be time to veer away from tradition. While flowers, chocolates and dinner for two is a classic, thinking outside the box can make for just as romantic of an experience.
Consider these simple date ideas to reduce stress and make your day extra special.
Take A Dance Class -Learning something new together can be a great way to bond with your significant other. Research dance studios in your area and book a lesson for a night out. Many studios offer new or first-time discounts and typically have a variety of lessons available from ballroom to salsa, cha cha and more. If dancing isn’t really your thing, consider another skillbuilding class you can do together like pottery, cooking or painting, for example.
Recreate Your First Date - Take a trip down memory lane and go back to the beginning of your relationship by recreating your first - or a favorite - date. Whether you went bowling, mini golfing, to dinner and a movie or something else entirely, reliving the past can be a special way to connect and show your partner how much you care.
nic - If it’s too cold outside for an actual picnic, clear some space in your living room and throw down a blanket. Pack a basket of finger foods like sandwiches, cheese and crackers, fruit, a bottle of wine and dessert for a romantic meal for two in the comfort of home.
A getaway doesn’t have to mean going far from home. Become tourists in town by booking a night at a nearby hotel and visiting some local landmarks you’ve been wanting to check out or haven’t experienced in a while. A simple break from routine can make for an enjoyable escape, even if you’re only a few miles from home.
Schedule A Photoshoot - If the last time you had your photo professionally taken was on your wedding day or a family vacation, hire a photographer for a couples
photo session, and use it as an opportunity to create fun memories together. Many photographers offer mini sessions, which only take 15-30 minutes, leaving time for a night out afterward. For an inexpensive option, have a friend take a few casual pictures or use a selfie stick to help document your date.
Cook Dinner Together - Restaurants are often booked up on Valentine’s Day, so try something different this year and make a special home-cooked meal together. Whether you make a tried-andtrue favorite or whip up something new, like a heart-shaped dish, you’ll bond over the experience while creating a tangible (and hopefully tasty) reward once the oven timer dings. Then dim the lights, play some soft music and light some candles to create a romantic ambience while enjoying dinner together.
Go On A Road TripTake a day - or a weekend - and venture to a destination you haven’t been before on a romantic Valentine’s Day getaway. Even if traveling far away isn’t possible right now, exploring a town or two over allows you to check out new restaurants, stores or other attractions and get out of your comfort zones.
Find more ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day at eLivingtoday. com.
Intrigue AI mimics the cerebral cortex of the human brain to quickly and more accurately ‘fill in’ the gaps produced when our hearing system falters.
• Replicates how our “normal” auditory system works.
• Distinguish words and speech more intuitively and naturally.
• Hear soft sounds without distracting noise.
• Reduce the effort it takes to listen and hear.
by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer
I was walking along a short but windy trail in southern New England the other day in search of overwintering warblers. This short path is known for harboring these tiny songbirds during the winter, as it is adjacent to a water treatment center that features open water on even the coldest days.
I came around one of the many bends and jumped back as I flushed a large bird that was on the ground next to the trail. With my heart racing from the surprise, my immediate reaction was that it was a ruffed grouse. It flushed with a grouse’s familiar exuberance and noise, so my mind immediately went there. Ruffed grouse, however, do not live in that area of New England any longer, and the habitat wasn’t right for the popular game bird. Luckily, the bird perched in a nearby tree, allowing for a close inspection. It was an adult Cooper’s hawk, likely a female based on its size. Like most birds of prey, the female is larger than the male. I must have disturbed the bird’s hunt, although I don’t believe it had been successful yet, as there weren’t any feathers or a carcass to be found. When my heart stopped racing, I realized what a fortunate sighting it was. It’s not
every day you walk around a corner and almost step on a Cooper’s hawk. Cooper’s hawks are one of the three accipiters that live in New England. Accipiters are a group of hawks that include Cooper’s hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, and northern goshawk. Cooper’s hawks and sharp-shinned hawks (often referred to as sharpies) are commonly seen around bird feeders scoping out the small birds eating seeds. The impressive goshawk is seen more rarely, mostly in the woods or forests.
For the most part, accipiters are more sleek and, in my opinion, more fierce-looking than the buteos (a group of hawks that includes red-tailed, redshouldered and broadwinged).
A birder can’t bring up a Cooper’s hawk sighting without mentioning how difficult it is to differentiate them from sharp-shinned hawks. The accipiters are nearly identical in most ways. Yes, the Cooper’s hawk is larger, but that’s not always a good way to make a positive ID. Female sharp-shinned hawks
are roughly the same size as a male Cooper’s hawk, and without reference in the field, it can be nearly impossible to determine the ID based on size.
In my case the other day, size was a good determining factor, as it was a very large bird, likely a female Cooper’s hawk. A sharp-shinned hawk would never be that large, and, as you recall, I got a good, close look at it. On the other hand, a few weeks ago I saw a sharpie that I initially thought may have been a blue jay as it swooped across the scene so fast I couldn’t tell what it was until it landed in a nearby tree. A Cooper’s hawk would not be mistaken for a blue jay.
But what about the ones in which size is not a determining factor? Head and tail shape are the best things to look at when size doesn’t help. Cooper’s hawks have a more squarish head compared to the rounder head of the sharp-shinned hawk. Cooper’s hawks also have a dark cap that is lacking in the sharpie. Conversely, the Cooper’s hawk’s tail appears more rounded than the square tail of the sharp-shinned. With all that said, judging by head and tail is still extremely difficult and often a crapshoot. Throw in the fact that size is not always a determinant, and sepa-
completely frozen, we have quality ice. However, there is no such thing as truly safe ice. There are many variables that affect ice formation, such as temperature, wind, rain and snow, and sun. This year, high winds kept most of the lake open despite extreme
cold temps. Those same winds opened up random holes around the ice that had previously formed. When those holes finally froze over, the ice all around them was approximately 8-inches thick. Those holes are no longer an issue, as they have fully frozen over. This year’s danger comes from pressure ridges. If
Geared Up & Ready For Ice Fishing!
& Snowmobile Registrations
there is no snow, the dark ice absorbs sunlight and expands. If there is a temperature spike with that sun, it equates to ice sheets that expand by feet, not inches. A one-mile slab of ice will expand four feet when the temperature rises 20-degrees. The ice has nowhere to go and often buckles, causing pressure ridges. Pressure ridges are known to be dangerous. Crossing them is a gamble, especially on sunny or warm days. A pressure ridge might be quite solid and stable crossing it in the morning but may look very different later in the day. It is best to always keep in mind that you will have to come back across the pressure ridge you encountered earlier in the day.
The derby allows participants to fish any public water in
A rainbow trout that would have made the board when it was landed in 2022, but wouldn’t have lasted the day, so Tim chose to release it.
the state. There are seven species of fish that can win money; lake trout, rainbow trout, cusk, white perch, yellow perch, pickerel, and black crappie. The five heaviest fish in each category will win a prize on Saturday. On Sunday, the board is cleared and the five heaviest fish in each category again win money. The person with the heaviest fish in each category from the entire weekend will have their name entered into a drawing for $15,000, $5,000, and $3,000. There are many other ways to win, such as hourly derby ticket drawings for $100, 14 on Saturday and 32 on Sunday. Additionally, there is a $5000 prize drawing on Saturday and Sunday. If you catch a board worthy fish on Saturday, but can’t make it to derby headquarters at Hesky Park in time? You can bring a fish that was caught on Saturday and weigh it in for Sunday, but all fish entered must be caught on Saturday or Sunday. New for 2025: Anglers are only allowed to enter a maximum of two fish per species per day.
Access is one of the main logistical challenges of the derby. Most town beaches and boat ramps are open for anglers to access the ice in winter, but parking lots fill up fast. I always advise getting to your access point in the dark to ensure you will get a spot, and keep in mind where you park so that you don’t get blocked in. Yes, unfortunately there are some who will block vehicles and head out for the day. If there isn’t a ton of snow on the ice and the access ice holds up okay without heaving, many people will just park on the ice. This ensures you have a place to park and you can come and go if you need to. You know, when you catch that big one and need to get it to the board.
For many, the derby is about competing for their chance to win money. For others, it’s about community and comradery. For some, it’s both. Some people fish hard from sun rise to sun set, and others throw in some tip ups and get to cooking their favorite on-ice recipe. It is my only weekend off once I begin running guide trips, so I will be out with my buddies, fishing, eating, and exploring. It looks like this year we will even be able to make our annual snowmobile rise over to derby headquarters. Good luck to all and be safe out there!
Tim Moore is a full-time licensed professional fishing guide on Lake Winnipesaukee. He owns and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association, and the producer of TMO Fishing on YouTube and the Hooked with TMO Fishing Podcast. Visit www. TimMooreOutdoors.com for more information or email info@ TimMooreOutdoors.com with questions or comments.
by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer
I think the world needs more Chocolate Chip Cookies. Not those little round whatevers you buy in the store that shatter into a bazillion crumbs when you bite into them. And not those artificially soft things that taste like modeling clay packaged in a plastic tray made with ingredients you cannot pronounce. No, what I’m talking about is Chocolate Chip Cookies that are made with granulated sugar, butter, eggs, flour, and other simple ingredients. An ingredient list that any third grader could read, and not one that requires a degree in chemistry or bioengineering to comprehend. A simple Chocolate Chip Cookie with simple ingredients that reminds you and me of simpler happy times. As much as it sounds like an oxymoron, many readers will agree to having more than one “go to” favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. It is almost as if, for some, different moods call for different variations. Sometimes we want a soft underdone cookie. Sometimes we want a solid, crunchy
cookie. And sometimes we want the best of both worlds, that crispy edged cookie with that tell-tale dark moist soft center. No matter the cookie: thick, flat, soft, crumbly, each has their place on the cookie spectrum, and sources for such treasured gems vary. Some recipes are found on the back of the chocolate chip package. Other recipes are found on the dog-eared pages of cookbooks passed from generation to generation. I particularly enjoy those recipes that are complemented, free gratis, with bits of dry dough and old grease stains. These have a certain nostalgia, offering silent testimony as to the recipes’ worthiness. Other recipes
can be found in old tin boxes crammed full with waifs of paper and scraps of newsprint intermingled with index cards covered in cryptic script. A highly coveted secret treasure trove passed down the family tree for sure. Whether it is on the back of your most recent bag of chocolate chips or it is that one written in faded hand from a bygone era, there is something truly, singularly, special about the Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. They are timeless, spanning generations, Chocolate Chip Cookies never go out of style. Chocolate Chip Cookies are memory makers, spirit lifters, wound healers. Chocolate Chip Cookies are the
Grill & Galley
83 Main Street, Alton
Stoneface - IPA
Moat Mtn. - Blueberry
Great Rhythm - Pale Ale
Baxter - Coastal Haze
603 - Amber Ale
At Hart’s Turkey Farm
233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith
cookie that says I love you when those you love are too far away to hug. They bridge the gap that divides, they shorten the miles that separate, and they are the universal translator that conveys friendship among people.
Recently, we experienced the power of the Chocolate Chip Cookie. My better half and I took a road trip with Junior and his girlfriend. A beautiful sunny day, we headed up Route 93 and jumped off at the Rumney exit. Making our way west toward the Connecticut River Valley we meandered main routes and back roads. Some of our favorite places in midwestern Grafton County are the roads less traveled. And as we discovered, are even less so this time of year, some having only two tire tracks in the snow to indicate someone had chanced this way before us.
To say scenic vistas are plentiful in this area is putting it mildly. In my opinion the 25’s (routes 25, 25A, and 25C) offer, to any-
Fiddlehead - IPA
Tuckerman Pale Ale
Allagash - White
603 - Amber Ale
+6 More On Tap
At Funspot
579 Endicott St N., Weirs
603.366.4377 funspotnh.com
Founders - CBS (2019 Vintage)
Stoneface - Duderino
Allagash - White
Maine Beer - Another One
Shipyard - Prelude
Mast Landing - On a Mountain in the Clouds
+6 More On Tap
403 Main Street
Alton Bay, NH 603-875-1234
Tuckerman pale ale
Aqua Vue Haze
Allagash white
Maine Lunch
Stoneface IPA
+10 More On Tap
At Johnson’s
Seafood & Steak
69 Rt 11, New Durham
eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham
Lone Pine -Brightside
Widowmaker -Blue Comet
Shipyard -Smashed
Jack Abby -Red Tape
Muddy Road -1762 Porter
Northwoods -Autumn Buzz +30 More On Tap
Porch & Pub
286 S. Main St., Wolfeboro 603.569-3662
Morrisseys’ 20 Year Lager by Great North
Concord Craft Safe Space +11 More On Tap
18 Weirs Rd., Gilford
603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com
Patrick’s Slainte House Ale
Great North - Moose Juice
Clown Shoes - Bubble Head
603 - Winni Amber Ale
Tuckerman - Pale Ale +9 More On Tap
6 East Side Drive, Alton Bay,NH
Tuckerman - Winter Ale
Maine Beer - Lunch Fiddlehead
Michelob Ultra Bud light
At The Craft Beer Xchange
59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach
FB @craftbeerxchange
Jack’s Abby – Blood Orange
Golden Rod – Mango Cart
1911 – Raspberry Cider
Kettlehead – Dreamstate
Able Ebenezer – Lady of the Lake Lager
Last Chair – Powder Bear +30 More On Tap
** Tap listings subject to change!
from 6 control the House and Senate.
Donald Trump’s executive order, signed on day one of his presidency, to terminate “diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) discrimination in the federal workforce and in federal contracting and spending.” The order says that it is the “most important federal civil rights measure in decades.”
Trump’s anti-DEI order revokes President Joe Biden’s DEI executive order, issued on his first day in office, which imposed DEI throughout the federal government in the name of “advancing equity, civil rights, racial justice, and equal opportunity.”
Two presidents, two parties both use the language of civil rights, both with a vision of what constitutes civil rights and social justice that are day and night. Complete opposites.
Trump assumes leadership of a deeply fractured country that is leaning slightly to the side of his party. We see this in the thin margins by which Republicans
Democrats, the left, will work the current situation to fan the flames to brand Republicans and Trump racist.
I would urge Black Americans to check the facts before buying into this narrative.
According to a profile of Black Americans just produced by Pew Research, Blacks now constitute 14.4% of the American population. Other data reported by Pew say that Blacks constitute 18.6% of the federal workforce. So, if anything, Blacks should be concerned about disproportionate dependency on federal government employment rather than lack of equity.
The data also show that the median age of Black Americans is 32.6, almost six years less than the national median age. The increasing burden of debt accumulated by the federal government, the result of the dramatic growth in government -- now around 100% of our GDP and projected to continue to worsen -will fall disproportionately on these younger Black citizens. As will be the burden of the essentially bankrupt state of affairs of our major entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare.
Per Pew’s data, Black economic reality is solidly rooted in the middle class and above.
Fifty-four percent of households headed by a Black American earn
over $50,000. Thirty-seven percent earn over $75,000, and 25% earn over $100,000. This is not a profile of an oppressed Black America unable to work and achieve.
Back to e pluribus unum.
We are facing competing claims about what holds us together as a nation. One vision focuses on individual freedom. Another vision focuses on government power.
Trump was elected championing the vision of restoring individual freedom. Symptoms that drove more voters into the Trump/ Republican camp -inflation, slow growth, diminishing international competitiveness -- all are symptoms of excessive government.
Like the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, our new Republican president has a sense of mission for a “new birth of freedom.”
Let’s support him.
Star Parker is founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Her recent book, “What Is the CURE for America?” is available now. To find out more about Star Parker and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.
rating a Cooper’s from a sharpie is not for the faint of heart. In some cases, even experts have trouble determining one species from the other with 100 percent certainty.
It is, however, easy to determine if an accipiter is an immature or adult. Immature birds of both Cooper’s and sharpies are brown with white chests and bellies streaked with brown. Adults are bluish gray with white chests and bellies streaked with rusty red. Interestingly, immatures of both species have yellow eyes, while the adults have red eyes.
While differentiating between a Cooper’s hawk and a sharpshinned hawk may be difficult and frustrating at times, it’s also a reminder of one of the things that makes birdwatching such a great endeavor. No matter how good you get or how long you do it, there’s always more to learn.
one willing to take the time, some of the most understated beautiful views in this state. Similar could be said for Route 10, a corridor up the New Hampshire side of the Connecticut River Valley. Farms and townships dot the area tucked in and alongside mountains, wilderness tracts, and plenty of lakes, ponds, and rivers. Offering views to enjoy, the ride is truly a feast for the eyes any time of year. Crossing one of the many points over the Connecticut River into Vermont and following Route 5 north, we found ourselves on the outskirts of Bradford. A small but busy town, Bradford offers area river communities amenities that one would otherwise have to travel many miles to get to. One of our favorites is a store called Farm-Way.
1 Cup White Sugar ½ Cup Brown Sugar
1 ½ Sticks Butter softened 1 tsp. Vanilla 2 Eggs
For those never having been to Farm-Way it is like taking your favorite farm store and combining it with your favorite “Maine Outfitter”. With a little bit of this and that it offers something for everyone, local and tourist alike. And it is here we find the subject of our essay for this week: Chocolate Chip Cookies. Across from the registers, set upon makeshift tables, are large bread racks filled with packages of homemade donuts and cookies. This is no coincidence, their location is right out of the Sales and Marketing 101 textbook, the smell alone sells the product. Few can resist the aroma of fresh cider donuts and homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies, especially at 3:00 in the afternoon without having had any lunch. Need I confess that we left with a bag of each?
2 ¼ Cups Flour
1 tsp. Baking Soda
½ tsp. Salt
1 12 oz. package Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
- Combine Sugars, butter, and vanilla. Cream until fluffy then add eggs.
- In a separate bowl combine flour, baking soda, and salt, sift or dry whisk together, and then gradually add the dry ingredients to the butter sugar egg mixture.
- Once the dough is well combined add one bag of chocolate chips and mix / fold to combine.
- Deposit dough in small balls onto cookie sheet and bake for 9 minutes.
* Recipe sourced from the back of a package of semi-sweet chocolate chips.
Before seat belts were even “clicked” I was already reaching into the bag for the cookies. We were all Hangry going into the store. If you have never knowingly experienced “Hangry”, Hangry is that mental state beyond hungry. It’s when tempers begin to flare. After four hours in the same vehicle with the same people, without lunch, we were all experiencing different levels of Hangry, so donuts and cookies were a welcome respite.
It is amazing how Chocolate Chip Cookies can turn a case of the Hangry’s into the Giggles. Within about five minutes of eating our snacks we were in a much happier mood and on our way again. Crossing back over the river into Piermont, New Hampshire we continued on up the valley a few miles on Route 10 to see some sites, including a round barn near the upper town limits. According to a sign on the entrance to the barn, it dates back
to 1906. It is one of few round barns left in the state. With evening fast approaching and the town of Haverhill having rolled up its sidewalks with the setting sun, we decided to turn southeast. A brief stop was made in Plymouth for dinner before
we jumped back on to Route 93 and pointed our compass needle toward home. Regardless of where you find your recipe, homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies are a timeless classic. They bring smiles to faces and warmth to hearts. Made for sharing, soft or crunchy, tender or crispy, Chocolate Chip Cookies are a delicious treat any time. But, undoubtedly, Chocolate Chip Cookies are especially perfect for chasing away the Hangry’s that happen between each Simple Feast. Enjoy!
least fertile states in the Union - New Hampshire.”
That same year there arose some controversy in the town of Somersworth, New Hampshire, concerning the observance of Sunday and the enforcement of laws relating to that day. In honoring the Sunday laws on the books in Somersworth Mayor Harrison ordered the restaurants, and confectionery, cigar and soda water stores to be closed on Sundays. The Mayor, however, owned a livery stable, and was later taken into court and fined $5 for cleaning horses and carriages and lending them on Sundays. He claimed that he did not do these things and appealed the case. The Mayor said he didn’t let out any teams that weren’t engaged on week days, and he appealed the case. A newspaper account said, “His statement that the prosecution is instigated by spite is believed,
but the statement that no teams were let on Sunday creates a little smile.” “ Now Marshall Heaton,” the newspaper added, “has been notified by Lawyer James A. Edgerley that he (Heaton) must stop the excessive and unnecessary ringing of the bell at the Methodist meeting house near Edgerley’s house.”
The year 1900 in the
Lakes Region seemed to be one of seeking items of a superior quality to what the area had previously seen. O.M. Prescott traveled to Boston to purchase two pianos of a quality never found in this area of New Hampshire before. One was an Ivers and Pond brand that was purchased for Lawyer Blaisdell of Meredith, and the other
was a McPhail baby grand piano that went to another Meredith resident, Frank Chase. The Laconia columnist who wrote under the name of “The Tramp” wrote that the “time is ripe to make Laconia famed for its band.” He proposed that the Pease Band and the Rublee Band unite to make what would be one of the finest bands in the state. He said, “We have as good men in both as ever blew a horn.” The result of the bands uniting he predicted, would “ give
the city on the lakes an imitation of the style of Sousa or Gilmore.” In another claim of superiority for the lake city, Laconia resident E.H. Dockham claimed that nothing could match his flock of Buff Plymouth Rock chickens. “My 15 hens,” he said, “have averaged 9 eggs a day all winter, besides being splendid specimens from a poultry standpoint.” Dockham was saving some eggs to use for hatching more Plymouth Rocks.
An article in Laconia’s News and Critic newspaper in 1900 may be of interest to those who have attended college in Plymouth which in 1900 was the Plymouth Normal School and trained teachers. The article was intended to inform the taxpayers that the state was intent on making the normal school a firstclass training school for teachers. The state legislature had appropriated $8,000 for a new heating system for the school. The old system of hot air furnaces was removed and replaced with steam
heating plants. Sectional boilers were placed in the school building and normal hall, and radiators were placed in each room and in the corridors. An engine and a fan were also installed to force fresh air of the right temperature into each room providing “perfect ventilation.”
On the academic side of things concerning the Normal School there was news concerning the training of teachers. “The village schools of Plymouth have been turned over to the state and constitute the training department. Their course of study covers a period of twelve years, thus giving to student teachers, so far as competent, opportunities for practice from the child’s first lessons to the most advanced work in preparation for college.”
Each graduate from the Normal School was reported to have had taught at least one period a day for a full year in a training school.
tion. Members of the media interview Harmon who dismisses and ridicules the accusations of the Bell’s power and influence. Shortly after the interview, Patterson is informed that his department at the university has been defunded, and he is out of a job. Patterson goes to his influential father-in-law Harry Masters, played by Maurice Evans, who offers to help. He arranged a meeting with what Patterson thinks is an FBI agent but is actually a Bell member. The agent asks Patterson for the list of names that would have been used to blackmail Horvathy. He gladly turns them over, giving the only hard evidence he had against the Bell. He realizes his father-in-law is gaslighting him after Masters denies to his daughter and Paterson’s wife, played by Rosemary Forsyth, that he ever set up any meeting with the F.B.I. Patterson’s father, played by Will Geer, a successful contractor, learns that the IRS has found some fraudulent returns. He dies from a heart attack after confronting Masters. Patterson’s wife ends up leaving him. Out of desperation, he contacts Bart Harris, a bombastic T.V. talk show host played by William Conrad. Conrad humiliates and ridicules Patterson on the show. Patterson assaults Bart on air and is arrested. All looks hopeless until his former boss bails him out and tells Patterson that he believes his story. He encourages Patterson to reaches out to the young initiate who agrees to help him expose the Bell. While the movie doesn’t go into the ideology of the Brotherhood of the Bell, it demonstrates how ruthless and powerful it is.
This movie was an expose of eugenics and forced sterilization. The movie was banned in a number of states. Eugenics and forced sterilization, practiced in 31 states and Washington, D.C, were policies of the so-called American Progressives. Led by the likes of racist Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, they were eagerly implemented by the Nazis-a dirty secret that the Left has done an excellent job concealing. These two evils fell into disfavor after the world learned of the crimes of the Nazis.
The movie features the Mason family. The parents are lazy drunks. Their children with the exception of Alice, played by Diane Sinclair, who was adopted, are physically and mentally disabled. An older brother is in jail. The family members, being prime candidates for sterilization, are visited
house to avoid the sterilization. She is soon captured and brought to the hospital to have the procedure. A sympathetic doctor, Dr. Brooks and Alice’s fiancé, unsuccessfully tries to get an injunction. Within seconds before Alice undergoing the sterilization, Father O’Brien, played by Crane Wilbur who also directs the movie, is able to prove that Alice is not part of the Mason bloodline and is saved from sterilization.
This movie doesn’t expose a secret society or government cover-ups and wrongdoing, but this is the movie where the word gaslighting was made popular.
by a county official who gives them the options of sterilization or lose their welfare benefits. Alice escapes from the
Gaslighting is manipulating an individual or group using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity, memory, or powers of reasoning. A few examples: “The Southern
border is secure.” “Inflation is under control.”
“The world is a peaceful place thanks to the Biden administration’s policies.”
There is a 1944 American version , but I prefer this version that takes place in Victorian England where gaslights were in common use.
The movie begins in the home of an elderly lady whose house is being ransacked by a man who was searching for valuable jewelry. He murders the lady and continues to ransack the house but never finds the jewelry. The house is vacant for a number of years until newlyweds Paul and Bella Mallen move in.
Bella, played by Diana Wynyard, seems to be misplacing objects and Paul, played by Anton Walbrook tries to convince his wife that she is losing her sanity. It was Paul who was deliberately hiding the objects. He has an affair with
the maid and wants to institutionalize his wife. A retired detective who investigated the original murder case in the house suspects Paul. There are two floors upstairs that are closed off. Paul believes that the valuable jewelry may be hidden somewhere in these floors. . When entering the upstairs rooms, he turns on the gaslight, dimming the lights in the downstairs rooms. Bella observes the dimming gaslights, and Paul tells her that she is imagining it. He is eventually arrested for the murder of the elderly women.
All of the above movies are available on our Rumble channel https:// rumble.com/account/ content?type=all Have a movie to recommend? Send me an E-mail campconstitutiuon1@gmail.com
It’s time for the U.S. to take the initiative again.
And that means it is time for America to unshackle its innovators.
This is something President Donald Trump understands well. He called DeepSeek a “wake-up” call for American industry, explaining “we need to be laser-focused on competing.” He added, “If you could do it cheaper, if you could do it (for) less (and) get to the same end result. I think that’s a good thing for us.”
He is not wrong. Lowering the barrier to entry for AI means wider innovation, which means faster development overall. But such development could be at odds with Trump’s self-stated goal of re -
shoring actual manufacturing to the United States: The same day he noted DeepSeek’s game-changing revelation, he announced that the United States would “be placing tariffs on foreign production of computer chips, semiconductors ... to return production of these essential goods to the United States of America.” The goal would be the forced relocation of factories from countries like Taiwan back inside America’s borders.
The problem with this, of course, is that such relocation is both expensive and burdensome, adding time and cash to the list of hurdles American companies must clear to compete with DeepSeek and China. It would be wonderful if more
semiconductors were produced in America. It is also years off. Giving up any competitive advantage -- and Taiwan’s opposition to China means that it is oriented toward the U.S., thus granting us a competitive advantage -- is a mistake.
One of the great advantages of the United States during the Cold War era was the Soviets’ addiction to economic autarky. The United States’ economic growth during the post-World War II era was attributable both to its relatively undamaged status during WWII and to its far more robust network of trade and security alliances, ranging from West Germany to Britain to Canada to Japan. If the United States wishes to out -
compete China in AI -- and everything else -- it would be counterproductive to threaten the very relationships that grant us inherent advantage.
No doubt Trump knows that. TSMC, the Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturer that leads the world in production of sophisticated microchips, has already vowed tens of billions of dollars in investment in the United States. Trump is utilitarian in his approach; he has no interest in losing the AI race to China over tariffs or anything else, and may well be using the threat of tariffs to pry concessions from companies like TSMC.
Whatever the case, America cannot afford to lose the AI race. China has fired the first
shot in the AI battle. Now it’s time for America to do what we do best: win the war.
Ben Shapiro’s new collection, “Facts and Furious: The Facts About America and Why They Make Leftists Furious,” is available now. Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and cofounder of Daily Wire+.
He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author. To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. creators.com.
erned, to accomplish certain changes to the status quo, which will certainly be met by an extreme amount of resistance by those that may have voted for those that proclaimed to follow the rule of law, when on close examination those claims were what in fact they themselves were/are in fact guilty of.
I’m proud and optimistic that our Republic will once again be respected by the world, our economy will flourish, our military will once again be feared by all the bad guys, the fear of God will be restored and God will continue to protect our President from the bullets that nearly took out a great man. Francis Boksanske New Hampton, NH. USMC Vietnam Veteran
when the government began a systematic program of ethnic cleansing against the Muslim Rohingya minority, people finally took notice. In 2017 more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims were forced out of the country into neighboring Bangladesh creating a humanitarian catastrophe.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres then described the violence as ethnic cleansing.
Back in 1962 General Ne Win led a military overthrow of the government and established the “Burmese Way to Socialism.” The Myanmar military Tatmandaw,
remains an institution not only enforcing internal security but controlling both above board commerce and black market rackets. For more than a half-century, the country was run by military juntas, largely encouraged or backed by Communist China. The discredited military finally stepped down and handed power to elected longtime rights advocate Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel laureate. In 2016, Myanmar’s first democratically elected government in a generation assumed power, for a short interval, that’s until the 2021 overthrow.
China borders Myanmar; given Burma’s
geographic importance to Beijing’s Belt and Road initiative, China tacitly supports the military regime. Beijing has been coercing the country’s anti-regime ethnic armed militias to strike a peace deal with the junta in a bid to protect Chinese strategic and commercial interests in Myanmar.
While Western countries, especially the former colonial power Britain and the United States have striven for human rights accountability in Myanmar, it was only when the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) began to press for reforms was there some glacial movements for change.
Moreover UN Security Council efforts concerning Myanmar over the years have been blocked by both China and Russia.
Hunger is reaching catastrophic levels and agricultural productivity has declined by 16 per cent since 2021, according to UN humanitarian agencies, “The situation in Myanmar is in freefall, with nearly 20 million people, a third of the population, expected to need humanitarian aid this year.”
Tom Andrews, the UN’s Human Rights expert on Myanmar added, “Junta forces have slaughtered thousands of civilians, bombed and burned villages, and displaced
millions of people. More than 20,000 political prisoners remain behind bars.”
As Andrew asserts, “Impunity has enabled a decades-long cycle of violence and oppression in Myanmar. Ultimately, this sad chapter of Myanmar’s history must end with junta leaders being prosecuted for their crimes.” That’s easier said than done.
John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic nd defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism
The Diplomacy of Separated Nations; Germany, Korea, China.
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