01/04/2024 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

Happy & Hea l t h y New Year!

Happy & Healthy New Year!

VOLUME 33, NO. 1



New England Clam “Chowdah” by Eric N Gibson Simple Feast Columnist

I would always laugh watching that popular TV show of the late 1980’s, Murder She Wrote. Set in the fictitious Cabbot Cove, Maine, leave it to Hollywood to overtly exaggerate and falsely embellish to the point of near ridicule, the regional dialect. Oddly, the heroine, the focal point of the show, never adopted the accent

of her surrounds while the rest of the “locals,” doctors, lawyers, local police force, all sounded like a bunch of nasal pinched rubes laying on thick “Down East” accents. But, Hollywood knew what they had, a “Who Done It” one hour mystery void of gratuitous sex, gun play, and rough language. Somewhat predictable, it was a well scripted show seeded with aging “A” listers in their See FEAST on 25

Have A Happy & Healthy New Year! to keep fit, and stay healthy and safe and also introduce to you some of the folks that are helping in achieving those goals, including our valued advertisers. So, even if you didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions, you can still find out how to enjoy a Happy and Healthy New Year all this month. It all starts this week on page 11. Happy New Year!

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Welcome to 2024! How many of you have made resolutions to get healthier this year? Statistics show that losing weight and staying fit and healthy are always in the top five resolutions. Statistics also show that only about ten percent of those who make resolutions actually keep them. Seems like we can use all the help we can get. As we have been doing every year since 2016, the Weirs Times will present a Happy Healthy New Year Section every week through the month of January. We will be providing you with tips and information for all ages on the best ways

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

Point Of Absurdity


To The Editor: Wow, Demolitioncrat projection has reached the point of absurdity! The nitwit in the White House who gave away Baghram Air Force Base (our eye on the CCP) and thousands of weapons and military equipment to the CCP and other Middle Eastern enemies; shut down our energy dominance; gave the Iranian Mullahs billions of dollars; accepted multi-millions of dollars in bribes from the CCP; gave the Russians and Ukrainians unimaginable amounts of money and allowed the invasion of our country at our southern and northern borders by at least 12 million illegals says: “No question Trump supported an insurrection!” In his senility, Biden projects his own insurrectionist crimes on to Trump. Charles Bradley Laconia, NH. Dear Brendan Smith Editor of The Weirs Times,

Dangers Of FISA


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To The Editor: Wake up to the dangers of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Section 702 is up for congressional reauthorization before the end of the year. Congress must stand for Fourth Amendment and stop the FBI and NSA violations of personal rights to privacy by passing Senator Rand Pauls bill S.3372 to abolish FISA.

Question our weak and suspect Congress that jeopardize these inherent rights to protection from federal abuse. Ask: was this unconstitutional Orwellian Act propagated and sold to the Congress and the American electorate as a true effort to monitor foreign agents as its name implied? Or was it a serious criminal intent to betray the constitutional protection of the 4th Amendment and authorize federal abuse of power? Whatever the intent, the fact remains, the criminal purpose resulted in taking away the blessing of security that our people have because of the Fourth Amendment. FISA infringes this Amendments‘ protection, crucial to liberty, that in essence demands,” … the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures without warrant.” The JBS.ORG , Federal Legislation Alert — why we need to pass the “Stop FISA Reauthorization —- Support The Fourth Amendment Restoration & Protection Act,” (S.3372) introduced by Senator Rand Paul, gives us a small sample of what life would be like without the Fourth Amendment: “FISA was purportedly enacted to help protect against terrorist attacks, but it is rampantly being used by the government — including the FBI and NSA — to spy on American citizens in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment. For example, in 2021 alone, the FBI ran about 3 million “U.S. person queries” using Section 702. Tellingly,

FBI Director Christopher Wray is vocally opposing any requirements to obtain a warrant.” Friends of liberty at the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB), established in 2007 , tell us that federal Surveillance bosses practice a shameful brand of patriotism with these violations of the peoples right to be secure: “Significant privacy and civil liberties risks also include the scope of permissible targeting, NSA’s new approach to upstream collection, a new sensitive collection technique that presented novel and significant legal issues approved by the FISC (Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court) 2022,…” Furthermore, it is well known that FISC’s overseeing of requests for warrants lack transparency, constitutional due-process protection, and they fail to hold federal agencies accountable. Help stop the federal surveillance of private citizens and prevent attacks on political opponents by the current administration. If President Trumps’ rights can be violated, who is next? The power of “We the People” must speak. Educate yourself by going to JBS.ORG. source, The John Birch Society, having stood the test of time, is the most powerful weapon to counteract this imminent tyranny. Join with us and tell Congress you cherish your inherent right that your home is your castle and demand they cosponsor S.3372. Russ Payne Merrimack, NH.

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for 30 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people

and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 24,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 60,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 603-366-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2024 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

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Once Upon A New Year

by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

A history column may seem out of place at the beginning of a new year when most people are looking towards the future and when the feelings of many seem to be those of relief to leave one year behind with the hopeful anticipation that the new year will be better in all ways. I have yet to understand, though, why alcohol is considered by many an essential ingredient when celebrat-

Grace Coolidge with her pet raccoon. The wife of President Calvin Coolidge wrote a letter to the Belmont Hosiery Company acknowledging with thanks the hosiery they had sent to her and her husband.

ing the transition from the past to the future, but the practice seems to have originated long ago. An article from January 6, 1926 said that the family name of Smith is not only one of the most common names, but also the oldest in the world. People with Adam in their name may contest that statement, but a Professor Mahaffy, while deciphering the Petrie papyri, was said to have come across one of them clearly bearing the name of Smith. So it was reported that “there was a man known as Smith in the twentieth year of the third Pyolemy, 227 years B.C. and that he was occupied in brewing and selling - beer!” Perhaps a January 4, 1926 article in the See SMITH on 22


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —


Castle in the Clouds Educational Programming for 2024

MOULTONBOROUGH – Castle in the Clouds

is thrilled to announce the successful restructuring of available field trips for 2024. The newly enhanced field trip programming was developed in collaboration with the Castle Teacher Advisory Group and is designed to cater to diverse learning needs. All Castle in the Clouds field trips are aligned with State and C3 standards to ensure a meaningful and curriculumfocused visit for students and educators alike. Priced at $10.00 per student and chaperone, the Castle field trip experience offers flexibility with the choice of a guided or self-guided tour. Schools can opt to enhance their field trip with specialized experiences, such as hikes, garden tours, hike & sketch, walk & write, and creative writing, for an additional $5.00 per student. Furthermore, Castle in the Classroom is an enriching addition to the educational programming offered by Castle in the Clouds. Members of the Castle Education Team bring the learning experience directly to your school with three innovative programs: Human Timeline (Social Studies), What is Bias? (Social Studies, ELA), and the Lucknow Innovation Challenge (STEM). “Castle in the Clouds continues to be a leading destination for schools seeking a unique and educational experience,” said Charles Clark, Executive Director of Castle in the Clouds. “Our restructured field trips and Castle in the Classroom programs are designed to inspire curiosity, ignite creativity, and cultivate a love for learning. With every visit, we aim to create memories that not only align with academic standards but also spark a sense of wonder that lasts a lifetime.” To learn more about field trips and educational programming at Castle in the Clouds, please visit www.castleintheclouds.org/school-field-trips .

Newfound Nature Station Exploring Ice & Snow Hebron—Join the Newfound Lake Region Association (NLRA) as they get out in the cold during Newfound Nature Station, a free program that connects youth and families to the natural world. This event will be held at Grey Rocks Conservation Area at 178 N Shore Road, Hebron, NH on January 16 from 1pm to 3 pm and January 20 from 10 am to 12 pm. As you look across the frozen landscape, the natural world looks and feels like a very different place- even water is behaving differently. At Nature Station, visitors will learn about snow, ice, and how local wildlife survive through the winter. See how cold weather changes the behavior of water, other substances, and animals living in the Newfound Watershed. Participants will also make a craft to take home. This program is free and open to all. Newfound Nature Station, along with other family programs and events, is part of NLRA’s year-round work to encourage residents and visitors to enjoy the natural beauty around them, learn more about the environment and how to protect it, and fall in love with the Newfound Watershed. By connecting the people of Newfound to the wonders around them, NLRA works to inspire the next generation of stewards and fulfill the mission of protecting Newfound Lake and its watershed. Along with programs like Newfound Nature Station, NLRA maintains Grey Rocks Conservation Area in all seasons as a place for people and wildlife alike. It offers walking trails, a picnic area, fishing alcoves, and a non-motorized boat launch and is frequented by wildlife like loons, turtles, and bald eagles as well as people. Learn more about NLRA including other upcoming events at NewfoundLake. org. please contact them socialdancelaconia@gmail.com and they will respond to your inquiries.

Wolfeboro Friends Of Music Presents ‘Gathering Time’

Wolfeboro Friends of Music continues its 88th season with one of America’s most prolific Folk/ Acoustic ensembles, ‘Gathering Time’, back by popular demand! This encore concert takes place at The First Congregational Church, 115 South Main Street, Wolfeboro, on Sunday, January 14, 2023, at 3:00 PM. With a seamless vocal blend, inspired guitar work and precise percussion, Stuart Markus, Christine Sweeney, and Gerry McKeveny evince deep roots in 1960’s folk-rock, with a dash of traditional folk in the mix. Their stage chemistry makes clear that they take the music (if not themselves) very seriously, yet their infectious energy wins over even fans who never considered themselves as “folkies”. This is the fourth of eight concert performances comprising the current season running from Sept to May, 88 years of artistic excellence in service to NH’s Lakes Region! (Business partners support the Wolfeboro Friends of Music: Paul Zimmerman Co. season sponsor, Meredith Village Savings Bank and J. Clifton Avery Insurance, show sponsors.) Tickets are available for $30 at the website: www.wfriendsofmusic.org; at Black’s Paper & Gift Store and Avery Insurance, Main St. Wolfeboro, and at the door on the day of the concert (cash and checks only for door sales). High School students with ID will be admitted free of charge. Children accompanied by an adult ticket purchaser will be admitted free of charge. For more information, visit: www.wfriendsofmusic.org

Franklin Opera House Presents Randy Armstrong At The Franklin Public Library Hailed by the Boston Globe as a “sure-fingered guitar virtuoso”, Randy Armstrong will be at the Franklin Public Library on Saturday, January 13th at 7:3pm. Armstrong is the co-founder of Do’a World Music Ensemble, Unu Mondo, & Beyond Borders. With a collection of over three hundred instruments from around the world, including acoustic, synthesizer and nylon-string guitars, sitar, balofon, djembe, koto, charango, mbira and a wide variety of percussion and stringed instruments, he has amazed audiences throughout the United States, Canada, Alaska, India, West and South Africa, Croatia, Belize, Cuba and Puerto Rico. Randy travelled to Central America and West Africa in 2004 performing and studying with Garifuna musicians and drummers in Dangriga and Hopkins, Belize and Ewe, Fanti and Ga drummers in Accra and Legon, Ghana. Armstrong scored the music for a four-part PBS series, DINNER ON THE DINER produced by British filmmaker, Jon Guilbert. He was the director of the African Drumming & World Percussion Ensemble and faculty instructor of North Indian sitar and tabla at Phillips Exeter Academy from 1991 to 2020 and has taught for the Graduate Studies Integrated Arts Program at Plymouth State University. This is a general admission event with limited seating. Tickets are $16 for adults and $14 for Students/Seniors/Children. Visit www.FOHNH.org for advance purchase.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —


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2024 Predictions As 2023 comes to a close and 2024 starts anew, many folks are on edge to what the New Year will bring. So, in order to help ease your mind by Brendan Smith as we take a Weirs Times Editor turn into next year, I present my annual predictions to help you get a head start on what to expect so as to prepare yourself. In 2024 Congress will institute a new rule where the majority of the house and senate will no longer be determined by majority, but rather by total weight of all representatives combined. The party who weighs in with the most pounds will have majority rule with the heaviest within that party being awarded more votes than lighter members. (The Speaker, of course, will be the heaviest member of that party.) Since weight can fluctuate over time, a weigh-in will take place on the first of very month, so the majority could change month to month. This will also lead to new campaign strategies where candidates will promise to “Eat more and do less” in order to win which will be confusing to some voters since they thought that was always the way things worked in Washington. Climate change will be blamed for baseball being boring. Fifteen states will pass a law that will make it punishable for up to three years in prison for shoppers who are caught bringing more than the posted number of items to the supermarket check out express lane. The severity of the punishment will be determined by the flagrancy of the crime. For example, bring thirteen items to the twelve items and less aisle might just

be a warning, while twenty-two items will be a full sentence. (In 2025 a case before the Supreme Court will determine once and for all whether or not a six pack of beer can be considered one item while buying three separate cans of the same beer will be considered three items. A case that will surely be studied by law students far into the future.) New Hampshire’s next governor will be taller than the present one. (By the way, I’m six-foot-two.) The latest electric vehicle, the Chevy Zap 1, will run strictly on AAA batteries. It will be a big seller, but there will be mass confusion when it first rolls out as many customers, when buying their first supply of batteries at the drug store, will mistakenly buy AA batteries and then realize that they will not fit. Having opened the packages they will not be able to return their battery purchases and be forced to use the AA’s in other devices in their homes only to find out that most of them take AAA’s as well while they would have sworn that they took AA’s. (In 2025, Chevy will introduce the ZAP 2 which will take only AA’s only adding to the confusion of ZAP 1 owners who purchase the newer model only to buy the wrong #$%@#% sized batteries again.) In the stock market, Energizer and Duracell stocks will skyrocket. A new TV series called “Great American Success Stories” will be big hit as people will spend countless hours on their sofas watching it. Somewhere in the United States a group will try to right a supposed injustice by holding a protest somewhere so as to affect the livelihood of those

who had nothing to do with the injustice they are protesting against. Twelve states will put into effect a new voting law where people won’t even have to go to the polls or even write-in votes. Now they can merely, at a designated time on election day, think of what candidate they want to vote for from home while a group of trained, state certified psychics will read their minds from a designated area. Chaos will follow as another group of psychics, not approved by the state, will claim that some of the minds were read twice and should be discounted. A new social media app will be unveiled where people can only share pictures and videos of appetizers. It will be called the “App App” By June it will, unfortunately, have over ten million downloads. Political arguments between people on Social Media will reach a new milestone when someone actually persuades someone to change their mind about something and take their side. (Nah! Just kidding about this one.) Someone under the age of fifteen will discover information on the Internet about something called a “book” and will hurry to be the first one among their friends to have one. So there you have it. Happy New Year! Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles,” “The Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and “I Really Only Did It For The Socks -Stories & Thoughts On Aging” available at BrendanTSmith.com


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

Mazi Melesa Pilip: A Fantastic Republican to Replace Santos A special election will be held in New York’s 3rd Congressional District on Feb. 13 to replace George Santos, world-class conman, who Republicans recently expelled on ethics charges. Republicans have picked a uniquely exciting candidate to run for this now open seat in Mazi Melesa Pilip. by Star Parker Pilip is a Black Orthodox Jew and a mothSyndicated Columnist er of seven children who arrived to Israel at age 12 from Ethiopia, grew up there, served as a paratrooper in the Israel Defense Forces and continued on to earn a degree in occupational therapy at Haifa University, where she met her husband, and then earned a master’s in diplomacy and security at Tel Aviv University. Her husband immigrated to Israel from Ukraine, and subsequently they moved to the U.S. where he continued his medical studies and now works as a cardiologist. With five children and pregnant with twins, she ran two years ago for a seat in the Nassau County Legislature, won the seat -- defeating a Democrat incumbent -- and then was reelected, winning 60% of the vote. Pilip effervesces her belief in the “American dream” and the importance to keep government limited, keep taxes low and fight crime. As an immigrant, she is particularly passionate about this issue and the importance to control our border. She will run against Democrat Tom Suozzi, who held the seat for three terms before leaving in 2022 to enter the race for New York governor. In an interview with Israeli newspaper Israel Today, Pilip explained that she became motivated to enter American politics when flare-ups with Hamas produced antisemitism endangering her children to walk freely and openly as Jews in their neighborhood in New York. “My story is the story of America and Israel together. Israel is a diverse state, there is not just one color, and in the U.S., any dream can become reality. ... This is my second immigration. I had to learn culture and a new language twice. It wasn’t easy for me.” Pilip is a poster child who speaks forcefully, disabusing distortions and ignorance about Israel being spread, particularly on university campuses. Recently, for instance, a proSee PARKER on 26

The Lessons of 2023 2023 was a rather bad year. Not as bad as 2024 is likely to be, or as 2020 was. But bad. Nonetheless, we ought to learn from the bad as well as the by Ben Shapiro good. So, in a spirit of Syndicated Columnist reflection, I offer a few lessons we ought to remember from this crummy year. Lesson No. 1: Lots of people do not think like we do. And failure to recognize the truth of this lesson leads to failures of imagination that in turn lead to suffering and death. When Hamas slaughters infants in their cribs, rapes women in front of their husbands and takes them captive back to Gaza, and tortures and murders civilians, that isn’t because of some outsized grievance. It’s because they do not have the same values as Westerners. Pretending that members of Hamas are simply freedom-loving people who seek material prosperity, quiet family lives and tolerance for those who think differently isn’t just wrong; it’s catastrophically wrong. It’s also leading foolish Westerners to believe that appeasement of Hamas sympathizers will somehow alleviate Hamas’ evil terrorist behaviors, or that current deaths of civilians in the Gaza Strip is the result of Israeli indiscrimination rather than Hamas’ stated war objective of maximizing civilian casualties for the international media. That’s a lie. And it’s a dangerous lie. It’s the same lie that led to 20 years of terror buildup in the Gaza Strip, funded and then ignored by the West. It’s the same lie that has led to thousands of deaths, both Israeli and Palestinian. It’s the same lie that led the West to import millions of radical Muslims into its heart, endangering both the social fabric and the future of the West itself. Which brings us to lesson No. 2: The next generation is in serious moral peril.

As a recent Harvard-Harris poll showed, 79% of young Americans (18-24) agree that white people are oppressors and people of color are the oppressed; a similarly frightening two-thirds of young people believed that Jews are part of the oppressor class and “should be treated as oppressors.” This bodes ill for the future of republicanism: If Americans can quickly be classified as oppressor or oppressed not based on behavior but based on group identity, we will revert to the tribalism that destroys nations entirely. Lesson No. 3 of 2023: Weakness breeds aggression. From Afghanistan to Crimea, weakness in the face of America’s enemies breeds aggression. Russia moved on Ukraine not predominantly because it feared NATO’s dominance, but because it sensed Western weakness; right now, the Iranian government is flipping the activation switch on all of its proxy terror groups in the Middle East because of perceived Western cowardice; should the West fail to confront the Houthis in the Red Sea, undoubtedly China will see the West’s unwillingness to expend even minor military resources to retain open trade lanes, and will threaten Taiwan. The same is true with regard to America’s southern border: an open border breeds waves of illegal immigration, which is precisely what we have been seeing. Conversely, strength means facing hard realities and making sacrifices in order to confront them. Lesson No. 4 from 2023: what goes around comes around. Always. This has been true for quite a while when it comes to American politics: voiding the judicial filibuster means the other party will cram through nominees on a party line vote; militarizing the executive order will allow the other party’s president to do the same. Today, Democrats seem excited to weaponize the Department of Justice in order to target former President Donald Trump, the leading candidate to face off against President Joe Biden. What are the chances that precedent will be utilized by DemSee SHAPIRO on 27

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —


Markets And Miracles In this season of giving, I’ll donate to the Doe Fund, a charity that helps drug abusers and ex-cons find purpose in life through work. Doe’s approach by John Stossel doesn’t include Syndicated Columnist many handouts. It’s mostly about encouraging people to work. “Work works!” they say. It does. Most Doe Fund workers don’t go back to jail. I’ll also donate to Student Spon-

sor Partners, a nonprofit that gives scholarships to kids from lowincome families so they can escape bad public schools. SSP sends them to Catholic schools. I’m not Catholic, but I donate because government-run schools are often so bad that Catholic schools do better at half the cost. Thanks to SSP, thousands of kids escape poverty. Yet some on the left say giving time and money to charity is a mistake. Their trust in government leads them to think that government programs are much better at lifting people out of poverty. “Charity can distract from per-

manent solutions,” claims an article in the Harvard Political Review. “Time, effort and funding that are funneled into charitable acts could be redirected to actual solutions spearheaded by the government, which has the resources to implement concrete change.” Yikes! Yes, government has “resources,” all of which are taken from taxpayers by force. “Concrete” is fitting because government’s “solutions” are rigid and immovable. But as far as promoting change that’s actually useful, government has a terrible track record. Before Lyndon Johnson launched

his “War on Poverty,” Americans were lifting themselves out of poverty. Every year, the poverty rate dropped. When welfare checks began, progress continued for about seven years. But then progress stopped! Progress stopped even as America spent $27 trillion on its “war.” What happened? Government handouts changed people’s thinking. They taught millions of Americans: You are entitled to a check. No longer was it individuals’ responsibility to help families, neighbors and ourselves; now it was See STOSSEL on 26

Looking Ahead At 2024 Looking into the snow globe, it’s that time of year to predict and prognosticate what awaits this tired world in the New Year. There’s by John J. Metzler a certain trepidaSyndicated Columnist tion in the air as we view the current and emerging crises, especially during a highly contested election year in so many key countries. Flashpoints Iran Showdown. The USA will inevitably clash with one of Iran’ s many proxy forces, if not the Islamic Republic directly. The Red Sea shipping crisis will expand with Yemeni Houthis, the Iran backed militia, firing on Western merchant vessels. Then

there’s Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. This is an unfolding scenario which could be capped off by the Tehran regime acquiring and testing a nuclear weapon. Conversely, domestic discord inside the Islamic Republic could prove to be the Achilles heel of the mullahs. Ukraine war. Where do we go from here? Two years into this bloody war, Diplomatic moves to end this bloodshed on Europe’s doorstep are being discussed in Western capitals. Despite some notable Ukrainian military successes, Russia’s military grip hasn’t been broken. Massive American and European military commitments to the Kyiv government will continue, but with waning Western support. Gaza/Israel. The Military slugfest continues with appalling humanitarian consequences. Israel’s 120 re-

maining hostages MUST be released. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks weak in the wake of Israel’s massive 7 October intel failure, literally 50 years since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. This fighting will continue for quite some time as Israel has little choice but to eradicate the Hamas terrorists in Gaza’s urban landscape. Korean Peninsula. Communist North Korea will continue to probe its boundaries with illegal Missile firings and shall likely stage another nuclear test. Nonetheless North Korea’s population still faces endemic food shortages. Kim Jong-un’s regime could be weaker than we assume. Count on continuing North Korean bullying to all East Asia, especially Japan. Elections Taiwan holds Presidential elections

in January; free elections always become a lighting rod for Beijing’s intent towards the democratic selfruled island. Taiwan’s major political parties, the incumbent DPP and the opposition Nationalists (KMT), differ dramatically over their view of China. Though known as the Republic of China, Taiwan’s ruling DPP downplays ethnic Chinese roots while the KMT holds to the view that both the Mainland and Taiwan are fellow “Chinese with different political interpretations.” Any future government must keep the delicate cross Straits balance and status quo; don’t give the PRC regime any excuse to attack. Beijing’s massive Grey Area warfare with Chinese aircraft circling the island like vultures serves as a dark provocation from the communists. See METZLER on 27


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —




— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

Letters From God Letters From God

QUESTION: How Will We Know When Jesus Will Return To Judge The World?

I made it abundantly clear to my disciples and to the world when I had my book, the Bible, written. I have also written about this in previous letters to you. No one will know the exact hour of the return of my Son, Jesus, but you must recognize that there will be signs that indicate it is near (Matthew 24:36). Signs are events that point directionally toward another event of greater importance. In this case the signs will be world events that collectively point to the return of my Son. Sadly, those who reject me will be blind to these signs and as a result they will be utterly unprepared and suffer eternal consequences. It is sad because I predicted the first coming of my Son Jesus, through many prophetic statements in my book, the Bible. They numbered in the hundreds. When he came, he came to his own, the chosen people of Israel, but they didn’t recognize the signs that would have prepared them to meet and accept him as their Savior and rejected Him, even calling for his death (John 1:10-11). They had no idea that they were actually fulfilling the prophecy that I made, that he would die in order to be their

mate human history or you coming to me through your death. In my previous letter I spoke of how I have been gracious to you since my Son’s first coming and his return. I have shown you grace by both providing my Son as your Savior, to pay the penalty of your sins, but also to give you time to return to me before My Son returns, when it will be too late to be saved. I also reminded you that my grace should lead you to fear me and fear the consequences of sin, so that you live in obedience to me. I have watched you instead slip into moral and spiritual depravity. What you are calling good today, will bring condemnation not mercy when my Son Jesus, your Messiah, appears. The time of his coming is growing short! The opportunity to benefit from my grace to you is ending soon. Don’t be a fool. “Therefore, you Kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss (embrace, trust, rely upon) the Son, lest he be angry, and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” (Psalm 2:10-12). I love you! Don’t miss this opportunity!! It is a once in an eternal life offer!!! God These letters are written by Rev. Dr. Sam Hollo of Alton, NH.

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about your present condition and the antisemitic rage? (Zechariah 12:3). 5. A worldwide economic collapse that results in the formation of a world government. Get ready, you are living in a house of cards (Revelation 6:6,7). 6. A cashless monetary system in which buying and selling will be by implanted chips in your skin. Almost there! (Revelation 13:16-17). 7. Pervasive wars around the earth and increasing and catastrophic natural disasters that ravage the earth (Matthew 24:7). 8. The Euphrates river drying up so that upwards of 200 Million fighting men will come from the east and engage in a world war fought in the middle east (Revelation 16:12; 9:16). Check the condition of the Euphrates today, its dry, and count the upwards of 200 Million in China alone who are soldiers prepared to fight. 9. Rejection of God by many that results in selfishness, lovelessness, lawlessness and godlessness being pervasive in the world before my Son returns (2 Timothy 3:1-4). This aptly describes 21st Century America in a dramatic about face from the past. There are so many to number them all, but I think you can see and must admit that your world today is manifesting many “signs” of his return. These conditions will only grow worse as the day approaches. That day is coming because I declared it, and my word will never fail. That day of judgment will be your day, either by my coming to you to consum-


Savior. By their actions they unwittingly fulfilled the “signs” I predicted for his first coming. They not only missed the signs promised in the Old Testament of his coming, but they also missed the blessings that could have been theirs, if they had bowed to worship him and accept him as their Messiah. Sadly, many of you, like them, will miss the signs preceding his second coming. Some of the many signs of his second coming to consummate and judge the world include: 1. Widespread worldwide rejection of me and my will (Matthew 24:10-11) so that you practice things I called abominable and worthy of eternal death. You will die because your sins will separate you from a relationship with me, the source of life. This wickedness is presently eclipsing your nation and the earth (2 Timothy 3:13). 2 The gospel or good news will be taken around the world before my Son returns. You are living in the days of this being fulfilled, never having been fulfilled before (Matthew 24:14). 3. Israel restored to its homeland after being dispersed for thousands of years (Ezekiel 38, 39). There is no other explanation except I have preserved them and brought this about. 4. The alignment of nations gathered against Israel who will be surrounded by those who desire to exterminate them from the earth. What can I say


This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

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Happy & Healthy New Year!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

Supporting Immune Health With Regular Chiropractic Care, Diet, Exercise, And Supplements Part 2

by Dr. Denise Pickowicz Functional Chiropractic Care of New England, LLC and NH Concussion Center

As mentioned in Part 1 of this article last week, there are many positive ways to encourage a healthy immune system. Chiropractic care is one means of supporting the immune system as it encourages spinal health, restores joint function, and therefore supports the nervous system. As a result of improved function and mobility in your spine and body, your nervous system can work more optimally, as well as the systems of the body that the brain and spine control, such as your immune system. Incorporate this with a healthy diet (discussed in this section), regular exercise, and even a few added nutritional supplements with immune boosting properties, and you can help increase your body’s defenses against illness. Your Immune System Is Directly Related to Your Gut: Additional Immune Support through Diet Aside from the benefits of directly stimulating your nervous system and allowing your body to function optimally through chiropractic care, other regular daily habits are also incredibly impor-

tant. These include, but are not limited to, eating nutritious food, exercising for at least 30-minutes per day, and supplying your body with vitamins and minerals that you may not be getting enough of (due to the nutrient deficient soil conditions our food is grown in, environmental toxins/ pesticides, or decreased sunlight/Vitamin D depending on the region of the world you live in). Your immune system uses these nutrients to make new cells and “what you put in; you get out.” Frequently, poor nutrient status is associated with inflammation and oxidative stress, which in turn can impact the immune system. If you are fueling your body and cells with junk and sugar, and are not giving it the necessary building blocks for healthy cells, then unhealthy cells in the body will be created and thrive causing disease and illness. An optimal immune response depends on adequate diet and nutrition to keep infection at bay, by reducing inflammation and preventing substances such as free radicals from damaging our healthy cells via oxidative stress. Moreover, since 70% of our immune system is determined by our gut microbiome, gut health is a crucial part in immune health. According to the National Institute of Health, pathogens, xenobiotics,

and food can disrupt the intestinal barrier, promoting systemic inflammation and tissue damage. Genetic and immune factors, as well as injuries such as concussion and TBI, predispose individuals to gut barrier dysfunction, and changes in the composition and function of the gut microbiota are central to this process. Chronic intestinal inflammation or damaged intestinal barriers can then conversely affect health. The gut microbiota is now considered one of the key elements contributing to the regulation of its host’s (human in this case) health. With the human gastrointestinal tract containing an abundant microbial community of approximately 100 trillion microorganisms, disruption to this gut microbiota has been linked with many diseases including obesity, type 2 diabetes, hepatic steatosis, intestinal bowel diseases (IBDs) and several types of cancer. This, suggests that the various pathways involved in immunity, energy, lipid, and glucose metabolism, are affected. The composition of the gut microbiota is under the surveillance of the normal mucosal immune system. Inflammation, which is caused by abnormal immune responses, influences the balance of the gut microbiome, resulting in intestinal diseases as mentioned

above. Extensive studies have been performed to reveal the important relationship between gut microbiota and basic human biological processes such as nutrient extraction, metabolism, biosynthesis of bioactive molecules such as vitamins, amino acids and lipids, as well as the microbiota’s role in immunity. The function of the gut microbiome in immunity occurs by not only protecting the host from external pathogens, but also by producing antimicrobial substances which serve as a significant component in the development of the intestinal mucosa and immune system. In healthy conditions, the gut microbiota exhibits stability, resilience, and symbiotic interaction with the host (human). Diets high in protein and healthy fats, and low in carbohydrates, have been widely researched and show many benefits to brain and body health by effectively reducing inflammation in the body. Furthermore, sufficient protein intake is crucial for optimal antibody production (an important factor in immune health and preventing illness). Low micronutrient status, such as with low vitamin A or zinc, has been associated with increased infection risk. Dietary constituents with especially high anti-inflamSee PICKOWICZ on 27


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Happy & Hea l t h y New Year! — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

Boost Your Mood With Fragrant Indoor Plants

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by Melinda Myers There’s no need to visit a spa for a bit of soothing aromatherapy. Grow fragrant plants indoors to improve your mood and promote a sense of relaxation. Gardenias may be the first fragrant flowering plant that comes to mind. They can be challenging but are worth the effort. Grow them in moist acidic soil, in bright light, and surrounded by other plants or on a gravel tray to increase the humidity. Jasmines are known for their sweet fragrant flowers. Arabian jasmine (Jasmine sambac) will flower indoors several times throughout the year if it receives sufficient light. Consider adding artificial lights to boost flowering. Grow this plant in a warm draftfree location and allow the soil to dry several inches below the surface before watering again. Citrus are valued for their fruit, but they also produce fragrant flowers. Give them bright light and keep the soil slightly moist for the best results. Stephanotis floribunda was frequently used in wedding bouquets. Grow it in a sunny window and watch for flowers to appear in spring on new growth. Complete all necessary pruning as soon as the plant stops flowering. Plumeria are the

Fragrant plants, like gardenias, add beauty indoors, boost mood, and promote relaxation. fragrant flowers often used in Hawaiian leis. Provide bright light, moist well-drained soil, and fertilize throughout the summer to promote flowering. Allow the soil to go a bit drier during the winter. Don’t panic if the plants go dormant and drop their leaves in winter. New leaves will appear as temperatures warm. String of pearls (Curio rowleyanus) is a trailing succulent with leaves that resemble peas. Grow these in a brightly lit location that is a bit cooler in the winter. This along with slightly drier soil in winter can promote flowering. Its cinnamon fragrance is one you’ll remember. Another succulent that may reward you with flowers is

hoya. Keep the soil a bit moister during the summer when the plant is actively growing. Allow the soil to dry slightly when the plant is resting during the winter. High humidity in spring and summer followed by cooler temperatures and drier soil in winter will encourage potbound plants to flower. Watch for fragrant flowers to form on the long leafless stems. Give the leaves of scented geranium (Pelargonium) a pet and enjoy the lemon, rose, apple, peppermint, or pine fragrance. Although grown for their scented foliage they also produce pretty but less showy flowers. Place the plants in areas where you brush past the leaves or can

easily give them a pat to release and enjoy the fragrance. Find a cool spot in your home away from drafts of hot and cold air for your lavender plant. Make sure the plant receives plenty of sunlight from a south-facing or similar window. Consider adding artificial lights to increase your success. Water thoroughly when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Pour off any excess water that collects in the saucer. Visit your local independent garden center or reputable online plant retailers that are more likely to sell these in winter. Then clear out some space on a sunny windowsill or invest in a few plant lights and start growing some fragrant plants. Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including the recently released Midwest Gardener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” instant video and DVD series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment radio program. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine. Myers’ website is www. MelindaMyers.com.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

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NEW PIECES IN STOCK! Stop in to see our newest items! My ski pal Doreen and I have resolved to ski more together in 2024! We both have no excuse to ski at least one morning a week. We have gone together once already and we skied under the snow guns at Pats Peak. For snow conditions visit SkiNH.com I am convinced that winter is too short. I know that my parents and some of my friends would disagree with me about the length of winter but they know there are many fun things to do when the weather is cold and snowy. The New Year is here and even with the slow start to snowy winter (Come on Snowmiser let loose a big storm already) there still are a lot of resorts open for skiing and snowboarding. Have you made your

New Year’s Resolution yet? It isn’t too late! Why not make your resolution to make your winter more fun. Choose to do something more that you love or choose to try something new. Just Do It More Ski or snowboard– Buy a season pass, join an adult race league team and or plan a weekend of skiing and riding at a “new to you” resort. Ski New Hampshire has 32 alpine and Nor-

dic members resorts. Have you been to all of them yet? SkiNH.com. Do It Better If you ski or snowboard, do it better–get coached, take a lesson. The world’s best giant slalom racers and cross-country ski sprinters work hard to improve their technique by spending hours working with their coaches and practicing. You can be coached too. Snowsport professionals at your local resort offer les-

sons and programs for everyone from novices to experts. Gunstock’s Ladies See PATENAUDE on 20

717 NH Rt 104 New Hampton, NH www.nhwood.com 603-744-9333 Mon to Fri 10:00-6:00; Sat 9:00-6:00; Sun 10:00-5:00


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —


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Beer Tree - Any Day’s Haze OEC - Saturnalia Von Trapp - Golden Helles Prairie - Thai Delight +6 More On Tap

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Bud Light Tuckerman - Pale Ale Aqua Vue Haze -Muddy Road Brewery Sam - Seasonal Allagash - White Maine - Lunch IPA +2 More On Tap


At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak 69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500 eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham

Lone Pine -Brightside Widowmaker -Blue Comet Shipyard -Smashed Pumpkin


18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com

Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice Guinness Clown Shoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale Tuckerman - Pale Ale +9 More On Tap


At The Craft Beer Xchange 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach 603.409.9344 FB @craftbeerxchange

Spaten – Oktoberfest Ayinger – Oktoberfest Moat – OPAs Oktoberfest Jack’s Abby – Copper Legend Oktoberfest Able Ebenezer – Gemutlich Oktoberfest von Trapp – Oktoberfest +30 More On Tap ** Tap listings subject to change!

by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

News Item—Oklahoma City voters approved a proposal for a new sales tax to fund a $1 billion downtown arena that will keep the NBA’s Thunder in that city through 2050. Details about the “where and when” and arena amenities are to be determined. Interesting. I’m sure Oklahomans who don’t care for basketball or sales taxes are less than pleased. So, will the Thunder still leave in 25 years? How long is an arena supposed to last? The Thunder used to be the Seattle SuperSonics. They played in several Seattle venues, including the Kingdome, which hosted the 1979 NBA Finals— won by the Sonics, led by future Celtic Dennis Johnson. Built for “only” $67 million, the Kingdome had around 60,000 seats and was also a home to the MLB Mariners and the NFL Seahawks. Toronto Blue Jay—and future Celtic—Danny Ainge hit a couple home runs there. I actually saw some college basketball there in April of 1989 when Seattle hosted the NCAA Basketball Final Four. My seat was so far from the court that I watched the game on the giant video screen

Dallas owner Jerry Jones described the new Cowboy home as the greatest stadium ever built when the team started playing there in 2009. above the stands. The giant edifice was demolished in 2000, only 25 years after it opened. Go figure. Speaking of new NBA arenas, Washington Wizards owner Ted Leonsis and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced plans to move the Wizards out of Washington, D.C., to a multi-billion sports and entertainment complex in Virginia that will also host the NHL Capitals. (One wonders if the two new Virgina teams will still claim to be of Washington, D.C. But then the New York Giants and Jets play in New Jersey.) The Washington Wizards used to be the Washington Bullets, but “Bullets” were seen as politically incorrect in a city plagued by gun violence—despite the nation’s toughest gun laws. So, the Bullet nickname went away. (Can you say “Redskins?”) Political cor-

rectness is important in Washington. Of course. The Washington Bullets used to be the Baltimore Bullets. After they switched their home arena from Baltimore to Landover, Md., they were also called the Capital Bullets for a while. The franchise had moved to Baltimore in 1963 from Chicago where they were known as the Zephyrs. They’d previously been the Chicago Packers, but they changed their name out of deference to a nearby NFL team. There was another Baltimore Bullet NBA franchise in the 1950s which didn’t move anywhere. It just folded. Got it? Anyway, one wonders how long these new arenas will last. Who’d have suspected that the Kingdome would be demolished only 25 years after it was built? Michigan’s Silverdome—once home to the Pontiac (nee Detroit)

Lions—was similarly demolished. When the Dallas Cowboys moved to Texas Stadium in 1971, fans probably thought that venue would be the eternal “Home of the Cowboys.” But America’s team now plays in Arlington, Texas, in a 100,000 seat palace known as the “AT&T Stadium.” Dallas owner Jerry Jones described the new Cowboy home as the greatest stadium ever built when the team started playing there in 2009. But now the Rams and Chargers play in L.A’s $6 billion SoFi Stadium—the world’s grandest sports venue. Take THAT, Jerry Jones! So, one wonders how long these giant sports temples will last. If the past is prologue, then someday “AT&T Stadium” and “SoFi Stadium” will be deSee MOFFETT on 24


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

The Loon Center


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In Their World by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

For just a moment, I was in their world. As I stood there I could see nothing but branches, sticks and stubborn brown leaves that refused to fall off the low trees. Then I crouched like a baseball catcher and there they were: a flock of mallards taking a midday break in the tangled trees growing out of a small pond. Normally mallards would not make for a memorable birdwatching outing, but this time was different. A fairly busy road was no more than 50 yards away and my car was about 50 feet away, but I felt as if I were visiting the ducks’ world. The area was thickly wooded and a dark canopy of towering branches hung over the pond’s edge, adding to the feeling of seclusion. It was as if the world was reduced to the woods, the mallards and me. It was a neat sensation, one that I’ve experience only a handful of times before — usually in extreme northern New Hampshire. It was the way the mallards acted. They didn’t flee when my feet crunched the crispy leaves as I approached. They didn’t plop into the water

Mallards rest on a branch in New England. and swim away slowly when I crouched for my view. They stirred only slightly as I settled in for a closer look and found a more comfortable position. (The catcher’s stance lasts only so long these days for me.) Most importantly, the mallards didn’t approach me looking for a handout. That definitely would

have ruined it. I watched as the mallards simply went about their day. The average person would have been bored silly in about 30 seconds, but I was fascinated. A drake had the best seat in the house, hogging a gnarled tree all to himself. Just off to the right was a leaning tree with half a dozen

mallards sitting next to each other. Four of them were sleeping, heads turned around with their bills nestled into their backs, eyes closed. The two wakeful mallards paid no attention to me. At least eight other mallards occupied trees or branches in the same area. Looking back, it would have been even more memorable had the birds been wood ducks or hooded mergansers — both of which were also at the pond that day — but I can’t complain about the mallards. Besides, wood ducks or mergansers would have been long gone at the first snap of a twig. Another drake swam onto the scene. It bypassed the crowded leaning tree and tried to join the male that was sitting alone. Big mistake. The duck leaned forward, hissed and snapped at the newcomer, shooing him away. It found a place nearby to roost. I stayed put and enjoyed the moment. Chris Bosak may be reached at chrisbosak26@gmail.com or through his website www.birdsofnewengland.com



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

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by Lucie Winborne Syndicated Columnist

* In 1837, Thomas Saverland took Caroline Newton to court for biting off part of his nose after he forcibly kissed her at a party. * The original Xbox had sound snippets of real space missions.


* Korean college students once launched a protest against the amount of air in potato chip bags by building a raft out of them and sailing it across a river.


* When Michael Orchard broke into his neighbor’s burning


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home to rescue their dog, his heart was in the right place but his timing wasn’t: The house fire was merely his LSD-induced hallucination. * Frozen cow manure was the firstever puck used in a hockey game. * The word “thug” comes from 1350s India and the Hindi word “thag,” which means “deceiver” or “thief” or “swindler.” * Ten thousand light years away from Earth, a huge cloud 1,000 times larger than our solar sys-



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tem’s diameter contains enough alcohol to fill 400 trillion pints. To drink it all, everyone on Earth would have to drink 300,000 pints each day for 1 billion years. * A violin known as “the Blackbird,” carved entirely from stone, produces sound comparable to traditional wooden violins. * Research has shown that people born in September, October and November are more likely to live 100 years or longer. * French performer Michel Lotito, aka “Monsieur Mangetout,” or “Mr. Eat All,” could hardly be accused of being a picky eater, having earned a Guinness World Record for strangest diet. His gastronomic feats included downing bicycles, razor blades and even an entire airplane. * Much like humans, chimpanzees use strategic high ground for reconnaissance on rival groups during “chimp warfare.” *We should all be so lucky as to have vision like that of the mantis shrimp: Not only do its eyes possess four times as many color receptors as a human’s, it can see UV, visible and polarized light as well. * Lightning hasn’t brought down an airplane since 1963,

thanks to engineering that allows a bolt’s electric charge to run through and out of the aircraft. * A one-euro breakfast featured at an IKEA store in the Netherlands proved so popular that it had to be canceled after it attracted too many customers and even led to highway traffic jams. * Kellogg’s All-Bran cereal is actually 87% bran. * Heading for the gym in the new year? Be sure to take some hand sanitizer! A report found that a typical gym’s free weights boast 362 times as much bacteria as a toilet seat. * During the Cold War, President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to put aside their political differences if Earth was ever invaded by aliens from outer space. * Nicaraguan Catholics who abstain from meat during Lent include iguanas and armadillos in their diet. * In 1978, Equatorial Guinea’s President Francisco Macias Nguema, widely considered one of history’s most brutal, possibly even insane dictators, tempted fate by changing his country’s national motto to “There is no other God than Macias Nguema.”


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

Here’s A Tip by JoAnn Deerson Syndicated Columnist

* Before you use your grater to grate cheese, give it a quick shot of nonstick spray. It will keep the cheese from gunking up in the grate. If you need softened butter for a recipe, you can grate it from frozen and it will soften up very quickly, but not melt like in a microwave. * Eliminate odor of peanut butter after you wash the jar by rinsing it with white vinegar. I use peanut butter jars for storing things in my shop because they are a good size and the twist off top is very secure. One time, the jar smelled like peanut butter and I guess a mouse decided he’d like to get a taste. I found the gnawed-on jar on my outside workbench. Luckily, there wasn’t anything in it. -- T.E. in Georgia * I have found a new way to grocery shop and stay on budget. I use my calculator as I am going through, and add up as I go. Once I hit my budget, I can’t get anything else, so I have learned to get the things I really need first (most of them on the perimeter of the store), then shop the aisles for other things. I have stayed on budget for two months, when before I had been going over budget a lot! -- E.O. in Oregon

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

PATENAUDE from 13 Love Winter is a two day program offered in January and March for women to learn new techniques and confidence. Pats Peak offers

Adult Clinics on Fridays and the program includes five Fridays good throughout the season. Jackson XC offers private beginner and advanced lessons

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that include rental equipment and a trial pass. Share The Fun Take someone to the slopes. I am sure you have a good friend or a family member who has never been to a ski area or a Nordic center. Give them a hand, make sure they’re dressed properly in warm layers. Loan them your old goggles and a pair of good wool socks and sign them up for a “learn to” program. Go with them, show them what a friendly place a ski area can be if you give it a chance. And after the outing you can introduce them to the Apres Ski Fun. Snowtubing When was the last time you went sliding down a snow covered slope? Snowtubing is fun and takes no special skills. If you can sit on a chair you can

Fat tire bicycles look like mountain bikes with big fat low pressure tires that can travel over snow and mixed conditions. snowtube. Pats Peak, King Pine, Cranmore, Bretton Woods, Gunstock, Loon. Some resorts offer night sessions.

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Winter Fat Tire Biking Fat tire bicycles look like mountain bikes with big fat low pressure tires that can travel over snow and mixed conditions. Their special tires provide great traction. Bretton Woods and Waterville Valley’s Adventure Center rent fat tire bikes and have lots of trails designated for fat bike use.

Snowbikes If you don’t want to pedal but want the thrill of going downhill on a bicycle, ski-bikes are for you. The ski lift will carry you up to the top of the mountain and you can share the slopes with skiers and snowboarders. Loon rents Sno-Go skibikes. Pats Peak rents Snowbikes. Advanced reservations are required. It does feel like riding a bicycle. See PATENAUDE on 21


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

Yours truly with my husband Charlie. He rode the Bretton Woods’ gondola to join me on top of the mountain for lunch. Since he wasn’t skiing he rode the gondola back down too. Bretton Woods, Cannon Mountain and Loon Mountain offer rides up to their summits for people that don’t slide down mountains! The scenic tramway/gondola rides are a wonderful way to spend time outside in the winter. PATENAUDE from 20 Snowshoeing Check out your local ski resort or Nordic center. I know that many of the resorts rent snowshoes right next to their skis and snowboards and have snowshoe-only trails in the woods next to their slopes. Nordic Centers rent snowshoes and have snowshoe-only trails. Yes, they give snowshoe lessons too if you want someone to show you the ropes. Ride A Lift To The Summit Do you want to know how it feels to stand on top of a mountain in winter without having to climb the mountain or slide back down? Even if you don’t want to try snowsports you can ride a resort’s lift to the summit. Can-

non Mountain’s Aerial Tramway welcomes all to buy a round trip ticket to the top of Cannon Mountain. The Tram Summit Lodge is heated and is home to the Cafe 4080’ (Cannon Mountain’s summit elevation is 4080’) and the bar boasts the highest beer-taps in New Hampshire. Bretton Woods’ gondola will whisk you to the top and access to their Rosebook Brook Lodge. The Rosebrook Lodge opened for its first season ‘21, it is the nicest summit lodge in the Northeast and it has all the amenities–restaurant/bar and cafe. Loon Mountain offers round trips in its gondola too. All three of these mountaintops have grand mountain vistas and will have you coming back for more.

Funspot! On your way home from the mountains don’t forget to swing by Funspot at the Weirs. The world’s largest arcade has video games, old and new, bowling and their DA.Long Tavern which serves up great chicken tenders and pizza along with your favorite craft brews. I love meeting up with friends there for Apres ski. Happy New Year and have fun. Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or suggestions to her at: amy@weirs.com.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

SMITH from 3 Concord Monitor was of greater interest to Lakes Region residents of New Hampshire containing a letter from Grace Coolidge, the wife of the President of the United States and a citizen of the State of Vermont. Mrs. Grace Coolidge wrote a letter to the Belmont Hosiery Company acknowledging with thanks the hosiery they had sent to her and her husband. She said, “We are pleased to have such worthy products from our neighboring state. When I wear a suit which I have, made with cloth woven in the woolen mills at Bridgewater, Vt. and a pair of hose made at Belmont, N.H., I shall feel more thoroughly than ever a New England product myself.” With the current day’s warnings and actions concerning cli-

Dr. Wheeler’s Drought Chart.

Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society Presents


mate change, it might be well to remember the climate predictions from January of 1951. Dr. Raymond H. Wheeler, a weatherman doing climatic research with the Weather Science Foundation in Crystal Lake, Illinois, predicted in 1951 that there were fifty years of colder weather ahead for the world in the last half of the 20th century. According to Dr. Wheeler, who studied climate cycles of one thousand and one hundred years, the weather in 1951 was shifting from milder to colder conditions. The one thousand year warming cycle was said to have peaked in the year 100 A.D., and the next, Wheeler said, would peak sometime after the year 2,000. The scientist predicted after the present warm peak of this century that the cold

Scott and Williams Knitting machine illustration. will dip worse than it was during the last half of the 20th century. I don’t think you will hear this from today’s forecasters, but if Dr. Wheeler was right, “It is practically certain that within the next few hundred years it will get so cold at times that again several feet of snow will fall in Rome; rivers will freeze solid; ice will form on the Nile in the coldest winters, and the Baltic Sea will freeze over between Germany and Sweden.” On a more local level,

at the beginning of a new year in 1951, Ashland town manager Richard G. Marden addressed the concerns of Ashland residents over the semi-annual water bill by pointing out that homeowners were charged only four cents a day for their water, and that costs were on the rise for automobiles, eggs, meat, and other items considered staples. The manager told Ashland residents that they were paying about fifty-eight ten thousands See SMITH on 23


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 — who desired the same. News reported as the new year of 1946 approached included the addition to the Winnipesaukee Ski School of two veteran Mountain Troopers who were from Laconia and were about to be instructors at the local ski school which was under the direction of Earle Chandler. Johnny Eastman,Jr., and Francis Blais both attended Laconia High School where they were members of the ski team. John Eastman was in active military service for 44 months and was a member of the 87th Regiment,


Employees of the Belknap Hoisery Mill. SMITH from 22 of a cent ($0.000058) for a gallon of water. Also happening in the first month of the year 1951 was a foot race between two Laconia mail carriers, that is, the type of postmen who made their rounds on foot. Ralph Bissonnette and Harold ‘Ponzi’ Clark competed in a six mile race around what was called the five mile ring, though it was closer to the six miles, Their race course went from the railroad station up Main Street to the State School around the end of Lake Opechee, up and down the length of Elm Street and on to the Post Office.The youngest of the postmen, Bissonnette, age 26, won a close race over the 41 year old Clark. Scott and Williams was once the major manufacturing business in Laconia with its production of knitting machinery. During World War II, however, it transitioned to making precision parts for aircraft. It was announced in the news-

paper on the last day of the year 1945, by the company’s president, Ralph E. Thompson, that the firm would be returning to the manufacture of knitting machinery, The transition of Scott and Williams from producing knitting machinery to the entirely new airplane “units” began in September of 1940 and required new tools and the construction of a new building of 100,000 square feet. Transitioning to helping the war effort meant increasing the workforce from 500 to 2400 people and working around the clock with three shifts. Mr. Thompson credited the knowledge gained during the manufacturing of the war years with helping the company to build a much better knitting machine. He said that the company started “reconverting” back to making knitting machinery immediately after V-J Day. He shared that Scott and Williams would be promoting their K NoSeam Spiral Machines

10th Division. He was wounded twice and later received the Silver Star and the Bronze Star with an Oak Leaf Cluster. Francis Blais also served in the 87th Division and had 42 months of active military service to his credit. He also received the Bronze Star and the Silver Star. Both men had been ski instructors while they were stationed at Camp Hale in Colorado. So now you have a sampling of New Year news from a few past years.

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which produced ladies’ nylon hosiery. They also manufactured machines for the making of quality socks for men. The company had a research team to work on improving their product and an extensive sales team with offices in the Empire State Building in New York, Reading, Pennsylvania, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and High Point,

North Carolina. President Thompson also announced that the company would do everything in its power to provide employment for any returning veteran

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

SoFi Stadium in in Inglewood,California is home to the Los Angeles Chargers and the Los Angeles Rams. Fenway Park?

AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. Home of the Dallas Cowboys. MOFFETT from 14 molished—like the Kingdome, the Silverdome, and so many other sports venues. And citizens will vote for new taxes to build new edifices. Consider that Rome’s

Coliseum was constructed almost 2000 years ago without imposing any sales tax— although the Romans did use non-union slave labor. But despite being sacked by the Visigoths even worse

than Giant QB Dan Jones was sacked by the Vikings, the Coliseum still stands—unlike the Kingdome, et al. We just don’t seem to build eternal sports arenas anymore. Except for maybe

Sports Quiz Who competed in the aforementioned 1989 NCAA basketball Final Four in Seattle? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on January 4 include Hall of

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Fame NFL coach Don Shula (1930) and heavyweight boxing champion Floyd Patterson (1935). Sports Quote “A multi-purpose stadium is an absolute must in order to invigorate our downtown and, simultaneously, let the rest of the country witness

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that we can get things done.” – former NFL player and Fresno, Calif., Mayor Alan Autry. Sports Quiz Answer Michigan beat Seton Hall 80-79 in overtime to win the 1989 NCAA hoop title. The Wolverines were coached by Steve Fisher, who was appointed head coach just before the tournament when Michigan A.D. Bo Schembechler fired Bill Frieder who’d agreed to go to Arizona State after the season. Seton Hall was coached by P.J. Carlesimo, who’d earlier coached at New Hampshire College in Manchester. The other semifinalists were Duke University, coached by Mike Krzyzewski and Illinois, coached by Lou Henson. State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast. net.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

CLAM CHOWDER Yield:8-12 Generous Servings Time: About 2 Hours

INGREDIENTS 4 Tbsp. Flour 1 Stick plus 3 Tbsp. Butter 3 Stalks Celery Diced ½ Large Onion Diced 5 Med. Potatoes ¼ in. Diced 2 10 oz. Cans Whole Baby Clams (reserve liquid) 1 qt. Whole Milk 2 6.5 oz. Cans Minced Clams (reserve

liquid) 1 12 oz. ½ and ½ 112oz. Can Evaporated Milk 1-1.5 tsp. Old Bay Seasoning ½ tsp. Black Pepper Fine Grind TT White Pepper Fine Grind TT Curry Powder

— PREPARATION— - Make a roux using 3 Tbsp. Butter and 4 Tbsp. Flour. (Melt butter on low heat and add the flour and blend well.) The mixture should resemble a slight yellow to light tan bubbly paste and smell faintly nutty. Do not burn the roux. - Add Milk, evaporated milk, and the half and half to the roux and continue to stir over low heat to blend. - In a skillet, melt a Tablespoon of butter and saute the diced celery and diced onion in the butter until the onion is translucent. Add this to the milk roux. - Add the clams and juice into the pot and continue to stir. You may choose to hold the liquid from one can of Baby Whole Clams in reserve adding as the chowdah reduces over heat. - Add the remaining butter, seasonings, and diced potatoes and gently simmer for an hour, stirring occasionally so that the bottom does not burn. Taste at one hour and if not to desired flavor add the reserved clam juice and adjust seasonings in minimal amounts for desired taste. Continue to simmer for another half hour to reduce and thicken. The potatoes should be tender, ready to eat and the liquid should be a creamy ¨broth¨, not gloppy. Serve hot.

FEAST from 1 twilight years, appealing to the older viewer. Too, it was intermingled with a readily recognizable stock of contemporary “B” listers to keep the younger adult generation entertained. Plunked smack dab in the lead spot of the CBS Sunday night line up, who can´t recall that telltale countdown, the seconds ticking away from the last segment of “60 Minutes” telling you that you only had six commercials before “Jessica Fletcher” would once again be hacking away at the typewriter during the opening credits, composing another soon to be classic murder mystery. But, rather than an essay on the pros and cons of 1980’s television, this feature is on the merits of “Clam Chowdah.” (Yes, I know it’s a leap, Murder She

Wrote to Clam Chowder, but I needed an opener.) As most anyone will tell you the grammatically correct pronunciation is “Clam Chowder,” but as any true Newenglandah will tell you, it is affectionately known as “Clam Chowdah.” And unlike those from south of the border who “Phak tha Khaaah en Haavad Yhaad,” Chowdah is of two syllables chowdah with no rock solid sounding consonants and the second “H” is nearly silent. Those born and raised in these parts (New England) will tell you that there is only one way to make Clam Chowdah and that is with milk, cream, roux, and plenty of butter throughout. While some from outside New England would argue the merits of the use of tomato products in their “chowder.” In my humble opinion, once a tomato

product graces the stew pot along with sufficient amounts of cream, milk, butter, etc., the end product is no longer a chowder but a form of bisque. (And yes, before someone out there takes me to task on a technical foul, I do know that a true seafood bisque actually gets its light orange beige color from cooked crustacian shells that are ground into a fine paste.) However, there are broths, bisques, and chowders and when dealing with real Clam Chowdah it should be a creamy milky off white color nearly eggshell. The liquid should not be thin like murky dish water nor have a tomato bisque hue. But somewhere between Maine and Manhattan it has been the age old argument. Should there or should there not be tomato product in Clam Chow-

dah? Why even today, there are some places in these parts, where if one were caught adulterating their “chowdah’ with tomatoes they would be considered an outsider, a flatlander, and a transplant. ‘Why, no self ‘spectin´ New Englandah wouldn’t nevah put t’matahs in their chowdah!’ An argument many years in the making and never to be truly settled, regardless of the opinions of those who are the “Who´s Who” in the culinary world. And, just to add more fuel to the fire, born and bred Bostonians will claim it is not New England Clam Chowder but Boston Clam Chowder. Casting these petty disagreements aside, when it comes to Clam Chowdah there really should only be one question: “Thick or Thin?” Well, this humble little flea on the dog of life does have

his opinion. Chowdah should not be thick, bordering on indigestible like kindergarten paste. Nor should Chowdah be thin like skim milk. There is a point on the spectrum between these two ends. A place where the roux, the milk, the half and half, and the clam juice all combine with the starch from the potatoes to form a delicious reduction that thickens to a heavy cream consistency while taking on an egg shell hue. This is the ideal consistency for Clam Chowdah. A creamy Clam Chowdah with rich taste and plenty of body this Clam Chowdah is ideal. Simple to execute and done within two hours, start to finish, it has plenty of potatoes, while not skimping on clams. No need for bacon or salt pork in this Clam Chowdah. See FEAST on 27

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

PARKER from 6 gram was held at UCLA labeled as an “Emergency Teach-In on the Crisis in Palestine.” One of the UCLA professors depicted Israel as a “colonial power driven by an exclusionary racial ideology.” Just looking at this impressive Black Ethiopian Jewish woman, who grew up in Israel, who speaks warmly about her love for and the beauty of the country where she grew up, says everything about the absurdity of such outrageous allegations. I recall on my own first trip to Israel not-

ing the full spectrum of color in the population -- white, brown, black. Israel literally was founded as an ingathering of Jews dispersed in the four corners of the globe. The parents and grandparents of today’s Israelis came from Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle East, North America, Latin America, North Africa and Asia. Pilip arrived to Israel as part of Operation Solomon in 1991 in which, over the course of 36 hours, Israel airlifted over 14,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel out







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of concern for their safety as result of political instability in Ethiopia. There is now an estimated more than 160,000 Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Around the same time, 1990-91, after considerable pressure, the Soviet Union released over 300,000 Jews to leave for Israel. How Jews who returned to their historic homeland from all over the globe, after so many years of oppression, persecution and murder, could be accused of either racism or colonialism should give everyone great pause regarding what is happening on our college campuses. Meanwhile, Mazi Melesa Pilip is a presence Republicans and all Americans need in the U.S. Congress. Let’s hope and pray that in February she will be adding her important voice to those on Capitol Hill. To find out more about Star Parker visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

STOSSEL from 7 clearly government’s job. The result is that people became dependent on handouts. Government rarely teaches people to be self-sufficient; handouts encourage you to be helpless. Welfare created something never seen before in America: a near-permanent “underclass.” Welfare told parents: don’t get married; you’ll lose benefits. Don’t work; your check will be reduced. Above all, make sure the father isn’t home when a welfare worker comes. If he is, your check may be reduced or eliminated. This changed incentives that motivated parents for generations. The result has been ruinous for millions of children. Charities aren’t perfect, but they are much more efficient and effective than clumsy government. Charities have the freedom to be selective. They can help people who truly need aid, but also refuse

charity to people who need “a kick in the butt.” Government’s one-size-fits-all rules prohibit that. Charity is not guaranteed forever. People don’t know how long they can expect to receive assistance. They have an incentive to become self-sufficient. In addition, while charities actually give most of their money to the needy, government doesn’t. America’s constantly growing welfare workforce today is so bloated that 70% of welfare money now goes to the bureaucrats! As usual, big government is the problem rather than a solution. Americans are generous. Most of us donate to charities, many of which will provide more permanent help to the needy than government ever will. Ideally, America would shrink government and lower taxes so more of us would have money to spend how we want. For most, that means giving to those in need. To help people, we need more rich people.

If only there was a system that made people richer ... Oh, right! There is -- capitalism! Over the past 30 years, more than a billion people climbed out of extreme poverty, thanks to free markets. As capitalism makes us richer, we each have more opportunity to help others in need. Every Tuesday at JohnStossel.com, Stossel posts a new video about the battle between government and freedom. He is the author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.”


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 — PICKOWICZ from 11

FEAST from 25

SHAPIRO from 6

matory and antioxidant capacity include vitamin C, vitamin E, and phytochemicals such as carotenoids and polyphenols. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially those of different colors due to the chemicals that make them those shades (i.e., orange, green, red, purple, blue, fruits and veggies), further add diversity of nutrients and antioxidants to the microbiome and contain these components as well as needed fiber. Several of these phytochemicals and nutrients are also known to interact with transcription factors such as NFkB and Nrf-2, related to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, respectively. Furthermore, Vitamin D in particular, may perturb viral cellular infection via interacting with cell entry receptors (angiotensin converting enzyme 2), ACE2. Dietary fiber, fermented by the gut microbiota into short-chain fatty acids, has also been shown to produce antiinflammatory effects. (*This article is for informational purposes only. Always consult your doctor prior to starting any new diet, lifestyle, or supplement protocol as individual needs and health conditions vary and medications may impact these choices) See Part 3 in the next publication for the continuation of this article discussing the use of herbs and supplements in immune health and paper references. References are also available upon request.)

And yes, I have used both in the past. This I called Cheaters Clam Chowder, because the bacon was cut into thin pieces and fried until tender but not done to a crisp, resembling bits of clams. I have also made a roux from the bacon drippings which can make for a darker roux and a darker Chowdah base. But it also can offer a smokey flavor to the Chowdah, which while not an unpleasant flavor, may detract from that authentic Clam Chowdah flavor. My advice is to save the bacon for a Potato Bacon Chowder and the salt pork for Baked Beans. Onions and celery bring their unique goodness to any bowl of soup, bisque, or chowder and these two, diced small, distract only the most punctilious among us, while for the rest of us they add body and balance to the dish. A generous amount of butter is incorporated into the chowdah, adding a level of flavorful sweetness with seasonings and clam juice giving a delicious counter flavor without being too salty or robust. I have made this Clam Chowdah for maNy years. It’s a wonderful treat for cold weather, raw rainy days, or easy fare for Pot Luck socials, Yankee Swaps, or the traditional dinner for those with not much time to prepare. Accompanied by your favorite crust of bread or soup cracker, you need not be a true “New Englandah” nor speak with some campy false Down East twang to indulge in this Clam Chowdah. Just turn off the TV, gather at the table, and engage with family and friends over a warm inviting Simple Feast. Enjoy!

ocrats’ opponents in the future? Refusal to acknowledge this reality means an endless cycle of escalating reprisal that ends only with actual conflict. One final lesson: incompetence has consequences. We live in the richest and most powerful country in human history. That truth obscures the effects of incompetence at every level. But not for long. Eventually, the people tire of the incompetence of their leaders -- and when they tire of the incompetence of leaders from all sides, they seek radical change to the systems themselves. Often, such changes are more perilous than the incompetence they seek to rectify. Which means that perhaps intermediate institutions -- say, political parties -- ought to flex their muscle in order to press forward competent people rather than caving to the whims of the moment. So long, 2023. Here’s to a better 2024. Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. creators.com.

METZLER from 7 Contrary to South Korea and Japan, the ROC on Taiwan doesn’t have a formal U.S. military security treaty. The USA holds Presidential elections in a highly polarized country will test stamina and sanity. What regrettably looks more like a long running political soap opera has dangerous consequences for the U.S. and the world. Yet the unprecedented flow of more than six million illegal migrants into the USA during the Biden Administration along with its foreign policy foibles, coupled with a lackluster economy don’t give Joe Biden a strong political hand. Venezuela. The contested and oil-rich Essequibo region of Guyana is claimed by the Maduro regime, who shall use a recent referendum to solidify Venezuela’s claim to the Florida-sized region. Nonetheless millions of Venezuelans have fled their country in recent years. Maduro’s socialist regime may make “regaining Esssequibo” an election ploy. India holds General Elections for Parliament in April or May. Prime Minister Modi’s magic continues as the world’s largest democracy promotes and encourages an expanding economy and middle class. Equally India has moved politically closer to the United States in recent decades and can be viewed as a counterbalance to China. Humanitarian Crises Afghanistan faces a massive humanitarian catastrophe since Biden’s shameful pullout in 2021. The UN cites widening famine and gender persecution under the Taliban regime. For the past

two years women and girls have been further marginalized in public life and from higher education. Since November neighboring Pakistan has announced repatriation of “illegal foreigners” and more than 450,000 Afghanis have returned according to the UN relief agencies. Syria. More than a decade after the bloody conflict started, millions of Syrians have fled their country and millions more are internally displaced inside the country. International humanitarian appeals have been woefully

underfunded as the catastrophe continues out of the limelight. Our world is overwhelmed with conflicts but equally with crisis fatigue. The resolve, fortitude and focus of American leadership is questioned by both allies and more ominous adversaries. John J. Metzler. Is a United Nations corespondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations; Germany, Korea, China.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —




by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —





PHOTO #996

Police had the look alikes don a beard for the Santa Line-UpAlan Doyon, Meredith, NH.

Runners Up : The job description specifies a mane and a beard long, thick, and as pure as the driven snow. - Todd Hyatt, Sheridan, WY.

Getting ready for Samantha Claus’ coming out party. - John Rupert, Portsmouth, NH. Contestants preparing for the new show “America’s Next Santa.”Robert Ferlito, Wantagh, NY.


PHOTO #998 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

The Winklman Aeffect

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 4, 2024 —

Fresh Bone-In Pork Chops


CENTER Save 50¢lb. CUT Cut Fresh Daily

99 lb.

ic Bragg Organ ar g Apple Cider Vine 0


Thin Sliced


20.5-21 oz.





Previously Frozen

41-50 ct. per pound


Shell-On Shrimp


Save $1.00lb. FROZEN

16 oz. BAG





18.8 oz.

Family Size


•Drinks •Dairy Free 2$4 for

14 Varieties 5.5 oz.

Save 58¢

24 $



Save $1.00lb.

99 lb.

4.4-5.3 oz. CONT.

55 $



Save Up To $4.47



Imported Swiss Cheese

Hot Pockets Sandwiches

Save $2.0



Save Up To $3.33

Keebler s Vienna Finger0 •Fudge Stripes 17.3 oz. 14.4 oz.


Siggi’s Skyr Yogurt

Save $1.0

Famiely Siz


Save $1.00lb.

•Regular •Lacy •Light

Honey Nut Cheerios 0

Save $2.00

Cod Fillets




Sliced Bacon

All Natural

4 e’s

Save $2.00lb.

Dav read Organic B ve $2.00


•Original •Thick •Maple 12-16 oz. •Center Cut

•Regular •Italian


32 oz.

Save $1.00lb.

Cut Fresh Daily

Roast Beef

Save $1.3

With The “Mother”

Top Round Roast

Sliced Fresh At The Deli

•Breakfast FROZEN 9 oz.

Imported P.D.O.



Stani Feta Save $1.00



14 oz.


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