01/27/2022 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

VOLUME 31, NO. 4



Winter Festival In Concord

After a limited tournament in both teams and fans last year due to the Coronavirus, the New England Pond Hockey Classic is back for its 13th season on Meredith Bay with a full contingent of 280 teams. The tournament gets underway Friday, February 4th. COURTESY PHOTO

Pond Hockey Classic: Back In Full Swing!

by Dan Seufert

Weirs Times Correspondent

At a time when the nation is weary of the changes COVID-19 brought to everyday life, and as people in New Hampshire are growing tired of winter and its ice-cold temperatures, something big is happening in the waters of Meredith Bay on Lake Winnipesaukee. The frigid temperatures

are once again producing ice. Soon the charming bob house village will form at the foot of the bay as ice fishing enthusiasts are drawn to the Big Lake, many to compete in the Greater Meredith Rotary Ice Fishing Derby on the weekend after the pond hockey tournament. Workers will be preparing the new bay ice for the biggest event of the winter

for the town and region, the 13th Annual Labatt Blue New England Pond Hockey Classic, which was held in a limited fashion last year because of the virus. “If the current conditions and forecasts prevail, all of the winter activities (on the ice) should go on as planned this year,” said David Emerson of Emerson Aviation, the man

who declares Ice-in and Ice-Out on Winnipesaukee every winter. But the big news about the big event is that it will be everything it used to be, or, as the event’s founder, Scott Crowder, puts it, “the great news is the return to normal.” Nobody’s saying the world today is going back to some kind of normal See POND on 16

The 4th Annual Concord NH Winter Festival presented by Breezeline is returning next weekend! Spectators will enjoy live ice-carving demonstrations and meet some of New England’s most talented carvers on Friday, January 28, from 3pm-9pm followed by a competition on Saturday, January 29, from 11am – 4pm. The ice carving competition will take place on The State House lawn and is free and open to the public. The carvings will remain on display for the entire week following the festival. State House guided tours will begin every 30 minutes and will last approximately 45 minutes from Noon to 4:15 pm. The last tour will begin at 3:30 pm and there is no preregistration required. Masks are also not required for the tours but are strongly encouraged by festival organizers. Additional frozen festivities happening Saturday include live performances on The Winter Festival Stage across from The Hotel Concord, an ice bar with luge sponsored by O Steaks and Seafood, DJ Darren’s dance party, complimentary hot cocoa, s’mores toasting, games, and more.









— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

Applause To Pappas To The Editor: Lets have a big round of applause to US Representative Chris Pappas for his vote to approve a Stimulus Package that provided one thousand four hundred dollars to the Boston Bomber. This is a job well done in the eyes of Democrats with no Republican support. What a disgrace to the families who lost love ones. Chris Pappas does not seem to get it which is another reason that he should be replaced by someone who does. Kenneth Bowers Wolfeboro, NH.


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Tax Fairness For NH Private Road Residents To The Editor: The New Hampshire Private Road Taxpayers Alliance (NHPVRTA), a state-wide nonprofit organization is supporting two bills currently filed in the NH Senate for the 2022 legislative session. SB250 enables municipalities to adopt a tax credit for qualified private road property owners. SB250 grants municipalities the authority to identify qualifying communities and to determine the amount of the tax credit based on certain factors. In addition, individual private road residents would have to apply yearly for such a tax credit. State Senator Sharon Carson with support from State Senators David Watters and Regina Birdsell and State House Representatives David Lundgren, Doug Thomas, Al Baldasaro and Tom Dolan are sponsoring SB250. The second bill, SB246 is relative to forward looking legislation and would benefit future residents who may decide to re-

side on a private road. SB246 is mandatory legislation that would require developers of new private roads with a at least 4 units to create a Capital Reserve Fund of no less than 50% of the estimated costs to replace those roads at the time of completion of the project. Those funds would be turned over to the residents to defray future road costs. Apartment complexes and campground facilities are excluded from this legislation. Senator Regina Birdsell with support from State Senator Sharon Carson and State House Representative Wayne MacDonald are sponsoring SB246. If enacted into law both bills would take effect on April 1, 2023. The NHPVRTA was specifically formed to advocate for tax fairness and equity for private road residents. The passage and implementation of either or both these bills are currently in the hands of your state legislators in Concord. Information about the bills and what you must do can be found by clicking on the yellow post-it note at www. nhpvrta.com. All private road residents

should sign up for email notifications and encourage others to do the same. SB246 has been assigned for a hearing before the Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee (ELMA) on Monday, January 24, 2022 at 1:45pm in Concord. SB250 has also been assigned to ELMA and a hearing date should be set very soon. Concerned residents should immediately request the entire ELMA committee to support both bills via a single email located on the NHPVRTA website. They should also, call, write and/ or email their State Senators and State Representatives requesting support of SB246 and SB250. Private road residents need to share this information, organize local efforts and act now to ensure passage of both bills. Tax fairness and relief will not happen without some effort by all private road residents. John J. Goglia NH Private Road Taxpayers Alliance

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

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by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

Abial Cheney Hurlbutt getting ready for his railroad run. connection to the engineer. Abial Hurlbutt was born in Waterford, Vermont on January 21, 1834, to Mr. & Mrs. Hezekiah Hurlbutt. His father, however, died a month Abial was O r before w when born, and Abial was eleven he moved to Littleton, NH, living with his mother and her second husband, Reuben Smith. Reuben died a few years later and Abial went to live with and work for Sylvanus Hastings, doing farm work. Becoming an adult, and wanting to work on the railroad, but not finding such a job in West Lebanon or Con-

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cord, Abial went to work for the Shakers doing farm work at Canterbury before, at the age of 21, finding a railroad job at the shops in Concord. A few months later he was working on a railroad locomotive as a fireman for Engineer Samuel J. Gray who was his brother-in-law. After a couple of other assignments with the Northern Railroad, Hurlbutt became the engineer of a freight train in 1859 which ran from White River Jct. to Concord. He lost the position when the Civil War began and the railroad business became slack. The railroad chose to See SMITH on 22


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comotive engineer began his employment with the Northern Railroad in the company’s shops in Concord. An article in the Interstate Journal in the year 1902 recognized his 46 years of service on the railroads. e h The Northern C Railroad had by that time become part of the Boston and Maine Railroad and Abial Cheney Hurlbutt was honored as the oldest engineer currently in service. I like the name as I think he is the first “Abial” that I have ever heard about. Daniel Webster is a name we all recognize, but Abial C. Hurlbutt is probably new to all, and, if not, please let me know your

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Daniel Webster was the featured speaker at a ceremony marking the arrival of the first railroad train service to West Lebanon, New Hampshire, on November 17, 1847. In the year that followed (1848) the Northern Railroad ran trains from North Boston Station to White River Jct., Vermont, a distance of 143 miles. Travelers from Lebanon could ride on one of the two daily trains from Lebanon to Concord for a price of $1.75. If they wanted to go all the way to Boston the cost was $3.75. If they began their trip from across the Connecticut River in White River Junction, Vermont, they would arrive in Concord, New Hampshire two and one-half hours later with their train speeding along at an average of 23 miles per hour. Eight years later, in 1856, the man who we want to introduce to you in this article as an example of the steam lo-


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —


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New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

Toughing Out The Winter by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer



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Single-digit temperatures and heavy snow always make me think of the birds that tough out New England winters. There are many birds that, instead of taking a risky migration journey, opt to stay here and take their chances with the cold. We see these birds at our feeders and in our woods every day. Whether a bird migrates or stays put, there are inherent risks and rewards. Birds that migrate face an arduous journey fraught with obstacles, including but certainly not limited to tall buildings, wind turbines, cell towers, dangerous weather, exhaustion and destruction of their wintering grounds. Once they get to their destination, however, they are rewarded with abundant food and warm temperatures. Of course, they have the make the trip all over again in the spring. Birds that remain in New England do not face the dangers of migratory flights, but cold temperatures and food scarcity are the trade-offs. These birds have developed a variety of strategies to survive the frigid temperatures. Many birds will puff out their feathers to

A blue jay stands tall during a New England snowfall last week. trap warm air close to their bodies. Birds that do this can look up to twice their normal size. Birds also shiver just like do when we’re cold. Shivering takes energy so it’s important that these birds find plenty to eat during the day. Many species also huddle together to stay warm, just like family units used to do in some cultures. Ducks, geese and swans use countercurrent heat exchange to keep their bodies warmer than their feet, which are protected by scales. Shelter is very important for birds in the winter. That’s why it’s important to clean out

birdhouses after the breeding season and keep them up throughout the winter. Several birds may use the house at night. Other birds will nestle among the thick branches of an evergreen. Woodpeckers have been known to excavate holes in dead trees for their winter digs. Grouse sometimes burrow in the snow for warmth. That can be dicey when a layer of ice forms on top of the snow. Crows form massive flocks and roost. They gather at dusk and fly by the hundreds or thousands to a roost, often near a city. It is

quite a spectacle. This community-mindedness helps keep predators away, or at least offers a good warning system should a predator appear, and aids in finding food. Finding food is a top priority for birds that overwinter in New England. It requires a lot of energy to survive in brutally cold conditions. Even though natural food sources may seem scarce, songbirds that visit feeders still get most of their food “in the wild.” That’s not to diminish the importance of feeding birds in the winter, but those seed and suet freebies are a supplement to their natural diet. It’s funny how humans mirror the bird world when it comes to winter. Many people, especially retirees, head south for the winter and come back when New England is nice and toasty again. Most of us, however, stick out the New England winter and bear with the cold. Many of us have adapted to enjoy the winter and actually look forward to snow. Of course, we have warm houses waiting for us when we’re done. Birds should be so lucky. Chris Bosak may be reached at chrisbosak26@gmail.com or through his website www.birdsofnewengland.com


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —


in brendan@weirs.com


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An Epidemic Returns “My kids think I’m crazy. I can’t even walk out of our bathroom without moving my feet very slowly and then sticking my head out as far as I can by Brendan Smith into the hallWeirs Times Editor way and looking both ways.” I listen sympathetically. I couldn’t count the how many times I had heard this story, and other like it. Still, it had been a few years since the last time I had confronted any of them. “I walk around the house on tiptoes, being careful with each step as though it might be my last. I feel as if just one bad step and I could be done for. My wife doesn’t understand. She keeps feeling my forehead to see if I have a fever.” He was certainly not alone. What he was going through was afflicting more then he might have imagined. Still, he was one of the brave ones for facing it head on. “I can’t even get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom without putting on my pants, shoes, coat and hat.” He had all the classic symptoms, but there was a cure. “That is why they asked me to come and see you about it.” I’ve been dealing with a lot of folks like this very recently. More this winter than in the last few. So many, in fact, that it is epidemic. F.A.T.S.O. has been offering lowcost counseling in this area since its inception in the mid-1990s, but has not seen a big call for it until just this past week. For those who don’t know (and shame on you if you don’t) F.A.T.S.O. stands for “Flatlanders Adjusting To Solitary Oblivion” a winter support group for transplants to New Hampshire dealing with their first winters here. The past few winters haven’t been too snowy or too cold, but

this past couple of weeks with a pretty good snowfall followed by some of the coldest temperatures we have seen years as well as a sudden abundance of icy and slippery surfaces has brought back a condition we thought was extinct….O.W.W or Obsessive Winter Weirdness. O.W.W. is brought on by the repetition of certain movements in the winter that carry over into normal day-to-day living where they are not necessary. For example. The aforementioned subject introduced at the beginning of this narrative (words I use so you know I am serious) finds it difficult to step out of the bathroom without straining his neck and looking both ways first. This particular O.W.W. symptom is caused by the repeated motion of inching his car slowly into the road while stretching his neck over the steering wheel of his car to try and see oncoming traffic over the sight line of six-foot high snowbanks along driveways and exits. Over the course of a few days, between leaving home, work, shopping areas, etc., this constant motion between foot on and off brake combined with straining neck for a clearer view becomes ingrained into the psyche and can bring on O.W.W. where they repeat these actions even when not driving and in the safety of their own homes. Another example of O.W.W. is the “walking around the house on tiptoes” phenomena which has become epidemic over the past week or so after having thought to have been eliminated. This is triggered by the constant daily struggle of trying to wend one’s way safely across large ice-covered parking lots as well as the once simple maneuver of navigating one’s own driveway to front door which has now suddenly become and icy obstacle course. The mind adjusts to the common defense mechanism of walk-

ing gingerly in tiny steps and after even just a couple of days carries over into many non-ice related situations, such as just walking around the house. One last example, as mentioned by my client (who sadly suffers from all three; what we call the O.W.W. Trifecta) is the urge to put on pants, socks, shoes, sweater, scarf, wool cap and gloves even for the simple task of a trip to the bathroom. This is, of course, triggered by the daily winter routine of having to cover one’s self in full winter regalia in even to make even the shortest of trips to the store and back. Or even just to take out the garbage when the temperatures are freezing. These, and other symptoms of O.W.W., often become a part of that person’s waking hours that can last sometimes into midspring. There are many other examples including food shopping purges for no reason in the summer, brought on by the repressed memories of winter days when the doomsday weather forecasts have some worried of being trapped at home with not enough peanut butter. But F.A.T.S.O. is here to help. If you find yourself, or a loved one, suffering from symptoms of Obsessive Winter Weirdness, be assured you are not alone. F.A.T.S.O. counseling can help you overcome these issues. There is no need to feel afraid any longer. The cost is minimal (depending on your point of view) and we will even throw in a “I’m A F.A.T.S.O.” sweatshirt to wear proudly. The sooner you come to terms with and ride yourself of O.W.W., the sooner you can live a fuller life. I am happy to announce that I will be back on the storytelling circuit for the first time since Covid struck. I will be at Cold Spring Farm in Alton on Saturday, March 5th, for an evening of stories and music. More details next week.

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Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)



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Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money 374 Governor Wentworth HWY orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, Call 603-476-8887 • F: 603-476-5176 PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 www.skelleysmarket.com Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

Blundering Billionaire More Right Than Wrong

I’m not mad that some venture capital mogul (whom I’d never heard of before) said this week on a podcast (which I’d also never heard of before) that “nobody cares about what’s happening to the Uyghurs.” I am, however, mildly (but not surprisingly) annoyed that this blundering billionaire backed down so quickly in the face of exactly the kind of virtue-signaling by Michelle Malkin bloviators whom he so rightfully criticized Syndicated Columnist in the first place. Chamath Palihapitiya, who is apparently a former AOL and Facebook executive and founder of a Palo Alto investment firm called Social Capital, outraged the perpetually outraged mob by dismissing his co-host Jason Calacanis’ praise for the Biden administration’s “very strong” support of Muslim Uyghurs in China. Palihapitiya retorted that “Nobody cares about what’s happening to the Uyghurs, OK? You bring it up because you really care, and I think it’s nice that you care, the rest of us don’t care. I’m just telling you ... a very hard, ugly truth. Of all the things I care about, yes, it is below my line.” Palihapitiya then listed his own priority list of Official Things One Should Care More About, including “climate change” and America’s “health care infrastructure.” Social media scolds and busybodies went ape-shizzle over Palihapitiya’s comments. The Golden Warriors basketball team, of which Palihapitiya is a 2% owner, disavowed him. One woke NBA player blamed him for being a genocide facilitator. GOP Sen. Tom Cotton demanded that the Warriors “force” Palihapitiya to “sell his interest” in the team. Radio host Hugh Hewitt compared Palihapitiya to someone engaged in “Holocaust denial.” Take a deep breath, all you hyperventilating hyenas. Palihapitiya never “denied” anything. He simply said that at this time and place in history he couldn’t get himself to care as much about the plight of the Uygurs (Uighurs, Uyghurs, whatever) as other things and other people. He also said something I’ve long emphasized as a matter of basic America First principles: “Not until we can take care of ourselves will I prioritize them over us.” I also agree wholeheartedly with this: “So until we actually clean up our own house, the idea that we step outside our borders, with us morally virtueSee MALKIN on 28

The Quest to Destroy Work This week, after spending time vacationing in the diseaseridden hellscape known as Florida, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., came down with COVID-19. It was a tragic blow to the irby Ben Shapiro repressible Instagram Syndicated Columnist star, who was forced to quarantine. But then, like an extraordinarily inaniloquent phoenix rising from the ashes of the dread omicron variant, she returned to her web audience with a message for the ages. “Welp, so it happened,” she wrote, in truly Tolstoyan fashion. “Got COVID, probably omicron. As of today I am thankfully recovered and wrapping up quarantine, but COVID was no joke. For a while I’ve noted the term ‘mild’ is misleading when the bar is hospitalization and death.” After dispensing with the preliminary medical advice, Ocasio-Cortez got down to business -- or rather, to the business of avoiding doing business. She explained, “The idea of forcing people to work just 5 days after symptoms start is sociopathic and 100% informed by a culture that accepts sacrificing human lives for profit margins as a fair trade.” Now, this is, to put it mildly, dumb as a box of rocks. No one is suggesting that people with significant COVID-19 symptoms ought to go back to work. And nobody is sacrificing human lives by encouraging those with waning or no symptoms to return to the office. Businesses cannot run without employees. Fortunately for us, the brilliant, “So Fresh, So Face” congresswoman has a solution: community. And by community, she means government. And by government, she means your money. “If you’ve noticed,” she writes, “much of the emphasis on media conversations on COVID are individualistic -- if there’s one lesson I think we as a country are repeating until we learn, it’s that community and

collective good is our best shot through our greatest challenges -- way more than discorded acts of ‘rugged individualism’ and the bootstrap propaganda we’ve been spoon-fed since birth ... In a world of MEs, let’s build team WE. (Blue heart emoji)” So, what exactly is the illustrious congresswoman proposing? Presumably, that businesses pay people to stay home if they are mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic; or that the government regulate businesses into such activity; or that taxpayers pay the freight. This accords with other proposals from Ocasio-Cortez, such as her Green New Deal idea to provide “economic security to all those who are unable or unwilling to work.” And Ocasio-Cortez’s message is mirrored by even higher-level politicians like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who once proposed that Americans be provided nationalized health care so that they could leave their jobs en masse, thereby freeing them to “be a photographer or a writer or a musician, whatever, an artist.” In the view of the far Left, work is a bad, foisted upon unwilling individuals by a cruel and arbitrary system. If only the system could be run properly, in top-down fashion by great minds like Ocasio-Cortez or Pelosi, Americans would be freed from the tyranny of everyday life. Of course, precisely the opposite is true. Someone, as it turns out, has to pay the bills. And what’s more, Americans generally like working. They find work fulfilling. Depression rates are twice as high among the unemployed than the employed -- and more than three times as high for those unemployed for more than 27 weeks. Most Americans aren’t eager to spend their days locked in their apartments waiting for government checks. And they’re even less eager to spend more money at the store thanks to supply issues caused by lack of production due to labor shortages. But Ocasio-Cortez and Pelosi don’t have to worry about all of that. OcasioCortez can always Instagram Live from her apartment See SHAPIRO on 29

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —


Evil Florida

by John Stossel

Syndicated Columnist

O m i c r o n spreads. The media say, “Governments must act!” Many have, bringing back mask mandates and closing schools. Do these rules work?

No. My new video shows why Florida’s approach is better. Gov. Ron DeSantis ended pandemic restrictions last spring and refuses to impose new ones. “The definition of insanity is doing the

same thing over and over again and expecting a different result,” he said. Lockdown states let “hysteria drive them to do really damaging things.” The media hate him for saying things like that. “Some governors are putting their own political gain ahead of children’s lives,” said CNN anchor Don Lemon. If you watch most TV news, you’d think the rules, bans and shutdowns really save lives. Florida killed people because Florida didn’t impose tougher rules, we’re told. “Florida leads the nation in new COVID cases,” says Action News in

Tampa. “Florida has the worst rate of coronavirus anywhere in the country!” rants “The Young Turks” host Cenk Uygur. But it’s not true. Florida has had fewer deaths than 16 other states. Mississippi, Arizona, Alabama and New Jersey had the most deaths per capita. New York, where most TV anchors and I live, had the sixth most deaths. Florida did better even though Florida has more high-risk old people. What’s going on? The media rarely just lie. Most

simply cite Florida when deaths are high and ignore the state when deaths fall. They deceive by omission. Florida’s good numbers just don’t fit the reporters’ biases. But even some pro-lockdown politicians know that less regulated Florida is no more dangerous than other states. After Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez complained that “antishutdown people” are “spreading COVID all over the place,” she was filmed partying in Florida. Two days after Rep. Eric Swalwell sneered that “Republican liars ... prolonged” the pandemic ... “your See STOSSEL on 29

Ukraine’s Fate in the Balance Russian tanks and mechanized infantry are churning dangerously close to Ukraine’s borders. Politicians are in overdrive trying by John J. Metzler to find new adSyndicated Columnist jectives and sound bites to describe the combustible situation. Diplomats throughout Europe and the USA are trying to stop the clock on what’s presumed to be Russian President Vladimir Putin’s most recent military gamble to dismember a neighboring European country. Mars, the god of war, is smiling as the world looks to the near cyclical crisis in Ukraine with the trepidation of “what’s next?”

Hardly a small or forgotten piece of the former Soviet Union, Ukraine is the size of France and with a population of 43 million forms the geopolitical nexus connecting Western Europe with the Russian heartland. Traditionally, the coveted “caught in the middle” territory, Ukraine is historically viewed by Moscow as a “little brother” who must be brought back to Mother Russia by whatever means. Ukrainians largely scoff at this suggestion and cherish their post-Soviet independence and sovereignty since 1991. Still, Moscow has always been able to play upon the divisions in the society; the “fault lines” that could tear this huge land asunder. In 2014, Putin’s Russia made the first military move, supporting proRussian “separatists” in eastern Ukraine bordering Russia. The so-

called Donbas region remains under Moscow’s de facto occupation. Then came the bigger prize, seizing the Crimean Peninsula historically home to the Black Sea fleet and territorially significant in Russia’s long history. During the 2014 Ukraine crisis, the U.S. Obama Administration huffed and puffed politically and rhetorically threatened but did nothing substantive to stop Putin. This was duly noted. Bi-partisan calls in Washington to bring Ukraine into the NATO alliance have fallen on fallow ground given Ukraine’s own democratic but weak governmental institutions and massive corruption. Sentiments to integrate Ukraine into the Atlantic Alliance (such as Poland in 1999 and the Baltic States in 2004) are viewed by the Kremlin

as a political red line, and a caucus belli for attack. Despite having considerable political sympathy in the United States, Canada and Europe, Ukraine is not a NATO member nor part of the European Union. This point is key as it underscores neither any legal treaty nor defense commitment to safeguard Ukraine’s borders and sovereignty. Fast forward to the present. In the aftermath of America’s appalling Afghan debacle, global dictators gloated from Minsk to Moscow and Beijing. The blood was in the water. President Joe Biden’s chaotic and weaving press conference swerved into a snowbank when asked about possible invasion of Ukraine. Biden asserted, “It’s one thing if it’s a minor See METZLER on 27



y h t l a e H &

To Your Good Health

Happy & Healthy New Year! by Dr. Keith Roach M.D. Syndicated Columnist

DEAR DR. ROACH: I just read another sad story about a woman who had breast cancer, fought it and seemed

to win, but after five years, it came back and took her life. The same sequence of events happened to my wife two years ago. She fought the second round of cancer for a year and a half, but it was just about everywhere. What is this connection between the initial breast cancer occurrence and it coming back five or six years later even more widespread throughout the body? Is screening



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stepped up during that period? -- Anon.

ANSWER: I am very sorry to hear about your wife. With most cancers, no evidence of disease five years out from diagnosis usually means a cure, that the person will not have a recurrence of that particular cancer, although people who’ve had one cancer are at a higher risk of developing a second, unrelated cancer. Breast cancer is one of the exceptions. Late recurrences (after five years) are possible, even very late recurrences. I have seen 20 years afterward, and there are reports of even longer. Although the reasons why breast cancer seems to hide for many years are not known precisely, we do know some risk factors for recurrence: Larger tumors are more likely to recur. Those with positive lymph nodes are at high risk, and women with estrogen receptor positive, progesterone


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New Year!

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

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receptor positive and HER2 negative tumors are more likely to experience recurrence. Screening is absolutely appropriate in women who have had breast cancer. There is not a consensus about the type and frequency of screening, but many experts choose yearly mammography. Breast MRI has been considered, but it has not been proven to be better in women with a history of breast cancer. A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, abstinence from smoking and minimal alcohol intake, has been shown to reduce cancer risk in women with a history of breast cancer. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: I have had stage 4 kidney disease for several years now. My doctors have said there is not much else they can do for me. I have been told by an alternative health care

practitioner that asparagus and watermelon eaten approximately three times per week could have a beneficial effect. Any comments or suggestions you have would be appreciated. -- R.A. ANSWER: Chronic kidney disease is not a single entity. Any condition that can cause long-term damage to the kidney will cause reduced kidney function, measured by the glomerular filtration rate. It is graded on a scale of 1 to 5, based on how well the kidneys can filter blood. A normal GFR is above 90: CKD 1 is kidney disease with a normal GFR, while CKD 2 is a GFR of 60-89; CKD 3 is 30-59; CKD 4 is 1529; and CKD 5 is below 15. At this point, people are usually contemplating dialysis. Occasionally, kidney experts can find a reversible cause of poor kidney function, such as poor blood flow to the kidneys. Most of

the time, the damage is largely irreversible. I dearly wish that asparagus and watermelon could reverse kidney damage. It cannot. The main goal in someone with chronic kidney disease is to take steps to slow the decline. A plant-based diet does that, and some people, especially those with protein in the urine, may benefit from an ACE inhibitor to slow kidney damage. A nephrologist is the expert in CKD and should be consulted early in the course of the disease. You can read much more on the National Institutes of Health’s excellent site: https://tinyurl.com/ y6gekvqo. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med. cornell.edu.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

y h t l a e H &

Happy & Healthy New Year! The Benefits Of Love

by Dr. Graham Moneysmith, DC. Contributing Writer

2022, it already feels like it’s flying by very quickly! As February gets under way, Hallmark demands we all turn our attention to love. For some that’s amazing and others it’s less amazing (insert barf noises). Regardless, of how you feel about Valentine’s Day, the importance of love in our lives cannot be denied. I’m not only referring to romantic love, although that can fit the bill. I’m talking about love in a much bigger way. Love for yourself, love for your friends and family, love for your community, and love for the general world around you. Living in a mindset of love changes how you see the world and thus changes your day to day existence. In a world that feels more divided than ever to me, some love could go a long way. Seeing others in a positive light, with love, and recognizing that everyone is no different than you and going through stuff makes you more patient, kind, and understanding. There is real power here to improve your life and the lives of those around you with this type of

change in perspective. That being said, if all this isn’t convincing to you, know that having love in your life can also have a dramatic effect on your health. The benefits of love are not just associated with romantic love, but also friendship or familial love. So find someone to care about and improve their lives and your own health at the same time. Per webmd.com, here are ten benefits of love that you may not have expected:

1. Fewer doctor’s visits: The Health and Human Services department reviewed studies on marriage and health and found that those in marriage relationships had fewer doctor’s visits and shorter hospital stays!

2. Less Depression and Substance Abuse: isolation typically leads to an increase of both these issues, so having companionship is a great combatant. 3. Lower Blood Pressure: according to the Annals of Behavioral Medicine happily married folks and well networked single people, fared much better than unhappily married individuals. 4. Less Anxiety: as more and more people struggle with anxiety in modern society, maybe love is the answer. Long term stable relationships were superior in reducing anxiety vs new romances. The long term relationship individuals had less activation in the part of the brain that produces anxiety on functional MRI (fMRI) scans than other people.

New Year!


5. Natural Pain Control: as we face folks using over the counter pain meds chronically and an epidemic of opioid abuse, it is clear that many people are dealing with lots of pain. The same study that demonstrated the reduction of anxiety on fMRI also found that long term relationships increased activation in the part of the brain responsible for pain control. 6. Better Stress Management: get stressed out? Yeah, me too. But the better connected we become See MONEYSMITH on 26


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New Year!

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

( StatePoint) When Ann Hanley was 49 years old, she noticed that she had persistent stiffness in her shoulders and her arms weren’t swinging normally when she walked. This became particularly pronounced when it affected her ability to travel to horse races with her husband, who manages a farm, breeding champion racehorses. After visiting several specialists, a neurologist recognized she had Parkinson’s disease (PD). The diagnosis was a shock, as

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Ann Hanley.

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Hanley had previously viewed PD as a disease that mainly affected older men. Initially the idea of living with a progressive disease was overwhelming for Hanley -- a self-described social butterfly -- and so was maintaining her desire to be active. PD is the second most common progressive neurodegenerative condition, affecting more than 1 million people nationwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While it can’t be cured, medications are often prescribed to help manage symptoms. Unfortunately, some of these drugs are associated with side effects like involuntary movements and motor fluctuations. And over time, these medications can become less effective. Now 63, Hanley is a veritable expert on her condition and an advocate for other patients. Seven years ago, she began volunteering at the University of Kentucky Hospital, shadowing a leading neurosurgeon who specialized in a PD treatment called Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), which helps patients manage the motor symptoms of the disease when medication alone is no longer effective. DBS uses a small medical device implanted in the body and connected to leads that stimulate a portion of the brain to control the motor functions See HELPING on 25

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —



Grill & Galley 83 Main Street, Alton 603.875.3383 Akerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com Stoneface -IPA Smuttynose -Old Brown Dog Harpoon -Winter Warmer Great Rhythm -Resonation Moat Mtn -Stout

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Porch & Pub 286 S. Main St., Wolfeboro 603.569-3662 Morrisseysfrontporch.com COPPER KETTLE Smithwick’s Guinness TAVERN Harp At Hart’s Turkey Farm Concord Craft Safe Space Restaurant 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella Artois 603.279.6212 ...+11 More On Tap hartsturkeyfarm.com Henniker - Working Man’s Porter OVER THE MOON Concord Craft - Safe Space FARMSTEAD Stoneface - IPA 1253 Upper City Rd, Moat Mtn - Blueberry Pittsfield 603 - Winni Amber Ale overthemoonfarmstead. ...+6 More On Tap com CIDERS: Currant Obsession D.A. LONG Black Currant Cider TAVERN BEER: TB1 American Pale Ale; At Funspot IPA; Industrial Gold Munich 579 Endicott St N., Helles Lager; Buzzworthy Weirs Russian Imperial Stout; ESB 603.366.4377 - English Special Bitter; Extra funspotnh.com Stout Irish Stout Sloop - Pixie Dust SESSION MEADS: Cranberry Maine Beer - Another One Mead Blaze - Hunter’s Moon Chapel + Main - Cosmic Heart PATRICK’S PUB Widowmaker - Fermentor 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford Worship 603.293.0841 Litherman’s - Delicate Cycle Patrickspub.com ...+6 More On Tap Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice JOHNSON’S Guinness TAPHOUSE Tuckerman - Pale Ale At Johnson’s 603 - Winni Amber Ale Seafood & Steak 69 Rt 11, New Durham Woodstock - Moody Brew IPA ...+9 More On Tap 603.859.7500 eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham Orono -The Way Life Should Be Widowmaker -Blue Comet Northwoods -Glass ** Tap listings subject to change!

by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

“Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.” – John F. Kennedy So the shellacking the New England Patriots took in their 47-17 playoff loss in Buffalo was indeed an orphan of sorts, but the buck has to stop somewhere and that would be with Pats head coach Bill Belichick. There were the inevitable “Dump Belichick” comments after the Buffalo debacle but firing a coach with six Super Bowl rings “ain’t gonna happen.” When Bill leaves it will be via retirement or resignation. So when will that happen? Belichick will soon be 70. He’s been the second oldest coach in the league for several years now, behind … PETE CARROLL, his Patriot predecessor who has been with the Seahawks since 2010. But Carroll has such a youthful mien that it’s hard to imagine him as the NFL’s Grand Old Man. Back to Belichick. Bill said he plans to return next year. But fairly or unfairly, if he doesn’t meet expectations then fans will want youthful energy injected into Patriot Place—such as occurred with Sean McVay and the L.A. Rams. McVay was only

Will Bill Belichick still be with the Patriots next season? 30 when he became head coach and took his team to the Super Bowl. Indeed, the late John Madden was only 32 when he took over the Raiders to great effect. And one doesn’t work in the NFL for 30 years without making enemies—to include influential media people annoyed at how Belichick dismissed them. (“On to Cincinnati.”) The press can and will stir up trouble for the old man. And—being media people—many hold Belichick’s endorsement of Donald Trump against him. (An aside: I was at the SNHU Arena in Manchester on Election Eve in 2016 when Trump blew in and wowed an exuberant crowd with guarantees of an upset victory. He pulled out a letter and read Belichick’s endorsement and the crowd roared. Trump also implied he had Tom Brady’s endorsement, an implica-

tion he surely repeated when he flew to Michigan from Manchester, Brady having been a Michigan Wolverine. Did the Brady factor make a difference in Trump’s razor-thin win in Michigan? Of course!) Back to Belichick. There are certainly precedents for coaches enjoying late-life success. Marv Levy, currently 96, coached the Bills until age 72, taking them to an unprecedented four straight Super Bowls. Indeed, the current United States President will be 80 this year. However, given Joe Biden’s floundering performance, he hardly makes a good case for the elderly working in high pressure positions. But media people cover up Biden’s ineptitude as much as possible— again underscoring their influence. (An aside: If Donald Trump—rather than Biden—had fallen three

times while ascending the stairs to Air Force One, then the video would have been replayed ad nauseum on the networks. Biden’s missteps are covered up as much as possible.) But back to Belichick. He’d surely like to go out the way Vince Lombardi left the Green Bay Packers—after winning a “Super Bowl.” And then head to Nantucket and a restful dotage. And he’d likely have some say about his successor. Of course, the NFL’s Rooney Rule mandates that teams interview minority candidates for all head coaching positions— which though well-intentioned certainly can complicate the interview process. But inclusivity is good. (An aside: The Rooney Rule ironically differs from Biden’s Rule regarding the choice of a running mate, in which See MOFFETT on 27

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —



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Having the right tool for the job and remaining efficient are key elements to the author’s success. by Tim Moore Contributing Writer

A system is a series of steps that work together to complete a task. In this year’s Ice Annual Magazine, I wrote about some techniques to give you an edge while ice fishing. I talked about how that edge doesn’t always come in the form of a new lure, although it might, but often comes in by way of several more subtle things that anglers don’t always attribute directly to their

ice fishing success. Another way to find success is sometimes as simple as a different perspective. How do businesses, like manufacturing facilities, find their success? One way they speed up productivity is to develop a system. You can’t catch fish if you’re not actually fishing, so anything that helps you keep your line in the water more will most definitely result in more fish on the ice. You hear a lot about

efficiency in ice fishing circles. Efficiency and system are somewhat synonymous with one another. My system starts off the ice in how I store my rods, tackle and other gear. I use a double-sided rod locker to store the bulk of my rods. I keep it in my snowmobile trailer. This allows me to grab as few or as many as I want for the day. When I’m traveling on the ice, I use a single-sided rod locker. The single-sided case takes up less

space, but still protects my rods. Regardless of the case, every one of my rods has a rod slick on it. Nothing will cost me time like untangling rods that don’t have slicks on them, and I know exactly when they will be tangled the worst… when I need them the most. At least that’s how it feels when a huge school of feeding fish shows up under me. Time without my line in the water feels like slow motion. Tackle storage is See MOORE on 26


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

THE SIMPLE FEAST Beef Barley Vegetable Soup

by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer

¨Simply dreadful!¨ That is the only way to describe this weather. It started as snow and turned to rain. From where I sat, watching the world fly by on winds gusting over 30 miles per hour, it was a good day to be inside. But, by noon the bird feeder

was no longer hanging horizontal on its tether so winds must have receded a bit. I decided it was time to venture out to treat the driveway. With the forecast predicting temps in the 20´s now through, well, probably through the end of April, I knew I needed to get the slop off the driveway. And yes, ¨slop¨ is the technical New England term for that awful mix of slush, snow, and goo-

ey icy mud that affixes itself to everything like cement and doesn’t seem to blend back into the earth until long after May. So, what does this lament have to do with soup? Well, one does have to eat before going out in the cold. Afterall one must be properly prepared when doing battle with the elements. And that preparation is not only about our mental state ( proper timing

of the battle), but also our physical being. What we wear, the tools we use, and ¨filling the tank¨ before running the machine that is our body, are all important aspects to consider. Hot soup on a day like this does the trick! Beef Vegetable Barley Soup: it´s hearty but not heavy and it has a more robust flavor than those ¨salt lick heart attacks in a See FEAST on 20


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

Letters From God

The Loon Center

& Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more!

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.

er corrupts absolutely.” (Lord Acton). The result would be that once in power, leaders would have a natural inclination to preserve their power and, like the British, seek to repress speech that opposed them. Their leadership would thus become oppressive and unjust because they wished to safeguard their own interests over the interests of the colonists. When the colonists recognized this inequity, injustice and power grab that enslaved them, instead of allowing them to enjoy the liberties granted to all British subjects, they spoke up and challenged the injustices. By attempting to suppress their speech, when they had legitimate concerns about their governance, the British effectively tried to establish a means of securing their tyrannical reign over their subjects. Cancel culture! You know the rest of the story. The colonists spoke up and, at great risk, managed to win the battle of control over those who had the gold, or power, against the citizenry they thought were powerless. Free speech exposed the lies and exalted the truth. The result was the creation of a nation that enjoyed the greatest freedom any nation had experienced to that date. Your founding fathers, in light of this near disaster, and in order to never see it happen again, made their first Amendment the right to free speech. Cancel culture is not only against your law

but it is an insidious power grab that seeks to take away the liberties of all who don’t agree with those who hold power, in order to retain it for themselves. You should be shocked at any news agency that does not remain objective and becomes a tool of the ruling agenda. You should recoil when social media organizations censure those who may have a different opinion, especially if that opinion challenges the powers that rule and especially if that social media is “in bed” with that power. You should tremble when politicians, in power, encourage censorship, especially if it benefits their hold on power. You must know that you are in great danger of losing any opportunity to change the ruling authority, that is using this unlawful, unjust and insidious method to secure their power over its citizens. I watched it overtake the citizens of Germany in the 1940’s and the final dénouement was not the glorious benefits promised but the grizzly devastations experienced. The second reason it is dangerous is because I, you creator God, recognized that sin has corrupted your hearts and I warned you to never allow the suppression of truth. In Romans 1:8, I told you my wrath is manifested toward the “unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.” Most of the prophets I sent to speak the truth and warn my people were persecuted

Letters From God

QUESTION: Is Cancel Culture Good Or Bad? This recent phenomena in your country is an ominous warning of great danger. It is dangerous for many reasons but let me focus on two. The first, is that your Constitution established free speech as its first Amendment. It was specifically added in order to prevent cancel culture in the context of the British government seeking to silence free speech. I established this truth, “do to others what you would have them do to you.” (Matthew 7:12). It has been called by many, “The Golden Rule.” It essentially states that you should always evaluate how you treat others by asking yourself, would I want to be treated that way. If it would be offensive or oppressive to you, then don’t treat others that way. Your founding fathers knew that the Golden Rule was true, but they were also aware of another truth, namely that Whoever Had the Gold Tended to Rule. At the time of the writing of your Constitution, most of the leaders were men who recognized the inherent sin nature of mankind. They knew that because of that nature, “power tends to corrupt, and absolute pow-

and many died at the hands of those who held worldly power and were unwilling to hear the truth and change (Revelation18:24). You can be assured, I will ultimately correct this injustice by receiving and honoring my faithful servants but rejecting those who oppressed and killed them. But now, you must see that the expression of free speech and truth being allowed and honored is vital to the life of your nation and the individuals in it. I am so adamant about this, I asked my people to even hold the apostle, Paul, accountable for His teachings. Paul was my greatest mouthpiece for truth. I asked him to write almost two thirds of the New Testament. Yet, when he came to a town and spoke, it was said of those who listened, “they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” No cancel culture, only a passion for truth. Even Paul must be held accountable to the truth. Go and do likewise. Your national life is at stake. I love you, God These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

POND from 1 status. The pandemic continues on with new variations, and government health officials are still urging people to get the vaccine and booster shots, and to still wear protective masks. But outdoor, open-air events are safer in terms of spreading the virus, and this year’s event marks a victory of sorts for just being held. “We are back to prepandemic numbers, the event is sold out at 280 teams,” Crowder said. “You can tell that the teams, players, spectators, sponsors and the region are excited to return to a full-blown Pond Hockey Classic


The Pond Hockey Classic is back to pre-pandemic numbers and the event is sold out at 280 teams.


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event.” The player and team attendance numbers are as good as they’ve ever been, and this year’s event could bring more people to the ice than ever. Crowder’s teams will be marking out 26 rinks on Meredith Bay (the alternate site is

Lake Waukewan). The event’s roster of teams is full; there will be 280 teams and more than 2,250 players to compete in various age categories. News of the return of a “normal” tournament on February 4-6 has spread around Greater Meredith, around New England and in pond hockey circles nationally. For the town and the Lakes Region, Pond Hockey weekend brings a return to summer levels of vehicle and foot traffic, providing a boost for local businesses. “The Pond Hockey Classic brings much needed activity to Meredith during a time that is traditionally a slow time for restaurants, hotels and other local business,” said Meredith Town Manager Phillip L. Warren, Jr. “During the tournament the town looks like it does on a summer holiday, busy and bustling.” Pond Hockey week-

New England Pond Hockey Classic founder Scott Crowder. end “is one of our favorite weekends of the year at The Common Man restaurants in Meredith,” said Sean Brown, chief operating officer of The Common Man family of restaurants, a sponsor for the tournament. “The tournament infuses energy into a region that is typically quiet in winter and creates a great spectator event for people to come out and enjoy the ice on Meredith Bay,” Brown said. “We get to see a lot of locals and visitors alike during the course of the weekend. We’ve built relationships with a lot of the teams that come back year after year and we always look forward to seeing them.” “Scott and his team put an extensive amount of effort into this event to cover ev-

ery detail,” said Josh Anderson, vice president of marketing and business development at Eastern Propane and Oil, a sponsor. “We’re really looking forward to a good and safe turnout.” Crowder – the son of former National Hockey League player Bruce Crowder and the nephew of Keith Crowder, also an NHL veteran – founded the New England Pond Hockey Classic in 2010, when he arranged for 54 teams of eager outdoor hockey fans and players to meet on Meredith Bay to compete. Since then, the event has grown to more than 280 teams. During the threeday tournament teams of players come from communities all over the state and the See POND on 18

• schedule ... and more! — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —



Schedule of Events for the 2022 NEPHC THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD 5:00-10:00 Player Check-In/Labatt Blue Welcome Party at Common Man/Lago/Labatt Blue Zone

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH 7:00am Tournament Village Opens 8:00am-4:35pm Games 9:00am Labatt Blue Zone at Common Man Lago opens 10:00am Bank of NH Pavilion stage opens with DJ and Tournament MC Adam Furious. 1:30-3:30pm Live Music with Band Inc.

5:00pm Labatt Blue Zone at Common Man Lago & Tournament Village Close.

& Tournament Village Close. 8:00 Playoff Brackets/ Schedules Announced - Online



7:00am Tournament Village Opens 8:00am-4:35pm Games 9:00am Labatt Blue Zone at Common Man Lago opens 10:00am Bank of NH Pavilion stage opens with DJ and Tournament MC Adam Furious. 11:30am-1:00pm Live Music with Best Not Broken 3:30pm-5:00pm Live Music with Samantha Rae WHISKEY-6. 5:00pm Labatt Blue Zone at Common Man Lago

8:00am Tournament Village Opens 9:00am- 2:00pm Playoff Games 1:15pm Championship Games 2:00pm Tournament Village Closes The above schedule of events is subject to change, any changes will be posted here.

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POND from 16 country. Many teams are long-time players in the Classic, during which teams play 5-on-5 on small rinks with no permanent goalies allowed. The goals themselves consist of small markers embedded in the ice at each end of the rinks. Local partners and sponsors, including the Common Man, Mill Falls at the Lake, the Bank of New Hampshire, MB Tractors, the Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion, Eastern Propane, LaValley/Middleton Building Supply, Casella Waste Management, Crosspoint Associates, The Weirs Times, Lakes Region Youth Hockey, and the New England Wolves, were eager to return as sponsors. Many of the sponsors

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —


All the team and player spots are taken, but spectators are encouraged to attend this year’s tournament.


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have been with the tournament for many years. “It’s been a lot of fun watching the tourney grow over the years from 54 to 270+ teams,” said Brown. National partners Labatt Blue, Truly, Twisted Tea, Red Bull, and Timberland Pro have also returned, and once again, the The Labatt Blue Zone outdoor beer garden will be back in the parking lot and on the lake side of the Inn at Bay Point. Last year, the event had been limited, in players and fans, because of the pandemic. “With the guidelines and restrictions in place during last year’s event we really had to pull back on a lot of aspects of the tournament that we really love,” Crowder said. This year, masks aren’t even required.

The Lake WinnipeHockey’s Cup 2021 CHAMPION TEAMS BY DIVISION: Open Division - Dogs III 30+ -Division - Hoptown Bulldogs 50+ Division- The Boot 3 Shinny 21+ Division - The Squad Shinny 35+ Division - Mugs Twig Division - Spare Parts A full list of past tournament winners here: www.pondhockeyclassic.com/nephctrophy

As primarily an outdoor event, Brown said bringing the tournament participation and attendance back to pre-pandemic levels isn’t a concern. “We’ve had many busy times over the course of the last two years and we’ve successfully and safely served our guests. The traffic is similar to what we see on a typical summer day in Meredith, and we’ve done that without issue,” said Brown. Hopes are high that the large crowds that have flocked to watch the outdoor ice hockey – an old and very cherished way to play the game – will return. “It is a boon for the local Meredith businesses,” said Brown. “The tournament infuses energy into a region that is typically quiet in winter and creates a great spectator event to come out and enjoy the ice on Meredith Bay. At its height, it was our biggest sales weekend of the year. We’re hoping to see strong numbers again at this year’s tournament.” All the team and player spots are taken, but spectators are encouraged to attend this year’s tournament, it’s a free outdoor event open to pond hockey fans of all ages. For information go to www. pondhockeyclassic. com. If you want to see an NHL player playing hockey on the ice of Meredith Bay, watch for Scott’s father, former Boston Bruin Bruce Crowder. He’s been known to play for the Essex 73s team.

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

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Yield: Lots of soup! Prep and Cook Time: About 2 hours Ingredients: 1-1.5 pounds Shoulder Steak, Chuck, or similar cut into small cubes / pieces (about ½ x ½ in.) 1 Large Onion, dice small 3-4 Stalks Celery, split ribs and dice small 1 tsp. Garlic, minced 3 Medium to Large Carrots, if large, quarter and dice small 3-32oz. Sodium Free or Reduced Sodium Beef Stock 1-32oz Water (may need more, your preference, if holding longer than 2 hours) 1-15 oz can of Store Brand Mixed Vegetables 1-16 oz bag of frozen Mixed Vegetables (the corn, carrot, lima bean, green bean, and peas) 1 cup of Barley 1 cup of Pizza Sauce (may sub in spaghetti sauce) ⅛ tsp. Creole Seasoning ¼ tsp. Garlic Powder ¼ tsp. Fine Grind Black Pepper 1 tsp. Gravy Master or Kitchen Bouquet 1 packet Brown Gravy Mix 2 packets of Low or No Sodium Beef Bouillon 1-2 tsp. Olive oil or butter

- Cut the steak into small pieces (½ inch cubes or smaller), trimming away any gristle and fat. - In a skillet over medium heat brown the stew beef on all sides. When meat is browned remove from heat and place in a large soup kettle. - In the skillet used for the beef, sweat the diced onion and celery until onions begin to be translucent. Remove from heat and place in the kettle with the stew beef. - Into the kettle with the following: diced carrots, minced garlic, the entire can of mixed veggies (yes canned veggies), the beef stock, the water, and the pizza sauce. Bring to a boil. - Once it is boiling add in the frozen veggies and bring to a boil again. - Add in the Barley, seasonings(dry and liquid), gravy packet, and Beef Bouillon. - Bring to a boil again and then reduce to a simmer, stirring occasionally throughout the cooking. - After an hour on the stove at a simmer check for flavor and to ensure beef is tender and barley is cooked to a soft consistency. Season as desired if needed, and hold at a simmer until ready to serve. If you are concerned with reduction you can add a cup or two of water and again taste for desired flavor, adjusting accordingly. (Remember Creole spice is both hot and salty so you may want to go easy on this seasoning.)


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FEAST from 14 can¨ soups found on store shelves. With a little bite, just enough to make your nose run, tender bits of beef, all sorts of vegetables; fresh. frozen, and canned (yes canned), some barley to give it added body, a little bit of basic seasoning, and some other odds and ends, this soup is simple and delicious. Or ¨Simply Delicious!¨ It is a substantial soup harkening back to a tradition in flavor but yields to the easiness of some modern conveniences for those needing something good but are short on time. From start to finish this soup takes about two

hours to make, and is forgiving if kept simmering on the stove or warming in a crock pot. This recipe also makes enough for a crowd. Now, before the faint of heart start clutching their chest like Fred Sanford at the thought of feeding a crowd during the peak of Winter Covid season, I say, ¨Get Real!¨ Real creative that is. Take a trip down to the local ¨Dolla Shoppa¨, pick up some inexpensive ¨supperware¨ containers, and share this soup with someone. Can you think of a better way to let someone know you are thinking of them than dropping off soup? Some of the ingredi-

ents may surprise you. A poor cut of beef, a few handfuls or barley, and a combination of fresh, frozen, and canned (yes canned) vegetables steeped in rich beef stock and a hint of tomato (pizza) sauce, it all comes together for a flavor filled soup teeming with a bounty of ingredients while offering a veiled familiar flavor from our past. (Starts with C and rhymes with rambles.) But note, I omitted directly adding salt. Some of the processed or prepared ingredients that you may use in this recipe have sodium in them as well as the creole seasoning and the gravy packet. This is why I tend to not add

salt as a seasoning. I also encourage tasting throughout any cooking process. Any cook worth their salt (no pun intended) should be tasting their creation frequently to ensure proper flavors are developing. This soup comes together with relative ease yet offers great warmth to both body and soul on a cold winter’s day. Good for social gatherings, game day parties, large families, or anywhere there is cold and a need to feed, this soup hits the spot! It really is a Simple Feast. Enjoy!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

New Hampton Historical Society Program “The Secrets Of Cellar Holes” The New Hampton Historical Society Presents: A Walk Back in Time: The Secrets of Cellar Holes, Tuesday, February 8th at 7pm at the GordonNash Library, 69 Main Street, New Hampton. Northern New England is full of reminders of past lives: stone walls, old foundations, a century-old lilac struggling to survive as the forest reclaims a once-sunny dooryard. It is a rich story about how one town set out to create an

Adair Mulligan. ish, A History of Gilford, New Hampshire, she has also contributed to a number of publications, including Proud to Live Here in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont and New Hampshire, Where the Great River Rises: inventory of its cellar holes, piecing together clues in the landscape, a project that can help landowners know what to do if they have archeological sites on their land, and help stimulate interest in a town’s future through its past. Presenter Adair Mulligan has a runaway curiosity about the natural and cultural history of northern New England. Author of The Gunstock Par-

An Atlas of the Upper Connecticut River, and Beyond the Notches: Stories of Place in New Hampshire’s North Country. Adair writes the quarterly Lyme Historian newsletter and is the author of several publications about Lyme’s past. She is co-leading a project to survey the town’s many cellar holes. Adair is Executive Director of the Hanover Conservancy, and holds a master’s degree in Environmental Biology from Smith College. New Hampton Historical Society programs are free and open to the public. Please note: Masks will be required at this indoor presentation.




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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

SMITH from 3 keep the married engineers on the job and to remove those who were not married. Abial did continue with the railroad as a baggage man and brakeman, etc., and two years later was of-

fered another freight engineer’s job. In the years 1864 and 1865 Mr. Hurlbutt served in the United States Navy, according to the Interstate Journal article. His assignments included one on

unconscious and rolled over and over on the tracks, but survived, reportedly because his thick clothing prevented him from receiving fatal injuries. Another close call took place at Franklin. In 1898, Abial (though he was commonly called “Bial”) left the Franklin station ‘on time’ at 7:47 p.m., operating the 758 locomotive engine. He told his fireman that he thought he could get the train to East Andover on time that night. A mile and a quarter from the Franklin station there was a side-track which

Boston and Maine RR Station in Canaan, NH. the ship Vandalia at Portsmouth, and one on the man of war San Jacinto, which became grounded on a coral reef near the Bahamas on Jan. 1, 1865, and the sailors had to live on a previously uninhabited island until help arrived. After the war Hurlbutt returned home to West

Lebanon and continued his career as a steam locomotive engineer. Along the way our Engineer experienced some close calls. One was in the summer of 1870 when he was riding as a passenger on a train bound for Concord that collided head-on with another passenger train

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near the town of Canaan. Charles W. Clark, the Engineer, was killed, and Abial was among the injured, keeping him out of work for a month. One day in winter he was stopping his train in East Lebanon and stepped off the cab while the train was still moving and he slipped and fell between the engine tender and the baggage car. He was knocked

was long enough to hold two freight cars. The signal light was green, indicating that it was safe for Abial and his train to continue on towards Andover. The light was wrong, however, and someone had moved the switch that suddenly diverted the train onto the sidetrack which ended at the edge of a fifteen foot See SMITH on 23


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 — bringing my Grandfather, who was employed for over fifty years by the Boston and Maine, to arrive for a visit. I recall putting my ear to the track in an effort to feel the vibration caused by the still unseen, but approaching train, and placing a penny on the rail for the flattening result. Robert Hanaford Smith welcomes your emails at danahillsmiths@yahoo. com

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Mr. Hurlbutt’s train, this one the noon mail train crossing the Connecticut River from White River Junction to West Lebanon.

SMITH from 22

bank and the river. Writer John T. Woodbury wrote in 1902:“Then came one of the quickest moves a man ever made: the brakes were put clear into the emergency, the engine reversed, sand pipes opened, and steam given for all she was worth – and all this done while the train was going not over one hundred and twenty feet, at the rate of thirty miles an hour.” The result was that the train stopped with space to spare, but the engine turned over on its side and the engine tender, baggage car, and part of the smoking car came off the tracks. The thirty passengers,

except one, were said to have escaped injury except for a shaking. The one injured had a broken collar bone. Mr. Hurlbutt was not blamed for this accident nor for any other serious one in all his years of service as an engineer. As of the end of the year in 1902 Mr. Hurlbutt held the record for the quickest run between White River Junction, Vermont and Concord, New Hampshire. It was on July 22, 1902 that an extra train on a special mission made the seventy mile trip in 83 minutes, which included a five-minute stop in Canaan. From the time Abial became a passenger train engineer in 1970 until October

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of 1902 he had traveled, while controlling the throttle, a distance of 1,202,022 miles and carried millions of passengers. Previously, he had carried freight for 183,000 miles. He made his home with his family in West Lebanon, and besides the confidence shown in him by his many passengers on the railroad, he and his wife and children were highly esteemed by their neighbors in West Lebanon. Learning about Engineer Hurlbutt brought back memories of standing near the tracks of the Ashland Railroad Station while waiting for the steam engine locomotive that would power the passenger car

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ATTENTION! — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

The people of the great state of New Hampshire want to thank two Democratic Senators that we can be proud of... Kyrsten Sinema

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

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support to other patients, assisting during their appointments and even holding their hands during the DBS procedure. She’s also raised $3.5 million dollars through her fundraising efforts to support PD research at the University of Kentucky Hospital. To learn more, visit DBSandMe.com, a resource developed by Boston Scientific. If you or a loved one have PD, consider talking to your doctor about the most appropriate treatment, and if DBS could be an option for you

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ing significant tremor in her right hand and leg. After undergoing the procedure, she was amazed at how DBS had helped her. “When they turned on the device, I experienced an indescribable moment. My symptoms were suddenly reduced, and I felt more in control of my motion,” says Hanley. With DBS, Hanley was able to completely come off her PD medications and experienced increased mobility. While results vary for different patients, she’s now able to walk, cycle and swim regularly, and attend every horse race with ease. Today, Hanley is an advocate for DBS therapy and volunteers


help people with PD reduce tremors, increase mobility, and even reduce the amount of medication needed -offering a reprieve from unpleasant side effects,” says Dr. Michele Tagliati, MD, director, Movement Disorders Program, Cedars Sinai (Los Angeles). “In particular, this therapy is designed with patient comfort and convenience in mind and gives physicians the ability to manage the ever-evolving needs of a patient as their Parkinson’s advances.” Hanley knew it was time to try DBS herself when her walking had slowed, she was stooped over, her back hurt relentlessly and she was experienc-


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26 MONEYSMITH from 9 to other people and social networks there is evidence of improved stress management. 7. Fewer Colds: so as we are in the midst of cold and flu season, research has demonstrated that people who have positive emotions are less likely to get sick after they’ve been exposed to cold or flu viruses. 8. Faster Healing: from the Archives of General Psychiatry, couples who acted warmly towards each other (vs hostile) healed twice as fast from the blister wounds used in the study. 9. Longer Life: research has shown that generally married folks live longer than unmarried folks. The idea appears to be that having consistent support and less isolation leads to longer life span. 10. Happier Life: from the Journal of

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 — Family Psychology, a study linked the quality of family relationships as a stronger indicator of happiness than income! The bottomline is this, it doesn’t have to be romantic, it just has to be love. We spend billions of dollars looking for answers regarding everything from our physical health to mental health to our community health. We overthink things sometimes and miss the fix to many to many of our stresses and struggles. Love. Find ways to love others and you will see your life improve, even when things get hard. You’ll have better physical and emotional health and just be happier overall. This is good for ourselves, our families and our communities.

MOORE from 13 equally as important to me, especially with the evolution of tungsten. Tungsten is more expensive than lead. Loose jigs bouncing around the inside of a standard tackle box are likely to have the paint chip off or fall out, only to become stuck in other places and cost you time, or worse, lost and gone forever. Clam Outdoors makes it easier than ever to store tackle. They have a several different sizes of both jig and spoon boxes. You can do what I do and use a large jig box and the Deluxe Spoon Box to house the bulk of my tackle. I have a small jig box loaded with my most commonly-used jigs and space for a few substitutes as needed. I do the same with my spoons. Leech Flut-

ter Spoons and Blade Spoons are a staple for me. I keep the majority of my spoons in a Deluxe Spoon Box and when I’m not guiding, I take a small spoon box with my favorites for the day. Staying organized means less time searching for tackle and more tie fishing. I don’t appreciate organization as much as I do when I get to my fishing spot, but my system doesn’t end there. For years I had a habit of setting everything I thought I would use where it would be easily accessible. I thought that by having everything ready, it would save me time if I needed it. It wasn’t until after I met Dave Genz that I began to look at efficiency from a different perspective. I realized I almost never needed many of the object I was getting ready. By

taking most of my gear out I was costing myself time and essentially anchoring myself to an area in order to avoid having to put everything away. News flash Tim, you have to put it away at some point. Today, when I arrive at a fishing spot, I put anything I’m not actually using at that moment back where it belongs. If a school if fish moves on and I want to go with it, or they never appear in the first place and I need to quickly change locations, I can do so much easier and faster if the majority of my gear is put away. There are many ways to make yourself more productive. Having a system is by no means the endall key to success, but it makes a great foundation to build

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other skills off. Have fun creating your own system based on tips from others and steps you create yourself. Then put your stamp on it and own it. Having an efafective system makes ice fishing more productive and easier, and therefore more fun, with the latter being the most important. Tim Moore is a fulltime professional fishing guide in New Hampshire. He owns and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association, and the producer of TMO Fishing on YouTube and the Hooked with TMO Fishing Podcast. Visit www. TimMooreOutdoors.com for more information.

Paid Break! Free Pizza & Soda!

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 — METZLER from 7 incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do.” Invasion versus Incursion? Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky nervously countered, “We want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and small nations!” A week of frantic diplomacy in Moscow, Berlin and Geneva set the table but failed to bring substantive results. Sanctions and symbolic posturing will do little to deter Moscow. Russia demands written guarantees that Ukraine not be brought into the NATO military alliance. But are Russian forces numbering approximately 125,000 really sufficient to invade and occupy such a large country holding the defensive advantage and in the midst of Winter? The Europeans talk tough but remain dangerously dependent on Russian natural gas for heating and industry, especially Germany. While Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s whirlwind visit to Berlin “proved the worth of Transatlantic relations,” noted a leading figure in the Opposition, “There’s not enough U.S. diplomatic coordination with the Europeans” he noted. Indeed, Germany’s new Social-Democrat government coalition is divided over the newly completed Nord Stream 2 pipeline (which Biden’s blessed by the way), with Russia to face shutdown even before it comes on line. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, of the Green Party, to her credit opposes this new natural gas pipeline making Germany even more dependent on Russian energy. Why not bring it to

the UN Security Council? Many significant meetings concerning Ukraine in recent years saw feathers fly. We know Russia will use its sledgehammer veto to any substantive resolution but let’s get them on public record defending their actions. Put them on the diplomatic defensive. So is Mars still smiling or smirking; will the West, lacking any legal obligation, militarily confront Moscow? Or will Washington possibly blunder into a conflict on Putin’s home turf? Sane observers hope neither. So this comes down to the icy tough and mercurial Vladimir Putin playing Russia’s standoff with the West over Ukraine. It’s a game of geopolitical chess. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.

MOFFETT from 12 he committed to choosing a woman of color—in effect saying that whites and males would not even be considered. That’s what used to be called “discrimination.” But I digress.) Anyway, Patriot Nation will be rooting hard for its old coach to enjoy a last hurrah, a la Vince Lombardi. But that maxim uttered by one of Biden’s predecessors will always hold true: “Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.” Sports Quiz Who did Vince Lombardi replace as Green Bay Packer coach after the 1958 season? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on January 27 include Pittsburgh Steeler flounder, owner, and chairman Art Rooney (1901) and former star Cincinnati Bengal wide receiver and current NFL television commentator Chris Collinsworth (1959).

Sports Quote “I don’t Twitter. I don’t MyFace. I don’t Yearbook.”—Bill Belichick Sports Quiz Answer Ray “Scooter” Mclean was Lombardi’s Packer predecessor as head coach. Raised in Concord, N.H., McLean

played football at St. Anselm in Manchester before becoming a Chicago Bear from 194047. He was an NFL assistant before taking the Green Bay head coaching job. State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports

Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He co-authored the awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A Warrior-Actor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast.net.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

THE CLASSIFIEDS I WILL BUY * Fine Antiques * Art * * Jewelry * Silver *

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All Antiques: American and Continental furniture, paintings, oriental rugs and bronzes. Historical documents, old books and maps, nautical items, barometers and sextants. Old prints, movie and travel posters. Old photography, cameras and musical instruments. Gold and Silver U.S. and foreign coins. Civil war and all military items, guns, swords, medals and old flags. Old advertising, wooden and metal signs, vintage whiskey and wine, old weathervanes, old pottery, old jugs, crocks and textiles, lamps and lighting, glass and china. Old toys, banks, trains, sports memorabilia and comic books. Over 40 years experience in the antique business. Chinese and Asian arts, jade, ceramics, oriental textiles, furniture and art. Classic cars and motorcycles, gas pumps, oil cans and signs 25 years and older. All estate and contemporary jewelry, diamond rings, brooches, Patek, Rolex, all watches and charm bracelets. All Fine Gold and Silver Jewelry. Sterling silver flatware, tea services, trays and all silver and gold.

COMMERCIAL RENTAL SPACE Available in Moultonboro, NH. Approximately 1000 square feet. Located on Route 25 & corner of Lake Shore Drive. Good Exposure with large windows. Call Jim for details 603-387-7884.

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MALKIN from 6 signaling about someone else’s human rights record, is deplorable.” Our own country is an anarcho-tyrannical basket case. Major metropolitan police departments are run by eunuchs. District attorneys’ offices are held hostage by George Soros-subsidized criminal-coddlers. White people are deplatformed and drummed off university campuses for defending white people smeared by Black Lives Matter. Government agencies (in cahoots with left-wing character assassination operations) are blacklisting young nationalists and their supporters (white and nonwhite); preventing them from boarding planes, banking, renting Airbnbs, livestreaming, sharing music playlists and even ordering food online. Parents have been dragged off planes and out of school board meetings for defending their children’s right to breathe. Hundreds of thousands of workers have lost their jobs for refusing to submit to experimental COVID-19 jabs and junk-science testing. Trump supporters have rotted away in solitary confinement over their attendance at the Jan. 6 election integrity rally in the Capitol. This week: -- A 24-year-old UCLA grad student was stabbed to death by a black assailant in broad daylight at a high-end furniture store. -- A 40-year-old Asian woman was pushed off a subway platform to her death by a revolving-door black serial criminal in New York City, where skyrocketing black-on-white and black-on-Asian violence is covered up by bleeding-heart corruptocrats

and their corporate media propagandists. -- A 70-year-old nurse was brutally murdered by a homeless sociopath in LA on her way to work. No, I’m not apologetic now and never have been in the least for putting the health, safety and welfare of Americans in America over the conditions of others outside our borders. Neither should Palihapitiya, but he has already folded like a set of accordian blinds. “In re-listening to this week’s podcast, I recognize that I come across as lacking empathy. I acknowledge that entirely. As a refugee, my family fled a country with its own set of human rights issues so this is something that is very much a part of my lived experience. To be clear, my belief is that human rights matter, whether in China, the United States, or elsewhere. Full stop.” Oh, stop quivering like a Jell-O pudding cup. Not everything and everyone can matter equally in a world of limited resources and energy. Sovereignty matters. Full stop. You’re a billionaire with nothing to lose, Mr. Moneybags. If you’re going to be a truth-telling, politically incorrect maverick who goes “All In” (the name of Palihapitiya’s podcast show), don’t end up groveling pitifully on your knees, for heaven’s sake. Take it from the little brown woman with a big mouth who has gone all in for three decades in the public square: Man up, own your words and thoughts, and never back down when the bellowers bellow for your head.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 — STOSSEL from 7 vacation cancelled,” he was photographed in Miami. DeSantis laughs about this. “If I had a dollar for every lockdown politician who decided to escape to Florida over the last two years, I’d be a pretty doggone wealthy man.” Fewer rules allow people to build better lives for themselves. Lack of shutdowns is one reason Florida’s unemployment rate is 4.5%, well below New York’s 6.6%. Does this mean shutdowns and mask mandates are useless -- and less regulated Florida has the an-

swer? No. We can’t say that. There’s no clear pattern. Yes, strict mandate states like New York, New Jersey and Michigan have some of the worst death counts, but California had strict mandates and fewer deaths. The one clear trend: Lockdowns don’t stop COVID-19, but they do destroy opportunity. California’s unemployment is the highest in America. Florida did some bad things. DeSantis should pay more attention to his own pro-freedom speeches. Last year, he decreed that even private companies may not require

customers or workers to be vaccinated. Governor? They’re private companies! They should have the right to make their own decisions. It’s usually the totalitarian left that won’t let people set their own rules. Aside from that nastiness, Florida’s COVID-19 policies are among the most sensible. Since lockdowns won’t stop the virus, we must learn to live with it. Thanks to vaccines and new drugs that reduce COVID-19’s effects, now most of us can. “We don’t have to upend human life in our quest to eliminate

COVID ... which can’t happen anyway,” says economist Don Boudreaux. Giving up these laws is not “admitting defeat” but “admitting reality. We learn to live with COVID in the same way that we learn to live with many other pathogens. ... One day, every one of us is going to be done in by something.” That’s why I will vacation in Florida this week. I’ll wear a mask if I’m in a crowd, but most of the time I won’t. It’s a joy to breathe freely. I might catch omicron. But since I’m vaccinated and fit, I probably won’t die. I

might even gain immunities that protect me in the future. And anyway, “All of us will be done in by something.” I choose to live free.

SHAPIRO from 6 or Zoom into congressional conference calls. And she never has to worry about the profit margins she spends so much time deriding; she can undercut those for others at her leisure. Democrats used to pose as the party of labor. Now, they’re increasingly the party of those who wish to avoid it at all costs.

John Stossel is creator of Stossel TV and author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators SyndiBen Shapiro, 38, is a cate writers and cartoonists, visit www. graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, creators.com. host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and editorin-chief of DailyWire. com.



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

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by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —




Runners Up : The best formula for childhood fun is Pie are cubed. - Alan Dore, Rochester, NH.


The Winklman Aeffect

Three “Pie” Pipers - Bob Patrick, Moultonboro, NH.

PHOTO #894

Moe, Larry and Curly in the early years always ate together. -Joe Vitalu, Belmont, NH.

The boys are happy because as long as they are eating they don’t have to wear masks. -Robert Ferlito, Massapequa. NY.

PHOTO #896 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 27, 2022 —

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