06/09/2022 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

VOLUME 31, NO. 23



New England Lyman Group Boat Show

Mary Kay Sherman of Gilford stands with the flags she plants every year to mark June 6th, the anniversary of D-Day, the invasion of Normandy. Mary Kay’s father PFC Herbert A. Sherman Jr., was part of the first wave in BRENDAN SMITH PHOTO the landing.

78 Years - 78 Flags Remembering D-Day And Her Dad

by Brendan Smith Weirs Times Editor

Each year, for the past twelve, Mary Kay Sherman of Gilford has been adding one flag to the display

in front of her home to honor the brave soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy, France on DDay, June 6, 1944. This year seventy-eight flags wave in her yard.

More that 160,000 Allied troops landed on that French coastline that day to fight the German soldiers in what was to be a turning point in the war. Among the 160,000, and

also part of that very first wave, was Mary Kay’s father, PFC First Class Herbert A. Sherman, Jr. who landed on Omaha Beach. More that 9,000 Allied See FLAGS on 27

Don’t miss the 22nd Annual New England Lyman Group Boat Show at the Wolfeboro Town Docks on Saturday, June 11th, from 9am to 2pm. See a variety of classic Lyman and other Lapstrake wooden boats all enjoyed on New England lakes for decades. In addition to beautiful boats, there will be music, entertainment, silent auction and raffle. The NH Boat Museum will offer information about their programs. Talk with boat owners and vote for your favorite boat. The New England Lyman Group was founded in 1999 with the mission and purpose of promoting the use of Lyman boats, but also to support activities that promote youth involvement and interest in wooden boat building, repair, and maintenance. They make regular donations to the NH Boat Museum, The Landing School and Lowell’s Boat Shop to benefit wooden boat programs for young people. For more information go to NewEnglandLymanGroup.com, email NELGevents@gmail.com or call Betsy Bryant at 603 591-5176.









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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Biden’s Disastrous Policies To The Editor: How rich, ignorant, and/or uncaring must people be to not realize that President Biden’s policies have been disastrous, especially for middle- and lower-income Americans? Today’s over 8% inflation means a family with a $60,000 income last year now needs an extra $5000 to maintain the same modest lifestyle. The gasoline price jump from $2.099, just before Biden’s attack on our petroleum industry, to yesterday’s price of $4.589 hurts most families. Biden now imports dirty oil from distant foreign countries, making foreign workers and hostile governments wealthy, and generating far more CO2 than producing clean oil here, enriching American workers, generating American taxes, protecting our national security, and reducing prices. Wealthier Americans’ incomes, safety, health, and children’s future success are less directly harmed by the millions of illegal aliens flooding through President Biden’s open border. Illegal aliens mostly live in poorer neighborhoods; taking local jobs and housing; depressing wages; bringing gangs, diseases, crime, and drugs (killing many of last year’s 107,000 victims); and degrading their schools and hospitals. Crime skyrocketed in Democrat cities which defunded police, don’t prosecute, and/or release suspects without bail to victim-

ize others. Democrats lock millions of poor and middle-income students into bad schools, depriving them of decent educations and prosperous futures. Democrat taxes, regulations, slanders, scapegoating, and delays drove businesses out of our country, taking many millions of good paying jobs with them. Along with minimum wage increases, and sanctuaries for illegal aliens those Democrat policies also caused decades of wage stagnation for middle- and lower-income families. Most Democrat voters surely want the best for all Americans, but they need to awaken to the fact that today’s Democrat leaders are not the patriotic, proAmerican worker Democrats of the distant past. Don Ewing Meredith, NH.

Get Us Out Of The U.N. To The Editor: Will Rogers has a humorous observation on how lots of us think: “The problem with the American people is not what they don’t know, it’s what we think we know that ain’t so.” Representative Mike Lee of Alabama has introduced H.R. 7806, The American Sovereignty Restoration Act to completely Get US Out of The United Nations. The goals of the UN were altruistic, however the implementation of said goals have been less than desirable. First of all consider the UN globalist strategy has followed an agenda to bring “peace through

force” which has resulted in wars fought by American soldiers and financed with U.S tax dollars. The narrative of the world government movement has been a “monkey on the back” of our independence and freedom since WWII because it attacks the U.S. Constitution. Just as saws and hammers are tools to build with, the UN is a tool to build world government. Unfortunately, Eleanor Roosevelt, when she chaired the UN committee that drafted the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, allowed the language in Article 29 that negates all the previous rights granted with the words: “Rights should not be exercised contrary to the principles and purposes of the United Nation.” This completely turns away from the Americanist principles espoused in the Declaration of Independence that human rights come from God our Creator that were written into law in the First Ten Amendments , essentially telling the federal government what it could not do. Over the past 70 plus years Marxism has gradually eroded American sovereignty over ruling constitutional domestic law in many critical areas. The UN is showing its true purpose to so many today. Personal health decisions being taken away has exposed the WHO’s violation of inherent rights during these pandemic years as this global malignancy has rapidly metastasized in the area of health with a compassionate desire to control healthcare all over the world. Blessed with the protection from See MAILBOAT on 22

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 28,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 70,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 603-366-5115 x 319.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-5115 ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Celtics, Warriors, Flying, And Robyn tiful bar with free drinks. The latter got my attention, especially when I noticed the bar’s TV tuned to an NBA playoff game. It turned out to be the Western Conference finals between the Golden State Warriors (obviously the local favorites) and the Dallas Mavericks. It was Game 4 of a series in which Golden State had a 3-0 lead. While waiting for an extra-large Merlot, I couldn’t help but notice a woman in distress at the bar watching the game. A Maverick three-pointer pushed a Dallas lead to around 30 points. The Warrior fan uttered an expletive and dropped her head onto the bar. I felt a need to comfort her. “Hey! It’s okay,” I See MOFFETT on 31

by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

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I never flew in an airplane until I joined the Marines at age 27. Since then, I’ve flown around the country and around the world—everywhere from Afghanistan to Korea to Kuwait to Norway to Panama. But being 6-feet-4, I find long flights to be tedious in confined spaces that are almost as uncomfortable as Fenway Park’s grandstand seats. An option for people of size is to fly FirstClass—kind of like being in those spacious luxury suites high above those tiny Fenway Park grandstand chairs. The problem is that First-Class seats are pricey—like those luxury suites—so I never traveled FirstClass. But for a recent coast-to-coast flight, my spouse Beth—who is much smarter than me—did some math and purchased FirstClass tickets to fly us from Orange County to San Francisco to Boston on Alaska Airlines. A birthday present. The extra space was heavenly. The complimentary libations along with the delicious steak would ease the pain of the “red eye” flight. We laid over at San Francisco International Airport where

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Dr. Sebastian Gorka At Grafton County Republican-Lincoln Day

Dr. Sebastian Gorka will be the keynote speaker at the Grafton County Republican Lincoln-Reagan Day “ReDo” Event on July 5, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Lodge. Due to inclement weather Dr. Gorka could not attend our event in March. Dr. Gorka will speak on “America After Biden”. This event will be free to all original ticket holders and students. For those who did not have tickets for the original event and would like to attend may purchase tickets by accessing the link below. For more information call 603-823-8151. Gorka, a PhD., served as Deputy Assistant for Strategy to the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and is currently a presidential appointee to the National Security Education Board at the Department of Defense. He is the host of AMERICA First, a nationally-syndicated radio show on the Salem Radio Network, and The Gorka Reality Check, the newest show on the cable news network Newsmax TV. He is the author of the New York Times bestselling book “Defeating Jihad,” and “Why We Fight.” His latest book is “The War for America’s Soul.” You can follow him on Twitter @SebGorka, on Facebook, and on Instagram @sebastian_gorka. AMERICA First is available on the iTunes podcast app, streams live at www.sebgorka.com, and is on the video-sharing platform Rumble.

Mary Baker Eddy Program In Ashland The Ashland Historical Society will present “Mary Baker Eddy:An Extraordinary Life Told In Ordinary Terms” at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 26 at the Ashland Booster Clubhouse, 99 MaIn Street, Ashland. (The Clubhouse is the red building at the east end of the Town ballfield on Routes 3 and 25.) Admission is free to the public, but donations are welcome. The program depicts the personal history of a local girl who became the founder of the Christian Science movement. In a reimagined interview, Boston Herald reporter Sibyl Wilbur, portrayed by Linda Salatiello, elicits the life story of Mary Baker Eddy, as depicted by Evelyn Auger. It is an amazing tale and not at all what one might envision. Come and meet the woman with New Hampshire roots who lived in more places than George Washington slept. Evelyn Auger and Linda Salatiello, of the Sanbornton Historical Society, are fonts of historical lore. They will present the program in period appropriate attire - one of their particular fortes. This program is the second in a series of five to be presented to the public this year by the Ashland Historical Society. Visit the Society’s website ashlandnhhistory.org for further information on their programs.

Free Admission At NH Boat Museum On Saturday, June 18, (NHBM) New Hampshire Boat Museum in Wolfeboro will host New Hampshire Appreciation Day, which offers free admission for New Hampshire residents. Some highlights at NHBM this season include its newest featured exhibit, “Letting Off Steam: Escaping to New Hampshire during the Golden Age of Steam.” The exhibit will display a Fitzhenry Steam Engine from the historic Iona steamboat, which is on loan from the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation in Waltham, MA. The exhibit also celebrates the 150th anniversary of the M/S Mount Washington on Lake Winnipesaukee and the 150th anniversary of the railroad’s arrival in Wolfeboro. In addition to “Letting Off Steam: Escaping to New Hampshire during the Golden Age of Steam,” NHBM will continue to display 2021’s rowing exhibit, “Who’s In The Boat?,” which explores New Hampshire’s relationship with competitive and recreational rowing. New Hampshire Appreciation Day takes place on Saturday, June 18, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, at NHBM, 399 Center St., in Wolfeboro. To gain free entry, New Hampshire residents should bring their driver’s license. To learn more about upcoming events and programs at NHBM, visit nhbm.org.

Relay For Life In Rochester On June 25th, 2022 from 11am to 11pm, the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Rochester, NH will take place at Spaulding High School. Relay For Life of Rochester is a 12-hour walk to raise money and awareness in the fight against cancer. People of all ages, including cancer survivors, participate in the event. They can walk, run, or ride at their own pace. The American Cancer Society takes this opportunity not just to raise the valuable funds needed for research and patient service programs for cancer patients and their families, but also, to spread the word about cancer prevention and early detection. The Rochester Relay kicks off at 11am with a welcome and presentations from two cancer survivors, followed by survivors and caregivers taking the first lap around the track. Registered survivors and caregivers will take part in a free luncheon, receive a free t-shirt and other goodies. Survivors can register by visiting the website: www.relayforlife.org/rochesternh or by calling 800-227-2345. In celebration of this year’s theme Groovin’ for a Cure, the event will feature entertainment from Dance the Line, Studio 109, Taylor Marie, Cameron Drive Acoustic Trio, Sole City Dance, Rob & Jody, and Kowboys Karaoke and DJing. These talented artists all donated their time and talents to the Relay event. At the event, guests can take part in festive lap themes such as the Disco Fever Lap or Heehaw Hoedown Lap, play fun activities and games, participate in a silent auction, enjoy delicious food and more. At dusk (8:30pm), the event moves into a more reflective phase where the field is lined with glowing luminary bags and participants walk the track in the quiet honoring and remembering those who have lost their battles to cancer. Closing ceremonies will conclude the event at 11pm.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —


in brendan@weirs.com


entral Baptist hurch

Live Free or Die.


Out Of Season As the summer season starts to kick in it got me to thinking. Since this Covid thing sort of shut things down for the past by Brendan Smith couple of years Weirs Times Editor and people are getting back to normal, are we going to start seeing those “Christmas In July” sales again this year? Of course, “Christmas In July” has nothing to do with the real meaning of Christmas (which, unfortunately, goes for most people on the real Christmas Day itself when you think about it), but I still liked the idea of it all the same. I once looked at July as an oppressively hot and humid month where traffic increased, and some folks exposed parts of their bodies that are better left covered up for the sake of all mankind. But “Christmas in July” does bring a touch of joy to the whole thing. I started to think about what it would be like if Christmas actually was always held in July, especially here in the Northeast. Just think how convenient it would be for all of us. (And let’s face it, it all comes down to our convenience, doesn’t it?) Even those folks who are against everything to do with Christmas would have nice weather for their protests. We’d never have to worry about making it to Grandma’s house because of a snowstorm and once we got there, we wouldn’t have to be trapped in the house all day. We could go outside and play horseshoes just to break up things for a bit. And it would stay light until nine (which would make it a little harder to get the kids to bed early on Christmas Eve so you could put the presents under the tree…a small price

to pay). If we had Christmas Carols for July they might go something like: Marshmallows Roasting On An Open Firepit Mosquitoes Nipping At Your Nose Rap music being loudly blared from open car windows And folks dressed up like… well…hardly at all. Or maybe: Yes, it’s the most wonderful time to drink beer. (Just imagine a group of kids in shorts, T-shirts, baseball caps and sandals bellowing out these heart-warming tunes at your front door. You might even invite them in out of the heat for some air-conditioning and a glass of iced tea.) The thought of Christmas actually happening in July got me thinking about how things might be different if we celebrated other holidays at different times of the year then we do now. If our Founding Fathers had declared our independence from Great Britain on, say, January 13th we wouldn’t be celebrating Independence Day of the Fourth of July, but the Thirteenth of January. (Just doesn’t have that same ring.) We wouldn’t be having the traditional barbecue, we might all be going to the neighbors for a big lasagna or maybe the traditional Independence Day brisket. I doubt there would be many parades since it would be too cold to be outside. There might not even be fireworks. (But I doubt that since there are a few folks, especially in my neighborhood, who will look for any excuse to set a few off, no matter what season, just to wake me up at 10pm.) One holiday that would be easy to change the date of would be President’s Day. Anyone older than thirty might remember that we used to celebrate two President’s birthdays

in February – Washington and Lincoln. Someone decided that was mean and we should just lump them along with all the other presidents, into one day, no matter how awful they were and then have big car sales. (Some, of course, want to eliminate the day all together since some of our president’s were born a long time ago and did some things differently then we do today before everyone was perfect.) My idea would be to celebrate one or two different Presidents each year on their actual birthday (even if it isn’t a Monday). For example, one year we could honor Grover Cleveland on March 18th and Chester A. Arthur on October 5th and so on. This might encourage some young people to learn more about these presidents and the history of our country (stop laughing). Speaking of Abraham Lincoln, imagine what Thanksgiving would be like today if he had declared it should be celebrated on the last Thursday in June instead of November. Instead of feasting on turkey, squash and pumpkin pie, it might be cheeseburgers, potato salad and watermelon. Now that July is approaching, I am waiting to see if “Christmas In July” will be making a return. In all honesty, I am not much for shopping, so it’s not like I am looking forward to taking advantage of the sales. It is just that I look forward to saying “Merry Christmas” to people in the middle of the summer, especially those folks who are annoyed by it any time of year. It is those small things that feel like tiny holidays to me. Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles”,“Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and “I Only Did It For The Socks Stories & Thoughts On Aging” All are available at BrendanTSmith. com.

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Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)



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Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money Governor Wentworth HWY orders for 374 $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, Call 603-476-8887 • F: 603-476-5176 PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 www.skelleysmarket.com Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

20 Years: The Murder of LA Sheriff’s Deputy David March Two decades ago this spring, I was furiously pounding out the manuscript to “Invasion,” my very first book on the systemic failures of immigration enforcement in America. On April 29, 2002, as if to underscore the bloody consequences of open borders that I had been compiling, a violent illegal alien repeat criminal offender named Jorge Arroyo (aka Armando) by Michelle Malkin Garcia assassinated Los Angeles County Syndicated Columnist Sheriff’s Deputy David March during a routine traffic stop in Irwindale, California. Garcia had been thrice-deported back to Mexico, twiceconvicted for felony drug dealing and weapons violations, and was under investigation in two separate attempted murder cases when Deputy March pulled him over for a broken front light while on morning patrol. Despite federal law requiring criminal prosecution for illegal reentry into our country, serial invader Garcia never faced any action by the then-Immigration and Naturalization Service or the U.S. Attorney’s office in Los Angeles to kick him out and keep him out. The career lawbreaker was working illegally as a cook at a Mexican restaurant on Deputy March’s last day on earth. According to the L.A. County Sheriff’s office, what happened next was a deliberate, cold-blooded assassination. Garcia “had stated to friends that he wanted to kill a police officer during a traffic stop,” the department discovered. “The suspect intentionally got stopped and waited for Deputy March to get in front of his patrol car so he could open fire, as Deputy March would have no place to take cover. Deputy March was shot several times in the head and chest.” One of his colleagues who rushed to the scene, Deputy Tiffany Burgoyne, recounted holding the beloved leader’s head in the ambulance on the “longest ride in her life” -- and arriving at the hospital “covered in blood.” Despite heroic attempts to save his life, Deputy March died and left behind devoted wife Teri, stepdaughter Kayla; and his tight-knit parents and siblings, dad John, mom Barbara, sister Erin, and brother John. Deputy March worked as a security guard, joined the Marine Corps and then entered the Sheriff’s Academy in 1996. He had served with distinction for seven years before giving his life at the age of 33 years young. At his packed memorial, a colleague read from a recent selfevaluation that Deputy March See MALKIN on 35

The Anarchic Philosophy Behind ‘LGBTQI+ Pride Month’ June marks LGBTQI+ Pride Month -- a month honoring those who are “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex.” This ever-expanding rubric revolves around a particular value sysby Ben Shapiro tem entirely embraced Syndicated Columnist by the modern Left: the notion that a person’s core identity ought to lie not in the relationship between individual desires and societal duties, but instead ought to revolve around a subjective sense of self, unverifiable by the world at large and justified against all societal roles and rules. President Joe Biden has said as much from the White House. In a proclamation urging Americans to “wave their flags of pride high” -- it is worth noting that an entire side of the political aisle in the United States now finds the so-called pride flag far less controversial than the American flag itself -- Biden stated, “This month, we remind the LGBTQI+ community that they are loved and cherished. My administration sees you for who you are -- deserving of dignity, respect and support.” Of course, seeing people for who they are typically requires some sort of objective standard; it is literally impossible to see someone for who he is based on his own internal self-perception. This means that Biden is using perfectly Orwellian euphemisms to say that we all ought to validate the self-perception of any he, she, xe or catself. This perspective is absolutely incoherent. Ironically, this incoherence is exposed by the conflict between the different letters within the alphabet soup of the supposedly sexually marginalized. The case for tolerance of lesbian and gay Americans used to be that biological drives should not be regulated by soci-

ety at large, because such drives were inborn and innate; that idea at least had the merit of internal consistency. Now, however, that idea has been jettisoned for its logical opposite, the belief that biology has no hold on us whatsoever, and that we ought to be free to define ourselves in opposition to our own biology, changing our gender and sexual orientation at will. Homosexual orientation relies on the continued distinction between the sexes -- after all, why prefer males or females if those sexes are mere social constructs? Transgenderism relies on the absolute malleability of sex. This is the reason that so-called TERFs -- “trans-exclusionary radical feminists! “ -- are so bewildered by the suddenly mainstream view that women’s rights ought to be extended to biological men. And yet here we are, told by the White House that we must ignore the internal contradictions of Left-wing sexual ideology, and simply pretend the incoherence away. We are told that we ought to stand for women’s rights by the same people who insist that Lia Thomas is a woman; we are told that one need not be a biological female to be a lesbian; we are told that biology dictates behavior, but that biology must never be used as an identifier. None of this makes one whit of sense. But we ought to be proud of it, because after all, it liberates us to celebrate our inner sense of authenticity, free of society’s strictures. There is only one problem, of course: this sort of illogic quickly devolves into anarchy. There is no way to speak coherently with one another absent objective meaning, let alone to reach consensus. Suggesting that the world at large owes each of us validation for our innermost desires is a recipe for complete chaos. Unity can only come from opposition to something -- and in this case, that means opposition to tradition, institutions and the roles that actually facilitate human flourishing.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Out Of Formula Parents still struggle to find baby formula. The left and most media (sorry, same thing?) blame “corporate power run amok.” House Speaker by John Stossel Nancy Pelosi says, Syndicated Columnist “There might be a need for indictment!” They blame Abbott Laboratories, because it shut down a Similac plant. The Food and Drug Administration says unsanitary conditions led to deaths of two infants, but Abbott denies that its formula re-

call had anything to do with those deaths. In any case, one factory closure doesn’t normally cause massive shortages. My new video gives the real reason for the formula shortage. First: bans on imports. There’s plenty of formula on supermarket shelves in Mexico and Europe. Normally, American companies would just buy that and ship it here. But they can’t, because of several destructive government policies. “The dairy industry in the United States has a really long history of lobbying the government and achieving protection,” explains Cato In-

stitute trade policy specialist Scott Lincicome. That “protection” includes fat tariffs on formula from overseas and outright bans by the FDA. There was a gray market where people were getting around these rules. “American parents enlisted third-party sellers to obtain European infant formula,” says Lincicome. Boxes of formula arrived, but customs won’t let American parents have it. They’ve “been seizing European baby formula shipments at the border, much like a drug seizure,” says Lincicome. Why are imports banned? For safety, says the government, but

formula is often banned for stupid bureaucratic reasons. “If you have the wrong scooper, banned!” says Lincicome. “If you don’t list a certain ingredient that the FDA demands, you’re banned!” If ingredients are listed in the “wrong” order or aren’t listed in English, the food is banned “even if a third-party retailer provides you with the English translation.” I say to Lincicome, “I would think that government now would suspend those rules.” “It certainly should,” he replies. “But the dairy industry lobbied very hard for these rules that provided See STOSSEL on 33

Queen’s Jubilee Revives Gloomy Britain It was time to celebrate! The 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne in 1952 makes her the longest servby John J. Metzler ing Monarch in Syndicated Columnist B r i t i s h h i s t o r y . Thus the grandly named Platinum Jubilee has not only dazzled the country with its Royal Pomp and circumstance, but as importantly invigorated it with its joyous celebrations of unity across the land. In a sense the Royal Jubilee became a truly National celebration with parades, picnics, parties, and pageantry. People from all walks of life reveled in a four day holiday

of official events such as the regal trooping of the color with a parade of horse and foot regiments. The splendid and spectacular celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II have resounded across Britain and indeed the 54 nation Commonwealth from Canada to Kenya and Singapore to South Africa. As Queen Elizabeth proclaimed, “I know that many happy memories will be created at these festive occasions,” adding, “I continue to be inspired by the goodwill shown to me.” But it’s the amazing Queen Elizabeth, now 96, who’s the star of the celebrations. She is widely admired for her enduring mantra of Service, Duty and Faith. Many commentators have said she’s the world’s most popular and influen-

tial woman. Indeed her commitment towards her role and duty assumed in 1952 on the death of her Father, George VI, the wartime King, has never wavered or changed. There’s a dignified quality here so rarely seen in the modern world. Elizabeth II has been Monarch longer than the lives of most of her subjects; she has been Queen during 14 British Prime Ministers, the first being the redoubtable Winston Churchill! Equally her reign has extended through 15 American Presidents. When she assumed the British Throne in 1952, President Harry Truman was in the While House! Her first years of reign coincided with the Eisenhower Administration.

Of course in this modern age where history is a largely forgotten discipline, it took the Netflix series The Crown to introduce the dignified but sometimes bumpy reign of Queen Elizabeth to global audiences. The Crown while often tinkering with historical accuracy, faithfully portrays costuming and setting, presenting a splendid tableau vivant of her years alongside her longtime husband Prince Philip and the birth of their children Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward. It equally revived the often tumultuous events inside the Royal Family. Speaking philosophically for a moment, Queen Elizabeth II is the last of Britain’s WWII generation to be at the helm, her husband Prince See METZLER on 33


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

New limits expand 401(k), IRA opportunities

You could spend two, or even three, decades in retirement. So, to pay for all those years, you’ll probably need to take full advantage of your retirement accounts. And in 2022, you may have expanded opportunities to deduct retirement plan contributions on your tax return. Before looking at what’s changed this year, let’s review the key benefits of these accounts: • Traditional IRA – You typically contribute pretax (deductible) dollars to a traditional IRA, and your earnings can grow tax-deferred. • Roth IRA – You invest after-tax dollars in a Roth IRA, so your contributions won’t lower your taxable income, but your earnings can grow tax free, provided you’ve had your account at least five years and you’re 59½ or older when you begin taking withdrawals. • 401(k) – A 401(k) or similar plan (such as a 457(b) for state and local government employees or a 403(b) for employees of public schools or nonprofit groups) is generally funded with pretax dollars and provides tax-deferred earnings. Some employers offer a Roth 401(k), in which employees contribute after tax-dollars and can take tax-free withdrawals if they meet the same age and lengthof-ownership requirements as the Roth IRA. So, what’s different about these plans in 2022? First, consider the traditional IRA. If you – and your spouse, if you’re married – don’t have a 401(k) or similar plan, you can always deduct the full amount of your contribution on your tax return, no matter what you earn. But if one or both of you are covered by an employer-sponsored plan, then your deductions could be reduced or eliminated based on your income. Single taxpayers can claim the full deduction if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is

$68,000 or less ($109,000 for married filing jointly), with deductibility decreasing at higher income levels and phasing out entirely at $78,000 ($129,000 for married filing jointly). But here’s the key point: Compared to 2021, these ranges are $2,000 higher for single filers and $4,000 higher for those who are married and filing jointly – which means that this year, you might have more opportunities to make deductible contributions. And a similar type of increase applies to Roth IRA eligibility. In 2022, if you’re a single filer, you can put in up to $6,000 ($7,000 if you are 50 or older) in a Roth IRA if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is less than $129,000 – up from $125,000 in 2021. Allowable contributions are reduced at higher income levels and phased out if your MAGI is $144,000 or more, up from $140,000 in 2021. If you’re married and file jointly, the respective ranges are $204,000–$214,000, up from $198,000–$208,000 in 2021. Again, higher ranges may mean more opportunities for you. (Consult your tax advisor to determine your eligibility to contribute to a Roth IRA or make deductible contributions to a traditional IRA.) And finally, the annual contribution limit for 401(k), 457(b) and 403(b) plans is $20,500 – up $1,000 from 2021. If you’re 50 or older, you can put in an extra $6,500 this year, for a total of $27,000. These changes may not seem monumental, but when you’re saving for retirement, any opportunities to invest and potentially reduce taxes, of whatever size, can be valuable. So, review your options to determine how you can help yourself move closer to your retirement goals. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Letters From God This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.

dom of light and life throughout the world (Genesis 1:28). I never asked an organization, a ministry, a government or even a church to carry on this task but I entrusted it to a man and a woman and the families that would be birthed through them. The home is the greenhouse for phenomenal growth. As a man and a woman, uniquely designed to bear children, cooperatively use their unique strengths and abilities to nurture their children, they would grow strong and mature and carry my godly values to future generations (Malachi 2:15). Through these godly family units’ nations would experience my blessings of life. The nuclear family is my perfect design for life, not only the beginning of life but also the progression to maturity in life. As you have in other social realms, you as newly self-proclaimed “gods,” have however chosen to forsake and destroy my design and replace it with your own (Psalm 2:1-3). You have supported organizations that have expressly committed themselves to destroying the nuclear family, as Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+. You are establishing laws that will undermine my design. You have usurped the primary role of godly parents superintending their children’s growth and maturation by entrusting it to teachers and educators in your godless schools (Deu-

teronomy 6:1-9). Your curriculum is being taught by those who have rebelled against me and my standards and they are serving as blind guides to others. You may think that this is no problem but, in your limited knowledge and sinful hearts, you have begun to unleash a firestorm that will destroy you unless you come to your senses. The nuclear family was designed to be the greenhouse for phenomenal healthy growth through my leadership and influence of a godly mother and father into their children. Your model will have the same phenomenal growth, but it will be unhealthy and malignant. “My ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:). Since I am God and since I have no evil or sin, my ways always bring forth life. Since you are not God and since your hearts are in rebellion to me and my will, your ways will always bring forth death. “The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23). No civilization that has practiced what you are practicing today, has survived. They have collapsed through natural consequences of their sinful and foolish behavior as well as through my supernatural judgement on their rebellion against me and my standards for life. I counsel you to take to heart that you are in direct defiance of me and my will. Con-

Letters From God

QUESTION: What Are Your Thoughts On The Efforts To Destroy The Nuclear Family? As I promised in my previous letter, I would like to specifically address the social issues that you are facing today, and which are tearing you apart. With respect to my thoughts on the social issue of destroying the nuclear family, I have much to say. By rejecting me and my will and creating your own, you have brazenly made my created design, for maleness and femaleness, a matter of personal choice. It was only a matter of time that you would set your sights on destroying my design for the nuclear family as well. From the beginning of time, my standard has been the formation of a family unit with a man and a woman, married and committed to me and each other, who bear children and raise them according to my will (Genesis 1:27-28). It was meant to be the foundation upon which healthy society is established. I would have you note that in this statement and after I made the first man and woman, I entrusted to them and their family, the responsibility of extending my king-

sider as well that as God, my will alone will always be that which brings life that is truly life (1 Timothy 6:19). Consider therefore, that you cannot stand when my judgement is executed. You cannot survive. No one has and you are no exception. Listen to my wisdom and live. I expressly stated, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” (Psalm 127:1). My blueprint is perfect and anything less than or different than my plans will fail (Psalm 19:7). You are building a house that can’t stand. It will go up but because you have failed to follow my plans, the Master Builder of Life, it will collapse on your heads. In every realm of life, if you fail to follow the design of the designer you will not only miss the delights of the design but also suffer the painful consequences of the collapse of all your efforts. If you ever hope to enjoy life, that I alone can give, you must recognize your terrible mistake and turn quickly back to me and my will. If you do, I will forgive your sins and once again bless your life and prosper you and your country (1 John 1:9).

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I love you, God These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Summer Fun! The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!

Ride In WWII-Era PBY Catalina ‘Flying Turtle’ Amphibious Aircraft The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire will hold its annual Father’s Day Weekend Fly-In BBQ on Saturday, June 18 from 10am. to 2pm at Nashua’s Boire Field. The public is welcome to enjoy a BBQ buffet lunch and get a close look at visiting aircraft parked on the ramp. Pilots are invited to fly in, with vintage airplanes and home-built aircraft especially welcome. Tickets to the ‘Father’s Day Weekend Fly-In BBQ’ are $30 adults; $25 museum members; $10 ages 6 to 12; kids 5 and under, free. Ramp tickets (which don’t include BBQ lunch) are $10 per person, with kids 12 and under free. STAND UP PADDLEBOARDS KAYAKS • CANOES

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The ‘Flying Turtle,’ a vintage World War II-era PBY-5A Catalina amphibious aircraft, will be on display at the Aviation Museum’s annual ‘Welcome Summer’ Fly-In Barbecue, which takes place this year on Saturday, June 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Nashua Airport. Tickets may be bought in advance via Eventbrite.com at https://tinyurl. com/2s4jemw6 This year’s event will include a special visitor: an historic Consolidated PBY-5A ‘Catalina’ flying boat, which will be on display. The vintage World War II-era aircraft will also offer 30-minute flights to the public during the event. The aircraft, nicknamed ‘The Flying Turtle,’ is one of only a handful of Catalina amphibious aircraft still flying. More than 3,000 were produced from 1936 to 1945, with the aircraft playing a major role in World War II. The ‘Flying Turtle,’ which travels throughout the nation and around the Caribbean,

will be on display to BBQ guests and ramp visitors from 10 a.m. to noon. In the afternoon, the aircraft will offer 30-minute rides to paying passengers. Rides cost $350 per person, with proceeds used for aircraft fuel, restoration, and maintenance. Rides may be booked in advance at www.historicairtours. com. For walk-up passengers, a limited number of seats may be available at the June 18 event. The BBQ Fly-In takes place at the hangar of Nashua Jet Aviation, 83 Perimeter Road at Nashua Airport. A barbecue buffet will be served at noon in the hangar. The meal includes salad, pasta, barbecued

chicken, pulled pork, baked beans, desserts, and drinks. The public is invited to attend the event, held each year on Father’s Day weekend to mark the approach of summer, which officially arrives the following Tuesday. Those attending may buy tickets in advance online on Eventbrite at https://tinyurl. com/2s4jemw6 or by calling the Aviation Museum at (603) 6694877. The Aviation Museum of N.H. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. For more information, visit www.aviationmuseumofnh.org or call (603) 669-4820.


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On the Laverack Nature Trail at Hawkins Brook boardwalk near downtown Meredith. The 6/10th long path runs between Prescott Park and the Meredith Village Savings Bank. The Nature Trail is wheelchair accessible and the boardwalk is a nice level easy walk for everyone to enjoy. There are educational signs posted along the way to teach about the local animals and wetlands. It is a lovely place.

Laverack Nature Trail At Hawkins Brook On our way to Funspot, I used my cellphone to search for the Meredith Conservation Commission and then I clicked on the “Hiking Maps & Selfguided Tours” link. It directed me to information about their trails, interactive maps and a lovely slideshow featuring Meredith’s Conservation Areas. I was itching to stretch my legs and when I read about the Laverack Nature Trail and its accessible walkway with boardwalks along Hawkins

Brook that flows into Meredith Bay. I pitched the idea of taking a nice nature stroll to Charlie and he was game. The Trail runs between Prescott Park and downtown Meredith, just to the west of the Meredith Village Savings Bank and it is 6/10ths of a mile long. Out and back is a nice walk of 1.2 miles. It was hot and sunny on Sunday mid-afternoon. We pulled into the Meredith Village Savings Bank’s parking area be-

hind the bank and we parked next to the trail’s information kiosk. We were the only car in the lot. Hawkins Brook and the large wetland are hidden behind the bank and businesses along Routes 25 & 3. The Brook flows into Meredith Bay but it is hidden too because it crosses beneath Route 25 to enter the Lake. At the trailhead kiosk we learned that the trail is named See PATENAUDE on 28


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

WAR PIGEONS: Winged Couriers in the U.S. Military, 1878-1957 At The Wright Museum

On Tuesday, June 14th, the Wright Museum will welcome author Elizabeth G. Macalaster. This is the fifth program of the Wright Museum’s 2022 Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney Education Series. War Pigeons traces the remarkable service of homing pigeons in the U.S. Military, from its beginnings after the Civil War to the birds’ invaluable communications role in every branch of the U.S. military through two world wars and beyond. For 75 years, through four wars on four continents, these one-pound birds were the military’s most reliable means

of communication, carrying messages in and out of gas, smoke, exploding bombs and gunfire. They flew through jungles, across deserts, mountains and large expanses of ocean. Sometimes they arrived at their lofts nearly dead from wounds or exhaustion, but they got their messages through. The pigeon service in the U.S. was shut down in 1957, but given the increasing threat of cyberattacks, should the military restart a feathered branch? Elizabeth Macalaster started her career as a marine biologist. She turned to science journalism and worked for the U.S. Department of Interior and EPA on

water quality issues. Elizabeth now writes primarily science and history articles for newspapers and magazines. Elizabeth is the author of Reckoning At Harts Pass, an adventure/thriller in which homing pigeons play a covert role. Elizabeth lives with her husband on the coast of Maine where she likes to hike, row and watch land and seabirds Doors open at 6 p.m., the program begins at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14th at the Wright Museum’s DuQuoin Education Center, 77 Center Street in Wolfeboro. Admission is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. Res-

ervations are strongly encouraged and can be made online at www.wrightmuseum. org/lecture-series or by calling 603-5691212. Books will be available to purchase. The region’s leading resource for educators and learners of all ages on World War II, the Wright Museum features more than 14,000 items in its collection that are representative of both the homefront and battlefield. For more information about the 2022 Lecture Series, or museum, visit wrightmuseum.org.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Not So . . . o g A g N Lo


Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE

The Influence Of Education One School’s Lasting Impression into the future at 1938 she imagined this:“It was a beautiful spring day in May and for some reason my thoughts went back to New Hampton. I longed to be there, where everything was quiet and the trees and hills were so green. There being no reason why I shouldn’t go, I packed my bag, took the next train north, and soon had forgotten all my troubles, wondering what New Hampton would be like after twenty years. As I was about to leave the train at Bristol, the brakeman cried ‘New Hampton next, New Hampton.’ I sat down very much surprised, then I remembered that way back in 1917 it had See SMITH on 30

by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

This column is written to share a few items about New Hampton School in recognition of its 200th Anniversary. “ In old New Hampton Here I’ve wandered by the side Of those dear teachers, My young spirit’s guide. Here they led my spirit, Here they taught my mind to soar; And may heaven’s sunshine Bless their steps e’ermore. Hampton, New Hampton, And the friends – oh, who can tell Hampton, New Hampton. That is one verse of a song adapted from a poem written by Stephen Gordon Nash and included in a publication of the New Hampton School’s annual public meeting of the Literary Adelphi on May 13, 1924. This has special meaning to me because my father, Raymond C. Smith,

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(Top) 1918 picture of Randall Hall at NHLI (Bottom) Part of New Hampton School Campus today. was the President of the Literary Adelphi in 1924. Their program that evening included a play titled “In Walked Jimmy,” billed as “An American Comedy of Optimism.” In the April, 1918 is-

sue of the Hamptonia, Helen L. Dudley wrote of returning to New Hampton, after being in the class of 1918 at the New Hampton Literary Institution, as the school was then named. Looking twenty years

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —


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New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats



Catching A Redstart by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

It is hit or miss when it comes to photographing birds. It is mostly miss, but that just makes the hits even more rewarding. Once in a great while, I have come across very cooperative birds. One of the more memorable times took place on a small lake in New Hampshire where a great blue heron stalked its prey on the shoreline as I silently approached in my canoe. The bird never broke its glance on its prey as my canoe drifted into range. There have been a few times when a loon, or a loon family, has approached me in my canoe. Talk about a wonderful experience, especially when they sing or call from close range. There is no better wilderness experience than that. Feeder birds can often make for a similar experience, but there is nothing like finding a cooperative bird in the wild. This particularly goes for birds that you otherwise wouldn’t see in your backyard. These moments come along often when I visit family in Florida, but New England birds are much more challenging. I had such an experience the other day while I was walking along a trail that has been a hotbed of bird activity this spring. I was walking swiftly along

An American redstart perches on a branch in New England. the trail following the songs of a catbird and eastern towhee. Something caught my eye on a branch as I hurried by the spot. It was an American redstart perched right along the trail singing its quiet, thin song. I hadn’t even noticed this song before as I was focused on the longer and more boisterous catbird and towhee songs. What usually happens when I find a bird like this is that I reach for my camera and the bird is gone by the time I get the camera up to my face. But this redstart stayed put, and it stayed put for a while. In fact, for as long as I stood there photographing it, it sat there on its obvious perch singing its soft song. I have photographed

American redstarts before, but most of the photos are of them mixed within a bramble of branches. This was one of the first times I had seen one so close and so unobstructed. In fact, my favorite birding website allaboutbirds.org — done by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology — describes their behavior as, “American Redstarts are incredibly active insectivores that seem never to stand still.” American redstarts are warblers that nest throughout New England. I would say that they are among my favorite warblers, but I could say that regarding just about any warbler species. Let’s just say I hold them in high regard. They are jet black

with markings of orange on their wings, tail and sides. They remind me of Halloween, even though most of them have left New England by the time the end of October rolls around. They are typical warbler-sized, about four to five inches long. Females look similar but are gray with yellow markings instead of orange. You can still see the contrast of colors, which is not always the case with female warblers. I was grateful for the time spent with the redstart. They have climbed even higher on my list of favorite birds. I wish moments like this would happen more often, but the scarcity makes the reward that much more special.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Artist Lesley Dill Brings History to Life At Canterbury Shaker Village Renowned New Yorkbased artist Lesley Dill brings historical and literary figures from America’s past to life in Wilderness: Light Sizzles Around Me, a new exhibit at Canterbury Shaker Village that opened May 28. Featuring hand-painted, sewn textile sculptures and banners, the exhibit represents Dill’s ongoing investigation into significant voices and personas of America’s past, some of which include Dred Scott, Sojourner Truth, and Sauk warrior Black Hawk. “When visitors see her impressive works, they will be in awe,” said Leslie Nolan, Director at Canterbury

Shaker Village. Suspended from the ceiling, each sculpture represents an historical figure, embellished with words and symbols drawn from their respective writings and experiences. Hand-painted banners hang on every wall of the gallery with additional text and imagery that further elaborate on their unique stories. “The exhibit demonstrates how far we have come as a country and how far we have yet to go,” added Nolan, who said Dill also features Mother Ann Lee, founder of the Shakers. “The purpose of Canterbury Shaker Village is to

Some of Lesley Dill’s pieces getting hung a Shaker Village museum’s Hubbard Gallery.

interpret Shaker life through exhibits, buildings, gardens, and programs, so this exhibit uniquely supports our mission.” According to Dill, there is a personal connection to many of the people represented in her exhibit, which has been shown in galleries across the country. “These personas and their times stir something deep in my own family history and sense of self,” she said. “I was compelled to explore this period in America’s history when limited access to a diversity of written word ignited the bravery of these figures in response to their times.” Nolan said The Village’s Hubbard Gallery is “the perfect venue” for an exhibit of this scope. “The ceilings are high and

the lighting is extraordinary. We routinely host weddings here, too, so our staff understands how to create space for important experiences – personal or cultural.” Wilderness: Light Sizzles Around Me is available for viewing through September 12. Canterbury Shaker Village is located at 288 Shaker Rd., Canterbury, New Hampshire, just south of Laconia and north of Concord. To learn more about the exhibit, or purchase tour tickets online, visit shakers.org.

Christian Living In An Unchristian World 6/12/22-8/28/22 JOIN US FOR WEEKLY OUTDOOR WORSHIP SERVICE THIS SUMMER! Sundays at 9:00am (8:30am service for 7/17) At the Alton Bay Bandstand, Mt Major Hwy, Alton Bay

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In case of rain Service will be held at our facility at 20 Church Street, Alton, NH, 9am If you can’t join us: Catch us on YouTube at Community Church of Alton or at www.ccoaalton.com


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

THE SIMPLE FEAST Lemon Cornbread Sticky Cake

by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer

As I write this I am eating the last nibbles of a really delicious Corn… bread… cake… Bread? Cake?? I´m not really sure what to call it; besides delicious! I started out with the intent of making a sweet corn bread that pops with lemon flavor but instead I ended up with a sweet corn bread that has almost a cake-like consistency. Not one of those store bought cakes with tiny air holes and springy sponge consistency but something more reminiscent of a homemade cake; moist throughout with crisp edges and a soft almost sticky center. And rather than a ¨POP!¨ of lemon flavor, it has a hint, merely an essence, of lemon by way of fresh lemon juice and lemon zest. Not too tart and not too sweet, this cornbread is so delicious it will have you asking only one question; Corner, edge, or center? Like so many other things in life I like a good dive into food history so I had to ask; is cornbread uniquely American? Some would argue yes while

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others would say sort of. I prefer to think it is. And like our collective past, cornbread too is also just as colorful as our nation’s history. Armed with a bit of back story mixed with some folklore and a smattering of legend along with a few threads of yarn all woven together, I´ll let you decide. Some say corn can

trace its roots back nearly 7,000 years on this continent to the region of Mexico and as tribes migrated they took corn with them. According to archeologists, anthropologists, and people who study this sort of thing, the people who first roamed this continent were some of the first users of corn, making both food and drink

from original strains of the crop. Along the way someone had an epiphany, deciding that plucking it from the stalk, removing it from the cob, drying the corn kernel, and then smashing it between two rocks to make a meal (granular powder not supper) was easier to take with them over long See FEAST on 25


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

LACONIA MOTORCYCLE WEEK 2022 Laconia Motorcycle Week Schedule ALL EVENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Rally Headquarters Open Daily at 8am on the Boardwalk of Lakeside Ave. June 11 @ 8:00 am - June 19 @ 9:00 pm ALL WEEK EVENTS Cornerstone Outreach Ministries Safety Stop on Route 9. June 11 @ 8:00 am - June 19 @ 6:00 pm. Safety food stop. Route 9, 24hr/8 days, 603-352-2616 High Octane Saloon (formerly Broken Spoke Saloon): Live music and events ALL week! Sucker Punch Saloon. Live Music ALL WEEK! Tower Hill Tavern, 264 Lakeside Avenue H.O.G. Check-In at the entrance to the Weirs Beach Drive-In.

Saturday, June 9thSunday to June 17th from 9am-5pm.

Free Coffee House at the White Church on Tower Street. Methodist Church, 35 Tower Street, Weirs Beach. 9am–8pm. AA Meetings at Noon & 6pm. Live Music Daily at the Looney Bin Bar & Grill! Live Music at the Naswa Resort daily from 11am – close.

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between Weirs & Meredith June 11 @ 10:00 am - June 12 @ 10:00 pm Winnipesaukee Railroad, 154 Main Street Meredith Weirs Shuttle Train:First Weekend: 6/11 & 6/12, train departs every hour from Meredith to the Weirs from 10:30am to 3:30 pm and Weirs Beach to Meredith from 11am to 4pm. 2nd Weekend: 6/18 & 6/19, train departs every hour from Meredith to the Weirs from 10:30am to 6:30pm and from Weirs Beach to Meredith from 11am to 7pm. $20pp round-trip, children 3 and under ride free! 603-745-2135 | https://hoborr.com/ winnipesaukee-scenic-railroad/ Northeast Motorsports Museum OPEN

from 10am to 4pm on June 11th & 12th and 17th-19th. www. NEMSMUSEUM.com Saturday, June 11th 16th Annual Peter Makris Memorial Ride to NHMS -Naswa Resort, 1086 Weirs Boulevard. Registration opens at 8 am – 1 pm. www.naswa.com. NH State Police Escorted Ride around Lake Winnipesaukee. Returning to the Naswa for lunch and entertainment all afternoon! Ride benefits the Easter Seals NH Veterans Count Program, Laconia Fire Department’s Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and “Building Dreams for Marines”! FIM North American Vintage Champion-

Progressive American Flat Track at NH Motor Speedway, Progressive American Flat Track at NH Motor Speedway: The motorcycle handlebarbanging, tire-rubbing action of Progressive American Flat Track returns to The Flat Track at New Hampshire Motor Speedway". America's Original Extreme Sport" will take on the 0.25-mile dirt flat track for the Laconia Short Track during the first weekend of Motorcycle Week at NHMS. AFT Twins and AFT Singles classes will compete in a full race program including heat races, semis, and the main event. Tickets at: https://www.nhms. com/events/laconiashort-track/ Bike Show: Sport Bikes Only at the High Octane Saloon, 11am3pm Bike Show: Sport Bikes Only. High Octane Saloon from 11 - 3 pm. Contact Dick: 603-455-0458 Makris Lobster & Steak House – Street

Bike Stunt Show, Live Music, PromosJune 11 @ 2:00 pm - June 12 @ 11:00 pm Tattoo Contest at High Octane Saloon at 7pm. Comedians, Paul D’Angelo & Dave Russo headline at the Lakeport Opera House in Laconia. 7:00 pm 11:00 pm Saturday, June 11th AMA Gypsy Tour to NHMS for USCRA Vintage Races 8:30 am 5:00 pm Leaves Rally Headquarters on Lakeside Ave., 10:30am. Enjoy a 50% discount on race tickets for the day and a lap around the track! All tickets sales benefit the museum! Winnipesaukee H.O.G. Chapter Ride to Bentley’s Saloon 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Antique Car Show at High Octane Saloon at 12pm. Registration begins at 10am. USVMC NH Annual Pork Feast II 11:00 am - 4:00 pm $20.00 All donations go to helping veterans in need. Entry fee $20. Music by Stray Dog. 11am to 4pm. Monday, June 13th Mae-West Memorial Ride to benefit local animal shelters, leaves RHQ’s at 10:30. Mae-West Memorial ‘for the love of pets’ Ride: Leaves Rally HeadSee MC WEEK on 19


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

LACONIA MOTORCYCLE WEEK 2022 MC WEEK from 18 quarters at 10:30am for a ride through local scenic towns and ends at the NASWA Resort. Benefits local animal support shelter. Line-ups may begin at 8:30am. Riders receive a custom t-shirt for their donation.

been moved from Monday to Tuesday, June 14th. Tickets are $30/ per person. Event is 21+ only. Get your tickets at: https:// cruisenh.com/products/motorcycle-weekcruise

Ladies of Harley Ride (All are welcome!), Registration at 9am, Leaves Laconia HarleyDavidson at 10am

“Life of Ridetime” ride to benefit families of fallen first-responders. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Laconia HarleyDavidson, 239 Daniel Webster Highway. Meredith.

Wednesday, June 15th

All Out Bike Show” at High Octane Saloon at 12pm.

Covered Bridge Gypsy Tour, 170+ miles, leaves Rally Headquarters.Tour leaves Rally Headquarters at 10:30am. There will be a lunch stop at (TBD) (riders are responsible for their own lunch purchase).

Tribute to longtime Motorcyclists at Looney Bin, 7:30pm9:30pm.Tribute to long-time Motorcyclist, Byrd, hosted by Paul Cote & Check Twice Signs at Looney Bin, 6pm-8pm. Ride to the Racetrack Charity Ride! Leaves Laconia Harley to NH Motor Speedway at 10am Registration is $20 per rider or passenger & ALL proceeds benefit the NH Chapter of Speedway Children’s Charities, the official charity of NHMS. Registration at 9am and Kickstands up at 10am! https://www. nhms.com/events/motorcycle-week/charityrides/ Bagger & Vintage Motorcycle Show Sponsored by Haymond Law Firm at High Octane Saloon. Monday-Thursday Annual Best of the Bikers Pool Championships at Granite State Music Hall in Downtown Laconia. Qualifying Mon-Thurs. at

Motorcycle Lights Parade! Meet at Laconia City Hall at 8pm, kickstands up at 9pm for a ride to Lakeside Avenue. All motorcycles welcome!

7pm. Tuesday, June 13th Bagger & Vintage Motorcycle Show Sponsored by Haymond Law Firm: Location: High Octane Saloon, 11-3pm, Call Dick at 603-455-0458 for more information. Vintage Motorcycle Display on Lakeside Avenue from 10am to 2pm. Pre-1970 bikes showcased.

Cruise the M/S Mt. Washington around Lake Winnipesaukee! 4:30 pm - 7:00 pmCruise the M/S Mt. Washington around

Lake Winnipesaukee! Take a break from the Weirs Beach rally for a 2½ hour cruise on the Winnipesaukee Flagship. This event has

Gunstock AMATEUR Hill Climb is back! 9:00 am - 5:00 pmGunstock Mountain Resort, 719 Cherry Valley Road

“Ride Free on Three” Motorcycle Sidecar and Trike Show at High Octane Saloon 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Bike Stunt Show, live music, and promos. Makris Steak & Lobster Restaurant, 354 Sheep Davis Rd.,Loudon from 2pm – 11pm. Watch See MC WEEK on 32


Gypsy Tour to Bentley’s Saloon- 70+ mile Scenic Ride. 10:30 am - 5:00 pm Weirs Beach Boardwalk Hill Climb Expo up Tower Street in Weirs Beach! 10:30 am - 1:30 pm Tower Street Weirs Beach,

Inaugural Ride-In Bike Show at the Gunstock Hill Climb! 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

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public scrutiny by the media , this week they are meeting in Geneva at the World Health Assembly to draft a Global Pandemic Treaty with two in depth amendments that could easily be mistaken for international law proposed by an enemy to control the American people by a foreign enemy power. The Biden Administrations actions this week reveal his position to take personal healthcare away from individuals, ceding these inherent liberties to International Health Regulations (IHR). This would give WHO’s bureaucrats power to re-

place doctors caring for and advising American citizens. Who of us will trust their liberty to such global power that in the past during the Obama Administration sent thousands of U.S. troops to the Ivory coast of Africa to help the UN to enforce medical martial law when Ebola was spreading? Do we want annual “lockdowns” to be part of the American way of life? Don’t put your faith in the Senate stopping the new treaty with 2/3 majority. Adding these controls on too IHR will be automatic new powers that will continue the dangerous trend of overriding our Constitution on the way See MAILBOAT on 23

Relax on our deck overlooking Paugus Bay


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

OUT on the TOWN


Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

MAILBOAT from 22 to 100% control of our lives. Global government is rapidly strangling human liberty with force through their concern for our physical health through the World Health Organization. Do not the above facts shed new appreciation for Presidents Trump’s withdrawal from the WHO? It is critical that Americans who have been provoked by invasive control of personal healthcare, realize that the only permanent way to defund the Global Pandemic Treaty and its new IHR , is to Get US Out Of the UN. It hasn’t just become a monster to destroy our liberty during the pandemic. It has safely moved its globalist agenda to overrule constitutional law in many areas for decades because the majority of our Political leaders have represented their constituents as if they have sworn allegiance to the UN Charter instead of the U.S. Constitution They must be terminated at the ballot box If this counterrevolution against globalism is to succeed. Concerned citizens would do well to inform themselves about all the tentacles of UN controls that have become “assumed powers” that illegally supersede constitutional domestic law at jbs.org. For since its origin in 1958 The John Birch Society’s has aimed its educational war against this UN “fifth column” that is strangling American liberty at the American electorate to send constitutionalist to office. Apparently they are

slow learners, for it is so obvious that the superiority of the historical foundation of Americanism over the UN peace by force, is like another way of saying that freedom is superior to slavery. Help build a fire of truth under the

ks a e St od • sta eafo a P S

feet of your Senator’s and Congressmen to be a cosponsor with a true friend of American Independence and liberty, Rep. Mike Lee of Alabama whose bill H.R. 7806 will completely withdraw the U.S. from the United Nations. Be a friend to liberty. Don’t be

one of those American’s who think they know the UN is for peace. It ain’t so! Russ Payne Merrimack, NH.

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Grill & Galley 83 Main Street, Alton 603.875.3383 Akerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com Moat Mtn. - Czech Pilsner Great Rhythm -Topical Haze Smuttynose - Old Brown Dog 603 - Amber Lone Pine - Brightside Pale Ale



Porch & Pub 286 S. Main St., Wolfeboro 603.569-3662 Morrisseysfrontporch.com Smithwick’s Guinness Harp Concord Craft Safe Space Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella Artois ...+11 More On Tap

Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, OVER THE MOON At Hart’s Turkey Farm voted one of the top ten restaurants Restaurant FARMSTEAD Veal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini in NH by Boston Magazine. 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 1253 Upper City Rd, Pittsfield — Tues. JoinWed. us Tue-Thurs for Small Plate Specials —603.279.6212 Hours: & Thur 4-9pmfrom Fri. 3-5 & Sat.p.m. 4-9:30pm hartsturkeyfarm.com Henniker - Working Man’s Porter (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry The Lakeside 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap

Located under the canopy at 131 LakeatStreet At Paugus Bay Plaza,Bay Laconia Located under the canopy 131 Lake Street at Paugus Plaza Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm


Located just off scenic road, a short walk from the Weirs. 95 CENTENARY AVE., WEIRS




At Funspot 579 Endicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Four Quarters - Phaze Left Hand -St. Vrain Tripel Hoof Hearted - South of Eleven 603 - The Mitz Imp. Stout (Rye Barrel Aged) Hobbs - Lake Life Pale Ale Founders - Green Zebra ...+6 More On Tap


215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • 603-715-8600


At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak 69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500 eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham Burlington -Sublimated -Sublimated Dreams Greater Good -Passion Fruit Sour Southern Tier -Thick Mint Sloop -Open Water Stormalong -Tropical Cider 3 Floyds -Barbarian Haze ...+30 More On Tap

overthemoonfarmstead.com CIDERS: Thirteen 5 Barrel-aged BEER: New England Hazy IPA 5.8 ABV; Full Moon Blanket (Belgium Strong); La Lune Blonde (Belgium Blonde Ale); German Pilsner; American Pale Ale; 7-Series Boch; Industrial Gold; ESB; Extra Stout; Root Beer SESSION MEADS: No Need To Argue


18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice Guinness Clown Shoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale Tuckerman - Pale Ale ...+9 More On Tap


At The Craft Beer Xchange 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach 603.409.9344 FB @craftbeerxchange 1911 – Black Cherry Cider Moat – Czech Pils Sloop – Juice Boom IPA Allagash – Belgian Triple Northwoods – Brown Owl Ale Smut Labs – Snaccident ...+30 More On Tap

** Tap listings subject to change!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

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by JoAnn Derson Syndicated Columnsit

* Having a yard sale? Here’s a great way to put out extra signs when you don’t have a way to stake them into the ground: “Write your sign advertising your yard sale on the sides of a big box. Place it where you want it, and add a large rock to the inside, then tape shut. We did this when we had no poles to tape signs to or any other way to get them to stand up. It worked really well!” -- D.R. in Georgia * Avoid calling the pediatrician’s office on Monday mornings for routine business. Wait until the afternoon. All the parents with mildly sick children over the weekend will be calling to consult with the doctor and nurses first thing when the office opens. * If you drop an egg, sprinkle with salt before you attempt to clean it up. The salt binds the whites, which will not spread, making pickup easier!

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* “My kids had kind of an obsession with colorful Duck tape in the past year, and we made some “beach bags” to keep our electronics safe at the pool, lake and beach. We carefully covered a variety of sizes of zippertop self-sealing bags with the tape, creating tough, colorful pouches in which we can store cellphones, etc., to keep them safe from water damage.” -- W.L. in North Carolina * You can sharpen scissors by cutting folded aluminum foil into small strips. * The best time of day to water your lawn is the evening. The cooler temperatures allow the water to sink into the soil instead of evaporating with the heat of the day. Always follow your city or county guidelines on watering times for your area. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 — FEAST from 17 distances than was corn on the cob. After having those flimsy produce bags give way and my corn spill out all over the store floor, I too can see why someone would prefer to travel with kernels and meal rather than ears. Native tribes also figured out how to plant kernels in the ground and propagate improved corn crops in comparison to the original strains. Later, descendants of the native northern tribes introduced corn to the European explorers and colonists. And the rest, as they say, is history. From a north versus south socioeconomic perspective differing forms of cornbread have been a part of our collective culture since this country´s foundations. It has been a reflection of both regional taste as well as product availability and economics. In the north cornbread has traditionally been sweeter, reflecting the availability of goods like sugar and sweeteners through the many trade ports of the northern coast. In the south they have a more traditional cornbread made in a cast iron skillet with less sweetener and more savory or hearty ingredients. A cornbread, in some cases, made of a batter, some spices or chopped onion and fried in pork fat or bacon grease; fats available on the farms of the south. Sweeteners such as molasses were then used as a dip to complement these pancakes, fritters, or hushpuppies, again, depending upon the southern region. Regardless of preferences and family recipes, cornbread seems

LEMON CORNBREAD STICKY CAKE Preparation Time: 15 minutes (Approx.) Cook Time: 45 minutes Yield: 20 portions Ingredients ½ cup Veggie Oil ½ Stick of Butter softened 1 ¾ cups sugar 3 eggs 1 cup Sour Cream 1 cup Heavy Cream 1 Large Lemon (Zest and Juice) 2 tsp. Vanilla Extract 1 ¾ Cups AP Flour 1 ¼ Cups Yellow Corn Meal ½ Tbsp. Baking Powder 1 Tbsp. Baking Soda Dash of Salt if desired 1 1 8 1

Glaze Tbsp. Honey tsp. Water tsp. Lemon Juice ¾ Cup Confectioners Sugar

to be on an evolutionary continuum. What started out as a coarse meal mixed with water to form a paste and then cooked on a heated surface has become, over time, a quick bread. People all over this continent have perfected recipes by adding fat, flour, sugar, milk or clabber. Tossing in flavorings such as pork cracklings, onions, herbs, and jalapenos, or vanilla, honey, sugar, and spices. Leavening agents such as eggs, baking soda, baking powder, and salt were added; all in order to give their cornbread a unique regional flavor reflective of the availability of ingredients on hand. And as a side note to history, how cornbread became synonymous with BBQ is anyone’s guess, but

Preparation - In a bowl combine; oil, butter, sugar, eggs, sour cream, heavy cream, and vanilla extract. Mix completely. - In a separate bowl combine flour, corn meal, powder, soda, salt and whisk to mix. - Slowly combine the dry ingredients into the wet, folding to blend. When finished adding in the dry ingredients, fold in the lemon zest and about half the lemon juice (reserve half for glaze) and mix completely. - Pour batter into a greased 9x13 baking pan. - Cook in a preheated 325 degree oven for 45 minutes. Internal temp should be in the neighborhood of 180 degrees and the thermometer comes out clean. - Make a glaze mixing the honey, water, remaining lemon juice, and confectioners sugar. Mix completely for a white drizzle glaze. - While still hot in the pan, using a thermometer or kabob skewer, poke holes into the top of the Cornbread Cake. - Drizzle the glaze over the cake top and, if needed, gently use the back of a spoon to spread glaze to all edges. - Let stand until ready to serve from the pan.

25 in this house it is as welcome with brisket or pulled pork as it is with Chili or Chowdah. And this week´s recipe is even a welcome dessert or breakfast item. The traditional cornbread flavor will please most anyone who appreciates such a dish while the lemon and white wash sugar glaze on this cornbread sticky cake makes this a yummy treat for any occasion or Simple Feast.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Young Allied soldiers storm the beaches at Normandy, France on June 6, 1944. D-Day. FLAGS from 1 soldier died that day, Herbert Sherman being one of the fortunate ones to make it. “He survived because his backpack was so heavy that he sank and stayed underwater, “ said Mary Kay. “He happened to be a great swimmer and he could hold his breath.” Herbert was later wounded in Aachen, Germany and received a Purple Heart. An article on the ryevets.org website mentioned “Pfc. H. A. Sherman In Army Hospital Pfc. Herbert A. Sherman, wounded at Aachen, Germany, has been returned to this country on a hospital ship and is now at Lovell General Hospital, Mass. Visited last weekend by his uncle. Judge Roger Sherman of Rye, the 21 year old infantryman was found in good health, but still carrying a piece of shrapnel in his left leg. He was virtually buried alive when a direct shell hit near his dugout at two o’clock in the morning.

PFC First Class Herbert A. Sherman, Jr. Pfc. Sherman had 128 days of steady fighting with the 26th infantry of the First Division. He had been in the service since enlisting in February, 1943. Herbert Sherman passed away on June 2, 1980 at the age of fifty-seven. Now, seventy-eight years since that fateful day at Normandy, Mary Kay continues to add one flag each year to honor her father and to remind those who drive by to never forget what those brave young sol-

diers sacrificed for this country. We need to remember today more than ever what that sacrifice meant. (Authors Note: My father also served in WWII, but was not part of the Normandy Invasion having served in Northern Africa and Italy. He also received a Bronze Star. Coincidentally he passed away exactly one year after Mary Kay’s father on June 2, 1981.)



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Yours truly enjoying the view and looking for wildlife from the Laverack Nature Trail at Hawkins Brook. The 1,450 foot long boardwalk is made of At the trailheads there are kiosks with a map and information about the trail. Black Locust Wood supported by helical piles along Hawkins Brook. The inflow into Meredith We didn’t see a Blue Trail is open from sunrise to sunset, foot traffic and mobility devices only Bay: the first being der the shade of trees. Heron but we looked. and please don’t disturb the environment. Lake Waukewan. The We passed by a cute On our way back we PATENAUDE from 11 in honor of Samuel Laverack, recognizing his more than 40 years of community service.

He began his career as branch manager of the Meredith Village Savings bank in 1976 and retired as CEO in

2018. Hawkins Brook is 2.5 miles long, a diverse wetland and has the second greatest

Brook is named after Revolutionary War veteran and early settler John Hawkins and his family. This information is on the kiosk too. The boardwalk begins right away and the views across the wetland are impressive. The sun felt hot while we were on the boardwalk; it is over a thousand feet long. Then the path is a graded gravel path un-

outdoor classroom on our way to Prescott Park. Along the way there are educational signs about the local wildlife and wetlands. Starting from Prescott Park is also possible and probably has better parking during business hours. We saw geese with tiny yellow goslings following closely behind their mothers!

passed by one other person enjoying the boardwalk. Back at the Bank we decided to cross Route 25. Seeing no nearby crosswalk, we waited patiently for a number of minutes for a big break in the traffic so we could cross safely and without stopping traffic. We walked along the sidewalk on the edge of Meredith Bay and See PATENAUDE on 29

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

Goslings with their mothers in Hawkins Brook an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or suggestions to her at: amy@ weirs.com.

This was our favorite piece of art-- “Poured” by Michael Alfano, exhibited in Clough Park, just one of the pieces in the annual Meredith Sculpture Walk. For more information visit MeredithSculptureWalk.org. PATENAUDE from 28 there were many people walking about and admiring the artwork. These pieces of art are part of the Meredith Sculpture Walk, an annual exhibit of sculptures placed around the town of Meredith. Too bad so many people are missing out on taking the nature

trail. Perhaps they could place a piece of art near the start of the trail or at least include information about the nature trail on their Sculpture Walk map. We enjoyed our walk but I will confess the air conditioning inside Funspot felt good. Have Fun. Amy Patenaude is


with this cou



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —


SMITH from 13

o Chimne ide







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been proposed having a railroad from Bristol to Ashland but I had never expected to see it. When I got off the train at New Hampton I looked around to see where I was, and found the station to be back of Draper Hall and across the river. I crossed the bridge and started up the hill when I heard a familiar voice. Turning around I recognized a roommate of mine. She was a maiden lady like myself, and after teaching a few years in one of the district schools had moved to New Hampton.” Here Helen indicated that her former roommate offered to show her the changes that had taken place in New Hampton in twenty years. “We went first to the post-office. I had expected to see the same two story skyscraper, but I learned it had been destroyed by fire for the depth of the snow had prevented the fire-engine from coming in time to do any good. ‘What is that building back of Berry Hall?’ I inquired. My friend answered, ‘Why, that’s the gym, and it has a swimming tank.’”

Dumont Cabinet Refacing Newest Release By Brendan Smith & Counter Tops

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kitchen that was refaced Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 with a light cherry plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you woodgrain, plus new would like the author to personalize your with.) doors and drawer fronts to copy brighten up kitchen. The same kitchen could have been any woodgrain or solid Send checks or refaced moneywith orders for $16.99 to color you see in the photo of sample doors. Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., yourWeirs, cabinets is less than HALF THE PRICE of c/o The Weirs Times,Refacing PO Box 5458, NH 03247. them, SAVING YOU BIG MONEY. Order online atreplacing www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)


Raymond C. Smith, Sr. as President of Literary Adelphi. In imagining the situation at New Hampton 20 years from 1918 Helen overheard some girls talking about hurrying to some event. Helen wrote, “I was about to ask where they were going when my friend said, ‘You know this is the seventh week and - ‘ ‘Oh yes,’ I interrupted,’ ‘A levee.” “Oh no, levees are a thing of the past,’ she replied, ‘The students have dances now in place of levees If you should say levee to them, they would think of you as someone far behind the times.’ The next day I visited several classes. Desks had taken the place of the long wooden benches, the walls in the class room were tinted a faint brown and looked very different from old. Randall Hall had been made over, the Germanae room was there and it equaled if not surpassed the rooms of the boy’s societies.” Helen indicated that she felt much rested after spending several days in New Hampton. Organizations at New Hampton Literary Insti-

tution in 1918 reported on their activities during the year in the Hamptonia, The Social Fraternity reported that their group was pleased with their success as an organization, saying that, “the more one does for the society the more he wants to do.” The Literary Adelphi said, “We are glad to say that so far this season we have accomplished great results in spite of the very hard circumstances which we had to endure during the practicing for the public meeting.” also, “We are very proud of our loyal members who have joined the army for the great cause..... We hope and pray that they will all return safely and bring home a victory for Democracy,” The Germanae Dilectae Scientiae wrote, “Thus far our meetings have been both interesting and instructive and the willingness to help, on the part of the mem-

bers, shows that they are interested in making the meetings what they should be.” The Students Christian Association with their motto, “Trust in God and Do Your Best, reported on its financial giving: “During the school year it has given fifteen dollars to the War Community Fund, and fifteen dollars to the Young Men’s Christian Association. The society has also given ten dollars toward the fixing up of No. 1, the room where the weekly meetings are held. The attendance and interest shown at the meetings are somewhat better than they were at the beginning of the year. Still there is a great need of more faithful, earnest workers. No matter what our vocation in life, we need Christianity.” In 1918 the First World War was in progress and N.H.L.I. Had a service flag in honor of the students who were in the service of the United States. The flag was given by the New Hampshire Association. In April of 1918 the flag had fifty-nine flags in the field for the fifty-nine students who were in the service of the country, and I notice the names of some of my relatives among them. Though I am not an alumni of New Hampton School, it has in a sense been a part of my life, being a native of the town, and having a father, grandfather, brother, and other relatives who are alumni. So, congratulations to New Hampton School for 200 years of teaching and learning!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 — MOFFETT from 3 counseled. “I’m sure your Warriors will win when they come back here to the Chase Center. Then hopefully, they’ll play my Celtics in the NBA Finals.” Boston and Miami were then tied at 2-2. “You don’t understand,” said the fan, whose name turned out to be Robyn. “I do understand,” I replied. “I’m a basketball guy, a sports management professor, and a sports columnist. You’ll be fine.” My extra-large Merlot arrived, and I turned to leave when Robyn elaborated. “You don’t understand,” said the Warrior super-fan. “I bet $200 that Golden State would win four straight. I got 30-1 odds. Now $6000 is going down the drain.” “Oh. Now I get it.” I responded. “I had the Bengals in the Super Bowl. But not for $6000.” Then some bar patrons whooped it up. The Warriors were making a run. The lead was down to 20. “Can you keep standing where you are?” asked Robyn. “I think you’re good luck. Don’t move.” Many sports fans, especially gamblers, are superstitious. I understood. A Warrior “three” cut the lead to 17 and the Mavs called time out. Robyn then talked about her Warriors. “Everyone thinks we’re all about Steph Curry, Draymond Green, and Klay Thompson,” said Robyn. “But there’s so much more. Like Jonathan Kuminga. He’s having a good game. Do you know that he’s only 19 years-old?” After the timeout the Warriors made a steal and a Kuminga hoop

cut the lead to 15. “Don’t you dare move!” said Robyn. I glanced across the lounge and saw Beth eyeing me, no doubt wondering why I couldn’t stop talking to this chick at the bar, despite having received my extra-large Merlot. I beckoned her and she approached Robyn and me. “I’m good luck,” I explained to Beth. “I have to stay here.” Beth knows I’m good luck. She laughed. (Thankfully!) A Warrior hoop cut the lead to 11. Timeout Mavs. “If the Warriors win, Robyn gets $6000 and she’ll give us a thousand. Right Robyn?” Robyn laughed. (Thankfully.) Beth was intrigued. After the time-out the Warriors made a steal and the 19-yearold Kuminga hit a three-pointer, cutting the lead to eight! High fives all around as the bar area erupted. Thousands of dollars were headed our way. “I love traveling First-Class!” I yelled to Beth. But alas and alack, the Mavs held on for the win. And then it was time to board the plane to Boston. “I’m sure your Warriors will win Game 5,” I said to Robyn. “And I have a feeling my Celtics will win in seven games and our teams will meet in the NBA Finals.” And so it came to pass. The Warriors and Celtics are battling it out in the NBA Finals. (I just hope Robyn didn’t bet on another Warrior sweep.) Sports Quiz Who led the Warriors into the 1967 NBA Finals, averaging

a record 41 points per game during the title series? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on June 9 include basketball coach and hoop sportscaster Dick Vitale (1939) and NBA hoop star (and U-Florida teammate of Concord’s Matt Bonner) Udonis Haslem (1980). Sports Quote “I’d rather be a nonAll-Star playing in the Western Conference finals than an All-Star sitting home in May.” – Golden State Warrior guard Steph Curry Sports Quiz Answer Rick Barry led the Warriors in 1967 when he won the league scoring title with a 36 ppg average. I met him at the Camp Woodbrook Basketball School in Fitzwilliam, N.H., in 1971, where he (the top pro hoop forward) and Jerry West (the top pro hoop guard) were trying to make some extra summer money. This was before the big-time NBA contracts. Barry later had five sons play in the NBA. Truth!

State Rep. Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He co-authored the award-winning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A Warrior-Actor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon.com. His email address is mimoffett@comcast.net.

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32 MC WEEK from 19 for updated details at LaconiaMCWeek.com 99th Rally Anniversary Celebration with cake on the beach at the Naswa at 5:30pm. Fireworks Show, 10pm on Wednesday! 10:00 pm - 11:00 p Weirs Beach Boardwalk Thurs., June 16th “Ride to the Sky” Guided tour to Mt. Washington Auto Road

base. Led by WinniHOG #2529 Chapter. Leaves from Laconia Harley-Davidson, register at 7am and leaves at 9am. All are welcome! Northeast Motorcycle Road Racing at NH Motor Speedway (June 16-17) NorthEast Motorcycle Road Racing at New Hampshire Motor Speedway: ASRA Team Challenge and Supermoto Practice. Mixing the speed of road racing with the aerial

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 — intensity of dirt racing, Supermoto should Loud Pipes Contest provide some of the at High Octane Saloon most jaw-dropping and at 3pm. 1072 Watson edge-of-your-seat expe- Rd Laconia. riences on Friday, June 17. Visit NHMS.com for 29th Annual POW/ more info. MIA Freedom Ride 5:00 pm - 6:00 pmS l o w R a c e & M C Meet at Winnipesaukee Rodeo at the Histor- Crossing, Kickstands ic Train Station in up at 6pm sharp. Linedowntown Laconia at ups at 5pm. In honor of 1pm. POW/MIAs and families. Penguin Racing School at NH Motor Pin-Up Contest at Speedway, June 16th & High Octane Saloon at 17th from 9am to 7pm. 7pm.1072 Watson Rd Antique Motorcycle Show at Mystic Meadows from 4-7pm 2075 Parade Rd. Laconia. Custom Bike Show at the Historic Train Station in Downtown Laconia. 11:00 am 3:00 pm Burrito Eating Contest: Historic Train Station at Burrito Me, 1:30pm. 1:30 pm

Custom, Rat, Vintage, Paint, Best in Show. Swap Meet (8am-1pm) on site and there will be rodeo games! All proceeds benefit the City of Laconia's MC Week budget. Vendors, call Dick 603-455-0458. Northeast Motorsports Museum OPEN from 10am to 4pm on June 17th-19th

2nd Tattoo Contest at the Naswa Resort! 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Belknap County Nursing Home Welcomes Motorcycle Week! 11:00 am Belknap County Nursing Home, 30 County Dr. Laconia.

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Bike Blessing by the Christian Motorcyclist Association 11:00 am Opechee Park Laconia.

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Saturday, June 18th 99th Loudon Classic at NHMS.June 18 @ 8:00 am - June 19 @ 5:00 pm New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Loudon Classic at New Hampshire Motor Speedway: www.nhms.

com. The 99th annual Loudon Classic Middleweight Grand Prix will headline the second weekend on Saturday, June 18th & 19th. Known as the longest-running motorcycle race in America, the Classic has been held on-site since long before the speedway was built, when it was simply a road course known as Bryar Motorsports Park. The weekend will bring three Championship Cup Series regions (Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Atlantic) together. Weirs Shuttle Train (2nd weekend) between Weirs & Meredith June 18 @ 8:00 am June 19 @ 5:00 pm. Weirs Shuttle Train: First Weekend: 6/12 & 6/13, train departs every hour from Meredith to the Weirs from 10:30am to 4:30 pm and Weirs Beach to Meredith from 11am to 5pm. 2nd Weekend: 6/18 & 6/19, train departs every hour from Meredith to the Weirs from 10:30am to 7:30pm and from Weirs Beach to Meredith from 11am to 8pm. $20pp round-trip, children 3 and under ride free! 603-745-2135 | www. biketrains.com CHOPPER Bike Show at the High Octane Saloon from 11am to 3pm. Contact Dick for info: 603-455-0458 Newfound Country Store Rider Appreciation Day! 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Newfound Country Store, 408 Mayhew Turnpike, Bridgewater


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 — METZLER from 7 Philip passed away last year at 99 years. The Queen’s eldest son Prince Charles and grandson Prince William and great grandson Prince George all stood upon the hallowed Buckingham Palace balcony underlining this continuity. I had the pleasure of being in London for the Silver Jubilee in 1977. It was the 25th anniversary of her reign and a bubbling enthusiasm filled the streets. Yet Britain’s economy and mindset was beset by the economic doldrums underscored by strikes, inflation and industrial decline. Today an incredibly richer but increasingly gloomy Britain stands at the doors of recession. Now amid the Jubilee splendor and pageantry there’s a serious side too. Given her age and mobility issues, the Queen was unable attend the Commemorative Thanksgiving service at St. Paul’s and she refrained from going to her beloved horse racing Derby the following day. Still the Platinum Jubilee presented a good dose of happiness, some would say frivolity, well earned in the dour post Pandemic era. The United Kingdom took a big hit from Covid and deserves to party. It’s a marvelous morale booster steeped in tradition and ceremony both from millions of giddy revelers in London right down to the village level in England and Scotland. At the end of a rock concert at Buckingham Palace where images of the Queen’s reign were projected on the walls, Prince Charles told the massive audience that the

Jubilee had allowed the country a chance to say Thank you; “You pledged to serve your whole life, you continue to deliver. That is why we are here.” No person reading these words will ever likely live to see another Platinum Jubilee celebrating the 70 years on the throne of a future Monarch. Back in June 1897, Queen Victoria marked her Diamond Jubilee after 60 years of rule. Unquestionably part of the Queen’s enduring appeal both in Britain and worldwide has been her unique bridging of both history and tradition with service and modernity. The Queen later said she was “humbled and deeply touched” by the celebrations. Throughout the Jubilee a renewed enthusiasm has become contagious. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations; Germany, Korea, China.

STOSSEL from 7 them essentially a captive market. They’re not going to give that up easily.” Because of the shortage, our government has now approved imports from one British company. They also launched “Operation Fly Formula,” which flies formula here in military planes. But these responses are pathetic. They pick up only the few bottles made in FDA-approved facilities, and then they waste time re-inspecting it on arrival. “They want make sure the formula is safe,” I say to Lincicome. “A legitimate concern if it were infant formula from China,” he replies. “But the largest producer of formula is in Europe. Maybe the European product isn’t as safe. “It is!” says Lincicome. “It’s exported all over the world.” But we can’t have it because “the FDA is extremely jealous of its regulatory authority.”

Another reason for the shortage is government limits on competition. America’s food stamp-like program, WIC, grants exclusive licenses in each state to just one company. Like all welfare programs, WIC (it stands for women, infants and children) has grown. It now buys half of all baby formula in America. Abbott Nutrition grabbed most of that market by offering government the lowest price. Good for them. But after Abbott’s recall, there were few alternatives for parents to turn to. “It’s going to take

Sacred Heart Church

weeks for Abbott to get manufacturing up and running again because they’re going to need FDA clearance,” says Lincicome. “The time for fixing this was months before the crisis hit, because now we have a highly concentrated domestic market (and) a tariff and regulatory wall around the country.” Much of what government does involves trying to fix things government messed up in the first place. But politicians rarely admit that. They blame business. On the floor of Congress, big government lovers like Connecticut’s Rep. Rosa De-

Lauro complain about “corporate greed” and demand the FDA be given more money. “The usual suspects blame capitalism and greedy corporations,” says Lincicome. “Clearly it’s government policy that’s causing the biggest problems.” John Stossel is creator of Stossel TV and author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www.creators.com.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 — MALKIM from 6 had penned, summing up his personal credo that was adopted as his department’s official credo after his murder: ”My goals are simple. I will always be painfully honest, work as hard as I can, learn as much as I can and hopefully make a difference in people’s lives.” While a massive outpouring of support from law enforcement officers and an unforgettable hero’s funeral helped ease the family’s grief, their nightmare had just begun. It would be another four years before Deputy March’s killer was brought to justice after he immediately fled to Mexico and enjoyed pro-criminal extradition protections from his native country. “(I) t’s a slap in the face to me, it’s a slap in the face to what my husband stood for, and it’s a slap in the face to law enforcement,” Teri

March testified before Congress in 2003. Her advocacy shed light on hundreds of similar illegal alien fugitive murder suspects harbored by Mexico to avoid life imprisonment. When Garcia was finally taken into custody and turned over to the U.S. in January 2007, he was shackled with Deputy March’s handcuffs. He pleaded guilty to intentional killing of a police officer and will be locked up the rest of his life without parole. When I saw his sister Erin March in Idaho last month, she donned a shirt honoring her brother emblazoned with his face, badge and creed. The March family, she told me, is “upset” by what the Biden administration “is allowing at our southern border.” Mom Barbara declared that “it’s a crying shame that 20 years ago people didn’t understand

the seriousness of this issue and now things are out of control.” “People don’t tend to act until an issue has some direct effect on their own personal lives,” Erin observed. “It’s just human nature. Now we have a literal flood of people entering this country illegally needing all kinds of assistance, and taxpayers are expected to carry the burden. Even worse, in the years since my brother’s death, the number of victims of illegal immigrant crime has grown exponentially. Now Americans are receiving their gut punch, but the damage has been done.” Thanks to bipartisan America Last sellouts and globalist profiteers, the border remains a deadly sieve. But Deputy David March is not forgotten. Every year, for the past 20, the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department has held

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an anniversary vigil at his memorial site. A hometown park was named in his honor. In a world endangered by cowardice, compromise and incompetence, Deputy March has inspired countless citizens to uphold tradition, honor, integrity

and truth-telling. His creed -- memorialized in “Invasion” -- is still mine, too: ”My goals are simple. I will always be painfully honest, work as hard as I can, learn as much as I can and hopefully make a difference in people’s lives.”

Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@ protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

Now In 5th Printing!

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Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —




PHOTO #913

A “crash course” in driver’s ed. -Jean Cram, Pittsfield, NH.

Runners Up : When George heard the most direct route was via the subway, he attempted to drive his van down to the tunnels. Alan Doyon, Meredith, NH, Well Officer... What I’m really thinking is, sometime in the near future we’ll look back on this and have ourselves a good laugh. - John Brennick, Rochester, NH So much for the parking underneath they advertised in the paper! - Steve Mann, Bristol, NH.


PHOTO #915 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

The Winklman Aeffect

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 2022 —

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