09/08/2022 Weirs Times

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Mount Charleston, Marines, and roCk stanley

The Ashland Historical Society and the Ashland Reenactors will give a repeat performance of an historic cemetery walk in Green Grove Cemetery, Ashland’s main cemetery, at 4:30pm on Sunday, SeptemberShannon11.and Becky Hartley will portray Albert and Abbie Porter. Bob Baker and Jane Sawyer will portray Thomas and Mary Cheney.Charles and Hariette Curtis, portrayed by John and Sue Harville, will talk on their lives and the life of their son, Warden Curtis. At the GAR Monument, David Ruell will ex plain the history of the monu ment, and Warden Curtis (Kend all Hughes) will repeat his 1911 speech dedicating the monument. The dedication ceremony will also be partly reenacted. This free outdoor program is open to all and will be a good opportunity to learn more about Ashland’s history and some in teresting people. Green Grove Cemetery is located on Ashland’s Main Street (Routes 3 and 25) op posite the Post Office.

One of my best jobs ever was as a Marine Corps reserve officer teaching and admin istering a summer school in San Diego for enlisted Marines (mostly sergeants) seeking to go to college and become officers. MECEP Prep was a requirement for enrollment in the Marine Enlisted Commissioning EducationLieutenantProgram.Colonel Rock Stanley was MECEP Prep director when I first taught there. A Texan, Rock was a football coach in the Lone Star State when not doing reserve duty. Fitness was important to LtCol Stanley and his staff—although Rock incongru ously often ran with an unlit cigar in hisAsmouth.partof the physical training (PT) regimen, Rock integrated some team sports into the schedule to include a bit of basketball (my favorite) and lots of softball (his favorite). I can still picture Rock on the mound with that unlit cigar in his mouth pitching for the Faculty Fossils.

Death Is Not The Worst Of Evils.

Rock also was proud of a PT option he pioneered which involved driving six hours to greater Las Vegas to do a 30-mile hike to and from the 12,000foot summit of Mount Charleston. Then those still able to walk could enjoy a night in Las Vegas before heading back to San Diego. The first time I did this marathon hike I saw a shortcut we could take which would avoid several switch backs and suggested we take the shortcut. LtCol Stanley looked at me LtCol Mike Moffett (green shirt) with some of his Marines on the summit of 12,000-foot Mount Charleston in July, 2004.

by Mike Moffett Sportthoughts Columnist


Live Free Or Die:


— General John Stark

See MOFFETT on 24

Examples Of Fascism

I will be deeply appreciative to all of you for your votes on September 13 and November 8 that will return Representative Terry to Concord. I look forward to having him continue his ser vice to you and all of the people of New Hampshire as a Member of the House and the Commerce Committee.Representative John B. Hunt Rindge, NH.

Prescott For Congress

Devoy For Senate

Our StOry PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH facebook.com/weirstimesinfo@weirs.comWeirs.com03247603-366-5115

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this Tonewspaper.findouthow your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

I want the voters to know, too, that Representative Terry wrote Committee Majority opinions for all the Members of the House to consider prior to full House ac tion. Additionally, he gave two excellent floor speeches that ex plained the committee’s Majority recommendations to defeat two bills that if passed would have placed additional regulatory bur dens on our state’s small busi nesses and so increased costs for all of us as consumers.

David Sanbornton,RepublicanDeVoyCandidateNH.

To the Merriam-WebsterEditor: says “Fas cism”: “…exalts nation…above the individual and stands for a centralized autocratic govern ment….” See: https://tinyurl. See MAILBOAT on 27

Harold Shurtleff CountyConservativeRepublicanCommissionerVeteran Belknap County Commissioner District 3: Alton, Barnstead, Gilford, Ward 2 Laconia — VOTE SEPTEMBER 13TH — PAID FOR BY HAROLD SHURTLEFF 159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821 NO PRESSURE, NO GIMMICKS, NO KIDDING!

To The Editor

As Chair of the New Hampshire Commerce and Consumer Af fairs Committee I am delighted to endorse my new colleague and friend Paul Terry for re-election to another term as one of the State Representatives from Alton and Barnstead. Please vote for him in the Republican Primary on Sep tember 13 and then again in the General Election on November 8.

2 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.

I am a fiscal conservative and want the government to be ef ficient and protect our rights. As a current business owner for 33 years, I am concerned with our economic future. The State’s continued policy of down shifting costs to munici palities and counties needs to be addressed. A change in policies is the only way to reduce costs. Business owners learn to adapt to survive. I believe government needs be just as resilient to pro mote savings. I will not support an income or sales tax. I will promote welfare reform. I will support education, men tal health, and drug treatment programs.Iwillsupport the 2nd amend ment and will defend all our con stitutional rights. I will support election reform and a parental bill of rights, I am a retired Army Colonel with 30 years of service. I am running for the State Senate to make the great State of New Hampshire work for you. I ask you to please vote for me Tues day, September 13th, as your State Senator District 2.

Representative Terry quickly came up to speed as a new com mittee member and made nu merous excellent contributions to the bills we considered during 2021 and 2022. His questions of those appearing before the com mittee were not only on point, but also very helpful to the committee prior to actions that we took.

Re-Elect Paul Terry To The Editor:

To the RussellEditorPrescott is the only can didate in the first congressional district primary who has the pub lic and private sector experience necessary To bring real change to Washington. In the State Sen ate Russell balanced the budget, cut taxes, and created local jobs. Russell also served several years on the Executive Council balanc ing his experience of dealing with the Executive and the Legislative side of government. He is running for Congress in New Hampshire’s first district to bring his Wealth of experience to Washington. As a small business owner for nearly 40 years, Rus sell knows that taxes and over regulation hurt the private sec tor. He Also knows what it’s like to sign both sides of a paycheck and balance a budget which he did twice as a State Senator in Concord.Russell will bring his decades of experience and New Hamp shire values to Washington. We support Russell Prescott for Con gress and hope you will vote for him on Tuesday, September 13. Douglas and Stella Scamman Stratham, NH.

Contributing Writer It is common in these current days to hear about the First Amend ment to the United States Constitution and the “establishment clause” as a document meant to protect the U.S. Government from influence by churches. Reading the history, however, gives ample reason to believe that when the First Amend ment was ratified in 1791 it was done so to protect the church from interference by theThegovernment.amendment was intended to keep the federal government from establishing any religion or denying the free exercise of such. It was not until later years that the amend ment was interpreted to apply to state gov ernments, and many of those states, including New Hampshire, had established religions years after the amend ment with its estab lishment clause was

3— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — Not So LoNg Ago ...


Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE by HanafordRobert Smith, Sr.

In my home town of New Hampton, when the Freewill Baptists started a church they refused to pay taxes to the town for support of the inationsbertheonernment,churches,pearsTherefore,ticeministerCongregationalandthepracwasdiscontinued.italsoapthatitwasthenotthegovthatinsistedbeingseparatefromstateasthenumofdifferentdenomincreased.DartmouthCollege, a church founded and operated school of learning, was in volved in what has been called a landmark United States Supreme Court decision involv ing the New Hampshire State Legislature’s at tempt to change the school from religious oversight to secular control.Dartmouth was founded by Rev. El eazer Wheelock as a school to educate mis sionaries and young American Indians. The Christian church was involved in missionary work among the native

ProteCting the ChurCh FroM the governMentWebster, sMith, and dartMouth College OPEN DAILY 9am-5:30pm • SUNDAYS 10am - 4pm • CozyCabinrustiCs.Com LIVING RUSTIC Come Sh o p Our NewLarge r S tore! Cozy Cabin Rustics -Furniture & Mattresses603-238-3250PLYMOUTH 599 Tenney Mtn. Hwy. 603-279-1333MEREDITH Junction of Rt. 3 & 25FREELocalDelivery&Setup May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 12/31/2022 Eleazer Wheelock. Founder and first president of Dartmouth. Portrait by Joseph Steward. See SMITH on 20 SalespersonIsTHOMSONTREESERVICEHiringFT Company car, hourly plus commission Sales experience required - preferably door to door. Send resume micah@gothomson.comtoorcall603.960.4126

Help celebrate Constitution Week by attending a showing of In Search of Liberty at the Community Church of Alton 20 Church St Alton, NH Thursday September 15---7:30pm. In the movie, a captivating statesman from Ameri ca’s past takes a modern-day family on a series of wild adventures. With a spicy mix of humor, magic and logic, he opens their eyes to the origins and importance of the U.S. Constitution, the degree to which it is under attack today and what can and must be done to save it. Key aspects of the Constitution are very clearly outlined and impor tant Amendments—such as those guaranteeing freedom of religion and speech, the right to bear arms, warrants for search and seizure, and State’s rights—are shown to be vital in everyday life. While this 96 minute film is not rated, it is familyfriendly. Free admission. Donations accepted. All attendees will receive a free copy of the U.S. Constitution.

Featured artists will be different every week, bringing with them a diverse range of musical styles. September will spotlight Americana singer-songwriter Tim Gurshin, multi-instrumentalist Dennis Cote, percus sionist and singer Paul Costley, and Mica Peterson, whose soulful vocals and inspired arrangements of both cover and original funk and R&B tunes have earned her accolades throughout the east coast.

Patrick’s New Music Series

The Aviation Museum of N.H. is a non-profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization dedicated to celebrating New Hampshire’s role in aviation history and inspiring tomorrow’s pioneers, in novators and aerospace professionals. For more information about the Aviation Museum, visit www.aviationmuseumofnh.org or call (603) 669-4820. Follow the Aviation Museum on social media at www.facebook.com/nhahs.

Beginning Thursday September 8,

Want to see a 90-year-old safari movie made in Africa by pio neering aviators whose special plane would later boast a Gran ite State connection?

“How Victorian Women Got Dressed” Program In Sanbornton Bonnets, bustles, corsets, and petticoats…

Camp Constitution Presents a Showing of “In Search of Liberty”

‘Adventure’s First Couple’ Lecture And Movie At Aviation Museum


4 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —

Then take off to the Aviation Museum of N.H. on Thursday, Sept. 15, when the museum presents ‘Martin and Osa John son: Adventure’s First Couple,’ a combination lecture and movie Specialscreening.guest speaker will be Dick Jackson of Rochester, N.H., a long-time aircraft res toration expert who spent 40 years restoring a Sikorsky S-39 flying boat identical to the type used by the Johnsons. The program starts at 6 p.m. and is open to the public. Tickets available at the door: $10 per person, general admis sion. All proceeds support the non-profit Aviation Museum’s education programming. The Aviation Museum of N.H. is located at 27 Navigator Road, Londonderry, N.H. For directions and more info, visit www.aviationmuseumofnh.org.

Have you ever wondered how Victorian ladies of yesteryear put on all those layers of clothing? Join the Sanbornton Historical Society as it presents “How Victorian Women Got Dressed”, a presentation by Winnifred Boynton, Julie Morrell, and Jane Sawyer, members of the Ashland StartingReenactors.from her Victorian underwear, her lady Jane helps Winnifred undertake the feat of becoming a perfectly dressed lady, layer by layer. Julie’s fabulous narration will not only inform, but amuse! This fascinating presentation will be held on Thursday, September 8 at 7:00 pm at the Lane Tavern, 520 Sanborn Road, Sanbornton, New Hampshire 03269. Admission is free of charge and the Lane Tavern is handicapped accessible. Donations are welcome and refreshments will be served after the program. Call 603 286-4526 for more information.

Severance, who has per formed throughout northern New Eng land in bands and as a solo act, will open each Thursday at 6pm with his special blend of soft rock, reggae, smooth jazz instrumentals and originals. At 6:45, the night’s featured artist will take the stage for an extended set, then Sev will wrap the evening up by 8pm.

Patrick’s complete live music calendar is available at www.patrickspub.com/events


Patrick’s Pub and Eatery in Gilford will begin a new live music series, Sev and Company, that will showcase talented musicians from the Lakes Region and Donbeyond.“Sev”


How is the native supposed to deal with more than five cars at a stoplight when he is just going to the hardware store to pick up a couple of things?


brendan@weirs.com brendan@weirs.com

BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times) “I Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging” Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscrip tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO

I’ve been a very busy man this don’talive.F.A.T.S.O.bestbeenIernorningBesidessummer.runforgovagain,havealsotryingmytokeepIncaseyouknow, F.A.T.S.O, stands for Flatland ers Adjusting To Solitary Obliv ion, a support group I started years ago for new transplants to New Hampshire to help them adjust to their first winters here.F.A.T.S.O. obviously makes its bread and butter in the months from December through March when the need is high est. Last season was a pretty good one. We had a lot of folks paying dues and our base was strong.Still, we never know what the next winter will bring. A couple of warmer months and not much snow can put a dent in our finances. So, we can’t just sit back after a long, cold, harsh winter and just coast. We have done that before and it does make from some worry. This year we decided - we be ing myself and my old friend Vinnie from The Bronx who also now lives in the Lakes Region –that we really needed to develop some sort of summer income to help us keep F.A.T.S.O. viable for those who really need us once the temperatures drop. So we started a new group; sort of a satellite group (what ever that is) to F.A.T.S.O. After much consideration (ten min utes) we thought it would be a good idea to have a group that would not only bring comfort to a neglected group here in Cen tral New Hampshire, but one that would hardly be affected by the weather. The name of this new group is Natives Adjusting to Summer

Skelley’sSkelley’sMarketSkelley’sMarketMarketWhether you are a vacationer or a full time resident of the Lakes Region, Skelley's Market is the place to go for your shopping needs. Located on route 374 Governor Wentworth HWY Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Call 603-476-8887 • F: www.skelleysmarket.com603-476-5176 Skelley’s Market Services Include: Stop by Skelley’s Market today and enjoy some great food, Bailey’s Bubble ice cream, a lobster roll or anything else you may need. You will be glad you did! • Gas 24 hours a day • Fresh pizza • NH Lottery tickets • Beer and Wine • Sandwiches • Daily papers • Bailey’s Bubble ice ••creamMapsFamous Lobster Rolls • Fish and Game OHRV Licenses PIZZA SPECIAL 2 for $18 2EveryToppingsSat.Night5-9pm BRENDAN SMITH’S NEW BOOK! BRENDANSMITH’SNEWESTBOOK!NOWON SALE! NOWSALE!ON“IReallyOnlyDid It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging” Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscrip tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online

How does the native deal with tourists who drive one of two speeds: too darn slow or too darnWhyfast?does the tourist from the New York City area yell when his is asking for directions? A. Did you do something wrong or B. is that just the way they talk? (The answer is B. I’ll give you that one for free.) Is it proper to laugh out loud when a tourist says they are going to retire up here someday and open a restaurant? We will also teach the native the proper etiquette in dealing with tourists in many scenarios and make them understand that sometimes no etiquette is required. It’s really comes down to you or them. We will also explain to natives why the day after Labor Day has never been declared a state holiday.Weare planning our first N.A.S.T.Y. meeting this Novem ber so we can start initiating natives into the process as well as getting some of those membership fees into our bank account.Werealize that many natives are stubborn and reluctant to ask for advice. So, we can’t stress enough the total ano nymity we will provide to each member. You can be assured any question you ask will be treated with the strictest confi dence. (Unless it is really ridic ulous, then we will be tempted to share with friends and on social media.) We hope N.A.S.T.Y, really takes off next year. It is a niche that needs to be addressed. After all, the more summer tourists that you get along with, the more you will start having them year-round.

Tourists Yearly or N.A.S.T.Y. (We could have left off the Yearly but N.A.S.T. didn’t really have the same zing to it.)

Times) hurchentralBaptist Central Baptist Church of Gilford, NH Independent, KJV 401 GILFORD AVE.,GILFORD, NH • CENTRALBAPTISTNH.ORG

Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles”,“Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and “I Only Did It For The Socks Sto ries & Thoughts On Aging” All are available at BrendanTSmith.com trying to survive

Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online

The purpose of N.A.S.T.Y. is to help those New Hampshire natives (as well as the many Flatlanders who insist they are natives) who, after a long and quiet winter and spring of peace and quiet, have to suddenly re adjust to that late June morn ing when they wake up and re alize that yes, again, suddenly there are people everywhere. These lifelong natives and those who think they are know this is coming. They know that tourists are as much a part of summer as Black Ice is a part of winter, whether the like it or not. It is a relatively short season and is often quickly forgotten until it suddenly ap pears again. And when it does it brings with it, to many, a great deal of stress that they hadn’t experienced for eight months orWeso. are confident that N.A.S.T.Y. can help relieve that stress.After a test run this past sum mer, the N.A.S.T.Y. program is close to being implemented fully next season. (Thank you to those who participated and especially those who paid their dues on time). As we go through this winter, we will have more time to tweak the program and hopefully hit the ground running next spring. (Unless, of course, I am elected governor, then Vinnie is on his own.) Just to give you an idea of how the N.A.S.T.Y. program will help those who really need it, here is a sampling of some questions from natives we will help to answer.

by Brendan Smith Weirs Times Editor at Box 5458, at BrendanTSmith.com copies also avail. at the Weirs

5— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — NEW HAMPSHIRE F OOL in LiveororFreeDie.Die.

This week, President Joe Biden -- in search of a new label to pin on his political opponents after the failure of his “ultra-MAGA” brand ing, which prompted peals of laughter rather than shudders of horror -- landed on a new slur with which to tar those who don’t support his agenda: they are, he said, semi-fascists. Speaking with a crowd of Democratic do nors in Maryland, Biden reportedly said, “What we’re seeing now is either the be ginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the -- I’m going to say something -- it’s semifascism.”Now,Democratic politicians painting half of Americans as beneath contempt is old hat. Former President Barack Obama, of course, said that Americans who didn’t support him in 2008 were merely bitter bigots, clinging to “guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.” Hillary Clinton was more pithy: she called them a “basket of deplorables.” So, “semi-fascist” shouldn’t come as much of a Butshock.that smear is particularly galling coming from Biden the same week in which he announced, without any con stitutional authority whatsoever, that he was erasing some $500 billion in student loan debts -- the single largest executive action in American history. Biden justified that action on the basis of a nonexistent COVID-19 emergency. He has justified similar usurpations on similar grounds: He illegally tasked his Occupational Safety and Health Administration with forcing vaccines on some 80 million people on the basis of a “public health emergency”; he used his Centers for Disease Control and

Michelle Malkin is off this week.The fol lowing column was originally published in 2019 and is being republished in light of back-to-school season. No, no, no. Hell, no! That’s my response to the latest trial balloon floated by the White House to join with Silicon Valley on a creepy program monitoring Americans’ “neurobehavioral signs” to (purportedly) prevent gun violence.

6 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —

See MALKIN on 28

Prevention to try to propagate an eviction moratorium on the same basis; he bragged in July that he will reshape the American economy on his own if Congress doesn’t act in order to forestall a supposed “cli mate change emergency.” If we’re talking about semi-fascism, this stuffThequalifies.history of fascism, after all, does not begin with a dictator simply marching into a nation’s capital and seizing total power. It more frequently begins with the destruction of the legislative branch at the hands of centralization of executive power.

Because our political discourse has devolved into middle-school histrionics -“Everyone I don’t like is Hitler!” -- we fail to notice the gradual slide into tyranny, ignoring it on behalf of spectacular head lines and reactionary rhetoric. Standing up to that process isn’t semi-fascism; it’s the opposite.

Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and Editor-in-Chief of Dai lyWire.com. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Sha piro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. creators.com

Adolf Hitler didn’t just declare himself dictator; dictatorial power preceded him in the chancellor’s office by several years, dating back to Heinrich Bruning invoking emergency powers under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution in 1930. Benito Mus solini came to power under constitutional means in 1922 and didn’t consolidate his rule until 1925. Fascism, in other words, is a gradual process. And that process starts with executive branch actors accret ing authority they were never given.

Here’s the big lie: Wright’s group promises that privacy will be “safeguarded,” profiling “avoided” and data protection capabilities a “cornerstone of this effort.”

Mental health data Mining oF our kids

Joe biden is the real seMi-FasCist by Michelle Malkin Syndicated Columnist by Ben Shapiro Syndicated Columnist

President Donald Trump’s old friend, former NBC head Bob Wright, has been pushing an Orwellian surveillance scheme called “Safe Home” -- “Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes” -- that would cost tax payers between $40 million and $60 million. The Washington Post, owned by Amazon billionaire founder Jeff Bezos, reports that the plan could incorporate “Apple Watches, Fitbits, Ama zon Echo and Google Home,” as well as “ fMRIs, tractography and image analysis.”

There’s so much bullcrap packed in that statement it should be banned as a global warming pollutant. Anything involving Google should trigger automatic danger warnings of invasive data mining. We do not need the federal govern ment partnering with Google to red-flag citizens. We need the federal government to red-flag Google. Let me remind you that Google has already admitted to data mining children’s emails without consent and in viola tion of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This school year, untold thousands, if not millions, of children were required to sign on to Google email and Chrome in order to access homework, schedules and classroom discussions -- without obtaining parental consent. Thanks to “1-to-1” pro grams forcing students across the country to use laptops and tablets when paper and pencil would suffice, iPads loaded with Google for Education are metastasizing in tech-crazed, fad-addled school districts oblivious to privacy concerns. At my high school sophomore son’s school, every student was told to download an app called “E-Hallpass,” which is seamlessly connected to


One year after the appalling col lapse of Afghani stan into the hands of the Tali ban insurgents, the goneAsianleagueredcrisishumanitarianinthatbeSouthcountryhasformbadto

7— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —

The Washington Post claims there is a “wave of labor activism sweeping theButcountry.despite all political support and media hype, unionization is down.Unionization did increase during the pandemic but fell as the pan demic waned. In 2021, 15.8 mil lion workers were represented by a union, a decline of half a million sinceThere2019.are many reasons.

The Janus Supreme Court deci sion in 2018 declared it unconstitu tional to force government workers to pay union dues. Now 28 states no longer force any workers to pay union dues. That’s a good thing. No one should be forced to join groups they don’t want to join.

At work, I saw how union rules routinely slowed work down -- some times in ridiculous ways. I couldn’t just press a button and watch a video. I had to find a union editor

by John J. Metzler Syndicated Columnist by John Stossel Syndicated Columnist

aFghan huManitarian Crisis Widens year aFter taliban takeover labor union shortage

Starbucks already offers better benefits than many companies: health benefits, even for part-time workers, free college tuition, mater nity leave and more. Their minimum wage is $17/hour. But activists wantApplemore.Store employees and Google workers are also starting unioniza tion efforts. In the first half of 2022, union election petitions increased byThey57%.have political support. Pres ident Joe Biden promised he’d be “the most pro-union president you’ve ever seen,” and he probably has been. He supports the PRO Act, which would override state right-towork laws and fine employers that fire workers for trying to unionize.

See STOSSEL on 26 See METZLER on 26

The media does. “Unions are cool again,” reports CBS News. They suggest unioniza tion is practically“Reporters”booming.cheered when a Starbucks in Buffalo, New York, became the first Starbucks to unionize. “A big symbolic win for labor,” The New York Times called it. Since then, more than 180 Star bucks voted to unionize, and 300 filed for union elections.

Monday was La bor Day. Will you celebrate unions?

try made to protect women’s rights have been quickly reversed. It’s been more than a year since adolescent girls in Afghanistan last set foot inside a classroom.” Girls have not been permitted to go back to school. UNICEF estimates the Afghan econ omy would gain $5.4 billion if the Taliban let girls go to secondary school and join the workforce. But since attention has now shifted to other global trouble spots such as Ukraine, what about Afghanistan’s current humanitarian situation and who is supplying needed food and medicines?Whilehumanitarian groups reman active in distributing aid on a limited scale throughout the country, and the

On the grand scale, the collapse of the Kabul government emboldened global dictators seeing that an Ameri can ally would be allowed to fall like a rotten pomegranate. Russia’s Vladi mir Putin was energized to expand his plans for neighboring Ukraine. China’s leader Xi Jinping renewed his strategy to target democratic Taiwan. Blood was in the water. A geopolitical shift was in the making. America’s Afghan chapter has turned, but the bitter legacy lingers. A recent UN Security Council meet ing on Afghanistan’s dire situation put the matter into perilous focus. Martin Griffiths, the UN’s Humani tarian Chief stated, “The people in Afghanistan continue to face extreme hardship and uncertainty...More than half the population, some 24 million people, need humanitarian assistance. An estimated 3 million children are acutely malnourished. ” He added, “Relentless layers of crisis persist at a time when communities are already struggling.” Since the Taliban takeover, most large scale development assistance has been suspended. Needless to say that before the collapse of the Kabul government, the country was facing enduring conflict prompting severe levels of food insecurity and mal nutrition. Today the situation has deteriorated since significant foreign development aid was halted. Martin Griffiths warned, “Women and girls have been pushed to the sidelines. The meagre gains the coun

In 1973, when I first went to work for CBS, I was forced to join AFTRA, the American Federation of Televi sion and Radio Artists. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to pay dues to a union that didn’t appear to do much, but I had no choice.

worse. The Biden Administration’s shameful and botched pullout of American military forces signaled the last tawdry act of the twenty year cri sis; now the widening legacy of food shortages, refugees, and societal col lapse, seems to define Afghanistan’s “new normal” for the immediate fu ture.

8 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.

Letters From God Letters From God

This is a very impor tant question because you are living in days of significant uncertainty. Things have changed quickly and what once was the basis of confi dence and prosperity is now being shaken and could be collapsing. Since you have been established as a Demo cratic Republic, you are entrusting your future into the hands of those that you elect to lead you locally and nation ally. As your leaders go, so will you. If they lead you well, with my wisdom, you will recover and flourish. If they are foolish, selfish, corrupt and power hungry, your fragile condition will worsen and cause your nation to fail catastroph ically. If you don’t think that this is possible, look back in history and you will see it repeated over and over again. So, with this in mind, let me make some sug gestions. First if you are only looking with regard to the temporal, physi cal realm and fail to take into consideration that I am your Creator and sustainer of life, no leader will be able to rescue you from your own foolish choices and their foolish and godless leadership. You need leaders who recognized that they are not God and that I alone am God and that apart from me they cannot be blessed and those who follow them will suffer as a re sult (Ezekiel 28:1-2). Though you cannot see me and the unseen spiritual world that co exists with yours, I can see you and I have the ability to correct any failure, to restore you to blessing and to prosper you in the days ahead. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to pros per you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer emiah 29:11-12). If you choose leaders who not only neglect me and fail to bow before me but also violate and transgress my wisdom and will, you will con tinue to lose my blessing and suffer as a result.

In my next letter I will develop these leadership qualities for you. Until then, ask yourself, are these attributes true of your current leaders? And will you listen to me and elect leaders for whom it is true? I love you enough to tell you the truth, God These letters are writ ten by a New Hampshire pastor. May

Your current leader ship, on a national level, tried to remove me from their platform a number of years ago. They actu ally did, but there was such an uproar by so many, they reversed the decision. But look at the leadership that you have today. Do you see them acknowledging me? Do you see them seeking me and my wisdom with respect to guidance of your nation? Do you see them seeking and find ing my will as revealed in my book, the Bible, in which I have care fully dictated what is right and what is wrong, what will bring bless ings and what will bring curses? The answer to these questions, if you are looking, are obvi ous. There may not have been a formal declara tion removing me from their platform but there is a practical one now. Since I am your Cre ator and the source of life, you cannot thrive unless you bow before me, humble yourselves and live according to the standards of life that I have decreed and built into the very design or fabric of your individ ual and national life.

Looking For Bowlers! The Monday Morning Senior (55+) Bowling League at Funspot is looking for members.new It is a 100% handicap league based on 200. The season starts on September 12th and runs through

“When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you and have taken possession of it and settled in it, and you say, let us set a king over us like all the na tions around us, be sure to appoint over you the king the Lord your God chooses. He must be from among your own brothers. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not a brother Is raelite. The king, more over, must not acquire great numbers of horses for himself or make the people return to Egypt to get more of them, for the Lord has told you, you are not to go back that way again. He must not take many wives, or his heart will be led astray. He must not accumu late large amounts of silver and gold. When he takes the throne of his Kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll, a copy of this law, taken from that of the priests, who are Levites. It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and follow care fully all the words of this law and these decrees and not consider himself better than his brothers and turn from the law to the right or to the left. Then he and his descen dants will reign a long time over his Kingdom in Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:14-20).

8th. Start time is 12 noon. The cost is $16 per bowler. For sign up or more info contact Al Stevens at Stevens978@aol.com. Boundless Grace LLC A CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE Visit us at our new location... 287 Main St., Tilton, NH

QUESTION: What Are Some Es sentials For Good Leaders In These Days Of Uncertainty?

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” (Psalm 33:12). When I wrote to my Chosen People, I told them that when they choose leaders they must be chosen not just because of physical ap pearances, slick slogans or empty promises but rather because they fol low me, obey my will and lead you to do the same.Here’s what I wrote.

9— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —

In fact, investing for the long term doesn’t necessarily mean you should lock your investments in forever. Throughout your life, you’ll likely need to make some changes.

Investing is about more than money.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC.




There are no shortcuts to investment success — you need to establish a long-term strategy and stick with it. This means you’ll want to create an investment mix based on your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon — and then regularly review it to ensure it’s still meeting your needs.


FINANCIAL (603) Laconia,386jason.pochily@524-4533edwardjones.comUnionAvenueNH



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Of course, everyone’s situation is different and there’s no prescribed formula of when and how you should adjust your investments. But some possibilities may be worth considering. For example, a few years before you retire, you may want to reevaluate your risk exposure and consider moving part of your portfolio into a more conservative position. When you were decades away from retiring, you may have felt more comfortable with a more aggressive positioning because you had time to bounce back from any market downturns. But as you near retirement, it may make sense to lower your risk level. And as part of a move toward a more conservative approach, you also may want to evaluate the cash positions in your portfolio.

Even if you decide to adopt a more conservative investment position before you retire, though, you may still benefit from some growth-oriented investments in your portfolio to help you keep ahead of — or at least keep pace with — inflation. As you know, inflation has surged in 2022, but even when it’s relatively mild, it can still significantly erode your purchasing power over time. Changes in your own goals or circumstances may also lead you to modify your investment mix. You might decide to retire earlier or later than you originally planned. You might even change your plans for the type of retirement you want, choosing to work part time for a few years. Your family situation may change — perhaps you have another child for whom you’d like to save and invest for college. Any of these events could lead you to review your portfolio to find new opportunities or to adjust your risk level — or both. You might wonder if you should also consider changing your investment mix in response to external forces, such as higher interest rates or a rise in inflation, as we’ve seen this year. It’s certainly true that these types of events can affect parts of your portfolio, but it may not be advisable to react by shuffling your investment mix. After all, nobody can really predict how long these forces will keep their momentum — it’s quite possible, for instance, that inflation will have subsided noticeably within a year. But more important, you should make investment moves based on the factors we’ve already discussed: your goals, risk tolerance, time horizon and individual circumstances.Byreviewing your portfolio regularly, possibly with the assistance of a financial professional, you can help ensure your investment mix will always be appropriate for your needs and goals.

Wolfeboro35brian.laing@edwardjones.com515-1074CenterStreet,Suite3Falls,NH JASONLACONIARPOCHILY

When Should You Adjust Your Investment Mix?

10 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —




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At Edward Jones, we stop to ask you the question: “What’s important to you?” Without that insight and a real understanding of your goals, investing holds little meaning. Contact your Edward Jones financial advisor for a one-on-one appointment to discuss what’s really important: your goals.

When the market has gone through a decline, as has been the case in 2022, you may not want to tap into your portfolio to meet short-term and emergency needs, so having sufficient cash on hand is important. Keep in mind, though, that having too much cash on the sidelines may affect your ability to reach your long-term goals.


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11— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —

BIRDSForThe New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats


by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer A brown creeper searches the bark of a tree for insects. Ah, the miracle of the fallSuremigration.somebirds travel thousands of miles from their breeding grounds to their winter havens. That’s all been well documented. But what I’m talking about is the miraculous ability of these birds to stir ex citement into the hearts and bones of otherwise completely normal adult human beings. Well, “completely nor mal” may be pushing it with some birders I’ve come across, but you know what I mean. Take the other day for instance. I was relaxing on the patio toward the end of a long day when a sight literally lifted me off my seat and drew me closer.Bald eagle? Brown pelican? Some sort of rare bird not seen in generations?No,itwas a brown creeper. Brown creepers are just as their name suggests they are. For one, they are indeed brown. For another, they creep. They creep up trees looking for in sects hidden among the bark. When they reach a point where they think they’ve exhausted a tree’s food supply, they fly quickly to the bottom of the nearest tree and start the creeping all over again. To a birdwatcher, this is very exciting to see. To a non-birdwatcher, it’s a non-event.Judging by a mere photo, a brown creeper has to be one of the more boring birds out there. Small, brown, nondescript. Big deal. But that’s the great thing about birdwatch ing. Big surprises come in all sorts of packages. Brown creepers, at least in New England, are seen primarily during the migration periods. So it’s not like you’re seeing brown creepers every day. Also, brown creepers are not seen all that often even during the migration periods, so seeing one at all is a somewhat rare occa sion.The other nice thing about seeing brown creepers is being able to watch that behavior of climbing up trees and flitting down to the bot tom of the next one. It’s not an earth-shattering nature spectacle, but it’s an easily observable and interesting behavior toNorstudy.is it only brown creepers that provide these little surprises during the fall migra tion. Hundreds of birds fit the bill just as nicely. Keep an eye out for tiny kinglets over the next several weeks. These tiny birds — barely larg er than a hummingbird — can pop up anywhere. Keep an eye out for them in your garden as they look over your fading flowers for seeds and insects. I watched a ru by-crowned kinglet for several minutes last fall as it flitted among the sedum in my garden. The kinglet eventually led me to another fall visitor. A yellow-rumped warbler perched atop a bush near the sedum, drawing my attention away from the kinglet. Warblers, the kings and queens of the spring migration, pass through during the fall, too, to much less fanfare from birders.Thefall migration has plenty of surprises in store and we have sev eral more weeks to en joy the show. The duck migration will soon pick up steam. The fall duck migration is perhaps my favorite birdwatching pursuit.Itjust keeps getting better.


12 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —

The occasional giant rainbow trout will round out a TMO guided trip.

See MOORE on 25 pounds, but the gaps between were stressful and sometimes heart breaking. I can’t speak for other guides, but on my boat there is no one who wants my clients to catch what they came for more than I do. From what I’ve read, the issue with the salm on was the size when they were stocked. They were small and the rate of predation was high er on them. Switching hatcheries has resulted in larger salmon be ing stocked and better survival, and it shows. While I’ve had a few trips this season that didn’t catch a salmon, mostly due to weather, the fishing has been consistent and very

Boy, after last year’s dismal salmon fishing, this season’s ever-in creasing consistency of landlocked salmon is a breath of fresh air. A breath of any air after you’ve felt like you were suffocating is more like it. It’s no secret that the salmon numbers were down on Lake Winni pesaukee, and techni cally still are, but the ef forts of the NH Fish and Game Department to bring the numbers back up have been nothing short of commendable.

13— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —

Last year I had a pe riod of three weeks when we never put a salmon on my boat. Sure, there were some very nice rainbows and tons of lake trout caught, but few salmon, which is what most people come to Winni for. The only consolation was that the salmon we were catch ing were big, like re ally big. A few over six Tim Moore Contributing Writer Who Wants a salMon?

good. We’ve put many salmon aboard ranging from two-year-old fish that measure around 22-inches to some six and seven-year-olds that measured over 26-inches.I’vebeen having a blast and after seeing NH Fish and Game stock 14,000 8 to 10-inch salmon

On Tuesday, Sep tember 13th, the Wright Museum will welcome Professor Kurt Dorsey. This is the seventeenth pro gram of the Wright Museum’s 2022 Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney Education Se ries.Seventy-five years ago, U.S. leaders faced a series of difficult de cisions about the na tion’s role in the world. Fearing a rise in Soviet power and a decline in faith in democracy in Europe, men like Dean Acheson and George Marshall worried that the hard-won victory the Creation oF a Pax aMeriCana PrograM at Wright MusueM in WolFeboro in World War II was about to be lost. In this illus trated lecture, Pro fessor Kurk Dorsey of the UNH fornatethatnewinterestthetheleadersshowDepartmentHistorywillhowthesereshapeddefinitionofU.S.nationaltocreateaforeignpolicywoulddomiU.S.politicsdecades. Doors open at 6 p.m., the pro gram begins at 7 p.m. on seum’satSeptemberTuesday,13ththeWrightMuDuQuoin

Education Center, 77 Center Street in Wolfeboro. Ad mission is $5 for members and $10 for ing603-569-1212.seriesseum.org/lecture-www.wrightmumadeagedstronglyReservationsnon-members.areencourandcanbeonlineatorbycallingTheregion’sleadresourcefored ucators and learners of all ages on World War II, the Wright Mu seum features more than 14,000 items in its collection that are representative of both the homefront and battlefield. For more information about the 2022 Lecture Se ries, or museum, wrightmuseum.org.visit

14 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — #1 Call: 603-524-4778 #2 Stop by: 35 Mechanic St., Laconia, NH #3 Go to: garagabylaurentdoors.co�m _..--.._"Build Your Door" then send us your selection for pricing. ✓ Free estimate for new doors with Before & After images ✓ Friendly & Prompt service t o solve your gar age door problems ✓ For boat houses, garages an d sheds we sell the best and fix the rest! = LAURENT DOOR SYSTEMS The Garage Door Specialists laurentdoors.com (603) 524-4778 35 Mechanic Street, Laconia, NH 03246Our Business is “UP and DOWN” “Since 1959”

On Tuesday, September 13th at 7pm, Professor Kurk Dorsey will present the program “Present at the Creation: Harry Truman, George Marshall, Dean Acheson, and the Creation of a Pax Americana” at The Wright Museum in Wolfeboro.

Sauteed Green & Gold Yield: 4-6 Servings Time: About 30 Minutes 1 Medium Zucchini Diced 1 Medium Yellow Squash Diced 1½ Cups of Mushrooms Quar tered¾Cup Roasted Red Pepper Strips Chopped 2 Dashes Creole Seasoning ⅛ tsp. Cracked Black Pepper Corns 2 Tbsp Olive Oil or Butter 10-12 Fresh Basil Leaves for garnish INGREDIENTS Preparation Instructions - In a large skillet over medium heat melt the butter or heat the olive oil. - Toss in the diced Zucchini and Yellow Squash and saute (cook) for five minutes. Add in the quartered mushrooms and continue to toss the veggies in the skillet to evenly coat and heat.-As the veggies begin to brown, toss in the chopped roasted red peppers and continue to toss all together. Heat until the zucchini and squash are tender and hot all the way through. About 10 minutes. - Remove from heat, lightly season with Creole seasoning, cracked pepper corns and garnish with fresh basil leaves. - Serve hot at the table right from the skillet. Tickets are FREE and will be released beginning on Wednesday September 14th at 10am Three options to secure tickets: 1. Colonial Theater Box Office located at 609 Main Street, Laconia, NH.

Sauteed Green & Gold

15— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — THE SIMPLE FEAST


“Can’t Get Next to You” A Temptations Experience Featuring Larry Johnson, Terry Horn, Michael White, Steven Wood & Greg Woods Free Admission - 2 ticket maximum per person; General Seating, First Come First Seated; All General Admission Tickets Holders are to be seated prior to 6:45 pm. Standby Tickets are available the day of the show at 6:45 pm. Laconia Putnam Fund Presents... AT THE COLONIAL THEATER Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 2022 at 7:00 pm See FEAST on 22 From the Lakes to the Mountains, We Are At Your Service! •Septic Pumping •Septic Pump Repair & Installation •Drains Unclogged •SepticInspectionsSystem MOULTONBOROUGH: 476-5557 | MEREDITH: 279-4313 www.lampreyseptic.com

by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer

longer as I make my case and I think you too will agree regard ing the joy found in seeing what can only be described as a 8 foot long green Octo pus being tossed over the garden fence. For as much as I enjoy seeing these plants grow, always a mea sure of satisfaction to the amateur gardener, I too like to see them go, again a measure of satisfaction. Why? Because once ma ture and proliferating, these plants not only sprawl throughout the garden but too, they are equipped with a built in defense mech anism; spines. Those saw tooth, fang-like thorny points, while admittedly are small in nature, run from the backs of their broad green leafy screens, Box office open Wednesday September 14th 10 am - 2 pm. Additional Box Office hours are Tuesday – Friday 10am – 2pm 2. Online at www.coloniallaconia.com Call 1-800-657-8774

I don’t think I have ever been so happy this summer as when my son was weed ing the garden this past week. Tomatoes, beans, melons, and squash; all were over run by a marauding band of unruly greens whose sole purpose in life was to propa gate with wild aban don while raising Cain amongst the other wise peaceful coex isting indulgebyplantsSummeringspecificallytheforinthatingrealtakingtionbounty.tributedwhonutrientsawayaddedincomeoverstayedthosegrowthspeciesofedibles.innocentunsuspectingproductiveIntheprocesspullingthevariousofundesirablehetooremovedflorawhohadtheirwelandnow,whileresidence,onlytothedrawingofmuchneededfromothershadnotyetcontothisyear´sNottomentheywerenowupvaluableestatewhileshadouttheirneighborsneededtothrivethewaningsunlighttheremainderofgrowingseason.IthinkmyjoycamefromseetheZucchiniandSquashbeingtakenouttheirroots.Now,meamoment

16 69 State Route 11, (just south of the Alton circle) New Durham, NH 603.859-7500 | EatAtJohnsons.com Serving Lunch & Dinner Dine in or Takeout 7 Days A Week JOHNSON’S TAPHOUSE Featuring36BEERSonTap! RESTAURANT | DAIRY BAR | MARKETPLACE | TAPHOUSE OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH & DINNER WithConnectUs!603-279-6212 • HartsTurkeyFarm.com THURSDAYSTRIVIA In the Tavern @ 7pm FRIDAYSLIVE MUSIC 5-8 PM Turkey • Steaks • Prime Rib • Seafood The C opper K ettle TAVERN Exit 23 off I-93 • 233 Daniel Webster Hwy • Meredith on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! Located just off scenic road, a short walk from the Weirs. Open Weekends Though Sept. (Weather Permitting) Come By Boat or Car & Relax By The Lakeside at AKWA MARINA’S BEACH BAR & GRILLE II 95 CENTENARY AVE., WEIRS 603-968-5533 LAKEINCREDIBLEVIEWS! The news about Monarch Butterflies remains discouraging-but the 10th Annual NH Monarch Festival at Petals in the Pines in Canterbury, will pro vide hands-on tools and expert advice on how families can sus tain and improve habi tat for migrating Mon archs and other vital pollinators, all while giving kids fun ways to celebrate and learn about these amazing creatures. Saturday Sept 10th, 9am-4pm. Kids are FREE; dona tion of $5 per adult. For 26 years, citizen scientists and commu nities across the U.S. have been expanding milkweed habitat for the annual migration; however, the total for est area occupied by Monarchs overwinter ing in Mexico in 202122 was only 2.84 hect ares–7 acres–level with two years ago and less than half the annual average sustainability target of 6 hectares (14.8 acres). While the most recent count is a rebound from 202021, it is still low–only one winter (2018-19) out of the past fifteen has been at or above the target. landseeds,table,a-Master-Gardener”twobooktaggingartcationalChirpingHumming,ingtheactivitiestivaltoandthepubliccusesallyFestival,MonarchWatch.org.)(Source:TheNHMonarchheldannusince2013,foonincreasingawarenessofMonarch’splightwaysforfamilieshelpthem.TheFeswillincludekids’andgames,“TaleTrail”(featurGrandmaLisa’sBuzzing,Garden),eduandnaturevendors,butterflydemonstration,authorreadings,labyrinths,“Ask-FREEmilkweed2milesofwoodtrailsandgar den paths, hundreds of flower varieties, and much more. Kids (and adults) who wish to wear butterfly wings/ costumes are encour aged to do so! One central feature of the Festival is the Pol linator Meadow, show casing native flowers-including the three types of milkweed that grow in our state--that attract and sustain a diverse population of beneficial insects.Pet als in the Pines is one of 80 locations in NH that are part of the Home grown National Park project--a grassroots movement started by professor and author Doug Tallamy to regen erate natural them.worldrationtheirandandnurturingnatureallhaspracticesroomExploreDay-certifiedtheplease.BaptistingUsepoolingParkingarch-festivalthepines.com/monvisitFestivalpark.org).(homegrownnationaldiversityForupdatesandguidelines,https://petalsinNOTE:islimited--car-isencouraged.cautionifparkalongthesideofRoad.NOpets,Since2010PetalsinPines,anArborNatureOutdoorClassandsustainable-flowerfarm,enabledchildrenofagestoexperienceinasafeandenvironment;hasencouragededucatedadultsinpersonalexploofthenaturalthatsurrounds 10th annual nh MonarCh Festival D.A. LONG TAVERND.A. LONG TAVERN Located Inside Funspot, Rte. 3, One Mile North Of The Weirs Beach Sign 579 Endicott Street N. • Weirs • NH • 603-366-4377 • funspotnh.com Always Lots Of Fun On Tap! TAVERN HOURS Open Every Day, year round Open Daily At Noon Sun. - Thur. noon -10pm Fri. & Sat. noon - 11pm EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT BEER LIST • COCKTAILS • WINE Explore our rotating draft selection with 12 carefully curated offerings! GRAB A BITE TO EAT! Made to Order Pizza, Chicken Fingers Hot Dogs & French Fries


You will always have plenty of ice on hand, and your freezer will not have to work as hard to keep the items in it frozen. noW here’s a tiP

* When figuring up the cost of moving yourself or using a ser vice, be sure to con sider the cost of your time and your health. And be certain that you are able to drive the moving van if you rent a large truck.

Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street At Paugus Bay Plaza, Laconia Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm M Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street at Paugus Bay Plaza THIS WEEKEND SPECIALS Veal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials — Italian & American Comfort FoodMyrna’s Classic CuisinePasta•SteaksSeafood myrnascc.com603.527.8144 Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, voted one of the top ten restaurants in NH by Boston Magazine. 215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • www.wrapcitysandwiches.com603-715-8600 on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! HOMEOF 603-409-9344 • 59 Doe Ave, Weirs Beach, NH NEW Craft Beer Destination in The Weirs! W/HILLTOPMULTI-TIERBIERGARDENPANORAMICVIEWSOFTHELAKE 36 Rotating Craft Taps —BEST PIZZA IN THE REGION— OPEN Tues. - Sat. 11am - 10pm 302 S. MAIN STREET, LACONIA • 524-9955 • SOUTHENDNH.COM Laconia’s Best Pizza Delivered To Your Door! PIZZA / CALZONES • SALADS SUBS / SYRIANS • SEAFOOD TAKE OUT & DELIVERY10 PLYMOUTH ST., MEREDITH • 279-8723 Blackboard Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specials OPEN THUR - TUES 6AM-8PM WED 6AM - 2PM INDOOR, OUTDOOR or TAKE-OUT ! JUST GOOD FOOD! 331 SOUTH MAIN ST., LACONIA 603-524-4100 SHANGHAINH.COM “The Finest Szechuan & Mandarin Cuisine in the Lakes Region” CALL FOR TAKE OUT Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am - 8pm 23CelebratingYEARSServingtheLakesRegion! For Health Conscious People ... SPECIAL GLUTEN FREE ITEMS & VEGETARIAN DISHES HistoricFamilyCasualAmbianceDining Indoor & Patio Seating • Free function rooms for your event 603-267-7349 • gilmantonpub.com 506 Province Road Gilmanton, NH - Intersection of Rte 107 & Rte 140 Present this ad for 10% off dinner. Excludes alcohol. Exp. 10/31/22. by JoAnn Derson Syndicated Columnist * Before I pluck my eyebrows, I rub on a bit of my poked.wellcontainer.useingandcleaner.inexpensivecoarsemoreoutsideestsizes,ing--yourhandsletveryworksneedteethingteethinggranddaughter’sgel.She’sdoneanddoesn’titanymore,butitwellforme.Becarefultoapply,dryandwashyourbeforetouchingeyeanyfurther!M.L.inCalifornia*Whenmicrowavitemsofdifferentarrangethelargpartstowardtheoftheplateforevencooking.*Lemonjuicemixedtogetherwithsaltmakesancopper*Whengoingfishingyouareonlybringacoupleoflures,anold,emptypillItholdsandyouwon’tbe--D.B.inMin nesota

* you don’t keep a lot of foods in your freezer, you can fill large gallon-size zip per-top bags with ice cubes.

The Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad’s popu lar 4-hour Fall Foliage Specials will operate again this year from late September through mid-October. The trains will depart Meredith NH Station on Main Street at 11:00am and pro ceed north travelling up and over Ashland Sum mit. The trip crosses the Ashland High Tres tle, passes through the Bonnie Brae Deer Farm and the Glove Hollow Christmas Tree Farm in Bridgewater before ar

Fall Foliage sPeCials ready to roll

18 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun! NEW! ADDING DINNER SERVICE THUR, FRI & SAT NIGHTS! SERVING BREAKFAST & LUNCH WED. - SUN. & DINNER THUR., FRI. & SAT. 4-8PM greensideatlochmere.com • 603-528-7888 360 Laconia Road, Tilton, NH Experience The NEW Overlooking the mountains, come enjoy craft cocktails, mimosa flights & delicious food! VISIT US SOON! Booking functions & private dinners Shrimp & Scallop Pesto NY Strip Steak Filet Mignon Butternut Chicken 9 Holes $16 18 Holes $26 UNLIMITED GOLF After 3pm - $16 After 5pm - $12

riving in Plymouth, NH. The trip ends it first leg at the Common Man Inn & Spa, located in Plymouth’s North End. Once there, guests step off the train and gather in the dining room to enjoy a tasty, hot buffet lunch. Following lunch, guests may explore the Common Man Inn’s ex tensive Gift Shop which offers NH-made prod ucts before returning to theLunchtrain.includes a hot buffet menu featuring hot soup, roast tur key, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cran berry sauce, butternut squash; meat lasagna; vegi stir fry & rolls & butter. An assortment of fresh baked cookies will be on each table for dessert. A variety of chilled, bottled soft drinks & water as well as hot tea & coffee will also be available. After lunch, the train departs the Common Man Inn & Spa and proceeds south through Plymouth and Bridge water again before stopping in Ashland, NH at the restored Bos ton, Concord & Mon treal Railroad Station. Upon arrival, members of the Ashland Histori cal Society, dressed in 1860’s attire, will greet us and provide guided tours of their historic station.Following the guid ed tours in Ashland, guests re-board the train for the final time, then continue south over Ashland Summit, pass Lake Waukewan and back to Meredith Station where the train will arrive just after 3:00pm.“Thebest way to ex perience the beauty of fall in New Hampshire is aboard historic rail cars of yesteryear,” said Ben Clark, Railroad Vice President. “Our rail lines pass through unique locations that can only be experienced by train.” Tickets for this exceptional fall fo liage, 4-hour excursion include the hot buffet lunch at the Common Man Inn & Spa, the guided tour of the 1869 Ashland Railroad Sta tion and a souvenir tour booklet. Departure dates and ticket prices are provided below. Ad vance reservations are required. Tickets for the 2022 Fall Foliage Specials are on sale now at www.hoborr. com.

Jan Fuller & harel gietheiM to ConClude MusiC on the green

Since June 26, Can terbury Shaker Village’s Music on the Green has delighted guests of all ages every Sun day afternoon with live performances, a series that concludes on Sun day, September 11 with Jan Fuller & Harel Gi etheim. “This concert is more than a capstone to our series, but a me morial to September 11 and those who lost their lives that day,” said Ex ecutive Director Leslie Nolan.Both cellists, Full er has played at New York’s Carnegie Hall and Symphony Hall in Boston, while Gi etheim—a mentor to Fuller—is known for his “fresh interpretations and dramatic presenta tion style.” “If there is one concert you want to experience at the Village,” added Nolan, “this is it.” The concert with Jan Fuller & Harel Gietheim will take place in the

19— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun!

Meeting House from 4-5pm.Tickets are $25 and $20 for members. Before the perfor mance, tours of the Vil lage are available with a reservation, while visitors are encouraged to explore the property. Situated on nearly 700 acres, the Village fea tures an extensive trail system with a trail map available on-site and online at shakers.org/

trail-map.Tolearn more about the Village, which in terprets Shaker life through tours, exhib its, buildings, gardens, and programs, or pur chase tickets online, visit shakers.org. OPEN DAILY FOR THE SEASON THROUGH OCT 31ST 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro, NH 603-569-1212 • WrightMuseum.org On Exhibit July 1 - Oct. 31, 2022 LET ME BE MYSELF: THE LIFE STORY OF ANNE FRANK Visit our website for admission information and event schedule. HOURS: Mon. – Sat., 10am-4pm Sunday, Noon-4pm Lee’s Mill Rd, Moultonborough, NH 603-476-LOON (5666) • www.Loon.org SEEFORWEBSITEHOURS The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more! •FreeAdmission•Award-winningvideos,exhibits&trails! SHETLANDTraditionaltoCommittedBreeding1927®SHEEP Center Sandwich • kindredspiritfarmnh@gmail.com603-284-7277 Like us! KINDRED SPIRIT FARM —FARM FRESH FINE FLEECE—


20 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — GILPATRIC METAL RECYCLING , LLC —Call for pricing We Buy CONVERTERSCATALYTIC - See Nick for Pricing Bring us your ferrous and non-ferrous metals to recycle! BUSINESS HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7am to 3pm Closed Sat. & Sun. Fully Licensed Facility License Number: 21J-001B Permit Number: DES-SW-PN-11-006 201 Abel Road, Bristol, NH 03222 **IF USING GPS, TAKE RIVER RD TO ABEL RD. (DO NOT TAKE PEAKED HILL RD.) Office: (603) 744-3453 Fax: (603) 744-6034 Americans and, like many other colonial schools, Dartmouth was begun as a Chris tian, thus board,addingunderlawlegislatureNewthetoTheofshouldthecollegearoseagecameWheelock,first,wasdentofcharterschoolincebeingwithAmericaningestablishment.religious,HavbegunbeforetheRevolution,NewHampshireacolonialprovofEngland,thereceiveditsfromthekingEngland.ThesecondpresioftheschoolthesonoftheoneRev.JohnwhobePresidentattheof25.AdisputebetweenthePresidentandtrusteesoverwhobethepastorthecollegechurch.disagreementledthetrusteesfiringpresidentandtheHampshireStatepassingaputtingtheschooltheircontrol,trusteestoitsandchang other two lawyers on the case who were cocounsels to Webster are Jeremiah Smith and Jeremiah Mason. In what was de scribed as a landmark decision the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the college and against Woodward and the State of New Hamp shire with Chief Jus tice Marshall writing the court’s ruling. It agreed with Webster’s argument that the contract clause of the constitution protected private corporate char ters. This meant that the state could not take over the oversight of the private and reli gious school known as Dartmouth College. But there was also another take from the decision. It spoke to the establishment clause in the First Amendment which prohibited the estab lishment of any reli gion by the govern ment while also pro hibiting the denial of the practice of religion. The decision avoided the transfer, at that time, of Dartmouth college from a religious to a secular school and from interference by the state government in its operation. It was a matter of protect ing a religious school from interference by the government. It asserted the right of freedom of religion and the practice of it.

Having mentioned Attorney and Judge Jeremiah Smith in this and a previous article, I want to briefly show that he had a signifi cant impact on the Granite State. Though not at the forefront of the Dartmouth versus Woodward case, he appears to have been an important figure in the preparation which resulted in fame for his partner, Daniel Webster.

John Wheelock, son of Eleazer and second president of Dartmouth. from 3 See SMITH on 21 ing the name to Dart mouth University. The original trustees, how ever, with support from other college person nel, continued to try to control the operation of the school. When the treasurer, William Woodward, would not give them the old re cords, they sued him in a state court, but lost the case. They then took their case to the Supreme Court of the United States, arguing that the State of New Hampshire had no right to take control of the school. The original Dart mouth College trustees hired an 1801 college alumni, a young Dan iel Webster, to argue their case before the Supreme Court in the year 1819. But there were two others who worked with him on the case, though it is Webster’s oratory skills that stand out. The

21— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — 603-520-7217 Fully Insured Sweeps • Stonework Brick Repairs • Liners Caps • Installations Fire Place Makeovers Video Chimney Inspections Save $10 Off with this coupon ChimneyStartingSweepat$224


Judge Jeremiah Smith seems to be best known for his work in the judicial branch of government, but he also served in other important positions, including as an asso ciate of Webster. Born in Peterborough, New Hampshire, in 1759, he also practiced law there, later living in Exeter. Smith attend ed Harvard University and graduated from Queens College which is now Rutgers Univer sity. He served in the Continental Army dur ing the Revolutionary War and was wounded at the Battle of Ben nington, was in the New Hampshire State Legislature from 1787 to 1791, was a member of the United States House of Represen tatives from 1791 to 1797, a United States Attorney for the Dis trict of New Hampshire from 1797 to 1800, and a probate judge of Rockingham County, NH, in 1800 and 1801. In 1801, the same year that Daniel Web ster graduated from Dartmouth, President John Adams nominat ed him to be a federal judge on the United States circuit court for the First Circuit. That court was abolished, but Smith became the Chief Justice of the Su preme Judicial Court of New Hampshire from 1802 to 1809, a position he would hold again from 1813 to 1816.Judge Jeremiah Smith ran successfully for Governor of New Hampshire in 1809, defeating the incum bent, John Langdon, by 319 votes. He was defeated for governor, however, in the next election, by Langdon. A later court ruled that when the best in terests of the public were involved that the state could have some oversight of corporate charters, but Dart mouth versus Wood ward is still considered to be a landmark case and an important one in the career of lawyer Daniel Webster and his co-counsels, the two Jeremiah’s, Mason and Smith. from 20


The Farm Studio, 569 New Hampton Rd. (Rt. 127), Sanbornton, NH

22 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — Make a difference in your Community! We're seeking extraordinary individuals in the Lakes Region to join our team of amazing caregivers. CompetitiveFlexibility,SchedulePay,PTO,ContinuousTraining seniorsonthego.com • 603-556-7456

The exhibition will include paintings by Teresa Spinner, folk art by Jim Lambert. Ken Davis, Judith Carducci and Berton Silverman’s work from Spinner’s collection will be available. All proceeds from the sale of Elena Fomenko’s art will go directly to her. We look forward to your support.

Opening on Sept. 2nd, 3rd & 4th from 1 pm to 7 pm at Teresa Spinner’s Farm Studio

This year, why, I think I even saw a hastily hand written sign “COVID HERE Observe CDC Social Distance Guidelines LEAVE NOTHING!” tacked to the front door of one “friend’s” home.Ihave resorted to all manner of methods to guise the true identity of my generosity, tri ple bagging in opaque grocery bags so as not to reveal the tell tale hues of green and yel low. And when that didn’t work I tried brown bagging the bounty, which only worked a time or two before the unsuspect ing grew wary. I even disguising the Zuc chini as bread and chocolate cake, the cake having markedly better results. Peer ing into the bag faces lit up at the prospect of chocolate cake, only to deflate just as fast when seeing that infamous yel low proboscis peeking out from under a slab of moist chocolatey goodness.Sotherecipe I share is a reflection of our garden bounty and for this I reached out across the acres in from 15 See FEAST on 23

all the way down their gangly tangled mass of stems to their stalk. This makes harvest time in shorts feel as though you are wad ing knee deep in the Amazon noodling for Piranha.Evernotice how it seems that Zucchini and Summer Squash, are either a windfall or a bust each sea son? And usually our good fortune is not an independent ex perience. Try as we may to rid ourselves of the superfluous on family, friends, and neighbors, it is near next to impossible, say nothing of extremely difficult since they too have a bumper crop. By this time in the growing season, it is to the point where get ting out of the car with a few of these in hand has led to doors being slammed and audible ¨clicks¨ heard as dead bolts are thrown. Cur tains are drawn and windows are shuttered even on the hottest of summer days. Why, even the doggie doors have been barricaded in an attempt to keep the unwanted at bay. All this in the name of avoidance to receiv ing the generosity of a few extra pounds of nature’s bounty.

A group show featuring works on paper by Ukrainian artist & refugee Elena Fomenko


dividends • Prime


Past member of the Gilford Planning Board; Past member & chair of the Gilford Budget PastCommittee.Cubmaster, Past Scoutmaster & Past President of a large Boy Scout Council (with 0ver 40,000 registered Scouts); Winner of Scouting’s Silver Beaver Award & numerous other recognition awards Public school graduate; Merit scholarships and student loans throughout college and gradu ate school (all student loans fully repaid with interest)

Other organizational memberships (partial list): School District Governance Association of New Hampshire; The Federalist Society; National Rifle Association; Gun Owners of America; New Hampshire Firearms Coalition; Second Amendment Foundation; The Citizens Commit tee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Belknap County Sportsmen’s Association; Winni pesaukee Sportsmen’s Club; The Cato Institute; Hillsdale College President’s Club; Judicial Watch; Granite State Taxpayers; Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers. Vote For Norm in the Primary on Tuesday, Sept. 13th!


Marc B. Drouin, V.F., Pastor St. André Bessette Parish Mass Schedule at Sacred Heart Church Saturdays: 4pm; Sundays: 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30am


Norm sponsored or co-sponsored 36 bills this session, including: sponsor of the now successful phase out of the tax on interest& sponsor of a new law providing increased flexibility to districts Co-sponsor of the Parental Bill of sponsor of the bill to enhance the state firearms

corporating not only the vegetable garden but those aromatics to be found in one’s herb garden as well. Three types of fresh basil, hand picked from the herb garden; Sweet, Purple and Summer long are my proud ac complishments this year. My wife bought these at a plant sale and brought them home, several plants, a mixed flat in fact. Placing them on the front lawn somewhere around mid June there they sat; growing a bit, then not so much, growing a bit more, then not so much. The cycle repeated itself with each infrequent watering until some where into a month later they were looking a bit bedraggled and root bound, barely a bit of green nor purple left on them given the drought-like condi tions this summer. Somehow they grudg ingly persevered in spite of our attempts to ignore them. Then that fateful day came when I took pity on them. Not sure if to give them a proper burial in hopes to grow them or lay them to rest, I prepared the ground and started to stick them, one by one, into the soil. There were a few casualties but the vast majority were able to withstand my heavy handedness and remain upright. With water each day and a silent prayer ( a mix of last rites and plea for divine intercession) the un thinkable was hap pening, they not only were perking up, they were filling out and thriving. They were becoming a colorful, fragrant, viable crop! Nothing gives satis faction to the garden er more than seeing something you have nearly killed off not only come back from that near death ex perience but actually thrive. I was, and still am, in awe at what can only be described as a miraculous recovery. Which only further proves that the toil in the soil, the till ing and planting, the weeding and water ing, the bug bites and scratches, and bumps and bruises when har vesting those crops from a 10 by 10 plot in the backyard is not so simple, but makes one enjoy all the more the Simple Feast. from 22



pre-emption law

Authorized & paid for by Norm Silber, 243 Mountain Dr., Gilford, NH 03249 St.



Sacred Heart Church is open daily for private prayer

23— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — NORM STANDS FOR: • NO PERSONAL INCOME OR CAPITAL GAINS TAX! (Ever!!!) • NO GENERAL SALES TAX! (Ever!!!) • ONLY BONA FIDE NH RESIDENTS SHOULD VOTE IN NH • SUPPORT THE RULE OF LAW & OUR LOCAL POLICE In his two terms in the House so far, he has attended and voted in approximately 60 sessions of the House of Representatives; and reviewed, analyzed & voted on over 4,000 bills

Daily Masses: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8am, Tuesday: 5:00pm

All Masses Livestreamed at standrebessette.org


• Prime

Rights • Prime


altitude and a vicious thunderstorm rolled in, with the “Twenties” and “Thirties” widely sepa rated. Every flash of lightning and simulta neous crack of thunder made me wonder if a Marine had been incin erated up above. But when we all mustered later at the bottom of the mountain everyone was accounted for—al though a female Ma rine’s hair was standing straight out about ten inches, probably due to a close lightning strike. Included among those at the bottom was old Rock Stanley himself. Although he was then 60-ish he’d make a spe cial trip from Texas ev ery year to hike with the Jarheads.Marines are big on tradition. And of course, Rock always did the 30 miles. No “Twenty is Plenty” for him. So I was recently stunned to receive a “Mt. Charleston” mes sage from a former ME CEP Prep colleague that included a tragic head line from a Fox TV affili ate in Las Vegas. Search continues for 75-year-old hik er missing on Mount Charleston “On Sunday Red Rock Search and Rescue vol unteers had their boots on the ground at Mount Charleston searching for Rock Stanley, a for mer Marine from Tex as. Stanley left for a hike Tuesday morning and hasn’t been seen since. The Civil Air Patrol conducted two aerial searches over the week end. RRSAR Deputy Commander, Ken Malin, said a total of 75 volun teers have responded to the searches once they began on Wednesday afternoon.” As I write this no body has been found and Rock Stanley is Rock Stanley. presumed dead. Sad messages continue to be exchanged amongst MECEP Alums, one of which is Rock’s son. One message read “So many Mt. Charleston memories. I suppose if one had to pick a place for one’s last earthly moments then there are few better places to end up than on Mt. Charleston. God bless everyone. Semper Fi.” We don’t yet know where Rock Stanley ended up on that gi ant, beautiful moun tain. But we can be sure he took the thirty-mile trail.R.I.P.

Sports Quiz

24 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — galleyrestaurant.comAkerlysgrilland-603.875.338383GrillACKERLY’S&GalleyMainStreet,Alton 603 - Amber Ale Stoneface - IPA Allagash - White Baxter - Coastal Haze Great Rhythm - Resonation Pale Ale COPPER KETTLE AtTAVERNHart’sTurkey Farm 233RestaurantD.W.Hwy, Meredith hartsturkeyfarm.com603.279.6212 Henniker - Working Man’s Porter Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap D.A. LONG TAVERN At 579FunspotEndicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Southern Tier - Pumking Foundation - Epiphany Rockingham - Hameater Earth Eagle - Samantha Schilling - Adem Jack’s Abby - Copper Legend ...+6 More On Tap FOSTER’S TAVERN 403 Main Street Alton Bay, fosterstavernbythebay.com603-875-1234NH Tuckerman - Pale Ale Sam Adams - Wicked Hazy Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Czech Pilsner Maine Beer Co - Lunch Blue Moon - Belgian White ...+2 More On Tap newdurhameatatjohnsons.com/603.859.750069SeafoodAtTAPHOUSEJOHNSON’SJohnson’s&SteakRt11,NewDurham Burlington -Sublimated Dreams Greater Good -Passion Fruit Sour Southern Tier -Thick Mint Sloop -Open Water Stormalong -Tropical Cider 3 Floyds -Barbarian Haze ...+30 More On Tap Morrisseysfrontporch.comWolfeboro286PorchMORRISSEYS’&PubS.MainSt.,603.569-3662 ConcordHarpGuinnessSmithwick’sCraft Safe Space Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella...+11ArtoisMore On Tap OVER THE FARMSTEADMOON 1253 Upper City Rd., Pittsfield overthemoonfarmstead.com Scotch Ale - 5.4% No Need To Argue: cranberry mead - 14% Passion Fruit Cider - 6.8% ROBUST Porter - 7% Mosaic IPA - 3.7% Buzzworthy - 12.8% ...+10 More On Tap PATRICK’S PUB 18 Weirs Rd., 603.293.0841GilfordPatrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice ClownGuinnessShoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale Tuckerman - Pale Ale ...+9 More On Tap THE FB603.409.934459AtBREWWITCHESPUBTheCraftBeerXchangeDoeAve.,WeirsBeach@craftbeerxchange 1911 – Cider Donut Cider Victory – Sour Monkey Maine Beer – Lunch IPA Able Ebenezer – Lady of the Lake Lager Moat – Miss V’s Blueberry Ale Left Hand – Peanut Butter Milk ...+30StoutMore On Tap ** Tap listings subject to change! WEIRS TIMES’ BEER FINDER as if I were crazy. “If we did that then we wouldn’t get the thirty miles in,” Rock chas tised. The hike had to be 30 miles. It was a point of pride to the cigar-chomping Texan. The last few miles were tough, as oxygen levels decreased significantly above 10,000 feet. But the view was worth it. After LtCol Stanley retired he werelarlyFossils.milesfineversionoptedingly,myRock’smilewitharePThikeRock’slege.readytheyeightputcouldfewaspiringtheseuniquepayingassesdents.world’sGreatGreatworld.thewonderfultor.succeedrecommendedsuccessfullymetohimasDirecThisledtomoresummersatbestschoolintheGreatweather.pay.Greatstaff.venue.AndthegreateststuWeworkedtheiroff.Butaswewerethem,wehadleverageoverhighlymotivatedofficers.Verycollegestudentsendurewhatwethemthroughforweeks.Butwhenfinished,theyweretosucceedincolInaturallyretainedMt.CharlestonaspartofMECEP’sprogram.Marinesbigontradition.Butanewtwist:A20-optionthatavoidedswitchbacks.“TwentyisPlenty”wascredo.ButinterestmostMarinesstillforthethirty-milewhileIwasjustdoing“only”twentywiththeFacultyOnehikewasparticumemorable.Therestillsnowfieldsat

On what day do U.S. Marines celebrate the USMC birthday? (An swer follows). Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on Sep tember 8 include NHL goalie Rogie Vachon (1945) and Pittsburgh Steeler legend L.C. Greenwood (1946). Sports Quote “The Marine Corps is your family. You may not have a mother here, but you have a big pile of fathers, uncles, and brothers.” ― author Bud Rudesill Sports Quiz Answer November 10. On that day in 1775 the Marine Corps was established at Tun Tavern in Phila delphia. State Representa tive Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He co-au thored the award-win ning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A Warrior-Actor’s Odys sey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon.com. His e-mail address is comcast.net.mimoffett@

MOFFETT from 1 A-1 Firewood www.a-1firewood.com 603-978-5012 Quality Hardwood • Green or Seasoned • Cut, Split & Delivered • Buyer of Standing Hardwood

25— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — Sprinkler + Drip Irrigation Landscape LandscapingLightingServices • free estimates • service since 1981 (603) 812.5721 | SummitIrrigationNH.com this past spring, I can’t wait for next year. For now though, I’ve got September to focus on, which is one of the best months of the year to fish for salmon. The fish are currently gorging on massive schools of young-of-the-year smelt and seem to be getting fatter by the day. Their bellies are getting bigger, and males are starting to form a pronounced kype, or hook jaw. As surface water tempera ture cools, the fish are beginning to jump again, a characteristic that becomes almost nonexistent when the sur face water approaches 80-degrees and almost always produces a gasp or cheer from my clients. They love it and as nerve racking as it is for me (many salmon come off when they jump) I can’t take that pure joy away from them. Let’s also not forget about the lake trout jigging that only happens in late sum mer. When only ten lak ers jigged up is a slow four-hour trip. I know the coming of fall produces mixed feelings for most peo ple. Some are sad to see summer ending and the closing of summer homes, while others live for hoodie weather, changing leaves, less traffic, and maybe even hunting seasons. Me, I get pumped up for the incredible salmon fishing that September brings. With the salmon season ending after Sep tember 30th, you can bet I’ll be taking full advantage of every day I can get on the water.

MOORE from 13 Hampshire. He owns and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association, and the producer of TMO Fishing on YouTube and the Hooked with TMO Fishing Podcast. Visit forTimMooreOutdoors.comwww.moreinformation.

Tim Moore is a full-time licensed professional fishing guide in New Whether you just like to catch and release, or want fish to eat, you can’t go wrong with Winni’s landlocked salmon.

Workers’ lives im proved in America mostly because of competition, not union rules. Competition is what does the most for workers.In1914, Henry Ford doubled his employ ees’ wages to $5 a day and cut their workday to eight hours. People claim he was forced to do it by union pressure. That’s a myth. He did it because his compa ny had high turnover. Raising wages helped him keep good workers. Free market com petition forces every one to do better. What workers need is not a union’s rigid rules, but competition.Todaythere’s lots of competition for work ers. It’s driven compa nies like Costco to offer a $17-an-hour starting wage.Unions help some, but a free market helps more. John Stossel is cre ator of Stossel TV and author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Be came the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndi cate writers and car toonists, visit www.cre ators.com.

26 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —

UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan plays a crucial role, the massive governmental aid and assistance the country became reliant on has largely been trimmed or ceased since the Taliban takeover.Butas U.S. Ambas sador to the UN inworld’sthetovidingtance.”taxesTalibandesperatelythateryinterferecult.assistanceliveryhavemonthsbluntly,asuswhovideswhentionshipexpectKabul.al-Qaidaharboredthesemunitythecil,visedThomas-GreenfieldLindaadtheSecurityCoun“Insteadoflookingtointernationalcomforhelpwithcrises,theTalibantheleaderofindowntownHowcantheytobuildarelawiththeworldtheTalibanprosafehaventothoseseektodoharmtoall?”AmbassadorThomGreenfieldadded“AndinrecenttheTalibanevenmadethedeofhumanitarianmorediffiTheycontinuetowiththedelivofcriticalassistancetheAfghanpeopleneed.ThehasincreasedoncriticalassisSoistheUSAstillprohumanitarianaidAfghanistan?Absolutely.InfactUnitedStatesistheleadingdonorAfghanistan.The and ask him to press theOnebutton.reason Fox News grew faster than CBS, NBC and ABC’s news operations is that nonunion Fox is more flex ible. They are able to try new things. They didn’t have to obey all the stupid rules. This is another rea son why the number of union workers has declined. Union rules limit their employers’ ability to change, adapt andNon-uniongrow. Toyota and Honda outgrew unionized companies like General Motors. They hired more peo ple, created more jobs. That was good for la bor, just not unionized labor.Unionization helps some. But it hurts more.Some GM workers got higher pay and more time off. But lots of po tential workers never got a chance. Toyo ta and Honda helped more people simply by growing faster. Today activists claim unions built the middle class. Without unions, they say, there would be no weekend and no eight-hour day. But that’s not true.

John J. Metzler is a United Nations corre spondent covering dip lomatic and defense is sues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Ko rea, China.

STOSSEL from 7 METZLER from 7 Ambassador stated, “This last year alone, we have provided more than $775 million dol lars in nessacrossbantenhaveghanistanoverenemyremainAmericannomicU.S.helpedAfghansbehindofoftheU.S.inconclusiveholdAfghansetsaccesstaneous,givestaningseriously,Greenfieldofthenyism,ownmostaccessregimelamicWhileforassetsAfghanheldoustionscontributorTheAfghanstheassistancehumanitariandirectlytoAfghanpeopleandintheregion.”U.S.isthelargesttoUNoperainAfghanistan.ImportantlythepreviAfghangovernment$3.5billioninthecentralbankforthebenefittheAfghanpeople.theTalibanIsfundamentalistnaturallywantstothemoney,likelytopursueitscorruptionandcrothefactremainsmoneyremainsouttheirgraspfornow.AmbassadorThomasstatedclear“NocountrythatisaboutcontainterrorisminAfghaniwouldadvocatetotheTalibaninstanunconditionaltobillionsinasthatbelongtothepeople.”Let’stothatpromise!AftertwentyyearsofconflicttheleftAfghanistan.InmidstofthechaostheTalibantakeoverAfghanistan,weleftthousandsofwhodirectlyandassistedthemilitaryandecoefforts.Manycitizensstilltrappedbehindlines,nowforayear.ButlongsufferingAfanditspeoplelargelybeenforgotsincetheblackTalishrouddescendedtheland.Darkhasfallen.

MAILBOAT from 2 ), and enforcing laws unequally (only against political opponents). - Supreme Court Jus tices who decide cases based on their prefer ences rather than the clear meaning of our Constitution (usurping power from the Ameri canDemocratspeople). falsely call Republicans Fascists to divert attention from Democrats’ Fascist ac tions. Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, dog attacks on peaceful pro testors, and refusal to protect innocent people from criminals reveal Democrats’ long history of Fascist actions and character.DonEwingMeredith,NH.


27— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — Red, White & Brew Saturday, September 24 Funspot | VIP Hour 12-1PM | General Admission 1-4PM Join us at the 6th Annual Red, White & Brew to benefit NH service members, veterans and their families. Enjoy craft beer, wine, food, car show, auction, raffles, live music from The Bob Pratte Band, and more! For tickets vetscount.org/nh/events or scan the code to the left. All proceeds benefit Veterans Count ADMISSION $40 VIP $25 General Admission includes sampling tickets and a commemorative glass, while supplies last. Military discount available. Admission does not include cost of food. Presents Wine Tasting Beer Tasting Car Show Cabinet refacing starts at only 35% Cost of cabinet replacing. Cabinet refacing includes new doors & drawer fronts of your choice Free Estimates.... Compare and SAVE BIG! • Meredith, NH 603-279-6555 DOOR ••BROUGHTSAMPLESTOYOU!NewCountertopsCountertopRefacing(SAVE BIG!) • New Drawers • Custom Vanities • Closet Storage AFTER The photo on top left shows a dark woodgrain kitchen that was refaced with a light cherry woodgrain, plus new doors and drawer fronts to brighten up kitchen. The same kitchen could have been refaced with any woodgrain or solid color you see in the photo of sample doors. Refacing your cabinets is less than HALF THE PRICE of replacing them, SAVING YOU BIG MONEY. CALL US FOR YOUR FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE 603-279-6555 No Demolition!Messy Alternative!AffordableTheBEFORE Dumont Cabinet Refacing & Counter Tops com/2xpma3x3Fascistssupport “Fas cism”, including use of government power for their political objectives, to reward supporters and tinyurl.com/2u5ny6vjistmesticFBIopponents,powervictimizeently,lentGascon,thatSupremesupporterstrarythelatedadministrationfreetowitheringcasinosChurchespeople.andlicotsers’Harris),portedaged,whogal100,000includingthecausingtoterrorists,laws,enforceFascisternmenteignagainstConstitutionalthetolawsrepresentativeslic;Constitutionalopponents.suppress/oppressOurDemocracyisaRepubthepeople’selectedmakethatofficialsswearenforcetoprotectpeoples’individualRightscriminals,forenemies,andgovpower.Examplesofdomesticactions:-Biden’srefusaltoourimmigrationallowingcriminals,andothersinvadeourCountrygreatharmtoAmericanpeople,killingnearlywiththeirilledrugs.-Governmentofficialsallowed,encourandsomesup(e.g.,Kamalatheirsupportwidespread2020rithatdestroyedpubandprivateproperty,injured,andkilled,-Officialswhoclosedwhileleavingandothergathplacesopen.-OfficialsworkingprivatecompaniescensorAmericans’speech,astheBidendoesretoCovid,vaccines,2020election,etc.-Officialswho,contoourlaws,allowtoharasstheCourtJusticesBidendislikes.-Prosecutors,likeLA’swhotreatviocriminalsverylenireleasingthemtoothers.-UsinggovernmenttoharasspoliticalpressuringagentstoinflateDoViolentExtremnumbers(https:// M r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ Taxi 267-7134 or OPENServing527-8001LaconiaDailyAT5AMDAILYM r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ Taxi 267-7134 or OPENServing527-8001LaconiaDailyAT5AMDAILY

Running For State Rep To The Editor:

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The Witches Brew Pub at Weirs Beach is hopping these days and we are looking for servers. Nonecessary.experience


My name is Lisa Row an Clark Smart, and for many years, I was known to all as Lisa Clark. Five years ago I married my best friend, Steve Smart. Together we raised our blended family of 4 children, and we are blessed with four grandchildren. As a NH resident for 49 years, I graduated from InterLakes High School, as did my daughter, and our older grandkids at tend there now. Family is very impor tant to me. As a single mom, I cleaned hous es so that I was avail able for my daughter when she was young. I worked approximately 32 years in the medical field for both humans and animals, and in 2000, I graduated from the NHTI Radiologic program as a member of Phi Theda Kappa. I continued to be a full time mom, while work ing as a full time student with clinical rotations. Recently, I retired from Medical Imaging, but still hold my license in X-Ray, MRI, and Mam mography; and I’m also a NH SteveRealtor.andI tend our small farm, raising all of our own food. We have cattle and chickens, with a large garden to sustain us throughout theMyyear.dad, an excellent resource for me, was an I-LSD moderator, a Sandwich Selectboard member, and a Carroll County Fish & Game Commissioner. If elect ed, my interest is to uti lize my work experience by serving on the HHS and Agricultural com mittees, while helping to preserve the NH way of life that we love. As a member of the NH House of Represen tatives, my goals are clear: value family life, work hard, use common sense, listen, be honest and loyal, respect the environment, and give back to the commu nity. I can be reached


Old advertising, wooden and metal signs, vintage whiskey and wine, old weathervanes, old pottery, old jugs, crocks and textiles, lamps and lighting, glass and china. Old toys, banks, trains, sports memorabilia and comic books.

CLASSIFIEDS their Google login, to track how much time students spend in the bathroom. It’s all in the name of “safety,” of course. And there’s no opportunity for par ents to provide their preemptive feedback or consent.Minnesota educa tor Jennifer Dahlgren told me this week: “Too many schools use Google docs and sheets to store and share (pri vate) student informa tion, as well as using Google as their secure email! I have brought this up in staff meet ings as a concern and no one else seems both ered. Not good!” Just last week, the Federal Trade Commis sion approved a set tlement with Google/ YouTube over its vio lation of the federal Children’s Online Pri vacy Protection Act. YouTube had been stealthily mining data of unsuspecting You Tube users under the age of 13. It will re portedly pay a pittance for this massive child abuse -- somewhere between $150 million to $200 million, which amounts to just a few months’ of YouTube ad revenue. In other words: a hill of beans. Earlier this sum mer, Google agreed to a $13 million settle ment over its Street View program, whose roaming cars in more than 30 countries se cretly collected emails, passwords and other personal data from Wi-Fi networks. The Wall Street Journal reported on how the company’s dishon est dismissal of the breach as a “mistake” was exposed by in vestigators who found that “Google engi neers built software and embedded it into Street View vehicles to intentionally in tercept the data from 2007 to 2010.” It’s not just Google. Under the cloak of “science,” Big Tech and Big Government are on the cusp of instituting a mental health social credit score system incor porating dubious pre dictive analytics. Who defines “men tal health” risk fac tors? There is no consensus on how much mental health predicts violence. And don’t forget: The mental health profes sion is filled with parti san zealots who think all Trump voters are dangerous. Camerahogging psychiatrists and psychologists clog left-wing news shows recklessly and feck lessly pretending to “di agnose” the president himself through their own unhinged political lenses.Mental health data mining in schools is already happening. The Pioneer Institute reported that federal, state and local gov ernments splurged on more than $30 billion in 2018 to allectsClassDojopreviouslyportedpublicingsocial-emotionalimplementlearnmonitoringinK-12schools.I’vereonGoogleappssuchas(whichcolintimatebehaviordataandlong-term psychological formwashingtechnologykidslesslyucatorsacceptable?”acceptablematerialsateeratively”cues,”“respondityrecordedStudentsnitivecal,socialtalmonitorsGoldonandmessages,information,encompassingprofilesfamilypersonalphotographsvoicenotes)andfederallyfundedTStesting(which“developmendomainsincludingemotional,physilanguageandcogdevelopment”).areratedandontheirabiltodothingsliketoemotional“interactcoopand“cooperandshareideasandinsociallyways.”Whodefines“sociallyLiberaledwhoaremindaddictingourtoSiliconValleyandbrainthemtoconorbeexcluded?ThelastthingWash ington should be doing is handing over yet an other set of keys to Sili con Valley spies with a voracious appetite for our private information -- and our children’s precious minds. You want to make children safer? De-platform Google and the other data-mining predators from public schools now. It’s insanity to let them roam free. Michelle Malkin’s email address is leMalkinInvestigates@Michel protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read fea tures by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.cre ators.com.

*Art*AntiquesFine* * Jewelry * Silver * Judy A. Davis Antiques

Certified by Gem School of America Member: New Hampshire Antique Dealers Assn. 1811496603 934603 5545 jlake@metrocast.net

Civil war and all military items, guns, swords, medals and old flags.


Over 40 years experience in the antique business. Chinese and Asian arts, jade, ceramics, oriental textiles, furniture and art. Classic car s and motorcycles, gas pumps, oil cans and signs 25 year s and olde r. All estate and contemporary jewelry, diamond rings, brooches, Patek, Rolex, all watches and charm bracelets. All Fine Gold and Silver Jewelry. Sterling silver flatware, tea services, trays and all silver and gold.

One Item or Entire Estate ~ Cash Paid For:

28 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — MALKIN from 6

All Antiques: American and Continental furniture, paintings, oriental rugs and bronzes.

Historical documents, old books and maps, nautical items, barometers and sextants. Old prints, movie and travel posters. Old photography, cameras and musical instruments. Gold and Silver U.S. and foreign coins

29— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — SERVICES DIRECTORY OldSTONEWALLFashioned Specializing in Dry Fieldstone or Granite Walls New Wall Built 35 Years Experience Contact Tony 603-471-1954Luongo Call For Gutter Installation - 5 & 6 inch North East Roof Tune-Ups LLC @ 603-820-0896 North East Roof Tune-Ups LLC Interior/ExteriorFraming/Roofing/SidingRemodel & Restoration Fully tomsammon86@gmail.comInsured603-530-2266 INSURED • REFERENCES • SNOW PLOWING Colonial S iding Alton Bay 875-2132 SIDING • WINDOWS • DOORS KITCHENS • BATHS Interior & Exterior Renovations # # Since 1976 ! Colonial Siding CONSTRUCTIONRESIDENTIALLOANS603-890-8900 Granite State Mortgage Corp Nmls Application1943isdone in your home or business. Your builder is approved with us. joegagnon@gmail.com603-890-8900 Dumont Cabinet Refacing & Counter Tops — AN AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE — Cabinet refacing includes new doors and drawer fronts of your choice Free Estimates.... Compare & SAVE BIG! • Meredith, NH 603-279-6555 DOOR SAMPLES BROUGHT TO YOU! • New Countertops • Countertop Refacing (Save Big!) • New Drawers • Custom Vanities • Closet Storage Cabinet refacing starts at only 35% Cost of replacing.cabinet Bruce Thibeault PAINTING • Staining • Urethaning • Res./Comm. • Quality Work • Interior/Exterior • Wallpaper Removal • Pressure Washing • Window Reglazing •••ScreensFreeEstimatesFullyInsured 603-364-2435 Over 30 Yrs. Exp. BruceThibeaultPainting.com

30 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 —


B.C. by Parker & Hart

31— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 8, 2022 — Caption Contest Runners Up : The Midvale Fashion Police pause for a sip as they appraise their next prey in a booth at the Majestic Diner.Nancy Sweeney, Lincoln, NH. Coffee, tea and a hot toddy - Barbara Bowman, Franklin, NH. Syncopated coffee sippin’ is the wildest workout trend since Richard Simmons! -Jean Cram, Pittsfield, NH. Bob considered a “move” on the ladies, but his gavePie-A-La-Modehimpause. Bob Moultonboro,Patrick,NH. Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com CAPTION THIS PHOTO!! PHOTO #928 PHOTO #926 Magic MazeSudoku THEME THIS WEEK: NYMS OUR PICK FOR BEST CAPTION The Winklman Aeffect by John Whitlock

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