09/15/2022 Weirs Times

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Is the U.S. Constitution an out dated relic?



by Hal Shurtleff Director, Camp Constitution Alton, NH

Critics and detractors of the Unit ed States Constitution believe that it is an outdated relic of our agrar ian past which may have served us well 200 years ago but needs to be replaced.Backin the mid-1990s, I was a


Constitution Day is september 17th

— General John Stark

At the conclusion of the Constitu tional Convention September 1787, a Mrs. Elizabeth Powel, a friend of George and Martha Washington, asked Benjamin Franklin, the old est delegate to the convention “Well Doctor what have we got a republic

“a republiC if you Can Keep it”

or a monarchy.” Dr. Franklin re plied, “A republic if you can keep it.”How well have we done in keeping that republic?

On September 17, 1787, del egates to the Constitutional Con vention formally signed and ad opted the United States Constitu tion. Nearly 250 years later, we celebrate this day as Constitution Day or Citizenship Day.

“We are thrilled to once again participate in the Museum Day Program. Free admission on Con stitution Day provides all guests with the opportunity to not only celebrate this important day in our nation’s history, but see our working drafts of the Constitution with handwritten notes that show how much thought and effort went


A glance at the current occupant of the White House as well as the majority of members of Congress leads me to conclude that we have done a poor job of it.


Live Free Or Die: Death Is Not The Worst Of Evils.

September 17th marks 235 years since the U.S. Constitution was signed in 1787 in Philadelphia.


The American Independence Museum in Exeter is thrilled to offer free admission to all on Sat urday, September 17 through the Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day Program. Smithsonian Muse um Day is a program where hun dreds of museums and cultural institutions across the country provide free admission to individ uals who have registered through the Smithsonian’s website.

See MUSEUM on 35

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Three countries who threat en the interests of the United States and the security of coun tries in the world are China, North Korea and Russia.

To The Editor:

I wonder how many elected officials like Senator Hassan, Senator Shaheen and Reps like Pappas and Kuster realize that every time they vote a tax on oil, gasoline, Agri businesses, oil, electricity and/or telephone that their voter, the taxpayer, pays multiple times for every tax put on electricity, oil, etc. since we have to buy the product and businesses add their costs to the products.

Are My Social Security Benefits Taxable?

Protect Your Tax Returns from Past Years

Three ThreatenCountriesWorld Security

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication.

Focus on fraud: Romance and Remarriage in later years

To The Editor:

Late Filer? No Problem

Russia’s war against Ukraine foretells President Putin’s desire to return his country to the days of the former Soviet Union. He wants to bring the Eastern Eu ropean countries back into the

I suspect far more insidious things afloat than can be ex plained by normal adversarial political discourse or the poten tial for such things.

can repay


Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this Tonewspaper.findouthow your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 603-366-8463.


years Joseph Stalin had begun his own personal journey to murder some 20 million of his countrymen.Idonotmention all of the above because I am some sort of conspiracy theorist but be cause the aforementioned is well within the realm of pos sibility and can be avoided by realisticLaconia,Leonardcompromise.PaquetteNH.

Our StOry

2 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 — ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.

PO Box 5458

To The Editor:

No one could be happier than myself if I am wrong, but I be lieve that Mar-a-Lago, etc., was only a very minor footnote con cerning actions against all per ceived dissenters, My reasoning here is that 1.) the “president” has ordered the printing of traceable currency, 2.)the hir ing of 87,000 additional agents (both via executive order) .To gether these motions will give this administration, through rogue governmental agencies, the capability to squelch even the most insignificant of imagin able threats to its total domina tion of citizens’ lives.

How Many Know?

I wonder how many citizens know that every time our legis lators in Washington vote a hid den tax on gasoline, telephone bills, grain producers, trucking industries, etc we their con stituents pay, as every business I know adds their costs onto the products many of which are necessities to every household and are not something we can do

China is flexing its military muscle in the Western Pacific. It has occupied and fortified isles in the South China Sea, claimed sovereignty over the South China Sea, and it contin uously threatens Taiwan. It is significantly expanding its Navy to project its military power and control maritime trade routes in the Pacific. More concern ing is the increased Chinese development of nuclear delivery systems, which are projected to number 700 to 1000 deliverable warheads by 2030. The U.S. should encourage Japan, The Philippines, Australia and India to expand their military forces to deter China’s ambitions.

The Soviet Union suppos edly imploded in 1991 due to excessive reliance on its pecu liar brand of socialistic totali tarianism, and who would have guessed that it may reemerge some 30 years later on a differ ent continent? It too was borne of good intention, and within 15

Russian fold. NATO countries, including the U.S., are support ing Ukraine to halt the Russian aggression. The addition of Swe den and Finland to NATO, and the military buildup of NATO countries, will hopefully deter RussianLondonderry,Donaldaggression.MoskowitzNH.

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Time Limits for Refunds and Audits

Weirs, NH facebook.com/weirstimesinfo@weirs.comWeirs.com03247603-366-8463

Why You Should Always File Returns for Past Years, Even if You Haven’t Filed In Years

Cady Deerfield, N.H.

North Korea continues to threaten South Korea and the United States, and Its overall aim is to conquer South Korea. North Korea threatens the U.S. with its long range missiles. General Yong of North Korea said “When we shell (the mis siles), Washington which is the stronghold of evils, will be en gulfed in a sea of fire.” We have to support robust South Korean and Japanese militaries.

Prior Years Unfiled Returns Our Specialty!!!

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff.

Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

and Game website I checked out the Ba thymetry Maps (depth maps) for select NH Lakes and Ponds and clicked on Simmons Pond as Becca in structed me to do. I am familiar with the area and after looking at the map I knew how to get there. The 22 acre pond has a max depth of 30 feet and it must be spring feed since there were no signs of any good size brooks feeding into it.

Discovering new to us out of the way places is really fun when we bring along our packrafts. New Hampshire is home to more than a thousand ponds and lakes. Public waters in New Hampshire are waterbodies of 10 acres or more in size. In our backpacks we carry lightweight boats that we inflate using a battery operated fan-a-box that fits in the palm of our hand. We found the 22 acre Simmons Pond by using the maps on the New Hampshire Fish & Game’s website, Wildlife.state.nh.us/maps.

3— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

The gravel parking area has a big sign that announces: Sim mons Pond, Remote Cartop Access, War ner, New Hampshire Fish & Game Depart

ment. Stapled to it were also signs tell ing Anglers not to use lead sinkers and that it is unlawful to lit ter public or private property or any waters and that you need to take responsibility for your lakes and wild life. What wasn’t there was a map or a trail headButsign.itwas easy to find the path because there, in the corner of the lot, were more signs telling us this was a carry-in/carryout facility and No Lit tering! The parking lot was free of litter so the signs must be working. There was

Becca is good at pick ing out places to pack raft. This morning’s adventure brought us to Warner, NH. Sim mons Pond hides near where the townlines of Warner, Sutton and Bradford meet. It isn’t an easy place to find and most people have never given a thought to finding it.

paCKrafting simmons ponD

The New Hampshire Fish & Game’s web site has a treasure of maps with the lo cations of public ac cess to Ponds, Rivers and Lakes. links&juststate.nh.us/mapsWildlife.orGoogleNHFishGameMapsandthepoprightup.OntheNHFish

OPEN DAILY 9am-5:30pm • SUNDAYS 10am - 4pm • CozyCabinrustiCs.Com LIVING RUSTIC Come Sh o p Our NewLarge r S tore! Cozy Cabin Rustics -Furniture & Mattresses603-238-3250PLYMOUTH 599 Tenney Mtn. Hwy. 603-279-1333MEREDITH Junction of Rt. 3 & 25FREELocalDelivery&Setup May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 12/31/2022 See PATENAUDE on 32

Stop in the Meredith League of NH Craftsmen Meredith, Fine Craft Gallery to fully appreciate the work of these talented artists. To inquire about their work, call us at (603) 279-7920, visit our website at http://meredith.nhcrafts.org/, or stop into the gallery at 279 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith, NH.

Kingston Sprint Cup Invitational

Jeff Koeen

Meredith Fine Craft Gallery Hosting An Exhibit Titled “Hoo” Do You Love?

Comedy Night Returns To Laconia VFW

Founded in 1951 on the South Shore of Massachusetts and now headquartered in Kingston, NH, SSOA is the largest racing club in New England. To learn more, visit southshoreoutboard. com.

Tickets on sale now at www.FranklinOperaHouse.org

Reserved Seating. Tickets are $25 ($22 for students and seniors.

The event also brings SSOA and the New Hampshire Boat Museum (NHBM) together again, as both organizations work to promote one another to their respective constituencies. “We both share a love of the water and New Hampshire’s rich boating and racing heritage,” noted NHBM Executive Director Martha Cummings.

Held in a two-heat format, the Kingston Sprint Cup Invitational is national in scale, as drivers from across the nation compete on a 3/4-mile rectangular course three times around which they race three times. Awards will be presented to the top three racers, and all drivers receive National points for their finishes. With these points earned, drivers are ranked nationally by the American Power Boat Association with a National Hi Point Champion declared at the end of the racing season.

Summer is over and comedy returns to the Laconia VFW at 143 Court St., Saturday Sept. 17 at 8 pm, with a three person show starring Marry Barry, Paul Landwehr, and Jeff Koen. Tickets are $20 and for preferred seating call the VFW at (603) 5249725. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the show.

The League of NH Craftsmen is a non-profit organization that encourages and promotes the creation, use and preservation of fine contemporary and traditional hand craft. The League represents the signature of excellence in fine craft, through the work of its juried members, and its rigorous standards for self-expression, vision, and quality craftsmanship.

Franklin Opera House proudly presents “Last of the Duke Street Kings” a Bruce Springsteen tribute band, Saturday, September 24th at 7:30pm.

Koen is an accomplished comedy star and actor, performing at Comix at Foxwoods and at ma jor clubs throughout New England when he is not touring as Juston McKinney’s opening act.

This September the League of NH Crafts men – Meredith Fine Craft Gallery will be hosting an exhibit titled “Hoo” Do You Love?, a collection featur ing owls by various League artists. This month’s exhibit is a real hoot! It’s all about owls. Stop in to the Gallery to see this fabulous exhibit of owls by various artists. Be sure to check out our “Foraging Through the Forest” exhibit as well both online and in the Meredith Gallery.

The show Sept. 17 stars a trio of co medians led by Matty Barry, who over the past three years has vaulted into the headlining role and has become a New England favorite. Barry is a regular at Laugh Boston, Mohegan Sun, Giggles, Kowloon, and many clubs throughout New LandwehrEngland. is also a regular at Laugh Boston, Giggles, and other top clubs in New England as well as having performed at Caroline’s, Dangerfield’s, and the Broadway Comedy Club all in New York.

On September 24 - 25 in Kingston, NH, South Shore Outboard Association (SSOA) will host the Kingston Sprint Cup Invitational, Granite State Title Series. Featuring small outboard hy droplane racing, the event serves as a racing tribute to legends of the sport from its golden era in the 1960’s and 70’s.


4 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

“Last Of The Duke Street Kings” In Franklin

The Last of the Duke Street Kings is one of the premier Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band tributes in North America. This is no simple cover band!! They stage au thentic reproductions of live concert performances and studio releases by the original group. And they are not limited to only the classic hits. From the first album to the lat est projects, The Last of the Duke Street Kings offers a unique selection of Boss songs unreleased except in anthology and left off the set lists of other Springsteen tributes. An eight-piece group with occasional extras, every E Street member is represented in the Dukes, including varied instruments like violin and other instrumentation when needed.

Laugh Riot Productions, which, for nine years, booked the stand-up shows at Pitman’s, is now handling the comedy at the VFW.

Skelley’sSkelley’sMarketSkelley’sMarketMarketWhether you are a vacationer or a full time resident of the Lakes Region, Skelley's Market is the place to go for your shopping needs. Located on route 374 Governor Wentworth HWY Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Call 603-476-8887 • F: www.skelleysmarket.com603-476-5176 Skelley’s Market Services Include: Stop by Skelley’s Market today and enjoy some great food, Bailey’s Bubble ice cream, a lobster roll or anything else you may need. You will be glad you did! • Gas 24 hours a day • Fresh pizza • NH Lottery tickets • Beer and Wine • Sandwiches • Daily papers • Bailey’s Bubble ice ••creamMapsFamous Lobster Rolls • Fish and Game OHRV Licenses PIZZA SPECIAL 2 for $18 2EveryToppingsSat.Night5-9pm hurchentralBaptist Central Baptist Church of Gilford, NH Independent, KJV 401 GILFORD AVE.,GILFORD, NH • CENTRALBAPTISTNH.ORG BRENDAN SMITH’S NEW BOOK! BRENDANSMITH’SNEWESTBOOK!NOWON SALE! NOWSALE!ON“IReallyOnlyDid It

“I Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging”

CORONAVIRUS – Huh? Is this still a thing? Is that why this morning I saw that guy alone in his car wearing a mask?

EDUCATION – I haven’t really studied enough on this issue yet. I’ll have to get back to you.

to help those unfamiliar with the process, I would like to clarify that the gubernatorial race is not to vote for your favorite guber, but it is actually for governor.

can’t believe that with the money we pay that these healthcare providers can’t get better deals on up-to-date subscriptions. (I won’t even get into what we have to watch on their TVs while wait ing. How about a little Netflix or something?)

– I have no problem with this, but we shouldn’t go any further, especially with some people in the summer, if you know what I mean.


my 2022 platform

HEALTHCARE COSTS – Let’s face it, healthcare costs in this country are out of control and I’m not convinced that we al ways get what we pay for. For instance, just last week I was in the waiting room at my doc tor’s office and the magazines were the same from a year ago. I

TERM LIMITS - There defi nitely should be term limits for governor and I vow to not leave office until I get this done.

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES – I have talked about this in previous campaigns and today it means more to me that ever before. When I first ran for governor, I was in my forties and alternative energy sources weren’t so important to me. Now, in my mid-sixties, I can barely make it till noon before I feel like I need to take a nap, so any alternative source of energy that will help with this, I’m all for it.

of these might change over that time if I find out that too many people don’t agree with them. After all, this is all about getting votes.)

Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscrip tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

by Brendan Smith Weirs Times Editor For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging”

INFLATION- This is extremely important, especially when you look at gas prices today. Every one knows that proper inflation of tires on your automobile can make for better mileage and, in turn, less cost at the pump and keeping costs down at the pump will help with paying for the costs of everything else which keep go ing up for some reason.

REDUCING CRIME – I’m all for it. Have you noticed how many less potato chips there are in a bag for the same price as a month ago? It’s criminal.

Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscrip tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

ELECTION INTEGRITY – I definitely feel that there has to be more oversight in our elections. There have been too many cases of inconsistencies at the ballot box that certainly need to be looked into. (Of course, if I win, I might change my stance on this.)

5— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 — NEW HAMPSHIRE F OOL in LiveororFreeDie.Die. brendan@weirs.com brendan@weirs.com A *A FLATLANDER’S OBSERVATIONS ON LIFE*

Thank you.

Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles”,“Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and “I Only Did It For The Socks Sto ries & Thoughts On Aging” All are available at BrendanTSmith.com.

IMMIGRATION – I’m all for immigration as long as it is done the right way. As a Flatlander myself from New York, I can un derstand the need for other Flat landers from other states to want to live here in New Hampshire. Still, I have one word of advice to those who move here. Wait at least a year until you start com plaining about anything, you’ll assimilate a lot better that way.

I have been laying low for the past couple of months waiting to find out who my opponents will be. As the only candidate running under The Flatlander Party, I have been using this pre cious time to not only watch cat videos on social media, but also design my strategy; to come up with some issues and solutions to them that will resonate with voters.Sohere are some of the is sues I will be talking about over the next couple of months until election day. (Of course, some

A little known historical fact is that up until 1924 that these were known as ‘governortorial” races, but a mispronunciation by a drunken official at a fundrais ing event in Illinois was picked up by many news reporters in attendance. In order to offset the damage of the event, since this official was responsible for raising big dough for certain candidates across the country, the public relations people for this officials party went across the country giving interviews to other newspapers more friendly to them claiming that people had actually been pronouncing the word incorrectly all the time and the drunken official was indeed correct. Since then, we have been saying “guber” because we were told to. (I found this inter esting piece of information on the Internet, so it must be true.)

Now that the primaries are over and we fi nally know who my opponents will be for everygettimevember,electiongubernatorialtheinNoitistoreallyserious.First,asIdoelection

I hope this list will help you see where I stand. If I do decide to change my mind on any of these very important issues once elect ed, I hope you will understand that my decisions are based solely on my looking at the next election cycle and what I can do to improve my chances.

Fleischer holds an M.A. in journalism from New York University, worked as a “senior digital opinion editor” at the Los Angeles Times for six years, and wrote for a long list of mainstream pub lications before landing in the Bay Area in April 2021.

See MALKIN on 36

First, some background: As owner Hearst Corporation brags, “The San Francisco Chronicle is the largest newspaper in North ern California” and “the second largest on the West Coast.” Sunday print circulation tops 211,000. Its website reportedly reaches over 6 million users across the country each month.

But just like Mayor Breed, Gov. Newsom and all the other two-faced COVID tyrants who exempt themselves from the rigid rules they’ve imposed on the hoi polloi, the Chronicle’s editorial page editor believes the rules and “the science” should be bent and ignored by the powerful and the privileged when it suits them.On Fleischer pub

Faced with the prospect of ethnic tensions, economic volatility and the internal instability of China, the West is opting for

We tend to think of our world as empire-free, a world of nation-states. But that’s not really correct. The United States, however hesitant, is a de facto empire, even if not in the colonialist mold of the British Empire; the European Union would, in any other context, be considered a continental empire; Russia has always considered itself an imperial power, and Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine represents merely the latest iteration of this claim; China has an em pire of its own, not merely a nation-state -- as author Ai Weiwei recently wrote, “the people who live in China or come from it are a jumble of more than 50 ethnic and linguistic groups.”

September has barely begun, but I’m confident no one will top my Whiny Media McWhiner of the Month nominee. This diaper-wetting award winner really takes the cake. With unhinged cowards like the San Francisco Chronicle’s editorial board editor Matthew Fleischer occupying lofty perches of influence, it’s no wonder public confidence in American newspaper and television news has plunged to all-time lows, according to the latest Gallup poll.

And then there is the problem of em pires in decline.

Fleischer’s opinion pages also pushed for indefinite indoor masking, advocated “making vaccination the price of admission to society,” and rallied the left-wing elitist pandemic mob against informed parents exercising their religious liberty and medical autonomy. The newspaper crusaded for legislative efforts to outlaw personal belief exemptions from vaccine mandates and to force every school-age child to submit to experimental jabs in the name of public health.

So, what would China’s next logical step be? Its eyes are fixed on Taiwan. Given China’s historic lust for Taiwan and Taiwan’s domination of the allimportant production of sophisticated semiconductors, a Chinese invasion of the island would be not at all unpredict able.Which brings us back to the deeply unserious leadership of the West.

unserious leaDership in a serious time

Whiny meDia mCWhiner of the month

by Michelle Malkin Syndicated Columnist

For the past two and a half years, Fleischer’s fear-mongering Chronicle editorial board hectored and harangued readers to trust the COVID science (translation: swallow every Big Gov ernment, Big Pharma and Big Tech claim without question or complaint). Fleischer and his colleagues backed the draconian lockdown policies of San Francisco Mayor London Breed (which didn’t apply to her, of course, as she partied maskless at jazz clubs). The Chronicle editorial board was so extreme that it castigated serial control-freak lockdown hypocrite Gov. Gavin Newsom for not doing enough to prevent sane people from get ting on with their lives.

by Ben Shapiro Syndicated Columnist

The Russian empire is far past decline; it is an economic backwater armed with antiquated military systems, in grave demographic trouble. But China is the area of highest risk today. The Chinese economy underwent tremendous eco nomic growth over the course of the last two decades, but that growth now appears to be stalling out: state-run mercantilism is not self-sustaining, and as China scholar Michael Pettis recently wrote, “China’s excessive reliance on surging debt in recent years has made the country’s growth model unsustain able... (it is likely) that the country will face a very long, Japan-style period of low growth.” China’s demographics are entirely upside-down; its population is expected to reduce by nearly 50% by 2100. And President Xi Jinping is about to declare himself dictator for life.

We live in a deep ly serious time with deeply unserious lead ers.Historian Niall Fer guson has written that the “extreme violence of the twentieth cen tury” was precipitated by three preconditions: “ethnic conflict, eco nomic volatility, and empires in decline.” It is difficult not to see such preconditions repeating themselves in this century. The West is currently tearing itself apart over con cerns about birthrate, immigration and multiculturalism. Economic volatility is raging: After a decades-long reshifting of manufacturing away from the West and a reorientation toward finance and service, the hollowing out of the Western energy sector in pursuit of utopian en vironmentalism -- all punctuated by the Great Recession, the COVID-19 minidepression and now sky-high rates of inflation -- the global economy sits on a razor’s edge.

See SHAPIRO on 36

In all of this, China strongly resembles Nazi Germany on the precipice of territo rial aggression against its neighbors. Nazi Germany saw tremendous GDP growth, rooted largely in debt, state-sponsored mercantilism and military spending; Germany’s fertility rate dropped from above 4 children per woman in 1910 to well below 2 by 1935. Nazi Germany’s underpinnings were fragile; Hitler saw his window closing. Military aggression was therefore not unpredictable.

6 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —


Environmental writer Michael Shellenberger says if countries listened to today’s green activists, there would be mass starvation.

flicts in Syria, Yemen and Burma/ Myanmar. Drought and Famine in Subsaharan Africa are juxtaposed with terrible flooding in Pakistan. And then there are the “broken countries” Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Libya to name a few.

The international community faces war in Europe. Just a year ago, few observers assumed that

“It takes twice as much land to produce all the cows that you need to get the manure,” he explains. “Synthetic fertilizers are a friend to saving nature because they reduce how much land we need.”

Ukraine’s long smoldering conflict with Russia would explode into war. Then Vladimir Putin’s Russia attacked and attempted to further dismember independent Ukraine. The global community to its credit largely responded quickly and effectively. UN Security Coun cil meetings have isolated and hampered Moscow’s ambitions. But diplomacy failed in February to prevent the war, fighting not seen on this scale since the Second WorldTodayWar.Ukraine faces occupa tion, destruction and a tragic refugee flow into Europe. More than 11 million Ukrainians have fled the fighting both as internally displaced persons or as refugees to find solace in neighboring Po

from 193 UN member states meet under the gathering clouds of global discord, con flict, and natural disasters. The Ukraine war and ensuing refugee and humanitarian crisis. Con

“We could only support 2 to 3 bil lion people on earth if we just relied on natural fertilizers like manure. ... There’s 8 billion people.”

un assembly opens amiD WiDening global turbulenCe going hungry

7— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

Now the environmental purists make excuses for Sri Lanka.



by John J. Metzler Syndicated Columnist on 37

Many “experts” say pure nature is best. United Nations officials now tell politicians that the climate “crisis” demands countries make all sorts of sacrifices, like cutting nitro genMuchwaste.of that waste comes from

synthetic fertilizer, so activists ap plauded when Sri Lanka’s govern ment decided to become the first country to really take their advice. Sri Lanka banned all synthetic fer tilizers.Oops.Suddenly, the same farms pro duced much less food. Food prices roseOne80%.result: riots. As my new video shows, thousands swarmed the president’s mansion. Some had a cookout on his lawn.

It turns out that we need chemical fertilizers.

“Why can’t we just make more or ganic manure?” I ask.

See METZLER on 37


“You might be able to become poorer over five or 10 years, rather than over six months,” replies Shel lenberger. “But the result will be the same.”Ipush back. “There were other causes of the problems: higher oil prices, COVID, other stuff hap pened.”“Butthose same problems affected other countries where the economies

The president resigned and fled the country.

Starvation. Pov erty. People strug gling to buy medi cine and tremists.environmentalenceundergovernmentpenedDisasterfuel.hapafteronefelltheinfluoftheworld’sex

Mother Jones said it’s “ridiculous to single out (the fertilizer ban) as the ‘underlying’ cause, as Shel lenberger did.” Others say that Sri Lanka just needed time to adjust to organic farming.

by John Stossel Syndicated Columnist

Csaba Korosi becomes President of the 77th Assembly for a one year term. As per tradition, Brazil’s President will speak first followed by the American President. Equally, the Assembly opens to the somber backdrop of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II who is fondly remembered as an extraordinary leader not only of the United King dom but of the Commonwealth of 56 states. She was Head of State for fifteen UN members including Australia, Canada, Jamaica and New Zealand. Diplomats viewed her as a global statesperson. Let’s review some key concerns.

sidelined and subdued by the CO VID pandemic, seems to be back in stride but lacking a bit of the buzz and expectations of previ ousDelegationsyears.

And all of these concerns come with the backdrop of a post-pan demic world economic slowdown and particular economic and ener gy shocks among the United States and many of the key European countries which are major provid ers of international humanitarian aid and assistance. Germany for example, given its serious energy shortages and economic slowdown has trimmed its once expansive humanitarian aid budget by almost $400Procedurallymillion! Hungarian diplomat

family’s history after their betrayal in the Secret Annex, arrival at Auschwitz, and the final days of those hid ing in the Secret Annex. How can we draw on the example of the res cuers and of the Franks themselves to honor

sociation of WrightSeptember7thecideHolocausternor’sNewina;BosniaforsadornamedinandChampionNEAReconciliation;stituteatGenocideLemkininserverhasOrganizationsHolocaust(AHO);participatedasobandfacilitatortheGlobalRaphaelSeminarforPreventiontheAuschwitzInforPeaceandreceivedNewHampshire’sofHumanCivilRightsAward2009;in2015wasaPeaceAmbasbytheCenterPeacebuildingfromandHerzegovandservesontheHampshireGovCommissiononandgenoeducation.Doorsopenat6p.m.,programbeginsatp.m.onTuesday,20thattheMuseum’sDu

On Tuesday, Septem ber 20th, the Wright Museum will welcome Tom White. This is the final program of the Wright Museum’s 2022 Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney Ed ucation Series. This presentation frames Anne’s Frank’s experiences as one of growth and introspec tion through her di ary. How does Anne’s voice still remain, as she hoped, “useful” as we face the challenges of today? How do we resist evil while main taining our moral core? Drawing on the diary and Anne’s experiences we will challenge our own prejudices and ask difficult questions of ourselves. This presen tation also traces the

8 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

GILPATRIC METAL RECYCLING , LLC —Call for pricing We Buy CONVERTERSCATALYTIC - See Nick for Pricing Bring us your ferrous and non-ferrous metals to recycle! BUSINESS HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7am to 3pm Closed Sat. & Sun. Fully Licensed Facility License Number: 21J-001B Permit Number: DES-SW-PN-11-006 201 Abel Road, Bristol, NH 03222 **IF USING GPS, TAKE RIVER RD TO ABEL RD. (DO NOT TAKE PEAKED HILL RD.) Office: (603) 744-3453 Fax: (603) 744-6034 150+ QUILTS & WALL ART ON DISPLAY AT 3 LOCATIONS IN DOWNTOWN LACONIA: Admission includes all 3 locations $10 Adult / Under 12 Free* *with a paid adult admission www.bmqg.org / info@bmqg.org Vendors • Attic Corner •Quilted Treasures THROW SIZE RAFFLE QUILT, made by BMQG members BASKETS GALORE – many amazing gift baskets to be raffled Food Trucks & Restaurants in Walking Distance Quilt Show winners determined by popular vote - Voting ends at noon on Sunday The Belknap Mill Quilters Guild Presents Their 45TH Annual QUILT SHOW & Mysterious Quilt Journey SAT SEPT 10am-5pm24TH SUN SEPT 10am-4pm25TH Belknap Mill 25StreetBeacon 532SeniorLaconiaCtr.MainSt. The Conference Ctr. / LR Mental Health Main Street Tom White. in Wolfeboro. Admis sion is $5 for members and $10 for non-mem bers. Reservations are strongly encouraged and can be made online at 1212.orum.org/lecture-serieswww.wrightmusebycalling603-569-

Anne’s April 1944 wish, “If only I can be myself”. Tom White is the Co ordinator of Educa tional Outreach for the Cohen Center for Holo caust Studies at Keene State College. He has served as a researcher for Stephen Hooper’s documentary film: An American Nurse At War and as historical consultant for David DeArville’s documen tary film, Telling Their Stories: NH Holocaust Survivors Speak Out, produced in 2004. He served on the Dio cese of nachtter’serco-chairfaithCommissionDiocesanManchester’sEcumenicalforInterRelations;istheandproducoftheCohenCenannualKristallCommemoration;

anne franK: “if only i Can by myself” program at Wright museum

9— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —


Those were the senti ments of former Presi dent Grover Cleveland to fellow politician and Boston Herald columnist Samuel L. Powers dur ing a visit to his summer home in Tamworth after Cleveland’s second term as the country’s highest office holder. Powers spent a few days fishing for bass with Cleveland on the western shores of Lake Winnipesaukee in the summer of the year 1904.

by HanafordRobert Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

President Grover Cleveland tending his garden in Tamworth with his sons Francis and Richard. Francis was later instrumental in starting the Barnstormers Theatre. SMITH on 34

That fishing trip was the first meeting of the columnist and the for mer President who gave

this, he declared that motivated him to buy a summer home in New Hampshire.“Wherein the world can you find a more beautiful and pictur esque scene than that


Not So LoNg Ago

The former president was 67 years old when on this particular fish ing trip with the colum nist and the President’s friend, Dr. Finlay, who, like the President, had homes in Tamworth and Princeton. As Mr. Cleve land stood in the boat at the beginning of the day of fishing, he expressed his appreciation for the beauty of the big lake with its hundreds of islands and the view of the mountains. It was

Why the presiDent Chose Defeat

“I like New Hampshire people. When I am in New York City or in Bos ton, people stare at me and follow me along the streets. It is very annoy ing; but up here among these New Hampshire farmers I am entirely free from such annoy ance. These farmers are a proud people. They regard themselves just as good as I am, and there is no reason why they should not. They do not even turn their heads when I meet them along the road.”

which surrounds us?,” he asked. Apparently Mr. Cleveland looked the part of an experienced fisherman with the ap propriate gear and at tire, and according to

Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE

Mr. Powers some in teresting thoughts to write about. Two things seemed certain: one, that President Cleveland loved New Hampshire; secondly that Cleveland was more concerned about maintaining his integrity than being elected the President of the United States.

10 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

Letters From God

With this reminder I want to follow up my previous letter with fur ther clarification on es sential qualities in right leaders.Iasked you to consid er my instruction to my chosen people from the book of Deuteronomy chapter 17 verses 1420. In it, I made clear that there are certain qualities and charac ter traits that must be present if you ever hope

I love you, God

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they re late to individuals and the nation of the USA.

159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821

to flourish and prosper. It included: “be sure to appoint over you the king the Lord your God chooses.” Your insights into character are so limited and often tainted by self-inter ests. Seek my wisdom and I will guide you to a “servant leader” who will shepherd you in stead of devouring you.


Visit us at our new location... 287 Main St., Tilton, NH

“When he takes the throne of his Kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll, a copy of this law, taken from that of the priests, who are Levites. It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees and not consider himself better than his brothers and turn from the law to the right or to the left.” Only by bowing before me, worshipping me

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247.

As the text says, they will then begin to see themselves as above the law, better than their people, violate the laws they are charged to “protect and defend” and lead you away from me and my will. This will not end well.



Next, “He must not accumulate large amounts of silver and gold.” When the accu mulation of money for security and prosper ity becomes the focus of any leader, it is a tell-tale sign that they have not only stopped trusting me and money is their “god,” but also they have lost a desire to serve you, their peo ple, and now want you to serve them. This will kill

Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

Few people today are looking to me and acknowledging me as their creator God. Few er are looking to me for my wisdom for life in national politics. Fail ure to seek me, the designer of life, will al ways lead to failure in life. I know for many this may even be offen sive today but it is still true. I am pleading with you to open your eyes to the reality that only the “nation whose God is the Lord” and who follow my wisdom will prosper. (Ps 33:12).

Next, “He must not take many wives, or his heart will be led astray.” Many wives are a violation of my command of one man and one woman in mar riage. In biblical times, multiple marriages were not only to satisfy personal lust instead of godly love but also a way to build alliances with foreign kings. Un controlled sexual lust and grasping for selfsecuring political power will invite my wrath and your demise.

These letters are written by a New Hamp shire pastor.

QUESTION: What Are Some Es sentials For Good Leaders In These Days Of Uncertainty? (Pat 2)

Notice the last state ment I made in this description of the es sentials for leaders who will lead you to life. “He and his descendants will reign a long time over his Kingdom in Israel.”Read and study my book, The Bible. Those who followed my direc tions prospered and so did their people. Those who didn’t, lost every thing. How are the leaders you have cho sen today in light of my wisdom?Yourlife, nationally and individually, will depend on your future choices. Be wise.

Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

Now In 5th Printing! The Flatlander Chronicles

In my previous letter I informed you, as your God and creator, how important the choice of your leaders will be for your future and ulti mately for your life, as a country and as indi viduals within it.

and trusting me will your leaders lead well and bring prosperity and life to their people. If they do not love and follow my will, as re vealed in my book, The Bible, my commands will be “out of sight and out of mind.”

11— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —



Next, “He must be from among your own brothers. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not a broth er Israelite.” If you wish to destroy your coun try and values, choose a person who doesn’t embrace those val ues. The wolf dressed in sheep clothing will bring devastation not delight.Next, “The king, moreover, must not acquire great numbers of horses for himself.” If your leaders rely on the power of their military prowess instead of me, as horses served the kings in biblical times, your object of faith will be proven unreliable, when I hold you ac countable for the sin of idolatry. Open your eyes and look at any nation of the past and see that none were able to withstand my judge ment despite their mili taryNext,prowess.“Ormake the people return to Egypt to get more of them, for the Lord has told you,you are not to go back that way again.” Egypt represented not only bondage but wor ship of foreign gods. Look at what happened when Israel tried to worship the golden calf as a god and in so do

ing, return to the gods of Egypt (Exodus 32). Read and weep.

Letters From God


Alert readers may re call a featured SportThoughts column from a couple years ago re: local soccer phenom Benaiah “Hurricane” Hanson timetheback16-year-oldNewthefulsojournvolumes.soccertonativethemselveswereofspot.feredU15theLoneteredHansonsoccerwrenchalsocated2020COVIDforevenastion’sNewinskillsneighborladTORY).MAKEHANSONIAHLOUDON’S(8/20/2020,BENA“HURRICANE”HOPINGTOSOCCERHISTheyoungHansonwasaLoudonwhosesoccerweresuchthat2019he’dmadetheEnglandRevoluUnder-14teama13-year-oldandmoveduptoU-15severalgames.Thepandemicofthatcomplieveryone’slivesthrewamonkeyinBenaiah’splans,butthefamilycounbymovingtotheStarStatewhereECNL’sTexansBoysAcademyofBenaiaharosterThatsixmemberstheHansonfamilywillingtouprootfromtheirGraniteStatesupportBenaiah’scareerspeaksTheTexaswaswonderbut2022foundHansonsbackinHampshireandBenaiahinFoxborowithRevolution—thisontheU-17

It is a 100% handicap league based on 200. The season starts on September 12th and runs through May 8th. Start time is 12 noon. The cost is $16 per bowler. For sign up or more info contact Al Stevens at Stevens978@aol.com.

hurriCane season-benaiah, beth, anD buDDing bios

on Sept. 10 against the MLS’s Toronto Football Club’s U-17 squad.But during a oneday break in his busy schedule, Benaiah and his mom Heidi made it a point to give me a shout-out and of fered to return to the

Beth and Benaiah.

13— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

squad. His meteoric soccer rise continues as he and his team mates recently re turned from an excit ing trip to the south ern hemisphere and a top-notch tournament in Bogota, Colombia. His Rev U-17 opened their 2022 campaign

by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

Make a difference in your Community! We're seeking extraordinary individuals in the Lakes Region to join our team of amazing caregivers. CompetitiveFlexibility,SchedulePay,PTO,ContinuousTraining seniorsonthego.com • 603-556-7456 See MOFFETT on 16

So while we got the soccer photo I wanted (along with some fun soccer video) Benaiah spent most of the visit talking about myths, legends, writing and story ideas with Beth. Which was fine with me, as I’m also clearly interested in stories andThatwriting.the 16-yearold soccer star loves to read is obvious. That he’s remarkably articulate reflects a wonderful literacy—as colorful words and de scriptive phrases eas ily flow from his lips. And Benaiah’s eyes sparkled as he excited ly described a longaboutclearlynistinvolvingfiction/fantasysciencestoryaprotagonamed“Kilo.”He’sbeenthinkingthisstoryforatime.“I’mveryimpressed

Looking For Bowlers! The Monday Morning Senior (55+) Bowling League at Funspot is looking for members.new

old neighborhood to get a photo with me. I’d earlier mentioned that I didn’t get a de sired photo with the soccer phenom before the Hansons left for Texas in 2020—and they remembered. HowAndthoughtful!therewas a sec ond reason that Bena iah wanted to swing by—a reason that had more to do with my thology than with mid fields. My spouse Beth has a Ph.D. in mythol ogy and is a published poet. Alert readers may recall from that 2020 story that Be naiah aspired to be an author as well as a soccer star.

14 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 — Red, White & Brew Saturday, September 24 Funspot | VIP Hour 12-1PM | General Admission 1-4PM Join us at the 6th Annual Red, White & Brew to benefit NH service members, veterans and their families. Enjoy craft beer, wine, food, car show, auction, raffles, live music from The Bob Pratte Band, and more! For tickets vetscount.org/nh/events or scan the code to the left. All proceeds benefit Veterans Count ADMISSION $40 VIP $25 General Admission includes sampling tickets and a commemorative glass, while supplies last. Military discount available. Admission does not include cost of food. Presents Wine Tasting Beer Tasting Car Show

solitary sanDpipers Lee’s Mill Rd, Moultonborough, NH 603-476-LOON (5666) • www.Loon.org SEEFORWEBSITEHOURS The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more! •FreeAdmission•Award-winningvideos,exhibits&trails! 1192 Weirs Boulevard, Weirs Beach, NH 603-366-4673 • CHANNELCOTTAGES.COM Offering 15 unique 1, 2 and 3+ bedroom vacation rental cottages with A/C, Wi~Fi and most with fully equipped kitchens Docking Available • Pet Friendly • Very Clean & Comfortable Where you want to be on Lake Winnipesaukee! D.A. LONG TAVERND.A. LONG TAVERN Located Inside Funspot, Rte. 3, One Mile North Of The Weirs Beach Sign 579 Endicott Street N. • Weirs • NH • 603-366-4377 • funspotnh.com Always Lots Of Fun On Tap! TAVERN HOURS Open Every Day, year round Open Daily At Noon Sun. - Thur. noon -10pm Fri. & Sat. noon - 11pm EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT BEER LIST • COCKTAILS • WINE Explore our rotating draft selection with 12 carefully curated offerings! GRAB A BITE TO EAT! Made to Order Pizza, Chicken Fingers Hot Dogs & French Fries


I have seen lesser yel lowlegs at many inland lakes in New Hamp shire, all the way from the northern tip in Pittsburg to southern lakes such as Edward McDowell Lake in Pe terborough. Yellowlegs may be seen on the edges of inland lakes during migration peri ods, such as now.

in flight.

I could tell somebody I saw a solitary sand piper, and they might assume it was a differ ent type of sandpaper that happened to be alone. But in this case, it would have been the specific species, soli tary sandpiper. Many style guides, publi cations and journals have different styles on whether or not to capitalize bird names. Most newspapers’ style is to not capitalize bird names.Yellow warbler is an other example of a good reason to capitalize bird names. There are plenty of warblers that are yellow, but there is also a specific species called yellow warbler. Anyway, back to the solitary sandpiper. As its name would suggest,


15— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

A solitary sandpiper hunts on the edge of a small pond in New England.

solitary sandpipers are usually found alone hunting the edges of lakes and ponds. They nest in Canada and migrate through the U.S. In my experience anyway, they are just as likely to be found around small ponds as they are around big lakes.Iused to live near a small park that had a tiny pond as its center piece. A Little Leagu er could easily throw the ball across the pond and have room to spare. One morn ing, I was surprised to see a solitary sand piper hunting around the edges of the pond. Whatever food there was to be found on the edge of that small pond was good enough for this bird.


The other day, an otherwise slow bird walk got much more exciting when I saw a lone sandpiper-like bird digging in the mud near a shallow pond. I immediately suspected it was a solitary sand piper. A few minutes of observation and study confirmed that it was indeed a solitary sand piper.Asa side note, sol itary sandpiper is a good argument for cap italizing bird names.

When hearing the word shorebirds, most people likely think of sanderlings and other small sandpiper-like birds running back and forth among the waves at the Shorebirds,ocean. however, are not limited to small “peeps,” nor are they limited to the ocean. While it is true that the ocean and other coastal regions, such as Long Island Sound, are the best places to find shorebirds, inland lakes and ponds have shorebirds too.

Solitary sandpipers look a lot like many other types of sand pipers.

New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

Just because you may live away from the coast doesn’t mean you can’t be treated to the occasional shorebird sighting. The fall migra tion, which is well un der way for shorebirds, is perhaps your best chance to find them.

Sports Quiz

“Good soccer play ers need not be titans sculpted by Michelan gelo. In soccer, ability is much more impor tant than shape, and in many cases, skill is the art of turning limitations into vir tues.” –GaleanosportswriterUruguayanEduardo

Sports Quiz An swer

16 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 — NEW! ADDING DINNER SERVICE THUR, FRI & SAT NIGHTS! SERVING BREAKFAST & LUNCH WED. - SUN. & DINNER THUR., FRI. & SAT. 4-8PM greensideatlochmere.com • 603-528-7888 360 Laconia Road, Tilton, NH Experience The NEW Overlooking the mountains, come enjoy craft cocktails, mimosa flights & delicious food! VISIT US SOON! Booking functions & private dinners Shrimp & Scallop Pesto NY Strip Steak Filet Mignon Butternut Chicken 9 Holes $16 18 Holes $26 UNLIMITED GOLF After 3pm - $16 After 5pm - $12

Sports Quote

State Representative Mike Moffett was a

Sports comcast.net.addresszon.com.iswoodAfghanistanActor’sSPEAKS:winningauthoredNHTI-Concord.StateProfessorManagementforPlymouthUniversityandHeco-theaward-“FAHIMAWarrior-OdysseyfromtoHollyandBack”whichavailableonAmaHise-mailismimoffett@

In the meantime, there are some nonfiction soccer myths and legends to be cre ated!

The 2022 FIFA World Cup games will be this November and Decem ber in Qatar.

When and where is the next World Cup Soccer competition? (Answer follows)

Born Today

MOFFETT from 13

science fiction guy, I found myself looking forward to someday reading the finished product of Benaiah’s wonderful imagina tion.Benaiah’s fabulous soccer success reflects both dedication and joy. And it appears that his literary aspi rations similarly re flect the same wonder ful(Notecombination.toself:Ask Be naiah to pose for a photo with Beth and me with his book when it eventually gets pub lished—which it surely will someday.)

with how cogent his story arc is,” said Dr. Beth. “Very interest ing, well thought-out, and historyWhileasmgreatangists”sound.”mythologicallyThetwo“mytholospokeforalmosthour.Benaiah’sliteraryenthusiwascontagious.I’mmoreofaguythana

That is to say, sports standouts born on September 15 in clude MLB pitching great Gaylord Perry (1938) and longtime NFL head coach Pete Carroll (1951). Pete is the NFL’s oldest head coach.

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Passion Fruit Cider - 6.8% ROBUST Porter - 7% Mosaic IPA - 3.7%

round full figure from a half hour ago.

But, what you did was actually bring out some delicious flavor. Roasting draws mois ture out of the item being roasted, in this case tomatoes, and in this exchange, it in tensifies their tomato flavor making them more robust.

Able Ebenezer – Lady of the Lake Lager

The addition of gar lic, olive oil, salt and pep

Victory – Sour Monkey

something to do after dinner in the evening while watching Andy Griffith reruns. And look at that! By the time you are done chopping the herbs

Maine Beer – Lunch IPA


For example, how Roastmakingabout galleyrestaurant.comAkerlysgrilland-603.875.338383GrillACKERLY’S&GalleyMainStreet,Alton

17— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice

themselves right out of their chair. But seri ously, what makes this meal stand out is the oodles of local fresh ingredients and how you use them.

603 - Amber Ale Stoneface - IPA Allagash - White Baxter - Coastal Haze Great Rhythm - Resonation Pale Ale


Tuckerman - Pale Ale Sam Adams - Wicked Hazy Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Czech Pilsner Maine Beer Co - Lunch Blue Moon - Belgian White ...+2 More On Tap newdurhameatatjohnsons.com/603.859.750069SeafoodAtTAPHOUSEJOHNSON’SJohnson’s&SteakRt11,NewDurham

Safe Space

Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella...+11ArtoisMore On Tap

Buzzworthy - 12.8% ...+10 More On Tap

See FEAST on 30

Up for a challenge, I decided to take inven tory of what I had to make a meal with. To matoes (Oh boy! Do we have poultryingtoletmythethenteinelse?”aSquash,Zucchini,tomatoes!),SummerBasil,Chives,fewotherherbs.“Hmmm…WhatIneededaproofsomesort.Justmovementamongtallgrasscaughteye.Mysonhadthechickensoutfreerange.Eyeoneoftheunwarystrayingabit

Henniker - Working Man’s Porter Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap

** Tap listings subject to change!

ClownGuinnessShoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale

ed toes?TomaRoasting to matoes is really quite simple, can be done ahead of time, and adds a new di mension of flavor to almost anything you use them in. Having a bumper crop of them, I used cherry tomatoes. I filled a large glass bowl to about ¾ full and added about two to three tablespoons of olive oil and about two or three cloves of minced garlic. Tossing them together to even ly coat, I then emp tied the contents out onto a cookie sheet. Sprinkled with a little fresh cracked pepper corns and a pinch of salt, I tossed this into a 450 degree oven for 30 minutes.

As I gathered some vegetables from the garden one August af ternoon I thought to myself, “I wonder if I could make a meal ostensibly from items raised here at home?”

COPPER KETTLE AtTAVERNHart’sTurkey Farm 233RestaurantD.W.Hwy, Meredith hartsturkeyfarm.com603.279.6212

D.A. LONG TAVERN At 579FunspotEndicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Southern Tier - Pumking Foundation - Epiphany Rockingham - Hameater Earth Eagle - Samantha Schilling - Adem Jack’s Abby - Copper Legend ...+6 More On Tap


Tuckerman - Pale Ale ...+9 More On Tap


FOSTER’S TAVERN 403 Main Street Alton Bay, fosterstavernbythebay.com603-875-1234NH

While the tomatoes were roasting I cooked about a half pound of bacon in a large

Burlington -Sublimated Dreams Greater Good -Passion Fruit Sour Southern Tier -Thick Mint

1253 Upper City Rd., Pittsfield overthemoonfarmstead.com

too far from her flock mates I thought, “Ah ha! That’s what we could have…” (No, not the chicken!) ‘Eggs!’ And in the freezer we still had bacon from last year’s pig. I got the protein covered. So dinner was taking shape, a crustless Har vest Quiche. But what makes this stand out from any other quiche? Well, for starters most of the key ingredients were grown or raised here at the homestead. I dare not say farm as anyone who knows me would be laughing

No Need To Argue: cranberry mead - 14%

Scotch Ale - 5.4%

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Moat – Miss V’s Blueberry Ale

skillet, some what crispy but not too well done. You want it somewhere this side of “when you chop it with a knife, it doesn’t shat ter like glass.”

With the tomatoes roasting and cooked bacon resting on pa per towels waiting to be chopped, I turned my attention to the herbs; fresh basil, the trio I mentioned in an earlier article (Pur ple, Sweet, and Sum merlong), and some fresh chives. Chop ping these herbs, you need not get too crazy, just small enough to garnish between your teeth so it gives you

PATRICK’S PUB 18 Weirs Rd., 603.293.0841GilfordPatrickspub.com


by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer

Sloop -Open Water Stormalong -Tropical Cider 3 Floyds -Barbarian Haze ...+30 More On Tap Morrisseysfrontporch.comWolfeboro286PorchMORRISSEYS’&PubS.MainSt.,603.569-3662

1911 – Cider Donut Cider


* “Loosen tight jeans with a cutting board! First, wash in cold

* “If you have a fish tank, you can use the fish tank water to fer tilize your rose bushes. I do this, and it’s rich in minerals that the bushes love!” -- A.U. in

by JoAnn Derson Syndicated Columnist

18 on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! Located just off scenic road, a short walk from the Weirs. Open Weekends Though Sept. (Weather Permitting) Come By Boat or Car & Relax By The Lakeside at AKWA MARINA’S BEACH BAR & GRILLE II 95 CENTENARY AVE., WEIRS 603-968-5533 LAKEINCREDIBLEVIEWS!Café Déja Vu 603-524-7773 311 Court Street • Laconia, NH —OPEN DAILY FOR DINE IN & TAKE-OUT— Mon - Fri 5:30am - 2pm / Sat 5:30am - 12:30pm & Sun 6:30am - 12:30pm OPEN 7 DAYS 331 SOUTH MAIN ST., LACONIA 603-524-4100 SHANGHAINH.COM “The Finest Szechuan & Mandarin Cuisine in the Lakes Region” CALL FOR TAKE OUT Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am - 8pm 23CelebratingYEARSServingtheLakesRegion! For Health Conscious People ... SPECIAL GLUTEN FREE ITEMS & VEGETARIAN DISHES 215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • www.wrapcitysandwiches.com603-715-8600 Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street At Paugus Bay Plaza, Laconia Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm M Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street at Paugus Bay Plaza THIS WEEKEND SPECIALS Veal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials — Italian & American Comfort FoodMyrna’s Classic CuisinePasta•SteaksSeafood myrnascc.com603.527.8144 Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, voted one of the top ten restaurants in NH by Boston Magazine.

Alabama*Make your own bed buddy hot pad with a long sock and rice. Use a sock that’s knee high, and fill it about two-thirds with plain, uncooked white rice. Knot it an inch or two from the top of the rice, so it’s nice and loose. Once it’s secure, you can stick the sock into the microwave for 1-2 minutes. The rice heats up and the heat is stored in the rice. It’s wonderful for aches and pains -- or just for keeping toes toasty!

* Shower caps can be placed over a planter and used to make a kind of greenhouse for planting cuttings. Just water and place it in a sun-filled window. Be sure to check it often, because even though it may be moderate or even cool out, your lit tle greenhouse can get pretty hot with only a few hours of sun.

See TIP on 19

19 on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! HOMEOF 603-409-9344 • 59 Doe Ave, Weirs Beach, NH NEW Craft Beer Destination in The Weirs! W/HILLTOPMULTI-TIERBIERGARDENPANORAMICVIEWSOFTHELAKE 36 Rotating Craft Taps —BEST PIZZA IN THE REGION— TRIVIA! EVERY MONDAY 6:30-9PM. Gift Certificates for top 3 winning teams! HistoricFamilyCasualAmbianceDining Indoor & Patio Seating • Free function rooms for your event 603-267-7349 • gilmantonpub.com 506 Province Road Gilmanton, NH - Intersection of Rte 107 & Rte 140 Present this ad for 10% off dinner. Excludes alcohol. Exp. 10/31/22. OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH & DINNER WithConnectUs!603-279-6212 • HartsTurkeyFarm.com THURSDAYSTRIVIA In the Tavern @ 7pm FRIDAYSLIVE MUSIC 5-8 PM Turkey • Steaks • Prime Rib • Seafood The C opper K ettle TAVERN Exit 23 off I-93 • 233 Daniel Webster Hwy • Meredith 69 State Route 11, (just south of the Alton circle) New Durham, NH 603.859-7500 | EatAtJohnsons.com Serving Lunch & Dinner Dine in or Takeout 7 Days A Week JOHNSON’S TAPHOUSE Featuring36BEERSonTap! RESTAURANT | DAIRY BAR | MARKETPLACE | TAPHOUSE OPEN Tues. - Sat. 11am - 10pm 302 S. MAIN STREET, LACONIA • 524-9955 • SOUTHENDNH.COM Laconia’s Best Pizza Delivered To Your Door! PIZZA / CALZONES • SALADS SUBS / SYRIANS • SEAFOOD TAKE OUT & DELIVERY 7 BELKNAP MOUNTAIN RD GILFORD, NH 603-528-1900 • thegilfordvillagestore.com Mon 7a–3p Tue-Thur 7a–530p, Fri 7a–630p, Sat 8a – 630p Serving a soups,selectionniceofsalads,sandwiches,pizza&breakfast The Home of Moonlight Meadery & Hidden Moon Brewing 1253 Upper City Road, Pittsfield, NH • overthemoonfarmstead.com DAILYOPEN Delicious Mead, Beer & Cider Served in SurroundingsScenic Sat. Sept. 10: End of Summer Night’s Dream Dinner Oct. 1st - 10th: Oktoberfest! Fri.7:30-9:30pm; Sat. 7-9pm; Sun. 2-4pm OPEN MIC THUR.6-9pm FALL SPECIAL EVENTS!LIVE MUSIC WEEKLY!

water, then button them around some thing that’s about an inch wider than the waist, say, a cookie sheet, chair top, cut ting board, etc. Air dry. It’s magical.” -- V.L. in New York

TIP from 18

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Vir ginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

* “When I was a kid, the side of my yard was soft sand, but it’s where my brother and I kept our bikes. I liked my bike to stand up, because it kept the sand out of my gears. The kick stand was sinking in the sand, and my dad gave me an old tennis ball that he had poked a hole into. I put it on the kick stand, and from then on, it stayed standing up. Thought I would share.” -- M.N. in Flor ida



2. Taste: Growing your own food will pro vide you with an incred ibly rewarding harvest. Not only will you be able to enhance meals with the fruits of your labor,

• Passive benefits: Don’t have a green thumb? Don’t worry. Scientific evidence proves that just being


Designing your garDen for better mental health

.Smell: You may al ready use aromatherapy indoors. Take this con cept outside by grow ing fragrant flowers and herbs, so you can liter ally “stop to smell the roses.”Scott and Dooley offer more insights in “Gar den Therapy,” a recent episode of “Done-In-AWeekend Projects,” an original series from lawn care equipment manu facturer, Exmark. To watch the video, visit Backyard Life, which is part of a unique multi media destination with a focus on helping home owners make the most of outdoor spaces. There you can also download additional tips and view other Exmark Original Series videos.

you’ll get the personal satisfaction of a job well done.

(StatePoint) Garden ing is not only a means for beautifying outdoor spaces and growing de licious foods. According to those who spend sig nificant time in the yard, getting outside can also support your wellbeing.

4. Touch: From the light, feathery textures of petals to the rough surfaces of bark or bush stems, touch offers a deeper sense of connec tion to nature.

Health Benefits

in nature has positive impacts on stress levels and brain chemistry. It can also lower blood pressure, increase con centration and improve mood. What’s more, be ing outdoors offers a deeper sense of belong ing and a new sense of purpose outside the daily grind.

Scott advises design ing your garden to re flect how you want to live outside. He typi cally builds “rooms” connected by meander ing paths for resting, unwinding, and feeling restored. However, your outdoor spaces don’t always need to be qui et. They can encourage activity as well. If you enjoy company, create gathering spaces. Or, if you have hobbies that can be done outdoors like exercising, painting or writing, you can set aside areas for them.

Harnessing the power of the sun is more practical, reliable, and affordable than ever. We design and install complete solar energy systems custom fit to your property and needs. We’ve completed projects designed to power a small home, as well as larger arrays which accommodate business and commercial locations and everything in between.

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“Gardening is good for the mind, it’s good for the soul and it’s good for the body,” said legend ary football coach, Vince Dooley. “I enjoy coming out to garden, and when I finish, I feel like I’ve done something, and I feelLandscapegood.” architect Doug Scott of Redeem Your Ground recently visited Dooley in Athens, Ga. to discuss gardening and mental health. Here are some of the insights they shared:

Finally, Scott recom mends designing your garden to awaken your five senses. Here’s how:

By gardening, your mental health will be better off for it. Just be sure to start small, simple and stress-free,

1.Sight: Choose calm ing colors, or those that bring you joy. The sim ple sight of a breathtak ing array of plants or an arrangement of favorite flowers is bound to give your mental health a boost.

Designing Your Garden

22 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

3 Hearing: Among the plants and flowers, add fixtures, such as wind chimes and water features, that’ll produce soothing sounds. And with the new habitat you’ve created, you’ll enjoy bird song, too!

• Active benefits: Gar dening exercises the body and clears the mind. Studies show that increased outdoor expo sure leads to fewer longterm health problems, helping improve cardio vascular fitness, flexibil ity, strength, and dexter ity—all leading to better mental health. Simply planting, growing, har vesting and maintaining plants gives you a direct emotional boost. Why? Gardening helps foster nurturing instincts and restores a sense of hope and purpose, ultimately improving self-esteem.

Cabinet refacing starts at only 35% Cost of cabinet replacing. Cabinet refacing includes new doors & drawer fronts of your choice Free Estimates.... Compare and SAVE BIG! • Meredith, NH 603-279-6555 DOOR SAMPLES BROUGHT TO YOU! • Countertop Refacing (SAVE BIG!) • New Countertops • New Drawers • Custom Vanities • Closet Storage The photo on top left shows a dark woodgrain kitchen that was refaced with a light cherry woodgrain, plus new doors and drawer fronts to brighten up kitchen. The same kitchen could have been refaced with any woodgrain or solid color you see in the photo of sample doors. Refacing your cabinets is less than HALF THE PRICE of replacing them, SAVING YOU BIG MONEY . CALL US FOR YOUR FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE 603-279-6555 No Demolition!Messy The Affordable Alternative! BEFORE AFTER Dumont Cabinet Refacing & Counter Tops

Mums set flowers based on day length. Growers can force them into bloom by cover ing them to create the shorter days that initi ate flowering. Those grown as gift and holi day plants are often called florist mums. These usually require the longest periods of uninterrupted dark ness or shorter days. When these mums are grown under natural daylight they usually don’t flower until late fall or early winter. These late bloomers are usually killed by cold temperature before or soon after the flowers appear in colder parts of the Nurseriescountry. selling mums in full bloom in the fall often refer to them as garden mums.

See MYERS on 28

Even if these garden mums are hardy and suited to your growing conditions, they may not survive the winter. Since all the energy of flowering fall-planted mums is directed to the flowers, little is left to establish a hardy robust root system. If you have success over wintering your garden mum, feel free to brag. If your plants don’t sur vive or you don’t try, don’t worry. You are using them as a fall annual as they were in

Add a burst of fresh color to the fall land scape with mums. This traditional fall flower is still a favorite of many. These fall beauties come in a wide range of colors and provide weeks of floral beauty. Mums are great in con tainers, the garden, and cut flower bouquets. Fall just wouldn’t be the same without them.

Colorful mums for fall garDens anD Containers

These may be peren nial or “florist” mums forced to flower for fall displays. The intent is to use them as annu als. Set a pot on the steps, pop a plant in a vacant spot in the gar den or combine them with other fall favorites.

23— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

by Melinda Myers

When shopping for mums you may see them labeled as garden, perennial, gift, or florist mums. All these differ ent names for plants that basically look alike can be confusing. The answer lies in their re sponse to day length, hardiness, and use.

Mums mixed with ornamental grass in a fall garden..

tended. This provides space for new plants in the spring and an opportunity to try a different color mum nextThosefall. mums sold as perennials are hardy enough to survive the winter and flower in late summer or early fall, providing weeks of color in the garden. They are often sold alongside other peren nials, labeled as pe rennials, or promoted as hardy for the area. Increase your success by planting them in spring. This allows the plant time to develop a robust root system before it begins flow

1. Prepare your sub floor. Use a level to check for uneven spots;

24 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

Mark additional refer

However, smaller tiles can eliminate the need to make multiple awk ward cuts, and small tiles are perfect for cre ating accent patterns or introducing a splash of color.

Apply a thin layer of mortar then attach your cement backer board with screws. Cover joints with cement board tape, apply another thin layer of mortar, smooth and allow to dry.

Big or small? General ly, the larger the tile, the fewer grout lines, and too many grout lines in a smaller space can create the illusion of clutter.

installing bathroom tile liKe a pro

Before you get start ed, you’ll want to make some decisions about the look and feel of your flooring:

When you’ve got your overall look and materi als selected, keep these steps in mind as you begin laying the flooring:

Updating the floor ing can help infuse new life into tired, outdated bathrooms. For an up scale, polished look that doesn’t have to break the bank, consider in stalling tile flooring.

you need an even sur face to prevent cracks in the tile or grout as well as rough spots that could pose tripping haz ards. Use patching and leveling material to cre ate a consistent surface.

Ceramic or stone? Weigh factors such as porosity, how slippery the surface may be when wet and how well it retains heat or cold. Ultimately, your deci sion hinges on the needs and uses of your family.

From the Lakes to the Mountains, We Are At Your Service! •Septic Pumping •Septic Pump Repair & Installation •Drains Unclogged •SepticInspectionsSystem MOULTONBOROUGH: 476-5557 | MEREDITH: 279-4313 www.lampreyseptic.com See TILE on 28 Sprinkler + Drip Irrigation Landscape LandscapingLightingServices • free estimates • service since 1981 (603) 812.5721 | SummitIrrigationNH.com

Complement or con trast? Define the over all style you want as well as the colors and tones that will help best achieve your vision.

2. To ensure square placement, draw refer ence lines on the sub floor using a level and carpenter square. Tile should start in the mid dle of the room and move out toward the walls, so make your initial refer ence lines as close to the center as possible.

25— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

26 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 — SERVICES DIRECTORY INSURED • REFERENCES • SNOW PLOWING Colonial S iding Alton Bay 875-2132 SIDING • WINDOWS • DOORS KITCHENS • BATHS Interior & Exterior Renovations # # Since 1976 ! Colonial Siding • Junk Removal • Estate Cleanouts • Spring / Fall Cleanups • Brush Removal • Snow CompleteCleanouts.com603-545-8609Removal/Plowing Major Credit Cards Accepted Experience WATERFRONTwithPROPERTIES 35 Years Experience In Surveying, Site Planning & Septic Design 603-539-4900 • land-tech.com Bruce Thibeault PAINTING • Staining • Urethaning • Res./Comm. • Quality Work • Interior/Exterior • Wallpaper Removal • Pressure Washing • Window Reglazing •••ScreensFreeEstimatesFullyInsured 603-364-2435 Over 30 Yrs. Exp. BruceThibeaultPainting.com Nick Melanson’s PROFESSIONAL BLUEBOARD & PLASTERING nicksblueboardandplastering@gmail.com603-832-9242•978-807-1481nicksblueboardandplastering.com Call or Email for a free quote today Offering Solutions for Drywall, Blueboard, New Construction, Additions, Renovations, Single Rooms & Repairs. ownedIndependently&operated OldSTONEWALLFashioned Specializing in Dry Fieldstone or Granite Walls New Wall Built 35 Years Experience Contact Tony 603-471-1954Luongo Paul C. Dupont & Son Building 603-387-0015 —— 603-387-0026 Installing Harvey Building Products Windo W s • d oors • s iding CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Visit HarveyBP.com weN f ound GunsAnd G rae 15 Gove Rd. Alexandria, NH 603-217-0272 • newfoundgunsandgear.com HIKERS & PREPPERS! We carry a selection of freeze dried food, thermal ponchos, thermal blankets, first aid kits, knives, axes, shovels, compasses, etc, Of course, we also offer a selection of in stock firearms and a large online inventory at very competitive prices.

Wood pellets are used as primary or secondary space heat in more than 1 million homes nationwide. Pellets are a renewable, cleanburning fuel made from the waste streams generated by the manufacturers of products like dimensional lumber, hardwood flooring, wood pallets and cabine try. Although supplies are strong right now, pellet producers are highlighting the importance of keeping inventory moving through the system.

heating oil or propane, and thousands of dollars com pared to electric heat.

in 2022-2023,” says Portz. “Consumers will need to be savvy. To ensure their annual supply is secured, they should stock up now.”

What’s more, the sticker shock Americans may ex perience this winter when reviewing their energy bills will likely have many switching to pellet heating in search of a better deal, and those with multiple heating options may start opting for pellets, putting extra demand on poten tially short supplies.

pellets are com petitively priced nation wide, consumers who opt for this method of heating will save hundreds of dol lars over the course of a winter season compared to

As Tim Portz, executive director of the Pellet Fuels Institute explains, Russia is the second largest pro ducer of wood pellets glob ally, supplying more than 2 million tons to global markets in 2020. But sanc tions and restrictions due

With the capacity to pro duce more than 1 million tons of wood pellets each year, Lignetics Group, the largest residential wood pellet manufacturing com pany in the United States, notes that taking advan tage of the surplus while it lasts will allow produc ers to run at full throttle and build inventory before usage begins to outpace production in the depths ofBecausewinter.

“Wood pellet demand fluctuates year to year, however with heating oil, natural gas, electric and propane prices at near historic highs, we could see record sales of pellets

Why you shoulD plan aheaD this heating season

to the invasion of Ukraine have required U.S. pellet producers to fill the gap.

(StatePoint) Between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and sky-high oil and gas prices, a significant pellet fuel supply shortage is likely this winter season. Industry experts say you should plan ahead and se cure your fuel now for the cold winter months. The good news is that, current ly, there is plenty of supply to stock up.

27— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 — CONSTRUCTIONRESIDENTIALLOANS603-890-8900 Granite State Mortgage Corp Nmls Application1943isdone in your home or business. Your builder is approved with us. joegagnon@gmail.com603-890-8900 FIREWOOD • RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL SNOW PLOWING & SANDING RETAINING WALLS • OUTDOOR FIREPLACES LAND CLEARING • EXCAVATION & DEMOLITION SKIDSTEER/MINI EXCAVATOR JASON FISHER • MOUNTAINWOODNH@GMAIL.COM603.998.4828 Call For Gutter Installation - 5 & 6 inch North East Roof Tune-Ups LLC @ 603-820-0896 North East Roof Tune-Ups LLC Interior/ExteriorFraming/Roofing/SidingRemodel & Restoration Fully tomsammon86@gmail.comInsured603-530-2266 Dumont Cabinet Refacing & Counter Tops — AN AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE — Cabinet refacing includes new doors and drawer fronts of your choice Free Estimates.... Compare & SAVE BIG! • Meredith, NH 603-279-6555 DOOR SAMPLES BROUGHT TO YOU! • New Countertops • Countertop Refacing (Save Big!) • New Drawers • Custom Vanities • Closet Storage Cabinet refacing starts at only 35% Cost of replacing.cabinet SERVICES DIRECTORY

“Many have already turned to wood pellet heat ing and many more are expected to do so amid the current energy crisis,” says Brett Jordan, CEO of Lignetics Group. “However, these consumers will need to take their wise choice a step further by being pre pared. Fueling up now on your normal pellet supply will mean being able to take advantage of this sustain able and cost-efficient op tion all winter.”

MYERS from 23

28 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

ate even lines between one tile and the next, removing excess mortar with a damp sponge or rag.

8. Let mortar dry 24 hours before grouting.

11. Once grout has cured – usually at least a couple weeks – apply sealer to protect it. Find more ideas and tips for updating your bathroom at eLivingto day.com.

ering in the fall. This increases the plant’s ability to survive cold winter care.mumsplantedteringIncreaseweather.overwinsuccessoffallperennialwithproperMakesurethe

4. Mix tile mortar and use the thin side of a trowel to apply mortar at a 45-degree angle. Use the combed side to spread evenly and return excess mortar to the bucket. Remember to apply mortar in small areas, working as you go, so it doesn’t dry be fore you’re ready to lay the tile.

7. As you complete a section of tile, use a level and mallet to verify the tiles are sitting evenly.

CREDITTAXon qualifying wood& pellet installationIncludingstoves.&venting

5. When laying tile, use your reference lines as guides. Press and wiggle tile slightly for the best adherence.

plants receive sufficient moisture throughout the remainder of the growing season and leave the plants intact in the garden for win ter. Those in colder climates may want to add winter mulch. Wait for the ground to freeze. Then cover with weedfree straw or evergreen boughs. Remove the mulch in spring as tem peratures hover near freezing or the plants begin to grow. Cut back the dead stems and wait for new growth to appear.

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TILE from 24

ence lines as space al lows, such as 2-foot-by2-foot squares.


3. Do a test run with your chosen tile by lay ing it out on the floor. There are color varia tions in most tile pat terns, so you’ll want to verify each tile blends well with the next.

Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, in cluding the recently re leased Midwest Gar dener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Cours es “How to Grow Any thing” instant video and DVD series and the nationally syndi cated Melinda’s Gar den Moment TV & radio program. Myers is a columnist and contrib uting editor for Birds & Blooms magazine and her website is MelindaMyers.com.www.

10. Allow grout to dry per the manufac turer’s instructions then go back over tile with a damp sponge to set grout lines and clean grout residue.

6. Use spacers to cre

9. Remove spacers then apply grout to joints, removing excess as you go.

Whatever you call them, add a few mums to your fall display. You are sure to enjoy that last blast of color before winter arrives.

29— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

Local Harvest “Quiche”

Chopped Chives/Chopped 2BasilDashes White Pepper (or less) Cracked Pepper Corns Dash Salt

and a

serve over Baby

Place into a preheated 350 degree oven and bake for about 45 minutes. Test with a toothpick (comes out clean) or thermom eter to the center. (I prefer 165 degree internal temp. with no loose egg.)

: 6-8 Servings Time: Approx 80 min (incl. roasting tomatoes)


and a garnish of sweet Ba sil for a yummy Cap rese style salad. In a sealed container they will last a few days to a week in the fridge and I have a few recipe ideas A-1 Firewood www.a-1firewood.com 603-978-5012 Quality Hardwood • Green or Seasoned • Cut, Split & Delivered • Buyer of Standing Hardwood

½½choppedCupMilkCup½and ½¾


⅛ tsp.

160 DW Highway • Belmont • 603-524-5553 • nhtent.com Your Rental Connection! And a lot of it. For a lot of different needs. Inside or out. From skid steer loaders to drywall jacks and chain saws. You might not even know you need it yet. But when you do, we most likely have whatever it is. And when you do, simply drop by or call and we’ll get you fixed up in a jiffy. Delivery and pickup can also be arranged. So, when you are, we are! You Do Know We Rent Stuff.

per only heightens their savory goodness. While you will not need all of these for the quiche, you can serve these delicious roast ed tomatoes as a side dish warm or cold. You could also toss them into your dinner veg gie dish. Or, perhaps, if you are really feeling


- Lightly grease a casserole dish (spray coat is fine)

Preparation Instructions

Let stand for two minutes and serve hot with veggies or salad.


Top with chopped chives and basil

lunch, or dinner to most everyone, even those who frown upon crusts. Quiche, to the layperson, is basical ly “scrambled eggs”. Some may even venture to say, a fallen souffle? But seriously, a tradi tional quiche is more of a dense custard base and resembles that of scrambled eggs in a pie shell. So why not call it Scrambled Egg Pie? Because nobody gets all giddy at the thought of you taking the time to make a Scrambled Egg Pie. But when you tell someone that you made a quiche, their eyes sparkle, their smile gets wide, they clutch their pearls and nearly faint at the thought of you taking the time out of your busy day to make a “Quiche”.Thesouffle, on the other hand, when done right, is airy, a much lighter combination and a more involved process.Separating yolks from whites, whipping more air into the mix

7 strips of Bacon cooked/ Cup Sharp Shredded Cheese

FEAST from

Pour egg mixture into the casserole dish.

Loosely layer the bottom of the casserole dish with roasted tomatoes.Inabowl, mix together the eggs, milk, ½ and ½, salt, pepper, and white pepper.

I will share in future articles, but let’s get back to the quiche. So why a quiche? Because quiche, with or without crust, is simple, easy, and a most palatable dish for breakfast, brunch,

8 Eggs

Evenly add in the cheddar cheese and chopped bacon

give them a quick chill in the fridge and, along with fresh


30 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

inspired, Mozzarella Bal samic reduction, Spinach

ing process, adding some ingredients to give it some lift, and a lot of praying that: a) when in the oven it will rise, and then b) when out of the oven, not fall. What these two (three) have in com mon is that they all use eggs and all can have a penchant for the sa vory or the sweeter side of life. However, I prefer not to leave so much to chance and Providence and opt to make a “quiche”. It is quicker and easier than a souffle and I need not pay much at tention to how I work the eggs, so I don’t need a backup plan. And this too is prob ably why my quiche comes out like scram bled egg pie. I’m okay withAlongthat. with Sau teed Green and Gold squash, dinner was served, a crustless quiche in a casse role dish. The entire meal featured two kinds of squash, to matoes, and four kinds of herbs(basil, basil, basil, and chives); all from our gardens. Eggs from our ladies in the hen house and bacon from a pig raised here on site and har vested last fall. The re mainder of ingredients were milk, cheese, and a few staples from the larder to round out the meal. Thus proving, to me at least, that yes, I actually could make a meal from what was raised here at home. It was a memorable Simple Feast harvested from less than two and a half


Article 2 concerns the executive branch which grants very few powers and duties to the president. Being “the most powerful man in the free world” is not one of the duties granted to the presi dent. Nowhere in Ar ticle 2 do we read that the president is the most powerful man in the free world.

Visit our website for admission information and event schedule.

The first ten, known as the Bill of Rights were ratified on De cember 1791. The 27th Amendment, which concerns Congressio nal pay raises, would have been part of the

I contend that the U.S justStatespowersdefinedwhichConstitutiongrantedfew,andspecifictotheUnitedGovernmentisasrelevanttoday than when it was first ratified.

Article 3 concerns the judicial branch which established “one supreme Court and gave Congress the power to regulate it.”

30 to Sunday October 2 at Camp Sentinel in Tuftonboro and/or at tend a showing of the movie In Search of Lib erty on Thursday Sep tember 15—7:30pm at the Community Church of Alton 20 Church St. Alton.

31— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 — OPEN DAILY FOR THE SEASON THROUGH OCT 31ST 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro, NH 603-569-1212 • WrightMuseum.org

The Supreme Court may be the highest court in the United States, but it is not the highest law of the land.

Article 5 concerns

Article 6 makes “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pur suance thereof…. shall be the supreme Law of the Land.”

money and declare war.

As King Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

I followed up with asking him about the 4th Amendment that protects us against un lawful search and sei zure, the 5th Amend ment that protects an accused from self-in crimination, the 6th Amendment that guar antees us a speedy trial judged by impar tial jurists and the 8th Amendment that protects us from being drawn and quartered. He didn’t think that these amendments be repealed either.

While we went from horse and buggy to the space age and the quill pen and the broadside to Twitter and Face book, human nature stayed the same. Our Founders were learned men who knew history and understood man’s sin nature. This is why they gave us a constitutional that granted limited pow ers to the U.S. Govern


Mrs. Elizabeth Powel.

Mon. – Sat., 10am-4pm Sunday, Noon-4pm

Article 7 calls for the ratification of nine state before the Con stitution will be estab lished. New Hampshire was the 9th state to ratify the Constitution on June 2, 1788, mak ing it the law of the land. The Constitution has 27 amendments but one-the 21st can celed out another-the 18th.

On Exhibit July 1 - Oct. 31, 2022

guest on the Al Di amon Show- a talk show in Portland, Maine. Mr. Diamon, and the vast majority of his audience did not share my worldview to say the least.

Article 4 concerns the states. Section 4, guarantees every state a “Republican Form of Government and shall protect them against Invasion.” Today, it is the official policy of the U.S. Government to aid and abet inva sion.


the amending process which made it difficult for good reason.

original Bill of Rights but wasn’t ratified un til 1992. Keeping this republic begins with us.As is my habit, I am offering free pocket copies of the Consti tution. If interested in one, Email me fromretreatattenddocument?aboutgmail.comcampconstitution1@atWhattolearnmorethisincredibleWhynotourweekendwhichrunsFridaySeptember

I had a very interest ing dialog with one of his college age callers. This young man told me, in no uncertain terms, that the U.S. Constitution was out dated and should be replaced.Iasked him if it was written in 1848, would it also be an outdat ed relic. He replied in the affirmative and I told him that the Com munist Manifesto was written in 1848 but oddly we never hear people on the Left de mand that it be repu diated.Ithen asked him if he believed that the 1st Amendment-the one that protests the right of free speech, the press, and the right to peaceable to assemble among other things be abolished. He said that he wasn’t in favor of its repeal.


This caller, like too many Americans like him, is a victim of a clique, potentially a dangerous one, that if enough Americans be lieve, could lead to the end of the liberties we take for granted.

ment.The U.S. Constitu tion has a preamble, seven articles and 27 amendmentsArticle1established the legislative branch, qualifications for office of members of Con gress, and grants cer tain powers including the power to borrow

down an old woods road. The path’s soft footbed felt good to walk upon. Ahead were No Trespassing signs where the woods road continued and then the path took a hard right following along a straight stone wall. We tossed a lot of branches off the lightly used path.

When we came to

We used our bat tery operated “fan in a box” to blow up our rafts. Becca reminded me that I am glad she talked me into buy ing it. She is right. Earlier this summer we even took a les son on the Pemi River below the big dam in Bristol to bounce on some white water. But mostly we walk into remote ponds.

The path led to a good place to launch.


It wasn’t too muddy and there were a few rocks to step on before stepping into the raft. We paddled clock wise around the pond and past old beaver lodges surrounded by Pickerel Weed that still had a few purple flow ers blooming. There were a few Lilly Pads with white and yellow flowers but not many.

At the water’s edge was a decaying Jon Boat: a flat bottom alu minum fishing boat. It looked like it had been a long time since it was seaworthy. I re membered to check my tracker and it told me we had walked just one half mile.

one more sign stating that this was a Sport Fish Restoration, ac cess made possible by a Federal and State partnership.Wegrabbed our packs and head ed down the path. I turned on my tracker to measure the dis tance to the pond. The yellow blazes led us

Becca hiking into Simmons Pond, loaded up with her packraft and paddle inside her backpack.

A frog nestled in mud with just its head sticking out was a fun ny sight. Little min nows swam in small groups and sometimes jumped out of the water in front of our boats. Another frog sat on a rock in the water and as we paddled by. It stayed perfectly still. The majority of the land around the pond is privately owned. The only development on the pond was one small camp with a small pontoon boat tied to their dock.

On the far side of the pond we spied a swim ming beaver. The bea ver gave us a look and darted beneath the water. We held still for three or four minutes and the beaver popped up again and he wasn’t happy to see us. Slap! With a loud slap of his tail his body came up out of the water like a

a steep downhill we wondered how any one could carry a cartop boat down this path or, worse, carry it back up. Our pack rafts only weigh five pounds, and our pad dles and gear add up to a few more pounds so it is easy to carry in our backpacks. But dragging a kayak or a canoe would be dif ficult.

Paddling pretty Simmons Pond was fun and we saw two frogs, one duck, hundreds of jumping minnows and a tail slapping Beaver and 5 abandoned aluminum Jon Boats and one rotten canoe. Lily Pad flowers and Pickerel Weed dotted the shoreline.

Information & Registration at wowtrail.org OPECHEE PARK, LACONIA OCT.10K29TH&5K RUN / WALK Cash Prizes for Winners/Course Records & Delicious Age-Category Prizes Best Costume & Largest Team Challenge! Lakes Region SPONSORS Register by October 15th to Receive a Long-Sleeve Event Shirt! PATENAUDE from 3 See PATENAUDE on 33

Lilly Pads flowers are still blooming. dolphin and head first dove back in the water not to be seen by us again. We’ve seen a good number of bea vers but never a per formance like this one.

33— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

And again we passed by an old abandoned fishing boat. People must have been able to drive into this pond a long time ago. We counted five decaying boats and one was locked with a rusty lock and chain to a dead tree.

We walked more slowly back up the path and paid more attention to the stone walls and also noticed

It was a pleasant couple of hours ex ploring the pond. The sun had warmed the cool morning into a nice day. It didn’t take us but a few minutes to pack our rafts back into our backpacks.

On our way back up the path we noticed an old rotten fiberglass canoe covered, hiding under young spruce trees and dried leaves. How did so many peo ple lose their boats?

Things you see in the woods in New Hampshire, remains of an cast iron woodstove. Not far from the stove was the remains of an old fieldstone foundation. Trees now stand where farm fields were once clear and all that remains of these farms are the miles and miles of stonewalls and homestead ruins.

Yours truly paddling along the shore passing by yet another decaying boat. This boat had a rusty lock and chain permanently tying it to a dead tree.

an old foundation and the remains of a cast iron wood stove.

M r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ Taxi 267-7134 or OPENServing527-8001LaconiaDailyAT5AMDAILYM r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ Taxi 267-7134 or OPENServing527-8001LaconiaDailyAT5AMDAILY


Enjoy the warm weather! By the calen dar there is only one more week of Summer left.Let’s hope for a warm and sunny Fall! Have Fun.

Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor en thusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are wel come to send comments or suggestions to her at: amy@weirs.com

In 1892, however, Cleve land was re-elected, de feating President Ben jamin Harrison by 277 electoral votes to Har rison’sMaybe145.the fresh air and being among people who respected his pri

tee. Grover Cleveland had been nominated by the Democrats to run for a second term as President of the United States. The President and the New York politi cal organization of Tam many Hall were not on the best of terms, and the President was not in the habit of granting the requests made to him by Tammany. Let me add that Cleveland gained the title of “the man of the iron will.”

pointed to an impor tant government office, but the President had not done so and indi cated that he wouldn’t make the appointment. The position of Tam many Hall was that if Cleveland did not make the appointment they would not support him to become President for a second term. Judge Herrick proceeded to call a meeting of the Democratic State Com mittee to discuss the matter. The committee in turn sent its chair man, Mr, WashingtonHerrick,totodiscuss

The craticofwasinCadytiveterms,theYorktheoutdoorsmanWinnipesaukeethehiscisionlandpastthoughtscolumnist’sturnedtothewhenGroverClevehadmadethedewhichcosthimjobatthetimeof1888election.ThisfisherandloverofthehadalsobeenGovernorofNewandPresidentofUnitedStatesfortwobutnotconsecuterms.In1888amannamedHerrick,ajudgeAlbany,NewYork,alsothechairmantheNewYorkDemoStateCommit

the matter with the President.Onarriving at the White House in Wash ington late on an after noon Cady Herrick was told by the President that he had a dinner to go to, but would see him at 11:00 o’clock that night. The late night meeting took place with Herrick arriving at the White House as the guests were leaving. President Cleveland took the New York committee chairman into a dining room, shut the door, and let his guest explain what had happened at the New York meeting and the decision of the Tammany Hall folk that they would not sup port the President for a second term unless he appointed one of their members to become the collector of the port of New York (or whatever the open office was). Without their support they felt that New York’s votes would not be in fa vor of Cleveland and he would lose the election. When Herrick finished explaining the situa tion the President arose from his chair, walked around the table a cou ple times while deep in thought, and then gave Judge Herrick his answer. He is quoted as saying, “I think, Her

The chieftains at Tam many Hall had a mem ber of their organization that they wanted ap

SMITH from 9

Powers, “...possessed a natural buoyancy which made him appear much younger..” than his 67 years.Cleveland approached the fishing with a calm and patient demeanor, unlike his writer friend who was eager to find the fish. The retired President was also in terested in the birds and animals that lived in and around the Lake, which was evident as the trio observed an eagle land ing on a tall pine tree on Six Mile Island and listened to the cry of a loon. When they stopped at Five Mile Island for lunch Cleveland took time to observe the wild flowers.

34 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

vacy helped President Cleveland to make hon orable decisions, and undoubtedly influenced his expressed preference to be fishing rather than run for a third term as President of the United States. As he enjoyed fishing on that sum mer’s day on Lake Win nipesaukee his wife and children enjoyed sailing around that same scenic body of water.

In discussing other men in public office Mr. Cleveland expressed a high opinion of Senator Hoar, a dutiesloyalministrationlievedfriends,childrenhissympathies,landMr.letterland,Ruth.land’sofhadletterRepublican,MassachusettsrecallingathattheSenatorwrittenatthetimethedeathofClevelittledaughter,Itwas,saidClevethemostbeautifulhehadeverseen.PowerssawCleveasamanofstrongwholovedhome,wasfondofandloyaltohisand“whobeinthehonestadoflawanddevotiontoalltheofcitizenship.”

rick, that what you say is probably true, that if I fail to make the ap pointment demanded by Tammany I am like ly to lose the state of New York, and if I lose New York very likely I shall lose my re-election. The Lord knows that I greatly desire a reelection, which would be an endorsement by the American people of my administration. But the price which you de mand is more than my conscience will allow me to pay. You may go back and say to the Demo cratic committee of New York that, rather than appoint a man whom I know to be absolutely unfitted for an impor tant office, I will go down toHedefeat.”didindeed go down to defeat in the 1888 election, receiving 168 votes to the Harrison’s 233 votes. New York’s 36 electoral votes went to Harrison, costing Cleveland the election.

Francis Folsom Cleveland. The President’s wife whom he married after becoming President

D. Cady Herrick, Democratic Party Committee Chair for New York. He added the initial “D” to his name so it wouldn’t sound like he was being called by a girl’s name (Katie).

understand the na tion’s founding docu ments. Through this program we want to celebrate that the US Constitution is a docu ment by and for the people.”Home to a worldclass collection of 3,000 historic arti facts, the developingumIndependenceAmericanMuseiscommittedtoinclusive

35— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 — CompetitiveWages! FlexibleHours! PaidBreak! FreePizza&Soda! (whileonbreak)

To register for Smith sonian Museum Day and plan your visit, go to museum.org.www.independence

and accessible on-site and digital public and education programs for more than 5,000 visitors annually.

in language, such as the change from list ing the thirteen origi nal states by name to “We the People of the United States.”

into our creating our founding documents,” said Jennifer Carr, Curator and Acting Executive Director at the American Indepen dence Museum. The museum collection in

on the final part of their Five Freedoms Family Saturdays, a civic educational pro gram that explores the five freedoms outlined in the First Amendment with fam ily-friendly activities geared toward younger children.Program Manager Sarah Jaworski notes that, “it’s important that all future citizens, no matter how small,

cludes two early drafts of the US Constitu tion. Visitors are en couraged to compare these two versions, written one month apart, and note the seemingly small yet impactful differences

The American Independence Museum in Exeter is offering free admission to all on Saturday, September 17th.

To further commem orate the day, the mu seum will be putting

MUSEUM from 1

lished a diatribe blast ing medical profession als for not giving him Paxlovid pills after he contracted COVID -even though the experts and authorities he so worships determined he “wasn’t technically eligible” because he was “under 65 without any serious comorbidities.”

BUYWILLI *Art*AntiquesFine* * Jewelry * Silver * Judy

doesn’t mean that the West is on the verge of collapse; China is far more vulnerable than we are. But it does spell a future of chaos and difficulty -- the kind of chaos and dif ficulty only strength, economic and military and moral, can suc cessfully keep at bay.

suffer reinfection after rebound after rebound, with or without Paxlovid as their Despitesavior.there being no benefit to him tak ing Paxlovid, Fleischer fumes that he should be allowed to ignore official public health guidance and pop the pills on demand because, well, because!Stubbornly clinging to Big Pharma Voodoo, this nattering ninny is “hope ful the new omicron booster” will end the pandemic. LOL. Mean time, all of us naturally healthy, fit and fearless citizens who refuse to submit to the endless pills and profiteering in jections that failed him miserably watch in both horror and amusement at the media meltdowns of reclusive basket cas es. Cry harder.

The title of his whineditorial:“Omicron finally got me after two years of being a COVID hermit. Then, doctors made it worse.”Yes,he was a “COVID hermit,” cloistered in his Bay Area home (median sale price: $1.3 million) where he admits he sat around, stuffed his face and gained “fifteen ex tra pounds.” Getting fatter “was worth it to avoid getting sick,” he claimed. So, he holed up in his “cave,” spurned the gym (“no thanks,”

Oh, and I refused -still to this day -- to be a guinea pig for those Big Pharma products that came out of cor rupted COVID-19 vac cine clinical trials. I’ve had COVID once while living life to the fullest, jab-less and maskless, while the vaccine and lockdown haranguers

The subtitle of his gripefest is pure media mega lomania:“BA.5 just wiped me out for 12 days. Why did doctors let me get sick instead of giving me Paxlovid?”Whata weenie. You know what I did when lockdown mania hit? I took responsibility for my health. In the spring of 2020, while govern ment goons shut down

weakness. Econom ic growth is the pre requisite for military power; moral strength is the prerequisite for internal cohesion. The West has decid ed, over the course of years, to abandon its commitment to eco nomic strength, in stead fighting a losing war with the climate and promising end less giveaways from the unfunded welfare state; simultaneously, the West has fallen into the self-doubt of dying ernment”“Homageand“Recessional”ofthesomewheretofascists”labelingagainstpittingcivilizations,itscitizenseachother,them“semi-and“threatsdemocracy.”WeliebetweenmoralcollapseRudyardKipling’s(1897)PhilipLarkin’stoaGov(1969).This

gyms and blocked off playgrounds and parks with crime tape, I took up pickleball (currently competing in tourna ments at 4.0 mixed dou bles), lifted weights in the garage, ate healthy, hiked Colorado trails and mountains, load ed up on vitamins and supplements, and se cured ivermectin (which The Establishment Sci entists are finally ac knowledging provides prophylactic protection “associated with reduc tions in COVID-19 in fection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.”)

he scoffed) and avoided “the office, indoor gath erings and restaurants.”

Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shap iro Show,” and Editorin-Chief of DailyWire. com. He is a threetime New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Au thoritarian Moment: How The Left Weapon ized America’s Institu tions Against Dissent.”

One Item or Entire Estate ~ Cash Paid For: All Antiques: American and Continental furniture, paintings, oriental rugs and bronzes. Historical documents, old books and maps, nautical items, barometers and sextants. Old prints, movie and travel posters. Old photography, cameras and musical instruments. Gold and Silver U.S. and foreign coins Civil war and all military items, guns, swords, medals and old flags. Old advertising, wooden and metal signs, vintage whiskey and wine, old weathervanes, old pottery, old jugs, crocks and textiles, lamps and lighting, glass and china. Old toys, banks, trains, sports memorabilia and comic books. Over 40 years experience in the antique business. Chinese and Asian arts, jade, ceramics, oriental textiles, furniture and art. Classic car s and motorcycles, gas pumps, oil cans and signs 25 year s and olde r. All estate and contemporary jewelry, diamond rings, brooches, Patek, Rolex, all watches and charm bracelets. All Fine Gold and Silver Jewelry Sterling silver flatware, tea services, trays and all silver and gold. Certified by Gem School of America Member: New Hampshire Antique Dealers Assn. 1811496603 934603 5545 jlake@metrocast.net

36 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —


That’s right. He chose to avoid fresh air, exer cise and sunlight -- ef fective natural immune boosters, according to a raft of peer-reviewed studies. You know: Sci ence. Instead, he got vaxxed and boosted, masked up and hun kered down, and still ended up with COVID after flying out to the East Coast this sum mer. Whose fault is it?

MALKIN from 6 SHAPIRO from 6

And President Joe Biden killed pipelines, stopped a long-planned sale of offshore oil rights, and imposed a


Syria’s brutal con flict between the Assad family dictatorship and a gaggle of mili tant opposition forc es and militias has continued for over a decade. More than 500,000 have died, the country has suf fered massive destruc tion of many key cities and towns, and the numbers of Syrians displaced within their own country stands at 7 million. Moreover, more than 5.6 million Syrian refugees have fled largely to Turkey, Jordan and Germany.

did not collapse,” he re plies. “What made the difference in Sri Lanka was its fertilizer ban.”

Marc B. Drouin, V.F., Pastor

Mass Schedule at Sacred Heart Church

moratorium on new oil and gas leases on public lands.

Political solutions for crises like Syria re main elusive since the UN Security Council deadlocked in classic cold war showdown; Russia and China will simply not support diplomatic efforts to stop the fighting.

John J. Metzler is a United Nations corre spondent covering dip lomatic and defense is sues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Sep arated Nations; Ger many, Korea, China.

UN Secretary Antonio Guterres visited the South Asian country to assess the damage where a third of the landmass in under water and is facing food and shelter prob lems for 33 million families.Theworld faces war, humanitarian disas ters and ill econom ic headwinds. Sadly there’s a chance that crisis overload and po litical squabbling will sidetrack any serious and meaningful solu tions.

John Stossel is cre ator of Stossel TV and author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndi cate writers and car toonists, visit www. creators.com.

Saturdays: 4pm; Sundays: 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30am

land and Germany. But beyond refugees there are credible re ports of Deportations. So called Filtration Camps, a banal phrase representing a noxious system of controver sial processing centers for Ukrainian civilians within their own coun try using systemic de tention, “procession” and forced deporta tions into the depths of Russia. Reports of up to two million Ukrainians includ ing large numbers of children have gone through this process.

We are right to worry about chemical fertil izer. Not only is the nitrous oxide it emits a greenhouse gas, but when nitrogen runs off into waterways, it can kill fish.

37— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 — St. 291603-524-960930ChurchJosephChurchSt.Laconia,NHSacredHeartChurchUnionAveLaconia,NH603-524-9609VeryReverend

St. André Bessette Parish

“We know you can significantly reduce pollution while produc ing the same amount of food,” Shellenberger points out. In the Neth erlands, “They reduced fertilizer pollution by 70%.”But that still wasn’t enough for environ mental zealots in the Dutch government. They want to force farmers to cut nitrogen emissions by another half, even though they admit that will force 11,000 farms to shut down.“(This green extrem ism) is out of control,” says Shellenberger. “You would think that Sri Lanka would be a wake-up call. But we haven’t seen any slow down.”Fortunately, most countries don’t yet embrace the zealot’s most destructive ideas, like banning synthetic fertilizer or the Green New Deal’s demand for 100% renewable en ergy.But many countries closed nuclear plants.

STOSSEL from 7METZLER from 7

“Absolutely. We should be concerned,” says Shellenberger. “But that’s best dealt with through a gradual process of farmers get ting better at applying theFarmersfertilizer.”are already doing that. Fertilizer is expensive, so farmers have an incentive not to waste it.

All Masses Livestreamed at standrebessette.org

Sacred Heart Church is open daily for private prayer

This is a war on af fordable energy.

Daily Masses: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8am, Tuesday: 5:00pm

Somalia faces fam ine with a humanitar ian crisis brought on by the worst drought in forty years. Over 8 million people, almost half the population are nowFromaffected.drought to flooding, Pakistan has sustained heavy Mon soon rains since midJune inundating large parts of the country.


Recurring droughts and famines have sad ly been a hallmark of Sub-Saharan Af rica. Countries such as Mali, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Somalia have endured this nat ural scourge for gen erations. Mali faces famine and an Islamic insurgency. Famine stalks Ethiopia too but that country’s Govern ment is fighting an ethnic conflict in the northern Tigre region.

One sign of hope is the UN’s foodstuffslionhaveonebegrainportsblockadedallowsGrainconcludedsuccessfullyBlackSeaInitiativewhichforreopeningUkrainiansothatfood,andwheatmayshipped.Morethanhundredshipscarried2.3milmetrictonsofthusfar.

“We’re in the worst energy crisis in 50 years,” says Shellen berger. “Yet govern ments are trying to make energy more scarce and expensive. It’s totally insane. There’s no other word forTheit.” pursuit of a chemical-free world is insane. Modern tech nologies like synthetic fertilizer make peo ple’s lives better. They especially make poor people’s lives better. Banning them brings disaster.Thehardcore envi ronmental left got its way in Sri Lanka. Let’s hope they don’t de stroy more countries.


B.C. by Parker & Hart

Super Crossword

38 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —


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NH. NASA indemonstrateastronautspushupszerogravityAlan Doyon,

Runners Up : The “hover ball” allows anyone to be suspended on air in short bursts! - Jean


-David Barth, Laconia, NH

Magic MazeSudoku


The critics were wrong again; they said the Peter Pan football league would never get off the ground.

39— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 15, 2022 —

Caption Contest Cram, Pittsfield, Meredith, NH.

The Winklman Aeffect

Dancers practice their choreography for the new Broadway Musical about Tom Brady.-Robert Ferlito, Lynbroook, NY.sx

by John Whitlock

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