10/27/2022 Weirs Times

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Latest study shows a sharp decLine in Many Bird species

“Five O’Clock

Shadow” In Wolfeboro

Wolfeboro Friends Of Music presents the acclaimed Boston based a capella group Five O’Clock Shadow. The concert takes place at The First Congregational Church of Wolfeboro at 7:30pm on Satur day October 29th.

What began as a simple a cap pella group morphed into a vocal powerhouse unlike anything the world had heard or seen before. The vocalists of Five O’Clock Shad ow produce rock solid leads and harmonies, while exploring in strumental mimicry and creating unique textures that excite, enter tain, and inspire audiences of all ages.

Five O’Clock Shadow effectively blurs the lines between traditional a cappella singing and today’s mainstream audio.

Tickets are available for $30 at the door; at Black’s Paper Store and Avery Insurance in Wolfeboro; by calling 603-569-2151; or by visiting the website www.friendsof music.org.

High school students with ID will be admitted free of charge. A child accompanied by an adult ticket purchaser will be admitted free of charge

It may not have been met with as much fanfare as the landmark 2019 study, but the 2022 State of the Birds report sounds a similar alarm about steep declines in many bird species and the habitats upon which

they depend.

The 2022 report was released earlier this month, and I’ll get into some of the highlights and lowlights in a bit, but first I’ll recap the major findings of the 2019 study published in Science, which garnered a tre mendous amount of publicity and


The 2019 study showed that the U.S. and Canada have lost nearly 3 billion breeding birds – a loss of one in four birds – since 1970. Scientists called the losses “staggering” at the time. The losses were most steep among com


Grassland birds, such as the bobolink, are in serious decline, according to the 2022 State of the Birds report.
on 32

Curious About ‘Citizens’

To The Editor:

Before the primary election, full page ads were in the media from “Citizens For Belknap”, instruct ing residents to vote for specific NH House of Representative Re publicans. Candidates were in 3 categories- conservatives became automatic “radicals”, getting X’s by their names. Republicans with more liberal values got a check, and some were just ignored.

“Citizens” representatives cam paigned outside polling places, some donning purple aprons to convince people that they are Nonpartisan and Responsible, handing out cheat sheets for “correct” voter choices. One Mer edith Democrat was upset be cause she had to vote Democrat. I didn’t get it, saying, “but you are a Democrat.” Unbeknownst to me, Democrats were encouraged to switch to Independent so they could vote the Republican ballot and influence the outcome. Ap proximately, 400 undeclared took Meredith Republican ballots.

Curious about these “Citizens”, I began asking for names, meet ing times, and what criteria was used for endorsements. Silence, until Prudy Veysey (Gilmanton) proudly explained in the Sun (10/6/22), the “deep dive” stalk ing techniques used, and gave assurance that we can trust her and the anonymous committee to know best. The FBI & CIA have nothing over this group. Imagine their excitement after bestowing blessings onto nearly all of the far left candidates in their new guide!

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Written on

the “Citizens” website, “Despite our efforts, some extreme can didates survived the Primary. We must again count on you to make sure those extremists are not elected...” And, reminiscent of Hitler, “We are committed to helping our citizens rid Belknap County of this invasive species...” Uh Oh!

Do these people, whoever they are, speak for you? Represent ing transparency, family, and common sense, I’m voting for Meredith Republicans Lisa Smart and writing in Primary candidate Jeanne Tofts on Nov. 8, as my two NH Representatives.

Re-elect Sen. Gray

To The Editor:

It if wasn’t so serious it would almost be funny. Ruth Larson, who has compared Jan. 6th to 9/11 and is often referred to as the Hanoi Jane of the Lakes Region, is running for State Sen ate. Her main agenda includes: she is against religious schools, supports abortion, supports Black Lives Matter, and supports the Green New Deal which will devastate the lives of many New Hampshire citizens this winter with rising fuel and electric costs.

Larson is part of the Tri-Town Democrats, the same group of left-wing loonies who embarrass the citizens of our town of Alton by standing at the traffic circle every weekend waving signs with evil insane slogans trying to convince people that our town is populated by fools like them.

Our StOry

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication.

Locally owned for 30 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people

A few years back she got angry with me for pointing out that one of her supporters proudly had her campaign sign next to a Black Lives Matter sign in his yard. It showed that Ruth and her supporters back a Marxist communist organization (BLM). She actually spent money in the Laconia Daily Sun on an ad against me which only proved me right. She and her husband Hunter Taylor often contribute money for left wing ads in that paper.

The Democrats in Washington are destroying our country. The people of Belknap County should not send Ruth Larson to Concord to help destroy our state the way the left destroyed her home state of New Jersey.

Re-elect Senator James Gray on November 8th.

Virtue Signals Won’t Keep You Warm

To The Editor:

America is making a politically forced hard pivot to green energy. Is the rest of the world following? Monday China announced it plans to use more coal for years to come. Plus, they plan to drill for more oil and gas. They are not following the leader… at least not Joe Biden.

The Chinese National Energy Administration (NEA) said China will continue to boost coal pro duction through 2025, at least. This is necessary to avoid rep etition of the power shortages

and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff.

Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 24,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 60,000 people reading this newspaper.

To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463

2 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 — ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.
35 M r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ Taxi 267-7134 or 527-8001 Serving Laconia Daily OPEN AT 5AM DAILY M r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ Taxi 267-7134 or 527-8001 Serving Laconia Daily OPEN AT 5AM DAILY New Limited Editions by Peter Ferber “Passers By” “Farm Island Shadows” “Sand To Sunset” NOW AVAILABLE GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS! DOWNTOWN WOLFEBORO • OPEN TUES SAT 9:30 5

on the


Profile Falls, Smith River in Bristol. Charlie admires the loud cascading water near the big pool at its base. Franklin.org has a nice walking trail map that includes Profile Falls, item 10. We looked but we didn’t see a Profile. Does anyone know why it is called Profile Falls?

Visiting waterfalls in the Fall is a fun thing to do, especially after it has rained for a couple days. The brilliant fall color of the leaves that are still left on the trees frame the cascading water so pretty. Profile Falls in Bristol is just a short walk and is well worth a visit.

Profile Falls is locat ed on the Smith River not far from where it

meets the Pemigewas set River and the land is part of the Franklin Falls Dam flood con trol property managed by the US Army Corp of Engineers.

I don’t recall a sign just for Profile Falls on Route 3A but there is a small brown recreation sign showing symbols for fishing,wildlife viewing, picnicking and hiking. The ac cess to the Falls is from Profile Falls Road, about two miles south of route 104 in

Bristol. When driving south from the Center of Bristol on route 3A, Profile Falls is a left hand turn just after crossing the bridge over the Smith River. (Profile Falls Road is about 10 miles north from Route 11).

We weren’t quite sure where we should park since there was no sign alerting us of a parking area but we noticed plenty of No Parking signs immedi ately on our right. We

3— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
profiLe faLLs
in BristoL
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American Independence Museum To Host Lunch & Learn

On Thursday, November 10 at 12 noon, the American Independence Museum in Exeter will host Lunch & Learn: NH War Monuments, its first such program since the onset of the pandemic.

Exploring the “heartbreaking history and backstories” of some of the statues and plaques that dot New Hampshire’s cities and landscapes, New Hampshire War Monuments: The Stories Behind the Stones was published in August 2022.

Stories in the book range from a heart broken Danish sculptor who gives a gift to the town where his late wife enjoyed summers to the way a daughter pays trib ute to her father, killed in the Civil War. “The book explores the stories behind New Hampshire’s war monuments, memorials, and other tributes to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice,” said Jaworski. “These are literally the stories behind the stones.”

Lunch & Learn: NH War Monuments takes place, Noon-1pm at the American Independence Museum’s Folsom Tavern, 164 Water St., Exeter. Attendance is free, and people are encouraged to bring a bagged lunch. Signed copies of Signed copies New Hampshire War Monuments: The Stories Behind the Stones will be available for purchase.

Home to a world-class collection of 3,000 historic artifacts, the museum is cur rently developing a variety of public and education programs in digital formats to encourage digital inclusion for all ages. To learn more about Lunch & Learn: NH War Monuments, visit independencemuseum.org.

Aquatic Group Class In Plymouth

Mid-State Health Center in Plymouth is pleased to an nounce that aquatic group classes are returning.

Jump into aqua classes and build cardiovascular fitness, strength, and mobility! Just like swimming, aquatic group classes are easy on your joints, and because of the low-impact format, these classes are suit able for every fitness level.

Mid-State will be offering two different types of classes:

1. H20 CARDIO Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - 7am to 8am; Fun, cardio-packed aquatic exercise that will get your heart pumping and blood flowing. Using water to help improve cardiovascular fitness.

Appropriate for all levels.

2. AQUA FLOW Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - 8am to 9am; A low-intensity class to help improve mobility and flexibility. Appropriate for all levels.

All group classes are offered as 6-week sessions, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in their Plymouth Physical Therapy office located at 101 Boulder Point Drive, Suite 3. For just $200, you get a 6-week package of 18 classes!

Their first session starts on October 31. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited! To register, visit midstatehealth.org, or call 603-536-5533.


At The Franklin Opera House

Franklin Footlight Theatre proudly presents “Monstersongs” at the Franklin Opera House. This Multi-media musical puts audiences in a synthesized world of graphic novels, rock mu sicals, live performance, and new technology. Following the journey of a child who opens a portal into the psyches of often misunderstood creatures, Monstersongs flips the switch on the monster narrative, inviting audiences to explore the humanity that binds us all.

‘Monstersongs’ is a unique theatrical event that “roars with originality … a chillingly inventive musical experience.”


Written by Rob Rokicki, the composer of the critically acclaimed Drama Desk and Lortel Nominated, The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical (book Joe Tracz), and developed in conjunction with award-winning illustrator David O’Neill, Monstersongs works well as fully immersive experience. The show has a beautiful graphic novel and projections (available to license) of the artwork to enhance the audience’s experience.

The show runs from October 27 through October 30. Tickets are $14 and $16. For tickets and more information visit www.FOHNH.org.

Make Your Own Double Helix Beaded Bracelet In Meredith

Join jeweler Deb Fairchild at the Meredith Fine Craft Gallery on Sun day, October 30th, from 12:30pm to 3:30pm for a Double Helix Beaded Bracelet workshop.

Learn how to turn a pile of beads into a stunning bracelet! This bracelet fea tures two spiraling motifs that chase each other around a central core. This variation of the beaded spiral rope creates a lush, flexible, and extremely strong bracelet. Once you know how it is stitched together, you’ll agree that nothing is easier! Choose your ma terials (provided by the instructor) to create a piece of jewelry to wear any day or to complete a look for a special occasion. This project is suitable for beginners as well as experienced beaders!

If you typically use magnifiers for close work, please bring them to the class.

Tuition is $55 per student with an additional materials fee of $20 to the instructor at the time of the class.

Space is limited and preregistration is required.

4 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —

F OOL in Live Free or Die.


no rest for the weary

entral Baptist hurch

Tom Brady is forty-five. Last week he was asked how long he might play football for and he said there was no retirement in his future and people are talking about it like it’s a big deal.

“How much more can his body take?” they ask.

I can only wish for forty-five again.

Here I am at sixty-six, still writing a weekly column and, as far as I can tell, there’s no retirement in my immediate future either. (Though I haven’t checked my Powerball tickets yet.)

Sure, my body could use the break, but I just keep at it and no one is questioning how much I can take I have no choice.

Sure, there’s been the occa sional column rerun, but that takes some editing effort and I still have to just show up and do the work. If Brady gets hurt for a week, at least he has a backup with some level of skill to take his place.

I don’t have such luxuries.

Brady works maybe six months a year and maybe nineteen or twenty actual games for maybe an hour and a half each day - and that’s if his team makes the playoffs. The rest of the time he’s throwing a football around, stretching his legs, drinking smoothies, sign ing contracts, making com mercials, talking to the media and lounging around his multimillion dollar homes. Heck, he even has a personal chef.

I’m usually at work five or six days a week, seven or eight hours a day, just about year round. The rest of the time I’m still usually throwing ideas around, stretching my aching

back, drinking a few beers, signing my name to mortgage payment checks, talking to the cat and lounging around my multi-thousand dollar home.

It’s true I don’t have to deal with three-hundred pound de fensive linemen anxious to pick me up and throw me to the ground every Sunday, but I do have to deal with the occasion al email from disgruntled read ers as well as so-called English professors who like to scold me if I use improper punctuation or the wrong nonfinite verb form (whatever that is). In all fairness, I do let those phone calls go to voice mail, some thing Brady can only dream of with defensive linemen.

Over his career Brady has proved himself good enough to lead his teams to a bunch of great seasons. In the process he earns a couple of bye weeks off during those good years to get in some extra rest.

Here in the world of colum nists we don’t have such rules. Even if I were to win the award as outstanding New Hampshire newspaper columnist (and goodness knows I’ve written enough anonymous letters) I would still have to get up the next day and come to work. Readers don’t expect you to be rewarded for your accomplish ments, they just want to open the Weirs Times the next week and see another new brilliant column like this one. Anything less and what I did the week before won’t matter.

You are a demanding crowd.

There is very little time off in the world of cutthroat column writing. At sixty-six, I know there are more than a few young and hungry kids with keyboards and backpacks full of ideas out there who are just waiting for me to slip (maybe using one too many nonfinite verb forms) and to step in and take over this weekly slot.

Believe me, I can feel them breathing down my neck and

it does add extra pressure to produce.

Brady claims he wants to continue on past forty-five, maybe even a few more years. I know how he feels. But even tually time will take its toll, no matter how many bye weeks he gets.

I guess I just envy Brady get ting the off season to reboot, to give his aching muscles and bruises time to heal a bit be fore going out there again for another hour and a half a week for six months. I just wish I could have that luxury. No one cares if my carpal tunnel is acting up, you readers want something this week and every week no matter the cost to me.

It doesn’t matter what kind of week I’ve had, I have to gather my wits, study the formation of nouns and verbs, figure out ahead of time how to avoid the pitfalls of the run-on sentence and, most importantly, try not to fall back on the same plays as to expose my hand ahead of time.

If Brady were to win another Super Bowl this year, would it be enough for him to hang up his spikes for good, or will he keep trying for more? Who knows?

I often ask myself if winning Best New Hampshire colum nist would be enough to have me hang up my laptop forever or would it just make me want to shoot for the whole North east.

I just won’t know until I get there.

In the meantime, I have some more letters to write.

Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles”,“Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and “I Only Did It For The Socks Sto ries & Thoughts On Aging” All are available at BrendanTSmith.com.

Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging”

Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscrip tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

Thoughts On Aging”

Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any

tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247

Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs

5— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
brendan@weirs.com brendan@weirs.com A *A
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fists of furry

deMocracy isn’t in periL - so Long as aMericans taLk to each other

American democracy, we have been told, is in grave peril.

Don’t believe the pervert media. Re uters, NBC News, entertainer John Oli ver and Denver 9News zealot Kyle Clark all want you to believe that parents nationwide are simply imagining an in festation of “furries” (children dressing up and identifying as animals) in their public schools. The gaslighting campaign is so toxically incandescent that you can see the glow from a SpaceX rocket. Let me assure you: You are not crazy. They are.

First, let’s review the headlines over the past week.

Here’s Reuters on Oct. 18:

“Fact Check -- No evidence of schools accommodating ‘furries’ with litter boxes.”

Here’s NBC News on Oct. 14 in a piece by whopping fourreporter “misinformation” police squad: “How an urban myth about litter boxes in schools became a GOP talking point.”

Over the weekend, comedian John Oliver dismissed the parental sound and fury over furries as “humiliating non sense” and mocked conservative state legislators as “heart breakingly stupid” for amplifying constituents’ concerns.

Denver 9News conservative-bashing zealot Kyle Clark two weeks ago purported to debunk the furry frenzy by simply regurgitating several Colorado school districts’ blanket denials, including Jefferson County, which told the news station: “There is absolutely no truth to this claim. There are no litter boxes in our buildings and students are not allowed to come to school in costume.”

That deceitful stock answer was authored by commu nications executive director Kimberly Enloe; shared with district leaders for “awareness and alignment” (translation: marching orders and echo chamber formation); and sent to multiple news outlets inquiring about the anthropomor phic animal contagion. 9News executive producer Nathan Higgins revealed his intentions to neuter the controversy when he accused parents of spreading a “conspiracy the ory” in his inquiry to the Jeffco schools’ PR team seeking any “substantiated or specific instances or claims of furries in schools.”

Here is the whole truth, which the pervert media labels “misinformation” because truly informed nuclear families threaten The Great Parental

on 37

It’s a perspective we hear echoed dozens of times per day in the mainstream media: If this next election doesn’t go precisely how our hallowed elitists de sire, surely tyranny will follow. As one of those sagacious experts, MSNBC’s Joy Reid, recently put it on Twitter, “It’s terrifying how many Americans will choose literal fascism, female serfdom, climate collapse and the reversal of everything from Social Security & Medicare to student loan re lief bc they think giving Republicans the power to investigate Hunter Biden will bring down gas prices.”

poll, just 20% of voters say they’ve had a disagreement with family or friends over politics that hurt their relationship; just 14% say that someone’s political views “tell you a lot about whether someone is a good person”; just 30% say that presidents should violate the laws to pursue “what they think is best.”

Polls show that this message has filtered down to many Americans, mostly Demo crats. According to the latest New York Times/Sienna poll, fully 11% of Demo crats say “the state of our democracy” is the most important problem facing the country, compared with 17% who cite the economy and another 17% who cite infla tion; 9% of independents feel the same way. More shocking, just 46% of Ameri cans say that “America’s political system can still address the nation’s problems,” compared with 48% who say that the na tion is “too divided politically to solve its problems.” And fully 74% of likely voters say American democracy is currently un der threat.

All of which imply we should be pretty damned worried about the state of the republic.

And yet when we drill down, we see broad agreement among Americans that their neighbors aren’t their enemies; that our institutions are worth upholding; that the only remedy for our current political ills is to continue to work within the con stitutional system. According to that same

Just 14% of likely voters say we will need to “go outside the law” to fix our democ racy -- 16% of Democrats, 15% of indepen dents and 9% of Republicans. Even among those who say we must “go outside the law,” just 12% say Americans should take up arms or participate in violence -- mean ing just 1.7% of likely voters advocate civil war. Meanwhile, 84% of likely voters say we can fix our democracy without destroy ing the system.

As for the media’s favorite Trumpian conspiracy theory, QAnon, just 5% of likely voters call the theory believable.

So, why precisely are so many Ameri cans worried about the state of democ racy? They’re worried that their political opponents will threaten the institutions they cherish. Forty-seven percent of voters declare former President Donald Trump a “major threat to democracy,” and 39% declare President Joe Biden to be the same. But shockingly, the institution they blame most for threatening democracy is the mainstream media, with 59% of likely voters, including 54% of independents, calling the mainstream media a “major threat to democracy.”

Perhaps that’s the biggest takeaway from all this data: that Americans don’t hate each other, but they’re being polar ized by a media determined to divide them from one another, whipping up madness where mere concern would suffice. And what’s more, Americans can feel it.

All of which means that sanity may reign once again, so long as Americans recon nect with each other rather than believing everything they see on the news.

6 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —

Netflix is pay ing Barack and Michelle Obama millions of dollars to produce shows for them.

The latest Obama documen tary series is “The G Word.” “G” for government.

As Netflix documentaries go, this one is remarkably stupid. It’s biggovernment propaganda.

Obama begins by claiming that he does his own income taxes, say ing, “It’s actually easy.”

I think he’s joking, but it’s not


oBaMa propaganda

“I’m amazing at them,” Obama continues hours later. “You can be, too, if you use the helpful tools found at IRS.gov.”

But that’s just silly. It’s so com plex that millions of us pay to get help.

Obama’s series is hosted by silly comedian Adam Conover. Conover, correctly, calls himself “an idiot.”

He uses his time with the former president of the United States to make lame jokes and, at one point, to make sandwiches. He compli ments Obama on how well he cuts the bread. It’s not funny.

The series occasionally covers

some serious issues -- meat inspec tion, for example. But instead of honest reporting, actors do a skit suggesting that, without govern ment, meat companies would sell us dead poisoned rats.

“Food regulation was unbe lievably successful,” concludes Conover.

But food is largely safe today mostly because slaughterhouses cleaned themselves up way beyond what government requires. Compa nies don’t want bad reputations.

One company executive showed me how they voluntarily do extra things like treat beef carcasses “with rinses and a 185-degree

crowning china’s eMperor Xi

steam vacuum.” Also, “equipment is routinely taken completely apart to be swab-tested.”

By contrast, for 90 years, the U.S. Agriculture Department in spected meat with a crude process called “poke and sniff.” Inspectors stuck spikes into carcasses and smelled them. They kept using the same spikes, so they sometimes spread disease. The government only stopped poke and sniff in the 1990s.

A few times, Obama’s series admits that government agencies mess things up. Conover mocks FEMA, “not a name you normally

In the grand po litical choreogra phy that defines China, the recent ly concluded 20th Chinese Commu nist Party Con gress in Beijing presented a spec tacular show but with a very pre dictable conclusion. Set in Beijing’s huge Great Hall of the People, the trappings, the ritual and the rites of the People’s Republic unfolded to the backdrop of massive crimson and gold banners and thunderous mar tial music, Xi Jinping was given an unprecedented third term as leader and thus seamlessly was trans formed into China’s new Emperor. Not since the days of the late dic

tator Mao Tse-tung has any single communist ruler amassed so much personal power. Xi remains Chief of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the President and Chief of State of the People’s Republic, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission controlling the armed forces. But it’s also the ideological vibe of the new era.

In short, the Supreme Leader Xi controls the world’s largest and most lethal dictatorship.

Let’s briefly discuss the transition.

At the Great Hall of the People, just off Tiananmen Square, the CCP staged its week long Congress with 2,300 delegates. Two hundred were picked to join the Central Com mittee, and 25 were chosen to the powerful party Politburo. The elite seven member Standing Committee

was then selected.

Not surprisingly Chairman Xi shuffled the political house of cards; long serving Premier Li Keqiang was out. Xi’s predecessor Hu Jintao, was humiliatingly ushered out of the lineup, literally from his seat next to Xi.

The Chairman is playing by Old School Maoist rules. During Xi’s decade in power, China has seen a tightening of social and political controls. Economically, the PRC largely still allowed the successful state capitalism model mixed with the old Iron Rice Bowl socialist domi nated by heavy and heavily polluting industries. Now however “Xi Jinping thought” is the mantra of Chinese socialism, a high octane nationalist philosophy which remains skeptical of private business and industry.

Alarmingly People’s China is drift ing from its authoritarian system and tracking towards an totalitar ian state as during Mao’s era. But contrary to the 1960’s and 1970’s, modern China has experienced so cial and economic changes unimagi nable decades ago. Yet rigid CCP political control exists in tandem with what is largely an authoritar ian regime.

Now let’s view the international picture. Xi’s China has had close political links with regimes ranging from North Korea to Burma. More significantly Beijing has close ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran and naturally Russia. China’s dip lomatic support in the UN Security Council extends to both rogue re gimes as well as developing states in

7— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
on 34 See
on 37

—GUEST EDITORIAL— stop distorting the truth

Senator Maggie Has san and President Joe Biden please stop dis torting the truth to the American people and particularly to our New Hampshire voters.

I, like many in New Hampshire, am tired of receiving in the mail or seeing the constant political ads by Maggie Hassan that are just misleading, or worse distorting or factually wrong.

We all know Maggie Hassan has supported Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer 96% of the time; in doing so Mag gie has helped fuel the highest inflation in the past 40 years on the backs of New Hamp shire’s hard working men and women.

In a recent “Fox News” survey, voters were asked what they were most concerned

about and 89% said the #1 issue was “In flation/Higher Prices,” and energy (Gas and Diesel) is one that ranks at the top when it comes to inflation. Maggie must think New Hampshire voters have a very short memory or are just stupid as it was Maggie Hassan when she was NH Governor who pushed for and signed into law a 23% increase in the NH Gas and Diesel Tax.

I remember two week before the Nov. 2020 election when Joe Biden was elected, the gas and diesel price was as follows in Leba non, NH (see photo). Prices were, Gas $1.91 and Diesel was $2.38 per gallon, which has more than doubled under Biden, Hassan and other Democrats. We all remember when Biden on day one can celled the Keystone Pipeline from Canada, which killed thousands of high paying jobs and stopped construction on the Pipeline. Had it been completed, just under a million gal

lons of crude oil would be flowing into the US refineries. But instead of opening up and pro ducing more of our own oil and gas in the US and becoming Energy Independent again, as we were under the last administration, Maggie Hassan is “Pressing Joe Biden to release more of our oil reserves” to lower the high gas and diesel prices before the Nov. 8, 2022 general elections. (Breaking News, Joe Biden just announced he will re lease another 15 Mil lion Barrels of Oil, 21 days before Nov. 8th Election Day). Maggie and Joe Biden are put ting this Nation at great risk by depleting our National Oil Reserve, which is supposed to be used only for extreme disasters and War; be cause of their actions the US Strategic Oil Reserves is at an all time low.

In less than two years into the Biden Admin istration, Maggie Has san and her Democrat Senators have added $5 Trillion to our Na

tional Debt. As of today each man, women and child’s share is $93,250 towards our National Debt. Because of this out of control spending, inflation continues to go up day after day and it’s about to get a lot worse with winter just around the corner with your heating oil, gas, electricity and grocery bills to name a few. It’s been recently reported that due to Joe Biden’s and Maggie Hassan’s inflationary spending, the average US House hold cost has gone up by $7200 from last year and continuing to go up daily.

When you go to VOTE on Nov. 8, 2022, I encourage New Hampshire voters, to vote with your “Pocket book”; and retire Sen ator Maggie Hassan by voting Republican. Protect your Pocket book by Voting for Re publican Don Bolduc for New Hampshire US Senator.

Tom Thomson is a Tree Farmer from Or ford, NH.

8 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 — Prior Years Unfiled Returns Our Specialty!!! How self-employed individuals can repay deferred Social Security tax How can low-income families register for monthly Child Tax Credit payments Focus on fraud: Romance and Remarriage in later years Late Filer? No Problem Statutes of Limitation for Tax Collection Protect Your Tax Returns from Past Years Why You Should Always File Returns for Past Years, Even if You Haven’t Filed In Years Time Limits for Refunds and Audits Remedies for Missing Tax Documents Are My Social Security Benefits Taxable? Records You Need to Keep APACHE Tax Preparation ApacheTax@yahoo.com 732-501-2985 Mobile Shrinkwrapping Service ON-SITE OR MOBILE SHRINKWRAPPING, WINTERIZATION & STORAGE PACKAGES AVAILABLE 29 EAST GILFORD EAST DRIVE, GILFORD NH Auto & Marine 603-527-8090

Massage: a tooL for chronic pain

Have you been feel ing muscle aches and pain, maybe even muscle fatigue? Are you experiencing pain on a daily basis? Feel ing like your body is working against you can feel like a weight on your shoul ders when trying to achieve tasks of daily living. What if I told you that you’re not alone. A study con ducted by the National Health Interview Sur vey looked at chronic pain and its impact on adults here in the US. This study showed that women are at an increased rate 21.7% of likelihood of suf fering from chronic pain. While mens like lihood was reported at 19.0%. (1)

Chronic pain is when an individual is feeling pain very fre quently. In most cases this pain is experi enced every few days if not every day. Al though this study did look at age, race, and sex to me the point is clear. Chronic pain does not discriminate, and many individuals across the board are experiencing it one

way or another. To me this is my chance to help others under stand that this is an ongoing issue in the

US. As a massage ther apist I feel it’s my job to help alleviate and edu cate my clients on what they can do to live a life

with lessened pain. Although there are cases in which a per son has a condition that causes chronic pain, I have person ally seen massage help many discover temporary relief in a session. I say tem porary because there is so much more to this than a 60 minute massage treatment. Looking at your daily habits, medical histo ry, and mindfulness

Hearing Loss Leads to Lost Cognitive Function

Austin wants to tell you about a very import ant finding in medical research. Any decline in hearing results in declines in cognitive perfor mance and brain function.

Audiology Specialists provides cognitive screening that can measure some aspects of cognitive performance. This is an in-office, computerized screening. This is not an IQ test or list of questions. It is a simple, automated assessment that takes about ten minutes to complete.

The results of this screening are not affected by hearing loss. The results help your audiologist determine which hearing aid is most appropriate and ensures your hearing solutions are right for you. The screening can be repeated at any time in the future to identify changes in cognitive performance.

Please call for more information or to schedule an appointment at 603-528-7700.

9— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
(603) 279-6325 | drfagan@faganchiro.com 186 Daniel Webster Hwy • Suite 1 • Meredith, NH MOVE BETTER • FEEL BETTER FAGAN C H I RO PRACTIC DR. THOMAS A. FAGAN, DC See GILPATRIC on 12

to your good heaLth

advice? Can the veins twist and cause block age? Can they cause a blood clot? I can’t really get any info on it. -- J.F.

gestion syndrome.


I’m a 71-year-old fe male with no chil dren, but I did have an ectopic pregnancy at age 43. Other than that, I have had no “female” issues. I was getting a CT scan for my spleen area, when it was discovered that I had enlarged pelvic veins in my groin.

I don’t have pelvic pain, nor do I have pain with sex. So, the only symptoms I do have, which may or may not be related, are bloating and some constipation.

I have seen a vas cular surgeon and a urogynocologist to ask about this con dition and if I need “treatment” for it.

Both were rather vague, saying if I’m not experiencing pain, I should just get it imaged every year. Is that sound

ANSWER: Although advanced imaging like CT and MRI scans have led physicians to be able to make more precise diagno ses than before, there is an issue of what to do with “inciden tal” findings. Many people have written to me about small tu mors (which are far more common than we thought), but en larged pelvic veins are another example of an incidental finding.

Some women do have a condition called “pelvic conges tion syndrome,” which is a cause of pelvic pain that is worsened by prolonged stand ing or sexual activ ity. This condition is found in women in the reproductive age group, especially those who have had multiple children, but is not found in meno pausal women. Since you aren’t in the age group and don’t have symptoms, you clearly don’t have pelvic con

Dilated veins in the legs are simply called varicose veins, and they are often due to loss in function of the valves in our legs as we age. Pelvic vein en largement is the same thing: Veins get bigger as we age.

There are cases of blood clots in the pel vic veins, but it is not clear whether a per son like you is at in creased risk. I don’t see the need to repeat the imaging studies.

DEAR DR. ROACH: Why do multivitamins invariably provide some ingredients with more than 100% -and some with less than 100% -- of the daily requirement? Why aren’t all ingre dients 100%? -- D.H.

ANSWER: 100% of the recommended di etary allowance (RDA) is intended to pro vide the nutrient re quirements for about 98% of the popula tion. Most people will get what they need from food. Many North Americans feel that more vitamins are bet ter or decide to take a vitamin pill as an in surance policy against an inadequate diet. Both of these have been reasonable hy potheses, but many studies have been done and have not shown any convinc ing benefit of taking vitamins in absence of a clear medical reason for deficiency.

Vitamin manufac turers put in large amounts mostly for marketing: People are more likely to buy the pill that has 1,000% of B12, for example, since it must be bet ter than the one with 500%. In fact, your body will simply ex crete more B12 if you take more, so the sup plement with 1,000% of a water-soluble vi tamin like B12 is not any better for you.

However, a few nu trients in multivita mins are dangerous at high levels: Vita min A has a high risk of causing birth de fects at high doses, and beta carotene promotes lung can cer growth in smok ers, as two examples. Responsible vitamin manufacturers don’t put in doses of vita mins that will be toxic if taken as directed.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will in corporate them in the column whenever pos sible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@ med.cornell.edu.(c)

2022 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserve d

10 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —

going nowhere fast

actually enjoying this ride.

If it feels as though life is moving faster than ever, that’s because it is. Regardless as to your particular belief system on how we got here, the reality is that hu mans have been evolv ing since the beginning of our time on earth. Of course, this translates to forward movement. It makes sense that we will continue to do that, even if it means that some of the evolving is simply reinventing the proverbial wheel. I just can’t help but wonder how many people are

And let’s be honest; in the grand scheme of things, are we really ac complishing any more than before? You can rake in all the money, scoop up all the busi ness, knock off twenty items on your to-do list; however, if you do all this without regard for others and/or at the ex pense of your own wellbeing, you haven’t really accomplished much as a human being.

In part, we can thank (or blame, depending on your perspective) ad vancements in technol ogy for the speed of life, now and always. This faster pace isn’t new; it’s just new to us and what we had grown ac customed to.

‘Smart technology’ is praised for saving us time. And although it has accomplished that in many ways, it feels as though it has missed the mark in many other ways. And what are we doing with all the time

it is saving us? In many cases, we are just filling it in with more tasks.

Some other uninten tional consequences of this so-called smart technology are that while it tries to do more of the ‘thinking’ for us, not only does it often get it wrong costing us valu able time and increasing our stress, it also leaves us doing less of our own active thinking and de cision making (ahem, GPS). This can’t be good for the future of human ity as it would appear we are going backwards in many ways.

While these advance ments may save time and effort, they are also at least partly respon sible for why so many of us are trying to do so much and why the qual ity of what we are doing is suffering so greatly. We seem to rush from one thing to another, often at the expense of ourselves and each other. (So help me, if I get nailed in the ankle by a grocery cart while

standing in line because the driver is on their phone.) But every time we add tasks on top of other tasks, the quality suffers.

The speed at which we move has great influence on how much stress we feel. And the battle con tinues between quantity and quality. By increas ing the quantity of what we try to accomplish, we are actually reducing the quality of our hard work as we stretch our selves ever so thinner.

We have it backwards. Stress is necessary and functional. It gives us the motivation and fo cus to get something done. Once we complete the task, the stress al leviates, and we can relax. But when the stress never alleviates because everything is seen as high priority, we are forgetting to breathe, forgetting to be kind, forgetting to be present, we will continue to move at the speed of life, often creating more issues in

11— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
Complete exam with x-rays if necessary for only $49 this month! CHIROPRACTIC... BECAUSE THE BODY HEALS ITSELF. Crossroads Chiropractic Now at Three Locations... CrossroadsChiropractic.com MEREDITH: Dr. Graham Moneysmith Rte 104 • 603.677.1444 PEMBROKE: Dr. Stephanie Foisy Ryan Rte 3 • 603-224-4281 EPPING: Dr. David Medina 629 Calef Hwy • 603.679.3222 See GRAY on 12

frantic haste. Ever make a mistake be cause you were moving too fast in your efforts to get the task done? In the end, it doesn’t save time. Quite often, it results in the opposite. And by the way, where

is everyone going in such a hurry?

The next time you’re driving, try dropping your speed by just 5MPH, (maybe more like 10 for you lead-foots) and no tice how you feel. Remind yourself that you’re not going to a fire, then act

as if it’s true, because it is. If you are chroni cally late, try limiting your inner taskmaster to what can be reason ably accomplished in the time you have so you can safely and con scientiously travel about your day at reasonable

speeds (walking, talking, driving, working…).

Just for today, try being present for the things you do. Because the truth is, we are all going to the same place eventually. Be the per son now that you want to be able to see when you look in your prover bial rearview mirror. Try doing one thing at a time and do it well. You just might find that you en joy the ride a little more and get to experience aspects of life that you miss out on by moving through it so fast.

Leslie A. Gray is a Li censed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and operates Gray Matters Counseling & Wellness, PLLC in Laconia NH. Feel free to submit re sponses or requests for subject content to: ask graymatters@gmail.com.

play a large role in those who experience chronic pain.

Before someone says “no pain, no gain”, I’ll stop you there. There is a notion with mas sage that if you’re not jumping off the table in pain, have you real ly even achieved any thing in that session?

To that I say, if you’re in pain, tensing your muscles, and squirm ing about, are we re ally gaining anything from this treatment. Although I do have a passion for deep tis sue massage, I can also appreciate a soft er touch as well. The goal is not to force your muscles to com ply but to let them ease into a state of re laxation and comfort. This is when progress is made, when the body and mind con nect, understanding

what they need to do to work together to better achieve these daily tasks and how to live without always be ing in pain. Every body is unique and strong in its own way, finding a treatment that works best for you may not be instant. I find that with my clients who suffer from chronic pain trying new tech niques, stretches, and pressures can help us both understand what their body truly needs.

Now what to take away from this: 1. That if you suffer from chronic pain, you’re not alone. 2. That the mind and body are connected in an amaz ing way and it’s impor tant to listen to what it has to say. 3. Find ing the right massage therapist and treat ment for you is so im portant, and magical when you do. Now go out there and be kind to your body, do those stretches, schedule that massage, talk with your doctor about how you’re feeling. Ed ucation is powerful, and health is wealth, you owe it to yourself and future self.

Megan Gilpatric is the Lead Massage Therapist at Meredith Whole Living Center.

12 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 — Functional Chiropractic Care of New England, LLC NH CONCUSSION CENTER & NEURO REHAB THERAPY If you’re looking to overcome headache, dizziness, lingering concussion symptoms, you’re in the right place! 20 Homestead Place, Alton • nhconcussioncenter.com • 603-855-2031 Custom Made Mattresses All Types Of Beds: Standard • Antique • Trailer • RV / Camper Better Nights Make Better Days! 85 County Farm Road, Ossipee, NH 603-539-6256 sunsetmattressfactorynh.com SUNSET MATTRESS FACTORY FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1953 our
GRAY from
13— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —

Fenway Park has been my “most traveled to” Major League Baseball destination—which is probably the case for most folks in these parts. But we all have a “second-most traveled to” baseball destination. And for me that would be San Diego’s Petco Park—as opposed to Yankee Stadium, Cam den Yards, or whatever.

The reason for this seeming oddity stems from all the time I spent in southern California with the Marines, first at Camp Pendleton and then at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego—“America’s Finest City.” If you ever fly into San Diego look to your right when you land and you’ll see Ma rines running around MCRD, which borders the airport.

So while I’ll always be a New Englander, San Diego was a second home. And as I’ll always be a sports guy, I took great interest in San Diego’s sports culture.

The city’s had several pro basketball teams, which all left town, to include the Rockets and the Clippers. The city did have the NFL’s Chargers, which also left town, moving up I-5 to L.A.

San Diego has never had an NHL franchise, but the San Diego Gulls did play in the ECHL— the East Coast Hockey

the san diego padres

League. How a city on the west coast ended up with a team in the East Coast Hockey League will forever be one of life’s mysteries.

But while San Di ego may lack an NHL team, it does have great yachting. The San Diego Yacht Club has hosted several America’s Cup competitions.

So take THAT Denver, St. Louis, Detroit and Pittsburgh and every other cold, landlocked major league American metropolis.

Anyway, I’ll freely ad mit that Petco Park is much more comfort able than Fenway. It’s been ranked by some as America’s best base ball venue. There is a playground beyond the center field fence where fans can watch kids frol icking when the action is slow on the field.

The Padre fans, how ever, are definitely more laid back than New England fans. The pas sion just isn’t the same. Some of it has to do with tradition. Born in 1969, the franchise just doesn’t have a lengthy

history like the Red Sox, Yankees, or Cardinals.

Babe Ruth played at Fenway Park but never trod Petco Park’s beauti ful grass.

While stationed in San Diego 15 summers ago I naturally had to go to Petco when Boston came to town. And lo and behold, it was like a home game for the Red Sox. The stands were red and filled with Bos ton expatriates, as Padre season ticket holders made big bucks selling their Boston ducats on eBay—hardly the epito me of team loyalty.

The Padres are in the news (and in this col umn) because they ac tually made the Nation al League Champion ship Series against the Phillies. The trip to the NLCS was the first for the Padres since the last (20th) century and came about following a stir ring 5-3 triumph over the Dodgers at Petco, which rekindled flames for frontrunning fans. L.A. led 3-0 late in the game before a Padre comeback advanced San Diego to within reach of

the World Series.

The Padres do have some all-stars like third baseman Manny Mach ado (32 homers, 102 RBIs). BoSox fans may remember him from the 2018 World Series when he played for the Dodg ers and came across as a punk. But he can play. And pitcher Yu Darvish went 16-8 with a 3.10 ERA.

So it was good to see some sports energy fi nally return to San Di ego—an energy which routinely animates New England, courtesy of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins, and Celtics. And even though San Di ego may never win a World Series, and even though it may not have major league football, basketball, or hockey, “America’s Finest City” will always have the best weather—and the best yachts!

Sports Quiz

Pitcher Johnny Podres went 5-6 for the 1969 Padres, but for what is Podres of the Padres best remembered? (An

14 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
Petco Park, Home Of The San Diego Padres.
Lee’s Mill Rd, Moultonborough, NH 603-476-LOON (5666) • www.Loon.org SEE WEBSITE FOR HOURS The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more! •FreeAdmission•Award-winningvideos,exhibits&trails! See MOFFETT on 37

Letters From God

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.

Letters From God


Why Is Everything Falling Apart?

You are seeing some thing that is unparal leled in your country since its inception. It appears that all hell has been let loose. Cer tain conditions have unleashed a torrent of evil. First, your country, for the most part, has walked away from me. Yes, there are many who have remained faithful to me, but many have forsaken me all together and still others are only nominal in their faith.

Next you have been breeding generations of leaders who themselves are godless and whose values are wicked by my standards that I gave you for life. Finally, you have leaders who are catering to these values and they are enacting policies that open the doors to practice things that were until recently considered, immoral, unlawful and unaccept able to a civilized soci ety.

Do you remember when the Democratic party tried to “Kick God Off Their Platform?” In a September 12, 2009 article in a Baltimore newspaper, The Sun, it was reported that at their convention, “The Democrats initially omitted any reference to God in their platform. In defense, a DNC spokes person explained that some might find God offensive. Oh really! Af

ter much bad publicity about giving God the boot, a vote was taken. Even though the voice vote reflected the major ity wanted God left out, the DNC allowed God back on their conven tion bus, but only as a passenger, not the driver.”

When my people, Is rael, left Egypt they too had been raised in a culture that excluded me, the one true God. However, despite the worship of many so called “god’s, they were in fact godless. With my leadership and that of Moses and Joshua they were delivered from this culture. But, be ing steeped in it, they would, without strong godly leadership, revert back to behavior that was nothing short of perverse.

Despite all my mir acles and blessings, when Moses & Joshua were absent from them for the 40 days, while I met with Moses to give him and Israel my laws, under the weak leadership of Aaron, all hell broke out. They asked him to “come make us gods.” He took their gold and silver and made it “into an idol cast in the shape of a calf.” Then they said, “these are your gods, O Israel, who brought you out of Egypt.” Notice, that on “the next day the people rose early and sacrificed burnt offerings … afterwards they sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in revelry.” (Exodus 32: 1,4, 6). Mo ses, when he saw them, described them as “run ning wild and that Aar on had let them get out of control.” The apostle

Paul would describe it as “pagan revelry.” (1 Corinthians 10:7). God called their behavior sin and it brought severe punishment as a result (Exodus 32:33-35).

The combination of the factors described above has brought about a dramatic and swift ascendancy of de praved behavior which, as expected, is usher ing chaos, and break down of all that once preserved your nation. Every aspect of your national life is being impacted. You have become lawless and re ward criminal and pun ish the victims. The violence is out of con trol and barbaric and threatens your very ex istence. You have sanc tioned sexual behavior I have called abominable.

Your redefining gender and encouraging the youngest of children to change their gender without parents’ con sent and based simply on fickle “feelings,” is criminal. Not to speak of the brazen affront to my design and desires.

You are sexualizing children with the vilest behavior that only a few short years ago would have been considered abuse and would have resulted in prosecution. You have stoked a racial divide that has virtu ally erased the progress made over the past.

You have taken away, by fiat of the current political powers, the freedoms given to all your countrymen and women by your original Constitution.

It is unimaginable that you would allow political leaders and wealthy or powerful elites to cancel your

freedom of free speech. It is unimaginable that those entrusted with protecting this speech with diligent and faith ful examination of is sues facing your coun try, side with those who would cancel your rights.

Open your eyes! Your economy is failing, your lawless policies on im migration have endan gered your country and many are already dy ing from a failure to vet those entering your borders. Your schools are failing. Your repu tation among world na tions is failing. Ever since you have tried to “Kick Me Off Your Plat form” or simply relegate me to be a “passenger” and not the pilot, your departure from me, the source of life, has brought death.

If you are to continue to live and thrive, you must change those con ditions which have led to bad behavior and the need for me to stand against you instead of with you. I am patient but my patience will end. It did for my peo ple, Israel, and it will for you as well.

I write this out of my love and desire to re store you to myself and to my blessings.


These letters are writ ten by a New Hampshire pastor.

15— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
Political Advertisement • Paid For By Dawn Johnson A-1 Firewood www.a-1firewood.com 603-978-5012 Quality Hardwood • Green or Seasoned • Cut, Split & Delivered • Buyer of Standing Hardwood


The Simple Feast

stretch a doLLar MeatLoaf


Grill & Galley

83 Main Street, Alton 603.875.3383

Akerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com 603 - Amber Ale

Shipyard Pumpkin Stoneface - IPA

Baxter - Coastal Haze Great Rhythm - Resonation


At Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212


Henniker - Working Man’s Porter

Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA

Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap


At Funspot

579 Endicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com

Burlington - Barista Deciduous - Simple Union Sloop - West Coast Juice Bomb

Two Roads - Roadsmary’s Baby Shipyard - Smashed Pumpkin Chapel + Main -Welcome / Daydream ...+6 More On Tap


403 Main Street Alton Bay, NH 603-875-1234


Tuckerman - Pale Ale

Sam Adams - Wicked Hazy Stoneface - IPA

Moat Mtn - Czech Pilsner Maine Beer Co - Lunch

Blue Moon - Belgian White ...+2 More On Tap


At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak 69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500 eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham

Mast Landing - Gunner’s Daughter

Muddy Road -Comfortably Numb

Henniker -Sour Flower

10 Bends -Northern Heights Night Shift -Whirlpool ...+30 More On Tap


Porch & Pub 286 S. Main St., Wolfeboro 603.569-3662 Morrisseysfrontporch.com Smithwick’s Guinness Harp

Concord Craft Safe Space Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella Artois ...+11 More On Tap


1253 Upper City Rd., Pittsfield overthemoonfarmstead.com

A Little Fling - Strawberry Rhubarb mead 6.5% IPA 7.8%

Scotch Ale 5.4% Octoberfest 5.7% Chili Lime Ale 4.5% White Knight Wit 5.1% ...+8 More On Tap


18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com

Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice Guinness Clown Shoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale Tuckerman - Pale Ale ...+9 More On Tap


At The Craft Beer Xchange 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach 603.409.9344

FB @craftbeerxchange

Moat Mtn – Miss V’s Blueberry Jack’s Abby – Blood Orange Wheat

Downeast – Cider Donut Cider Able Ebenezer – Burn the Ships Spaten – Oktoberfest

Left Hand – Peanut Butter Milk Stout ...+30 More On Tap

Tap listings subject to change!

The Simple Feast Simple

Much has been writ ten about Meatloaf, that classic dish despised by some, tolerated by many, and adored by the rest of us. Found on nearly every roadside diner and hash house menu from Down East, Maine, to Fairbanks, Alaska, Meatloaf re minds us, no matter how far away we roam, there truly is no place like home. Served with ketchup on the side, Meatloaf is as American as Apple Pie.

The Simple

Typically composed of a combination of fresh ingredients and pieces of what many would say was the last stop for leftovers, scraps, and odd bits destined for the trash can, chicken coop, or compost pile, Meatloaf has certainly gained a foothold in American cuisine. It seems everyone has their own secret fam ily recipe, so I decided to add my two cents, because two cents, par ticularly during this economic downturn, is about all I can spare.

Imagine your good for tune at my finding two pennies in the parking lot of the local “FillR-Up” the other day, affording me the op portunity to write this essay with you in mind.

Meatloaf is, for some, a matter of economy. People actually pride themselves at just how far they can stretch a pound of meat and ‘fillers” while making their coveted creation.

For some, their recipe for meatloaf is noth ing more than words scribbled on a 3x5 card, a list of cryptic ingredients scrawled on a scrap of paper, a grocery list tucked into a recipe box. Others see their Meatloaf recipe as a literary composition, their magnum opus.

And some consider their Meatloaf art on a plate, reflecting a Rem brandtesque quality, while others are more reminiscent of a Pi caso. However, no mat ter how the Meatloaf is viewed, they all have that commonality; a

creative structure born of frugality. An amalga mation of the most un likely ingredients. And, a creation that truly reflects the complex simplicity of American regional cuisine.

I can recall Meat loaf being nearly a staple on the table of our house growing up, usually making its ap pearance about mid to late week. Often made with burger, peppers, onions, bread or com mon crackers, and other scraps, morsels, and tid-bits that es caped the grasp of a hungry brood all week.

Tossing in an egg or two as a binder, if it could be ground it went into the grinder screwed to the kitchen table. Out the other end came a mixture of finely ground meats,

vegetables, crackers or bread ends, and to this was added a hand full of herbs, spices, and seasonings that would rival “the Colonel’s Se cret Recipe,” and per haps water, milk, or ketchup (depending upon moms whimsy).

Once folded together a few times, the mix ture was plopped into a loaf pan and baked off for about an hour at near blast furnace temperatures to ensure anything “funky” from the fridge died in the oven and would be safe for consumption by all who indulged in such a treat.

But Meatloaf has evolved since those days of old. Meatloaf has become quite the star attraction. Throw ing its weight into it, muscling its way on to nearly every fam ily restaurant menu across the country. Why? Simple. It’s cheap, easy, “remem ber when” comfort food and it has a high ROI (return on investment).

Meatloaf (and similar foods) are what these types of places built both their profit margin and reputation for serv ing hot familiar food on. Paired with mashed po tatoes, a brown gravy, and a simple veggie like peas and carrots (all cheap eats); well, that’s a winner of a dinner right there!

You can probably thank the likes of How ard D. Johnson and every “greasy spoon” across this fruited plain for Meatloaf’s popular ity. And, I’m sure that two world wars, a series

16 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
See FEAST on 18

Not So LoNg Ago

Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE the nation’s foreMost narcotic proBLeM - a doctor’s warning in 1937

Sometime before the last quarter of the Twen tieth Century, probably in the 1960s, a medical doctor sent a short pub lication he had written in December of 1937 to the Editor of the Laco nia Citizen with a plea that it be published in that newspaper. His reason:“Please publish it so that today’s Hip pies will not get into the mental institutions or prisons. Truly they know not what they do when they try these drugs even once. A word to the wise youth should be sufficient.”

Dr. Adrian H. Scolten was a medical doctor in the State of Maine who wrote a weekly column for the Church World magazine for thirty years. Dr. Scolten re vealed that, although he had not kept copies of the articles he wrote, other people did, in cluding some nuns and priests, and the wife of a fellow doctor in Maine.

On moving to Maine from St. Louis, Missouri in 1934, Dr. Scolten became good friends

with Dr. B.T. Barker of Yarmouth in that state.

At a Thanksgiving Day dinner at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Barker the latter brought out “a big batch of memorabilia” which she knew Dr. Scolten would be glad to have. Among those items was the article which the doctor was so anxious to share with others so many years later. It was about the dangers of marijuana use.

He stated that he went into the medical field for the purpose of helping

people, and his interest in having young people read this particular ar ticle he had written in the past was an effort to help them avoid ruining their lives by the use of what he considered a dangerous drug. With that long introduction I thought it might be well to take a look back to the thoughts concern ing marijuana fifty or so years ago and allow the reader to compare with today’s thinking and draw ones own opin ions.

In his writings article

Dr. Scolten declared concerning the use of marijuana, “BEYOND ANY DOUBT, IT IS THE NATION’S FOREMOST NARCOTIC PROBLEM.” I use all capital letters because that is what the concerned medical doctor did. The week before he wrote his piece the Attorney Gen erals from seven states met with other law en forcement officials in a gathering in New Jersey to unify their efforts to stamp out the selling of the drug marijuana in America. Dr. Scolten wrote that “‘Reefer’ and ‘googbutts’ cigarettes containing Marijuana have gained a surpris ing popularity especial ly among the younger Americans. High school students are daily being doped by dope peddlers, and experts in methods of undermining the law enforcement of agen

17— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
In 1787 Madagascar’s King Andrianampoinimerina banned cannabis in the Merina kingdom with capital punishment being the penalty for using it. 159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821 NO PRESSURE, NO GIMMICKS, NO KIDDING! See SMITH on 31 MEREDITH, NH 279-7463 • WOLFEBORO 569-3560 NORTH CONWAY, NH 356-7818 • LACONIA, NH 524-1276 20% OFF STOREWIDE THREE DAYS ONLY - FRI - SAT - SUN OCTOBER 28th - 29th -30th STOREWIDE SAVINGS IN ALL LOCATIONS!! FALL SAVINGS EVENT! OUR LARGEST SALE OF THE SEASON! REGULAR PRICES gift cards and other exclusions may apply- VISIT STORE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS MEREDITH, NH 279-7463 • WOLFEBORO 569-3560 NORTH CONWAY, NH 356-7818 • LACONIA, NH 524-1276 Meredith, NH 279-7463 • Wolfeboro, NH 569-3560 North Conway, NH 356-7818 • Laconia, NH 524-1276

of economic crises, and the post war econom ic boom of the Eisen hower Administration (“See the USA, in your Chevrolet” ring a bell?) all played their part in bringing this recogniz able entree into the realm of comfort food status.

But Meatloaf har kens back even further, back to a time when stretching, not dollars, but literally pennies, dimes, and quarters, the “coin of the realm,” was the norm. Back when pay packets were filled with the heavy burden of coin rath er than paper money. Why did granny save all those “Indian Head

Pennies” and “Wheat Cents” in a glass jar? Well, she didn’t do it with the thought that they would be worth much more than a cent some day. And just what was “Egg Money” for? Well, I’d hazard a guess and say the pennies were saved during hard times. In fact “save your pennies and dimes, the dollars will take care of them selves,” was a spin on the saying attributed to Andrew Carnegie re garding minding costs and profits will prosper. And Egg Money was the money granny received from selling her farm fresh eggs. It was her stash, often kept sepa

18 on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! HOME OF 603-409-9344 • 59 Doe Ave, Weirs Beach, NH NEW Craft Beer Destination in The Weirs! MULTI-TIER HILLTOP BIER GARDEN W/ PANORAMIC VIEWS OF THE LAKE 36 Rotating Craft Taps —BEST PIZZA IN THE REGION— TRIVIA! EVERY MONDAY 6:30-9PM. Gift Certificates for top 3 winning teams! 10 PLYMOUTH ST., MEREDITH • 279-8723 Blackboard Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specials OPEN THUR - TUES 6AM-8PM WED 6AM - 2PM INDOOR, OUTDOOR or TAKE-OUT ! JUST GOOD FOOD! OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH & DINNER Connect With Us!603-279-6212 • HartsTurkeyFarm.com THURSDAYSTRIVIA In the Tavern @ 7pm FRIDAYSLIVE MUSIC 5-8 PM Turkey • Steaks • Prime Rib • Seafood The C opper K ettle TAVERN Exit 23 off I-93 • 233 Daniel Webster Hwy • Meredith 69 State Route 11, (just south of the Alton circle) New Durham, NH 603.859-7500 | EatAtJohnsons.com Serving Lunch & Dinner Dine in or Takeout 7 Days A Week JOHNSON’S TAPHOUSE Featuring 36 BEERS on Tap! RESTAURANT | DAIRY BAR | MARKETPLACE | TAPHOUSE 331 SOUTH MAIN ST., LACONIA 603-524-4100 SHANGHAINH.COM “The Finest Szechuan & Mandarin Cuisine in the Lakes Region” CALL FOR TAKE OUT Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am - 8pm Celebrating 23 YEARS Serving the Lakes Region! For Health Conscious People ... SPECIAL GLUTEN FREE ITEMS & VEGETARIAN DISHES OPEN Tues. - Sat. 11am - 10pm 302 S. MAIN STREET, LACONIA • 524-9955 • SOUTHENDNH.COM Laconia’s Best Pizza Delivered To Your Door! PIZZA / CALZONES • SALADS SUBS / SYRIANS • SEAFOOD TAKE OUT & DELIVERY
D.A. LONG TAVERND.A. LONG TAVERN Located Inside Funspot, Rte. 3, One Mile North Of The Weirs Beach Sign 579 Endicott Street N. • Weirs • NH • 603-366-4377 • funspotnh.com Always Lots Of Fun On Tap! TAVERN HOURS Open Every Day, year round Open Daily At Noon Sun. - Thur. noon -10pm Fri. & Sat. noon - 11pm EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT BEER LIST • COCKTAILS • WINE Explore our rotating draft selection with 12 carefully curated offerings! GRAB A BITE TO EAT! Made to Order Pizza, Chicken Fingers Hot Dogs & French Fries
FEAST from 16 See FEAST on 19





Preparation Instructions

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

- Into a mixing bowl combine, green pepper, onion, garlic, salsa, tomato juice, Parmesan, and ground beef and mix well.

- Add to the above the bagel and bread cubes, BBQ sauce, eggs, Worcestershire, seasonings and black pepper and continue to com bine until all ingredients are incorporated.

- Place mix into a lightly greased (pan spray) bread loaf pan.

- Bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes and check for done. (Internal temperature of 165 degrees F. If not, continue to cook for an additional 15 minutes or until internal temp. reaches 165 degrees F.)

- Serve with Mashed Potatoes and a favorite vegetable. rate from the house hold funds by that fru gal and prudent home economist, saved for essentials during the lean desperate times.

FEAST from 18

Looking at the trends of late, it doesn’t take a PhD. in Economics to see we are heading in that direction again. With electricity, heating fuel, gas, and grocery prices all on the rise; even the cheapest of ground meats hitting record high prices of over $3.50 per pound, it is time again to tight en the purse strings and use what we have on hand to its fullest potential. It is time again to put that jar or dish on the counter and empty our pockets

and purses into it at night. Time to squeeze Old Abe, Mr. Jeffer son, FDR, and General Washington till they all cry out in unison the virtues of thrift. Time to pick up those park ing lot strays, those bright shiny objects called coins. Besides, the exercise will do you good! Just remember, bend at the knees. And yes, tightening the belt for some of us, may just mean that Meatloaf is no longer regarded as the guest of honor for a rare visit to the table but rather a frequent dinner guest. A famil iar friend who brings with it the warmth of knowing you are do ing your part to keep costs down, using up

odds and ends before it´s time to throw them out, and being a frugal kitchen economist.

All while serving a Simple Feast.

Granny would be proud!


Your preferences for ingredients may differ but here is a starter recipe, based on what I had on hand one eve ning, to get your cre ativity going. See what is in your fridge and pantry; roasted red pepper stirps? Banana Peppers? Mushrooms? Ground Chicken or Turkey? A bit of Ital ian Dressing? Stuffing Mix? The possibilities abound.

Casual Family Dining Indoor & Patio Seating • Free function rooms for your event 603-267-7349 • gilmantonpub.com 506 Province Road Gilmanton, NH - Intersection of Rte 107 & Rte 140 Present this ad for 10% off dinner. Excludes alcohol. Exp. 10/31/22. Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street At Paugus Bay Plaza, Laconia Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm M Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street at Paugus Bay Plaza THIS WEEKEND SPECIALS Veal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials — Italian & American Comfort FoodMyrna’s Classic CuisinePasta•Steaks Seafood 603.527.8144 myrnascc.com Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, voted one of the top ten restaurants in NH by Boston Magazine. The Home of Moonlight Meadery & Hidden Moon Brewing 1253 Upper City Road, Pittsfield, NH • overthemoonfarmstead.com OPEN WED-SUN Fri.7:30-9:30pm; Sat. 7-9pm; Sun. 2-4pm OPEN MIC THURSDAYS 6-9pm MUSIC BINGO Wed. Trivia Sunday Delicious Mead, Beer & Cider Served in Scenic Surroundings LIVE MUSIC! 215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • 603-715-8600 www.wrapcitysandwiches.com on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! STRETCH A DOLLAR MEATLOAF Yield: 8-10 Servings Time: About 75 min (Prep and Cooking) 1.25 pounds of 80/20 ground beef 1/2 large green pepper diced 1/2 medium onion diced 1 Tbsp. Minced Garlic
ing) 2/3 Cup Think and
Salsa 1/3 Cup Tomato Juice 1/4 Cup Grated Parmesan 1 Bagel (your choice cut into small cubes) 3-4 slices bread cut into small cubes 1/3 Cup BBQ sauce 1 Tbsp. Italian Seasoning 1/4 tsp. Cracked
Pepper 5 shakes Worcestershire Sauce 2 Eggs

styLes on the horizon for your hoMe in 2023

(StatePoint) With trav el returning to normal, there’s a renewed inter est in seeing the world but you don’t have to go far to bring the beauti ful details of faraway destinations into your home’s spaces.

With this in mind, FrogTape brand paint er’s tape and celebrity interior designer Taniya Nayak have identified the top design trends for 2023, all with an eye to how travel can inspire

renewed energy into your space with “Re drock Renewal,” which incorporates both na ture and spirit through earthy tones paired with bold influences of tur quoise, clay and olive. Embrace a clean, light slate layered with sim

ple textures to create a room that is calm, joy ful, serene and spiritual. This trend can make a big impact in any space through small details like textured pillows, cozy blankets and clay vases.

2. Bohemian Bazaar:

The “Bohemian Bazaar” style is about creating an environment that emboldens everyone in it to live a vibrant, authen tic life. To achieve this look, add a pop of color where it’s least expected, like mixing chairs in dif ferent shades of fabric around the table or add ing bright, bold hues to an otherwise small, dark hallway. Inspired by the people, culture and food of destinations like Mo rocco, India and Africa, this trend merges the details of handcrafted goods with soulful expe riences by encouraging the mixing of patterns and colors.

3. Nordic Nature: “Nordic Nature” encour ages a pure, clean and fresh space by bringing elements of the outdoors into your home. The palette is reflective of a Scandinavian aesthetic, consisting of concrete, wood and crisp white walls to create a space with natural, modern and organic appeal. Look for unique opportunities to make nature-inspired but daring statements that balance the rustic feel with an uncluttered and contemporary vibe. Apply a subtle con crete layer to your walls for added interest, movement and texture. Before you begin, tape the edges with Nayak’s preferred painter’s tape, FrogTape, to keep lines sharp and neat.

4. Midtown Modern: It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and

22 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
Breathe fresh air and
Harnessing the power of the sun is more practical, reliable, and affordable than ever. We design and install complete solar energy systems custom fit to your property and needs. We’ve completed projects designed to power a small home, as well as larger arrays which accommodate business and commercial locations and everything in between. Powerful Solar Energy Solutions CALL US FOR CURBSIDE LEAF PICK-UP JASON FISHER • 603.998.4828 MOUNTAINWOODNH@GMAIL.COM See STYLES on 29

faLL care of perenniaLs

As you transition your gardens from fall to winter, you may be contemplating a bit of garden clean up. Be fore reaching for the pruners and rakes, consider all the ben efits and beauty of leav ing healthy perennials stand for winter.

The seed heads of many perennials like coneflower, rudbeckias, liatris and bee balm attract seed-eating songbirds like finches, sparrow, chickadees, juncos, and jays to the winter garden. These winged visitors add mo tion and color to the winter garden. Best of all, you don’t need to refill and clean this natural food source.

Many of these plants provide homes for ben eficial insects, includ ing native bees and other pollinators. A va riety of these insects overwinter in or near the stems of perenni als.

Native plants have evolved with many of these insects, birds and wildlife and most provide homes and food for native insects, songbirds, and wildlife. Purple coneflower, lia tris, rudbeckias, sun flowers, asters, golden rod, yucca, and Joe Pye weed are just a few of these native plants you might be growing.

Enjoy the winter foli age of evergreen and semi-evergreen peren nials by leaving them intact in the garden. Watch for and avoid disturbing the green leaves at the base of perennials like yarrow,

Shasta daisy, and globe thistle.

Leave borderline har dy perennials intact to improve their chances of surviving a harsherthan-normal winter. The stems capture any snow and helps retain any additional winter mulch, both providing needed root insulation.

Remove any diseased or insect-pest-infest ed plants. Removing this from the garden in fall reduces the risk of these problems occur ring next year. Discard do not compost this material as most com post piles do not heat

up to high enough tem peratures to kill them. Contact your local mu nicipality for disposal options.

Remove hosta leaves once the fall color fades and leaves die to reduce the risk of leaf nema todes overwintering in the crown of the plants. It also eliminates a win ter home for slugs and their eggs.

Wait for several hard frosts when cutting back perennials in the fall. In milder climates, wait for leaves to brown and dry completely. This ensures the plant has stored all the en

ergy it produced in the roots for healthy growth next spring.

Use sharp bypass pruners to make a clean cut through the stem. Disinfect tools by dipping in rubbing alcohol or spraying with a disinfect spray to prevent the spread of disease.

Rake leaves into the garden over the soil surface around the plants instead of to the curb. Fall leaves make great mulch that mod erates soil temperature, suppresses weeds, con serves moisture, and improves the soil as they break down. Plus, they are free.

Wait to finish remov ing perennials until spring temperatures regularly hover in the 50’s. This allows over wintering insects a chance to leave their winter homes. It also provides songbirds much needed food in spring before many of

23— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
The seed heads of rudbeckia attract seed-eating songbirds to the winter garden.
From the Lakes to the Mountains, We Are At Your Service! •Septic Pumping •Septic Pump Repair & Installation •Drains Unclogged •Septic System Inspections MOULTONBOROUGH: 476-5557 | MEREDITH: 279-4313 www.lampreyseptic.com 603-520-7217 Fully Insured Sweeps • Stonework Brick Repairs • Liners Caps • Installations Fire Place Makeovers Video Chimney Inspections Save $10 Off with this coupon ChimneyStartingSweep at$224 See MYERS on 29
24 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —

eXpert tips to organize your hoMe for faLL

(StatePoint) From the walk-in closet to the kitchen pantry, catch-all spots make all the dif ference in daily routines -- but only if they’re kept neat and tidy.

Family organizing ex pert Jessica Litman, also known as “The Or ganized Mama,” is on a mission to help families declutter and stay orga nized. She’s sharing her pro tips for getting your home in shape for this busy time of year.

Clear Away Cabinet Clutter. ‘Tis the sea son for autumn chili, stew and other comfort foods. That means it’s also time to put your essential slow cookers and pans where you can reach them, so food prep will be hassle-free.

“When the weather starts to cool, I swap out summer cookware for winter bakeware,” says Litman. “I put the grill ing items in the back of the cabinet and pull the turkey roaster and bak ing dishes to the front.”

For added storage, Lit man recommends using a shelf rack or vertical organizer to keep cut ting boards and pie pans neatly upright and eas ily accessible.

Prep the Pantry. Cre ate a system that gives grab-and-go snacks and cooking necessities a home. This will help keep the kitchen tidy in the midst of busy work and school schedules.

“Do a pantry clea nout,” Litman says. “Re move everything from

the area and wipe down the shelves. Take the canned goods you didn’t eat and donate them to a local food bank.”

Use a combination of Duck brand’s Clear Classic EasyLiner shelf liner and new contain ers to restore order to the space. Measure the shelves, cut the liner to length and then lay it flat. The shelf liner is durable, waterproof and designed to keep sur faces dry while making them easy to wipe clean. Use the measurements to get an idea of what size bins will best fit the area. Store crackers, cereal, oats and pasta in clear containers with labels, and put spices and seasonings in a slim organizer.

“Set up items simi larly to grocery store shelves by placing like items together,” Litman suggests. “When you do this, it’s like you are shopping in your pantry

instead of hunting for things.”

Out With The Old. Before pulling out your fall wardrobe, declut

ter the piles of “stuff” from the closet. This will make your space seem bigger and more organized.

25— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
26% CREDITTAXon qualifying wood& pellet installationIncludingstoves. & venting LUMBER WARREN BROOK 603t724t1995 High Quality Low Cost Alternative From Locally Sourced Trees. Full Dimension • Boards • Framing •Beams Chichester, NH • warrenbrookfarm.com Rough Cut Custom Sawing See ORGANIZE on 29


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new prograMs heLp

Lower costs of energy BiLLs

(BPT) - Soaring en ergy prices equate to rising energy bills for households nation wide. This is a burden in particular for low-in come people on a tight budget. No one should have to go without the energy necessary to heat and power their home, and now, thanks to numerous programs and incentives, there are more options to keep costs down for those that need it most.

This fall, you can make a change for yourself and others on ENERGY STAR Day, an annual celebra tion of the benefits of energy efficiency, in cluding saving energy, money and protecting the planet. Consider these opportunities to

make energy efficien cy upgrades and help lower your energy bills and save money. Learn about these and other ways to save energy and money at energy star.gov/SaveForGood.

Rebates And Tax Incentives - Through rebates and tax incen tives, ENERGY STAR certified products like heat pump water heat ers, clean heating and cooling, and household appliances are becom ing more affordable while enabling custom ers to save on their monthly energy bills. For example, ENER GY STAR certified heat pumps are eligible for a $300 federal income tax credit for residen tial energy efficiency,

plus rebates and incen tives from local utilities in many areas.

Ultra-Efficient Upgrades - When upgrad ing heating and cooling elements of the home, look for options with superior efficiency. Heat pumps, for in stance, are more ef ficient than furnaces or boilers and serve double duty with heat ing and cooling, mak ing them usable yearround. Combine heat pumps with other highimpact energy-efficien cy improvements for an ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade to achieve significant energy and cost savings while tran sitioning from fossil fu els to a cleaner, health ier, more comfortable


Support From Local Utilities - Local utilities may offer en ergy efficiency upgrade support for low-income customers. When avail able, these programs typically include a home energy assess ment accompanied by direct install of ener gy-saving devices in cluding ENERGY STAR certified smart thermo stats. Eligibility is usu ally based on house hold size and income in relation to a percentage threshold above the Federal Poverty Level or Area Medium In come (AMI). Depend ing on where you live, these programs may be working with state

26 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 — WINTER STORAGE $450.00 BOAT, RV, TRAILER, CAR
on 29
27— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
28 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 — Paul C. Dupont & Son Building 603-387-0015 —— 603-387-0026 Installing Harvey Building Products Windo W s • d oors • s iding CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Visit HarveyBP.com SERVICES DIRECTORY INSURED • REFERENCES • SNOW PLOWING Colonial S idi Alton Bay 875-2132 SIDING • WINDOWS • DOORS KITCHENS • BATHS Interior & Exterior Renovations # # Since 1976 ! Colonial Siding • Junk Removal • Estate Cleanouts • Spring / Fall Cleanups • Brush Removal • Snow Removal/Plowing 603-545-8609 CompleteCleanouts.com Call For Gutter Installation - 5 & 6 inch ** Fall Gutter Cleaning ** North East Roof Tune-Ups LLC @ 603-820-0896 North East Roof Tune-Ups LLC Framing/Roofing/Siding Interior/Exterior Remodel & Restoration Fully Insured tomsammon86@gmail.com 603-530-2266 Bruce Thibeault PAINTING • Staining • Urethaning • Res./Comm. • Quality Work • Interior/Exterior • Wallpaper Removal • Pressure Washing • Window Reglazing •Screens • Free Estimates • Fully Insured 603-364-2435 Over 30 Yrs. Exp. BruceThibeaultPainting.com weN f ound GunsAnd G rae 15 Gove Rd. Alexandria, NH 603-217-0272 • newfoundgunsandgear.com HIKERS & PREPPERS! We carry a selection of freeze dried food, thermal ponchos, thermal blankets, first aid kits, knives, axes, shovels, compasses, etc, Of course, we also offer a selection of in stock firearms and a large online inventory at very competitive prices. Nick Melanson’s PROFESSIONAL BLUEBOARD & PLASTERING nicksblueboardandplastering@gmail.com 603-832-9242 • 978-807-1481 nicksblueboardandplastering.com Call or Email for a free quote today Offering Solutions for Drywall, Blueboard, New Construction, Additions, Renovations, Single Rooms & Repairs. Independently owned & operated Old Fashioned STONEWALL Specializing in Dry Fieldstone or Granite Walls New Wall Built 35 Years Experience Contact Tony Luongo 603-471-1954

BILLS from 26

ORGANIZE from 25 STYLES from 22 MYERS from 23 agencies who provide low-income services more broadly.

Weatherization Assistance ProgramsEach U.S. state offers a Weatherization As sistance Program (WAP) available for house holds that qualify (such as those that already qualify for Supplemen tal Security Income, Aid to Families with De pendent Children, and other income eligibility criteria). This program includes a home en ergy assessment and help with weatheriza tion upgrades, like attic insultation, and fixing or replacing old water heaters.

Low-Income Assis tance Programs - The Low Income Home En ergy Assistance Pro gram (LIHEAP) offers help with home repairs and upgrades based on household size and income. For example, a four-person household with an annual income of $39,750 would quali fy for LIHEAP and could get a replacement for a broken heating and cooling system through this program.

The typical house hold spends nearly $1,900 a year on ener gy bills. With ENERGY STAR appliances, you can save 24% or about $450 in household en ergy costs.

Those savings are on top of assistance pro grams, rebates and tax incentives that help keep every home com fortable while staying on budget. Learn more at energystar.gov/ SaveForGood.

“Remove clothes from this past season,” Lit man recommends. “Look through each gar ment. If you didn’t wear it, donate, toss or sell it.”

Now that there is more room, hang an over-thedoor shoe rack for rain boots and work shoes and use a closet organiz er to store accessories, such as belts, purses and scarves. Litman also recommends dry cleaning winter jackets now so they’re ready to wear when cold weather comes.

Find Balance in the Bathroom. Whether it’s the primary bath or the kids’ washroom, make the most of your space by organizing everything into different categories, like towels and hair care. Once everything is grouped, you can decide what will be kept where based on the available areas. Use a tray on the counter and bins in pullout drawers.

Litman says to wipe and line surfaces, es pecially under the sink, with Solid Grip Easy Liner with Clorox before putting essentials away.

Antimicrobial agents in hibit mold and mildew growth to protect the lin er, and will catch make up smudges and water spills to give the area an extra clean feeling. She also recommends waiting until after the organizing process to buy bins and caddies, so you know exactly what you need.

Once these organizing projects are complete, your home will be ready for all the fun fall festivi ties and family gather ings.

excitement of a fastpaced, on-the-go life style, but the “Midtown Modern” movement is about turning your place into a space to pause and savor every moment of each day. Implement saturated hues like black or navy to create an urban, con temporary vibe. Elevate the look with plush fab rics like velvet, wool and satin. Complete the room by adding a spe cial sparkle, with state ment pieces that have bright, brass or metal finishes.

“If your hardware is losing its luster, remove it and spray paint it with a new finish for a fresh new look,” recom mends Nayak.

Interested in refresh ing your home’s in terior with the latest trends? Visit https:// www.frogtape.com/ inspiration/2023trends for more infor mation and ideas.

Let the sights and ex periences of the world not only inspire your adventures, but also your home.

our plants begin pro ducing seeds and ber ries.

Once the garden is set for winter, you can relax and make plans for the spring garden.

Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, in cluding the recently re leased Midwest Gar dener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Cours es “How to Grow Any thing” instant video

and DVD series and the nationally syndi cated Melinda’s Gar den Moment TV & radio program. Myers is a columnist and contrib uting editor for Birds &

Blooms magazine and her website is www. MelindaMyers.com.

29— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 — PAUL C. DUPONT & SON BUILDING 603-387-0015 / 603-387-0026 Installing Harvey Building Products WINDOWS • DOORS • SIDING CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Visit HarveyBP.com

cies, and the morality of teenagers.”

He noted that mari juana was unlike oth er dangerous drugs in that it can be grown almost anywhere in the United States and was found in vacant lots and even in school yards. He said,“These who are ‘in the know’ recognize the commercial possibilities of the weed. They know how to cultivate it and sell it to UNSCRUPU LOUS PERSONS WHO ARE FINDING THIS DOPE TRAFFIC AN EF FECTIVE AND EASY WAY OF MAKING A LIV ING.”

The doctor also made a comparison of mari juana sellers with the bootleggers in the days of alcohol prohibition, saying that they used the same unscrupulous and devious methods to evade the law. He called their efforts “dev ilish” and their business “lucrative.” Relying on information given by the United States Assistant Attorney-General, Brian McMahen and Frank H. Patten, AttorneyGeneral of New Mexico, Dr. Scolten indicated that school children in Denver, New Orleans, St. Paul and Chicago had been approached by “reefer peddlers” and that there was an in crease in smoking the weed in wealthy resi dential districts in New Mexico.

Dr. Scolten opined that it was becoming a common practice for people, in these days of fast-living, to seek relief through the use of seda tives, including “a DAN GEROUS DRUG LIKE MARIJUANA.” Some people, he added, en gaged in “reefer” smok ing when they had a cold or for other reasons when they needed the lift “which this strange new smoke is said to give.”

For his part, Dr. Scol

Assistant Attorney General Brien McMahon was from Connecticut. O’Brien was his given middle name which he shortened and used as his first name. He was assigned to the Criminal Division as the Assistant Attorney General. He became a U.S. Senator and was going to run for President but died of cancer at a young age. His supporters were hoping he would be the first Catholic president.

ten called the drug “habit forming, degen erating, and extraor dinarily successful in fastening its merciless claws upon the unsus pecting victim.”

Adrian Scolten add ed some hand-written notes to his printed let ter to The Citizen sent 50 or more years ago from this date, and in one of those notes he wrote, “Thirty years ago this weed was a curse; Today it is known to be very much worse! In Hippie territory the VD rate is six times greater than in normal terri tory.”

Marijuana or can nabis, the plant from which the drug comes, has been around for a long time and used by humans for a long time. Hemp, the name used for a species of the plant that has a low concentration of the mind-altering drug, has been used to produce a number of products, including paper. How

ever, as early as the year 1378 A.D. A sheik in Arabia banned its use in his jurisdiction.

In 1787 Madagascar’s king banned cannabis in the Merina kingdom with capital punish ment being the pen alty for using it. Many countries banned it’s use during the first part of the 1900s includ ing Canada in 1923, the United Kingdom in 1928, and the United States on a federal level in 1937, the year Dr. Scolten first wrote his article warning about the consequences of its use.

In 1961 a United Na tions committee de clared that the use of cannabis must be discontinued as soon as possible, except for medical and scientific purposes. Since around the 1970s there has been a progression of reversals with nations and individual states in the U.S.A. either per mitting the individual

use of cannabis or mari juana or decriminaliz ing it. It is still prohib ited by federal law.

The State of New Hampshire has made it legal in the Granite State to use marijuana for medicinal purposes and has decriminalized the possession and use of small quantities of the drug, but it is still illegal to use for recre ational purposes. Fortyeight million Americans were said to be using marijuana in the year 2019 in violation of fed eral law. The percent age of the mind altering drug in today’s “weed”is said to be much higher than in those of 1937.

It’s use in children is suspected of interfering with brain development, and other possible re sults of its use include heart and lung damage, anxiety, depression, suicide, and addiction. The beneficial, medical ly approved substances of marijuana can be successfully separat ed from the harmful substance, apparently making it safe for gen eral use.

One has to ask, how ever, if the warnings of Dr. Scolten in the 1930s and again in the 1960s are still valid? Society has changed and we have worse drugs that are killing people in New Hampshire. The poten cy of marijuana has also gotten worse.

Dr. Adrian Scolten closed his letter to the editor with the following comment which I’m sure some of today’s users would object to.“Wild horses have enough sense to avoid eating this weed but many foolish human beings are becoming addicts of it, and they will be seek ing it through the rest of their mentally and mor ally deteriorating lives.”

31— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
SMITH from 17

mon birds.

State of the Birds re ports are produced by a partnership of more than 30 government and private initiatives.

is the lead birding or ganization.

The 2022 report shows that birds in the U.S. are declining in forests, grasslands, deserts and oceans. The good news in the report shows that birds

have increased in wet land habitats, where considerable attention and money have been used for restoration.

More than half of the U.S. birds species are declining, according to the report, but grass

land birds are declining at the most rapid rate –34 percent since 1970. Ducks have increased by 34 percent during the same period. Geese and swans, by far, have seen the greatest popu lation increase of more than 1,000 percent.

The report also iden tified 70 new “Tipping

Point” species that have each lost more than half of their popula tions in the last 50 years. It is concerning that the report states that those birds may lose another 50 percent of their population in the next 50 years un less action is taken. None of those species are protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act.

Of those 70 birds, New England birders are most familiar with bobolink, evening gros beak, chimney swift, least tern, lesser yel lowlegs and ruddy turnstone.

“Everyone can make a difference to help turn declines around,” Mike Parr, president of Amer ican Bird Conservancy, said in a release. “Every one with a window can use simple solutions to prevent collisions. Ev eryone can help green their neighborhood and avoid using pesticides that harm birds. Ev eryone who lives in a neighborhood can bring the issues and solutions to their community and use their voice to take action.”

Three conservation priorities have been identified and high lighted in a compan

ion report. The priori ties include: enhancing funding for habitat and partnerships, reducing hazards and threats facing birds, and ex panding planning and coordination for bird conservation.

The full report may be found here: https:// www.stateofthebirds. org/2022/wp-content/ uploads/2022/10/ state-of-the-birds2022-spreads.pdf

The bottom of the companion report shows a graphic that indicates conserving birds and wildlife spans the political spectrum with democrats, in dependents and re publicans supporting wildlife conservation at nearly equal (and high) levels. It was nice to see a report that highlights unity among American voters instead of the division that is usually sowed these days.

Birds are a great unifier. Let’s work to protect them and keep them around.

Chris Bosak may be reached at chrisbo sak26@gmail.com or through his website www.birdsofneweng land.com

32 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
GILPATRIC METAL RECYCLING , LLC —Call for pricing We Buy CATALYTIC CONVERTERS - See Nick for Pricing Bring us your ferrous and non-ferrous metals to recycle! BUSINESS HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7am to 3pm Closed Sat. & Sun. Fully Licensed Facility License Number: 21J-001B Permit Number: DES-SW-PN-11-006 201 Abel Road, Bristol, NH 03222 **IF USING GPS, TAKE RIVER RD TO ABEL RD. (DO NOT TAKE PEAKED HILL RD.) Office: (603) 744-3453 Fax: (603) 744-6034
Lesser Yellowleg Evening Grosbeak COURTESY PHOTOS

On Profile Falls Road, when you see this sign near the gated road you’re in the right place. Walk down the closed road until you see the trailhead sign. If you cross the birdge over the river you have gone too far. It is a nice short walk to the falls, about a quarter mile.

kept driving and in a short moment we saw a dozen cars parked on the edge of the road near a gated road. We found a spot where we could pull over too.

There is a big ugly Road Closed sign on the gate but there is also an attractive sign to the left that reads Profile Falls, Franklin Falls Dam, US Army Corp of Engineers.

Behind the closed gate the road is paved and connects to the old route 3A. Here another sign lists Park Hours as open at Sunrise and closed at Sunset. The property is clean and looks well cared for around the unused/ closed parking area and the trailhead sign. There is also a picnic pavilion covering pic nic tables and there are trash cans lined with garbage bags. A very welcoming place except for the gated


We followed the path in the direction the ar row pointed and as we neared the river the path became rough er. The river’s water was loud. We stepped on rocks to keep our feet dry and to reach the base of the falls. The walk was about a quarter of a mile, maybe ten minutes.

Charlie and I were the only ones at the water’s edge. It was a cool day but on a hot day people would be swimming and wading in the pool below the cascading water.

We enjoyed listen ing to the roar of the water and we watched the rapid water fall ing. The waterfall is wide and is at least 30

The Franklin Falls Dam flood control lands are managed by the US Army Corp of Engineers and they offer many trails for hiking and bicycling. On this fine fall day many people were out walking in the area of Profile Falls.

feet tall.

On our way back to the car we met people walking to the falls. We saw others out walking their dogs, families with laughing children and a runner raced by us too. We

learned that this is a popular recreational area for walking and bicycling and we plan to go back another day.

Happy Fall. Have fun.

Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Hen niker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or sugges tions to her at: amy@ weirs.com

33— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —

hear after the words ‘did a great job.’”

No, but he then claims FEMA fails be cause it’s underfund ed, saying, “How many lives could have been saved if FEMA had had the resources they needed?”

STOSSEL from 7 cause it lacks resourc es. U.S. disaster relief funds have increased by billions. FEMA fails because it’s a govern ment bureaucracy, and bureaucracies do wasteful things, like bring bottles of water to hurricane victims but then leave them at an airport.

That’s ridiculous. FEMA doesn’t fail be

more efficient.

“The G Word” sneers at what it calls, “this philosophy that the free market should be trusted over the government.” But Walmart donates sup plies much more ef ficiently than FEMA. They employ sophis ticated weather track ing that helps them

determine what as sets are needed where. They get things to peo ple because they lose money if they don’t.

Obama’s series smears those of us who are skeptical of government handouts.

“In the wake of the civil rights movement,” claims Conover, “some Americans began to resent the fact that the government was now providing assistance to black and brown citizens.”

What? We didn’t re sent welfare because we’re racists. We ob jected because it cre ated a new permanent underclass.

Handouts, Presi dent Ronald Reagan explained correctly, “discourage work.”

So Obama’s docu mentary depicts Rea gan as a vicious sur geon cutting valuable

government agencies, throwing them into a bucket labeled “free market.”

But government wasn’t cut under Rea gan. Federal spending went up during his terms. It always goes up. At one point, the excesses were so gro tesque that President Bill Clinton said, “The era of big government is over.”

But it wasn’t. It only grows. Today it’s big ger than ever.

That’s fine, says Conover, because Washington rescued us during the COVID shutdowns with “stim ulus checks, small business loans and corporate tax breaks!”

They don’t men tion how much of that money was stolen or that their spending orgy brought 8% infla tion.

For three hours, Obama and his side kick say government should do more. What ever the problem, their answer is always more government and more money.

Maybe someday a president will point out that government has no money of its own and that spending more than you have is a road to ruin.

Every Tuesday, at JohnStossel.com, Stos sel posts a new video about the battle be tween government and freedom.

34 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 — CompetitiveWages! FlexibleHours! PaidBreak! FreePizza&Soda! (whileonbreak)
� / ---.... .., Monday, October 31 • 4:30-7:30pm You’ll Have A Spooktacular Time! 4:30-5:30pm Trick or Treating Scavenger Hunt Raffle 5:30-7pm BOO Bash • Music Dancing• Games Snacks & more! 6:30pm Costume Parade & Contest

experienced the last two years.

China’s NEA says the country will increase coal production to 4.6 billion tons/year by 2025. That’s a 12% in crease over last year’s 4.1 billion tons. Simul taneously, China will enhance oil and gas ex ploration and develop ment. Beijing’s single guiding principle in en ergy production is: De velop the new before discarding the old.

The new in this case is renewable green energy; solar and wind. China will continue to develop that. It just won’t rely on it unless and until it shows itself to be of sufficient capacity, reli ability and flexibility to replace the functionality of fossil fuel.

China will continue with its all of the above energy resource devel opment. They continue to build solar panels for export to America and Europe. Those solar panels are manufac tured in China with coal fired electrical genera tion, using slave labor.

China has reiterated; they are committed to give full play to the bal anced role of coal. This means coal is reliable and cheap energy. Dirty green technologies are unreliable and unprov en in powering an entire country.

As we celebrate our risks taken and saint ly sacrifices in pursuit of green energy while abandoning what we know works at scale.

Remember, virtue sig nals aren’t going to keep you warm at night as we shut down our oil and gas industries

Our Border Crisis

The Biden admin istration stopped the

construction of Trump’s wall and has left our border wide open. As a result of this, and Biden’s policies that encourage them, Illegals have been pouring into our border states.

The Biden adminis tration also has been flying illegals in secretly and many times un der the cover of night.

Governors Desantis of Florida and Abbott of Texas have sent them to DC, Chicago and to Martha’s Vineyard. And why shouldn’t they? Why should the border states be overwhelmed with thousands of il legals coming into their state? These Democrat led cities claim that they are sanctuary cities, so if they talk the talk, let them walk the walk.

Also, the Border Pa trol caught 78 people so far this year that were on the terror watch list while others that come across our border have committed crimes in the border towns that include theft rape and murder. This is all so criminal and the si lence from the Demo crats on this is deafen ing. However, as soon as the illegals arrive in a Democratic city, the Democrats, of course, are outraged. They at tack Desantis and Ab bott, calling them cruel and accuse them of us ing the migrants as po litical pawns, etc.

Biden’s encouraging policies are also not fair to the migrants in a way. In NY,for example, they are placed in a “tent city”. Well how is this going to work in the win ter? Where do they go then? How do these peo ple get food and cloth ing? Will they all have jobs? I’m sure whatever the Democrats come up with will come down to the American taxpayer footing the bill.

Meanwhile we have huge inflation going and families are Struggling

as it is without added costs. Also, we have our own Citizens with hard ships that we should be giving priority to. We have our Own homeless, mentally ill, families who have lost military and police spouses in the line of duty, wounded warriors, abused wom en shelters, and most recently, communities that have been devas tated by the hurricane in Florida.

How about money to somehow fix our dete riorating supply chain?

Biden’s admin is giv ing military personnel food stamps to help with the inflation instead of paying them a decent wage. Why not pay our military a better wage?

And how about fund ing our police instead of defunding them? Crime is rampant in the cities where the police budget has been drastically cut. But all of this does not matter to the Biden ad ministration. They put the illegals first above Americans.

Why do they do this?

Do you really think they care about these peo ple? If they cared about people who are suffer ing hardships, then they would prioritize the aforementioned groups. All they want is the il legals’ vote. And You Know they will try to get these people to vote. It’s naive to think otherwise.

If the Democrats re main in power this prob lem will only continue to get worse. The Demo crats (including our own Maggie Hassen) were against hiring more border patrol agents. The only way to end this border crisis is by voting Republican.

This way our govern ment can make our Own Citizens a priority.

Janice A. Novak Easton, NH.

Work Together

To The Editor:

I would like to start by saying that I respect all people with differ ent political positions even those with whom I strongly disagree. The reason for our disagree ment is that we draw our conclusions from different sources, thus different conclusions.

I hope that we may all agree that there is an energy crisis in our country. The current ad ministration is respond ing to the environment problem by reducing the sources (oil) of pol lutants thus reducing the generation of pol lutants.

The problem with this is the production of pol lutants has not been reduced because we still are using the same amount of oil, produc ing the same amount of pollutants. We do this by buying oil from other countries who for the most part hate us but

love our money. Why don’t we produce our own oil and use the savings to develop alter native sources of energy. As these sources be come productive, we can reduce the dependence on fossil fuel.

I think that the “active environmentalist” would be surprised to find out that most conservatives are in complete agree ment with their goal of protecting the en vironment and saving mankind. We just have a different, and to me, a more effective and ef ficient way to solve the problem.

Let’s stop the bicker ing and work together for our mutual gain.

Relevance To Today

To The Editor:

A dog that is overly obedient will most like

ly never come to harm so long as it’s master’s judgements remain wise and prudent. A human possessing honest char acter and a sound work ethic will prosper and will probably never be tempted to make arbi trary and foolish deci sions.

The relevance of the above to today’s real problems is that even though this is not a presidential election,the candidates that are in volved in it will play a significant role in the future of our nation. They will represent ei ther restraint upon,or blind acquiescence to a leader of poor record who is hopelessly over his head on many im portant issues.

Unfortunately,as of late, one of those issues concerns nuclear ex changes.

Leonard Paquette Laconia, NH.

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From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

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35— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —




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36 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
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Replacement agenda: A vigilant group of parents and kids in Jefferson County have been hounding school officials about the bizarre presence of “furries” in Colo rado middle schools and high schools since February 2022. This is not a “GOP talking point” or an electionseason ploy. This is not a joke or satire. It’s real, it’s disruptive, and it’s sick. Lindsay Datko and a team of eight citizen activists with Jeffco Kids First file Colorado Open Re cords Act requests to expose the lies and secrets driving wedges between parents and their children -- not just on curriculum indoctrination, but on all matters pertaining to family autonomy, health and safety.

“We leave no stone unturned,” Datko told me. And that’s why the pervert me dia and their fellow travelers believe she and her group must be smeared and de stroyed.

On Oct. 13, the county school dis trict’s records custo dian coughed up a 36page document filled with emails between parents, school offi cials and other parties chronicling the need for costumed critter control. I obtained and verified the hairraising trove. Back in February, a parent had informed JeffCo’s “chief student success officer” Matt Palaoro about rabid furries at Wayne Carle Mid dle School who wore “cat/dog ears, tails, fur gloves, collars, and leashes” while threat ening peers who ob jected. The parent’s son reported that the costumed students would “hiss, bark, scratch, and meow” at

students who objected to the behavior.

Another child report ed that the herd of fur ries would “walk on all 4s in the hallway” and “also eat with their face in their food.”

Back in March, par ents at Drake Middle School in Jeffco met with principal Melinda Feir to alert her of the classroom disruptions caused by the human pet parade. In April, another parent re ported furry sightings at Dakota Ridge High School. In August, Drake Middle School updated its dress code specifically to ban ani mal ears and tails. (The public records show that litter boxes were never mentioned; it was Datko’s group that discovered they were being used dur ing lockdowns.)

Despite the long electronic trail of com plaints and alarms, left-wing activist and Colorado Times Re corder propagandist Heidi Beedle slammed GOP gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ga nahl in a hit piece ti tled “Ganahl Falsely Claims that Kids Are ‘Identifying as Cats ... All Over Colorado & Schools Are Tolerating It.’” What Beedle and the publication fail to disclose is that Beedle is -- not making this up -- an apologist for furries who penned a 2,000-plus word cele bration of the “oft-mis understood commu nity” in 2018 for the Colorado Springs In dependent. She high lighted a 16-year-old “wolfdog” named “Ave dis” whose parents drive him to “all-ages meetups” and quoted “Chip,” a “DenFur” convention staffer who explained that “(w)hile furry is not an exclu sively LGBTQ phenom enon, it skews pretty gay due to its obvious

LGBTQ appeal.”

“Furry allows you to try out different identi ties,” the wolfman told Beedle. “If you’re not sure if you’re gay, you can roleplay as a gay character. If you’re not sure if you’re trans, you can roleplay as a different gender. Furry allows you to experi ment.”

Rolling Stone chron icled the spread of this “long-misunderstood subculture” (gee, that sounds familiar) to young TikTok viewers in 2019. Dr. Cynthia Morton, a high school counselor, blogged on “Making a Safe Place for Students Who Identify as Furries, Therians, and Other kins” back in 2018.

Now that parents are blowing the whistle on this filthy infiltration, gaslighters pretend we’re the ones with mental illness and de mand that families doxx their own chil dren instead of hold ing public safety men aces in the schools accountable for their “diversity” perversity.

Never forget: You are not crazy. They are.

Michelle Malkin’s email address is Mi chelleMalkinInvesti gates@protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by oth er Creators Syndicate writers and cartoon ists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

Africa and Asia.

But the real geopo litical challenge for the USA and Japan lies on the horizon in East Asia. To quote the old Maoist anthem, The East is Red and it’s in the east where the sun rises over Taiwan, the democratic self-ruled island which the Bei jing regime claims and maybe try to conquer.

Xi’s speech at the 20th Party Congress bluntly restated his diktat towards demo cratic Taiwan; “We in sist on striving for the prospect of peaceful reunification …but we will never promise to give up the use of force and reserve the option to take all necessary measures.”

Chairman Xi warned, “The historical wheels of national reunifica tion and national re juvenation are rolling forward and complete reunification of the motherland must be achieved,” he stated to thunderous applause.

Taipei’s government retorted that Taiwan will not surrender its sovereignty nor com promise on freedom and democracy; the island’s people solidly oppose the PRC’s “one Country, two Systems,” formula under which Beijing rules Hong Kong.

Since 1949 and the end of the Chinese civil war when Mao’s communist seized the Mainland, The Repub lic of China on Taiwan has been separately ruled as a self-govern ing democracy which has never been con trolled by the PRC com munists for a single day.

Though a status quo across the Taiwan Straits has largely held during which Taiwan has been able to trans form itself into a pros perous economy and

multi-party democracy despite longtime PRC threats, the military balance is clearly shift ing in communist Chi na’s favor.

Despite Taiwan not having a defense treaty with the USA as does South Korea or Japan, Washington’s favored a policy of strategic am biguity through which Beijing cannot be cer tain of an American response to defend the New Hampshire sized island. The Biden Ad ministration has sent dangerously mixed signals as to what an American response would be to Chinese aggression.

A decade ago, Chair man Xi’s rule began with the slogan ex tolling the “Chinese Dream.” Shall East Asia now awaken to a geopolitical nightmare?

John J. Metzler is a United Nations corre spondent covering dip lomatic and defense is sues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations; Germany, Ko rea, China.

swer follows)

Born Today

That is to say, sports standouts born on Oc tober 27 include MLB slugger and Hall-ofFamer Ralph Kiner (1922) and NBA coach and former Celtic Rick Carlisle (1959).

Sports Quote

“I need to surf. Surf and yoga. Whenever I’m in L.A. I go down to San Diego to surf for the weekend and I always come back perfect.” –Brazilian actor Rodrigo Santoro

Sports Quiz Answer

Johnny Podres beat the Yankees 2-0 in Game 7 of the 1955 World Se ries to give the Brooklyn Dodgers their first (and only) World Series title.

State Representa tive Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the award-win ning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A Warrior-Actor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hol lywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast. net.

37— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
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Super Crossword


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38 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —

Magic MazeSudoku

Caption Contest

Runners Up : A government

to tell a

how his reaper isn’t being operated in accordance with regulations. - Alan Doyon, Meredith,NH.

“ I’m from the Census bureau, do you have a

- Bob Watson, Bristol, NH.


Silvestri, Holderness, NH.


“I thought you might know how much wood could a woodchuck, chuck....”. -Robert Ferlito, Lynbrook, NY.


2 weeks of

Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247


39— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 2022 —
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