12/14/2023 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

VOLUME 32, NO. 50



Cram The Cruiser Event In Bristol

The Boston Tea Party -250 Years Ago by Hal Shurtleff Director/Camp Constitution

December 16, 2023, marks the 250th or Semiquincentennial of The Boston Tea Party where members of the Sons of Liberty-some dressed up as Mohawk Indians- boarded three ships docked at Griffins Wharf in Boston, and dumped 46 tons of tea into the harbor.

Background To The Tea Party The British Parliament passed the Townshend Act in 1767 which levied direct taxes against the Colonists. Prior to this, colonial governments elected by the people were the only entities that levied taxes. There was much opposition to the Townshend Act on both sides of the Atlantic. In 1770, Parliament repealed the Townshend Act with the exception the tax on tea.

On May 10, 1773, Parliament passed the Tea Act giving, for the first time, the East India Company a monopoly on the export of tea. The East India Company would appoint certain colonial merchants/consignors the sole right to sell the tea to the detriment of other merchants who lost their livelihoods. While “Taxation without Representation” was one of the rallying cries of the Revolutionary Waralong with “No King But

King Jesus,” the biggest objection Boston colonists had was that the tax was used to pay the salaries of the governor and other colonial leaders, making these officials beholden and dependent to the Crown instead of the colonists. In the fall of 1773, seven ships loaded with tea and other cargo sailed to America-four to Boston, one to Philadelphia, one to Charlestown, SC., and one See TEA on 23

Saturday, December 16th from 9am to Noon, the Bristol Police Department will be hosting a Cram the Cruiser event at the Bristol Hannaford’s at 505 Pleasant Street. This is event is done in partnership with the TapplyThompson Community Center and their joint-program known as Every Child is Ours, which helps to feed children on the weekends, where the school lunch program does not extend. Cram the Cruiser is an event where the Bristol Police and other area Departments park their cruisers at the Hannaford Supermarket and collect food donations for the Every Child is Ours program in operation since 2020. Please consider stopping by our food drive to donate items such as individually pre-packaged snacks, fruit cups, pasta bags, bars, oatmeal packages, microwave popcorn or ready to heat soup cups. They will also accept cash donations. If you have any questions you can call the office at (603) 7442713 or through email at info@ ttccrec.org. HARE ONLINE FOR F D&S REE A E R






— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

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To The Editor: Congress has just a few problems right now, beyond overspending the country into the ground. The squad has shown where they stand on antisemitism. Senator Bob Menendez was found to be in possession of gold bars and large amounts of money stitched into his clothes. Senator John Fetterman went on the view and stopped short of calling for Menendez to resign. A dangerous precedent was set when now former congressman George Santos became the sixth member of congress in the history of the peoples house to be expelled, leaving hundreds of thousands in New Yorks 3rd district without representation. I want to focus on Congress’s double standard when it comes to unethical behaviors. Yes I’m talking about both parties. Senator Menendez is accused of taking bribes and was as I said earlier to be in possession of gold bars and large amounts of money stitched into clothing found in his home. Atleast one Democratic Senator has talked about the need for removal. One out of 100 in the senate. A scathing report came in from the house ethics office in regards to George Santos’s conduct before becoming an elected official. 300 plus house members on

both sides stood in solidarity to expel him after months of his colleagues dragging him through the mud for offenses he hasn’t been convicted of in a court of law. A sitting congressman was expelled because of an ethics report, while another gets to continue to vote and serve this administrations agenda. The double standard is astounding. Don’t you think Congress should be better than hush payments, secret settlements, allegations of fraud, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors? I do. Let’s start electing folks that are going to go to Washington DC to work hard to create positive change without all the baggage. Richard Littlefield Laconia, NH.

Why Support Such Socialistic Views?

To The Editor; A 6th housing forum was held at St Anselm’s on 12-082023. The Free State Project is supposed to stand for freedom. So why would they want to impose draconian zoning changes on our towns? Jason Sorens is the founder of the Free State Project and part of the “Center for Ethics in Society” at St Anselms’s. In partnership with NH Housing and NH Office of Planning and Development, this group

was the creator of the “Zoning Atlas”, a tool that helps target towns that do not favor high density construction. Why would a supposedly Catholic college engage is such nonsense? Why would FSP members support such socialistic views? Frankly there are too many non-governmental, unelected government groups that team up with special interest groups such has this one. These groups are then allowed to set policy, and yet, nobody voted for them! Governor Sununu, who is also sold on this mission, has even praised Sorens’ work. What is so disturbing is that anyone thinks we need to destroy single family zoning, or even advocate challenging the boundaries set up by HOAs, despite the fact that people who have purchased homes in those communities were fully aware of what living in an HOA would entail. There are plenty of commercial buildings that can be converted into apartments without invading established neighborhoods where people have bought homes, expecting the zoning wouldn’t change. No wonder people are beginning to look unfavorably on the FSP. We must stay vigilant on this issue. Jane Aitken Bedford, NH.

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for 30 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people

and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 24,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 60,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 603-366-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2023 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

Not So . . . o g A g N Lo

Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE

A Red Cross Christmas The Relief Organization Of 1918

by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

“Make this a Red Cross Christmas,” read the large advertisement on page 3 of the December 19, 1918 issue of The Courier newspaper of Littleton, New Hampshire. The ad went on to declare, “The happiest, merriest Christmas the world ever knew is almost here.” That statement was quickly followed though, with the follow up one that there was “one note of seriousness that America must not forget - there is misery and distress and sickness all over the world.” The happiest Christmas was predicted because of the end of World War I, the war that was supposed to end all future wars. But that happiness was to be tempered by the knowledge that the happiness did not extend to the whole world, and that according to the Red Cross message, “Relief must be given.” So the Red Cross was asking for

the support of the public by the avenue of becoming Red Cross members. “All you need is a heart and a dollar,” to join, was the message. Christmas time has long been recognized as a time of giving, but, with multiple relief agencies asking for donations this holiday season, it is easy to forget the prominence that the Red Cross once enjoyed as a relief organization. In fact, that less than a week before Christmas issue of The

Courier was full of articles about Red Cross activities both in New Hampshire and overseas, for servicemen and needy families. The Manchester Union in its Christmas Eve issue reported that the Christmas enrollment drive in New Hampshire resulted in more than 115,000 being enrolled. Concord had the highest percentage of its population of the state’s cities with 38% enrolling, with Franklin being second with 37% of its population en-

rolled. Lincoln led the towns in the percentage of its population enrolled with 66%, followed by Campton with 60%. They were both in a district of which Fletcher Hale of Laconia was the chairman. Red Cross activity around the Granite State in 1918 involved more than the Christmas enrollment at a dollar a person. At Twin Mountain Red Cross meetings were held nearly every Wednesday with the ladies making children’s garments. They had a good supply of yarn available for those wishing to help by knitting, and warned that the signing of an armistice to end the war didn’t mean that the work of the Red Cross helpers would decrease. A community meeting of the Red Cross See SMITH on 26


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES “Ho Ho Ho! The Santa Claus Chronicles” At The Village Players

The Village Players present “Ho Ho Ho! The Santa Claus Chronicles,” a holiday show for the whole family December 15, 16, and 17 at the Village Players theater in Wolfeboro. Do you ever wonder what happens at the North Pole a few days before Christmas? Just who is Santa Claus really? What do the elves do, and how are they preparing for Christmas? And where is Mrs. Claus?--we can’t find her anywhere. “Ho Ho Ho! The Santa Claus Chronicles” will answer all (well, some) of your questions about Santa and the North Pole. You’ll meet Santa’s Press Secretary (Mandy Ferriman), Sarge, the elf (Bob Tuttle), the editor of the North Pole newspaper (Jeannie DeGrow), and a flock of elves, shoppers, and reporters in this hilarious forty-five minute show. After the show, join into sing a few holiday songs and to meet Santa himself. You will walk away with a jolly spirit and pep in your step. Performances are Friday, December 15 and Saturday, December 16 at 7:30 and Sunday, December 17 at 2:00, at the Village Players, 51 Glendon St. Wolfeboro. Tickets, $10, are available online at Village-players.com and at the door. “Ho Ho Ho! The Santa Claus Chronicles” is generously sponsored by Richard J. Neal, DMD.

Mt. Washington Snow Coach Open For The Season The Mt. Washington SnowCoach is opening early for their 2023-24 guided-tour season on Friday, December 8, 2023. Driven by 4 tracks rather than wheels, the Mt. Washington SnowCoach transports guests to treeline on the Mt. Washington Auto Road, at approximately 4,200 feet, into a sub -arc tic world for a truly unforgettable adventure. All tours are narrated by our expert guides and the SnowCoaches are warm and comfortable. SnowCoaches leave Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center and climb about two thirds of the way to the summit of Mt. Washington via the Auto Road, gaining over 3,000 feet in elevation. Upon arrival at this “Top of the Tour,” passengers are invited to exit the SnowCoach for a few minutes for photos and video opportunities before climbing back aboard for the downward journey back to the base. At times views can be breathtaking overlooking the protected Great Gulf Wilderness and the Presidential Mountain Range. At other times passengers can experience the extreme wind and snow conditions Mount Washington is so well known for, all while the warmth and safety of the SnowCoach are just steps away. Learn more and book at www.SnowCoachNH.com or by calling (603) 466-3988.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —


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Great Gift Ideas Last week I provided some great ideas for the bibliophile on your shopping list. This week I present a list of what I think are some of by Brendan Smith the great new Weirs Times Editor gift ideas for everyone else including some of the best of the plethora of new gadgets that seem to be appearing daily. POLITICS CANCELLING EAR BUDS – This is the latest in ear buds as it will instantly cancel out all voices for a full minute once the name of a candidate running for president is mentioned. No longer will you have to bite your tongue (or worse, be encouraged to join in on the praise) when any candidate running for president is mentioned. These nearly invisible ear buds will instantly change to one full minute of relaxing classical music to ease your mind as you stare at the name mentioner with a smile on your face as if you are actually listening. After a minute the music will shut off in the hopes that the conversation has changed to a more palpable subject like the out of control price of food. (These are expected to sell out quick with primary season right around the corner.) BACK SAVING SNOW SHOVEL – This is the latest in ergonomic design to help prevent back injuries after a snowstorm. You will feel enthralled as you effortlessly tackle that first six inches of light fluffy snow of the season taking in the beauty surrounding you. What makes this shovel different from other models is that it has a special button connected to Wi-Fi so that near the

end of January, and the third snowstorm in a week falls and you’ve had it up to here with all the shoveling nonsense and you could care less how pretty it all looks, you can simply push the button on your shovel and a plow truck will be dispatched to your home. THE DELAYED ERASE SMART PHONE CAMERA – This new phone has the latest in technology when it comes to its camera. You will be amazed at the clarity and vivid colors of each photo. But what makes this camera so special is that you will not be able to immediately delete photos of yourself because you don’t like how you look in them and every shot you take will stay on your phone for a month. You will now be able to experience what it was like for your ancestors who would take photos of each other and then have to wait for days for the film to be developed and then would keep each and every photo no matter how ridiculous people looked in them because, well, it wasn’t cheap. After the month is up and you go to delete the photos, you will be forced to look at them one more time with a voice screaming “Look At Them! Look At Them! The Horror! The Horror!” at which time you can delete them. WALKING GPS – These is a great interactive app you can buy for kids for Christmas. Since they don’t yet drive, they don’t need an actual GPS, but this app will keep an eye out for them as they walk down the street, or really anywhere, while their heads are down looking at their phones and nothing else. Prompts like “Approaching Curb, be prepared to step down;” “Telephone pole straight ahead;” “Non GPS user staring down at phone coming up on your left, veer right to avoid collision,” and many

more will keep your kids safe while their looking at insignificant things on their phones. (Discount coupons for the Walking GPS may be available at your local chiropractor’s office.) THE GIFT CERTIFICATE GIFT CERTIFICATE – This is the perfect gift for the procrastinating gift giver on your list. The Gift Certificate Gift Certificate can be used to buy any other gift certificate to give as a present at the last minute. Of course, the procrastinating gift buyer will sometimes use a Gift Certificate that they were given themselves as a gift on their birthday or Christmas as a re-gift when they forget to buy a present as usual, so they may be inclined to do the same with The Gift Certificate Gift Certificate. A special chip imbedded makes it so that it can only be used by the person who it was originally purchased for, forcing the procrastinating gift buyer to at least make the effort of buying a last-minute Gift Certificate for someone else. (Of course, the procrastinating gift giver can purchase another Gift Certificate Gift Certificate with their Gift Certificate Gift Certificate to give to the procrastinating gift giver on their list.) “THEIR” PILLOW – This website offers a variety of recycled pillows at discount prices. Made from a variety of mediocre cottons and threads from who knows where and previously owned by who knows who, these pillows are guaranteed to be the most uncomfortable pillows you will ever own. So, there you have it. I believe most of these items are available at an online store near you.


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Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money Governor Wentworth HWYand mail to: orders for374 $19.99 to Brendan Smith Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, Call • F: 603-476-5176 PO 603-476-8887 Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 www.skelleysmarket.com Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

Our Ticking Ethnic Time Bomb The new projections for the U.S. population from the U.S. Census Bureau show dramatic ongoing changes in the ethnic makeup of the nation. In 2022, the percentage of the U.S., per the report, that was non-Hispanic white was 59%. In 1980, the U.S. population was 80% white. by Star Parker The report projects the percentage of the Syndicated Columnist nation that is white continuing to shrink, dropping to 45% by 2060, 37 years from now. Aside from concluding that, over time, the American population will be increasingly culturally diverse and colorful, there are profound political implications to this ongoing ethnic shift. The Republican vote is disproportionately white. The Democratic vote is disproportionately not white. An ongoing shift of the population toward non-white demographics means that, assuming no change in voting behavior of these various groups, electing Republicans will become harder and harder. Consider that in 1980, when Ronald Reagan was elected president, 88% of voters were white. Reagan captured 56% of the white vote, and Jimmy Carter got 36% (there was a third party candidate in that election, John Anderson, who got 8%). In the last presidential election in 2020, 67% of voters were white. Donald Trump captured 58% of the white vote, and President Joe Biden 41%. Biden won majorities in all other ethnic categories: Black, Hispanic, Asian, other. If the electorate in 2020 was 88% white, as it was in 1980 when Reagan was elected, it is most reasonable to assume that Trump would now be serving his second term. It is also reasonable to assume that the ongoing shrinking of the white vote was one relevant factor in Trump’s loss in 2020. When he won in 2016, flipping five battleground states by razor-thin margins, the white vote nationally totaled 70%. This dropped 3 percentage points in 2020 to 67%. It’s clear that if Republicans, and those who care about the Republican agenda, want a future, they are going to have to pick up more support among non-white Americans. Is this possible? One core factor separating Democrats and Republicans is belief in government. In a recent Gallup poll, 64% of Democrats, compared to 20% of Republicans, expressed “a great deal or a fair amount of trust” in the federal government to solve domestic problems. We may conclude that nonSee PARKER on 28

Our Antisemitic Universities I know a little bit about the kinds of speech that are generally welcomed on campus. I’ve been banned from a few campuses, including DePaul University; I’ve spoken at more than a few campuses at which by Ben Shapiro violence broke out over Syndicated Columnist my speeches, including California State University at Los Angeles, Penn State and University of California at Berkeley. I also know that were I a student at any of these universities -- and if I said, as a student, what I routinely say as a speaker -- I’d undoubtedly be dragged before the administration and hit with sanctions. I’d be responsible for “microaggressions” by saying things like “Western culture is superior” and “men are not women.” I’d be responsible for “harmful language” for stating that human beings ought to be judged not based on race, but on merit. But apparently, at the top universities in America, all of those sensitivities disappear for one specific group: Jews. This week, House Republicans held a hearing at which the heads of major universities were grilled regarding the rise of antisemitism on their campuses. That increase ranges from threats of violence to near-riots, from tearing down hostage posters to open Jew-hating slurs. Now, imagine that instead of antisemitism, there had been a radical uptick in anti-black racism on campus: calls for genocide, celebration of terror attacks against black Americans, physical threats. Does anyone think the respective university presidents would have sat, grinning at the lawmakers quizzing them on their actions? But that’s precisely what happened. Here was Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York questioned the presidents University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University and MIT about genocidal language chanted on campus. None of the three was willing to

say directly that calls for genocide against Jews violated university policy. All three said that context was required to answer the question. One can make the case for free speech on campus -- I can and I do -- but one cannot pretend that universities protect students against harassment and then soft-pedal Holocaust-level rhetoric. It is difficult to imagine that these icons of sensitivity and diversity, equity and inclusion would be nearly so sanguine about slurs against any other racial or ethnic minority in America. Simply put, they wouldn’t. So, why are they so sanguine? There are two reasons. First, the Left -- and university presidents are almost the Platonic ideal of intellectual Leftists -- believes that Jews are not part of the intersectional coalition of the oppressed. By Leftist logic, Jews are part of the superstructure of power, since all success is merely a reflection of hierarchies of power, and Jews are disproportionately successful. Thus Jews cannot be victims. Then there’s the second reason: the hard Left hates Israel. The Left hates Israel because, like American Jews, Israel is too successful in the region in which it is located. Israel, according to the Left, is a colonialist outpost of the West, and the West is evil because it too is successful -- which means that it is exploitative and oppressive. Hence the Left’s rabid attachment to the idea that calls for Israel’s destruction are somehow not anti-Semitic, but actually a reflection of a more universalistic humanitarian creed. Sure, that creed would actually materialize in the death of millions of Jews and the dominance of radical Muslim terrorism. But that doesn’t matter. After all, Israel is the real problem, because the West is the real problem -- and we know that’s true because the West and Israel are successful. According to the Left, radical Muslim regimes that impoverish their citizens aren’t worth See SHAPIRO on 25


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

How Private Is Private? The Fourth Amendment secures our right to be secure against unreasonable searches, right? Not anymore, explains Naomi Brockwell on her by John Stossel popular YouTube Syndicated Columnist channel. In my new video, she explains how tech companies spy on us and then sell our information to the government. But some of us actually find that tech companies prying can be a good thing.

Neil Chilson of the Charles Koch Institute says, “It’s not only good for the companies; it’s good for the user because it makes for a much more seamless experience.” Apps can recommend places to eat, stores to shop at and much more. These apps “make my life easier,” I tell Brockwell. “Convenience matters.” “Convenience absolutely matters,” Brockwell agrees, “but privacy is important. ... The U.S. government knows what color underwear you like to buy and what kinds of videos make you scroll a little bit slower.” “So, what?” I say.

“That data is forever,” she points out. “Stored in permanent records associated with your identity in databases in Utah.” Brockwell says, “You have no control over what regime might come to power tomorrow, over which hacker might get access to that data. You have no control over what societal norms might change in the next 10 years and that data suddenly becomes incriminating. You’re basically making a bet that you and the people with the guns (the government) will always stay on good terms.” “What if they made cryptocurrency illegal? Made guns illegal? Everyone

who partakes in that suddenly becomes a criminal,” she says, adding, “Look at what happened in China. Hong Kong used to be a bastion of freedom.” When China crushed that freedom, they used people’s phones to track and punish protesters. “Think about all the apps on your phone you’ve given permission to access your camera, location permission, microphone permission.” “So they work better,” I reply. “You are happy with these obscure apps, where you know nothing about the developers, to be able to look through your private photos?” she See STOSSEL on 28

Ukraine; War, Peace And Congress We are app r o a c h i n g Ukraine’s second Christmas at war with Russia. Gone are the heady days and David and Goliby John J. Metzler ath moments of Syndicated Columnist tough and plucky Ukraine stunning the Russian bear and, against all odds and predictions, presumably turning the military tide on the aggressor. Now the grim reality has set in. Russia has been badly bloodied but the conflict has frozen into the very stalemate which favors Moscow. A slugfest of attrition, where time stands still in the Hell of a First World War- type battlefield, with a

soundtrack of both thudding Russian artillery but upgraded to lethal drone strikes. Ukraine’s much heralded Spring offensive which extended into Summer should have been successful; it was sadly strategically underwhelming. This is not for lack of heroism or patriotism by the Ukrainian troops, but rather supply shortages, overstretched force commitments, wavering international support and now crisis overload since the Hamas terror attacks on Israel. Part of the problem was that after Ukraine’s initial victories in early 2022, Western governments bought into the narrative that if Kyiv gets massive weapons transfers and munitions they will overcome a sloppy and poorly led Russian military. Proof seemed to be that since the

Russians have taken hideous causalities in personnel and ordnance; they will be forced to surrender and perhaps even relinquish territorial grabs such as Crimea taken in 2014. U.S. President Joe Biden furthermore fueled the optimism regularly with the mantra “for as long as it takes” as if the phrase will magically produce a positive policy outcome. Indeed given Kyiv’s initial battle field success, American public opinion largely followed in step. After all here was an American ally actually winning a war without the support of American boots on the ground. Now comes the stunning military reality check. Politically there’s a “blame Ukraine” spin cycle which says that the American and European aid is either too little to win

the war, or too much to convince Kyiv to ever think about a ceasefire and peace. Significantly, embattled Vladimir Putin still has sufficient cannon fodder forces to keep this conflict going, by drawing out Ukraine’s price in resources and blood. A State Department Memo stresses; “Ukraine is a key regional strategic partner… It remains an urgent security assistance priority to provide Ukraine the equipment it needs to defend itself against Russia’s war against Ukraine.” The documents adds, “To date, we have provided approximately $44.2 billion in military assistance since Russia launched its premeditated, unprovoked, and brutal full-scale invasion against Ukraine on FebruSee METZLER on 29


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

What Now? by Tim Moore Contributing Writer

As a full-time fishing guide, people often ask me what I do in the “off season” when I’m not actively guiding. The answer is, I do plenty. Like many of my friends and colleagues, I love ice fishing. I love doing it myself and I love taking people ice fishing almost every day. After a busy summer, November is a great month to take some time to recharge my batteries, but once December rolls around I begin getting excited for ice fishing season. In this excitement, it’s easy to forget that the gear that also awaits first ice needs some attention. Here are a few pre-ice tips to make your first trip more memorable and less problematic. The first thing to check is your auger. The blades need to be sharp, really sharp. The sharper the blade, the less work the auger and you need to do. I run an electric auger powered by batteries, but if you have a gas auger, drain any old gas, top the tank off with fresh gas, and change the spark plug before turning the motor over. It should only take enough pulls to get fuel to the carburetor for it to start. If you’re using an electric auger, make sure the batteries are charged and working. There is nothing worse than beginning your first trip with a bad battery and no way to drill holes.

As winter draws near, many anglers begin watching weather and ice formation in anticipation of drilling that first hole in the ice. If you use tip-ups, make sure they are in good working condition. I put a lot of fish on the ice every season and the results are beat-up leaders, missing hooks, twisted line, and sometimes rusty parts from sitting unused. Just sitting unused can cause leaders to become brittle. It’s better to correct these problems in the comforts of my home or shop than on the ice when I should be fishing. Grease sticky spools with cold temperature grease, attach fresh leaders, and tie on new hooks. When I am on the ice, my jig rods are an extension of my arm. They see countless hours of

use and catch literally hundreds of fish each season. The line on my jig rods gets retired annually. If you take your spools to a shop that has a line-winding machine, you can get them spooled on a machine. It’s not only faster to have the line machinewound, but the machine winds tighter and with fewer twists than doing it yourself. They can also strip the line off with the machine saving you time and aggravation. Some shops, such as Berry’s Bait in Alton, will even spool your tip-ups on a machine, saving you tons of time and energy. I also turn much of my gear over every year,

so I have lures to load into tackle cases. In New Hampshire, in order to use bait when Ice fishing, anglers must use a single hook with a single hook point. Most lures come with a treble hook, so I swap them all out with a single siwash style hook in case I want to use bait of any kind on them. It’s time consuming and the absolute last thing I want to do while I am fishing. Having my equipment organized and ready makes ice fishing easier once you get on the ice. Easy ice fishing is more productive ice fishing. Your line should spend more time in the water than out of it in order to maximize your catch. Get your gear ready before the ice is safe enough to fish on and you are sure to be more productive when that time comes. Above all else, be safe out there. Make sure you check the ice thickness as you go and wear ice-safety picks. Tim Moore is a fulltime licensed professional fishing guide in New Hampshire. He owns and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association, and the producer of TMO Fishing on YouTube and the Hooked with TMO Fishing Podcast. Visit www. TimMooreOutdoors.com for more information.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

Letters From God This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures.

toward physical death and eternal separation from me, their Creator and Savior. I sent my son Jesus, the Messiah, to leave the glories of life in heaven and walk among you. He came to demonstrate a life without sin, which was my original design for the first man and woman and for you (Genesis 1&2). He also came to be the provision for your sins. To sin, as I have said often, is an archery term. It means to miss the mark. The mark is the bullseye of being perfect, without any sin. Anytime you don’t obey me and transgress my laws, you will incur the penalty of separation from me, the source of life. I am holy and have no sin. I can’t have relationship with those whose sins make them unholy. As a result of being separated from me, the source of life, death ensues. When my Son, Jesus, died on that cross however, he was God and thus eternal and also sinless. He was dying not for his sins but for you and your sins. He died as a substitute, taking your penalty upon himself. His death was the cure for your death. “God made him who knew no sin to become sin so that you might become the righteousness of God in him.” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Since he paid your penalty, if you receive his gift for you by admitting your sin and turning back to me, the source of life, you will live forever. That is “good news.” When I raised Jesus from the grave three days later, he and I

proved that you do have a Savior, you do have a “new treatment” for the disease of sin that will take your life. As to the Gospel or “good news” being in the Old Testament, of course it is. I wrote the whole book, the Bible. The Old Testament began by proclaiming that I would send my son into the world to pay the penalty for Adam and Eve’s sin as well as yours (Genesis 3:15). The rest of the Old Testament simply tells the story of my plan to bring my Son, Jesus, into the world through the Jews. This provision had nothing to do with self-effort but was dependence on my provision, my Son, to pay for your sins. In fact, this promise of a Savior, came immediately after Adam & Eve disobeyed me and began to experience death. The provision or “new treatment” for sin would by as a result of trusting me and my Son to pay your penalty, not trying to pay it yourself. The entire sacrificial system of the Old Testament was a temporary provision to “cover” your sins until my Son, Jesus could take them away, thus enabling a relationship with me, by faith. It involved, bringing a blood offering, a pure and spotless animal, to die in your place. If, with it, they confessed their sins, I would accept the blood of the dead animal in their place. They would live instead of die because of the death of a temporary substitute until my Son would give his eternal and sinless blood to permanently take away your sins (Hebrew 10:1-14). I also asked my proph-

Letters From God

QUESTION: What Is The Gospel And Is It Part Of The Old Testament?

The word “Gospel” is contained in my book, the Bible. The word literally means “good news.” It is the message that I have made a way for you, who are sinful and separated from me and as a result experiencing death, to be restored to a relationship with me and enjoy life for eternity. Since death is the worst thing that can happen to you, to experience life forever is not only the good news, but the greatest news you could ever receive. Imagine having a terminal disease that is incurable, but you receive good news that a treatment has been found that will remove the disease and allow you to live forever. That is what I have made possible and I have asked all those who have heard this good news and received my treatment for their sin, to convey this message to the world. They have been faithful since my first commission when I sent them into the world to proclaim this good news (Matthew 28:1820). It has spread from Jerusalem, throughout the Promised land and has reached around the world (Act 1:8). Sadly however, many who have heard the “good news” have rejected it and continue on their fateful journey

et Habakkuk, to capture this “good news” of salvation by faith or trusting my Son and his provision for your sins, when I had him write, “the righteous shall live by faith.” (Habakkuk 2:4). You too can become righteous, I would see no sin or consequences for sins committed, because of faith in my Son’s provision for your sins. Note carefully that as a result, you “shall live.” I have made this “good news” apparent throughout the Old Testament that I had written. Abraham was saved by faith, simply by believing my promises. Of course, the biggest “gospel” promise was that he would have a Savior who would come from his child, Isaac (Genesis 15:6). Finally, note in Psalm 49, I made it clear when I said, “We can never redeem ourselves; we cannot pay God the price for our lives, because the payment for a human life is too great…But God will rescue me; he will save me from the power of death.” (Psalm 49:7,15). If you have never heard the Gospel, my “good news,” my great news, you have now. The ball is in your court. Your decision to trust me and my Son to save you from the penalty of sin now, will determine your destiny for eternity. I love you, God These letters are written by Rev. Dr. Sam Hollo of Alton, NH.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

Know the Key Benefits of a Roth IRA As you save for retirement, you’ll want to take full advantage of the investment vehicles available to you — and one of the best is a Roth IRA. But what sets it apart from other accounts?

However, unlike a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA does have income limits. For the 2023 tax year, if your modified adjusted gross income was less than $138,000 (for a single filer) or $218,000 (married filing jointly), you can put in the full amount of $6,500 and an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution if you’re 50 or older. The amounts you can contribute will gradually decline at higher income levels and are phased Three key factors distinguish the Roth IRA: out entirely at $153,000 for single filers and • Tax-free earnings – When you invest in a $228,000 if you’re married and file jointly. Roth IRA, your earnings can grow tax free, These income ranges will likely change for the provided you don’t begin taking withdrawals 2024 tax year, so you’ll want to consult with until you’re 59½ and you’ve had your account your tax advisor for details. at least five years. If you don’t meet these Still, even if you’ve contributed to a criteria, withdrawals of earnings will be traditional IRA or a 401(k) for many years, subject to taxes and a possible 10% penalty. you may have a chance to eventually “convert” • No penalties on withdrawals of some, or all, of these funds to a Roth IRA and contributions – You fund a Roth IRA with gain its benefits. It’s not hard to do this after-tax dollars, which means you can conversion — it involves minimal paperwork withdraw your contributions — not the from your traditional IRA or 401(k) provider earnings — at any time for any reason, — but it does come with tax issues. Any without facing taxes or penalties. So, you money that’s converted from a traditional IRA could use some of your Roth IRA money for or 401(k) to a Roth IRA will be treated as non-retirement purposes, such as helping pay ordinary taxable income. This can trigger a for a child’s college education. large tax bill, so, unless you have the money available from other accounts to pay the taxes, • No required withdrawals at age 73 – With a the conversion may or may not make sense traditional IRA or a 401(k), you must start for you. But you don’t have to convert all the taking withdrawals — called required minimum distributions, or RMDs — once you funds at once. By spreading the conversion reach 73. But this rule doesn’t apply to a Roth over several years, you could reduce the effect of a large tax hit in any single year. You may IRA — you can keep it intact as long as you want to consult with your tax advisor before like. You may need to tap into it for some of your retirement income, but if you don’t use it converting any funds to a Roth IRA. all, the remainder could benefit your If you can find a way to contribute to a beneficiaries. Roth IRA, either directly or through a conversion, consider it carefully — you’ll A Roth IRA does share one similarity to a traditional IRA: It can be funded with virtually find a lot of upsides to this investment any type of investment, including stocks, bonds, account. mutual funds, certificates of deposit (CDs) and so on.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

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The “Birding” Gift by Chris Bosak





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New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

Fully Insured

— OBITUARY — James "Jim" Stewart Donovan

Contributing Writer

Birders are trained to find things that look out of place. It is a self-training that happens naturally over the course of many years of looking for birds. A slight movement in the bushes likely means a bird or small mammal. That bump on a fence railing or post is probably a small perching bird taking a rest. If you are canoeing and the expanse of calm water ahead of you is broken by barely distinguishable ripples, a diving duck may soon reappear on the surface. This gift that birders have, I think, is most often on display while driving. Most people will drive by a hawk perched on a branch along the road and not even notice it. Birders, on the other hand, see the blob in the tree from a mile away. A positive identification of the blob is made as you zoom past at 65 miles an hour. Just the other day, I noticed a bald eagle perched along a river. From the road, however, it was largely hidden by branches, but something just didn’t look quite right. This gift is most evident when driving or walking along a familiar route. If you’ve walked a trail through the woods a thousand

Black vultures perch in a tree above a dead deer in New England this fall. times, you get to know where every rock, root and upturned tree is. Anything that looks out of the ordinary is immediately noted and inspected to see if it’s a bird or animal. The other day, I came across a scene in which no special skills were necessary to notice that something wasn’t as it normally is. A tree along a familiar route was covered in large black birds. Crows were my first thought, but as I got closer, it was painfully obvious that they were vultures, dozens of them. I pulled the car over to the shoulder and noticed a tree on the opposite side of the road was covered in vultures too. I was so intent on getting a photo or two

with this cou

that I didn’t stop to think about why all these vultures had gathered at this spot. Just a temporary roosting spot I assumed at the time. As I pulled away to let the vultures be, I noticed why this was suddenly a popular spot for the large scavengers. A dead deer, which appeared to have been killed a few days prior, was on the grass adjacent to the shoulder. Its hide had been torn open to expose fresh red meat for the birds. Coincidentally, as I drove another couple hundred yards, I passed a field with about 20 wild turkeys in it. It was a successful birding day, and I hadn’t even left the car. When I drove back

to the scene about an hour later, the vultures were still there, and one was brave enough to be picking at the deer as cars zoomed past. As I drove past this time, the ribs of the deer were exposed as the vultures did their thing. Somewhat surprisingly, the vultures were all black vultures. Turkey vultures are the more common species in New England, but black vultures are expanding their range northward into New England. The two species are often seen together, especially if there is good carrion to be had. Black vultures have dark gray bald heads and turkey vultures have the more familiar pinkSee BOSAK on 29

December 6, 1948 - November 9, 2023 James Stewart Donovan of Corsicana, TX passed away on November 9, 2023. Jim was a beloved husband, father, son, uncle, papa, and a friend to many people. Jim was born December 6, 1948 in Lancaster, NH to Alice (Torrey) and Stewart Donovan. Jim grew up in Laconia, NH. Jim was in ac�ve duty for the Navy for a few years, was in the Army and also the Air Force Reserves where he re�red from the Air Force. He was an amazing person inside and out. Always would be there for anyone who needed help. He is survived by his 3 children; Shawn Donovan of Glendale, AZ, Tarra Strand of Clarksville, TN, and Meagan Hamman of Glendale, AZ. His 4 grandchildren; Chris�an, Karlynn, William, and Peyton. He is also survived by his brother Bill "Barry" Fraser and his sister Beverly "Bev" Curry, and many cousins, nieces and nephews. Jim's death was preceded by his loving wife; Carol Ann Donovan, by his parents; Stewart and Alice Donovan, his brothers; Reginald Torrey, Donald Torrey Danton, and Robert Donovan, and also his grand-daughter; Zoe Elizabeth Ann Donovan. We will have a Celebra�on of Life for our dad "Jim" at a later �me.



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 — Serving ServingLaconia LaconiaDaily Daily

Celtics, Floors, And Tradition by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

I recently received a text from an old Marine Corps buddy who now teaches history at Clemson University. “What’s up with the Celtics floor at the Garden? No more parquet?” I hadn’t watched much early season basketball, so I went to You-Tube to check the look. Not pretty. Then I read a post by @SamLaFranceNBA. For the first time in franchise history, the Boston Celtics will be playing some of their home games on a court that doesn’t have a parquet design … [earlier] the NBA officially unveiled the alternate court designs that all 30 teams will use for In-Season Tournament games. Boston’s design features a dark green paint job with a wooden-colored runway down the center. The “city edition” logo for the Celtics is featured at center court, on top of a painting of the NBA Cup trophy. In a statement, the NBA said that the alternate courts will be used for all group-stage and quarterfinal tournament games. The league added that the goal is to make it “instantly clear” to fans when they are watching an In-Season Tournament game. The in-season tournament gimmick is grist for a different mill (i.e. material for another column) but the

Boston Celtics play on the famous Parquet floor. absence of the parquet is a big issue for many Celtic fans. You see, the Celtic product largely involves tradition— more so than any other NBA team. Tradition. Holiday traditions are especially sacrosanct. Detroit Lion home games on Thanksgiving. My mom’s Christmas popcorn balls. The Indy 500 on Memorial Day. Don’t mess with tradition. Yankee pinstripes. Throwing hats on the ice for hat tricks. Cutting down the net. The seventh inning stretch. And the Celtic parquet. As Henry James said, “It takes an endless amount of history to make even a little tradition.” As Winston Churchill said, “Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd.” As Woody Allen said, “Tradition is the illusion of permanence.” Tradition binds together generations, providing common experiences and shared

imagery. Mess with tradition at your own peril. (Google “New Coke.”) Our military services are dealing with terrific recruiting challenges. There are several reasons for this, including demographics. But a significant cause for the recruiting crisis involves eschewing certain traditions. Marine female recruits no longer train separately from males, for example. When veterans no longer sense the old traditional ties to the current military, then they are less likely to encourage sons or daughters, nieces or nephews, friends or acquaintances, etc. to consider joining the military. There is incredible intangible value to celebrating tradition. The current presidential administration has been pushing woke values onto the military. There’s less focus on war fighting and more focus on social justice. The Biden administration wants to use the military to fight “climate change.” No won-

der Army enlistments fell 25% short of goals in 2022. Hopefully the next administration will return to celebrating traditional values relating to camaraderie, patriotism, and service as opposed to dreary and dubious woke valSee MOFFETT on 24

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —




— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 — Newest Release By Brendan Smith

Simple Feast


“The Best of a F.O.O.L.* In New Hampshire”

*Flatlander’s Observations On Life

The Nazareth Cookie

The The

Simple Feast

Simple Feast

by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer


Simple Feast

With Christmas fast approaching I thought it prudent to write on one of my favorite topics: Cookies! A rather demure pastry, the Nazareth Cookie is made of simple ingredients which typically include sugar, butter, flour, and egg. While scant on liquid the modern rendition can be either moist and pliable or crisp and crumbly. Through the ages these cookies have been known by a host of names; Jumbles, Gemmells, Crybabies, Gimbletts, Plunketts to name a few. While too, the Nazareth Cookie is a close cousin of other favorites such as the Shortbread biscuit, Butter Cookie, and the Snickerdoodle, it is the ratio of butter and sugar and the addition of Cream of Tartar that separate these close kin. But, perhaps you know the Nazareth Cookie best by its humble unassuming moniker, “The Sugar Cookie.” When looking deeper into the origins of the Sugar Cookie a fascinating labyrinth of historic rabbit trails opens up just beyond the thickets. It starts with a “biscuit-like” cookie of sorts, whose “modern” origins are with the Germans

who settled in the area now known as Nazareth, Pennsylvania in the early to mid 1700’s. Yes, other countries did have their version of the sugar cookie. And yes, most, up to this point, had more of a hard crumble or biscuit texture, the dough often being rolled and shaped. But, it was in Nazareth PA that the Nazareth Cookie began to morph into a cookie for eating rather than just a thin “biscuit” for decoration. Yes, you read that right, at one point these biscuit-like cookies were rolled and cut into decorative shapes and festooned with fragrant spices and baked. The Nazareth Cookie, in its many shapes, was hung as festive holiday decor in many homes. Some people claim that it was not uncommon to see these cookies cut into the Keystone shape after

Jefferson gave his presidential victory speech of 1802 in which he referred to Pennsylvania as “the keystone to the Federal union.” By the middle 1800’s Sugar Cookies gained greater traction, becoming popular not only for rolling and cutting into a myriad of shapes to decorate the home but also for being a sweet, pleasingly edible cookie. And by the 1950’s companies such as Pillsbury began making commercially available Sugar Cookie dough offering the average consumer both convenience and consistency in the product. Today, we see rolls of dough ready for the holidays. Just preheat the oven, remove the outer packaging from the roll, slice and place each one on a baking sheet, and, in as little as 15 minutes you too can have fanciful holi-

day themed hot cookies ready to eat. I can remember as Christmas grew near mom would make all sorts of holiday treats. This was the beginning of the “Twelve Days of Baking,” Those days before Christmas when it seemed like every day there was a different aroma to welcome you in the door. Mom would always be baking something whether it be pies, cakes, cookies or confections. It seemed there were endless reasons to bake; friends, family, school and office parties, church and club bazaars. And the smells! The unmistakable aroma of chocolate and peanut butter when mom made Peanut Butter Cups. The fragrant combination of brown sugar, pumpkin, and spices when she made coffee cakes and sweet breads. See FEAST on 20


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

Dress Up The Holidays With Succulent Plants

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by Melinda Myers Many people are opting for more natural elements in their holiday displays and those that easily blend with their home décor. Popular succulent plants fit this trend whether decorating your home, setting a festive table, or giving as a gift. You and your guests will enjoy the easy care of succulents and the beauty they provide beyond the holidays. Small-scale cacti and succulents provide a multitude of opportunities for use in holiday celebrations. Just select containers that complement, but don’t overpower their charm. Use them to dress up the table by making them into place cards for your guests. Plant individual succulents in a small clay pot and set one by each place set-


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ting. Include the guest’s name or holiday wish on a plant tag set in the pot or written on the container. Send them home with your guests to enjoy for months to come. Repurpose holiday mugs, champagne glasses, bottles and other items into succulent planters. Fill whatever container you choose with a well-drained cacti and succulent mix and display it on beverage or serving tables and trays. Just be careful not to

overwater since the container you choose may lack drainage holes. Empty wine bottles also make fun planters to display any time of the year. You will need to cut a large opening or several smaller holes into the side of the wine bottle or you may opt to buy one that is pre-cut. Fill the bottle with a cacti and succulent mix. The wine bottle planter can be displayed on its side but needs support to prevent it from roll-

ing off the table. One simple method uses two corks and strong wire to create a cradle for your bottle garden. You can also plant just the bottom of the wine bottle and stand it up for a different look. Or consider drilling several holes in the side of the bottle. Plant small succulents in the holes. Secure the plants in place with a bit of sphagnum moss or glue if needed to hold the plants in place once See MYERS on 17

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A succulent wreath placed around a candle makes a festive holiday centerpiece.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

MYERS from 16 the bottle is set upright. Create a centerpiece for gatherings by planting them in a shallow container. Their unique shapes and colors blend nicely with any décor. Or display individual potted specimens in the container to enjoy throughout the evening. When the party is over, each guest can pick a plant to take home. You won’t need much space to enjoy the subtle colors and dramatic forms of these droughttolerant plants. Skip the seasonal greenery and use succulents to dress up candle displays. Create a terrarium of succulents using any clear glass container with an open top or lid set ajar. Succulents do not thrive in the humid conditions of closed containers. Take it one step further and create a succulent tree. Fill a cone-shaped wire frame with moist sphagnum

moss. Use cuttings or small plants to cover the frame. You may need to expand the opening to fit the roots through the wires and into the moss. Include the name and care directions when sending plants home with guests. This makes it easier for the recipient to keep their gift thriving once it arrives home. Suggest they keep it near a sunny window where temperatures are a bit cooler and free of hot and cold air drafts.

growing. Be sure to keep a few succulents for yourself. A succulent centerpiece is a great addition to any gathering at any time of the year. Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including the recently released Midwest Gardener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space Gar-

Water succulents thoroughly and only when the soil is dry. Pour off any excess water that collects in the saucer. Avoid overwatering plants growing in containers that lack drainage holes. As the days lengthen and the light intensity increases, the plants will need more frequent watering. Fertilize once or twice during the time the plants are actively

dening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” instant video and DVD series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio program. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine. Myers’ website is www. MelindaMyers.com.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

Holiday Hazard Prevention: Steps To A Safe And Accident-Free Season COME CELEBRATE THE REASON FOR THE SEASON AT ST. JOSEPH PARISH, BELMONT



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(StatePoint) As the holidays approach, you might be hosting guests, shopping for gifts and decorating your home. While all these activities can bring a lot of joy into the season, they can also bring an increase in risks. Prepare by following these six tips to prevent damage. 1. Install A Smart Doorbell. Whether you want to see who just arrived or help keep packages secure, a smart doorbell will keep you updated on all activities in front of your home. From

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package deliveries to carolers, you can easily view (and communicate) with your visitors, even if you aren’t home. 2. Decorate Carefully. As pretty as those lights might be, they can be a tripping hazard. What’s more, overheating lights can trigger a fire in seconds, especially in a dry environment, such as near a parched tree. On Erie Insurance’s YouTube channel, they show how fast a Christmas tree goes up in flames and have tips on how to avoid fires, including to check string lights for any frayed wires and to always turn off lights when you aren’t home. 3. Prepare For The Unexpected. As temperatures drop, prepare your home for potential damage. Bad

weather can trigger a weak tree to fall, potentially on your house, while cold temperatures can cause frozen pipes, which could cost thousands of dollars in water damage if the pipes burst. Be sure to keep your homeowners insurance up to date so you are prepared should any seasonal damage occur. To prevent that damage and a costly claim, survey your property and even call-in experts to check trees, pipes and other possible hazards.

a fender-bender. As an added precaution, be sure to keep your auto insurance up to date in case of damage. Your insurance company might offer options to help you tighten your wallet during an expensive season. For example, Erie Insurance offers convenient bundling of car and home insurance to potentially save you money. 5. Mingle Merry-And Safely. Holiday parties can be fun, but make sure you have a plan for getting home safely. And if you’re hosting the party, be aware that in most states party hosts can be held liable for their guests’ actions behind the wheel. So be sure your guests have a safe ride home.

4. Stay Safe On The Road. The winter season carries driving risks. Not only may roads be slick and icy, but holiday shoppers are often stressed and frazzled. On roads, and particularly in shopping centers and mall parking lots, slow down 6. Be Smart Online. and stay alert to avoid If you’d rather keep See STEPS on 22

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

Broadway New Year’s Eve Bash 18+ Event At Colonial Theatre Powerhouse Theatre Collaborative is excited to partner with Spectacle Live for a Broadway-themed New Year’s bash at the beautiful Colonial Theatre in Laconia NH. Please join them for their first-ever Broadway New Year’s Eve Bash! This event will run from 7:30pm to 1am and will include light appetizers, a champagne/sparkling cider toast, and various types of entertainment throughout the evening. There will be a cash bar and is an 18+ event. Activities include: Karaoke: Now is your time to take center stage at the historic Colonial Theatre! There will be a sign up to participate, and names will be drawn at random from the list. (It is pos-

sible not all who sign up will receive a slot). Trivia: Get your thinking caps on and rally your teammates for trivia! There will be a prize for first place! Social Bingo: Get to know other party guests throughout


the evening with social bingo. Fill out your card with the names of guests that match the descriptions. Turn your card in for a chance to win a prize! Photo Booth: Want a keepsake to remember the night? Visit our

photo booth! Costume Contest: Dress up as your favorite Broadway character and strut your stuff on stage for a chance to win a prize! Dancing: End the night right by dancing into 2024! Tickets for Broadway New Year’s Eve Bash at the Colonial Theatre of Laconia on New Year’s Eve at 7:30pm are $30 through December 26 then go up to $35 and go on sale Friday at 10am at ColonialLaconia.com or by calling 1-800-657-8774. First opened in 1914, the Colonial Theatre was designed by George l. Griffin. Original owner Benjamin Piscopo was from Italy, and the theatre featured a fire curtain depicting Venice as seen from See BASH on 22



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

FEAST from 15

Out with the Old, In with the New


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And brownies and cookies. Oh, the cookies! Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, and yes, Sugar Cookies! There were always Sugar Cookies cutouts in the form of angels, trees, bells, and stars. And taking us down the home stretch, those last few days just before Christmas, the yeast breads and her Parker House Rolls on the 25th. It was all on a schedule in keeping with what was to go where and she knew how long each would keep. Mom made, so she thought, enough cookies for cookie plates. These cookie plates went to friends, neighbors, and the occasional party. Made ahead, as they lasted a while, she could never successfully hide the cookies. With as many as five of us living in a small cape there were only so many places you could hide cook-

HOLIDAY COOKIES Yield: About 32 Cookies Per PKG. Time: Approx. 45 Min.

INGREDIENTS 1 17.5 oz. package of Sugar Cookie Mix (dry mix pouch) 1 Stick Butter 1 Egg 2 tsp. Water


- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. - Prepare dough as instructed on the package. - Add a teaspoon or two of water and stir into the dough. Dough should be thick enough to roll into dough balls. Add any candy, chips, or nuts to the dough if desired and mix well. - Deposit dough balls onto cookie sheets evenly spaced (9 or 12 depending upon the size of your sheet). - Bake cookies for 13 minutes or until the cookie edge begins to brown slightly. - Remove cookies from the oven and let cool a minute before removing to a wire rack to cool. - Ice or frost if desired. ies. And cookies and chocolate peanut butter cups were easy pickings for sticky fingers. Afterall, she’d never miss just one, would she? As

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our frequent sampling descended into bordering on blatant thievery, mom would become furious with us kids. But her wrath that once filled us with fear itself lessened with time, becoming more comical as we grew older and taller. Mom was hard pressed to break five feet tall in high heels. And barely one hundred pounds soaking wet. By the time I had reached my late teens and over six feet tall, even moms threats of telling dad “when he got home” didn’t have much teeth. While he may not have been the ringleader of this gang of miscreants, dad was as guilty as the rest of us. So here it is a few weeks before Christmas and I want to make cookies. But with few social events in my life and not having a big family, I do not need a huge bowl of dough. Fortunately

“Ms. Crocker” and others have stepped in to help. And with a little creativity you too can have some variety in your cookies. With two 17.5 ounce packs of Sugar Cookie dough mix, two sticks of butter, two eggs, and a few other ingredients from the spice rack I was able to come up with five simple cookies that will have friends and family thinking that you and I spent days in the kitchen. They need not know that we divided the dough to make a variety of cookies. And you are only limited by your imagination. These package mixes have basic instructions for both drop cookies and rolled dough cut cookies. I decided to add about two teaspoons or so of water for a more pliable dough and, combining the See FEAST on 21


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

FEAST from 20 requisite ingredients, stirred and then divided the dough. Dropping the dough by the spoonful onto cookie sheets, nine to the sheet, I made some plain Sugar Cookies. For a Spice Cookie similar to a Snickerdoodle, I mixed some Pumpkin Pie Spice and some sugar in a bowl, tossed in some spoonfuls of dough, and rolled them around to coat them. For Candy Shop Cookies I stirred in a box of “candy coated peanut butter drops” to the remaining dough, and dropped by the spoonful onto cookie sheets. In about 13 minutes the cookies were done. The yield was about 30 to 32 cookies per package.

With the second package I got a little more creative. Making the dough following the package directions, I again added some water (about a teaspoon), divided the dough and then added two teaspoons of brandy for a Chocolate Brandy Cookie. Spooning the dough onto cookie sheets yielded 16 cookies. These went into the 350 degree oven for 10 minutes, and then I topped each cookie with a piece of dark chocolate from a candy bar and put them back into the oven for three minutes. When they came out I used a spatula to spread the chocolate and removed the cookies to cool on a rack. With the remaining dough I

made some Lemon Drop Cookies by adding some lemon extract and some yellow food coloring to the dough. Along with this, once the cookies were cooled on a rack, I made a simple icing using confectioners sugar, water, lemon extract, and a few drops of yellow food coloring. You need not spend your days nor weeks

before Christmas in the kitchen. With a few hours and some creativity, you too can make a variety of cookies, giving friends and family the impression that you tarried over the task for days. But, only you and I will know the secret to this Simple Feast. Enjoy!

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Please join the St. André Bessette Catholic Community as we Celebrate the Birth of Our Savior St. André Bessette Parish - All masses held at Sacred Heart Church, 291 Union Ave., Laconia —MASS SCHEDULE FOR CHRISTMAS 2023— Christmas Eve Sunday December 24: 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., 12:00 a.m. Christmas Day Monday December 25: 9:30 a.m.,

—MASS SCHEDULE FOR NEW YEARS 2023/ 2024— New Years Eve, Sunday December 31: 4:00 P.M. New Years Day, Monday January 1: 9:00 A.M.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

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BASH from 19 the water. The theatre hosted a variety of stage productions and photoplays. By the early 1930s the Colonial had pivoted to show motion pictures. In 1983, the theatre was divided up into 5 separate movie screens. In August of 2002, the theatre closed after 87 years of operation. On June 15, 2015, the City of Laconia announced a partnership with the Belknap Economic Development Council (BEDC) to purchase, renovate, and reopen the Colonial. 609 Main Street LLC was created to conduct the capital campaign

for the renovation. The restoration of the Colonial began in March of 2016 and concluded in early 2021. The newly reopened Colonial Theatre has a seating capacity of 750 and plays host to a wide range of performances, including music, theatre, comedy, and civic events. The Colonial Theatre is managed by Spectacle Management and is home to the Powerhouse Theatre Collaborative. The Colonial Theatre is located at 609 Main Street, Laconia, NH 03246. www. coloniallaconia.com

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 — TEA from 1 to New York City. Local Patriots in Philadelphia and New Your convinced the consignors to resign, and the tea went back to England. In Charleston, S.C, the tea was never claimed and ended up rotting in storage. The Dartmouth was the first ship to arrive at Boston’s Griffin Wharf. By law it had 20 days to land the tea or it would be confiscated. Two other ships, the Beaver and Eleanor, arrived a few weeks later. A fourth ship ran aground on Cape Cod. Colonists petitioned Governor Thomas Hutchinson to let the ships return the tea to England. His sons Thomas and Elisha just happened to be the consignees. Indeed, if the ships did not unload the tea, the owners were told that their ships would be fired upon as they sailed past Castle Island. The Tea Party The 16th of December fell on a rainy and chilly Thursday. It was the last day that the Dartmouth had to unload its cargo. The meeting at the Old South Meeting House was held in the morning where attendees were read letters of support from surrounding towns. The meeting ended and reconvened in the afternoon. The meeting lasted a few hours and instructed that the ship owners were to have an interview with Governor Hutchinson to get permission to sail without unloading the tea. At 6pm, close to forty percent of the 16,000 Bostonians arranged themselves in and out of the Old South Meeting House. No word as of yet from Hutchinson and the ship owners. Josiah Quincy (member of the Committee of Correspondence) spoke of the peoples’

Party. The museum has two replicas of the ships-the Beaver and Eleanor, re-enactors with attendee involvement and a multi-media presentation that brings history alive. Among the museum’s collection is an original tea chest recovered from the event. Their website: www.bostonteapartyship.com In 2018, I had the opportunity to attend the Tea Party Reenactment with media credentials. A link to the video of the event: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=He7D8Gk8WQ4

Plaque at the site of the original location of the Tea Party on Boston’s Atlantic Ave which includes a portion of the poem written by Oliver Wendell Holmes.

resolve and popular acclamations of willing to gives their lives. Others spoke in similar tones to the attendees. Finally, around 7pm, they received word that the ships must unload the tea. Samuel Adams stood and said the words “This meeting can do nothing more to save the country,” In the back of the room and outside in the street, the Sons of Liberty reacted to that remark by moving swiftly to Griffins wharf and boarded the three

tea ships Dartmouth, Eleanor, and Beaver. The men, some dressed as Mohawk Indians, extracted the tea from the cargo holds and dispersed the leaves into the waters of the harbor. They were given strict orders not to do any damage or hurt any of the crew members of the three ships. Men were posted in small boats preventing anyone

from taking the tea. The Caption of the Beaver, Hezekiah Coffin, turned over the keys to the storage holds and encouraged his men to participate in “Tea Party.” Forty-six tons of tea, worth approximately $2 million in today’s money, ended up in the Harbor. The British government’s response to

the “Tea Party” was the passing of what became known as The Intolerable Acts which included the closing of Boston Harbor. This helped further unify the colonies and led to our nation’s independence. I highly recommend a visit to the Tea Party Museum located on Congress St. which is close to the location of the Tea

In 1874, Oliver Wendelll Holmes wrote a poem entitled “The Destruction of the Tea at Boston Harbor. A portion of that poem is found at an historic plaque at the site of the original location of the Tea Party on Boston’s Atlantic Ave. Hal Shurtleff is the Director of Camp Constitution, a NH based charitable trust. You can visit their website at www.campconstitution.net.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

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MOFFETT from 13 ues relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion. It’s a national security issue. Tradition. Consider the lyrics to that wonderful song

ks a e t • S ood a st af Pa Se

from that that Academy Award winning film: “Tradition! Without our traditions our lives would be as shaky as … a fiddler on the roof!” True. So, bring back the

Celtic parquet floor for good! Sports Quiz What happened to the Boston Garden parquet basketball floor after the old Garden closed in

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1995? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on December 14 include MLB All-Star pitcher (not the Celtic) Sam Jones (1925) and MLB slugging star Bill Buckner (1949).

Sports Quote “Since 1981, I’ve Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, spent every Thanksgivvoted one of theVeal top ten restaurants ing Day broadcasting a Francese and Eggplant Rollatini in NH by Boston Magazine football game. I could — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specialssay, — ‘Woe is me. I miss Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm out on the traditional Located under the canopy 131 Lake StreetBay at Paugus Bay Plaza Located under the canopy at 131 Lakeat Street At Paugus Plaza, Laconia family Thanksgiving Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com tradition.’ Or I could say, “We’ve got a new tradition and it’s pretty good.’” – Hall of Fame NFL coach and football commentator John Madden


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Sports Quiz Answer The Celtics’ old parquet floor was moved to the Fleet Center, where it was still used intact thru 1999. Then portions of the original floor were integrated into a new parquet floor while other portions were cut up and sold as souvenirs. State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast. net.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

OUT on the TOWN


Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

SHAPIRO from 6 one bit of attention. Israel, by contrast, ought to be destroyed. So, what ought to be done? First, donors ought to pull their money. Second, businesses ought to start hiring directly out of high school and stop treating the bizarre credentialing process of major universities as worthwhile. It isn’t. Chances are better that you’ll get a great employee by selecting a high school graduate with 1500 SAT and a 4.0 GPA than by selecting a Harvard graduate with the same statistics. Finally, parents ought to stop subsidizing this nonsense with their own children. The universities are corrupt through and

through. Their endorsement of DEI has been a curse to reason and decency. Their politics are vile, and those politics also make the universities corrupt factories of moral depravity. It’s time to end the system. Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent. To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. creators.com.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society Presents


SMITH from 3 at Whitefield involved the singing of familiar songs led by a 50 voice choir. A letter was read which was written by by a serviceman who was overseas, Sgt. Velmore Levasseur. The goal of the Red Cross was “ Universal Membership” and its 1918 before Christmas campaign for 1919 membership involved going door to door to persuade as many as possible to give a dollar to enroll. The American Red Cross had issued service flags to its members for 1918 and distributed new ones for the year 1919. These flags showed support for the organization and the servicemen of our country that the Red Cross brought aid too. Some towns had large service flags with a star on it for each person serving in the military from their town. Aid to American sailors and soldiers in Great Britain in one month was said to have included 30,000 sweaters, 30,000 toothbrushes, 50,000 pairs of socks, 32,000 pounds of soap, 300,000 boxes of matches, 800 baseball outfits, 500 mouth organs, 144,000 packages of chewing gum, and 5,000,000 cigarettes. The Red Cross had seven warehouses in England and seven in Ireland, and had supplies so they could outfit up to 6,000 ship-

wrecked Americans should that become necessary. Those serving in other countries also received aid from the Red Cross which was preparing to help returning soldiers adjust to post-war living and find jobs after being released from military duty. Major General Clarence Edwards, Commander of the Department of the Northeast, U.S.A., on returning from the Front, wrote an article about the service of the Red Cross. In it he said that the relief brought to “the boys”

in France by the Red Cross was great, noble, and useful. They supplied needed tents and blankets to make the troops comfortable, but he also expressed the needs of the families of servicemen who depended on their military boys or husbands for support. The Commander wrote “On our boat coming home were 186 crippled men, coming back to make their way again. Another boat started the same day with as many more. Some of those boys have only one arm, some have See SMITH on 27


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

SMITH from 26 only one leg, some will not see their Mother’s face because they are blind. What is going to become of these boys who have given all that they could? ...No nobler work can be done than for the Red Cross to see to it that they are made comfortable, that they are looked after until they are settled again.” He went on to say, “The Red Cross can make them most happy by having their homes safe for them,

and their mothers and sisters well.” With the end of the war and the return of our soldiers to the home country, questions arose concerning the after the war relief efforts of the Red Cross in Europe. It was revealed that a model farm had already been established at Courbet in France which was to be worked by convalescent soldiers, considering that farm work was thought to be one of the best methods

of recovery from men suffering from shell shock. Farmers in this country were encouraged to support the Christmas Red Cross roll call to help “carry on this reconstruction

work among the mutilated soldiers in France.” However, the primary relief organization in those days insisted that “There are our own soldiers, first and foremost, both in this country and overseas, who will require and receive this great organization’s first thought and care.” It was emphatically stated that the Red Cross would not be going into Germany and Austria except to care for our own troops there, with the primary reason for not helping the Germans and Austrians being that the United States government had ruled that at that time the Red Cross could not help the residents of those countries. As the Red Cross prepared to continue their relief work in 1919 some of our soldiers were coming home while others remained overseas in occupation status. Those in occupied Germany were given gifts includ-

ing sweets and certain “luxuries,”and a Christmas tree was promised to every company of soldiers and every officers’ mess. There are multiple relief agencies in our world today, including the Red Cross, and the needs of hurting people remain great,

so give, but make sure you choose legitimate and reliable relief organizations. The Christmas advertisement in 1918 declared, “The work of the Red Cross must go on.”



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

PARKER from 6 white Americans, compared to white Americans, choose more rather than less government to solve their problems. The Peter G. Peterson Foundation recently compiled comparative household median income data for the nation. In 2022, median national household income was $74,580. Median white household income was $81,060. Median Hispanic household income was $62,800. Median Black household income was $52,860. Lagging income is clearly a major problem in America’s communities of color. Hoover Institution economist John Cochrane calls “sclerotic growth ... America’s overriding economic problem” and points out that it’s economic

growth that drives income. The U.S. economy grew at an average rate of 3.5% annually from 1950 to 2000, per Cochrane. If it grew over those 50 years at 2% per year, around where it has been for the last 15 years, income would have been 54% lower. What causes “sclerotic growth”? Too much government. We need major reeducation in the nation’s communities of color that big government is not their friend. The federal government is now sucking up 25% of the U.S. economy. The Congressional Budget Office now projects average growth over the next 30 years at 1.6% per year. Not a pretty picture, and lower-income Americans will suffer the most.

The title of one of my books is “Uncle Sam’s Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America’s Poor and What We Can Do About It.” The Civil Rights Movement was a fight for freedom. Unfortunately, too many Black Americans have used their freedom to choose the government plantation. Now this is a challenge not just for Blacks but for the whole nation. Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.” Her recent book, “What Is the CURE for America?” is available now.

STOSSEL from 7 asks, incredulously. I tell her, “I don’t think they want to look at my private photos.” “That’s a presumption,” she replies. “If they know where I am,” I push back, “They can recommend a ‘car repair shop near me’ or ‘restaurant near me.’ I like that.” “I think it’s creepy, personally, but it goes further than that.” She replies, “These companies have a whole business model of selling that data. You have no idea where it ends up. ... It could be ending up in the hands of hackers on the dark web who want to target you with phishing scams, in the hands of political regimes who want to target you with specific content to get you to think in a certain way. ... And you’re probably

oblivious that any of this stuff is going on.” I’m oblivious unless I notice how specifically they market to me. I get creeped out when I’m talking about something and suddenly see an ad promoting something that addresses exactly what I was talking about. I think, “Oh, my God, were they just listening to me? How did they know to send me this?’” “They know,” says Brockwell. “Did you give them permission to access your microphone?” she asks. “Probably,” I say. “They might be listening to you,” she says. More likely, they just know because they know where I’ve been, what I do, and who my friends are. Brockwell then looks at my phone and tells me to delete most of

my apps. “But I like them,” I say. “I know you like them,” She says, “but you are taking your phone around with you everywhere you go. ... The government is purchasing all this data about us, creating records about all of us. That’s a really scary thing.” Every Tuesday at JohnStossel.com, Stossel posts a new video about the battle between government and freedom. He is the author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.”


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 — METZLER from 7 ary 24, 2022.” The cost of total U.S. aid to Ukraine in the past two years is officially $75 billion. That’s including $46 billion in military aid and assistance, $26 billion in support to the Kyiv government for supporting salaries and institutions, and $2.7 billion in humanitarian aid. Germany and the United Kingdom remain the two largest European donors. Now the Supplemental military aid budget of $61 billion before the U.S. Congress is approximately equal the UK’s entire an-

nual military budget or larger than Germany’s! Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected in Washington on a Christmas charm offensive. Yet, America’s military aid underscores the largest single security commitment to any European country since the Second World War. While the Congressional majority favors supporting Ukraine and its sovereignty, there’s a growing minority of Republicans who balk at offering the Kyiv government an open ended blank checkbook with no discernible end in sight.

Moreover the constant supply of often scarce munitions from the American and NATO stockpile has dangerously depleted U.S. inventories. There’s also the very real issue of linking wider Ukraine aid commitments to long overdue security protecting the United States southern border. It’s in our national interest to do both. Nonetheless a recent poll by the Reagan Institute advises in an executive summary; “Three-quarters of Americans say that it is important to the United States that Ukraine wins the

war against Russian aggression, including bipartisan supermajorities of Democrats (86%) and Republicans (71%).” While diplomats instinctively talk of and demand a ceasefire in the Gaza/Israel war, in Ukraine’s context the sentiment seems strangely mum. Recently at a function a Western Ambassador privately raised this conundrum only then to quickly return to political default mode; defeat Russia, then diplomacy! Beyond the monetary cost of the Ukraine war there a grueling human dimension; civil-

ian casualties, massive internal displacements and millions of refugees which are sadly forgotten in the maze of figures and military statistics. Putin will try to maintain the military stalemate and wait out Ukraine. Let’s keep him waiting. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations; Germany, Korea, China.

BOSAK from 11 ish-red heads. Turkey vultures are slightly larger, but without a side-by-side comparison, it is tough to differentiate based on size in the field. It was an exciting and welcomed scene, particularly during the slow birding days of late fall/early winter. And it was there for all to enjoy, not just those with the birding “gift.”


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —




by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —





PHOTO #993

With the Pontiac Safari station wagon, you don’t need to find the animals, they will find you. -David Doyon, Moultonborough, NH.

Runners Up : “Stay still Leo! You know I tied your tail under the back seat.”William “Ben” Guay, Farmington, NH. “Can we keep him Mommy? Please?” Robert Ferlito, Wantagh, NY.

“You know the rule. Whoever yells shoygun first.” -Bob Patric, Moultonboro, NH.


The Winklman Aeffect

PHOTO #995 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 2023 —

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