12/15/2022 Weirs Times

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On The ROpes -BuT nOT YeT COunTed OuT

December 15 marks the 231st anniversary of the ratification of the first 10 Amendments of the U.S. Constitution known as the The Bill of Rights. Sadly, the majority of Americans have little or no knowl -

edge about these amendments, and that is the main reason they are “on the ropes.”

In the mid-1980s a survey discovered that only one in a thousand could name the five rights protected in the 1st Amendment.

However, thanks to some recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions made this year including “Shurtleff

v Boston,” “Kennedy v. Bremerton School District,” “New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, INC., et al. v. Bruen,” and the repeal of “Roe v Wade,” the Bill of Rights has made a comeback.

But we still have at least two years of The Biden Administration which has, with the complicity and

Free Christmas Day Dinner

Continuing a decades-old holiday tradition in the Lakes Region, Hope Ministries of the First United Methodist Church and the Laconia Rod and Gun Club will provide a free dinner on Christmas day (Sunday, December 25) at the church at 18 Wesley Way (off of Route 11A near the 3/11 bypass) in Gilford.

The doors of will open at noon for fellowship, music and appetizers. At 1pm dinner will be served in the church’s fellowship hall, featuring a baked ham dinner and homemade desserts.

The meal is free, but space is limited so reservations are required.

Please contact the church office at (603) 524-3289 or email office.nhhope@gmail.com by Friday, December 18. If leaving a message, include name, phone number and the number in your party. Church hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 to noon.

Financial donations are welcome to ensure this wonderful tradition continues. Please drop off at the church office or send to the church at Hope Ministries at FUMC, PO Box 7408, Gilford NH 03247.

December 15th is the 231ST anniversary of the ratification of the Bill Of Rights. Hal Shurtleff of Camp Constitution asks if it can survive.
on 31

Oil And Money

To The Editor:

President Biden is opening up oil drilling in Venezuela which is stunning as that country is suffering an oppressive dictatorship.

The President has no interest to drill for oil in this country to once again create energy independence but sees it as fine dealing with thugs.

What does Senator Hassan or Shaheen have to say about this?

Up to this point absolutely nothing and I would not hold your breath. Senator Hassan has her job for another six years so you will not even see her shadow.

All of this is truly amazing as the President is in the process of distributing retribution money in the amount of one billion dollars to poor countries in response to climate change. Printing money has become stylish where average hardworking Americans are actually being mocked as they struggle to get by while this administration with the support of New Hampshire’s two Senators continues.

Out Of NATO And The UN

To The Editor:

A truth the right side of the aisle must wrestle with: under the guise of patriotism, the Deep State international cabal uses American foreign policy to advance global interests. Did you know that Congress has not fol-

lowed its constitutional duty to declare war since WWII? America has ceded its power to declare war to the cabal since Pearl Harbor. Who is this “cabal”? It’s is the regional military arm of the UN a.k.a. NATO. Thinking critically one might ask: Why is America sending 100,000 troops to defend 29 nations in Europe, all under the command of NATO, while simultaneously ignoring the invasion of our southern border? Answer: The cabal tells us it’s Patriotism, however it’s the truth played out before our eyes, it’s the advancement of global interests at the expense of our men and women in uniform.

U.S. troops serve under UN command because Congress shrinks from its responsibility to declare war. Citizens have no control over the UN or NATO. Because of this, military families in NATO countries lose God given protections of the Bill of Rights and live under the laws of European Union nations. Does spending 65 billion dollars to protect Ukraine this year with the higher cost of American blood looming make sense? This foreign policy is not American, it represents the advocates of one world government who have dominated our nation for the past century.

The UN Peace dove is a fraud, and its military arm NATO, sold as a way to defend European nations from the USSR, is part of the con-game. Article 52, Section 1 of Chapter VIII of the UN Charter allows for “maintenance of international peace and security and regional actions of agen-

Our StOry

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication.

Locally owned for 30 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people

cies” such as NATO or SEATO in Vietnam. These agencies are required to conduct their activities consistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Do you remember 911? The UN Security Council Resolution 1441 was issued to President Bush in 2002. This was permission for our President to commit American troops to battle in Iraq. Later resolutions would spread the conflict to Syria and Afghanistan. One does not ask permission from an inferior power , but to a superior power.

Let’s look closer at the UN Charter written by FDR Advisor Alger Hiss, a Soviet Agent. Chapter VIII, Article 54 states:

“The Security Council shall at all times be kept fully informed of activities undertaken or in contemplation under regional arrangements or by regional agencies for the maintenance of international peace and security.”

China and Russia are on the Security Council. Do you trust their leaders with NATO’s strategies of war? I don’t! Isn’t it strange that American diplomats at the San Francisco Conference in 1945 agreed that our two future enemies would know all of our planned military strategies in UN condoned wars? Is this why we didn’t win the UN war in Korea and Vietnam? UN Anti-American war policy was initiated in Korea and Vietnam. The results are on display on the Korean War Veterans Monument and the Vietnam Veterans

and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff.

Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 24,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 60,000 people reading this newspaper.

To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463

2 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 — ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.
Open Daily 9am - 5pm Salmon Falls Pottery, 75 Oak St., Dover, NH (603) 749-1467 • SalmonFalls.com Salmon FallS Stoneware Traditional New England Salt-Glaze Pottery EXPERIENCED DECORATORS NEEDED NOW! HIRING NOW! Must Have Previous Experience. Call Andy at 603-312-3808 159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821 NO PRESSURE, NO GIMMICKS, NO KIDDING! See MAILBOAT on 17

Not So LoNg Ago


Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE

A COllege ChRisTmAs

The snow was falling at a good clip, as they used to say, when the car I was a passenger in pulled into the city of Rutland, Vermont. The Rev. Mr. Emery had traveled from the Green Mountain State to Nyack College in Nyack, New York to bring his son and some other college students home for Christmas.

Though not a Vermonter, arrangements had been made for me to be one of his passengers. I was from New Hampshire, not Vermont, but my Mother was to meet us at a selected place in the city where we would continue our trip home.

I recall Rev. Emery informing me, as we rode into Rutland, that,if my Mother had not arrived at the designated meeting place when we arrived there, that he would have to leave me there on the street corner in the snow because he had a schedule to keep. What I don’t remember is whether my Mother was waiting for me or

if I had to wait, but I’m sure my wait wasn’t long.

Christmas at home was always meaningful to me, though to some would probably have seemed to be a somewhat simple observance.

The days before Christmas at College included some special Christmas season events along with the regular school routine. It seemed to be a tradition at college for the school’s student choir to perform Handel’s Messiah with a rousing rendition of “The Hallelujah Chorus.”

Another tradition at the college was an open-house evening at the dormitories. Students were encouraged to adorn their rooms in celebration of Christmas and, for

the only time during the year, the students were allowed to visit the dormitory rooms inhabited by those of opposite sex and view the various Christmas decorations.

Through the generosity of a friend I am able to tell you some about Christmas at Dartmouth College 149 years ago in the year 1873. Because of that friend I have in my possession a scrapbook containing copies of some letters written by a freshman student at Dartmouth, Albert Sanborn of Lake Village (Lakeport), New Hampshire.

In a letter addressed to a newspaper editor Albert Parker Sanborn indicated that as the winter vacation of 1873-4 approached the students of Dart -

mouth were thrilled with the anticipation of some time away from their studies. After speaking of the diffi -

3 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
OPEN DAILY 9am-5:30pm • SUNDAYS 10am - 4pm • CozyCabinrustiCs.Com LIVING RUSTIC Come Sh o p Our New Large r S tore! Cozy Cabin Rustics -Furniture & MattressesPLYMOUTH 603-238-3250 599 Tenney Mtn. Hwy. MEREDITH 603-279-1333 Junction of Rt. 3 & 25 FREE Local Delivery & Setup Jim & Jill SNOW PLOWING Jim & Jill SNOW PLOWING Friendly. Affordable. Dependable. Ready. Residential & Commercial 10 Mile Radius From Meredith, NH Snow Plowing • Sanding • Pushing Banks Back 603-340-0810 603-340-0810 From the Lakes to the Mountains, We Are At Your Service! •Septic Pumping •Septic Pump Repair & Installation •Drains Unclogged •Septic System Inspections MOULTONBOROUGH: 476-5557 | MEREDITH: 279-4313 www.lampreyseptic.com See SMITH on 32
Depiction of Dartmouth College by Josiah Dunhamas it appeared in the Massachusetts Magazine in 1793.


“Funky Divas” At First Congregational Church In Farmington

The First Congregatonal Church in Farmington on Main Street will be holding a Celebratory Holiday Concert with the Funky Divas on December 17th at 3pm.

The Funky Divas of Gospel will be performing at the First Congregational Church in Farmington in a special concert. Join in for some fun and great entertainment. Suggested Donation $10 Per Person. Children admitted free.

Also the Blessed Bargains Thrift Store will be open from 9:30 am to 2 pm.

The public is invited to drop in to view the many displays of Christmas items in the Fellowship Hall using the new Community Access Ramp entrance off of Pleasant Street. The First Congregational Church is located at 400 Main Street in downtown Farmington.

For more information go to their website: www.farmingtonnhucc.org.

Celebrate Winter Solstice At McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center w/Cowasuck Band

CONCORD - On Wednesday, December 21 at 7 p.m., the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center and Cowasuck Band of the Abenaki-Pennacook People invite the public to celebrate the Winter Solstice with a premiere of the Discovery Center’s new planetarium show, The Great Spirit Bear Chase. Made possible by a grant from NH Humanities, with a script written by Cowasuck Band Chief Paul Pouliot, produced by Film Unbound and with technical support by SSIA Technologies, this 100% New Hampshire-made show tells stories of the night sky from the perspective and cultural traditions of the indigenous peoples whose ancestors first settled in the Granite State over 12,000 years ago.

The Winter Solstice celebration will include an opportunity to: meet Cowasuck Band Chief Paul Pouliot and Chief Female Speaker Denise Pouliot, Film Unbound Producer Catherine Stewart, the Discovery Center’s Executive Director Jeanne Gerulskis and new Director of Education Jo Slavitz and other members of the team; sample light hors d’oeuvres; and see the first planetarium show produced for the Discovery Center’s upgraded planetarium theater in a new partnership between the Discovery Center and Cowasuck Band. Admission is free; donations are welcome.

Birding at Grey Rocks

Hebron—Join the Newfound Lake Region Association (NLRA) and local birders for an introduction to birding at Grey Rocks Conservation Area, Wednesday, December 28, 9-11am. During this drop-in event, participants will get practice with binoculars, learn to identify winter birds at Grey Rocks, and be introduced to several citizen science birding opportunities. Between the middle of December and the end of February, there are three collaborative birding events open to the public. By watching the birds at feeders, in backyards, and in the other places where people spend time outside, everyone can help researchers track bird species and trends. This event is geared toward all people with an interest in exploring the natural world. Find more information including other upcoming events at NewfoundLake.org/events or call 603-744-8689.

NLRA works to protect the high-quality waters of Newfound Lake and its watershed, maintaining a healthy and diverse ecosystem. Along with educational programming like guided walks and paddles, NLRA monitors water quality, conserves land, manages stormwater pollution, and monitors for invasive species. For more than 50 years NLRA has been protecting Newfound Lake, and the results of that conservation are as clear as Newfound’s water. You can learn more about NLRA’s initiatives at NewfoundLake.org

Holiday Art Sale At Lakes Region Art Gallery

To celebrate the Christmas season, and to introduce the idea that giving original art is both a unique and affordable idea, the Lakes Region Art Gallery in Tilton is having a special art sale.

Featuring original (one-of-a kind) paintings and images, each has an iconic theme. None are larger than 12-inches by 12-inches, (ideal size for gift giving), framed, signed and ready to hang for $99 each. Artwork includes a variety of mediums including oils, watercolors, acrylics, pastels, and photography, and 100% of each sale goes directly to the artist.

Giving original art work is the gift that will keep on giving forever, especially if it features a Holiday theme.

The Gallery features the artwork and photography of 30 local artists, and also offers art classes and community events.

Visit their website for more information about the gallery at www.LRAANH.org

The Lakes Region Artist Association is located at120 Laconia Rd, Tanger Outlets Suite 300, Tilton, NH.

Open 10 AM – 8 PM, Thursday through Saturday; 10 AM – 7 PM Sunday.

4 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —




I’m sorry that this is a little late this year with my suggestions for book gift ideas for Christmas.

pronoun.” I suggest that you order this book soon as it has already been taken out of print because the publisher got scared by three people who said bad things about it, so copies are limited.

So, without further ado (whatever that is) here are my choices for the top books this Christmas. I am hoping that there is something to please the book lover on your list.


Over Sixty-Five

Guide To Technology – Let’s face it, us older folks have a hard time keeping up with the latest technology which seems to change every day. This handy guide presents pictures and the actual names of everyday technical gadgets we are familiar with. Now you will know the real names of “The Thingamajig, “The Whatchamcallit” and the popular “Where’s the…you know…the…uh.. thing that turns on the other thing” to name just a few. (You will find yourself using this great book over and over.)

My Life As A Man - In this ground breaking biography, Howard Davidson, who was born male, tells of his decision to spend his life as one despite the pressures society put on him as a youth to rethink his decision. This book has, of course, been very controversial and has been banned from some schools by educators who believe that it will dissuade those born a certain sex from exploring the possibilities of becoming a different one, even one they make up all by themselves. “A very dangerous book that needs to be kept out of the hands of young children,” claims famed gender expert Ydsvva Flabbergast (he/her/they/them/xe/ xer/hee/haw) who recently underwent a sixth gender transition and asserts that, “One day I will find the gender that fits me as well as the proper first name and

In fiction, A Time For Murder, the latest book by famed mystery writer Daniel Baldguy, is a must for the Baldguy fan on your Christmas list. Not to be confused with any of the other four books Baldguy has published this year - A Time For Killing, A Murder In Time, This Time It Looks Like Murder and A Killing That Looks Like A Murder. Praised by a critic as “His best book since his last one and probably as good as his next” this new book is sure to please his dedicated fan base as well as help Baldguy purchase a new beachfront home in the Bahamas as well as renovating his home in the Swiss Alps.

Mad Libs History – This newest version of the popular Mad Libs series, is actually a fulllength book about the entire history of the United States. The fun part is you can substitute your own names, nouns, verbs, adjectives, dates, etc., to make U.S. history turn out the way you want. Added to this unique book is the chance to enter your completed version into a nationwide contest for a new history textbook to be used in classrooms all across the country as the definitive, and fun, version of how our country came to be and where it is today. Of course, it’s a longshot yours would make it, but can you imagine the pride you would feel if your kid came home from school to announce: “You won’t believe it, but in school they are teaching the history we made up.” A suggestion for those who are thinking of entering and a chance to be selected as the winner – They don’t call it Mad Libs for nothing.

The Midwestern/Pacific Coast Diet – What is Christmas without yet another diet book to give you the false illusion that this one will actually work? Move over Keto, Mediterranean and Paleo diets, there’s a new weight loss book in town. The Midwestern/Pacific Coast Diet provides you with great tasting and healthy recipes combining these two areas of the country. Endorsed by celebrities from Sandra Bullock to Matthew McConaughey who both have gobs of money to pay private chefs enormous salaries to buy and prepare these nutritious delights for them. Most of us regular folks will give up after the second day after trying to create complicated meals such as “The Pineapple Pork With Low-Fat Brie Sauteed In A Combination Pinot Noir and Chicken Gullett Juice Reduction.” Even if you can’t complete this complicated diet, you will still be able to participate in the discussions about it at parties with others who failed at is as well.

How To Dump Social Media And Become A Better Person

- This is a very good book and essential for anyone who feels trapped by the habit of needing to check Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, etc., every ten seconds and realizes that it is most likely doing more harm than good. The author, Jake Whoami, explains in a few easy steps how to break the habit and actually use Social Media to improve yourself. I won’t spoil it for you, but I can tell you that the fact you are actually reading a physical book instead of staring at your phone can be life changing for some. (Kindle and Nook versions of this book will not be available.)

Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles”,“Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and “I Only Did It For The Socks Stories & Thoughts On Aging” All are available at BrendanTSmith.com.

Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to:

Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247

Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com

(Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

“I Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On

Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com

5 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
in Live Free or Die.
brendan@weirs.com brendan@weirs.com
Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247
(Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)
“I Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging”
Skelley’s Market Skelley’s Market Skelley’s Market Whether you are a vacationer or a full time resident of the Lakes Region, Skelley's Market is the place to go for your shopping needs. Located on route 374 Governor Wentworth HWY Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Call 603-476-8887 • F: 603-476-5176 www.skelleysmarket.com Skelley’s Market Services Include: Stop by Skelley’s Market today and enjoy some great food, Bailey’s Bubble ice cream, a lobster roll or anything else you may need. You will be glad you did! • Gas 24 hours a day • Fresh pizza • NH Lottery tickets • Beer and Wine • Sandwiches • Daily papers • Bailey’s Bubble ice cream • Maps • Famous Lobster Rolls • Fish and Game OHRV Licenses PIZZA SPECIAL 2 for $18 2 Toppings Every Sat. Night 5-9pm entral Baptist hurch Central Baptist Church of Gilford, NH Independent, KJV 401 GILFORD AVE.,GILFORD, NH • CENTRALBAPTISTNH.ORG

COuld Big TeCh Be CensORing demOCRATs, TOO?

Democrats are missing the moment. Instead of going after Elon Musk for defending free speech and being transparent with the public about the alarming censorship and election interference that took place at Twitter during the 2020 election, they should be working alongside Republicans to investigate Big Tech.

YOu Will Be mAde TO CeleBRATe

In March 2013, nearly a decade ago, in this space, I made a prediction.

We know that unchecked partisan content monitors and others at Twitter and Facebook meddled in the 2020 election by censoring accurate news reports on Hunter Biden’s laptop and suppressed information about its damning contents on its platforms to help Joe Biden get elected. Democrats ought to realize that if Silicon Valley can do that in a general election, they can also do it in a primary or any election, and no one is safe -- in either party.

It’s possible, if not likely, that Democrat politicians are also victims of similar censorship, algorithm manipulations and other dirty tricks used by Big Tech against former President Donald Trump -- and don’t know it.

Take Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2020. If you recall, during the Democratic primary, she once dominated the field by a wide margin. “In the most recent George Washington University Politics Poll, the senator from Massachusetts leads the Democratic field with 28 percent of the vote. Sanders is second at 21 percent, and Biden, the front-runner since his entrance into the race, is at 18 percent. South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Kamala D. Harris each draw 5 percent,” The Washington Post reported in October 2019.

Yet despite her popularity among Democratic voters at the time, it’s no secret that Silicon Valley didn’t like Warren, nor did they want her to become president, because she vowed during the campaign that, if elected, she’d break up Big Tech.

In a March 2019 blog post on Warren’s official campaign site, she published an article titled “It’s Time To Break Up Amazon, Google, and Facebook.” She wrote, “Today’s big tech companies have too much power -- too much power over our economy, our society, and our democracy. They’ve bulldozed competition, used our private information for profit, and tilted the playing field against everyone else. And in the process, they have hurt small businesses and stifled innovation ... my administration will make big,

“Within the next few months,” I wrote, “Justice Anthony Kennedy will likely rule that same-sex marriage is mandated by the Constitution of the United States... states will be forced to recognize same-sex marriages; same-sex marriage will enter the publicschool lexicon; religious institutions will be forced to recognize same-sex marriages or lose their tax-exempt status. Religious Americans will be forced into violating their beliefs or facing legal consequences by the government.”


This month, the Congress is poised to pass a bill that would sanctify same-sex marriage; that same bill essentially argues that opposing same-sex marriage is akin to opposing interracial marriage, an act of bigotry. It provides no explicit bar on removal of tax-exempt status from religious institutions; it does not protect religious individuals in their daily lives.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court considers whether to force a religious web designer to make a website celebrating a same-sex marriage. Several of the more conservative justices seek to draw a line between anti-discrimination law -- laws on the state and federal level preventing “discrimination” on the basis of “sexual orientation” -- and religious freedom. They do so by creating distinctions on the basis of expressive behavior (say, artistic expression in making a website) versus simple services provision (say, running a restaurant); they do so by distinguishing between services that require a message (say, baking a wedding cake) and serving gay couples without any message attached.

All of this legal hairsplitting is being done in an attempt to craft a form of

the so-called Utah Compromise. That compromise put in place an anti-discrimination law with specific religious exemptions. But the Utah Compromise creates two additional problems: first, it stigmatizes belief in traditional marriage as a sort of vestige of religious bigotry we allow out of an outdated sympathy for the antiquated Bible-believers; second, it does not extend the rights of religious people outside of religious institutions. And, as it turns out, most religious people spend most of their time outside of religious institutions.

None of this would be necessary had we not undergone a complete transformation of the constitutional order over the past few decades. The Constitution of the United States provides zero power to the federal government to violate freedom of speech or association or religion. But, as Christopher Caldwell has pointed out in “The Age of Entitlement,” the Civil Rights Act created a “rival Constitution” dedicated to violating those freedoms in the name of anti-discrimination. One can agree that racial bigotry is evil while still recognizing that the intrusion of the CRA into private behavior -- not merely in ending state-sponsored discrimination, which was necessary and appropriate -- amounts of a massive expansion of federal power in violation of the Constitution.

The legal obliteration of the distinction between governmental and private activity was only one prong of the new societal remolding. The second was the philosophical obliteration of the distinction between immutable characteristics and behavior. The case can easily be made morally that people ought not be victims of discrimination based on their immutable characteristics, like race; rejecting moral disapproval of particular behavior, however, means destroying the basis for any moral system. Yet that is what the law does when it likens race to sexual orientation philosophically.

These twin

6 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
See SHAPIRO on 36

BlACk guns mATTeR

We know about Black Lives Matter. My new video is about a group called Black Guns Matter.

“This is my human right,” he says. “If anybody wants to come chase me down about that, let’s go to court.”

He encourages others to arm themselves, especially people who live in high crime neighborhoods.

bing people and carjacking, I want you to know that we’re gonna arm our community to deal with you very, very properly.”

More guns in the hands of citizens, he says, deters criminals.

that those gun owners aren’t getting training,” replies Toure.

I point out that means he wants more guns in places where there are already more shootings.

Maj Toure, a Philadelphia high school dropout turned activist, tells me he started it after he got tired of hearing people endless chanting, “Black lives matter” but saying nothing “when it’s time for Black people to defend their lives.”

Toure carries a gun wherever he goes.

That’s the point, says Toure. “The only thing that’s going to stop evil are good, solid people strong enough to stop them.”

He sells a T-shirt with the slogan “make criminals afraid again” printed on the front.

“Criminals should be deathly afraid,” says Toure. “If you’re rob-

There is evidence for that. Economist John Lott, author of “More Guns, Less Crime,” points out that crime usually drops in states that approve concealed carry laws. The explanation is that criminals in those states fear that their victims could be armed.

I push back at Toure, pointing out that more guns also may lead to more accidental shootings.”

“That’s under the assumption

Training is what Toure does. In 2016, he held his first Black Guns Matter event. He expected 30 people, but 300 showed up. “It was beautiful,” he says.

His group now teaches classes all around America.

“We’re teaching absolute beginners that want to know how to be safe and responsible firearms owners.”

If you are threatened, he says, you need a gun and need to know how to use it.

In my video, he tells his students, “No one’s coming to save me! I have

sAudis emBRACe ChinA’s ChAiRmAn Xi

A powerful wind from the East is blowing across the Arabian desert. During a significant but overlooked three day visit to Saudi Arabia, China’s leader Xi Jinping has scored a “strategic partnership” with oil rich and strategic Saudi Arabia.

the revival of the relationship between communist China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, while at the same time snubbing Washington.

For China in its presumably post-COVID era, the focus remains energy security and economic revival. For Saudi Arabia, the plan is to widen its global alliances and lessen its traditional dependence on the longstanding U.S. partnership.

Thus for both countries there’s

Saudi Arabia and China have agreed to expand their relations and seek to “develop a comprehensive strategic partnership relations between the Kingdom and China” on all international and regional issues of common interest.

In the flowery words of the diplomatic agreement, The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud signed the deal with Chairman Xi. It’s richly ironic given that the Custodian of Islam’s holy shrines is doing a deal with Chairman Xi whose communist regime persecutes Chinese Muslims in Xinjiang.

Importantly, Chairman Xi also met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the true power broker in the Kingdom. He also met with Arab Gulf leaders while in Saudi Arabia.

In a wide-ranging 4,000 word joint statement both Riyadh/Beijing “reaffirmed that they will continue to firmly support each others core interests, support each other in maintaining their sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Importantly, “the Saudi side reaffirmed its adherence to the oneChina principle. ”

For Beijing “core interests” means a non-negotiable strategic stance towards Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang and the South China Sea. This is China’s sphere of influence to put it bluntly, key regions where it will

not compromise.

Not surprisingly the document stressed, “the importance of stability in the world oil markets. The People’s Republic of China welcomed the Kingdom’s role as a supporter of the balance and stability in the world oil markets, and as reliable major exporter of crude oil to China.”

China remains Saudi Arabia’s biggest oil market comprising 25 percent of the Kingdom’s petroleum exports. In 2021, two-way trade between both countries reached $87 billion.

The two sides stressed the importance of deepening cooperation in regard to “Belt and Road Initiative” welcoming the related Saudi companies involvement

See STOSSEL on 35 See METZLER on 35

7 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
8 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —

Letters From God

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.

Letters From God

QUESTION: Is It Really Necessary To Believe In A Virgin Birth?

More than you could ever imagine.

It was absolutely necessary for my Son, Jesus the Messiah, to be born to a virgin.

Let me explain why.

First of all, I promised, through Moses, a Savior would come to deliver my people from their sins. I have never broken a promise and I could fulfill this promise only through a virgin.

Immediately after the first man and woman sinned and disobeyed me, I instructed Moses to write that a male child, from the seed of the woman, would one day “crush the head” of the Devil (Genesis 3:15). This would be a mortal wound that would end his reign of terror and open his “fangs” which inexorably dragged everyone who sinned against me to their grave and his hell. I have never sinned and because they did, they were not only separated from me but also enslaved to the Devil who had already rebelled against me. All mankind would follow them into disobedience, for “there is none righteous, not one” who had not sinned (Romans 3:10).

As a result, you were helpless and hope -

less to change your destiny. The promise of the child, my Son, was my promise to change your destiny by allowing the Devil to “strike his heel,” as Genesis 3:15 stated, because he would suffer and die in your place to pay your penalty for sin. Though he died, I would raise him from the dead. So, by comparison, the Devil will one day be cast into hell forever, described as a mortal head wound, but my son, once he suffered for you, would be raised to eternal life, described as merely, “strike his heel.”

From that first Prophecy of Moses, I raised other Prophets, who would add further details of this promised male child, who would deliver my people from the penalty of their sin. None were more significant than Isaiah, who wrote 700 years before the birth of my son, Jesus the Messiah. Isaiah offered the then King of Judah, Ahaz, a sign to assure him that I would defeat his enemies. He could ask for anything and I would give it to him, to assure Him of my protection. When he rejected my offer, I gave him one, a Big one. I promised that a child would be born to Israel through a virgin and his name would be Immanuel, which means “God with us.” (Isaiah 7:14).

So, the first reason your Savior would be born of a virgin was because I promised, and I always keep my promise. But the sec -

ond reason is because only through a virgin could my son, Jesus, continue to be God and qualify as your Savior.

Let me explain.

Every human person has been birthed through the seed of a man and woman. Since all men and women are sinful, when they create children, they pass on their sin nature. Thus, their children sin as well. No sinful man or woman can save other sinful people. They themselves are slaves of sin. It would require a freeman, a non-slave to sin, a sinless man. Only God is sinless and only if he was birthed apart from normal human sexual relations could he be the God/ Man who could qualify as your Savior. By placing my son, Jesus, in the womb of a virgin woman, he was birthed with the human physical likeness of a man but with the divine nature of God. He would not be, as David said, “sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” (Psalm 51:5). Because Jesus was sinless and eternal, he was able to pay the penalty for your sins and deliver you from the grasp of the Devil and death.

My promise of a male child from the seed of Eve (Genesis 3:15) and from a virgin (Isaiah 7:14) would be fulfilled on that first Christmas night when a young virgin woman, of the tribe of Judah and the family of David, gave birth to Jesus. His name, Jesus, means “the LORD is Salvation,” and he was to be called Immanuel, which means “God with us.”

(Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:23).

Before I close this letter however, let me remind you that I have done everything necessary to win you back from the Devil and death, through my Son’s sacrificial life and death for your sins. But this gift will never be yours unless you accept it and open it.

You do this by humbling yourself, acknowledging you have rebelled against me and that your sins separated you from me and the life only I can give. You must be willing to turn from your sin and ask my son, Jesus, to pay your penalty for sin. He will hear and remove the guilt of sin and restore you to me and eternal life.

Never forget the words of one of my precious sons, Jim Eliot, who said, “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose.”

The next step is yours. Don’t miss this gift.

My offer ends when your life ends!

I love you, God.

These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.



9 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
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mOdeRn iCe Fishing?

Now In 5th


The Flatlander Chronicles

Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

Thirty years ago the only way anyone I knew ice fished was to walk out onto the ice, drill or chisel some holes, set some tip ups, and wait. The idea was that the fish came to you. The problem was if the fish were not swimming, which they often do not during the middle of the day, you didn’t catch them. Setting a tip up was the equivalent of dropping an anchor; once they were set, moving was the last thing anyone wanted to do, especially if the weather was bad. Over the past 30 plus years, the modern ice fishing revolution has completely changed the way many anglers fish and sparked a movement of innovation that has made it easier than ever to be on a frozen lake for extended periods of time, and actually catch fish. The movement has taken a lot of the tradition and distractions out of ice fishing allowing many ice fishermen, or women, to focus on catching more fish. Snow cover, ice thickness, and the length of time the water has been covered will all dictate where fish can be found. The longer that sunlight has been blocked, the more the weeds will die off. This will cause fish to move deeper to find more oxygenated

water, but early in the season fish can almost always be found in the weeds. Drill holes in the same manner that you would cast a line in open water: cast a lot and don’t cast in the same spot if there are no fish there. With ice fishing this means drilling more holes,

but it’s usually worth it. Approaching ice fishing the same way you would in a boat.

Another tip is to fish for the biters. Sometimes there will be a lot of fish under the ice and after you catch a few, the remaining fish become finicky and stop biting. I call

the fish that won’t bite the lookers. When all I have under me are lookers, I move to another hole and fish for the biters. I always return to some of my original holes and often find that some of the lookers are now biters. On most days, I repeat this process all day. This tactic alone can be the difference between catching a few fish per day and catching many fish all day. Now, there are always exceptions to every rule. Some days the fish are negative and won’t bite You can move until the cows come home and it won’t make a difference on those days. If there are crowds on the ice, watch them. Not so you can crowd them if you see them catching, but if no one is catching, there’s no point in moving. You might as well leave your lines in the water, because you can’t move and fish at the same time.

Another key to being more productive is to be efficient. Efficiency can come in the form of appropriate clothing and not bringing things you don’t need on the ice. Being cold makes fishing harder, which in turn will make you cut corners. Cutting corners will decrease your productivity. When I’m cold I change my bait less often and I leave my

10 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 — from 10
See MOORE on 30
Finding these fish that day was a direct result of utilizing more modern techniques and equipment,” Moore says

This column was going to be about our Boston Celtics, who have the NBA’s best record as I write this. Given there is some lag time between typing a column and its actual publication, I wondered if they’d still have the best record when alert readers see these Sport-Thoughts.

I don’t want to be a jinx.

I believe in jinxes. I do, I do, I do believe in jinxes—as in the infamous Sports Illustrated cover jinx. Much has been made of that jinx, as there are countless examples of how an appearance on the SI cover preceded downturns and setbacks. But folks who made the cover did so because they were hot. And few stay hot forever. Not even the models who used to make the covers of SI’s annual swimsuit edition.

I used to love finding the latest weekly edition of Sports Illustrated in the mailbox. Great writers. Timely and serious journalism. Great photography. Humor. Pathos. Sportsman(person) of the Year. And yes, the swimsuit edition.

But things changed. Print publications generally suffered as the digital/internet age dawned. SI revenues sagged and it became a monthly. But it also

s.i. – WOke And BROke?

ics. That will come later. I just didn’t want to jinx them now.

And hopefully SI won’t put our Celtics on any of its 12 monthly issues until AFTER Boston wins the NBA title.

Sports Quiz

What was the newsstand price for the first issue of Sports Illustrated in 1954? (Answer follows)

Born Today

The Celtics were not jinxed by this Sports Illustrated cover featuring their Big Three before the 2007-08 season. Boston won that year’s NBA title.

became “woke.” After reading a “climate change” piece about how we had to “cool the planet” to save pond hockey in Canada I had to cancel my subscription. They did send me a refund check.

According to a National File News piece (10-6-2019): The rebranding of American iconic instructions for “Woke” ideology is called “Cultural Marxism.” Sports Illustrated tipped off the world about the coming changes in the 2019 Bathing Suit issue, but really leftist thought domination has been going on for years in the world of sports and in magazines. The highly-coveted cover photograph of the beloved spring edition was consid -

ered as the arbiter of supermodel succession, until 2019 when there was a shocking cultural shift when most people would really understand the change. Consider the Burka Bikini and plus-sized models …

So the wokesters took the most successful, iconic annual sports issue ever and ruined it in the name of social justice.

Now I know this column occasionally gets political. I know. I know. But for decades SI’s progressive leanings were apparent to all who cared. Still, great journalism compensated for it. But the wonderful writers all left.

Where have you gone, Rick Reilly?

Anyway, this was going to be a column about the Boston Celt-

That is to say, sports standouts born on December 15 include 1995 American League MVP Mo Vaughn of the Boston Red Sox and New England Patriot Pro Bowl safety Rodney Harrison (1972).

Sports Quote

“I did a shoot for ‘Sports Illustrated,’ and my grandpa called me and asked when my issue of “Playboy” was coming out. It was hilarious as well as embarrassing.” – model Jasmine Tookes

Sports Quiz

25 cents.


State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast. net.

11 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
LUMBER WARREN BROOK 603t724t1995 High Quality Low Cost Alternative From Locally Sourced Trees. Full Dimension • Boards • Framing •Beams Chichester, NH • warrenbrookfarm.com Rough Cut Custom Sawing 603-520-7217 Fully Insured Sweeps • Stonework Brick Repairs • Liners Caps • Installations Fire Place Makeovers Video Chimney Inspections Save $10 Off with this coupon ChimneyStartingSweep at$224
12 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —

The Simple Feast

pinA COlAdA CAke AT 4Am

The Simple Feast Simple

The best part of being an adult is having cake at 4am Yes, that’s right, the best part of being an adult IS having your cake and eating it too, any time you want.

The Simple

There is something decadent about having cake in the wee hours of the morning. Some would say sinful. Almost feeling as though I needed to sneak about with the lights off like a thief in the night. I could actually hear mom’s voice scolding me for even thinking of cake at such a time. But I couldn’t sleep. So, why not have some cake?

It all started on a whim while making my way down the aisles of the local “basket.” There on the used bread rack (the reduced price rack) I found not one but two 8-inch yellow cake rounds for what I thought was a fair price. They looked like they wanted to take a ride around the store so I willingly obliged. I felt like that awful witch in the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale, those little wayward waifs in need (the cake rounds), so I felt it my duty to offer them

custodial sanctuary. Placing them in the cart amongst my other groceries; the half and half, the pineapple filling, the confectioners sugar, they were none the wiser.

Upon arriving home I noticed the twins were still in good shape for just having been sacked at the grocery. Perched atop the toaster oven they had a commanding view of their surroundings. With everything put away, I could tell my two new arrivals were a bit concerned with not having a place of their own. Gently placing my hand on the container in an attempt to assuage any fears they may have had, with a Grinchlike wry smile and a cooing voice I assured them they would be quite comfortable right where they were. After all, their rightful place as guests of honor at my table would be, “just a small matter of time.”

It didn’t take long before my two dinner guests grew impatient, as well as those in the house with less self control than I.

“Oh cake!” The boy exclaimed. The twins seemingly perked up, as if knowing they were recognized.

“Shhhh! Not so loud, they may hear you.”

“What? Have you gone crazy?”

“No-no, just me being silly. Perhaps my blood sugar is running a bit low?” Casting a rueful sidelong


Grill & Galley 83 Main Street, Alton 603.875.3383 Akerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com

Woodstock - Dbl Pig’s Ear Stoneface - IPA Baxter - Coastal Haze Tuckerman - Pale Ale Sierra Nevada - Celebration


At Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212 hartsturkeyfarm.com Henniker - Working Man’s Porter Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap


At Funspot 579 Endicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com

Founders - Canadian Breakfast Stout (2018) Two Roads - Holiday Ale Deciduous - Short List Allagash - Daring Man Foam - The Nameless Four Quarters - Great Bear ...+6 More On Tap


403 Main Street Alton Bay, NH 603-875-1234 fosterstavernbythebay.com

Tuckerman - Pale Ale

Sam Adams - Seasonal Sam Adams - Wicked Hazy Maine Beer Co - Lunch

Lord Hobo - Boomsauce ...+2 More On Tap


At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak 69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500 eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham

Lone Pine -Brightside Widowmaker -Blue Comet Shipyard -Smashed Pumpkin Jack Abby -Red Tape

Muddy Road -1762 Porter Northwoods -Autumn Buzz ...+30 More On Tap


Porch & Pub

286 S. Main St., Wolfeboro 603.569-3662



Guinness Harp

Concord Craft Safe Space

Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella Artois

...+11 More On Tap


1253 Upper City Rd., Pittsfield overthemoonfarmstead.com

A Little Fling - Strawberry Rhubarb mead 6.5% IPA 7.8% Scotch Ale 5.4% Octoberfest 5.7% Chili Lime Ale 4.5% White Knight Wit 5.1% ...+8 More On Tap


18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com

Patrick’s Slainte House Ale

Great North - Moose Juice Guinness Clown Shoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale Tuckerman - Pale Ale ...+9 More On Tap


At The Craft Beer Xchange 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach 603.409.9344

FB @craftbeerxchange

Kettlehead – 101.1 Quad IPA

Oskar Blues – Mama’s Little Yella Pils

1911 – Cider Donut Cider Able Ebenezer – Veterans Blend IPA

Cigar City – Maduro Brown Ale

13 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
Left Hand – Peanut Butter Milk Stout ...+30 More On Tap ** Tap listings subject to change!
See FEAST on 29

BOnded pAiR in need OF A VeRY speCiAl hOme

Tasha (black muzzle) and Koko’s (white chest) owner passed away and they are now Lakes Region Humane

Society (LRHS). Over the years they have become reliant upon each other for comfort and guidance, there -

fore we are looking for a home who will take them both. If you read on, you will realize why this is a really BIG ask.

Upon arrival at LRHS Tasha was diagnosed with diabetes and now requires insulin injections twice a day and glucose monitoring every 2 weeks (which will spread out over time). She doesn’t mind her injections or testing. Weight loss and increased exercise may mean she could eventually wean off the insulin - with help of her vet of course! She is your typical sassy Chihuahua who will chirp at strangers but loves her people and will keep you warm all winter long by sitting on your lap.

Koko’s story is an even tougher one...we noticed a lump and took him to the vet to have it removed. They removed what they

could but couldn’t get it all. As it turns out Koko has Mass Cell Cancer which is not treatable. While he is happy, outgoing, and pain-free today, he may go downhill fast, we just don’t know when...

We want the rest of his months or years to be happy ones spent in a warm home with people who love him. We realize asking someone to adopt both of these little ones is asking A LOT but these 2 bonded love-bugs deserve everything and more.

Please call us with questions (603) 5391077 and share their story as far and as wide as you can - maybe if we work together they will have a home for the Holidays.

Can’t adopt but want to help? Donate


14 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
STOP IN TODAY... WE’RE HIRING ALL POSITIONS! Floor Attendant Prize Attendant Food Service Bartender Start pay 14-15 yrs - $9 • 16-17yrs - $11 • 18+ - $13 JOIN OUR TEAM! FULL TIME/PART TIME Rt 3, Weirs Beach, NH • 603-366-4377 FunspotNH.com • Open All Year
Tasha Koko



Bears are among us. We all know that, of course, but it seems that the bear population throughout New England is thriving, and the large animals are showing up more than ever and in places not seen before.

My closest call with a bear came about three years when I was jogging through the woods. It was a hilly trail with many twists, turns and curves.

Heavy metal music blared through my inear headphones. My eyes were trained on the ground to watch for roots, rocks, downed branches and anything else that might trip me up.

I turned a blind corner and noticed a blur cross before me. I stopped in my tracks, killed the music and looked to my left to see a large black bear sitting next to a tree about 15 feet off the trail. The bear had crossed the trail in front of me and settled at that spot. It was as curious of me as I was of it. Thankfully, it was showing no signs of stress or feeling threatened. It was just kind of there looking at me.

I looked at the beautiful animal for a minute or two and headed back the way I had come.

Also a few years ago,

I was walking into an outdoor Grateful Dead tribute concert and a black bear ran across the parking lot adjacent to the venue. At first I thought it was a person dressed up for the concert. (Dancing bears are a theme in Grateful Dead shirts and posters.) I even got an iPhone photo of the bear as it ran under a concert banner with the colorful dancing bears.

Black bears are the only bears we have in New England. The western U.S. and Alaska have a greater variety with black bears, brown bears (which include grizzlies) and even polar bears if you’re in Alaska.

Black bears should be respected and treated as the unpredictable wild animals that they are, but attacks on humans by black bears is extremely rare. In fact, according to New Hampshire Fish and Game, the last time a person was killed by a black bear in the state was 1784. Which leads to the question most appropriate for this column. When can I feed birds again?

Bears wreak havoc with bird feeders in some areas and many people stop feeding the birds during bear season. The problem is that bear season -- not the hunting season but the don’t-feed-the-

birds bear season -is the majority of the year. Fish and Wildlife personnel suggest to stop feeding birds from April to December. In other words, only feed birds during the four coldest months.

I received an email in mid-November asking if it was OK to feed the birds again. It had been cold and even snowed a few times in New England. I replied that it was probably OK to break out the bird feeders. The very next day I happened to be driving in northern New Hampshire and saw three bears in a field. Mama bear stayed close to the wood’s edge, while

15 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
Young bears seen in a field in northern New Hampshire last month.
BeARs ARe AmOng us COME SEE OUR NEW SEASONAL ROOM! 50% OFF STOREWIDE SALE! 75% OFF ALL CHRISTMAS ITEMS IN STOCK DEC. 21, 22 & 23! 2 Businesses in 1 Location! 131 Lake St., Gilford, NH (In the old Cheapo Depot) used2bnewllc.com • 603-366-8044 See BOSAK on 35

heRe’s A Tip

inside. They really do leave a nice scent, and they are also great for dusting jobs!”

* To control the level of garlic in a recipe, add it at the beginning for a

lighter taste and at the end for a stronger taste. To get garlic out of the clove quickly instead of tedious peeling, just smash it and squeeze it out.

* The best cure for a foggy windshield is a chalkboard eraser. You can purchase them at office supply stores. They can be stored easily in your glove box. No window cleaner required for a quick clear windshield, and you can see well after. A clean windshield is a safety issue! -- M.T. in South Carolina

* Fill measuring cups with hot water and empty quickly before measuring sticky substances like honey or peanut butter. It will slide out much easier.

* Banana trick: For faster ripening, leave bunches together and store in a bag. For slower ripening, separate the bananas. They will ripen faster if stored near apples or citrus fruit. Also, remember that just because the outside is getting brown spots, the inside isn’t necessarily going soft.

* Warm up refrigerated baked goods in the microwave, but add a mug of water. It will keep the moisture in the bread. If your bread loaf is going stale, wrap it in foil and pop it in the oven for about 10 minutes at 300 F. It will freshen the bread!

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

16 on the TOWN OUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! Open Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun at 11:30am; Thur at 3pm (Closed Mon. & Tues.) 83 Main Street • Alton • (603) 875-3383 ackerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com HOLIDAY SHRIMP COCKTAIL PLATTERS! ENJOY GREAT LOCAL CRAFT BEER ON TAP! STOP BY TO PICK UP YOUR HOLIDAY GIFT CARDS! Historic Ambiance Casual Family Dining Indoor & Patio Seating • Free function rooms for your event 603-267-7349 • gilmantonpub.com 506 Province Road Gilmanton, NH - Intersection of Rte 107 & Rte 140 Present this ad for 10% off dinner. Excludes alcohol. Exp. 12/31/22. OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH & DINNER Connect With Us! 603-279-6212 • HartsTurkeyFarm.com THURSDAYSTRIVIA In the Tavern @ 7pm Turkey • Steaks • Prime Rib • Seafood The C opper K ettle TAVERN Exit 23 off I-93 • 233 Daniel Webster Hwy • Meredith 69 State Route 11, (just south of the Alton circle) New Durham, NH 603.859-7500 | EatAtJohnsons.com Serving Lunch & Dinner Dine in or Takeout 7 Days A Week JOHNSON’S TAPHOUSE Featuring 36 BEERS on Tap! RESTAURANT | DAIRY BAR | MARKETPLACE | TAPHOUSE Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street At Paugus Bay Plaza, Laconia M Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street at Paugus Bay Plaza THIS WEEKEND SPECIALS Veal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials — Italian & American Comfort Food Myrna’s Classic Cuisine Pasta•Steaks Seafood 603.527.8144 myrnascc.com Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, voted one of the top ten restaurants in NH by Boston Magazine. Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm SMALL PLATE SPECIALS! Tues, Wed & Thurs 4-6pm Discounted house wines & draft beer 215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • 603-715-8600 www.wrapcitysandwiches.com
* B.G. in Minnesota writes: “If you want to freshen up drawers with sheets, pillowcases or in your luggage, just place a dryer sheet

Memorial. That’s what you call bloody antiAmerican diplomacy that our Congress and one Administration after another ignore. Congress continues to enable this compromise of our war powers because there’s no accountability that will blame them for sending troops to battle.

We need to get out of NATO and the UN. American liberty depends on holding our

MAILBOAT from 2 leaders accountable to the Constitution. We can’t enforce it unless we know it. Knowledge of this great document designed to limit government must replace loyalty to party. We need to implore our federal Congress to cosponsor the American Sovereignty Restoration Act for 2023. We won’t win the battle until our people gain a sufficient understanding of congressional responsibilities and limitation

placed on our leaders by the Constitution. Check out JBS.ORG or contact Regional John Birch Coordinator Matt Rhodes about the seminar called The Consti-

tution is the Solution at 207-391-0970.

on the TOWN OUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! Café Déja Vu 603-524-7773 311 Court Street • Laconia, NH —OPEN DAILY FOR DINE IN & TAKE-OUT— Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 5:30am - 2pm (CLOSED Thursdays) Sat 5:30am - 12:30pm & Sun 6:30am - 12:30pm / HOME OF 603-409-9344 • 59 Doe Ave, Weirs Beach, NH NEW Craft Beer Destination in The Weirs! MULTI-TIER HILLTOP BIER GARDEN W/ PANORAMIC VIEWS OF THE LAKE 36 Rotating Craft Taps —BEST PIZZA IN THE REGION— TRIVIA! EVERY MONDAY 6:30-9PM. Gift Certificates for top 3 winning teams! OPEN 7 DAYS 331 SOUTH MAIN ST., LACONIA 603-524-4100 SHANGHAINH.COM “The Finest Szechuan & Mandarin Cuisine in the Lakes Region” CALL FOR TAKE OUT Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am - 8pm Celebrating 23 YEARS Serving the Lakes Region! For Health Conscious People ... SPECIAL GLUTEN FREE ITEMS & VEGETARIAN DISHES OPEN Tues. - Sat. 11am - 10pm 302 S. MAIN STREET, LACONIA • 524-9955 • SOUTHENDNH.COM Laconia’s Best Pizza Delivered To Your Door! PIZZA / CALZONES • SALADS SUBS / SYRIANS • SEAFOOD TAKE OUT & DELIVERY 7 BELKNAP MOUNTAIN RD GILFORD, NH 603-528-1900 • thegilfordvillagestore.com Mon 7a–3p Tue-Thur 7a–530p, Fri 7a–630p, Sat 8a – 630p Serving a nice selection of soups, salads, sandwiches, pizza & breakfast D.A. LONG TAVERN D.A. LONG TAVERN Located Inside Funspot, Rte. 3, One Mile North Of The Weirs Beach Sign 579 Endicott Street N. • Weirs • NH • 603-366-4377 • funspotnh.com Always Lots Of Fun On Tap! TAVERN HOURS Open Every Day, year round Open Daily At Noon Sun. - Thur. noon -10pm Fri. & Sat. noon - 11pm EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT BEER LIST • COCKTAILS • WINE Explore our rotating draft selection with 12 carefully curated offerings! GRAB A BITE TO EAT! Made to Order Pizza, Chicken Fingers Hot Dogs & French Fries

keep hOlidAY gReens lOOking TheiR BesT

Wreaths, door swags, garlands, and containers filled with evergreens have long been part of winter celebrations and displays. Keep them fresh and looking their best throughout the holidays with minimal effort.

Fresh greenery with pliable branches and firmly attached needles will last the longest. Check for good color and an aroma you prefer. Consider buying extra greenery and storing it in the garage or another cool location. Use these

When outdoor temperatures are cooler, green arrangements, like this winter container garden, last much longer than indoor displays.

to replace any indoor greenery that is starting to brown.

Recut the bottom of the stems with a sharp bypass pruner. Totally submerge the greenery in a tub of room-temperature water overnight to help rehydrate the needles. Gently crush the cut end to allow it to better absorb moisture.

Remove the cuttings from the water and once dry, seal in the moisture by spraying the greens with an antitranspirant, often called anti-desiccant. These products seal in moisture, reducing drying due to warm, dry air indoors and drying winds and sunlight outside.

Follow label directions

18 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
See GREENS on 27

uniVeRsAlisT sOCieTY OF lACOniA

Aniko Geladze and Noelle Beaudin present A Celtic Christmas, on Sunday, December 18, 7 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Laconia. The concert features fiddle and piano music from Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Tickets are $20. Advance tickets may be purchased by calling the church 603-524–6488.

The church is located at 172 Pleasant Street in Laconia. Light refreshments will be available. There will also be a Cookie Walk fundraiser where you can fill a box with cookies by choosing from a delicious assortment of homemade cookies.

Aniko Geladze is a concertmaster and soloist from Russia. She has collaborated with major orchestras and musicians from many parts of the world, including Russia, Europe, and Asia. Aniko studied at Royal College of Music (London) and participated in yearly concert tours in Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. She is better known as the soloist for VSSO recordings, including “The Song of Triumphant Love” by M. Nosyrev, the video CD Roman and the Voronezh State Philharmonic Orchestra – Live in Concert ‘99”, and Opera Highlights

produced by Chi Mei Fine Art Ltd.

Aniko has led quartets, and participated in the Chamber Orchestra Camara Rusa, and served under the direction of Mstislav Rostropovich, Vladimir Verbitsky, Mak KaLok, and Alexander Walker currently member of the Nashua Chamber Orchestra, and The Portsmouth Symphony. Performing with the University of New Hampshire Music Department, Portsmouth Pro Musica, and The

New Hampshire Philharmonic.

Noelle Beaudin (piano and hurdy-gurdy) performs regularly with Aniko. They provide a highly entertaining and eclectic mix of traditional, Celtic, Quebecois, and modern fiddle and piano music. Noelle studied piano performance and composition at the Boston Conservatory of Music and performed frequently in the Boston area before moving to France and the UK. She now has a very

busy studio and music summer camp in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire and enjoys performing throughout New England as a soloist or accompanist. She and her husband have been featured performers at the Concord Auditorium for the Walker Lecture Series. She is also the a hurdy-gurdy player and you can see her new American Hurdy-Gurdy music on deathbygurdy.com.

19 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
A CelTiC ChRisTmAs AT uniTARiAn
Sun - Wed 10am-5pm Thur-Sat 10am-6pm 67 Mill Street, Wolfeboro 603-569-0022 Premium Meats & Fresh Seafood MILL S T REET Meat Market Dealer In Most Everything! HEATH’S SUPERMARKET 12 C Main Street Center Harbor, NH 603-253-4312 1084 Union Ave • Laconia 603-524-1601 318 Whittier Hwy Ctr. Harbor • 603-253-4381 EM HEATH’S ACE HARDWARE LOCATIONS SeaSon’S GreetinGS SeaSon’S GreetinGS

A diCkens’ ChRisTmAs CAROl in piTTsField

The Pittsfield Players will present A Dickens’ Christmas Carol, a comedic adaptation, A Traveling Travesty In Two Tumultuous Acts. The Styckes Upon Thump Repertory Company embarks on its fifteenth farewell tour. When the diva feigns illness, certainly thinking the production would be cancelled, but the troupe rallies and with “the show must go on” attitude pushes ahead. If things can go wrong they most likely will. Pic -

tured are Scrooge (Bill Schultz) and Christmas Present (Chad Boutin). Scrooge wondering just who this creature is.

The production will be on Friday & Saturday, December 16 & 17 at 7:30 pm and on Sunday, December 18th at 2:00pm at the Scenic Theatre, 10 Depot St. Pittsfield N. H. Reservations: call 603-435-8852 or on line www.pittsfieldplayers.org via ticketleap, or at the door.

22 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 — Celebrating 68 Years of Family Dining! 233 Daniel Webster Hwy, Meredith • 603-279-6212 • HartsTurkeyFarm.com OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH & DINNER 11:30am - 8pm and GIFT SHOP Closing Christmas Eve at 2pm; Closed Christmas Day Now Taking HOLIDAY ORDERS Simplify Your Holiday Meal... Order Prepared Foods To Go! Whole Roasted Turkey, Sliced Turkey, Gravy, Stuffing, Butternut Squash, Whipped Potatoes, Apple Pies, Pumpkin Pies & more! FREE COFFEE With Gas Purchase! GIFT CARDS The ChristmasPerfectGift! $2.00 OFF CARWASH* *with this coupon. Not to be combined with other offers. Expires 1/15/23 $2.00 OFF CARWASH* *with this coupon. Not to be combined with other offers. Expires 1/15/23 $2.00 OFF CARWASH* *with this coupon. Not to be combined with other offers. Expires 1/15/23

36TH AnnuAl miX CAsh And CAns gOing sTROng

‘Making a difference one donation at a time’, Mix 94.1fm’s 36th annual Cash and Cans Money & Food Drive for the holidays will go till Friday, December 16th All monies and food raised stays local, benefiting several area organizations, including the Franklin Police Toys for Tots Program; the Belmont Police Santa ‘Lil Helpers program; Twin Rivers Food Pantry; Bread & Roses Soup Kitchen; Tilton/ Northfield/Sanbornton (TNS) Christmas Fund; Every Child Is Ours; Greater Lakes Region Santa Fund, Meredith Emergency Food Pantry, the NorthfieldTilton Congregational Church Food Pantry, St. Joseph’s Belmont Food Pantry and others. Last year was another record year for donations, with over $61,000 in cash and over 30,000 non-perishable food items raised.

Mix 94.1fm’s Fred Caruso, who started the program in 1987, looks forward to this week every year, and knows this year will be a challenge. “The price of everything has gone up, including supplies needed for these wonderful non-profits, who help so many. However, the generosity of our listeners and business community shines through each year. We meet so many generous people during Cash and Cans week. It’s a heartwarming week. Moms and Dads bringing their

kids to; schools and businesses organizing food drives All we ask is give what you can to help our friends and neighbors who may need a helping hand.”

Caruso and morning co-host Amy Bates have been broadcasting live from various locations, accepting your Cash and Cans donations. Here’s where they’ll be, and when they’ll be there:

Wednesday 12/14: 5:30-10am. Dunkin’ Donuts, West Main Street, Tilton. Make a minimum ten dollar donation, get a dozen donuts free; 11am-1pm, Prescott’s Florist, Laconia; 1-3pm, Irwin Motors, Laconia; 5-7pm, McDonald’s Tilton.

Thursday, 12/15: 5:30-10am, Park-NGo Market, Northfield; 11am-1pm, T-Bones Laconia; 2-4pm, Franklin Savings Bank Upper Central Street, Franklin; 4:30-7pm, Planet

Honda, Tilton.

Friday 12/16: 5:3010am, McDonald’s Franklin; 11am-2pm, Benson Auto, Franklin; 2:30-5:30pm, Grevior Furniture, Franklin. Donations may also be made by mail. Please make checks payable to Mix Cash and Cans and mail to Mix 94.1fm, PO Box 99, Franklin, NH 03235 or Venmo

@Mixcashandcans. For more information about the Mix Cash and Cans program, visit www.mix941fm.com or contact Fred Caruso at fred@mix941fm.com. Mix Cash and Cans is a public service of Mix 94.1fm, a locally owned and operated Northeast Communications Corporation radio station.

23 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
Franklin Middle School makes a donation to Mix 94.1fm’s Fred Caruso for this year’s Cash & Cans Drive of close to 1,000 non-perishable food items.
Winnipesaukee Holiday Cards, Tree Ornaments Metal, Acrylic & Traditional Matted Prints 131 Lake St. Unit 23, Gilford, NH 315-264-8339 • harborlanestudioandgallery.com moultonfarm.com • Open Daily 8:30am - 5:30pm 18 Quarry Road (Off Rt. 25) • Meredith, NH Great Selection of Trees • Wreaths - Handcrafted on the Farm! Gift Baskets • OUR OWN Poinsettias! and Much More! Taking Holiday Pie & Prepared Meal Orders! Moulton Farm Closing for the season on December 31st

COmmuniTY ChRisTmAs seRViCe AT hisTORiC CenTeR TuFTOnBORO ChuRCh

Everyone is invited to celebrate the season with a traditional Community Christmas Service, Sunday, December 18, at 5pm. This service will be held at the First Christian Church of Center Tuftonboro, now known as The Old White Church. The service will be announced by the tolling of the steeple bell at 4:45pm followed by the musical prelude at 5pm. Reverend Kevin Van Brunt, Pastor of The Melvin Village Community Church, will conduct the service. The service will include the singing of carols, the reading of verse, a Christmas message and special music performed by an ensemble of local

musicians. The prelude will feature music selected to reflect the rich and diverse history and heritage of Christmas music. Classical music will be included along with

interesting and fresh arrangements of familiar carols and hymns. Since this is a nondenominational service and Hanukkah begins at sundown December 18, two selections of Jewish music will also be included.

Everyone is invited

to experience the joy of this season in this historic church with the warm glow of oil lamps just as Americans did in the 19th century. The church was built in 1869 and is a wonderful surviving example of the many rural churches which dotted the New England landscape in the 19th century, and it remains little changed from its original design. It features embossed tin walls and ceiling with an oil lamp chandelier and traditional seasonal decorations will be in place for this service.

The church no longer has an active congregation but continues to be maintained by a board of trustees, and now provides a venue for various music and other community events. The opening of the church for this year’s Celebration of Christmas is an opportunity to see and enjoy one of the unique structures and traditions in Tuftonboro, and all are invited to come to this special service. The church is located 5 miles north of Wolfeboro at 149 Middle Road (NH Route 109A) across from the Tuftonboro General Store and Post Office. Parking is available near the church. For directions Google “149 Middle Road, Tuftonboro”, and for more information about this service call (603) 5693861.

24 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 — Lee’s Mill Rd, Moultonborough, NH 603-476-LOON (5666) • www.Loon.org SEE WEBSITE FOR HOURS The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more! •FreeAdmission•Award-winningvideos,exhibits&trails! Auto • Marine • Motorcycle • RV 7 Pine Street, Wolfeboro, NH ExecutiveDetailNH.com • 603-941-0123 Truck Accessories Accredited CERAMIC COATING Installer GIFT CERTIFICATES MAKE GREAT GIFTS! VIP UNLIMITED WASH CLUB! SCAN CODE OR SIGNUP ONLINE 603-527-8011 (Inside Gilford Mobil Mart) 1400 Lakeshore Rd., Gilford, NH PORK PIES! NOW TAKING HOLIDAY ORDERS FOR OUR FAMOUS.. Julie’s Kitchen 29 EAST GILFORD EAST DRIVE, GILFORD NH Auto & Marine 603-527-8090 Gift Certificates Make Great Gifts!
T Shirts, Handbags, Jewelry, Home Decor & More! More YouThanCan Imagine! Jct. of Routes 16 & 25, W. Ossipee (next to McDonald’s) OPEN SEVEN DAYS • 603-539-5700 NH Memor ies to Go... GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! 23 MAIN ST., CENTER HARBOR • 603 253 9525 FINE ART & CRAFTS GIFT SHOP OPEN WED - SUN 10-4 Open Daily 9am - 7pm newfoundpetcenter.com 603-217-0007 2 Central Square Bristol, NH 603-671-7077 760 Central St. Suite 1 Franklin, NH Come Out & Support These Local Businesses!

ReseRVATiOns FOR ChRisTmAs dinneR AT FiRsT uniTed meThOdisT due deC. 16TH

Continuing a decadesold holiday tradition in the Lakes Region, Hope Ministries of the First United Methodist Church, with the help of the Laconia Rod and Gun Club, will provide a free dinner on Christmas day (Sunday, December 25) at the church off of Route 11-A in Gilford. Those without family or who will be alone for Christmas are encouraged to sign up.

The dinner is for anyone who wants to share a part of their Christmas Day with others. All are welcome – singles, couples or families. The doors of the Gilford/Laconia Methodist Church will open at 12:30 for fellowship, carols and



Volunteers are needed for serving and clean-up on Dec 25th. If you can help, please call Carol Michael at (603) 4559455 and leave your name and phone number.

The meal is free, but space is limited so reservations are required. Please contact the church office at (603) 524-3289 or email office.nhhope@gmail.com by Wednesday, December 14th. If leaving a message, include name, phone number and the number in your party. Church hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 to noon.

Financial donations are welcome to ensure this wonderful tradition continues. Please drop off at the church office or send to the church at Hope Ministries at FUMC, PO Box 7408, Gilford NH 03247.


26 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 — Center Sandwich • 603-284-7277 kindredspiritfarmnh@gmail.com Like us! JOY TO THE WOOLED! FROM KINDRED SPIRIT FARM
appetizers. At 1:00 dinner will be served in the church’s Fellowship Hall, featuring baked ham, vegetables, rolls and homemade des

tips and dilution rates based on what you are treating. Avoid using these on juniper berries, cedar and blue spruce. The waxy coating that makes these look blue can be damaged by these products. Apply anti-desiccant products outdoors during the day, as light is needed to activate some of these chemicals. Allow the treated greens to dry for three to four hours before moving them inside.

Display indoor greenery in cool locations out of direct sunlight. This reduces moisture loss and extends the life of your garland, wreaths, and arrangements.

Keep greenery away from heat sources that speed drying, decorative lights that generate heat, and flames from candles. Check the greens every few days and replace dry, brittle, and brown cuttings with fresh greens.

Outdoor greenery lasts much longer when temperatures are cooler than indoors. Further extend their longevity by placing them in more sheltered locations, out of direct sunlight and wind where they suffer less drying. Avoid hanging wreaths and swags in front of windows in direct sunlight where the reflected light can burn the foliage. Use an anti-transpirant on outdoor greenery to help reduce moisture loss and extend your enjoyment.

Keep outdoor planters of greens looking their best throughout the winter. Keep the soil moist until it freezes when displaying spruce tips, cut holiday trees,

and evergreen stems in outdoor containers. If and when the ground freezes, you can stop watering.

A bit of effort goes a long way in extending the beauty of holiday greenery.

Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including the recently released Midwest Gardener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” instant video and DVD series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio program. Her website is www.MelindaMyers.com.

131 Lake St., Unit C11, Gilford 603-527-8061 • lovealotfloral.com

Newest Release By


Brendan Smith

New Hampshire”

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With over 40 of the best of Brendan’s weekly columns he covers everything from politics to health to technology to shopping and more. This is the perfect sampling of his unique humor which has been entertaining readers of The Weirs Times and Cocheco Times for twenty years.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Also available on Amazon andlocal bookstores

Send checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com

Newest Release By Brendan Smith

“The Best of a F.O.O.L.* In New Hampshire”

*Flatlander’s Observations On Life

With over 40 of the best of Brendan’s weekly columns he covers everything from politics to health to technology to shopping and more. This is the perfect sampling of his unique humor which has been entertaining readers of The Weirs Times and Cocheco Times for twenty years.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.)

Send checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

27 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 — May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 12/31/2022 CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES FOR MEN & WOMEN 5 SOUTH MAIN ST. WOLFEBORO, NH 603.569.0400 TAKE 10% OFF WITH THIS AD 603-366-5639 • 603candy.com • Tues-Sat 11-7 / Sun 12-5 Across the street from Funspot • 604 Endicott Street N., Laconia, NH WT Order your Charcuterie Board today! Made in-house fudge, chocolates & truffles
for application
603-539-2246 skiworksnh.com Route16 West Ossipee, NH 603-539-2246 skiworksnh.com Route16 West Ossipee, NH WE HAVE YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING LIST COVERED FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY THIS WINTER SEASON! STOP BY & SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION!
from 18
“The Best of a F.O.O.L.*
Love ~A~ Lot Floral & Event Services Call Us Today For Festive Holiday Arrangements!
28 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 — 20 Rt 3, 579 Endico� St. North, Weirs Beach, NH • 603-366-4377 • www.FunspotNH.com GIVE FUN THIS YEAR WITH FUNSPOT GIFT CARDS Purchase online at FunspotNH.com or Inside at the Bowling Counter Over 600 Games for All Ages! 20 Lane Bowling Center • Indoor Mini-Golf Cash Bingo Hall • D.A. Long Tavern Restaurant • FREE Party Rooms Funspot Gi� Cards are good for tokens, mini-golf, bowling, food & beverages. CARDS NOT VALID FOR BINGO . Merry Christmas To All from The Largest Arcade in the World!


FEAST from 13

glance at the two little sponge cake beauties, a plan was beginning to brew up. With all of us on pins and needles, anxious for our just desserts, I had to act soon.

Now, truth be told, I cannot tell from where the inspiration came. It was as if directed by an inner voice while in the store, all manner of baking needs went into the cart this week and, as I said, the cake rounds were a whim. But the more I thought about it the more clear the vision became for a Pina Colada Cake. Taking stock of the materials needed proved all was in hand for the plan to come together; Cake, check. Whipping Cream, check. Pineapple Filling, check. Coconut, check. Sugars, check check. Rum… Rum?…. RUM!

Oh-no! Where’s the rum? I thought I had some rum left from Election Day. (And no, not to drown my sorrows regarding the results, but for the Election Cake recipe.)

This is where having a stash of nips comes in handy. (Again, not for sorrows but for times when just a little for a recipe is all you need.)

Reaching into the fridge I found a little white bottle, a blend of Caribbean Rum with Coconut Liqueur, something I was given last Christmas. (Emily, if you´re reading this, Dad needs another one. Thanks!)

Eventually the opportunity presented itself. Between the end of Adam-12 and the beginning of M*A*S*H I had an hour to put my plan into action. I decided to put my plan into action. I can honestly say doing your “Mise en Place” will help the execution of


Serves: 10-12 Time: 45-60 Minutes


2ea. 8¨ Yellow Cake Rounds

1 can Pineapple Pie Filling (you will not need the entire can)

2 and 1/2 Cups Heavy Cream

¼ Cup Confectioners Sugar Pinch of Cream of Tartar

¼ Cup Brown Sugar not packed

2 Tbsp. Butter

1 ¨Nip¨ Caribbean Rum Coconut Liqueur blend

½ Cup Coconut, Sweet Shreds

Preparation Instructions

Hard Sauce

In a small saucepan combine Rum, Butter, Brown Sugar and heat to dissolve sugar, stirring occasionally. Add less than a ¼ cup of heavy cream and bring to a simmer; boil for one to two minutes. Should look like a light caramel color. Remove from heat and let cool.

Toasted Coconut

Pour ½ Cup of shredded coconut into a small skillet. Place over medium to low heat. When the coconut begins to brown, stir the coconut and do not burn. Remove from heat when it is to your desired color. Remember to continue to stir it if left in the hot skillet until it stops browning.

Whipped Cream

Using your whisk attachment, In a mixing bowl pour 2 to 2 and ½ cups of Heavy Cream. Begin by slowly mixing and gradually increase the speed of the whisk. While it is mixing, gradually add in the ¼ cup of confectioners sugar. Toss in a dash (about ⅛ tsp.) Cream of Tartar. Mix until stiff peaks form. If you can place a spatula into the whipped cream and it stands you should be good.

Assemble the Cake

As described in the article, transfer one cake round to a plate, spoon the hard sauce onto each cake round. Spoon on a layer of pineapple filling almost to the edge of the first round. Pipe on the whipped cream and smooth to a flat. Gently lay the next cake round onto the base layer. Cover in the same manner with pineapple and whipped cream. Cover the sides of the cake and sprinkle the coconut on. Garnish with cherries in a circle.

this build go smoothly. Mise en Place, by the way, is a French culinary term that simply means everything in its place. You stage all of your ingredients so that everything is at the ready and it is a real time saver. This is a great concept for anyone but especially for those with limited work space; studio apartments, galley kitchens, cluttered catch-all kitchen counters, etc.. So toast your coconut and

make your hard sauce. While those two cool, make your whipped cream, pop your can of pineapple filling, and let the fun begin. Taking a cake round from the container, remove any separator from the bottom of the round and place the cake on a flat surface a little bigger than the cake, a flat plate will work. Next, using half of your hard sauce, spoon it evenly over the cake rounds. You can soak both cake rounds at the same time, one on the plate, the other in the plastic container, just remember to remove the film separator from the bottom of each round before placing each round while making the cake. Spooning rather than pouring the sauce gives it time to soak into the cake. Then spread a layer of pineapple over the top of the plated cake, almost to the edge. Next, “pipe” whipped cream onto the top, covering the pineapple and all the way to the edge. Level smooth with a spatula. What? You do not have a pastry bag for piping? Well, neither did I. So take a gallon Zip Seal bag, roll down the edges as if turn -

ing inside out, fill the pocket with whipped cream and roll up the sides while continuing to fill the bag. When filled, close it to get the air out, zip shut, snip off a bottom corner, start squeezing, and PRESTO! You have a disposable pastry bag for piping.

Gently place the next cake round onto the one on the plate and do the same thing again. To finish, spread the remaining whipped cream to “frost” the sides and level the top. Garnish by sprinkling the toasted coconut across the top and on the sides. Placing 1012 cherries in a circle on top gives the cake a finished look with some color and acts as a knife guide.

Purchasing these cake rounds cuts down on the preparation time by at least an hour or more because there is no baking and waiting for the cake to cool. If your local store doesn’t have cake rounds on display, ask for them at the Bakery section, and you too can make this simple dessert for your next Simple Feast. Enjoy!

29 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
10-12 Maraschino Cherries

gear laying around on the ice, which prevents me from moving as often as I should. I wear a suit that is specifically designed for ice fishing that will keep me warm and dry in any weather. I also wear warm gloves and boots. When I use a piece of gear, I put it back where it belongs. Then, if I want to move, it takes little to no effort. When I’m alone I usually bring a chisel, bucket, auger, jig rods, skimmer, Vexilar, tackle box, and bait. If I’m not wearing my suit that floats I have ice picks hanging around my neck for safety. For longer days I will have a sandwich and thermos of coffee.

I don’t care what anyone says: being comfortable and catching more fish makes

ice fishing much more fun. Try these tips the next time you’re out on the ice and I bet you’ll catch more fish. Most importantly, be safe. Early in the season, make sure you check the ice thickness everywhere you go. Don’t ever assume the ice is the same thickness everywhere because it’s not. Have fun and we’ll see you on the ice.

Tim Moore is a full-time licensed professional fishing guide in New Hampshire. He owns and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association, and the producer of TMO Fishing on YouTube and the Hooked with TMO Fishing Podcast. Visit www. TimMooreOutdoors.com for more information.

30 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
MOORE from 10
OPEN ALL YEAR Rt 3, 579 Endico St. North, Weirs Beach, NH • 603-366-4377 • www.FunspotNH.com Merry Christmas To All from The Largest Arcade in the World! At this time of the Christmas Season we would like to thank our customers who come to visit us from all over the USA and the World. And we would like to especially thank our wonderful TEAM FUNSPOT CREW who work so hard every day to bring the FUN to our visitors!
Today’s ice angler has a plethora of equipment at their disposal specifically designed to make ice fishing easier.

support of the corporate media, made violating the Bill of Rights a priority. It has weaponized the Department of Justice and its Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Let us site just a few examples: Last fall, we learned that parents who dare speak out against the racial hatred and moral degeneracy being taught to students in government schools are being targeted.

The National School Boards Association demanded that the Biden Administration go after parents who speak out at school board meeting, and Attorney General Merrick Garland, sent a memo to the FBI warning about violence against school board members.

The Biden Administration created a “Disinformation Agency” to be led by far-leftist Nina Jankowicz. Public outcry from this blatant attempt to form this Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” forced the Biden Admin to put it agency on hold. Ms. Janowitz is now a foreign agent working for England’s Ministry of Truth.

The U.S. Justice Department is still holding some of those arrested in the wake of the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot without charging them of a crime. We are getting reports of ill treatment of these prisoner including beatings, and denial of medical treatment. So much for speedy trials guaranteed in the Sixth Amendment.

In the early morning hours, the FBI raided the Tennessee home of Paul Vaughn, his wife and eleven children His crime? Praying and singing hymns in front of an abortion

mill. He had a shoving incident in early 2021 where no changes were filed by local police. He is facing the possibility of eleven years in prison. The FBI arrested many other Pro-lifers including an 87-yearold woman.

The Biden Administration raided the Mar-a-Lago home of Donald Trump, and the homes of number of Trump associates including Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, and Peter Navarro. Mr. Navarro, who is 73 years old, was arrested at the airport, and placed in leg irons. He lives across the street from the FBI’s D.C Headquarters. An agent could have simply walked across the street and served a warrant. The FBI raided Stone in the middle of the night with CNN cameras standing by.

And, thanks to Elon Musk, we learned that the FBI worked with social media outlets to suppress information from Hunter Biden’s laptop with information that may have made an impact on the 2020 election.

Background To The Bill Of Rights:

On September 25, 1789, Congress sent twelve proposed amendments to the states for ratification. Two of the amendments were rejected. One of them concerning congressional pay raise, was ratified in 1992 making it the 27th Amendment. On December 15, 1791, Virginia became the ninth state to ratify making them part of the U.S. Constitution. The reason for the Bill of Rights are spelled out in the little-known Preamble to the Bill of Rights:

Congress of the United States begun and

held at the City of NewYork, on Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eightynine.

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid

to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.

ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article

of the original Constitution.

Here are the five rights protected in the 1st Amendment:

1. Free Exercise of Religion

2. Freedom of Speech

3. Freedom of the Press

4. Freedom to Peaceably Assemble

5. Freedom to Petition the Government for a redress of grievances

Since Camp Constitution’s inception in 2009, we have distributed over 20,000 pocket copies of the U.S. Constitution, hosted numerous classes, presentations, and outreach events about the U.S. Constitution. Many of those classes and presentations have been videotaped, and made available on our YouTube, and Rumble channels. Our instructors include Pastor David Whitney, Mrs. Kris Anne, Hall, Luke Boyce— “Kid Constitution,” Actress Janine Turner of Constituting America,

Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center, Catherine White of the Constitution Decoded, Pastor Garrett Lear, and myself. Since I have been writing this column, I have offered readers free pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. While the offer still stands, let me offer extra copies to educators and local civic organizations. If interested, e-mail me your mailing address campconstitution1@ aol.com You may also swing by the Gilman Library in Alton to pick up a copy.

The Bill of Rights has survived a civil war, two world wars, and abuses by all three branches of the U.S. government. I believe that it will survive this current administration.

Happy Birthday Bill of Rights!

31 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
Reproduction of original Bill of Rights, [between ca. 1920 and ca. 1930].

culties and trials of a studious life he writes the following: “But college life has many pleasures, many real joys which no period or age can so abundantly afford; and we are convinced that the labor and toil incident to the study of the classics make us more susceptible of enjoying life. How ever true this may be, one can hardly find a merrier, happier band than are the college boys. Associations and bonds of friendly union are formed which neither time nor distance can sunder.”

Young Mr. Sanborn then went on to describe how some of those college boys celebrated during the 1873 Christmas season.

On Christmas eve, he wrote, the Sophomores had a class supper at Woodstock and the Freshmen, of which he was one,

had a class supper at Windsor, Vermont. The forty freshmen were transported from the college to White River Junction, Vermont by “two large teams,” that is, horses, that were probably pulling sleighs over the snow. Sanborn described the men students as “forty merry sons of ‘77,” mentioning the coming year of their graduation. “With lusty throats and healthy lungs,” he continued, “we sing the college songs, as ‘ Merrily we roll along, roll along,’ not indeed over the ‘ deep, blue sea,’ but drawn over the welltrodden snow-path by our strong steeds...”

The journey to the location of the Christmas Eve dinner site took them along the Connecticut River where they could hear the sound of the rapids and over the river into Vermont with a distant

view of Mount Ascutney as the sun set, outlining the mountain “with a flood of golden light, as if to harbinger a Merry Christmas.”

To reach their destination from White River Junction the school boys traveled the rest of the way on the Central Railroad. The class meal was served at the Winslow House in Windsor, followed by, in Albert Sanborn’s

words, “...the toasts, speeches, and songs in quick succession. No one who has not been himself a college boy can half realize the amount of true enjoyment which such occasions bring.”

“How they are wont to gather on a festal eve, A bright hued chain of pleasures to weave; To beguile the hours

32 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 — GILPATRIC METAL RECYCLING , LLC —Call for pricing We Buy CATALYTIC CONVERTERS - See Nick for Pricing Bring us your ferrous and non-ferrous metals to recycle! BUSINESS HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7am to 3pm Closed Sat. & Sun. Fully Licensed Facility License Number: 21J-001B Permit Number: DES-SW-PN-11-006 201 Abel Road, Bristol, NH 03222 **IF USING GPS, TAKE RIVER RD TO ABEL RD. (DO NOT TAKE PEAKED HILL RD.) Office: (603) 744-3453 Fax: (603) 744-6034 CLOSING FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK: DEC. 24th - JAN. 2nd
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Dr. Eleazar Wheelock, founder of Dartmouth College by Artist Joseph Steward. Sanborn identified the Winslow House in Windsor, Vermont as the location of the Freshman Class Supper.
SMITH from 3
SMITH on 33

of passing time, With laughter and sports and mirthful rhyme; And assembling round the festal board, To taste the enjoyment the moments afford;

To banish meanwhile ‘mid scenes so rare, All past perplexities, all semblance of care.”

At most colleges these days there is probably little going on Christmas Eve as many of the students go home or elsewhere for Christmas.

Dartmouth was established by Dr. Eleazer Wheelock as a school to educate young American Indian boys and train Christian missionaries. With the help of Governor Wentworth the school received its Royal Charter from King George III in the colonial year of 1769, and a little over onehundred years later in 1873 had 82 freshmen students and a total enrollment of 420

which was an increase of twenty from 1871. As was true with most of the early educational institutions in colonial America, Dartmouth had close ties with the church, theirs being with the Congregational Church, and Albert Sanborn from Lake City probably attended the College Church.

The atmosphere involving college life and

Christmas Eve celebrations was without doubt more conservative than some of contemporary ones, but young Mr. Sanborn wrote of the true enjoyment of the festivities of that Christmas Eve in 1973. He also mentioned, however, in his

letter, “those who have fallen victims to the vices of intemperance.”

The motto of Dartmouth College is probably usually seen in the Latin language, but it is a phrase taken from the Bible where it does have a connection to Christmas and

the coming of Jesus. The motto in English is “The voice of one crying in the wilderness.”

In the Bible the voice is that of John the Baptist and his purpose was to announce the coming of the Messiah whom he identified as Jesus.

So the founders of Dartmouth, a school that was built in the wilderness of New Hampshire, saw their mission as being a voice, and at least some of that voice was to be used to make Jesus known.

33 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
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In 1873
Christmas Tree would probably have had lighted candles on it. SMITH from 32

in various energy and investment partnerships. On the commercial side, China plans to invest $29 billion in Saudi Arabia to establish a Huawei cloud computing center and to build an electric vehicle manufacturing plant.

The two sides “reaffirmed the rejection and denunciation of terrorism and extremism in all its forms.” Both countries pledged, “not criticizing each other’s internal policies” which brings to mind the Beijing regime’s brutal treatment of Muslims in Xinjiang or the Saudi conduct towards their own opposition.

In the medium term what does the emerging Sino/Saudi political rapprochement mean for American strategic interests in the Middle East?

American President Joe Biden was snubbed by the Saudis during a visit to the Kingdom earlier this year. Earlier the Administration has vowed to make Saudi a “pariah” for its treatment of dissidents such as murdered writer Jamal Khashoggi. Equally the Biden team got into a spat over oil production quotas.

The Saudi’s sense the weakness of the Administration in the wake of the appalling

and disastrous Afghan fiasco as well as sending mixed messages in dealing with the Iranian regime. Nonetheless, the Kingdom remains very dependent on 2,700 American military advisors and high tech equipment.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia was a result of “bad American policy.”

“Saudi Arabia has reset its foreign relations to embrace deeper ties with Beijing,” according to Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post.

Do the Saudis see an emerging American power vacuum the Middle East? Perhaps. But in the near and middle term China stands in no military position to supplant the USA to fill that void.

Thus we can expect closer political and economic cooperation between Beijing and Riyadh, think Belt and Road, while at the same time the U.S. provides the security deterrence from rogue states such as Iran.

John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.

to save and protect myself and my family.”

Last year, about 90% of gun stores reported an increase in sales to Black people.

“I made it so,” says Toure. “Gun control is racist.” Gun control was “started to literally stop Black people from having the means to defend themselves.”

That is true. Before the Civil War, Tennessee changed its constitution to say that only “free white men” have a right to bear arms. Virginia banned Blacks from carrying “any firelock of any kind.”

Later, when some local governments wouldn’t protect Blacks from racist whites, Blacks often took up arms to protect themselves. Where Blacks had access to firearms, there were fewer lynchings.

Toure says gun control is still racist.

“Who’s arrested more for firearms possession? ... Black and brown folks. The narrative that anyone with a firearm is a bad guy is a pervasive theme, especially if you are in an urban environment and if you happen to be Black.

In his gun classes, Toure tells his students, “Follow the rules, and communicate with law enforcement.” Black people must be extra clear that they have a gun to

defend themselves.

It’s a double standard, he complains. “White folks don’t gotta articulate their position the same way.”

Next, Toure plans to expand his classes to teach conflict resolution, and to teach as many people as he can about armed self-defense.

“All the facts and data are in favor of respect for the Second Amendment,” he says, “especially in the Black community.”

Every Tuesday at JohnStossel.com, Stossel posts a new video about the battle between government and freedom. He is the author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.”

two cubs frolicked in the field.

So much for bears being in their dens already.

I have personally never had a problem with bears at my bird feeders, so I feed the birds pretty much year-round. I do understand people’s hesitation when it comes to feeding birds and not wanting to attract bears. It’s also not good for bears to become acclimated to free food.

That said, now that we are well into December, it’s most likely OK to start feeding the birds again. Then again, I’ve been wrong before.

35 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 15, 2022 —
15 METZLER from 7
BOSAK from

structural changes to the tech sector to promote more competition -- including breaking up Amazon, Facebook, and Google.”

Clearly, Silicon Valley had a motive to stymie her campaign; they knew if Sleepy Joe got elected, he wouldn’t regulate Big Tech, no less break them up, decimating their bottom line and almighty influence. That said, instead of vilifying Musk, a whistleblower, Warren should be investigating if Facebook or Twitter censored or shadowbanned her social media posts and her supporters to help thencandidate Biden win the Democratic primary.

But that’s not all Big Tech could’ve done to

tip the scales in Biden’s favor.

Did Big Tech amplify positive news stories about Biden’s campaign while suppressing favorable media reports about Warren? Did Silicon Valley rig its algorithms so that Team Biden’s campaign communications reached more Democratic primary voters in Massachusetts than Warren’s? If you recall, Biden beat Warren on Super Tuesday in her home state, coming in first place without campaigning there or visiting the state. One can only wonder if his policies won over Massachusetts voters or if he got an unfair advantage and helping hand from Big Tech. These are some of

the questions Warren and her colleagues in Washington should be asking, instead of investigating Musk’s businesses and trying to make the Tesla CEO into the boogeyman. The fact is if Big Tech wanted Biden to become president, he’d first have to knock out his Democratic rivals in the primary. Were other Democratic presidential contenders harmed by Big Tech censorship and corruption?

And what about Google? Did the fartoo-powerful monopolistic search engine also put its thumb on the scale by manipulating search results to benefit Biden versus his primary opponents? Without much-needed transparency and investigation,

we’ll never know.

Bottom line: No one should assume that Big Tech is only targeting conservatives. Their deceitful censorship tactics and other apparatchiks can be used in any election affecting politicians in both parties. All the more reason Democrats and Republicans must work together to stop these abuses and hold bad actors to account.

Adriana Cohen is a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate. To find out more about Adriana Cohen and read her past columns, please visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at www.creators.com.

SHAPIRO from 6

attacks on traditional American society -- vitiation of the distinction between private and public, and elimination of the distinction between innate characteristics and behavior -- are predicates to tyranny. The new secular system sets up government as a new god, determining right and wrong and cramming it down on every subject. You will be forced to celebrate the behaviors of others; you will be treated as a bigot if you do not. The Supreme Court may hold back the legal ramifications of the new tyranny for now, but anyone who relies on the court to do so forever will be sorely disappointed.




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Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and cofounder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

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Caption Contest

Runners Up : Susie took her new alligator shoes out for a walk. - Alan Dore, Rochester, NH.

Before, then after, fossil fuels. - Joe Vitali, Belmont, NH.

PHOTO #942 PHOTO #940

The alligator wasn’t the fastest way to travel, but it did double as a suitcase

GATORAID -Jean Cram, Pittsfield, NH.

Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

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The Winklman Aeffect by John Whitlock
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