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Tabl eofCont ent s

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The site is located at Malacca, Malaysia. It is filled with cemeteries of the forgotten warriors back in the old times. We are to design a Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC) for a better understanding of the history of the site to the visitors.

Bubbl eDi agr am

The layout is arranged in such manner due to the circulation that draws density of people to the exhibition gallery, which is the key space.

Desi gnConcept&Al gor i t hm

Arrangement of spaces which forms circulation that emphasizes key spaces.

Segregation between private and public spaces.

High ceiling and openings to allow cross ventilation.

Large void to allow stack ventilation within the building.


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Legend 1.Exhibition 2.Dining 3.Office 4.Storage

5.M&E 6.Reception 7.Washroom 8.Souvenir

9.Exhibition    

Axonomet r i c

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The site is located at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We are to design an elderly care center to cater the residence of the old folks home within the macro site. The aim of this project is to provide nursery and entertainment to the elderly.

Desi gnConcept Solidarity created by clustered buildings.

Neighbourhood concentrated at northern part to have interactions.

Multiple openings to allow natural ventilation.

Bubbl eDi agr am

Desi gnAl gor i t hm

Blocks unwanted sunlight as well as storing cold wind.

Layout is arranged in such manner due to its large connectivity towards the central courtyard to create a solidarity environment.

Vegetation to create more shades and enhance cooling.

Tall buildings creates shades.

Orientation helps to receive higher ventilation.

Tall buildings Achieve optimum to store the amount of cold wind. natural sunlight.

Cross and stack ventilation

Traps light for better visuals.

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Axonomet r i c

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The site is located at Kuala Lumpur city centre, Malaysia. The aim of this project is to design a community library to cater the locals and preserve their culture. The design should respond to the site analysis done beforehand, each student will have different site issues to respond with. For my design, I aim to break the edges between the two districts where the site is located in between them.

L i ght i ngSt udi es


Light Shelf

Artificial Lights

Light Contour Diagrams


Desi gnConcept&Al gor i t hm



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The site is located at Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur. In this project, we are to propose certain program and design a specific building based on our site issue. Based on my observation and analysis, poor quality food intake could be a threat to the community, so instead of proposing food stalls which could be competitive to the existing restaurants, I proposed an Urban Farming Center in order to provide higher quality of food to the community hence sustaining humanities.

Desi gnConcept&Al gor i t hm                           

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