A Stockpile of
Merit 2550 B.E.
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Merit or boon, as Buddhists in Thailand call it, is an energy that is naturally created every time we think, speak or do good things. This energy has the power to cleanse our minds by dissolving greed, anger, sorrow, and a host of other negative feelings.
As an energy, boon works like a magnet and has the power to attract happiness, success, wealth, and favorable circumstances to its individual owner. Some might call it çluckÊ. But in Buddhism everything has its own cause and effect. Successes and failures are never accidental. Merit or boon and demerit or sin can be collected through thoughts, speeches and actions. This is what Buddhism means when it says that we can design our lives and decide our destinies.
Like any other natural energy, boon can be depleted. We use boon every second at every breath we take--whether we realize it or not. Fortunately, it can be replenished simply with virtuous thoughts, clean speeches and good deeds. Boon is an active word whose meaning is totally different from passively not doing anything bad to anyone. A life without boon is a difficult and miserable one. Therefore, the Lord Buddha taught people to keep making boon to ensure a constant supply of happiness and success.
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Boon also helps to dilute negative consequences of our past sins that we will have to bear as a result of our past actions. Our wish comes true when the amount of boon we have matches the amount of this energy needed to get where we want to be. Therefore, making boon regularly is not a luxury but a necessity.
The 2550 B.E. edition of çA Stockpile of MeritÊ is a collection of photographs that keep alive the memories of a large number of people doing good things together for individual happiness and world peace. Every time, people think of the good deeds they did, their very thought of virtue will create more boon, adding to their personal supply of this natural energy.
The Editorial Team hopes that the virtuous acts of these people, which you will find in the pages that follow, will inspire you to make more merit and to contribute to a happier world--starting with yourself today.
The Editorial Team
www.kalyanamitra.org 5
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Table of Contents
Start the New Year with a Bright and Cheery Mind
New Year meditation retreat Alms-offering to monks on the New Year Day of 2550 B.E. Installing the first foundation pile of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni in Suphanburi province
Build a Warm and Happy Family with Dhamma
Installing the last foundation pile of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni in Suphanburi province
Enjoy a Feat of Success in Creating World Peace
Magha Puja Day â—?
Illumination ceremony in honor of the Lord Buddha
Award presentation to winners of the 25th annual Path of Progress Ethics Contest
Presentation of the Universal Peace Award to Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh
Award presentation to World-PEC winners
The 1st annual World Peace Ethics Contest (World-PEC)
www.kalyanamitra.org 10
The World is Safe When People Rest Their Minds at the Center of Their Bodies
Preparations for the Earth Day ceremony
Earth Day ●
Alms-offering to monks from more than 20,000 temples Circumambulation around the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya The casting of Buddha images
Visakha Puja Day, the Day of the Lord Buddha
110 Visakha Puja Day Alms-offering ceremony on the Visakha Puja Day Lifetime ordination ceremony for seven novices Circumambulation around the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya ●
Provide Aid to Monks in 4 Southern Border Provinces for the Third Year
126 Providing Aid to Monks in Four Southern Border Provinces for the Third Year
www.kalyanamitra.org 11
Table of Contents
Once in a Manûs Lifetime To Be Part of the Triple Gems
134 Ordination ceremony for English- and Chinese-speaking Dhammadayada trainees
140 Ordination ceremony for young students from international schools
144 Ordination ceremony
Honor the New Graduates of Pali Studies
150 Congratulations to
90th Enlightenment Day Anniversary of the Dhammakaya Meditation Master
182 Dhammakaya
2550 B.E.graduates of the highest level of Pali studies in Thailand
158 Alms-offering to monks from 3,000 temples, including the 266 temples in Thailandûs four southern border provinces
Meditation Master Day ●
Presentation of the Telly Awards 2007 The casting of the second concrete-cement pile supporting the roof of the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace
for Thai-speaking Dhammadayada trainees 166 The casting of the first concrete-cement pile supporting the roof of the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace
176 Alms-offering to monks representing 2,000 temples from eight countries
www.kalyanamitra.org 12
123rd Birthday Anniversary of the late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni
202 Enshrinement of the sacred crystal ball under the holy ground of Ven. Phramongkolthepmuniûs birthplace ●
The Kathina Offering Day Achieve Goals, Discover Your Dhammakaya
226 Alms-offering ceremony on the Kathina Day
230 Kathina ceremony to raise donations for the roofing of the Grand The ceremony to pour Meditation Stadium concrete cement mixture over for World Peace a wooden pile of the late Ven.
Take Pride in Making Merit Everyday throughout the Year
250 Providing aid to victims of severely cold weather
254 Meditation retreat to make an auspicious start for the coming new year
262 Continuing Khun Yayûs tradition of behaving like owners of the temple
Phramongkolthepmuniûs house 264 Enshrinement of a model
220 Providing aid to flood
Buddha Dhammakaya statue for Sri Lankan temples
270 Enshrinement of the second holy Crystal Wheel on the New Yearûs Eve
276 Illumination ceremony in honor of the Dhamamakaya Meditation Master www.kalyanamitra.org 13
Start the New Year with a Bright and Cheery Mind
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New Year meditation retreat 28 December 2549 B.E. - 1 January 2550 B.E.
For Buddhists, New Year is one of the best days to start doing good things and to make a positive change in their lives. A meditation retreat gives us peace and the time to really be with ourselves. It is a deeply peaceful, stress-free and virtually cost-free way to make an auspicious start for our new year ahead. Training the mind through meditation is an act of merit which will bring sucess and happiness to the owner.
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«‘À“√πâÕ¬π—∫À¡◊ËπÀ≈—ß¿“¬„μâ¡À“√—μπ«‘À“√§¥ §◊Õ ∑’Ëæ—°Õ—π· π ÿ¢„π¬“¡ §Ë”§◊π¢Õßπ—° √â“ß∫“√¡’ ∑’Ë¡“Õ¬Ÿà∏ÿ¥ß§åªï„À¡à°—πÕ¬à“ßæ√âÕ¡‡æ√’¬ß About 10,000 Buddhists joined the annual meditation retreat to welcome the auspicious arrival of the New Year Day.
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Alms-offering to monks on the New Year Day
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1 January 2550 B.E.
Giving is one of the many ways people can make merit or boon. The resulting merit is even greater when the recipients are virtuous men who live to purify their minds and for the benefit of the masses.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 21
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www.kalyanamitra.org 22
Tens of thousands of lay Buddhists joined the alms-offering ceremony on the first morning of 2550 B.E. in front of the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya. Mr. Anant Asavabhokhin and his family presided over the ceremony.
www.kalyanamitra.org 23
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Installing the first foundation pile of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni in Suphanburi province
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Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni was the rediscoverer of the Dhammakaya Meditation Tradition, which had been lost to the world 500 years after the passing of the Lord Buddha. His rediscovery led to the revival of interest in meditation among a large number of Buddhists in Thailand. His precious legacy has remained with the world as the Dhammakaya Meditation technique has continued to be taught and practiced by a growing number of interested individuals in and outside Thailand.
www.kalyanamitra.org 24
www.kalyanamitra.org 25
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www.kalyanamitra.org 26
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www.kalyanamitra.org 30
The sound of hammering on miniature foundation piles was audible all over the place.
www.kalyanamitra.org 31
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Build a Warm and Happy Family with Dhamma
www.kalyanamitra.org 34
www.kalyanamitra.org 35
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Installing the last foundation pile of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni in Suphanburi province 4 February 2550 B.E.
www.kalyanamitra.org 36
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www.kalyanamitra.org 38
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Tens of thousands of people took part in the ceremony held on a plot of lotus-shaped land, the birthplace of Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni.
www.kalyanamitra.org 39
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The joy of making merit was visible on the faces of the participants.
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World-PEC °“√ Õ∫μÕ∫ªí≠À“»’≈∏√√¡ ‡æ◊ËÕ —πμ‘¿“æ‚≈° §√—Èß∑’Ë Ò Ò¯ °ÿ¡¿“æ—π∏å Úıı ‡¥◊Õπ°ÿ¡¿“æ—π∏å æ.». Úıı π—∫‡ªìπ™à«ß‡«≈“Õ—π ”§—≠ ·ÀàßÀπ⓪√–«—μ‘»“ μ√å¢Õß°“√ √â“ß —πμ‘¿“æ‚≈° ‡¡◊ËÕ°“√ Õ∫ World-PEC §√—Èß·√°¢Õß‚≈°‰¥â∫—߇°‘¥¢÷Èπ ´÷Ëß¡’ºŸâ‡¢â“ Õ∫®“° ˆ ∑«’ª∑—Ë«‚≈°¡“°∂÷ß ˆ ‡™◊ÈÕ™“μ‘ ·≈–‡ªî¥ Õ∫∂÷ß ı ¿“…“ §◊Õ ¿“…“‰∑¬ ®’π ≠’˪ÿÉπ Õ—ß°ƒ… ·≈–≈“«
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The first annual World Peace Ethics Contest (World-PEC) 18 February 2550 B.E.
People from more than 60 nationalities and six continents took part in the first annual World Peace Ethics Contest (World-PEC), which was conducted in five languages: Thai, Chinese, Japanese, English and Lao.
www.kalyanamitra.org 48
www.kalyanamitra.org 49
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Everyone wants to have a warm family. Itûs no surprise that so many men and women of all ages took part in the World Peace Ethics Contest.
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People from more than 60 nationalities and six continents took part in the first annual World-PEC,
Enjoy a Feat of Success in Creating World Peace
www.kalyanamitra.org 54
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Magha Puja Day 3 March 2550 B.E.
More than 2,500 years ago, the Lord Buddha delivered a sermon on the teachings that are central to all the Buddhist teachings on the Magha Puja Day. This sermon has served as a timeless guidance for Buddhist monks in propagating
Buddhism. To this day, Buddhists have been taught to stop doing bad, to keep doing good and to purify the mind. This is the universal recipe for individual happiness and lasting world peace.
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Illumination ceremony in honor of the Lord Buddha
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The area around the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya turned into a sea of candlelight on the full-moon night of the Magha Puja Day in which hundreds of thousands of Buddhists gathered for meditation and prayers in honor of the Lord Buddha at the Dhammakaya Temple.
æÿ∑∏∫√‘…—∑ Ù ®“°„πª√–‡∑»·≈–μà“ߪ√–‡∑» √à « ¡°— π ®ÿ ¥ ‚§¡¡“¶ª√–∑’ ª π— ∫ · π¥«ß∂«“¬‡ªì π æÿ∑∏∫Ÿ™“ „π∫√‘‡«≥≈“π∏√√¡√Õ∫¡À“∏√√¡°“¬‡®¥’¬å Hundreds of thousands of Buddhists lit a lotus-shaped lantern in an act of worship to the Lord Buddha.
www.kalyanamitra.org 60
www.kalyanamitra.org 61
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www.kalyanamitra.org 64
www.kalyanamitra.org 65
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Award presentation to winners of the 25th annual Path of Progress Ethics Contest The annual Path of Progress Ethics Contest entered its 25th year. In 2550 B.E. alone, more than 4.73 million students and teachers nationwide took part in the contest. A total of 17 awards were presented to the winners of various categories in a ceremony on the Magha Puja Day at the Dhammakaya Temple.
www.kalyanamitra.org 68
www.kalyanamitra.org 69
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‚≈à√“ß«—≈ —πμ‘¿“æ ®“°Õߧå°√¬ÿ«æÿ∑∏ ߶å‚≈° The Universal Peace Award from the World Buddhist Sangha Youth (WBSY).
Presentation of the Universal Peace Award to Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa sent his representatives to present to Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh the Universal Peace Award on behalf of the World Buddhist Sangha Youth (WBSY). The award was presented in recognition of the reverendûs unbroken record of active contribution to world peace and to the progress of Buddhism at the local and international levels for more than 40 years.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 74
Award presentation to World-PEC winners Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh presented awards to the winners of the first annual World Peace Ethics Contest in the presence of worldwide audiences of the DMC Channel and more than 100,000 people who gathered around the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya on the Magha Puja Day.
www.kalyanamitra.org 75
The World is Safe When People Rest Their Minds at the Center of Their Bodies
www.kalyanamitra.org 76
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Preparations for merit-making activities on the Earth Day Thousands of people volunteered to mop the floor of the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace, which would serve as a merit-making venue for the upcoming Earth Day. Some volunteered to wipe the tables and clean the chairs that would be used by visiting Buddhist monks and novices from more than 20,000 temples nationwide.
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Earth Day 22 April 2550 B.E.
The Earth Day, as designated by the United Nations, happens to be on the same date as the birthday of Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh, the abbot of the Dhammakaya Temple and president of the Dhammakaya Foundation. On 22 April 2550 B.E., more than 50,000 monks and novices of all Buddhist sects were invited to join a mass merit-making ceremony at the Dhammakaya Temple.
www.kalyanamitra.org 82
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The abbot, Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu), led the morning meditation session on 22 April 2550 B.E.
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Alms-offering to monks from more than 20,000 temples, including the 266 temples in Thailandûs southern border provinces Hundreds of thousands of Buddhists gathered at the Dhammakaya Temple to join the alms-offering to monks from more than 20,000 temples in Thailand. The ceremony offered a rare opportunity for lay Buddhists to make merit with more than 50,000 monks and novices in a single day. Monks are great fields of merit for lay Buddhists because they live to spread the teachings of the Lord Buddha, which are necessary for living a happy and meaningful life. www.kalyanamitra.org 87
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Tens of thousands of Buddhists presented a set of offerings to all monks and novices from than 20,000 temples. Each set of offerings comprised a Dhamma book, a bag, a first-aid box, and a three-piece saffron robe. www.kalyanamitra.org 92
∫ÿ≠®“°°“√∂«“¬ —߶∑“π·¥à∑°— ¢‘‰≥¬∫ÿ§§≈ ®–∑”„Àâ∂ß÷ æ√âÕ¡ ¥â«¬ ¡∫—μ‘∑—Èß Û §◊Õ ¡πÿ…¬å ¡∫—μ‘ «√√§å ¡∫—μ‘ ·≈–π‘ææ“π ¡∫—μ‘ The resultant merit will bring wealth to the people who sincerely made such offerings not only in the present lifetime but also in the hereafter.
www.kalyanamitra.org 93
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Circumambulation around the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya A legion of monks from more than 20,000 temples all over Thailand led lay Buddhist followers in prayers and circumambulation around the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 98
°“√‡«’¬πª√–∑—°…‘≥‡æ◊ÕË ∂«“¬‡ªìπæÿ∑∏∫Ÿ™“ „π∫√‘‡«≥¡À“√—μπ«‘À“√§¥π—πÈ ‡μÁ¡ ‡ªïò¬¡‰ª¥â«¬§«“¡ª≈◊È¡ªïμ‘ À—«„®∑ÿ°¥«ß¢Õß “∏ÿ™πºŸâ¡’∫ÿ≠∑ÿ°∑à“π μà“ß√–≈÷°∂÷ß §ÿ≥¢ÕßÕß§å ¡‡¥Á®æ√– —¡¡“ —¡æÿ∑∏‡®â“ Tens of thousands of Buddhists circled the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya as they called to mind the Lord Buddhaûs boundless compassion, unparalleled wisdom, purity and many other virtues.
www.kalyanamitra.org 99
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www.kalyanamitra.org 100
The casting of Buddha images Buddha images are symbols of virtue. They remind people to stop doing bad, to keep doing good and to purify the mind. Therefore, those involved in the casting of Buddha images will continue to reap merit, especially every time the sight of a Buddha image gives someone the courage to do good or to stop an evil thought before it turns into action.
www.kalyanamitra.org 101
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ºŸâ·∑π§≥– ߶åÀ¬àÕπ ç¡À“ ÿ«√√≥π‘∏‘é ≈߉ª„π‡∫â“À≈Õ¡ Monk representatives dropped Mahasuvannithi metal balls into the casting molds.
www.kalyanamitra.org 106
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Visakha Puja Day, the Day of the Lord Buddha
www.kalyanamitra.org 108
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Visakha Puja Day
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31 May 2550 B.E.
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Visakha Puja is an important day in Buddhism. It falls on the same full-moon day in which the Lord Budda was born, attained enlightenment and passed away. To express gratitude to the Lord Buddha, Buddhists make merit, light a candle, meditate and recite prayers on the Visakha Puja Day.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 112
Alms-offering ceremony on the Visakha Puja Day
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www.kalyanamitra.org 113
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Lifetime ordination ceremony for seven novices Tens of thousands of people rejoiced in the merit of the seven novices who entered a lifetime ordination ceremony. The novices had to undergo at least ten years of training and preparation before they were selected and allowed to make a vow of staying in monkhood for life. The merit of such ordination is much greater than a short-term ordination because it requires an unwavering determination, strong will and complete dedication to Buddhism.
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Circling the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya on the Visakha Puja Day On the full-moon night of the Visakha Puja Day, tens of thousands of Buddhists circled the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya with a candle in their hands as they prayed to the Lord Buddha.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 118
www.kalyanamitra.org 119
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Tens of thousands of people joined the circumambulation to pay homage to the Lord Buddha on the Visakha Puja Day.
www.kalyanamitra.org 121
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www.kalyanamitra.org 122
Õß¡◊ÕπâÕ¬ª√–§Õߪ√–∑’ª·°â« Õߥ«ß‡πμ√‡ªïò¬¡·««§«“¡ ÿ¢ —πμå Àπ÷Ëß®‘μπâÕ¡°√“∫∫Ÿ™“æ√–¿§«—πμå Õ ß‰¢¬∫ÿ≠Õπ—πμåæ≈—πÀ≈—Ëß¡“ The teachings of the Lord Buddha are like the candlelight in the midst of a dark night, showing people the way to true happiness and end of sufferings. www.kalyanamitra.org 123
Provide Aid to Monks in Four Southern Border Provinces for the Third Year
www.kalyanamitra.org 124
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www.kalyanamitra.org 125
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Providing aid to monks in four southern border provinces for the third year Since three years ago when terrorists ravaged the four southern border provinces of Thailand and fatal violence became almost a daily reality, Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh as president of the Dhammakaya Foundation initiated the monthly merit-making program of sending food supplies to Buddhist monks in the violence-prone areas of Pattani, Yala, Narathivas and Songkhla provinces. This aid program entered its third year in 2550 B.E., further cementing the unity and friendships among Buddhists in trouble times.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 130
“∏ÿ™πºŸ¡â ∫’ ≠ ÿ √à«¡°—π∂«“¬®μÿª®í ®—¬‰∑¬∏√√¡·¥àæ∑ÿ ∏∫ÿμ√ ºŸâ ≈–™’«‘쇪ìπ‡¥‘¡æ—π ¬◊πÀ¬—¥√—°…“æ√–æÿ∑∏»“ π“ ‚¥¬ ‰¡à¬Õ¡∂Õ¬Àπ’ Lay people presented a set of offerings to the monks who risked their lives to protect Buddhism.
www.kalyanamitra.org 131
Once in a Man没s Lifetime To Be Part of the Triple Gems
www.kalyanamitra.org 132
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www.kalyanamitra.org 133
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International ordination ceremony for English- and Chinese-speaking Dhammadayada trainees The fifth annual International Dhammadayada Training and Ordination program attracted 63 people from 18 nationalities. After two weeks of training, the trainees entered a holy ordination ceremony to become Buddhist monks.
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International Dhammadayada trainees sought forgiveness from parents and relatives before receiving the saffron robes that would be used in their ordination ceremony.
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Ordination ceremony for young students from international schools A total of 22 young students from international schools in Thailand entered an ordination ceremony on 14 July 2550 B.E. as part of the second annual Dhammadayada training program for youths.
www.kalyanamitra.org 142
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www.kalyanamitra.org 143
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www.kalyanamitra.org 144
Ordination ceremony for Thai-speaking Dhammadayada trainees Members of the Class of 20 of Thai-speaking Dhammadayada trainees in the rainy season entered an ordination ceremony on 21-23 July 2550 B.E.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 145
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Honor the New Graduates of Pali Studies
www.kalyanamitra.org 148
www.kalyanamitra.org 149
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Congratulations to 2550 B.E. graduates of the highest level of Pali studies in Thailand 5 August 2550 B.E.
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Ò „π ˘ ‡æ™√‡¡Á¥ß“¡ ª√–¥—∫«ß°“√ ߶å„πªïπ’È One of the 90 new graduates of the highest level of Pali studies was receiving an honorific fan.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 153
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A representative of the ninth-level Pali studies graduates gave a speech.
www.kalyanamitra.org 154
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www.kalyanamitra.org 155
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Alms-offering to monks from 3,000 temples, including the 266 temples in Thailandûs four southern border provinces
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A rare merit-making opportunity: Alms-offering to about 10,000 monks from 3,000 temples in a single day.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 162
www.kalyanamitra.org 163
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Senior monks from all the 266 temples in the four southern border provinces of Thailand kindly accepted the invitation to join this merit-making ceremony at the Dhammakaya Temple on 5 August 2550 B.E. www.kalyanamitra.org
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The casting of the first concrete-cement pile supporting the roof of the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace 27 August 2550 B.E.
The two-storey Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace is being constructed to serve as a venue for international gatherings and mass meditation of one million monks, nuns, novices, lay Buddhists and peace lovers worldwide.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 170
Mr. Anant Asavabhokhin, Mr. Boonchai Bencharongkul and many other participants were passing on buckets of concrete cement mixture that would be used in the casting of the first foundation pile supporting the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace.
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Alms-offering to monks representing 2,000 temples from eight countries On 19 August 2550 B.E., a historic ceremony to present alms to Buddhist monks representing three major sects from 2,000 temples took place in Hatyai District, southern province of Songkhla, Thailand. The monks were from eight countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and India.
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About 20,000 people joined the historic event, half of which were foreigners. Participants formed a line of more than one kilometer long. The success of this alms-offering ceremony inspired Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh to initiate a new project to organize alms-offering events in 76 provinces of Thailand in which there are altogether half a million monks.
90th Enlightenment Day Anniversary of the Dhammakaya Meditation Master
www.kalyanamitra.org 180
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www.kalyanamitra.org 181
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The Dhammakaya Meditation Master Day 26 September 2550 B.E.
The Dhammakaya Meditation Master Day marks the day in which Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni rediscovered the Dhammakaya Meditation Tradition through his direct experiences with meditation practice 90 years ago.
www.kalyanamitra.org 182
www.kalyanamitra.org 183
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www.kalyanamitra.org 184
www.kalyanamitra.org 185
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æ‘∏’∂«“¬√“ß«—≈ Telly Awards ·¥àæ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï ‡¡◊ËÕ«—π∑’Ë Úˆ °—𬓬π æ.». Úıı ¡’æ‘∏’∂«“¬√“ß«—≈ Telly Awards ´÷Ë߇ªìπ√“ß«—≈√–¥—∫‚≈° ·¥àæ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ∑ÿ ∏‘Ï ºŸ â ∂“ªπ“ DMC ◊ÕË ’¢“« ∑’¡Ë º’ ≈ß“π‚¥¥‡¥àπ®π “¡“√∂§«â“√“ß«—≈ Telly Awards 2007 ‰¥â¡“°‡ªìπª√–«—μ‘°“√≥å∂÷ß ÒÚ √“ß«—≈¥â«¬°—π æ‘∏’„π§√—Èßπ’È ‰¥â√—∫‡°’¬√μ‘®“°∫ÿ§§≈ºŸâ¡’™◊ËÕ‡ ’¬ß „π«ß°“√ ◊ÕË √–¥—∫‚≈°‡¥‘π∑“ß¡“√à«¡∂«“¬√“ß«—≈ ·≈–√à«¡ªØ‘∫μ— ∏‘ √√¡ √«¡∑—ßÈ √à«¡æ‘∏‡’ ∑§Õπ°√’μ‡ “§È”øÑ“ ¡À“√—μπ«‘À“√§¥ μâπ∑’Ë Ú ¥â«¬
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Presentation of the Telly Awards 2007 to Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu) The DMC Channel, which Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh conceptualized, won a total of 12 Telly Awards 2007. One of the Telly Award-winning programs is çDream in Dream Kindergarten,é which the abbot hosts and which has received the highest rating from DMC viewers around the world.
Telly Awards ‡ªìπÀπ÷Ëß„π√“ß«—≈∑’Ë«ß°“√ ◊ËÕ·≈–‚¶…≥“∑—Ë«‚≈° μâÕß°“√·≈–„Àâ°“√¬Õ¡√—∫ The Telly Awards are among the most sought-after awards in the media and advertising world. www.kalyanamitra.org
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www.kalyanamitra.org 188
Representatives from the world没s major media organizations such as CNN, BBC and Discovery Channel presented the Telly Awards to Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh on 26 September 2550 B.E. www.kalyanamitra.org 189
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The casting of the second concrete-cement pile supporting the roof of the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace Tens of thousands of Buddhists joined the historic ceremony to cast the second concrete-cement pile supporting the roof of the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace. A major merit-making event such as this came only once in a lifetime. The meditation stadium is being built with the best available construction materials. Latest advanced technology is used to ensure that it will last a thousand years.
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Úˆ °—𬓬π Úıı °≈—Ë𰓬 «“®“ „® „Àâ∫√‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï ‡æ◊ËÕ √Õß√—∫∫ÿ≠„À≠à∑’Ë®–‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ®“°°“√‡∑§Õπ°√’μ‡ “§È”øÑ“ ¡À“√—μπ«‘À“√§¥ μâπ∑’Ë Ú Tens of thousands of Buddhists were meditating to clear their minds at the start of the great meritmaking event.
www.kalyanamitra.org 192
www.kalyanamitra.org 193
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www.kalyanamitra.org 194
Unity in action: Monk representatives passed on buckets of concrete cement mixture that would be used in the casting of the second foundation pile supporting the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace.
Participants in the ceremony were having fun with passing on buckets of concrete cement mixture to the next person in line. The last person in the row passed the buckets to a monk who would pour the mixture into the casting mold.
www.kalyanamitra.org 195
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www.kalyanamitra.org 196
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www.kalyanamitra.org 199
123rd Birthday Anniversary of the late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni
www.kalyanamitra.org 200
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www.kalyanamitra.org 201
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The ceremony to enshrine the sacred crystal ball under the holy ground of Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni没s birthplace 10 October 2550 B.E. was the 123rd birthday anniversary of the late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni who rediscovered the Lord Buddha没s Dhammakaya Meditation Tradition. Although it was not a public holiday, many voluntarily took leave from work to join the holy ceremony to enshrine the sacred crystal ball under the holy ground of Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni没s birthplace. www.kalyanamitra.org 203
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Tens of thousands of people recited prayers honoring the late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni during the morning ceremony on 10 October 2550 B.E. at the Dhammakaya Meditation Hall. Some of the participants traveled to Suphanburi province to join the afternoon ceremony held at the birthplace of the Dhammakaya Meditation Master.
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The afternoon ceremony was held at the birthplace of the late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni in Songphinong District, Suphanburi province on 10 October 2550 B.E. Well over 10,000 disciples of the Dhammakaya Meditation Master joined the event. Monks and lay Buddhists meditated to cleanse their minds before the enshrinement of the sacred crystal ball.
www.kalyanamitra.org 207
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Enshrinement of the sacred crystal ball under the holy ground of Ven. Phramongkolthepmuniûs birthplace.
www.kalyanamitra.org 211
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The ceremony to pour concrete cement mixture over a wooden pile of the late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuniûs house The wooden foundation pile will serve as evidence of his existence and will become an object of historical importance to future generations seeking to trace the origin of the Dhammakaya Meditation Tradition.
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Providing aid to flood victims Throughout October 2550 B.E., the Dhammakaya Foundation under the leadership of Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh sent monks, novices and volunteers to hand in food supplies, drinking water and medicine to flood victims in several provinces of Thailand.
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The Kathina Offering Day Achieve Goals, Discover Your Dhammakaya
www.kalyanamitra.org 224
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Morning alms-offering on the Kathina Day 4 November 2550 B.E.
The alms-offering ceremony was held in the morning of the Kathina Day at the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace. Retired General Arthit and Mrs. Phornsan Kamlang-Ek presided over the ceremony.
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Kathina ceremony to raise donations for the roofing of the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace The annual Kathina ceremony in 2550 B.E. was one of the templeûs biggest merit-making events of the year, attended by more than one hundred thousand people from all over the world. For this year, the donations raised on this day would be used to cover the expenses of buying and installing stainless steel roof of highest quality for the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace. Instead of tiles, high-quality stainless steel is used in the making of the roof to avoid future repairs and to ensure that it will last a thousand years.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 230
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From left: Mrs. Amporn Gibbs, Mr. Anant Asavabhokhin, Mr. Boonchai Bencharongkul, and Mrs. Vanna Chirakiti. www.kalyanamitra.org
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The great Kathina robe
www.kalyanamitra.org 244
www.kalyanamitra.org 245
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Take Pride in Making Merit Everyday throughout the Year
www.kalyanamitra.org 248
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Providing aid to victims of severely cold weather The Dhammakaya Foundation sent monks and volunteers to deliver blankets to recent flood victims who were now facing unusually cold weather in Mae-Hongsorn, Leoi, Singburee, and Ung-Thong provinces.
www.kalyanamitra.org 251
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Meditation retreat to welcome the New Year 28 December 2550 B.E. - 1 January 2551 B.E. The annual New Year meditation retreat was held from 28 December 2550 B.E. to 1 January 2551 B.E. A meditation retreat is a great way to make an auspicious start for the coming year, blessed with warmth, happiness and inner peace. Besides meditation, the participants offered sustenance to the monks, helped clean the temple, recited prayers and listened to sermons.
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Continuing Khun Yay û s tradition of behaving like owners of the temple Built entirely with peopleûs donations, the temple belongs to everyone. During the New Year meditation retreat, participants volunteered to sweep and mop the Dhammakaya Meditation Hall and other areas in the temple. The practice of looking after the temple the way a good owner does was role modeled by the late Ubasika Chan Khonnokyoong, also affectionately called Khun Yay, the founder of the temple. ÚˆÛ
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Enshrinement of a model Buddha statue that will be presented to Sri Lankan temples
www.kalyanamitra.org 264
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Enshrinement of the second holy Crystal Wheel on the New Yearûs Eve
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www.kalyanamitra.org 274
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www.kalyanamitra.org 276
Illumination ceremony in honor of the Dhamamakaya Meditation Master The late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni is widely respected and regarded as the rediscoverer and greatest teacher of the Dhammakaya Meditation Tradition. His rediscovery of the lost knowledge of the Lord Buddha brought hope, happiness and joy to many, and has continued to do so.
www.kalyanamitra.org 277
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Lighting candles in an act of worship to the Lord Buddha.
www.kalyanamitra.org 278
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New Year fireworks in front of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni at the Dhammakaya Temple on the New Yearûs Eve.
www.kalyanamitra.org 284
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www.kalyanamitra.org 288
«‘∏’Ωñ° ¡“∏‘‡∫◊ÈÕßμâπ «—¥æ√–∏√√¡°“¬‚¥¬ —߇¢ª How To Meditate About the Dhammakaya Temple
www.kalyanamitra.org 289
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The search for self-sustainable happiness might be closer than you think. Since time immemorial, people of all ages, races and faiths have one thing in common--the search for happiness. If they believe happiness is in the sea, they go to the sea. If they believe it is in the mountains, they go to the mountains. If they believe it is in shopping malls, they go on a shopping spree. If they believe it is about being rich, they devote their lives to making money. Or, if they think it lies in being famous, they seek every means and measure to fight their way to fame. What all these people have found in common is that all the seas, money and fame in the world cannot help them when they are heart-broken, depressed or in pain, that even a mountain of wealth and possessions cannot fill the emptiness in their hearts. In fact, such things produce short-lived pleasure and inevitably stress and exhaustion. Fortunately, all human beings are blessed with the ability to produce self-sustainable happiness for themselves independent of personal circumstances and external factors. This kind of happiness lies within them, and can be achieved through meditation. ĂšË˜ Ă’
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Simple Way To Savor Happiness From Within Sit upright with your right leg on your left leg. Place your right hand on your left hand. Let your right index touch your left thumb. You can sit with or without a cushion on the floor. Feel free to adjust your sitting position until you feel comfortable. Close your eyes very gently as if you are about to fall asleep. Relax every muscle in your body--from your eyelids to your cheeks, your chin, your shoulders, your arms, and your legs, down to the tips of your fingers. Free your mind from all kinds of thoughts. Drop all your personal baggage of duties, worries, and problems. Assume they do not exist for now. Breathe in deeply and gently exhale three times. Imagine that you are sitting happily alone in the universe. Indulge in peaceful solitude. Tell yourself you deserve happiness, and this is your relaxation time. Also imagine that the inside of your body is hollow and transparent--with no internal organs. To keep your mind from wandering, imagine that a crystal ball is floating in the middle of your stomach. For this purpose, you can use other neutral objects that youûre familiar with such as a scoop of ice-cream, a football or the moon. Make sure not to strain your eyes or force an image. Just visualize as you comfortably can and relax. In meditation, you see with your mind, not with your physical eyes.
To keep thoughts from entering the mind, recite the words ùsumma arahung, summa arahung,û which means the virtuous path toward freedom from all evils of the mind. Recite the words as if youûre humming a song while quietly observing whatever there is to see at the center of your body.
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If thoughts arise, thereûs no need to fight against them. Let them pass through the center of your body like a passing view that you happen to see from the window of a moving train. Accept that they are present but donût take them to your heart or think further. Alternatively, you can choose not to visualize anything at all and simply observe whatever you see at the center of your body without making any judgment or emotional response to it. Ú˘ı
Whether you see darkness or bright light or anything else, just accept it without any thought. Depending on the degree of stillness and clarity of your mind, after a while you will experience a sense of peacefulness and refreshing joy as if youûve just come out of an inner spa. It is a nice practice of compassion to end your meditation session by spreading the inner peace and all the good feelings that youûve received to all living beings regardless of their race, nationality and faith, and even your personal feelings: çMay all living beings have a share in the peace and happiness that I have received from meditation, whether they are in my country or anywhere else, whether they are a member of my race or any other race, whether they are a follower of my religion or any other belief system, whether they love me or loathe me, whether they see me as a family, friend or foe. May this air of purity resulting from the meditation dissolve all the anger, sadness and suffering in their hearts. May those in pain be free from suffering and those already happy be happier. May people of all races, nationalities and faiths live together in peace, forgiveness and compassion.é If you wish to join a meditation retreat or a short class in English, you are welcome to visit our meditation centers in the United States, Europe, and Asia or the Dhammakaya Temple in Thailand. For more information, please visit www.dhammakaya.or.th or www.meditationthai.org.
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Since its establishment in 2513 B.E., the templeûs focus has always been to promote the Lord Buddhaûs Dhammakaya Meditation technique, which had been lost to the world 500 years after his passing and was rediscovered by Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni in 2460 B.E. It is a meditation method that can lead to the discovery of Dhammakaya or body of enlightenment, which is naturally present in every human being. The temple was founded with an initial sum of 3,200 baht by Ven. Dhammajayo and his meditation teacher Ubasika Chan Khonnokyoong whom the late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni had described as his çsecond to noneé meditation disciple. Together, they turned a plot of arid land in Prathumthani province into a clean and quiet temple with a peaceful environment conducive for meditation study and practice. For nearly four decades, the temple has been actively pursuing its goals of producing true monks and good citizens for the society. It organizes merit-making activities every Sunday, starting at 9.30 a.m. They include morning and afternoon meditation sessions, a sermon and alms-offering. It also conducts weekend meditation retreats for interested individuals as well as ethical training courses for requesting schools, companies and governmental organizations. Ú˘˜
∑ÿ°Ê «—π®—π∑√å ∂÷ß «—π‡ “√å æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏‘ω¥â‡∑»πå Õπ‚¥¬„™â ◊ËÕ∏√√¡–∑’Ë∑—π ¡—¬¡“ª√–°Õ∫°“√‡∑»πå μ—Èß·μà‡«≈“ Ò˘.Û-ÚÒ.Û π. ´÷Ëß¡’°“√∂à“¬∑Õ¥ ¥ºà“π —≠≠“≥¥“«‡∑’¬¡ ∑“ß™àÕß DMC ∑à“π∑’Ë π„® “¡“√∂‡¢â“√à«¡øíß„π√“¬°“√ ¥ À√◊Õ√—∫™¡ ∑“߇§‡∫‘≈∑’«’ À√◊Õ∑“ßÕ‘π‡∑Õ√å‡πÁμ ‰¥â∑’Ë www.dmc.tv ‚¥¬‰¡à‡ ’¬§à“„™â®à“¬ ¥â«¬·√ß»√—∑∏“·≈–°“√ π—∫ πÿπ®“°¡À“™π∑—Ë«‚≈° ∑“ß«—¥‰¥â°àÕ √â“ß¡À“∏√√¡°“¬‡®¥’¬å ´÷Ëߪ√–°Õ∫¥â«¬æ√–∏√√¡°“¬ ª√–®”μ—«∑’˪√–¥‘…∞“πÕ¬Ÿà¿“¬πÕ° Û, Õß§å ·≈–¿“¬„πÕ’° ˜, Õß§å ‡æ◊ËÕ„À⇪ìπ»Ÿπ¬å√«¡„®¢Õß™“«æÿ∑∏ ·≈–ºŸâ√—° —πμ‘¿“æ∑—Ë«‚≈° ‡ªî¥‚Õ°“ „Àâ∑ÿ°∑à“π‰¥â¡“„Àâ∑“π √—°…“»’≈ ·≈–π—Ëß ¡“∏‘√à«¡°—π μ“¡§” Õπ¢Õßæ√– —¡¡“ —¡æÿ∑∏‡®â“ ´÷Ëß®–‡ªìπ °“√ √â“ß§π¥’„Àâ°∫— —ߧ¡ ·≈–°àÕ„À⇰‘¥æ≈—ߧ«“¡∫√‘ ∑ÿ ∏‘∑Ï ’Ë “¡“√∂¢®—¥ªí¥‡ªÉ“‡¡¶À¡Õ°·Ààߧ«“¡∑ÿ°¢å‚»°·≈–¢—¥·¬âß„Àâ¡≈“¬À“¬‰ª ¡“∏‘‡ªìπ –æ“π‡™◊ËÕ¡„® ”À√—∫· «ß®ÿ¥√à«¡·≈– ¡“π®ÿ¥μà“ß√–À«à“߇æ◊ËÕπ¡πÿ…¬å¥â«¬°—π ‡æ◊ËÕ𔉪 Ÿà§«“¡ ÿ¢¿“¬„π·≈– —πμ‘¿“æ¿“¬πÕ°¢Õß∑ÿ°Ê §π ‡¡◊ËÕ„¥∑’Ë¡πÿ…¬å‡¢â“∂÷ß·À≈àß·Ààß —πμ‘ ÿ¢¿“¬„𠧫“¡√Ÿâ ÷°‚°√∏·§â𠇪ìπ»—μ√Ÿ ·≈–§«“¡‡»√â“‚»° ®– ≈à¡ ≈“¬·≈–∂Ÿ°·∑π∑’˥⫬§«“¡√—°·≈–§«“¡ª√“√∂π“¥’´÷Ëß°—π·≈–°—π —πμ‘¿“æ‚≈°∑’Ë∑ÿ°§π‡√’¬°√âÕß· «ßÀ“ ®–‰¡à “¡“√∂‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ‰¥â ‡≈¬ À“°¡πÿ…¬å¬—߉¡à™π– ߧ√“¡¿“¬„π„®μπ
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To spread the teachings of the Lord Buddha on a wider scale, abbot Dhammajayo hosts a Dhamma program, which is broadcast live on Mondays through Saturdays from 1930 to 2130 hours on the satellite DMC Channel. The broadcast is accessible worldwide. The program is also broadcast live on the Internet at www.dmc.tv where viewers can also download and watch previous programs free of charge. With the support from Buddhists and peace lovers worldwide, the temple successfully built the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya to serve as their unifying center and international mass meditation venue. The structure is decorated with 300,000 Buddha images on the outside and 700,000 more on the inside, highlighting the fact that every human being has a seed of enlightenment waiting to sprout and to be discovered for the benefit of knowing thyself. Meditation is the universal language of the mind that transcends differences in race, nationality and faith, connecting every practicing person to the infinite source of happiness from within. When people have experienced this kind of profound happiness that is self-sustainable and free from negative side effects, feelings of animosity and sorrow will dissipate as currents of love and goodwill fill the air. World peace or external peace will remain just a dream unless and until people have won the wars inside themselves. ĂšË˜ ˘ *Hundreds of thousands of lay people from all walks of life as well as Buddhist monks of all sects from more than 30,000 temples gathered in a spirit of unity in February 2002.
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www.kalyanamitra.org 300
Every year, the temple hosts several major merit-making events to give Buddhists and peace lovers worldwide opportunities to meditate, observe precepts and get involved in charity together. For example, on every 22 April or the Earth Day, it organizes mass meditation and a ceremony to cast Buddha images. Its supporting organization, the Dhammakaya Foundation, has collaborated with the United Nations and international NGOs on several peace programs. The Foundation also pursues charitable activities such as providing aid to flood victims and to monks residing in the violence-prone areas of southern Thailand. The temple is constructing the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace for one million people to meditate together for individual happiness and world peace. This will also become a place where Buddhist monks from all over the world meet, meditate and work together for a stronger and more unified Buddhism. Through international mass meditation events, the temple aims to promote meditation as a means to achieve intra- and inter-religious unity and world peace through inner peace.
www.kalyanamitra.org 301
√“¬™◊ËÕ»Ÿπ¬å “¢“∑—Ë«‚≈° Dhammakaya Meditation Societies Worldwide
”π—°ß“π„À≠à «—¥æ√–∏√√¡°“¬ ÚÛ/Ú À¡Ÿà ˜ μ”∫≈§≈Õß “¡ Õ”‡¿Õ§≈ÕßÀ≈«ß ®—ßÀ«—¥ª∑ÿ¡∏“π’ ÒÚÒÚ Wat Phra Dhammakaya
23/2 Mu 7, Khlong Sam, Khlong Luang Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand Tel : +(66-2) 831-1000 +(66-2) 524-0257 to 63 Fax : +(66-2) 524-0270 to 1 E-mail : info@dhammakaya.or.th, www.dhammakaya.or.th www.meditationthai.org, www.dmc.tv/en BRUNEI
ASIA »Ÿπ¬å “¢“„π∑«’ª‡Õ‡™’¬ ÚÒ »Ÿπ¬å „π ÒÙ ª√–‡∑» §◊Õ
Co-ordination Office
Contact: Ruangrassame Chareonying Tel : +(673) 8-867-029 Email : JY_dhamma@yahoo.com Thailand Co-ordinator contact : Ms. Rawiwon Mechang Tel : +(66)-5-071-0190 www.kalyanamitra.org
Sichuan Meditation Center
Wat Thai Nagano
Sichuan University, 29 Wangjiang Rd, No. 38 Zhulincun 11 Dong 3 Danyuan, ChengDu 610064, Sichuan, China. Tel : +(86) 28-8541-8878 +(86) 28-8129-2072 Mobile : +(86) 136-8900-7101 E-mail : nui072@hotmail.com pp072@yahoo.com
733-3 Mihari, Tomi-Shi, Nagano-Ken, 389-0501, Japan Tel : +(81) 2-6864-7516 +(81) 2-6864-7720 Fax : +(81) 2-6862-2505 Mobile : +(81) 90-9390-6055 E-mail : yanakuno@yahoo.com OSAKA, JAPAN
Wat Bhavana Osaka
The Dhammakaya International Society of Hong Kong Ltd.
Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of Osaka (DIMC of Osaka) 4-6-27 Ohmiya, Asahi-ku, Osaka, 535-0002, Japan Tel : +(81) 6-6956-1400 Fax : +(81) 6-6956-1401 E-mail : dimcosaka@hotmail.com
385-391, 2/F, Henning House, Hennessy Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel : +(852) 2762-7942 +(852) 2794-7485 Fax : +(852) 2573-2800 E-mail : dmchk@netvigator.com
Wat Bhavana Tochigi
Wat Bhavana Ibaraki
1068 Oya-Machi, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi-ken, Japan 321-0345 Tel : +(81) 2-8652-8701 to 2 +(81) 2-8652-8703 Email : krubajane39@hotmail.com
2816-2 Oaza Arakawahongo, Ami-Machi, Inashiki-gun, Ibaraki-ken, Japan 300-1152 Tel : +(81) 2-9846-6110 Mobile : +(81) 080-5489-5669 +(81) 080-5489-6659 Email : Ibaraki_otera@msn.com KANAGAWA, JAPAN Wat Bhavana Kanagawa
243-4006 Kanagawaken, Ebinashi, kokubukita, 3-39-9, Japan Tel : +(81) 4-6205-6713 Fax : +(81) 4-6205-6714 Mobile : +(81) 80-5099-4527 +(81) 80-3458-6028 Email : puwanat072@hotmail.com
TOKYO, JAPAN Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of Tokyo
3-78-5 Arakawa, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo, 116-0002, Japan Tel : +(81) 3-5604-3021 Fax : +(81) 3-5604-3022 Email : chalapinyo@yahoo.com
Persatuan Meditasi Dhammakaya Selangor (Dhammakaya Meditation Association, Selangor)
Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of Taizhong
4-2, Jalan Puteri 5/1, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong, Selangor D.E., Malaysia Tel : +(60) 3-8063-1882 Mobile : +(60) 17-331-1599 E-mail : chutintharo072@hotmail.com PENANG, MALAYSIA Dhammakaya Meditation Center of Penang
66, Lengkonk Kenari1, Sungai Ara, 11900 Penang, Malaysia Tel : +(60) 4-644-1854 Fax : +(60) 19-457-4270 to 1 E-mail : dmcpn@hotmail.com
1-2F, No. 25, Lane 14, Minquan Rd., Zhong Dis,Taizhong City Tel : +(886) 4-2223-7663 TAOYUAN, TAIWAN R.O.C. Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of Taoyuan
No. 232, Ching-Tian Street, Taoyuan City 330 Tel : +(886) 3-377-1261 Mobile : +(886) 9-2252-1072 E-mail : watthaitaoyuan@hotmail.com
SINGAPORE Kalyanamitta Centre (Singapore)
30 Mohamed Sultan Road #03-03 Lam Ann Building, Singapore 238974 Tel : +(65) 6836-1620 Email : dimcsg@dhammakaya.or.th dimcsg@singnet.com.sg
The Middle East
M 29-4, Dongsam-2 dong, Youndo-Gu, Busan City, Republic of Korea Tel :+(82) 51-405-2626 Mobile : +(82) 10-8681-5976 +(82) 10-2996-9072 TAIPEI, TAIWAN R.O.C. Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of Taipei
3F No.9 Lane 16, Sec.2 Sihchuan Rd., Banciao city, Taipei country 220 Tel : +(886) 2-8966-1000 Fax : +(886) 2-8967-2800 http://dhammakaya.tc
BAHRAIN DMC Centre, Bahrain
1310 Road No. 5641, Block No.0356, Manama City, Bahrain Contact : Mr.Thanachai & Mrs.Peanjai Thongthae Tel : +(973) 3960-7936 E-mail : s4p04u@hotmail.com IRAN Co-ordination Office
Contact : Ms. Aroona Puenebue Tel : +(98) 21-2260-2105 E-mail : marissa_ange@yahoo.com
Co-ordination Office
Cape Town Meditation Centre (CMC.)
Contact : Ms. Rathanavadee Boonprasert Tel : +(968) 9901-4584
4B Homlfirth Road, Sea Point, Cape Town, South Africa, 8005 Tel : +(27) 21-439-1896 Mobile : +(27) 72-323-0060 +(27) 79-379-0245
QATAR Co-ordination Office
Contact : Ms. Naviya Tonboonrithi Tel : +(974) 572-7178 E-mail : naviyatonboonrithi@yahoo.com SAUDI ARABIA Co-ordination Office
Contact : Mr. Udom Chimnuan Tel : +(966) 50-899-1912 E-mail : saudom_80@yahoo.com
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Meditation Centre
30 Scheepers Street, North Riding, Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa 2169 Tel : +(27) 11-704-3360 Mobile : +(27) 72-363-1226 +(27) 78-464-8871 E-mail : info@watthaiafrica.org somsaknow@gmail.com
DUBAI Co-ordination Office
P.O.Box 33084, Dubai, UAE. Contact : Ms. Sangmanee Tel : +(971) 50-770-4508 Mr. Methin Tel : +(971) 50-754-0825 Ms. Dussadee Tel : +(971) 50-228-5077 The Middle East Thailand Co-ordinator
Contact : Ms. Rawiwon Mechang Tel : +(668)-5-071-0190 E-mail : rawi0072@yahoo.com
ANTWERP, BELGIUM Dhammakaya International Meditation Centre (Belgium)
Sint-Jobsteenweg 84, 2970 ùS-Gravenwezel, Antwerp, Belgium Tel : +(32) 3.326.45.77, +(32) Mobile : +(32) 494.32.60.02 E-mail : ppujakaro@hotmail.com
Wat Buddha Denmark
Wat Buddha Frankfurt (Meditation Verein Frankfurt Me.V)
Gl.Landevej 12,7130 Juelsminde, Denmark Tel : +(45) Mobile : +(45) E-mail : dimc_dk@yahoo.com
Odenwald Str.22, 65479, Ruanheim, Germany Tel : +(49) 614.2833.0888 Fax : +(49) 614.2833.0890 E-mail : lpjon2499@hotmail.com
BORDEAUX, FRANCE Wat Bouddha Bordeaux
47, Cours du General de Gaulle, 33170 Gradignan, France Tel : +(33) Mobile : +(33) E-mail : wat_bdx@hotmail.com
Wat Buddha Stuttgart
Û ˆ
Im Meissel Str.6, 71111, Waldenbuch, Germany Tel : +(49) 715.753.8187 Fax : +(49) 715.753.7677 Mobile : +(49) 16.0179.3782 E-mail : wat_stuttgart@hotmail.com
Wat Bouddha Paris
10, Avenue de Paris, 77164 Ferrieres en Brie,France Tel : +(33) Fax : +(33) E-mail : vichak@yahoo.com
BODENSEE, GERMANY Wat Buddha Bodensee
Lindauer Str. 76, 88085 Langenargen, Germany Tel : +(49) 754.393.9777 E-mail : Wat_Bodensee@hotmail.com
STRASBOURG, FRANCE Dhammakaya Centre International de la Meditation
21, Boulevard de Nancy, 67000 Strasbourg, France Tel : +(33) Fax : +(33) E-mail : dimcfr@yahoo.com
Via Dello Scoiattolo 7 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy Tel : +(39) 33.138.6721 +(39) 33.131.8738 E-mail : fortunebigbank@msn.com, janda.a@hotmail.it
Wat Buddha Milano
KOENIGSBRUNN, GERMANY Dhammakaya International Meditation Zentrum (DIMZ)
Heinkel Str. 1,86343 Koenigsbrunn, Germany Tel : +(49) 8231.957.4530 Fax : +(49) 8231.957.4532 Mobile : +(49) 162.421.0410 E-mail : ppadec@hotmail.com
MIDNATTSOL, NORWAY Wat Buddha Midnattsol (Det Norske Dhammakaya Samfunn)
Hvittingfossveien 343, 3080 Holmestrand Norway Tel : +(47) Mobile : +(47) 997.23.075 Fax : +(47) E-mail : dhammakaya-norway@hotmail.com http : //www.dhammakaya.no
HISINGS BACKA, SWEDEN Wat Buddha Gothenburg
Ostra Arodsgatan 17B, 422 43, Hisings Backa, Sweden Tel : +(46) - Mobile : +(46) -737.562.722 Fax : +(46) 8668-8993 Email : pworalert@hotmail.com GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Wat Buddha Geneva, Switzerland
Avenue dûaire 93 G, 1203 Geneva, Switzerland (c/o Wee Khee Wee) Tel : +(41) 796.049.704 Mobile : +(33)
7 Grange Close, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 OAH, United Kingdom Tel : +(44) 1454-617434 Mobile : +(44) 7723-351254 Email : virandharo@hotmail.com
Dhammakaya International Meditation Center
801 E. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, CA 91702 USA Tel : +(1)-626-334-2160 Fax : +(1)-626-334-0702 E-mail : dimcazusa@yahoo.com http : //www.dimc.net
Wat Phra Dhammakaya London (Dhammakaya International Society of United Kingdom)
2 Brushfield Way, Knaphill, Woking, GU21 2TG, UK Tel : +(44) 1483-475757 +(44) 1483-480001 Fax : +(44) 1483-476161 E-mail : disuk@hotmail.co.uk
1303 N. Gordon St., Plant City, FL 33563 USA Tel : +(1)-813-719-8000 +(1)-813-719-8005 Fax : +(1)-813-719-8007 E-mail : pamotito@msn.com
Wat Charoenbhavana Manchester
4522 Tilly Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30360 USA Tel : +(1)-770-452-1111 +(1)-770-643-1233 Mobile : +(1)-404-514-7721 +(1)-404-862-7559 Fax : (1)-770-452-3424 E-mail : somboonusa@yahoo.com
Gardner House, Cheltenham Street, Salford, Manchester M6 6WY, United Kingdom Tel : +(44) 161-736-1633 +(44) 798-882-3616 Fax : +(44) 161-736-5747 E-mail : watmanchester@hotmail.com
Florida Meditation Center
Georgia Meditation Center Inc.
Hawaii Meditation Center
Meditation Center of Texas
54-111 Maakua Rd., Hauula, HI 97617 USA Tel : +(1)-808-497-4072 E-mail : saiwa072@hotmail.com
1011 Thannisch Dr., Arlington, TX 76011 USA Tel : +(1)-817-275-7700 E-mail : meditation.ct.tx@gmail.com
Meditation Center of Chicago (M.C.C.)
Seattle Meditation Center
6224 W.Gunnison St., Chicago, IL 60630 USA Tel : +(1)-773-763-8763 Fax : +(1)-773-763-7897 E-mail : mcc_072@yahoo.com
852 N.E. 83rd Street Seattle, WA 98115 USA Tel : +(1)-206-522-1514 Fax : +(1)-206-985-2920 E-mail : pmsamma@hotmail.com phracheep@yahoo.com
Minnesota Meditation Center
242 Northdale Blvd NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55448 USA Tel : +(1)-763-862-6122 Fax : +(1)-763-862-6123 E-mail : MMC_072@yahoo.com psuriya@hotmail.com
Meditation Center of D.C.
3325 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310 USA Tel : +(1)-703-329-0350 Fax : +(1)-703-329-0062 E-mail : mdc072@yahoo.com OTTAWA, CANADA
Co-ordination Office
Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of New Jersey
354 Breckenridge Cres.Ottawa, Ontario K2W1J4, Canada Contact : Pattrawan Sukantha Tel : 613-254-9809 613-261-4341 Email : jayy.dee@hotmail.com
257 Midway Ave., Fanwood, NJ 07023 USA Tel : +(1)-908-322-4187 +(1)-908-322-4032 Fax : +(1)-908-322-1397 E-mail : dimc_nj@yahoo.com
Co-ordination Office
Oregon Meditation Center
3431 Jeanne-Manae Suite #8, Quebec H2x2J7, Canada Contact : Gritsana Sujjinanont Tel : 514-845-5002 514-726-1639 E-mail : gritsana@netzero.net
13208 SE. Stark Street., Portland, OR 97233 USA Tel : +(1)-503-252-3637 Mobile : +(1)-503-799-8547 E-mail : omc072@yahoo.com http : //www.dimcor.org
Contact : Pipat Sripimolphan Tel : 647-886-0347 E-mail : psripimolphan@yahoo.com www.kalyanamitra.org
PERTH, AUSTRALIA Dhammakaya Meditation Centre of Perth
174 Moolanda Boulevard, Kingsley, WA, 6026, Australia Tel : +(61) 8-9409-8614 Fax : +(61) 8-9408-1007 Mobile : +(61) 4-302-07877 E-mail : phra_tawee@yahoo.com.au
Oceania BEACH, AUSTRALIA Northern Beach Meditation Centre
SYDNEY RETREAT, AUSTRALIA Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Sydney
Lot 3, Inspiration Place, Berrilee, NSW 2159 Tel : +(61) 2-9655-1128 Fax : +(61) 2-9655-1129 Mobile : +(61) 4-1162-8677 E-mail : Satit@dhammakaya.org.au SYDNEY OFFICE, AUSTRALIA Sydney Meditation Centre
117 Homebush Rd. Strathfield NSW 2135, Australia Tel : +(61) 2-9742-3031 Fax : +(61) 2-9742-3431 Mobile : +(61) 4-1145-3946 http : //www.dhammakaya.org.au http : //www.dmctv.net.au BRISBANE, SYDNEY Brisbane Meditation Centre
73 Lodge Rd., Wooloowin, Brisbane, QLD 4030, Australia Tel : +(61) 7-3857-3431 Mobile : +(61) 4-3105-7215 E-mail : kentibkaeo@yahoo.com MELBOURNE, SYDNEY Dhammakaya Meditation Centre of Melbourne
84 Oakwood Rd., St. Albans VIC 3021, Australia Tel : +(61) 3-9266-0181 Mobile : +(61) 4-0100-8799 E-mail : ronrawee@yahoo.com.au
4 Hurdis Avenue, Frenchs Forest, Sydney, Australia Tel : +(61) 294511-722
OREWA, NEW ZEALAND Orewa Meditation Centre
43 Albatross Road, Red Beach, HBC, Auckland, New Zealand, 1461 Tel : +(64) 9-427-4263 Fax : +(64) 9-427-4264 Mobile : +(64) 21-153-8592 E-mail : orewameditation@yahoo.com.au DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND Dunedin Meditation Centre (DDMC)
10 Barnes Drive, Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9001 Tel : +(64) 3-487-6772 Fax : +(64) 3-487-6775 E-mail : thep072@yahoo.com SOLOMON ISLANDS Co-ordination Office
KITANO WKK JV P.O.BOX 1108 Honiara Solomon Islands Contact : Mr. Sangwian Khanchaiyaphum Tel : +(677) 24808 Fax : +(677) 25460 E-mail : peleyo3@hotmail.com
A Stockpile of Merit 2550 B.E.
¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈∑“ß∫√√≥“πÿ°√¡¢Õß ”π—°ÀÕ ¡ÿ¥·Ààß™“μ‘ National Library of Thailand Cataloging in Publication Data
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ISBN: 978-974-05-6245-0
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List of Contributors
Honorary advisors
æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï (À≈«ßæàÕ∏—¡¡™‚¬) Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh æ√–¿“«π“«‘√‘¬§ÿ≥ (À≈«ßæàÕ∑—μμ™’‚«) Ven. Phrabhavanaviriyakhun
æ√–«‘…≥ÿ ªê⁄ê“∑’‚ª Ven. Wissanu Panyateepo
æ√– ¡ÿÀåÕ”π«¬»—°¥‘Ï ¡ÿπ‘ °⁄‚° Ven. Amnuaysak Munisakko
æ√–¡À“‡ ∂’¬√ ÿ«≥⁄≥ü‘‚μ (ª.∏. ˘) Ven. MahaSathien Suwannathito
«—π™—¬ ¿—∑√‚°¡≈ Mr. Vanchai Pattaragomol
Managing editor
æ√– ¡∫—μ‘ √°⁄¢‘μ®‘μ⁄‚μ Ven. Sombat Rakkitajitto
Editorial team
æ√–∏’√– π“∂∏¡⁄‚¡ Ven. Teera Nadhadhamo √–æ’æ√√≥ „®¿—°¥’ Rapeepan Jaipakdee πÈ”º÷Èß æÿà¡¡“≈’ Nampueng Pummalee «√√≥¿“ æ≈°≈“ß Wanapa Polklang
æ√– √√™¬ 𓧙‚¬ Ven. Sanchaya Nakajayo «√“ߧ≥“ ‡μÁ¡º“μ‘ Warangkana Tempati ª√“≥’ ™—¬º¥ÿß Pranee chaiphadung Õ√ÿ≥’ æ≈°≈“ß Arunee polklann
æ√–æÕ≈ ’≈ Ì«‚√ Ven. Paul Silasanghvaro √—¥‡°≈â“ ≈‘Ë«‡©≈‘¡«ß»å Ratkloa Lewcharlermwong √—°™π° ™π–æ≈ Rukchanok Chanapol ºàÕß»√’ ∑“π“·´ß Pongsri Tanasang
‡√¬å¡Õπ¥å °‘≈∫’ Raymond Kilby «√«√√≥ ∂πÕ¡æß…å Worawan Tanompong ∫ÿ…∫“ ∏“√“ ¡∫—μ‘ Busaba Tharasombud ∫√‘∫Ÿ√≥å ‚π√’‡«™ Boriboon Noreevej
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ª√’™“ Õÿàπ√—»¡’«ß»å Preecha Ounrasameewong ‡Õ°™—¬ ¡Ÿ≈»√’ Aekachai Moonsri «’™‘π ª√’¥“‡°…¡»—°¥‘Ï Vechin Preedakasamsak ‡ “«¿“ · ß∑Õß Sauwapa Sangthong ª√–‡ √‘∞ ‚μ‰æ∫Ÿ≈¬å Prasert Topibool ÿ«√√≥ Õÿàπ√—»¡’«ß»å Suwan Ounrasameewong ¡æ≈ ®‘μμπ‘∏‘ Sompol Jittaniti π—π∑æ√ ‡™◊ÈÕ§” Nuntaporn Churcom ‡æÁ≠ª√–¿“ ‡¥™– Penprapa Decha Õ¡√√—μπå ¡“∏‘∑√—æ¬å¥’ Amorrat Samathisupdee π“∫ÿ≠ ‰™¬‚¬∏“ Naboon Chaiyota ª√–‡√’¬π ™◊Ëπ™¡ Prariean Chunchom “∏‘π’ ¥Õπ¥’ Satinee Doundee °μæ≈ æ√ ÿ¢ «à“ß Katapol Pornsuksawang °¡≈™π° √Õ¥∂πÕ¡ Kamolchanok Rodtanum °—≈¬“ ªí≠≠“ °ÿ≈«ß»å Kallaya Punyasakulwong °‘μ‘æß…å À¡Õ°‡®√‘≠æß»å Kitipong Morkchareonpong
ÕÕ°·∫∫ª° Cover Design
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æ‘¡æå§√—Èß∑’Ë Ò First PRINTING
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‡°…¡ ‘ßÀ®“√ÿ Kaseam Singhajaru ‡®√‘≠ ‡æÁ™√°‘® Chareon Phetkit ®‘μμ‘æß…å √ÿàß°√ÿ¥ Jittipong Runggrut ®‘√–«ÿ≤‘ ‰«»¬–π—π∑å Jirawut Wisayanun ™«≈‘μ °√√¡ “∏° Chavalit Krummasatok ´Ÿà‡®‘π Chew Su Chern ∞“πÿæß…å ÿ√‘¬‰™¬“°√ Tanupong Suriyachaiyakorn ∏π“√—μπå “≈’𓧠Tanarat Saleenark π—¬πåªæ√ °ÿ≈«—≤π噟°‘® Naipaporn Kullawatchukij ∫ÿ≠¡’ ∂πÕ¡ ÿ¢ —πμå Boonmee Tanomsuksun ª≥μ ÿ¢‡°…¡ Panote Sukkasem ªØ‘æ—∑∏å ª√– ߧ奒 Patipat Prasongdee ªØ‘¡“ ®—π«‘π‘® Patima Junvinit ‡ª√¡ƒ¥’ ‡À≈◊Õ߉™¬¬– Preamrudee Luengchaiya æ’√∏√ ÿ¢ÀπÕß∫÷ß Preeratorn Suknongbung æß…å«‘«—≤‘ ‡°…¡√ÿ®‘«“π‘™ Pongviwat Kasemrujivanit æß…å ∂‘μ¬å º¥ÿß≈—°…¡’ Pongsathid Padungluksame
¿—∑√“ »√’« ÿ∏“ Patara Sriwasuta »ÿ¿«‘™∞å ‡À≈à“‡≈‘»æß…å Suppawit Laolertpong
¿‘√μ’ «»‘π™—¬ Piratee Vasinchai ¿Ÿ«π“∑ ¿—∑√æß»åæ—π∏å Puvanart Phattaraphongphun ¡“√ÿμ »‘≈ª ÿπ∑√ Marut Sillapasontorn √≥™—¬ »‘≈“°√ Ronachai Silakorn «»‘π ‡À≈◊Õß·®à¡ Wasin Luangjame «π‘¥“ ‡®’¬¡ªî¬–æß»å Vanida Germpiyapong «√√≥¿“ π‘≈∂πÕ¡ Wannapa Niltanom «ß»æ—∑∏å °ÿ≈«—≤π噟°‘® Wongsapat Kullawatchukij «‘¿“™ æ߻傿™πå Vipart Pongphot «‘¿“«¥’ æ‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï ‘√‘Õ¿‘≠≠“ Vipawadee Pisutsirirapinya «‘‚√®πå ‡≈‘» À‰æ±Ÿ√¬å Virot Rurtsahapaitoun «‘‰≈«√√≥ ‡πμ√π‘≈æß…å Wilaiwan Netnilphong «’√– ®ÿ±“√—μπå Veera Jutarat »—π π’¬å ∏’√–‡¥™∏”√ß Sunsanee Teeradechtumrong »‘√‘≈—°…≥å ÿ√«‘∑¬“æ√ Siriluk Suravittayaporn ßà“æ≈ «à“ß°—≈ªá Sangapol Sawanggun √≥ ‡ √‘¡ ‘∑∏‘æ√ Sarana Sermtidtiporn
√“¬ÿ∑∏ ÿ«—≥π– ‘√‘ Sarawut Suwattanasiri ¡‡°’¬√μ‘ μä–‚ªß Somkiat Tapong ¡™“¬ ‘ßÀå∑Õß Somchai Singtong ¡æ√ ‡≈“À‡≈‘»»—°¥‘Ï¥“ Somporn Laohalertsakda ¡∫Ÿ√≥å μ—Èß®‘μ«‘√‘¬– °ÿ≈ Sombul Tungjitviriyasakul ÿ∑∏‘«ÿ™ »‘√‘°—≥±å Suttiwut Sirikan ÿ∫‘π æÿà¡ ¡ Subin Pumsom ÿ√æ≈ ÿ§”∑—»πå Surapul Sukumtad √≥—≠™å ™Ÿ©—μ√ Saranun Chuchat Õ√ÿ≥’ ‡æÁ™√°‘® Arunee Phetkit Õ¿‘π—π∑å ™—¬ª√–¥‘…∞åæ√ Apinun Chaipraditporn Õ¿‘ ‘∑∏‘Ï ¡“∏‘∑√—æ¬å¥’ Apisit Samathisupdee Õÿ∑√ »√’æ—π∏å Uthorn Sriphun ∫ÿ≥∞‰™¬ ‰™¬«‘√ÿ≥‡®√‘≠ Boontachai Chayawirunchareon ≥—∞æ≥ ∏’√–∏√√¡∏√ Nattapon Teratummatorn
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®”π«π ı, ‡≈à¡ 5,000 Copies «—π§ÿ⡧√Õß‚≈° ÚÚ ‡¡…“¬π æ.». ÚııÒ Earth Day 22 April 2551 B.E. ¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘∏√√¡°“¬ Ù À¡Ÿà ¯ μ.§≈Õß Õß Õ.§≈ÕßÀ≈«ß ®.ª∑ÿ¡∏“π’ ÒÚÒÚ The Dhammakaya Foundation 40 Mu 8, Khlong Song, Khlong Luang Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand ∫√‘…—∑ √ÿàß»‘≈ªá°“√æ‘¡æå (Ò˘˜˜) ®”°—¥ Rung Silp Printing Company Limited
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