Deep Rooted and Durable Sinusitis Treatment with Homeopathy.

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SINUSITIS Flush Out your Clogged Sinuses And Get rid of your Nose Drip with HOMEOPATHY !!

Feel……and Breathe Better……

• • • •

Do you suffer from terrible pain in your forehead on most of the days? Do your eyes ache and feel as if they would pop out? Is your nose blocked for most of the days and nights? Do you have to clear your throat often? If yes, then you are probably suffering from SINUSITIS Are you tired of frequent doctor visits and absence from work due to recurrent sinusitis?

Don’t lose hope…. Heal your Sinuses Permanently with Homeopathy @

Amazing Facts and Figures About Sinusitis • A large number of people around the world are falling prey to Sinusitis due to seasonal changes, increasing pollution, allergies, food additives, etc. • One in eight Indian suffers from chronic sinusitis due to high pollution levels and unhealthy lifestyles. • 37 million Americans are affected by sinusitis every year.

Isn’t it time to search for a long-lasting solution? Wouldn’t you be happy if you didn’t have to miss office for it?

Get treatment from the most Logical Medical Science and Gain Optimal Health that you Deserve

What are Sinuses? • Sinuses are air-filled cavities located in the skull bones around the eyes and nose. • There are 4 pairs of sinuses called paranasal sinuses FRONTAL MAXILLARY ETHMOIDAL SPHENOIDAL

What are Sinuses? • Frontal sinuses: Located above the eyes in the region of the eyebrows • Maxillary sinuses: These are situated in the cheekbone area • Ethmoidal sinuses: Located between the eyes and behind the bridge of the nose • Sphenoidal sinuses: These sinuses are located at a deeper level, behind the ethmoid sinuses Presumed Functions of Sinuses: • To humidify the air that we breathe • To enhance the quality of our voice

What is Sinusitis? • Inflammation of mucus membrane lining the paranasal sinuses.

• The increased thickened secretions block the outlet of the sinus

• This leads to accumulation of mucus within the sinus and increased pressure on surrounding tissues

For complete details about Sinusitis

Types of Sinusitis SINUSITIS

ACUTE 4 weeks


4-8 weeks


more than 12 weeks

RECURRENT 4 or more episodes within 1 year

What happens in Sinusitis? • Facial pain/ headache or dull constant aching pain over the affected sinuses

• Blocked nose with green or yellow mucus

• Nasal obstruction or congestion,

causing difficulty in breathing through your nose

What happens in Sinusitis? Other less common symptoms are: • • • • • • •

Ear pain/Toothache Cough, which may be worse at night Sore throat Bad breath (halitosis) Fatigue or irritability Nausea Fever For complete details about Sinusitis

What Causes Sinusitis? Common causes are: • Viral infections- Upper respiratory

infection caused by common cold viruses such as Rhinovirus, Enterovirus, Coxsackie virus.

• Bacterial infections-

Staphylococcus aureus

• Fungus

What Causes Sinusitis? Other causes include: Nasal Polyp/ Tumour

Facial Injury Medical Conditions

Deviated Nasal Septum



Dental Caries

What are the Triggering Factors for Sinusitis? • Infections: Upper respiratory infections such as recent cold or ear infections • Age variations: Elderly age group are at greater risk • Nasal abnormalities: Certain nasal conditions like:  Nasal Polyp  Deviated septum  Facial bone abnormalities  Swollen Adenoids  Cleft Palate

What are the Triggering Factors for Sinusitis? • Allergies: People with asthma or allergies are at higher risk • Injuries: Head injuries • High altitudes: Flying and diving both increase chances of getting sinusitis • Weak immune system: Persons with weakened immune system such as AIDS, Chemotherapy, Organ transplant and other inflammatory conditions like Diabetes, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, etc.

What can Sinusitis lead to? Sinusitis not treated at an early stage can lead to: • Meningitis: Infection spreading to the layers that form a protective covering of the brain • Asthma: Causing inflammation of the airways • Orbital Cellulitis: Bacterial infection of the eye from the adjacent sinuses

Do’s • Steam inhalations to relieve nasal congestion. • Drink plenty of fluids. • Washing hands frequently and thoroughly to limit the chance of infections.

• Moderate regular exercise to strengthen the immune system and prevent cold and other infections.

Don'ts • Stop smoking • Avoid environmental pollution if possible • Avoid swimming at unknown places where

chances of contamination are more. • Avoid cold food and cold drinks which have preservatives and are artificially colored and flavored • Avoid air travel during infection. • Avoid contact with people who have cold and avoid sharing their towels and beverages with others

Foods to include

Diet and Nutrition

• Foods rich in vitamin C, like grapefruit and oranges as this helps to clear infection and congestion

• Add chilli, pepper, ginger, garlic to daily food as they contain agents that break mucus and relieve congestion.

• Eat pineapple as it contains bromelain, which helps in reducing the inflammation in the nasal passages

Diet and Nutrition Foods to avoid • Fried and starchy foods • All refined carbohydrate-containing foods like white flour, white rice, • • • • •

white bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, crackers, processed snacks, etc. Foods containing artificial colours and preservatives Caffeine and caffeinated drinks Sodas Dairy products Alcoholic beverages

Homeopathic Approach • Homeopathy is considered as a holistic system of

medicine as it treats the person and not just symptoms of any particular disease.

• It takes into consideration not only the physical

symptoms of the patient but also the mental and emotional wellbeing.

• Homeopathic medicines aim to eliminate the disease from its roots, rather than merely suppressing its symptoms.

To gain maximum benefits from Homeopathy

Role of Homeopathy in Sinusitis? • Homeopathic treatment can be a boon for persons who are liable to develop acute, chronic as well as recurrent sinusitis.

• Homeopathic medicines are highly

effective in reducing the inflammatory process as well as in clearing up the excess secretions.

• Homeopathic medicines help in easy clearance of the mucus and reduce pain and pressure by eliminating the infection.

Role of Homeopathy in Sinusitis? 

It relives the sinus congestion and inflammation in the acute phase.

It prevents recurrent episodes as well as the complications when prescribed correctly.

It enhances the vitality and immunity of the patient besides removing the root cause so that the problem is resolved once and for all. For complete details of homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic Medicines for Sinusitis Homeopathic remedies are based on minute differentiation based on important unique parameters of the individual. For example,

• Feeling of heaviness at root of nose with constant need to blow the nose:

Sticta • Dull frontal pain in head after coryza with thick excruciating discharge from nose: Hydrastis • Sneezing worse in the morning and going outdoors with great irritability: Nux vomica This art of individualization and customization makes homeopathy the True Rational Art of Healing

Homeopathic Medicines for Sinusitis • Homeopathic remedies are chosen on the basis of unique and

individualizing symptoms of each case • More than 100 homeopathic remedies work effectively in homeopathic treatment for Sinusitis. Few commonly used remedies are:  Silicea  Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum  Sticta  Pulsatilla  Kalium bichromicum …..and many more….

Homeopathic Medicines for Sinusitis

Few common remedies are:


• Individuals who are extremely sensitive to the slightest draft of air • Pain begins at occiput and spreads over head and settles over eyes • Pain better by wrapping up warmly and when lying on left side • Anxious and sensitive to all impression

Homeopathic Medicines for Sinusitis

Kalium Bichromicum

• Discharges are very stringy, sticky and yellowish green

• Pressure and pain at root of nose • Chronic inflammation of frontal sinus with obstruction of nose

• Worse in the morning • Better in hot weather

Homeopathic Medicines for Sinusitis Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum

• Best homeopathic medicine for painful purulent sinusitis. • Pain is worsed by cold and is relieved by warm applications. • Sensitive to cold dry wind with running thick, offensive discharges from the nose.

• Slightest cause irritates patient To know more about homeopathic treatment

Benefits of Health Portal

• Save your precious time, efforts, and finances in physically visiting your doctor

• Avail services of globally acclaimed doctors from our high-powered panel

• Gain health in comfort and convenience of your home

• Avail round-the-clock 24x7 medical services and guidance

Benefits of Health Portal

• Online payment with easy and secure payment options • Medicines at your doorstep • Anytime, anywhere access to your medical records • Add-on features such as:  Clinical tips  Health tips  Do’s and Don’ts  Nutrition tips  Health calculators  Health reminders, etc…… to enrich your experience To optimize your Health Benefits

Cases Recurrent Sinusitis Healed Swiftly & Permanently

• A 35 year-old slightly obese lady presented with complaints of difficulty in breathing with nasal blockage on and off since 6 months.

Her Important Symptoms were: • She was highly susceptible to every change of weather and on exposure to cold air or after consuming cold food or drinks. • She consulted various doctors, yet continued to get recurrent episodes of pain and nose blockage.

Nature and Behavior: • She was a mild person by nature and tended to be slow in all her activities.

• She was fearful of darkness and ghosts • She would feel bad if somebody reprimanded or scolded her. • She would not express her feelings freely but would keep silent and cry alone.

Treatment Given: Calcarea Carbonica 200 Results obtained:

• She reported marked improvement in her symptoms. • After 4 months of treatment, she eventually could tolerate cold food and drinks.

• Her tendency of recurrent nasal blockage reduced significantly. • Overall, she felt better and referred a few more patients to us. Check out many such successfully healed cases

Choose Homeopathy Gentle, Safe and Effective • Get free from your sinus pain and congestion quickly and effectively with Homeopathy

• Refine your immunity and decrease the excess sensitivity to cold air and harmless allergens

• Enjoy a breeze of fresh air without worrying about your sinuses

Live the Happy and Healthy Life With Homeopathy

WelcomeCure Protecting and Enhancing Your Health, Always….. For additional information about Sinusitis and its effective homeopathic management At “welcomecure” we have top-of-the-line homeopathic experts with decades of rich clinical experience on successful management of a wide range of disease conditions such as Sinusitis Visit

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