1 minute read

Llano Grande First Responders Honored for 15 Years of Service

Submitted by Rich Shamory, Llano Grande First Responders team leader, and Vickie Shamory, Llano Grande First Responder

J anuary 17, Oscar Montoya Dr., Mercedes mayor, and the Mercedes city commissioners, the Mercedes Emergency Medical Service, and the Mercedes Police Department recognized the Llano Grande First Responders for 15 years of service to Llano Grande Resort residents and guests and the Mercedes community.


This is the first time in our 15 years of service--on our 15-year anniversary—we have received such awards, and it was truly an honor.

Mayor Montoya and the commissioners issued a proclamation, and the Mercedes Emergency Medical Service awarded us a plaque.

(NOTE: Not all of our First Responders team could be present for this ceremony. Those in blue shirts in our photo are retired Llano Grande First Responders.) •

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