1 minute read

Honoring Customs and Border Protection Agent Raul H. Gonzalez Jr.

In the February 22 issue of Welcome Home Winter Texan, we shared a story about the residents of Chimney Park RV Resort and the close relationship they have forged over the years with the men and women of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. CBP launches their patrol boats at the Resort’s riverside location and station agents there; Chimney Park residents sincerely appreciate their presence and their protection.

That February story centered upon Raul H. Gonzalez Jr., a young CBP agent who gave his life in December when the 4-wheeler he was driving-while on patrol--hit an unlit fence.


Jose Rosa, a retired law enforcement officer, and his wife, Lisa, moved from Florida to Chimney Park three years ago to be near their daughter, Shae Marie, a boat captain for CBP. A few weeks after Agent Gonzalez’ passing, Jose saw a small white cross marking the spot where

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