Welcome Home WINTER TEXAN • • • January 20, 2021
We’re just connecting the dots.
VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 14 • January 20, 2021 • • • your official connection to the rio grande valley • • •
Thomas George “Tom” Stocker June 28, 1947 - January 9, 2021
A Tribute to Tom Stocker N
• • • Story by Eryn Reddell Wingert • Photos Courtesy of Welcome Home RGV staff • • •
early everyday that Tom Stocker arrived to work at Welcome Home RGV his co- workers wondered if he wouldn’t simply drive straight through the front window. But, once he safely parked, he’d saunter in carrying his favorite flavor of Delia’s tamales jalapeño and cream cheese - to share with the staff. Tom would start most days chatting up office staff, sharing anecdotes, jokes, and stories about growing up in the Valley.
The conversations almost always included new photos of his beloved grandchildren. In return, Tom showed genuine interest in the children of his co-workers. He never failed to ask what was going on their lives or how they were getting along in school. And when kids were present either in the office or at an event, he quickly won them over with his sense of humor. He had a long honed habit of truly caring about people. Colie Brookins
recalls she first met Tom in the early 2000’s at All Pro Contractors, “He always took care of me. He taught me things about the construction business that I would never have known.” Tom continued to do so years later, Brookins says, when their paths crossed again at Welcome Home RGV and the Texas International Fishing Tournament (T.I.F.T.). Many of those morning rap sessions included Tom sharing his knowledge,
experience, and advice. “He would always come to my office and share stories about life. He had a story for everything,” shares Anne Marie Martin who manages events. She credits Tom with showing her the ropes when she first started her job. “Tom was such a tough guy on the outside,” she says, “But, deep down he was the softest most caring man. TRIBUTE TO TOM STOCKER CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 >>