A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER
April 2015 Issue
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 5:30pm to 10:30pm Club At Sonterra Featuring the Stella Artois Beer Garden
Our all inclusive pricing includes: 16TH ANNUAL
The Nort hside
benefiting the Brighton Center
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April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Note From The Publisher
Fiesta and Giving!
pring has arrived! It’s the time of year when we begin spring-cleaning, sprucing up our yards, firing those grills up and planning for our summer. This is when we all start to find time to get outside and enjoy the perfect temperatures in our wonderful city. April is the month when we celebrate Fiesta festivities all over San Antonio. At Welcome Home, we are especially excited for the highly anticipated event, A Taste of the Northside, which we are honored to sponsor once again. The proceeds from this event benefit the Brighton Center, one of our community’s greatest foundations benefiting our local children. We have children from Brighton Center featured on our cover, along with this year’s Queen of the Vine, Janine Sauer. Brighton Center’s, A Taste of the Northside will be held at The Club At Sonterra again this year. Welcome Home will have our newspapers on all the shuttles so be sure to pick one up and read about the businesses and children in this area. For more about A Taste of the Northside continue reading on page 7. Living Through Giving is sponsoring its annual We Got Your Back drive to collect backpacks for children in San Antonio that have been displaced by abuse, neglect or family disruption and are currently in the care of Child Protective Services. The goal this year is to make sure all of these children will be able to start school with a new backpack and school supplies. Living through Giving is also excited to be taking part in The Big Give SA on May 5th. This is an opportunity to everyone in San Antonio to donate to the charity of their choice. Please visit our website at livingthroughgivingsa.
org and help us support children with all of their needs this year. As avid Spurs fans, we are so proud of how our team is doing as they approach the end of the regular season. If you have never been to a game (or it’s been a while) this is a great opportunity to share that exciting experience with your extended San Antonio family. GO SPURS GO!! The end of the school year is quickly approaching and we are busy processing all of our SOBA scholarship applications. Thank you to all of the talented students who submitted! This is one of our most treasured moments of the year, when we are able to give back to those young people in our community who have worked so hard to achieve greatness in their academic endeavors. We will be announcing our five scholarship winners in May at our Speed Networking event. Also during the month of May, we will be having our Mother’s Day Tribute, celebrating all the wonderful moms in our community. Please have your written submissions sent to us by April 10th. Look for our email notifications for details. On behalf of myself and the staff at Welcome Home, thank you for your continued readership and support! Remember, if you have good news to share, we want to give you a place in our pages to do so. Welcome Home continues its legacy thanks to all of our readers who support the businesses who make this paper possible. Let them know you saw them in Welcome Home, YOUR community newspaper.
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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer
Distribution Israel Vazquez
Director Of Production Kristin Oliver
Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver
Writer/Copy Editors Stefanie Young
Contributing Photographer Karen Little
Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Katrina Cunningham Heather Jemente Sierra Hernandez
Staff Writer Debby Seguin
April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Contributing Writers Paula Allen Sydney Hernandez Julie Ann Matonis Missy Peoples Colleen Tsakopulos Shirley Willis
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On The Cover By Stefanie Young and Kristine Garza righton Center’s Queen of the Vine Campaign offered a new and more personal way for San Antonio’s leading women to help raise funds for children with developmental delays and disabilities. The campaigns feature women who have dedicated their time to a vision where children have the support they need through difficult times. This year’s 2015 Queen of the Vine candidates were Janine Sauer, Kosha Vriseno and Colleen Douglas. From August to February, these dynamic and passionate women committed to give their time, talent and resources by engaging in a spirited competition to raise funds for Brighton Center. This year, the candidates collectively rose over $225,000 in support of Brighton Center! Featured on the cover is Janine Sauer, the 2015 Queen of the Vine. Her inspiration for running came from her beautiful 10 year old daughter Kaitlin. Kaitlin entered the world with a rare condition, Amniotic Band Syndrome, and has touched many hearts with her bravery, determination and ability to be “just like everyone else”. Congratulations to Janine for committing to her passion and working to make a difference in the lives that need it most.
B The Welcome Home Community Newspaper has had the privilege of serving the community for 11 years as one of the few local papers that shines a spotlight on the good things in life – the accomplishments of our amazing youth, inspirational stories and the residents and local businesses that comprise the heart of our area. With �ive different papers covering northern San Antonio, Welcome Home is directly mailed to over 60,000 households and businesses as well as rack distribution.
How To Submit Articles • We work a month in advance so submit by the given deadline (ex: if you submit in January it will be for the February edition) • Like us on Facebook or let us know if you would like to be put on our email list that will notify you of each deadline
What To Submit
• Email articles to: articles@welcomehomesa.com
• News tips or story ideas that one of our writers can turn into a story
• Or submit articles to our website at: www.welcomehomesa.com/submit-a-story
• Announcements (births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and grand openings) • Community, School, and Sports News • Upcoming events *Always submit photos with your submissions!
Welcome Home Community Newspaper is pleased to offer this free service to the community. Upon submission of a story idea or photo, you give Welcome Home the right to use that submission without compensation. By submitting to Welcome Home, you guarantee that your material is sent with the express consent of the owner, and that its contents are non-proprietary and non-confidential. We cannot guarantee all submissions will be published. Welcome Home is under no obligation to use any idea, photo or article submitted. We reserve the right to edit or alter submissions for conciseness and grammar as needed and may need to prioritize certain events for any reason before publication.
Photo Credit: Karen Little
Janine Sauer, Queen of the Vine 2015, her daughter Kaitlin and students of the Brighton Center.
Family Life
Does This Facebook Make Me Look Fat? By Debby Seguin
n my (reluctant) pursuit of technology, I am proud to say I have come a long way since “Hey, how do I turn this thing on?” After mastering the “power” button, I moved on to loftier goals such as “saving” and “creating files,” activities I have yet to do in my actual office. It does get a bit discouraging, however, when just as I finish (barely) learning a new skill, my neighbors (kindergarten) daughter informs me that it is actually an old skill and would I like to learn the right way to do it? Humbling to say the least, but the price is right; a couple of chocolate chip cookies later and I am in the know once again!
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My own kids want to keep me ignorant of course. My teen son tries to get away with “virtually” taking out the trash. Wouldn’t that be nice? Just push a button and Whhooosh! It’s gone! I could really use a virtual “clean the toilet” button or better yet, a “fold the laundry” button. Now THAT is technology I can really get excited about. So I’m feeling all “hey, I’m good, I’m ready for something else but what?” Some of my friends would ask, “Do you facebook?” and I am thinking, “Uh, I’m a teacher. My face is in a book most of the time.” But now of course it means something totally different. Now Facebook is a VERB and anyone who doesn’t DO IT has a cool factor of -3. I am still digging myself out of my -5 rating (when I had to dance in front of my son and 750 of his friends at a pep rally) so I can’t afford NOT to facebook. The results: My picture is sideways. I have 3 friends. I am being stalked. I have (according to my page, which I don’t know how to add to) no skills, no career, no goals, no bffs, no address, no email, no favorite songs, food, bands, purses, peppers, hair products or Bath and Bodyworks fragrances. I don’t “like” anything or anyone. Nobody is “friending” (also a verb) me. I guess I will head over to my neighbor’s so she can help me (after her Dora the Explorer is over). In the meantime, please friend me so my kids will stop laughing… Debby (who used to hand deliver her articles!) can be reached at Deborah. seguin@comalisd.org
April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
The Royal Gatsby Ball and a new Queen of the Vine!
righton Center’s Queen of the Vine Campaign has been a great way for San Antonio’s leading women to help raise funds for children with developmental delays and disabilities. Every year, the campaign features strong and dedicated women who come together with a shared passion for supporting the children of Brighton Center. This year’s 2015 Queen of the Vine candidates were Janine Sauer, Kosha Vriseno and Colleen Douglas. From August to February, these dynamic and passionate women committed to give their time, talent and resources by engaging in a spirited competition to raise funds for Brighton Center. This year, the candidates collectively rose over $225,000 in support of Brighton Center! The candidates were crowned at this year’s Coronation event - The Royal Gatsby Ball – which was held on Friday, February 27th at the regal St. Anthony Hotel. The champagne flowed, guests dressed the part in flapper dresses and the sounds of Johnny P and The Wiseguys filled the air as the candidates anxiously waited for the final tallies to find out who would be crowned the Queen. Ultimately, Janine Sauer was crowned as the 13th Queen of the Vine after raising $86,719 through tireless fundraising, special events, donation collections and the Queen’s Ball Live and Silent Auction. Special congratulations to the 2015 Princess of the Vine, Kosha Vriseno who raised $55,650 and to the 2015 Brighton Ambassador Colleen Douglas who raised $29,374. 2015 Queen of the Vine Janine Sauer, featured on this month’s cover, is a remarkable woman indeed. Her inspiration for running came from her beautiful 10 year old daughter Kaitlin. Kaitlin entered the world with a rare condition, Amniotic Band Syndrome, and has touched many hearts with her bravery, determination and ability to be “just like everyone else.” Janine and her family moved to San Antonio in 2006 and Brighton Center quickly became an important part of helping them get settled by helping them find the right school, pediatrician and many other services important to Kaitlin’s care. Janine’s experience illustrates the impact of Brighton Center in helping the children of San Antonio who are born with developmental delays or disabilities become confident, accomplished and included with their peers just as they deserve. Brighton Center offers a holistic approach for families like Janine’s and has several programs to help children reach their full potential. Brighton’s Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECI) provides home based therapy services and case management for children ages 0-3 who have a developmental delay or disability and qualify for services. The Precious Minds, New Connections Program (PMNC) is a nurturing curriculum that provides parents with the tools and strategies to create a nurturing environment
April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
that enhances their child’s development. Brighton Center’s Special Education and Support Services Program (SESS) provides families of children with disabilities the tools and knowledge to successfully advocate for their children in the public school system, and as their children grow into young adults, SESS assists them in setting goals and developing plans for their own futures. Brighton also has a NAEYC accredited Child Development Center and recently opened a Preschool Academy to better meet the needs of the community. Both learning centers are inclusive and serve children with and without disabilities. Brighton Center’s biggest fundraiser of the year, A Taste of The Northside, will be held April 22nd at the Club at Sonterra and 2015 Queen of the Vine Janine Sauer will have the honor of being Fiesta Royalty as a representative of the agency she passionately supports. This year’s event will feature a Stella Artois Beer Garden, elevated wine and spirits including Chateau St. Michele Brands and Herradura tequila, 5 live bands including Grooveline, Decibel Band, and THE MAX. Plus, the evening will end with a “BANG” courtesy of a special Fireworks Finale! All proceeds from A Taste of the Northside benefit Brighton Center. General admission tickets are $65 in advance, $70 at the door, and include 8 Food tastings from over 50 of San Antonio’s best restaurants and 5 beer or wine tastings courtesy of Silver Eagle and Republic National Distributing. Tickets are available at all HEB locations or at www.atasteofthenorthside.com and all ticket prices include Free Parking & Shuttle. Guests can also upgrade to the Queen of the Vine V.I.P. Lounge presented by M2 Technology featuring Fiesta® Foodie and GoodtastewithTanji founder Tanji Patton. This lounge is an exclusive, indoor area featuring samplings from upscale San Antonio restaurants including Kirby’s Steakhouse, Bob’s Steak and Chophouse, Boudro’s, FROST 321, Piatti, Wildfish, and Perry’s Steakhouse and Grille. The upscale experience will also feature additional food and drink tastings, along with entertainment by the Joe Caruso Trio and Blue Finger Disco. All V.I.P. guests will also receive a wine glass and butler tray, as well as special reserved shuttle parking. Limited tickets are $200 and are available by visiting www.atasteofthenorthside.com Over the past 15 years, Brighton Center has raised over $5 million through their signature event, A Taste of the Northside, which had been named the Best Fiesta® event for 3 years by News4 WOAI. Brighton Center serves over 2,500 children each year and continues to fulfill its vision equip children and empower parents to achieve their individual potential to be successful in every community. Visit Brighton’s website for more information on their
programs, the Queen of the Vine Campaign, A Taste of the Northside and upcoming events at www.BrightonSA.org.
Shavano Park Senior Now Open
By Kelly Schwennesen Shavano Park (830) 492-4040
havano Park Senior Living embrace’s the best in senior living in the 21st century. The new amenity-rich, boutique community is receiving a lot of attention from those interested to see what the spectacular new development is offering residents. The grand opening of the
community is scheduled to take place in the fall 2015. At the new leasing office, floor plans, building renderings and design boards are available for review and further information about services, features and amenities can be given. The new leasing office is located at 3220 North Loop 1604 West, Shavano Park, Texas 78231. It is open 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. or to schedule a personalized appointment call 210-492-4040.
K9 Corner
pavement can become extremely hot and can burn their paw pads. You can protect their feet with booties or adjust the time of day you take them for their long walks. Be sure to start conditioning your pet to the changing climate before the summer. Consider any of the excess winter weight they may still be harboring and begin a light exercise program now. An overweight pet can suffer from many health problems and the South Texas heat will just exacerbate their issues. If you need a little extra help to get your pet into shape before the summer, you can try one our many classes offered such as Core Training, Clicker/Trick, Obedience, or Agility. They are great ways to work your pet’s body and mind, and excess energy, while gaining nice household manners in return. If you are not able to make a class
with that energetic pet: Two words….Doggy Daycare! You bring an over-zealous pet to us in the morning; we send a very tired pooch home in the evening. Sounds like the perfect trade off to me! Mark the Date! Saturday, June 6th will be the opening of the Hottest Coolest Spot in Texas… FOR YOUR DOG! The Beach Club at K9 Country Club will be hosting a Summertime Pooch Fest with food, fun, live music, agility demos, and MORE! You won’t want to miss it. Details will be in the May issue. To find more tips on how to keep your pet safe in the upcoming months visit our website www.k9countryclub.net. So much is happening this spring, you won’t want to miss it! K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476.
Hormone Lies
no, and no. Testosterone is not approved for women. Yet, the FDA promotes the treatment of normal menopause with various pharmaceutical drugs. Drugs with terrible side effects, including suicide, ARE approved for treatment of menopause. Truth: Menopause is normal part of life and not a mental disorder. “The Change” should not be treated with anti-depressants, anti-anxiolytics, or anything other than the same hormones found in young healthy 18 y/o. The FDA wants to promote and protect the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. (“Drug & Medical Device Companies Have Outsized Influence on FDA”, from Union of Concerned Scientists) #4 Progesterone causes blood clots and cancer. No. Many gynecologists don’t understand that oral, micronized progesterone from the compounding pharmacy is not progestin. (See #1) Progesterone is so safe that it is commonly prescribed for the most
vulnerable of patients--the pregnant woman at risk for miscarriage. Truth: progesterone promotes rest, relaxation, and calmness. #5 I don’t have a uterus, therefore I don’t need progesterone. Not true. All women need progesterone to balance estrogen. Women have progesterone receptors on the breast, bones, & brain. Progesterone helps regulate mood, cognition, inflammation, and neurogenesis in the brain. (“Progesterone receptors: form & function in the brain” FRONT NEUROENDOCRINOL, 2008 May, 29 (2):313-39). Get your life back with bio-identical hormone therapy tailored precisely for you based on blood results. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
Springtime Is Prep-Time
“Now that we have broken ground and are making great progress with the construction schedule, we are looking forward to providing quality senior living care to the San Antonio area later this year,” said Kelly Schwennesen, community marketing director for Shavano Park Senior Living. “Through our new leasing office, we look forward to introducing this wonderful new community to those who live, work and reside in Shavano Park and the greater San
Antonio area.” Upon completion, the Spanish Mediterranean-style community will have 68 apartments, including 40 assisted living and 28 memory care residences. Other highlights include a quality professional staff, premier amenities and beautifully landscaped courtyards and grounds. Shavano Park Senior Living will provide the finest in senior living with assisted living and memory care options for residents. Located Shavano Park, Texas, the expertly trained staff will provide residents with the highest standards of senior care services. For more information on Shavano Park call 210-492-4040 or visit www.shavanoparkseniorliving.com.
ith warmer weather upon us, now’s a great time to prepare your pet for what’s to come. If you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, be sure to plant wisely. Last month we listed plants that could be dangerous/deadly to your pet. In addition, brushing them regularly can help you discover any foreign objects they may have picked up that can cause major
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 #1 Estrogen causes breast cancer. No. In the Women’s Health Initiative Study, 1991, found that women taking estrogen ALONE –without the poisonous, synthetic, pharmaceutical branded and profit making progestin-had less incidence of cancer compared to the women who were taking a placebo (sugar Pill). Women taking synthetic estrogen had LESS cancer than women taking no hormones. But when progestin was added to the synthetic estrogen, there was an increase in breast cancer. The truth: progestin seems to be the cancer culprit and
problems, such as foxtails and cactus. Be sure to check between their toes. If you plan on giving your pet a summer cut in June, you may want to start now. Did you know pets can sunburn? Get their skin acclimated to the sun early before the intense heat is upon us. And we all know it’s coming! If you walk your dogs, remember the
not estrogen, in the largest study done to date, the Women’s Health Initiative Study. #2 Testosterone is only for men No. Women make 10% of the level in men, but testosterone is abundantly found in young women. Testosterone declines in menopause. Some of the general effects of lower testosterone in older women are less sex drive and a general lack of well-being. Truth: Replacement of testosterone to women after a total hysterectomy restored sexual desire, muscle mass and physical function. (From Science Daily, 11/27/13) #3 Testosterone is approved for women, because the FDA wants to promote our health and well-being. No,
New to the Area? If you are new to the area, we’d like to extend a special welcome with a free gift filled with maps, magazines, local business coupons and info to help you get settled in your community.
Please call (210) 414-6200 or e-mail kathy@bconnectedusa.com.
April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Schools Ease The Transition To Middle School Submitted By Julie Ann Matonis hen she arrived at Hobby Middle School for her first day as a sixth grader, Marisabel Hilario says her mind temporarily went blank. “I was nervous and excited,” Hilario says. “I worried about getting to class on time, I wondered if the teachers would be mean, and I hoped I would make friends. It took me about a week to get used to everything and I learned it’s not scary, it’s actually pretty positive here.” Moving to middle school is a huge adjustment and it’s a lot for students to take in. “It’s a lot more people, a lot more classes, a lot more homework,” says Hobby sixth grader Di-Ella Cantu. “But it makes a difference to see what it’s like beforehand.” The transition from elementary school to middle school can be nerve-wracking for both students and parents, but there are numerous activities planned at each campus to ease worries and increase comfort levels before the first day of middle school. “We want this to be an exciting time for students,” says Hector Garcia Middle School Principal Eric Tobias. “We really try to calm their fears and give them opportunities to see what middle school is going to be like before they get here in August.” Last fall, families received letters inviting them to attend athletic and fine arts activities at the schools and last December many middle school bands, orchestras, and choirs took a road trip to perform for fifth graders at their elementary feeder campuses. Though transition activities vary by name and type at each campus, during the spring of a student’s fifth grade year, their future middle school will offer activities both during the day and in the evening to introduce students and parents to the middle school way of life. Counselors and administrators will visit the elementary schools to meet students and help with schedule choices. Families are
Lockers take some getting used to for sixth graders. Pictured with Hobby Middle School principal Lawrence Carranco are 6th graders Hector De La Garza, Marisabel Hilario, and Di-Ella Cantu.
invited to come tour the middle schools and learn about academic and elective courses. Fifth graders will also take a field trip to the middle schools during the school day. The transition field trip at Hobby is called Camp Hobby and includes tours of the school, a locker-opening relay, a dress code fashion show, introductions to staff, and team-building activities and games with fifth graders from other feeder schools. According to Hobby Middle School Principal Lawrence Carranco, some of the most anxiety-producing issues for new sixth graders each year are lockers, lunches, and buses. Taking time to address those fears early on makes a huge difference. “There are so many myths about middle school being scary, and we want to dispel them for students and parents,” Carranco says. “We want everyone to know they are welcome and that they should feel comfortable asking questions and talking to us about their concerns. We are here to help.” Hilario has some advice for nervous parents. “Don’t watch (middle and high school) movies. It’s not going to be like that.” If you would like more information about transition activities, visit the middle school campus websites. Links to each campus website can be found at nisd.net.
Police Car Donated To Brandeis High School Criminal Justice Submitted By Colleen Tsakopulos he Criminal Justice Program at Brandeis High School, which includes Police Explorer Post 2014, received a police car Thursday, February 12, 2015 at the Fire and Police Explorer Swearing In and Pinning Ceremony. The vehicle was donated by the Northside ISD Police Department and will be used to train Criminal Justice students and Police Explorers. Special thanks to Chief Carnes, Lieutenant Fryer, and Sergeant Waggoner for this exceptional gift.
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April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Brandeis AFJROTC Excellence Continues
Submitted By Sydney Hernandez s the busiest time of the year progresses, the Air Force Junior ROTC (AFJROTC) unit at Brandeis High School continues their reputation of success. Beginning with their highest achievement, this outstanding unit earned the AFJROTC Headquarters highest rating during the February 11th Unit Evaluation, “Exceeds Standards without Discrepancies!” This distinction will posture the unit to earn its second consecutive Distinguished Unit with Merit Award. The Cadet Corps Staff led by Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Alexandra Trevino worked hard to prepare for the unit inspection. “Prior to the inspection, the Corps Staff and I worked very closely with the senior flight to cover all areas of our inspection. We practiced our mission briefing every morning for about two weeks and we interacted with the Corps to ensure that everything was running smoothly and in order,” says Cadet Trevino. The Corps Staff, senior class, instructors, the outstanding school administrators, Principal, Dr. Geri Berger, Assistant Principal, Mr. Leandro Miranda, and the Head Counselor, Mr. Bill Hill all helped achieve the outstanding results. In addition to this outstanding achievement, the two varsity drill teams and the physical training (PT) team competed at the annual President’s Day Drill Meet located in Houston, Texas at the Berry Center on February 7th. In the armed division, the Nighthawks commanded by Cadet Major Joel Arroyo placed 2nd in the
inspection phase and 3rd in the regulation and exhibition phases. The Color Guard commanded by Cadet 1st Lt. Aaron Mauffray placed 3rd. Cadet Major Arroyo also placed 1st in the knockout drill competition. In the unarmed division, the Blue Aces commanded by Cadet Captain Kimberly Gilson placed 1st in the inspection and regulation phases and 2nd in the exhibition phase. The Color Guard commanded by Cadet 1st Lieutenant Jessica Vaughan placed 1st. Furthermore, Cadet 1st Lieutenant Alejandra Seminario placed 1st in the knockout drill competition, quickly followed by Cadet 1st Lieutenant Alexis Southwell who placed 2nd. Finally, the tandem team of Cadets Seminario and Gilson captured first for the event. With the combined scores of the Praetorians PT team and the two drill teams, Brandeis High School claimed the Grand Championship for the third consecutive year. Taking a break from all of the competition, the Brandeis AFJROTC Unit also hosted its formal Military Ball at Lackland Air Force Base. Filled with beautiful ladies and sharp gentlemen, as well as special guests, the night proved to be a huge success. The cadets did a fantastic job honoring the Prisoners of War (POW) and those still Missing in Action (MIA) with a professional POW/MIA table tribute. The rest of the evening was filled with eating, dancing, and everyone’s favorite: the photo booth. “Military Ball is a day where we respect and honor those who serve our country
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The cadets did a fantastic job honoring the Prisoners of War (POW) and those still Missing in Action (MIA) with a professional POW/MIA table tribute.
through ceremony, and shortly after we come together and dance, and basically just have a great time for a couple of hours,” said the Deputy Corps Commander, Cadet Gilson. Quickly following Military Ball, the two drill teams along with the PT team were at it again by competing at the Northside Independent School District Drill Meet, hosted by Stevens High School on February 28th. The Praetorians PT Team commanded by Cadet Captain Alexis Chavez and Cadet 1st Lieutenant Austin Karns earned 2nd place in the women’s and men’s category. Their combined scores propelled them to be declared the PT District Champions. The Nighthawks Armed Drill Team captured 2nd in District in the inspection, regulation, and exhibition phases. The Armed Color Guard also captured 2nd place. The Color Guard commander, Cadet 1st Lieutenant Mauffray, placed 1st as the Color Guard Commander, as well as Cadet Major Arroyo placing 2nd as overall Armed Drill Team Commander. Also, the tandem team of these two commanders took 1st place, while the tandem team of Cadet Captain Thomas Peralez and Cadet 1st Lieutenant Daniel Coolbaugh where a close 2nd place. The Nighthawks took an overall 2nd place District finish. Also competing, the Blue Aces in the unarmed division captured 1st place in inspection and regulation, with the commander, Cadet Captain Gilson earning 2nd in the overall commander category. The Varsity Color Guard commanded by Cadet 1st Lieutenant Vaughan placed 1st, as well as the Junior Varsity Color Guard commanded by Cadet 1st Lieutenant Elisse Simoneaux placed 2nd. Cadet Vaughan captured the 1st place title for the Color Guard Commander division. Finally, the tandem team of Cadets Gilson and Seminario placed 1st again. The Blue Aces placed 2nd in the Unarmed
Category and 2nd Overall for the Drill Meet. The two varsity drill teams continue giving their all during every practice as they prepare for the upcoming Air Force Regionals Drill Competition which will be held on March 28th at the Freeman Coliseum. Admission is free! As the year continues to fly by, our unit will stay busy until the end. We will be honoring cadets at the Annual Awards Ceremony on April 9th. Then on April 25th, we are partnering with JROTC units from all over the world by hosting a 5K run/ walk. The goal of this event is to break a Guinness Book of World Records by having the most participants running/walking at the same time and on the same day. This is in conjunction with JROTC’s 99th anniversary. Please help us break the record and register at www.jrotc5krun.com. Select Brandeis as the run site. Shortly after, our drill teams will make their way to Daytona Beach, FL to compete at the National High School Drill Competition. We will then end the year with a Corps-wide picnic and help with the graduation ceremonies. If that wasn’t enough, we also send approximately 30 cadets to the John Jay AFJROTC Cadet Leadership Course held at Schreiner University to hone their leadership skills.
April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
North San Antonio Has A Business Focused On Building Stronger Families® Submitted Article bout a year ago, Steve and Lynn Johnson brought a new concept to the San Antonio community. The Johnsons have worked with youth in the San Antonio area in a volunteer capacity for over a decade and they felt a calling to bring a family oriented business to the community. That dream became a reality after Steve left the corporate world in 2013 and the couple selected College Nannies and Tutors as the fulfillment of that goal. College Nannies and Tutors is a national franchise company with a presence in 28 states. “When we looked at different business concepts, this company spoke to us loud and clear,” said Steve, co-owner with his wife Lynn. “The company’s mission of Building Stronger Families® really resonated with us. How cool is it to grow a business that has a positive impact on so many families!” The business has three core values: Can Do Attitudes, Growth and Results Driven, and Leave It Better – guiding principles for them and their employees, who they call “Role Models.” “Our whole business is based on providing an impactful role model to a family for full service child care or customized one-on-one tutoring,” Lynn explained. “We place role models in homes for all our Nanny Services, from on-call or backup care all the way up to a part time or full time nanny.” For both nanny and tutor role model placements, the first step in their process is a complementary family meeting. At this meeting, they sit down with the family and get a good
You and Lincoln saved her! Her final was an even 70 passing grade-you helped her jump from high 50’s and low 60’s up to passingthat’s a huge turnaround. The quality of your tutoring services would’ve produced A’s and B’s had we met you all long ago. The most important takeaway was that she got a solid B on her final exam which was staggeringly wonderful! That helped average out her score to a passing C and we are so thankful!” – Dan N., Boerne High School Parent April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Working for college nannies and tutors has been an amazing opportunity. Every family I have cared for has been amazing. The kids make the job so easy and always fun! This company really does a great job pairing the nannies and families.” – Kelly Rose, After School Nanny & UTSA Student College Nannies and Tutors has made our lives much easier, knowing that when we need a nanny or sitter, we will have someone we can trust. I’ve been really impressed by the quality of the sitters—all smart, conscientious, and hard-working! College Nannies and Tutors made it really easy, because they interview us first, then screen candidates until they find the right match. We’re really spoiled now—I don’t know what I would do without them!” – Mary Doggett, Part-Time Nanny Customer feel for their needs and jointly develop a job description for the nanny or a goal statement for tutoring. As their name suggests, most of their employees are college students. “One of the really rewarding aspects of this business is the recruiting of sharp young people and helping them pursue their goals and dreams,” Steve said. Unlike a typical nanny placement agency or tutor agency, their nannies and tutors are all employees of the company. What that means for a family is that the role models have passed a thorough recruiting and hiring process including a complete background check. All role models complete basic training before they provide services for their families. The company takes care of paying the employees and managing the scheduling coordination. The employees benefit too. They are covered with worker’s compensation insurance, their employer taxes are paid, they receive ongoing training and they have a “legitimate” resume building W2 job. “For anyone that has hired a nanny on their own and gone through the recruiting, negotiation, scheduling and payroll process, they see the value in what we provide,” Steve explained. “One other significant advantage in our model is the ability for us to backfill our placement nannies with our on-call bench if the family’s nanny needs time off. When a family hires and manages their own nanny, that option is not on the table.” They opened their Stone Oak Learning center in September 2014 and have seen demand for their customized
one-on-one tutoring increase each month. “We are in a great location to serve the Stone Oak area and north central San Antonio,” Steve said. “We will be opening a Learning Center in the northwest San Antonio area later this year as well.” Their approach of using role model tutors that are subject matter experts creates a rapport with the student that aids in their subject matter comprehension. The role models relate to the students on a level that is different than the teacher or parent. This allows for a more open relational dialog and reinforces the concept of the student working with a role model tutor that they want to emulate on their own college journey someday. Since launching the business a year ago, the owners have given back to the educational community. This includes participating in area school organization’s silent auctions and school fairs. They committed in a significant way this school year by sponsoring an Educator of the Month recognition at Ronald Reagan and Claudia Bird Johnson High Schools which includes a monthly public citation in the newspaper that recognizes educators that exemplify the College Nannies and Tutors core values. The company also sponsored several Free SAT and ACT practice test sessions for area high school students. Steve sums it up, “As members of the local business community, we feel compelled to recognize the efforts of our area educators, they have a tough, important job and rarely get the recognition they deserve.” Both owners credit their growth to the hard work and dedication of their role model nannies and tutors. “At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the quality of the customer experience,” Steve emphasized. “The feedback from our follow up communications on our care and tutoring continues to provide us with the best indicator of their satisfaction with our services. That satisfaction, quite simply, is why we continue to grow.”
College Nannies & Tutors - Stone Oak 20079 Stone Oak Parkway, suite 1104 San Antonio, TX 78258 210-202-0303 www.collegenannies.com/stoneoaktx 11
Free Estimate Vs. Pricing
By Mike and Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750
an you imagine going to your doctor or dentist and asking for a free exam before agreeing to any procedures? Yet most homeowners ask exactly that of contractors when it comes to a remodeling project and asking for a free estimate. An “Estimate” is just that, “an Estimate”. It can and most likely will change. If a homeowner wants a real price, it requires
research, review, and calculation. Many contractors lack the ability and/or patience to produce accurate estimates and tend to “guesstimate” the costs based on very little information. This method offers you no protection against cost escalation. Think of it this way: How accurate is a free estimate? It is typically worth as much time as went into it. How much time can that
Vehicle Spring Cleaning By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
pring time is here and for the majority of us it couldn’t have come sooner! At the start of Spring, typically people are pulling out cleaning supplies and tidying up houses; and it shouldn’t be any different for our vehicles. Now is a great time to have your vehicle “spring cleaned” after all your winter driving. One of the best ways to spring clean your vehicle is to have your A/C Evaporator Core serviced. Most of our customers have
never even heard of this component to your vehicle. Your A/C Evaporator Core is located underneath your vehicles dash and works hard to make sure your air condition is blowing cold. One of the drawbacks of the A/C Evaporator Core is that it is located in a dark, damp space beneath your dash and becomes a premium environment for collecting dust and allergens. In order to accomplish making your vehicle cold on demand, the evaporator
company giving free estimates put into each estimate it is doing? Not a lot. And who pays for all those free estimates? The clients who end up hiring the contractor doing them do. The first visit should be a free consultation. This first meeting is a good way for you to become familiar with the contractor and the work they do. They can also look at your home and existing conditions. This is a good time to discuss your priorities, your budget, the design you envision and possible solutions with the contractor. It is also a great opportunity for you to ask about their remodeling process. At the end of the first appointment, the development agreement should be discussed along with an appropriate fee. Once signed and paid, then the pre-construction process should
begin. At the end of this process, you should receive a detailed Scope of Project with an actual price. For more tips on home improvement and to subscribe to our newsletter, visit www. virtuosobuilders.com. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. At Virtuoso Builders, we work closely with our clients and have a reputation for developing unprecedented trust with them, which ultimately leads to the finest project results. If you would like for us to write about any specific topics or would like more information, please contact us at info@virtuosobuilders.com
core must sweat, this in turn allows the allergens and dust to grow into mold, spores, fungi and algae. Over time your airflow becomes reduced within your vehicle, the A/C does not blow as cold, and allergens become a common norm inside the cabin of your vehicle. Belden’s offers a BG A/C Evaporator Core Service that will chemically clean your potentially clogged up evaporator core. The service injects scrubbing bubbles inside your evaporator core, thus prolonging your A/C and providing colder air flow as well as better quality air inside your vehicle. Belden’s highly recommends using BG Products because of their high quality of product and their dedication to making vehicles last longer and perform better. Make some time to keep your car clean – from the inside out, it might be worth the time! Come by Belden’s Automotive & Tires and let our
certified technicians perform a MultiPoint Inspection on your vehicle and get it ready for the changing seasons ahead. Keep in mind, Belden’s is Your Dealer Alternative and your Diesel Specialists! Visit us at any of our 6 locations – including our newest location located at Babcock and Prue Rd. Check us out on the web for coupons and specials at www.beldensautomotive.com. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Five Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830981-9700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive. com
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April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Spring Salads To Celebrate The Season
By Tanji Patton GoodTaste (210) 273-3155 pring is finally here, so why not saddleup to some sizable salads! We’ve put some of our favorites together that will definitely put you in the mood for sunny skies. Up first, a beautiful Salade Niçoise with the traditional trimmings – beautiful organic lettuce, crisp green beans, fingerlings, niçoise olives and the star— yellow fin tuna. All tossed with a delicious Dijon vinaigrette. Check out this recipe and the others listed at goodtaste.tv/recipes. One of the most beautiful salads I’ve seen comes from a special place in my heart, the scenic Napa Valley. The chef at Simi Winery prepared a lovely lunch for us that included
a delightful roasted beet salad that I’ll never forget. It’s not difficult to duplicate and makes a stunning presentation. When a kale salad is on the menu, it’s usually my first choice. This kale and pancetta salad is a nice balance of flavors. It’s served warm…ever so slightly wilted with bits of pancetta and anchovy, all tossed in a delicious kalamata vinaigrette. Have you noticed that parsnips are all the buzz right now? Actually akin to the carrot and to parsley, parsnips are quite versatile, easy to work with and are a fun alternative to beets. We discovered a delicious German Roasted Parsnip Salad in New German
Cooking that’s on the shelves now. This hearty parsnip salad is full of flavor with its hazelnuts, blue cheese and tasty wheat beer vinaigrette—a meal on a plate! When pairing wines with salads, I like to keep it simple. Crisp salads with garden fresh veggies call for bright acidic wines like un-oaked Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc. The Crossings Sauvignon Blanc is often a perfect match. Another ‘can’t miss marriage’ is a sparkling. Sparklings pair beautifully with almost everything. Check out the inexpensive and very tasty Enza Prosecco— easy to pair and great all by itself. For more recipes and wine information, head to goodtaste.tv. While you’re there, sign up for a chance to win our spa getaway to Deer Lake Lodge that was featured in Oprah Magazine. Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Tanji explores the inviting worlds of chefs, wine makers and
culinary newsmakers. If you would like more information, she can be reached at Goodtaste@tanjipatton.com.
Boot Scoot 2015 With Leon Springs Submitted By Missy Peoples eon Springs Elementary hosted Boot Scoot 2015 at the Leon Springs Dancehall on February 25th. Over 1,100 people from the Leon Springs community came together to support the school. It was a fun filled, child-centered family evening with music, games, silent auction and a western style photo booth. Denny’s donated a cowboy breakfast for Dinner. Several dads helped flip pancakes on outdoor griddles and served them with all the toppings. Families “boot scooted” the night away, kids rode the mechanical bull, had their face painted and played on the drums sponsored by Anthem School of
Music. Since 2004, the school has celebrated Boot Scootin with the Longhorns at the Leon Springs Dance Hall. The primary purpose of the event is to build and strengthen community and to unify and rally to support the school. Several dignitaries and honored guests attended and brought their families. The proceeds from the event will be used for educational programming, to provide funding for field trips, and to support technology applications to help ensure academic success. They would like to thank the many sponsors who supported their school and made this amazing event possible. They can’t wait for Boot Scoot 2016!
TMI Hosts Dog Adoption Event Submitted By Paula Allen he Episcopal School of Texas partnered with the San Antonio Humane Society to host a successful adoption event Feb. 20 in the school’s Frost Athletic Center. Humane Society staff and volunteers brought a litter of seven Labrador-mix puppies found behind a Dumpster and brought to the Society’s shelter at 4804 Fredericksburg Road. Three puppies were adopted by TMI families at the event, and the rest were adopted later. The event started before school and continued through lunchtime, so TMI students play with puppies at an adoption event sponsored by San Antonio Humane Society and held Feb. 20 in the school’s all students would have a chance the Frost Athletic Center. Three of the puppies – all littermates – were to meet the puppies and to get adopted by TMI families. information on adoption and volunteering with the Humane purchased the Headmaster for a Day Society. auction item at the school’s Stars over TMI “It was a huge success to be able to reach gala last fall; the prize entitles a student to all those students and to adopt three puppies request a special privilege for the day. Meg as well,” said Sara Phippen, the Society’s Vassar chose the adoption event to give community outreach director. “I think we other students an opportunity to consider saw every student here (during the five- volunteering for the Humane Society and hour event).” to “relieve stress” through taking time to The puppies’ visit was the idea of play with puppies during free periods and TMI senior Margaret “Meg” Vassar, who lunch. Students also were given the day off volunteers at the Humane Society shelter. from school uniforms, so they could get Her parents, Jill and George Vassar, M.D., comfortable with the four-legged visitors.
April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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Net�orking for a Cause
Join the Stone Oak Business Association, CASA, Judge Richard Garcia, and District Attorney Nicholas “Nico” LaHood for an evening of networking for a cause. CASA will be available to talk about their mission in child advocacy and how the community can help make a huge difference in lives of children in the care of the Department of Child and Protective Services. They are also looking for male advocates to join their cause, as role models for young boys in the DFPS.
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Judge Richard Garcia
District Attorney Nicholas “Nico” LaHood.
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April 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57