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The Welcome Home Community Newspaper has had the privilege of serving the community for 11 years as one of the few local papers that shines a spotlight on the good things in life – the accomplishments of our amazing youth, inspirational stories and the residents and local businesses that comprise the heart of our area. With �ive different papers covering northern San Antonio, Welcome Home is directly mailed to over 60,000 households and businesses as well as rack distribution.
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April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
Note From The Publisher
Spring and Fiesta
pring has arrived! It’s the time of year when we begin spring-cleaning, sprucing up our yards, firing those grills up and planning for summer. This is when we all start to find time to get outside and enjoy the perfect temperatures in our wonderful city. April is the month when we celebrate Fiesta festivities all over San Antonio. At Welcome Home, we are especially excited for the highly anticipated event, A Taste of the Northside, which we are honored to sponsor once again. The proceeds from this event benefit the Brighton Center, one of our community’s greatest foundations benefiting our local children. We have A Taste of the Northside’ Queen of the Vine featured on our cover once again this year. The event will take place on April 20th at The Club at Sonterra. Welcome Home will have our newspapers on all the shuttles so be sure to pick one up and read about the businesses and children in this area. Living Through Giving is sponsoring its annual We Got Your Back drive to collect backpacks for children in San Antonio that have been displaced by abuse, neglect or family disruption and are currently in the care of Child Protective Services. The goal this year is to make sure all of these children will be able to start school with a new backpack and school supplies. As avid Spurs fans, we are so proud of how our team is doing as they approach the end of the regular season. If you have never been to a game (or it’s been a while) this is a great opportunity to share that exciting experience with your extended San Antonio family. GO SPURS GO!!
Also during the month of May, we will be having our Mother’s Day Tribute, celebrating all the wonderful moms in our c o m m u n i t y. Please have your written submissions sent to us by April 8th. Look for our email notifications for details. It is my honor and pleasure to announce Kristin Oliver will be taking over duties as the new Publisher of Welcome Home. I have had the pleasure of watching Kristin grow in her accomplishments and am so excited to be able to see her assume the mantle of guiding Welcome Home as we continue to bring good news to our communities. On behalf of myself and the staff at Welcome Home, thank you for your continued readership and support! Remember, if you have good news to share, we want to give you a place in our pages to do so. Welcome Home continues its legacy thanks to all of our readers who support the businesses who make this paper possible. Let them know you saw them in Welcome Home, YOUR community newspaper.
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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer
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April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Denise Wirth Contributing Writers Elizabeth Pirtle Erin Kirwan Hugh Mulligan Jenness Davidson Jill Robbins Laura Breeden Martha Nordstrom Velizar Iliev
Kitchens • Bathrooms • Whole House Remodels • Additions Look for our Home Improvement article each month in Welcome Home
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FREE Refill on your 20 lb propane bottle. Please present this coupon to receive discount. Expires: 4/30/2016
On The Cover
n April 20, 2016 San Antonio Northsiders will come together for Brighton Center’s “A Taste of the Northside”. Restaurants from all over the city set up booths and give out free sample at Brighton Center’s largest fundraising event of the year. This year’s Queen of the Vine, Ashley Thomasson, raised $127,000.00 to help continue the Brighton Center’s efforts in helping children with developmental delay or disabilities. All proceeds from A Taste of the Northside and Queen of the Vine benefit Brighton Center, a local non-profit that provides services that help set a strong foundation for young children with disabilities and delays right here in San Antonio. Brighton’s Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECI) provides home based therapy services and case management for children ages 0-3 who have a developmental delay or disability and qualify for services. Brighton Center’s Special Education and Support Services Program (SESS) provides families of children with disabilities the tools and knowledge to successfully advocate for their children in the public school system, and as their children grow into young adults, SESS assists them in setting goals and developing plans for their
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By Debby Seguin
finally found THE perfect book to help me feel good about myself. On those days when I need a boost, when I don’t feel I have really accomplished much in life, this book lets me know just how successful I have been. It is none other than the Guinness Book of World Records. Now some of these “record-holders” obviously have a lot of extra time on their hands (guy with most rubber bands wrapped around his face, girl wearing most clothes pins) and some were just plain bizarre (guy with most piercings, presumably, and thankfully, they weren’t able to show ALL of them) but other records were sort of impressive. Most Kids Jumping Off the Ground At The Same Time: 285. I feel lucky if I can get just my three to fall
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own futures. Brighton also has a NAEYC accredited Early Childhood Education program in two different locations that provides inclusive childcare and preschool to children with and without disabilities. For more information about Brighton visit www.brightonsa.org. For more information on Taste of the Northside or to buy tickets visit www.tasteofthenorthside. com. Use WELCOMEHOME when you go to purchase tickets at www. tasteofthenorthside.com and save $10 off the pre-sale ticket price!
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out of bed, crawl to breakfast, throw some clothes on and stumble to the car within an hour. Another was Most People Sitting Down Eating a Meal Together: 5,862. I really need their secret! I fix three meals a day, 365 days a year and have yet to make just five people all happy at the same time. But there are some records that I alone hold bragging rights to. Most Origami Animals Made From Sugar Packets At A Restaurant: five white, eight blue, ten pink. The waitress was impressed but quickly distracted by the mountain of sugar in the center of the table. Of course, this all happened when I was a young, inexperienced mother. Now I take an activity bag everywhere, especially to funerals: a story for another time. How about this one? Most Times Telling a Toddler NO! Don’t Touch The Woodstove: 83 ½ (The ½ when I had just gotten the next N- out and he decided to touch it anyway) Now, why couldn’t I just have said NO! one time, quickly touched his finger to the woodstove and saved myself all the time and hassle? But, no-o-o, Child Protective Services would frown on that now wouldn’t they? (not to mention the cost of therapy for my child). So, I hold the record still. Now that I realize what I can accomplish, I have decided to set some very lofty goals this year: One decent nights sleep per month. Having my laundry room completely empty at least once before I die. And, for each bag of broccoli I buy, eating at least one serving before it goes bad. It’s going to be a productive year! Brag about YOUR records at deborah. seguin@comalisd.org
April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
Here We Go!
arch 31, 2016 Kicked off the 2016 Man and Woman of the Year Campaign for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This 10-week campaign brings together some of San Antonio’s influential people to raise funds towards a cure for cancers. 85% of the funds raised during this campaign go directly to research. Kristin Oliver, the Marketing Director and Partner of Welcome Home Community Newspaper and the Stone Oak Business Association had the honor of being nominate for this year’s campaign. “The saying that once cancer touches your life it becomes a part of you is so true. Cancer has always been a fact in my family. My grandparents both died from cancer, my
mother had cancer when I was very young and then my uncle got cancer. Mike was so healthy and young one would never have thought that leukemia was possible. When we think of Leukemia we think childhood cancer, but several fire fighters including Mike’s diagnoses tell a different story. Ultimately this campaign and my acceptance of running solely revolves around creating awareness for the San Antonio Fire Fighter’s that are currently battling not just blood cancer but several different kinds of cancer.” Oliver said. This 10-week campaign is only the beginning. There are many ways that you can help LLS create awareness and raise funds for a cure. Kristin’s campaign is not about
how much money she can raise. She has a goal. Any candidate has that raises $50,000 dollars has the option to have a research grant named for them. Kristin wants to see a research grant named in honor of the San Antonio Fire Fighters that are fighting or have fought cancer. “ I know we have many different ways that we honor our men and women in blue, but I really don’t know of a way that we honor those that have had to fight one of the greatest battles of their lives. There is a saying that when a family member has cancer the whole family has cancer. SAFD is one big family. You don’t see me running into burning buildings or arriving at the scene of car accidents. These men and women deserve our acknowledgment and
White Kitchens Are Still Timeless By Mike and Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750 esign trends in kitchens come and Cost vs. Value Report from Remodeling go but when it comes to long- Magazine. The best return on your lasting value, the white kitchen investment is the color white because it has always wins. Why? A white kitchen simply the healthiest history. doesn’t go out of style. If you’re ready to Color therapists recommend white for do a kitchen remodel, then you are about to its purity, clarity, cleansing, bright, and make a serious investment. A minor kitchen simple vibe. This is perfect for a kitchen. remodel can range from $25,000 to $30,000 It’s a bright color that reflects light and can or more. On average, a major kitchen reno work in a large or small space. White is the can be around $57,000 according to the ultimate neutral so if you want to add some
“Listen to Your Mother” Debuts In San Antonio Submitted By Jill Robbins isten to Your Mother is part live stage show, part social media movement. The show is in 41 North American cities and features local voices reading their own writings about motherhood in celebration of Mother’s Day. Listen to Your Mother began in 2010 in Madison, Wisconsin as one woman’s (writer Ann Imig) idea to celebrate the voices of motherhood. The concept caught fire within the blogging and writing community and Listen to Your Mother grew from there. This is San Antonio’s first year to host the show. We join Listen to Your Mother: Austin and Listen to Your Mother: Southeast Texas, as being the third show in the Lone Star state. Each show reflects the unique flavor of the city it’s produced in and is locally directed. Each Listen to Your Mother show is sponsored by local small businesses and donates a portion of their ticket sales to a local cause or charity. This year’s producer/ director is Jill Robbins. After reading in the Austin show last year, Jill wanted to bring the show home. Listen to Your Mother gives motherhood a microphone…but you don’t have to be a mother to enjoy the show or participate in it. One of the most common reactions to a Listen to Your Mother show is “me too.”
The stories told onstage are very personal and will resonate deeply with the audience. If you’re not a mother, you have a mother or know a mother. Maybe you’re waiting to be a mother or maybe you’ve got reasons you don’t want to be a mother. Regardless of what your story is, everyone has a story of motherhood. San Antonio’s live show is on April 23rd at 2:00 p.m. It lasts about 90 minutes and will feature the readings of 12 local women. The cast members range from professional writers to ordinary moms from our community who have decided to share their stories of motherhood. You’ll hear stories about mothers, grandmothers and daughters. Some of the stories are funny, some are poignant and sad and some are uplifting. You’ll leave feeling good. This is a great event to enjoy with your mom, a friend, your spouse or partner or a group of friends. All Listen to Your Mother readings are published on our You Tube channel. Tickets are on sale through the Tobin Center’s Box office and are $15.00. A portion of the ticket sales will benefit Child Advocates of San Antonio (CASA.) Tobin Center for the Performing Arts: 115 Auditorium Circle, San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 223-8624 or www.tobi.tobincenter.org.
April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
color with your light fixtures, hardware, or even tile accents, every color looks good with white. Add your favorite artwork or a splash of color with home accents. The sky is the limit. Should everything be white? Probably not. While predominantly white, too much white in your kitchen can feel cold, sterile and unwelcoming. White makes the perfect backdrop for small dashes of bold color or for other light neutrals such as beige, tan, and gray. Stainless steel is a color neutral that looks great with white cabinets. You
respect.” If you would like to help Kristin towards her goal visit her LLS page at www.mwoy. org/pages/sctx/sat16/koliver or give her a call to find out more. 210-248-6047. could also go for a color variation on your countertops or choose a different color for your kitchen island. Try mixing white with other finishes such as wood, a great companion for white. Consider installing wood on the floor or possibly a wood butcher block island countertop. Amp things up by painting the inside of your glass front cabinets with a pop of color. While trends in kitchen materials, finishes, and some details may change, a white kitchen is always in style; classic and timeless. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. For more tips on home improvement, subscribe to our newsletter at www.virtuosobuilders.com.
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“Tank”nology 101 By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 owdy, Neighbor! If you’re like me, you like the convenience of using propane gas for grilling. So, where do you get your propane? A well known grocer in town? A national chain of home improvement stores? The local convenience store? These retailers have what is called an “exchange program,” yet while it may be convenient, it may be costing you in the long run. Here’s why: Propane is regulated by the Department of Transportation for its distribution and use. One part of this governance is the vessel in which the gas is transported: your propane bottle (tank). For instance, did you
know that your bottle actually has a life span to it? Yup, 12 years from the original date of manufacture. Why? Propane’s boiling point is minus 44 degrees, much colder in its liquid state. Thus, your propane tank is constantly under high pressure, and accordingly the engineers at the DOT have determined that 12 years is the extent of its useful life before it needs to be recertified. And that’s the key: recertification. Once a bottle is recertified and put back into circulation, the DOT says that it’s good for five years, not 12. So, when you go to those exchange places you may be turning in an empty 2013 tank and getting a soon-
Have You Planned For A Long Retirement?
By Eric Zeitler Client Centric Wealth Management (210) 807-7599 “What is your greatest retirement fear?” 44% increase since 2000.2,3 If your retirement lasts 20, 30, or even 40 f you ask retirees that question, “outliving years, how well do you think your retirement my money” may likely be one of the top answers. Retirees and pre-retirees alike savings will hold up? What financial steps share this anxiety. In a 2014 Wells Fargo/ could you take in your retirement to prevent Gallup survey of more than 1,000 investors, those savings from eroding? As you think 46% of respondents cited that very fear; 42% ahead, consider the following possibilities of the respondents to that poll were making and realities. Realize that Social Security benefits $90,000 a year or more.1 Retirees face greater “longevity risk” might shrink in the future. Today, there are three workers funding today. According to an analysis of Census Social Security for every retiree. By federal Bureau data by the Center for Retirement estimates, there will be only two workers Research at Boston College, the average funding Social Security for every retiree in retirement age in this country is 65 for men 2030. That does not bode well for the health and 63 for women. Many of us will probably of the program, especially since nearly onelive into our eighties and nineties; indeed, fifth of Americans will be 65 or older in many of our parents have already lived that 2030.4 Social Security’s trust fund is projected long. In 2014 (the most recent year for which Census Bureau data is available), over 72,000 to run dry by 2034, and it is quite possible Americans were centenarians, representing a Congress may intervene to rescue it before
The Absolutely Amazing Avocado By Tanji Patton Goodtaste.tv ockin’ recipes featuring the fruit that adds good fat to guilty pleasures… avocado! This trendy super fruit is sodium AND cholesterol free with strong antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties. Avocado is also loaded with fiber, while numerous studies have shown that eating it can actually combat against heart disease, as well as help prevent cancer! There are many reasons to fall in love with this smooth, creamy fruit used in both savory and sweet dishes. The nutrient-dense avocado is a popular protein substitute for vegetarians, because of its high fat content.
It’s true, the uses are widespread, and its taste always delivers! I now count it among my list of comfort foods… Here’s some of the many edible examples for you to enjoy: Boudro’s Tableside Guacamole: orange juice, lime juice, avocado, Roma tomatoes, serrano pepper, white onion, cilantro, sea salt Apple & Avocado Chicken Salad: shredded chicken, shallot, Granny Smith apple, avocado, radish 15 Minute Easy Fish Tacos: cod fish, jalapeño, broccoli slaw, mayo, hot sauce, avocado, cilantro, Sriracha
to-be-outdated “full” 2004 tank in return. Let me put it this way: would you trade-in a 2013 Cadillac for a 2004 Chevy? What’s more, how “full” is that exchange bottle? Your tank is known as a 20 lb bottle, yet the exchange places routinely fill it with only 15 lbs. Look for yourself; it says so right on their label. At Jeff’s Backyard, we fill it to the full 20 lbs. What’s more, your 4th refill with us is free. In all, after four bottles of propane our cost to you is about half the price/lb than the exchange places. So, don’t “get tanked” at the exchange programs. Come to Jeff’s Backyard where we really gas you up!
Jeff’s Backyard is family owned and operated and is your expert in backyard cooking equipment. Call us at 210-3424760 – or email us at jeffsbackyard@ att.net – with any questions about your outdoor grilling needs. See our ad in this newspaper to get a free refill!
then. Still, the strain on Social Security will mount over the next 20 years as more and more baby boomers retire. With this in mind, there’s no reason not to investigate other potential retirement income sources now.3 Understand that you may need to work part-time in your sixties and seventies. The income from part-time work can be an economic lifesaver for retirees. Suppose you walk away from your career with $500,000 in retirement savings. In your first year of retirement, you decide to withdraw 4% of that for income, or $20,000. At that withdrawal rate, not even adjusting for inflation, that money will be gone in 21 years. What if you worked part-time and earned $20,000-30,000 a year? If you can do that for five or ten years, you effectively give your retirement savings five or ten more years to last and grow.3 Retire with health insurance and prepare adequately for out-of-pocket costs. Financially speaking, this may be the most frustrating part of retirement. We can enroll in Medicare at age 65, but how do we handle the premiums for private health insurance if we retire before then? Striving to work until you are eligible for Medicare makes economic sense. So does building some kind of health care emergency fund for out-of-pocket costs. According to data
from Health Affairs, those costs approached $16,000 a year in 2014 for Americans aged 65-84, and $35,000 a year for Americans aged 85 or older.4 Many people may retire unaware of these financial factors. With luck and a favorable investing climate, their retirement savings may last a long time. Luck is not a plan, however, and hope is not a strategy. Those who are retiring unaware of these factors may risk outliving their money. Eric Zeitler may be reached at 210807-7599 or ericz@ccwmgmt.com. www.ccwmgmt.com 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315, San Antonio, TX, 78258 Citations. 1 - u s a t o d a y. c o m / s t o r y / m o n e y / personalfinance/2014/09/24/investors-fearoutliving-retirement-savings/16095591/ [9/24/14] 2-thestreet.com/story/13468811/1/herersquo-s-how-to-make-your-money-last-inretirement.html [2/23/16] 3-marketwatch.com/story/sowhos-going-to-pay-for-you-to-live-tobe-100-2016-02-17/ [2/17/16] 4-thinkadvisor.com/2016/02/22/6ways-to-prevent-going-broke-in-retirement [2/22/16]
Creamy Avocado & Rocket Pasta: pasta, garlic, arugula, avocado, lemon juice, olive oil Chilled Avocado & Cucumber Soup Shooter: English cucumber, avocado, scallions, chicken broth, sour cream, lemon juice, cumin, garlic, jalapeño Avocado Chips: avocado, cilantro, jalapeño, Kewpie mayonnaise, tempura flour, Panko bread crumbs, egg Easy Hazelnut Chocolate Avocado Mousse: dark chocolate, avocado, cocoa powder, honey, molasses, Hazelnut Kahlua, pink salt, almond milk Freebirds Guacamole: avocado, yellow onions, cilantro, serrano pepper, lime juice, kosher salt, garlic For more delicious recipes and fun food and wine pairing ideas, subscribe to my newsletter at Goodtaste.tv. Also if you can’t watch it live, don’t forget to set your DVRs to Tanji’s new show, Goodtaste with Tanji! The mouthwatering show airs Saturday’s at 6pm on
Boudro’s famous guacamole!
WOAI TV where you can catch up on the latest and greatest recipes!
April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
Family Values, Family Business, Belden’s Automotive! A By Nicky Rodriguez
n evolution in the making is the best way to describe the family owned business of Belden’s Automotive and Tires. Beginning in the late 70’s, Ronnie Belden established a transmission automotive shop called American Transmission. However, as technology developed Ronnie decided to change with the times, and American & Import Automotive Services was born to give customers the convenience of more services. Throughout the years the company grew and offered tires, hence in 2003 Belden’s Automotive and Tires proudly emerged to serve San Antonio. In 2005, son, Rusty Belden came onboard to learn and train with his father – Ronnie Belden. Officially, Rusty Belden took the reigns as President when Ronnie retired in 2014. In keeping with a truly family operating business, Rusty’s cousin, Jason Belden, became the Vice President in 2012 and is now co-owner of Belden’s newest location on Prue Rd. With six locations in San Antonio, the Belden family is proud to provide the city they call home with exceptional automotive repairs and honest and dependable customer service. Welcome Home: Do you offer the same services in all 6 of your locations? Rusty Belden: We do! All of our shops now are exactly the same as far as the products and services that are offered. The only exception would be the Boerne location; this location offers custom exhaust work. We have more of a demand for this type of service and we have the space, so we thought it through and it just made sense to offer this service at this location. WH: Do you plan to expand throughout the San Antonio and/or the South Texas market? RB: We’ve been pretty aggressive since 2006, every couple of years we’ve been very fortunate to be able to expand. We do have a couple sites in mind that we’ve been actively looking into, nothing that’s locked in stone at this time but we do want to grow. We feel like it’s a great market, there’s a lot of potential for growth in San Antonio and the surrounding areas.
WH: Tell us about your staff. How many employees do you have? RB: Just under 60. It’s changed over the years, we looked up and we have a lot of employees that have been with us a long period of time. Our Lead Shop Foreman, Bobby Sowards, has been with us over 25 years, we have two employees in our corporate office who have been with us 15+ years and a majority of our staff have been with us at least 5+ years. Some of our long term employees have now since retired, but overall we have a great staff. Because we’ve continued to grow through the years, it has allowed us to recruit many new employees as well. We’ve been very fortunate to have been able to capture young talented technicians. We’ve got some great employees, we try and give them every opportunity to grow within the industry and work hard to educate them along the way. Training is huge in our industry, it must continue constantly to stay up with new technologies that are always emerging. WH: What certifications must your mechanics maintain? RB: We require them to be ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified on the independent side. ASE handles the certification process for us. Our technicians study and take tests to become certified on different systems throughout the vehicles. We push for the guys to be ASE certified and to continue education and training. We feel this is important for our technicians and our customers, in order to keep up with the changing times.
April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
WH: What makes Belden’s stand out from the competition? RB: A huge obstacle in our industry is customer service. Obviously everyone wants to have exceptional service, but I think for us we stand behind our work like nobody else does. If there’s a problem were going to make it right. We’re going to do everything in our power to resolve the issue and make our customer feel confident in the employees that assisted them and the repairs they received for their vehicle. At the end of the day, we want to make sure our customer is satisfied overall with their experience when they visit one of our locations. We want to build a relationship with our customers. I constantly tell our guys - we are in the relationship business. What are you going to do today to separate yourself from your competitor? Everyone may have some form of customer service, so what does that mean? For us, it’s taking our service to the next level and making the overall visit exceptional from the second you walk in the door. WH: Many people find it so hard to find a good, trustworthy mechanic. What makes Belden’s a business the public can trust? RB: At the end of the day all they have to go off of is the work that’s done. When they pull out of our parking lot they need to feel that their vehicles have been taken care of, that the problem is gone, and in the chance that it’s not taken care of, that they can come back and know we’re going to fix it. We stand behind all our work and we back that up with a 24 month, 24,000 mile nationwide warranty. WH: What are you most proud of? RB: I think the longevity that we’ve been serving the San Antonio area. I’m proud of my family’s name. I feel like our name stands for something in this community. We’re well known for honest car repair and I’m proud of that. I feel like our name stands for something- a quality automotive shop that’s going to treat you right. WH: What is your favorite part of working in the automotive industry? RB: Growing up I had a blast just being behind the counter talking to the different customers, meeting new people but more so spending time with the guys in the shop. It’s a fun environment, it’s never repetitive. You’ve got a new car, a new problem, a new situation every day. Cars are evolving, technology is evolving so it’s just a fun and exciting atmosphere to be a part of. I love being around our employees, we always pride ourselves in the knowledge that when we hire new employees, they truly become part of our Belden family. WH: Tell me what it’s like to work with family? How do you differentiate between business and family? RB: To be honest, it’s tough. We always have our number one goal to do whatever is best for our customers and our employees. So with that in mind, we never make a decision that compromises that, and so that helps to keep us on the right path. For us, we have to define roles, responsibilities and boundaries. If you aren’t disciplined in maintaining those responsibilities and boundaries then the bickering could begin! At the end of the day we are a business and we have a job to do. It sounds cliché but if we start to lose focus of that and we focus more on our family then I think we’ve lost sight of our ultimate goal of offering 100% satisfaction to our customers.
Building relationships with customers, built on honesty and integrity and you can do that better up front with a handshake as opposed to with a wrench in your hand.” – Rusty Belden President, Belden’s Automotive
Many Locations to Serve You! San Pedro Ave.
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How To Find The Right Shop
By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
i Rusty Belden here with Belden’s Automotive & Tires. We know how important it is for consumers to find an auto repair shop they can count on. Quality repairs can save you time and hassle, but most importantly can help keep money in your pockets! We would like to share a few tips, to help you find the right repair shop to solve your auto repair problems. Do Your Research Look for recommendations from neighbors, friends, and family. Be sure to
ask how the overall experience was, the friendliness of staff, and if their vehicle repair problems were solved. Learn about the shops history, services and technicians. Such information is usually posted on the company’s website. Most importantly when calling around, ask about the shop warranties. Most shops now offer at least a 24 month, 24,000 mile nationwide warranty.
Visiting the automotive shop and first impressions Reputable shops are upfront and clear about what you are getting for your dollar. Make sure they will get your approval before doing any repairs. Pay attention to cleanliness, shop’s organization, and how they run their business. Messy work areas or offices that lack organization systems often reflect the attention and detail put in to actual repairs. Look for the number of cars being worked on. How polite and friendly are the service writers? Do the technicians look clean and professional? Efficient technicians should not be sitting around. As the automotive industry expands further into a scientific field with advance technology, it is important to know if they use modern technology and are up to date on equipment. Don’t be afraid to ask. It’s important to find a trustworthy shop
Just 10 Reasons To Choose Independence Hill By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 . We are known for being a homey, Assisted Living kitchens. friendly, down to earth community with days full of fun social opportunities; 4. Having long tenured residents and “where smiles come easy and hugs are free employees speak for itself. The length of and plentiful!” employment amongst our team is the reason 2. We continually achieve 100% on we have such consistency in our care, food our Annual State inspections with zero and daily operations. “We are more like an deficiencies. This is just one reason many extended family!” have said, “We are like a Well-Oiled 5. Family owned and operated with Machine.” owners who genuinely care about the team 3. We have great food and a report card and residents well-being. that “says it all” with perfect scores of 6. You don’t see this every day! We “100” from the San Antonio Metropolitan understand most residents are on a fixed Health District Food Service on our Annual income. For peace of mind, we guarantee the Inspections in our Independent Living and base monthly rental rate will never go up for
our residents at Assisted Living. 7. Pleasing balance between personal independence and catered care. Our customized care level options can be added at any time and are priced based on each resident’s individual needs. 8. We have an outstanding reputation as one of San Antonio’s premiere retirement communities and assisted living for over 25 years. 9. Our residents enjoy privileges at The Club at Sonterra for golf, tennis and social. 10. Close knit community of only 68 apartments with a very attentive staff. We bring “the outside in” with tropical plants, birds and water features in our atriums. People always say…“This community does not look like an assisted living… it looks and feels more like a resort!” The benefits of living at Independence Hill Assisted Living are plenty. You will
that provides quality work and service. Ultimately choose a shop that you feel comfortable doing business with. It’s your vehicle and your choice. Keep in mind, no one shop is perfect – if you hear good things about a shop except for this one time – remember things can happen – look at what they did to resolve the problem or issue. Belden’s Automotive & Tires is a family owned and operated facility that has been in business since 1972. We are committed to customer satisfaction and stand behind each and every repair. We would like the opportunity to serve all your automotive needs. Don’t hesitate to call us with questions before or after your repair work is completed. Our six AAA approved locations employ highly-trained certified technicians and provide a clean, safe environment for our customers. From simple oil changes to major repair work, Belden’s Automotive & Tires will meet all of your automotive needs.
ssisted Living find residents become more interactive, mobile and mentally alert. It is a proven fact that people will strive to the levels of their peers, therefore, residents who live in our community thrive and become more productive, energetic, maintain more independence and remain mentally alert by being in a very active Assisted Living. Time and time again we see these benefits through speedy recoveries, longevity, experiencing true joy, drive, high participation and residents leading happy and healthy lives in this great new chapter. Join us for lunch and for see why we have an reputation! Call (210) 615-4000 to book your personal tour with Sherrill or Laura. You’ll be glad you did! 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258 www.independencehill.com
SA High School Football Player Awarded AQUAS Submitted By Hugh Mulligan osé Bautista, a junior football player from Southwest High School, has been selected as an AQUAS (Assistance for Qualified Underprivileged Athletic Scholars) scholar- athlete. Bautista becomes the 32nd student to receive this honor. AQUAS is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that is identifying underserved high school athletes who have demonstrated high academic performance. These students may not have received much national visibility for a number of reasons; thus college coaches are not aware of their skills. AQUAS overcomes that problem as it puts these selected students in front of collegiate athletic departments until the right academic and athletic matches are found and some
financial support from the gaining university has been secured. José has excelled in his academic pursuits while at Southwest HS. Sporting a 3.0 GPA and in the top 50% of his class, he is also a recipient of a grant from Learning Foundations that is dedicated to preparing Bautista for his ACT and SAT takes in June 2016. His collegiate academic goal is to gain a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. This aspiration comes from a major hurdle he had to overcome during his sophomore year. José was given news that any adult would fear and be crushed by…that he had cancer. His doctors immediately scheduled him for chemotherapy. So here was a 15-yearold football player faced with an arduous
task of not giving up hope and facing this time of uncertainty. His mother and father attest to the fact that it was José that became the “rock” that held this family of five together during the ordeal; his bravery, determination, grit and faith in God served as an example for all that were around them. Now he wants to go on to “give-back” to others as the nurses who tended to him did during his time of need. Bautista returned to the gridiron last fall and filled the role of outside linebacker in all of the SWHS Dragon’s games. He is determined to play the game that he loves at the collegiate level. “When this young man states that he is going to accomplish a goal in life, watch out... he’ll do it!” stated Colonel Hugh F. Mulligan,
The 14th Annual Jon’s Run Offers Hope Submitted By Martha Nordstrom he 14th Annual Jon’s 5K Run/ 2 mile Stroll will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at Wheatley Heights Sports Complex. A Kids’ Run (11 & under) starts at 8:00am, a Memorial Balloon Release starts at 8:15am and the 5K/2Mile starts at 8:30am. There will be a post-race celebration following the run and stroll complete with
T 10
food and entertainment. Race information and registration may be obtained at www. jonsrun.com. Jon Carl Stephenson died of Sudden infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) on April 25, 2002 and is the inspiration for this benefit run. Although it has Jon’s name, it honors all children whose lives ended too soon from any cause. Jon’s Run provides
a time and place where families don’t have to be alone in their grief. Our Memorial Balloon Release is a beautiful tradition that offers healing and hope for families as they remember their children. The comfort and support they receive from being surrounded by others who have experienced a similar loss is a very important part of this event. Your donation and participation in Jon’s
founder and CEO of AQUAS. “His mother and father have raised him in a strong family environment that is based on respect for others. José demonstrates this respect on a daily basis with adults, peers and even opponents on the field.” Contact at AQUAS Hugh F. Mulligan (210) 912-7827 aquas-us.org.
Run will help support families struggling with the loss of a child as well as help fund SIDS research and prevention. Funds raised make this event possible and support SIDS research and prevention. Please join us to walk or run in honor and memory of our children.
April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
Let’s Make APlan
Client Centric Wealth Management
By Rachelle Reinhardt
erhaps you’ve given serious thought to your financial future. You want to better manage your finances, but you aren’t sure where to start or just don’t have the time. Or maybe the world of investments, insurance and retirement planning just isn’t within your working knowledge and the thought of diving in head first seems a bit overwhelming. Despite your reservations, it’s probably a safe bet that at one time of another, you’ve considered creating a financial plan for yourself and your family. The professionals at Client Centric Wealth Management will help you understand that now is always the perfect time to take that next crucial step in mapping out your financial future. An independent and local financial planning firm, Client Centric Wealth Management, is comprised of a team of credentialed, high integrity and professional financial planners including Eric Zeitler, BBA, AIF®, CRPS®, CMFC®; Eric Weissgarber, MBA, CFP®, CLU®, AIF®; and newest team member, Ty Hodges, CFP®. In 2013, after several years of working together, the team formed Client Centric Wealth Management with a passion to provide prudent investment advice and an understanding of business retirement plans, insurance protection, estate planning, and more. Zeitler has over 16 years of experience as an advisor, broker and investment manager. He obtained his Chartered Retirement Plan Specialist and Chartered Mutual Fund Counselor designations from the College of Financial Planning early in his career and is experienced with Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans. Zeitler’s focuses are investment management, financial planning, employer sponsored retirement plan solutions and most importantly, continued high quality service that his clients have become accustomed to. “I chose financial planning and investment management as a career after long discussions with family members that are in the business and seeing the effects of poor advice and management in my immediate family,” explained Zeitler. “I realized early in my career that most Americans do not or will not have enough money for retirement because of a lack of investment advice and financial planning. I have a passion to help my clients.” Weissgarber has a long history in the investment world – dating back to his college days at University of Texas where he obtained a finance degree. Seventeen years ago, Weissgarber became active full-time in the advisory investment world. He followed up his formal education with an MBA with honors from the top-ranked Thunderbird School of International Management. Because of owning and running various businesses and corporate roles with IBM, USAA, and Royal Bank of Canada, he has a very broad understanding of business retirement plans, insurance protection, and estate planning. “I was very fortunate in my business life to enjoy
April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
excellent counsel and advice from many different professions that not only helped me succeed, but also helped me avoid difficulties,” explained Weissgarber. “Part of my passion since youth has been numerical figures and investing.” And the newest member of the Client Centric Wealth Management, Ty Hodges, CFP®, began his career in financial planning in 2005. He has over a decade of experience in wealth management providing insurance protection and growth strategies for individuals, businesses and charities. “I love teaching people to use money as a tool to live the lives they’ve always dreamed of,” stated Hodges. “I grew up in West Texas in a small farming community where your word was your bond and people valued hard work and integrity. However, you cannot ‘outwork’ bad advice. I personally saw my family and many other struggle understanding money and growing their wealth. I believe you are valuable and your financial planning should be all about you.” At Client Centric Wealth Management, you will receive a carefully crafted financial plan partnered with a high level of experience and service. Everything starts with a plan – whether it be a financial, retirement or estate plan. There are many financial products in the market, so choosing the ones that helps meet an individual clients needs can be complicated. “Informed decisions about the products in any portfolio are best made after an assessment of individual’s needs,” explained Zeitler. “After our meeting, the client is better informed when the time comes to choose from a comprehensive suite of products and services and select those that address his/ her unique situation.” Investment tools available include US and Foreign Securities, Preferred Securities, Options, ETFs, 401(k) Retirement Plans and Individual Retirement Accounts, 529 Qualified Tuition Plans, Annuities, Mutual Funds including Institutional Class Funds, Certificates of Deposit, U.S. Treasuries Securities, Group Retirement and Savings Plans, 401(k) Plans, Simplified Employee Pension Plans, Qualified Retirement Plans, Life Insurance, Long-term Care/Disability/Critical Illness, Health Insurance Group health benefits, and more. Each client has a primary advisor that they work with, plus the advantage of a backup of the Client Centric Wealth Management team. There are several advantages of a team approach to financial planning. “First and foremost, when it comes to asset management, planning and discipline, there is an old adage, ‘two heads are better than one,’” said Zeitler. “Secondly, if your advisor is out of the office or unavailable, there is always a backup plan and someone else who is aware of your portfolio and plan. We feel in the course of serving our clients, it is very important for our own sanity, capability and client service
that we have reliable continuity and a backup in place.” At Client Centric Wealth Management, each client is different and the strategies employed are different for each, so there’s not a common standard one-size-fitsall approach. Because of the team’s experience helping all kinds of professionals, they are skilled at creating a solution for each unique situation. There is always an open line between client and planner, and the team encourages clients to reach out anytime they have questions or are facing financial decisions. There is tremendous flexibility for reviews, and prior to meetings, the client will receive a questionnaire to discern any concerns or questions. “We have the flexibility of having a phone review, video teleconference review, or in-person review,” explained Weissgarber. “Each meeting has its own agenda to helpfully uncover any life or financial changes under way.” Meetings are dictated and color coded for follow-up, and then follow-up items programmed into software tools to generate reminders. Client Centric Wealth Management also produces a weekly economic newsletter, a monthly video, twice a year a state of the markets presentation, and educational (and fun!) social client events. The team at Client Centric Wealth management work weave passion and excitement into their work each and every day. As a team, they share a similar philosophy on investment, and as individuals they each have the tools and knowledge to deliver personalized, high quality service. “There are numerous surveys that have stated the highest job satisfaction job is to be a financial advisor/planner,” said Weissgarber. “And I believe that’s because we work with interesting, smart and successful people who want to further improve their outcomes for themselves and their families. The situations we work on are intellectually and technically challenging, so it’s amazing to see the positive long-term impact on the families we have touched.” “Additionally, we often are able to help our clients plan how they can have a greater impact on causes they care about,” continued Zeitler. “If one has been a good steward of their resources, they can often end up with extra. We are confident in our ability to help our clients and their families realize their financial and life goals. Long-term and plainly stated, we get to enjoy helping our friends every day.
19230 Stone Oak Pkwy, Suite 315 210-807-7599 www.ccwmgmt.com
Thousand Oaks Hosts Leader in Me Night
Students, parents and teachers participate in Leader in Me Family Night.
Habit #6 is posted for all to see.
Submitted By Jenness Davidson n Thursday night, February 26, 2016, Thousand Oaks Lighthouse Team hosted their second annual Leader in Me Family Night. Thousand Oaks Elementary teaches the 7 Habits, based on The Leader in Me. The Leader in Me is a whole school transformation process. It
Family night, the Student Lighthouse Team members were true leaders and took the lead as they held big smiles and greeted families to the campus. Guests enjoyed taking part in hands-on activities presented that night. The families rotated through 7 different stations, each one presenting a different habit. During the rotations, families learned
ways to incorporate the 7 habits at home and outside school in everyday life. “It was great fun. I like that I got to help my teachers explain the 7 habits,” said Student Lighthouse member, Trent.
promote our health and well-being. No, no, and no. Testosterone is not approved for women. Yet, the FDA promotes the treatment of normal menopause with various pharmaceutical drugs. Drugs with terrible side effects, including suicide, ARE approved for treatment of menopause. Truth: Menopause is normal part of life and not a mental disorder. “The Change” should not be treated with anti-depressants, anti-anxiolytics, or anything other than the same hormones found in young healthy 18 y/o. The FDA wants to promote and protect the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. (“Drug & Medical Device Companies Have Outsized Influence on FDA”, from Union of Concerned Scientists) #4 Progesterone causes blood clots and cancer. No. Many gynecologists don’t understand that oral, micronized progesterone from the compounding pharmacy is not progestin. (See #1) Progesterone is so safe that it is commonly prescribed for the most
vulnerable of patients--the pregnant woman at risk for miscarriage. Truth: progesterone promotes rest, relaxation, and calmness. #5 I don’t have a uterus, therefore I don’t need progesterone. Not true. All women need progesterone to balance estrogen. Women have progesterone receptors on the breast, bones, & brain. Progesterone helps regulate mood, cognition, inflammation, and neurogenesis in the brain. (“Progesterone receptors: form & function in the brain” FRONT NEUROENDOCRINOL, 2008 May, 29 (2):313-39). Get your life back with bio-identical hormone therapy tailored precisely for you based on blood results. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
teaches 21st century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader. To learn more about the program you can visit: http:// www.theleaderinme.org/what-is-the-leaderin-me/. At the Thousand Oaks Leader in Me
Hormone Lies By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 #1 Estrogen causes breast cancer. No. In the Women’s Health Initiative Study, 1991, found that women taking estrogen ALONE –without the poisonous, synthetic, pharmaceutical branded and profit making progestin-had less incidence of cancer compared to the women who were taking a placebo (sugar Pill). Women taking synthetic estrogen had LESS cancer than women taking no hormones. But when progestin was added to the synthetic estrogen, there was an increase in breast cancer. The truth: progestin seems to be the cancer culprit and not estrogen, in the largest study done to
K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
he 2016 Summer Olympics may be in Reno but not for the best canine athletes in the world. They will be competing in their own Olympics in LaagSoeren, Netherlands, April 13th - 17th and our very own local resident, Catherine Laria, will be representing Team USA! Catherine, owner of K9 Country Club, in Bulverde has been trialing and training dogs for over 20 years. They have competed all over the country and Mexico but this will be their first time on Team USA. Throughout the years if Catherine and her dogs were not traveling for Agility or
date, the Women’s Health Initiative Study. #2 Testosterone is only for men No. Women make 10% of the level in men, but testosterone is abundantly found in young women. Testosterone declines in menopause. Some of the general effects of lower testosterone in older women are less sex drive and a general lack of well-being. Truth: Replacement of testosterone to women after a total hysterectomy restored sexual desire, muscle mass and physical function. (From Science Daily, 11/27/13) #3 Testosterone is approved for women, because the FDA wants to
Sheep Dog trials they are home training and teaching. The sport of agility is the fastest growing dog sport in America. People of all ages and dogs of all kinds can spend time together running, climbing, and zig-zagging their way through obstacle courses. There are many organizations who sponsor this sport. Catherine and her border collie, Blizzard, will be competing at the International Federation of Cynological Sports (IFCS) World Championships. Twenty dogs from all over the US will be competing in various games and jump heights. In fact, FIVE of those going are from TEXAS! That is a huge representation of our great state.
Whether or not you want to compete at the world level, agility takes a lot of time to go from beginning to competition and there is no better place to get started than at K9 Country Club. You can find everything you need to go from being introduced to the sport all the way to competing at the local, national, or even international level. Say you just want to have the coolest dog at the dog park. There are ways to make agility not only fun but safe for your canine partner. Agility is also a great way to expend some of that excess energy if you have a very active pet. If you would like to watch the IFCS World Championships they will be streaming live at www.cynosport.tv Help cheer on Catherine, Blizzard, and Team USA all the way to gold! But they need your help! Costs for a team of 20 exceeds $50,000. Show your support with a tax-deductible contribution by visiting www.usdaa.com/ifcsteamusa.cfm To help Catherine and Blizzard directly, contact K9 Country Club at 830-980-8476
or email k9countryclub@dogmail.com. Fundraising efforts are still underway. For more information on classes, lessons, or the Whirlwind Border Collies visit www. k9countryclub.net Go Team USA!
April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
Medical Allergy and Immunology Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 • www.faasonline.com Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 494-0690 • stoneoakallergy.com
Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 545-5224 • www.antiagingsa.com Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men
Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D.McMyler, MD P. Mehta, MD., R, Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 614-1234 • www.gastroconsa.com
Gastroenterology & Pain Mgmt
Theda Oaks J. Theard MD, S. Dar MD, L. Rosenkranz, MD U. Dar MD, M. McKee MD, M. Naeem, MD 19284 Stone Oak Parkway 268-0129
General Dentistry
Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 119 697-3821
Stone Oak Pharmacy Specialty Compounding & Delivery Retail Pharmacy Services & DME 18866 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 101 494-4272
San Antonio Eye Center Abrams, Erdmancyzk, Hahn, Harris Ming-Zhao, Nicolau, Roberts, Stephenson 14807 San Pedro (281 & Winding Way) 226-6169 www.saeye.com
Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533 www.dentalcareSA.com
General Surgery
Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Suite 201 272-7129 • www.alohasmiles.net
San Antonio General Surgery Jorge L. Rincon 1162 E. Sonterra, Suite 210 587-7744 www.sageneralsurgery.com
Pediatrics Huebner Pediatrics Dr. Michelle Storandt, Dr. Adelnery Gonzalez 15714 Huebner Rd., Bldg. 3 447-3000 www.huebnerpediatrics.com
Neurosurgery Neurosurgical Associates of S.A., P.A. Donald L. Hilton MD., Arnold B. Vardiman MD. Donald P. Atkins MD. 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 240 477-1956 • www.neurosurgerysa.com
Radiology South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers North Central Imaging Center 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 www.stric.com 617-9000
To add your listing, call 210-348-8233
WHE N TO K E E P T H E K ID S HOME F R OM SCHOOL IS IT JUST A CASE OF THE SNIFFLES? A runny nose, mild congestion or cough alone doesn’t warrant time off school, but deciding when symptoms are serious enough to keep your child at home isn’t always easy. The springtime is an especially vulnerable season to spread certain illnesses in schools and workplaces like the flu, common colds, upper respiratory infections, ear infections and bronchiolitis. Because this decision can also affect parents who may need to stay home with the sick child, you want to be sure you are making the right choice. Here is a simple guide to assist in identifying symptoms of sick days. WHEN TO TAKE A SICK DAY
First, review your child’s school policies for sick days to be sure you are in compliance. Depending on the situation, your son or daughter may be exhibiting signs of a contagious infection and should be kept at home. Keep your child home if they are exhibiting any of the following: Fever – A temperature of 99.5 degrees F or higher Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea Persistent cough or severe sore throat Pain – Sore throat, headache, body aches Low Energy Level – Inhibiting participation in school activities Rashes, pinkeye, earaches
Your child can return to school when: Fever has been controlled for 24 hours without medication and is receptive to drinking fluids Vomiting has subsided and none has occurred within 24 hours Energy level and disposition appear normal Once prescribed medication has been taken for a minimum of 24 hours No other serious symptoms are exhibited It is important that your child attend school for normal development, meaning he or she shouldn’t miss more than a few days of school a year due to illness. That being said, it is also vital to protect classmates using infection-control measures and nurse your child back to health.
Remember to instruct your child to wash their hands often to reduce the chance that viral particals will be transmitted, take vitamins and visit Prestige ER for your yearly flu vaccine. As always, Prestige ER is here for any of life’s little emergencies with personalized care and no wait.
April 2016 • Welcome Home • 78248/78232
Eisenhower Is Passionate About Heart Health
Ike students form a heart to show support.
Special To Welcome Home isenhower Middle School was passionate about heart health. Students and staff were involved in several fundraisers and awareness campaigns with
Ike students participate in the Hoops for the Heart game.
the American Heart Association. Many Generals participated in a Staff vs. Students basketball games: Hoops for the Heart in which $2,380 was raised through T-shirt sales, concessions and the competitive and
entertaining game. Art students also created pieces that were selected for display at the American Heart Association Luncheon. On Saturday, February 27, Eisenhower students and staff participated in the Red Dress Heart
& Soul 5K Run. It was truly inspiring to see the students motivated to make a difference.
NEISD Hosts Healthy Heroes For City-Wide Initiative
Officer Greg Reusink with K-9 Officer Donald Leonard speaking to students at Redland Oaks Elementary School about staying fit and eating healthy.
Submitted By Laura Breeden he North East ISD organized events at 46 elementary schools for Health Week February 29-March 4. Thousands of elementary students met with community heroes to learn how good health impacts their lives. Schools hosted interactive pep rallies with a member of the
fire department, police force, military or health profession. Redland Oaks Elementary School participated by hosting a fun assembly on Thursday March 3rd, for more than 500 students. The Bexar County School Board Coalition and Go Public wanted to team up once again for the annual Heroes for Health
Students at Redland Oaks exercising together in the gym for Heroes for Health day.
Day across the city. The goal was to show students that eating healthy and exercising are important habits to start now, so they are healthy when they grow up. NEISD was committed to teaching students about living a healthy lifestyle. Two SAPD officers, Zachary Knox and Donald Leonard, spoke with the students about why it is important to stay fit for their
jobs. The owners of The Fit Stop, Rudy Trevio and Elaine Salazar, also spoke about ways to stay in shape, and the school P.E. teacher, Mary Jung, led an exercise activity to get all the students moving. MacArthur High School cheerleaders got the students pumped up for the event.
Mill Spring Cabin Receives Honors Submitted By Elizabeth Pirtle he Mill Spring Cabin Program was honored to have the Daughters of the Republic “Alamo Heroes Chapter” visit recently. They attended during a scheduled field trip to experience our trained 7th grade docents’ presentations and to witness the students’ impact on the community. Each spring, students from all over San Antonio visit the cabin for a fullday field trip to experience Texas history through hands-on activities by rotating through eleven stations which last 15 minutes each. Each presentation is delivered by trained 7th grade Bradley students who demonstrate professional docent qualities
that have been taught, trained, and mentored by their Texas History teachers. The Mill Springs Cabin, located at Bradley Middle School, began when a 186-year-old cabin from Kentucky was re-established on the Bradley campus in 1999. It has since expanded to include other structures, artifacts, and exhibits. Mr. Michael Bailey created and maintains this award-winning program. The Cabin program has serviced over 60,000 students to date and anticipates hosting 34 field trips this spring. If you are interested in visiting or would like more information, contact Mr. Michael Bailey at Mbaile1@neisd.net.
The Daughters of the Republic visit the Mill Spring Cabin.
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2016 Fencing Junior Olympic Championships Submitted By Velizar Iliev ompeting at the biggest national event for cadets and juniors in fencing is no easy feat; however, students from the Olympic Fencing Club walked away with two medals from the Junior Olympics held in Cleveland, Ohio. Saint Mary’s Hall student, Farrah Lee-Elabd, won the 7th Place Finalist medal in the Junior Women’s Epee fencing event. Farrah competed against 183
top junior female epee fencers in the US age 19 and under. Farrah and her teammates from the Olympian Fencing Club Olivia Krick, student from Alamo Heights Junior School and Tzarina Von Fritsch, student from Providence Catholic School won the Bronze medal at the Junior Team Women’s Epee. Olympian Fencing Club Junior Men’s team of Robin Cheong student of Saint
Mary’s Hall, Brandon Benavides student of Churchill High School and Young Joo student of Ronald Reagan High School competed very well and placed 8th. Junior Men’s Team competed against 41 top teams in US. For more information about this National tournament or Olympian Fencing Club please visit www.OlympianFencingClub. com or call 210-872-2004.
Pictured from left to right, Farrah Lee-Elabd, Tzarina Von Fritsch, Coach Velizar Iliev and Olivia Krick.
Stress: Mind Over Matter By Deborah Charnes sk pretty much anyone these days, and they’ll acknowledge being stressed out at some point in their lives, or days. No wonder yoga is becoming so popular. Consider the following: Stress is a factor in five of the six leading causes of death. Stress is the trigger for almost nine out of ten doctor visits. Medical Daily, reported on a study among personnel in a surgical intensive care unit. Stress plummeted 40 percent among participants who practiced mindfulness, hatha, meditation, and listening to music. The Mayo Clinic says, “Yoga can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and improve heart function. And almost anyone can do it.” One of the leading cancer centers, Houston’s MD Anderson, incorporates yoga in their programs for cancer patients given
yoga’s positive effects on stress reduction. MD Anderson calls yoga “a quintessential mind-body practice combining movement, controlled breathing, and breathing exercises, and meditation.” Stress is a state of mind, and we can be chill, if we put our mind to it. It’s not that hard, but most people need guidance. That’s why finding the right type of yoga to meet your needs is important. There are almost as many styles of yoga as there are ice cream flavors. Among my favorites are my own therapeutic recipes: Belly Bollywood, Twist and Shout, Chill Out, and Chant and Be Happy, see www.yoganonymous.com. Just as the kid in the candy store can get overwhelmed, if we look at yoga from its traditional roots, there are eight “branches” or “limbs.” Yoga postures -- the physical and most well known in this country -- is just one of those eight branches. The other, dare I say more important branches, include breath work, meditation and devotion the
last of which I practice by chanting. I sometimes have to hold back from doing eight hours of a physical practice a day, knowing that what my body and mind really need is the stillness found in other forms of yoga. Many Type “A” people are attracted to Bikram, Power or Ashtanga Yoga, when in fact they may be better off doing a slower more grounded practice. Just as our bellies may ask for ice cream three times a day, we recognize that the yearnings are not always what we need. Sometimes, the hardest practice for us to consider is what we most need. Give it a shot. Get chill. Find the right style(s) of yoga to meet your needs. Or, consider a yoga therapist to help you with stress, and so much more. Yoga Therapy is an advanced and growing field that combines different forms of yoga to bring about positive change, see www. yogajournal.com. For more information, visit www.
Deborah Charnes and Andrea Schmidt practice meditation.
Facebook.com/TheNamasteCounsel, www. TheNamasteCounsel.com or call (210) 381-1846.
2016 SOURCE COMING SOON! The Guide With All Your North Side Information The Source is a Business & Medical Directory. It includes: Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Medical, Maps, and more!—right at your fingertips. Pick up a FREE 2015 copy at any of these locations: • • • • • • •
Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112
For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit
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