August 2013 78258 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Stone Oak, Canyon Springs, Vineyards, and Rogers Ranch and immediate areas Postal Customer

August 2013 Issue


Alamo Kiwanis Club Charities, Inc. Presents

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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Note From The Publisher Enjoying Summer


ummer is coming to a close and it’s time to do all the last minute things before the kids go back to school. My daughter and I are heading down to South Padre Island to spend a few days together just the two of us. I can think of no better place to spend some quality time before her senior year begins than at the beach. I have been divorced since Rashell was twelve and she has lived with me since then. It seems like it has always been the two of us. We are so close that quite often we know what the other is thinking, which is kind of scary. We have had our ups and we have had our downs, but through it all a bond has been forged that is stronger than any problem that will come our way. So, this will be our last trip to South Padre Island with Rashell as a child, but I have a feeling it will definitely not be our last. God has blessed me with the best daughter in the world. She is one of the beautiful girls on the front cover. Take time to tell someone you love them whether they are family or not. As always, Welcome Home is excited to cover news and events throughout our community as we enter a new school year. Remember, we are always looking to highlight school athletics, galas, student clubs, organizations and more. As parents, we’re responsible for helping our students stay on track. With that in mind, remember Welcome Home would like to highlight as many students and their accomplishments as possible. There will be many school activities, clubs and tournaments your children will come to be involved in. We welcome photos and the opportunity to interview your outstanding student. There’s truly something special for any child or

young adult about to see their name and photo in print. Also, we are always interested in heartwarming stories about your families and loved ones. Who do you admire? Do you feel his or her story could touch or change a life? Is there a senior citizen you might know who served our country or has an inspirational life story? Maybe a neighbor who founded a charity or non-profit that’s changing lives? There are many of us who have a great story that demonstrates our compassion, courage, leadership, and determination. These are the stories we want to share with our community. We’re also happy to print your birth, engagement, wedding and anniversary announcements – a complimentary service to our readers. If it’s big news to YOU, it’s big news to US! Also, keep in mind, your heartwarming story could be front cover material! Welcome Home has been proud to be your “good news” newspaper for the last 12 years. Thank you for being such a loyal reader and thank you, advertisers, for your support in making our publication possible. Please remember to dine, drink and enjoy what our local community has to offer by visiting our many advertisers at their place of business. We look forward to hearing from you! Enjoy the last days of summer.

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Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Contributing Photographers Alamo Sports Photography

Copy Editors Amanda Burris Chasity Furse Erica Cavazos

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Robert Steele Jacob Hereford Sylvia Fernandes

Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

Contributing Writers Risa Weinberger Jennifer Starr Dan Morrison Paul Loveless Sylvia Lopez Gaona Janice Hampey Veronica Bunting

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258


On The Cover By Amanda Burris s we come to the concluding stretch of summer, in one of the hottest months of the year, it is time to squeeze in some last minute vacations, get some extra rest and prepare for yet another successful school year. For Rashell Groomer, Audrey Brunner and Keillie Baker, who are featured on the front cover, as well as many others, this upcoming 2013-2014 school year will be their final year in high school before they venture off to do bigger and better things. Each year, parents see their children grow, learn and face various trials that shape them into the independent individuals who will soon spread their wings. As this new school year begins, many families will take on standardized tests, school projects, applications, college visits, internship prospects and more. Welcome Home has been fortunate enough to follow many of the students’ achievements throughout the years and


Keillie Baker, Rashell Groomer and Audrey Brunner

looks forward to yet another school year of accomplishments. We would like to wish all of the students good luck as they take on new schools, new courses and teachers, make new friends and continue to pave a path for a successful future.

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By Debby Seguin

arning: Handling this paper in an incorrect manner may result in moderate to severe lacerations, death or worse. In our litigious society, it has come to this. Every manufacturer or producer of anything we humans may remotely come in contact with must treat us all like we are brainless ninnies (although one episode of Funniest Home Videos should convince you that at least a percentage of us are, in fact, brainless ninnies). In the “good ol’ days”, you felt safe if you didn’t smoke, didn’t lick paint off the walls of old buildings and didn’t go to work at the local asbestos factory. Now we must be warned about even the most obvious misuses. For example: found on the label for a bottled drink—“Twist top off with hands. Throw top away. Do not put top in mouth.” (This warning might be needed if it was a beer bottle). Do we need to know that “Warning: has been found to cause cancer in lab mice” on a box of rat poison? Shouldn’t it say, “This has been found to, and actually is designed to, cause death in rodents”? And who is reading the warning?

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The rats? As a new mother, I admit I had a lot to learn, but did I really need to be told “Caution: remove infant before folding stroller for storage?” Would I have stuck her in the closet moving on to another task and think, “Hmmm, something is missing here, what could it be?” (Perhaps common sense?) Most warnings are CYA for the manufacturers and pure entertainment for the rest of us. “Choking hazard: this box contains a small ball” (on a box containing a small ball). “Warning: may contain nuts” (on a bag of peanuts). Found on a power saw: “Do not attempt to stop blade with hand.” (Is there any hope left for us?!) Our most recent run-in with warnings was for microwave popcorn (our favorite treat). Apparently the steam from the bag was being linked to respiratory problems in popcorn factory workers. We chose a different brand that should have said, “Warning: tastes just like cardboard.” So we went back to our old brand but can no longer enjoy it: Now we eat it while holding our breath. Debby Seguin (Warning: she is grumpy in the morning!) can be reached at

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Rattler Band 2013-2014 Twirlers Selected Special To Welcome Home t wouldn’t be a half-time show without the Reagan marching band twirlers, and next year’s choices have been made. Welcome Home would like to congratulate new twirler, junior Shae Willingham and veteran feature twirler, senior Margo Dausin. Both girls, along with two other candidate hopefuls, auditioned on May 15 in front of the band directors and an NBTA judge. Willingham, who will also be participating in her third year in the Reagan color guard, could not have been happier with being selected. “This is a complete dream come true for me!” she exclaimed. “I tried out last year but did not make the cut. It was disappointing because I wanted to be a Reagan twirler so much.” However, not being selected the first time pushed Willingham to practice more for this year’s audition. She, along with Dausin, participated in the San Antonio Twirling Festival in April. Willingham won first place in the novice division of the Miss Basic Skills Pageant, qualifying her to move into the beginner division. This win also gave her the extra boost of confidence she needed to perform to her highest ability for the directors at Reagan auditions. “I was so nervous, but I knew I had improved as a twirler, and I couldn’t wait to show it in my audition,” Willingham said. Dausin can relate to the stress of auditions because even veteran twirlers have to try out

SA Summer Hoops League Champions


Special To Welcome Home ongratulations to the San Antonio Summer Hoops League Divisional Champions for 2013! The team of 11 talented boys from Bush Middle School had the special opportunity to be coached by Reagan High School students, Travis Nordstrom and Michael Turner. The team played in the Middle School – Division 1 Bracket that was made up of all incoming 8th grade boys. After a season of 8 games and a tournament that was played at Bracken Christian School on July 1-3, they completed their season undefeated. San Antonio Summer Hoops originally began to help develop and train various players, both girls and boys, as well as teams for their upcoming season. In a way to uphold the tradition of high school basketball, this league gives opportunities, such as this summer program, for teams to continue to prepare and grow as athletes.


2013-2014 Reagan Twirlers Shae Willingham (left) featuring Margo Dausin (right).

each year. “I am always nervous at auditions, but the training I get at contests helps to hide that fear,” Dausin explained. “Another thing that helped me was being available to help the girls while they were practicing and preparing for their auditions. I held mini-clinics for them to teach the fight song routine and offer feedback on their technique and showmanship. It was a lot of fun, and it gave me that first opportunity to be a leader to other twirlers at my school. Plus, I’m always learning something new myself too.” This will be Dausin’s third year twirling for Reagan High School and her second year as a feature twirler. With Dausin being a senior, this feature year will allow for leadership opportunities within the twirl program…especially with a new twirler. “Like the other programs at Reagan, the marching band has high expectations, so I

was eager to start practicing with Shae right after results were posted. There’s so much to learn, and a lot of preparation goes on behind the scenes to get ready for Rattler Round Up and football half times. I have so many ideas and I am very excited to have a new twirler on board. To be able to mentor and help is what leadership is all about.” Dausin and Willingham also participated at the NBTA’s state contest this summer in Boerne, Texas. They, along with 240 other Texas twirlers, put their hard work “on the floor” for eight judges who came from

(Front Row) Garrett Scott, Timmy Langford, Spencer Gilliam, Sean Vendzules, Ben Werckle (Back Row) Coach-Travis Nordstrom, Dimitri Masters, Lane Morris, Drew Ureste, Mitchell Turner, Jakob Teplitz and CoachMichael Turner. Not Pictured- Adam Hassouneh

Overall, it was a great summer of learning, teamwork and hard work from all that participated. Congratulations again to the boys from Bush on their great achievement! all around the country, and they both had outstanding showings. Willingham took home first place in the novice basic strut, the novice open x-strut and the novice x-strut. Dausin placed third runner-up in intermediate Miss Majorette of Texas, her second consecutive year in overall top five at regionals and state. By the time this article goes to print, she will have also competed in AYOP Nationals at Notre Dame University. Once again, congratulations to Margo Dausin and Shae Willingham!

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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258


Ray-Ban Frame Showcase

By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020 or back to school, at Vision Source, we are hosting a Ray-Ban frame showcase on August 6, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. RayBan is the global leader in premium eyewear market and by far the best-selling eyewear brand in the world. We are excited to have their sun wear and ophthalmic collections available to see firsthand in our office. There will be some great back to school specials as well. This frame line has men’s, women’s,


and children’s designs so we can meet the needs of every member of the family. In addition to their ophthalmic division for your daily wear glasses, Ray-Ban is a leader in sunglass design. Sunglasses can prevent sun damage to your eyes, improve your vision and make a unique fashion statement. At our showcase, we would like everyone to learn about the different types of sunglasses, including polarized lenses and the latest sunglass styles. Children may not be as interested as adults are in the fashion aspect of sunglasses,

Brain Cell Death And Menopause

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 he hallmark of menopause, that embarrassing symptom so difficult to disguise and so distressing, is the hot flash, the sensation of burning hot one minute and then freezing cold. Skin becomes red with flushing of the face and neck, followed by profuse perspiration. But is that symptom really merely a passing momentary discomfort, or something much worse, best described as brain cell death? Scientists at the North Texas Health


Science Center have studies, which indicate that the hot flash is the body’s way of trying to increase glucose utilization by the brain cells. As estrogen declines, the brain becomes less efficient at utilization of glucose, which leads to cognitive decline. For energy, the brain needs a constant, steady supply of glucose. When the brain cells cannot get enough glucose, then literally, one cannot think clearly. Over a period of time, this slow deterioration of memory can produce symptoms very similar to Alzheimer’s




disease. You may have read about the newest pharmaceutical drug to alleviate hot flashes, a remake of an old antidepressant drug with side effects that may include suicide! Depression, a treatable illness, best diagnosed and treated by the psychiatrist, should not be confused with menopause! Recently a potential patient came to me, describing her symptoms in the free 15-minute interview that I offer prior to first appointment. She described crushing fatigue, hot flashes, and insomnia. She admitted to short-term memory loss and word search, “just a minute and it will come to me”. I explained to her that menopause could be best described as an on-going loss, of bone, brain cells, and collagen. Hormone therapy, based on precise laboratory testing, to restore her to the blood level of a young adult, would provide relief for most of her symptoms.

“What about side effects”, she asked. Cancer may occur in women who do and do not receive hormone therapy, but most experts believe that there is an increased risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer in hormonally treated women. Other side effects may include increased risk of blood clots in women who take estrogen by mouth, as opposed to women who receive estrogen through their skin, bypassing the liver. Hormone replacement is a quality of life issue, which must be considered carefully with an in depth exploration of the risks/ benefits. Restore yourself—consider how you will live 50 + years after menopause. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.

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in full swing soon. We will help them have the best and safest experience possible with contact lenses. We have three doctors to serve you and we love being a part of the Stone Oak community and we appreciate the trust you have placed in our team throughout the years. Drs. Monica Allison, Jeffery Capelle, and Lindsey Denison practice at Stone Oak Vision Source located 19202 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste 106. All of the doctors are members of Vision Source, the nation’s number one network of private practice optometrists. Founded in 1991, The Vision Source network includes more than 2100 offices in all 50 states and Canada. If you or a loved one needs to find a family eye doctor, please call (210) 495-9020 or visit

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but because kids spend much more time outdoors than most adults do, sunglasses that block 100 percent of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays are extra important for children. In fact, because children spend significantly more time outdoors than most adults, some experts say that up to half of a person’s lifetime exposure to UV radiation can occur by age 18. We will have styles designed to protect your children’s eyes from all the UV rays, styles that are fun and that they will love wearing! Also, if any family members would like to try contact lenses, we would love to offer some free trials of daily use lenses for them. As students are getting ready for back to school activities, it’s a great opportunity for them to experience the benefits of contact lenses for their sporting events that will be

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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Family, Faith and Fitness at Mays Family YMCA By Amanda Burris


t the Mays Family YMCA, a sense of community and values make up the foundation upon which their facilities and programs are based on. By putting Judeo-Christian principles into practice, the Y aims to build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Including a state-of the-art fitness and athletic center, as well as ten soccer fields, four baseball fields, throwing lanes and batting cages, the Mays Family YMCA is dedicated to providing families, no matter their financial circumstances, an opportunity to stay healthy and active. Mays Family YMCA began its relationship with the community in 2000 as a sports-only facility. By 2007, they opened a wellness center and have seen an increase in involvement since then. “Our goal is to advance healthy living, social responsibility and youth development in our community. We offer many exciting programs for people of all ages that help us meet that goal,” said Philip Ott, North Central District Vice President of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio. The wellness center is beautifully designed and equipped with all of the essentials. The gym floor is filled with treadmills, elliptical machines, stationary bikes, full weight machine circuits and common free weights. The center also features ActivTrax, a “virtual personal trainer”, that is a guiding tool to help members to get fit. “It’s complementary to all of our members,” Ott explained. “Members complete a fitness test to evaluate a current fitness level. Then, the ActivTrax program, along with a wellness coach, will create a customized exercise program.” Along with this great technology, bootcamp, cycling classes, group exercise classes, personal training, Pilates Reformer, senior classes and Silver Sneakers classes are also offered. The Mays Family Y is truly a place for families to come together. While parents enjoy a workout in the wellness center, children have the opportunity to stay entertained and safe in programs such as Childwatch and Kidz Club. Besides childcare services, Mays also provides a place for youth to stay active in a safe and fun environment, by offering an abundance of stimulating programs and sports. Each year, the Mays Family Y serves about 10,000 children through their sports programs that promote the Y’s core values of character, honesty, respect and responsibility. This fall alone, the Mays Family Y expects around 3,400-3,500 kids to participate. Soccer, a popular fall sport, welcomes children as young as age three to join a team. Kids learn to pass, kick and shoot in a team atmosphere while having fun. As kids reach age five,

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Our goal is to advance healthy living, social responsibility and youth development in our community. We offer many exciting programs for people of all ages that help us meet that goal.” – Philip Ott, North Central District Vice President of the YMCA of Greater San Antonio they learn the official rules of the game and basic strategies that will help them develop into better players. Baseball is another sport that many kids enjoy being involved in at Mays. The tee-ball program, offered to kids as young as four, teaches the young baseball players the fundamentals of the game. As children advance, the baseball program includes Pitch and Tee, Coaches Pitch, Single-A and Double-A divisions. Football, another sport offered, is designed to teach sportsmanship, teamwork, strategy and fundamental skills. Beginning with flag football from ages six to ten, then tackle football from ages nine to thirteen, the kids learn everything from throwing, catching, passing and offensive and defensive skills. The volleyball and basketball leagues available are played in the gyms at local schools. With basketball offered as young as age three and volleyball offered at age eight, kids learn all the essential skills to perfect their game while having a great time.

Golf is the youngest sport that has made its home at Mays. By coming together with Kids on Course, this program teaches children integrity, patience, confidence, friendship and respect. With the YMCA being the largest youth sports program in the area, the Mays Family Y believes in incorporating as much family involvement as possible. “We have some sports programs, like soccer, where we actually have ropes courses on the field certain days of the

week,” Ott said. “This promotes fitness for the children when they are out there playing soccer, but also gives moms and dads the opportunity to be active.” Staying involved and reaching out to the community is one way that the YMCA continues to make differences in the lives of families. By promoting playing, exercising and just spending time together, the Y provides numerous opportunities for families to connect, including family activities that are open to the public twice a month. Memberships come in a variety of packages that include two different family plans, a student, an adult and a senior category. “We don’t believe in contracts,” Ott explained, “we try to make membership easy and affordable for everyone. Financial assistance is available through our Open Doors Scholarship Program because we want everyone to be a member here regardless of their economic status.” Through charitable donations and community support through the Y Partners fundraising campaign, numerous families who typically would not be able to afford a gym membership or participate in youth sports are able to participate. One of the Mays Family Y’s largest fundraising events benefitting the Open Doors Scholarship program is the Annual Y Partners Golf Tournament that takes place every November. “We raise $145,000 a year in our community, and the golf tournament is one of the ways we do that,” said Ott. This year the event will take place on November 6th. To become involved in fundraising efforts, the golf tournament or even to become a member, families are encouraged to contact or visit the Welcome Center. John 17:21, a verse from the Bible that reflects the mission of the YMCA and is displayed in the Mays wellness center says, “That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” By being an example to others in their beliefs and in the way that they love, care and make a difference, Mays Family YMCA has found a way to bring families in the community together through active and healthy lifestyles.

Mays Family YMCA 21654 Blanco Rd. 210-497-7088 9

Making Moments Matter

sitting at a place that you went as a child, followed by a little picnic. When planning a visit, think about things you might like to reminisce or learn about. Ask questions. What do they consider the turning point of their life? What was their favorite vacation or childhood game? These questions spur conversation and are wonderful for learning about your ancestors. You can also ask questions about their memories of you, if they don’t always want to talk about themselves. Remind your children they will be in the presence of history and wisdom. Have them come up with a couple questions too. These interactions will help your children remember this time, these visits – this person who has meant so much to you. Find ways to ensure your children feel included and interact in the visit, so they will embrace the amazing opportunities for lifelong memories.

Rid yourself of the guilt trips and put your energy into making moments matter in the next visit. When you talk with your parents let them know you are excited about your next visit. Having meaningful visits will go much further than spending frequent and meaningless time together. If your parent or loved one is not interacting as much or as active as you would like them to be, come see how their days can be more abundant with the numerous things going on and available for them to do at Independence Hill. Call Sherrill, Kathleen or Laura at (210) 209-8956 to set up your personal tour today. Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community is located at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit

You’re Sick & Can’t Get An Appointment – Now What?

a “quick care” or “walk-in clinic”. These types of clinics have similar resources as your Primary Care Provider but can provide the necessary care on a walk-in basis. If you are suffering from acute illness or pain related to an acute injury or if you need help in managing a chronic condition such as high blood pressure of high cholesterol, a “walk-in clinic” may be the most cost effective and time efficient option. Conveniently located off Stone Oak Parkway (close to 1604), FP Walk-In Clinic is able to treat many of the acute and chronic medical concerns you may have without having to wait an extended period of time for an appointment. Because FP Walk-In Clinic accepts most major insurance and bills for a regular office visit, you are able to avoid the higher co-pay amount normally associated with Urgent

Care or Emergency Room visits. If you are a “self-pay” patient, the very competitive rates allow you to receive quality medical care from a licensed professional. The price for initial visits is $75 and a follow-up visit is only $55, plus any additional testing that may be required. For a limited time FP Walk-In Clinic is offering a comprehensive initial visit, including basic labs, for only $75! This is a great opportunity for you to see the newest clinic in your neighborhood, address any medical concerns you may have, and “walk into better health”. Visit FP Walk-In Clinic today at 115 Gallery Circle, Suite 102 (next to Stone Oak MRI) and let PA Adams and the friendly staff help you manage your chronic medical diagnoses or find relief for your acute concern.

By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 orking in the retirement them may be very different from what you community industry, I speak to think. Even though they may not get out of many residents’ family members the house regularly, don’t rule it out. and at times detect feelings of guilt about Many seniors today are veterans. A their parents. Make your visits more wonderful plan is to do something to honor meaningful and memorable. Think quality, their service and the service of those that not quantity. Having an event to anticipate fought beside them. Creating moments can help with having positive thoughts that give someone a sense of purpose or about the upcoming visit. giving back, and doing it as a family, creates Spending time reminiscing or playing cherished and amazing memories. Find your a game will mean more than doing chores “thing,” together. Perhaps attending an event around their home. What’s important to in the community, going to the museum or


By Lee Adams, PA FP Walk-In Clinic (210) 402-0090 hen illness or injury requires you to seek professional medical attention, knowing where to go can be tricky. While life-threatening emergencies or those that involve sudden changes in vision should be addressed in an Emergency Room, many illnesses or injuries can be seen by your regular provider or in a “quick care” or “walk-in clinic” setting.



Unfortunately, many people don’t have a Primary Care Provider to address their nonlife-threatening concerns and those that do may not be able to schedule an appointment for a couple of weeks or, in very busy practices, a couple months. If you don’t have a medical provider you routinely see or if you are unable to schedule an appointment in a reasonable period of time, you may want to consider a visit to

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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Helping People See the Important Things In Life: Texas State Optical—Stone Oak

(L-R) Samantha, Linda, Franchesca, Renee, Dr. Renee Dunlap, Dr. Kara Farmer, Elizabeth, Stephanie, Brenda & Adrianna. Not pictured: Dawn Heiman, Office Manager.

By Amanda Burris


he best way to achieve optimal eye care is with a proper examination. At Texas State Optical (TSO)– Stone Oak, a private optometric practice, patients can expect a welcoming environment with a compassionate staff, individualized care, state-of-the-art technology and treatment by two very qualified optometrists, Dr. Renee T. Dunlap and Dr. Kara Farmer. TSO is a network of independent practicing optometrists in Texas and has been providing “Eyewear you want from doctors you trust” for over 75 years. The Stone Oak office has made its home in the community and has grown to become a place that many choose to fulfill their optical needs. Meet The Optometrists―Dr. Renee T. Dunlap & Dr. Kara Farmer Dr. Dunlap, therapeutic optometrist, optometric glaucoma specialist and Board Certified by the American Board of Optometry brings over 20 years of experience to the office. After graduating cum laude from Illinois Wesleyan University, Dr. Dunlap went on to graduate magna cum laude with a Doctor of Optometry degree from Illinois College of Optometry. She is currently a member of the American Optometric Association, Texas Optometric Association and serves on the TSO Board of Directors. Dr. Kara Farmer, therapeutic optometrist and glaucoma specialist also has brought experience and a passion for eye care to the TSO-Stone Oak family. She received her doctorate from the University of Houston College of Optometry in 2012 after obtaining a Bachelor of Science in biology from Texas A&M University. After acquiring her education, Dr. Farmer went on to compete additional training at Texas Eye Institute, Space Center Eye Associates and Eye Center of Texas where she received extensive training in the management of various conditions including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. Specialty Contact Lenses Dr. Dunlap has extensive experience in contact lens services. TSO-Stone Oak carries specialized lenses for Keratoconus. Dr. Dunlap is one of the few certified fitters in San Antonio for ClearKone hybrid contact lenses by Synergeyes which feature a hard central portion to provide clear, excellent vision and a soft outer portion to offer increased comfort. In addition, both doctors fit patients who may need: • Bifocal Contacts • Specialty Contact Lenses for Corneal Transplants, Intacs, RK and Lasik Surgery • Scleral Contact Lenses • Silicone Hydrogel Contacts • Daily Disposal Contacts • Toric Contacts • Contact lenses for Dry Eyes and the full complement of dry eye treatment

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Eye Diseases―Treatment & Technology Dr. Dunlap and Dr. Farmer are well informed on diagnoses and how to manage and treat eye diseases including glaucoma, dry eye, allergies, infections, injuries, macular degeneration and diabetic retinal disease. They can also perform pre-op evaluations and referrals for LASIK. At TSO-Stone Oak, they are equipped with the latest technology for eye diagnosis with an Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) laser scanner. This device allows for diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma and macular degeneration seven years earlier than with the traditional tests; it also detects many other retinal problems. With advanced technology and a team of specialized professionals, eye diseases can be easily discovered and treated at TSO-Stone Oak.

Diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol all show up in the eyes. If I see deposits or signs of one of these diseases, I can recommend that the patient follow-up with his or her primary care doctor.” – Dr. Renee T. Dunlap, TSO―Stone Oak Pediatric Eye Care Both doctors offer eye examinations for patients of all ages, from infants to seniors. There is a common misperception that children’s vision cannot be evaluated until they reach age six. Nevertheless, by applying eye drops and using specialized equipment to assess the light reflex off the back of the eye, Dr. Dunlap and Dr. Farmer can test the focusing system, eye teaming and tracking of infants as young as six months old. According to national studies, one out of four school age children have an undiagnosed vision problem that can lead to difficulty in learning. “Eighty percent of learning is visual,” explains Dr. Dunlap. “Poor eyesight can lead to other problems in the classroom and stand in the way of a child becoming a successful student. Because infants and younger children cannot communicate well, I use a stronger eye drop that allows me to take an accurate reading of the prescription.” TSO-Stone Oak recommends that children receive an eye exam before school starts each year. They also carry a wide selection of children's’ eyewear, sports glasses, contact lenses and even infant frames. Both doctors are providers for the American Optometric Association’s InfantSEE program, which provides eye examinations on infants 6-12 months of age at no charge. Dr. Dunlap also sees patients through referral from the Hill Country Mission for Health in Boerne, free of charge.

Same Day & Advanced Lens Choices TSO-Stone Oak carries advanced lens choices and frames to fit the entire family. Many prescription lenses can be made in house the same day. • Thin and light high index lenses • Transitions lenses that become dark in the sunlight or the car and even become polarized in sunlight • Progressive, “no-line” bifocals • Anti-reflective lens treatments which decrease glare and eye fatigue • Scratch resistant treatments • UV protection • Polycarbonate and Trivex lenses The Importance of a Yearly Eye Exam Patients should never skip or overlook their yearly eye exam. “Vision can change over time causing eye strain and eye fatigue and general tiredness which many people may attribute to aging,” explains Dr. Dunlap. “However, they may need a prescription change, something we can determine during an eye exam.” More importantly, almost all systemic diseases have the possibility of having some ocular manifestations. “Diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol all show up in the eyes,” stated Dr. Dunlap. “If I see deposits or signs of one of these diseases, I can recommend that the patient follow-up with his or her primary care doctor.” Insurance Provider TSO-Stone Oak accepts most medical and vision insurances including but not limited to, Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, Tricare, VSP, Spectera, Eye Med and Avesis. Schedule Your Exam Today! To find a caring environment, individual treatment and top optical care, TSO-Stone Oak is the place to go. With a highly qualified staff and two doctors, you are bound to find the best treatment in the area. TSO-Stone Oak is located in Stone Ridge Market (by the H-E-B Plus) off U.S. Hwy 281 N. and Evans Rd. Call 210-490-EYES (3937) or visit to make an appointment.

Texas State Optical–Stone Oak 21019 U.S. Hwy 281, Suite 832 210-446-3422 11


Phil Yamin’s Top Dish At

Del Fuego’s Char-Grilled Restaurante

emember Amorcito’s on 1604 off Bitters? Well now this beautiful building has been changed to a great new Restaurant called Del Fuegos CharGrilled Restaurante. The food is better than ever and the bar has been expanded to accommodate terrific outdoor seating on the inviting patio. A new patio has also been

added in the front of Del Fuegos as well. All the dishes are incredible. My Top Dish is The Beef Tenderloin With Chimichurri served with cilantro, white rice and beans. But get this, all entrees are accompanied with a cheese enchilada, homemade tortillas, guacamole and pico de gallo. The popular appetizer at Del Fuegos is the “Fall off the

Bone” Char Grilled pork ribs served with a Kentucky Bourbon sauce. You’ve got to get this for the table. Other great choices are, Fish Tacos, Street Tacos, Puffy Tacos, all different kinds of Enchiladas, Char-Grilled sizzling Fajitas, Breast of Chicken with green pepper Coulis sauce, Shrimp Brochette, Seafood and much more. I noticed when I was there, numerous times, there’s a little stage built for live entertainment. Eat, Drink and enjoy Live Music at Del Fuegos. I really want you to check out their website at www. It’s a great one and the pictures are fabulous. It will definitely make you want to go there. Happy Hour starts at 2 o’clock Monday through Friday and goes

till 7 p.m. –that’s another time you want to show up. The Margaritas are exceptional along with the other famous concoctions and the beer is ice-cold. One more thing before I go... Del Fuegos has a large Private Room for Mixers, Rehearsal Dinners, and Private Parties. Do yourself a favor when you go to Del Fuegos. Tell them you came for Phil Yamin’s Top Dish, “The Char-Grilled Beef Tenderloin”. Call ahead at 210-493-2204. Del Fuegos is on 2318 N. Loop 1604 at Bitters and is open seven days a week. Watch Great Restaurants San Antonio on KSAT 12.

Join the Fun – Girl Scouts for Everyone Submitted By Risa Weinberger t may still be summer, but the Girl Scout Bush Lopez Service Unit Team is working hard to set up a great calendar for the coming school year. Service unit activities will include a ‘Family Fun Day’ at Life Time Fitness, ‘Tree Planting’ in an area park, a ‘Mother Daughter Holiday Celebration’, ‘Girl Scout World Thinking Day’, of course the annual ‘Father Daughter Gala Ball’ for elementary Girl Scouts, and the return of the ‘Bush Lopez Service Camping Weekend’. The Bush Lopez Service Unit consists of Girl Scout troops in Stone Oak, Vineyard, Rogers Ranch, and Tuscany Heights areas. This service unit is the second largest service unit in the entire Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Council and one of the most active service units in the San Antonio area.


New troops will be forming during the last couple of weeks of August and the first couple of weeks in September. Girls in kindergarten – 12th grade can become a Girl Scout. The most important component of the Girl Scout program is the adult volunteers. Without the volunteers stepping up to take on leadership roles, girls are left out of this wonderful organization. As the Girl Scout Mission Statement says, “Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.” Be a part of one of the largest femalebased organizations in the world. Today, there are 3.2 million Girl Scouts—2.3 million girl members and 890,000 adult members working primarily as volunteers. Two Bush Lopez Service Unit Membership Rallies have been planned

for new members, girls of all ages and adults. For Canyon Ridge Elementary, Las Lomas Elementary, Stone Oak Elementary, Bush Middle School, and Buckner Fanning Christian School plan to attend the rally on Thursday, September 12th from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the Sally Cheever Girl Scout Leadership Center, 811 Girls develop courage, confidence, and character when they join Girl N. Coker Loop, 78216 (behind Scouts. the IBC Bank off Hwy 281 on N. Coker Loop. The goal is to form and Nakoma). For Hardy Oak Elementary, Wilderness Oak Elementary, enough troops to include all the girls who Tuscany Heights Elementary, Vineyard would like to become a Girl Scout. For more information about the Ranch Elementary, Lopez Middle School, and Concordia Lutheran School plan to membership rallies or any other aspect of attend the membership rally on Thursday, Girl Scouts, contact Mary Ann Salinas at September 19th from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the or Sandi LeDoux Sally Cheever Girl Scout Leadership Center at

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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

We Keep You Rolling


By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

he time has come to enjoy one last road trip before its back to school time. Make sure your car is as ready as you are to send those kids back to school, because August always challenges us with high temperatures. Here are 6 items to complete before you enjoy the end of summer: Anti-freeze – This solution keeps your vehicle from freezing in the winter, but also keeps your vehicle from overheating in the summer by increasing the boiling point of water. When you check your coolant it should be full and clean, not rust colored or brown.

Belts, Fans, & Hoses – The accessory belt shouldn’t look dry, rotted or cracked. When checking hoses they shouldn’t feel mushy or soft, they should be firm. If there are leaks, or cracks, a breakdown is sure to follow. Lastly, take a peek at the cooling fans, as these will ensure your car doesn’t overheat. Battery – It’s a misconception that the winter is harder on your vehicle’s battery than summer. With the combination of the extra heat under the hood, which depletes a weak battery of its power more quickly, and the added load of the air-condition, the summer reeks havoc on batteries. We

suggest having the battery load tested, and review the terminals, assuring they are free of corrosion and are clean and tight. Air Conditioner – It’s a fate we all fear: a poorly working or non-existent air conditioner in August! Make sure those freon levels are in tip top shape, and don’t forget to check you’re a/c system for leaks. Fluids – Before the interior check is complete, don’t forget about the details, like the levels of your transmission fluid, engine oil, power steering fluids and brake fluid. These will all help keep important components working smoothly and prevent future damage or catastrophic failure of components. Exterior – Last is to inspect parts on the outside. Check your tire pressure and the condition of the tires, and always look for burned-out lights needing replacement. Lastly, make sure your wipers are working well for those unexpected summer showers. We would love to see you at any of our four locations to assist you with these

checks, and more. Make sure you ask us about our Summer Special that includes: 38 Point Vehicle Inspection, A/C Service (which includes evacuate and recharge), Good Oil Change, Tire Rotation for $99.95. Find more money saving coupons and specials at From our family to yours: Buckle up and drive safe! Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has four locations: 13811 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78232, phone number (210) 494-0017; 29137 IH-10 W., Boerne, TX 78006, phone number (830) 981-9700; 8825 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, TX 78240, phone number (210) 481-3330; 22000 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78259, phone number (210) 690-1100. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive. com.

Tips For Pool And Deck Surfaces By Barry Hagendorf Deck & Patio Care (210) 822-9147 ith 20 years of experience, I have become the expert on how to care for decks, fences, flagstone and pebble stone. My expertise is in cleaning and sealing exterior surfaces and exterior and interior painting. If a limb falls from a tree, it slowly


decomposes. Eventually, the log turns back into soil over the passage of years. Nature does that for us. Now, let’s say we had taken that same log to a sawmill and turned the lumber into 2x6 deck boards. In the construction phase, the carpenter would have built the deck in a way to eliminate moisture traps. Architects Digest would give this newly constructed deck a 9 to 14-year life without any care or sealing. With the proper care,

Deck & Patio Care Cleaning & Sealing Decks for 28 years in San Antonio

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however, that expensive deck can last more than 35 years. This can be accomplished by using an oil based penetrating sealer like Barry’s Premium Blend. Cedar and redwood boards rot from the bottom up. It is important to use a sealer that will follow the dry cell structure line. The sealer will flow to the bottom of cracks, through the knots, down the nails and over the end of the boards. Periodic resealing between 12 and 18 months allows

the sealer to penetrate deeper and deeper with each renewal. You never lose the sealer being placed into the wood, but with gravity, the sealer continues to move down through the board. I now maintain over 10,000 decks using the Barry’s Premium Blend oil penetrating system. As a Welcome Home reader, you are entitled to a five percent discount on any scheduled deck or patio service offered by Barry Hagendorf’s Deck and Patio Care.





Rusty Belden Vice President


Our proprietary Oil-Based Penetrating Sealers are designed to STOP Rotting, Warping & Splitting!

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by Barry Hagendorf

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You’re Invited!

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Therapeutic Optometrist Optometric Glaucoma Specialist Board Certified Optometrist by the American Board of Optometry

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Reagan High School Welcomes A New Principal By Amanda Burris onald Reagan once said, “There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination and wonder.” These are words that Brenda Shelton is inspired by as she takes on her newly appointed position as the principal at Ronald Reagan High School. As a local to the Stone Oak community, Shelton has a personal connection to the area and the people. With two girls of her own, she has had the chance to watch the local schools being built and witness how they have grown into successful educational facilities, influencing the lives of hundreds of students. Shelton began her career in education as a science teacher at McArthur High School. Developing her career by moving up to assistant principal, she formed relationships and gained experience there for around six years. Her passion soon took her to Wood Middle School where she was the principal for three years. Most recently, Shelton had the pleasure to use her talents as the principal at Tejeda Middle School. She is now more than happy to find herself at Reagan High School. With both of her daughters having attended Reagan, it is a place of great memories and fondness for her. “I’ve enjoyed every place I’ve been,” Shelton explained. “I’ve learned and grown, and it’s been a very fun journey. I


love education and I love what I do. I’ve enjoyed every community, but this is where I live and this is probably where my heart is.” While working at Reagan, Shelton plans to build her time around three main things: relationships, responsibility and results. Inspired by seeing the students grow and mature, she truly believes that students developing character will ultimately lead them to success. Fortunately for her, she doesn’t have to take on all her new responsibilities alone. “My job is to work alongside the fabulous staff that is already in place. And while it is my job to lead, I don’t lead by myself. I will lead with a great team of people that is established and in place.” Each school year brings new faces, challenges and goals to reach. As an experienced educator and administrator, Brenda Shelton also brings her positive attitude, inspiring goals and love of the community to Ronald Reagan High School, as she begins her exciting new journey as the principal.

SA Artist Dazzles With SelfTaught Techniques Special To Welcome Home or some people, learning how to paint means taking classes, studying with artists and lots of trial and error. For others, learning how to paint is like a fish learning how to swim. In May 2012, a coworker gave teacher Sheryll Putnam a paintbrush and told her their school’s science lab needed a mural. “I had never held a brush before, and this leap of faith seemed very foolish,” Putnam says. “Like the obedient team-player I am, I nodded my head and said a prayer, ‘Don’t let me embarrass myself.’ The painting appeared like magic on the wall.” As an artist, Putnam describes herself as “self-taught.” She would try to learn from books, but she found her efforts to be “passionless and flat.” Then, she decided to do something that was different. “I finally decided to try an experimental approach--whatever ‘felt’ right would go,” she explained. “Suddenly, it was as if the paintbrush took on a life of its own. I looked at books afterwards again, and I was surprised at how I picked up techniques just by trying things out on my own.” Putnam’s use of different types of media came through experimentation also. After trying out different paints, she found that acrylic works best since most of her painting is done in one session. “Having wet paint for extended periods of time isn’t feasible when you have a house with small children.” Like all artists, Putnam puts symbolism into her work. Water is in almost every one


of her pieces in different forms, moods and stages. “My moods seem to influence how the water looks, whether it is turbulent, calm or a little moody,” she explains. “I associate water with cleansing and rebirth. I believe that the water also represents what cannot be controlled, but can be overcome, dealt with and transformed by. There have been powerful forces at work in my life and I’m not afraid of water anymore.” Putnam also favors fences because she feels that they stem from daily choices made and the boundaries she puts in place and interactions with others based on difficult experiences in the past. To her, they seem to mean and represent caution and control. “Painting makes me feel alive, hopeful, powerful,” she says. “When I paint, it is almost like I rise above myself and my past. I speak a different language that can resonate in others who see my story in my work. Despite those fences, I want to be heard, seen and understood.” And while Putnam signs her work, she prefers to leave the titles of her work up to the viewer’s opinion. “Most pieces do not have names,” Putnam explained. “I like them to speak to others and whisper titles to whoever views them.” When not making new creations on canvas, Putnam is a fourth-grade teacher at Neil Armstrong Elementary School at South San ISD. Her work can be found online at SherrysShowblingThings.

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

The Braces Oasis – Schatz Orthodontics T By Alissa Nagle

here isn’t anything that can brighten up a day as quickly as a beautiful smile. Think about it! A smile is truly contagious, especially a healthy one! At Schatz Orthodontics, San Antonio’s “braces oasis,” Dr. Eric Schatz expertly crafts beautiful smiles for each of his valued patients. “I chose to go into orthodontics for many reasons,” said Dr. Schatz. “I love the science behind it and the fact that I’m affecting my patients’ growth. But what I really enjoy is witnessing how my patients’ confidence brightens, and their ability to go out and accomplish things in life is awakened through treatment.”

I chose to go into orthodontics for many reasons. I love the science behind it and the fact that I’m affecting my patients’ growth.” – Dr. Eric Schatz DDS Schatz Orthodontics A San Antonio native, Dr. Schatz’ practice has grown right along with the rapidly expanding north side of town. In November of 2011, he opened a brand new spacious office located in the Village at Stone Oak. The tropical-inspired décor and relaxing beachy vibe will make you think you’ve stepped into an island oasis. “The kids love it,” explained Dr. Schatz of his practice’s island feel. “And when patients come to our office, it’s our goal to provide a memorable experience, not just an office visit. We become much more than just their orthodontist, we really enjoy getting to know each of our patients and their families.” Over the years, that special relationship between Dr. Schatz and his patients has bridged generations, a true testament to how he runs his practice. “It’s been the greatest thing, to see how our patients refer us to their friends and family members,” said Dr. Schatz.

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

To energize and inspire his patients to remain excited about their treatment and the journey toward a healthy smile, Dr. Schatz and his enthusiastic staff frequently organize motivational contests and other special events. Patients and their families recently joined the staff for an annual movie night outing to Alamo Drafthouse where they enjoyed each others company for a night of fun. Dr. Schatz also enjoys an active presence in the school community. Schatz Orthodontics is very supportive of local schools. To kick-off STAAR testing, Dr. Schatz donated breakfast to teachers to show his support and appreciation for their role in shaping our growing future leaders. “Organizing contest and special events is our way of showing our appreciation, and we have fun in the process” explained Dr. Schatz. With a beautiful location, a growing family of patients, and a warm, friendly environment, at Schatz Orthodontics, patients are always welcomed with a big smile and a friendly Aloha! Initial visits are complimentary, relaxed, conversational and informative. “During that first visit we discuss our patients’ goals and desires for their smile and what we hope to accomplish through treatment,” said Dr. Schatz. If treatment is indicated, each patient receives a treatment plan specifically designed for his or her needs and lifestyle. Dr. Schatz treats both children and adults and his office is equipped with the technology to accommodate any age. Invisalign® clear aligners, Invisalign Teen™, clear braces, low-friction self-ligated brackets, early treatment, and combined orthodontic and surgical treatments are all wonderfully effective options for treatment. Awarded numerous honors throughout his education and training, and fully committed to the importance of continuing education, Dr. Schatz has built a reputation on beautiful

smiles. Dr. Schatz is constantly staying up to date with the latest methods and technologies. As a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and a member of various other organizations, Dr. Schatz offers the best treatment to go along with a memorable visit. Surrounded by a highly experienced staff, he has created a fun, stress-free environment where patients can feel comfortable beginning their journey to a straight, beautiful – and most of all, healthy – smile.

Schatz Orthodontics 22610 US Hwy 281 N, Suite 201 210-272-7129





Family Medicine

Allergy and Immunology Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 24 342-6200 see map pg. 19 Southwest Allergy & Asthma Martin • Rodriguez Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 494-0690 •


Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 545-5224 • Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men

Chiropractor Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic Wellness, P.A. Michael R. Golab, D.C. 1205 N. FM 1604 W., Suite 211 4 764-8888 • see map pg. 19

Dermatology San Antonio Dermatology Board Certified in Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Suite 103 497-1475 • see map pg. 19



Diabetes Specialist

Diabetes America Dr. Charles A. Reasner 20330 Huebner Rd., Suite 104 37 866-MY-DIABETES • see map pg. 19

Ear, Nose & Throat Adult/Ped. Advanced Sinus Clinic Anthony P. Sertich, II, M.D., F.A.C.S. 502 Madison Oak, Suite 346 37 614-8625 • see map pg. 19

Ear Specialist Ear Institute of Texas Lance E. Jackson, MD, FACS 525 Oak Centre, Suite 100 696-HEAR (4327)

Facial Plastic Surgery William R. Thornton, M.D., F.A.C.S. Ophthalmic/Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Cosmetic Eye Lid & Facial Surgery 15316 Huebner Rd., Suite 101 576-5150 (by appt.)

Family Dentistry Smile Source® Dr. Cheryl E. Hubble & Dr. Kaci L. Tibbetts 2950 Thousand Oaks Dr., Suite. 16 496-5422 • see map pg. 19 64

Reshmey Medical Clinic David K. Tharakan, M.D. 57 Family Practice • see map pg. 19 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 301 828-2311 • Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. John N. Phillips, M.D. and Medical Staff 225 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 32 496-7999 • see map pg. 19


Texas Fertility Center Summer L. James, M.D. 502 Madison Oak Dr., Suite 230 370-3800

Gastroenterology & Pain Mgmt. Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio Michael J. Guifl, MD, James F. Jackson, MD. Donna McMyler, M.D., Richard T. Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 614-1234 • see map pg. 19 40 San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates J. Johnson, MD, Eddie Flores, MD. M Lindner, M.D., J. Bullock, MD 150 East Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 36 545-2555 • see map pg. 19 Theda Oaks Gastroenterology Endoscopy and Pain Management Center J. Theard, MD, M. Naeem, MD, U. Dar, MD S. Dar, MD, S. Vasireddy MD 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy. 268-0129 •




Neurosurgical Associates of S. A., P.A. Donald L. Hilton MD., Arnold B. Vardiman MD. Donald P. Atkins MD. 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 240 477-1956 •

Obstetrics Gynecology

Serrano OB/GYN Christopher Serrano, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. 20726 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 545-7700




Pediatrics Pulmonary & Sleep

Dr. Monica Allison, O.D. 12 Dr. Jeffrey Capelle, O.D. 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite. 106, see map pg. 19 495-9020 • Stone Oak Vision Source

Kelly J. Smith, MD 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 615-3700


Dr. John M. Nevelow, O.D., F.A.A.O. Erin M. Nevelow, O.D. 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 120 349-2437 “Discoveries Thru Vision”

Stone Oak Pharmacy Specialty Compounding & Delivery Retail Pharmacy Services & DME 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 494-4272 • see map pg. 19

Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) • see map pg. 19

Healthlink Outpatient Rehab Center 525 Oak Centre, Suite 450 297-4525 • see map pg. 19


Vision Source Encino Dr. Diane Gonzales 2339 Evans Rd., Suite 104 404-2015

Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care D.M. Chaney • W. Strash • R. Perez, DPM’s 57 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Bldg. 3, Suite 302 829-8770 (by Clock Tower) • see map pg. 19



South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers North Central Imaging Center 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 31 617-9000 • see map pg. 19

A thru Z Pediatrics Meena Chintapaui, MDFAAP, CEO 1314 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 102 490-8888 • see map pg. 19

Surgery - General


Huebner Pediatrics Dr. Michelle Storandt • Dr. Adelnery Gonzalez 15714 Huebner Rd., Bldg. 3 447-3000 Tejas Pediatrics Dr Bauer, Dr Beatty, Dr. Henigan 20642 Stone Oak Pkwy. 479-3000

Stone Oak General Surgery George Tuchsen M.D. 540 Madison Oak, Suite 220 494-7979

Urgent Care

Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice 115 Gallery Circle, Suite 102 481-6060 • Family Practice, Open 7 Days

Pediatric Dentistry





Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Suite 201 272-7129 •

Little Teeth of Texas Shawna Gerling, D.D.S. 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 102 497-8787 • see map pg. 19


Physical Rehabilitation Institute Dr. Bussey • D. Harrington S. Fontenot • S. Bussey 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 107 545-9355 (well) • see map pg. 19

Orthodontics For Adults/Children Britton and Ferris Orthodontics Bloyce H. Britton III., DDS, • MS Tyler W. Ferris, DDS, • MS 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 497-6688 • see map pg. 19


Physical Therapy

To add your listing to the Stone Oak Medical & Professional Directory, call 210-348-8233 16

Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Suite 103 491-4141 • see map pg. 19


North Central Baptist Hospital Baptist Regional Children’s Center 520 Madison Oak Dr. 297-4000 • see map pg. 19

Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 119 697-3821 • see map pg. 19

San Antonio Eye Center Abrams, Erdmancyzk, Hahn, Harris, Nicolau, Ming-Zhao, Stephenson, Roberts 14807 San Pedro 226-6169 •

Weight Loss

San Antonio Weight Loss Center Jorge L. Rincon, MD FACS 1162 E Sonterra Blvd., Suite 210 587-7744

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio (R) and the Stone Oak Allergy team.

Living and Breathing An Enjoyable Life By Amanda Burris “LIFE CHANGING FREEDOM! That is what Dr. Amanda Trott has given our family with her cutting edge treatment and care at Stone Oak Allergy,” said Frederick, Rahnae and Joshua of the Johnson Family. “For years we suffered with the miserable symptoms of seasonal allergies. Watching our son have problems with congestion and trouble sleeping, we turned to Dr. Trott. She is innovative, compassionate, caring and dedicated to helping each and every one of her patients as if they were her only one. We now have the freedom to be outdoors enjoying nature instead of being indoors, captive to our allergies, and our son can now participate in school sports. Try Dr. Amanda Trott as we did. You walk in as a patient and leave as family.” At Stone Oak Allergy, an enthusiastic and friendly staff, headed by Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio, is eager to welcome and assist old and new patients, to get them living a more enjoyable life, just like the Johnson family. While South Texas locals are more than familiar with sneezing, runny noses and the various other symptoms that are the consequence of allergies, Dr. Trott-Gregorio offers testing and treatments to manage these nuisances. “Since living here for the past year, the biggest thing that I’ve noticed about the population of San Antonio is just how allergic patients are,” said Dr. Amanda TrottGregorio. “It’s rare that you meet someone that doesn’t complain of allergic symptoms, and yet, the majority go untreated and unevaluated and just kind of suffer through it. It is a shame because it really interferes with your quality of life.” Allergies, an abnormal reaction of the immune system to typically harmless substances, can not only cause unwanted symptoms but can also be the cause of asthma and eczema, which she also treats. Consequently, allergies and associated problems can keep many people from everyday activities, places and opportunities.

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

At Stone Oak Allergy, Dr. Trott-Gregorio and her team not only work with their patients on a personal level to find out the causes of the problems, but they also work to obtain the perfect solution specifically designed for each person. “Skin testing is the way to determine your specific allergies, so that you know what to avoid,” Dr. TrottGregorio explained. “You can tailor your mediation regimen to be scheduled certain times of the year that you know that the things to which you are allergic are going to be in the air. Injections are specifically tailored for each individual patient to include only the allergens to which that patient is sensitized.” Injections work to change your immune systems so that you can be around the things to which you were previously allergic and no longer have symptoms. This life-changing experience has impacted a number of people in San Antonio and the surrounding area. The shots can be given as a cluster, which allows individuals to feel better in roughly eight weeks, or a slower method, which is over a period of 29 weeks. “My treatment under Dr. Trott has been a life-changing experience,” said patient Jennifer Terveen. “I had always suffered from severe year-round allergy symptoms, and I haven’t really had any symptoms since my second week of cluster shots. It’s just made such a huge difference!” Whether it is treatment through avoidance, medication or injections, Stone Oak Allergy is determined to find the right solution for each person who walks through the door. Although allergies and asthma are the most commonly treated conditions, Dr. Trott-Gregorio also sees patients for allergic skin disorders, chronic cough, non-allergic nasal symptoms, immune deficiencies, and patients who have recurrent infections. Her skills and expertise in these areas are not limited to any particular age, opening the door to even newborns, from which various mothers benefited. “My baby had a severe rash all over, especially on his face, since he was 2 days old, and we saw a pediatrician and a dermatologist who both told me to stop breastfeeding,” explained Melinda Rippy, mother of 9-month-old patient Luke. “I wanted to find a way to fix his rash and continue breastfeeding, and Dr. Trott was the first doctor who took the time to listen and figure out a way to make both of

My treatment under Dr. Trott has been a life changing experience.” – Jennifer Terveen Stone Oak Allergy Patient those things happen. Now his rash is gone!” Due to her passion for her practice and for truly helping people, Dr. Trott-Gregorio has focused her profession into a way of reaching out to the people of the community and making a difference in their lives. “The thing that sets us apart is really that we treat patients like family. Every patient is unique and is treated individually. If I don’t feel like I’ve given 100 percent of myself to that patient, as far as doing everything in my power to make them better, I wake up at night thinking about it,” Dr. Trott-Gregorio explained. “I feel like it is important to love what you do, and getting to know people every day and learning about their lives is such a blessing.” At Stone Oak Allergy, patients will feel right at home as they join Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio and her talented staff on a journey to enhance their lives. Visit their office on Sonterra Boulevard or call 210-494-0690 to schedule an appointment.

Stone Oak Allergy 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 (210) 494-0690 17

What Is An Infertility Evaluation?


Dr. Summer L. James Texas Fertility Center (210) 370-3800

eeing a fertility specialist for an infertility evaluation can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing what to expect beforehand can alleviate some of the stress of figuring out your fertility status. At our office, we will first talk to you about your medical history, including what medications you use, what your menstrual cycle is like and what your past pregnancies, if any, were like.

In order to conceive, you need a normal uterus, normal ovaries with plenty of eggs, normal fallopian tubes and normal sperm. Therefore, we need to evaluate all these things. At your first appointment, we typically do a transvaginal ultrasound in the office to look at your uterus and ovaries. During the ultrasound, we will be looking for things that can reduce your pregnancy rate, like uterine fibroids, uterine polyps

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then out both fallopian tubes. Blockages of the tubes can be visualized with this test. Finally, we will order a semen analysis. Semen parameters—such as semen volume, sperm count, sperm motility (how many are swimming) and sperm morphology or shape—are especially important for fertility. Millions of normally shaped, motile sperm are needed for fertilization in the fallopian tube. Once these things are completed, you will be asked to come back to the office to discuss the results of all the tests. Based on the results, pregnancy rates for different types of treatment can be provided, and a plan of action will be formulated Dr. James is Board Certified in Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility and Obstetrics. Call 210-370-3800 to make an appointment or receive more info on fertility testing. .

TSO Announces Cruise Winners

We will match or beat ANY price in the state!


and certain types of ovarian cysts. The ultrasound is usually painless and can be done at any point in your menstrual cycle. Next, we will do some blood work to assess your ovarian reserve, which is how many eggs you have left. Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, and the number of eggs declines with age. Fewer eggs can make getting pregnant more difficult, and some women lose eggs faster than others. The tests you will have done are follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and antimullerian hormone (AMH). These numbers help us determine your chance for pregnancy with various types of treatment. We will also make sure your fallopian tubes are open. This is done in a radiology department with a test called a hysterosalpingogram (HSG). A small catheter is introduced through the cervix into the uterus. Under fluoroscopic (X-ray) guidance, dye is placed into the uterus and

18866 Stone Oak Pkwy, Suite 101 (Easy Access From Stone Oak Pkwy or Sonterra Blvd.) 494-4272 •

Special To Welcome Home t Texas State Optical (TSO), there was a ten-week referral contest that recently took place, as a fun way for patients to get involved. Patients could refer new clients to the office for an opportunity to win a seven-day, all expenses paid, luxury cruise for two on the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 the random drawing was performed and Texas State Optical-Stone Oak had two very lucky winners! Congratulations to TSOStone Oak’s very own employee, Frankie Sandoval, and patient Kenneth Keller who


Cruise winners Kenneth Keller and Frankie Sandoval with Dr. Renee T. Dunlap.

were fortunate enough to win the cruise. TSO-Stone Oak would like to wish them the best as they set off, and send them a happy reminder to not forget their sunglasses!

800 McCullough San Antonio, TX 78215 Hours: M – F, 7 am – 5 pm Phone: (210) 226-6169 14807 San Pedro San Antonio, TX 78232 Hours: M – F, 8 am – 5 pm Optical also open Sat, 8 am – 2 pm Phone: (210) 495-2020

When you come to the San Antonio Eye Center for your eye health needs, you can rest assured you are getting the most comprehensive services available.

Our comprehensive services include:

• Complete Eye Examinations & Screenings • Consultations • Surgeries, Laser Procedures, & Other Treatments • Glasses, Sunglasses, & Contact Lenses If you have your exam with us we are also offering 20% OFF glasses & 10% OFF contact lenses. 18

2119 Commercial San Antonio, TX 78221 Hours: M – F, 8 am – 5 pm Phone: (210) 922-0604 6151 NW Loop 410 Suite 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 Hours: T – F, 8 am – 5 pm Phone: (210) 226-6169 2362 E SouthCross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 Hours: Call for hours Phone: (210) 226-6169

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258



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Physical Rehabilitation Institute 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 107 210-545-9355 Internal Medicine of Stone Oak 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 105 210-490-3800 Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Inst. 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 101 210-495-4335 17 Green fields market 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-495-4644 19 21714 Hardy Oak Little Teeth of Texas (Shawna Gerling, DDS) 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 102 210-497-8787 20 Premier Pain consultants 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 215 210-298-4900 21 21702 Hardy Oak 22 Hope Church has moved 17903 Corp. Woods Drive 210-545-4673 (10:15 a.m. Sundays) 23 North Central Urgent Care 19223 Stone Hue 210-490-5911 24 Family Allergy & Asthma 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-342-6200 25 Stone Oak Medical Office Bldg. Center For Cosmetic Surgery 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-545-4848 Urology Of Stone Oak 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-490-3040 26 north central baptist hospital 210-297-4000 Healthlink 525 Oak Centre, Ste. 450 210-297-4525 27 The Atrium building Dr. Sertich 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 346 210-614-8625 Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 140 210-647-3838 28 Stone Oak Physicians Plaza II 29 Stone Oak Physicians Plaza I Lan Anh Ngo, M.D., P.A. 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 140 210-494-9109 South Texas Heartbeat 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 260 210-408-2343 30 Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Red l

Methodist Stone Oak Hospital

1604 64

1 STONE OAK PLAZA Alamo Eye Institute, PA (Lynnell C. Lowry, MD) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 119 210-697-3821 K Charles and Co. Full Service Salon 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 123 210-403-0955 Stone Oak Orthodontics (Tito Norris, DDS, P.A.) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 207 210-402-3322 2 Cornerstone Church 3 The Blanco Market Center Great Clips For Hair 18630 Blanco Rd, Ste. 114 210-404-0994 4 The Vineyard Shopping Center Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic and Wellness PC 1205 N. Loop 1604 W., Ste. 211 210-764-8888 5 Bismarck Art Studio 930 Proton, Ste. 202 210-379-8743 11 Stone Oak Village Slater White Cleaners 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 101 210-494-4126 State Farm Insurance, Betsy Dippo 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 112 210-496-3276 Stone Oak Florist 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 104 210-495-7442 12 Stone Oak SQUARE Vision Source 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-495-9020 13 Stone hue Center Pizza Hut 20323 Huebner Rd, Ste. 103 210-497-1123 14 ERA colonial Real estate 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 260 210-477-9400 15 Stone hue Professional Plaza North Hills Family Medicine 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 104 210-481-6800 San Antonio Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 103 210-497-1475 16 the medical Park at stone oak Romes Pizza 19298 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-490-0700 Good Night Pediatrics 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, 210-545-7581

Area Map


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Reagan High School




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Thousand Oaks

31 Sonterra Medical Park South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-617-9000 32 SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Chiropractic 225 E. Sonterra, Ste. 113 210-493-9119 Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. 225 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-496-7999 33 325 E. Sonterra Blvd. 34 325 E. Sonterra Blvd. Dr. Kevin J. Whritenour Au.D. 18838 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 210-316-7856 35 Spine Hospital of SOUTH Texas 36 Stoneterra medical plaza S.A.G.A. 150 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 100 210-545-2555 CVS Pharmacy 120 E. Sonterra Blvd. 210-404-9006 stoneterra retail Center Prescott’s Orthotics & Prosthetics 158 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 106 210-496-0800 Stone Oak Pharmacy 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 101 210-494-4272 37 The Creek at stone oak Diabetes America 20330 Huebner Rd., Ste. 104 866-693-4223 Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry (Susie Hayden, DDS) 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 210-491-4141 40 Gastroenterology Consultants of s.a. 855 Proton Road 210-614-1234 42 Dermatology Associates 18540 Sigma Road 210-490-4661 43 The Club At Sonterra 901 Sonterra Boulevard 210-496-1560 45 La arcata center Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition & Wellness 115 N. Loop 1604, Suite. 1207 210-545-1144 46 19310 StONE OAK PARKWAY 47 mcdonalds 20750 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-403-9066 48 Best Western Hotel 18555 US.  Hwy. 281 N. 210-490-9191

49 International Bank of Commerce 18750 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste. 100 210-496-6111 50 Stone ridge market International Bank of Commerce HEB at Hwy. 281 and Evans Rd. 210-369-2914 210-283-6500 Texas State Optical 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 210-490-3937 (EYES) 52 sonterra office park 53 SA DENTAL SPECIALISTS Britton and Ferris Orthodontics 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-497-6688 54 115 Gallery Circle Dr. Webb’s Chiropractic & Wellness 115 Gallery Circle, Ste. 209 210-798-9322 55 Stone oak crossing center 56 Lane K. Walsh, dds 1162 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 200 210-499-1110 57 clock tower Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 302 210-828-8770 A Thru Z Pediatrics 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 102 210-490-8888 Reshmey Medical Clinic 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 301 210-828-2311 58 Methodist stone oak hospital Alamo Maxillofacial Surgical Assoc., PA 1139 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 505 210-402-3550 59 San Antonio Federal Credit Union 1717 N. Loop 1604 E 210-258-1604 60 wells fargo bank 18488 Blanco Rd. 210-856-1141 61 Wells Fargo Bank 20826 Hwy. 281 N. 210-856-8408 62 Holy Trinity Catholic Church/Banquet Hall 20523 Huebner Road 210-497-4200 / 0700 63 The Fellowship of san antonio 23755 Canyon Golf Road 210-402-3672 64 smile source 2950 Thousand Oaks Dr., Ste. 16 210-496-5422


Cadets Learn To Be Members Of The Government.

Paying too much for Healthcare? Try a new innovated approach.

Katherine Hardy and Ashley Ruzicki learn about campaigning at Girls State.

• Business Memberships • Family Memberships • Pay for the Services You Need Business Healthcare Solutions is taking a new approach to helping you save on healthcare for your business and family, offering a concierge doctor service allowing you to lower your expenses while keeping your family and employees on the path to healthy living.

For more information on member benefits and cost, contact Ida at:

210-305-1338 or 540 Oak Centre Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78258 “The gold standard for gallbladder and acid reflux surgery.” The da Vinci® allows Dr. George Tuchsen to operate through smaller, less invasive incisions. Thus, allowing for faster recovery times, less pain, and minimal scarring.

“In my opinion, it has be come the gold standard for gallbladder and acid reflux surgery. The gallbladder is now removed through one incision hidden in the navel. When I perform a Nissen fundoplication for acid reflux, my patients have noticeably less pain and shorter hospital stay. It allows people to return to function, return to living, and return to the things they love, faster.” —Dr. Tuchsen

To learn more, visit or call (210) 494–7979 for a physician referral.


Samir Wadwania, Faisal Lalani, David Bykowski (competition director), Liam Crumm and Tony Bellm.

Submitted By Paul Loveless any Americans go through life with only a vague notion of how their state and local government works. Beyond the completion of a single high school government class, only a small percentage of American citizens ever immerse themselves in the study of how ideas become bills, and how bills become laws. However, three Army JROTC cadets from Ronald Reagan High School were selected to attend camps that some have described as crash courses covering how our government works Julian (Lex) Lopez, the Cadet Battalion Executive Officer for the Reagan JROTC program, was one of 1,008 delegates to Boys State, held on the University of Texas campus in Austin, TX, in June. Most activities were held on the campus, but delegates received the opportunity to visit the State Capitol. Boys State has been a program sponsored by The American Legion since 1935, when the program was developed to counter the Young Pioneer Camps formed in Germany. The program was the idea of two Illinois Legionnaires, Hayes Kennedy and Harold Card, who organized the first Boys State held at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield. This program is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for high school students. It is a participatory program where each student becomes a part of the operation of his local, county and state government. At American Legion Boys State, participants were exposed to the rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities of a franchised citizen. The training is objective and practical, with city, county and state governments operated by the students elected to the various offices. Activities included legislative sessions, court proceedings, law enforcement presentations, assemblies and recreational programs.


“It was truly an experience I will never forget,” Lopez said. “I met and grew close to many friends from Roberts City, and learned far more about the Texas government and our Nation’s government as a whole during this short week at Boys State. I believe that all of the participants learned much about our state and federal government. All of us became more patriotic citizens throughout the course of the week and I am truly grateful for that.” Lopez had the opportunity to learn by doing, while he served in several offices. “My favorite was holding the office of Senator,” Lopez said. “At times, this position was very difficult and tiresome but truthfully, I learned the process of creating bills, amending the bills, voting, and debating why a bill is worthy of being passed.” While in the office of Senator, Lopez was part of the Public Health Committee. This committee developed multiple bills regarding healthcare issues for citizens. Lopez and the committee debated and voted on the bills the Senate had proposed within the State Capital. “This was one of the greatest moments of my week,” Lopez said. Sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, the Girls State program began in 1937. Since then, nearly one million young people have had the opportunity to learn firsthand how their state and local government work. Selected to attend from the Reagan High School JROTC program, Katherine Hardy and Ashley Ruzicki were among 485 young women from all over Texas to take part in the 69th session of Bluebonnet Girls State at Texas Lutheran University in Seguin this past June. Just like Boys State, the Girls State campers wrote bills, learned how bills were processed through the House and Senate, and heard experts speak about legislative practices. Campers gained lifetime friends

Lex Lopez smiles on a Boys State visit to the Texas State Capitol in Austin.

and memories from the teamwork and leadership experiences. “Girls State was absolutely a wonderful experience,” Hardy said. “I was not as successful winning offices or positions but I did find the experience rewarding and challenging. I did leave with a greater sense of self-confidence, many new friends, as well a greater appreciation for the men and women who serve in public office.” The program creates a sense of self-worth and pride in citizenship. Girls learn how to use their voice to make a difference in their own communities back home. At the camp, girls became active leaders in a mythical 51st state by popular election. Building from the city level, every girl had the opportunity to run for county and state office. State offices were highly competitive. Each candidate had to win a nomination from their particular party before they were able to run for overall office. Running for elected office allowed each girl to experience decision-making and public speaking in a political environment. The young citizens “learn by doing.”

Important Back-to-School Dates for Tuscany Heights Elementary Special To Welcome Home ummer is in full swing, but it’s time to start preparing to head back to school. If your child goes to Tuscany Heights Elementary School, here are some important dates to keep in mind. Aug. 21 5 – 6 p.m.: Meet the Teacher/Orientation – 3rd Grade


5:30 – 6:30 p.m.: Meet the Teacher – Specialized Support 6 – 7 p.m.: Meet the Teacher/Orientation – 4th Grade 7 – 8 p.m.: Meet the Teacher/Orientation – 5th Grade Aug. 22 5 – 6 p.m.: Meet the Teacher/Orientation – Kindergarten 5:30 – 6:30 pm : Meet the Teacher/

Orientation – Specialized Support 6 – 7 p.m.: Meet the Teacher/Orientation – 1st Grade 7 – 8 p.m.: Meet the Teacher/Orientation – 2nd Grade Aug. 26 7:40 a.m.: First day of school! For more information, visit www.neisd. net/tuscany.

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

San Antonio Teacher Attends Space Academy By Erica Cavazos o prepare for a new school year, most teachers redecorate their classrooms, meticulously plan out lesson plans and replenish their school supplies. This past June, however, Cindy Glenn, a teacher at Stone Oak Elementary School, joined other educators from around the world to embark on a learning adventure of a lifetime. After a rather rigorous application process, Glenn was one of the 210 educators selected from 42 states and 27 countries to attend Honeywell Educators @ Space Academy Program, a simulated astronaut training and professional development program at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala. The program included 45 hours of professional development, as well as an intensive educator curriculum focused on space science and exploration. “Every aspect of the training was well


thought out and was very similar to actual astronaut training,” Glenn said after her trip. In addition to professional development, each teacher underwent simulated astronaut training, which included a highperformance jet simulation, land and water survival training, interactive flight dynamics programs and a scenario-based mission simulation. “We met a shuttle astronaut, Hoot Gibson, and a rocket scientist, Homer Hickam. I participated in two scenario-base mission simulations,” Glenn said. “I was the Commander for our futuristic Orion Mission, and I worked very hard with my team. At times, it got pretty stressful, and you really forgot it was just a simulation. Our missions were successful, and we felt proud when they were completed.” Aside from their simulated space adventure, Glenn and her fellow honorary

Bunco Group Supports Our Troops Submitted By Risa Weinberger laying Bunco may be the reason the Mesa Vista Bunco Ladies usually meet every month, but in June, the ladies met for a special community service project. Information about Operation Interdependence was brought to their attention, and the ladies were all on-board to participate in this program. The cornerstone of the OI Civilian-toMilitary Delivery System is the Civilian Ration (called C-rat ). Designed for delivery to the frontlines, C-rats are individual quartsized baggies that contain a personal note from a caring civilian at home and a few items such as snacks, games and personal care products. The most important part of the C-rat is the letter from a person who has never met that soldier, sailor, Marine or airman, but takes the time to write his or her expressions of care and concern. A few of the ladies got together to create handmade cards. These cards were brought to a dinner where the ladies each wrote special messages to the troops. They also decided on the treats that would go into the C-rats and chose a day to assemble the bags. The goal was to create at least 50 C-rats with


Bunco Ladies (L-R) Lucy, Denise, Cindy, Vicki, and Risa assemble Civilian Ration bags for the military.

special cards. By the time all of the supplies purchased were placed into bags, the ladies had created almost 100 C-rat bags. A local radio station, along with a number of corporate sponsors, had set up to accept the C-rat bags between Memorial Day and Fourth of July. All shipments to the frontlines are coordinated through unit commanders, thereby ensuring military resources are not negatively impacted and boxes make it to their intended destination. A number of the ladies are a part of, or have been involved with, the military. This was a wonderful project that they hope to participate in again next year.

Reagan’s Cheer Clinic Submitted By Sylvia Lopez Gaona he 2013-2014 Reagan High School Cheer Squad is prepped and ready to go! Just back from another successful camp, plans are in the works to share the squad’s skills with aspiring cheerleaders, ages 5 to 15. On Oct. 12, the Reagan High School Cheer Clinic will begin at 9 a.m. in the Reagan High School gym and go on until noon, with a show-off for parents at 11:30 a.m. Participants will learn cheers and choreography, play games and make new cheer friends. Little cheerleaders will have the opportunity to perform at the Reagan vs. Madison varsity football game that night at Heroes Stadium. Registration is $25 and includes pizza, a water bottle and a group picture. Clinic t-shirts and shorts will be available for purchase. Tickets to the game can be purchased separately. Clinic forms can be found at and must be received by Sept. 20. Please submit forms to Molly Ramon at 907 Treaty Oak (78258).

Glenn and Karl Ochsner, of Phoenix, Ariz., gained a new understanding of STEM. Cindy Glenn, who has taught for 17 years, received the experience of a lifetime.

astronauts also participated in several hands-on lab activities. “We built our own rockets and launched them,” Glenn said. “This was totally new to me, and it was fantastic! We had to design and build a water filtration system. This was challenging, but we were successful and even drank our filtered water.” Apart from the exciting experience of simulated space exploration, the main purpose of the Honeywell Educators @ Space Academy Program is to help teachers gain new innovative teaching skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in fun and exciting ways. “I have so many new tools and a much greater understanding of STEM concepts,” Glenn said. “I will be able to share my

personal experiences with my students and hopefully ignite their interest in science. They will develop a deeper understanding of science concepts and become better problem solvers.” For the upcoming school year, Glenn is excited to teach her students some of the experiments she learned on her trip, like creating a water filtration system, building a lunar rover and designing a lunar base. “They are challenging yet fun activities which have real life applications,” she said. Participants of the Honeywell Educators @ Space Academy Program most often give rave reviews of the experience, and Glenn is no exception. “The entire week, from team building activities to the simulated training, was an amazing experience. It was a wonderful way to learn and connect with teachers from around the world.”

Early intervention can make all the difference. • Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry • Failing Grades, Absenteeism & School Issues • Mood & Sleep Disorders • Depression • Drug & Alcohol Abuse • Anxiety & Panic Disorders • Eating Disorders • ADHD


Stone Oak Psychiatry Reagan Cheer Squad is eager to meet future Rattlers this October.

For more information, call 210-632-2531 or email Come get into the spirit with the Top Banana Reagan Cheer Squad and meet our new coach, Marcela Flores, a former Reagan HS Cheerleader. It’ll be a great experience to spend time on the Reagan campus and on the sidelines. Reagan Cheer coaching staff and athletes are very much looking forward to meeting the future Rattlers!

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

| Mrudula Rao, M.D.

Concerned about your child? Should you be? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Is it just a normal part of growing up, or a red flag warning of more serious problems? As a mother, Dr. Rao brings an additional perspective to pediatric disorders as well as a down to earth understanding of child and family issues. • 210.403.2074 115 Gallery Circle, Ste. 300 • San Antonio, TX 78258


Ne w s You C a n U se Your Best Source For News And Information In Stone Oak

News From City Council District 9 Councilwoman Elisa Chan (210) 207-0955 n June 21, in front of family, friends and supporters, my colleagues and I were sworn into office. Thank you to my supporters for allowing me to serve for another term. I’d like to send congratulations to the new additions to the Council—Councilpersons Ron Niremberg (District 8), Shirley Gonzales (District 5) and Rebecca Viagram (District 3). In July, my Council colleagues and I met to discuss the City’s priorities for the 2014 FY Budget. The City staff first presented the council with a General Fund five-year forecast summary. The City staff projected a $35–$50 million financial gap between revenues and expenses for Fiscal Year 2014. The gap occurs from expenditures growing at a faster pace than revenues and a lesser beginning balance from the prior year. Overall, the General Fund revenues in FY 2014 projected to increase by 2.4 percent while expenditures are projected to grow by 3.5 percent. Each Councilperson was then asked to make a list of their top five priorities for the next fiscal year. I have listed my top five priorities for you below: Increase funding for street repair, resurfacing, sidewalks and other parts of the Infrastructure Maintenance Program (IMP) Maintain adequate resources to ensure safe neighborhoods Support economic development with an increased focus on attracting international business to the San Antonio area Increase funding for deferred maintenance for cityowned facilities, including community centers, service centers, parks and libraries Increase funding for senior citizens’ transportation The Council was later asked to identify areas in the budget that could be cut to address the funding gap. I suggested that we could consider cutting all cash incentives by 25 percent, re-evaluate the funding for delegating agencies, re-evaluate the structure and operation practice of Capital Improvement Management System (CIMS) department and reduce its operation cost by 30 to 50 percent. Mayor Castro suggested reductions in the City Council Project Fund (CCPF), a discretionary that Council members can use to fund small community projects. District 10 Councilmen Carlton Soules suggested a consolidation of the different departments working on Downtown Operations. Personally, I think there are alternatives that are not being discussed as a solution. I voiced my opposition to a property tax rate increase as a solution to our budget shortfall. I am very concerned about using capital improvement dollars or sales proceeds from city asset to address operation budget gap. This is, at best, a onetime fix to a large and long-term problem, and it is also problematic to mix capital and revenue accounts. Finally, I philosophically disagree with the notion of spending more money than you make. Budget shortfalls are projected for many years to come. I would like to take a closer look at what could be done to address this systemic problem. As always, please do not hesitate to contact my office if you ever need any assistance. For regular updates on District 9, you can sign up to receive my newsletter by visiting and choosing the “Stay Connected” tool.

August 2013

New Developments On The Northside



Entrance to Stone Oak.

By Erica Cavasos reviously only located in Ohio and Georgia, Dave’s Cosmic Subs is set to open its first Texas location at 22810 US 281 N., next to World of Beer. Established in 1997, Dave’s Cosmic Subs became extremely popular in Ohio, and its legendary taste is making its way down to the Stone Oak area. According to Dave’s website, this joint is not your typical “establishment” sub shop. The franchise was created by David Lombardy, who wanted to make the best sub on earth, incorporating his passion for music and the spirit of the 1960s. In previous shops, Dave’s Cosmic Subs offered eye-popping décor on the walls, classic rock music in the air and the taste of Lombardy’s “sub culture” in patrons’ mouths. So was Lombardy successful? Did he make the best sub in the world? Well, with 16 franchises under his belt—Stone Oak being his 17th—one can only guess. This new, happenin’ place, is set to open its doors in the beginning of August. Another new eatery in the Stone Oak area is El Fogon De Dona Fela (25080 Hwy 281 North), a modest food truck on 281 that has an impressive menu of authentic Puerto


Rican food. Just outside of the food truck is a tented eating area where patrons can enjoy mofongo (a fried plantainbased dish) with fried meat, meat pastries, chicharron, cakes, flan and much more. Be aware, though, that since El Fogon De Dona Fela has wheels, it may not always be at its 281 location. Keep updated on its whereabouts through its Facebook page. Choke Canyon Bar-B-Q, a staple restaurant in Whitsett, TX, is coming to the Stone Oak area (21510 Blanco Road) in September. In its first location, Choke Canyon Bar-B-Q dazzled patrons with its yummy brisket, delectable ribs, tender chicken and an ample array of sides. Texas is known worldwide for its citizens’ passion for barbeque, and Choke Canyon Bar-B-Q does the Lone Star State proud. Choke Canyon Bar-B-Q also offers catering and a full bar. Northern San Antonio is an ever-expanding area, welcoming hundreds of new families and businesses to the community each year. Know of a new business or development going up near you? Email articles@ to let Welcome Home know.

Parman Library News Corner

related selections). Drop in some Thursday evenings to enjoy one of our board game groups. Teen night is still on Tuesdays. On Tuesday, August 27th teens can take part in an altered book workshop. On August 29th Parman will host another writing workshop for aspiring novelists. As a fan of science fiction I feel it’s my duty to draw attention to the fact that the Lonestar Con commences at the end of August and is bringing some big names to San Antonio. Be sure and check out the website at www. There may even be some library related programs. As always, call the branch or check our events calendar online at

Submitted By Tim Johnson, MLS Librarian II Parman Library at Stone Oak San Antonio Public Library 210-207-2703 ven though school is just around the corner the library is still the best place to beat the heat this summer. Students that haven’t finished their reading lists should visit us as soon as possible in case we have to order books from other locations. Teens and Children have until the end of August to finish uploading their titles. Adults only have until August 11th. That’s right, summer reading is for grown ups too! We all want to set a good example right? Our regular story times are paused after the first week in August but plenty of our other programs continue right on into the fall. Check out one of our book clubs: Parman Picks (mainstream literature), Escape the Earth (science fiction), and The Jane Austen Club (Jane Austen and


August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Ribbon Cuttings And Grand Openings iRun Texas

FLOSS Dental

Stone Oak Psychiatry

The Stone Oak Business Association would like congratulate iRun Texas on its second San Antonio location in the Bitters Crossing Shopping Center. iRun Texas’ ribbon cutting at noon on July 5 kicked off grand opening festivities scheduled through the holiday weekend. iRun Texas is a full-service running specialty store with two locations that offers classes and clinics for beginning and experienced runners, hosts free social runs from their stores and produces running events for the San Antonio community. Owners Mitch and Michele Allen each have more than 25 years of experience in running, cycling and triathlon training. They opened their first story at 20079 Stone Oak Parkway in December of 2009 and opened their second location this past Memorial Day. Check out iRun Texas’ second location at 2602 NW Loop 1604, Building 1, Suite 106 (78248). Visit or call 210-494-7869 for more information.

FLOSS Dental is excited to join the Stone Oak Business Association. This location marks the eighteenth FLOSS Dental location, but the first in San Antonio. Dr. Alexandra Forney is the associate dentist at the new location. She graduated from the University Of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. There she earned her Doctorate of Dental Surgery, with Distinction in Dental Education “Being from San Antonio, I am thrilled to be a part of the FLOSS team and to open San Antonio’s first FLOSS location. I feel at home as a member of the FLOSS family, and hope my enthusiasm and passion for dentistry is illustrated in my everyday work,” Dr. Forney said. FLOSS Dental is excited to bring its unique take on dentistry to San Antonio. FLOSS offers modern technology, an upscale environment, and free teeth whitening for life. Patients can make an appointment by calling 210-293-0101 or emailing

SOBA Takes On Main Event Entertainment


Painting Birthday Party Located in Alamo Heights 5005 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210.826.7246

If you are new to the area, we’d like to extend a special welcome with a free gift filled with maps, magazines, local business coupons and info to help you get settled in your community.

pros, the entire group enjoyed themselves while making new friendships along the way. As many were bowling, others took to the arcade to test their skills at the games. Continuing in the competitive spirit, attendees had the chance to play everything from air hokey to shooting some hoops. With many reluctant to leave, the night continued on into the late evening. New relationships were formed and many business cards were traded, by the time everyone finally called it a night. Main Event supplied an abundance of fun for all who were there, allowing the association to get closer with it’s members and making the event one to truly remember. If you would like to attend one of the monthly SOBA meetings or are interested in becoming a member of the association, please email or call 210348-8233.

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Book Your Child’s Next

New to the Area?

Ladies from Two Sisters Salon enjoying themselves with SOBA members from Cut Rite and friends having a great Russell Groomer and J.J. Rodriguez. time at Main Event.

By Amanda Burris ummer is a time for fun, family and enjoying the company of friends. So on a hot June evening, the Stone Oak Business Association (SOBA) decided to invite their members out to Main Event Entertainment for a night that would be one to remember. Over food, drinks and laughter, the members and guests of the association enjoyed networking with a fun twist. In a private room, a buffet filled with delicious finger foods was served to kick off the meeting. After people ate and mingled among themselves, a group of the attendees broke off to take part in some friendly competition. Members and guests laced up their bowling shoes and took to the lanes. Teams were formed, bowling balls were chosen and the fun began! With talents ranging from new bowlers to some who were clearly

The Stone Oak Business Association is excited to welcome Stone Oak Psychiatry, Dr. Mrudula Rao’s private practice, to our business community. Stone Oak Psychiatry specializes in child, adolescent and adult psychiatry, which can include failing grades, school issues, mood and sleep disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety and panic disorders, eating disorders and depression.

Dr. Rao, who earned her medical degree from the University of South Alabama in Mobile, is a clinical assistant professor in the division of psychiatry at the University of Texas Health Science Center, a consultant psychiatrist at The Center for Health Care Services and at the Jewish Family and Children Services. Dr. Rao is double board certified in adult, adolescent and child psychiatry, and she accepts all major insurances. Let Stone Oak Psychiatry (115 Gallery Circle, Ste 300) help your family. Visit, or call 210403-2074 for more information.

Please call (210) 414-6200 or e-mail


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Miss San Antonio Takes On The YMCA

By Amanda Burris reparing for Miss Texas is certainly not easy,” explained Miss San Antonio, Brooklyn Dippo. “There are countless hours of exercise, finding perfect dresses and studying!” Always aiming to do her best, with her dreams and passions leading the way, Brooklyn decided to take on an experience that she would never forget. Brooklyn has proven to be one of San Antonio’s best, and while at the Miss Texas competition, she got to surround herself with other great women from around the state. Being Miss San Antonio, a representative of our great city, takes practice, hard work and natural talent. Besides perfecting her poise and her public image, Brooklyn works hard to keep herself in top shape to not only look, but also feel healthy. As she prepared for Miss Texas her training continued and she found herself working hard to reach her goals. “I decided to start working out at the YMCA to help prepare for the fitness portion of the pageant,” she shared. “I started doing reformer Pilates with Valerie 3-4 times a week and noticed results almost instantly!” Pilates Reformer is a machine that helps to develop strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination and balance without adding bulky muscle. Brooklyn is getting a full body workout while working on her core


Take Your Child To Work Day At KCI

Brooklyn Dippo and her Pilates instructor, Valerie Ott.

Tuscany Heights Elementary student, Parker, joins his Driscoll Middle School student, Jack C., uses watermelon during an educational demonstration. mother at work.

Special To Welcome Home n June 21, over 90 children of Kinetic Concepts, Inc. (KCI) employees participated in the KCI Take Your Child to Work Day event. The piloted program offered children ages 8 to 18 the chance to spend half a morning with their parent—learning about what they do— and the second half of the morning meeting other children and participating in activities. Students from schools like Tuscany Heights Elementary, Spring Branch Elementary, Lopez Middle School and Reagan High School were in attendance.


Brooklyn Dippo doing Pilates Reformer at Mays YMCA.

muscles the entire time. “Through the Pilates Reformer, we are focusing on not only the strength that she needs for competition but improving her posture as well,” said Brooklyn’s instructor, Valerie Ott. “Having a great looking, lean,

See ymca, Page 30

The day began as children toured the KCI offices, attended meetings with their parent and met their parents’ colleagues. Later in the morning, children gathered to learn more about KCI, such as their core values, history and products. Throughout the day, the children had the opportunity to participate in several activities, including parent interviews, designing their own invention, a scavenger hunt using QR codes and painting on wounds in the R&D labs. The day was a huge success!

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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Successful Camps For Reagan Dance And Drill Submitted By Janice Hampey, Reagan Spirit Board Historian he hard working girls of Reagan Dance and Drill barely took a breath between the last day of school and getting started on next year’s activities. All the line, executive and social officers headed off to leadership camp two days after school let out. All their hard work paid off in the end when they left camp with several awards. Reagan’s Social Officers won Team of the Day, Most Spirited Social Officers, Highest Scoring Social Officer Video Evaluation and Final Day Outstanding Video Presentation. Of the Social Officers, the Superlatives were Sarah Trevino, Shelby Zimmerman, Abby Opersteny and Alyssa Barthel. Trevino was named Miss Congeniality while Zimmerman made Runner-Up to Miss Congeniality. From there, the Silver Stars Drill Team went to their camp where they won every award. The list includes Most Disciplined Team, Most Admired Team, Sweepstakes, Highest Scoring Home Routine, Highest Scoring Camp Dance, and Overall Grand Champions. There were 10 Superlatives, and Silver Star Colonel Emma Dotter was named Miss Showmaker. The girls showed great character, energy and determination throughout the competition. The varsity Diamond Dancers later took their turn at camp where they also won a long list of awards. They received Team of the Day, Most Admired Team, Sweepstakes, Highest Scoring Home Routine, Highest Scoring Camp Dance and Overall Grand Champions. Shannon Webb and Katherine Guerra were runner-ups to Miss Leaps, while Courtney Kiolbassa made the Miss Leaps title. Marissa Martin and Courtney Kiolbassa were runner-up to Miss Turns, while Katelyn O’Sullivan was named Miss Turns and Katherine Guerra was named Miss High Kick. There were 5 Superlatives, and Diamond Dancer Colonel Courtney Kiolbassa made Miss Showmaker.

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Diamond Dancers won a long list of awards, including Overall Grand Champs.

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The Silver Stars were also named Grand Champs in their category.

Reagan’s Dance and Drill teams’ success this summer didn’t happen without lots of commitment and hard work from the girls as well as their director. Mrs. Sisson commented that she had never received as many compliments on both the teams as she did this summer. She is looking forward to an exceptional year with this group of spirited and talented young ladies. These girls were all well-mannered, enthusiastic, skilled and humble, and Mrs. Sisson is very proud of all of them. Please come meet the amazing spirit groups and the 2013 – 2014 athletic teams at the Rattler Roundup on Aug. 23. Pre-order your BBQ meal tickets for $7 by contacting Suzanne Opersteny at 210-381-2632 or emailing her at, no later than Aug. 13. Dinner will be served between 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., followed by the Pep Rally 7 p.m. Come to support your Reagan Rattlers!

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Lopez Hosts 2013-14 Panther Prowl

Special To Welcome Home n Wednesday, Aug. 21, Lopez welcomes back all Panthers for another school year with the seventh annual Panther Prowl for all grade levels. The Panther Prowl is a yearly event that allows students to visit with their new teachers and receive textbooks, lockers, schedules and ID badges. Sixth Grade: The Panther Prowl for incoming sixth grade students and their parents will take place on Wednesday, Aug. 21. Sixth graders will participate in the Panther Prowl from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Students will receive textbooks, lockers and ID badges, and parents will have a chance to get an overview of what sixth grade will be like for students. Staff will also be available to help parents with the Parent Portal, accessing the online cafeteria website, and assistance with transportation questions. This is a scheduled event that starts at 8:30


and ends at 11:30. It is very important that parents and students attend. Seventh and Eighth Grade: The Panther Prowl for incoming seventh and eighth graders will be on Wednesday, Aug. 21, starting at 5 p.m. This event will be for students only. We ask that students be picked up no later than 8 p.m. Seventh and eighth grade students will be able to receive textbooks and lockers and attend an ice cream social in the cafeteria. The Lopez Marketplace will be open during both camps. We’ll be selling spirit items, agenda books, and P.E. uniforms. Agenda Books - $10 – Checks made payable to Lopez Middle School P.E. Uniforms – $20 – Checks made payable to Lopez Middle School Spirit Items (T-Shirts $15 and Decals $10) – Checks made payable to Lopez PTA Cash or check taken for all items purchased. No credit cards accepted.

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

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Reagan Football Starts Summer With Service

The Burzikes’ Brightest

The Brightest Recipients of the 2013 Burziks. Reagan football players help landscape for HFHSA Reagan coaches join the players to lay down sod for the homes. homes.

Submitted By Veronica Bunting n June 21, more than 100 Reagan football players put the finishing touches on six homes in the Habitat for Humanity community of Coleman Ridge in southwest Bexar County, helping to complete the homes on schedule for their new owners. Players landscaped all six homes by removing countless wheel barrels of rocks from the home sites, leveling the dirt and adding topsoil. They laid sod in the front and back yards of the homes and added plants to the flowerbeds. When the homes’ yards were complete, players cleaned the driveways, sidewalks and street to prepare for the home dedications, which took place the following day. Working alongside the Habitat homeowners, players were joined by Reagan’s athletic coordinator, Coach David Wetzel; Coach John Baskin; Coach Blake


Reagan’s pride swells as its football players help in the community.

Farris; Coach John Hamilton; and 21 parent volunteers. Coach Wetzel commented, “Reagan football has a tradition of volunteering in the community during the summer. These experiences provide players the opportunity to develop into young men who will be leaders and make a difference in their community.”

Submitted By Jennifer Starr wenty shining stars of San Antonio area Catholic high schools gathered together recently to receive the prestigious Burzikes’ Brightest Scholarship through Hope for the Future (HOPE). Provided to exemplary students attending a Catholic high school in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, the $5,000 scholarship award was made possible by a generous grant from Frank and Cathy Burzik, both Catholic school alumnae, through their Burzik Foundation. The luncheon held at the Assumption Seminary Brown Room brought the awardees and their families together to celebrate the honor. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller gave the opening prayer and followed with some important words for the group on the importance of preparing

youths for life through a strong, faith-filled education. After a lunch provided by the RK Group, the Burzikes also addressed the students with words of support and encouragement through stories of how their own paths to success were paved with academic scholarships. The Burzikes told the recipients that the best gift would be to see the students one day be in the position to give this same HOPE to the future generation in Catholic school. This was the first year the Burzikes’ Brightest scholarship was available to students through HOPE, which provides the benefit and values of a Catholic school education to the community through offerings such as the Tuition Assistance Program. For more information please visit

Habitat for Humanity of San Antonio, Inc. (HFHSA) is a non-profit housing organization working in partnership with low-income families to build simple, decent

and affordable houses. The Reagan football team’s next service project is at the San Antonio Food Bank. Way to make a difference, Rattlers!



Winter Celebration 2013 Featuring AirLIFE Santa

Reserve Your Booth Today! – $350.00 Date: Time: Place:

December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604) Presenting Sponsors:

Each year, thousands of families from across San Antonio attend Stone Oak Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa to celebrate the season. There’s no better way to introduce your business to the community. We invite your business to be a part of Stone Oak’s largest and longest running holiday event.

Vendor RSVP: (210)348–8233 • 26

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Honor American Wounded Heroes At Golf Classic Submitted By American Wounded Heroes, Inc. he goal of the American Wounded Heroes (AWH), Inc. is to celebrate the service of those who have fought for our country through helping them improve their quality of life. Each year, AWH organizes an annual golf classic inviting a host of sponsors, golfers and veterans to unite in lending their support for the care and management of our American Wounded Heroes. This year will be no exception! On August 12, the American Wounded Heroes, Inc. will host their 6th annual American Wounded Heroes Golf Classic. 2013 will mark the Classic’s sixth year of raising funds and bringing in vital support to help rehabilitate veterans. This year, we will also be supporting the families of fallen Law Enforcement and Firefighters in Bexar County. The event will be held at Canyon Springs Golf Club; the same venue where the inaugural golf classic was hosted back in 2008. “The goal of the American Wounded Heroes, Inc. is to celebrate [the lives of wounded warriors] and their dedicated service to our country through the 6th Annual American Wounded Heroes Golf Classic,” stated J.D. Damian, Chairman of AWH. “The event will recognize those who inspire, support and mentor those that have made sacrifices for our freedom.” The American Wounded Heroes Golf Classic will begin with 6 a.m. registration, breakfast and silent auction. Golfers will tee off at 7:30 a.m. The live auction, lunch and awards ceremony will begin at 1 p.m. Veterans who participate in the event will come from all facets of life, including those who have both physical and emotional


In past years Winter Celebration Scavenger Hunt has been held during the month of November leading up to Winter Celebration in December. This year we are challenging you! Scavenger Hunt will be held at Winter Celebration at the Legacy Shopping Center. How it Works—Starting at 10 a.m. on December 14, 2013, the Welcome Home checkin booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. For every stamp you receive, you will get one "General Prize" drawing ticket. For every 15 stamps you receive, you will get one "Grand Prize" drawing ticket. From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Stay tuned for what we are drumming up in Grand Prizes this year! Drawings will begin at 3 p.m. You must be present to win. Come out to Winter Celebration, play Scavenger Hunt, build a snowman and Win prizes! *All toys are donated to US Marine Corps Toys for Tots-San Antonio

Date: Time: Place:

injuries. The golf classic will benefit the Wellness 4 Warriors II (a resource that provides holistic, natural, alternative options for our veterans and their families) and the 100 Club, (serving the families of fallen Law Enforcement and Firefighters in Bexar County) two non-profit organizations who aim to assist Veterans, Law Enforcement and Firefighters. For more information on how you can help support the American Wounded Heroes, Inc., visit www. or contact Chairman J.D. Damian at 210-3817492. Military City, USA: AWH thanks you for your continued support of our American Wounded Heroes. God Bless America!

Olympian Fencers Win Five Medals

Special To Welcome Home lympian Fencing Club (435 Isom Rd.) brought home a gold, silver, two bronze, and a Coach’s medal this year in the Epee category at the 2013 USA Fencing Summer National Championships held in Columbus, OH over the Fourth of July week. This year’s Summer Nationals was the largest fencing tournament ever. Nearly 4,000 athletes and more than 400 teams competed during this 10-day tournament. Competitors included 2016 U.S. Olympic Team and 2014 Cadet and Junior World Championship Team hopefuls. Velizar Iliev, the head coach at Olympian Fencing Club, won a gold medal in the Veteran 40 division, and the Coach medal. He also renewed his A2013 rating, which is the highest rating in the sport. Velizar is a US Olympian and three-time World Champion. He holds numerous National Championship titles for the Modern Pentathlon and Epee fencing. The Modern Pentathlon is one of the oldest Olympic sports and it consists of: Fencing, Riding, Shooting, Swimming and Running. Saint Mary’s Hall student, 14-yearold Farrah Lee-Elabd won two medals in Women’s Epee. She took the silver medal in Cadet (17 years and under) and the bronze medal in the Youth 14 (15 years and under) divisions. Her results also earned her

Winter Celebration 2013


December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604)

Presenting Sponsors:

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Velizar proudly stands with his students, Farrah Elabd and Marina Bochenkova.

an A2013 rating. She is ranked second in the nation in the Youth 14 Women’s Epee division. Farrah has fenced competitively for more than six years and competes both nationally and internationally. Earlier this season, she qualified for and competed in the Junior Olympic Championships in Baltimore, Md., and also at the 2013 European Cadet Circuit in Gothenburg, Sweden and Grenoble, France with Team USA. Her dream is to be one of the top three US female fencers to qualify for Team USA at the 2015 Cadet World Championship. Marina Bochenkova, 13 years old, has been fencing competitively for more than one year. She won the Bronze medal in Division III Women’s Epee and renewed her C2013 rating. Marina is homeschooled and lives in Austin, TX.

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

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SOBA Says Goodbye To One Of Their Own – Joe Gamez

Joe Gamez and Erica Kraus help open the Hyatt Place - North Stone Oak

Joe, dancing with a Flamenco dancer, at a SOBA evening mixer.


elcome Home Community Newspaper and the Stone Oak Business Association (SOBA) would like to pay tribute to one of its long time members, Mr. Joe Gamez. Joe passed away on Saturday, July 6, 2013. He is survived by his wife, four children and one granddaughter. Joe, often referred to by many of our SOBA Statesmen as

the “Mayor of Stone Oak,” was an active member of SOBA for over five years. He was a great supporter of not only SOBA, but of the Stone Oak community as a whole. He believed in the power of community, and it showed in the work that he did. Joe had recently moved from his position as acting general manager of the Drury Plaza Hotel Stone Oak to the Homewood

Suites. His years of experience in hospitality management led him to open two separate hotel properties in the Stone Oak area, the Courtyard Marriot and the Hyatt Stone Oak. Joe had great love and passion for hospitality, and he was honored as a Certified Tourism

Ambassador for San Antonio, ensuring that every visitor to our great city left with a lasting impression. One thing is certain— Joe left us earlier than we ever hoped, but he didn’t leave without making his own lasting impression. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Gamez family.

Marching Into A New Year

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Reagan’s band members practice their marching technique in the sun.

Submitted By Dan Morrison, Assistant Director of Bands s the hot August sun rises, the Reagan Band prepares for its upcoming marching season. Band members will begin to improve their marching skills and perfect their music during camp. Despite the grueling heat, the band is giving 110 percent at band camp as they gear up for their busy 2013 Fall Competitive Marching Season. At band


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camp, all factions of the Band Program work on their parts of the show so that the whole band can come together to make an awesome product. While the winds and percussion work diligently this summer, the color guard is working just as hard. In the mornings, the girls complete rigorous exercises led by color guard director, John Escalante. In the afternoons, the guard girls work on their rifle and flag tossing skills. In addition to their hard work at band camp, the color guard worked vigorously over the summer at July’s Color Guard Camp. Like the color guard, the front ensemble and drum line have practiced this summer to help the students learn their music. All of these parts of the band family come together at band camp to further improve as sections and to begin to put together the show that they will perform this fall. In addition to the band’s busy days at band camp, many students will be participating in the Reagan Band Garage Sale. At this event, band members will have the opportunity to raise money for their student accounts, which can be used for events such as marching band competitions. The sale will take place at the Reagan cafeteria on August 10 from 9 a.m to 12 p.m. Readers can contact reaganbandfundraising@ if they have any questions.

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258

Seven Early Clues To Dyslexia


By Leslie Jernigan, M.A. Learning Foundations Diagnostic and Learning Center 210-495-2626

ccording to research done by the National Institutes of Health, one out of every five American children is affected by dyslexia. Sadly, most of these children go undiagnosed. What is dyslexia? The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) defines dyslexia as “a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin.” It is characterized by difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition.” It is not a VISUAL problem, but rather a linguistic problem. It affects people from all backgrounds and both genders and has nothing to do with intelligence. Renowned dyslexia expert Dr. Sally Shaywitz stated, “The earliest clues involve mostly spoken language. The very first clue to a language (and reading) problem may be delayed language.” Once your child begins to speak, look for the following signs: 1. Difficulty with pronunciation by five six or years. 2. Difficulty with nursery rhymes. Dyslexic children are less sensitive to rhyming. 3. Struggle to find the right words. It is important to note that dyslexia is an expressive language problem, NOT a thinking problem. 4. Difficulty learning the alphabet.

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Dyslexic children can’t associate letters with their names and sounds. There is no evidence to show that dyslexics see letters or words backwards. 5. Difficulties with right-left orientation, trouble learning to tie shoelaces and clumsiness. 6. Family history of reading problems. Because dyslexic readers understand the meaning of a sentence without fully decoding each word, they do not store the spelling of those words in their memory. The next time they see the word, it’s like they have never seen it before. The best time to help a child is during the first years of school. Warning signs can all be recognized as early as kindergarten. It breaks my heart to see that children with dyslexia are often incredibly smart…but they feel stupid. Do not let your child go another year feeling unsuccessful. Have him or her tested as soon as possible! Read about other common warning signs for dyslexia and how to overcome them at Leslie Jernigan is Program Director and Educational Diagnostician at Learning Foundations. Email questions or concerns about your child’s learning struggles to Leslie.Jernigan@LearningFoundations. us or visit Parents for more information.

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Stone Oak Business Association Presents An Evening Mixer at River City Seafood Grill Before the school year takes off, join the Stone Oak Business Association for a last taste of summer on Thursday, August 22 at River City Seafood & Grill. Enjoy a night out with your local business neighbors over food, drinks and a great atmosphere. This will be a GREAT opportunity to mix and mingle with other SOBA members, while also making new connections!





Stone Oak Business Association

When: Thursday, August 22, 2013 5:30 to 8:00 PM Where: River City Seafood Grill 115 North Loop 1604 E San Antonio, Texas 78232 Cost: $15 for Members | $25 for Non-Members

To RSVP: 210-348-8233 E-mail: August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258


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By Amanda Burris or many kids, starting the new school year not only means an end to their beloved summer, but also an array of new changes that can be both scary and intimidating. As parents, there are various things that can be done, in preparation, to start the school year on the right foot. While kids themselves may be nervous about having new teachers, making new friends and taking on a new grade-level of knowledge, parents have the responsibility to not only help their children adjust, but also make adjustments of their own. Here are a few tips to help parents prepare their families for the upcoming school year.


Create a Routine One of the things that many kids enjoy about summer is the freedom and flexibility that it brings when it comes to meals, daily activities and bedtime. A week or two before school starts, parents should create a schedule to not only reestablish routines but to help children to adjust to the newly reinstated changes. Kids should get at least a full eight to ten hours of sleep each night for optimal productivity at school each day. While children may be used to watching more TV or playing more games during the summer, parents need to help their kids break these summer leisure habits. Breaking them now will help children be less tempted when they should be doing homework or going to sleep. Eating habits are just as important as getting sufficient sleep. Breakfast, the most important meal of the day, should be a priority. Lunch accounts should be paid for or parents need to decide who will prepare the lunches to take to school each day. Although chips, candy and cookies may be easier to pack as snacks or in a child’s lunch, instilling healthy eating habits is important. Managing what children eat can allow for better health and brain function. Get Organized The start of a new school year means purchasing new materials. The school or teachers will usually provide a list of supplies that your child needs. While providing them with all their classroom materials is essential, children also need a supply of materials for when they work from home –it helps to have backups when children “misplace” their supplies for school.

ymca, from Page 24

and toned body doesn’t hurt either.” At Mays YMCA, they offer a way for individuals of all ages to enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. “A supportive community is a big part of wellness. Our staff strives to reach every individual at every fitness level by providing programs designed to support all of our members,” explained Kathleen Lessner, the Wellness Director at the YMCA. “Through group exercise classes, Pilates Reformer, or personal training, you are guaranteed to find a program, activity or class that will meet

Children must also be up-to-date on all of their immunizations and should have an updated medical and emergency contact list. Parents should try to schedule their children’s doctor, dentist and eye appointments before school starts so that it eliminates the need to take them out of school. Kids are going to get homework, no matter how much they dislike it or forget about it. Developing a distraction-free workspace, as well as a specific time for children to get their homework done while their parents are available to supervise, is a great way for improving a child’s productivity at home. Manage Activities Extra-curricular activities can be time consuming and expensive. While this may be the case, it is great to have kids involved in something. Activities can not only help children make friends, but it also gives them something to be passionate about while teaching them skills and life lessons. When it comes to transportation, planning out where everyone needs to be at certain times and how they will get there will help parents stay organized. Carpooling, if possible, is a great way for parents to do less driving and for kids to develop more relationships. The start of a new year can be a lot to handle for parents and children. But as the new school year begins, there is not only an opportunity for kids to develop into smart, unique individuals, but for families to become closer and stronger. your needs” Brooklyn Dippo has been preparing and staying healthy to the best of her abilities. Brooklyn truly enjoys training at the YMCA because of its family friendly atmosphere. Due to playing sports the facility as a child, she found the facility not only welcoming but pleasantly familiar. With the challenges that came with becoming Miss San Antonio, and preparing for the Miss Texas competition, Brooklyn has pushed herself to stay motivated to be the best she can be inside and out.

August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78258


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Do you sometimes feel people are mumbling or not speaking clearly? Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation in a noisy restaurant or crowded room? If so you might be interested in some recent findings. The mos t common t y pe of hearing loss is sensorineural, in which the inner ear becomes damaged. Sound travels through the ear canal, the ear drum (tympanic membrane), the middle ear, and is transmitted to the inner ear (cochlea). As sound-generated vibrations enter the cochlea, they cause microscopic hair cells to vibrate, which in-turn transmit neuro-electrical impulses to the brain. When these hair cells become damaged, they cannot vibrate appropriately. The resulting impulses to the brain are incomplete, making comprehension difficult or impossible.

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If the neurons that carry signals to the brain are experiencing prolonged lack of stimulation because of damaged hair cells (auditory deprivation), they degenerate, leaving dead regions where certain sound frequencies can no longer be interpreted. In other words, “use it or lose it” applies to hearing too. While damaged hair cells are irreparable, compensation is possible.

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Recent advances in digital hearing technology make it possible to detect damaged and dead regions within the inner ear. Using “visual speech mapping” and “real ear measurement” processes, the highly trained hearing instrument specialists at AccuQuest Hearing Centers (a national network of over 180 locations) can target regions of frequency loss and compensate for damaged hair cells. This targeted stimulation of neurons can aid in making speech comprehensible again.

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