A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Encino Park, Evans Ranch, Redland Heights, Emerald Forest and surrounding areas Postal Customer
August 2013 Issue
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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
Note From The Publisher Enjoying Summer
ummer is coming to a close and it’s time to do all the last minute things before the kids go back to school. My daughter and I are heading down to South Padre Island to spend a few days together just the two of us. I can think of no better place to spend some quality time before her senior year begins than at the beach. I have been divorced since Rashell was twelve and she has lived with me since then. It seems like it has always been the two of us. We are so close that quite often we know what the other is thinking, which is kind of scary. We have had our ups and we have had our downs, but through it all a bond has been forged that is stronger than any problem that will come our way. So, this will be our last trip to South Padre Island with Rashell as a child, but I have a feeling it will definitely not be our last. God has blessed me with the best daughter in the world. She is one of the beautiful girls on the front cover. Take time to tell someone you love them whether they are family or not. As always, Welcome Home is excited to cover news and events throughout our community as we enter a new school year. Remember, we are always looking to highlight school athletics, galas, student clubs, organizations and more. As parents, we’re responsible for helping our students stay on track. With that in mind, remember Welcome Home would like to highlight as many students and their accomplishments as possible. There will be many school activities, clubs and tournaments your children will come to be involved in. We welcome photos and the opportunity to interview your outstanding student. There’s truly something special for any child or
young adult about to see their name and photo in print. Also, we are always interested in heartwarming stories about your families and loved ones. Who do you admire? Do you feel his or her story could touch or change a life? Is there a senior citizen you might know who served our country or has an inspirational life story? Maybe a neighbor who founded a charity or non-profit that’s changing lives? There are many of us who have a great story that demonstrates our compassion, courage, leadership, and determination. These are the stories we want to share with our community. We’re also happy to print your birth, engagement, wedding and anniversary announcements – a complimentary service to our readers. If it’s big news to YOU, it’s big news to US! Also, keep in mind, your heartwarming story could be front cover material! Welcome Home has been proud to be your “good news” newspaper for the last 12 years. Thank you for being such a loyal reader and thank you, advertisers, for your support in making our publication possible. Please remember to dine, drink and enjoy what our local community has to offer by visiting our many advertisers at their place of business. We look forward to hearing from you! Enjoy the last days of summer.
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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer
Distribution Israel Vazquez
Director Of Production Kristin Oliver
Contributing Photographers Leta Cunningham
Copy Editors Amanda Burris Chasity Furse Erica Cavazos
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Robert Steele Jacob Hereford Sylvia Fernandes
Production/Graphic Design James Stipp
Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer
Contributing Writers Jeanie Salmeron LTC ® Alan Maitland Patrick Walsh Ann Howell Jennifer Starr
Please call Sherrill, Kathleen or Laura at (210) 209-8956 for your personal tour today! Retirement Resort Community
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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
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On The Cover
Before the nights starts…
at 6pm Canyon Springs shotgun $37 per person per player Dinner & Live Music from 7pm to 10pm
includes tournament round, prizes & Summer Nights ticket Singles welcome!
By Amanda Burris s we come to the concluding stretch of summer, in one of the hottest months of the year, it is time to squeeze in some last minute vacations, get some extra rest and prepare for yet another successful school year. For Rashell Groomer, Audrey Brunner and Keillie Baker, who are featured on the front cover, as well as many others, this upcoming 2013-2014 school year will be their final year in high school before they venture off to do bigger and better things. Each year, parents see their children grow, learn and face various trials that shape them into the independent individuals who will soon spread their wings. As this new school year begins, many families will take on standardized tests, school projects, applications, college visits, internship prospects and more. Welcome Home has been fortunate enough to follow many of the students’ achievements throughout the years and
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Consider This A Warning
Baked Potato Bar, House Salad, Grilled Vegetables, Assorted Rolls
arning: Handling this paper in an incorrect manner may result in moderate to severe lacerations, death or worse. In our litigious society, it has come to this. Every manufacturer or producer of anything we humans may remotely come in contact with must treat us all like we are brainless ninnies (although one episode of Funniest Home Videos should convince you that at least a percentage of us are, in fact, brainless ninnies). In the “good ol’ days”, you felt safe if you didn’t smoke, didn’t lick paint off the walls of old buildings and didn’t go to work at the local asbestos factory. Now we must be warned about even the most obvious misuses. For example: found on the label for a bottled drink—“Twist top off with hands. Throw top away. Do not put top in mouth.” (This warning might be needed if it was a beer bottle). Do we need to know that “Warning: has been found to cause cancer in lab mice” on a box of rat poison? Shouldn’t it say, “This has been found to, and actually is designed to, cause death in rodents”? And who is reading the warning?
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By Debby Seguin
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looks forward to yet another school year of accomplishments. We would like to wish all of the students good luck as they take on new schools, new courses and teachers, make new friends and continue to pave a path for a successful future.
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The rats? As a new mother, I admit I had a lot to learn, but did I really need to be told “Caution: remove infant before folding stroller for storage?” Would I have stuck her in the closet moving on to another task and think, “Hmmm, something is missing here, what could it be?” (Perhaps common sense?) Most warnings are CYA for the manufacturers and pure entertainment for the rest of us. “Choking hazard: this box contains a small ball” (on a box containing a small ball). “Warning: may contain nuts” (on a bag of peanuts). Found on a power saw: “Do not attempt to stop blade with hand.” (Is there any hope left for us?!) Our most recent run-in with warnings was for microwave popcorn (our favorite treat). Apparently the steam from the bag was being linked to respiratory problems in popcorn factory workers. We chose a different brand that should have said, “Warning: tastes just like cardboard.” So we went back to our old brand but can no longer enjoy it: Now we eat it while holding our breath. Debby Seguin (Warning: she is grumpy in the morning!) can be reached at writewell62@yahoo.com.
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
Coaching Moves Bring New Faces To Johnson By Calvin R. Speer here will be some new faces in the coaches’ office at Johnson High School this fall. Mike South, the boys soccer coach, and wrestling coach Lee Miller moved on to other jobs, leaving behind programs that were developing winning traditions at the five-year-old high school. “This will let me get to spend a lot more time with my kids,” said South, who is now working in the North East ISD central office. “I will miss coaching, but I will get to spend a lot more time with them. This was a tough decision, but it is a good situation.” South took on the soccer program when Johnson opened five years ago. After suffering some growing pains in District 265A, the Jaguars broke though in the 201112 season and qualified for the playoffs. The team repeated that feat last season. Mike Barranco has been hired to take over the Jaguars and serve as an assistant football coach. Barranco comes over from MacArthur, one of Johnson’s district rivals. “This is an opportunity to be part of a growing program,” Barranco said. “It is something I was intrigued by.” Barranco should find the team on solid footing when practices begin in late fall. The Jaguars have two consecutive playoff seasons in the bank, plus as many as 14 players returning from last season. “Mac has tremendous kids,” Barranco said. “They will have a good program for years to come. “But I think Johnson has good kids, too. I have got to know some of them over the summer.” The Johnson wrestling program quickly
became one of the most successful in the district under Miller. In five years the Jaguars won three district titles and last year were the district and Region IV runnersup. He had six wrestlers qualify for the state meet. Mike South guided the “This coming Johnson boys soccer year could be even team to two playoff appearances. better,” he said. Miller isn’t going far from Johnson and he is returning to a familiar job. He is joining the new coaching staff at Roosevelt High School, worked for nine years. “It was an absolutely tough decision,” Miller said. “There are a lot of great things at Johnson. It has been a great experience for me, working with the kids and the coaching staff.” After approval was given from the school board, the district appointed Taylor Spivey as the new wrestling coach for Johnson High School. 19141 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 605 • 210-545-4222
Olympian Fencers Win Five Medals
Special To Welcome Home lympian Fencing Club (435 Isom Rd.) brought home a gold, silver, two bronze, and a Coach’s medal this year in the Epee category at the 2013 USA Fencing Summer National Championships held in Columbus, OH over the Fourth of July week. This year’s Summer Nationals was the largest fencing tournament ever. Nearly 4,000 athletes and more than 400 teams competed during this 10-day tournament. Competitors included 2016 U.S. Olympic Team and 2014 Cadet and Junior World Championship Team hopefuls. Velizar Iliev, the head coach at Olympian Fencing Club, won a gold medal in the Veteran 40 division, and the Coach medal. He also renewed his A2013 rating, which is the highest rating in the sport. Velizar is a US Olympian and three-time World Champion. He holds numerous National Championship titles for the Modern Pentathlon and Epee fencing. The Modern Pentathlon is one of the oldest Olympic sports and it consists of: Fencing, Riding, Shooting, Swimming and Running. Saint Mary’s Hall student, 14-yearold Farrah Lee-Elabd won two medals in Women’s Epee. She took the silver medal in Cadet (17 years and under) and the bronze medal in the Youth 14 (15 years and under) divisions. Her results also earned her
Velizar proudly stands with his students, Farrah Elabd and Marina Bochenkova.
an A2013 rating. She is ranked second in the nation in the Youth 14 Women’s Epee division. Farrah has fenced competitively for more than six years and competes both nationally and internationally. Earlier this season, she qualified for and competed in the Junior Olympic Championships in Baltimore, Md., and also at the 2013 European Cadet Circuit in Gothenburg, Sweden and Grenoble, France with Team USA. Her dream is to be one of the top three US female fencers to qualify for Team USA at the 2015 Cadet World Championship. Marina Bochenkova, 13 years old, has been fencing competitively for more than one year. She won the Bronze medal in Division III Women’s Epee and renewed her C2013 rating. Marina is homeschooled and lives in Austin, TX.
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
Ray-Ban Frame Showcase
By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020 or back to school, at Vision Source, we are hosting a Ray-Ban frame showcase on August 6, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. RayBan is the global leader in premium eyewear market and by far the best-selling eyewear brand in the world. We are excited to have their sun wear and ophthalmic collections available to see firsthand in our office. There will be some great back to school specials as well. This frame line has men’s, women’s,
and children’s designs so we can meet the needs of every member of the family. In addition to their ophthalmic division for your daily wear glasses, Ray-Ban is a leader in sunglass design. Sunglasses can prevent sun damage to your eyes, improve your vision and make a unique fashion statement. At our showcase, we would like everyone to learn about the different types of sunglasses, including polarized lenses and the latest sunglass styles. Children may not be as interested as adults are in the fashion aspect of sunglasses,
Brain Cell Death And Menopause
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 he hallmark of menopause, that embarrassing symptom so difficult to disguise and so distressing, is the hot flash, the sensation of burning hot one minute and then freezing cold. Skin becomes red with flushing of the face and neck, followed by profuse perspiration. But is that symptom really merely a passing momentary discomfort, or something much worse, best described as brain cell death? Scientists at the North Texas Health
Science Center have studies, which indicate that the hot flash is the body’s way of trying to increase glucose utilization by the brain cells. As estrogen declines, the brain becomes less efficient at utilization of glucose, which leads to cognitive decline. For energy, the brain needs a constant, steady supply of glucose. When the brain cells cannot get enough glucose, then literally, one cannot think clearly. Over a period of time, this slow deterioration of memory can produce symptoms very similar to Alzheimer’s
in full swing soon. We will help them have the best and safest experience possible with contact lenses. We have three doctors to serve you and we love being a part of the Stone Oak community and we appreciate the trust you have placed in our team throughout the years. Drs. Monica Allison, Jeffery Capelle, and Lindsey Denison practice at Stone Oak Vision Source located 19202 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste 106. All of the doctors are members of Vision Source, the nation’s number one network of private practice optometrists. Founded in 1991, The Vision Source network includes more than 2100 offices in all 50 states and Canada. If you or a loved one needs to find a family eye doctor, please call (210) 495-9020 or visit www.visionsource-stoneoak.com
disease. You may have read about the newest pharmaceutical drug to alleviate hot flashes, a remake of an old antidepressant drug with side effects that may include suicide! Depression, a treatable illness, best diagnosed and treated by the psychiatrist, should not be confused with menopause! Recently a potential patient came to me, describing her symptoms in the free 15-minute interview that I offer prior to first appointment. She described crushing fatigue, hot flashes, and insomnia. She admitted to short-term memory loss and word search, “just a minute and it will come to me”. I explained to her that menopause could be best described as an on-going loss, of bone, brain cells, and collagen. Hormone therapy, based on precise laboratory testing, to restore her to the blood level of a young adult, would provide relief for most of her symptoms.
“What about side effects”, she asked. Cancer may occur in women who do and do not receive hormone therapy, but most experts believe that there is an increased risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer in hormonally treated women. Other side effects may include increased risk of blood clots in women who take estrogen by mouth, as opposed to women who receive estrogen through their skin, bypassing the liver. Hormone replacement is a quality of life issue, which must be considered carefully with an in depth exploration of the risks/ benefits. Restore yourself—consider how you will live 50 + years after menopause. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www. antiagingsa.com.
Tejeda Middle School Welcomes A New Principal
New to the Area? If you are new to the area, we’d like to extend a special welcome with a free gift filled with maps, magazines, local business coupons and info to help you get settled in your community.
By Amanda Burris s the Frank Tejeda Middle School parents and students welcome the new school year, filled with new classes, teachers and opportunities, they also have the pleasure of meeting the new Principal, John Bojescul. Bojescul was honored to take on such a position that gives him the opportunity to carry on the excellence of such a prestigious school. “Frank Tejeda Middle School is an outstanding school in our district; the community and parents are highly involved in their child’s education,” he explained when asked why he had wanted this position. “Community and parent involvement are essential to our success as a school, community, district, and society.” He began his teaching career in 1997 at South San Antonio ISD and moved onto North East ISD in 2002. He has developed a passion for working with students and other teachers throughout his various positions at schools that ranged from teaching English, Speech and Debate, to being an assistant principal at both a Middle School and High School. Bojescul was pleased to stay part of the NEISD family by taking on a leadership role at the Tejeda campus, where he can continue a legacy that has been exceptional. “At Tejeda, my vision is to continue to prepare our students to have a competitive advantage upon graduation in a global world that continues to change. We will achieve this vision through academic excellence,
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Stone Oak Allergy 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 • San Antonio, TX 78258
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but because kids spend much more time outdoors than most adults do, sunglasses that block 100 percent of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays are extra important for children. In fact, because children spend significantly more time outdoors than most adults, some experts say that up to half of a person’s lifetime exposure to UV radiation can occur by age 18. We will have styles designed to protect your children’s eyes from all the UV rays, styles that are fun and that they will love wearing! Also, if any family members would like to try contact lenses, we would love to offer some free trials of daily use lenses for them. As students are getting ready for back to school activities, it’s a great opportunity for them to experience the benefits of contact lenses for their sporting events that will be
developmental responsiveness, social equity, and strong organizational structures and processes,” Bojescul explained. “My hope is to continue to build on the excellence we have already achieved, to create a school environment in which every student has the ability to reach his/her greatest potential.” Bojescul is doing his best to work with the teachers to bring the finest education to the many students of Tejeda. While his position as principal requires overlooking the school to ensure success upon the students and faculty, along with many more duties, he finds that the most inspiring part of his job is getting to lead a group of excellent teachers and staff that have the power to make a difference in students’ lives every day. This new Timberwolf is ready to make new connections and partnerships with the families of the community this school year. His enthusiasm and goals for Tejeda are sure to lead him to a memorable time as principal that will no doubt benefit Tejeda in many ways. “I want to tell our students that I am excited, honored and proud to be their new T-Wolf leader! I look forward to ‘howling at the moon’ with them on August 23rd!”
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio (R) and the Stone Oak Allergy team.
Living and Breathing An Enjoyable Life By Amanda Burris “LIFE CHANGING FREEDOM! That is what Dr. Amanda Trott has given our family with her cutting edge treatment and care at Stone Oak Allergy,” said Frederick, Rahnae and Joshua of the Johnson Family. “For years we suffered with the miserable symptoms of seasonal allergies. Watching our son have problems with congestion and trouble sleeping, we turned to Dr. Trott. She is innovative, compassionate, caring and dedicated to helping each and every one of her patients as if they were her only one. We now have the freedom to be outdoors enjoying nature instead of being indoors, captive to our allergies, and our son can now participate in school sports. Try Dr. Amanda Trott as we did. You walk in as a patient and leave as family.” At Stone Oak Allergy, an enthusiastic and friendly staff, headed by Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio, is eager to welcome and assist old and new patients, to get them living a more enjoyable life, just like the Johnson family. While South Texas locals are more than familiar with sneezing, runny noses and the various other symptoms that are the consequence of allergies, Dr. Trott-Gregorio offers testing and treatments to manage these nuisances. “Since living here for the past year, the biggest thing that I’ve noticed about the population of San Antonio is just how allergic patients are,” said Dr. Amanda TrottGregorio. “It’s rare that you meet someone that doesn’t complain of allergic symptoms, and yet, the majority go untreated and unevaluated and just kind of suffer through it. It is a shame because it really interferes with your quality of life.” Allergies, an abnormal reaction of the immune system to typically harmless substances, can not only cause unwanted symptoms but can also be the cause of asthma and eczema, which she also treats. Consequently, allergies and associated problems can keep many people from everyday activities, places and opportunities.
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
At Stone Oak Allergy, Dr. Trott-Gregorio and her team not only work with their patients on a personal level to find out the causes of the problems, but they also work to obtain the perfect solution specifically designed for each person. “Skin testing is the way to determine your specific allergies, so that you know what to avoid,” Dr. TrottGregorio explained. “You can tailor your mediation regimen to be scheduled certain times of the year that you know that the things to which you are allergic are going to be in the air. Injections are specifically tailored for each individual patient to include only the allergens to which that patient is sensitized.” Injections work to change your immune systems so that you can be around the things to which you were previously allergic and no longer have symptoms. This life-changing experience has impacted a number of people in San Antonio and the surrounding area. The shots can be given as a cluster, which allows individuals to feel better in roughly eight weeks, or a slower method, which is over a period of 29 weeks. “My treatment under Dr. Trott has been a life-changing experience,” said patient Jennifer Terveen. “I had always suffered from severe year-round allergy symptoms, and I haven’t really had any symptoms since my second week of cluster shots. It’s just made such a huge difference!” Whether it is treatment through avoidance, medication or injections, Stone Oak Allergy is determined to find the right solution for each person who walks through the door. Although allergies and asthma are the most commonly treated conditions, Dr. Trott-Gregorio also sees patients for allergic skin disorders, chronic cough, non-allergic nasal symptoms, immune deficiencies, and patients who have recurrent infections. Her skills and expertise in these areas are not limited to any particular age, opening the door to even newborns, from which various mothers benefited. “My baby had a severe rash all over, especially on his face, since he was 2 days old, and we saw a pediatrician and a dermatologist who both told me to stop breastfeeding,” explained Melinda Rippy, mother of 9-month-old patient Luke. “I wanted to find a way to fix his rash and continue breastfeeding, and Dr. Trott was the first doctor who took the time to listen and figure out a way to make both of
My treatment under Dr. Trott has been a life changing experience.” – Jennifer Terveen Stone Oak Allergy Patient those things happen. Now his rash is gone!” Due to her passion for her practice and for truly helping people, Dr. Trott-Gregorio has focused her profession into a way of reaching out to the people of the community and making a difference in their lives. “The thing that sets us apart is really that we treat patients like family. Every patient is unique and is treated individually. If I don’t feel like I’ve given 100 percent of myself to that patient, as far as doing everything in my power to make them better, I wake up at night thinking about it,” Dr. Trott-Gregorio explained. “I feel like it is important to love what you do, and getting to know people every day and learning about their lives is such a blessing.” At Stone Oak Allergy, patients will feel right at home as they join Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio and her talented staff on a journey to enhance their lives. Visit their office on Sonterra Boulevard or call 210-494-0690 to schedule an appointment.
Stone Oak Allergy 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 (210) 494-0690 www.stoneoakallergy.com 9
Hope Arise Youth Serve in Corpus on Mission Trip Submitted By Marla Chaloupka hile many high school students spend their summer earning extra cash with part-time jobs, youth from Hope Arise United Methodist Church spent their money to perform work for others. A team of 13 high school students and adult leaders traveled south in June to attend the Sea City Work Camp in the Corpus Christi area. Sea City is a non-profit group that holds two weeks of work camps during the summer to roof and paint homes of those in need. Recipients submit applications to receive assistance through the program. Homeowners must be currently living in the house for which they are seeking repairs, be current on property taxes and qualify based on their income. Homes are also screened to be sure the work area is safe for the students who will work on the homes during their mission trip. This year, the students from Hope Arise painted the exterior of the home of Bruno Castro, Jr. Castro has had some major health issues that prevented him from being able to do the work on his own. Battling the hot, humid, coastal weather, the students climbed ladders and scaffolding to apply a coat of primer and two coats of paint to the house and a dozen storm shutters. All of the work was done using paint brushes. There were no electric paint sprayers typically used for jobs of this magnitude. Students spent the night at Grace United Methodist Church. Each day of the mission trip started with a 6:30 a.m. breakfast, followed by a worship service. Students were
on the job site from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Host families from the church offered their homes for students to go shower at the end of each work day before returning to the church for dinner. Nightly activities included movies, karaoke and a neighborhood scavenger hunt to benefit the homeowners and the church food pantry. Homeowner Castro was thrilled with the students’ work. “The house looks amazing,” Castro said, “and for people like all of you to come and do a job such as the one you did shows that there really are people out there who truly care about others even though we have no knowledge of each other.” Hope Arise Youth Member Heather Waldschmidt shared her reaction to the service she and her peers provided. “It’s always rewarding to perform community service, but this experience was unique. Who would have thought that after paying to work in the hot sun, you would then feel the love and realize the impact that you have made on the homeowner?” This was the 20th anniversary of the Sea City Work Camp. Each year, approximately 150 to 200 kids from South Texas spend their money and time to give back to the community of people who cannot do the work for themselves. The Board of Directors for Sea City Work Camp is composed of youths and adults, but the organization is led by youth deans who spend a year planning everything from scripture to camp themes and activities. This was the second year for Hope Arise to attend the Sea City Work Camp and the third mission trip for the young church.
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700 E. Sonterra Blvd, Ste. 202
PHOTO CREDIT: Leta Cunningham
During a mission trip, members of Hope Arise painted the home of Bruno Castro, Jr.
Hope Arise United Methodist Church was founded in 2010 and meets on Sunday mornings. Join the church at their new location beginning in August at the Encino Park Community Center on Encino Rio. For more information, visit the church website at www. hopearise.com, or their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ hopearise. At right: A group from the Sea City Work Camp groups together in a prayer.
Winter Celebration 2013
Our Family
Caring for Yours
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In past years Winter Celebration Scavenger Hunt has been held during the month of November leading up to Winter Celebration in December. This year we are challenging you! Scavenger Hunt will be held at Winter Celebration at the Legacy Shopping Center. How it Works—Starting at 10 a.m. on December 14, 2013, the Welcome Home checkin booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. For every stamp you receive, you will get one "General Prize" drawing ticket. For every 15 stamps you receive, you will get one "Grand Prize" drawing ticket. From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Stay tuned for what we are drumming up in Grand Prizes this year! Drawings will begin at 3 p.m. You must be present to win. Come out to Winter Celebration, play Scavenger Hunt, build a snowman and Win prizes! *All toys are donated to US Marine Corps Toys for Tots-San Antonio
Date: Time: Place: John Phillips, MD
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Stephanie Hoefle, MD
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Presenting Sponsors:
John Nguyen, MD
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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
The Braces Oasis – Schatz Orthodontics T By Alissa Nagle
here isn’t anything that can brighten up a day as quickly as a beautiful smile. Think about it! A smile is truly contagious, especially a healthy one! At Schatz Orthodontics, San Antonio’s “braces oasis,” Dr. Eric Schatz expertly crafts beautiful smiles for each of his valued patients. “I chose to go into orthodontics for many reasons,” said Dr. Schatz. “I love the science behind it and the fact that I’m affecting my patients’ growth. But what I really enjoy is witnessing how my patients’ confidence brightens, and their ability to go out and accomplish things in life is awakened through treatment.”
I chose to go into orthodontics for many reasons. I love the science behind it and the fact that I’m affecting my patients’ growth.” – Dr. Eric Schatz DDS Schatz Orthodontics A San Antonio native, Dr. Schatz’ practice has grown right along with the rapidly expanding north side of town. In November of 2011, he opened a brand new spacious office located in the Village at Stone Oak. The tropical-inspired décor and relaxing beachy vibe will make you think you’ve stepped into an island oasis. “The kids love it,” explained Dr. Schatz of his practice’s island feel. “And when patients come to our office, it’s our goal to provide a memorable experience, not just an office visit. We become much more than just their orthodontist, we really enjoy getting to know each of our patients and their families.” Over the years, that special relationship between Dr. Schatz and his patients has bridged generations, a true testament to how he runs his practice. “It’s been the greatest thing, to see how our patients refer us to their friends and family members,” said Dr. Schatz.
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
To energize and inspire his patients to remain excited about their treatment and the journey toward a healthy smile, Dr. Schatz and his enthusiastic staff frequently organize motivational contests and other special events. Patients and their families recently joined the staff for an annual movie night outing to Alamo Drafthouse where they enjoyed each others company for a night of fun. Dr. Schatz also enjoys an active presence in the school community. Schatz Orthodontics is very supportive of local schools. To kick-off STAAR testing, Dr. Schatz donated breakfast to teachers to show his support and appreciation for their role in shaping our growing future leaders. “Organizing contest and special events is our way of showing our appreciation, and we have fun in the process” explained Dr. Schatz. With a beautiful location, a growing family of patients, and a warm, friendly environment, at Schatz Orthodontics, patients are always welcomed with a big smile and a friendly Aloha! Initial visits are complimentary, relaxed, conversational and informative. “During that first visit we discuss our patients’ goals and desires for their smile and what we hope to accomplish through treatment,” said Dr. Schatz. If treatment is indicated, each patient receives a treatment plan specifically designed for his or her needs and lifestyle. Dr. Schatz treats both children and adults and his office is equipped with the technology to accommodate any age. Invisalign® clear aligners, Invisalign Teen™, clear braces, low-friction self-ligated brackets, early treatment, and combined orthodontic and surgical treatments are all wonderfully effective options for treatment. Awarded numerous honors throughout his education and training, and fully committed to the importance of continuing education, Dr. Schatz has built a reputation on beautiful
smiles. Dr. Schatz is constantly staying up to date with the latest methods and technologies. As a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and a member of various other organizations, Dr. Schatz offers the best treatment to go along with a memorable visit. Surrounded by a highly experienced staff, he has created a fun, stress-free environment where patients can feel comfortable beginning their journey to a straight, beautiful – and most of all, healthy – smile.
Schatz Orthodontics 22610 US Hwy 281 N, Suite 201 210-272-7129 www.alohamiles.net
Medical Allergy & Immunology
Facial Plastic Surgery
Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 • www.faasonline.com
William R. Thornton, M.D., F.A.C.S. Ophthalmic/Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Cosmetic Eye Lid & Facial Surgery 15316 Huebner Rd., Ste. 101 576-5150 (by appt)
General Dentistry
Allergy & Immunology
Southwest Allergy & Asthma Martin • Rodriguez Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 494-0690 • swallergyasthma.com
Canyon Dental Care Jeff Beal, DDS & Justin Rich, DDS 3111 TPC Pkwy., Ste. 114, San Antonio, 78259 424-3611 www.dentalworks.com
General Dentistry
Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Ste. 2601 545-5224 • www.antiagingsa.com Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men
Colon & Rectal Surgery San Antonio General Surgery Jorge L. Rincon MD, FACS 1162 E. Sonterra, Ste. 210 587-7744 www.sageneralsurgery.com
Dr. Perry E. Wood Family Dentistry, Cosmetics & Orthodontics 16616 San Pedro (281/Thousand Oaks) 491-9898 Accepts most insurance
General Dentistry
Garrison Family Dental Austin J Garrison DDS, Gary J. Garrison DDS 22100 Bulverde Rd., Ste. 114 494-7222 www.garrisonfamilydental.com
Internal Medicine
Orthodontics For Adults/Children
Internal Medicine of Stone Oak Lubna Naeem, M.D. 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 105 490-3800 Laser treatment, Botox, Skin care available
Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Ste. 201 272-7129 www.alohasmiles.net
Pediatric Dentistry
Alamo City Eye Physicians, P.A. J. Mark Berry M.D. William T. Walton M.D. 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 216 491-2020
Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry Dr. “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 491-4141 www.drsusie.net
Speech Therapy
Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 119 697-3821
Speech & Language Center of Stone Oak Barbara A. Samfield 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 108 495-9944 www.stoneoakspeech.com
Urgent Care
Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) www.stoneoak.tso.com
Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • www.fossilcreekurgentcare.com Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine
The World’s Largest Swim Lesson Ladies’ Clothing 60–70% OFF Retail! ALL SIZES—Including Juniors & Plus Sizes • GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE •
10% OFF TOTAL PURCHASE FOR REALTORS with business card! Exp. 08/31/2013
19141 Stone Oak Pkwy • 210.490.2232
Kids from the community gather at the Encino Park HOA pool to get involved in the World’s Largest Swimming Lesson.
Submitted By Patrick Walsh n June 18th, 2013 the Encino Park HOA pool was the host facility for the World’s Largest Swimming Lesson™ (WLSL). Water parks, pools and other aquatic facilities around the globe hosted local WLSL lessons simultaneously in attempt to break the Guinness World Record. This huge swim lesson aimed to build awareness about the vital importance of teaching children to swim to help prevent drowning. Swimming is a life-saving skill for children and a vital tool to prevent drowning, the second leading cause of unintended, and injury-related death for children ages 1-14. Research shows if a child doesn’t learn to swim by the third grade, they likely never will. The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson™ was created to serve as a platform to help local community aquatic facilities and the many different national, regional and state wide water safety and drowning prevention organizations work together
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Janet L. Rowe, M.D. Board Certified Pediatric Nephrologist
to tell this important story on a local and national level. To qualify for the world record, all aquatic facilities participating in WLSL needed to teach the same curriculum at the same time for the duration of the 30-minute lesson. The curriculum was developed by a team of leading water safety and swim instruction professionals and followed an easy, beginner lesson plan to allow for the broadest participation possible. The Encino Park Pool added 78 participants to the World record total. San Antonio pool builders and service companies organized and funded the event, which included a $2,000 donation to the Johnson H.S. swim team. The event was a perfect combination of community volunteers and local business support to promote the concept that “swimming lessons save lives”. A big thank you to all of the supporting sponsors who helped make this event happen. There are already plans to expand the event next year and re-set another world record!
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
Helping People See the Important Things In Life: Texas State Optical—Stone Oak
(L-R) Samantha, Linda, Franchesca, Renee, Dr. Renee Dunlap, Dr. Kara Farmer, Elizabeth, Stephanie, Brenda & Adrianna. Not pictured: Dawn Heiman, Office Manager.
By Amanda Burris
he best way to achieve optimal eye care is with a proper examination. At Texas State Optical (TSO)– Stone Oak, a private optometric practice, patients can expect a welcoming environment with a compassionate staff, individualized care, state-of-the-art technology and treatment by two very qualified optometrists, Dr. Renee T. Dunlap and Dr. Kara Farmer. TSO is a network of independent practicing optometrists in Texas and has been providing “Eyewear you want from doctors you trust” for over 75 years. The Stone Oak office has made its home in the community and has grown to become a place that many choose to fulfill their optical needs. Meet The Optometrists―Dr. Renee T. Dunlap & Dr. Kara Farmer Dr. Dunlap, therapeutic optometrist, optometric glaucoma specialist and Board Certified by the American Board of Optometry brings over 20 years of experience to the office. After graduating cum laude from Illinois Wesleyan University, Dr. Dunlap went on to graduate magna cum laude with a Doctor of Optometry degree from Illinois College of Optometry. She is currently a member of the American Optometric Association, Texas Optometric Association and serves on the TSO Board of Directors. Dr. Kara Farmer, therapeutic optometrist and glaucoma specialist also has brought experience and a passion for eye care to the TSO-Stone Oak family. She received her doctorate from the University of Houston College of Optometry in 2012 after obtaining a Bachelor of Science in biology from Texas A&M University. After acquiring her education, Dr. Farmer went on to compete additional training at Texas Eye Institute, Space Center Eye Associates and Eye Center of Texas where she received extensive training in the management of various conditions including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. Specialty Contact Lenses Dr. Dunlap has extensive experience in contact lens services. TSO-Stone Oak carries specialized lenses for Keratoconus. Dr. Dunlap is one of the few certified fitters in San Antonio for ClearKone hybrid contact lenses by Synergeyes which feature a hard central portion to provide clear, excellent vision and a soft outer portion to offer increased comfort. In addition, both doctors fit patients who may need: • Bifocal Contacts • Specialty Contact Lenses for Corneal Transplants, Intacs, RK and Lasik Surgery • Scleral Contact Lenses • Silicone Hydrogel Contacts • Daily Disposal Contacts • Toric Contacts • Contact lenses for Dry Eyes and the full complement of dry eye treatment
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
Eye Diseases―Treatment & Technology Dr. Dunlap and Dr. Farmer are well informed on diagnoses and how to manage and treat eye diseases including glaucoma, dry eye, allergies, infections, injuries, macular degeneration and diabetic retinal disease. They can also perform pre-op evaluations and referrals for LASIK. At TSO-Stone Oak, they are equipped with the latest technology for eye diagnosis with an Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) laser scanner. This device allows for diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma and macular degeneration seven years earlier than with the traditional tests; it also detects many other retinal problems. With advanced technology and a team of specialized professionals, eye diseases can be easily discovered and treated at TSO-Stone Oak.
Diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol all show up in the eyes. If I see deposits or signs of one of these diseases, I can recommend that the patient follow-up with his or her primary care doctor.” – Dr. Renee T. Dunlap, TSO―Stone Oak Pediatric Eye Care Both doctors offer eye examinations for patients of all ages, from infants to seniors. There is a common misperception that children’s vision cannot be evaluated until they reach age six. Nevertheless, by applying eye drops and using specialized equipment to assess the light reflex off the back of the eye, Dr. Dunlap and Dr. Farmer can test the focusing system, eye teaming and tracking of infants as young as six months old. According to national studies, one out of four school age children have an undiagnosed vision problem that can lead to difficulty in learning. “Eighty percent of learning is visual,” explains Dr. Dunlap. “Poor eyesight can lead to other problems in the classroom and stand in the way of a child becoming a successful student. Because infants and younger children cannot communicate well, I use a stronger eye drop that allows me to take an accurate reading of the prescription.” TSO-Stone Oak recommends that children receive an eye exam before school starts each year. They also carry a wide selection of children's’ eyewear, sports glasses, contact lenses and even infant frames. Both doctors are providers for the American Optometric Association’s InfantSEE program, which provides eye examinations on infants 6-12 months of age at no charge. Dr. Dunlap also sees patients through referral from the Hill Country Mission for Health in Boerne, free of charge.
Same Day & Advanced Lens Choices TSO-Stone Oak carries advanced lens choices and frames to fit the entire family. Many prescription lenses can be made in house the same day. • Thin and light high index lenses • Transitions lenses that become dark in the sunlight or the car and even become polarized in sunlight • Progressive, “no-line” bifocals • Anti-reflective lens treatments which decrease glare and eye fatigue • Scratch resistant treatments • UV protection • Polycarbonate and Trivex lenses The Importance of a Yearly Eye Exam Patients should never skip or overlook their yearly eye exam. “Vision can change over time causing eye strain and eye fatigue and general tiredness which many people may attribute to aging,” explains Dr. Dunlap. “However, they may need a prescription change, something we can determine during an eye exam.” More importantly, almost all systemic diseases have the possibility of having some ocular manifestations. “Diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol all show up in the eyes,” stated Dr. Dunlap. “If I see deposits or signs of one of these diseases, I can recommend that the patient follow-up with his or her primary care doctor.” Insurance Provider TSO-Stone Oak accepts most medical and vision insurances including but not limited to, Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, Tricare, VSP, Spectera, Eye Med and Avesis. Schedule Your Exam Today! To find a caring environment, individual treatment and top optical care, TSO-Stone Oak is the place to go. With a highly qualified staff and two doctors, you are bound to find the best treatment in the area. TSO-Stone Oak is located in Stone Ridge Market (by the H-E-B Plus) off U.S. Hwy 281 N. and Evans Rd. Call 210-490-EYES (3937) or visit www.stoneoak.tso.com to make an appointment.
Texas State Optical–Stone Oak 21019 U.S. Hwy 281, Suite 832 210-446-3422 www.stoneoak.tso.com facebook.com/StoneOakTSO 13
We Keep You Rolling
By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
he time has come to enjoy one last road trip before its back to school time. Make sure your car is as ready as you are to send those kids back to school, because August always challenges us with high temperatures. Here are 6 items to complete before you enjoy the end of summer: Anti-freeze – This solution keeps your vehicle from freezing in the winter, but
also keeps your vehicle from overheating in the summer by increasing the boiling point of water. When you check your coolant it should be full and clean, not rust colored or brown. Belts, Fans, & Hoses – The accessory belt shouldn’t look dry, rotted or cracked. When checking hoses they shouldn’t feel mushy or soft, they should be firm. If there are leaks, or cracks, a breakdown is sure to
You’re Invited!
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follow. Lastly, take a peek at the cooling fans, as these will ensure your car doesn’t overheat. Battery – It’s a misconception that the winter is harder on your vehicle’s battery than summer. With the combination of the extra heat under the hood, which depletes a weak battery of its power more quickly, and the added load of the air-condition, the summer reeks havoc on batteries. We suggest having the battery load tested, and review the terminals, assuring they are free of corrosion and are clean and tight. Air Conditioner – It’s a fate we all fear: a poorly working or non-existent air conditioner in August! Make sure those freon levels are in tip top shape, and don’t forget to check you’re a/c system for leaks. Fluids – Before the interior check is complete, don’t forget about the details, like the levels of your transmission fluid, engine oil, power steering fluids and brake fluid. These will all help keep important components working smoothly and prevent future damage or catastrophic failure of components. Exterior – Last is to inspect parts on the outside. Check your tire pressure and
the condition of the tires, and always look for burned-out lights needing replacement. Lastly, make sure your wipers are working well for those unexpected summer showers. We would love to see you at any of our four locations to assist you with these checks, and more. Make sure you ask us about our Summer Special that includes: 38 Point Vehicle Inspection, A/C Service (which includes evacuate and recharge), Good Oil Change, Tire Rotation for $99.95. Find more money saving coupons and specials at beldensautomotive.com. From our family to yours: Buckle up and drive safe! Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has four locations: 13811 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78232, phone number (210) 494-0017; 29137 IH-10 W., Boerne, TX 78006, phone number (830) 981-9700; 8825 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, TX 78240, phone number (210) 481-3330; 22000 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78259, phone number (210) 690-1100. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive. com.
San Antonio Teacher Attends Space Academy By Erica Cavazos o prepare for a new school year, most teachers redecorate their classrooms, meticulously plan out lesson plans and replenish their school supplies. This past June, however, Cindy Glenn, a teacher at Stone Oak Elementary School, joined other educators from around the world to embark on a learning adventure of a lifetime. After a rather rigorous application process, Glenn was one of the 210 educators selected from 42 states and 27 countries to attend Honeywell Educators @ Space Academy Program, a simulated astronaut training and professional development program at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala. The program included 45 hours of professional development, as well as an intensive educator curriculum focused on space science and exploration. “Every aspect of the training was well thought out and was very similar to actual astronaut training,” Glenn said after her trip. In addition to professional development, each teacher underwent simulated astronaut training, which included a highperformance jet simulation, land and water survival training, interactive flight dynamics programs and a scenario-based mission simulation. “We met a shuttle astronaut, Hoot Gibson, and a rocket scientist, Homer Hickam. I participated in two scenario-base mission simulations,” Glenn said. “I was the Commander for our futuristic Orion Mission, and I worked very hard with my team. At times, it got pretty stressful, and you really forgot it was just a simulation. Our missions were successful, and we felt proud when they were completed.” Aside from their simulated space adventure, Glenn and her fellow honorary astronauts also participated in several hands-on lab activities. “We built our own rockets and launched them,” Glenn said. “This was totally new to me, and it was fantastic! We had to design
Glenn and Karl Ochsner, of Phoenix, Ariz., gained a new understanding of STEM.
and build a water filtration system. This was challenging, but we were successful and even drank our filtered water.” Apart from the exciting experience of simulated space exploration, the main purpose of the Honeywell Educators @ Space Academy Program is to help teachers gain new innovative teaching skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in fun and exciting ways. “I have so many new tools and a much greater understanding of STEM concepts,” Glenn said. “I will be able to share my personal experiences with my students and hopefully ignite their interest in science. They will develop a deeper understanding of science concepts and become better problem solvers.” For the upcoming school year, Glenn is excited to teach her students some of the experiments she learned on her trip, like creating a water filtration system, building a lunar rover and designing a lunar base. “They are challenging yet fun activities which have real life applications,” she said. Participants of the Honeywell Educators @ Space Academy Program most often give rave reviews of the experience, and Glenn is no exception. “The entire week, from team building activities to the simulated training, was an amazing experience. It was a wonderful way to learn and connect with teachers from around the world.”
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
K9 Corner
Alviar Lawn Care, LLC
By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
We are a family owned & operated business. Our business goal is simple:
Give That Dog A Bone!
receive calls daily from people who struggle with problems they are having with their pets. There is no magic wand in training. It’s about foundation and commitment. Many people struggle with even the basic behaviors. Some blame the dog, “He gets distracted.” Others blame the spouse, “My wife spoils him!” Some can’t get their 15 lb terrier to stop pulling. If any of these situations sound familiar, I promise you are not alone. When you train, you must be very clear and consistent as to what you’re asking for. Break the task down so your dog gets reinforced for being correct a lot. This is the foundation for all you train. It needs to be clear that pulling gets them nowhere and NOT pulling gets them a high value reward. If someone just pats me on the head the one time I wasn’t pulling, I’d have no problem doing it again. But hand me a $50 bill each time I didn’t pull, and pulling would quickly become a thing of my past. Now since our pets could care less about a $50 bill, it’s our job to find out what they value most. If you think your dog only likes hugs, I guarantee we‘d find something they will do even bigger and better things for. For example, if your dog has any prey drive, likes to chase squirrels, deer, other dogs, you have a dog that can be taught great toy drive. Toys are a super way to train, especially if you’re worried about over treating your pet. If you’re having trouble training, look at the following list to see if there is something you can do better.
“We mow the lawn so you don’t have to.” Mowing lawns is all that we do and most lawns start at only $40. (Includes the front & back yard.)
Do you reward inconsistent behaviors, making it unclear as to what you truly want? Did you stop rewarding too soon, before the dog started “offering” the correct behavior, causing the dog to be unenthusiastic about the job? Consider the behavior their job. Would you go to work every day if you weren’t getting paid or if every day you failed because you were not clear on what was being asked of you? If you still need help, we are here for you. With private lessons, Board & Train, and new classes beginning in September, our professional trainers can help you every step of the way. You can visit www. k9countryclub.net for a full schedule. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.
210.663.9482 www.AlviarLawnCare.com
Local Musician Wins National Piano Competition Submitted By Ann Howell ocal soon-to-be third grader, Kadence Howell, won first place in the Tourgee DeBose National Piano Competition this past April in Baton Rouge, La. at Southern University. Students from all over the United States entered the piano competition which featured all levels of performers from late starters to college participants. Howell entered the accelerated-gifted level for second grade, performing the “Minuet” by J.S. Bach in D minor and “March of the Grasshoppers” by Sergei Prokofieff. Howell won a first place trophy and the Sandra L. Kuykendall Award of $200. Kadence Howell has won numerous piano competition honors including the Bach Circle Award from the Junior Tuesday Musical Club Piano Competition, first prize at the Petroff State Piano Competition, first prize at the RMI Piano Competition and a Gold Medal in the first and second grade TMTA State Theory Exam. Howell has also been a chosen performer at the UTSA San Antonio Music Teachers Association Judges’ Choice Recitals for the past two years. This past June, Howell was asked to perform at the San Antonio International
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back 22100 Bulverde Road San Antonio, Tx 78259
Bulverde Road, next to Walgreens on Evans & Bulverde
Kadence Howell beams with her well-earned trophy.
Piano Competition Summer Student Showcase Recital, which was held at the Junior Musical Club. In addition to her piano performances, Howell loves to sew, dance and swim. In the fall, Howell will be entering the third grade at Roan Forest Elementary where she has been in the Dual-Language Spanish Program since kindergarten. Howell studies piano with Marsha Perkins at Ramar Music Institute where she has been playing piano since the age of four.
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
North Star Mall Alamo Heights Broadway Bulverde Rd
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Johnson JROTC Re-Takes National Leadership Bowl Championship
Johnson Leadership Team with the George Mason statue at GMU.
Submitted By LTC (R) Alan Maitland n an unusually warm June Saturday morning in Washington, D. C., some of America’s best high school students met at George Mason University to compete in the annual Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) Leadership and Academic Bowl (JLAB). While most high school students were enjoying their summer break, four cadets from Claudia T. “Lady Bird” Johnson High School JROTC joined the nation’s top 252 Army JROTC cadets in the annual National JLAB Championships, held from June 2125 at Mason University. The Johnson cadets took the National Leadership Bowl Championship title in an extremely rigorous competition that introduced a new six-event competition format this year. The Johnson Leadership Team—Bryan Duke (team captain), Max Pawloski, Kiana Reveles and Will Porth— qualified for the final championship round. In fact, the Johnson team finished first in three of the five qualifying testing events and second and third in the other two testing events. All Leadership Bowl cadets took a series of five one-hour tests (all which encompassed a wide section of the JROTC curriculum) to qualify as the “Top 3” finishers for the Championship Finals. The five testing events were (1) the Marshall, the MacArthur, and the CitizenSoldier exam; (2) the Leadership Gauntlet; (3) Higher Order Thinking (HOT); (4) Leadership Media; and (5) a general studies JROTC curriculum test. The tests were challenging, but straightforward with each team responding to questions either posed by a narrator or, in the case of general studies, a paper test. All team responses were recorded using the latest version of the Classroom Performance System (CPS) responders. In the final championship round, the top three Leadership Teams went headto-head in a “Jeopardy” style competition, much like what the JLAB Academic Teams go through in their Bowl competition. The JLAB national level of competition is not new to the Johnson cadets as they have qualified to compete at this level four of the five years of their existence with five teams. In 2011, Johnson won both the National Leadership Bowl Championship title and the Academic Bowl Runner-Up National Championship title. Last year, the Johnson team finished sixth place in an extremely competitive competition where only seven-
Johnson Team proudly displaying their Championship trophy.
tenths of a point separated them from the third place trophy team. The JLAB Leadership Bowl competition began in Oct. 2012 with 1,349 Army JROTC programs participating in Level I competition. Only 557 Leadership Teams advanced to Level II. After advancing through two phases of online testing, the Johnson Leadership Team won first place in Division I, 5th ROTC Brigade, and United States Army Cadet Command. The 40 winning teams from the seven JROTC Brigades advanced to the final national championship rounds at George Mason University. “I am extremely proud of all of our student cadets” said LTC (R) Alan W. Maitland, senior army instructor and coach. “I had no doubt that we had the winning team this year. At the Leadership Gauntlet, the test moderator introduced our cadets by saying, ‘…the infamous Claudia T. Lady Bird Johnson Team from San Antonio, Texas.’ One can only earn such comments!” Although they are notorious for their excellence in the competition, their trip to D.C. was not all work and no play for the Johnson JROTC cadets. All the participating cadets have amazing stories and memories to share about their JLAB experiences. Prior to the competition, they took time to tour the historic Baltimore Harbor; Fort McHenry, the place that inspired “The Star Spangled Banner”; and the Gettysburg Battlefield. The Johnson cadets learned to ride Washington’s subway system while touring all of D.C.’s major monuments, including Arlington Cemetery, the White House, the Capitol and the Supreme Court. Additionally, college representatives from all the military academies and other top tier schools talked to all cadets about the college admission process. Besides earning the championship trophy, the Johnson cadets received some very rare and limited awards. They received the George C. Marshall Leadership Medal with certificate, the General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Medal with certificate, the newly revealed, first-issue 100th Anniversary JROTC Coin, plus a congratulatory letter from General (R) Colin Powell. In addition, the Leadership Team will receive the United States Army Cadet Commander’s “Challenge Coin” for excellence at a later date. Additionally, Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado awarded the cadets one college credit for fulfilling the requirements for their course
Johnson Leadership Team on top of Little Round Top at Gettysburg Battlefield.
entitled LEAD 120, American Veterans – Profiles in Leadership. “I feel these cadets will likely look back at the complete JLAB experience as their defining moment in high school,” said Maitland. “I am confident that they will be America’s future leaders.”
Johnson Team upon the announcement their victory. L to R: Cadet Will Porth; Cadet Max Pawloski; Mr. Leon McMullen, Deputy Director JROTC; Cadet Bryan Duke, Team Captain and Cadet Kiana Reveles.
TSO Announces Cruise Winners
Special To Welcome Home t Texas State Optical (TSO), there was a ten-week referral contest that recently took place, as a fun way for patients to get involved. Patients could refer new clients to the office for an opportunity to win a seven-day, all expenses paid, luxury cruise for two on the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 the random drawing was performed and Texas State Optical-Stone Oak had two very lucky winners! Congratulations to TSOStone Oak’s very own employee, Frankie Sandoval, and patient Kenneth Keller who
Cruise winners Kenneth Keller and Frankie Sandoval with Dr. Renee T. Dunlap.
were fortunate enough to win the cruise. TSO-Stone Oak would like to wish them the best as they set off, and send them a happy reminder to not forget their sunglasses!
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
SOBA Says Goodbye To One Of Their Own –Joe Gamez Early intervention can make all the difference.
Joe Gamez and Erica Kraus help open the Hyatt Place - North Stone Oak
Joe, dancing with a Flamenco dancer, at a SOBA evening mixer., always in a great mood.
elcome Home Community Newspaper and the Stone Oak Business Association (SOBA) would like to pay tribute to one of its long time members, Mr. Joe Gamez. Joe passed away on Saturday, July 6. He is survived by his wife, four children and one granddaughter. Joe, often referred to by many of our SOBA Statesmen as the “Mayor of Stone Oak,” was an active member of SOBA for over five years. He was a great supporter of not only SOBA, but of the Stone Oak community as a whole. He believed in the power of community, and it
showed in the work that he did. Joe had recently moved from his position as acting general manager of the Drury Plaza Hotel Stone Oak to the Homewood Suites. His years of experience in hospitality management led him to open two separate hotel properties in the Stone Oak area, the Courtyard Marriot and the Hyatt North Stone Oak. Joe had great love and passion for hospitality, and he was honored as a Certified Tourism Ambassador for San Antonio, ensuring that every visitor to our great city left with a lasting impression. One thing is certain—Joe left us earlier than we ever hoped, but he didn’t leave without making his own lasting impression. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Gamez family.
SA Artist Dazzles With SelfTaught Techniques Special To Welcome Home or some people, learning how to paint means taking classes, studying with artists and lots of trial and error. For others, learning how to paint is like a fish learning how to swim. In May 2012, a coworker gave teacher Sheryll Putnam a paintbrush and told her their school’s science lab needed a mural. “I had never held a brush before, and this leap of faith seemed very foolish,” Putnam says. “Like the obedient team-player I am, I nodded my head and said a prayer, ‘Don’t let me embarrass myself.’ The painting appeared like magic on the wall.” As an artist, Putnam describes herself as “self-taught.” She would try to learn from books, but she found her efforts to be “passionless and flat.” Then, she decided to do something different. “I finally decided to try an experimental approach--whatever ‘felt’ right would go,” she explained. “Suddenly, it was as if the paintbrush took on a life of its own. I looked at books afterwards again, and I was surprised at how I picked up techniques just by trying things out on my own.” Putnam’s use of different types of media came through experimentation also. After trying out different paints, she found that acrylic works best since most of her painting is done in one session. “Having wet paint for extended periods of time isn’t feasible when you have a house with small children.” Like all artists, Putnam puts symbolism into her work. Water is in almost every one
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of her pieces in different forms, moods and stages. “My moods seem to influence how the water looks, whether it is turbulent, calm or a little moody,” she explains. “I associate water with cleansing and rebirth. I believe that the water also represents what cannot be controlled, but can be overcome, dealt with and transformed by. There have been powerful forces at work in my life and I’m not afraid of water anymore.” Putnam also favors fences because she feels they stem from daily choices made and the boundaries she puts in place and interactions with others based on difficult experiences in the past. To her, they seem to mean caution and control. “Painting makes me feel alive, hopeful, powerful,” she says. “When I paint, it is almost like I rise above myself and my past. I speak a different language that can resonate in others who see my story in my work. Despite those fences, I want to be heard, seen and understood.” And while Putnam signs her work, she prefers to leave the titles of her work to the viewer. “Most pieces do not have names,” Putnam explained. “I like them to speak to others and whisper titles to whoever views them.” When not making new creations on canvas, Putnam is a fourth-grade teacher at South San ISD. Her work can be found at www.facebook.com/ SherrysShowblingThings.
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
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Hot Start To Summer For Johnson HS Dance and Drill Submitted By Jeanie Salmeron hen the school year came to a close and most students settled into relaxation mode, the 2013–2014 team members from Johnson’s Legacies and Belles started their summer off in full force by attending various summer camps all though June. These camps, sponsored by Showmakers of America, challenged the girls through a diverse dance curriculum while offering a setting where new team building and bonding could begin. Under the leadership of Johnson dance director, Stephanie Trevino-Felan, newly elected officers did an outstanding job preparing their members for the hard work and team spirit required to endure the intensity of summer camp. Trevino-Felan said of this year’s selection, “I couldn’t be more proud and ecstatic with the officers for this upcoming year. The hard work they put forth at camp, along with their charisma ensures me they are more than ready to take Johnson Dance to another level.” Leading the Legacies are the newly elected officers Colonel Addison Banazek and Lieutenant Colonel Kristen Edge. New Belles officers are Colonel Monica Rodriguez, Lieutenant Colonel Claudia Floyd, First Major Caroline Zito, Second Major Jamie BentzienPurrington and Third Major Teresa Leutze. The dance and drill officers began their summer by attending the Showmakers of America Officer Camp at the El Tropicana hotel here in San Antonio on June 7 through 10. Both the dance and drill officer teams were named “Grand Champions” of the event and received a plaque for “Most
Johnson’s new officers include (L to R) Addison Banazek, Kristen Edge, Monica Rodiguez, Claudia Floyd, Caroline Zito, Jamie Bentzien-Purrington and Teresa Leutze.
Outstanding Home Routine,” a final evaluation plaque, ribbon recognition in choreography and the sweepstakes award. Individual “Superlative” awards were given to officers Banazek, Edge, Zito and Rodriguez. Just a day after returning from Officer Camp, Legacies Dance officers joined their team for Showmaker’s Team Camp at Blinn College in Brenham, Texas on June 11 through 14. Not only was the team able to build a strong bond and create unforgettable memories, but they also returned home with numerous team and individual awards. As a team, the Legacies were awarded “Most Disciplined” (day one), “Most Outstanding Team of the Day” (day three), plaque recognition for “Highest Scoring Home Routine,” plaque recognition for the camp dance evaluation and the sweepstakes award. All of these various awards resulted in the Legacies being named “Grand Champions” of the event. All 25 Legacies members were individually awarded “All-Star” Dancers. Individual “Superlative” awards were given
All Legacies members were named “All Star” dancers.
to Addison Banazek, Hannah Powell, Jackie Merritt, Rebecca Franklin, Kristen Edge, Hailey Alvey and Krista White. “Miss High Kick” finalists were Banazek, Merritt, Emily Moravits, Makaela de la Garza, and Edge, with Edge becoming a “Miss High Kick” runner-up. “Miss Leaps” finalists were Banazek and Powell. Winner of the “Miss Turns” title was Courtney Seely. Runner-up to “Miss Showmaker” was Banazek. The Belles drill team attended Showmakers Team Camp at the Omni Hotel in San Antonio on June 18 through 20. As a team, the Belles were awarded “Most Outstanding Team of the Day,” “Most Spirited,” plaque recognitions for “Home Routine” and “Camp Dance” as well as the sweepstakes award. The Belles wrapped up a successful camp by becoming the “Grand Champions” of the event. “All-Star” dancer awards were given individually to 41 out of the 73 Belles members with “Superlatives” being awarded to Monica Rodriguez, Teresa Leutze, Claudia Floyd, Ellie Marlowe, Caroline
Zito, Jamie Bentzien-Purrington, Lourdes Ballesteros, Katelyn Andreassen, Emma Eatman, Abby Heidenrich, Destiny Carrillo, Meghan Mollicone, Leslie Malave and Tina Ramirez. Runner-up to “Miss Showmaker” was Rodriguez. With the conclusion of a successful camp experience, dance director Trevino-Felan offered her thoughts on what the year has in store for both teams, “Both teams impressed me beyond measure this past summer. I was happy to see new bonds created, but most importantly their work ethic is one of the best I’ve seen. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for the 2013-2014 Legacies and Belles.” The National Finalist Legacies dance team and the State Champion Belles drill team will be hosting the Johnson High School’s sixth annual Lil’ Lady Birds Dance Clinic on Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, please visit TrevinoFelan’s webpage at www.tw.neisd.net/ webpages/strevi1/. Just click on the Dance Clinic icon on the left-hand side of the webpage for a registration form.
The Burzikes’ Brightest
Enrolling for Fall! Ages Birth to Nine
The Brightest Recipients of the 2013 Burziks.
Submitted By Jennifer Starr wenty shining stars of San Antonio area Catholic high schools gathered together recently to receive the prestigious Burzikes’ Brightest Scholarship through Hope for the Future (HOPE). Provided to exemplary students attending a Catholic high school in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, the $5,000 scholarship award was made possible by a generous grant from Frank and Cathy Burzik, both Catholic school alumnae, through their Burzik Foundation. The luncheon held at the Assumption Seminary Brown Room brought the awardees and their families together to celebrate the honor. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller gave the opening prayer and followed with some important words for the group on the importance of preparing
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youths for life through a strong, faith-filled education. After a lunch provided by the RK Group, the Burzikes also addressed the students with words of support and encouragement through stories of how their own paths to success were paved with academic scholarships. The Burzikes told the recipients that the best gift would be to see the students one day be in the position to give this same HOPE to the future generation in Catholic school. This was the first year the Burzikes’ Brightest scholarship was available to students through HOPE, which provides the benefit and values of a Catholic school education to the community through offerings such as the Tuition Assistance Program. For more information please visit www.hopeforfuture.org.
August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259
Stone Oak Business Association Presents An Evening Mixer at River City Seafood Grill Before the school year takes off, join the Stone Oak Business Association for a last taste of summer on Thursday, August 22 at River City Seafood & Grill. Enjoy a night out with your local business neighbors over food, drinks and a great atmosphere. This will be a GREAT opportunity to mix and mingle with other SOBA members, while also making new connections!
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August 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259