A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Timberwood Park, Canyon Springs, Lookout Canyon, Riata Ranch and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER
August 2015 Issue
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August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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Taking The Time To Source The Finest Seafood In Texas! 9801 McCullough, San Antonio, Texas 210-377-0951 4002 East Causeway Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 361-730-1514 August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
2015 Winter Celebration
Scavenger Hunt
2015 Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa
FREE Photo with Santa!
With all levels of participation there is one to fit your businesses needs. Scavenger Hunt is a great way to participate in the community and get new business through your door. Diamond
OVER 60,000 lbs OF SNOW FUN! You are invited to eat, play, enjoy rides and have your FREE photo with Santa taken at the largest and longest running holiday event in
San Antonio. Enjoy local school bands and talented children’s performances, winter “sledding” and 60,000 lbs of snow fun!
Gold Bronze
Saturday, December 5, 2015 10 am – 3 pm
502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital) FREE with the donation of a toy
,000 V isito
Admission FREE with donation of a new toy.
Which level will you choose? Date: Time:
L im Vendor ited 210.34 Booths Over 10 8.8233
2015 Winter Celebration Sponsor s
Date: Time:
Saturday, December 5, 2015 10 am – 3 pm
502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital) FREE with donation of a new toy
Hunt RSVP: (210)348–8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com
rs !
2015 Winter Celebration Sponsor s
Vendor RSVP:(210)348–8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com
S• O •B•A MI X ER Nothing is better than a Stone Oak Business Association Mixer.
Relax after work with us on Wednesday, August 19. Check in starts at 5:30 pm and price includes heavy appetizers and 2 drink coupons. Bring plenty of business cards!
Stay for more fun after 8 pm, Wednesdays are Trivia Night. Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Time: 5:30 pm – 8 pm Location: Helix 26108 Overlook Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78260 Cost: $20 Members $ 25
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SOBA • Building Relationships • Growing Busines ses 4
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Note From The Publisher
Enjoying Summer
ummer is coming to a close and it’s time to do all the last minute things before the kids go back to school. All of us here at Welcome Home hope you had a great summer filled with fun times, family and friends. Even though summertime is nearly over, we are fortunate to enjoy the extended sunshine and warm temperatures here in San Antonio… there’s still time to enjoy the pool or head down to the coast during Labor Day weekend. Take advantage and catch a few more summer waves and rays! As always, Welcome Home is excited to cover news and events throughout our community as we enter a new school year. Remember, we are always looking to highlight school athletics, galas, student clubs, organizations and more. As parents, we’re responsible for helping our students stay on track. With that in mind, remember Welcome Home would like to highlight as many students and their accomplishments as possible. There will be many school activities, clubs and tournaments your children will become involved in. We welcome photos and the opportunity to interview your outstanding student. There’s truly something special for any child or young adult when they see their name and photo in print. The front cover is special to me this month since my two brothers, Richard and Michael, are the ones on it. I am so blessed to have my family live in the same city. We are promoting our LosbsterMania! This is our family’s way to say “Thank You” to so many who have blessed us and our business. If you have never visited
Groomer’s Seafood, this would be the time to make your way on over! I guarantee the ambiance, service and quality will bring you back time and time again. The Stone Oak Business will be having its Business Expo again this September. This is a great event to attend as a business owner or as part of the general public. Meeting new business owners and supporting local business is what SOBA is all about. Make sure and mark your calendars and come out and support the local businesses who participate in this event. Remember, the proceeds from the Expo are awarded to local seniors as scholarships to help them as they venture on to college. Also, our Winter Celebration is right around the corner. We are looking for volunteers to help out the day of the event and for businesses to participate, along with sponsors for the event. We hope this year will be our best ever, so come on out and help us celebrate!!! Welcome Home is proud to have been your “good news” newspaper for the last 14 years. Thank you for being such a loyal reader and thank you, advertisers, for your support in making our publication possible. Please remember to dine, drink and enjoy what our local community has to offer by visiting our many advertisers at their place of business. We look forward to hearing from you! Enjoy the last days of summer.
Storage and moving that makes life simple You pack and lock - we pick up and store
(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com
Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
Director Of Production Kristin Oliver
Staff Writers Debby Seguin
Writer/Copy Editors Stefanie Young
Contributing Photographer Karen Little
Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Heather Jemente
Distribution Israel Vazquez
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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Publisher Russell Groomer
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Lic #100102
On The Cover
obsterMania at Groomer’s Seafood is fast approaching! This event has been a huge hit with lobster lovers since the beginning, but exactly how huge is huge? Sales reports from last year say more than 15,000 lobsters were sold in one day, with about 3,000 lobsters being sold per hour! As the unofficial world record holders for the most lobster sold in one day, Groomer’s is more than ready to bring on the lobsters. With their new location in Corpus Christi ready to jump on board, there will be double the lobster and double the fun. Groomer’s Seafood Corpus Christi carries all of the same seafood products (both fresh and frozen) as the San Antonio location. Although the Groomer family has not yet set a date for LobsterMania 2015, they hope to have it either the first or second week in August. If you want to stay up to date on the planning process, make sure to sign up for their Newsletter and LIKE their Facebook page. LobsterMania will be occurring at both the San Antonio and Corpus Christi locations, so stay tuned to the Groomer’s facebook page and tell all of your friends about it! For more information about Groomer’s
Photo Credit Karen Little Photography
Left to Right: Michael Groomer, Blake Groomer, and Richard Groomer.
Seafood and LobsterMania, you can visit their website at www.groomerseafood.com, their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ GroomersSeafood, or you can give them a call at (210) 377-0951. You can also sign up online and in store to receive weekly specials via email.
Family Life
Heated Conversation By Debby Seguin
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w w w. l u v n c a re c e n te rs . c o m 6
t’s Texas in the summer. I can’t move. It’s too hot. My brain is fried. I can only sit here, helplessly letting my thoughts wander, knowing not where they will eventually lead. (However, it’s usually times like these when my best ideas come to me! We can hope…). I begin my mental journey by calculating my utility bill, and through the window, I see my dog writing a hand-written note (which is no easy task!) and holding it up to the window with his usual “Please let me in! Have mercy!” plea written on it. As he whips up some drool so as to look truly pathetic, it suddenly occurs to me how unfair this really is. No, not unfair to my dog. (Sorry, PETA, but before being domesticated, dogs always lived outdoors, not having the dexterity to build their
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own shelters or use toilet paper). No, the unfairness is to the people of our state. Is it really fair that the people in, say, California have an average utility bill of $16.52? Just because their weather is perfect? Speaking of fair; Is it fair that whoever drew the lines for all the states was being paid under the table?! Think about it. California is, again, a good example: It’s long and thin, hogging most of the perfect Pacific coastline. People are forced to go to their state to enjoy any of it. This is totally unacceptable. State lines should be redrawn with several short and fat (east to west) states sharing this treasure. Did these line drawers ever stop to think what this could do to our young people? Did they not realize that every kid would be expected to draw, practically to scale, their state’s boundaries? It’s obvious these people came from Colorado or maybe Wyoming, where folks brag about how their kids can draw their state by the time they hit preschool. Well, duh! It’s a rectangle! Or maybe from Hawaii. What do those kids have to draw? 5 squiggly-lined circles? Circles! Practically geniuses. That makes our Texas kids look fine-motor skills challenged because they can’t master their outline until midway through high school! THIS HAS GOT TO STOP! PEOPLE OF TEXAS, WE MUST RISE UP WITH ONE VOICE TO END THIS INJUSTICE! But then, again, it is awfully hot out. How about we just make some lemonade, kids, while we practice drawing the Rio Grande… Debby Seguin can be reached (sitting in front of her air conditioner) at writewell62@yahoo.com
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Surviving The Summer Heat
month has now gone by since I submitted my announcement letter to Welcome Home. Quite a bit has happened – but I’m not quite sure where to begin, so bear with me while I get my bearings in order. As you all are now hopefully aware, my wife and myself have agreed again to take part in the annual tradition, Winter Celebration, on December 5. We’ve agreed to make the extremely long trek from the North Pole again via AirLife helicopter, due to the importance of this worthwhile cause. (Yes, I know, it would be WAY Cooler to bring one of my up-and coming reindeer, but its smack dab in their vacation time, and their union rep said I can’t include them.) Anyway, this family-friendly event is a wonderful yearly tradition that does all the right things, for just the right cause. It’s an event that really tugs on all the heartstrings of this jolly old fat man because it’s very similar to my own noble pursuit. Winter Celebration this year will again be held at North Central Baptist Hospital from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event, again sponsored by North Central Baptist and Welcome Home Community Newspaper for the fourteenth straight year, will begin with a tremendous community parade featuring the talented bands of local high schools. Local businesses have booths and clubs often get involved to showcase their local pride. Following the parade, there will be raffles for prizes, and an interactive scavenger hunt, as well as an opportunity to take photos with my wife and I. (Yes, we’re a big deal, but we’re more than happy to do it, the photographers at the event are far better than the paparazzi at the North Pole – they tend to have a bad habit of catching me at my worst, wearing a milk mustache and the like.) Upon hearing from the good folks at Welcome Home, I am convinced what we’re doing is worth it. As a result, I’m even thinking about participating in a few surprises, as we get closer to the day of the event. I also have to mention that I can’t wait to see all of the non-profit Living Through Giving’s contributions this year. This event will allow the contributing community, be it children, their families, and even child advocacy groups – to get together and pass out gifts, sharing in the early holiday cheer directly. December may seem like a long time to wait, but it’s never too early to plan on being a part of the festivities. Reserve a booth today! For more info on how to participate in Winter Celebration, call 210-348-8233 or visit www.welcomhomesa.com. Your friendly neighbor from the north,
Santa Claus
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August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Perimenopause: Critical Time To Treat
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 erimenopause, that period of time when progesterone becomes unbalanced to estradiol, usually begins in the 40s. It is the most difficult period to treat, because the level of hormones varies from day to day and sometimes, moment to moment. The menstrual cycle can become heavier and closer together, or no periods for a month or more. Why? The falling level of estrogen does not allow the endometrium to thicken and instead, it is thin and easily shed. Another study matched women who
were clinically depressed with a control group without symptoms of depression. The depressed women had a higher rate of early perimenopause symptoms (defined as change of 7 days or more in the menstrual cycle, change in the amount of flow, or no period for up to 3 months). Usually, this period of a woman’s life can be eased with low dose birth control pill to boost and stabilize the estrogen. Or, oral micronized progesterone which promotes sleep, calmness, and regularity of periods maybe all that is needed.
When Should I Retire… From Driving?
By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 person’s driving ability is dependent Whether it is that first feeling of freedom on many factors. Age is not always the when you got your license, or the fear of best predictor of one’s ability to drive losing independence and the grief felt when safely but plays a key role when aging begins the time comes to retire from driving. to affect eyesight, reaction time, and ability It will be important to go over, write down to make split second decisions. Effects of and agree to the following questions when medications can also play a significant role in developing a plan to ensure everyone agrees determining whether or not a person should in advance. be driving. How will you/we know when it is time For most, driving equals independence. to retire from driving? What changes in
Vision Source is the nation’s premier network of independent doctors of optometry with more than 4,000 doctors in over 2,000 practices across the United States and Canada. Each Vision Source practice is dedicated to maintaining the special relationship between a patient and his or her family eye doctor. Decisions regarding your eye health and vision correction are made by your Vision Source doctor based upon what’s best for your continued good vision. We are proud of our team and we emphasize the importance of customer service with every encounter.
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What about dong quai, chaste berry, black cohosh? These are herbs, some in use since the time of Hippocrates. They are plant estrogens which bind to the estrogen receptors in the body. Symptoms of hot flashes may be much reduced, menstrual irregularities improved, but the bone loss, wrinkled skin/decreasing collagen, and loss of vaginal tone and lubrication continues. “Systemic menopausal hormone therapy initiated early in menopause appears to slow the progression of atherosclerotic disease, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. During this window of opportunity, hormone therapy might also provide protection against cognitive decline”. (Int J Womens Health.2014: 6:47-57 Prescribing Menopausal Hormone Therapy: An Evidence-Based Approach by R. Sood, S. Faubion, {…}, & L. Shuster.) Can plant herbals do this? Doubtful.
There are side effects of taking hormones as well as not taking them. Some studies indicate there might be an increase of breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer with any type of hormone replacement therapy, natural or synthetic. Synthetic hormones are not found in the young menstruating adult, unlike natural hormones. I really don’t want a chemist’s hormones or a horse’s hormones, do you? Don’t let the window of opportunity close: get hormone levels checked, see where you are, weigh your options, and discuss the pros and cons with a knowledgeable physician. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
your abilities will we look for to determine signs of inability to continue driving (vision, reaction time, memory loss or ability to make split second decisions)? How do you agree that we make this assessment fairly? If you are not noticing any changes yourself, who would be the person you’d prefer to bring up the subject or tell you it is time to stop driving? What are the pros to not driving? These could include saving money on insurance, maintenance and gas. Also, avoiding a fatal accident which could occur if the issue of driving is not addressed in time. What are some transportation options? Full service retirement communities, such as Independence Hill, offer a wide variety of services to ensure residents stay as active and independent as possible as long as possible. We routinely offer AARP Safe Driving
Courses, as many residents are still driving when they move to Independence Hill. Over time, they notice how well those who don’t drive are getting around and still remaining independent by using the complimentary transportation services. Independence Hill has a team of drivers who take residents to a wide variety of shopping venues, medical appointments, church, entertainment, and restaurants. Come by and you’ll see for yourself how active and independent you can be. Call (210) 209-8956 to set up your personal tour. Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community is located at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit www.independencehill.com.
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August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
By Sierra Groomer
Lobster Mania
o you remember it? Have you heard about it? Did you miss it last year??? Well the wait is over! LobsterMania at Groomer’s Seafood is fast approaching! This event has been a huge hit with lobster lovers since the beginning, but exactly how huge is huge? Sales reports from last year say more than 15,000 lobsters were sold in one day, with about 3,000 lobsters being sold per hour! As the unofficial world record holders for the most lobster sold in one day, Groomer’s is more than ready to bring on the lobsters. With their new location in Corpus Christi ready to jump on board, there will be double the lobster and double the fun. Groomer’s Seafood Corpus Christi carries all of the same seafood products (both fresh and frozen) as the San Antonio location. “It’s pretty hard to miss…it’s pretty much the only blue building you see when you drive over the bridge. I’ve been down there a few times and I like it,” one of the San Antonio team members said about the new location. The Corpus location allows more people to partake in the festivities of LobsterMania! Though sale numbers have indeed been impressive, LobsterMania is about anything but the sales. Owner Richard Groomer put it best when he said, “LobsterMania is about creating memories for families and friends.” And boy, this event has sure done that. The first year that LobsterMania was held it was pouring rain, with the line stretching far beyond the door. The Groomer family did everything possible to accommodate those waiting outside, including handing out plastic bags to use as rain slickers, but oddly enough, no one really seemed to mind the rain. Most people smiled and laughed, telling the Groomer’s team about the new friends that they made and stories they would have to tell from waiting in line. Every year people show up with their coolers and their friends prepared to wait for the doors to open. If you have never been to LobsterMania you should! The atmosphere is fun and exciting. It’s the Black Friday of Lobster in San Antonio! There is no other place in San Antonio to buy
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
‘Hey, that sounds pretty neat. I should go to that.’ Live lobster for $6.95 each! No wonder the line was so long! But it wasn’t so bad, it went pretty quickly and I met some really interesting people. My family and I had a great time cooking dinner, so I’m definitely doing this again!” one woman said about her LobsterMania experience. Although the Groomer family has not yet set a date for LobsterMania 2015, they hope to have it either the first or second week in August. If you want to stay up to date on the planning process, make sure to sign up for their Newsletter and LIKE their Facebook page. LobsterMania will be occurring at both the San Antonio and Corpus Christi locations, so stay tuned to the Groomer’s facebook page and tell all of your friends about it! For more information about Groomer’s Seafood and LobsterMania, you can visit their website at www. groomerseafood.com, their Facebook page at www. facebook.com/GroomersSeafood, or you can give them a call at (210) 377-0951. You can also sign up online and in store to receive weekly specials via email.
Left to right: Michael Groomer, Blake Groomer, and Richard Groomer.
fresh seafood and get the same experience as you would in a coastal town market. This is why LobsterMania has grown and grown! Customers always send in pictures of their friends and family enjoying their hard earned lobster after LobsterMania; photos of adorable kids and pets flood the inbox at Groomer’s! “As this event continues to grow each year, we hear more and more touching stories. Just recently, we heard a story about two brothers who shared one of their last family meals together enjoying their lobster from LobsterMania.”, said Groomer. Groomer’s Seafood knows all about family and always appreciates the stories their customers have to tell. “It was amazing. I heard about it from a friend who saw it posted on Groomer’s Facebook page, and I thought,
Groomer’s Seafood 9801 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 377-0951 4002 E Causeway Blvd Corpus Christi, TX 78402 (361)730-1514 www.groomersseafood.com 9
Early Education & Leadership: Rainbow Station
By Stefanie Young
oyful laughter, eager minds, and big smiles fill the brightly-colored, train-themed rooms of The Rainbow Station at San Antonio. A childhood education facility unlike any other, Rainbow Station offers a fulltime nursery and preschool program, after-school care, a part-time mother’s day out program, a summer program, the Get Well Place, and a private kindergarten. Rainbow Station Executive Director Jennifer Hrncir believes they provide a special place for children to begin developing social, educational, and life skills through developmentally appropriate, individualized practices. “Teachers choose to work at Rainbow Station’s because they love working with children,” said Hrncir. “They understand an NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) accredited program provides the best learning experiences for young children and their educators by meeting national standards of quality.” As an NAEYC accredited facility, Rainbow Station serves as a high quality childcare program with a wide range of options, each geared toward providing a safe and nurturing environment while promoting the development of young children. Rainbow Station hires professional and degreed teachers for all age groups to ensure excellence in the classroom. To maintain accreditation, Rainbow Station is required to adhere to ten early childhood standards including promoting positive relationships for all children and adults, implementing a curriculum that fosters all areas of child development, and establishing collaborative relationships with families. But that’s not the only program they are incorporating into their teaching methods. “We have added The Leader in Me’s 7 Habits of Happy Kids to our curriculum at both locations,” explained Hrncir.
“NEISD has adopted this same program into all our local elementaries with several reaching Lighthouse School status. Hardy Oak, Wilderness Oak, Stone Oak, Las Lomas, and Hidden Forest are some of the elementary schools in our area that are Lighthouse schools and the majority of the others are in the same process we are.” The Leader in Me is aligned with best-in-class content and concepts practiced by global education thought leaders. It provides a logical, sequential and balanced process to help schools proactively design the culture that reflects their vision of the ideal school. Content from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a key component of the overall The Leader in Me process. The 7 Habits is a synthesis of universal, timeless principles of personal and interpersonal effectiveness, such as responsibility, vision, integrity, teamwork, collaboration and renewal, which are secular in nature and common to all people and cultures. With about 60 staff members, Rainbow Station is large enough to offer quality programs to approximately 400 children, ages six weeks to 13 years, and individualized attention by maintaining personal portfolios that track the development of each child’s successes and challenges. “Rainbow Station makes every effort to help parents and children make informed decisions and select the right school for their family. We encourage everyone to take a tour, speak to our teachers and get a personal feel for our program,” said Jennifer. “We are available Monday through Friday for information and tours. The best times to tour are from 9-11 and 4-6 but we will always try to work something out for parents who cannot make those times, just give us a call.
SONTERRA • 210.495.5222 322 E. Sonterra Blvd CIBOLO CANYON • 210.314.1125 3108 Marshall Rd (Corner of Marshall & Bulverde Rd.) www.RainbowStation.org
Discoveries Thru Vision
Seeing to your family’s needs
By John M. Nevelow, O.D. Nevelow Eye Associates (210) 349-2437 • www.drsnevelow.com ust when you are getting used to the writing skills, note taking and the keyboard children at home and summer activities with computer work. Visual perception is are ongoing, it is time to think about necessary in understanding what we see and school starting again. Either the summers processing the information. are getting shorter or there are not enough All of the components of vision are summer activities for everyone. However, necessary for success in learning. 85% of getting ready for back to school means what we learn comes through our eyes. having physical exams, dental exams and The CDC and the American Optometric vision exams Association estimate that 45% of children It is very important for all the children in school have some type of vision defect. whether in pre - k to college for their eyes to Therefore, give your children the best be working as well as possible. It is obvious chance they can have to succeed in school when health problems or dental problems and in life. exist. Vision problems are not always as At Nevelow Eye Associates we see obvious. Children are not always aware if children from 9 months upward to test their they are having vision problems. They are visual development and ocular health. We gradual and occur over several years. will be happy to have your family among Most of how we learn is visual. Eye our satisfied and successful patients. muscle coordination is necessary in reading If you have questions about this topic and in looking from the board back to the or any other eye health topic Dr.’s John book or notes and then back again without and Erin Nevelow will be happy to answer losing your place. Focusing is important them for you. You can call our office at when quickly looking from one place to 210.349.2437, our website at drsnevelow. another without loss of concentration. com or find us on facebook. Color vision may not seem important in John M. Nevelow, O.D., is a fellow of school. However, with white boards and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. different colored markers some things may Nevelow Eye Associates is located at be missed. Highlighted words or numbers 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 120. For in books may be overlooked. Teachers are more information, call (210) 349-243, aware of the importance of color vision visit www.drsnevelow.com or find us on and help students with this deficiency. Eye- Facebook. hand coordination comes into play with
t Nevelow Eye Associates, we focus on the specific needs of each patient. Regular eye exams are key to healthy eyesight as well as early detection of certain diseases, including glaucoma, diabetic eye diseases and macular degeneration. We provide the l a t e s t fashions in glasses, all types of contact lenses as well as laser vision consultations for the entire family.
www.drsnevelow.com Nevelow Eye Associates • 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 120 • 210.349.2437
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Celebrate Summertime With Great Foods By Tanji Patton Goodtaste.tv unny days are made for celebrating, especially after all the rain that started our summer! If a summer picnic is top of the mind, something you want to squeeze in before the routine of another school year sets in, then these recipes just might be calling your name. They got our attention on Goodtaste.tv. Skip the same old sandwiches or cold salads. Good ole fried chicken never disappoints. To this day I can remember having it at the picnic table with my grandparents. If my memory serves me correctly, that day old chicken was always cold but still finger lickin’ good. We scored the recipe for Max’s Wine Dive’s very famous Fried Chicken for
your next outing. Marinated in a spicy and delicious jalapeño-buttermilk, Max’s chicken is breaded in seasoned flour and deep fried “low and slow,” which is different from many other fried chicken recipes. Max’s Wine Dive recommends pairing their chicken with champagne—love the way they think! If a bubbly is your pairing choice, check out Enza Prosecco. It’s dry, crisp and less than $15 a bottle. Another great match would be a Windflower Grapefruit Iced Tea or Chef’s Backyard Rehydrating Lemonade! For a little punch on the side, try some Spicy Pickled Cherry Tomatoes - delicious hot or cold – they’re great on picnics. My online recipe comes from my friends at the
Flounder: One Taste And You’ll Be Craving More
By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 nce at critically low levels, flounder populations are now flourishing! Sustainability has long been at the
cornerstone of Groomer’s Seafood and as a company at the forefront of these efforts, we just love seeing fisheries being properly managed and rebuilt. Last year, we celebrated seeing the Gulf Red Snapper fishery becoming sustainable being moved to a “good alternative” on Seafood Watch, and now this year we celebrate flounder joining in that status. With lean, light, flaky meat Flounder has been highly valued commercially for decades. Because of this, demand has always been high and the flounder population was sadly at low levels for decades before the first
Max’s Wine Dive’s very famous Fried Chicken.
Culinary Institute of America. I’ve made it many times, and it’s always a huge hit. Plus, these zesty tomatoes taste even better the second and third day. Love a leftover that gets better with age. If there’s room for dessert, sneak a couple of yummy Peanut Butter Cookies... sweet and chewy. Another great recipe you can find on my website! For more delicious recipes and fun food and wine pairing ideas, subscribe to my fishery management plan came to be in 1982. Sadly, even with a plan in place populations continued to diminish even into the next decade. Managers struggled with accurately assessing population status as well as how to identify accurate catch levels. Finally in 1993, managers established a rebuilding plan by limiting the amount of flounder commercial and recreational fishermen could catch, and by 1996 Flounder was at an appropriate level to begin a slow recovery. Today, almost 20 years later, we are thrilled to say that the Flounder population is, at what has been deemed, an appropriate level. Groomer’s Seafood is proud to carry this product from both our Gulf and East Coast in both fillet and whole form. Use delicate cooking methods when preparing this fish as it can easily fall apart. Baking is the perfect way to go. Give us a call at 210-377-0951 to see
Spicy Pickled Cherry Tomatoes.
newsletter…you just might win a stay at the beautiful Houstonian Hotel complete with services at the award winning Trellis Spa. Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Tanji explores the inviting worlds of chefs, wine makers and culinary newsmakers. If you would like more information, she can be reached at Goodtaste@tanjipatton.com.
Wanna Have Some Fun In Your Joseph Baldwin Academy Hosts Young Scholars Mouth? Submitted By Jennifer Thompson llen C. Thompson of San Antonio, Texas and Reginald B. Warren of Spring Branch, Texas are each one of more than 350 specially selected students nationwide participating in the summer’s Joseph Baldwin Academy for Eminent Young Scholar at Truman State University. The Joseph Baldwin Academy is designed to enrich the learning process of young gifted and talented students by challenging them with college curriculum. The Scholars are nominated by their school’s principal or counselor from among students who completed the seventh, eighth, or ninth grade by June 2015. This year’s 350 Scholars were selected from 3,325 nominees on the basis of their formal application, school transcript, letter of recommendation and test scores in the top five percent on a nationally-normed achievement test, either the ACT, SAT or PSAT. The Academy is split into two three-week sessions each summer. The Scholars are offered one three-week class from a list of courses. Each course is taught by a member of Truman’s faculty. Thompson elected to take Preparatory
what we have in stock and then come see why so this fish has to be monitored so carefully. One taste and you’ll be craving more!
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Ellen C. Thompson from San Antonio, Texas.
College Mathematics while Warren elected Why We Fought: American Wars from WWI to Iraq. Truman students who serve as preceptors for the courses also live in the residence hall with the Academy scholars. The preceptors are available to provide academic assistance and to help Academy participants during structured activities and free time. The Joseph Baldwin Academy was founded at Truman in 1985 to serve as a summer institute of academic preparation for gifted and talented young students nationwide. This mission complements the University’s role as the statewide public
Reginald B. Warren from Spring Branch, Texas.
liberal arts and science university for Missouri. Since its year of inception, The Academy has grown from a student body of 60 in four classes to more than 350 students in 21 classes. Thompson and Warren will both be in the ninth grade at Smithson Valley High School this fall. Founded in 1867, Truman is Missouri’s only highly selective public liberal arts and science university. U.S. News & World Report’s 2015 edition of “Best Colleges” ranked Truman as the number 1 public university in the Midwest region for the 18th consecutive year.
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Air Force Reserve Command’s Youth Of The Year Submitted By Kari Tackett ising SVHS Senior, Austin “Casey” Carter was recently selected as the United States Air Force Reserve Command’s Youth of the Year. Casey is the son of Air Force Pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Kari Hill, Lackland AFB, TX. Due to his leadership and academic performance, he was chosen to represent Air Force Reserve Command as a leader and voice for other military youths. Casey has grown up as military child, and particularly the child of a Reservist. The demands on a reservist and their children can be just as demanding as those who belong to our country’s active duty military component. Casey has moved over 10 times, experienced his mother’s absence during 5 deployments and multiple temporary duties that take her away regularly. As recent as 2014, Casey and his mother and sister moved again, thus Casey began his junior year at SVHS. During all of these changes, Casey continued to excel scholastically and as a leader, mentor, and volunteer in each community while picking up where he left off with his extracurricular passions. Casey, was most recently selected and attended Boy’s State, and was chosen to attend the AF Teen Leadership Summit and advise on military youth issues to the General council.
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Due to his leadership and academic performance, Austin “Casey” Carter was chosen to represent Air Force Reserve Command as a leader and voice for other military youths.
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Casey is an Eagle Scout, member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, plays football for The Rangers and is on the SVHS Shooting Team. Outside of school, he enjoys playing violin and piano, volunteering for the American Red Cross, church youth group, working out and flying at the local flight club. He plans to continue his service to others by joining the US Air Force after college graduation and looks forward to being a pilot.
Rainbow Station at Cibolo Canyons
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SVHS Student Competes And Brings Home The Gold
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Submitted By Jason Gordon mily O’Brien was ecstatic when she learned she qualified to compete in the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) STAR Events and National Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. The soon-to-be Smithson Valley High senior’s mood rose to an even higher level on July 9 when she became one of only three gold medal winners at the event in the Fashion Construction category. Students from all 50 states competed at nationals. O’Brien also won first place at the state and regional levels. “It’s hard to put into words what I was thinking when I found out I won a gold medal,” O’Brien said. “I was so honored just to be a part of the national competition.” She designed a ladies outfit with black
plants and a coordinating silver blouse. O’Brien is coached by SVHS instructors Lori Niles and Wendy McCuiston. “I’m very proud of Emily,” Niles said. “She has a natural talent and gift for fashion. She has the eye of an artist and knows how to achieve a complete design look. She works hard and definitely deserves this honor.” O’Brien also said she would like to thank Spring Branch Bealls manager Marcela Deason, who donated a mannequin so her design could be displayed at the various competitions. “We are so very thankful for our local business partners willing to support the efforts of our high school students,” Niles said. “Year after year they always seem to come through for the kids.”
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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Mid-Life Money Errors
By Eric Zeitler Client Centric Wealth Management (210) 807-7599 f you are between 40 & 60, beware of more risk? If you are behind on retirement these financial blunders & assumptions. saving, you may find yourself wishing for Between the ages of 40 and 60, a “silver bullet” investment or wishing many people increase their commitment to you could allocate more of your portfolio investing and retirement saving. Many fall to today’s hottest sectors or asset classes prey to some common money blunders and so you can catch up. This impulse could harbor financial assumptions that may be backfire. The closer you get to retirement inaccurate. These errors and suppositions age, the fewer years you have to recoup investment losses. are worth examining. Are you only focusing on building Do you think you need to invest with
wealth rather than protecting it? Many people begin investing in early with the idea of making money and a tendency to play the market in one direction – up. As taxes lurk and markets suffer occasional downturns, moving from mere investing to an actual strategy is crucial. Have you made saving for retirement a secondary priority? It should be a top priority, even if it becomes secondary for a while due to fate or bad luck. Some families put saving for college first, saving for mom and dad’s retirement second. Remember that college students can apply for financial aid, but retirees cannot. Have you taken a loan from your workplace retirement plan? This is a bad idea. You are drawing down your retirement savings. Repaying the loan will cut into your take-home pay. You will have to repay the full amount within five years. If you leave the entire loan amount will likely have to be paid back within 90 days and if you cannot pay the entire amount back and you are younger than 59½, the IRS will characterize the unsettled portion of the loan as a premature distribution.2
Do you assume that your peak earning years are straight ahead? Conventional wisdom says that your yearly earnings reach a peak sometime in your mid-fifties or late fifties, but this is not always the case. Watch out for these mid-life money errors & assumptions. A review of your investment and retirement savings effort may help you recognize or steer clear of them. Client Centric Wealth Management may be reached at 210-807-7599 or www. ccwmgmt.com. 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315, San Antonio, TX, 78258. Citations: 1 - nerdwallet.com/blog/ credit-card-data/average-credit-carddebt-household/ [6/25/15]. 2 - tinyurl. com/oalk4fx [9/14/14] Eric Zeitler, Eric Weissgarber and Michael Simpton offer securities through Sigma Financial Corporation. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor. Client Centric Wealth Management is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC.
SVHS Student Earns Bid To Junior Olympics
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Abigail has played beach volleyball for 3 years and her 5 years of indoor volleyball translated easily onto the Abigail Paige Carter, “AP” recently received a bid to the sand along with years of gymnastics training and a drive 2015 West Coast Junior Olympics for Beach Volleyball. to pursue and excel in this sport.
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Submitted By Kari Tackett ising Smithson Valley High School Sophomore, Abigail Paige Carter, “AP” recently received a bid to the 2015 West Coast Junior Olympics for Beach Volleyball. She and partner, Gabriela Sandoval will chase gold in Hermosa Beach, CA, July 2015. This is their 2nd year to be selected and attend the Junior Olympics. AP and her partner are also 1 of 3 teams selected to represent TX in the U-17 Select division at the prestigious United States Association of Volleyball (USAV) High Performance Beach Volleyball National Championship in Santa Monica, CA in Jul. Abigail has played beach volleyball for 3 years and her 5 years of indoor volleyball translated easily onto the sand along with years of gymnastics training and a drive
to pursue and excel in this sport. This coming year will be her first year to play beach volleyball year around and pursue an opportunity to play in college and beyond. Beach volleyball is a newly recognized NCAA sport and in its grassroots stage for junior players like AP. AP and partner Gabriela have placed 1st3rd in many tournaments in TX throughout the last 2 years. Recently AP played in her first Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) Next tournament, which is a developmental program for future pros. She and another junior partner, Jessica held their own against the women and took home the 3rd place medal. Abigail practices with 210 Beach Volleyball of San Antonio, TX and is coached and plays for Fred Rojas of Club Fred Volleyball, Austin, TX.
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
SV NJROTC Ranger Battalion Performs At Startzville
SVHS NJROTC Marches In Startzville 4th Of July Parade
The SV NJROTC Ranger Battalion during their preparing for their performance at Startzville.
Submitted By Vincent Quidachay n Saturday, the 4th of July, the Smithson Valley NJROTC Armed Drill Team, Unarmed Drill Team and Color Guards performed in front of the Startzville community. Although it’s the middle of the summer, the top three cadets in the Battalion thought it would be fun and appropriate to participate in a parade on the 4th of July. After practicing last week, the cadets showed up at 9:00 a.m. and performed flawlessly.
“We were able to talk with the Lackland Air Force Base Drum and Bugle Corps Airmen. They are in the middle of Basic Training, so it was fun to get their perspective on things,” commented CDR Vince Quidachay, USN Ret. The Ranger Battalion looks to be above 220 cadets this coming year, and they will be marching in two more parades in the fall - The Bulverde Jubilee Parade and the Comal Fair Days Parade.
Unarmed and Color Guard Teams marched in the Startzville 4th of July Parade.
Submitted By Vince Quidachay n Saturday July 4, the SVHS NJROTC Armed, Unarmed and Color Guard Teams marched in the Startzville 4th of July Parade. The cadets performed a routine especially designed for this parade. “Although it’s in the middle of the
summer, I had no problem having enough volunteers to march in this parade,” commented CDR Retired Vince Quidachay. The cadets also sang “Jodies” down the main street of Startzville. This is the first year the SVHS Cadets have ever marched in this parade.
With the right motivation and planning, your family will slide effortlessly right in to your fall schedule! For more information about options
to help ease into the new school year, reach out to the staff at College Nannies and Tutors at 210-202-0303 or www. collegenanniesandtutors.com.
Back To School: Tips for Success By Lynn Johnson, owner College Nannies and Tutors ack to school means picking up the pace of homework, teacher meetings and extracurricular activities! Some kids tend to be less than excited to make the transition, but it doesn’t have to be painful. Getting your kids excited for the school year will make it easier for both them and you. Getting Them Excited Kids dread leaving summer behind for the school year. There are lots of ways to build excitement and get them eager to meet their new teachers and fellow classmates. Plan a day to take your kids shopping for school supplies! Make a list of everything needed and let them pick out patterns and their favorite cartoon characters. Let them choose a special dinner that night to make it special. The night before their first day back, help them choose a nice outfit to wear— something they love—so they wake up excited to get ready for the day. Take annual
first-day-of-school pictures to help them understand that the first day back doesn’t have to be bad Encourage your child to try multiple activities to give them something to look forward to outside of the classroom. Whether it be after-school sports, art classes, clubs or church groups—the opportunities are endless! Easing the Process Creating a schedule to ensure that everyone eases into their new wake up times, after-school activities, and homework or study time is a great way to start. Keep each kid’s schedule handy so that everyone in the family is on the same page. Hiring an after school or part-time nanny is another great way to ease into the school season. Your nanny will get the kids started on their daily homework, get a head start on dinner, keep the kids busy while you finish up at work, get them to or from their activities — and even tidy up the house! The beginning of the school year doesn’t have to be scary or dreadful for anyone.
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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You Have A Choice
K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
Back To School For Fido Too!
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hen I hire a trainer for K9 Country Club I’m looking for someone who has achieved a certain level of success. Not because we’re inundated with world class competitors. The reality is most people reading this article have no plans on competing at Nationals. We care how accomplished our trainers are because to reach that level of success, one must have patience, dedication, understanding of animal behavior, and most importantly an incredible bond with whatever animal they are working with, dogs, horses, or even dolphins! When people come to us for help, they’re generally frustrated with certain behaviors they’re getting from their pet, like jumping up or not coming when called. Many issues we see stem from a lack of a bond. Now I’m not talking about how much your pet loves you, witnessed by how happy they are when you come home. I’m talking about the respect and attention that comes from a pet who truly knows you are their teacher, their leader. Once you have this, the door is wide open on what you can teach your pet. This is one reason why K9 Country Club offers a variety of classes outside the basic obedience class. We want to give an owner and their pet a multitude of ways that they
can enjoy spending time together while learning structure and creating a stronger bond. Classes such as Foundations for the Future and Clicker are great for beginners who feel that their dog is not attentive enough, lacks focus. If you feel you have a handle on that but are looking for something more challenging you can try Rally (a pumped up Obedience class that is fun and fast paced) or our Canine Good Citizen Class, where mastering household manners can earn you a title in the American Kennel Club through the included CGC certification test at the end of your 6-week session. Now don’t get me wrong, Puppy and Basic Obedience Classes are fabulous and an excellent place to start. We just are pleased to offer these additional
classes so we can continue to be your OneStop-Shop for all your pet’s training needs. If you are interested in having something to do with your pet and building that bond, we’d love to have you join us for class or private lessons. Now that everyone’s back in school, your pet may need a refresher course too! For our full schedule visit www. k9countryclub.net. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.
Smithson Valley High Grads Earn 180K Scholarships
A four-year-old may ask constant “why” questions to understand the world.
Brandon Wood and Brandon Thomas each earned $180,000 Navy ROTC scholarships.
Submitted By Jason Gordon ongratulations to recent Smithson Valley High graduates Brandon Wood and Brandon Thomas, who each earned $180,000 Navy ROTC scholarships to attend Prairie View A&M University. On July 14, Petty Officer Judd Latimer, scholarship coordinator, presented ceremonial checks to Wood and Thomas’ family in front of SVHS. Thomas has already started classes at Prairie View A&M and wasn’t available to attend the check ceremony. “This was awesome news,” said Commander Retired Vince Quidachay, the head Navy Junior ROTC Instructor at SVHS. “It was getting pretty late in the summer and we were still praying these would come through. When we got the news it was like Christmas in July.” Since the beginning of the 2009 school
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year, Smithson Valley High has helped students earn approximately 40 ROTC scholarships to attend college. “I’m so proud of these students,” Quidachay said. “They are the future leaders of our military and our country.” Pictured (l-r) are SVHS instructor Chief Petty Officer (Ret.) Daniel Hansen, Brandon Thomas’ parents Jennifer and Bryan McKinney, Petty Officer Judd Latimer, SVHS principal Michael Wahl, Abigayle Wood (sister), Brandon Wood, Ricky Wood (father), Aiden Wood (brother) and SVHS instructor Commander (Ret.) Vince Quidachay.
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Catholic High School Graduates Count Blessings Submitted by: Stephen Chavez, Hope for the Future hroughout the month of May and early June, Catholic High School seniors participated in Baccalaureate Masses and graduation ceremonies. Graduates are already looking toward the future including Emily Cervantes, a St. Gerard Catholic High School graduate who will pursuing biomedical engineering at Texas A&M University thanks to a full academic scholarship. As the school’s valedictorian, she offered a speech during the graduation ceremony thanking those who helped her along the way. Emily thanked longtime mentors and staunch supporters of Hope for the Future’s mission to provide a Catholic high school education to those who are economically disadvantaged and founders of the Burziks’ Brightest Scholars, Mr. and Mrs. Cathy and Frank Burzik, for pushing her to accomplish more and supporting her
education financially. “You helped me see the sun, when I could only see clouds. You believed in me, which helped me believe in myself,” Emily said. She continued by thanking her parents, “You have sacrificed so much just so I could get a good education. It may take a while, but I’ll do everything I can to repay you for everything you have done for me.” Graduates across the Archdiocese are benefiting from superlative achievements. For example, several students from St. Anthony Catholic High School were recognized for earning well above average in scholarship money and hours of community service performed. Chris Gokelman, the school’s Valedictorian, earned an astounding $556,472 in scholarship money. In addition to performing at a high academic level, Chris performed 1,050 service hours and will attend Oberlin College in the fall with 24
hours of college credit already completed. Julie Gonzales, St. Anthony Catholic High School Salutatorian, earned $409,500 in scholarships and performed 250 service hours. She plans to attend Bryn Mawr University in the fall with 14 hours of college credit completed. Recognized as an International Thespian, Brandon Verkamp, successfully earned $311,000 in college scholarships. He was an active members of the St. Anthony Robotics Team and performed 138 service hours to the community. He will be attending the Colorado School of Mines as a sophomore, with 32 hours of college credit already earned. Our Lady of the Hills Regional Catholic High School senior, Diana Wahrmund, is already on her way to Texas A&M. She hopes to accomplish her dream of becoming a sports physical therapist. Aaron Alfaro, from Holy Cross of San
8th Annual American Wounded Heroes Golf Classic Submitted By J.D. Damian he 8th Annual American Wounded Heroes Golf Classic will take place on Monday, August 17, 2015, at The Dominion Country Club in San Antonio, Texas. The purpose is to raise funds in order to bring vital support and information to our rehabilitating American Wounded Heroes. “Our goal is to celebrate their lives and their dedicated service through the 8th Annual American Wounded Heroes Golf Classic. The key is to bring together health services and community support programs that promote self-management and healthier lifestyles for our heroes with disabilities. The event will also recognize those who inspire, support and mentor those that have
sacrificed so much for our freedom. Proceeds from the event will benefit the work of those nonprofit agencies/organizations whose programs we feel best serve the needs of our American Wounded Heroes. Event Schedule August 17th 2015, 6:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. The Dominion Country Club in San Antonio, Texas 6:30 A.M. – 7:15 A.M. - Registration, Breakfast and Silent Auction 7:15 A.M. – 7:45 A.M. - Putting Greens and Driving Range open 8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. - Tee Off – Shotgun Start. Format: Florida Scramble 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. - Live Auction, Lunch, and Awards (after tournament play)
YMCA Scholarship Awarded
A host of sponsor companies will be on hand to lend their support for the care and management of heroes with disabilities and to provide other lifelong support services. The American Wounded Heroes Golf Classic hopes to provide our disabled heroes with the opportunity to network and learn about community services that promote independent living and focus on a quality of life plan. About the American Wounded Heroes Golf Classic – Founded in San Antonio in 2008, the AWHGC is committed to
Antonio earned an impressive $112,000 in college scholarships, and plans to attend Texas State University. Antonian College Preparatory High School graduate, Iliana Contreras will be a part of the Fighting Irish through the Notre Dame Holy Cross Gateway Program where she will pursue a degree in pre-medicine. Providence Catholic School Valedictorian Shivani Patel will attend the University of Texas at Austin’s Red McCombs School of Business in the fall. These individuals are shining examples of the mission of Catholic High School. Catholic school graduates are confident, faith-oriented individuals who will accomplish extraordinary things throughout their lives. The Class of 2015 are our future leaders in our faith, business and civic communities. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their journey as missionary disciplines of Jesus Christ.
improving the quality of life of our American Wounded Heroes, by promoting awareness in programs/services focused on health, wealth, well-being, and self-sufficiency. Our mission is to significantly enhance and brighten the lives of our American Wounded Heroes. Through the dedicated efforts of our event chairs and volunteers we are excited to help provide for the needs of our American Wounded Heroes. We thank you for your continued support of our American Wounded Heroes.www. AmericanWoundedHeroesGolfClassic.com
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Now Enrolling For Fall!
A $1,000.00 check for the YMCA scholarship fund to Paul Giguere, Executive Director of the Boerne Family YMCA, and Rezia Olsen, Director of Christian Activities.
Submitted By Richard Caldwell enry Schulte, Pastor of St John Lutheran Church in Boerne and Lem Sinclair, chairman of the wild game charity dinner, present a $1,000.00 check for the YMCA scholarship fund to Paul Giguere, Executive Director of the Boerne Family YMCA, and Rezia Olsen, Director of Christian Activities. The check represents a portion of the net proceeds from the annual wild game charity dinner that is hosted each year by the members of the church and is held at the Kendall County fairgrounds the last Saturday in April. Other local organizations receiving donations from the charity dinner were American Heritage Girls, Christian Job
Corp, Children’s Inn, Golfers for others, Habitat for Humanity, Boerne Community Coalition for Children, Kendall County Women’s Shelter (walk a mile), New Life Treatment Center (Canyon Lake) Reel Recovery and Eagles Fight SA. Other donations were made to church disaster relief teams to purchase equipment to help clean up flood and tornado areas, provide clean drinking water and help with food resources to victims of disasters. All total, approximately $30,000 was distributed from this year’s Charity dinner. Cumulative giving from this charitable event for the past 15 years is in excess of $300,000.00.
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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Dining Out With A Severe Food Allergy: Ella’s Story Submitted By Erin Kirwan or most of us, dining out is when we kick back and relax, expand our taste buds, and connect with family and friends. But imagine if you can’t eat most of what’s on a typical menu. Imagine if even the residue from any of those foods were to touch your skin, you’d have a dangerous, even life-threatening reaction. That’s what eating out is like for 8-yearold Ella, of the greater Stone Oak area, and her family. I recently joined them and Ella’s allergist, to experience through their eyes what dining out with a severe food allergy is really like. Let me tell you: Ella is one amazing and tolerant little girl. Her mother, Dawn, is a master protector. Ella is allergic to dairy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, shrimp, avocado, banana, oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe (and latex). Often, a child will outgrow some of these allergens by age six. Ella has not. She is typically hospitalized with anaphylaxis, a reaction that can be deadly, at least once a year. Ella’s Allergist, Dr. Patricia Gomez Dinger of Advanced Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, says Ella is one of the most severe cases she has treated. “It is extremely hard for people with severe allergies to go out to eat,” says Dr. Dinger. She adds, “It is important to have a list of places that you know will accommodate food allergies.” But on this day, Ella, her mom, her brothers, (one of whom is also allergic to two foods, peanut and peach), Dr. Dinger, and I headed to Nosh, a restaurant whose executive chef has a reputation for
welcoming people like Ella. Luca Della Casa, Executive Chef at both Nosh and Silo restaurants, greets us at our table. With Dawn’s permission, Dr. Dinger had contacted the restaurant ahead of time giving Chef Luca a heads up to Ella’s food allergens. Even so, Dawn hands Chef Luca a card listing Ella’s allergies. Dawn does this at every food establishment she goes to with Ella and asks the staff to take the allergy card with them into the kitchen for constant reference. Chef Luca explains in detail how Nosh sanitizes its boards for possible crosscontamination. Chef Luca also tells us he would not offer Ella anything fried because, though the oil is soy based, some items fried in it do contain flour, a no-go for Ella. Because there is not one item Ella can order from the menu as is, Chef Luca tells Ella he will create an entrée just for her, using chicken and lots of vegetables. While we wait, Dawn talks a little more about what she has learned as a mom of a child with severe food allergies. Dawn shares that she always asks to talk to both the chef and wait staff. She also asks a list of prepared questions about the type of oil used, about the preparation of the food including ingredients in sauces and marinades, as well as the cleaning of cooking surfaces. Dr. Dinger agrees it is very important to have strong communication between the person with a food allergy, the wait staff, and the chef. Dr. Dinger suggests being very clear about the severity of the allergy telling the restaurant staff what can happen if the allergen is accidentally ingested. Shortly, the much-anticipated meal,
Pictured: Dawn Moore, her son, Chef Luca Della Casa, Ella, and Dr. Patricia Dinger.
prepared especially for Ella by Chef Luca, arrives. The chicken is diced and tossed with a fine sauce overflowing with cut vegetables. It is colorful. A far cry from the plain piece of chicken and single dry vegetable Ella is accustomed to. Ella does not even give me a chance to ask her what she thinks of the presentation. She digs right in! “This is neat,” says Dawn. She continues, “I’m excited because it is filled with spices and is so pretty, yet, I am still nervous, I’m always nervous, until I know Ella will not have a reaction.” A few minutes pass and not only is Ella healthy, she is happy, smiling at me from
behind a now half-eaten dish. When I ask, “How is it”? Ella smiles even bigger and gives me a thumbs-up. Towards the end of the meal, Chef Luca joins the families to check on Ella and the food he so carefully prepared. As Dawn gets up to hug him, she is fighting back tears. For one of the first times ever raising two children with food allergies, Dawn is able to finish a meal in peace. For today, Ella, even with her severe food allergy, gets a taste of what most Americans get to experience all the time. If you know of additional food allergyfriendly establishments, contact Dr. Patricia Dinger at info@mysaallergist.com.
Texas Foundation Of Hope
Child Advocates Of San Antonio Submitted By Shacoya Atkins s the summer months pass, Bexar County suffers an increase in abuse and neglect cases involving children. Child Protective Services reported that there were roughly 5,400 confirmed cases of child abuse or neglect in our county alone within the last year! With the increasingly overwhelming number of cases for CPS workers, the community needs to work together to address this issue. Child Advocates of San Antonio (CASA) advocate on behalf of these children who have been removed from their home due to abuse and neglect. The court appoints a CASA volunteer to a child’s case to advocate for the best interests of the child to ensure that the children no longer fall through the cracks of an overburdened system. This person serves as the “eyes and ears” for the judge and provides recommendations based on the firsthand insight and information gained through quality time with the child. The CASA programs provides an opportunity for community members to help fight for our community’s future. Children who receive an advocate are 50% less likely to re-enter state custody; however they are more likely to find a permanent home eight months faster than a child without a CASA advocate. In the past fiscal year, judges agreed with CASA advocates recommendations 95% of the time. The judges have seen what
Texas Foundation of Hope offers a safe and encouraging work environment expressly designed for the special needs adult.
Be for the Child.
an invaluable impact a CASA can make, they have requested th at every child in the system receive a CASA volunteer by the year 2020. Currently, we have only been able to serve just under 1,656 children, which is less than 50% of the total children in CPS custody. This experience does not require any prior training or special skills, all the skills you need will be taught to you by our CASA supervisors. We are looking for people that want to make a difference in a child’s life. If you would like to learn more about how you can dedicate a few hours each month to helping a child, please visit www.casasatx.org. Not interested in volunteering but would like to help spread the word? We love coming out to groups and organizations to spread awareness. Contact Shacoya Atkins (Diversity Recruitment Coordinator) at 210-225-7070 or satkins@casa-satx.org to connect.
Submitted By Laura Randol hroughout the U.S., adults with disabilities have limited options for employment. In 2013, 17.6% had some type of paid job. Unemployment was 13.2% for those with disabilities actively seeking a job vs. 7.1% of able-bodies jobseekers. Finding a job can be difficult, but finding training to prepare for a job means one may wait years for government funding. Established in 2009 as a 501(c) 3, Texas Foundation of Hope offers a safe and encouraging work environment expressly designed for the special needs adult. We offer supervised positive social-behavior experiences. It is within this environment that special needs adults receive training in various job areas, such as culinary, office skills, and crafting handmade beaded crosses, rosaries, bracelets and lanyards. Once training has been completed, we offer supervised positions at Texas Foundation of Hope which allows the training to be put in to practice. This in turn creates confidence and a sense of self accomplishment. The culinary team has been certified in food handling and safety and we have a
commercial kitchen license which allows the team to prepare catered lunches which are delivered to local businesses in our community. The team is supervised by a former restaurant owner and the quality of the food is set at restaurant standards. Each dish is prepared with a strong sense of pride and accomplishment. Office skills training consists of telephone etiquette, filing and other office duties. Our bead artists create one-of-a-kind beaded crosses in four sizes, beaded rosaries, bookmarks, and key chains. All items are created with jewelry quality beads and gem stones of numerous colors. During the summer months the artists also create bird houses and beaded sun catchers in several sizes. Over the last five years we have marketed our beaded items to boutique-style stores across South Texas. For each person who purchases one of our items they are not only purchasing a beautiful hand crafted one-of-a kind item, they are changing lives. For more information about how you can become a wholesale vendor for our product, volunteer or for more information on our catered lunches, please call (210) 265-3351.
August 2015 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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