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August 2016 Issue
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August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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Taking The Time To Source The Finest Seafood In Texas! 9801 McCullough, San Antonio, Texas 210-377-0951 4002 East Causeway Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 361-730-1514 August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Saturday, October 22, 2016 NORTH CENTRAL BAPTIST HOSPITAL 7:30 am • Madison Oak Parking Lot • News • Announcements fici
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The Welcome Home Community Newspaper has had the privilege of serving the community for 11 years as one of the few local papers that shines a spotlight on the good things in life – the accomplishments of our amazing youth, inspirational stories and the residents and local businesses that comprise the heart of our area. With �ive different papers covering northern San Antonio, Welcome Home is directly mailed to over 60,000 households and businesses as well as rack distribution.
• Medals for all finishers • New Course • Food Trucks after race • Virtual Run
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• Pink Pumpkin Patch • Pumpkin Painting • Strollers & dogs welcome
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Welcome Home Community Newspaper is pleased to offer this free service to the community. Upon submission of a story idea or photo, you give Welcome Home the right to use that submission without compensation. By submitting to Welcome Home, you guarantee that your material is sent with the express consent of the owner, and that its contents are non-proprietary and non-confidential. We cannot guarantee all submissions will be published. Welcome Home is under no obligation to use any idea, photo or article submitted. We reserve the right to edit or alter submissions for conciseness and grammar as needed and may need to prioritize certain events for any reason before publication.
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August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Note From The Publisher
Hope For Our Youth
Once Discovered, Always Remembered.
s we look out into the world today we see chaos, but when I look through the stories that the community submits I see kindness, happiness, and hope. As we get ready to start a new school year, I am confident that the future will begin to look brighter. The children that we have the pleasure to cover in Welcome Home don’t look out and see chaos. They see potential and we should take note of the optimism that youth bring into our lives. The expression, “kill them with kindness,” applies today more than ever. Welcome Home is getting ready for the busiest time of year. Winter Celebration planning is in full swing. Back to school is 22 days away! Hello football season. Can you believe that Homecoming is in September? We are 8 months into 2016, 4 months left! The older I get the faster time moves. It is almost impossible to keep up with the constant flow of events and projects. August is a fantastic time to just reflect and prepare. I have always thought of this month as the second new year. Which is why we are excited to announce that SOBA’s speed networking will be held on August 31, 2016 at Canyon Springs Golf Club. Once we get the kiddos back to school it is time to focus on getting back to business and Speed Networking is the perfect kick start. I am also excited to
announce that Johnson HS Student Council will be assisting SOBA in the 2016 Fall Expo. Expo will take place at Johnson HS on Oct. 5, 2016 in their cafeteria. Johnson HS Student Council will earn a portion of the proceeds from Expo. Last year Bush Middle School earned $1000.00. Johnson has the potential to earn that and more. Come out and support your local small businesses as well as Student Council. We will have a silent auction, raffle prizes, and samples of local cuisine. And its FREE!!! I want to wrap this note by thanking each of our readers for your 16 years of support. We love being a source of good news in the community and none of this would be possible without the support of each and every one of you. I look forward to another 16 years of bringing you Good News.
Weddings • Receptions Meetings • Reunions Quinceaneras • Parties Proms • Celebrations
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(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com
Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.
Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Kristin Oliver
Distribution Israel Vazquez
Writer/Copy Editor Jane Toh
Staff Writers Debby Seguin
Administrative Assistant Prinda Jemente Dianne Grosso
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Denise Wirth
Graphic Design/Production Marie Ferrante
Contributing Photographer Oscar McAnally
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Contributing Writers Paula Allen Donna Becker Rusty Belden Cotton Clark Mary Jenkins JulieAnn Matonis Mike Sowry Molly Sowry
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On The Cover By Jane Toh t’s August, it’s hot and summer is almost gone. Folks it’s the last month of summer freedom, the last month before school starts up again (for the kiddos), and the last month before the normal work grind begins (for the adults). Let’s make the most of it! Get out there and have some fun, or stay in and enjoy that book you have been dying to read, but had no time for. Play with your dogs, spend time with family and friends, or go for a lone hike in the Texas country. It doesn’t matter. Welcome Home is here to simply say, “Enjoy the remainder of your summer.” Looking for ideas? San Antonio has a great host of activities and events to participate in. In our city one can eat great food, ranging from the local Tex-Mex we are famous for to the fancy meals that can be found along our famous Riverwalk. The Riverwalk, the most well-known marker of San Antonio, is not just for tourists. Nope, now with Downtown Tuesdays, First Fridays, and Second Saturday everyone can enjoy the pleasures of the old city. Feeling more outdoorsy? This city offers a number of great parks to hike along and enjoy the
fresh air, i.e. McAllister, Government Park, and Panther Springs to name a few). You’ll never run out of things to do in San Antonio.
Family Life
Heated Conversation
By Debby Seguin
t’s Texas in the summer. I can’t move. It’s too hot. My brain is fried. I can only sit here, helplessly letting my thoughts wander, knowing not where they will eventually lead. (However, it’s usually times like these when my best ideas come to me! We can hope…). I begin my mental journey by calculating my utility bill, and through the window, I see my dog writing a hand-written note (which is no easy task!) and holding it up to the window with his usual “Please let me in! Have mercy!” plea written on it. As he whips up some drool so as to look truly pathetic, it suddenly occurs to me how unfair this really is. No, not unfair to my dog. (Sorry, PETA, but before being domesticated, dogs always lived outdoors, not having the dexterity to build their own shelters or use toilet paper). No, the unfairness is to the people of our state. Is it really fair that the people in, say, California have an average utility bill of $16.52? Just because their weather is perfect? Speaking of fair; Is it fair that whoever drew the lines for all the states was being paid under the table?! Think about it. California is, again, a good example: It’s long and thin, hogging most of the perfect Pacific coastline. People are forced to go to their state to enjoy any of it. This is totally unacceptable. State lines should be redrawn with several short and fat (east to west) states sharing this treasure. Did these line drawers ever stop to think what this could do to our young people? Did they not realize that every kid would be expected to draw, practically to scale, their state’s boundaries? It’s obvious these people came from Colorado or maybe Wyoming, where folks brag about how their kids can draw their state by the
time they hit preschool. Well, duh! It’s a rectangle! Or maybe from Hawaii. What do those kids have to draw? 5 squiggly-lined circles? Circles! Practically geniuses. That makes our Texas kids look fine-motor skills challenged because they can’t master their outline until midway through high school! THIS HAS GOT TO STOP! PEOPLE OF TEXAS, WE MUST RISE UP WITH ONE VOICE TO END THIS INJUSTICE! But then, again, it is awfully hot out. How about we just make some lemonade, kids, while we practice drawing the Rio Grande… Debby Seguin can be reached (sitting in front of her air conditioner) at writewell62@yahoo.com
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Surviving The Summer Heat Special To Welcome Home month has now gone by since I submitted my announcement letter to Welcome Home. Quite a bit has happened – but I’m not quite sure where to begin, so bear with me while I get my bearings in order. As you all are now hopefully aware, my wife and myself have agreed again to take part in the annual tradition, Winter Celebration, on December 3. We’ve agreed to make the extremely long trek from the North Pole again via AirLife helicopter, due to the importance of this worthwhile cause. (Yes, I know, it would be WAY cooler to bring one of my up-and coming reindeer, but its smack dab in their vacation time, and their union rep said I can’t include them.) Anyway, this family-friendly event is a wonderful yearly tradition that does all the right things, for just the right cause. It’s an event that really tugs on all the heartstrings of this jolly old fat man because it’s very similar to my own noble pursuit. Winter Celebration this year will again be held at North Central Baptist Hospital from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event, again sponsored by North Central Baptist and Welcome Home Community Newspaper for the fourteenth straight year, will begin with a tremendous community parade featuring the talented bands of local high schools. Local businesses have booths and clubs often get involved to showcase their local pride. Following the parade, there will be raffles for prizes, as well as an opportunity to take photos with my wife and I. (Yes, we’re a big deal, but we’re more than happy to do it, the photographers at the event are far better than the paparazzi at the North Pole – they tend to have a bad habit of catching me at my worst, wearing a milk mustache and the like.) Upon hearing from the good folks at Welcome Home, I am convinced what we’re doing is worth it. As a result, I’m even thinking about participating in a few surprises, as we get closer to the day of the event. I also have to mention that I can’t wait to see all of the non-profit Living Through Giving’s contributions this year. This event will allow the contributing community, be it children, their families, and even child advocacy groups – to get together and pass out gifts, sharing in the early holiday cheer directly. December may seem like a long time to wait, but it’s never too early to plan on being a part of the festivities. Reserve a booth today! For more info on how to participate in Winter Celebration, call 210-348-8233 or visit www.welcomhomesa.com.
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I Don’t Feel Like Myself You’re always set for a sitter.
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 his vague-seeming complaint drives many women and some men to my office. Physically, one can see changes that occur with aging and people truly are not like their 20-something selves. Muscles weaken, mild shortness of breath with exercise, poor reading vision, vaginal dryness, and erectile dysfunction—these are just some of the symptoms of physical aging. But what about the mental changes? When people tell me that they don’t feel like themselves, they are telling me that the mental part, the personality, mood, and “the self” has deteriorated. Think of a set of dominoes, all upright. When one domino falls, then often they all begin to fall. Aging is not that simple or straight forward—or is it? If a woman in menopause has night sweats and doesn’t sleep through the night, she is exhausted and irritable during the day. Her family responds to this irritability sometimes lovingly and sometimes not. The tired woman may think, “If I eat something, I’ll have more energy”, and so she begins to pack on the pounds. Project all this one year forward—the menopausal woman might now weigh an extra 20 pounds and have prescriptions for an antidepressant and sleeping pill. Who would argue that physically and mentally, she does not feel like herself? I have recently seen two male patients
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K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
ave you ever had your dog lash out at people or other dogs? Have they bitten anyone or been involved in a dog fight? In the past we’ve had to tell owners that their dogs were unable to come here until they found a way to correct the behavior. We didn’t have that specialized kind of help to offer. Now we do! We’re thrilled to have hired Nicholas Wallace as our new Training Director. Nick comes with a Military K9 training background. While serving in the U.S. Navy, Nick was responsible for all aspects of handling high value Military Working Dogs for high risk objectives. Nick assisted in the training of over a dozen dog teams in Obedience, Patrol Work, Bite Work, and Explosive and Drug Detection. He worked in conjunction with the Secret Service, TSA, Homeland Security, and the Vatican Swiss Guard, to name a few. In his 4-years of service Nick was awarded a National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, a Navy Good Conduct Medal, and a Letter of Commendation for his part in Operation Iron Angel, the World Meeting of Families in 2015. Sounds very official, right? So how does that help you since your pet will probably
who had been prescribed antidepressants plus an erectile helper medication. When I checked their labs, their testosterone was very low. Their testosterone level had not been checked previously! Hormones do help restore a sense of wellbeing in men and women. Progesterone promotes deep restful sleep, estrogen renews the vagina and other tissues, while testosterone gives us the zest for life, libido! I explain to my patients that menopause and andropause could be described as an ongoing loss of bone, brain cells, and collagen, the elastic in the skin. Of course there are side effects of hormone replacement therapy, just as there are side effects if one does not restore hormones. Some of those side effects which have been reported with any type of hormone replacement therapy include cancer of the reproductive organs, breast, uterus, and ovaries, blood clots, and liver problems. I also say not all people need to have their hormones replaced. “I have changed so much”, or “I am so much better now”, and even “I feel like my ‘old’ self”! These comments I commonly hear after a year of hormone replacement. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
never need to protect POTUS? With Nick’s experience in dog behavior and training, he will be offering an additional level to our current team of world class trainers. Nick has prepared an exciting four-week board and train program, a Dog Behavior Modification Boot Camp, which is structured specifically for dogs who show signs of being fearful, anxious, or aggressive. This positive-reinforcement based program will shape your dog’s current behavior so that you will take home a more confident and dependable family member! There are only six spots available in each Boot Camp and our first one begins August 15th. To take advantage of this unique program, call K9CC to schedule a consultation. This is your first step in helping your pet become a stress-free, well-rounded member of society. Nick will also be offering K9 Detection classes! K9 Country Club is working on becoming your One-Stop-Shop for all your pets training needs. We hope you visit us soon and take advantage of all we have to offer. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
“W ho Le t T he D og s O u t”
By Jane Toh
an’s best friend. The Dog. Not much is known about how man and dog became inseparable – mainly because there are so many contradicting facts. What is definitely certain is man did indeed domesticate an ancient breed of wolf. And from that point on dog followed in the steps of his master, a formidable bond which continues to this day was created. Together, man and dog traveled the world, protected homes and families, hunted, and prospered hand-in-hand, or should I say paw-in-hand. Dogs may not have been by our side since the dawn of time, but since their domestication they have been loyal and steadfast in their adoration and loyalty. Better things cannot be said about man’s best friend. There is no wonder that dog is considered mankind’s best friend…and as such they deserve the best. This is what the caretakers at Camp Bow Wow hope to provide, the best, for furry canine quadrupeds and owners alike! Camp Bow Wow is a place, according to Tamara Wetegrove, owner of local Camp Bow Wows in San Antonio and Austin, “where a dog can be a dog.” First founded in the high and windy mountains of Denver, Colorado, Camp Bow Wow has spread past its original foundations and, since then, established itself in our city. In 1994 the idea for a high quality “doggy day care” had its first spark; this spark would soon became a loud and resounding bark. Founder Heidi Ganahl, after many trials and tribulations, opened her first Camp Bow Wow, and worked diligently, striving to continue the mantra of providing the best quality care for your best friend. In 2003, Ganahl and associates decided to expand this ideology and began franchising. The concept imbedded within the Camp Bow Wow motto, “Happy Healthy Pets, Healthy Happy People,” resonated with many people in every city a franchise was opened. This is where the local Wetegroves, Tamara and Frank, come in. The Wetegroves, like Ganahl, harbor a passion for their work, which fortunately involves dogs, lots and lots of dogs. “We started our business locally because of our passion for dogs, as well as educating the consumer that dogs need to be dogs too. Dogs, are like humans, they are social by nature. They should be social, have fun, and be healthy happy pets,” said Wetegrove. This combination of passions led them to opening their very own Camp Bow Wow in 2007 near the San Antonio
International Airport, and further expanding to northwest San Antonio, north Austin, and, most recently, the Stone Oak area. Since the grand opening of the first location almost a decade ago, the Wetegroves have continuously aimed to create a safe and healthy environment where a dog’s natural instincts can be nurtured and maintained, all while being pampered and lovingly adored by the attentive staff. The Wetegroves are first and foremost dog lovers. For them the best part of the day is working with all the dogs who come, wagging their tails, through the doors. They simply love their extended furry family! When asked if they have any pets at home Tamara smiled warmly, indicating the obvious answer, before responding with, “We’ve both had many dogs growing up and one of our children has four legs. Zeke’s probably more human than any of us at this point.” Their furry baby can regularly be found frolicking among all his other four-legged friends at Camp Bow Wow. Daily activities are endless at each location. The day, which begins at 7:00 am and ends at 7:00pm, starts off with lots of fun and variation, depending on what type of service the camper has selected prior. For those who have selected the Day Camp at Camp Bow Wow the day is filled with play time and socialization with other four-legged buddies, with breaks to allow campers to rest and eat in their own private suites of comfy cabins with blankets, and sometimes a special treat. To ensure the safety of the multiple campers, cameras are provided and keep a watchful eye. Parents can check in anytime to take a peek. And for the campers who get a bit mussed while at camp, grooming options are available. As the website mentions, the benefits of enrolling your dog in Day Camp are numerous, and includes regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight, reduction of boredom, separation anxiety, and destructive behavior at
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
We’ve both had many dogs growing up and one of our children has four legs. Zeke’s probably more human than any of us at this point.” – Tamara Wetgrove Camp Bow Wow
home, improvement of socialization with people and other dogs, and, most importantly, enhances the quality of life for your best friend. The Baha Men raised a very poignant and profound question in their 2000 single, “Who let the dogs out?” Who did let the dogs out? Well Camp Bow Wow is here in San Antonio to say let the dogs be dogs. The camp aspires to please animals and animal lovers alike. To those who don’t already know Camp Bow Wow is “the leading pet care franchise and is all about Happy Healthy Pets and Happy Healthy People.” Looking for some help with Fido, your four-legged best friend? Need some help with obedience training, which can be a one-on-one service, or perhaps grooming? Searching for a place for Fido while out of town or at work? Stop your search, and look no further than Camp Bow Wow. With locations all over the country, including one in Canada and three of which have found a home in San Antonio, certified counselors, all of whom are dog lovers, Camp Bow Wow is the obvious choice. Bring in Fido and see for yourself the difference a little T.L.C. (tender loving care) from Camp Bow Wow can make!
Camp Bow Wow 20750 Stone Oak Pkwy. (210) 496-9969 www.campbowwow.com/stoneoak 9
Changing Car Technology: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
ue to changing technologies, vehicles have increased in complexity every single year. This has enabled carmakers to make improvements in different areas of your vehicles. The newest trend is the growing use of Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines. Gasoline Direct Injection uses a different approach to delivering fuel to the vehicles cylinder. Rather than a port fuel injector that delivers fuel past the cylinders intake valve, a direct injection engine sprays fuel directly into the combustion chamber. By injecting gasoline at high pressure directly into the engine’s combustion chamber, direct
injection more precisely measures fuel than conventional fuel-injection systems or old-time carburetors. This helps your vehicle achieve better fuel economy, lowers emissions, and increasing engine power. It may also enable your vehicle to run leaner with a higher compression and use less gasoline. Gasoline direct injection engines run through complex computer controlled technologies to allow it to deliver just the right amount of fuel. While the technology offers engineers incredible flexibility from an engine design perspective, it is not without faults. Although this new technology may seem like a dream
come true, there have been some unwanted side effects. Over time, direct injection engines can lead to clogged fuel systems and engine carbon buildup. The result can be engine hesitation and a loss of power – which can all lead to extensive repairs if not taken care of quickly. As with all new technology, Belden’s Automotive & Tires prides itself on keeping up with the times and staying up to date with the technology that is being introduced. With that being said, Belden’s Automotive & Tires offers a Gasoline Direct Injected Oil Change package that helps clean the injectors and reduce carbon build up. Belden’s Automotive & Tires also offers the GDI cleaning service which cleans carbon build up in engine intake manifold as well as intake valves. Gasoline Direct Injection
Barn Doors Are Trending. What Makes These Doors So Popular?
By Mike & Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750 he barn door craze shows no sign as in restaurants and offices. These doors of slowing down. The installation offer an aesthetic design appeal and a lot of rolling barn doors for home of versatility, they are functional, and can interiors is one of the hottest new trends in save on space. They are also a great way remodeling. Demand for these doors is also to partition open spaces without making it increasing in commercial applications such permanent.
Meet Our New Training Director Help us welcome Nicholas Wallace! While serving in the U.S. Navy, Nick trained high value K9 teams in obedience, patrol work, bite work and explosive and drug detection for high risk objectives.
Call to find out more about Nick’s Dog Behavior Modification and K9 Detection classes!
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Barn doors can be used in tight spaces where there is a not a lot of room for a swinging door, such as entry halls or dining room to kitchen openings. They are also being installed in master bedrooms to cover closets, master bathrooms to close off the toilet room, and doors that cover home office spaces. The doors offer great functionality and add a level of distinction to the room. Their powerful visual appeal can really give the space a perfect focal point. The beauty of a barn door system is that it can be used just about anywhere, come in absolutely any size, and aren’t always traditional in appearance. In fact, they can be made from almost anything, such as shutters, panels, metal, or even leather or glass. How about a chalkboard barn door for your kitchen pantry? While barn doors can add character, it’s important to understand that not every home is ideal for the door and in some cases, installation may not be worth the investment. A barn door requires extra wall space in order to slide it open. If the room you are considering lacks wall space, it won’t work. Barn doors are not good for sound isolation or privacy so probably not a solution to an area meant for a sleeping
engines are becoming more commonplace, not only among luxury vehicles, but among all vehicles being produced. If you are thinking of purchasing a gasoline direct injection engine vehicle, call any of our service advisors for more information on the pros and cons. Belden’s Automotive & Tires has friendly, knowledgeable and trained Service Advisors on hand at each of our 6 locations. Call us today and let our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires help you with your gasoline direct injected vehicle. Buckle up, drive safe, and remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Six Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830981-9700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330; Prue Rd.: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive.com. child. One last drawback can be the cost. The doors can range from just under $300 to more than $4,000 depending on the door style you pick, the track system, the barn door handle, and installation. As for the install, we do not suggest this as a DIY project, it’s one best left to the pros. A remodeling pro can determine if the wall can support the barn door or doors and the track hardware. A single door install may take an hour or two but the installation of a 4-door double bypass system can easily be an all day job for an experienced installer. Regardless of who installs the door, make sure that the door and all hardware is mounted securely and safely to the wall. If a sliding barn door fits your wall and your budget, you will absolutely love it. It will change the feel of the room, add a unique style and a progressive design. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. At Virtuoso Builders, we work closely with our clients and have a reputation for developing unprecedented trust with them, which ultimately leads to the finest project results. If you would like for us to write about any specific topics or would like more information, please contact us at info@virtuosobuilders.com. And for more tips on home improvement, subscribe to our newsletter at www. virtuosobuilders.com
Did You Know? reetings everyone! Here are some
random, little-known, facts about our interesting world. I, for one, absolutely love random facts. Many consider this knowledge absolutely useless, but let’s be real here who cares? It’s fun, perhaps even a bit eccentric, to be in midconversation with people and be able to pull out a random fact your audience has never heard of. So let your random uniqueness shine. • Did you know 11% of people are left handed • Did you know unless food is mixed with saliva you can’t taste it • Did you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes • Did you know a bear has 42 teeth
• Did you know an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain • Did you know lemons contain more sugar than strawberries To all the random facts junkies out there if you have any suggestions about what we print in Welcome Home Community Newspaper, please submit to articles@ welcomehomesa.com.
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Step Into Decorating
By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 all is approaching us all. It is time for door is important in the “Welcoming” area us in the design and decorating world of our home. The inside of our home should to get ready for the fall. be warm and inviting with fireplace screens, Beginning at the front door with a fall colors and décor. beautiful wreath and fall flowers next to our Orange and red are very big in color
No Shots, No School In 2016-2017 Special To Welcome Home t is time for families to start updating their immunizations in order to be prepared to return to school for the 2016-17 school year in August. Some students may not have the requisite number of shots and not know it due to the state increasing the number of shots required at various grade levels. Northside ISD will enforce its “No Shots, No School” policy. Students who come to school on the first day of classes and don’t have up-to-date shots will have to wait in the school office for their parents to pick them up and take them to get their shots. Texas law requires all public school children have current immunizations in order to attend class. For more information visit the NISD Health Services website. Immunization Requirements for 2016-17 DTP/DTaP/DT/TD/Tdap: Five doses are required for entry of kindergarten students unless the fourth dose was received on or after the 4th birthday. Doses are
also required for students entering prekindergarten – school nurse will evaluate. Students age 7, starting their vaccine, are required to have three doses. One booster dose of a Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussiscontaining vaccine is required for entry into 7th grade if at least 5 years have passed since the last dose of a Tetanus-containing vaccine. Grades 8-12 require a booster dose of Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis-containing vaccine every 10 years. Polio: Four doses of Polio vaccine are required for kindergarten students unless the third dose was received after the 4th birthday. Doses are also required for students entering pre-kindergarten – school nurse will evaluate. It can be any combination of OPV or IPV. Not required of 18-year-old students. Measles/Mumps/Rubella: Two doses are required. The first dose shall be administered on or after the 1st birthday. The second dose is to be administered by
Teachers Trade Pens For iPads Special To Welcome Home hese words may be “Greek” or “Geek” to some people, but to educators in Northside School District they are tools in an ever-growing digital toolbox designed to enhance individualized student learning consistent with “Post PC Era” trends. By mid-September 2016, all NISD teachers, counselors, librarians, administrators and other professional support employees will be issued an iPad to serve as a creative tool to add to their established curriculum thanks to money earmarked for technology. “iPads don’t take the place of a good teacher,” says Tracy Wernli, principal of Hector Garcia Middle School. “Teachers are still the master of their content area, but the iPads are a tool to access the curriculum in a variety of ways.” “Students are very comfortable and adept at using mobile devices,” says Lucy
Podmore, librarian at Hector Garcia Middle School and Texas Computer Education Association Library Media Specialist of the Year. “Teachers need to be as familiar with them as their students are and understand how they can be utilized properly in the classroom setting.” Hector Garcia Middle School is one of six schools in NISD that served as pilot schools for the iPad teacher initiative. The other schools are Helotes and Timberwilde elementary schools, Neff and Connally middle schools; and O’Connor High School. “The iPad is a completely portable learning tool that allows the teacher to reach beyond their classroom,” says Dr. Brian T. Woods, superintendent. “We are very excited to be able to provide our teaching staff this kind of 21st century teaching device to help engage every student at the level where they are able to learn, when they are ready to learn.” Prior to receiving their iPads, Hector
schemes this year. We are seeing a mix of both colors combined in all accessories. The textures of rugs and pillows as well as new looks in poof ottomans continue to take a stage in our décor. Warm woods mixed with gold and silvers are also very popular at all markets. The fall season reminds me of cinnamon and sage scents in our kitchens. New scents are coming into play and very popular today as well. A Magical Makeover might just be exactly what you need. Let us come into your home and rearrange and bring in new
age 5 or entry into kindergarten. One dose is required for pre-kindergarten. HIB: Three doses of Haemophilus Influenza type B vaccine and a booster if given before the child is 15 months or one dose of vaccine if given after 15 months. HIB vaccine is given through 4 years of age and is required for students in prekindergarten. Hepatitis Type A: Two doses of Hepatitis A are required for students in grades PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6 and 7. The second dose of Hepatitis A is administered six months after the administration of the first dose. Type B: Three doses of Hepatitis B are required for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Varicella (Chicken Pox): Two doses of Varicella vaccine received on or after the 1st birthday are required for students in grades K through 12. If the student has had Varicella (Chicken Pox) illness, please request a form from the school nurse to validate illness.
Garcia Middle School established a campus technology committee with one person from every department. Committee members were given an iPad to experiment and become comfortable for one year prior to the campus receiving their iPads. The committee members became mentors to employees in their area. In addition to a staff retreat, the school has provided ongoing training through monthly “App-ie Hours” and Twitter Chats. “Training is the key,” says Wernli. “It is definitely a mind shift.” One Hector Garcia Middle School teacher who had no trouble finding ways to utilize the new tool was a P.E. coach who discovered he could videotape his students on the football field, and replay to show them what they were doing right or where they needed improvement. Teachers have also discovered the ease in doing formative assessments, demonstrating and collaboratively editing poetry in class,
accessories. For more information, contact Mary Jenkins-Asquith, Registered Interior Designer at mjkg1@aol.com or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jessicacjenkins@gmail.com or 210-464-1519 or Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jennjenkins720@ aol.com or 210-325-3772. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com.
One dose is required for students entering pre-kindergarten. Pneumococcal (PCV7): PCV7 is mandated for all students 3 through 4 years of age. The school nurse will evaluate the number of doses needed or if the student is complete to enter pre-kindergarten. Menactra (Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine): This vaccine protects students 11 years of age and older from Meningitis. One dose is required for students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Among the staff who piloted the iPad initiative this year are (from l-r) Librarian Lucy Podmore and principal Tracy Wernli. More than 7,800 iPads will be distributed to NISD professional campus staff in the fall.
and for measuring and documenting science experiments. With apps aplenty (more than 80,000 education apps designed especially for the iPad) teachers will have no problem finding an app that best enhances their lesson plans.
SA Magic 15 Elite Team Wins USA National Championship Submitted By Shelia Morse A Magic’s 15 Elite team pulled off a huge comeback Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at the USAV Junior National Championship in Indianapolis. They played Mintonette m.52 in an exciting match which led to a championship victory for SA Magic. SA Magic went into the championship game with a 10-1 record. They had managed a big win early in the game against Nebraska ONE despite Carolyn Meuth (outside hitter) having limited ability to play due to an
injury. Rachel Morse (setter/hiter) Hannah Berry (hitter), Adriana Periera (hitter), and Peyton Hummel (libero) stepped up and helped the team pull off a big win in the third set to keep the team headed into the final game. The team qualified to go to Nationals by winning 1st place in the Lone Star Classic Tournament a couple months earlier in Dallas, Texas. During this tournament the team went undefeated against stiff competition and prepared themselves
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
mentally and physically for Nationals. Members of the SA Magic 15 Elite team include Hannah Berry (hitter), Fiona Garrison (middle), Cailin Hernandez (defensive specialist), Ashley Hu (setter), Peyton Hummel (libero), Kara McGhee (middle), Caroline Meuth (outside hitter), Rachel Morse (setter/hitter), Adriana Pereira (hitter), Faith Savage (defensive specialist), Vanessa Soto (setter), and Loi Tufono (hitter). At the conclusion of the tournament
Kara McGhee, Caroline Meuth, and Rachel Morse were named All Tournament Players and Caroline Meuth was named MVP. The National title was a huge celebration of a mission accomplished after many months of practices. Congratulations to Coach Gen Martin, Coach Alberto Periera, and to all of the magic players and family!
TMI’s Stephanie Livsey Elected Rotary President Submitted By Paula Allen tephanie Livsey, director of community relations for TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas, was installed June 28 as president of the Rotary Club of San Antonio at The Dominion. The club has had a strong relationship with the independent school since 2007, when it chartered TMI’s chapter of Interact, the Rotary-sponsored youth communityservice organization. Livsey, who is also the school’s webmaster, previously served as The Dominion Rotary club’s secretary, vice president and president-elect. She has been a member since 2007 and has acted as Rotary liaison to TMI Interact, facilitating student service opportunities such as volunteering at the annual Fiesta Leon Springs Night, creating “lovie” dolls for premature infants in neonatal intensive care units and speaking at the club’s meetings. “The Rotary motto is service above self,” Livsey said, “so it also embodies our
school’s value of servant leadership.” TMI has several ties to Rotary. Jim Montgomery, a member of the class of 1971, is a charter member and past president of the Dominion club, founded in 2003. TMI Director of Technology John-Paul Reed is a member, and Headmaster John W. Cooper, Ph.D., is a Rotarian and past president of another club. Livsey will serve a yearlong term as president of Dominion Rotary, which supports educational scholarships; local Early Act, Interact, and Rotaract clubs; San Antonio Youth Literacy; Sights Unseen; the Safety Whys Babysitter Training Program; Operation Comfort, and other nonprofit groups by volunteering to serve at the San Antonio Food Bank Haven for Hope, the Adopt-A-Highway program, and Habitat for Humanity. Rotary is an international service organization that brings together 1.2 million volunteers worldwide in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage
high ethical standards in all vocations and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a secular organization open to all people regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, or political preference. There are 34,282 member clubs worldwide. Founded in 1893 by the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas is a private, co-educational, college-preparatory school for grades 6-12, with optional military (JROTC) and boarding programs. For information, visit www.tmisa.org or call 698-7171.
TMI Director of Community Relations Stephanie Livsey being installed as the new president of the Rotary Club of San Antonio at The Dominion by former president John Fosdick on June 28.
TMI Senior Earns Top Fundraising Title Submitted By Paula Allen had Harthan, a rising senior at TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas, was named Man of the Year by the San Antonio chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Harthan, himself a leukemia survivor, raised more than $234,000 during the 10-week competition to claim the title. He won the top spot among 17 candidates who raised a record total of $1.59 million. Proceeds from the local campaign first reached the Million Dollar Campaign ranks in 2013, and the amount has increased each year since. Harthan, who has been in remission for 15 years, received the award at a June 10 Grand
Finale ceremony. “Thanks to each of you,” he told an audience of 600, “we have made a major impact for all blood cancer patients and honored those who have lost their battle.” He challenged them to “continue to pursue a world without cancers, a world where all the rooms on every hospital cancer floor are empty because there are no more patients.” Area individuals and businesses “really came through in a big way supporting our candidates,” said Campaign Director Jessica De Souza, explaining that this is the first time local fundraising has surpassed $1.5 million for the highly competitive Alamo City version of Man and Woman of the Year.
This is the campaign’s 23rd year nationally and the eighth year in San Antonio. The Leukemia Lymphoma Society’s Man and Woman of the Year campaign is a fundraising competition in communities across the United States. Participants raise funds for blood-cancer research in honor of local children who are survivors. For details, visit www.mwoy.org/sctx. Founded in 1893 by the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas is a private, co-educational, college-preparatory school for grades 6-12, with optional military (JROTC) and boarding programs. For information, visit www.tmi-sa.org or call 698-7171.
TMI senior Chad Harthan, center, with parents Charles and Lisa, accepts his Man of the Year award from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society at a June 10 Grand Finale ceremony,
It’s Official- Logos Unveiled For Two Newest Schools Submitted By JulieAnn Matonis orthside ISD will open two new elementary schools when classes resume on Aug. 22. Bennie Cole and Randall Fields elementary schools will join the 117 other schools that make up South Texas’ largest school district. Their new logos are joining the NISD family of school mascots. Students who will be attending each school voted on school colors and mascots.
Cole Elementary School’s colors are purple and gold with the Explorers mascot. The school is located at 13185 Tillman Ridge, off of Talley Road. Namesake Bennie Cole is a longtime NISD and community volunteer who was instrumental in the development of the Northside Education Foundation and served as a NISD Board Member for four years. The official dedication of Bennie Cole Elementary School is at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 26.
Fields Elementary School’s colors are maroon and gold with the Falcons mascot. The school is located at 9570 FM 1560 North. Namesake Randall Fields is a highly respected education advocate who served on the NISD Board for 13 years and was the first president of the Northside Education Foundation. The official dedication for Randall Fields Elementary School is at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 2. Visit the NISD Facebook page for a
sneak peek inside both of NISD’s newest schools.
NISD, On The Road To Olympics Special To Welcome Home he “Road to Rio” went through Northside ISD. Before competing at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the United States Olympic Swim Team held training camp at the Northside Swim Center July 11-21. During the camp, area swimmers and sports fans had the opportunity to observe the 2016 U.S. Olympic Swimming Team, as one practice was open to spectators. In order to attend the observed practice, which was scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 16, spectators must have donated new backpacks to get advance admission passes. Backpacks were dropped off at the Northside Natatorium from 12
p.m. to 8 p.m. July 7 through July 14. Those who wanted a chance to attend an autograph session with the Olympians filled their donated backpacks with school supplies. All backpacks and school supplies donated through the “Backpacking to Rio Drive” will go to the Northside Benevolence Closet which distributes items to students in need. Last year was the “Year of Swimming” in Northside as the Swim Center hosted three national and one international championship competitions, including the Phillips 66 National Championships, which brought the most-decorated Olympian of all time, Michael Phelps, to Northside.
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Inspiration At Leadership Summit
Each high school in the district nominated 20-25 students to attend.
Special To Welcome Home ow do you want to be remembered as an athlete?” “Are you excited about making an impression or making an impact?” Those were just two of the questions posed to the 250 student athletes at Northside School District’s first Student/Athlete Leadership Summit. Scattered among the tables on the floor of Paul Taylor Field House were athletes representing every
All the students present have previously demonstrated leadership qualities, both on and off the field.
NISD high school, but instead of school colors, all wore the same white t-shirts with the same messages – beyond the game and hope. Each high school selected 20 to 25 students to participate in the inaugural event. The day-long summit included guest speakers and activities that helped student athletes forge new relationships with each other, and to consider the impact they can have as leaders and grow in the roles they
play in their respective programs. The majority of the guest speakers were NISD alumni or former NISD educators, including Retired Colonel S. Dan Johnston who taught at O’Connor HS for 15 years after 25 years of service in the Army. “If you pay attention to leaders and pick up on their habits, you will become a great leader,” Johnston said. “Sometimes it’s hard to be a leader,” said Roel Sanchez, sophomore at O’Connor
HS. “But you need to be the bigger person.” At the end of the day, the student athletes left with a new perspective on what it means to go beyond the game. “You’re not going to be playing sports your entire life,” said Hanssen. “You have to learn life skills while you’re playing, things that help you go further, become a better person, and teach you character.”
Time For Straight Talk Special To Welcome Home here’s an old 1970s television commercial for oil filters that said, “You can pay me now or you can pay me later.” In other words, you can invest a little money now to maintain your car, or a lot more later trying to fix the damage. The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled that the current school finance system “satisfies minimum constitutional requirements.” This decision is disappointing for the children of Texas. Further, the Court went on to say that the responsibility for our imperfect system rests squarely with the Texas Legislature and that they “hope lawmakers will seize this urgent challenge and upend an ossified regime illsuited for 21st century Texas.” We agree with this statement. Although the system may meet the “minimum constitutional standards,” it doesn’t satisfy the standards of most Texans, and it certainly doesn’t provide the funds necessary to prepare students to enter the 21st century workforce ready to compete with their peers on a global scale. In a state as grand and glorious as ours, we like to boast about being the biggest and the best on a regular basis. Texas has a lot to brag about, but when it comes to funding our public schools, Texas should be ashamed. Regardless of how you crunch the numbers and adjust for cost of living or what year of data you use, Texas always ranks near the bottom nationally in funding. In spite of poor funding, we have
an expectation for students in Texas to graduate ready for college and career, and the vast majority do. In fact, Texas has the second highest graduation rate in the nation, 88 percent, and many school districts far exceed that number. As a state, though, we must ask two questions: 1.) For how long can our schools achieve more with less? and 2.) What will happen to the students who don’t graduate? How long? When someone purchases a new home, there comes an expectation of continued investments for necessary maintenance and repairs. If the owner fails to make those repairs, the home may continue to provide sufficient shelter for a while; it might even seem those repairs are not necessary. However, the time will come when the home falls so far into disrepair that it fails to provide the adequate shelter expected of a home. We have reached that point with our system of school finance in Texas. We can no longer fool ourselves into believing that just because many students seem to do well and graduate prepared for college and career, that we can sustain those results over time or that we shouldn’t do even better. The two biggest cost drivers in public education are teacher salaries and class size. Due to huge cuts to public education in 2011, teacher salaries and benefits have not kept up with the cost of living, and the lack of funds have also resulted in larger class sizes. How many years can we expect our noble public school
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
teachers to resist the much higher salaries the private sector has to offer? How long can we expect educators to remain in classrooms with increasing numbers of students, and therefore workload, for the same or less net pay? How can we continue to attract the most talented people into such an important profession in this environment? What will happen? While many students do well in Texas, we need a system that better meets the needs of every student, whether they are English Language Learners, economically disadvantaged, disabled, or gifted. What happens to the future of these students if they are not served by a system deemed just “good enough” for most? The future of our state depends on the answer to that question. The Court said it was uncertain as to the correlation between more money and a better education. However, decades of other court rulings and legislative actions have built a school finance system based on that correlation. If there is no correlation between money and a better education, then why would some communities in Texas be required to send $1.5 billion per year to the State for redistribution to property poor school districts through Robin Hood? Why is it that money matters in every other industry like business, professional sports, the military, and health care but not when it comes to serving our children? State Education Commissioner Mike Morath recently said that how you spend the money matters more than how much
Texas Supreme Court’s funding decision keeps Texas schools among the lowest in the United States.
you have to spend. While how the money is spent certainly matters a great deal, the state and federal governments greatly limit how local district spend funds. Local discretion and flexibility is needed to meet local needs and to foster innovation. The Court has said that this issue is one for the Texas Legislature to decide, and that means ultimately it is one for the people of Texas to decide. House Speaker Joe Straus recently issued interim charges to study components of school finance, and we applaud that action. Those of us who care about students, schools, and the future of this state have the responsibility of contacting our legislators to communicate that our standards and expectations for students and schools exceed the “minimum standard.” The bottom line is this – if we do not invest in our children now, we will pay for it in the future due to the enormous economic and social impact of a poorly educated society. We can invest now, or pay a lot more later – the choice is ours.
2016 SOBA BUSINE S S EXPO The Stone Oak Business Association & Johnson High School Student Counsel Invite the Community out for an evening of FUN. Meet local business owners and representatives. Win prizes & support your local High School!
Vendors Wanted! VENDORS (Sign Up Today!) SOBA members $85 Non-members $125
Date: Time: Location: Who:
Oct. 5th Johnson HS Cafeteria.
Lady Bird JOHNSON H.S.
Stone Oak Business Association
Benefiting The Johnson HS Student Counsel.
Wed., Oct 5, 2016 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm 23203 Bulverde Road FREE TO THE PUBLIC
RSV P: (210)34 8 - 8233 e - m ail: soba@s at x.r r.c o m w w w. St one Oak Bu sine s s .c o m
SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses
NETWORKING Speed Networking is one of SOBA’s premier events!
During this meeting, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to everyone in attendance. Because of the high turnout, make sure to RSVP early. Please bring a minimum of 150 business cards.
Date: Wednesday, Aug 31, 2016 Time: 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Location: Canyon Springs Golf Club 24405 Wilderness Oak
Cost: $20 for Members $25
Stone Oak Business Association
RSVP: (210) 3 4 8 - 82 3 3 e - mail: sob a@s at x .rr.com w w w. S tone O akBusine ss .com
for Non-Members $30 at the Door
SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses 14
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
2016 Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa
FREE Photo with Santa! OVER 60,000 lbs OF SNOW FUN! You are invited to eat, play, enjoy rides and have your FREE photo with Santa taken at the largest and longest running holiday event in San Antonio. Enjoy local school bands and talented children’s performances, winter “sledding” and 60,000 lbs of snow fun!
Date: Time: Place:
Saturday, December 3, 2016 10 am – 3 pm 502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital)
Limited Vendor 210.34 Booths Over 10 8.8233 ,000 Visitors
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Vendor RSVP:(210)348–8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
The Jenkins Interior Design Group
Call for your Summer makeover. Mary Jenkins-Asquith 210.325.3720 mjkg1@aol.com
Jessica C. Jenkins
210.464.1519 jessicacjenkins@gmail.com
Proper Planning. True Craftsmanship. Constant Communication.
Kitchens • Bathrooms • Whole House Remodels • Additions Look for our Home Improvement article each month in Welcome Home
www.VirtuosoBuilders.com 16
August 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57