December 2013 78255 56 57 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas Postal Customer

December 2013 Issue

2013 Winter Celebration See Details Inside!



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December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


Winter Celebration 2013

Welcome Home Community Newspaper is looking for FIVE motivated individuals for the position of Sales Representatives! We’re looking for individuals with:

In past years Winter Celebration Scavenger Hunt has been held during the month of November leading up to Winter Celebration in December. This year we are challenging you! Scavenger Hunt will be held at Winter Celebration at the Legacy Shopping Center.

What we offer:

• Strong Communication Skills • Ability to Develop & Maintain Professional Business Relationships • Experience a Plus!

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How it Works—Starting at 10 a.m. on December 14, 2013, the Welcome Home checkin booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. For every stamp you receive, you will get one "General Prize" drawing ticket. For every 15 stamps you receive, you will get one "Grand Prize" drawing ticket.

• Flexible Schedule • Fun, Friendly Environment

If you are interested in joining a growing company and maximizing your potential, send your resume to

From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Stay tuned for what we are drumming up in Grand Prizes this year! Drawings will begin at 3 p.m. You must be present to win. Come out to Winter Celebration, play Scavenger Hunt, build a snowman and Win prizes! *All toys are donated to US Marine Corps Toys for Tots-San Antonio

Date: Time: Place:

December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604)

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December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Note From The Publisher Santa, Snow, Sled Rides and More! Dec 14, 2013 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at Legacy Shopping Center


ear Neighbors, Winter Celebration Featuring AirLife Santa will be held at the Legacy Shopping Center this year, right beside Main Event. The event will take place on Saturday, December 14, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This is the 10th year Welcome Home will be holding the largest Toys For Tots drive in San Antonio. Our Annual Scavenger Hunt will be held at the Winter Celebration this year. Come out to visit the wonderful booths at our event and receive a stamp on your Scavenger Hunt Card. Turn your cards in for Prize drawing tickets. Every 15 stamps will receive a $1,000 Grand Prize drawing ticket. See page 8 for a list of the amazing prizes we have this year! The Grand Prize drawing will take place at 2:45 p.m. and you must be present to win. General Prize drawings will take place throughout the event, so hang out and enjoy the holiday spirit! Winter Celebration will kick off with its annual parade. That will be bigger than ever thanks to Reagan, Churchill and Johnson High School bands, along with dozens of school mascots and children’s groups. Jeep Nation will lead the parade this year with Mrs. Susie Groomer of Groomer Seafood as the Grand Marshall. You are welcome to join us in the parade! Bring a decorated wagon or shoebox to be part of the action or call Welcome Home to see how your group can participate. We will be lining up for the parade at 9:45 a.m. behind Main Event Entertainment. There will be plenty of volunteers to direct you and you can visit our website for a detailed map of the festival grounds.

Of course, Santa is always the main attraction, and he will be arriving by AirLife helicopter at 10:30 a.m. after the parade. In exchange for your donation of a new, unwrapped toy, you or your child will receive a FREE photo with Santa, a FREE slide ride and a general prize drawing ticket for a chance to win. There will be carnival rides, games, food and local entertainment from many of our NEISD and Comal ISD schools! You can read more about the celebration on page 7. We will be offering FREE shuttle service from Community Bible Church. You can read more details about it on page 9. Mark your calendars! Saturday, December 14, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. will be an event that your family will remember for years to come. Winter Celebration is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community while giving back to those children who need it most. We hope to see you come out and support this local event. Bring your friends and family. We’ll see you there for a snowball fight! Last but not least, Welcome Home Community Newspaper would like to wish you and your family a Safe and Happy Holiday Season! Look for our next publication in January 2014. Until next year, keep safe and God bless!

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A Holiday Treat! We are introducing CoolSculpting, a more natural, non-invasive solution to say goodbye to stubborn fat with minimal downtime and lasting results! Call us for additional details.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Welcome Home Intern Reilly Magee

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

Managing Editor Amanda Burris

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Writer/Copy Editors Chasity Furse Ben Spicer

Contributing Photographers Chasity Furse

Administrative Assistant Julia Wickwire

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Libby Thorman

Cosmetic Dermatology Sculptra • Botox • Juvederm • Radiesse • Belotero Facials IPL / Photofacials • Microdermabrasion Chemical Peels • Cutera Excel V Laser Treatment

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer Contributing Writers Dr. Jerry Woods Melissa Peoples Deanna O’Marah Paula Allen Risa Weinberger

No interest financing available on your next visit using Annabelle L. Garcia, M.D. Board Certified Dermatologist

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December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


On The Cover By Amanda Burris 013 has been another successful and memorable year. As we fully emerge into the holiday season this December, we are reminded of the talent and strength of our community with upcoming school performances, community events and an air of happiness all around. For us at the Welcome Home Community Newspaper, we are excited to put on our 10th Annual Winter Celebration on December 14 at the Legacy Shopping Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is a pleasure for us to meet and interact with our dedicated readers, submitters and those featured in our pages at this event. Welcome Home has had the wonderful opportunity to highlight schools in NEISD, NISD and COMAL ISD all year. Spotlighting those who have done something great or are participating in wonderful events has always brought us endless joy as we share good news with the rest of the community. We are being continually reminded of just how supportive, active and amazing


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community news!

Submit stories, upcoming events and photos to: or Submission Guidelines: x x x x x

Optimal articles for print are 300-500 words in length Calendar submissions require date, time, location, cost, and RSVP information Send high resolution photos (greater than 300 dpi) Include a photo credit when applicable Include contact information for more details

Not a writer? No problem.

Each submission will be reviewed by our editing staff before going to print.

Welcome Home Community Newspaper is pleased to offer this free service to the community. Upon submission of a story idea or photo, you give Welcome Home and its affiliates the right to use that submission without compensation. By submitting to Welcome Home, you guarantee that your material is sent with the express consent of the owner, and that its contents are non-proprietary and non-confidential. We cannot guarantee all announcements will be published. Welcome Home is under no obligation to use any idea, photo or article submitted. We reserve the right to edit or alter announcements for conciseness and grammar as needed and may need to prioritize certain events, for any reason, before publication.


‘Tis The Season…

( 830 ) 980-8476 • 31305 Oak View, Bulverde

We want to share

individuals are in the areas we cover. We look forward to yet another great year as 2013 comes to an end and we begin 2014. The staff here at Welcome Home would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. We hope to see everyone at Winter Celebration this year and we look forward to hearing about your holidays through submissions. From all of us here at the paper, happy holidays!


By Debby Seguin

t seems like every year the Christmas “Season” is beginning earlier and earlier. I thought at first it was just because I was getting older, (which is silly since I have been 25 for 26 years now), but I think there is more to it. In fact, I remember back in July, while rummaging through some half price beach balls and goggles at the store, I heard the distinct sound of a jingle bell. Thinking it was just my imagination, I didn’t investigate further, but then later that same day, at the Dollar Store, placed discreetly in the far back left-hand corner between the kitchen sink mats and the industrial size pack of doilies, was a small display of (and I swear this is true) glass Christmas tree ornaments. As my tan began to fade on the spot, and I froze with thoughts of all I still had to accomplish before The Big Day, I quickly covered the display up with some boxes of faux fur slippers to ward off any other would-be shoppers. After this traumatic encounter, I simply avoided stores altogether, including the “Seasonal” aisle at the grocery store. But alas, I was “invited” to Hallmark Channel’s “153 Days ‘Til Christmas” marathon! We need a Constitutional Amendment (or just some common sense) to determine exactly what date “The Holiday Season” should begin. Optimally, it would be sometime after I stop needing airconditioning (as well as enough time to financially recoup from “The Back-ToSchool Season”) and sometime before “There’s no room in the inn.” Mid-November is when people want to start hearing the nostalgic sound of the WalMart bell-dingers who, by the way, could

learn a lesson from Pavlov and stop ringing the bell whenever someone puts money in. I’m not saying its annoying exactly but if the money flow slows, just a slight dingding and people will come out of nowhere, dumping change by the handfuls to make it stop! Give us until late fall to start thinking about a gift for that special someone, what we will bake, who we will visit and being good for Santa. I, for one, am determined to keep the Christmas season a special time of year. With everything on my list to do yet, it’s not as though I only have…4 WEEKS!!! Only 4 WEEKS!!! Why didn’t somebody tell me?! Debby can be reached (AFTER Christmas because she is BUSY) at

December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

The 2013 Winter Celebration – NEW LOCATION! By Amanda Burris


s winter approaches, excitement settles into the hearts of both adults and children alike as the season for holidays, cheer and giving become more prevalent. This December, Welcome Home Community Newspaper and the new non-profit organization, Living Through Giving, will be helping the community celebrate the season by putting on the 10th Annual Winter Celebration on December 14 at the Legacy Shopping Center at 1803 East Sonterra Boulevard from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Winter Celebration brings the community together for food, fun, fellowship, and most importantly, to gather toys to benefit children throughout San Antonio. Schools from across town will take part in a friendly competition starting in November to raise the most toys for Toys for Tots and the donations will continue to be open to the public at Winter Celebration. Toys for Tots is a nationwide organization headed by the United States Marine Corps that aims to change the lives of local children by keeping their spirits intact. Last year, Winter Celebration collected 85 percent of the toys for Toys for Tots, collecting over 7, 000 total toys for local children. This year, Winter Celebration has made it a goal to raise enough toys so that no child goes without one. Families from across the city are invited to join in on this celebration that embodies the entire spirit of the season, while also establishing a true sense of community. The event will kick off at 10 a.m. with a parade filled with high school bands, mascots and various other eye-catching spectacles. The community is invited to dress in holiday attire and bring decorated wagons to be part of the parade. Winter Celebration will feature AirLIFE Santa, the Marines, 30,000 pounds of snow, performances from local bands, spirit groups, choirs and much more. Businesses will also have booths set up where they will offer everything from delicious food and drinks to face painting, giveaways and other fun activities for individuals of all ages. This year, the annual Scavenger Hunt for Winter Celebration will take place at the actual event. The Welcome Home check-in booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots as well as handing out the official Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to visit all of the vendors on the list and get their Scavenger Hunt card stamped at the vendor booths. Each stamp earns participants one general prize drawing ticket. Every 15 stamps will earn participants one grand prize drawing ticket. General prize drawings will be throughout the event and Grand Prize drawings will be held at 2:45 p.m. Everyone is invited to take part in this enjoyable opportunity. You may just end up as a lucky winner! This FREE admission event will not only be fun for the whole family, but will ignite some holiday spirit into the community and give back to those less fortunate. Come out to support those performing, be part of this great cause and represent your school while having a great time. For more information on Winter Celebration, Living Through Giving or the Welcome Home Community Newspaper, please visit or call 210-348-8233.

December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


Official Scavenger Hunt Rules 1st Grand Prize: $1,000 Shopping Spree 5th Prize: 2 Night Stay w/Breakfast 8th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast at from Welcome Home Newspaper

2nd Grand Prize: $500 in VIP Movie

Passes from


at Homewood Suites

from Stone Oak Residence Inn by Marriott from Residence Homewood Suites (Value $350) Inn Marriott Stone Oak (Value $200)

6th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast 9th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast

3rd Grand Prize: Apple iPad Mini from at Hyatt Place Stone Oak (Value $400)

Broadway Bank

from Marriott

4th Prize: 1 Year Family Membership 7th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast

to Mays/Thousand Oaks YMCA

from Mays

Family YMCA (Value $1,117)

at Courtyard by Marriott

from Marriott SA North Stone Oak (Value $200)

In The Parade:

Area C – Choir Stage

10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:30

10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30

Johnson High School Dance Team Reagan High School Dance Team Heather Stolle School of Dance Jumping Dragons Woodlawn Theater Cynergy Dance San Antonio Youth Ballet: Ballet SA Kathy Marfin’s Performing Group Leading Edge Dance Company

Area B – Band Stage 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 8

Texas A&M Jaguar Henry Puffy Taco Libro the Lion Vineyard Ranch Elem. Mascot SA Missions Mascot Benson Honda

Area A – DJ & Dance Stage

Vineyard Ranch Elem. Chorale Aue Elementary Choir Bulverde Academy of Music Bulverde Academy of Music Stone Oak Youth Theater Malena Reyes Alaya Daoud Primrose School of Stone Oak Hannah Cavazos Bulverde Academy of Music

Hardy Oak Elementary Las Lomas Elementary Honors Canyon Ridge Elementary Encino Park Elementary Indian Spring Elementary Stone Oak Bobcats Arlon Seay Timberwood Park Elementary Tuscany Heights Wilderness Oak Elementary

Street Performances 10:30 Buckner Fanning Cheerleaders

10th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast

at Candlewood Suites

Starting at 10 a.m. on December 14, 2013, the Welcome Home check-in booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. For every stamp you receive, you will get one “General Prize” drawing ticket. For every 15 stamps you receive, you will get one “Grand Prize” drawing ticket. From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Grand Prize Drawings will begin at 2:45 p.m. You must be present to win.

Parade starts at 10:00 a.m. Community is encouraged to join. Lineup will be at 9:30 a.m. at Reindeer Lane. Bring your decorated wagons or dress up in Holiday Attire and have some fun! Broadway Bank Bee Buckner Fanning Cheerleaders Reagan Cheer Tuscany Heights “Tusky” Mascot HEB Buddy Aue Gator: Aue Elementary Chick-fil-A

from Drury Plaza and Drury Inn & Suites Stone Oak (Value $200)

How it Works:

2013 Winter Celebration Performers

Johnson High School Reagan High School Churchill High School Miss Outstanding Teen Betsy Dippo & State Farm Bear Subway Mascot

at Drury Plaza/Drury Inn & Suites

Read Here For New Scavenger Hunt Rules: • You must bring a new unwrapped toy to the Winter Celebration in order to be eligible to enter the general and grand prize drawings at the event. • The card must include your name, address and phone number. • Children must be accompanied by an adult during Scavenger Hunt. • One entry per person. • When you turn in your card at the Stone Oak Winter Celebration on December 14, you will receive a raffle ticket for each sponsor visited. For example, if you visit 12 stores, you will receive 12 tickets to be entered into the General Prize Drawing (prizes range from gift certificates from local restaurants, salon and spas, gift baskets and more). • As an extra bonus, for every 15 businesses that you visit, you will receive one Grand Prize raffle ticket to be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. • All cards must be turned in by 12:30 p.m. the day of the Winter Celebration to be entered in the Grand Prize Drawing. • You must be present to win for the drawings. • The Grand Prize drawings will take place on December 14, at 2:45 p.m., at the DJ booth.

• Volunteers are still needed, loved and appreciated. Call (210) 348-8233 to donate your time to a worthy cause.

December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

FREE Shuttles to Stone Oak Winter Celebration from Community Bible Church Special To Welcome Home he holiday season is upon us and Winter Celebration is just around the corner! Welcome Home Community Newspaper and the non-profit Living Through Giving are sponsoring the holiday event on Saturday, December 14 from 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m. In anticipation of the large amount of local families and children, Welcome Home is proud to once again offer FREE shuttle service to and from Winter Celebration located at the Legacy Shopping Center. This year, The Lion and Rose British Restaurant & Pub, Independence Hill Retirement Community, Via and The Haven and The Laurel have all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. This year, we will have the shuttle service pick-up located at Community Bible Church at 2477 North Loop 1604 E. Shuttles will begin transportation the public at 9:30 a.m. and will run continuously until 3:30 p.m. Cars should enter through the Sonterra entrance. All cars must be clear of the parking lot by 4 p.m. Welcome Home would like to thank all of our shuttle service providers for assisting in transportation and ensuring that everyone in the community can attend the celebration. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Winter Celebration, please call 210-348-8233. Welcome Home looks forward to celebrating the holiday season with the entire community!



Winter Celebration 2013 Featuring AirLIFE Santa

Reserve Your Booth Today! – $350.00 Date: Time: Place:

December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604) Presenting Sponsors:

Each year, thousands of families from across San Antonio attend Stone Oak Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa to celebrate the season. There’s no better way to introduce your business to the community. We invite your business to be a part of Stone Oak’s largest and longest running holiday event.

Vendor RSVP: (210)348–8233 • December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


Hormones: Precisely Prescribed Produce Powerful Results By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 rue stories: (1) a woman told me she had been instructed to rub in about ½ tsp. of over the counter progesterone cream each day for relief of hot flashes. (2) Another patient came to me saying she had been told to apply a man’s prescription testosterone gel, “a little dab,” to see if that would help with her lack of libido. She had done that, but wondered if it was too much or too little. In the first example, progesterone cream


is not well absorbed, thus blood levels remain less than optimal. Progesterone is the one sex hormone that is best prescribed orally or intravaginally. Progesterone acts on the brain to affect calmness, on the breast and uterus to down regulate estrogen. (YES, even if you had a hysterectomy, you do need progesterone if you want to be calm, sleep through the night and not bloat.) The pharmaceutical industry does not make a specific testosterone product for women, so some doctors just “off label” prescribe the male prescription to a woman, telling her to use just a little. (Off label means to prescribe a medicine other than for its intended use.) Testosterone made for a man is far too potent, too strong, for women. Permanent,

Brandeis Swim Team Ready To Splash

as in forever and ever, masculinizing effects could occur after months of this use, such as facial hair, deepening of the voice and cystic acne. We women need testosterone, but not the same as a man. Just the right amount improves mood, libido and physical endurance. For women, a compounded testosterone cream, made by a certified compounding pharmacist with special training, must be applied using a syringe or a metered dose application for accurate dosage. Men need testosterone blood levels, too. A gentleman came to me after months of applying a prescription testosterone gel without much benefit. His blood level revealed a low, but “normal for age” amount. He could not recall ever having

seen his testosterone level. I give every patient all of their labs with three pages of line-by-line written explanation. I explained to him the incredible benefits of optimizing his testosterone level. I prescribed a potent, compounded, testosterone cream, which he applied twice daily. He loved it, felt great with the testosterone level of a young adult. Hormones must be precisely measured, monitored, and prescribed to achieve their full powerful benefits. Blood work guides therapy for women and men. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit

Heintz Preschool Visits Madison Estates

Brandeis Boys at District Champs!

By Reilly Magee ouis D. Brandeis High School has only been open for a few years, but has already been highly successful in both academics and athletics. The swimming and water polo team has especially seen great success in recent years. This water polo season, the girls placed fourth in the championship tournament this year, a state qualifying spot, and the boys placed first for the fourth year in a row. Even though water polo season has just ended, the team is primed for swim season. The girl’s team won the District Championship in both 2011 and 2012, and the boy’s team has been the defending champion since 2011. Last year, they placed second at the Regional Meet, and had five State qualifiers. Two of the qualifiers placed fourth in their event, and others placed fifth, sixth, ninth and eleventh. Overall, they placed sixth in the state. Not bad for only having five swimmers! Coach Teri Plotkin, who’s only twenty-


Children act out the song “Five Little Monkeys Teasing Mr. Alligator.”

The girl’s water polo team breaks before a game!

three years old and has been the Brandeis coach for one year, is excited for the 20132014 season. She’s set audacious goals for the team, including first place over all at Districts and first place at Regionals for the boys. After some of their star swimmers graduated in 2012, the girl’s team fell a little in rank, but they’re expected to come back this year; perhaps even taking back their district title. The Brandeis swim team had their second dual meet of the year at the 1604 Natatorium Indoor pool on Saturday, Nov. 9.

Hello From Clark, Texas


By Dr. Jerry Woods Principal Clark High School 210-397-5150

hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is looking forward to the Winter Break. December is a very festive time at Clark with our holiday concerts coming up.


If you have never attended before, I highly encourage you to come see these incredibly talented students. • December 12 –Choir Concert at 7:00 p.m. • December 17 –Orchestra Concert at 7:00 p.m.

Submitted By Risa Weinberger he Pre-K students at Heintz Preschool of Congregation Agudas Achim enjoyed a morning of singing and entertaining the residents at Madison Estates Independent Senior Living Community on Tuesday, October 29. With the theme of Animals and Noah’s Ark, the children sang a variety of songs about animals, including acting out “Five Little Monkeys Teasing Mr. Alligator.” They also included a variety of favorite Hebrew songs, many that the residents enjoyed singing with the children. Following the sing-along, the children and seniors enjoyed a snack of animal cookies, penguin crackers and cranberries. During the snack time, Rabbi Howard Siegel played his guitar and led the group in additional songs. The program culminated with a special craft project that created a bright yellow sun with hanging rainbow yarn strings. Each attending resident was presented with the sunshine projects to help brighten their


days. The field trip was the first outreach program and is a part of the Yad B’Yad (Hand-In-Hand) Intergenerational Program that is sponsored by Golden Manor Jewish Senior Services. Each month, the preschool hosts Yad B’Yad Intergenerational programs at the school. Seniors from the congregation, the community, and grandparents of the children are invited to attend a morning at the school for a special themed day. The children and seniors participate in a variety of planned activities each month. Four times during the year, the Pre-K will take the Yad B’Yad Intergenerational outreach program to a variety of senior living centers in the San Antonio area. For more information about the Yad B’Yad Intergenerational Program or to get future program dates, please email yadbyad. or call the preschool office at 210-479-0427. The next program will be Tuesday, December 17 with a winter theme.

• December 18 –Dance Recital at 6:30 p.m. • December 19 –Band Concert at 6:30 p.m.

be an excellent production put on by the collaboration of our entire Fine Arts department. One thing is for sure---no matter the venue (stage, classroom, athletic area, ROTC, etc.) nobody does it like Clark, Texas. Have a fun and safe holiday season.

Our musical, “Hairspray,” was scheduled for the beginning of December, but had to be postponed until January. This will

December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Make Your Home Your Castle Through The Magic Of

By Alissa Nagle

Interior Design


he holidays are the perfect time to open your homes to your loved ones, making memories, sharing laughs and enjoying the holidays together. Each holiday season – and for over 30 years – The Jenkins Interior Design Group has helped clients transform their homes into beautiful, comfortable and inviting living spaces reflective of their style, tastes and personality. With a brand new year just around the corner, The Jenkins Interior Design Group can help make your decorating dreams come true. A passion for interior design combined with nearly 30 years of experience has catapulted The Jenkins Interior Design Group to success. Mary Lozano Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer and founder and owner of The Jenkins Interior Design Group, began her career in interior design working with a national firm for 14 years. After building her way to the top of the company and managing over 365 designers nationwide, Jenkins started her own business in San Antonio. Today, she works out of her home with her daughters, Jessica Jenkins Trevino and Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Decorators, balancing a busy schedule full of remodeling jobs and signature Magical Home Makeovers. Clientele of the Jenkins Interior Design Group vary. From the new homeowner with a fresh, blank, open space, to those who simply want to remodel or update a room, both mother and daughter are expert designers in all domains. Mary is also a Willow House Design consultant, professional organizer and feng shui consultant. The Jenkins Interior Design Group begins the interior design process by arranging an initial in-home consultation with each client called a “design preview.” Together, the designer and client develop a decorating plan. Mary and her daughters use the floor plans of their clients’ homes to help evaluate the best way pieces can fit into any given space. With over 7,000 product lines to choose from, Jenkins can complete any project in any style the client desires. “We are constantly updating and stocking our showroom as we discover the latest and greatest artwork, botanicals, rugs, tableware and much more,” stated Mary. “We have also expanded our accessory lines, added new lines in lighting, flooring and tableware, and have kept extremely busy with our Magical Home Makeovers.” Magical Home Makeovers, a signature service provided by

the Jenkins Interior Design Group, allow clients to update a room in their home by rearranging existing furniture, artwork and other pieces to create a fresh new look. Oftentimes, Mary and her team will introduce accent pieces of their own to help tie the look together. These Magical Makeovers can help a home feel “new” again, regardless of whether the client has lived there for a few months or 20 years. “We look at the homeowner’s current style and décor and assess the room that requires the work,” Mary explained. “Lately, we’ve been helping our clients with a lot of remodeling jobs; new countertops and bathroom remodels, flooring, drapes, shutters and blinds…from the new homeowner to the person who just wants a whole new look, we’ve done it all.” Gloria Garza, a client of Mary’s for six years, initially contacted her for a “Magical Makeover.” “I kept reading about Mary in Welcome Home and several people had mentioned her name,” said Garza. I finally decided to give her a call! She gave it a Magical Makeover and I absolutely loved it. She took my things, organized and rearranged furniture, and brought in some of her accent pieces to add.” Jessica, too, has experienced great success as a designer and professional organizer. Assisting her mother since the age of 15, she has grown and evolved while establishing a loyal client base. One such client, Delia Arida, trusted Jessica to help adjust her home’s existing décor to achieve a fresh, innovative look. “When [my husband and I] first met Jessica, she was very

December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

open to helping us rearrange what we already had, which is great, because we were new to the area and couldn’t just go out and spend a lot of money right away,” explained Arida. “Later on, we worked with other things, we mixed and matched, and [the accent pieces] she brought really sparked everything up. It made everything so warm, pleasing and different.” No matter the change you desire, the room you wish to update, or the design ambience you wish to achieve, the Jenkins Interior Design Group will work with you – side by side – closely observing your budget and respecting the overall vision for your home. Many clients actually end up saving money, time and resources when enlisting the services of the Jenkins Interior Design Group. “Our prices are incredible on furniture,” Mary stated. “We are a dealer to a lot of major lines, so we’re able to save our clients a fair amount of money and time. We’re basically a one-stop shopping source that can offer [clients] tremendous savings.” The Jenkins Interior Design Group handles everything from drapery, soft and hard window treatments and bedding to accessory lines including rugs, lamps and greenery. The Jenkins Interior Design Group can help select the right tile, backsplash, colors and furniture to complete any room. With a multitude of invaluable resources and working relationships with vendors and contractors across the country, the Jenkins Interior Design Group can help anyone searching for an updated look or a complete design overhaul achieve their dream home with ease. “It’s important to be comfortable in your style and make sure it’s what you really want,” concluded Mary. “Stay in touch with the style that you love, not someone else’s.”

The Jenkins Interior Design Group 210-490-0161 Jessica Jenkins Trevino, Interior Decorator 210-464-1519 Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Decorator 210-325-3772


We Keep You Rolling


By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

erry Christmas From Our Family At Belden’s Automotive & Tires Beyond the frazzle of giftgetting and the hustle and bustle of party-going, the Christmas season always gives us a chance to reflect on and be thankful for the year that is coming to a close, and 2013 is no different. Ronnie Belden At Belden’s Automotive and President Tires we are incredibly fortunate to have an outstanding staff of hard-working men and women. Belden’s appreciates the commitment to excellence of each and every employee, and we would like to extend our heartfelt warm wishes to each of them during this holiday season. This year has brought changes to our company as we added our fifth location, Belden’s Alamo Garage, and we have worked hard to update equipment

Rusty Belden Vice President

Jason Belden General Manager

and have the latest technological advances available at all of our locations; our goal is always to better serve our valued customers. Our family at Belden’s Automotive and Tires hopes that each of our customers has a very Merry Christmas and a safe and fun New Year’s Eve. We look forward to serving you in 2014! Belden’s Automotive & Tires has

Alamo Garage Location

Boerne Location

Bulverde Rd. Location

San Pedro Location

four locations: 13811 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78232, phone number (210) 494-0017; 29137 IH-10 W., Bourne, TX 78006, phone number (830) 981-9700; 8825 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, TX 78240, phone number (210) 481-3330; 22000 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78259, phone number (210) 690-1100. For more information, call one of the locations or visit

Medical Center Location

Leon Springs Elementary Fun Run Saved To Serve Sunday

Members of Leon Springs Baptist Church help build On “Saved to Serve Sunday” members of the church gave back to the community. fences Participants in the Leon Springs Red Ribbon Week Fun Run warm up before setting off on their run!

Submitted By Melissa Peoples hildren at Leon Springs Elementary tied up their shoelaces and were off and running as the school hosted their 1st Annual Fun Run in conjunction with Red Ribbon week. Red Ribbon week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the country. The event, which supports students and their good health, is designed to raise money for programs at LSE such as field trips, classroom improvements and the Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s - Leader in Me program. While the run was the main event of the day, there were plenty of other activities


available to keep families entertained. Several Sponsor booths were set up offering health education and activities geared toward children, as well as healthy snacks. The parents and community came together to support the event. Marines and Navy personnel were on hand to help as well as a special visit from McGruff and the San Antonio Police Officers Association. “It was a beautiful day and such a great way to end our Red Ribbon week at Leon Springs Elementary,” said Dr. Kathy-Dodge Clay, Principal at Leon Springs Elementary. “This was a perfect example of amazing synergy and what happens when the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”

10 West Talks Money By Ben Spicer he 10 West Business Association hosted a working luncheon on Wednesday, October 23 for both members and non-members who were interested. The event was an end of the year financial planning workshop. The event was $15 for members and $20 for non-members. Mimi’s Café on I-10 West hosted the event from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. They provided lunch off of a menu full of sandwiches and salads. The association would like to thank Mimi’s Café and their staff for hosting the event. In addition guest speaker Nancy Thomas,



a Senior Vice President with Frost Wealth Advisors, discussed simple changes one can make to a portfolio that can significantly reduce a person’s taxes. Many Frost Bank associates showed their support, as well as most of I-10 West’s frequent regulars. As a Wealth Advisor, Nancy Thomas assists clients in areas of comprehensive financial planning, focusing around the key financial goals of retirement planning, education savings and asset protection. She has over 20 years of experience, 17 of those with Frost Wealth Advisors. The 10 West Business Association also hosted a second luncheon on November 20 at Pericos Mexican Cuisine at Huebner

By Amanda Burris random act of kindness has the power to change someone’s day or even life completely. It is when you can truly see the good in the world and in people that it brings others hope, happiness and a new perspective. The congregation of Leon Springs Baptist Church felt called to spend their Sunday not at church, but in the community for what they called “Saved to Serve Sunday” so that they could impact others through kindness. “The Church is a family, not a facility,” explained the church pastor, Dan Allen. “Church is more than a ‘place,’ it is a ‘people.’ One concrete way to illustrate this is to ‘be the church’ outside a building and facility.” On October 13, you could find this congregation “being the church” all throughout the community in numerous ways. Those from Leon Springs Baptist Church found themselves doing acts of kindness that ranged from picking up trash along Boerne Stage Road, going door to door offering gifts, prayers and encouragements, doing yard-work and projects for those


unable to, giving out Starbucks gift cards and water to those at Fredrich Park and so much more meaningful and impacting acts. “We gave gifts as a symbol of that free gift of salvation,” Pastor Dan said. “We picked up trash, shoveled dirt and built a gate to be the servants we were called to be. We prayed and offered prayer to show the love that God has for everyone.” 182 individuals from the congregation participated in reaching out to the community that morning. Many were touched by the kindness they felt and witnessed that day and those involved were happy to be involved in such an amazing opportunity. “From this experience I think I realized how comfortable we can become,” explained April Newell, of the Leon Springs Baptist Church. “Church on Sunday is such an ordinary and regular thing, sometimes I forget that we are suppose to LIVE out our faith. On Saved to Serve Sunday we stepped out of our comfort zones to pray for others, to bless others and to show the love that God has for us. It is a sacrificial, beautiful love that we need to be sharing everywhere we go and in everything we do.”

Oaks. Northside Independent School District Superintendent Brian T. Woods spoke at the meeting about the state of the school district. The 10 West Business Association is an organization that provides the growing community with networking opportunities, the free exchange of information and mutual

support. The organization holds monthly networking events for companies to become more involved in the business community. For more information, including membership opportunities, please call 210348-8233 or visit www.10WestBusiness. com.

December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

K9 Corner

By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476 “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson s 2013 comes to an end, now’s a great time to stop and reflect on the years past events, goals attained, and things you want to accomplish in your future. Although I write mostly to pet owners, this article is for anyone. Anyone, for example, who competes, has children who do sports, owns a business, or is working on being a


top salesman for their company. If you fall into any of these categories and have felt something is keeping you or your loved one from achieving a higher goal, pay attention because this could change your life. It did for me. Back in 2011 I hit some sort of wall. I was very competitive in Dog Agility and was qualifying for every major event. But at those events, the results expected were just not happening. One would think it was a simple case of nerves and choking. The problem was I wasn’t nervous; I just wasn’t performing to the best of my skills. I wasn’t

Step Into Decorating

By Mary Lozano-Jenkins The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 his is the time of year that I reflect Designer, I enjoy creating the ambiance for back on the whole year. There are my client’s homes so that they can enjoy the memories and so many events both holidays even more. personal and business that I love to think It doesn’t matter if the home is small or about. The Holidays are a great way to end large, if it is on the north side, east side, west the year and to rejoice in the Lord and thank side or south side. It matters that the family Him for our Blessings! enjoys the Holidays and have a decorating Creating traditions in family events are plan. critical and very healthy. As an Interior


being beaten by my competitors, I was beating myself. I realized the problem was with my mental game. I was introduced to something called Mental Management Systems®. This was a game changer for me. After listening to one of the books, I won my first herding State Championship –now that’s not because the books/system are magic. What it did do was bring to light some key elements I was missing when competing. Things like focusing on the process, not the outcome, building my self-image and trusting what I had trained. The definition of Mental Management® is the process of improving the probability of having a consistent mental performance under pressure, on demand. That’s exactly what it has done for me. Did you know it’s been said that 95 percent of all winning is attained by only

five percent of the participants? I wanted to be part of the five percent and now I am. Is this the year you decide to become part of the five percent? If so, then you must step out of your comfort zone and make some changes. As the Principle of Reinforcement states “The more you think about, talk about and write about something happening, you improve the probability of that thing happening.” So let’s get started because becoming the best we can be… lies within us! K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit

A few tips that can help: Always have a great entrance. A poinsettia, a wreath and some Christmas décor. The entry into the home would look nice also with décor. I love having a nativity, the real reason for the season. The mantle and the staircase needs attention as well. Use the same ribbon and décor on the wreath, the mantle, the staircase and the tree. Rugs, trays, candleholders and accessories displayed add to the ambiance. Tabletops custom designed for your lifestyle are also important. Choose your theme, your color way and then the accessories to compliment them.

We can help with Holiday Makeovers. Give us a call, we can start now and add as the years progress. Happy Holidays May the Lord Bless you and your family. Your Home is Your Castle! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer at or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at or 210-464-1519 or Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jennjenkins720@ or 210-325-3772. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www.

Aue Elementary Busy With Events

Submitted By Deanna O’Marah ue Elementary on Friday, November 1 hosted their annual fall festival Gatorfest, and it was better than ever. Students, their families and the staff enjoyed activities such as a rock climbing wall, dunking booth, silly string, bounce houses, live music, and of course, food trucks. Fall festival is Aue’s largest fundraising effort of the year, and funds raised go directly back to the classroom teachers and the students. A big thank you goes out to all of the volunteers and sponsors, as the school appreciates all that you do for the children. The Aue Gators also celebrated Red Ribbon Week October 28 through November


1. Red Ribbon Week is a national celebration of living a drug free life. In honor of this week Aue Elementary promoted awareness through a fun filled theme each day. On Monday October 28 the school promoted “Wear Red: Real Heroes Don’t Do Drugs.” The school chose to wear red to show that you respect yourself by making the choice to remain drug free. On Tuesday, October 29 the school’s theme was “Don’t Get Tied Down With Drugs.” Students could choose to wear either a nice or crazy tie for the day. The very next day, Wednesday October 30 was “Hair’s to a Drug Free Life.” Students could wear crazy hair or a hat for the day. The point was to show that while they may have crazy hair, they aren’t crazy enough to hurt themselves with harmful drugs.

TMI Names Homecoming Royalty Submitted By Paula Allen tudents at TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas elected members of the school’s Homecoming Court, presented during halftime at TMI’s Oct. 25 Homecoming game on the school’s Howell Field. Seniors Melissa Schlosberg and J.T. Plummer were chosen Homecoming Queen and King. Other members of the Homecoming Court were: Steven Constantin, Emily Kercheville, Steele Sessions and Olivia Novotny, seniors; William Gaines and Elise Notzon, juniors; Emilee Bassett and Garrett


Lindemood, sophomores; Madeline Bonilla and Sean Isbell, freshmen; Alec Bassett and Ally Kotopolous, eighth grade; David Lobo and Camila Ramirez Magnani, seventh grade; and Jake Bonilla and Mattie Elder, sixth grade. TMI’s Panthers won their Homecoming game against Cornerstone, 53-14. Another Homecoming highlight was the appearance on the field of members of TMI’s 1973 state champion football team, with their coach Gary McMillan, who performed the coin toss. Throughout the 2013-2014 school year, TMI is celebrating the 120th anniversary

December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Students at Aue Elementary wore hats and had crazy Aue students show they are not a “zero” but are a “hero” hair during Red Ribbon week for the “Hair’s to a Drug by wearing their favorite superhero gear during Red Free Life” theme on Wednesday October 30. Ribbon week.

On Halloween Thursday, October 31 the theme was, “Don’t Be A Zero, Be A Hero.” Students wore their favorite superhero gear to show their commitment to saying no to drugs.

Lastly, the students closed out the week on Friday November 1 with the theme “Aue Gators Have The Heart Of A Hero.” Students wore their Aue spirit shirts to show everyone Aue students are drug free.

of its founding in 1893. The flagship school of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, TMI is a private, co-educational, college-preparatory school for grades 6-12, with optional Junior ROTC and boarding programs. For information, visit or call 698-7171.

Melissa Schlosberg and J.T. Plummer are presented as Homecoming Queen and King of TMI.


December Calendar of Events MIX, MINGLE, JINGLE: PRESENTED BY SOBA AND 10 WEST ASSOCIATIONS Thurs, December 5 (Knife & Fork Gastropub, 20626 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste. 103) 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Get in to the holiday spirit and contribute to a worthy cause! Bring a toy or more to help support Toys for Tots. A prize will be awarded to the guest who brings the most toys. The SOBA and 10 West Business Associations provide their growing communities with networking opportunities, and the free exchange of information and mutual support. SOBA and 10 West are always looking for new ways to bring its members together each month while providing fun, working opportunities that will benefit all types of businesses. Cost is $15 for members, $25 for nonmembers, or $30 at the door. Members and Non-members are both invited to attend. To RSVP call 210-348-8233 or visit www. WINTER CELEBRATION Sat, December 14 (The Legacy Shopping Center, 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd.). 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Join Welcome Home Community Newspaper for the event of the holiday season! Winter Celebration will bring the community together for food, fellowship, and most importantly, to contribute toys to benefit children throughout San Antonio. As the largest Toys for Tots drive in the city, Winter Celebration is a good time for a great cause. Thousands of people attend to donate toys, visit Santa and have a day of fun celebrating the season! Admission is FREE! Find out more at www.welcomehomesa. com or call 210-348-8233. HOLIDAY MINGLE JINGLE Thurs, December 5 (The shops at La Cantera, 15900 La Cantera Parkway) 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, a little socializing and a lot of shopping. Exclusive Holiday offers ranging from special discounts, special services such as engraving, gift with purchase, complimentary gift wrap, product demonstrations, enterto-win and fabulous prizes abound. Advance tickets are $40 per person; $50 at the door (CASH ONLY!) All ticket sales benefit local charities. Go to for more information. BLACK VIOLIN Fri, December 6 (Carver Community Cultural Center, 226 N. Hackberry) 8 p.m. Back by popular demand, this American hip-hop duo is comprised of two classically trained string instrumentalists. The duo effortlessly combines different genres, in particular high-brow music and pop culture, for a result that is inspiring to all ages. GUYS AND DOLLS Friday, December 6 – Sun, December 22 (The Playhouse SA, 800 West Ashby Place) Fridays & Saturdays 8 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m. Stakes are high in this vibrant family classic as two gamblers bet their way toward the oldest established, permanent floating crap game in town… and love. TICKETS: Adults - $25, Seniors (60 plus), Military w/ ID -$20, Students w/ ID - $15, Children (12 and under) - $10. An additional $1 processing fee per ticket will apply. Call 210-733-7258 or visit www.

14 for tickets. TAMALES AT PEARL Sat, December 7 (Pearl District, 200 E. Grayson St.) Noon to 6 p.m. The Annual Tamales! Holiday Festival began in December 2010 as an event centered around San Antonio tradition with tamales, culture, music and fun for the whole family. With more than 30 different tamales vendors, a kid’s craft area, and live music and entertainment Tamales! is a celebration of family, food and fun that San Antonians have come to associate with the holidays. SAN ANTONIO 5K SANTA BOOGIE Sat, December 7 (HemisFair Park Arch Plaza, 600 HemisFair Plaza Way) 8:30 a.m. Kick off the holidays with this 5k run in beautiful, downtown San Antonio. The 5k Santa Boogie is perfect for adults, children, groups and corporate teams. The $40 registration fee includes a full Santa costume (hat, jacket, pants beard and belt). TOY DAY: BENEFITTING THE SAN ANTONIO FIRE DEPARTMENT TOY DRIVE Sat, December 7 (Institute of Texan Cultures, 801 E. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd) 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The Institute of Texan Cultures is teaming with the San Antonio Fire Department in this classic tradition. The Institute of Texan Cultures continues the tradition with free admission for children ages 12 and under when they bring a new, unwrapped toy for the San Antonio Fire Department toy drive. The Fire Department will bring an ambulance, antique fire truck and modern fire truck for discovery and exploration. Inside the museum, visitors can enjoy holiday music and crafts from around the world. Santa Claus will be on site for photos and Los Belen Pastores will perform a traditional Mexican “Pastorela” morality play.

scale model railroad layouts and everything else in between. We have our own character, Choo Choo Claus. Bring your camera and make your own Christmas memories. The event has been bringing joy to thousands of families for ten years. ARTS SAN ANTONIO PRESENTS THE PRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BAND Wed, December 11 (Charline McCombs Empire Theatre, 226 North Saint Mary’s Street) 7:30 p.m. Join the Preservation Hall Jazz Band as they celebrate the Winter Holidays New Orleans style with their wildly popular holiday presentation “Creole Christmas.”An annual must-see production for families since 2005, 2013 marks the ninth year that this venerable group has taken their infectious holiday spirit on the road.Treat your family to a New Orleansstyle Holiday Tradition and a seasonal celebration they’ll never forget. SAN ANTONIO COFFEE FESTIVAL Sat, December 14 (La Villita Historical Arts Village – S. Alamo St. at Nueva) 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. A celebration of coffee open to all coffee lovers. Taste amazing, fresh, locally roasted coffee from all over the world. Enjoy live music and entertainment, good food and kid’s activities. Visit with friends. Soak in the history of La Villita; take the walking tour. Stroll through the galleries and shops - jewelry, pottery, metal art, sculptures, copper, oil paintings, watercolors, stained glass, folkart, and more. 26th ANNUAL BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS Sat, December 14 (Market Square, 514 W. Commerce) Noon to 6 p.m. This is a one day free celebration filled with a pet parade, live music, food & family fun! This is a pet friendly event. The celebration also includes a blessing of all attending animals.

KIDS’ GINGERBREAD Sat, December 7 (San Antonio Children’s Museum, 305 E. Houston St.) 9 a.m. – 12p.m. & 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Now in its 18th year, Kids’ Gingerbread at the San Antonio Children’s Museum makes it easy for children to create a keepsake holiday masterpiece. Candy canes and sugar plums will be dancing in your little one’s head after this special Holiday event! We provide a gingerbread house or gingerbread man cookie, candy and icing... your child adds their imagination and laughter. Gingerbread House & Cookie quantities are limited, so reserve yours online today!

HOLIDAYS IN GRUENE Sat, December 14 (Gruene Historic District, 1281 Gruene Road) 7:30 a.m. Registration begins at 7:30 am/ Race starts at 9:00 am.This 5K Run/Walk and Kid’s Ks event benefits St. Jude’s Ranch for Children. Awards will be given to the top male and female finisher, the top male and female masters, the top 3 finishers in each age group (All ages - 5 year increments through 75+), and the top three wheelchair athletes. Sponsored by the New Braunfels Running Club and held in Gruene Historic District. For more information call 830-708-2991 or visit

TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT Sat, December 7 & Sun, December 8 (Alamo Fitness Center, 16675 Huebner Road) The San Antonio Table Tennis Club is sponsoring a round robin table tennis tournament. This family friendly competition offers numerous division categories for all level of ability. The entry fee is either $20 or $35 depending on classification.

WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA CEREMONY Sat, December 14 (Fort Sam National Cemetery, 1520 Harry Wurzbach) 11 a.m. Join us as we lay wreaths throughout the cemetery to honor our fallen heroes and veterans that are laid to rest there. It will be a blessing that you will never forget and you will witness the love of family, like no other. WAA is an amazing program. The ceremony will be in the back right hand corner of the cemetery at the assembly area.

SANTA’S RAILROAD WONDERLAND Sat, December 7 – Sat, December 28 (11731 Wetmore Road) Santa’s Railroad Wonderland is an extravaganza of Christmas activities. There are night time train and hay rides. Just about every part of a forty acre site is decorated, from the historic depot, the trains, the garden railroad, to three other

SING WE NOEL: MUSIC OF CHRISTMAS WITH VOCI DI SORELLE Sun, December 15 (Chapel of the Incarnate Word, 4503 Broadway) 3 p.m. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Voci di Sorelle’s popular holiday concert, past and current members of the group will

perform Medieval and Renaissance Music of Christmas and a collection of well-loved carols from around the globe. THE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS AT VILLA BRASS Wed, December 18 (Villa Finale, 122 Madison) 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Join us for The Sounds of Christmas at Villa Finale featuring San Antonio Brass, a marvelous outdoor concert on the grounds of Villa Finale: Museum & Gardens. The San Antonio Brass will be performing traditional Christmas songs as well as many other holiday favorites – this uplifting concert in a unique setting will be sure to put you in the spirit of the season. Gate opens at 6:00 pm. THE NUTCRACKER Sat, December 21 & Sun, December 22 (McAllister Auditorium, 1300 San Pedro Ave.). Sat. 2 p.m. & 6 p.m., Sun. 1 p.m. The performance is put on by Alamo City Dance Company and the show is a holiday classic of young girl named Clare who is given a Nutcracker that she dreams about later that evening and encounters mice and soldiers in a battle. Her Nutcracker turns into a Prince to save the day but saves his life instead. He in turn, thanks her with a journey to the Kingdom of Snow and the Kingdom of Sweets. HOLIDAY MAGIC – A FAMILY HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Sun, December 22 (Trinity University’s Laurie Auditorium) 2:30 p.m. The San Antonio Symphony presents three family concerts for the 2013/2014 season. Preconcert activities for the kids and the instrument petting zoo begin at 1:30 p.m. Let the symphony take you away to a winter wonderland. Don’t miss out on an afternoon of good cheer and the very best Holiday music. VALERO ALAMO BOWL Mon, December 30 (Alamodome, 100 Montana Street) 5:45 p.m. Major college football comes to the Alamodome in San Antonio. The Valero Alamo Bowl is an annual post-season collegiate bowl game featuring the #2 Pac-12 Conference selection (after the Rose Bowl) and the #3 Big 12 pick (after the Fiesta and Cotton Bowls). The Bowl has quickly become one of the most popular bowls in the country, producing some of the most-watched bowl games in ESPN history while selling out four of the last six years. CELEBRATE SAN ANTONIO Tues, December 31 – Wed, January 1 ( Hemisfair Park – Archway, 600 Hemisfair Plaza Way, Alamo Street between Market and Cesar Chavez) 2 p.m. This FREE event features something for everyone, including music on THREE stages, and special entertainment areas for children and families. Celebrate San Antonio attracts over 250,000 people to the downtown area. The San Antonio Parks Foundation is proud to co-produce this event with the City of San Antonio, hosting locals and out of town visitors who have traveled in for the holidays and the Valero Alamo Bowl. Activities begin at 2 p.m. in historic La Villita with food, beverages & great music to kick off the New Year’s Eve Celebration - Celebrate SA!

December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Stone Oak Business Association & 10 West Business Association presents:

Mix, Mingle, Jingle Bring a toy to help support Toys for Tots! Prize awarded to guest who brings the most toys. S




Stone Oak Business Association

When: Thursday, December 5, 2013 5:30 – 8:00 PM Where: Knife & Fork Gastropub 20626 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste. 103 Cost: Members – $15, Non-Members – $25, Door – $30 (members & non-members invited to attend)


To RSVP, call 210-348-8233 or visit

NOW HERE! 2014 SOURCE The Guide With All Your North Side Information The Source is a Business & Medical Directory. It includes: Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Medical, Maps, and more!—right at your fingertips. Pick up a FREE 2014 copy at any of these locations: • Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. • Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. • Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus • Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. • Janie Christine's Gift Boutique – 19141 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 109 • Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway • Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) • State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112

For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit

December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


Time to get your heater inspected...

Fall Heater Tune-Up for $55 Per Unit* Air Conditioning • Heating • Refrigeration • Recipients of the Angie’s List Award since 2009 • Free Estimates on Equipment Replacements

Award Winning Air Conditioning Service

210.738.2665 • NATE Certified • Airflow Certified • EPA Certified *You must mention the Welcome Home ad.

Enjoy this FREE service if you live or work in the Dominion / Fair Oaks area. We will pick-up & deliver your laundry to your home or office. Call us to schedule a pick-up.

10 OFF Dry Cleaning


(Min order of $ 40) Bring this coupon and receive $ 10 OFF with $ 40 of drycleaning. Coupon must accompany incoming order. Not valid w/other discounts or 3 pant special. One coupon per day. Exp. 12/31/13 NC




(Bedspreads & Comforters) Coupon must accompany incoming order. Not valid w/other offer. One coupon per day. Exp. 12/31/13 NC

• One Year Warranty on Parts and Workmanship


(Max discount $10)

Wearing apparel only. Not valid on household item, leather, or suede. Coupon must accompany incoming order. Not valid w/other discounts or 3 pant special. One coupon per day. Exp. 12/31/13 NC

Merry Christmas!

4th Men’s Shirt FREE Laundry Bring this coupon with 4 shirts and get your 4th shirt FREE. Coupon must accompany incoming order. Not valid w/other discounts. Men’s shirts only. One coupon per day. Exp. 12/31/13 NC Family Owned & Operated

Visit us at our

NEW LOCATION in Castle Hills! Belden’s Alamo Garage (Formerly Ferguson’s Alamo Garage) 2035 Lockhill-Selma • San Antonio, TX 78213 • (210) 366-1122

Or one of our other GREAT LOCATIONS! 13811 San Pedro 29137 IH 10 West 8825 Fredericksburg 22000 Bulverde Rd. San Antonio, TX 78232

24123 Boerne Stage Rd. (210)698–2578

Boerne, TX 78006

(210) 494-0017 (830) 981-9700 16

• Financing Available with Approved Credit

Air Systems is a family-owned business proudly serving South Texas for 23 years. We offer the highest level of honest and reliable service.

50% OFF Dry Cleaning

• Expert Dry & Wet Cleaning • Drapery, Bedspread Cleaning • Leather, Fur & Suede • Hand Finished Shirt Laundry • Wedding Gown Preservation • Fire, Smoke & Water Restoration

Fair Oaks & IH-10 (830)981–8183

License #TACLA009926C

• Air Flow Certified for Balancing Ductwork

San Antonio, TX 78240

(210) 690-1100

San Antonio, TX 78259

(210) 481-3330

10% Off Any Repair (Max $75)

Not applicable to special order, dealer parts, or tires. Not valid with any other coupon. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Exp. 1/15/2014 December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

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