A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Timberwood Park, Canyon Springs, Lookout Canyon, Riata Ranch and surrounding areas Postal Customer
December 2013 Issue
2013 Winter Celebration See Details Inside!
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December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Note From The Publisher Santa, Snow, Sled Rides and More! Dec 14, 2013 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at Legacy Shopping Center
ear Neighbors, Winter Celebration Featuring AirLife Santa will be held at the Legacy Shopping Center this year, right beside Main Event. The event will take place on Saturday, December 14, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This is the 10th year Welcome Home will be holding the largest Toys For Tots drive in San Antonio. Our Annual Scavenger Hunt will be held at the Winter Celebration this year. Come out to visit the wonderful booths at our event and receive a stamp on your Scavenger Hunt Card. Turn your cards in for Prize drawing tickets. Every 15 stamps will receive a $1,000 Grand Prize drawing ticket. See page 10 for a list of the amazing prizes we have this year! The Grand Prize drawing will take place at 2:45 p.m. and you must be present to win. General Prize drawings will take place throughout the event, so hang out and enjoy the holiday spirit! Winter Celebration will kick off with its annual parade. That will be bigger than ever thanks to Reagan, Churchill and Johnson High School bands, along with dozens of school mascots and children’s groups. Jeep Nation will lead the parade this year with Mrs. Susie Groomer of Groomer Seafood as the Grand Marshall. You are welcome to join us in the parade! Bring a decorated wagon or shoebox to be part of the action or call Welcome Home to see how your group can participate. We will be lining up for the parade at 9:45 a.m. behind Main Event Entertainment. There will be plenty of volunteers to direct you and you can visit our website for a detailed map of the festival grounds.
Of course, Santa is always the main attraction, and he will be arriving by AirLife helicopter at 10:30 a.m. after the parade. In exchange for your donation of a new, unwrapped toy, you or your child will receive a FREE photo with Santa, a FREE slide ride and a general prize drawing ticket for a chance to win. There will be carnival rides, games, food and local entertainment from many of our NEISD and Comal ISD schools! You can read more about the celebration on page 9. We will be offering FREE shuttle service from Community Bible Church. You can read more details about it on page 11. Mark your calendars! Saturday, December 14, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. will be an event that your family will remember for years to come. Winter Celebration is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community while giving back to those children who need it most. We hope to see you come out and support this local event. Bring your friends and family. We’ll see you there for a snowball fight! Last but not least, Welcome Home Community Newspaper would like to wish you and your family a Safe and Happy Holiday Season! Look for our next publication in January 2014. Until next year, keep safe and God bless!
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(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com
Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.
Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer
Production/Graphic Design James Stipp
Director Of Production Kristin Oliver
Distribution Israel Vazquez
Managing Editor Amanda Burris
Contributing Photographers Chasity Furse
Writer/Copy Editors Chasity Furse Ben Spicer
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Libby Thorman
Administrative Assistant Julia Wickwire
Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer
Contributing Writers Julie Cheatwood Denise Garibay Sam Salas Velizar Iliev Tracie Hammond Jason Gordon Cynthia McDaniel Michelle Kaiman Michele Bibb Julie Shattuck Rebecca Savage
December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
SVHS Cheer Hosts Pink Out
PHOTO CREDIT: Robin Perrin Photography
Group photo of the Smithson Valley High School Cheer Squad.
Submitted By Julie Shattuck mithson Valley High School cheerleaders proudly supported Breast Cancer Awareness month. Pink poms, pink socks, and pink t-shirts were several ways the cheerleaders showed their support. “Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month to me just shows respect,” Emily Gunter, Smithson Valley High School Cheer Co-Captain said. “I admire all the strong women that have struggled or are struggling with breast cancer and still stand tall!” SVHS cheerleaders also hosted a “PINK-OUT” cheer clinic on October 11 to help spread awareness. Over 230 future Ranger cheerleaders participated at the “PINK OUT” game. Participants were taught cheers, chants, and jumps and performed at pre-game, as well as lined up for the football run-through at
the beginning of game. “The most rewarding part of the cheer clinic was watching the little girls cheering out on the track,” Courtney Logsdon, Smithson Valley High School cheer captain said. “It was fun to see them get so excited and have their time to shine.” Smithson Valley Middle School and Spring Branch Middle School cheerleaders helped make the clinic successful as well. Smithson Valley cheer sponsors are Amber Atkerson and Jennifer Veliz. A special thank you to goes out to the community sponsors: Ferris Orthodontics, Field Construction, Inc., Robin Perrin Photography, United Rentals, Champions Cheerleading and Tumbling, Christy’s Lost Closet, Ranger Self-Storage, Digital Expressions, SV Family Medical, VIP Gymnastics, and the Palomin Family.
On The Cover By Amanda Burris 013 has been another successful and memorable year. As we fully emerge into the holiday season this December, we are reminded of the talent and strength of our community with upcoming school performances, community events and an air of happiness all around. For us at the Welcome Home Community Newspaper, we are excited to put on our 10th Annual Winter Celebration on December 14 at the Legacy Shopping Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is a pleasure for us to meet and interact with our dedicated readers, submitters and those featured in our pages at this event. Welcome Home has had the wonderful opportunity to highlight schools in NEISD, NISD and COMAL ISD all year. Spotlighting those who have done something great or are participating in wonderful events has always brought us endless joy as we share good news with the rest of the community. We are being continually reminded of just how supportive, active and amazing
Family Life
‘Tis The Season… By Debby Seguin
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t seems like every year the Christmas “Season” is beginning earlier and earlier. I thought at first it was just because I was getting older, (which is silly since I have been 25 for 26 years now), but I think there is more to it. In fact, I remember back in July, while rummaging through some half price beach balls and goggles at the store, I heard the distinct sound of a jingle bell. Thinking it was just my imagination, I didn’t investigate further, but then later that same day, at the Dollar Store, placed discreetly in the far back left-hand corner between the kitchen sink mats and the industrial size pack of doilies, was a small display of (and I swear this is true) glass Christmas tree ornaments. As my tan began to fade on the spot, and I froze with thoughts of all I still Agility
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individuals are in the areas we cover. We look forward to yet another great year as 2013 comes to an end and we begin 2014. The staff here at Welcome Home would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. We hope to see everyone at Winter Celebration this year and we look forward to hearing about your holidays through submissions. From all of us here at the paper, happy holidays!
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had to accomplish before The Big Day, I quickly covered the display up with some boxes of faux fur slippers to ward off any other would-be shoppers. After this traumatic encounter, I simply avoided stores altogether, including the “Seasonal” aisle at the grocery store. But alas, I was “invited” to Hallmark Channel’s “153 Days ‘Til Christmas” marathon! We need a Constitutional Amendment (or just some common sense) to determine exactly what date “The Holiday Season” should begin. Optimally, it would be sometime after I stop needing airconditioning (as well as enough time to financially recoup from “The Back-ToSchool Season”) and sometime before “There’s no room in the inn.” Mid-November is when people want to start hearing the nostalgic sound of the WalMart bell-dingers who, by the way, could learn a lesson from Pavlov and stop ringing the bell whenever someone puts money in. I’m not saying its annoying exactly but if the money flow slows, just a slight dingding and people will come out of nowhere, dumping change by the handfuls to make it stop! Give us until late fall to start thinking about a gift for that special someone, what we will bake, who we will visit and being good for Santa. I, for one, am determined to keep the Christmas season a special time of year. With everything on my list to do yet, it’s not as though I only have…4 WEEKS!!! Only 4 WEEKS!!! Why didn’t somebody tell me?! Debby can be reached (AFTER Christmas because she is BUSY) at writewell62@yahoo.com
December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
We Keep You Rolling
By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
erry Christmas From Our Family At Belden’s Automotive & Tires Beyond the frazzle of giftgetting and the hustle and bustle of party-going, the Christmas season always gives us a chance to reflect on and be thankful for the year that is coming to a close, and 2013 is no different. Ronnie Belden At Belden’s Automotive and President Tires we are incredibly fortunate to have an outstanding staff of hard-working men and women. Belden’s appreciates the commitment to excellence of each and every employee, and we would like to extend our heartfelt warm wishes to each of them during this holiday season. This year has brought changes to our company as we added our fifth location, Belden’s Alamo Garage, and we have worked hard to update equipment
Rusty Belden Vice President
Jason Belden General Manager
and have the latest technological advances available at all of our locations; our goal is always to better serve our valued customers. Our family at Belden’s Automotive and Tires hopes that each of our customers has a very Merry Christmas and a safe and fun New Year’s Eve. We look forward to serving you in 2014! Belden’s Automotive & Tires has
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Medical Center Location
Retired Teachers Association Luncheon Submitted By Michele Bibb ocal retired teachers are invited to join the North San Antonio Retired Teachers Association (NSARTA) meeting on Wednesday, December 18 for their annual Christmas Luncheon.
The association will have a catered lunch at San Pedro Presbyterian Church located at 14900 San Pedro. The luncheon will begin with a “Meet and Greet” coffee at 10:30 a.m. followed by a performance of the Sweet Adeline’s with
their beautiful voices at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. The meal will be a turkey dinner complete with all the yummy trimmings. After lunch, NSARTA will have a “surprise” vocalist from their membership.
Reservations are required for the luncheon. Please make your reservation by calling Michele Bibb at 494-8197 before Wednesday, December 11. The price of each meal is $15. They would love to have you join them…..and bring a friend!
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Hormones: Precisely Prescribed Produce Powerful Results By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 rue stories: (1) a woman told me she had been instructed to rub in about ½ tsp. of over the counter progesterone cream each day for relief of hot flashes. (2) Another patient came to me saying she had been told to apply a man’s prescription testosterone gel, “a little dab,” to see if that would help with her lack of libido. She had done that, but wondered if it was too much or too little. In the first example, progesterone cream
is not well absorbed, thus blood levels remain less than optimal. Progesterone is the one sex hormone that is best prescribed orally or intravaginally. Progesterone acts on the brain to affect calmness, on the breast and uterus to down regulate estrogen. (YES, even if you had a hysterectomy, you do need progesterone if you want to be calm, sleep through the night and not bloat.) The pharmaceutical industry does not make a specific testosterone product for women, so some doctors just “off label” prescribe the male prescription to a woman, telling her to use just a little. (Off label means to prescribe a medicine other than for its intended use.) Testosterone made for a man is far too potent, too strong, for women. Permanent,
as in forever and ever, masculinizing effects could occur after months of this use, such as facial hair, deepening of the voice and cystic acne. We women need testosterone, but not the same as a man. Just the right amount improves mood, libido and physical endurance. For women, a compounded testosterone cream, made by a certified compounding pharmacist with special training, must be applied using a syringe or a metered dose application for accurate dosage. Men need testosterone blood levels, too. A gentleman came to me after months of applying a prescription testosterone gel without much benefit. His blood level revealed a low, but “normal for age” amount. He could not recall ever having
seen his testosterone level. I give every patient all of their labs with three pages of line-by-line written explanation. I explained to him the incredible benefits of optimizing his testosterone level. I prescribed a potent, compounded, testosterone cream, which he applied twice daily. He loved it, felt great with the testosterone level of a young adult. Hormones must be precisely measured, monitored, and prescribed to achieve their full powerful benefits. Blood work guides therapy for women and men. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
4th Annual Run For The Heights Special To Welcome Home ark your calendars for Saturday, February 22 and start your training for the 4th Annual Run for the Heights, a 5K Run/Walk, Kids’ Fun Run and Health Fair, to be held at 8 a.m. at Tuscany Heights Elementary, a Texas Exemplary School. Last year over 1,000 people from the San Antonio community participated in Run for the Heights. This year promises to offer participants and spectators another fun and exciting morning of health and wellness! Opening ceremony begins at 8 a.m. and the Kids’ Fun Run blasts off at 8:05 am. The chip-timed 5K follows at 8:30 a.m. and offers runners and walkers a challenging
and hilly course that winds through the neighboring streets. Run for the Heights is truly an event for all ages. In addition to the races, there will be fitness demonstrations, a Sponsor Expo and a Health Fair. These activities are open to the community from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. One of the key sponsors, North Central Baptist Hospital, will offer free screenings of Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Glucose and Cholesterol. In addition, there will be B-12, B-Complex and Vitamin C shots available at the Health Fair for a small fee. Start 2014 with a commitment to health and wellness by registering to participate in Run for the Heights! Register on-line and check out the exciting event schedule at
Participants enjoy the Sponsor Expo and Health Fair offered at the event.
wwww.runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta. org. All proceeds benefit the Tuscany
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December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
The 2013 Winter Celebration – NEW LOCATION! By Amanda Burris
s winter approaches, excitement settles into the hearts of both adults and children alike as the season for holidays, cheer and giving become more prevalent. This December, Welcome Home Community Newspaper and the new non-profit organization, Living Through Giving, will be helping the community celebrate the season by putting on the 10th Annual Winter Celebration on December 14 at the Legacy Shopping Center at 1803 East Sonterra Boulevard from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Winter Celebration brings the community together for food, fun, fellowship, and most importantly, to gather toys to benefit children throughout San Antonio. Schools from across town will take part in a friendly competition starting in November to raise the most toys for Toys for Tots and the donations will continue to be open to the public at Winter Celebration. Toys for Tots is a nationwide organization headed by the United States Marine Corps that aims to change the lives of local children by keeping their spirits intact. Last year, Winter Celebration collected 85 percent of the toys for Toys for Tots, collecting over 7, 000 total toys for local children. This year, Winter Celebration has made it a goal to raise enough toys so that no child goes without one. Families from across the city are invited to join in on this celebration that embodies the entire spirit of the season, while also establishing a true sense of community. The event will kick off at 10 a.m. with a parade filled with high school bands, mascots and various other eye-catching spectacles. The community is invited to dress in holiday attire and bring decorated wagons to be part of the parade. Winter Celebration will feature AirLIFE Santa, the Marines, 30,000 pounds of snow, performances from local bands, spirit groups, choirs and much more. Businesses will also have booths set up where they will offer everything from delicious food and drinks to face painting, giveaways and other fun activities for individuals of all ages. This year, the annual Scavenger Hunt for Winter Celebration will take place at the actual event. The Welcome Home check-in booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots as well as handing out the official Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to visit all of the vendors on the list and get their Scavenger Hunt card stamped at the vendor booths. Each stamp earns participants one general prize drawing ticket. Every 15 stamps will earn participants one grand prize drawing ticket. General prize drawings will be throughout the event and Grand Prize drawings will be held at 2:45 p.m. Everyone is invited to take part in this enjoyable opportunity. You may just end up as a lucky winner! This FREE admission event will not only be fun for the whole family, but will ignite some holiday spirit into the community and give back to those less fortunate. Come out to support those performing, be part of this great cause and represent your school while having a great time. For more information on Winter Celebration, Living Through Giving or the Welcome Home Community Newspaper, please visit www.welcomehomesa.com or call 210-348-8233.
December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Official Scavenger Hunt Rules 1st Grand Prize: $1,000 Shopping Spree 5th Prize: 2 Night Stay w/Breakfast 8th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast at from Welcome Home Newspaper
2nd Grand Prize: $500 in VIP Movie
Passes from
at Homewood Suites
from Stone Oak Residence Inn by Marriott from Residence Homewood Suites (Value $350) Inn Marriott Stone Oak (Value $200)
6th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast 9th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast
3rd Grand Prize: Apple iPad Mini from at Hyatt Place Stone Oak (Value $400)
Broadway Bank
from Marriott
4th Prize: 1 Year Family Membership 7th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast
to Mays/Thousand Oaks YMCA
from Mays
Family YMCA (Value $1,117)
at Courtyard by Marriott
from Marriott SA North Stone Oak (Value $200)
2013 Winter Celebration Performers
Parade starts at 10:00 a.m. Community is encouraged to join. Lineup will be at 9:30 a.m. at Reindeer Lane. Bring your decorated wagons or dress up in Holiday Attire and have some fun!
In The Parade: Johnson High School Reagan High School Churchill High School Miss Outstanding Teen Betsy Dippo & State Farm Bear Subway Mascot
Broadway Bank Bee Buckner Fanning Cheerleaders Reagan Cheer Tuscany Heights “Tusky” Mascot HEB Buddy Aue Gator: Aue Elementary Chick-fil-A
Area A – DJ & Dance Stage
Area C – Choir Stage
10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:30
10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30
Johnson High School Dance Team Reagan High School Dance Team Heather Stolle School of Dance Jumping Dragons Woodlawn Theater Cynergy Dance San Antonio Youth Ballet: Ballet SA Kathy Marfin’s Performing Group Leading Edge Dance Company
Area B – Band Stage 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 10
Texas A&M Jaguar Henry Puffy Taco Libro the Lion Vineyard Ranch Elem. Mascot SA Missions Mascot Benson Honda
Vineyard Ranch Elem. Chorale Aue Elementary Choir Bulverde Academy of Music Bulverde Academy of Music Stone Oak Youth Theater Malena Reyes Alaya Daoud Primrose School of Stone Oak Hannah Cavazos Bulverde Academy of Music
Hardy Oak Elementary Las Lomas Elementary Honors Canyon Ridge Elementary Encino Park Elementary Indian Spring Elementary Stone Oak Bobcats Arlon Seay Timberwood Park Elementary Tuscany Heights Wilderness Oak Elementary
Street Performances 10:30 Buckner Fanning Cheerleaders
at Drury Plaza/Drury Inn & Suites
from Drury Plaza and Drury Inn & Suites Stone Oak (Value $200)
10th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast
at Candlewood Suites
How it Works: Starting at 10 a.m. on December 14, 2013, the Welcome Home check-in booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. For every stamp you receive, you will get one “General Prize” drawing ticket. For every 15 stamps you receive, you will get one “Grand Prize” drawing ticket. From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Grand Prize Drawings will begin at 2:45 p.m. You must be present to win.
Read Here For New Scavenger Hunt Rules: • You must bring a new unwrapped toy to the Winter Celebration in order to be eligible to enter the general and grand prize drawings at the event. • The card must include your name, address and phone number. • Children must be accompanied by an adult during Scavenger Hunt. • One entry per person. • When you turn in your card at the Stone Oak Winter Celebration on December 14, you will receive a raffle ticket for each sponsor visited. For example, if you visit 12 stores, you will receive 12 tickets to be entered into the General Prize Drawing (prizes range from gift certificates from local restaurants, salon and spas, gift baskets and more). • As an extra bonus, for every 15 businesses that you visit, you will receive one Grand Prize raffle ticket to be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. • All cards must be turned in by 12:30 p.m. the day of the Winter Celebration to be entered in the Grand Prize Drawing. • You must be present to win for the drawings. • The Grand Prize drawings will take place on December 14, at 2:45 p.m., at the DJ booth.
• Volunteers are still needed, loved and appreciated. Call (210) 348-8233 to donate your time to a worthy cause.
December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
FREE Shuttles to Stone Oak Winter Celebration from Community Bible Church Special To Welcome Home he holiday season is upon us and Winter Celebration is just around the corner! Welcome Home Community Newspaper and the non-profit Living Through Giving are sponsoring the holiday event on Saturday, December 14 from 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m. In anticipation of the large amount of local families and children, Welcome Home is proud to once again offer FREE shuttle service to and from Winter Celebration located at the Legacy Shopping Center. This year, The Lion and Rose British Restaurant & Pub, Independence Hill Retirement Community, Via and The Haven and The Laurel have all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. This year, we will have the shuttle service pick-up located at Community Bible Church at 2477 North Loop 1604 E. Shuttles will begin transportation the public at 9:30 a.m. and will run continuously until 3:30 p.m. Cars should enter through the Sonterra entrance. All cars must be clear of the parking lot by 4 p.m. Welcome Home would like to thank all of our shuttle service providers for assisting in transportation and ensuring that everyone in the community can attend the celebration. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Winter Celebration, please call 210-348-8233. Welcome Home looks forward to celebrating the holiday season with the entire community!
Winter Celebration 2013 Featuring AirLIFE Santa
Reserve Your Booth Today! – $350.00 Date: Time: Place:
December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604) Presenting Sponsors:
Each year, thousands of families from across San Antonio attend Stone Oak Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa to celebrate the season. There’s no better way to introduce your business to the community. We invite your business to be a part of Stone Oak’s largest and longest running holiday event.
Vendor RSVP: (210)348–8233 • www.welcomehomesa.com December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Physical Activity: “I Like To Move It, Move It!�
By Lee Adams, PA FP Walk-In Clinic (210) 402-0090 n last month’s article, we discussed that “Lifestyle Modifications,� which can reduce your risk of chronic illness and disease by 80 percent. This month, we will take a closer look at the physical activity aspect and discuss what types of exercises are recommended as well as how frequent and for how long we should be exercising.
For healthy adults under 65 years of age with no apparent chronic disease or condition, the American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association’s guidelines recommend moderate intensity
aerobic exercise for 30 minutes per day, five days per week. Examples of aerobic activity include walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming and using equipment such as elliptical and rowing machines. Moderate intensity exercise should cause your heart rate to increase and you should begin sweating but you should still be able to carry on a conversation. If you’re not able to perform 30 minutes of exercise in the beginning, start with 10-15 minutes and add more time each week (more aerobic activity may be needed if your goal is to lose weight or maintain weight loss).
In addition to aerobic exercise, it’s recommended that strength training, or resistance training, be performed at least two times per week. Healthy adults should perform 8-10 different exercises and perform 8-12 repetitions of each exercise. Although specialized equipment can be used for resistance training, it can also be accomplished using simple dumbbells, resistance bands, or your own body weight. When choosing which exercises to perform, it’s more effective to choose exercises that involve all of the major muscle groups (legs, chest, back, and shoulders). Performing a variety of exercises will help to burn more calories and provide strength balance, which may also help to minimize the risk of injury. Choosing activities you enjoy and trying new activities is the key to beginning and maintaining an effective physical activity program. Paul Rezaei, a Certified Personal Trainer at Lifetime Fitness, suggests that
the most important thing is to start doing SOMETHING! “By sticking to a plan, you develop discipline and a bank of experience you can rely on when developing future exercise goals and plans,� says Rezaei. For more information regarding physical activity and how you can improve your health through physical activity, check out www.exerciseismedicine.org or www. everydaychoices.org . By following the guidelines above, you too can “Walk Into Better Health� and decrease your risk of chronic illness and disease. If you’re ready to live a happier and healthier life, come by FP Walk In Clinic at 115 Gallery Circle, Suite 102, and talk with the friendly staff who can assist you in implementing the “Lifestyle Modifications� that will help you add years to your life and life to your years.
Arlon Seay Improves Citizenship Submitted By Denise Garibay hird grade students at Arlon Seay Elementary in Mrs. Lawless’, Mrs. Kijanka’s, and Mrs. Garibay’s classes wrapped up their Social Studies unit on citizenship this month by enjoying a guest speaker. Students were given the opportunity to interview Detective Frank Garibay of the San Antonio Police Department, asking questions about the way he utilizes traits of good citizenship in both his professional and personal life. “It was interesting to meet a real detective
at our school,� third grader, Kyra Fox, said. “It was cool to learn about being a good citizen.� The third grade classes during their citizenship unit learned the importance of individual acts on civic responsibility, as well as identifying characteristics of good citizenship – such as truthfulness, justice, equality, and respect for oneself and others. Students also learned the importance of taking responsibility in daily life, and participating in government. The experience was an exciting opportunity for students to understand the
Students smile with Detective Frank.
ways in which good citizenship can result in success and be beneficial in a variety of
Detective Frank Garibay of the SAPD talks to third graders following their citizenship unit.
ways throughout one’s lifetime.
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Free PANDORA Ornament with $125 purchase of PANDORA Jewelry.* November 30–December 8
* Receive a PANDORA holiday ornament (a $20 US retail value) with your PANDORA purchase of $125 or more. While supplies last, limit one per customer. See store for details.
10/9/2013 4:52:25 PM December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
New Curriculum Celebrations At BFCS Submitted By Cynthia McDaniel uckner Fanning Christian School (BFCS) held two new celebrations during the month of October. “The curriculum celebrations at BFCS allowed the children to make connections across the curriculum,” Sharon Newman, Head of School said. “These authentic experiences brought the curriculum to life for our students and helped to build a strong foundation for future academic success.” On October 11, BFCS hosted its first Hispanic Heritage Celebration coordinated by BFCS Spanish Teacher Sylvia Garcia, with special guest speakers and entertainers from various Latino and Hispanic backgrounds. Each of them shared their inspiring stories from their youth and demonstrated their cultural dances and costumes. BFCS first welcomed San Antonio ISD Superintendent Dr. Sylvester Perez, who spoke of his family’s Latino history and how his mother inspired him to pursue a career in education. He urged all students to be culturally proficient and said success is an attitude not an aptitude. Francisco Vara-Orta, a reporter with the San Antonio Express News, spoke of his unique background having been born in America to Hispanic parents and growing up where his country appreciates its varied heritage. Mr. Vara-Orta entertained the students with stories of his many exploits at multicultural gatherings where he was expected to know more of his Hispanic heritage than his American upraising. He encouraged the students to embrace a second language as well as discovering their family history. Miguel Feria, minister for Oak Hills Church, captivated students with his Hispanic childhood growing up on the streets of LA. His hardships during a troubled youth made him stronger, not allowing things in life to stop him. Feria asked the students what each of them dreamed of becoming and challenged them to find their purpose through faith. Next, BFCS students were treated to an outstanding display of Hispanic cultural dances from the Mestizo-Folklorico under the direction of Corina Garcia. Traditional dresses and mariachi costumes took central stage with rhythmic background music. On October 31, the school celebrated its first “Read Around the School Celebration.” “The students were introduced to various genres of literature available in our world and more specifically in our library,” Cynthia Baker, BFCS Librarian said. “In
By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 his holiday season is a very special variety of new friends, trying new things time of year, filled with memories. or rekindling past passions. Plus, there Some of the memories include are teams of people who are in charge of climbing up into the attic to bring down ensuring residents are active, having fun big heavy boxes. Then, trying to unravel and enjoying every single day –ensuring tangled strands of lighting to see if they are mind, body and spirit are satisfied! still working. There is a race to get the tree A few festive events this season include up by a certain date, and although it’s fun bake sales, shopping bazaars, holiday once it is all said and done, it usually isn’t parties, caroling, tree trimming, evenings quite the “Norman Rockwell” painting that out to see the Nutcracker, the river parade we planned for. and light shows in neighboring towns. When the time comes to stop stringing As 10 year resident Ms. Henderson the outside lights and placing the tree topper puts it, “Whether it is the holidays or on that 8-foot beauty, many people let go not, we always have fun at Independence of many of the holiday traditions they love. Hill. During the holidays it’s just more Will the smell of cinnamon, cider and sugar ‘decorated’ fun!” cookies still be possible without the little If what you have read has peaked your bit of fun chaos that makes the season? interest to consider a move. This could be Absolutely! Where, you ask? All residents your perfect time to be welcomed with open at Independence Hill have the pleasure of arms into our Independence Hill Family! enjoying every beautiful part of the season You could begin to enjoy new friendships without the work this magnificent season sooner, while celebrating this great season. entails. Call an Independence Hill Lifestyle Independence Hill Retirement Specialist today at 210-209-8956 to find Community ensures their calendars are out what is on the calendar and to book packed with great choices of “things to your personal lunch and tour any day of the do” that will be sure to tickle your fancy. week. Once you take a peek, then you can Not only is there an array of opportunities decide for yourself! you can enjoy, there is also a great group Independence Hill Retirement Resort of other people wanting to share in these Community is located at 20450 Huebner experiences too. Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more This means that the holidays are not information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit just a day or two with family, rather, it’s a www.independencehill.com.
T BFCS hosted its first Hispanic Heritage Celebration with special guest speakers and entertainers.
The students celebrated Read Around the School by going from classroom to classroom taking in different stories.
this exciting age of technology, quite often, good old-fashioned story telling is pushed to the background and forgotten. Story telling is still a wonderful form of communication and when told dramatically, the tales can spark meaningful discussion, provide entertainment and educate all ages.” To begin the event, all younger students were paired with an older student and together they traveled the school and selected the classrooms to visit. Each classroom featured a teacher sharing a fabulous, favorite book. After a fifteen minute story telling round, a loud bell-ringing could be heard and all students and their reading buddies traveled to another room to hear and watch a different story unfold. Four rounds of stories later, students were enthusiastically requesting more time to visit all of the classrooms. “Today was a great celebration of reading at BFCS. I am most thankful to Cynthia Baker and the teachers who provided this great opportunity for our students.” Sharon Newman, Head of School said.
Fencing Club Comes Home With Medals
Submitted By Velizar Iliev, Head Coach ore than two thousand athletes participated in the Youth 14, Cadet and Division II fencing competition held at the Wisconsin Convention Center in Milwaukee from Oct. 11 to Oct. 14. Although the majority of the athletes were from the U.S., competitors from all over the world competed as well, including fencers from Canada, Chile, Russia, China and Italy. On Friday, Oct. 11, Saint Mary’s Hall student Robin Cheong won a silver medal
Celebrate The Holidays… “Retirement Style!”
for the Men’s Cadet Individual Epee event out of two hundred participants. Also, Olivia Krick, an Alamo Heights student, won a seventh place finalist medal in Women’s Division II Epee event out of 103 competitors. Robin & Olivia belong to the Olympian Fencing Club in San Antonio, Texas and they train with some of the best fencers in the country. They are coached by Velizar Iliev, a U.S. Olympian and three-time World Champion.
December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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Tuscany Heights Red Ribbon Week Submitted By Michelle Kaiman uscany Heights Tigers took on the roles of “Bully Avengers” during Red Ribbon Week and Bullying Awareness Month. Throughout the week of October 21-25, students participated by having daily dress up themes to celebrate Red Ribbon Week and Bullying Awareness Month. Throughout the week, classes designed their own special Bully Avenger. Together they created a special superhero poster and displayed them on their classroom door. Each day on announcements, students were given the answer to a question being asked in class. Also, the staff and teachers promoted classroom education to help stop bullying before it starts. The Reagan High School Cheerleaders welcomed students on Bully Avenger day in their own superhero costumes. Tusky, the school’s mascot, awarded each student a superhero spirit stick. Team Up Against Bullies had the students wearing their favorite sports team jerseys to school. Students also wore their shirts backwards
Did You Know?
hristmas Day has become a big day in the movie business. Many studios now release big-budget films on December 25th, and audiences have recently flocked to the theaters to see some of their favorite stars in films that opened on Christmas Day or shortly before. According to Box Office Mojo, an
Reagan High School cheerleaders visited Tuscany Heights to encourage students to be drug free. Tusky the school mascot gives a thumbs up with Cate Ulestad during Red Ribbon Week.
to turn their backs on bullies. On Bully Avenger day, students dressed as their favorite superhero, role model or used their imaginations to invent and dress as an antibullying superhero. On Thursday students and staff dressed as their silly self to promote everyone’s
online movie publication and box office reporting service, no film has fared better on Christmas Day than “Sherlock Holmes,” which premiered on December 25, 2009, earning just under $25 million in its initial day onscreen. “Avatar,” the 2009 James Cameron film that would go on to gross $760
unique qualities. As a tradition, Tigers wore their bright orange spirit shirts to show their pride for Tuscany. Tuscany Height’s Red Ribbon Week also promoted living a healthy lifestyle. The week ended with an annual Bike Rodeo, and about 300 students participated. Each participant completed several different obstacles and received a special
spirit stick at the end of the course. Officer Keogh helped guide the participating Tigers and inspected their bikes, while other Tuscany students and parents cheered along the way. Many thanks to all of the volunteers and T.H.E. staff who helped make Red Ribbon Week fun and educational!
million in domestic receipts alone, holds the distinction of earning the second most money on Christmas Day, when it earned a little more than $23 million despite having already been out in the theaters one full week. The 2004 Ben Stiller film “Meet the Fockers” opened three days before Christmas but still managed to earn $19.5 million on Christmas Day. A pair of 2012 films, the latest big screenadaptation of “Les Miserables”
($18 million) and Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” ($15 million), round out the top five highest grossing films on Christmas Day. Numerous films are slated to open on December 25, 2013, including Stiller’s “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit,” starring Chris Pine and Kevin Costner.
Winter Frame
Showcase December 10, 2013
Stone Oak 210.495.9020 14
December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Teacher Wins Golden Apple Award Submitted By Jason Gordon manda Shippey can pinpoint the exact day she decided to become a teacher. It was her last summer as a camp counselor at the Texas 4-H Center. Shippey had a young girl in her group who was six inches shorter than everyone around her. “She raved nonstop about how she was going to make it up our huge rock climbing wall,” Shippey said. “The young girl suited up for her climb and volunteered to go first. She slowly ascended up three layers of rock and stopped. I could see her breathing escalate and her brave eyes turn to sudden fear. Seeing her fail was not at option for me. I put on my own harness and began to climb right beside her – ignoring my own fear of heights. We slowly completed the climb together.”
An adult volunteer later in the day approached Shippey and expressed her appreciation for changing the young camper’s life forever. Shippey’s been a rock at Rahe Bulverde Elementary ever since she arrived at the campus five years ago. On October 22, the spotlight was directly on one of Rahe Bulverde Elementary School’s shining stars as Shippey was named Comal ISD’s KENS5 ExCEL Golden Apple Award winner. San Antonio Credit Union, co-sponsor of the award, handed Shippey a check for $1,000 during the award ceremony, attended by more than 200 RBES students and many Comal ISD administrators. KENS5 even ran a story featuring Shippey during its 6 p.m. newscast on Oct. 24. It re-aired during the station’s Oct. 26
Lexi Mihail, ready for the Smithson Valley High School Dance Clinic.
A Country Christmas
Anglers on Wheels, July 4th at Medina Lake and adapted sailing on Canyon Lake. Vendors participating this year are Texas Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America, Bluebell Creameries, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Chase Bank and many more. San Antonio Disabled Athletes Association, a Texas charity, will be having their Annual Christmas Bazaar with items for sale that was hand made by disabled citizens. SADAA supports disabled athletes in providing sports recreation. Some sports that have been enjoyed include bowling and rock wall climbing. The SADAA has supported Day at the Lake, Barbeque in the Park and the Annual Christmas Dinner at founder’s home in Stone Oak. Come and support these two great charities so they can continue providing programs for our disabled citizens. If you or a loved one is disabled and want to attend this event, please make your reservation at www.ditwtexas.org/ HOLIDAYS.
December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
Each and every one of my students has a unique ability and it’s is my job to help them uncover and nurture it.”
Submitted By Mr. Ricardo Perez mithson Valley High School junior, Kat Joseph, an Ambassador Girl Scout, is competing in the Miss Texas Teen Pageant entry deadline in February 2014 – pageant in May 2014. She was first runner-up in the Miss Texas High School Pageant in March 2013. Sponsorships are needed to help her reach her goal of winning the top title. Please contribute/sponsor as an individual or business at her at www. gofundme.com/KatJoseph. Kat Joseph, an upcoming star in theatre and film, as acted in many diverse theatre performances as a lead and supporting actress. She will be in the Cornerstone Church Christmas theatrical performance “Chosen” this December (call the church for dates). Ms. Joseph has co-written a short film for the competitive film festivals for teenagers and will begin filming in December. Try out for an audition (volunteer basis but if cast, will be included in credits) by checking out how and where to audition at her website KatJoseph.us. Ms. Joseph earned the Girl Scout Bronze Award and the Silver Award and is currently
Submitted By Julie Cheatwood rader’s Village on Southwest Loop 410 will be the facility hosting Door In The Wall’s Annual Country Christmas Dinner and Bazaar this year. This event will take place December 8, and is for persons with disabilities. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at there will be vendors selling items to help offset the cost of the dinner and other Door In The Wall annual free events. Door In The Wall will have the covered pavilion with the stage for the band, “The Haslett Brothers” who will be playing classic country, some rock and all time Christmas favorite music. Santa will make an appearance and will have a gift for the little ones. In the event of really cold weather the heaters will be on. Trader’s Village of San Antonio is a unique shopping experience. With a county fair environment shoppers can browse, buy, trade, barter, play and even ride the Allan Herschell Carousel. The Door In The Wall charity offers recreational activities for persons with disabilities. Some of their other activities have been The Bubba Redding Dance,
Rahe Bulverde Elementary teacher Amanda Shippey accepts the Golden Apple Award from KENS 5’s Deborah Knapp.
A Rising Star Right in Our Community
Future Silver Spur Dancers Halftime Performance Submitted By Rebecca Savage he Smithson Valley High School Silver Spur Dance Team is hosting their annual Dance Clinic and basketball performance Friday, January 24. The clinic begins at 4:30 p.m. in the Smithson Valley High School cafeteria with check-in starting at 4:15 p.m. The performance will be in the main gym. Participants will be escorted to the game for their performance. Cost is $30 and includes a t-shirt, pizza, drink and admission to the Rangers varsity basketball game. Game time is set for 7 p.m. All participants will perform at halftime (roughly 7:30 or 7:45 p.m.) Participant pickup is promptly after the performance. For more information and registration forms, please e-mail foundation@comalisd. org. Mail registration forms to Margaret Tenorio, at 213 Copper Rim, Spring Branch, Tx 78070. Make checks payable to Silver Spur booster club.
morning newscast. KENS5’s Deborah Knapp led the ceremony and said she was not only impressed by Shippey’s obvious determination to never quit on her students, but by the fact she’s set on implementing 21st Century technology into her 2nd-grade classroom. “Ms. Shippey’s ability to share and educate other teachers about technology incorporation and the importance of 21st Century teaching methods is a gift,” Knapp said. Shippey said she would continue to strive to be the very best teacher she can be. “Collaboration, global connection, critical thinking and engaging technology lessons are all crucial elements to my teaching style,” Shippey said. “Being a teacher is the greatest thing in the world.
working on the highest achievement as a Girl Scout, the Gold Award. She is scheduling an auction and silent auction to raise funds for video games for children with cancer through the American Cancer Society.
Ditch The Worn-Out Decor
t’s time to get your house ready for the holidays. But before you do, make sure to check that your lights and decorations are still in working order. Not only can old decor look worn out, but it also can put you and your family at risk — which is the last thing anyone wants at this time of year. CSA Group, a leader in public safety testing and certification, offers these tips to help you stay safe this holiday: Carefully inspect light strings each year. Discard any with frayed cords, cracked lamp holders or loose connections. Inspect for storage damage from moisture or rodents. Turn off the electricity to the supply outlet before working with outdoor wiring. Unplug light strings before replacing bulbs and check to ensure replacement bulbs match the voltage and wattage of the original. To avoid a shock from damaged wires, use insulated fasteners rather than metal nails or tacks to hold light strings in place. Make decorating a family activity by
planning this year’s theme with the kids, but don’t let children or pets play with light strings. Keep electrical connectors for outdoor lights above ground, out of water and away from metal gutters. Connect outdoor lighting into receptacles protected by weatherproof ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI). These can provide protection from electric shock by sensing ground leakage and cutting electrical power. Use heavy-duty extension cords for high wattage decorations and large electronically animated displays, and don’t overload extension cords. If you need to purchase new lights, look for a certification mark to ensure they are certified by an organization such as CSA Group. And remember: outdoor holiday lights are made for seasonal use only; extended exposure to the elements can lead to damage.
SA2020 Creates Vision for Future
By Ben Spicer t is a community vision of what the future looks like for the city of San Antonio. It is a list of goals created by the people. It is a movement, designed to get the people of the city to rally around a common ideal. It’s called SA2020 – and it is a nonprofit organization designed to inspire the community of what the future may be. According to their website, the mission of SA2020 is to, “catalyze the entire San Antonio community into passionate, focused, and sustained action to achieve the shared goals that will transform San Antonio into a world-class city by the year 2020 in eleven key vision areas.” SA2020 tries to connect the efforts of the government with inspired individuals, the private business sector as well as non-profit groups. By doing so, each group takes on projects that will help reach the desired goals set by the community. The people of San Antonio developed ambitious goals for the year 2020. As a result, eleven key areas emerged. Those areas came to be the framework for the SA2020 vision, and are called “causes.” Each represents a vision for the city, and within each vision are measurable indicators with set targets for the next decade. The eleven causes are: • Arts & Culture • Civic engagement • Community safety • Downtown development • Economic competitiveness • Education • Environmental sustainability
• Family well-being • Health and fitness • Neighborhoods • Transportation San Antonio meanwhile continues to grow. According to the United States Census Bureau, San Antonio from 2010 to 2012 has grown four percent. With the influx of new families and businesses to the area, how San Antonio plans to deal with the increase in population and the new demand for services is an important question for the future. The SA2020 initiative is an attempt to answer many of these questions. Back when it was launched in the fall of 2010, SA2020 defined the comprehensive communitywide agenda. Residents of the city attended planning meetings and participated in community surveys to produce a roadmap
Tips For A Safer Holiday Season
Betsy Dippo State Farm (210) 496-3276
he holidays are a time to reconnect with family and friends but they also can present seasonal safety hazards. Here are some tips to help you entertain safely in your home this holiday season. Water your Christmas tree. According to Consumer Product Safety Commission, tree-related fires cause an average of 17
deaths and $13 million of property damage each year. In 7 to 10 seconds, a dry tree can become engulfed with flames as high as 30 feet. Dry branches can act as tinder, causing sparks to fly out into your living space or up the chimney, To help keep your tree fresh, the National Christmas Tree Association recommends adding one quart of water per day for each inch of the trunk’s diameter, Make sure your home is childproof. Keep decorations with small parts out of
for the city’s future. Since that time, some of the original plan has evolved. On June 4, 2013 SA2020 released their indicator report. The report graded each of the causes and where they stood with their goals. Some 30 of the goals are still under further review, but many have already been met and exceeded. For example, response times for both the police and fire department have exceeded expectations for the community safety cause. Additionally in both 2010 and 2011 high school graduation rates met and exceeded the 85 percent target. As a result, a new, more aggressive target is being set for the community. Despite these great gains, many areas still continue to lag. Funding for the arts is still well below targeted amounts. Residents also
used approximately seven more gallons of water per day between 2010 and 2011. They have used 583 more kilo watts per hour per household between 2010 and 2012 meaning San Antonio usage rates are also up. Roughly 20 goals however are on track or making progress. But more can be done. If you are interested in contributing to the cause, want to follow up on the progress, or just want to learn more, you can visit their website at www.SA2020.org. SA2020 is constantly looking for volunteers. A database matches interests to time commitments, many ranging from doing something as simple as greeting people to being full-time staff at local events. SA2020 encourages residents to become involved and help shape the community.
kids reach. Avoid decorating your tree with items that are food-inspired, such as popcorn strands. A child may pull them down and attempt to eat them. And be sure your child doesn’t have access to dangerous plants. Mistletoe, holly berries and Jerusalem cherries can be poisonous if consumed in large amounts. Never use electrical lights on a metallic tree. Broken or exposed wires can cause metallic trees to become electrically charged so they shock or electrocute. Instead, opt for colored lights attached to the ceiling or wall that can shine on the tree. Extinguish candles before leaving the house or going to bed. On average, candlerelated fires cause 150 deaths and $385 million in property damage each holiday
season. One-half of those deaths occur between midnight and 6 a.m. from candles that were forgotten and continued to burn. Always place candles in stable holders and keep them in safe areas where they will not be accidentally toppled over. Don’t let your garbage advertise your new gadgets. Make sure to recycle the boxes of any expensive items you received over the holidays. Setting out a box with the picture of a giant TV on it is a prime invitation for burglars. Betsy Dippo, State Farm agent, Long Term Care Professional. Betsy’s office is located at 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 112, San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call 210- 496-3276 or visit www.betsydippo.com.
Neurosurgery And Spine Consultants By Dr. Gerardo Zavala Neuro/Spine Surgeon t Neurosurgery and Spine Consultants, we have been offering comprehensive and compassionate neurosurgical care since 2009. When it comes to surgery, our philosophy is to “proceed with caution.” Surgery is an invasive endeavor, which should be addressed with mutual respect and partnership between the surgeon and patient. Therefore, when considering surgical treatment conservative measures should be exhausted prior to making the decision to take the next step. When that decision is made, we utilize stateof-the-art technology to focus on minimally invasive spinal surgery, neck and back pain, peripheral nerve disorders, brain tumors, and other intracranial pathology. In order to provide an all-encompassing spine and nerve care evaluation, our office
has the capability to offer dynamic cervical, thoracic and lumbar x-rays, as well as a 36-inch full spine evaluation for scoliosis. Our in-house technologist performs electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) to help further evaluate and diagnose your symptoms. We provide Kyphoplasty to treat compression fractures under local sedation. We also have an onsite physician assistant trained in the care and diagnosis of both simple and complicated spine and nerve disorders. Our dedicated medical team is committed to being San Antonio’s premier neurosurgical practice delivering the best patient experience. Dr. Gerardo Zavala, II, is a San Antonio native. He has extensive surgical training in minimally invasive spinal surgery, scoliosis correction, degenerative spinal stenosis and herniated disc procedures.
He is proud to serve the communities that he grew up in by offering a conservative surgical approach matched with unsurpassed patient care. Dr. Zavala is fellowship trained at Loyola Medical University Center in Maywood, Illinois, and received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Dr. Ladislau Albert, Jr., is fellowship trained at New York Medical College/ Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, New York, where he received training in spinal surgery, specializing in degenerative spinal stenosis and herniated disc repair. He received his Doctor of Medicine from SUNY Downstate College of Medicine in Brooklyn, New York, which he graduated Cum Laude. In addition, Dr. Albert is well versed with a wide range of both cranial and spinal neurosurgical conditions. In order to better serve our patients Rachel
Pacholski, PA-C who received specialized training in neurological conditions including brain tumors, hydrocephalus, peripheral nerve pathology, and vertebral fractures. Rachel received her Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies from Shenandoah University and a Bachelor of Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. To better serve our patients we have four locations Medical Center, Westover Hills, Southwest San Antonio and Boerne. To schedule an appointment call us at 210-255-8935 or visit us at www. neuroandspineconsultants.com North Central Baptist Hospital is located at 520 Madison Oak Dr., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) 297-4000 or visit www. baptisthealthsystem.com.
December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
K9 Corner
By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476 “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson s 2013 comes to an end, now’s a great time to stop and reflect on the years past events, goals attained, and things you want to accomplish in your future. Although I write mostly to pet owners, this article is for anyone. Anyone, for example, who competes, has children who do sports, owns a business, or is working on being a top salesman for their company. If you fall into any of these categories and have felt something is keeping you or your loved one from achieving a higher goal, pay attention because this could change your life. It did for me. Back in 2011 I hit some sort of wall. I was very competitive in Dog Agility and was qualifying for every major event. But at those events, the results expected were just not happening. One would think it was a simple case of nerves and choking. The problem was I wasn’t nervous; I just wasn’t
performing to the best of my skills. I wasn’t being beaten by my competitors, I was beating myself. I realized the problem was with my mental game. I was introduced to something called Mental Management Systems®. This was a game changer for me. After listening to one of the books, I won my first herding State Championship –now that’s not because the books/system are magic. What it did do was bring to light some key elements I was missing when competing. Things like focusing on the process, not the outcome, building my self-image and trusting what I had trained. The definition of Mental Management® is the process of improving the probability of having a consistent mental performance under pressure, on demand. That’s exactly what it has done for me. Did you know it’s been said that 95 percent of all winning is attained by only five percent of the participants? I wanted to be part of the five percent and now I am. Is this the year you decide to become part of the five percent? If so, then you must step out of your comfort zone and make some changes.
Bulverde/Spring Branch Library News By Sam Salas, Librarian Bulverde/Spring Branch Library (830) 438-4864 he Christmas season has officially arrived and the Bulverde-Spring Branch Library is the place to be to celebrate the holidays. Everyone is invited to join the Friends of the Library for their annual Christmas Tea on Thursday, December 5 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Get into the holiday spirit with a cup of hot tea and cookies. Bring the kids to get aboard the Polar Express for an afternoon of fun and Christmas Spirit. The Express gets underway on Saturday, December 14 at 2 p.m. Children can come dressed in their PJ’s for a reading of Chris Van Allsburg’s The Polar Express. Everyone can also enjoy some hot chocolate and cookies. Plus, there will be a visit from a very special guest. On Tuesday, December 17 at 10:30 a.m. Matt Gonzales from PEC will do a program on Electrical Safety during the holidays. Learn some important tips to keep the house safe from potential fire hazards that
Joni Cook-Kirkwood (left) and Children’s librarian Elizabeth Hoff (right) during the Polar Express event.
can occur with the use of Christmas lights. Wrap up the holiday season at the library with this year’s live presentation of Clement Clarke Moore’s classic poem, “The Night Before Christmas.” The program takes place on Saturday, December 21 beginning at 2 p.m. After the performance kids can stay for crafts and pictures with jolly ol’ Santa himself.
As the Principle of Reinforcement states “The more you think about, talk about and write about something happening, you improve the probability of that thing happening.” So let’s get started because becoming the best we can be… lies within us! K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.
Discoveries Thru Vision By Dr. John M. Nevelow Nevelow Eye Associates (210) 349-2437 • www.drsnevelow.com thank all of you for reading our articles and all of your suggestions and positive ecember is upon us and the end of comments you have given us. We hope that 2013 is approaching. Before all the you have a safe and happy holiday season holiday parties, gifts and traveling and a happy and healthy year in 2014. are finished take time to do something for You can contact us about this subject yourself and family. or any future articles at 210-349-2437, on Before the end of the year your medical, our website www.drsnevelow.com or on vision insurance or flexible spending Facebook. accounts that you have from work or on John M. Nevelow, O.D., is a fellow of your own will expire. In 2014 you will start the Foundation of the American Academy again with plans and expectation for the of Ophthalmology. Nevelow Eye Associates next year. is located at 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., However, take the time to do yourself or Suite 120. For more information, call your family a favor. Have your eye health (210) 349-2437 or visit www.drsnevelow. and vision checked and any new glasses or com. contact lenses that may be necessary. Finish your vision insurance or medical spending accounts. The laws allow you to use your accounts any way you see fit to provide medical care for you or your family. Don’t let the end of 2013 expire before using all of your funds. Even if you have had an exam in 2013 you can still use any remaining funds on an extra pair of glasses, sunglasses or more contact lenses. The vision plans under your health insurance policies will expire at the end of 2013. You have paid the premiums all year and hopefully you have not had to use the benefits afforded you until now. Some changes to your health coverage maybe QUALITY CARE SOLUTIONS occurring as the new Affordable Healthcare Keeping Seniors Independent at Home Act takes effect in 2014. It is not clear as Personal, Respite, Special Needs Companion to the benefits that will be available under In Home Health Care Services your current healthcare program or new Serving All of San Antonio programs and now is the time to take Call Today: 210-260-8818 advantage of your existing programs. Quality-Care-Solutions.com Dr. Erin, my staff and I would like to
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Drop-In Child Care "FUN" Center
Coyotes On The Run Submitted By Tracie Hammond ndian Springs Elementary School is working hard to build healthy hearts and develop strong legs of its students through its fall running club. 160 students in all grade levels (kindergarten through fifth) and more than 40 parents will be joining together in attempt to lead healthier lives by running. Indian Springs Elementary makes it a priority every year to get students moving and to be active. Additional motivation comes from running club coach Tracie
Hammond, who will talk about the importance of flexibility, core strength and the enjoyment of movement. These talks will attempt to demonstrate and focus on why being active is so important. Each of the runs in the running club is based on an individual’s time so participants can work at their own pace. The running club lasts for five weeks with a final goal of participating in the Jingle Bell 5K in New Braunfels on December 14, 2013. Run Coyotes Run!
December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261
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December 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261