December 2015 78259 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Encino Park, Evans Ranch, Redland Heights, Emerald Forest and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER

December 2015 Issue




520 Madison Oak Drive, San Antonio, TX 78258

ACTIVITIES TO ENJOY: • Featuring AirLIFE Santa & Mrs. Claus

• Winter playground with REAL SNOW

• Bring an unwrapped toy for “Living Through Giving” to get a photo with Santa

• Holiday Arts & Crafts • Mini Carnival Rides • Free Health Risk Assessments

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December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259 10/8/15 11:55 AM

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11/5/15 10:39 AM

December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

Note From The Publisher


Santa, Snow, Sled Rides and More! Dec 5, 2015 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at North Central Baptist Hospital

ear Neighbors, Winter Celebration featuring AirLife Santa is here! Make sure to come out to North Central Baptist Hospital for an amazing time. This is the seventh year Welcome Home and North Central Baptist Hospital are teaming up to bring the community two Stone Oak traditions: the Winter Celebration and AirLIFE Santa. The event will be held together as one celebation on December 5, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Winter Celebration always kicks off with a mini-parade highlighting the schools in our local neighborhoods. This year the Reagan High School Marching Band along with the Alamo City Marching Band will be featured in our parade. This is a great opportunity to come out and see these bands in action. The parade will also feature school mascots, spirit organizations and children’s groups . I have even been told Anna and Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen will be in our parade and they will stick around for photos during the event. We will be lining up for the parade at 9:45 a.m. on Reindeer Lane. There will be plenty of volunteers to direct you and you can visit our website for more details as they are listed. Join us for this wintry thrill! Of course, Santa is always the main attraction. He will arrive by AirLife helicopter at 10:30 a.m. after the mini parade. In exchange for your donation of a new, unwrapped toy, you or your child will receive a FREE photo with Santa, a FREE slide ride and a raffle ticket for a chance to win a general prize drawing. There will be mini-carnival rides, games, food and local entertainment from many of our NISD, NEISD and Comal ISD schools!

Give yourself the gift of Fun,Friends and Freedom!


Yo u ar e in vi ted to se e ho w “fe st iv e” lif e ca n be at ... You can read more about the celebration on page 11. Also, for your convenience, we will be offering FREE shuttle service from Reagan High School and Cornerstone Church. You can read more details on page 7. Mark your calendars for December 5, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for a fun, family time and a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community while giving back. Our goal this year is to collect 10,000 toys for our organization, Living Through Giving, to distribute to the most needy children here in San Antonio. Come out and help us reach this goal and help each of these precious children receive a gift on Christmas morning. Welcome Home would like to wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Season! Look for our next publication in January 2016. Until next year, keep safe and God bless! Sincerely,

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Sales Representatives Patrice Long Austin Jones

Writer/Copy Editors Stefanie Young Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver Distribution Israel Vazquez

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Contributing Photographer Oscar McAnally Contributing Writers Debbie Allen

December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

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On The Cover By Stefanie Young he holiday season is here and Winter Celebration is right around the corner! Welcome Home Community Newspaper, North Central Baptist Hospital and the non-profit Living Through Giving are sponsoring the annual holiday event, Winter Celebration, on Saturday December 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In anticipation of the large number of families and children, Welcome Home is proud to once again offer a FREE shuttle service to and from Winter Celebration located at North Central Baptist Hospital. This year, The Independence Hill Retirement Community, Coronado at Stone Oak, VIA, The Haven and The Laurel and Franklin Park have all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. Shuttle service pick-up this year will be located at Ronald Reagan High School (19000 Ronald Reagan Drive) and Cornerstone Church (18755 Stone Oak Parkway). Shuttles will begin transporting the public at 9:30 a.m. and will run continuously until 3:30 p.m. Cars should enter through the Sonterra entrance. All cars


must be clear of the parking lots by 4 p.m. Welcome Home would like to thank all shuttle service providers for assisting in transportation and ensuring that everyone in the community can attend the celebration. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Winter Celebration, call (210) 348-8233. Welcome Home looks forward to celebrating the holiday season with the entire community!

Family Life

Say What You Mean

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ords just don’t mean the same thing anymore. It gets quite confusing. My students say “Hey, dog!” and “You’re bad!” and then assure me I have been complimented. “Cool” things are now “hot” and it’s hard to keep up with it all! I thought this just happens in the teen world. Surely this phenomenon is not proliferated throughout society at large! However, recently, I found myself taking all things “yikes!” and “no thanks” on The After Christmas Great Return trek. While standing in a line (that could not have been longer had Elvis himself been found alive and well, and working behind the counter) I hear, “May I help the next GUEST please?” GUEST? I’m a GUEST? Hmmm…when you have a GUEST in your home, does

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By Debby Seguin

the GUEST bathroom have a dirty diaper clogging the toilet? Does it have toilet paper strewn about so that no matter what you do, like some magnetic science project gone awry, it will cling unbeknownst to your GUEST to be paraded around in public? Does it have a big sign on the back of the doors that says if your GUEST shoplifts, they will be hunted, tortured AND they will tell mom!? Do you get rid of the towels and hang a giant blow dryer on the wall? Do you have conversations like this with your GUESTS: “May I help you, ma’am?” “This vase is broken.” “How did it break, ma’am?” “I don’t know. I just took it out of the box and it was broken.” “Oh.-----You took it out of the box, ma’am?” “Well, yes. Yes I did” (feeling strangely guilty). “I’m sorry ma’am, but if you break the hermetically sealed box, that voids the warranty. Here is an 800 number if you have any more questions and, oh, thank you for shopping with us. Next GUEST please!” Why not just say, “May I help the next naïve person who is hoping I can solve their problem when I just want to take my break?” Doesn’t sound as nice but at least this GUEST won’t be expecting tea and pastries served on the good china, right? Words have changed, folks. Better take your teen with you so you know if you are “down with that,” if something is “beast” or how to reply to a sincere, “Sup, Dawg?” Debby (who is taking New English classes) can be reached at writewell62@

December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

FREE Shuttles To Winter Celebration Special By Welcome Home he holiday season is nearing, and Winter Celebration is right around the corner! Welcome Home Community Newspaper, North Central Baptist Hospital and the nonprofit Living Through Giving are sponsoring the annual holiday event, Winter Celebration, on Saturday December 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In anticipation of the large number of families and children, Welcome Home is proud to once again offer a FREE shuttle service to and from Winter Celebration located at North Central Baptist Hospital. This year, The Independence Hill Retirement Community, Coronado at Stone Oak, The Haven and The Laurel, and Franklin Park have all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. Shuttle service pick-up this year will be located at Ronald Reagan High School (19000 Ronald Reagan Drive) and Cornerstone Church (18755 Stone Oak Parkway). Shuttles will begin transporting the public at 9:30 a.m. and will run continuously until 3:30 p.m. Cars should enter through the Sonterra entrance. All cars must be clear of the parking lots by 4 p.m. Winter Celebration featuring AirLIFE Santa is a wonderful family event for all ages. The celebration begins with an opening parade showcasing performances from school choirs and area high school marching bands. The event itself includes photos with Santa, raffles for prizes, vendors as well as other activities to create endless fun for families and volunteers. Santa’s arrival by helicopter always brings excitement from the crowd, and of course, the celebration would not be complete without 60,000 lbs. of snow for snowball fights and snow angels! Over the past thirteen years, Winter Celebration has become the largest Christmas toy drive in Stone Oak, San Antonio. Welcome Home would like to thank all shuttle service providers for assisting in transportation and ensuring that everyone in the community can attend the celebration. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Winter Celebration, call (210) 348-8233. Welcome Home looks forward to celebrating the holiday season with the entire community!


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December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


Hormones: Precisely Prescribed Produce Powerful Results

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 rue stories: (1) a woman told me she had been instructed to rub in about ½ tsp. of over the counter progesterone cream each day for relief of hot flashes. (2) Another patient came to me saying she had been told to apply a man’s prescription testosterone gel, “a little dab,” to see if that would help with her lack of libido. She had done that, but wondered if it was too much or too little. In the first example, progesterone cream


is not well absorbed, thus blood levels remain less than optimal. Progesterone is the one sex hormone that is best prescribed orally or intravaginally. Progesterone acts on the brain to affect calmness, on the breast and uterus to down regulate estrogen. (YES, even if you had a hysterectomy). Testosterone made for a man is far too potent, too strong, for women. Permanent, as in forever and ever, masculinizing effects could occur after months of this use, such

Support Small Business This Christmas


By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020

wanted to include a personal message for the community for the holidays and I found this information from last holiday season online from Brilliantbusinessmoms. com. “When You Support Small Business You Support: Innovation: Small businesses focus on solving problems and creating products that

aren’t always driven by popular trends or sales forecasts. There are so many unique products created by makers and artisans every day – individuals who are set on making the world a better place. Opportunity: On a recent episode of Shark Tank, Daymond John said, “Being an entrepreneur is the ultimate equalizer.” There is opportunity for everyone when it comes to innovation, hustling and getting your products into stores and the hands of customers. Being an entrepreneur is hard, grueling work. It’s that way for everyone.

as facial hair, deepening of the voice and cystic acne. We women need testosterone, but not the same as a man. Just the right amount improves mood, libido and physical endurance. For women, a compounded testosterone cream, made by a certified compounding pharmacist with special training, must be applied using a syringe or a metered dose application for accurate dosage. Men need testosterone blood levels, too. A gentleman came to me after months of applying a prescription testosterone gel without much benefit. His blood level

The playing field is equal and it’s all about the level of determination and work that you bring to the equation. Families: When you buy from a small business, often you’re supporting a family. You’re the reason a mom is able to be at home with her children, or that a family is able to pay their mortgage or send children to college. You’re supporting individuals with a high level of ethics, who treat their employees like family. Paying it forward: Small businesses give back. Research indicates that over 90 percent of small business owners contribute to their communities through volunteering, in-kind contributions, and cash donations. When you support small businesses, you’re helping to pay it forward.” All of these things describe what we do

revealed a low, but “normal for age” amount. He could not recall ever having seen his testosterone level. I give every patient all of their labs with three pages of line-by-line written explanation. I explained to him the incredible benefits of optimizing his testosterone level. I prescribed a potent, compounded, testosterone cream, which he applied twice daily. He loved it, felt great with the testosterone level of a young adult. Hormones must be precisely measured, monitored, and prescribed to achieve their full powerful benefits. Blood work guides therapy for women and men. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit each and every day at Stone Oak Vision Source. We are not a mass produced big box option for the cheapest thing from China. We strive to only sell quality and we stand behind our products. Our patients and customers are the number one reason we are here. We want to give you and your family personalized service from the moment you step into our office. Please call today to schedule your holiday appointment. This is one of the busiest times of the year for us and we want to make sure you take advantage of your insurance and HSA benefits before they renew in January. Call and schedule the whole family, 210-495-9020. Happy holidays!


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December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

The Journey Of Life Is Sweeter When Traveled With A Dog


or me, in my experience, no truer words were ever spoken. I think I have felt that way for as long as I can remember. But as 2015 comes to an end, this saying sums up one of the best years of my life and none of it would have been possible without an amazing dog of mine by my side. Our agility journey just this year has taken us from hiking the Grand Canyon

to swimming in the oceans of California. I was unable to fly for many years but thanks to their support, I flew to Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Florida with them. We’ve played in rivers and lakes all over the US. They’ve been instrumental in taking me places I would never go to alone. From a business side they have helped to put K9 Country Club and our agility and breeding program on the map. My dogs and I have worked with handlers from all over the world and brought that knowledge back home to our students.

The sweetest thing about this journey is I could have been taking them for walks in our neighborhood instead and they would have been just as happy. My dogs don’t care if we travel the country. They only care that they travel it with me. They are my companions who want nothing more than to be by my side. Dogs are loyal. They give us unconditional love. Anyone who has left the house for fifteen minutes or 7 hours and gets the same exuberant tail wagging, facelicking response when they return knows exactly what I am talking about. Imagine what this world would be like if we treated each other more with this kind of spirit. Our dogs motivate us to play, seek adventure, and move! What other creature has the capacity to protect you from a stranger and then turn around and comfort you when you are sad. We train them to sniff out bombs AND lead the blind! What

NEISD Community Approves $499.95 Million Bond

Submitted By Daniel Segura oters in North East ISD have approved the NEISD bond referendum, with 66 percent voting in favor of the $499.95 million bond. The package includes a total of 69 projects and will affect all campuses within the District. “We appreciate the community that went to the polls and voted,” said Dr. Brian G. Gottardy, Superintendent of Schools. “A lot of great things are going to occur for students at every one of our campuses.” The District will use the bond money to upgrade, renovate or replace older campuses and facilities over the next five years. The


plan is divided into five categories: Safety and Security, Technology, Operations, Extracurricular and Facilities. Some of the projects include adding security checkin vestibules, expanding the wireless network for technology devices, replacing the 60-year-old bleachers at Comalander Stadium, and expanding or replacing band halls and fine arts facilities at several middle and high schools. The largest portion of the bond, about $225 million, will go toward facility equity and additions. This portion includes a new fine arts facility at Lee High School, the Regency Place Elementary School

Portable Replacement Project, and campus replacement projects for Jackson, Krueger and Garner middle schools. The entire process began a year ago when principals and District staff completed a comprehensive facility needs survey. Then, an online survey was conducted by parents, students, and community members. A facility steering committee was formed with community members to prioritize projects and finalize a budget. Several community meetings were held and feedback was gathered. In June, the steering committee presented a final proposal to the Board of Trustees. In August, the Board voted to

an amazing animal. Your dogs may not be your whole life (like mine are) but they can definitely make your lives whole. So when you see that sweet smiling face staring back at you, don’t just dismiss him. Instead begin a new this year journey by saying…”Yes… Let’s do that! With you by my side the possibilities are endless!” K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit

approve the recommendation to hold a bond election on Nov. 3. “I’m proud of the entire process. We provided so much information to our community, and we could not have been any more transparent,” said. Dr. Gottardy. You can view the entire list of bond projects here. The total costs provided by the District include construction design fees, site development costs, construction, project contingencies, and furniture, fixtures and equipment. The District anticipates that the bond will not increase the tax rate for at least five years.


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Retirement Oversights By Eric Zeitler Client Centric Wealth Management (210) 807-7599 e all have a “pie in the sky” outlook reality. In surveying current retirees, EBRI of the way retirement will be, yet found that only 6% had worked into their it helps to plan for retirement with seventies. Only 9% had retired at age 65. a little prudence. We should plan for those Sixty-five percent of the respondents had left work before age 65, up from 61% in items that are often overlooked. We may retire earlier than planned. EBRI’s 2010 survey. Many see retirement as a continuation of Some of us plan on retiring at 66 so that the today. Things change, and the costs years we will receive full Social Security benefits rather than the reduced payments of early from now could be greater than the costs retirement. This does not correspond with at the start of retirement. Some of us will


likely be retired for 20 or 30 years, it’s vital to take a long-term view of the retirement. Some will face an insurance coverage shortfall. Many of us rely on employersponsored health insurance. If we retire before age 65, how do we insure ourselves until we become eligible for Medicare? Will we need long term care coverage? As medicine and health care continue to advance, the possibility of a gradual rather than sudden death may increase. The wealthy may have the assets to contend with long term care costs, but the middle class rarely do. Age may catch up to us sooner rather than later. Many of us will live long and healthy retirements, but this is not a given. That means we need to find people we can trust to manage our finances and help us in

our daily lives if we become mentally or physically infirm. We may be alone sooner than we assume. Many couples retire with an assumption that they will be together for some time – but something may happen to leave one spouse alone. A single person does not simply live on 50% of the income of a couple. These are some of the common oversights that can surprise us in retirement. They may quickly affect our money and our quality of life. If we age with an awareness of them and recognize them in our retirement and estate planning, then we may be better prepared if they happen. Client Centric Wealth Management may be reached at 210-807-7599 or 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315.

The Importance Of Family Time This Holiday Season Submitted by Steve Johnson, Owner College Nannies and Tutors he holidays bring back a lifetime of memories of traditions and great family moments. Between Thanksgiving, New Years, and everything in between, the opportunities to create memories are endless. Make those moments count this year by participating in family traditions that your kids will remember for many years to come. Having a family of your own gives you the opportunity to create your own traditions, as well as continuing age-old traditions you have kept alive from your own childhood. Traditions can be anything from activities,


to special recipes, to craft nights. No need to wait until Christmas—try new activities all December long! The kids will love getting into the holiday spirit and having everyone all together during such a busy season. Cookie Decorating We already know that kids love cookies, and decorating them can be just as fun as eating them. Have special holiday cookie recipes handy, and bring out the frosting and sprinkles to allow the kids to decorate. They’ll love seeing their finished creations, and of course, trying them afterwards! Decorating the Tree Turn up the Christmas tunes, and gather around the tree! Lighting the Christmas tree

and filling it with special ornaments can turn into a very treasured tradition. Make sure that your kids have their own ornaments, and let them do the decorating! They will be proud of the finished product, and they can tell Grandma and Grandpa how much fun it was. Watching Christmas Movies Together Choosing a day or two to binge-watch the holiday favorites can be a treasured seasonal activity for the whole family. Cable channels play many holiday-themed specials and movies throughout the month of December, and some may bring back the memories of your own childhood! Pop some popcorn, turn on the Christmas tree lights,

and snuggle up with the kids for a wonderful Christmas-filled marathon. The holidays are such a special time of the year. Take advantage of the season by bringing in new family traditions that your kids will think back on, and continue when they get older. Spend the season with family and friends, and ringing in the end of one year while getting ready to start fresh for a new one! If you need some adult time to prepare during this busy season, give us a call and ask how we can help. The entire staff at College Nannies and Tutors wishes you a wonderful holiday season, from our family to yours!


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20079 Stone Oak Parkway | Ste 1104

210.202.0303 10

Village at Stone Oak • 210-404-0707 Thousand Oaks • 210-828-1261 Huebner Rd • 210-558-7700 San Pedro • 210-824-1209 December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

2015 Winter Celebration Thank You

Diamond Level

Broadway Bank L Taco Rolling Hills & Antonian M.S. Volkswagen of Alamo Heights

Gold Level

AAA Texas, Kimberly Brown Elements Massage Guardian Protection Services I9 Sports Incredible Pizza Company May’s YMCA Randolph Brooks FCU San Antonio Mastermind Speech and Language Center Stay Fit Stay Fierce Sunset North Funeral Home Texas State Optical The Bilingual Child Academy

Two Sisters Salon and Spa Younique

Joy Concessions Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Kyani, Esther Rodriguez Learning Rx Liberty Mutual Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Lone Star National Bank Love to swim Marie Ferrante Jewelry and Gifts McCrary Stone , Financial Advisors Nautical Dental Plaza Taxco Polished Pups Pet Spa & Boutique Premier Pools & Spas Primrose at Cibolo Canyon Punta Del Cielo Rainbow Home Care Systems Ray CPA Reality Bites Dental River Valley Real Estate


3T Karate A Passport To Travel All State, Joseph Borkowski Animal Care Services Bahama Bucks CASA Chick-Fil-A Chocolateka ChurroStar Comprehensive Chiropractic Edward Jones, Melanie Herbst Flamingo Rey’s Foresters Financial Great Clips Independence Hill It Works - Heather Jemente

2015 Winter Celebration Performers Parade starts at 10:00 am Community is encouraged to join. Lineup will be at 9:30 am at Reindeer Lane. Come out and and kick off the Holidays with a Parade and see Santa fly in on his Helicopter. Jets Pizza Slice Cowboy Cash Buckner Fanning Cheerleaders Tuscany Heights “Tusky” HEB Buddy Aue Elementary Aue Gator Las Lomas – Libro the Lion

Area A – DJ & Dance Stage 10:30 am 11:00 a.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m.

Tex Hill Dance Johnson HS Dance LA Performing Arts Woodlawn Theatre AABCD Star Performance Co. Heather Stolle School of Dance Cynergy Dance Co. TBD TBD

Vineyard Ranch Elem Mascot Encino Park Elem Soaring Eagle SA Missions Ballapeno Benson Honda 3T San Antonio Tiger ProMartial Arts Rocky The Rhino

AABCD Star Performance Co. Alamo City Marching Band Alamo City Marching Band School Of Rock School Of Rock TBD TBD Rawlinson M.S. Jazz Band

Las Lomas Honors Choir Hardy Oak Elem. Choir Buckner Fanning School Choir Indian Springs Choir Vineyard Ranch Elem. Choir

Donate A Toy For A Chance To Win: 1986 Folk Hear Ornament Christmas Tree w/stars Ornament From James Avery

Holly Final w/candy cane charm From James Avery

Hook-on Bracelet From James Avery

Woodlawn Theatre Tickets any play 2016 Playbill From Woodlawn Theatre

From River Valley Real Estate

Rampage tickets (4) From Spurs

55 Minute Massage From Elements Massage

Facial Line Basket

From It Works - Heather Jemente

Famous Umbrella with Lunch From Independence Hill

Dutch Boy Cleaners Free Dry Cleaning! From Dutch Boy Cleaners

Krispy Kreme Donut Gift basket From Krispy Kreme

Coffee and Breakfast

Area C – Choir Stage 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

From Welcome Home Newspaper

Snowball Launcher

Area B – Band Stage 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00

Raffle drawing for $1000 Visa Gift card

From James Avery

In The Parade: UIW – Cheer, Dance UIW Red The Cardinal Alamo City Marching Band Miss Latina SA Teen Alyssa Salinas Betsy Dippo & State Farm Bear Subway Mascot

Rodan & Fields, Tammy Elliott San Antonio Gourmet Olive Oils San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo Scentsy, Magali Preston SilverLeaf Resorts Smiles By CDO Smokey Mo’s State Farm , Betsy Dippo Studio Martial Arts Subway The Egg and I Restaurants The Fish/KLSR The Laurals and the Haven Threads For Teens Today’s Vision Vida Mia Mexican Cuisine Woodlawn Theatre

1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30

Bill Brown Elem. Choir Specht Elem. Choir Stone Oak Elem. Choir Aue Elem. Choir

Don’t Forget Bring A New Unwrapped Toy

From The Egg & I Restaurants

Bundt Cakes Gift cards From Nothing Bundt Cakes

Gourmet Olive Oils

From San Antonio Gourmet Olive Oils

Incredible Pizza Family Four Pack From Incredible Pizza

Volunteers are still needed, loved and appreciated. Call (210) 348-8233 to donate your time to a worthy cause. • 210.348.8233

December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


Winter Precautions For Your Vehicle


By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

inter is here and although your first instinct is to wrap up in a warm blanket by the fire, you really should be thinking about maintaining your vehicle while the cold weather is upon us. Without the heating systems in today’s modern vehicles, we would all be miserable driving to our destinations. We take for granted the heat in our vehicle that keeps us warm in the winter months. Without proper

protection and maintenance our vehicles would not be able to protect us from that cold weather. Here are some important facts to keep in mind: Of the upmost importance in the winter months is your radiator. It helps the engine stay at proper temperature, regardless of the temperature outside. Always make sure

Health Tips For 2016 By Dr. Marianna Ashe, M.D. HealthTexas Medical Group of San Antonio (210) 546-1600 very New Year, I make resolutions of 30 minutes or 10,000 steps a day and to exercise and “be healthier.” By so on. Seem daunting? If all you can do is February, I am paying for a gym 5 minutes of walking a day, well that is 5 membership I am no longer using. A minutes more than you did the previous day. few months ago, I finally did something Difficulty walking? Consider sit and be fit different. I started walking daily, first only programs, water exercise, or ask your doctor about 10 minutes to wind down after work. for recommendations. Remember, have fun Months later and with slow progress, I am getting active. If you enjoy it, you are more now actually jogging without feeling like likely to continue. passing out. Its small changes we can make Modifying diet choices: The key is that add up to large health benefits. Often we MODERATION. I firmly believe a life complicate it, so let’s simplify: without cheeseburgers and chocolate is not Get moving: We have all heard the goals worth living however I would like those





Pick Up & Delivery By Pat Gardner


utch Boy Cleaners has highly trained and experiences Cleaners and spotters. These individuals understand that clothes do reflect the person. They do their best to clean your garments in a manner that provides the best results. There is no one size fits all approach to

quality garment care. Each garment is inspected for stains checked for unusual ornamentation or care instructions and then cleaned by the most appropriate means possible. The end result is a good as new garment ready for the pressing and finishing department. In the pressing and finishing department, the expert finishers have a wide variety of pressing equipment to properly finish each individual garment in the way the manufacturer intended the garment to be pressed. Cotton blouses need one kind of press, silk dresses need another press, suit coats need a special press and Dutch Boy cleaners has all of these specialized presses and then some to make your clothing look it’s best. To help your drycleaner do a better job of stain removal, we suggest the following:

your vehicles coolant is filled properly, if not it can cause your engine to freeze during the worst of dipping temperatures. Vehicle batteries can have trouble starting during extreme temperatures. Check the batteries terminals to make sure there is no rust or corrosion. If you have an older battery and the temperatures are dipping, get your battery tested and replace it if it is not in good working order. As temperatures rise and fall throughout the day, so does the air pressure in your tires. Especially in cold months, tires tend to lose more air than in winter months. Check your tires during the first cold snap and make sure they are in range suggested by the manufacturer. This ensures that your tires always make good contact with the road surface and helps ward off uneven wear.

Don’t forget to make time for your vehicle during this winter. Besides all of the tips mentioned above, don’t forget your windshield wipers! It is important to replace worn wiper blades regularly to maintain good visibility when necessary. Proper maintenance can help insure you and your vehicle don’t get caught out in the cold. You can always call Belden’s Automotive & Tires, our family is here to help! Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Six Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830981-9700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330; Prue Rd.: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit

food choices to not limit the length of my life. Chose lean meats, replace soda with water, include veggies with every meal and remember portion sizes. Get your rest: Poor sleep habits can affect your physical and mental health. Turn off your television at night, make your bedroom a sleep-friendly place and limit caffeine in the afternoon. Discuss with your doctor any concerns about your sleep quality. Exercise your mind: So our memory is not what it was when we were 20 years old but just like our bodies, we need to “use it or lose it”. Limit television and start a new book, puzzle, or word game. Consider volunteering or joining a social group. Stress reduction: Yes, this is something I am still working on being a full-time physician, mother, wife and daughter. Consider meditation for its benefits on both stress reduction and overall well-being.

However it may be prayer, exercise, or having tea with friends that achieves the internal peace we need to be the best version of ourselves. Get your screening on: Ok, we have put off the colonoscopy long enough (I am mostly talking to my husband here) and yes ladies, it is time for your mammogram once again. Preventative screening saves lives. Prevent the flu: It is simple, wash your hands and protect not only yourself, but those around you by getting the flu vaccine. And no, the flu shot does not give you the flu. HealthTexas Medical Group of San Antonio is located at 20821 Hwy 281 N. To find out more information about them and their doctors, visit them at www. or call (210) 546-1600.

Never put a garment away with spills or stains on it. The warmth of a closet and exposure to natural or artificial light and to the atmosphere can contribute to setting a stain. Bring in a stained garment as soon as possible, preferably within a few days, to prevent the stain from setting. Do not iron stained or soiled clothes; this will set stains and drive the soil deeper into the fabric. Always have soiled clothes cleaned or washed before ironing. Do not attempt home spot removal with either water or a cleaning fluid without testing first for colorfastness. Wet an unexposed area, such as an inside seam, and blot with a paper towel to make sure the color is fast. Never rub a stain, especially when attempting to remove a stain from silk. Blot

the stained area. This will help remove the staining substance without spreading the stain and will avoid damaging the fabric. Inform your drycleaner of the location of specific stains and any procedures you have used to remove them, even if the stains are no longer visible The Dutch Boy Difference- We consistently provide you the best in dry cleaning. Dutch Boy Cleaners has various locations: 19202 Stone Oak Parkway; 21770 Bulverde Road; 192 FM 1863 @ 281. See the ad in Welcome Home for discount coupons and specials. Call 210494-7966 or visit www.DutchBoyCleaners. com for more information.

Girl Scout Troop 858 Become Cadettes

Submitted By Stacy Irons n October 31st, Girl Scout Troop 858 crossed the bridge from Juniors to Cadettes. They had a ceremony at the Tejeda History Hill Bridge and followed it up with lunch at Bigz Burger Barn. Some of the troop members have been with this troop since Kindergarten and now are 6th graders. Their first event was working the concessions at the Encino Park Craft Fair on October 3rd and 4th. The girls are using all proceeds to earn their silver award, the highest award a Cadet can earn. The girls would like to thank the Encino Park Women’s Club for allowing them this



great opportunity. The girls not only helped serve food, but they went personally to vendors and took and delivered orders and made change, activities like this are great learning opportunities for the girls. The girls would also like to thank the following business that donated products and/or reduced their prices to help our girls make a larger profit: Krispy Kreme Donuts; Lisa Carranza; Panera Bread, Taco Cabana and Little Caesar’s pizza and Costco.

Girl Scout Troop 858 crossed the bridge from Juniors to Cadettes.

Their first event was working the concessions at the Encino Park Craft Fair on October 3rd and 4th.

December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


Medical Allergy & Immunology


General Dentistry

Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 •

Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533

General Dentistry

Allergy & Immunology

Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 494-0690 •

Canyon Dental Care Jeff Beal, DDS & Justin Rich, DDS 3111 TPC Pkwy., Ste. 114, San Antonio, 78259 424-3611

General Dentistry

Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Ste. 2601 545-5224 • Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men


Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D.McMyler, MD P. Mehta, MD., R, Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 614-1234 •

Dr. Perry E. Wood Family Dentistry, Cosmetics & Orthodontics 16616 San Pedro (281/Thousand Oaks) 491-9898 Accepts most insurance

General Dentistry

Garrison Family Dental Austin J Garrison DDS, Gary J. Garrison DDS 22100 Bulverde Rd., Ste. 114 494-7222

Internal Medicine

Orthodontics For Adults/Children

Internal Medicine of Stone Oak Lubna Naeem, M.D. 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 105 490-3800 Laser treatment, Botox, Skin care available

Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Ste. 201 272-7129


Pediatric Dentistry

Alamo City Eye Physicians, P.A. J. Mark Berry M.D. William T. Walton M.D. 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 216 491-2020

Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry Dr. “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 491-4141


Speech Therapy

Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 119 697-3821

Speech & Language Center of Stone Oak Barbara A. Samfield 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 108 495-9944


Urgent Care

Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937)

Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine


ALLERGY SEASON! Stone Oak Allergy 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78258

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Tiger Tough Against Drugs Submitted By Melinda Cox ex Hill Middle School encourages its students to be critical thinkers, lifelong learners and fearless leaders for a changing world. The campus also appreciates the importance of teaching and reminding students to make the right choices in their daily lives and to respect themselves and others. This Red Ribbon week message was prevalent throughout the campus during the week of October 26-30. Hill Tigers participated in activities throughout the week to remind them to stand Tiger tough against drugs. School counselors and student members of the PALS club (Peer Assistance and Leadership Students) and the Tiger PTSA worked hard to decorate the school with red ribbons and posters. Students were encouraged to participate in the message by dressing in different Red Ribbon themes each day. Themes included students dressing up as twins as “It takes two to tackle drugs” and dressing up in Tiger spirit gear because “These paws don’t touch drugs”. Students were welcomed in by the Tiger band and UTSA cheerleaders and the UTSA mascot, Rowdy. Tex the Tiger, the new Hill


mascot, was also introduced and helped get the students rallied up against drugs. PAL students made a run through banner and spoke to students about the importance of respecting yourself. Hill dancers brought the energy with a performance and the UTSA cheerleaders kept the crowd excited about the message. Coach Hebert focused students with his story of being true to yourself and staying strong. The importance of the week then became reality as speaker Peyton Grasso made her way to the middle of the gym floor. Peyton Grasso is an O’Connor High School Senior. On June 14, 2014 Peyton was the victim of a near fatal traffic accident involving a drunk driver who lost control of their vehicle. The vehicle rolled over 3 times and slammed into a steel utility pole. Peyton lost her leg on impact, sustained a burst fracture of her C-2 spinal vertebrae, went into cardiac arrest twice, fractured both femurs and sustained an axonal brain injury. Peyton has endured 15 surgeries on the amputated leg, due to the traumatic nature of the amputation and several other very dangerous neurosurgeries to repair the burst

Hill Tigers participated in activities throughout the week to remind them to stand Tiger tough against drugs. Peyton spoke to students during each of the three pep rallies to encourage the young audiences to make the right choices even though it may be hard.

fracture in her cervical spine. “I made a bad decision. I went to a party and drank for the first time and I got in the car with someone who had been drinking and I almost lost my life. I made one bad choice and I will deal with this for the rest of my life,” Peyton told the students who filled the bleachers in the gym. The energy, noise and excitement of the rallies quickly subdued as Peyton told her

story. The messages of the week long Red Ribbon activities were all brought together in the words of Peyton’s accident and subsequent story and journey. This was one student’s story to a room full of students and the impact was measurable. Students were full of questions for Peyton and she answered them with the hope that she might be able to encourage these students to make the right choices. It’s all about choices, Peyton said. I came to Hill Middle School to share my journey and my strength with the hope it would inspire others toward a path of success.

Tex Hill All-Region Honor Choir Submitted By Chasity Furse he Tex Hill Choir is proud have had 26 students selected as members of the All-Region Honor Choir. Students from the district and surrounding areas gathered to compete for a spot in this choir on Friday October 16 and Saturday October 17. Over 500 students sang selected musical excerpts hoping for a spot in this prestigious choir. Students attended extra rehearsals and put in preparation at home to prepare for the competition. Congratulations to all the Tex Hill Choir Students for their great performance. The following students will be performing with the All-Region Choir:


SSA CHOIR- 8th Grade Girls: Rori Hutchins, Marin Mangiaracinia, Cristiana McGowin, Madison Pope and Angela Salonga TTB CHOIR (7th and 8th Grade Men): Tanner Clemons, Sean Compton, Eshu Deva Reddy, Lance Mioduskis and Juan San Miguel SA CHOIR- 7th Grade Girls: Lindsey Arredondo, Catherine Chambers, Sierra Distefano, Alice Dykes, Sophia Frederick, Mikaela Garcia, Brianna Garza, Alyssa Hannah, Corinne Kuehl, Vivianna Leal, Rosemary Paquette, Livia Peterson, Ashlyn Pipes, Tabitha Schonberg and Ariana Thweatt.

Tex Hill Pinks Out

Submitted By Chasity Furse ex Hill students, faculty and staff were ready to PINK OUT on October 29th! The girl’s athletic program sold Tex Hill Pink Out shirts during the month of October in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. Students, faculty, staff and parents who wished to show their support were able to purchase shirts for $10.00 and wear them on the first ever Tex Hill Pink Out day on October 29th. Nearly $2,000 was raised The girl’s athletic program in their Tex Hill Pink Out shirts. selling the shirts and all proceeds athletes honored family members who had from the t-shirt sales went directly to the Side-Out Foundation which been affected by breast cancer by honoring provides research for stage 4 breast cancer. them during a ceremony and handing them The group of athletes saw their hard work each a pink rose. 50% of the proceeds and dedication pay off when they showed earned from concessions that evening were up at school on Thursday, October 29th and also donated to the Side-Out Foundation. You can find more information regarding saw the support of their fellow students as well as the faculty and staff members of Tex the Side-Out Foundation at their website Hill. The halls were a sea of pink! That evening at the volleyball game, the



Congratulations to all the Tex Hill Choir Students for their great performance.

Google Expeditions At Roan Forest Elementary Submitted By April Muzquiz n Friday, October 23rd, second through fifth grade students at Roan Forest participated in the Google Expeditions Pioneer Program, which is touring selected schools around the U.S. to gain feedback on their latest virtual reality app geared towards education. The students experienced virtual field trips to places such as the Amazon Rainforest, Ancient Greece, The students exclaimed in awe at the sights that the 3-D and underwater expeditions. The virtual viewfinders revealed. adventures were so realistic that the students exclaimed in awe at the sights swimming with sharks. Roan Forest Principal, Martha Staufert, that the 3-D virtual viewfinders revealed. was thrilled to provide this opportunity Teachers guide the field trips with a tablet to the students and incorporate the most that is synced with smartphones placed innovative resources available into within each viewfinder, all of which was supplied and setup by Google team classroom instruction. Although the members. Teachers were able to enhance technology is not currently available for instruction and lead their class through schools yet, as it is set to launch in 2016, extraordinary sights including landforms students and staff agree that it promises to of the world, walking on the moon, and deliver amazing possibilities.


December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

Picture Perfect Holiday Pies By Tanji Patton hen it comes to holiday dessert, there’s nothing quite like that perfect piece of pie no matter how you slice it! Plain and simple, our savory picks won’t disappoint. Take Bud Royer, the famous Texas Pieman, and his ‘Not My Mom’s’ Apple Pie shown on our site. It’s a recipe with a fun back story, as told by Bud himself, and stuffed with Granny Smith apples, copious amounts of brown sugar and heavy whipping cream. Plus Texas pecans! It’s like classic apple pie put on a tie for the


occasion. And there’s more. All of our homemade pies were handpicked with Thanksgiving in mind. There’s something for everyone, young and old, so enjoy – and remember to share! Nothing beats Ma Harper’s home cookin’. Her Creole kitchen in Government Hill is off the charts. After 70+ years you’d think her pace would slow — think again! Ma’s original recipe for Pecan Sweet Potato Pie is made with fresh sweet potatoes, peeled and mashed.

The Feast Of The Seven Fishes

By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 t’s the most wonderful time of the year. Families come together, presents are given, and best of all good food is enjoyed between people who love each other. One of the most famous Christmas traditions with seafood is known as the Feast of The Seven Fishes. While the number doesn’t always have to be 7, the main point of this Italian tradition is a big feast on delicious seafood


I debuted a tart and creamy Lemon Meringue Pie from my mother-in-law, Helen, as part of a Southern Home Cooked Holidays recipe blog on Goodtaste. She made every dish with a little extra love. The lemon meringue pie recipe originally came from Helen’s mother, so for those of you into math, it’s at least 50 years old and still divine! Leave it to Don Strange of Texas to find a way to make pie even better with his Salted Caramel Pumpkin Pie Bars. These are cut like brownies, and boast a shortbread cookie crust with a delicious pumpkin-caramel layer that’s drizzled with caramel and topped with whipped cream. Let’s review the filling on this bonafide southern classic: graham cracker crumbs, shredded coconut, walnuts (or pecans), and dark chocolate chips. Yes PLEASE. Back in the days when Luby’s was a household word, Sawdust Pie was a must-do dessert… foil Chop all herbs, toss Cod fillets in Olive Oil and Herbs season with Salt & Pepper. Place Seasoned Cod fillet in Foil creating a pocket. Cut butter in cubes and place in the foil add white wine and juice of lemon. Seal Foil creating a steam pocket, bake for 12 minutes on Med High Heat on grill.

of all types. Want to try this out for you and your family? Here’s a few easy recipes to try out this year! Baked Cod Fillet 2ea. 8oz Fresh Cod Portions, 1oz Fresh Olive Oil, 1ea. Sprig of Thyme, 1ea. Sprig of Basil, 1ea. Fresh Lemon, 4oz Butter, 2oz White Wine, Sea Salt & Pepper, Aluminum

Whole Grilled Branzino 1ea. Whole Branzino Gilled, gutted and scaled Butterflied, 4oz Whole Unsalted Butter, 1ea. Sprig of Thyme, 1ea. Sprig Rosemary, 1ea. Sprig Basil and 2ea. Whole Garlic Gloves. Melt and Clarify Butter, fine chop all herbs and add Garlic to Clarified butter. Brush Branzino on inside and out and set on

Caption#1: ‘Not My Mom’s’ Apple Pie.

and remains just that! Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. If you would like more information, she can be reached at Subscribe to her newsletter for more recipes at

grill. Cook until temperature of 145 degrees. Brush Butter on Branzino before removing from fire. Bacon Wrapped Colossal Gulf Shrimp 12ea. Peel & Devein Extra Jumbo Shrimp (16/20 count), 12ea. Maple Bacon Sliced, 4oz Cream Cheese, 2ea. LG jalapeno and Toothpicks. Butterfly Shrimp Length wise, spread cream cheese on the shrimp. Slice Jalapeño length wise and add a slice to the shrimp. Wrap Shrimp, cream cheese and jalapeño with bacon use a toothpick to hold Bacon in place. Grill on Med High heat until 145 degrees. I hope you enjoy these recipes and from my family to yours, have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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Jaguar Wrestlers Gear Up To Hit The Mats

Garrett Mathews

Greg Quintanilla

Submitted By Jayson Conger his winter marks the 8th season for the Johnson High School Jaguar wrestling program. The Jaguars are coming off a very successful season in which they sent the most wrestlers (8) to the regional tournament last year. Five of those eight placed in the top four and then wrestled at the state tournament. Leading the Jaguars this season is returning state qualifier and Captain Greg Quintanilla, returning seniors Morgan


Morgan Miller

Miller, Remington Eckhardt, and Scott Hudson, and sophomore state qualifier Garrett Mathews. These wrestlers are looking to play big parts in obtaining the Jaguars’ goals this season. In total the Jaguars return two state qualifiers, four regional qualifiers, and seven district placers. This season, the Jaguars look to build on their successes from last year and accomplish a new set of goals. For the first time, the Jags will be fielding a full girl’s lineup. The girl’s lineup will be anchored by

Remington Eckhardt

Miller and Sophomore Erin McAlpin who both have high expectations for themselves this season. The Jaguars will be hosting 3 duals on the hilltop in December and January. December 3rd at 6 pm- Quad dual against Roosevelt, MacArthur, and New Braunfels January 14th at 6 pm against Madill HS (Madill, Oklahoma) January 21st at 6 pm against Dripping Springs -- we will be recognizing all of our seniors along with their parents

Future Business Leaders Of America Submitted By Carrie Turner-Gray he Johnson High School chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America attended the Area 4 Conference on October 17, 2015. At this conference, Johnson students were highlighted as the leaders of the various groups and discussions during the conference period. In addition, a sophomore, Nicholas Granderson was


Peace on Earth Christmas Choir Music Dec 13 @ 6 pm

Christmas Eve Service Dec 24 @ 6 pm

voted in as the Area 4 Vice President. Nick is currently serving as the Johnson chapter Vice President and is the only sophomore in the history of the chapter to receive the nomination and the appointment. Johnson High School FBLA decided to support the Out of the Darkness Walk on November 11, 2015 as this year’s club charity. By participating in the walk they

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were able to raise funds to benefit Suicide Awareness and Prevention. If you would like more information about upcoming events or

The Jaguars will also host over 30 high schools from all over the state and Oklahoma at our 33rd Annual Russ Pederson Invitational on January 16th. Action will start at 8:30 am, placing and championship matches are expected to begin around 3:00 pm. The Jaguar wrestling program extends a sincere invitation to all to encourage and cheer us on as they compete in the toughest sport on earth. Tickets are sold at the door, cash only, adults- $7.00 and students- $4.00.

about the group of talented students, please contact Carrie Turner-Gray at cturne@

MSH Heritage Day Submitted By Stephen Chavez hen students arrive on their first day of school, they usually bring a bright smile and great anticipation of a new start. This year, the students of Mount Sacred Heart School had even more to smile about as the 86 year-old school opened its doors to a new school year with a newly renovated 3rd floor wing. The “New Beginning Campaign” renovation – which initiated in March 2015 – includes four new classrooms, boys’ and girls’ restrooms, a piano room, a spacious Fine Arts classroom, an expansive hallway with student lockers, central air/ heat, new roofing, over 100 new student desks, fixtures and technology equipment. This 1.2 million dollar makeover marks the first major capital project the school has undergone in many years. “I love everything about the new classrooms, especially the lockers and bathrooms,” exclaimed 4th grader, Alexa Tijerina. Mount Sacred Heart School Principal, Maria Casto says, “We are excited to offer our 4th and 5th grade students a state-ofthe-art learning environment. We’re grateful to our many partners in mission – parents, alumni, Board members, benefactors, and the SSCJ Congregation for making this a reality for our students. The future of MSH is bright thanks to the generosity of so many loyal and faithful friends.” Celebrations of the new wing didn’t end on the first day of school. On Sunday, September 27, 2015, the Mount Sacred Heart Community celebrated MSH Heritage Day – a commemoration of the school’s founding congregation – the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - profession of vows and recognition of their legacy and source of inspiration for future generations. The occasion also served as a time to bridge the


Mount Sacred Heart students enjoy new lockers in the recently renovated portion of the school.

wealth of Mount’s heritage with the promise of a bright future for the school. “Our Heritage Day Celebration gives us an opportunity to celebrate our 86-year presence in the San Antonio community. The blessing of the renovated 3rd floor as part of that celebration is witness to the vitality of our community and its commitment to continue the ministry of Catholic education for generations to come,” said Principal Casto. Members of the School community including the SSCJ, parents, students, faculty/staff, alumni, friends, benefactors and board members were all on hand to pay tribute to the spiritual ancestors of the school as well as experience the excitement of the school’s future with a tour of the new 3rd floor wing and special blessing given by former MSH student, Fr. Art Flores, OMI. “On this day we give thanks to the many Sisters, lay faculty and staff, and benefactors who have given generously of their time and talents to ensure that Mount Sacred Heart is able to continue its ministry. As we reflect on our rich past, and look ahead to a bright future we are confident that the seeds of faith will continue to grow in the hearts of our past and current students.”

December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

College Tutors Educator Of The Month

By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Tutors t is our pleasure to once again honor and recognize a local educator at Lady Bird Johnson High School as the College Tutors Educator of the Month for December. This award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do Attitudes, Growth and Results Driven and Leave It Better. To close out 2015, we honor Christie Brown. She is an incredible teacher that grew the Choir program at Johnson High School to one of the very best in the state. She juggles a very large choir, parents, students and her department head responsibilities effortlessly. She is very positive and encouraging while working with her students. She is always willing to lend a hand and contributes greatly to the Fine Arts department. From her amazing concerts, volunteering to assist with the school musical and directing an elaborate pops show, Mrs. Brown always to gives her students opportunities to excel. Her instructional approach is to engage students to become collaborators at all levels of her program. In the classroom, she uses innovative techniques to help all students engage with the material and challenges her students to think critically. She is open to student ideas and is eager to grow and learn along with her students. The owners of College Nannies + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and

Johnson’s Red Ribbon Week


The Johnson Jaguars Celebrate Red Ribbon Week.

Christie Brown is an incredible teacher that grew the Choir program at Johnson High School to one of the very best in the state.

honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. The quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, or to submit a nomination, please contact College Nannies + Tutors at 210-202-0303 or stoneoaktx@

wanted the kids to talk to the firefighters so that if there ever was an emergency, the kids would not be scared of them. They were so nice and even brought things for the kids like hats and stickers. We also had a police officer from Converse and a US postal carrier take the time to come visit as well.” For more than 20 years, the Converse Fire Department has come and shared Thanksgiving lunch with the students at St. Monica on the Thursday before Thanksgiving. The students are looking forward to this tradition in a few weeks, and are busy making cards to thank the fire fighters for their service.

December 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

New Emergency Medical Technician Course at Johnson HS

Written by Jean Padro, Remington Eckhart, and Jacob Gilbert laudia Taylor Johnson High School has a new program many people don’t know about. This Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course is for those students that are highly motivated for careers in the medical field. An EMT is charged with responding to emergency situations to provide crucial aide and save lives. Many of the students in this class feel privileged to have the opportunity to partake in this rigorous curriculum. There are 20 seniors in the class and majority, if not all are looking forward to a career in the medical field. One of those seniors, Jean PadroAlvarado says, “Personally I am in the class and love the course, my plan is to become a paramedic and enlist in the United States Air Force as a Pararescueman.” The EMT course provides a great stepping stone for all the students looking to go into the medical field. Carter Ford another member of the class stated, “This class is a good way for me to learn something before I join the Army and become a combat medic.” Jorge Medina stated, “I am excited to learn how to save lives and have a good paying job after high school.” A majority of the students are stressed with the amount of coursework that is required of them, not to mention the ambulance ride-outs and ER shifts they are required to complete each semester. The three class leaders, Captain Morgan


St. Monica Catholic School Students Learn about firetrucks and helping others.



community elementary students by opening car doors for students arriving to school, giving high-five greetings to students entering the front doors, wishing them a good day in the hallways on their way to class, and participating in the televised morning announcements. The Johnson Jaguars are proud to bring drug prevention awareness to the community. The Jaguars want to remind everyone to stay drug and alcohol free!

Left to right: Sebastian Gehrig, Remmington Eckhardt, Jorge Medina, Dana Hernandez, Justin Gilbert, John Hernandez, Ricardo Papacristofilou, Zane Danburg.

Stop, Drop And Roll

Submitted By Lisa Jordan, St. Monica Catholic School he Converse Fire Department made a visit to the St. Monica Kindergarten classes to help the students learn about community helpers. The firemen gave a “stop-drop-and-roll” demonstration and taught students how to stay safe in case of a fire at school or at home. Then students went outside and explore the firetrucks to learn more about the equipment that the fire fighters use. Teacher Gabriella Muniz called the fire department at the end of the community helper unit in the classroom. She said, “I

Submitted By Diane Valderama he Johnson High School spirit groups and athletes visited area elementary schools, Roan Forest and Canyon Ridge, to help promote Red Ribbon Week. In its 30th year as the nation’s largest drug prevention campaign, Red Ribbon Week reaches over 100 million people. It is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug awareness initiative observed annually in October. Johnson High School students served as positive role models to the

Johnson High School students served as positive role models to the community elementary students.

Miller, First Lieutenant Jacob Sieber, and Second Lieutenant Jared Beckstrand were elected by their class peers to be in their perspective leadership roles. Captain Morgan Miller says, “I wanted a more hands on experience then what clinical could offer me.” pertaining to being elected the captain, she says, “I think it’s great that I can have an influence on my classmates. I hope to make this class a great one.” The UT Health Science Center is facilitating the course via a contract with North East Independent School District. There are currently 3 other high schools that offer the course: Churchill, Madison, and Roosevelt. Johnson’s current enrollment of 20 students is the highest of any of the other schools. Students are required to complete 1 ambulance ride out with San Antonio Fire Department and 1 Emergency Room rotation at University Hospital in the first semester and 2 rotations of each in the spring. During these 8 hour shifts the students are paired with a paramedic team or a nurse. They are not only shadowing these preceptors but working alongside them gaining practical patient assessment skills. Those skills range from CPR, airway management, stroke care, wound care, broken bones, and many other pertinent EMT skills. In May the students will be tested their practical skills learned, as well as take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician’s Certifying exam. If they pass both of these assessments they are free to be employed as full-time EMT’s.


Johnson HS Breast Cancer Awareness

Johnson Spirit Groups Support Cancer Awareness

Submitted By Diane Valderama he Johnson High School Spirit groups promoted Breast Cancer Awareness by asking all football fans to “Pink Out” the Johnson vs Madison football game on October 23rd. The Jaguar Spirit Club sold pink Paws for a Cause t-shirts for everyone to wear to the game. Profits


from the shirt sale totaled $1370 and will be donated to Bright Pink, a registered, nonprofit, 501(c)3 charity that helps enlighten and empower young women to be proactive in their breast and ovarian health. Thanks to all Jaguar fans who purchased shirts in support of cancer awareness!

Remembering The Departed: El Día De Los Muertos. Submitted By Imelda Hernandez-Cruz

Last November 2nd, students honored their departed in a traditional “Altar de Muertos” assembled in the Tejeda Middle School library. As the tradition dictates, the “Altar de Muertos” was decorated with marigold flowers and papel picado that displayed images of skeletons enjoying happiness in life - like singing, dancing, eating or playing a musical instrument. Candles, tamales, bread of the dead and photographs also adorned the altar. Students contributed personal mementos to honor their loved ones. Grandparents, favorite singers and even pets were immortalized in our display. Each and every Spanish class visited the library and was able to hear not only about the origins of this holiday, but also make connections with the different cultures that have contributed to the existence of this tradition. The souls from the land of the remembered partook in tamales and marigold flowers from the Aztecs, crystalized fruits (Moorish tradition), hot chocolate and bread (Spanish tradition). Faculty and staff had an opportunity to

The “Altar de Muertos” was decorated with marigold flowers that displayed images of skeletons enjoying happiness in life..

share this celebration with Spanish students as well.

Johnson Legacies At NDA Regionals

Submitted By Debbie Allen n Saturday, November 7th the Johnson Legacies dance team competed at Wagner High School. This was the first time that NDA hosted a regional competition in San Antonio, which was very exciting for the girls. This allowed them to prepare their Nationals pom routine they will be performing in Orlando, Florida later in February. Their primary focus was to receive beneficial feedback from the judges, as well as progress as a team quicker than normal. They did receive 1st in the Large Varsity Pom division, but the fact that they


pulled together for one common goal was the most rewarding part of the process. Another fulfilling part of the weekend was the support shown. Not only were dance parents present, but Belles JV dance members, wrestlers, & wrestler parents were there cheering on the girls. To see and hear that much support was a humbling experience for them to be part of. Looking forward to seeing more from the entire dance program starting the first week on February. Competition season will officially begin Saturday, February 6th at Alamo Heights High School.

SA Fencer Wins Gold Medal At Fencing Tournament Submitted By Velizar Iliev n November 1st, 2015, Blatiman Elementary student 12 year old Luke Kolbinskie finished 1st and received Gold medal in Youth 12 Men’s Epee event at the Super Youth Circuit in Chandler, Arizona. Luke competed against 25 male athletes 12 years old and younger from around the country. Luke Kolbinskie has competed in the Olympic sport of Fencing for over 6 years, he is training at the Olympian Fencing Club in San Antonio Texas and is coached by three-time World Champion and US Olympian Coach Velizar Iliev. For more information about this competition or our fencing club please visit www.



Gold medal winner, Luke Kolbinskie, with his US Olympian Coach Velizar Iliev.

The Johnson Legacies Dance Team and their supporters.

The Johnson Legacies Dance Team.

Lil’ Ladybird Dance Clinic Submitted By Debbie Allen he Lil’ Ladybird Dance Clinic was held at Johnson High School on Saturday, October 3, 2015. There were a lot of future Belles Drill Team and Legacies Dance Team members taking part. The Legacies Dance Team and Belles Drill Team started early Saturday morning getting to know the Lil’ Ladybird’s assigned to their group. The girls range in age from Pre-K to high school. They had fun learning dance choreography and working on a variety of dance skills. The younger girls really look up to their “big sisters” for the day. And the older girls are able to learn from their peers. Making new friends and connecting with new people is a positive experience for everyone. The highlight for the Lil’ Ladybird participants was performing the Johnson versus Reagan High School varsity football game that evening at Comalander Stadium. The halftime show was so much fun to watch! The participants performed the


routine they learned while their parents and friends watched and cheered from the stands. For some of the girls it’s their first experience to perform in front of a big crowd. Our hope is that many of our Lil’ Ladybird participants will be future members of the Johnson High School Belles Drill Team and then the Legacies Dance Team!

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