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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER

December 2016 Issue


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December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


NET WORKING Speed Networking is one of SOBA’s premier events! During this

meeting, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to everyone in attendance. Because of the high turnout, make sure to RSVP early. Please bring a minimum of 150 business cards.

Date: Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 Time: 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Location: Canyon Springs Golf Club 24405 Wilderness Oak

Cost: $20 for Members $25





Stone Oak Business Association

RSVP: (210) 3 4 8 - 8 2 3 3 e - mail: sob a@s at x w w w. S ton e O a kBusin e ss .c om

for Non-Members $30 at the Door

SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses

SEAFOOD Is Always The Perfect Gift For The Holidays

Straight From The Net, To Your Doorstep At 9801 McCullough, San Antonio, Texas 210-377-0951 4002 East Causeway Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 361-730-1514 December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57





520 Madison Oak Drive, San Antonio, TX 78258 (866) 218-4742

ACTIVITIES TO ENJOY: • Featuring AirLIFE Santa & Mrs. Claus

• Winter playground with REAL SNOW

• Bring an unwrapped toy for “Living Through Giving” to get a photo with Santa

• Holiday Arts & Crafts • Mini Carnival Rides • Free Health Risk Assessments

• NEISD Elementary, Middle and High School performances throughout the day • Food, Games, Prizes and more!



December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


Note From The Publisher The Season For Living Through Giving

s 2016 comes to a close, the holiday rush is just beginning. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably running around searching for the perfect gift for everyone in your family, spending time and money on the perfect décor, and stressing over meals to please everyone. I often find myself questioning if all the stress is worth it. I forget what this season is really about. I forget that this time of year means so much more than the amount of money we spend or what décor decks our halls, if any. It’s about the family that travels from out of state to spend time with us, it’s about reflection over a year’s worth of effort and work, and it’s about thoughtfulness, family and giving to those who are less fortunate. All of these things get lost in the rush and although we hear it all the time, do we really remember that this is the season for giving? I’m just a bad as the next person, spending huge amounts of time and money to appear perfect when really all I want to do is pull on some sweatpants and stare at the wall. So, this holiday season I am making a conscious effort to enjoy my family and spend less time doing dishes and more time laughing and having fun. In this world of instant gratification, I lose sight of the things that can’t be ordered and delivered to my door in two days or less. With all the strife in the world today, I truly believe that everyone could use a little time to just be themselves. The world is not going to ground to a halt and stop spinning if we take a day off from it all. December is a full month for everyone. For me, I am wrapping up our final plans for Winter Celebration on December 10, finishing up the January edition of Welcome

Home, and looking forward to the week off between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Winter Celebration is a year’s worth of work come to life in a five-hour time span. The amount of community involvement and the people who put so much effort into this cause is a true reminder of what this time of year is truly about. I would like to thank the Welcome Home staff for dealing with the insane amounts of stress; Jennifer Meachum with North Central Baptist Hospital for her support and dedication to our cause, Living Through Giving; Wendy Nave and her team with Outside the Box Productions; the community for their support for the last 14 years; and last but not least Russell Groomer for his constant stream of encouragement and for believing in the cause no matter the cost. Without these people, Winter Celebration would simply not be possible. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. The next time we chat, 2017 will be upon us! So for each of you I wish a truly happy holiday season with friends and family and lots of hot chocolate…and maybe some wine.

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(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: Ad Inquiries Email:

Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Kristin Oliver

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Staff Writers Debby Seguin

Administrative Assistant Prinda Jemente Dianne Grosso

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Denise Wirth

Graphic Design/Production Marie Ferrante

Contributing Photographer Oscar McAnally

Contributing Writers Paula Allen Ed Butler Mary Delaney Natalie Weiblen-Henry Velizar Iliev Alice Keene Caitlyn Lower Lisa Norwood Kristen Schaffer Barbara Terrell Anna Twitty




210.525.8750 Look for our “Home Improvement” article each month in Welcome Home.

kitchens • bathrooms • whole house remodels • additions December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


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ecember is here! 2016 is nearly over, but not before its time to celebrate one of the most wonderful times of the year. There are so many ways to get into the holiday spirit within in the next few weeks and if you’re looking for a local event for the family, look no further than Stone Oak Winter Celebration on December 10! E ach year, thousands of families from across San Antonio gather to enjoy filled with fun, rides, food, vendors – and of course, Santa! Santa and Mrs. Clause will be arriving at Winter Celebration ( located in the parking lot across from North Central Baptist Hospital) via San Antonio AirLIF E ! It’s always wonderful to see the children’s smiling faces as Santa makes his grand entrance, descending via helicopter from the sky! The little ones are also invited to sit on Santa’s lap for free photo. Perhaps one of the biggest attractions is the 60,000 pounds of real snow Santa brings straight from the North Pole. It’s not often San Antonio gets to enjoy a winter wonderland, so take advantage! There will even be downhill sledding for all to enjoy! To enjoy this day of fun, just bring a new,

unwrapped toy to donate to Living Through Giving, a non-profit organization that supports local children advocacy groups across Bexar County. E very child deserves to enjoy the magic of Christmas morning, unwrapping gifts under the tree, but it’s not a reality for far too many. Living Through Giving is working to make a difference in the lives of these children and bring a smile to their face this holiday season. Here’s hoping that you and yours enjoy a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever holiday you may celebrate as we say farewell to 2016 – here’s to a New Year!

SOBA Wraps Up 2016


nd that’s a wrap! The Stone Oak Business Association finished out another great year of networking opportunities and exciting interactive events on November 15 at SMOK E The Restaurant-Stone Oak with an evening mixer. 2016 saw an increase in SOBA membership with 350 members as a part of the organization. With Stone Oak Winter Celebration just around the corner and Speed Networking scheduled for January 25 at Canyon Springs Golf Club, SOBA shows no signs of slowing down. Speed Networking is one of SOBA’s most highly anticipated networking events with a regular attendance of at least 150 members and non-members. The evening is dedicated to making new business connections and catching up with old friends in a wellorganized, speed-dating like setting where you will move from table to table, meeting every individual in attendance. If you are looking for a great way to kickoff your 2017 networking schedule this is it! To RSV P call the SOBA office at 210-348-8233. The first quarter of the New Year is also almost always jam packed with ribbon cuttings. Watch your inbox for the latest additions to the SOBA ribbon cutting calendar. F ebruary’s Breakfast Networking will be sponsored by Judy Jackson with Waddell & Reed F inancial Advisors. Many current members know Judy from her much appreciated presence and involvement at many SOBA events. SOBA is excited to hear Judy’s story and passion for helping people with all of their financial needs. SOBA is comprised of mostly small business owners that are the true depiction of the American Dream. We are so proud to be able to serve this community and support the backbone of America. We hope that all small business owners take much needed time off over the holidays to catch up with

SOBA Directors, Kristin Oliver and Russell Groomer

friends and family. We know how much you all deserve it! In wrapping up another year, SOBA is proud to welcome the following members to our business organization: Dr. K enneth Yu F acial Reconstruction and Plastic Surgery V ision Source Stone Oak ( NE W LOCATION AND 15 YE AR ANNIV E RSARY) The PRE P School of Stone Oak Z oe’s K itchen Iron Tribe F itness Hardy Oak Storage Rodry Liquor Bricks and Minifigs Welcome to SOBA! We look forward to seeing all of you at Speed Networking! Have a safe and happy December! U ntil 2017

December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

FREE Shuttles To Winter Celebration T

he holiday season is nearing, and Winter Celebration is right around the corner! Welcome Home Community Newspaper, North Central Baptist Hospital and the nonprofit Living Through Giving are sponsoring the annual holiday event, Winter Celebration, on Saturday December 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m . In anticipation of the large number of families and children, Welcome Home is proud to once again offer a F RE E shuttle service to and from Winter Celebration located at North Central Baptist Hospital. This year, The Independence Hill Retirement Community, F ranklin Park Retirement Resorts, Coronado at Stone Oak, and The Haven and The Laurel have all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. Shuttle service pick-up this year will be located at Ronald Reagan High School (19000 Ronald Reagan Drive) and Communuity Bible Church (2477 1604 E. 78232). Shuttles will begin transporting the public at 9:30 a.m. and will run continuously until 3:30 p.m. Cars should enter through the Sonterra entrances. All cars must be clear of the parking lots by 4 p.m. Winter Celebration featuring AirLIF E Santa is a wonderful family event for all ages. The celebration begins with an opening parade showcasing performances from school choirs and area high school marching bands. The event itself includes photos with Santa, raffles for prizes, vendors as well as other activities to create endless fun for families and volunteers. Santa’s arrival by helicopter always brings excitement from the crowd, and of course, the celebration would not be complete without 60,000 lbs. of snow for snowball fights and snow angels! Over the past thirteen years, Winter Celebration has become the largest Christmas toy drive in Stone Oak, San Antonio. Welcome Home would like to thank all shuttle service providers for assisting in transportation and ensuring that everyone in the community can attend the celebration. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Winter Celebration, call (210) 348-8233. Welcome Home looks forward to celebrating the holiday season with the entire community!

Heather Jemente 847-414-5044

December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


2016 Winter Celebration Thank You

Double Diamond Level Vendors Overture at Stone Oak

Diamond Level

Alamo Maxillofacial Broadway Bank Church U nlimited E vans Ranch/ Mission Hill Southern Journeys. V antage Bank

Gold Level

E lements Massage I9 Sports L Taco Main F reight INC. May’s YMCA Randolph Brooks F CU Resort World Pass Texas State Optical - Stone Oak

A Little Taste of Heaven on a Stick AAA Texas Alamo Z ippy Shell Allstate Aurelia Johnson Bahama Bucks Bilingual Child Academy Bricks and Miniatures Child Advocates San Antonio Chick F il A Coronado Cousins Main Lobster Dr. Suzie Pet Hospital Drakes F un F oods Edward Jones Melanie Herbst Galaxy 2000 Great Clips Independence Hill Resort Retirement Communities It works Heather Jemente

Jet’s Pizza Joy Concessions LIPSE NSE K errin and Berne Lone Star National Bank Love to Swim and Tumble School Marie Gifts Mary K ay F awnda Millholland Mays YMCA Stone Oak McCrary Stone F inancial MetLife Joe Garcia Nautical Dental Ohana Academy Paparazzi Accessories by Juliette Randolph Brooks F ederal Credit U nion º River V alley Real E state Salem Media/ The F ish Scensy Magali Preston Silver Leaf Resorts Smokey Mo’s BBQ

2016 Winter Celebration Performers Parade starts at 10:00 am Community is encouraged to join. Lineup will be at 9:30 am at Reindeer Lane. Come out and and kick off the Holidays with a Parade and see Santa fly in on his Helicopter.

In The Parade: Santa & Mrs. Claus Ronald Reagan Marching Band Cornerstone Christian Marching Band Stone Oak Dance Academy Encino Park Eddie the Eagle Betsy Dippo & State Farm Bear

Area A – DJ & Dance Stage 10:30 am 11:00 a.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m.

Dance Elan Johnson HS Dance Team TBD LA Performing Arts Stone Oak Dance Academ Cynergy Dance Savvy Artistry Quenedit Ballet School Danzavida de San Antonio Heather Stolle’s Dance Class

Subway Mascot Jets Pizza Slice HEB Buddy Las Lomas – Libro the Lion Vineyard Ranch Elem Mascot 3T San Antonio Tiger

Area B – Band Stage 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00

Rawlinson Middle School Band Rawlinson Middle School Band Cornerstone Christian School Marching Band Church Unlimited

Area C – Choir Stage 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

Las Lomas Honors Choir Indian Springs Choir Hardy Oak Elem. Choir Stone Oak Elem. Bobcat Choir Vineyard Ranch Elem. Choir

1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30

Roan Forest Trailblazer Choir Specht Elem. Choir Northern Hills Elem. Choir TBD

Don’t Forget Bring A New Unwrapped Toy or $5 Donation 8

State F arm Betsy Dippo Subway Restaurants Sunset North F uneral

The E gg and I Restaurants The Prep School of Stone Oak V irtuoso Builders Young Living E ssential Oils Jeanne Hess Younique Brandy Lawson

Raffle drawing for $1000 V isa Gift card

F rom Welcome Home Newspaper

Play Scavenger Hunt For A Chance To Win: How it Works: Starting at 10 a.m. on December 10, 2016, the

Welcome Home check-in booth will be collecting toys for Living Through Giving and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. F or every 10 stamps you receive, you will get one “General Prize” drawing ticket. From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m ., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Grand Prize Drawings will begin at 2:45 p.m. You must be present to win.

Read Here F or New Scavenger Hunt Rules: • You must bring a new unwrapped toy or $5

donation to Winter Celebration in order to be eligible to play Scavenger Hunt • The card must include your name, and phone number. • Children must be accompanied by an adult during Scavenger Hunt at Winter Celebration • One entry per person. • When you turn in your card at the Stone Oak Winter Celebration on December 10, you will receive a raffle ticket for every 10 vendors visited. F or example, if you visit 10 vendors, you will receive 1 ticket to be entered into the General Prize Drawing (prizes range from gift certificates from local restaurants, salon and spas, gift baskets and more) . • As an extra bonus, if you visit every vendor at Winter Celebration you will receive a GRAND PRIZ E drawing ticket • All cards must be turned in by 12:30 p.m. the day of the Winter Celebration to be entered in the Grand Prize Drawing. • You must be present to win for the drawings. • The Grand Prize drawings will take place on December 10, at 2:45 p.m., at the DJ booth.

Volunteers are still needed, loved and appreciated. Call (210) 348-8233 to donate your time to a worthy cause. • 210.348.8233 December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

2016 Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa

Save The Date! OVER 60,000 lbs OF SNOW FUN! You are invited to eat, play, enjoy rides and have your FREE photo with Santa taken at the largest and longest running holiday event in San Antonio. Enjoy local school bands and talented children’s performances, winter “sledding” and 60,000 lbs of snow fun! Admission $5 or donation of a new toy. Date: Time: Place:


Saturday, December 10, 2016 10 am – 3 pm 502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital) $5 or donation of a new toy

F FRE Ph o E t wit o San h ta !

2016 Winter Celebration Sponsor s

Vendor RSVP:(210)348–8233 •

December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


Expert Hormone Replacement Therapy

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 have hundreds, HU NDRE DS, of published medical studies supporting hormone replacement therapy. In addition, I have devoted the last 10 years to providing expert hormone replacement therapy to all persons whose hormones have declined as a result of normal aging. Merriam-Webster defines the word “expert” as having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience. I attend a minimum of two seminars related to hormone replacement therapy in person ( as opposed to online) per year, and in past years, I’ve exceeded that number. I have also taken tests, certifications and reviewed other formal studies. I have listened to other specialists in this particular field speak, and on more than occasion, I’ve stood in line to ask questions of experts like Dr. Morgantaler, a Harvard U rologist and author of “ Testosterone for Life;” Dr. Barry Sears who conducted original research on the benefits of Omega-3


F ish Oil; Dr. Teitelbaum, author of “ F rom Fatigued to Fantastic” and publisher of the first ever treatment of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia; Dr. Rouzier, a specialist in hormone replacement since 1997; and many more. When patients tell me about the treatment they have received from other doctors when they request hormone replacement therapy, I’m shocked and offended. I’ve even heard of pharmacists ordering a “spit” test, where the patient, or in my opinion, the victim, is asked to produce saliva in a cup to supposedly measure hormone levels. Recently, a very sweet woman in her early 60s came to see me. She told me that that since she had moved and was no longer a patient of her regular hormone prescribing doctor, she had been given wrong, crazy, and misleading recommendations. “ Can you help me?” she asked, during her free 15-minute consultation. This particular patient had already been to see three other gynecologists. After

The Easiest Schedule To Keep Is A Flexible One


By Mike & Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750

elays are inevitable in the world of remodeling. In fact, we have rarely seen a remodeling project that didn’t have delays. A seasoned, professional Remodeler plans for hold ups and will work to minimize them with proper planning. Nevertheless, delays happen. What are the most common delays? Weather: Over the past two spring seasons, we have experienced a lot of rain. Contractors normally build weather days into their calendar, but sometimes we all have to sit and wait to open the wall or the roof until the forecast improves. Paint doesn’t dry as fast when it’s rainy and any exterior work might come to a halt.

Material Availability: Selections should be done in a timely manner prior to construction. When selections are complete, they can be ordered early and delivered on time for installation. If something happens that causes a delay such as tile on backorder, the calendar should be updated by the Remodeler and the homeowner should be informed. We have experienced situations where the supplier shipped the wrong product or it came in damaged which also can cause delays. K now that the Remodeler will take care of the situation and that in the end, it will be okay. Trade Contractors Schedules: By law, a Remodeler/ General Contractor ( GC)

Step Into Decorating

By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 his is the time of year that I reflect holidays even more. It doesn’t matter if the back on the whole year. There are home is small or large, if it is on the north memories and so many events both side, east side, west side or south side. It personal and business that I love to think matters that the family enjoys the Holidays about. The Holidays are a great way to end and have a decorating plan. the year and to rejoice in the Lord and thank A few tips that can help: Him for our Blessings! • Always have a great entrance. A Creating traditions in family events are poinsettia, a wreath and some Christmas critical and very healthy. As an Interior décor. Designer, I enjoy creating the ambiance for • The entry into the home would look my client’s homes so that they can enjoy the nice also with décor. I love having a nativity,

T 10

prolonged waiting room times ( in one case exceeding two hours) , the doctor told her that hormones would kill her and that she should throw away her remaining supply prescribed by her previous doctor. The next gynecologist referred her to a pharmacist for treatment. Her last doctor’s assistant began to write her a prescription with no examination and no blood work. An estradiol patch and prometrium prescriptions were handed to her with the following explanation, “ We give this to all our patients who want to take hormones. They work just fine!” I told her that I was sorry for what she had been through. I quickly explained my process which entails three pages of detailed blood work with line-by-line explanation. F or me, it’s not just about hormones, it’s about anti-aging. I check vitamin levels, markers for Alzheimer’s disease and inflammation. I then recommend a comprehensive plan involving not just hormones, but nutrition, exercise, and key supplements, even brain training, to get you back to fully functioning. Hormone replacement therapy is about quality of life. True, you will not die if you don’t receive hormones for your severe menopausal symptoms of insomnia, hot flashes, and weight gain, but you will suffer. And yes, there are side effects to everything we do or do not do. There are published studies linking hormone cannot control the subcontractors and their schedules. A subcontractor is not an employee of the GC and provides services for other GCs. The key here is the quality of the long-term relationships that the GC has built with his subs. Delays may still happen but a positive long-term relationship can elevate your GC as a higher priority. Living In The Home During Renovations: If it’s at all possible to move out of the house when you are doing an extensive remodel, do it. If you can’t move out, let the subs do their job. Delays can happen easily when the homeowner is asking questions of the subcontractors while they are working. This is counterproductive. Q uestions or concerns should be directed to the person in charge, your Remodeler. Blaming your Remodeler for delays out of his control is unfair and may also be a direct path to poor results with a project full of hassle and bad feelings. That being said, you should absolutely expect good service and results for your money. A trustworthy, professional Remodeler will want you to the real reason for the season. • The mantle and the staircase needs attention as well. U se the same ribbon and décor on the wreath, the mantle, the staircase and the tree. • Rugs, trays, candleholders and accessories displayed add to the ambiance. • Tabletops custom designed for your lifestyle are also important. • Choose your theme, your color way and then the accessories to compliment them. We can help with Holiday Makeovers. Give us a call, we can start now and add as the years progress. Happy Holidays May the Lord Bless you and your family. Your Home is Your Castle! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer at or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at

replacement therapy to cancer, blood clots, heart attacks, and stroke. However, there are also studies which support the use of estradiol specifically, and other hormones, to protect the brain, bones, and mental state. Not everyone needs hormone replacement therapy as they age, it is a choice. Blood levels guide this decision and therapy - not opinion, not guess work, and not a blanket approach for every patient. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call 210-545-5224 or visit

be happy with the finished product so that you spread the word about their business. If there is a delay, be respectful and the project will get back on track. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. For more tips on home improvement, subscribe to our newsletter at

or 210-464-1519 or Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jennjenkins720@ or 210-325-3772. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www.

December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

K9 Corner

by award winning instructors. K 9 Country Club can offer solutions for every pet and owner of every level and need. Our level of Agility Training is unparalleled by any other training center in South Texas. All that being said, many people are unsure about our country’s future. If you are feeling unsettled this holiday season, put aside your worry for a moment and focus on the furry face staring back at you. Remember why we have our pets and what they mean to us. Whether you and your dog are out and about, traveling the country, or just walking around the block nightly, dogs always show us unconditional love. Anyone who has left the house for fifteen minutes or up to seven hours and gets the same exuberant tail wagging, face-licking response when they return knows exactly what I am talking about. Imagine what this world would be like if we treated each other

more with this kind of spirit! What other creature has the capacity to protect you from a stranger and then turn around and comfort you when you are sad. We train them to sniff out bombs AND lead the blind! What an amazing animal. Your dogs may not be your whole life ( like mine are) but they can definitely make your lives whole. Begin a new journey in 2017 by saying, “ Yes, let’s do that! With you by my side, the possibilities are endless!” Another important milestone approaching - K9 Country Club’s expanded facility turns ten years old in 2017. Stay tuned for future celebration details! K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit

The Importance Of Winter Vehicle Maintenance

temperature, regardless of the temperature outside. Always make sure your vehicles coolant is properly filled, otherwise your engine could freeze during the worst of dipping temperatures. 2 - Vehicle batteries can have trouble starting during extreme temperatures. Check the batteries terminals to make sure there is no rust or corrosion. If you have an older battery and the temperatures are dipping, get your battery tested and replace it if it is not in good working order. 3 - As temperatures rise and fall throughout the day, so does the air pressure in your tires. Tires tend to lose more air in the cold, wintry months. Check your tires during the first cold snap and make sure they are in a range suggested by the manufacturer. This will ensure that your tires always make

good contact with the road surface and help ward off uneven wear. F inally, don’t forget your windshield wipers! It’s important to replace worn wipers regularly to maintain good visibility. Proper maintenance can help ensure you and your vehicle don’t get caught out in the cold. Don’t forget, you can always call Belden’s Automotive & Tires, our family is here to help! Look us up online at for money saving coupons. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires, “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has six locations: The ones near you Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Boerne: 830-9319700; Prue Rd: 210-877-2929.

By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

Wagging Our Tails In The New Year


nother year is in the books and K 9 Country Club was able to put an exclamation point on their accomplishments! Owner Catherine Laria and her dog, Blizzard, kicked off the year by winning a spot on the Agility World Team, traveling to the Netherlands to represent the


U SA. The team would like to send a huge thank you to friends, family, clients, and the Bulverde Chamber for helping them raise money to attend. Mid-year, K9 Country Club also hired a new training director with a military K 9 training background. K 9 Country Club has expanded their portfolio to offer exciting new classes such as Scent Detection classes, Active Shooter Seminars, and Dog Aggression lessons rounded out with Canine Good Citizen, Clicker Trick, Obedience, and Rally Classes all taught

By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

inter is here and although your first instinct may be to wrap up in a warm blanket by the fire, you really should be thinking about the impact cold weather can have on your vehicle and the importance of proper maintenance. Without the heating systems in today’s modern vehicles, we would all be quite miserable during our daily commute. It’s

easy to take for granted the heat in our vehicle that keeps us warm each winter, but without proper protection and maintenance our vehicles would be unable to protect us from cold weather. Here are some important facts to keep in mind this season: 1 - Your radiator is of the upmost importance in the winter months. The radiator helps the engine stay at a proper

The Jenkins Interior Design Group

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The Feast Of The Seven Fishes

By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 t’s the most wonderful time of the year. F amilies come together, gifts are given, and best of all, good food is enjoyed between people who love one another. One of the most famous Christmas traditions with seafood is known as the F east of The Seven F ishes. While the number doesn’t always have to be seven, the main point of this Italian tradition is a big feast of varied types of delicious seafood. Want to give it a try for your family this holiday season? Here’s a few easy recipes to get you started!


Baked Cod Fillet 2ea. 8oz Fresh Cod Portions 1oz Fresh Olive Oil 1ea. Sprig of Thyme 1ea. Sprig of Basil 1ea. Fresh Lemon 4oz Butter 2oz White Wine Sea Salt & Pepper Aluminum foil Chop all herbs, toss cod fillets in olive oil and herbs. Season with salt and pepper. Place seasoned cod fillet in foil creating a pocket. Cut butter into cubes and place in the foil. Add white wine and the juice of a lemon. Seal foil creating a steam pocket. Bake for 12 minutes on medium-high heat on grill.

Grilling Pies At Christmastime

By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 t’s that special time of year where we say “Adios, Jenny Craig” and “Hello, Christmas calories!” I especially love pies this time of year, and I also love to grill. So, BAM! Why not marry the two together?! Okay, to be fair, I’m not talking about “grilling” pies, but rather baking pies on an outdoor grill or cooker. Baking pies with smoky wood flavor isn’t new. In fact, it wasn’t but a few generations ago


when wood was the only fuel available for cooking. I’m betting that each of us has a great-grandmother who baked pies in a wood burning stove. Pies are good all by themselves, but they take on a whole new dimension when their crusts are imbued with smoked wood flavor. And therein lies the clue: whether its brisket, baby back ribs, salmon, or even pies, the common denominator is the presence of fat that quickly absorbs flavor from its surrounding environment. F or pies, that fat is in the butter or shortening, which of course is a key ingredient in crust. Remember: fat =

Whole Grilled Branzino 1ea. Whole Branzino Gilled, gutted and scaled (Butterflied) 4oz Whole Unsalted Butter 1ea. Sprig of Thyme 1ea. Sprig Rosemary 1ea. Sprig Basil 2ea. Whole Garlic Gloves. Melt and clarify butter, fine chop all herbs and add garlic to clarified butter. Brush Branzino on inside and out, set on grill. Cook until temperature reaches 145 degrees. Brush butter on Branzino before removing from fire. Bacon Wrapped Colossal Gulf Shrimp 12ea. Peeled & Deveined Extra Jumbo Shrimp (16/20 count) 12ea. Maple Bacon Sliced 4oz Cream Cheese 2ea. LG jalapeno Toothpicks Butterfly shrimp lengthwise. Spread cream cheese on shrimp. Slice jalapeño flavor. It’s as simple as that. Depending on your outdoor grill, you will need an indirect cooking system, but it’s not as complicated as it sounds. You merely need to have the fire/heat source on one side of your cooker, and your pie baking on the other side. Think of it this way: you are creating an outdoor stove. A Weber kettle, for instance, allows you to build a fire on one side of the bowl while you use the other side for indirect heat. Another cooker that is great for pies is the Big Green E gg with its ceramic plate-setter system. This unit creates a perfect, indirect, convective cooking environment, and its temperature control is exceptional. One key thing to remember: Don’t open the lid while cooking. The old pit smoker adage is true: If you’re lookin’, you ain’t cookin’!

lengthwise and add a slice to the shrimp. Wrap shrimp, cream cheese and jalapeño with bacon. U se a toothpick to hold bacon in place. Grill on medium-high heat until temperature reaches 145 de grees. I hope you enjoy these recipes and remember, we do ship overnight! The perfect gift this holiday season could be a great seafood holiday meal! F rom my family to yours, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Apple pie, cherry pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, buttermilk pie, raisin pie, and even peach cobbler and more yearn to be smoked. Hickory, pecan, and even mesquite for those brave enough, can be your heat/ smoke source. So, come on by Jeff’s Backyard where we talk you through specifics on how to bake a pie on your grill! Merry Christmas and Happy Grilling from Jeff’s Backyard! Oh, one more thing: turn to page 5 in this issue of Welcome Home to find our ad and a coupon for a free refill of propane in your 20 lb bottle with a $10 or more purchase, an $18 value! For all your grilling needs, call us at 210342- 4760 or email us at jeffsbackyard@ Better yet, come visit us at 435 West Nakoma, San Antonio, TX 78216. Happy Grilling from Jeff’s Backyard!

It’s A Wonderland Christmas At Morgan’s Wonderland Submitted By Bob McCullough organ’s Wonderland will help guests get into the holiday spirit beginning November 25, with the unique theme park’s biggest “A Wonderland Christmas” entertainment lineup ever on select evenings leading up to Christmas. The colorful mix of lights, decorations, shows, strolling entertainers and holiday traditions will be presented from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. November 25 and 26, December 2 and 3, December 9 and 10 and December 16-23 at the world’s first theme park designed with special-needs individuals in mind and built for everyone’s enjoyment. Leading the expanded entertainment at 7 p.m. each evening will be featured performances including “Hartman’s House: The Christmas Gift” interactive puppet show; “A Wonderland Country Christmas” musical variety show with Marisa F lores and Katy McKenzie, plus special guests; or “Joy Saves Christmas, ” a dance show starring butterfly costumed character Joy and her friend, Professor von F lutterwing. Strolling entertainment will include The Wonder Squad, four Morgan’s Wonderland super heroes who don’t let physical or cognitive challenges slow them down; butterfly mascot Joy and her crew; Andrea’s F lying Canines and their acrobatic antics; magicians, marionettes; therapy dogs; and local choral groups. In addition to the park’s regular



attractions and rides including the new Whirling Wonder F erris wheel, A Wonderland Christmas will feature visits with Santa Claus, a petting zoo, skating on a simulated ice rink and Christmas decorations throughout the 25acre park. Pictures with Santa will be taken from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. for a nominal charge. Ron Morander, Morgan’s Wonderland general manager, said shows and special entertainment will vary each evening during A Wonderland Christmas, but there will be something for everyone. “ A Wonderland Christmas is definitely the place to be for families wanting to become immersed in the Christmas spirit,” Morander added. “ Morgan’s Wonderland is a truly beautiful place, and it takes on During “A Wonderland Christmas” on select evenings leading up to a special ambiance at night for Christmas, Morgan’s Wonderland will get guests into the holiday spirit. special celebrations such as A free of charge. The latest information Wonderland Christmas. Because it’s so colorful and lively, our guests take about operating schedule and admissions is lots and lots of pictures to share with family available at or at 210-495-5888. and friends.” Morgan’s Wonderland is located in Regular Morgan’s Wonderland admission David prices will be applicable throughout A Northeast San Antonio at 5223 Edwards Drive, a half-mile west of IH 35 at Wonderland Christmas, and as always, those with special needs will be admitted the intersection of Wurzbach Parkway and Thousand Oaks Drive.

A colorful mix of lights, decorations, shows, strolling entertainers, holiday traditions and attractions and rides are sure to entertain.

December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

TMI Student Honored At Harvard Gathering Submitted By Paula Allen annah Wool, a senior at TMI – The E piscopal School of Texas, was among area students recognized October 23 at a Harvard Club of San Antonio barbecue in honor of 2016 student and faculty Harvard Prize Book recipients. TMI math teacher Travis Waddington, Ph.D., also was honored as a faculty recipient. Attended by area alumni and their families, the gathering was held at the Terrell Hills home of a club member. The Harvard Prize Books are awarded annually to outstanding students in the next-to-graduating high-school class who


display excellence in scholarship and high character, combined with achievement in other fields. Donated by Harvard Clubs, prize books are presented annually in nearly 2,000 secondary schools around the world to help attract the attention of talented students to the opportunities at Harvard College. Participating schools are chosen by local Harvard clubs; recipients are nominated by their schools, and the awards are presented at the end of the academic year. At Right: TMI senior Hannah Wool, center, a Harvard Prize Book recipient, with her sister Julia and TMI math teacher Travis Waddington, Ph.D., a faculty recipient, enjoy a barbecue in honor of prize recipients.

Redefining Real Estate To The Highest Level By Mary Solis hether you’re in the real estate market to either buy or sell, The Solis International Group with K eller Williams Heritage possesses invaluable market knowledge and negotiating skills to ensure that you get the best deal for the sale of your home, and never overpay for the home you buy. Ruben and Mary Solis are Accredited Luxury Homes Specialists with K eller Williams Realty Heritage and founders of their team, The Solis International Group. The Solis International Group offers great programs for buyers and sellers, including move up and move down rebate programs to provide the best services for their clients. They work together as one family with trust,


creativity, and passion in order to find the keys to unlock your new lifestyle. As a team, The Solis International Group specializes in National and International clientele serving in areas including Stone Oak, Dominion, Alamo Heights, Cordillera Ranch, Hill Country V illage, Terrell Hills, Boerne, Anaqua Springs and many more. Their sales have accumulated a total of over $280 million in the past decade with the commitment to provide the best service to buyers as well as sellers. Their extensive marketing campaigns in advertising has reached countless affluent buyers relocating from all over the U nited States and Mexico. The team of experts at The Solis International Group are committed to guiding every client effortlessly through the

Pet Wellness And Vaccination Services For Less

buying or selling process of their home in a professional and friendly manner. Ruben and Mary are continuously ranked among the top agents in San Antonio and have received countless awards for their outstanding performance over the years, continuing to win Top V olume Closed, Platinum Top 50 and San Antonio Business Journal Awards multiple times since becoming real estate agents. The Solis International Group redefines Real E state to the highest level with exceptional customer service and expertise by assisting buyers and sellers in achieving their goals. Check out our ad on page 2 of this issue. The Solis International Group is always ready to help you find your new lifestyle,

so visit to contact us today!




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Animal Care Services is increasing the number of low cost shot clinics for local pets.

Submitted By Lisa Norwood oes Fluffy need some flea medication? Maybe Rover need a rabies shot? Animal Care Services is partnering with local veterinary providers to make taking care of our dogs and cats a little easier and a lot less expensive! Wellness on Wheels, a mobile veterinary clinic, will now offer Saturday pet wellness clinics, both at the ACS shelter and off site locations. Dates and pricing can be found at Saturday clinics will run 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the shelter located at 4710 State Highway 151. Pet Shotz will continue to host low cost clinics at ACS every Monday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. More information and clinic dates for Pet Shotz, which also runs a full service veterinary clinic at the City’s


Bulverde, TX

Low cost vaccinations, wellness services, microchipping and nail tripping are provided by a mobile veterinary clinic, Wellness on Wheels, and Pet Shotz located at Animal Care Services and Brackenridge Park.

Brackenridge Park facility, is available at E ach clinic will offer both dog and cat vaccinations and wellness services including parasite treatments, low cost microchipping and nail trimming. Additionally, local pet owners can arrange spay/neuter services with both Pet Shotz and Wellness on Wheelz. Clinic dates can also be found on the Animal Care Services website at

December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


Brandeis Volleyball Makes History

This year’s team has great chemistry, contributing to their winning streak.

Submitted By Gabriela Medina irst, the Brandeis V arsity V olleyball Team took District. Then, they won Area and Regional Q uarter F inals. Next up? A Regional Tournament to advance to State. This is the first year that the Broncos have made it past the second round of playoffs, and they show no signs of slowing down now. Brandeis Junior Nyah Hall couldn’t be more pleased about the team’s historic season thus far. “ I’m super proud of my team because we’ve never had District Champs alone,” Hall said. Senior Jordan Jefferson attributes the team’s victories to their relationships, determination, and hard work. “We all get along,” explained Jefferson. “ In the past, we’ve had some animosity


against some people on the team. This year everyone likes each other.” E very sport has its hardships and positive experiences and senior Madison Denning recognizes the benefits of both. “In the off-season you run a lot, but it makes you better,” Denning said. “I like experiencing winning with my team; it’s the best to accomplish with them.” Sophomore Chidera U gwokaegbe enjoys the team aspect of the sport. “ I like it because it’s a team sport and your team picks you up even when you’re down,” Ugwokaegbe said. Sophomore Maya Smalls also has only positive feelings about the season. She is optimistic about the team and their chances to advance. “It is really exciting,” Smalls said. “We lost four of our key teammates last year, so

Brandeis Volleyball made history this fall, winning 2016 is the first year that the Brandeis Broncos have District and then Area and Regional Quarter Finals. made it past the second round of playoffs.

we weren’t sure if we were going to do well this year. But, then we started beating big teams like Clark and Brennan, which led us to win District. We play well as a team; our chemistry is really good and allows us to win more games. We are hoping to make it to State.” The team has been on a winning streak, defeating teams such as O’Connor (3-2), Brennan (3-2), Clark (3-2), Clemens (3-2), Vandegrift (3-2), and most recently New Braunfels (3-1). The Brandeis V arsity V olleyball team, led by Coach Madeline Williams, faced the McAllen Bulldogs on November 11. F or updates, please visit The Blueprint Online Next up for the Brandeis Broncos? A Regional Tournament to advance to State.

Local Genealogist Selected For High Honor

Special To Welcome Home n October 21, 2016, San Antonian Judge and Cross Mountain Ranch resident E d Butler was named among the winners of the Texas Genealogical College’s Texas Hall of F ame Class of 2016. The ceremony took place at the E l Tropicano River Walk Hotel in San Antonio. Judge Edward F. Butler is a retired federal administrative law judge and served as President General Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) in 2009-2010. He was the F ounder and Charter Grand V iscount General of the Order of the F ounders of North America 1492-1692 from 2012-2014. F or several years, Butler has been active in 32 lineage and heritage groups, including service as Deputy Governor General of the General Society of Colonial Wars and V ice President General of the General Society of the War of 1812. He also served as Governor of the Texas Society Order of the F ounders and Patriots of America and state President of both the Texas Society of the Sons of the Revolution and F irst F amilies of Maryland, where he also serves nationally as Chancellor General. Butler has written three family history books, one of which won the Dallas Genealogical Society Award in 1997. His first history book about the American Revolutionary War has already won five major awards, and his latest book, written for students, came off the press just weeks ago, George Washington’s Secret Ally. Judge Butler has served as a judge at the city, county, state and federal levels. In his



30 year career as an SAR leader, he was the founder of both the Laredo and Boerne, TX SAR chapters and both the Mexico and Spain SAR Societies. He was also the founder of the Texas Genealogical College. He also rekindled the defunct St. Matthew Priory of the Sovereign Military Order Of The Temple Of Jerusalem (Knight Templars) as its Prior, and then went on to become Deputy Grand Prior of the International Order. Judge Butler retired from the U.S. Navy Reserve in 1990, after 35 years of military service. He retired at the rank of Commander (0-5). His commendations include two awards of the Navy Commendation Medal, the U .S. Naval Academy’s Commandants Award in 1988, and the U.S. Naval Academy’s Superintendant’s Award in 1989. His most enjoyable assignment during that time was as Senior Naval Air Intelligence Officer for Patrol Squadron 67, a squadron of P-3 Orion aircraft which were anti-submarine aircraft. He enjoyed his tour with them in Okinawa, Japan. Besides his interest in genealogy and lineage societies, he enjoys travel. Just returning from the F ar E ast, he has visited 186 countries, and has written four books on travel. Judge Butler is a frequent speaker in the San Antonio/ Boerne area who has recently made appearances with Rotary, SAR, DAR, Boerne Genealogy Society, Hondo Historical Society, Helotes Historical Society, Texas Connection to the American Revolution, Granaderos, and Damas de Galvez, Canary Island Association, and the Magna Charta Dames and Barons.

Judge Edward F. Butler (far left), local author and Cross Mountain Ranch resident, was named among the winners of the Texas Genealogical College’s Texas hall of Fame Class of 2016.

Judge Butler and his wife, Robin, endured a five week road trip through east Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, F lorida and Georgia in May and June of his year. During that five weeks he spoke to 10 SAR chapters, 4 DAR chapters and addressed over 300 assembled at the annual Grand Convent of the Sovereign Military Order of the Templars of Jerusalem (Knights Templar) in Savannah, GA. During the tour he participated in book signings in Savannah, New Orleans and Galveston, and was interviewed by WRBHF M in New Orleans. Judge Butler has made power point presentations entitled “ Without the Assistance of Spain during the American Revolutionary War, We would still be flying the British Flag!!!” He has delivered this presentation in Boston; Louisville; Riverside, Santa Ana and San Diego, CA;

Washington, D.C.; and he has spoken all over Texas from Dallas and Tyler in the north to Harlingen to the south, Houston and Galveston in the east and Laredo in the west. His most unique presentation was on the cruise ship, MS Grandeur of the Seas in the Spring of 2015 during a cruise sponsored by the SAR. Judge Butler has presentations scheduled December 3 at the Los Bexarenos Genealogy Society at the San Antonio Library beginning at 9 a.m.; January 28 at River City Grill in Marble F alls; and on March 16 at the 118th TXDAR State Conference at the Hyatt Reunion Hotel in Austin. Judge Butler’s books are available for purchase at his website www.galvezbook. com and at You can also find full interviews and more information about the author on his website.

December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

San Antonio Firefighters Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

The San Antonio Professional Firefighters Association sold t-shirts to spread awareness about the importance of early detection of breast cancer.

Submitted By Kristen Schaffer ne in every eight women in the U nited States will develop invasive breast cancer during her lifetime, but with an emphasis on early detection, survival rates can be improved. That’s why the San Antonio Professional Firefighters Association’s ( SAPF F A) annual breast cancer shirt sale aims to spread awareness about the importance of early detection.


The shirt sale, which opened to the public in 2012, has raised more than $50,000 for Susan G. K omen San Antonio. “ We’ve had so much support from the San Antonio community,” said Bobby Ford, a firefighter and paramedic, who led the shirt sale for SAPF F A. “ It just goes to show you how many people have been impacted by cancer and believe in finding a cure.” Supporting victims of breast cancer is

The t-shirt sale has raised more than $50,000 for Susan G. Komen San Antonio since 2012.

something that San Antonio firefighters take to heart. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) firefighters are at an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer as a result of occupational exposures. It means San Antonio firefighters are developing cancers at younger ages and sometimes more aggressively. “ F or the more than 246,000 women who will develop invasive breast cancer this

year, we want them to know we are working to help the fight against it,” said Christopher Steele, president of SAPF F A. SAPF F A has a photo contest underway right now. If you have a photo of yourself wearing one of the shirts sold during the month of October, email safirefighters@ or post it to the San Antonio Professional Firefighters Association F acebook page.

Kinetic Kids Celebrates 15-Year Anniversary

Submitted By Natalie Weiblen-Henry n October 22, K inetic K ids celebrated 15 years of providing sports and recreational programs to children and teens with special needs. The celebration took place on the baseball fields at The U niversity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio ( U THSCSA) where K inetic K ids all began. Baseball was the organization’s first sport in 2001. Phillip Scotty Mena, now 20 years old and one of the original K inetic K ids, kicked off the momentous celebration with a wonderful rendition of the National Anthem. K inetic K ids from all generations and their families came out to support the “homecoming” and wore Kinetic Kids mums with pride! Tracey F ontenot and K acey Wernli, founders and executive directors, are proud of their organization and its growth. “We can’t believe 15 years have passed,” they both reflected. “Kinetic Kids started with an idea that all children should have the chance to play sports. We are so proud that our community has not only believed in our dreams, but actively supported our program so that thousands of children with special needs are off the sidelines and on the


Kinetic Kids began 15 years ago with the organization’s first sport, baseball.

field! There is no greater joy than watching children with special needs grow up and become confident teenagers and young adults in our community. We are thankful to have had the chance to witness this and we look forward seeing the next generation of Kinetic Kids thrive!” K inetic K ids began with just one baseball team of 12 players in 2001. In 2016 over 2,400 children with special needs are participating in over 169 yearround programs ( including baseball, dance,

In October, Kinetic Kids celebrated their 15-year anniversary of providing sports and recreational programs to children and teens with special needs.

swimming, gymnastics, basketball, music, cheerleading, soccer, karate and more!) . Over the past 15 years, K inetic K ids has provided over 12,523 children with special needs the opportunity to experience all the joys of childhood through sports and recreation programs right here in San Antonio. F or more information about K inetic K ids, visit

The programs available include baseball, dance, swimming, gymnastics, music, cheerleading and more.

Learning From Those Who’ve Been There, Done That Submitted By Ethan Trout, Brookdale Senior Living Solutions f were to ask my boys “ What is the easiest lesson to learn?” they will immediately respond with “ The one you learn from someone else’s mistake.” The speed and certainty of their response comes from how many times I’ve shared this truth with them. They know that learning from someone else’s mistake is like hitching a ride – you get further down the road without having to pay for the gas. (Side note: It’s just an analogy. I don’t encourage my sons


to hitchhike) . As someone who works around seniors every day, I’m surrounded by people who have made their fair share of mistakes. They’ve extended their feet, filled with hope that they were beginning a promising journey, only to have the coffee table of life bruise their toes. They’ve had their ups and downs. They’ve amazed people with their accomplishments and disappointed those around them – sometimes in the same day. In short, they’re just like us – except they’ve had more. More good, more bad – more life.

December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

So with all of the challenges of modern life – why, why would we not seek the counsel of those who have gone before us? It has been said, “ There is nothing new under the sun.” And no matter how smart our phones, watches or TV s are, we’re still human. We’re still trying to do better than yesterday. The latest gadget shouldn’t blind us to the fact that our parents and grandparents have faced what we’ve faced and lived to tell about it. So I want to encourage you to do something a little different this holiday

season. As you gather around the table, when the sights and sounds of the season surround you – slow down and look at the older ones among you with a fresh perspective. They were once just like you. They’ve made lots of mistakes, which means they’ve got lots of lessons to share. Not only will you probably learn something, you will make them feel needed and useful. And if you can give that gift to just one person this season – well you just might need to start looking for a big red suit and some reindeer.


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December 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

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