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February 2015 Issue
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February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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An Exercise In How to Protect Your Business
oin us on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 and learn from industry leaders in the San Antonio area strategies for protecting your business. As experts in their fields Charles M.R. Vethan, Attorney and Founder of Vethan Law Firm, P.C.; Dr. David Webb and Amanda Webb of Atlas Retirement Strategies; and Juan Carlos Almanza, CPA and CTS, of The Almanza Business Group, and Joe Bieniek, Market Leader III, AVP of BB&T will provide you with strategies and advice in protecting what is important.
Date: Time:
Wednesday, Feb 11, 2015 8 am Check-In, Coffee & Network 9 am Presentation Begins Noon Working Lunch Boxed Lunch Provided by The Vethan Law Firm 1 pm Break Out Sessions Each Presenter will offer a more in depth look at their strategies as well as the opportunity to ask questions that specifically pertain to your business. The sessions will last about 45 minutes. You are welcome to attend one or all of them.
Stone Oak Business Association
2 pm Location: Cost:
Closing Statements
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SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Note From The Publisher
Small Acts Of Kindness
ebruary is always a great time of year. Valentine’s Day is a special time to spend with your loved ones and show them what they mean to you. San Antonio is a beautiful city to celebrate this very special occasion in. There are so many romantic restaurants and places to go, as well as our beautiful Riverwalk and scenic Hill Country. As always, my passion is Living Through Giving, and I hope you will turn to page 11 to read more about this wonderful organization and become inspired to participate. I am so excited to welcome Heather Jemente to our team. She brings wonderful inspiration to our cause and motivation to take our organization to the next level. New this year, we will have a Royal Court. We are looking for individuals from elementary to high school who are interested in making a difference in children’s lives to run for our Court. They will be making appearances to give toys, backpacks, school supplies, clothes and other items to these children. In other news, the Stone Oak Business Association is truly honored to have Charles Vethan and his associates lead us in a round table to help us learn more about how to protect our businesses. To learn more about this turn to page 3. If you want to learn from the best you don’t want to miss this. My good friend Tanji Patton is having a Girls Night Out at The Club At Sonterra. These events are always well attended and exciting. Turn to page 15 to find out more and make sure to put this event on your social calendar. This month we celebrate President’s Day. With our beautiful San Antonio weather, get outside and enjoy the city. This is the
freedom our Military Men and Women have fought for us to have. Live life to the fullest! This month, Welcome Home asked children from the community to submit art and on pages 8 and 9 are a few of the submissions. I absolutely love when Welcome Home has the opportunity to recognize children. This is why Welcome Home was started. The response we received was overwhelming. We have so many talented and wonderful children in our communities and it always blesses me to be able to show a small token of appreciation for the work they do. On page 14 Rick Groomer writes of the Lenten season and how their business prepares for this occasion. Turn to page 2 to see their ad. Don’t forget when you visit them to let them know Welcome Home sent you. Finally, I am so excited with all the submissions this month. We have so many wonderful children in our areas to be recognized each and every month. If you have a business in our areas that is so blessed it does not need to advertise, consider sponsoring a school page for the many different groups to be recognized. As a member of our community, remember to visit the businesses in this newspaper and let them know you saw them in your Welcome Home.
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(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com
with the gift of well-being from Massage Heights.
Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.
Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer
Distribution Israel Vazquez
Staff Writer Debby Seguin
Director Of Production Kristin Oliver
Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver Sierra Hernandez
Contributing Writers Paula Allen Guerrina Esparza Kristine Garza Sydney Hernandez Christine Patmon Lauren Pohl Patrice Stark Pam Velasco Shirley Wills
Writer/Copy Editors Ben Spicer Stefanie Young Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante
Contributing Photographer Karen Little Sales Representatives Patrice Long Katrina Cunningham Heather Jemente
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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On The Cover By Stefanie Young very month that Welcome Home releases another edition of the paper, and every time our staff reflects on how to better the paper and ourselves for the community. We would like to thank you for reading our articles and thank those that continue to submit stories. It is because of our readers and writers that we have gotten this far. Taking into consideration how much the community has helped Welcome Home grow, Russell Groomer, publisher and owner of Welcome Home decided to give back to the community by establishing a non-profit 501c3 entitled Living Through Giving [LTG]. Through LTG, Russell has opened a forum for businesses and locals to help focus on children and youth who may have experienced abuse, neglect, or some other type of family disruption. A small act of charity can have an unbelievable impact on a child who may have never experienced simple gestures of kindness, support or the love they deserve. LTG has collected backpacks, school supplies, and toys for the kids within our community who need a little help and a
Photo Credit: Karen Little
Russell Groomer (founder of Living Through Giving) and Heather Jemente (Fundraising Coordinator) are excited to see what 2015 brings.
reminder that there is good in the world. Thank you again for helping to make this possible. From the staff of Welcome Home, we hope you’re staying warm during this chilled season and also hope to see you at our future events for Living Through Giving and Welcome Home.
Family Life
Help! We’ve Fallen (In Love) And We Don’t Know What To Do Next!
By Debby Seguin
hristmas is but a sweet memory, the New Year baby is into big-boy pants, and the Super Bowl frenzy has died down to a docile decibel (say THAT 3 times real fast!), and just when you thought it was safe to log onto eBay again, or park close enough to Walmart that a midway energy bar, Gatorade snack break is no longer necessary (“come on kids, everyone take a bite and sip a little of this, it’s just over that next mountain ridge”), yet another holiday approacheth. Yes, it’s the holiday that strikes fear in the hearts of all men, the Big V, Valentine’s Day! High on the list of “reasons why men have a shorter life span”, this holiday tops them all as the single most credible validation that men are, indeed, NOT actually from Mars but from a totally remote place in the time-space continuum. You see, they (the males) have just come off of Christmas, where they (the males) are still confused about the reason why they (the females) were not more excited about the new electronic tire gauge they (the males) gave them (the females). After all, this will allow them (the females) to conveniently and accurately assure that the tire pressure is within the optimal range of PSI, thereby saving gas and wear and tear on the tires. “What more must I do to show her I love her?” And now comes Valentine’s Day where every “he” is expected to answer his own question! Listen, if you need a little pick-me-up, or just some male attention, go to the hallmark store on February 13, say around 10:00 pm, or anytime before 6:00 pm on February 14, and this I guarantee, all 73 of them will look at you, immediately notice your femaleness
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and,(and this is where it gets good, ladies) will ask your opinion! “What do you think of this one? Will she like this? Does THIS one say I love you? Funny or Serious? Please! We’re begging here---help us!”And you’ll take pity on them, and you’ll help them. Do you know why? Because even though we try to tell what we need, it comes across as something akin to a Swahili dialect and yet every holiday or birthday or anniversary, they keep coming back in hopes of picking up a phrase or two. And isn’t that really what love is all about? Debby (who still has a 3rd grade Valentine from little Roger Thompson) can be reached at Deborah.seguin@comalisd. org
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Brandeis Air Force J.R.O.T.C. Happenings By Cadet Sydney Hernandez o sum up 2014, the Air Force JROTC TX-20083 Unit at Brandeis High School had a very successful year. One of the accomplishments this new academic year, with the combined efforts of 160 cadets, included the corps raising over 4,000 pounds of food to be donated to the San Antonio Food Bank in time for the holiday season. During this food drive, JROTC also hosted a toy drive sponsored by the Living Through Giving Program, raising over 250 brand new toys. Approximately 40 Brandeis cadets made their way to the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery for Wreaths Across America to place wreaths at the graves of the brave men and women buried there. Our cadets, teamed with numerous volunteers from several organizations, placed over 17,000 wreaths. In addition to those worthy community service activities, the full array of Brandeis’ extracurricular activities was on display and achieving success! The two Brandeis drill teams and the physical training team competed at John Jay High School for the Mustang Classic. The Blue Aces Unarmed Drill Team commanded by Cadet Captain Kimberly Gilson placed 1st in the regulation and inspection drill phases, and placed 3rd in the exhibition drill phase. The color guard commanded by Cadet First Lieutenant Jessica Vaughan placed 1st. The best unarmed drill team commander was awarded to Cadet Captain Kimberly Gilson. In addition, the two unarmed
40 Brandeis AFJROTC cadets for Wreaths Across America at Ft. Sam National Cemetery.
tandem teams from Brandeis High School competed, and Cadet Sydney Hernandez and Cadet Serenity McDonald placed 1st in tandem drill, and the second tandem team of Cadet Kimberly Gilson and Cadet Alejandra Seminario placed 2nd. The Blue Aces Unarmed Drill Team took first overall for the unarmed drill team. The Nighthawks Armed Drill Team commanded by Cadet Captain Joel Arroyo placed 1st in the regulation, inspection, and exhibition drill phases. The Armed tandem team consisting of Cadet Thomas Peralez and Daniel Coolbaugh placed 1st in tandem drill. Cadet Captain Joel Arroyo took 1st for best overall armed drill team commander.
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
The combined scores earned the Nighthawks an overall 1st place for the armed drill team. The physical training team, known as the Praetorians, led by Cadet 1st Lieutenant Alexis Chavez also competed. The team finished 1st place in three events, 2nd and 3rd place in two other events resulting in a 2nd place overall for the female and male PT squads. With the combined efforts of all teams, Brandeis High School earned a 2nd place overall for the Mustang Classic Drill Meet. The CyberPatriot (computer security) Foxhounds, led by Cadet 1st Lieutenant Michael Briseno, earned their way to the State round by placing in the “Gold” Tier
which is second of three Tiers. With half of the new academic year over, the Brandeis JROTC unit still has many goals set to accomplish for the remaining of the year. In addition to continued extracurricular team activities, the Corps will host the annual Military Ball in February, help with the Special Olympics in March, have the annual awards ceremony in April, head to Daytona Beach, Fl for the National High School Drill Championship and have the annual Corps picnic in May and culminate the year with assisting with graduation.
by You
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
K9 Country Club & Training Academy
K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
For the Love of DOG!
n December I spoke about working on your mental game and stepping out of your comfort zone if you wanted to higher goals. In January I spoke of • Dayachieve Camp stepping out of your house and getting healthy • Overnight Boarding • Grooming with your pet. Have you done anything yet? • Training It’s February, man, how time flies! But don’t CHECK • Cattery OUT OUR despair. February is the month of love, so • Beach Club K9 GYM • Petfocus Bakery this month on learning to LOVE what we can do with our pet. Did you happen to get a puppy during the holidays? Are you back to your regular • Day Camp • Training routineGym and finding the house destroyed when head out to K9 Country Club’s K9 Health •And Overnight Boarding • Cattery you return? Here are some things to try that Antonio’s only K9 Gym! Your One-Stop-Shop to train your puppy, condition •San Grooming • Beach Club your canine athlete, or rehab your injured pet. Have an overweight pet or one • PetoutBakery that is overly active? We can help! Check our website for dates & details . . .
Grab Your Workout Buddy
will tie into the last couple of months and help with any love lost due to your newest addition. First off, be sure your pet gets lots of exercise before you leave the house. This is a great way for you to incorporate your own New Year’s resolution if it was getting in shape. Most of us hate mornings, but if you can kill two birds with one stone by taking your pet on a 30 minute walk before you get ready for work you both will benefit from it. Next, focus on your goals. Whether you want to compete with your pet or just make them into a better mannered housemate you need to put work into that. You’ll achieve your goals much faster if you plan them out.
Set up mini accomplishments so it’s not so overwhelming. One week focus on sit-stay and down-stay only. Once you have success at least 80 percent of your training sessions, move on to the next goal. The bigger the goal the more you need to plan and step up. If you want to compete with your dog, don’t wait until problems have manifested and you spend more time and money fixing them. Get with the best trainers you can find (us), start early and commit hard. You’ll LOVE your success rate. If you’re having trouble getting started, sign up for a class in obedience, agility, or trick training and PAY FOR IT IN ADVANCE. Once you’ve paid for it, you’re less likely to bail before it starts because “something came up.” Classes or private lessons are a fun way to work on all three things I was focusing on: your goals, getting in shape, and most importantly, falling in LOVE with your pet. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.
The Benefit Of Art In Your Child’s Life
(830)Your 980-8476 • www.k9countryclub.net Grab Workout Buddy Submitted By Steve Johnson And Head Out to K9 Country Club’s K9 Health San Antonio’s only K9 Gym! Your One-Stop-Shop to train Your puppy, condition your K-9 athlete or rehab your injured pet. Have an overweight pet or one that is overly active? We can help! Check our website for dates and details
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t College Nannies and Tutors, they understand, first hand, the value of arts and crafts in a child’s life. Kids have a natural tendency to love arts and crafts. It is a great excuse to be messy and creative, and have fun! Kids are always on the go. Opportunities to slow down and put some energy into a project give them an advantage in the long run. There are also several added benefits of arts, crafts, music, dance and theater!
February Special - 10% OFF
Communication and Self-Expression Young children are learning about selfexpression. Arts, crafts, music and dance give them ways to communicate their emotions and ideas in a whole new way. They draw pictures of experiences they have had or desire, and sing songs that make them happy or remind them of family members or other positive experiences. Letting them explain their finished product and why they chose to create it helps them develop their communication skills. Appreciating the Process The process of putting together a craft or finger painting a portrait shows children that their actions result in a final product, something for them to be proud of! Their work may start off messy or unidentifiable, but will get better in time as they grow and gain skills and experiences. Showing them praise for their finished projects will encourage them to continue. Seeing their finished drawing displayed on the fridge, or other prominent spot, is rewarding and creates a positive and inspiring outlook for your child. It helps them learn the importance of maintaining
their self-esteem Another lesson is that art is forgiving, and art projects take on a trial-and-error process. They will subconsciously teach themselves what they like, don’t like, and how to fix a project when a portion doesn’t turn out as planned. These are all valuable skills that will develop with time, and are applicable to many aspects of life for your child. Encourage your child to be artsy as often as possible. Maintain a supply of materials for arts and crafts to use with your children or to be available for your care giver. Arts and Crafts are a great way to balance TV, outdoor play, and social activities to inspire their creativity. They will love the opportunity to be messy, creative, and add a finished product to the fridge! If you would like more information about how to spur creativity in your child’s activities, or if you need time off and would like a caregiver to provide a fulfilling experience, call the staff at College Nannies and Tutors in San Antonio, they would love to help! 210-202-0303 or www.collegenannies.com
Garcia MS Holiday Toy Collection
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Submitted By Guerrina Esparza he Dr. Hector P. Garcia MS bands collected 128 toys for the Living Through Giving Organization from November 20th-December 15th. The students wanted to give back to their community so that every child would have the opportunity to receive a toy during the Christmas Season. Toys were collected at the Beginner and Advanced Band Concerts in December. This was the first year that HGMS Bands participated in this worthy event!
Students collected toys to give back to the community so every child could be included in the 2014 holiday.
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Housing Self Reflection Through Design
We understand that not everyone has money to spend on a makeover. We also know that our clients have jobs and families to attend to. There is no reason to put your life on hold when we’re here to make this happen for you.” – Mary Jenkins, Owner, The Jenkins Interior Group By Stefanie Young
hat is important to you and your family?” This is the first and most important question the Jenkins Interior Design Group will ask you. As family operated business they understand the stress of running a home. These women, with over 50 years of experience collectively, bring you a fierce passion for design and fashion along with a warm family environment that invites you into the world of interior design. Their team of designers and decorators give you the confidence that the end result will be your dream home. For many people, their home is a reflection of who they are. People find inspiration in magazines, TV shows, and movies of homes that exude beauty, relaxation, and modernism, and think they could never piece together such looks or afford them. Many times, home decorating projects are started with no end in sight and satisfaction is hard to come by, especially for those working with a budget, and are trying to piece together a look over long periods of time. The Jenkins Interior Design Group is here to make those aspirations a reality. Able to work with any budget or timetable, they understand, like any other type of art, that home decorating is a form of self-expression. The ladies within the Jenkins Group have an intimate knowledge of color, shape, texture, perspective, and planning within a certain budget, space, and stylistic guideline. Mary Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer, founded the Jenkins Interior Design Group over 30 years ago upon her passion for interior design. After working with a national design firm for 14 years and managing over 365 designers nationwide, Mary decided to build her own business in order to be closer to her children while still serving her clients. Her eldest daughter, Jessica Jenkins Trevino, Interior Designer and Professional Organizer, and her youngest daughter, Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Designer, work within the family business and work with clientele as well. “My daughters have made me extremely proud,” explained Mary. “They treat every client as I would, like family. They are always sincere in their ideas and solutions with me and our clients and willing to help where ever they can. Who could ask for better coworkers?” The Jenkins Design Group welcomes any client no matter the budget or space. Before getting to work creating a new design, the design group will set up an in-house consultation where they will evaluate the floorplan, current style, and any current designs and items that you would like to carry over into your new look. With over 7,000 product lines available to choose from, Mary, Jessica, and Jennifer can also help clients select new pieces to put a finishing touch on any project, in any style. Whether you are looking for art, furniture, lighting, accessories, textiles,
wall coverings, color palates, upholstery, or wanting to preplan a new home, built or under construction, these ladies can do it all. “We are capable of doing a project from start to finish. We have our contractors that we have come to rely on and trust and the resources to finalize the goal and look our clients have in mind,” stated Jessica. “We are always able to accommodate the needs of any client and will work with their contractors too.” “It’s all about the end product and how we can get there with the confidence of our clients, without overwhelming them or ourselves,” Jessica said with a smile. “This is meant to be a fun experience and a chance to develop a living space into a home with purpose and character.” No space is too challenging for this team. In the recent months they have converted a garage into an apartment, helped design and furnish a couple of houses from the foundation up, turn an awkward apartment into an efficient living space with flair, and helped design a salon. The idea of transforming a space can seem overwhelming when thinking about the cost and time period, maybe even impossible, but the Jenkins Group is aware of the misconceptions and how to overcome the obstacles. “We understand that not everyone has money to spend on an overnight makeover. We also know that our clients have jobs and families to attend to,” Mary spoke with experience. “There is no reason to put your life on hold when we’re here to make this happen for you. We can work on the project over time, adding accessories here and there, or buying furniture a little at a time. Nothing needs to be rushed, let it come as it will and as your budget allows.” Carol Triesch, one of the Jenkins Group’s clients, interviewed several designers before meeting Jessica. Carol being in her mid-50s was looking to refresh her home’s interior while changing the layout and floorplan. “It was intimidating meeting designer after designer in their stilettos and high fashion coats. They seemed hard to approach,” Carol explained. “I chose Jessica because of how easy going she was. On top of that she was open to my ideas. I’m in my 50s and she’s in her 20’s, yet she was able to work with my tastes, antiques and collectables and turn them into a modern look.” Carol went on to explain how unbelievably talented the ladies were and how they worked so well together to get the look she wanted. Carol had brought in her own contractors for the job and the Jenkins Group worked so well with them, friendships were built during the project. “People my age think they want someone their age to decorate their home,” Carol stated. “But I had to take into consideration a fresh new look and Jessica delivered. I would recommend her and her family to anyone.”
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Janette Lux, another client of the Jenkins Design Group, was looking to downsize and settle down for retirement. Mary worked with Janette and her husband after moving into a smaller home and keeping their larger property as a vacation rental. “These Ladies are characters!” Janette said with a laugh. “They’re so much fun to work with and incredibly efficient. We walked into a store at one point and I was so overwhelmed by the options but Mary was able to pull 10 things off the shelves, throw together some colors and I could see the possibilities.” Mary personalized the smaller space for the Lux couple, something Janette was worried couldn’t happen. “Mary understands the big picture because of her years of experience. It truly shows, and her daughters are learning from her first-hand.” Lux said. “From the beginning she asked me what was important to me and she never strayed from my ideas. She was a problem-solver when it came to small spaces. She even helped us pick colors and fabrics for our RV!” From beginning to end, no matter how large or small the project, these gifted women will see you through it. The Jenkins Interior Design Group has something that no one else in town has: a unique team dynamic that makes dream homes a reality.
The Jenkins Interior Design Group Mary Jenkins Registered Interior Designer 210-325-3720 Mjkg1@aol.com www.thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com Jessica Jenkins Trevino Interior Decorator 210-464-1519 jessicacjenkins@gmail.com Jennifer Jenkins Interior Decorator 210-325-3772 Jennjenkins720@aol.com 11
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Heather Jemente
Chandler tournament,” said Ken Kolbinskie, Luke’s father. “He moved up from 14th in the country to 5th in the country in Y-12 men’s epee.” Luke finished third in the country last year and received the bronze medal in the Summer National Championships. “Starting from about freshman year, basically the entire fall semester, I will be in an out of school,” said Cheong. “As long as I keep up my grades, keep up with the work, turn things in when I get back, the teachers (and administration) are fine with me being out of class so much.” Cheong has a 4.31 GPA, “mostly all A plus grades,” he adds. Robin Cheong is a junior at St. Mary’s Hall. He says fencing for him is kind of like solving math problems; his favorite subject is math “In a sense they are both very logical. You have to understand exactly what is going on; the problem-solution process is pretty similar. “Fencing is very competitive and I really love competition; it’s part of my character,” continued Cheong. “It’s pretty interesting. There are so many elements, like in the footwork, distance, blade work and the way you can combine them.” Cheong received the coveted “A” rating which translates that he is one of the best in his fencing classification. Since September he has earned two Gold Medals and two Silver Medals. His travels this past fall have put in Denmark, Austria, and Luxembourg. Olympian Fencing Club, 3200 McCullough Ave., San Antonio 78212 has private and group fencing classes for all ages, including adult. Open fencing times are available. Click on http:// www.OlympianFencingClub.com for a complete list of all the fencers and their accomplishments this past fall. More information about fencing at Olympian Fencing Club can be obtained by calling 210-872-2004.
Chocolate Historically More Than Just food
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Submitted By Tom Behrens eptember through December was very busy months for the athletes at the Olympian Fencing Club of San Antonio. Different fencers in all age classes competed in U.S. cities including Secaucus, NJ, Denver, CO, and Louisville, KY; some traveled as far as Copenhagen, Denmark and Grenoble, France, and then back to Olympian Fencing Club for the year ending Holiday Party, Dec. 27. A combination of 67 Gold, Silver and Bronze medals were awarded. Several of the fencers received medals at each of the different tournaments. Fencing is a fast growing sport among the youth. Children as young as six years old are picking up the epee and learning the sport from the professionals such as Velizar Iliev, Head Coach at the Olympian Fencing Club. At Olympian the fencers learn how to use the Epee (one of the three weapons in fencing), a round blade sword with a special tip that electronically records “touches” to a scoreboard. The whole body, including the mask, is the target. Luke Kolbinskie is 11 years old and Robin Cheong, 16 years old. Kolbinskie got interested in fencing when he was 6 years old. Cheong picked up the epee for the first time when he was 10. “It’s fun,” said Kolbinskie who attends Blatiman Elementary. “I saw Olympic fencing on TV and it looked pretty cool, and so I wanted to try it out.” He describes the Super Youth Circuit tournament in Chandler, AZ as one of his toughest tournaments. He came back to San Antonio with a Bronze Medal in the Y-12 fencing classification. The different fencing classifications are based on age and skill. “There was lots of competition, some very good fencers, very tough to beat.” Since September, Kolbinskie has earned two Gold Medals, four Silver Medals, and one Bronze Medal. “He picked up a lot of points at the
Kellie Lynn Guerra
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San Antonio Youth Fencers Earn Medals
Special To Welcome Home Many cannot resist chocolate, that beloved creamy, sweet confection derived from cocoa beans, milk and sugar. Chocolate was first popularized among the Olmecs of Mexico, who used the cocoa beans more than 3,500 years ago. However, it wasn’t until the last 200 years that chocolate turned into the sweet treat that is known and loved today. Aztecs believed cocoa had aphrodisiac properties, and chocolate contains a chemical called phenylethylamine, which is released naturally in the body when a person falls in love. Money: The Mayans once used cocoa beans as a form of currency, as did the Aztecs. In this instance, money actually did grow on trees. Fuel: Chocolate has been used to feed bacteria that produce hydrogen, which can be used as a clean power source.
Fashion: Designers and chocolatiers worldwide collaborate to make sweet outfits at Le Salon du Chocolate’s fashion shows. Special effects: Before the days of computer-simulated special effects, moviemakers had to employ other methods to produce realistic results. Legend has it that Bosco brand chocolate syrup was used as blood in the famed shower scene in the classic horror movie ‘Psycho’. Skin care: Cocoa butter, a component of chocolate, has long been used to moisturize and soothe dry skin. Many spas now incorporate organic chocolate into their healing and beauty therapies. Postage: In 2013, Belgium’s post office sold limited-edition stamps that were varnished with 40 percent of a cocoa product. The stamps smelled and tasted like chocolate.
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Living Through Giving Into 2015
By Rachele Reinhard elcome Home Community Newspaper was created, built and has evolved to serve the community in which it was founded 13 years ago. Its pages are filled with stories of hope, love, inspiration, and a celebration of the talent of our youth and the promise of their accomplishments. Events founded and organized by Welcome Home’s owner and staff have helped provide for the less fortunate for over a decade; specifically Winter Celebration, an annual holiday event responsible for contributing thousands of toys each year to the U.S. Marine’s Toys for Tots Drive. In 2013, Russell Groomer, publisher and owner of Welcome Home decided to extend his community outreach by establishing a non-profit 501c3 entitled Living Through Giving. “There is so much need in San Antonio,” he explained. “And not just during the holidays; it’s year-round. I have always donated the toys we collected at Winter Celebration Toys For Tots and I have a tremendous amount of respect for this organization. I decided to start Living Through Giving so I would be able to have the opportunity to go directly to the most needy children right here in San Antonio. I wanted Living Through Giving to be about more than just collecting toys. I wanted to explore this great opportunity to go directly to the most needy children and families right here in our community.” Russell decided to focus Living Through Giving (LTG) on children and youth who may have experienced abuse, neglect, or some other type of family disruption. A small act of charity can have an unbelievable impact on a child who may have never experienced simple gestures of kindness, support or the love they deserve. LTG kicked off it’s inaugural year by organizing it’s first official event – a backpack drive entitled “Got Your Back” to help provide for and prepare children of Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and the Boys and Girls Club of San Antonio for the school year. LTG collected over 500 backpacks in just one short month and 800 total thanks to the participation of local restaurants, businesses, banks, and participating schools in NISD, NEISD and Comal ISD. In December 2014, the annual Winter Celebration was once again responsible for the collection of thousands of toys – 7,000 to be exact – which were in turn donated to different organizations including Children Advocates San Antonio (CASA), Roy Maas’ Youth Alternatives, Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), and the Summit Christian Center. The generosity of the community even allowed for LTG to meet a need in Crystal City, TX where Mayor Ricardo Lopez was requesting toys for the city’s Make a Wish Christmas Tree. “We were able to take over 500 toys to Crystal City to help with their holiday project,” Russell explained. “I was then told that thanks to our contribution, they were able to answer children’s letters to Santa from two years ago. I couldn’t believe it; I went numb.” Expanding LTG’s mission and generosity outside the city limits – much like Russell’s efforts in Crystal City – is a long-term goal for the organization. “There is so much work to do and so much we can provide,” added Russell. “This is a long and hard process, but doors are opening for us and I am so excited to see my
dream come to fruition.” Earning 501c3 status is a big step in the right direction. In order to grow, sponsorships are needed. As an official 501c3, Living Through Giving, Winter Celebration and other LTG events can now receive the full support of the San Antonio community including businesses, volunteers, and other charities. “As we continue to grow and make a difference, we value and appreciate all the support we have received,” stated Russell. In 2015, LTG will again collect backpacks for the “Got Your Back” drive beginning in April and discussion of a potential suitcase drive is also in the works. Of course, Winter Celebration co-hosted by North Central Baptist Hospital will be back for it’s 14th year– the largest and longest running event of it’s kind in San Antonio with a few new special additions. “We are always looking for new corporate sponsors to join us as we make this event even more special for everyone involved,” explained Russell. “This year, we will also have a Royal Court with special positions of honor for younger children in addition to a King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Duke and Duchess. I want to honor the children in our community that understand and demonstrate what a big difference any gesture of kindness or charity can make.” LTG chooses to focus their charity primarily on children in crisis due to their believe that when children become a part of “the system,” they become our collective responsibility – our children – and deserve the same opportunities that children with a healthy family circumstance are able to experience. In 2015, their mission will not change; instead, it will expand to make a profound difference in the lives of abused, neglected and orphaned children in our county, city and beyond. “I would love for every school in NEISD and NISD to become involved with our organization to help make a difference in as many lives as possible,” said Russell. “My long-term goal would be to not only help children in San Antonio, but also the surrounding small towns in this area as well; wherever the need is the greatest.” Given what LTG has accomplished as a start-up nonprofit in just over a year-and-a-half may be surprising to some, but Russell and the team at Welcome Home have a long-established reputation for giving back to a community that they feel has given so much to them. Living Through Giving is just another step in the right direction to broaden their outreach, one child at a time. To find out how to get involved, please visit www. livingthroughgivingsa.com or call 210-348-8233. LTG is always looking for new sponsors, volunteers and donations.
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Living Through Giving 20770 US Hwy. 281 N., Suite 108-149 www.livingthroughgivingsa.org 210-348-8233 www.welcomehomesa.com
Step Into Decorating
By Mary Lozano-Jenkins The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he beginning of a New Year comes new color palette for decorating and design. with excitement and novelty. The lists The big markets are here and we are are written, the goals are set, and the excited about attending and seeing all the beginning of the year is here. new items that are being introduced. Our After a few weeks of 2013 have passed, vendors have been preparing for these I can say that interior designing and markets for weeks. decorating is at the top of the list for many of my clients….and for those potential clients Decorating Introductions: that I have not met yet. 2013 brings a fresh • Our chocolate colors continue to lead
Should You Start Hormone Therapy?
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 ome women in the 15 minute free consultation I give to all women prior to their first appointment tell me, “well, I just want to be natural, I don’t like to take medications”. I tell them, the most natural thing to do at menopause is to die, because for thousands of years, that is what happened at about age 50. In the days of the Roman Empire, a woman had her first child in early teens, was a grandmom in her 30s, and considered old at 50. However, modern women may live
to be over 100 years of age. The number of centenarians has tripled in the past 30 years and women outnumber men. Without hormones, you may dwindle—bone loss, collagen decreases, the vaginal tissues wither, and even the brain shows signs of deterioration. Hot flashes and night sweats are not benign symptoms. Rather, research has shown that hot flashes are accompanied by reduction in blood flow to the memory center of the brain, hypothalamus. Another study showed that natural estradiol, or the type found in humans, 17beta estradiol, showed a significant improvement in verbal memory. But when women were given the type of
the way with some beautiful spa blues and greens. • Textures are again heavy with animal prints. • Bling has come into our lives with our accessories and even new furniture lines. • More functional tables are emerging to accommodate the technical lives that we live. • Rugs are hotter than ever and so are drapes. Softness mixed with heavy textures dominate the window industries. • Natural stones, bling, glass and mirrors are entering our lives in furniture as well as floor and wall coverings. Call us for your consultations. With over 7,000 vendors, we are here to help you estradiol derived from horse urine (yescan you believe they still make this type?), memory did not improve. Another study of more than 6,600 women in Sweden revealed that patients receiving hormone replacement had a reduced risk for cognitive impairment. It was the copy of human estradiol, 17 beta estradiol, that helped.(www.medscape.com/ viewarticle/749913) Scientists know how to make exact copies of hormones-for example, the exact copy of human insulin is called humulin while pork-derived insulin is no longer in use. At my clinic I prescribe only the exact copy of human estradiol—why would anyone prescribe anything else? But what about the risk? What about cancer? Some studies have shown that 1 in 9 women may eventually be diagnosed with breast cancer. The risk of breast cancer was definitely increased in the Women’s Health
update, organize, and yes…furnish your home with gorgeous furniture, artwork and accessories. Remodeling has been keeping us busy as well. Our MAGICAL MAKEOVERS are truly MAGIC. The Home Is Your Castle! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Designer at (210) 490-0161 or via email at mjkgl@aol.com or jessicajenkins2@gmail.com. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com or www.jenkinsdesigngroup.willowhouse. com. Join The Jenkins Interior Design Group on Facebook, Twitter and on LinkedIn. Initiative Study in the group of women given the synthetic estradiol plus synthetic progestin. Other issues with estradiol prescription may include blood clots causing heart attacks and strokes, problems with liver, and other cancers. Research is continuing. I tell patients that hormone replacement therapy is a quality of life issue. Hormone replacement therapy is not for everybody. I have patients who, although no longer having periods and in their late 50s, suffer no vaginal dryness, no bone loss, no memory decline. Blood levels and symptoms guide therapy. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
Lenten Season At Groomer Seafood By Rick Groomer s Ash Wednesday approaches here at Groomer’s Seafood we are ready for one of our busiest times of year! With the Lenten Season for many means sacrifice; it is a period of spiritual reflection and self-restraint, and also with Earth Day shortly after Easter, for many is a time to consider the environment. As you choose to make some of those sacrifices this Lenten Season, we would like to talk with you about a few amazing reasons to choose your fish with careful consideration on Sustainability; something we here at Groomer’s Seafood are deeply committed to year round! Sustainability is based on one simple principle, meeting today’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. As a family business Groomer’s Seafood views the sea and it’s bounty as more than just a resource, this is a legacy that we are looking to pass down for generations to come. Because of this, Groomer’s Seafood and Our Texas Gulf Commercial Fisherman are deeply committed to these principles and consider the long term health of the environments and the livelihoods of the people that depend on the environment. When considering sustainability and the fish that you are consuming it is great to feel comfortable first and foremost with asking questions. Here at Groomer’s our highly trained, seafood experts and fishmongers love answering your questions and engaging with you about where your fish was caught,
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how it was caught, and how sustainability played an incredibly important role. Our Local Texas fishermen harvest several sustainable species of fish available here at Groomer’s Seafood during the Lenten Season such as Texas Gulf Black Drum, Texas Gulf Red Snapper, and Texas Gulf Grouper. Each of these fish are considered a “Good Alternative”, meaning that these fish are in abundance and are sustainably harvested without harming the environment. Methods used to harvest sustainably ensure that the surrounding environment and other wildlife such as sea turtles are not affected in the process. For more informotion call us at (210) 377-0951, visit us at www. groomerseafood.com or come by and see us at 9801 McCullough.
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Over 30 Years of Service
Dutch Boy Cleaners highly-trained cleaning and pressing professionals will always follow any special care instructions that you have informed them about on your garment bag tag or during the sign-up process. Any special instructions that you require are noted on your account in the computer system and are dutifully followed each and every time. Your clothing is finished on a host of specialized pressing machines designed for today’s mixture of fabric and garment types, insuring the highest quality finished garments. All of your garments are then meticulously sorted and packaged before delivering back to your home. Convenience is the highlight of this pick-up and delivery service. You do not have to be home at pick-up or delivery. Dutch Boy provides each of their customers with two garment bags as well as a wreath hook for your front door for delivery placement. Depending on your location the service is Monday-Thursday or TuesdayFriday. Any items picked up on Monday are returned on Thursday and any items picked up on Thursday are returned on Monday. A driver will check your home each and every MondayThursday or Tuesday-Friday. The payment is automatic as well. Customers provide credit card information upon sign-up and your card is charged whenever you have clothing delivered. All you have to do is place your bag of items to be cleaned by your front door and Dutch Boy takes care of the rest.
Photo by:
onvenience, convenience, convenience. This is why the home pick-up and delivery is so special for the dry cleaning customer and growing in popularity each month in the Stone Oak area. Traditionally, the customer has to get in their car, drive through traffic and burn up their time and gas, to take their clothing to the cleaners. Then, they have to do the same thing all over again to pickup their clothing from the cleaners once they are ready. That’s two trips to the cleaners! With Dutch Boy FREE pick-up and delivery, the customer has to spend two minutes to get their clothing and place them outside their front door. Dutch Boy handles the rest and two days later their clothing is waiting for them when they get home from a long day of work or a busy day taking care of the children. Best of all, there is no additional charge for this service. The FREE pick-up and delivery service will check the customer’s home twice a week on their designated days and will do so without exception. There may be other pick-up and delivery services out there, however Dutch Boy Cleaners is the most consistent, the friendliest, and the best in quality cleaning and finishing and the proof is the experience of the many happy customers that are currently enjoying the service. Once your items are picked up they are thoroughly checked and rechecked during their processing. The
Marie Ferr ante
Special to Welcome Home
All it takes is one phone call to gain back the wasted time and hassle of going to the cleaners. Dutch Boy cleaners is here to help make your life more livable and make you look your best at the same time. Experience the “Dutch Boy Difference” today and call 210-494-7966 to get started. Ask for Terri Fohn the Customer Service Manager. Also, see the ad in Welcome Home for discount coupons and specials.
Dutch Boy Cleaners 3515 Thousand Oaks 210.494.7966 www.dutchboycleaners.com
TMI Students Bring Joy To Needy Families
Santa and Mrs. Claus hand out candy canes during TMI’s Adopt a Family delivery.
Submitted By Paula Allen he Episcopal School of Texas brought holiday cheer to 47 needy families through its annual Adopt a Family drive, organized by the school’s Interact community-service club with help from parent volunteers. TMI students and their families donated clothes, toys, gift cards and household necessities to families of students at Mead Elementary School in the Northside Independent School District, many of whom are refugees from troubled countries. Volunteers wrapped and sorted gifts,
including 408 rolls of paper towels, 251 combs, 208 children’s toothbrushes, 65 bottles of hand soap and 55 containers of laundry detergent. With a costumed “Santa and Mrs. Claus,” TMI students, parents and faculty delivered the gifts Dec. 6. Extra items were donated to the school’s pantry. TMI also partners with Mead for its Reading Buddies program, in which TMI middle-school students visit first- and second-grade classrooms to read with the younger students.
February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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February 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57