February 2017 78258 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Stone Oak, Canyon Springs, Vineyards, Rogers Ranch and immediate areas POSTAL CUSTOMER


February 2017 Issue

Path To Greatness

T H E S O L I S I N T E R N AT I O N A L G R O U P New Years Resolution: Sell my home and buy my dream home!


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February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

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RED DRESS 5K FUN RUN & WALK At Methodist Stone Oak Hospital 1139 E. Sonterra Blvd., San Antonio, Texas 78258


Saturday, February 11

(all proceeds go to the American Heart Association): $20 now through February 3 $30 February 4-9 $40 on-site registration

7 a.m. Festivities and On-site Registration 8 a.m. Red Dress 5K Fun Run & Walk Join us in honoring those affected by heart disease. Wear red or your favorite red dress and join us for the Red Dress 5K Fun Run & Walk at Methodist Stone Oak Hospital. Along with Methodist Healthcare and the American Heart Association, your support will help the community lead healthier lives. • Enjoy refreshments and various educational booths • Pets on leashes welcome • This will be a timed race to better recognize the success of participants • Medals will be awarded to all participants

Register today at: SAHealth.com/HeartandSoul 4


For more information on heart month events and for heart healthy tips:

MethodistHealthcareSanAntonio SAHealth.com/HeartandSoul SAHealth210

February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Note From The Publisher Super Bowl & Rodeo


he holidays are firmly behind us and many are finally getting back into their regular routines. February is such an off month to me. The 28 or 29 days makes me feel rushed and I never know what to wear since the weather is so unpredictable. Oh, I know I live in South Texas and I should be used to the weather, but February just seems to be more unpredictable than the rest of the year. At least I get to look forward to chocolate. Valentine’s Day lands itself right in the middle of the month; since that’s the busiest time at the paper, a little candy will never be turned down at our office. By this time my New Year’s resolution is long forgotten (not that I ever really started). To be honest the whole resolution idea just puts undue pressure on everyone. Goal setting is a fantastic way to reassess your direction, making sure that you are still on the right path or even the right journey, but do you really need it to be January first to do that? I reassess my direction all the time. January first is really just a day off for me (unless it’s on a Sunday). Besides, after the holidays I am in no state of mind to commit myself to anything. Really, the last fifteen days of the year, every year, are complete insanity therefore I cannot be held liable for anything I say or do, good or bad. Ok, back to the long forgotten, never planned resolution being over. All that means is I can and will eat candy for Valentines. February is also the month of the… SUPER BOWL and SA RODEO! Tail

gating, snacks, family and sports. Nothing makes a Texas family happier than pig skins and turkey legs. This year the Super Bowl is taking place close to home. The 10-day Super Bowl festival will spread over 35 blocks of downtown Houston and draw an additional one million people to the already busy metropolis. Economic impacts of this event are expect to exceed five hundred million dollars. If you have tickets to this amazing event just a few hours away, then good luck with the crowds and be safe! Also, send me some photos and a quick article on your experience. We’d love to hear about it! It is sure to be an experience that you will never forget! You can get the details on the SA Rodeo at SARODEO.com. My last glance at the performance line up makes me positive you will not be disappointed. Until next month, Go Cowboys!

20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258


(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com

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February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

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On The Cover


rom a young age we begin to emulate that people that surround us. Their decisions, language, and gestures set the tone for our own personalities. Usually these people are our parents and loved ones. In the case of the young lady on the cover that person is her father. From the time Mailee Jones was a baby she was always at the gym with her day. Mailee’s father is none other than the “Shot Doctor” David “DJ” Jones. Mr. Jones play professional basketball for thirteen years, retired and founded the youth basketball organization Shooting for Success. Mailee would watch her father as he trained other children and ran camps. One day at the age of six years old, Mailee surprised her father by asking if he would consider training her. That was the beginning of Mailee and The Shot Doctor’s basketball journey. Mailee began to play her father’s Shooting for Success teams and then moved on to high school ball at Reagan. Her father’s coaching and encouragement continued to be a constant. In the summer of 2016 Mailee Jones graduated Cum-Laude from Reagan High School. She made her debut in fall of 2016 at Youngstown State

University in Ohio. Mailee and her father are a reminder of what good leadership and at whole lot of love can accomplish. To read more about Mailee and The Shot Doctor turn to page 9.

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February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Big Shout Out To Reagan Band Volunteers Submitted By Cathy Reed he Reagan Band is blessed to have amazing directors and an extremely supportive administration at Reagan High School, but there is so much more behind the scenes. We have ton of volunteers who give of their time and talents to help make amazing things happen! When you’re watching Reagan Band’s marching show and you see anything on the field that is not a band kid, all those props and equipment are taken care of by our hardworking Crew. They are responsible for loading it all on the trailer and semi before leaving the school, traveling wherever the band travels and then staying after to unload it all back into the band hall no matter how early or late a game or competition may be. Have you ever seen them and wondered why they are always hustling? It’s not just so you can see the show quicker, but they are practicing for competitions where there are strict time limits for getting everything on and off the field. A great Crew, like the Reagan Band Crew, means less for the directors to worry about and a more seamless performance! Who keeps track of all the kids when they are travelling to games, competitions or other band events? That would be our chaperones and nurses. Our directors have told the students that when they have any part of their uniform on they represent not only the Reagan Band, but also themselves, their families, Reagan High School and NEISD and should act accordingly. Our chaperones and nurses are not there to babysit but to be


there when a student needs help or care. Not to mention, our awesome Uniform moms who keep each and every student looking professional and well polished in their uniform; they all serve as a temporary mom, dad, map, tour guide, alarm clock, coat rack, water boy, stylist – you get the picture! While you’re enjoying a sporting event in NEISD and you get a craving for a soda or a sausage wrap; those are band parents in the concession stands who serve you those goodies. They show up before the event to stock or prepare everything you see on the menu, work through the pre-game and halftime rush and then clean up everything for the next school to take over. And when you were told in school that you would use math as a grown up? This is the place! You not only have to remember the price for the easy one item orders, it’s the orders of multiple items with multiple add-ons from a group of multiple people that puts those math skills to work; but if they look like they’re having a lot of fun while they’re doing all of it, they really are! These are some of the volunteer groups you see the most but there are still plenty that offer their help to make the Band function so well. From Meals to Association & Student Fundraising to Photographer to Merchandise, our Band Parent Association Board supports every committee. There aren’t too many organizations outside of high school extracurriculars that have the magnitude or dedication of our band parents. If you were to ask any of them why they do what they do, they would

Chaperones getting ready for a game

Concessions helping feed the fans.

say they love it because they are doing it for our kids. And for that, we love them! Upcoming events: February 4th: Reagan Band Mattress Fundraiser February 15th-19th: West Side Story Musical at 7PM, 3PM on the 19th February 23rd: Mid Winter Concert at

Merchandise with the Reagan mascot.

7PM February 25th: UIL Solo & Ensemble Competition.

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February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

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Testosterone Deficiency In Aging Men

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 estosterone, the most important hormone for men, declines 1 % per year as early as age 30. Testosterone blood levels decline faster with increased stress, over-exercising, and weight gain. Low Testosterone however, can also cause weight gain, decreased desire to exercise, and depression! Because the patient or his friends may read this, I have changed parts of the story for disguise, but the facts are clear—a man on 4 psychiatric medications plus sleeping pill came to me at the urging of his brother, a client/patient of mine. Low testosterone has potentially devastating effects, with anxiety and


depression being the worst. Also, I have noticed a strange lack of decision in a man with low testosterone. I remember a few years ago, a man actually called his wife from my office to ask her opinion as to whether he should take testosterone. I don’t mean he was asking her permission, rather he just could not decide what to do! The most striking case of anxiety-cure occurred in a patient I have written about in the past—the man who could not drive over bridges. His testosterone level was very low, and after I replaced him with weekly testosterone injections, he came to my office yelling that he had driven over a bridge, “I did it! I did it” The man on multiple psych. meds told

Spring Into The New Year! By Bill Barkley, Owner/Broker River Valley Real Estate (210) 853-5327 s January continues to roll on, many the exterior and interior of the residence are preparing their home to be listing all items in need of repair. Complete put on the market for sale. We are all minor repairs prior to going active on the continuously asked, “what are the most cost market. effective things to consider in preparing • Have all carpet and tile cleaned. your home to be placed on the market?” • Clean out or reorganize closets and In no particular order, here are my medicine cabinets. Have a plan for securing best suggestions: any valuables and prescription medications • The air conditioner and heating units during all showings. should be cleaned and serviced. • Walk through the house, and observe • The lawn needs to be cleared of any items that personalize your home. Pack and dead debris from the winter and prepped for limit these items. You do not want the house spring landscaping. to look empty or unlived in, but at the same • Refinish or repaint the front door. time you want prospective purchasers to • Complete a personal inspection of both be able to visualize their belongings in the


Can Anything Be Done About MYOPIA?

By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020 yopia, also called nearsightedness, is the eye condition where objects nearby or a short distance away are clear but objects that are far away are blurred. It is caused by the eye being slightly too long. This article is about the science of myopia with the goal of stopping or slowing its progression. Myopia is getting worse around the world, even to the point of being called an epidemic by some. In the United States, myopia has increased 66% in thirty years so that now 42% of people aged 1254 are myopic. It has become an issue of monumental importance affecting over a billion people around the world and it is getting worse. Research is showing that that there are



methods to slow or prevent the progression of myopia, but the actions work best when the child is younger. Myopic changes are generally permanent. Treatment should therefore be designed to prevent the development and progression. There are no guarantees that any specific treatment will work for an individual person but the lack of early care prevents any potential benefit from starting early. Most children have normal eyesight around six years old. At this point, some start to become nearsighted, resulting in blurred distance vision. The goal is to identify this and to provide treatments as early as possible. Here is a summary of what can be done:

me that no one had checked his testosterone when disabling depression took over his life 5-6 years earlier. That was like a doctor medicating someone for high cholesterol, but never checking thyroid function. Very low thyroid can cause the cholesterol to skyrocket. The right thing to do is correct the thyroid before prescribing a statin drug. I placed him on the correct dose of testosterone and have monitored him closely over the past several years. He still takes his antidepressants. Life is better for him, but he has not tried to discontinue (under the psychiatrist’s guidance) his medications. Sometimes, the problem is NOT low testosterone. Another memorable patient’s labs revealed extremely low level of vitamin B12. His chief complaint had been lack of energy, focus, and extreme fatigue. After a shot of B12, I told him that his testosterone was normal and he would be feeling much better in about 15min. I referred him to gastroenterologist for a full work-up. Blood levels and symptoms guide therapy. Get checked-3 pages, single spaced, with line-by-line explanation. Risks home. • Devise a plan for your pets during showings. • Prepare a list of utility providers and service providers. • Prepare a folder for your Realtor with your survey, title commitment, appliance warranties and operational instructions for residential equipment such as pool equipment, sprinkler systems and alarm systems. • Remove any fixtures that you do not intend on conveying with the sale of the property. It is best to remove and replace these items prior to the first showing. These items include: drapes, curtains, chandeliers, light fixtures or anything attached to the house. This is certainly not an all-inclusive list, but it does provide a great starting place to help prepare you for a favorable listing experience. Keep in mind that the front of the residence makes the first impression both in the marketing photographs as well as

Spend more time outdoors. We don’t know why exactly - it may be the sun, it may be focusing on distant objects or some other factor. The fact we have for now is that outdoor time helps. Diet may be important. There is a lot of research showing diet is responsible for, or at least makes worse, many disease processes. There is a good theory based on many studies that high carbohydrate diets could make myopia worse. Children should have a nutritional diet without excess calories and with adequate nutrients. Your child needs an eye exam every year after age 5. We start seeing children as young as 6 months old at Stone Oak Vision Source. We recommend the next visit at age 3 and then annually while school age. The goal is to actively start treatment within a few months of myopia starting. In general, you may be able to slow or stop it, you can’t make it better. Prescription Lenses Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) contact lenses worn only at night are powerful in their ability to control myopia and they free the wearer of any type of lenses during


and benefits need a frank discussion at the 1 1/2 hour first visit. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.

during the property showing. Obvious items in need of repair make a poor impression, and tend to cause prospective purchasers to become more cautious. The more informed and organized your Realtor is the better service they can provide for you. If you are preparing to sell your home, Good Luck, and I hope this information is helpful. If you have not selected a Realtor to assist you, please give us a call. We would appreciate the opportunity to interview as your Listing Agent.

the day. Drs. Allison and Dr. Denison have numerous certifications for a variety of Ortho-K lens types. Bifocal type soft lenses worn only during the day are likely also useful, but the research is not as extensive yet. Schedule an appointment today at our new location 810 Knights Cross, ste 101, 210-495-9020. We can evaluate visual status and see if Ortho-k is an option to prevent myopia progression. We can also take care of your routine eye care needs as well. See you soon!

February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Following In Her Father’s Footsteps Submitted By Erin Kirwan ailee Jones grew up around basketball. In fact, her dad, David “DJ” Jones, played professional ball for thirteen years in Europe. From the time she was a baby, Mailee was always at the gym with her dad. After 13 years, he left professional ball to become a coach and trainer and founded the youth basketball organization, Shooting For Success. Mailee would watch her dad as he trained little kids and other professionals. She was often by his side to watch game film. Today, across San Antonio and around the world, DJ is known as the “Shot Doctor.” Most notably, he helped “fix” the shot of none other than Brooklyn Nets star, Jeremy Lin. One day, when Mailee was around the age of six, she asked her dad if he would consider training her. The request surprised him and what happened next shocked the professional-turned-coach. “I was like, okay, she had never really shown much of an interest in playing so far, but I put a ball into her hands and told her to go out on the court,” Jones said. “She began shooting really well and with good form. I thought to myself, all this time as I was training others, Mailee was absorbing all that training, too.” Mailee went on to play for her dad and Shooting For Success, and, later, as a high school athlete, helped lead the Reagan Rattlers Women’s Basketball Team. Last year, she graduated Cum Laude from Reagan with a scholarship to play ball at Youngstown State University in Ohio. Although not a huge basketball school, Youngstown was a place where Mailee felt she could make a name for herself, a lot like her dad did, a generation before at Concordia University Texas. DJ too had wanted the opportunity to stand out and help put a school lesser known for basketball on the map…and he did just that. Now, it was


to be Mailee’s turn. This fall, for some of her first college games, DJ and his wife, Diane, were in attendance to watch and cheer on their daughter. It was not an easy game trip to make. “The game was in Hawaii - now that’s a long way to go for a game, however, there was no way I was going to miss it,” Jones said. In the game against Hawaii, the college freshman scored 12 points and had three assists in 18 minutes for the Penguins, earning the San Antonio native a spot in the starting lineup in a game the following day. In that game, in just 24 minutes, Mailee Jones netted 18 points, had five rebounds and two assists. She nailed all three 3-point-shots attempted. Due to Mailee’s contributions, Jones was named “All-Tournament” and interviewed by the press after the game. In the meantime, DJ was able to just sit back and take it all in. “I was so proud,” he beamed. And how did Mailee feel about having the man who taught her everything she knows about basketball, so close by, watching her college debut from the stands? Was the college freshman nervous? Or did she instead push herself to play even harder? Neither, according to Mailee. She was excited to have her mentor just footsteps away, but in the mindset of this young player trying to earn herself more playing time, a more permanent spot, and most importantly, a win for her team, Mailee simply had one thought. She had a job to do. “I play hard for my team every opportunity I get,” said Mailee. “Whether my dad can be there or not, I’m focused on the game.” They words are not surprisingly very reminiscent of a work ethic displayed by someone else, some 30 years ago. Mailee will likely stay in Ohio over

summer break, according to Jones. She plans to seek an internship, and, of course, train. For that, David will make trips to Youngstown, now a location with a permanent home on his GPS. As for the future, Mailee’s dreams are big. They are bright. The college freshman

hopes to play in the WNBA, and someday, would even like to open her own steakhouse restaurant. And they are without a doubt, dreams, supported by her professional basketball record-holder father.

S.A Rodeo Winning Twelve Years Consecutively Submitted By San Antonio Rodeo he San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo was awarded the 2016 Large Indoor Rodeo of the Year by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) at an awards ceremony with a record setting 11,000 attendees on Wednesday night, November 30th, held in conjunction with the National Finals Rodeo. With Wednesday’s award, the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo has won Large Indoor Rodeo of the Year for an unprecedented Twelve (12) consecutive years. The designation by the PRCA is considered the highest honor in the sport of rodeo worldwide because nominees and winners are voted on by PRCA rodeo contestants, contract personnel, committees and members. The award was received by San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo’s Executive Director & CEO Keith Martin, Chairman of the Board Joe Soules, President Cody Davenport, Immediate Past President Joe Hutchison and Executive Committee Vice President Clint Swindall. Executive Director &CEO Keith Martin commented, “It means so much to us that our peers in the industry honor us in this


way. We accept this award on behalf of over 6,000 volunteers that are the heart and soul of our organization—they move in dirt, set fences, clean stalls, cook meals for contestants and greet patrons with a smile. They are irreplaceable, and their Texas hospitality is legendary. And when the Rodeo ends, they start working to make it even better next year. We are grateful to the community of San Antonio and the great state of Texas — devoted supporters of both our event and mission to help educate the youth of Texas. We are also thankful for the financial support of our loyal sponsors and auction contributors.” The San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo has been an innovator to the sport of rodeo with its tournament style, bracket format and by hosting rodeo’s top competitors. This February, these competitors will vie for over $1.6 million in prize money — the richest regular season payouts in the PRCA. The organization researches and recruits world-class animal athletes from North America’s best stock contractors and books internationally renowned performers. It also hosts one of the largest Junior Livestock Shows in the nation---over 70,000 animals will come and go from the rodeo grounds

February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

over the course of the 18 day show. The 68th annual San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo is held on February 9-26, 2017 at the AT&T Center/Freeman Coliseum grounds. Individual tickets for each PRCA Rodeo and concert start at $15 and may be purchased on the SA Rodeo mobile app, at www.sarodeo.com, the Rodeo Ticket Office (located at the Southwest Corner of the AT&T Center), or by calling 1-877-63-RODEO (1-877-6376336). Let’s Rodeo San Antonio! February 9-26, 2017 The San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo takes place February 9-26, 2017. It has received the PRCA Large Indoor Rodeo of the Year award for twelve consecutive years. Established in 1949, it has grown to be one of the largest and most prestigious single


events in the city with over 2 million visitors entered the grounds in 2016. The success of the organization is attributed to over 6,000 volunteers who give countless hours to the organization. With community, donor and volunteer support, the organization has donated over $171.4 million to the youth of Texas through scholarships, grants, endowments, auctions, a calf scramble program and show premiums. For more information, visit www.sarodeo.com.


Make Proper Vehicle Care Your New Year’s Resolution


By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

nfortunately, we meet many of our customers on a day that everything seems to be going wrong. An alarm clock was missed, the traffic was worse than usual, or a situation at work went south. And then… the car breaks down. Few of us budget, much less plan, for a vehicle to break down. We are caught unprepared for both the time away from the vehicles we use every day, and for the financial strain of unexpected vehicle repairs. Not only can car repair be frustrating, but it can also be confusing. For

those not technical or without car know-how, one often feels anxious about information received concerning complicated vehicle repairs. Our service advisors aim to speak in the simplest of terms so as not to overwhelm the customer with auto repair jargon they are likely to not understand, as today’s vehicles and components can be complicated. Belden’s Automotive & Tires is about relationships. When a customer walks in the door, he or she will be greeted warmly, and our trained service advisors will assist

Making Your Deck Last


By Barry Hagendorf Deck & Patio Care (210) 822-9147

arry Hagendorf, the leading authority on deck and patio care in South Texas, has been cleaning and sealing decks for more than 20 years. Q: Why does my wooden deck look so bad? A: According to Architectural Digest, unprotected wood only lasts for 9-14 years. I

recommend that you clean the wood on your deck and seal it with an oil-based penetrating sealer. Q: What sealer would you recommend? A: My preference, after years of trial and error research, is Barry Premium Blend oilbased penetrating sealer that is designed to look for dry cell structure in the wood. It will penetrate first to the bottom of the cracks, nail holes and knots. Barry’s Premium Blend will protect from the surface down, stabilizing the cell structure of the wood.

in getting the customer the best assistance possible; customer service is our highest priority. For those fitting a repair in to his/ her busy work day, we offer free Wi-Fi, comfortable waiting rooms with fruit, coffee, flat-screen TVs, and reading material and work stations. At Belden’s, not only do we offer complimentary pick-up or drop-off service, but we also provide discounted rental support for customers in need of short-term transportation. Additionally, Belden’s is proud of our 24 month, 24,000mile Nationwide warranty, ensuring that our customers are taken care of in the event that additional repair is needed. Because Belden’s Automotive & Tires

Q: What care should I give to my Pebblestone? A: On new and older pebblestone, first acid wash the film of concrete off the rocks. Then, oxidize the surface to kill mold and mildew. Last, seal the stone to its natural wet look. Q: Why are the rocks from my pebblestone pool surround sticking to my feet? A: Moisture penetrates around the stones and changing temperatures expand the moisture and wedge the rocks out. To repair, acid wash the surface. Then, oxidize it to kill mold and mildew. Finally, lock the stones in with a clear acrylic sealer. You will also lock in the beautiful natural wet look.

understands that auto repair can be a major stressor our goal is to create the best possible experience during our customer’s time of need. We understand that there are multiple options when it comes to finding a repair facility, We are proud to be your one-stopshop for all your automotive needs – we are your Alternative to the Dealer! We are here to help during those frustrating breakdown moments. Check us out on the web for coupons and monthly specials at beldensautomotive.com. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling! Belden’s Automotive & Tires has six locations: San Pedro: 210-494- 0017; Medical Center: 210-690- 1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366- 1122; Boerne: 830-9319700; Bulverde Rd: 210-481- 3330; Prue Rd: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www. beldensautomotive.com. Q: Why is my Flagstone flaking & chipping? A: The answer is in the chemistry. When the temperature of Flagstone & rock move toward 32 degrees or freezing it contracts or becomes smaller. When water temperature moves toward 30 degrees it expands or gets bigger. Daily as temperature changes and Flagstone gets wet, the water and stone move against each other causing flaking. The Solution is to seal the stone with Solexene sealer which will keep the stone dry. If you have a salt water pool this problem is greatly multiplied. As a Welcome Home reader, please take advantage of the $59 discount located on our ad in this paper.

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February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Buckner Fanning School at Mission Springs Honors Veterans Submitted By Lindsay McGrath few months ago, we wrote about how the students at Buckner Fanning School at Mission Springs had committed to supporting The South Texas Veterans Fisher House. The students committed to providing monthly dinners and also honoring the Veterans and their families with a holiday party! They named this effort “Operation: Santa’s Combat Boots” and held the wonderful event on December 3rd. The plan was to decorate the beautiful exterior of the house as well as throw a holiday party for the Fisher House Guests and PolyTrauma Vet patients receiving treatment at the VA. Well, as luck would have it, that day Mother Nature brought rain, wind, and very cold temperatures, but BFSMS students would not be discouraged! The students, along with many family members, worked through the wind and rain to get up most of the decorations. They filled any leftover time with doing odd jobs around the house before preparing the Christmas Party. The students coordinated a Christmas lunch, which consisted of delicious food provided by Luciano’s at a generous discount, serving about 60 veterans and family members. Taking this party to the next level, the students organized a beautiful presentation of Christmas Caroling and created an inviting photo booth! The Year Book Student Staffers took pictures of the guests and used a portable color printer to instantly print the pictures and package them in beautiful cards, which were then given as party favors. It was a very moving thing to see these incredible Veterans and their families have the opportunity to take a family photo and get


into the holiday spirit! “Operation: Santa’s Combat Boots” was an absolute success in two ways. Most importantly, the BFSMS students were able to spread holiday cheer to some people who could really use it and truly deserve it! Additionally, the students learned how to plan, budget, coordinate and delegate all while seeing how their efforts directly impacted people. Very impressive work by the students and special thanks for

Five Tips For Preparing For AP Exams this Spring By Steve Johnson pring time is just around the corner, bringing with it blooming flowers, warm sunshine, and AP testing. One of these activities requires active preparation. With these few tips, a great score on the AP exam is within reach. Start preparing early The AP exam is meant to test your knowledge on an entire year’s worth of material, so you can’t leave studying until the night before the test. By looking over old notes and graded tests early in the class and throughout the second semester, you will familiarize yourself with the content you will be tested on. Use practice materials Bookstores, libraries, and classrooms are filled with guidebooks about how to study for the AP exam and what is to be expected on these exams. Take advantage of the content they provide and the advice they have. Practice, practice, practice! Study in groups or with a tutor Conveniently located in your AP class is a group of people who will also need to study for the AP exam. Get a group together and quiz each other, discuss notes and tests, make flash cards, and look over material. Additionally, working one-on-one with a


tutor on test preparation has many benefits, such as individual attention and advice from people who have taken similar exams. Meet with your teachers Your AP course instructors are great sources of advice for preparation. After all, they are the ones that are teaching you the material. Meet with them to discuss what information you should be studying, what past tests have looked like, and where to find extra preparation material. Practice with former AP exams The College Board website provides practice questions and material from old AP exams. Some of the content requires you to create a free College Board account. The information is extremely helpful, especially coming from the source of the tests. Passing these important exams is something you can accomplish with dedication and a little bit of help. Use your resources, pay attention in class, and above all, don’t let yourself get too stressed out. To learn more about one-on-one tutoring services, contact the staff at College Nannies + Tutors. Our experienced tutors can help you study and prepare for your upcoming AP exams this spring so that you can walk into test day with confidence. Learn more at collegetutors.com or call 210-202-0303.

February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

the generous grant from Silver & Black Give Back who helped make this all possible. To learn more about BFSMS, please visit TSAMS.org or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Innovation. Trust. Partnership.

Jana Dowling, REALTOR® Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper, REALTORS® 18756 Stone Oak Parkway San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 483-7542 office (210) 422-2445 mobile (210) 483-4595 fax jdowling@cbharper.com www.whylistwithus.com/658071

Westside Story Comes To Reagan Fine Arts Submitted By Lanise Bailey he Reagan Fine Arts department invites you to come and experience their production of West Side Story, a book by Arthur Laurents, music by Leonard Bernstein, and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, February 15, 16, 17 and 18 at 7p.m. and February 19 at 3p.m.. Inspired by Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story is set on the harsh streets of New York City’s upper west side where two teenage street gangs of different ethnic backgrounds, battle for control of the turf. The Sharks, a Puerto Rican gang are lead by Bernardo, played by Gonzolo Aburto, senior, are taunted by The Jets, a white gang, lead by Riff, played by Nick Hone, senior. In this modern story of star-crossed lovers, Tony, a former member of the Jets, played by J.R. Pruski, senior, and best friend to Riff, falls in love with Maria, played by Valentina Silva, Senior, who is Bernardo’s sister. In the midst of rumbles and resentments, true love is found and tragically lost. With athletic dance scenes, soaring, sophisticated music, and a social message that still resonates, West Side Story is one of musical theaters most loved stories and is not to be missed! This production is a collaboration with many departments at Reagan High School including The Reagan Choir Department, The Reagan Orchestra Department, and The Reagan Theater Department. The amazing production you will experience as



a patron is made possible in part by all of the talented students and teachers that are behind the scenes. A special thank you goes out to them. Don’t miss West Side Story! February 15, 16, 17 and 18 at 7p.m. and February 19 at 3p.m.. For Ticket information visit: http://www.reaganstage.org/2016-17season


Veteran’s Benefits That Can Help Pay For Independent Or Assisted Living

By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 he VA has a pension program few living community, personal care home, or veterans or their families are aware skilled nursing facility. of called Aid and Attendance. John Paschal, owner of Amada Senior John has met with several veterans, Care, explains “This program is available assisting them with understanding through the VA and is a benefit that can be eligibility requirements for this benefit as a godsend for veterans who served during a well as helping them with the application time of war or their spouses. The program process. Independence Hill will be hosting reimburses veterans part of the expenses an informational session with John, an Aid for those who may require assistance with and Attendance Veteran’s Benefit expert various activities of daily living (to include at 10:00am on March 2nd at our Assisted bathing, dressing, etc), who live in a full Living (20500 Huebner Rd). He will service retirement community, assisted discuss this benefit and how to determine if


What Is That Ringing In My Head?

By Christine Gilliam, MD Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center (210) 647-3838 innitus, pronounced either /tin-i-tus/ sounds like jumbled voices or even music. or /tin-eye-tus/ is defined as any noise While tinnitus can be annoying it is that originates inside of the head. It usually not an indicator of any serious can take many forms. Most people that have underlying problem. Most people will have it complain of a ringing sound, but it can be a ringing that shows up periodically and a rushing, roaring, whooshing, or hissing lasts for a few seconds to a few minutes. sound. Some people even report that it This is normal and its cause is unknown.


you are eligible. Please call (210) 209-8956 by February 28th to RSVP. “This benefit is one of the most misunderstood benefits and I truly enjoy spreading the knowledge so that our well deserving veterans can utilize these funds” expresses John. Numerous residents at Independence Hill have mentioned how this benefit has allowed them to continue to live independently while giving them the extra help they now need. Here’s what the daughter of an Independence Hill Resident said, “This was a tremendous help financially for my mother. It has allowed her to have the extra money from this benefit over and above her pension Sometimes the tinnitus will show up for hours or days at a time and then disappear. It can start at any time in life, including childhood. For many people tinnitus is present all the time. The most common cause of tinnitus is hearing loss, although some people have it without any measurable decrease in hearing. Tinnitus can be perceived to be in one ear, both ears, or sometimes people report that it feels like it is in the middle of their head. Although the ringing is usually perceived in the ears it has been determined that most of the time it actually originates in the brain. Our hearing nerves are always active. Even when no sound is coming in,

and social security income. It had been a blessing to get her in to Independence Hill Assisted Living several years ago when she decided that she no longer wanted to live alone. Mom has improved so much under their care, that she will now be moving into their independent living community. Her Veterans Aid and Attendance benefit will follow her and continue to provide her this financial help.” At Independence Hill we are all about keeping our residents as informed as possible so they may enjoy their independence in comfort for as long as possible. Come by for a tour so you too can personally experience the difference. Knowledge is Power! Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community is located in Stone Oak at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit independencehill.com they still fire randomly, sort of like an idling car, and when a sound comes in the nerves fire quickly and in groups and this is what we hear as sound. Sometimes the brain will get a group of neurons firing when no sound is coming in, and this is what causes the tinnitus. Tinnitus can be soft or loud, but people respond differently to it regardless of the loudness. Many people tune it out over time, while others feel overwhelmed by it, and others are bothered by it a certain time, like when they are trying to sleep. Many people find relief by turning on music, a fan, or water sounds like rain, waves or

See RINGING, Page 15

Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center Desh Sharma, MD, Suzanne McGregor, FNP/GNP – BC, Seema A. Dar, MD, FACG, Muhammad Naeem, MD. FACP & FACG, Chaithanya Mallikarjun, MD

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February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

It’s RHS Cheer Competition Season!

Photo courtesy of Jeff Tisdel Photo courtesy of Jeff Tisdel

Varsity team 1st Place Finish at Spirit of Giving Championship

Submitted By Cari Goodyear, RHS Spirit Board he Reagan Cheerleaders are building pyramids and flying high – literally, the Varsity and Junior Varsity cheerleaders are practicing stunt formations and tumbling with flips and twists in the air preparing for the National High School Cheerleading Championships. The two competition teams earned bids to the


elite Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) Nationals competition, both with their second place finishes at UCA South Texas Regionals held in San Marcos this past November. Prior to that, the Varsity competition team earned First Place and High Score at the Spirit of Giving Competition in San Antonio with a Second Place finish for the Rattlers Junior Varsity team. Best of Luck to both of our Reagan cheer teams

K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

LOVE Your Pet!


ebruary’s the month of love. And if you’re a pet owner you probably know the true meaning of unconditional love. So how would you feel if suddenly you lost that love? Unfortunately, thousands of owners go through every year because one day the gate was left open or fireworks caused your couch potato to climb a 6-foot fence. You’ve heard it before, “I don’t need a collar….my dog never leaves the yard” or “my cat is an indoor cat.” But it’s crazy to think you can control another living creature

100% of the time. Spooked animals are known to travel for miles in a very short amount of time. Even further when a kind stranger picks them up and drives them to a different neighborhood. With no identification, how would they know it’s not a stray? Each year thousands of animals are taken to shelters as strays. And many are then picked up by rescues where they can be transported all over the country! Only a very small number, without permanent identification, make it home. Sadly, some

Varsity stunt performance at UCA South Texas Regionals competition.

the as they head to Florida in mid-February to perform their Varsity and Junior Varsity routines at the ESPN Wide World of Sports complex for UCA Nationals.

Photo courtesy of Jeff Tisdel

Junior Varsity team in cheer routine pyramid at UCA Regionals.

get euthanized! But you know the one thing all of these organizations do when they get a new animal in? They CHECK for MICROCHIPS! A microchip is a permanent form of ID that is implanted via an injection in the back of the animal’s neck. It’s easy to get, costs around $35 plus registration, and is harmless to your pet. Some chips require an additional annual registration. Some cities occasionally do low cost drives. But if you want to be safe NOW you can get your pet chipped at K9 Country Club! And as part of our 15 YEAR CELEBRATION where you GET ALL THE GIFTS: Get 15% OFF Microchipping and a FREE Valentine’s cookie bag during February! Our AVID Friendchip® includes a prepaid, lifetime registration with AVID’s national registry. It’s a great deal and a great way to stack the odds in your favor to get your beloved pet back should they ever become lost. Continuing with the February love

College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors t is our pleasure to sponsor and announce the College Tutors Educator of the Month for February. The purpose of the award is to highlight and recognize a local high school educator that acts as a role model to our students. The award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values


of College Tutors: Can Do, Results Matter and Leave It Better. This month, we recognize Abigail Zamora of Reagan High School. Abigail demonstrates a Can DO attitude as shown by the fact that she took on Student Council her first year at Reagan High School. As a role model, her students see her positive attitude each and every day. Abigail always goes the extra mile in her efforts to positively impact students learning.

February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

The owners of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. We firmly believe that the quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, or to submit a nomination,


theme… Who loves puppies? WE DO!!!! And if you added one to your family recently, don’t miss our Puppy Play Day, February 26th from 1pm to 3pm at K9 Country Club. It will be a great time of socialization, games, and tips from our trainers. All the details and requirements can be found on our website. Offering everything you and your pet could want for training and boarding… and then some! Whether it is the fast paced training of the ever popular agility classes or napping under one of the many oak trees surrounding this 13-acre oasis, you will find it all in here… Check us out! Visit us at k9countryclub.net or give us a call (830) 980-8476. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde, TX 78163. For more information, call 830-980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.

please contact College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors at 210-2020303 or stoneoaktx@ collegenannies.com.

Abigail Zamora


Step Into Decorating

By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he beginning of a New Year comes I have not met yet. 2017 brings a fresh new with excitement and novelty. The lists color palette for decorating and design. are written, the goals are set, and the The big markets are here and we are beginning of the year is here. excited about attending and seeing all the After a few weeks of 2017 have passed, I new items that are being introduced. Our can say that interior designing and decorating vendors have been preparing for these is at the top of the list for many of my markets for weeks. clients….and for those potential clients that


Decorating Introductions: • Our chocolate colors continue to lead the way with some beautiful spa blues and greens. • Textures are again heavy with animal prints. • Bling has come into our lives with our accessories and even new furniture lines. • More functional tables are emerging to accommodate the technical lives that we live. • Rugs are hotter than ever and so are drapes. Softness mixed with heavy textures dominate the window industries. • Natural stones, bling, glass and mirrors are entering our lives in furniture as well as floor and wall coverings. Call us for your consultations. With over

Should I Medicate My ADHD Child? By Leslie Jernigan, M.A. Learning Foundations Diagnostic and Learning Center 210-495-2626 f your child is struggling in school and has ADHD is typically treated with stimulant difficulty paying attention in class, you drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta and have probably heard teachers recommend Vyvanse. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) or at least hint at the possibility of medication for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder has these stimulants as Schedule II drugs, (ADHD). For many teachers, medication meaning there is a high potential for abuse. seems the ideal solution for a classroom Make no mistake, these are powerful drugs. management problem. But is it the best Peruse a magazine ad for any of these medications and you will find an alarming solution for your child? Let’s look at the facts. According to the laundry list of possible side-effects. Bipolar Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 7% of illness, slowing of growth in children, school aged kids in Texas are taking ADHD anxiety, decreased appetite, nausea, trouble medication; twice as much as in 2007. sleeping, stomach pain and vomiting are the


most common ones. For a child to be diagnosed with ADHD, he typically visits a pediatrician or psychologist and parents and teachers are asked to complete a series of behavioral checklists. A classroom observation by a school psychologist or other trained professional may or may not be included. Once this information is analyzed and scored, the doctor or psychologist will decide if the child fits the ADHD profile and can give a diagnosis based on this information. Medication is often the first (and sometimes only) intervention recommended. It’s funny how the brain is the only organ in the body that is so frequently treated without more formal testing to determine the

The Jenkins Interior Design Group

7,000 vendors, we are here to help you update, organize, and yes…furnish your home with gorgeous furniture, artwork and accessories. Remodeling has been keeping us busy as well. Our MAGICAL MAKEOVERS are truly MAGIC. The Home Is Your Castle! For more information, contact Mary Jenkins-Asquith, Registered Interior Designer or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Designer at (210) 490-0161 or via email at mjkgl@aol.com or jessicajenkins2@gmail.com. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com or www. jenkinsdesigngroup.willowhouse.com. Join The Jenkins Interior Design Group on Facebook, Twitter and on LinkedIn. potential causes for problematic symptoms. Can you imagine a doctor prescribing heart medication based solely on a symptoms checklist? At the very least you’d want appropriate checks for blood pressure, heart rate, arterial blockage, etc. But many children are prescribed powerful medications on the basis of minimal diagnostic measures. If your child struggles with attention, does that mean she has ADHD? Not necessarily. It is important for parents and teachers to carefully consider whether the attention challenges are causing the learning problem; or if the learning problems are showing up as difficulty paying attention and staying ontask. For many students, attention problems are more a symptom of an underlying learning problem, rather than the cause itself. Children with weak processing skills or retained reflexes may feel over-stimulated by light, sound, or even the fabric of their clothes.

See ADHD, Page 16

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February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Lopez Panthers Win NEISD District Theatre And Debate Contest Special To Welcome Home ongratulations to Lopez Drama and Debate for winning the NEISD Fall Speech & Theatre contest on Saturday, December 10. Not only did Lopez host the district wide competition they also won 1st place overall sweepstakes in the Large school division with a team total of 302 points. The Lopez team won 36 Outstanding Performer plaques, 27 1st place blue ribbons, 39 2nd place red ribbons and 20 3rd place white ribbons. Team consisted of 60 6th, 7th and 8th grade theatre students. Competing in the Public Forum debate division, Lopez had 7 out of 8 teams advance to elimination rounds. Overall, Lopez debate won 2nd place: David Gutierrez & Vishy Rao, 3rd place: Mizla Shrestha & Kaili Cuenca and 4th place: Abby (Quinn) Kent & Erik Glesne. The entire day was a huge success thanks to many dedicated volunteers. A big thank you goes out to Mrs. Sorgi and her Lopez Orchestra students and parents who ran the concession stand, many theatre parent volunteers who took the time to judge the competition, chaperoned


students and ran hospitality throughout the day. Many thanks to Principal Eric Wernli, Assistant Principal Carrie Elliott, Officer Villarreal and the Lopez custodial staff for

their support during the contest as well! These students had tremendous support from their teachers and staff throughout the rehearsal and the entire process!

Congratulations to all of these talented Panthers!

Lopez Band Sets A New Record At 1st Competition Of The Year! Submitted By Kim Garza he Region XII MS Band Auditions were recently held at Lopez MS on Saturday, December 3rd. Schools from all over San Antonio and surrounding cities in Region XII participated in the contest. Students compete against those who play their same instrument, battling against almost as many as one hundred or more in their audition rooms, all to earn a place in the coveted “Region Band.” When a band student earns a place in this group, it is like making the “All Star Team” in the band world. Forty-one students from Lopez MS Band earned chairs in the prestigious Region XII MS Band at this year’s competition! Ten students also received District Band recognition for their high placement. “District” is a recognition that students receive when they earn chairs high enough in the room after the region members. They are considered alternates and get to participate in case someone does not show up to the clinic and concert. A patch is also earned for their District status. The forty-one students that earned a place in the Region Band took part in the “All Star” Region band weekend in a clinic and concert with a special guest conductor on Friday and Saturday, December 9th and 10th at Johnson HS. This elite group of musicians were able to work on 4 or 5 pieces of music for just a few hours and then perform them at the

concert the following day. “It was so much fun to watch the best of the best come together and meet the challenge of learning a full program of music so quickly and perform it so well, all while having so much fun,” said Mrs. Kim Garza, Director of Bands at Lopez Middle School. Both band directors, Ms. Jessica Powell and Mrs. Kim Garza also said “We are so proud of our students and the work ethic and dedication they bring 2016 Region Band All Stars. to rehearsal each day! We are so excited to see what is to come in the future for these fine young musicians! They are truly a joy to know, teach and watch grow!” Congratulations to the following Lopez MS Band members for their placement into the 2016 Region XII MS Band! Flute – Zayd Virani, Alyson Matson, Cassidy Nelson, Ainsley Holeman, Daniella Bull, Priscila Rivera Oboe – Catherine Hanson

Bassoon – Alexis Ponseti, Bailey Washburn, Robyn Loehs Clarinet – Cole Sixkiller, Grace Guarnery, Aidan Bankler, Kaitlyn Zamagni, Joseph Kent Alto Sax – Noah Martinez, Brendan Taylor Tenor Sax – Jacob Sweeney Bari Sax – Karson Tate Trumpet – Nicolas Bononcini, Preston Wilder, Jacob Weaver, Emilio Garza French Horn – Elise Courand, Matthew

Patterson, Lucas Lehmann, Sophia Christiansen Trombone – Aidan Schilling, Thomas Crinklaw, Joseph Torres, Andrew Flynn, Jackson Zabojnik, Hannah Larimore Euphonium – Samuel Johnson Tuba – Henry Torres, Emma Pol, Simon Lee Percussion – Stephen Cooke, Kyan Shupe, Luke Martin

RINGING, from Page 12

indicator of a serious underlying condition, unilateral tinnitus or pulsating tinnitus can be an indicator of a significant medical issue. Call Everyone’s ENT and Sinus Center

today for an appointment and we can discuss possible solutions for your tinnitus. We are one of the leading sinus and allergy practices in San Antonio, and want our patients to be informed decision-makers.

We have developed a website loaded with valuable information about ear, nose and throat problems and treatments visit us at everyonesent.com or call us at 210-6473838.

ADHD, from Page 14

words, that they lose comprehension. When asked about what they read, it may seem like they were not paying attention. ADHD does exist and for some children appropriate medication is an important piece of an effective treatment plan, but medication should never be the first or only intervention. And while medication can control many of

the symptoms, it will not correct a learning problem. And it will certainly not teach your child to read. If you choose to medicate your child, consider coupling it with a 1 on 1 cognitive training program that fits the child’s needs. Leslie Jernigan has a Masters Degree in School Psychology and is Director of

Assessment at Learning Foundations Cognitive Training Center. If you have a child that is struggling in school, contact (210) 495-2626 or visit www. learningfoundations.com/adhd for more information on how to get help for your child.


a waterfall. For those with a hearing loss hearing aids will often reduce the tinnitus, or even eliminate it when they are on. While tinnitus in both ears is rarely an

This sensory overload can cause them to be excessively wiggly or focused too much on trying to manage the rush of stimuli that they are experiencing in a noisy classroom. Students who struggle with reading skills have to focus so much on sounding out the

February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258



Military Dad Reunites With Sons During Surprise Homecoming

Trey Wilson and Hunter Chung’s reaction to their father walking into their classroom, in addition to nephew Ryan Bush’s reaction, along with the reactions of teachers and fellow classmates.

Special To Welcome Home n December 14, 2016 two NEISD campuses welcomed Major Evan Chung of the United States Army


as part of a surprise reunion with his two sons; Trey Wilson a sixth-grade student at Lopez Middle School and Hunter Chung a tenth-grade student at Reagan High School. Major Chung’s nephew, Ryan Bush, was in the same class as Hunter when Major Chung arrived. The students had no idea that their father and uncle had returned

after a 6-month deployment in Afghanistan. Major Chung had been serving his third tour overseas. Surprising his two sons and nephew in front of their fellow classmates kicked-off his return to the United States and the holidays with his family. Major Chung’s wife, Nickola Wilson-Chung, a Retired Major in the Army was in on the

big surprise for her sons and nephew. Major Chung has served in the military for 19 years. Welcome Home would like to thank Major Chung and his family for their years of service and dedication.

Reagan JROTC Teams Part IV – The Rifle Team Submitted By John Tijerina n early August of 2016 during the Summer Olympic Games held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil the United States would win its first gold medal with Virginia Thrasher in the Women’s 10 meter Air Rifle event. One of the least known teams in the JROTC program is the three position, Air Rifle (Marksmanship) Team. Developed from the Olympic shooting events, the JROTC 3-Position Air Rifle is one of the oldest teams the program has to offer. So what is rifle marksmanship? It is a skill sport where the rifle is aimed, controlled, and fired so as to consistently hit a distant, difficult target. Rifle marksmanship is a sport steeped in military heritage, a sport that stresses control, discipline, concentration, and extreme precision. It is an Olympic sport practiced world-wide and can be an enjoyable lifetime recreation and competition activity. At Reagan, the JROTC Rifle Marksmanship


Team is called Reagan’s Rifles. On this team, Cadets learn gun safety and basic marksmanship while practicing on the Rattler Battalion air rifle range. The team uses 4.5mm (.177 caliber pellet) air rifles and shoots from the standing, kneeling, and prone positions. The team is broken down into two sub-categories of Precision and Sporter. The Sporter section uses a Crossman Challenger for practice and competitions. This rifle is a good “starter” rifle as it is lighter and easier to use than the precision rifles. The Precision section is for those older Cadets who started out in Sporter and have more experience. They use a Feinwerkbau precision air rifle much like the one used by Miss Thrasher to win the gold. As with other JROTC teams at Reagan, the air rifle competition season takes up most of the school year. The Reagan’s Rifles Sporter section is currently the 2016 Texas State Army Marksmanship Champions.

The Reagan’s Rifles Sporter section is currently the 2016 Texas State Army Marksmanship Champions.

They have also qualified for, and will travel to compete in, the JROTC Army National Air Rifle Championships in Anniston, Alabama in February. Congratulations to

Elena Loveland, Ethan Constantino, Albert Franke, Juliana Hosey, and Madeleine Sodders for accomplishing this fantastic honor!

Special To Welcome Home anuary was great time to focus on the crucial role an elected board of trustees plays in our communities and schools. The North East ISD Board of Trustees is made up of seven community leaders. They receive no pay for their dedicated efforts. They not only volunteer their time and effort for our local schools, but they also speak up for our system of public education on a statewide level. These public servants sit through meetings, read detailed reports, listen to parents’ concerns, and do the hard work to benefit the students and the community at large. They bring a variety of skills and backgrounds to their task, and they take their responsibilities seriously. The whole community benefits from their vigilance in providing good schools. Each January, we pause in our regular activities to say thank you to these dedicated volunteers. We appreciate their generous sharing of time and energy on behalf of our children

and our communities. Local school board members are an all-star team, focused on our schools. Join us is saying thank you to our AllStar Team! Shannon Grona, President, District 5 Brigitte Perkins, Vice President, District 7 Sandy Hughey, Secretary, District 1 Tony Jaso, Trustee, District 6 Jim Wheat, Trustee, District 4 Edd White, Trustee, District 2 Sandi Wolff, Trustee, District 3

Stone Oak ES Teacher Of The Year January 2017 Was School Board And Trinity Prize Winner! Recognition Month Submitted By Ida Nunez rs. Kelli Samples was selected as the Teacher of the Year and Ms. Deb Martilla was selected as Trinity Prize winner, both for the 20162017 school year. They both have been at Stone Oak for quite a while and are both passionate educators who love what they do. Ms. Martilla is the Librarian and Mrs. Samples is a 2nd grade teacher. One would often see Ms. Martilla wearing costumes and hats around the library and especially when reading to students. Ms. Martilla coordinates the school website, a technology club (TNT) that has students deliver laptop carts to teachers who check them out, and organizes the morning video announcements (Bobcat Crew). Ms. Martilla also organizes and hosts the annual Battle of the Books competition and organizes author presentations twice a year. She also assists during testing by serving as a test administrator. If you can’t find her in the library it is because she is helping a teacher out in her classroom.



J Trinity Prize Winner and Teacher of the Year- Deb Martilla on the left, Kelli Samples on the right.

Mrs. Samples is one of the most positive teachers on campus. She always has a smile on her face and is willing to help anyone out. When you walk into her classroom, you can tell instantly that she loves her students and would do anything for them. She is very sweet and compassionate. Mrs. Samples also serves on many campus committees. Congratulations to these two fantastic educators at Stone Oak Elementary!


February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Ian’s Cup Soccer Camp Coming SOON!

Save The Date: The 2017 Ian’s Cup Soccer Clinic will be held Sunday, March 5th at the Mays YMCA.

Submitted By Stephanie Fincke he 8th annual Ian’s Cup Soccer Clinic will be held on Sunday, March 5th from 2-4PM at the Mays YMCA with registration beginning at 1:30PM. Visit www.IansCup.com today to pre-register or sign up to volunteer for the clinic. Deadline to register for the clinic to ensure a 2017 Ian’s Cup T-shirt the day of the event is Sunday, February 19th. Online pre-registration will continue until Saturday, March 4th. The cost for pre-registration is $25 and $30 for walkins the day of the clinic. The clinic will run from 2-4PM. Each participant should bring cleats (or athletic shoes), an age appropriate ball, and a desire to learn and have fun! Ian’s Foundation was formed in memory of Ian Fincke who passed away tragically at the age of 16 as the result of a traumatic brain injury sustained during a long boarding accident. The foundation was formed to advance the safety and welfare


of San Antonio youth through education and scholarship awards. Ian’s love for the game of soccer inspired the creation of Ian’s Cup, an annual soccer match played between Johnson High School and Reagan High School Varsity Boy’s and Girl’s Soccer Teams. The school with the highest aggregate score for the night receives the coveted Ian’s Cup Trophy and bragging rights for the year. A scholarship is awarded to a boy and girl from each team for a total of four scholarships annually. To date over $34,000 in scholarships has been awarded to deserving San Antonio students and local organizations in Ian’s memory. The soccer clinic for the youth of San Antonio is the main fundraiser that supports the scholarship awards and allows the local high school soccer players and club coaches an opportunity to teach soccer skills and give back to the youth of San Antonio. The 8th annual Ian’s Cup Soccer Match

will be held on Friday, March 10th. The boy’s game will begin at 5PM followed by the girl’s game at 7PM with the presentation of the Ian’s Cup trophy at the conclusion of the girl’s game. Come out and support the JHS and RHS soccer teams at Blossom Athletic Center in this special memorial tribute to Ian. A variety of t-shirt options will be available to pre-order at www. IansCup.com through February 26th to ensure delivery prior to the game. Mailing options are available for delivery. Ian’s foundation was the inspiration behind bringing wheelchair soccer to San Antonio and continues to support STRAPS (South Texas Regional Adaptive and Paralympic Sports) at Morgan’s Wonderland. Ian’s Foundation also supports the local YMCA by providing scholarships to allow San Antonio youth that could not afford to play soccer the opportunity to play the sport that Ian Iansloved so much. The foundation

continues to do helmet safety talks at local schools throughout San Antonio and has launched a helmet safety initiative this year. Please visit www.IansFoundation.org to find out more or if interested in making a donation or becoming a sponsor.

Looking For Girl Scout Cookies? There’s An App For That! Submitted by: Risa Weinberger, Girl Scout Volunteer t’s Girl Scout cookie time. Have you ordered your favorites? Those wonderful Thin Mints or delicious Samoas. Maybe some Tagalongs or DoSiDos for peanut butter goodness? How about the Toffee Tastic or the newest cookie celebrating the 100th year of Girl Scout cookies, the Girl Scout S’Mores cookie? If you are on a hunt for your favorite Girl Scout cookie, help is just an App away. That’s right. You can use your iPhone or android phone to find the


nearest Girl Scout cookie booth. Simply call the free locator number, **GSCOOKIES (**472665437) and your phone’s GPS will find cookies nearby, by zip code or even by state. Since we now live in a digital world, girls will be able to set up their own Digital Cookie Platform to reach out to family and friends for cookie sales. When orders are placed online, the cookies are sent directly to the buyer. Through this digital program, girls learn how to create a marketing platform to encourage sales. Just another

Crawfish Season Is In Full Swing

By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 reak out the corn on the cob and your potatoes, crawfish season is in full swing! Don’t be the only house on the block not taking advantage of this year’s crop of world famous Louisiana mudbugs! Right now we’re about to enter the “peak” of the season. Late February, March, April, and May have the ideal temperatures and rain amounts for our guys to harvest the best crawfish there is to find, and Groomer’s Seafood trucks them straight to our store


for you to pick up for your weekend boil. Before you get too excited and start sending pre-orders for this weekend in, let’s go over a few pointers and the proper way to eat this Cajun delicacy. HOW TO EAT: 1. Invite the family and friends! Crawfish isn’t meant to be a solo meal! Don’t be shellfish and invite the the crew! 2. Pre-order your crawfish. You will eat A LOT of crawfish. Trust me. I can plow through 5 pounds like nothing, but your typical eater will eat about 2-3 pounds. Our

February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

tool in the fast moving market place. When you purchase Girl Scout cookies, you are giving these young entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop five essential life skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. These skills allow girls to acquire the talent and resources to make the world a better place. Every box of cookies sold helps girls fulfill their goals. Each girl, and Girl Scout group, sets their own selling goals for their cookie program. And the best part, 100 percent of the money stays local!

That means you’re not only supporting girls’ success, but the success of your community too! That’s a sweet deal. If cookies are not part of your food plan this year, a donation to the Gifts of Caring will allow the Girl Scout troops to donate cookies to special organizations. Some of these Gift of Caring recipients include the USO, Fisher House, Ronald MacDonald Houses, and many military bases. Stock up now. Girl Scout cookies are only available until the middle of March. Then you’ll have to wait until next year!

sacks average at about 34 pounds so they will feed around 12 or so people. 3. After the crawfish have been boiled and you’re staring face to face with your bright red mudbug, slow down and grab a bib. Things are going to get messy. Once you’re properly protected, pinch the head of the crawfish between two fingers with one hand and hold the tail with your other hand. Then twist the head. 4. This is where casual crawfish eaters are separated from serious Cajuns, if you’re serious suck the juices from the head of the crawfish. There’s a ton of flavor in there, if you think you’d rather pass, no worries, skip this step or harvest all the heads for your true Cajun buddies at the meal. 5. Peel the shell off the tail. This is where most of the meat is. Pinch the shell that covers the tail to crack it and then

remove. The more you do this the faster this process will get. So don’t worry if the first few take a little while. 6. Don’t eat that tail just yet! Clean it off first. Hold the tail with one hand and peel back the outer layer of skin from the top of the crawfish meat with your other hand. This will remove the undesirable bits in one swift motion. 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 until royally stuffed. Peel whatever you don’t eat and save to make gumbo, etouffee, or even crawfish fettuccine!


Alright that’s it! Now you’re a true mudbug eatin’ expert so get on making that pre-order. Either give us a call at 210-377-0951 or visit our website www. groomerseafood.com to find out how to place your order today! We look forward to seeing you soon!


Local Junior Supports Local Charity Special To Welcome Home lay one shot at a time” is Christian Fanfelle’s motto and the name of his newsletter. Christian, a junior attending UIW Preparatory High School, is an aspiring professional golfer. His mission is to combine his two passions in life; golf and finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes (TD1). Christian created his newsletter, Play One Shot at a Time, to be able to stay in touch with his fans regarding his golf tournaments, but it turned into much more than that. Through his newsletter and social media, Christian has been able to build an international following and “Team Fanfelle” is giving back and making a difference. Christian has taken the opportunity to fundraise through the American Junior Golf Association’s (AJGA) Leadership Links Birdies for Charity program. Members of Team Fanfelle can make a one-time donation or pledge a specific amount per


birdie. Playing in fourteen tournaments and scoring 117 birdies this past season, Christian and Team Fanfelle raised over $2900 in donations. Half of which went to the AJGA ACE Scholarship Program, and the other half, $1,461, which was recently presented to the local Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) - South Central Chapter. This past season, Christian broke the record at the 59th Greater San Antonio Junior Championship, shooting a 62 on the final day. Currently ranked #7 in the state of Texas, Class of 2018, Christian has verbally committed and will be playing Division 1 Golf, representing the UTSA Roadrunners. Go ROADRUNNERS! Join Team Fanfelle and follow Christian on YouTube or subscribe to his newsletter by emailing playoneshotatatime@gmail. com. Making a difference one shot at a time.

Reagan To Donate Thousands Of Toys To Blue Santa Special To Welcome Home eagan High School’s Student Council broke its own record for toy donations during their annual toy drive supporting San Antonio Police Department (SAPD). The Reagan High School Student Council began accepting toy donations on Dec. 1. These toys were donated to the Blue Santa program, through SAPD. Last year, the students collected and organized an estimated 6,000 gifts for needy children in San Antonio. Reagan is home to one of the largest pick-ups for SAPD. The entire school made generous contributions totaling to thousands. These toys help brighten the holidays for less fortunate families in San Antonio. Council members spent weeks accepting the donations and organizing the toys. Some teachers even offered incentives to students who donated and school clubs counted it as community service. Students worked with SAPD officers to collect toys from the office and load them up in the truck. The Reagan Drumline and


Reagan Spirit groups got everyone in the spirit while welcoming Blue Santa to the campus. SAPD will delivered the toys to nearly 12,000 children before Christmas as part

of the Blue Santa Program. Blue Santa was started in 1976 to provide clothes, food, money and toys to families in our community. The donations are organized and sent to substations all over the city.

SAPD Officers distribute them to families who need a little help providing over the holidays.

Paying It Forward By Alissa Reinhard true testament to one’s character is not the foresight and ability to give back when in a position of prosperity, but rather when one finds him or herself in a tough spot themselves. When Reagan High School student Kylie Durish was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, the sophomore, her family and friends were shocked. Kylie, an athlete and member of the Reagan Volleyball team bravely underwent three surgeries and intensive chemotherapy after her August 31, 2016 diagnosis. “On September 2, we found it was Stage 3, in her neck, chest and abdomen,” explained Jennifer Durish, Kylie’s mother. “It was a complete shock.” Kylie was treated at Children’s Hospital of San Antonio where she was on six chemotherapy medications administered on day one, two, three and seven of every 21day cycle.



Kylie’s oncologist thought initially she would need six rounds of chemo plus radiation, but thankfully she experienced a “rapid response” to treatment, meaning instead she needed four rounds of chemotherapy and no radiation. She is now in remission. “Kylie has gone through her fight with a positive attitude, strength, faith, and always giving back to others that are enduring their own fight,” said Jennifer. Right after Thanksgiving, Kylie began collecting toys to donate to the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio where she received treatment. Many children in treatment spend the holidays in the hospital and oftentimes, families don’t have the time or money to shop for gifts. The donated toys may be the only ones these children receive. Ultimately, she was able to deliver nearly 300 gifts to the hospital. “Kylie was inspired to give back because so many people in the community

have supported her,” explained Jennifer. “That support meant so much to her, so the best way for her to show her gratitude was to pay it forward to others. It brought her great joy to know that she was helping so many other children like herself.” Generous donations from the Reagan Volleyball team, friends and family, and Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids who gave patrons $2 off a haircut when they donated a toy, helped make Kylie’s toy drive possible. She dropped off the toys at the hospital on December 20. Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor and Reagan High School Families were then able to come sophomore Kylie Durish donated nearly 300 toys to patients at and pick out the toys that their Children’s Hospital of San Antonio where she received treatment. child(ren) would enjoy the most. positive difference in people’s lives and “Our entire family is tremendously proud of Kylie’s strength, brought so many people joy. She has such faith, hope, compassion, courage, and a bright heart and is always thinking of grace,” stated Jennifer. “She has made a others.”


February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

5 B i g Mi st ak es Invest ors Mak e. . . An d How To Avo i d T h em

J As a registered financial advisor, Judy is passionate about helping clients pursue their financial goals and is committed to staying current on emerging trends and best practices in the financial planning industry. She frequently conducts workshops on Investing 101, retirement planning strategies, ways to save for college and wealth accumulation and preservation to help investors understand opportunities and potential S




Stone Oak Business Association

oin us on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 as Financial Advisor, Judy Jackson, discusses the five biggest mistakes investors make and how to avoid them. Judy’s knowledge and commitment will give you the needed tools for a successful investing future. Come prepared with plenty of questions and, of course, lots of business cards.

Date: Time: Location: Cost:

February 22, 2017 7:30 am to 9:30 am The Egg & I Sonterra 700 E. Sonterra Blvd. 78258 $15 for Members and Non-Members

SOBA’s February Meeting is Sponsored By: Judy Jackson with Waddell & Reed

R S V P : ( 2 10 ) 3 4 8 - 8 2 3 3 e - m ail : s o b a @ s a t x.r r.c o m w w w. S t o n e O a k B u s in e s s .c o m

SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses

2017 SOURCE COMING SOON! The Guide With All Your North Side Information The Source is a Business & Medical Directory. It includes: Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Medical, Maps, and more!—right at your fingertips. Pick up a FREE 2016 copy at any of these locations: • • • • • • •

Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112

For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit


February 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258







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