January 2016 78258 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Stone Oak, Canyon Springs, Vineyards, and Rogers Ranch and immediate areas POSTAL CUSTOMER

January 2016 Issue


Hourly childcare that’s reliable, safe and easy to use. Our On-call nanny service is the perfect alternative to finding a babysitter. College Nannies are: + Your easy to use solution for hourly childcare needs. + Safe, reliable and fun role model care. + There when you need them, as often as you need them.

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The Jenkins Interior Design Group

Call for your winter makeover. Mary Lozano Jenkins 210.325.3720 mjkg1@aol.com

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January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

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Stop By & Ask About Our Daily Seafood Specials. 9801 McCullough San Antonio, Texas 210-377-0951 January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

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Buy An Offset Smoker And We’ll Donate To The Rodeo Scholarship The Package Deal:

Dry Eye Center of Excellence - Dry Eye Stops Here! Red, Itchy, Watery Eyes? Call today to find out about your options.

• 20”x 40” offset smoker • Temperature gauge • 25# bag of wood (choice of mesquite, oak, pecan, or hickory) • Bottle of Hats BBQ Sauce

For every 20”x40” BBQ Pit Package that we sell in the month of January, Jeff’s Backyard will donate $25 to the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo Scholarship Fund!

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regular price: $1146.99

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Westover Hills




Lagoon pool with beach entry

Premier Pools and Spas of San Antonio 23127 IH-10 W. Ste. 201 San Antonio, TX 78257 210.375.3333 “Across from Dominion”


Premier Pools and Spas is the largest pool builder offering the higest quality equipment and the best value for you money, period.

All I want for Christmas is a premium pool!

Small pool (“Spool”)

We also specialize in major pool remodel projects. Update your pool by adding a spa or water feature, or by changing the shape or depth of your pool.

Note: Pool shown above includes multiple options not included in the base price pool. Special does not include deck and requires normal access and relatively flat yard elevation.



January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Note From The Publisher



Starting The New Year With Speed Networking

ur 2015 Winter Celebration has passed and as I write this letter I can’t help but reflect on how blessed Welcome Home is to have been a part of this great tradition. 2015’s event, held at North Central Baptist Hospital, was an incredible success. It was our biggest event to date and benefitted the non-profit organization Living Through Giving. Living Through Giving is my mission a to give back to a community that has supported me for 16 years. I would like to thank North Central Baptist Hospital for partnering with Welcome Home for Winter Celebration, and for their support in making this event grow every year. (For a list of all the sponsors, and vendors look on page 11). If you have been part of our event you should be proud of the tradition we have started. Our success and generosity to the children of our city with our Toy Drive has inspired others to have Winter Festivals of their own. My desire is through this community’s involvement we will be able to truly say no child in San Antonio will be without a gift during the Christmas season. As always, I am thankful to the sponsors, performers, and volunteers for helping us in this endeavor. This was the 13th year of Winter Celebration and I never realized what a tremendous blessing we were missing by not taking our toys directly to the children. This was truly the most special Holiday Season I have ever experienced. I encourage every school organization, company and individual reading this to come join us next

of Excellent Dance Training!

REGISTER NOW for classes in: • Ballet/Pointe • Boys Hip-Hop • Tap • Jazz • Lyrical • Modern • Hip-Hop • Flamenco • Mex. Folkloric • Contemporary

Rosemary Tatum, Director

Rosemary Tatum, Director

year. It will be an experience you will never forget. This year has also blessed the Stone Oak Business Association with plenty of news and events that we covered within Welcome Home. We look forward to getting a jump start on 2016 on January 27th where you can join us for our Speed Networking. With so many businesses growing and opening in the community, we invite the opportunity to get to know them and them to know you. We are looking forward to bringing you your community news in 2016 and thank you for another year of continued support. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you! As the communities that support us have helped make many of our hopes and dreams come true, we wish you and your family the same this year.

AGES: 3-Adult Family Rates Available!

Register NOW to perform in SADAʻs 26th Annual Recital on June 12th, 2016 at the Lila Cockrell Theatre!

15714 Huebner Rd. (between Churchill Estates & Bitters)

210.341.7574 Call for more info or stop by our beautiful studio.


20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com

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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Staff Writers Debby Seguin

Writer/Copy Editor Stefanie Young

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Austin Jones

Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante

Contributing Photographer Oscar McAnally Contributing Writers Laura Hernandez Aplin Michele Bibb

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

• Reminders • School Events • Community Events • New Developments

Emily Boyce Katrina Campbell Sandra Curtis Deborah Deel Cari Goodyear Brian Hernandez Steve Johnson Monica Laughlin Lisa Norwood



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On The Cover


Driver Safety Course Hosted by

Learn about new traffic laws and be eligible for insurance rate reduction.

Thursday, January 28th, 2016 12:00 (noon) – 4:00pm $15 for AARP members $20 for non-members 20500 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas www.independencehill.com

RSVP by January 26th

(210) 209-8956 Refreshments served.


restige Emergency Room is not an urgent care; rather it is a full service 24-hour emergency center that has the capability to care for any emergency that local hospitals handle without the hospital wait. With the location being off 1604 and Bitters Road, patients can avoid wasting necessary minutes by not having to commute to the medical center. Once at the facility, patients are treated by board certified physicians and nurses who are all emergency trained and focus on caring for you rather than processing you. The average door to discharge times is less than 90 minutes, unlike those of hospital-based emergency rooms, and an average time to meet with a doctor is about 3-5 minutes from walking in the door. Emergencies can range from being as extreme as life threatening or to being painful, yet not as serious. With a wide spectrum of types of emergencies that patients walk in the doors of Prestige with, it is reassuring to know that they not only have the knowledge to handle each situation, but the resources.

HERE WHEN YOU NEED US State-of-the-art facility provides emergency medical care 24-7

Photo By Oscar McAnally

Prestige Emergency Room will also features diagnostic imaging equipment, including X-Ray, CT Scanning and ultrasound capabilities. All of these diagnostic tests allow doctors and specialists to see results in minutes, rather than hours. Prestige welcomes emergent patients to a place that can get them fast results when they need it the most. While medical emergencies can’t be planned, knowing that there is a place that wants to help you and reduce the stress of hospital ERs can be one less thing to worry about.

Family Life Get On Board! Full Service Apartments, Assisted Living and Neighborhood of Homes


By Debby Seguin


recently purchased a “previously owned” (used?) vehicle, so I have been learning about this OnBoard System found in some newer car models, which boasts a lot of helpful features. It’s great for emergencies. Like, let’s say the kids are fighting in the back seat so you reach behind you to whack somebody, which causes the vehicle to veer off the road and plow into the cow pasture fence post. The OnBoard System will immediately dispatch emergency personnel to your location! This is bound to save lives…especially the kids’ since now there will be witnesses. The system also has this global positioning system. You speak to this machine, admit you are lost and it will give you directions (a sort of “vehicular confessional” if you will). They recently stopped including this little timesaver. Why? No man would admit he was lost. Surprising because I thought a machine would be less intimidating than I Can Help You If You Are . . . • Startup Businesses Clients • Growing Businesses Clients • Retired Clients Starting Biz • Taxpayers Who Previously Prepared Their Own Returns John Horton,CPA

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a real-live, breathing, thinking, flesh and blood female (who, obviously, strikes fear in the hearts/egos of all lost men). Alas, our daughters are destined to drive around for hours longer than necessary just like their mothers before them. (Sigh). Anyway, it’s a great system but lacks some features I would have included. How about an OnBoard Mouth Clamp? This little baby will render mute any passenger at first hint of “driving advice”. An OnBoard Crumb Sucker would be handy. Similar in design to a dental “Slobber Sucker” (not its technical name) this device hangs near the mouth of any eating passenger quickly sucking up any crumbs before they dare violate your floor or upholstery. Voila! A clean car! An absolute “must-have”, however, is the OnBoard Errand Scheduler. It will sequence and print the quickest route to get to the bank, comptroller’s office, home depot, soccer practice, gas station, chess lessons, grocery store, post office, baseball field and hair salon AND still get me home before my husband asks the irritatingly inevitable question, “What took you so long?” Very helpful. In fact, why stop with just your vehicle? This could be very helpful in the home, as well. It would find those mysterious missing socks, print out safety data for open lunchmeat packs and pinpoint the exact location of kids who are supposed to be doing their homework. “Hey! Stop that bickering!” Where IS that InHome Mouth Clamp?! Debby Seguin (who is designing an OnBoard make-up applying, coffee dispensing, cell phone answering back massaging device) can be reached at writewell62@gmail.com.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

5 Ways To Come Back Strong After Winter Break

By Steve Johnson Owner of College Nannies + Tutors very good thing comes to an end at some point—Winter break included. As much as we enjoy the holiday season, family time, good food and, most importantly, a break from school; it’s time to get back to the grind of school work and after school activities. There are ways to make the transition easier, however! Here are five ways to come back from winter break strong. Have a Plan Be sure to have a plan in place when thinking about your approach to the second half of the school year. Nobody is ever ready for school to be back in session after a nice long break, but approaching new classes, and possibly new teachers, with the right mindset will help you start the semester off with the right foot. Look Back and Adjust Look back on the first half of your school year. What worked for you? What didn’t? Reflect on what was challenging, and what made it easier. Did you struggle with homework last semester? Check into getting a tutor to assist you in your study skills! Everyone has a different style of learning that works better for them. Understanding the best way for you, personally, to learn will ensure a successful second half to the year. Do Your Research Are you starting the semester off with new teachers? Maybe some of your friends have


already taken these classes and know what the teachers look for in certain assignments. If your teacher has an online space, check to see if they have posted the syllabus or other helpful information to speed through the awkward phase of being back in classes. Spending some time researching your teachers, classes and where your classes are located will help provide a smooth first day transition. Be Prepared Be sure to have your backpack ready to go for the first day back. Make sure you have fresh folders for new classes, plenty of writing utensils, and a planner to stay organized with homework and other activities throughout the semester. Know where each of your classes are located and how long it will take you to get to each during each passing time between periods. Get Active Second semester may hold different activities than the first half of the year. Are you on the Student Council? This is usually year-round, however, sports have different seasons, and playing football in the fall may not be an option in the winter or spring months. There are many different ways to make sure second semester is a successful one. The staff at College Nannies and Tutors is here to help! Providing after-school childcare and customized tutoring services to help you with those tricky subjects, the transition back to classes are sure to be smooth.

College Tutors Educator Of The Month

By Steve Johnson Owner of College Nannies + Tutors t is our pleasure to kick off 2016 by once again honoring and recognizing a local educator at Ronald Reagan High School as the College Tutors Educator of the Month for January. This award recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do Attitudes, Growth and Results Driven and Leave It Better. This month we highlight Lynda Sanchez. She is new to Reagan High School and has joined the faculty as the Special Education Coordinator. Her professionalism, patience and work ethic is to be commended. She is seeking the best for each and every student as well as supporting her fellow colleagues. She is organized, intelligent, thoughtful, and resourceful. The owners of College Nannies + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. The quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, or to submit a nomination, please contact College Nannies + Tutors at (210)202-0303 or stoneoaktx@ collegenannies.com.


This month we highlight Lynda Sanchez, a Reagan High School Special Education Coordinator.

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January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258



Progesterone 101: What You Need To Know

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 rogesterone begins its slow decline in most women during their 30’s, the perimenopause. Some of the symptoms of low progesterone are bloating, headaches, painful periods, and tender breasts. Without progesterone, estrogen stimulates the lining of the uterus to thicken, leading to heavy, irregular periods. Women without progesterone may be irritable to the point where they cannot bear the loving touch of their spouse. Progestin is NOT bio-identical progesterone. Remember, although bio-


identical hormones may be made in a laboratory, they are an exact copy of the hormone found in a young woman. Progestin (cleverly marketed sound alike name to natural progesterone) can actually worsen symptoms of estrogen dominance. Progestin can promote weight gain, depression migraines, and breast tenderness. Ms. B., about 20 pounds heavier than she was at age 20, visited me with symptoms of swollen and painful breasts, excessive menstrual flow, bloating and weight gain--all typical of the low progesterone, estrogen-

Nine New Year’s Resolutions for Your Eye Health


By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020

ecause your eyes and vision are vital to most, if not all, of the resolutions that people make, it makes sense to have a list of New Year’s Resolutions for Your Eyes and Vision: The Top Nine 2010 Eye and Vision New Year’s Resolutions: 1. Make sure that you have your eyes examined. Many conditions, such as glaucoma, start with no symptoms. Also, diseases such as diabetes and high blood

pressure are frequently first detected with a dilated eye exam. 2. If you have children, make sure you have their eyes examined. Children who are in school should have their eyes examined every year (school and pediatrician vision screenings do not count). 3. If you should be wearing glasses for driving and you’re not, just do it. This is especially true at night, when vision is more difficult and bright lights make it harder to see. 4. If you smoke, quit. It has been clearly established that smoking can increase the

Healthy Choices = Lifetime Resolutions

By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 t’s always the right time and right age to be. It is important for strength, endurance, start exercising and monitoring your diet. flexibility, balance, mental clarity, and so If it takes making it your New Year’s much more. No matter what, avoiding Resolution, so be it! Any amount of exercise exercise is not the healthy choice! will improve your health. It seems many Exercise routines for seniors focus on seniors feel uncomfortable when it comes criteria designed for their activity level, to exercise, as some fear that it may be too rather than a “one size fits all” approach. strenuous, harmful, or that they won’t be able Taking part will provide great benefits to your to keep up or know how to do it. The fact is… everyday routine of life. It is best to consult the more physical activity seniors participate with your physician prior to beginning any in, the better their overall condition will exercise program, to ensure each particular


Step Into Decorating By Mary Lozano-Jenkins The Jenkins Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he beginning of a New Year comes with excitement and novelty. The lists are written, the goals are set, and the beginning of the year is here. After a few weeks of 2014 have passed, I can say that interior designing and decorating is at the top of the list for many of my



clients…and for those potential clients that I have not met yet. 2014 brings a fresh new color palette for decorating and design. The big markets are here and we are excited about attending and seeing all the new items that are being introduced. Our vendors have been preparing for these

dominant, woman. Insomnia resulted in day time exhaustion and irritability. She was still having periods, but they were coming every 3-6 weeks, excessive, accompanied by pelvic cramping and migraines. Blood tests revealed several vitamin deficiencies, high estrogen, no progesterone, and low testosterone. I gave her progesterone in a capsule, an herbal preparation to stimulate weight loss, extensive nutritional information along with Netflix documentaries for homework. I prescribed testosterone as a concentrated cream to apply a tiny precisely measured amount to the labia minora after a bath. I told her blood tests would be required after she had taken the hormones to make sure her levels were equal to those of a young woman in the first 10 days of her cycle. We talked about the risk-benefit ratio for her in taking hormone replacement therapy. The risks which were demonstrated with the synthetic hormones and purported to

occur with any type of hormone replacement therapy, including bio-identical, may be blood clots, cancer, and heart attack or stroke. Diet, omega 3 fish oil, and exercise help to manage these risks. Progesterone relieved the migraines, her periods became more normal, and her mood improved. She commented that sleep was wonderfully restful and night sweats had resolved. Hormones can be prescribed as an implanted pellet under the skin, a cream, a capsule, or a vaginal suppository. Hormones decline as we age, but they can be restored. Progesterone can change your life for the estrogen dominant woman. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.

risk of development of conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Seek professional help to quit if needed. 5. Make sure your eyes have adequate UV protection. Your regular glasses, sunglasses, and contacts can all have UV protection. Limiting UV exposure reduces the risk of skin cancer of the eyelids, cataracts, and other conditions. 6. Wear your contact lenses no longer than recommended. If you abuse contact lenses, you put yourself at risk of eye infections that are not only painful but also have the potential to result in permanent vision loss. 7. Never “top off” contact lens solutions. Start each night with fresh solution. The majority of contact serious lens-related infections come from not taking care of them as recommended. Contacts are medical devices that only work well if they are

cleaned regularly and appropriately. 8. Change your contact lens case monthly. Contact lens cases can contain microorganisms that are very difficult to remove. The best remedy is to start fresh with a new case. If you need a new one, stop by our office for a free one. 9. When you work at the computer, read, or play handheld games, take visual breaks to limit eyestrain. If you spend a significant amount of time on the computer, glasses specifically designed for the computer can reduce or eliminate eyestrain as well improve comfort of the neck. If you need help with any of these, feel free to call 210-495-9020, visit us online at www.visionsource-stoneoak.com, or stop by the office at 19202 Stone Oak Parkway suite 106. Be Well in 2016!

move is good for you and ultimately “what the doctor ordered!” Recognizing the need to promote a healthy lifestyle for seniors, the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services has developed a fitness program called “Texercise.” It was developed as a statewide program to help educate seniors about the importance of sensible nutrition along with proper physical activity. The Texercise program outlines activities that one can do to cover all the above mentioned, while also enjoying the camaraderie of group exercise… keeping it fun and stimulating while getting healthy! Nutritional information on food selections that are higher in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, flavorful and tasty are also provided to compliment any exercise program through Texercise. They also teach how your body

uses these nutrients. Great tasting food that is good for you too… now there’s a concept! This combination of knowledge helps make being Fit Fun! For the past 5 years, the Texercise Program has been offered at Independence Hill with great results. With a variety of scheduled exercise and physical fitness programs such as yoga, aquasize, zumba, and healthy menu selections, residents are enjoying an exceptional lifestyle. At Independence Hill, the ultimate goal is focused on what is in the best interest of the residents. Remember, it’s never too late… NEVER! Contact Sherrill or Laura at (210) 6154000 to learn more about Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community. We would love to treat you to a delicious lunch and tour to give you a little taste of this great lifestyle!

markets for weeks. Decorating Introductions: • Our chocolate colors continue to lead the way with some beautiful spa blues and greens. • Textures are again heavy with animal prints. • Bling has come into our lives with our accessories and even new furniture lines. • More functional tables are emerging to accommodate the technical lives that we live. • Rugs are hotter than ever and so are drapes. Softness mixed with heavy textures dominate the window industries. • Natural stones, bling, glass and mirrors are entering our lives in furniture as well as

floor and wall coverings. Call us for your consultations. With over 7,000 vendors, we are here to help you update, organize, and yes…furnish your home with gorgeous furniture, artwork and accessories. Remodeling has been keeping us busy as well. Our MAGICAL MAKEOVERS are truly MAGIC. The Home Is Your Castle! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at (210) 490-0161 or via email at mjkgl@aol. com or jessicajenkins2@gmail.com. Visit us online www.thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup. com. Join The Jenkins Interior Design Group on Facebook, Twitter and on LinkedIn.


January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Emergency Care Without the Wait Stefanie Young No one plans an emergency, accident or medical complication. When you need to act fast and get immediate attention your options can be just as stressful as the event itself trying to reach a family physician, going to an Urgent Care facility that may not be equipped, or heading to the hospital ER where wait times can routinely be 3-5 hours. Three Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physicians have partnered together in North San Antonio to meet the emergent and urgent medical care needs of the community. Dr. Adrian Reyes, Dr. Luis Chapa and Dr. Edward Wright founded Prestige Emergency Room, which opened last month and offers a better option to emergency medical care. The newly built, state-of-the-art facility provides emergency medical care 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, to both adults and children with personal attention, little to no wait time, and with the most technologically advanced equipment including diagnostic imaging equipment, X-Ray, CT Scanning and ultrasound. All of these diagnostic tests allow doctors and specialists to see results in minutes, rather than hours. Also on-site is a full laboratory that allows for complete and extensive evaluations and IV Therapy including conscious sedation for various procedures that may be painful such as setting a broken bone or fixing a dislocated shoulder for instance. There are also supplies on hand for splinting, repairing simple and complex lacerations, and initial treatment of most common ailments. Prestige Emergency Room has the capability to care for any medical emergency that a local hospital-type ER could handle, but without the hospital wait and a more comforting setting. Located off 1604 and Bitters Road, patients can avoid wasting precious minutes by not having to commute to the medical center. And unlike hospital-based emergency rooms, the average door to discharge time is less than 60 minutes. Once at the facility patients are treated by emergency trained Board Certified Physicians and Registered Nurses. Patients do not sit unattended in a waiting room instead they are brought to a private room within moments of entering the ER and there care is started instantaneously. The doctors, each of who live within the communities surrounding the facility along with their families, understand that going to an Emergency Room means you are dealing with an unfortunate situation. Their focus is on caring for you, rather than processing you, which adds comfort and peace of mind at an often very trying time.

Taking the time to sit down and thoroughly explain a diagnosis to patients and family members, as well as follow up with primary physicians, is a task this facility takes to heart. In fact, referring physicians will be notified of a laboratory and imaging results within an hour of patient arrival. In addition all radiological images can be viewed via a secured website. “These guys are so passionate about what they do,” said Business Manager Dorma Kohler. “They believe in upholding the integrity of their work while treating patients with dignity. The doctors are also passionate about their staff and understand how significant they are, especially as a client’s first impression. They truly do care for this community and the people in it.” Prestige Emergency Room provides convenient, 24/7/365 emergency medical care for patients with life-threatening conditions, serious illness, discomfort from common ailments or and any injuries – many of which exceed the capabilities of an urgent care clinic. It is reassuring to know that this freestanding ER not only has the knowledge to handle each situation, but the resources.

“We wanted to come together to serve the local families,” said Dr. Reyes. “As doctors who have experience working in the emergency rooms throughout San Antonio, we know what it’s like to be swamped, meeting the needs of patients who have been waiting for hours to see a doctor. We want to be the solution to that problem while providing a calm and comfortable environment.” Patients requiring further treatment, surgery or inpatient hospitalization including those with major trauma, acute heart attack or stroke will be stabilized and stay in their care until transported. They accept all major insurances as well as all major credit cards. All patients receive a medical screening exam, including those individuals that cannot pay at the time of their visit. Prestige Emergency Room is a valuable resource to the community and we are fortunate to have them close to home. The next time a medical emergency arises, it is comforting to know that Prestige Emergency Room is there when you need them the most. Now that is one less thing to worry about.

210-504-4837 1604 & Bitters Access off


The sense of urgency that emergencies bring to both patients and medical professionals can weaken the doctor-patient relationship in a large hospital setting. The doctors, nurses and supporting staff at Prestige Emergency Room make a point to get to know their patients and taking time to make sure their needs are met. They create an PrestigeER.com experience that is•compassionate and exceeds expectations. January 2016 Welcome Home • 78258 www.welcomehomesa.com


Car Care Resolutions: Don’t Leave Yourself Stranded By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017


i Rusty Belden from our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires. With the start of 2016, most of us are busy getting organized and trying to stick with our New Year’s resolutions. But have you ever prepared a New Year’s resolution when it comes to caring for your car? I recently came across a great article that shared some tips from the Car Care Council and thought it was a great way to stick to a 2016 resolution to care for your car. Be diligent about changing the oil and

filter at recommended intervals. Check the fuel, air and transmission filters at the same time. Make sure the exterior and interior lights work and headlights are properly aimed. Check to see that heaters, defrosters, lights and wipers work properly. This is all to ensure good visibility as you are driving down the road in any weather. Cold temperatures reduce a vehicle’s battery power so it is important to keep the

Caring For Your Deck & Patio By Barry Hagendorf Deck & Patio Care (210) 822-9147


arry Hagendorf, the leading authority on deck and patio care in South Texas, has been cleaning and sealing decks for more than 20 years. Q: Why does my wooden deck look so bad?

A: According to Architectural Digest, unprotected wood only lasts for 9-14 years. I recommend that you clean the wood on your deck and seal it with an oil-based penetrating sealer. Q: What sealer would you recommend?

Your Dealer Alternative

connections clean, tight and corrosion free. Batteries won’t always give warning signs before they fail, so a good idea is to have your battery tested periodically. Have the brakes inspected and check the tire tread depth and tire pressure. During winter, tire pressure should be checked often. Resolve to keep the gas tank at least half full at all times. During winter it decreases the chances of moisture forming in the gas lines and possibly freezing. Overall, you wouldn’t want to be left stranded, would you? Our vehicles, should always make our New Year’s resolution list! Think about it,

A: My preference, after years of trial and error research, is Barry Premium Blend oilbased penetrating sealer that is designed to look for dry cell structure in the wood. It will penetrate first to the bottom of the cracks, nail holes, and knots. Barry’s Premium Blend will protect from the surface down, stabilizing the cell structure of the wood. Q: What care should I give to my pebblestone? A: On new and older pebblestone, first acid wash the film of concrete off the rocks. Then, oxidize the surface to kill mold and mildew. Last, seal the stone to its natural wet look.

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January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

2015 Winter Celebration Thank You To Vendors & Volunteers By Stefanie Young elcome Home Community Newspaper, North Central Baptist Hospital and the non-profit Living Through Giving would like to thank the 2015 Winter Celebration vendors, parade participants and performers for participating in this year’s event. Winter Celebration expanded to be bigger than before this past year. Kicking off the event with a parade was Reagan Band


and the Alamo City Marching Band. They did a fantastic job of getting it got everyone pumped up and ready for to spend a day filled with holiday spirit everyone pumped up and ready for to spend a day filled with holiday spirit. AirLIFE’s arrival with Santa and Mrs. Claus lit hundreds of children’s faces. The outstanding vendor participation also made this year a hit. The vendors brought merchandise, food, entertainment

and an opportunity for the public to get to know some of the local businesses. Those same vendors donated more than 100 prizes that were raffled off throughout the day to anyone who donated a toy to Living Through Giving. Students and groups also put on performances on stages throughout the day among the vendor booths. Through these groups, the performers helped to show the community how active and talented local

schools and organizations truly are in our area. Through the support and turnout of all who had a booth as a vendor and those who signed up to participate in the parade and perform, the 13th annual Winter Celebration was a huge success. Another thank you to all of those who helped make this event what it was!

Diamond Level

A Passport To Travel Affordable Remodeling Designs Alamo Zippy Shell All State, Joseph Borkowski Animal Care Services Bahama Bucks TPC Pkwy Bahama Bucks Stone Oak Pkwy. Child Advocates San Antonio Century 21 Northside Chick-Fil-A Chocolateka ChurroStar Comprehensive Chiropatic & Physical Therapy Creations by Glorianna Eckhart USA Edward Jones, Melanie Herbst Elements Massage Firstmark Federal Credit Union Flamingo Rey’s Island Shaved Ice Foresters Financial Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Great Clips Incredible Pizza Company

Independence Hill Resort Retirement Community It Works, Heather Jemente Joy Concessions Kyani, Esther Rodriguez Learning Rx Liberty Mutual Insurance Lili Veterinary Hospital Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care Lone Star National Bank Love to Swim and Tumble Marie Ferrante Jewelry and Gifts McCrary Stone Financial Advisors MetLife Home & Auto-Joe Garcia Nautical Dental Plaza Taxco Polished Pups Pet Spa & Boutique Premier Pools & Spas Primrose School at Cibolo Canyon Primrose School at Bulverde Punta Del Cielo Rainbow Home Care Systems Ray CPA Reality Bites Dental

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Gold Level

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January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258


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Reagan Spirit Teams In Action Submitted By Cari Goodyear RHS Spirit Board heer Competition Season Underway With football season complete, the Reagan Junior Varsity and Varsity Cheer teams have been practicing long hours getting ready for their competition season. Under new Coach Nick Hoenes, the Rattler cheerleaders are prepared and ready to show off their high skilled routines. In MidNovember the teams went to St. Mary’s University for the CheerStar Spirit of Giving Competition where both teams won first place and All-Around Varsity cheer at High Point. The next weekend Jeff Tisdel. the teams competed in the UCA Regionals in San Marcos with both Varsity and Junior Varsity teams placed second in their respective categories. Wishing both teams the best of luck at NCA State Competition on January 10th and at Nationals later this month in Florida. Spirit Teams Perform at OSS NEISD holds an annual show-off event for all of the district spirit teams called “One Singular Sensation” (OSS). Each year the district schools come together to support each other and to show-off their competition routines to friends and family prior to attending their national cheer UCA and dance UDA competitions. Come out to watch the cheerleaders, dance, drill, and pep squad teams at Blossom Athletic Center and support our Reagan Rattlers! Performances will be held at 3pm and 7pm on Saturday January 23 and again at 3pm on Sunday, January 24. Tickets can be purchased at the


Texas State Regional Competition. Photo courtesy of

door, but get there early as it is always a sell out! RHS Cheer and Dance Try-outs Get Ready for next year – the Reagan cheer and dance coaches will hold an informational meeting on Wednesday, January 20 from 7-8:30pm in the Reagan cafeteria. This is a mandatory meeting for anyone interested in trying-out for the Silver Stars Drill Team, Diamond Dancers Dance Team, and cheerleaders for the Freshman, Junior Varsity, and Varsity cheer squads. The student and a parent must attend together to obtain the appropriate paperwork and learn about the try-out requirements and details. A separate session will be held for incoming freshman wanting to participate with the 2016-17 Pep Squad team. Save the date for this meeting will take place on Thursday, March 24 at 6:30pm in the RHS cafeteria.

Shelter Pets In Need This Winter

Submitted By Lisa Norwood nimal Care Services is asking the community to keep shelter pets in mind during this season of new beginnings and giving. As the largest animal shelter in Bexar County, Animal Care regularly houses hundreds of dogs and cats and ACS is always in need of extra supplies to stock the community Pet Pantry which helps local pet owners in need. Donations can be dropped off anytime during regular business hours and the most needed items are: Dog food (dry and canned) Cat food (dry and canned) Newspaper Cat litter Towels (new or used) Blankets (new or used)


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By donating you are helping many animals like Baloo (pictured). He looked pretty rough when he first arrived so the clinic team started working on trying to find out what was causing his skin issues. After trial and error he was found to have food allergies so he was put on a special diet to see if that would help. Well, as you can see from the picture he looks great!! This sweet cat would really love to have a quiet home with no other four legged friends. Let’s help Baloo find a home for the New Year!


All Baloo (A263463) really wants this winter is a home. Baloo came to ACS about 2 years ago as a stray. Let’s help Baloo find a home for the New Year!

Monetary donations can be made anytime via the secure donation portal on the Animal Care Services website www. saacs.net and all donations go to support the dogs and cats of ACS. Of course, the greatest gift a shelter pet could have for the holidays is a new family. The Animal Care Services Adoption Center is also open seven days a week at 4710 State Highway 151.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Illustrator Visits Stone Oak Elementary Submitted By Deborah Deel ildflowers were blooming in December at Stone Oak Elementary School as Joy Fisher Hein visited the 4th grade. Ms. Hein is an illustrator and the grandmother of Stone Oak Bobcat, Morgan Leible. She shared her beautiful illustrations with the children and explained the long process involved in researching and creating the artwork for children’s books. Many of the books she has illustrated focus on Texas heroes and legends. She showed slides along Illustrator, Joy Fisher Hein, visited Stone Oak Elementary School. with actual illustrations during her narrative. She encouraged the planting of wildflowers like also brought copies of some of the books the ones along our Texas highways each she has illustrated which were available for spring. the children to purchase and she graciously That first week in December was also the signed. last choir program for the 5th grade Bobcats. One of her most colorful books was The students created their own dance moves Miss Lady Bird’s Wildflowers and is and dialogue for their performance of “We about Texas’ first First Lady to grace the are the World”. The inspirational songs and White House. The book takes us back to messages presented by the students created the beginning of Mrs. Johnson’s love for a fun and emotional evening for their family wildflowers growing up in the Piney Woods and friends. It was especially poignant of East Texas. While in Washington as first for parents watching that last elementary lady, Mrs. Johnson focused on a campaign performance remembering all the programs to beautify the national highways and from earlier years.

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The Funnest Adventure Race On The Planet

Submitted By Sandra Curtis he Great Amazing Race is an exciting adventure/ obstacle race for adults & kids grades k-12. It’s modeled after the popular TV show, The Amazing Race, where twoperson teams in separate age divisions compete against their peers completing a 1 mile course speckled with up to eight fun outdoor challenges. It’s way more fun than a 5K! The Event will be benefitting Lopez Middle School’s Leader in Me program and if open to everyone, from pee wees to grandparents. The 2 person teams will be arranged so that adults Lopez Middle School will be hosting the Great Amazing Race! can team up with other adults, The event will take place on Saturday, or a child, and children will be welcome April 30, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. It will take to pair with others their age. There will place at Lopez Middle School with a cost of be 3 challenge levels, ranging from easy $48.00 per team. Discounts are available for to difficult. The top 25 teams will qualify Teachers, Military, Police, Fire & EMS, and for the Championship Race and a prize of Large Groups of 10 or more teams. For more $1,200. information about sponsoring or purchasing Contestants should be prepared to get a booth for the event, contact Sandra Curtis a little dirty and wet - it’s part of the fun! at Scurti@neisd.net or call 210-356-5050. Whether you run, jog, walk or watch, it’ll If you would like more information on the be a bonding experience you will never race and the history behind it, please visit forget! Invite your friends, family members, www.GreatAmazingRace.com. This is a neighbors and co-workers to join in the fun! rain or shine event!


January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

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SOBA Expo At Bush Middle School

Bush MS NJHS Students accept their check from SOBA.

By Stefanie Young he Stone Oak Business Association isn’t just about bringing businesses together for networking events, it’s also about the local community. The Stone Oak Business Association has created the Stone Oak Business Expo, a bi-annual event, which calls to the public to meet local businesses free of charge. It’s an opportunity for business owners to offer samples and insight into their goods and services while giving back to the local schools. For the past 16 Expos, the Stone Oak Business Association has made it a tradition to host the event on local school campuses. Originally, the money raised by the event was used to fund 5 $1000 scholarships that were awarded to 5 Johnson or Reagan graduating students, but after much thought and consideration, SOBA decided to expand


its community reach. Now instead of scholarships to 5 students, SOBA will be granting the money raised by the event to the hosting school. After working with Living Through Giving for the last two years, the association understands how much more can be done when you give a little to everyone instead of a large amount to a few. Through this incentive, schools will be able to buy more supplies for their students, help families afford school lunches and influence the community grow as a whole. The first Expo to follow this new model was held at Barbara Bush Middle School where their cafeteria was turned into a food tasting, prize winning and business meeting hall. With businesses like the Egg and I, Punta Del Cielo and Flamingo Rey’s, the room was filled with the smell of freshly made drinks and goodies. The event funded the $1000 grant that was given to

Bush Middle School to use for more school supplies and classroom needs. Overall the expos promote a good time while offering the chance for people to meet the local business owners and try new products. The Expos also features prize drawings throughout the evening (provided by the participating businesses). Attendees can purchase raffle tickets for their chance to win donated gifts from the local businesses including gift certificates, gift baskets and much more. Admission is always free for the public. So, if you’re looking for a tasty new spot to take the family out for dinner on a Friday night or if you need gift ideas for a fast-approaching birthday, look no further than the Stone Oak Business Expo. There will be all sorts of businesses handing out samples and giving demos. Everything from photographers for family portraits to new banking options if you’re looking to open

your teen’s first checking account. If you’re a business owner, we encourage you to join us for these events. Not only will you be promoting your business, you’ll also be helping a local school with each event you attend. To find out the next Expo date or pricing for a booth, visit our calendar or give us a call at 210-348-8233 for more information. Below you will find the form that is needed for your business to register for the event.

HEATHER JEMENTE 847.414.5044



January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Seriously, Can Anyone Beat Johnson High School?!

By Stefanie Young elcome Home Community Newspaper and the Non-Profit Living Through Giving hosted an award ceremony in mid Decemeber at Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School as the winners of the 2015 Toy Drive Challenge. This is the third year in a row Johnson has won the challenge by leaps and bounds. Elementary, middle and high schools were welcome to participate in the friendly competition, all for a good cause. This year, Johnson brought in more than 1,400 toys, earning them the trophy for another year! They competed against more than 20 other


schools from NEISD and NISD with Bush Middle School being the runner up with a little over 500 toys. The Welcome Home staff was honored to meet with the students of Johnson High School to present them with a trophy once again, with another silver plate engraved on the front, and a $500 check for the school to use as they choose to. The Toy Drive Challenge Trophy represents the good that can be achieved when students of our local schools come together in support of a great cause. As the 2015 winner, Johnson will be allowed to hold onto the title for a full year until the next Toy Drive Challenge, when they will

have to win it again by collecting the most toys in the area, or give up the title to the 2016 winners. With all the schools accounted for and the toys donated during the Winter Celebration, our community brought in over 7,000 toys for the children of San Antonio who wouldn’t have had a toys otherwise. Welcome Home and Living Through Giving would like to thank the community for never failing to deliver, even when the expectations continue to grow! Here at Welcome Home, we hope more schools will participate in the upcoming year and that more toys will be delivered to the local children within our neighborhoods

who need the reminder that they haven’t been forgotten. With friendly competition in mind, we hope to see a school step up to the plate and aim to beat Johnson in their fourth run for the trophy! We would like to thank all the schools, businesses and community members that were involved in making this toy drive a success. It truly means so much to the kids who receive the gifts and to us who get to see their faces light up each year. Thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you. To find out how you and your school can participate in the upcoming year, email info@livingthroughgivingsa.org or call (210)348-8233.

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Submitted By Laura Hernandez Aplin he stage is set for the sixth annual citywide winter music festival, as the San Antonio Symphony and its event festival partners bring a particularly American focus to this popular and successful annual event. Symphony performances during the festival, which is part of the Valero Classic Series, will range from the lively, uniquely American classic works of George Gershwin, Duke Ellington and Aaron Copland to a musical journey across South America to works that feature compositions inspired by the vibrancy of Mexico, Cuba and Argentina. The festival is led by Music Director Sebastian Lang-Lessing, who has carefully curated the musical selections for San Antonio audiences. “The rich diversity of the beautiful lands and music of the Americas was the inspiration for this year’s festival,” said Lang-Lessing. “We wanted to take the festival in a different direction this year – from the masters of European composition to a celebration of the uniquely expressive works representing the Americas. Our artists and featured works stretch from New York to Mexico and Argentina and the music we are celebrating is representative of that wide range of cultures: at various turns it is evocative, provocative, complex, sensual and celebratory.” Highlights of the Las Américas Festival this year include: Symphony’s Rhapsody in Blue concert, January 15-17, 2016, features concert works from popular music and jazz legends George Gershwin and Duke Ellington. Cross-cultural influences include Gershwin’s Latin-themed Cuban Overture and The Essential Ellington: Music of Ellington and Strayhorn. The program includes Gershwin’s iconic Rhapsody in Blue. Musical Bridges Around the World, January 17, 2016, features Harpist Edmar Castañeda of Colombia (more details on all concerts follow this release). According to National Public Radio, Castañeda “is the sort of musician who isn’t afraid to challenge the established order. He’s carving out a place for himself in Latin jazz on an instrument you don’t often hear in his chosen genre: the Colombian harp.” Symphony’s American Cello, January 22-23, 2016, features American Jeffrey Mumford’s cello concerto played by Christine Lamprea. The New York Times has said that Mumford “has an unerring knack for fashioning rigorous works as changeable as cloudscapes, bursting with color, nuance and poetry” and “a philosophy of music making that embraces both raw passion and a gentle imagistic poetry.”


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Symphony’s 2016 Winter Festival Celebrates The Music Of The Americas


During the eight weeks of concerts, the Festival’s artistic partners will present chamber music, concert band music and choral music by a variety of composers. The artistic partners joining the Symphony to celebrate the Americas this year include Camerata San Antonio, The Children’s Chorus of San Antonio, Heart of Texas Concert Band,Musical Bridges Around the World, Musical Offerings, Olmos Ensemble, San Antonio Chamber Choir, San Antonio Chamber Music Society, San Antonio Choral Society, SOLI Chamber Ensemble, Tuesday Musical Club, and the Youth Orchestras of San Antonio. From January 5 to February 23, performances and discussions will take place at various venues around the city including Carver Community Cultural Center, First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Antonio, First United Methodist Church-Boerne, Kerrville First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio College’s McAllister Auditorium, San Antonio Museum of Art, San Fernando Cathedral, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Temple Beth-El, The Plaza Club, The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, Travis Park United Methodist Church, Trinity University, the Tuesday Musical Social Club, and the University of Incarnate Word Concert Hall. The festival closes on May 22 with a special performance by the San Antonio Choral Society. This is the sixth season for the Symphony’s successful Winter Festival and marks the first time the event has widened its focus to include geographic regions for musical composition rather than a focus on a single composer. In 2015, the festival focused on German composer Richard Strauss, Antonín Dvořák was featured in 2014, Brahms in 2013, Beethoven in 2012 and Tchaikovsky in 2011. Tickets now on sale! For a complete concert schedule and to get more ticket information, visit http://sasymphony.org/ las-americas-festival. Patrons can also take advantage of a special festival offer at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts offering Symphony fans the option to buy one ticket and get the second ticket half off. This offer provides a savings of 25 percent off of every ticket for Symphony Las Américas festival concerts held at the Tobin Center. Offer expires on Jan. 25, 2016. Visitwww.tobincenter.org, using promo code: FESTIVAL.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258





Family Medicine

Allergy and Immunology

Obstetrics Gynecology

Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Kristin Bussey-Smith M.D. Board Certified in Allergy & Immunology 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 495-4335 • aairmd.com

Reshmey Medical Clinic David K. Tharakan, M.D. 57 Family Practice • see map pg. 19 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 301 828-2311 • www.reshmeymedclinic.com

Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 494-0690 • stoneoakallergy.com

Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. John N. Phillips, M.D. and Medical Staff 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 202 33 496-7999 • see map pg. 19 www.sofdpa.com


Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 545-5224 • www.antiagingsa.com Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center Vernon F. Williams, M.D., 495-8558 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 240 www.twaamc.com, www.measureage.com www.edinstituteoftx.com • see map pg. 19


Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic Wellness, P.A. Michael R. Golab, D.C. 1205 N. FM 1604 W., Suite 211 4 764-8888 • see map pg. 19


San Antonio Dermatology Board Certified in Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Suite 103 497-1475 • see map pg. 19 www.lindacoffeymd.com


Ear, Nose & Throat Adult/Ped. Advanced Sinus Clinic Anthony P. Sertich, II, M.D., F.A.C.S. 502 Madison Oak, Suite 346 37 614-8625 • see map pg. 19 www.sertichmd.com Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of SA Talley•Spears•Desai•Gleinser•Henderson, M.Ds 150 E Sonterra Blvd., Suite 200 36 499-4589 • see map pg. 19 www.entclinicsofsa.com

Ear Specialist Ear Institute of Texas Lance E. Jackson, MD, FACS 525 Oak Centre, Suite 100 696-HEAR (4327) www.EarInstituteofTexas.com

Family Dentistry Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N Loop 1604 E. Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533 • see map pg. 19 45 www.dentalcareSA.com

Serrano OB/GYN Christopher Serrano, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. 20726 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 545-7700 www.serrano-obgyn.com

Pediatric Dentistry

Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Suite 103 491-4141 • see map pg. 19 www.drsusie.net


Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 119 697-3821 • see map pg. 19


Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D. McMyler, MD P. Mehta, M.D., R. Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 40 614-1234 • see map pg. 19 www.gastroconsa.com San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates J. Johnson, MD, Eddie Flores, MD. M Lindner, M.D., J. Bullock, MD 150 East Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 36 545-2555 • see map pg. 19 www.sagastro.com Stone Oak Gastroenterology S. Dar, MD, C. Mallikarjun (Mallik) MD, M. Naeem, MD. 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 102 268-0124 • www.sagidoc.com

Internal Medicine

Marcos Medical Care Yolanda Marcos MD Amita Kumar MD, Audrey Rodriguez PA-C 510 Med Court, Suite 210 494-4290 • www.marcosmedical.com


North Central Baptist Hospital Baptist Regional Children’s Center 520 Madison Oak Dr. 297-4000 • see map pg. 19 Baptisthealthsystem.com

12 Dr. Monica Allison, O.D. 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite. 106, see map pg. 19 495-9020 • www.visionsource-stoneoak.com Stone Oak Vision Source

Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) • see map pg. 19 www.stoneoaktso.com


Orthodontics For Adults/Children


Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Suite 201 272-7129 • www.alohasmiles.net

Pain Management 26

Medical Billing COR Medical Billing Services We concentrate on you, While you concetrate on your patients Phone: 210-477-1956, Fax: 210-468-2355 www.cormedicalbilling.com


Neurosurgical Associates of S. A., P.A. Donald L. Hilton MD., Arnold B. Vardiman MD. Donald P. Atkins MD. 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 240 477-1956 • www.neurosurgerysa.com

Hill Country Pain C. William (Bill) Murphy, M.D., Justin J. Vigil, M.D. J. Kaleb Shaw, M.D., Nancy Burgher, PA-C. 14800 San Pedro, Suite 202 582-6600 www.hillcountrypain.com Tricity Pain Associates P.A. U. Dar, MD, S. Vasireddy MD, K. Monis MD. S. Patel, MD, R. Sharma, MD, 110 Stone Oak Loop • 268-0129 www.sapaindoc.com, www.tricitypaindoc.com


Huebner Pediatrics Dr. Michelle Storandt • Dr. Adelnery Gonzalez 15714 Huebner Rd., Bldg. 3 447-3000 www.huebnerpediatrics.com

To add your listing to the Stone Oak Medical & Professional Directory, call 210-348-8233 January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258


Kelly J. Smith, MD 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 615-3700 www.pedipulm.com


Stone Oak Pharmacy Specialty Compounding & Delivery Retail Pharmacy Services & DME 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 494-4272 • see map pg. 19


Physical Therapy

Healthlink Outpatient Rehab Center 525 Oak Centre, Suite 450 297-4525 • see map pg. 19 www.healthlinksa.com

Dr. John M. Nevelow, O.D., F.A.A.O. Erin M. Nevelow, O.D. 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 120 349-2437 “Discoveries Thru Vision”

Britton and Ferris Orthodontics Bloyce H. Britton III., DDS, • MS Tyler W. Ferris, DDS, • MS 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 497-6688 • see map pg. 19


Pediatrics Pulmonary & Sleep 1

San Antonio Eye Center Abrams, Erdmancyzk, Hahn, Harris, Nicolau, Ming-Zhao, Stephenson, Roberts 14807 San Pedro 226-6169 • www.saeye.com

Texas Fertility Center Summer L. James, M.D. 502 Madison Oak Dr., Suite 230 370-3800 www.fertilitysanantonio.com



Children’s Physicians Group 20642 Stone Oak Pkwy. 479-3000 www.chofsa.org/physiciansgroup


Physical Rehabilitation Institute Dr. Bussey • D. Harrington G. Molina • S. Bussey 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 107 545-9355 (well) • see map pg. 19 www.myPRI.net


Texas Physical Therapy Dr. J. Sams, PT • Dr. S. Stratton, PT • Dr. J. Clark, PT Dr. A. Fong, PT • Dr. J. Morello, PT, • Dr. D. Clark, PT Dr. L. Magalong, PT • Dr. B. Guarriello, PT 300 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 210 494-4500 • www.texpts.com

Podiatry Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care D.M. Chaney • W. Strash • R. Perez, DPM’s 57 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Bldg. 3, Suite 302 829-8770 (by Clock Tower) • see map pg. 19 www.podlink.com

Radiology South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers North Central Imaging Center 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 31 617-9000 • see map pg. 19 www.stric.com

Urgent Care

Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • www.fossilcreekurgentcare.com Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice 115 Gallery Circle, Suite 102 481-6060 • www.soucfp.com Family Practice, Open 7 Days


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By Eric Zeitler Client Centric Wealth Management (210) 807-7599 ust what is “financial planning?” As you accumulation and wealth preservation invest for retirement, you will no doubt tactics in accordance with their personal risk hear or even read about it – but what tolerance and changing market climates. Basing decisions on a plan prevents does that phrase really mean? Just what destructive behaviors when markets turn does comprehensive financial planning entail, and why do knowledgeable investors unstable. Impulsive decision-making is what leads many investors to buy high and request this kind of approach? Financial planning is about building sell low. A financial plan – and its longwealth through a process, not a product. range vision – helps to discourage this sort Financial planning is holistic. It is about of behavior. At the same time, the plan – and more than “money”. A financial plan is the financial professional(s) who helped not only built around your goals, but also create it – can encourage the investor to stay around your core values. What matters most the course.1 A comprehensive financial plan is a to you in life? How does your wealth relate to that? What should your wealth help you collaboration & results in an ongoing relationship. Since the plan is goal-based accomplish? Financial planning considers the and values-rooted, both the investor and the entirety of your financial life. Your assets, financial professional involved have spent your liabilities, your taxes, your income, considerable time on its articulation. Think of a comprehensive financial your business – these aspects of your plan as your compass. Accordingly, the financial life are never isolated from each other. Occasionally or frequently, they financial professional who works with you interrelate. Financial planning recognizes to craft and refine the plan can serve as your this interrelation and takes an integrated navigator on the journey toward your goals. The plan provides not only direction, but approach toward improving your financial also an integrated strategy to try and better situation. What makes this kind of planning so your overall financial life over time. As the necessary? If you aim to build and preserve years go by, this approach may do more wealth, you must play “defense” as well as than “make money” for you – it may help “offense.” Too many people see building you to build and retain lifelong wealth. Eric Zeitler and Eric Weissgarber wealth only in terms of investing – you offer securities through Sigma Financial invest, you “make money,” and that is how Corporation. Member FINRA/SIPC. fool. you become rich. That is only a small part of the story. com/investing/general/2015/03/22/3The rich carefully plan to minimize their common-mistakes-that-cost-investorstaxes and debts, and adjust their wealth dearly.aspx [3/22/15]


UTSA Football

By Brian Hernandez avid Morgan II has accepted an invitation to participate at the 91st East-West Shrine Game, which is scheduled to be played at 3 p.m. (CT) on Jan. 23, 2016, at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. “This opportunity truly is a blessing and I am looking forward to being able to showcase my skills in front of professional coaches and scouts,” Morgan II said. “Playing at the next level has always been a dream of mine and, hopefully, this will be the first step in making that dream a reality.” Morgan II became UTSA’s first-ever All-American on Tuesday when he was named to USA Today’s second unit. Also a second-team All-Conference USA selection this fall, he recorded 45 receptions for 566 yards (12.6 avg.) and a program singleseason record five touchdowns while grading out as one of the top blocking tight ends in the country. The Marble Falls native, who was named to the midseason John Mackey Award (nation’s top tight end) watch list, currently ranks eighth among the nation’s tight ends in receptions and 10th in receiving yards. He set a then-school mark with nine catches in the season opener at then-No. 22 Arizona (Sept. 3) and matched that total five games later against Louisiana Tech (Oct. 10). His 109 yards against the Wildcats


Local, Independent, Credentialed, Planners & Investment Managers. Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corporation. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor. Client Centric Wealth Management is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC”

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was UTSA’s first 100-yard receiving performance in three seasons and his two touchdown grabs against the Bulldogs matched the program’s single-game record. Morgan II earned honorable mention John Mackey Tight End of the Week accolades following both of those outings. Created by the Shriners in 1925, the EastWest Shrine Game was the nation’s first college all-star football game. The game is driven by the desire to support Shriners Hospitals for Children in its mission to help children in need of expert medical care. More than one million children have benefited from Shriners Hospitals’ unique way of providing hope and healing, regardless of the families’ ability to pay for services. Every year, players and coaches visit the local Shriners Hospitals for Children during game week to meet the patients and gain a greater understanding of the importance of the game. During the inspirational and humbling visit, the teams experience a day they will never forget. Whether dancing to music, playing games or simply sharing stories with one another, the instant friendships that form between the patients and players are a testament to our motto of being more than just a game. It marks the second consecutive year that a Roadrunner has been invited to play in a postseason all-star game.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258



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Internal Medicine of Stone Oak 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 105 210-490-3800 Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Inst. 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 101 210-495-4335 GREEN FIELDS MARKET 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-495-4644 21714 HARDY OAK Little Teeth of Texas (Shawna Gerling, DDS) 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 102 210-497-8787 PREMIER PAIN CONSULTANTS 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 215 210-298-4900 21702 HARDY OAK HOPE CHURCH HAS MOVED 17903 Corp. Woods Drive 210-545-4673 (10:15 a.m. Sundays) NORTH CENTRAL URGENT CARE 19223 Stone Hue 210-490-5911 FAMILY ALLERGY & ASTHMA 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-342-6200 STONE OAK MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG. Center For Cosmetic Surgery 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-545-4848 Urology Of Stone Oak 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-490-3040 NORTH CENTRAL BAPTIST HOSPITAL 210-297-4000 Healthlink 525 Oak Centre, Ste. 450 210-297-4525 THE ATRIUM BUILDING Dr. Sertich 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 346 210-614-8625 Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 140 210-647-3838 STONE OAK PHYSICIANS PLAZA II STONE OAK PHYSICIANS PLAZA I Lan Anh Ngo, M.D., P.A. 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 140 210-494-9109 The Wellness & Aesthetics 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 240 210-495-8558 METHODIST AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-617-9000

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Red l

Methodist Stone Oak Hospital

1604 64

STONE OAK PLAZA Alamo Eye Institute, PA (Lynnell C. Lowry, MD) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 119 210-697-3821 K Charles and Co. Full Service Salon 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 123 210-403-0955 Stone Oak Orthodontics (Tito Norris, DDS, P.A.) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 207 210-402-3322 CORNERSTONE CHURCH THE BLANCO MARKET CENTER Great Clips For Hair 18630 Blanco Rd, Ste. 114 210-404-0994 THE VINEYARD SHOPPING CENTER Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic and Wellness PC 1205 N. Loop 1604 W., Ste. 211 210-764-8888 STONE OAK VILLAGE Slater White Cleaners 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 101 210-494-4126 State Farm Insurance, Betsy Dippo 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 112 210-496-3276 Stone Oak Florist 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 104 210-495-7442 STONE OAK SQUARE Vision Source 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-495-9020 STONE HUE CENTER Pizza Hut 20323 Huebner Rd, Ste. 103 210-497-1123 ERA COLONIAL REAL ESTATE 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 260 210-477-9400 STONE HUE PROFESSIONAL PLAZA North Hills Family Medicine 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 104 210-481-6800 San Antonio Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 103 210-497-1475 THE MEDICAL PARK AT STONE OAK Romes Pizza 19298 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-490-0700 Good Night Pediatrics 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, 210-545-7581 Physical Rehabilitation Institute 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 107 210-545-9355

Area Map

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32 SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Chiropractic 225 E. Sonterra, Ste. 113 210-493-9119 33 325 E. SONTERRA BLVD. Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 202 210-496-7999 34 325 E. SONTERRA BLVD. Dr. Kevin J. Whritenour Au.D. 18838 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 210-316-7856 35 SPINE HOSPITAL OF SOUTH TEXAS 36 STONETERRA MEDICAL PLAZA S.A.G.A. 150 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 100 210-545-2555 CVS Pharmacy 120 E. Sonterra Blvd. 210-404-9006 stoneterra retail Center Prescott’s Orthotics & Prosthetics 158 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 106 210-496-0800 Stone Oak Pharmacy 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 101 210-494-4272 37 THE CREEK AT STONE OAK Diabetes America 20330 Huebner Rd., Ste. 104 866-693-4223 Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry (Susie Hayden, DDS) 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 210-491-4141 40 GASTROENTEROLOGY CONSULTANTS OF S.A. 855 Proton Road 210-614-1234 42 DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES 18540 Sigma Road 210-490-4661 43 THE CLUB AT SONTERRA 901 Sonterra Boulevard 210-496-1560 45 LA ARCATA CENTER Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition & Wellness 115 N. Loop 1604, Suite. 1207 210-545-1144 Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Suite. 1104 210-496-2533 46 19310 STONE OAK PARKWAY 47 MCDONALDS 20750 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-403-9066 48 BEST WESTERN HOTEL 18555 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-490-9191


49 INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 18750 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste. 100 210-496-6111 50 STONE RIDGE MARKET International Bank of Commerce HEB at Hwy. 281 and Evans Rd. 210-369-2914 210-283-6500 Texas State Optical 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 210-490-3937 (EYES) 52 SONTERRA OFFICE PARK 53 SA DENTAL SPECIALISTS Britton and Ferris Orthodontics 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-497-6688 54 115 GALLERY CIRCLE Dr. Webb’s Chiropractic & Wellness 115 Gallery Circle, Ste. 209 210-798-9322 55 STONE OAK CROSSING CENTER 56 LANE K. WALSH, DDS 1162 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 200 210-499-1110 57 CLOCK TOWER Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 302 210-828-8770 A Thru Z Pediatrics 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 102 210-490-8888 Reshmey Medical Clinic 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 301 210-828-2311 58 METHODIST STONE OAK HOSPITAL Alamo Maxillofacial Surgical Assoc., PA 1139 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 505 210-402-3550 59 SAN ANTONIO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 1717 N. Loop 1604 E 210-258-1604 60 WELLS FARGO BANK 18488 Blanco Rd. 210-856-1141 61 WELLS FARGO BANK 20826 Hwy. 281 N. 210-856-8408 62 HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH/BANQUET HALL 20523 Huebner Road 210-497-4200 / 0700 63 THE FELLOWSHIP OF SAN ANTONIO 23755 Canyon Golf Road 210-402-3672


Terms To Know Before Heading To The Rodeo Special To Welcome Home he San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo is just around the corner. Starting February 11, the concerts, events and attractions will kick off! We have put together some rodeo terms that might come in handy! The growing popularity of rodeo, which, according to the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association, attracts 30 million fans each year, has piqued the curiosity of many people who have never before attended a rodeo or watched an event on television. Upon discovering the rodeo, men, women and children often find it as compelling if not more compelling than most popular mainstream sports. For those interested in rodeo but uncertain about its terminology, the following are a few terms to know, courtesy of the PRCA. Barrelman: An entertainer who uses a barrel to distract a bull after a ride. Such distractions sometimes protect the cowboy. Breaking the barrier: This occurs during a timed event when a rider leaves the box too soon, failing to give the bull a sufficient head start. Riders who break the barrier are assessed a 10-second penalty. Bullfighter: An athlete who protects the bull rider after he dismounts or is bucked off. A bullfighter can distract the bull by directing its attention to the exit gate or even stepping between the bull and the bull rider. Chute: a pen that holds an animal safely in position. Covering: this occurs during roughstock events when a rider stays on at least the minimum time of eight seconds.


Draw: Conducted three days before each PRCA rodeo, the draw is random and assigns each roughstock competitor a specific bucking horse or bull. Time-event contestants are assigned a calf or steer in a random on-site draw shortly before each rodeo begins. Flags: used in rodeo’s timed events so judges can signal the timers to stop the clocks. Judges in the arena will drop the flags. Flankman: a cowboy or cowgirl who works in the bucking chutes, adjusting the flant strap around the animal before the ride. Go-round: each round of competition in a rodeo. Hazer: the cowboy who rides on the right side of the steer from the contestant to make sure the steer runs straight. Hooey: the knot a cowboy uses to finish tying the calf’s legs together in tie-down roping. Piggin’ string: the small rope used to tie a calf’s legs together in tie-down roping. Rank: an adjective of praise and respect used to describe especially challenging roughstock. Riggin’: a suitcase-style handhold customized to a rider’s grip and attached to a molded piece of leather that is cinched, with a pad, around the horse’s girth. Roughstock: the bucking horses and bulls used in bareback riding, saddle bronc riding and bull riding, usually bred and raised for the job. Stock contractors: the companies that bring livestock to the arena for rodeos.


Close to Home. • Women’s Health Exams

San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, also known as San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc.(S.A.L.E.) has grown to one of the largest, most prestigious single events in the city of San Antonio, with over one million visitors entering the grounds each year.

the last bull is bucked, there is a brief intermission (approx. 20 minutes) followed by the entertainment. The concert lasts between 1-1 ½ hours. For more information on the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo visit www.sarodeo. com.

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About The Rodeo It is believed that rodeo began as a competition between neighboring ranch hands to see who could complete daily livestock tasks the fastest and most efficiently. Over the years, rodeo has evolved into “America’s sport”. With its roots in the old west, it continues to reinforce and celebrate the western heritage of this country. The rules may have changed and the equipment may look a bit different, but it still involves just as much skill and horsemanship as before. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association is the oldest and largest rodeosanctioning body in the world. Every rodeo that is sanctioned with the PRCA must abide by all of their standards and rules regarding not only the sport, but also the animals’ health and wellbeing. This includes equipment regulations to ensure that both contestant and stock are in no intentional danger. The San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo enters its 67th year with eleven awards as the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association’s “Large Indoor Rodeo of the Year”. With six PRCA events, and one WPRA event, rodeo fans are sure to see the best-of-the-best in the industry. Intertwined in the competition are our classic Grand Entry, Mutton Bustin’ and Calf Scramble. The rodeo lasts just over 2 hours. After

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January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Crawfish Season Is Here!

By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 rab your burners, bibs, andouille sausage and corn on the cob, its crawfish season! Crawfish are by far my favorite meal to eat with friends and family. At a birthday party for my cousin last year we had two 40 pounds sacks of crawfish and out of the 4 hours I was there I think I spent about 3 1/2 hours chowing down at the crawfish table. Needless to


say, I get pretty excited for this time of the year, but this year looks like it may be one of the best years yet! Typically, Crawfish don’t start looking really, large and nice until about March, but this year has been different in such a good way. We actually started carrying crawfish in the middle of December, which was a first for us here at Groomer’s. While crawfish

Think ‘Big Holiday Reds’ + Bubbly By Tanji Patton Goodtaste.tv obust holiday reds have made their way onto shelves in HEB’s Wine Department. Wine Manager Michael Catalano at The Cellar at San Felipe shared his recommendations for full-bodied Napa cabs, two different styles, along with a sparkling rosé that caught our eye for New Year’s Eve… Cathy Corison harvests her cabernet first before anyone else in Napa Valley. This


Corison Cabernet Sauvignon is a throwback to the old style cabs…light, delicate and elegant. Nice acidity and a lower alcohol content on this one (around 13-13.5%) makes for an excellent pairing wine at $79. This 2013 Año Verde Pinot Noir is out of Santa Barbara, which by the way, is producing some wonderful wines as of late. This pinot has fresh fruit (cherry) with a subtle warm baking spice on the

is technically available during those times they are typically so small we don’t want to bother our customers with them. But, this year thanks to the plentiful amount of rain and warmer weather the mudbugs are big, lively, and delicious! Do you want to get in on the best crop in years? We make it easy for you at Groomer’s Seafood! Just give a call to your hometown seafood experts on Monday or Tuesday of the week you want your bugs and we’ll take your pre-order. We sell this item by the sack and each sack is 30 to 40 pounds. You can figure each person will eat about 3-5 pounds each, unless they’re like me that is, if they’re like me you may want to set about 10 pounds aside for them… Orders come in on Fridays and are open for pick up between

9 and 4:30. Each week the price can change, so call us for up to date pricing. Be sure to pick up a bag of Giby’s Fish Camp Crawfish boil while you’re in! Each bag contains a secret family blend of spices to give you authentic cajun flavor with a little Texas flair. To cook, just boil your water and pour about 1/2 a bag to 3/4 of a bag in and then add the crawfish to cook for about 5-7 minutes. Next, remove the crawfish and dust with the remaining boil. To really crank things up, try adding corn, potatoes, onions, and lemons and andouille sausage to the water! As always feel free to call if you have any questions at 210-377-0951 or send me an email at groomerseafood@gmail. com.

finish. Its bright acidity allows for a choice pairing with a ton of fare. Yes, this is your Thanksgiving Pinot for less than $20! Howell Mountain’s O’Shaughnessy is a cool climate cab harvested at high elevation–hence the dense, intense color! It’s a powerful Napa cab sure to raise an eyebrow or two for $89. Any time you hear a cork pop, fun is sure to follow. Celebrate NYE with Albert Bichot’s Brut Rosé – a crémant made using the classic champagne method, though not a Burgundy, so retail price is not nearly as expensive. This guy is dry (not sweet), with a festive pinkish color that can’t help but put you in a good mood! If you’re not into the reds and you’re looking to enjoy a white, the Volratz Riesling from the Rheingau wine region of Germany is bright and crisp with noteworthy

mineral tones and lovely acidity. There’s also enough fruit in there to pull everything together as far as your meal is concerned – rieslings pair beautifully with most food. A common misconception is that rieslings are really sweet, but that’s not the case– especially here! This one is a steal for under $14 at HEB. REMEMBER: Buy six or more bottles – mixed and matched – for 10% off your total wine purchase at HEB! Your holiday party planning begins with a much deserved glass of the good stuff. Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Tanji explores the inviting worlds of chefs, wine makers and culinary newsmakers. If you would like more information, she can be reached at Goodtaste@tanjipatton.com.

2016 SOURCE IS COMING! The Guide With All Your North Side Information The Source is a Business & Medical Directory. It includes: Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Medical, Maps, and more!—right at your fingertips. Pick up a FREE 2015 copy at any of these locations: • • • • • • •

Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112

For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit


January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258



The Incredible Trio Of San Antonio

Pictured (l-r): Ambassador Adriana De La Garza, Queen Queen of the Vine, Ashley Thomasson. of the Vine Ashley Thomasson and Princess of the Vine The 2016 queen candidates were inspired Alison Leonard.

Submitted By Katrina Campbell righton Center is proud to announce our new Queen of the Vine, Ashley Thomasson, who was officially crowned at The Queen’s Ball on November 13th at Brighton Center’s Black and White Gala at Alzafar Shrine. Ashley, along with Princess of the Vine Alison Leonard and Brighton Ambassador Adriana De La Garza, worked diligently to raise money for Brighton Center, a nonprofit organization that has been serving children with disabilities and developmental delays for more than 40 years. Ashley rose over $127,000 for her campaign, Alison raised $62,000 and Adriana rose over $10,000, and collectively, they rose over $ 200,000! These amazing women will now represent the organization as the official Fiesta royalty at A Taste of the Northside 2016.


by the success of last year’s Queen of the Vine Campaign which raised more than $225,000 for Brighton Center and by their own personal experiences, all of which served as their motivation over the past several months. Ashley, Alison and Adriana worked tirelessly to raise funds and to increase awareness about children with special needs and the importance of early childhood education and parent advocacy. Some of their events included fundraisers at TopGolf, Fair Oaks Golf and Country Club, Jumpy Place and Kendra Scott to name just a few. Every year the Brighton Center must raise more than $1.2 million to maintain its services, and the Queen of the Vine campaign provides a critical piece to the puzzle in making this happen. Every dollar raised through the Queen of the Vine campaign directly benefits Brighton Center

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Hardy Oak Builds Totem Poles Special To Welcome Home ardy Oak Elementary School’s Art Cart volunteers helped second through fifth graders create totem poles. Totem poles are super tall sculptures made from the trunk of a tree, usually cedar. The designs are usually stylized animals done in an abstract and bold way. The poles often include animals common in the Pacific Northwest like bears, eagles, whales, salmon, owls, wolves, Hardy Oak’s totem poles were a collaborative project in which each child etc. These animals have lotscreated their own section of the totem pole to reflect them and their of symbolism that is usuallypersonality. specific to certain clans. The volunteers then built the totem poles to The Totems told the clans stories and was a physical representation or reflect each class and labeled them as such. symbol of the clan. Hardy Oak’s totem poles This project tells a story about the class and were a collaborative project in which each what makes them unique and special, both child created their own section of the totem individually and as a whole. pole to reflect them and their personality.


and helps set a foundation for children with disabilities that set them up for a life without limits. For more information about the Queen of the Vine Campaign, please contact development@brightonsa.org. About the Brighton Center: Brighton Center provides direct services to children with disabilities and/or developmental delays through a holistic and family-centered approach. The organization helps strengthen and transform the child’s abilities, the home environment, the parental attitude and

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capabilities to positively impact the family units overall quality of life. Brighton has been serving and supporting children with disabilities and their families in San Antonio for more than 40 years. Brighton provides child enrichment and development through a child learning center, home based therapy services, counseling, case management and family support services to more than 2,500 children annually.

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January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Generosity Brought To Life

Santa and Mrs. Claus were greeted by The Mayor of Snow Town, Todd Bufalino.

By Stefanie Young n December 5th, generosity was brought to life along with the Holiday Spirit as Welcome Home Newspaper and North Central Baptist Hospital teamed up with the non-profit Living Through Giving for their annual Winter Celebration. The event kicked off at 10:00 a.m. with the Alamo City Community Marching Band and the Reagan High School Marching Band leading the parade. The highlight of the event happened at 11:00 a.m. when Santa arrived via AirLIFE helicopter and took pictures with the kids in attendance. The liveliness of 60,000 lbs. of snow, vendors, and raffle prizes drew in the crowd to make one of the largest toy drives in San Antonio come to life. Over 10,000 people arrived, many with toys in hand, to enjoy the snowball fights, carnival rides and funnel cakes. Performances by local schools took place throughout the day. The goodness and


The Champions Of San Antonio came out to the Winter Celebration to all the children’s delight.

hospitality of Winter Celebration’s guests, volunteers, and participating schools made Winter Celebration 2015 a successful event! Raffle tickets were handed out to those who made a toy donation in order to earn a chance at the Grand Prize of $1000. Businesses donated door prizes that were raffled off throughout the day making more than 100 people prize winners. Grand Prizes included the $1000 shopping spree, hotel stays, gift baskets, and even a karate package! General prizes included spa days, gift cards, and memberships to various businesses. This year, The Independence Hill Retirement Community, Coronado at Stone Oak, and The Haven and The Laurel and Franklin Park all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. With so many people in attendance, Living Through Giving was thankful to have so

many people volunteering at the event. With help from Out of the Box Productions and veterans from the Department of Defense, the celebration ran as smoothly as possible. Ultimately, Living Through Giving’s Toy Drive brought in over 8,000 toys for children in need. Once the toys were collected in full, the Living Through Giving staff made stops throughout San Antonio where kids in need would be surprised to learn their community had not forgotten them on Christmas. Donations ranged from action figures and toy cars to dolls, stuffed animals, instruments and even bicycles. With such an array of trinkets, LTG was able to help light up the faces of so many children and restore some hope within their surroundings. Through the course of 2015, Living Through Giving has hosted a number of events. Sponsors and businesses have helped bring new light to the non-profit. Living Through Giving’s focus has remained true

since the beginning: to focus on “children and youth who may have experienced abuse, neglect or some other type of family disruption.” Those working with the LTG organization said they strive to protect the hopes and dreams of children who may not have anywhere else to turn. Living Through Giving works to raise awareness for the youth of San Antonio who are in need. As the New Year begins, the non-profit is hoping to have even greater success in their mission. Winter Celebration 2016 will be here before we know it! Welcome Home Community Newspaper and Living Through Giving would like it to be bigger and better than ever! If you would like to participate or contribute to Living Through Giving or any of the upcoming events, call (210) 348-8233, or email at info@ livingthroughgivingsa.org.

Find Time To Travel In The Year Ahead Special To Welcome Home ravel is something many people love but few have the time to do. While some people avoid travel because it can be costly, many more admit they would travel more if they simply had the time. So how can you make travel a bigger part of your life in the year ahead? Consider the following tips. Use your vacation days. Many people don’t travel because they simply aren’t using their paid time off. A Harris Interactive survey conducted for the career website Glassdoor found that only 51 percent of American employees use all of their eligible paid time off and vacation time. Some of those workers may be hesitant to take days off for fear of upsetting their superiors, but another survey suggests that might be a mistake. A 2015 study from the staffing firm The Creative Group found that 40 percent of executives feel their employees would be more productive if they used their allotted vacation time. Hit the road and work at the same time. If things at work are simply too hectic, consider hitting the road and working at the same time. While unencumbered travel


tends to be the most relaxing, working vacations can allow you to let off some steam and get your work done outside the hustle and bustle of the office. Resolve to work only a few hours each day, tackling a few projects in the early morning before you call it quits and enjoy your destination. The ease of working remotely can make it easier than ever before to stay connected to the office while still getting time to travel. Make better use of weekends. Travel need not be limited to vacations. If you truly love to get up and go, plan more weekend trips. Find places within a few hours of your home so you spend less time behind the wheel and more time enjoying your destination. Plan ahead for three-day weekends so you don’t have to scramble at the last minute to make arrangements. Extend work trips. Another way to see new places is to extend work trips. If you have a business trip coming up, add an extra day at the end of the trip so you can explore a new locale without the burden of having to work. This can be a cost-effective way to travel, as your company will no doubt still pay to fly you home even if you stay an extra day to do some sightseeing.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Finding time to travel can be as simple as taking advantage of paid time off from work.

Finding time to travel is not as hard as many working professionals may think. Oftentimes all it takes is a little extra effort


and the willingness to leave the office behind for a few days.


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Dancing Angel Submitted By Emily Boyce n celebration of Sophia Salingaros’ return to San Antonio after studying at Columbia University in the fall, Bihl Haus Arts, in collaboration with Kaveri Natya Yoga, is pleased to present “Dancing Angel,” a solo classical Indian dance performance. Sophia has dedicated this performance to Bihl Haus Arts, one of the places where she first danced publically in San Antonio when she was just ten years old. Audiences will be mesmerized by Sophia’s every precise step, every darting glance, and every hummingbirdlike flourish of her hands. She’ll tell stories from Hindu lore in selected solo pieces that alternate between lyrical vignettes and more bracing passages peppered with percussive footwork and arching torso. Sophia is a devotee of Bharatanatyam, a dance for that originated 2000 years ago in southern India in the state of Tamilnadu. The name “Bharatanatyam” derives from the four most important aspects of dance in Sanskrit: Bha from Bhava meaning emotion, Ra from Raaga meaning music or melody, Ta from Taala meaning rhythm and Natyam meaning dance. Thus Bharatanatyam is the dance that encompasses music, rhythm and expressional dance and strictly adheres to the scripture of classical Indian dance). It is characterized by a linear form of the body without pronounced movement of the upper torso and linear spatial patterns, which make the dance form extremely dynamic and powerful. Sophia’s love for dance began at the age of five, when she enrolled in ballet.


Performances will be taking place Saturday, January 9, 2-4 pm (seating begins at 1:30) at The Carver Theatre, 226 N. Hackberry San Antonio, TX. The ticketing booth is suggesting a donation of $10.00 to benefit non-profit Bihl Haus Arts for admission.

Las Lomas Celebrates Veterans Day

Happy New Year! From Camp-Bow-Wow!

Submitted By Monica Laughlin as Lomas Elementary School had much to celebrate on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. This was an evening dedicated to honoring those who have served in the Armed Forces and still do for our country today. It was a very moving ceremony with a Fifth Grade Student Leader giving the Keynote Speech as well as Third Grade Leaders sharing a beautiful poem with all those in attendance. Also, the Las Lomas Honor Choir was present to entertain with patriotic songs to remind all why they were there. Veterans and other service members were honored with a


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Attracted to all dance forms, she took her first lesson in the classical Indian style of Bharatanatyam at age ten. She has been a student of Guru Dr. Sreedhara Akkihebalu at the Kaveri Natya Yoga Dance School since 2008. She believes that dance should know no cultural boundaries, and as a nonIndian, she hopes to help spread Indian dance to a wider audience. She graduated with her “Bharatanatyam Arangetram” performance in December 2010, and since then has continued to perform frequently for festivals and fundraisers in the San Antonio community. Sophia was a Young Arts Finalist in Bharatanatyam at the National Young Arts Foundation Week in January 2013 in Miami, Florida, and placed third in the Cleveland Thyagaraja Festival Bharatanatyam competition. An invited solo artist, she has performed with Navatnam (NYC), Indian Performing Arts Samskriti (Houston, TX), Tusculum College (Greenville, TN), Dance Loft Studio (Aachen, Germany) and Fabienne Henrot Dance Studio (Belgium). In addition to the guidance of her guru, she has taken workshops under renowned exponents such as Rama Vaidyanathan, Janaki Rangarajan, Smt. Banumathi Balakrishnan and Madurai Muralidaran. Sophia has also studied Carnatic singing for eight years in order to deepen her understanding of the music that accompanies this dance form. She is currently attending Columbia University with an intended major of chemistry, but dance will always be her main passion. For that reason, she wishes to have a dual career in science and dance.

ribbon and pin that were placed on them by the Las Lomas student family member. After the ceremony, a beautiful reception was held in the Rotunda with wonderful food and drinks for all guests. Las Lomas would like to thank Raising Cane’s on Stone Oak Parkway, HEB and Mr. Bray and also Elitecare 24 Hour Emergency Room for providing the refreshments. The generosity of these businesses helped to make the reception a huge success. It was a great evening to celebrate Veterans Day and all those who still serve the United States of America.

North SA Retired Teachers Association

Submitted By Michele Bibb ou are invited to the North San Antonio Retired Teachers Association meeting of 2016. NSARTA meets the third Wednesday of each month at San Pedro Presbyterian Church located at 14900 San Pedro. Join us on January 20, 2016 at 9:45AM for our “meet and greet” complete with refreshments. Our meeting is called to order at 10AM and we guarantee to keep all retired educators up to date on Retired Teachers information. Not only do we keep you up to date with our insurance plan, benefits, and other



programs, but we also have informative and entertaining programs each month. This month we have Kelley Grady from the San Antonio Humane Society as our guest speaker. You will be amazed about what this organization does not only for our citizens of San Antonio but also as a no kill shelter, how it provides for thousands of animals each year. We are looking forward to meeting you on Wednesday, Jan. 20, at San Pedro Presbyterian Church. If you have any questions, please call Michele Bibb at 4948197.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Reagan Speech And Debate Wins Longhorn Classic Special To Welcome Home he Reagan High School Speech and Debate Team took 22 competitors to Austin last weekend to compete in one of the biggest tournaments of the year, the University of Texas Longhorn Classic. There they placed first overall as a speech and debate team, and 2nd overall in speech. Individual winners The team now has 21 qualifications for the TFA State tournament in March. include: Farzaan Kaiyom – octofinalist LD Christina Gayton - 1st Humorous, 3rd Debate POI, 5th Dramatic, 6th in Prose/Poetry Alex Sodders/ Haaris Siddiqi – 2nd Rhea Kamat - 8th in Prose/Poetry place CX Debate Caroline King - 3rd in Prose/Poetry, 2nd Michael Richarson/Andrew Xiang – Oratory, 8th Dramatic, 3rd Informative Octofi nalists CX Debate Arasha Lalani - 7th Prose/Poetry, 5th POI Three students took home awards for Jillian McDermott - 6th Dramatic, 7th being one of the top 10 speakers out of the Humorous, 5th Duo 1400 students entered. They were Christina Juan Nunez - 2nd POI Kaylyn Pederson - 5th Prose/Poetry, 2nd Gayton 2nd place speaker, Caroline King 4th place and Kaylyn Pederson 8th place Dramatic, 5th Duo speaker. The team now has 21 qualifications Diego Quesada - 1st Oratory for the TFA State tournament in March.

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River Valley Real Estate would love to thank everyone who came out to visit with us during the Winter Celebration. We’ve had terrific 2015 and can’t wait for an even better 2016! Thank you for making RVRE your choice in real estate!

learned helplessness. Now, no amount of reason or safety will free them from the trafficker and the traffickers will be able to do control the victims in with certainty. Parents need to understand that their children are a financial commodity to traffickers and that each victim can be worth $150,000 to $300,000 and more annually. Parents need to be aware of the tactics and the many ways traffickers use deception and the internet to lure their loved ones. From phone apps to online gaming, each interactive connection is a possible portal to those who would take and exploit loved ones. To help us in our work please donate on our site at HeidiSearchCenter.comDOWNLOAD our Digital DNA Kit @ HeidiSearchCenter.com or follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have a business that would like to sponsor our missing flyers, educational materials or presentations please call 210-650-0428 or email HeidSearchCenter@yahoo.com.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258


January Is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month Submitted By The Heidi Search Center id you know that slavery still exists? Did you know it exists here in the United States? Texas? San Antonio? Its victims may be children or adult, male or female, U.S. citizens or immigrants. In the United States, the demand for cheap labor and commercial sex is estimated to be $9.5 billion. In order to meet that demand criminals use tactics and schemes to lure unsuspecting individuals into their control. In the past three years, we have seen mostly U.S. citizens targeted at middle, high school and college campuses. They are lured through use of the internet, peer recruiters and sometimes even family members. They are pursued though schemes, patterns, and plans- not just one incidence but a process. In the recruiting state, the victim may not know they are being targeted. The recruiter is looking for a “target” to establish a relationship with, to gather information that will help him/her find the strengths and weaknesses around the potential target. The recruiter will then use that information to begin the process of grooming. Grooming means to prepare the environment and make attractive the deceptions the recruiter has for the victim. This will put the victim in a position to trust the trafficker and distrust or even distance themselves from school, friends, and family. Then, after a period of grooming some trauma will be initiated and the victims will become completely dependent on the trafficker. In their traumatized state, the victim will soon reach a condition called


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K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

Don’t forget Fido in your New Years Resolution!


he Association for Pet Obesity Prevention says over 43-million dogs are considered overweight. That’s over 55% of the dog population in US households! Studies have shown that being overweight in pets (as well as humans) can take years off a life and contribute to a slew of health problems. The five most common risk factors are: 1) Osteoarthritis and Poor Joint Health; 2) Type-2 Diabetes; 3) Knee/Hip/Ligament Injury; 4) Heart & Respiratory Disease; and 5) Kidney Disease. During the first part of the year many

people make resolutions to get in shape. But as the weeks roll on, life gets in the way, enthusiasm fades. One of the biggest reasons for quitting an exercise regimen is lack of a support system. We are more likely to succeed in something we don’t want to do if we have someone cheering us on. This is why your canine companion can ultimately become your best training partner. The benefits are plentiful for both of you. The most important benefit is that your pet will NEVER come up with an excuse to NOT train that day. Once you have a routine they like, they’ll always be the first one ready and waiting to get started each day. They won’t be late because of a conference call or traffic jam and they will

A Smoking Story By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 he famed radio personality, Paul Harvey, had his weekly anecdotes that he called, “And now you know the rest of the story.” Literally millions of us in radio-land would sit spellbound listening to the ironies and twists in these tales as they were always entertaining, yet there was a special constant in them, too: there was (and still is) a certain connectedness among ourselves as a people. So, here is our version of, “And now


you know the rest of the story.” In late September, Jeff’s Backyard was privileged to be a part of the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo’s BBQ University at its 20th annual BBQ Cook-off. The lead sponsor of this concept was famed chef Brian West, who recently opened his eatery SMOKE, The Restaurant. Prior to that opening, Brian was a Chef Instructor at the Culinary Institute of the Americas (CIA), and he also served as the Operational Chef of the Food Network’s

enthusiastically encourage you to go those few extra blocks. Now this may not be the case at first. If your pet is one of the millions of overweight dogs out there, they too may have an aversion to going that extra mile. Just give them a little time to get use to the exercise. They’ll want to keep going because they love doing stuff with you, and being outside is a bonus. Soon you and he will be at the same level and the pounds will be falling off. Another benefit of your new routine is that an exercised pet makes for a tired pet,

which makes for a better behaved pet in the house. You could see common behavior problems disappear with additional exercise. Plus you’ll have a healthier happier pet. If you find you’re having a hard time getting started because of Fido’s weight or leash behavior, give us a call at K9CC. We have trainers and a unique K9 Health Gym available to help your pet get in shape for 2016! K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.

“Restaurant Impossible” featuring Robert Irving. While teaching at the CIA, Brian became the founding president of the school’s first ever BBQ team. He procured an offset smoker on behalf of his school and his team, and true to form he obtained the absolute best he could find. Seeing all this, the school then sent Brian across the country to learn anything and everything about barbeque. Fast forward a few years, and Brian was inspired to open his own establishment, and you now see the result of that journey at 700 Sonterra Blvd where SMOKE, The Restaurant resides. But what about that original pit, the offset smoker? How did that start? Four years ago, Herb and Kathy Detmer had just bought Jeff’s Backyard from Jeff Wright, who launched and successfully ran the eponymous business for 16 years. Brian, as

it turned out, was one of the Detmers’ very first customers that year, and the legacy of that transaction – a 20”x40” offset smoker – is still in use at the CIA today. Brian attributes his new restaurant to that fateful visit some four years ago, a visit that forever changed his life. And now you know the rest of the story. So come to Jeff’s Backyard for your backyard grilling needs. Who knows… maybe a transaction awaits that will forever change your life! Jeff’s Backyard is proud to offer a great line of outdoor backyard equipment to you. We plan to continue bringing you the latest innovative models and equipment in the backyard market. So come on in and see us for all your outdoor grilling needs. You can visit them at 435 W. Nakoma, #104 or contact them at (210) 342-4760 and jeffsbackyard@att.net.

Wilderness Oak Proud Of Its “Lead” Mosaic Collage Special To Welcome Home hat started as an idea between art teacher Stacey Morrison and music teacher Gabriella Madrid, became a two-month-long mixed media art project that involved the entire Wilderness Oak Elementary School campus and many community members. Dubbed, the “LEAD” Mosaic Collage, the final project was



revealed to staff and students in November. Inspired by the emotion that music and art evokes, the first-year teachers at Wilderness Oak had students listen to music from a variety of genres, from radio hits to opera classics, then asked the students to find the emotion in the music and translate that to 4” squares of poster board using a fine point sharpie. Students were not allowed to talk

during this process, and were encouraged to simply let the artwork do the talking. Students used every medium available to add predetermined colors to sets of the 4” squares including: chalk, watercolors, tempera paint, acrylic paint, colored pencil, crayon, and oil pastel. According to Morrison, the idea to add the word “LEAD” came after a visit from Franklin Covey representatives, the creators of the Leader In Me program (HYPERLINK). As a Lighthouse school in the Leader In Me program, Wilderness Oak focuses on preparing students to be leaders by teaching empowerment and life skills. With the help of GT teacher Suzanne Horan, parents were asked to donate blue items to make the word “LEAD” be a 3D found object collage. Take a close-up look of the collage and one would notice Lego pieces, bottle caps, and even Pokémon cards. “I think having the kids being involved in some form or fashion made this project special. Every single child has ownership of it and as leaders I think that’s really important,” said Morrison. “They’ve been instructed to not touch this and I feel like they will be able to leave it alone because they have a vested interest in their art.” As a handful of fifth graders and some


The “LEAD” mosaic collage took two months to complete. Every student contributed to the project.

amazing PTA volunteers stitched the squares together, a few classes created the border of the collage with 2” squares covered in words that describe a leader. Students used Principal Stacia Fitzsimon as the leader example. “It was endearing to hear the students talk about what a leader she is to them,” said Morrison. Finishing touches were added by students in the form of beads, Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, and other found objects. The mosaic collage shows what one tiny piece of paper can become when a campus and its community work together. Morrison and Madrid feel this collaboration is a perfect example of synergizing, and a great way to connect the music and art made in the classroom to the Leader In Me program.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

365 Ways To Be Grateful

Photo credit 365grateful.com.

October 30, 2008: Love all around.

Photo credit 365grateful.com.

November 30, 2008: They arrived safely. Too cute for words.

Photo credit 365grateful.com.

September 29, 2008: Playing in sand with friends.

By Stefanie Young ooking back on the holiday season, we were reminded through the months of November and December to be thankful with our family and friends and grateful for our surroundings. Now that the New Year has rung in, we tend to turn the focus on ourselves. Maybe you find yourself suddenly wanting to lose weight, make healthier choices, spend more time with the kids, or more time furthering your career, but why stop at two months out of the year? As hard as it can be sometimes, shouldn’t we stop and take a look around at our surroundings and realize how far we’ve come, what we have and who we have it with? I recently came across a site via the infamous social media scene, that has a similar notion built into their message and theme. 365grateful began back in 2008 when Hailey Bartholomew was feeling really down. She knew she had it pretty well in life, but she wasn’t really enjoying life itself. She started seeing a nun who did life-coaching and counseling. The nun told her the secret to happiness was all about reflection and gratitude. She asked Hailey to try it out, each night, and write something down about her day that she was grateful for. According to the 365grateful site, Hailey states, “It really amazed me how quickly


I began to notice things that I otherwise would have missed. I remember sitting on my bed one night and realizing that the little moments I was thinking through were really special and if I had not taken the time to notice them they would be lost forever. I decided to take the idea seriously and bought a beautiful album and enough Polaroid film to see me through a yearlong photographic project!” Starting a project like this can be as easy as pulling out your smartphone and snapping a photo of your surroundings to reflect on later that night. If you would like to connect with others who are doing the same thing, load the image to Facebook or Instagram tagging #365grateful to share with your friends and family. Do this for at least 30 days and you’re sure to notice a difference in your life! “I did worry I wouldn’t find something some days,” said Hailey, “I made a vow that I had to truly feel grateful for [the moment] or I wouldn’t photograph it. And there are days when it’s an effort, and I have to make myself do it. My least favorite time is when my kids are sick – I get really stressed when they’re unwell. But one of my favorite photos is when my youngest daughter Poppy was sick and she couldn’t get to sleep so I put an iPod on for her and put headphones on her ears because I thought that would help. In

Photo credit 365grateful.com.

Now it’s your turn, snap a photo and get started!

the end she fell asleep and it was the cutest picture of her with these giant headphones over her ears fast asleep. It was just a really great moment for me because it was in the midst of my least favorite thing. Apart from that, sometimes my least favorite days end with me on the couch with some chocolate... and that’s what I’m most grateful for!” We’re all so busy trying to get an impossible amount of work done while trying to live our lives “to the fullest”, but not really succeeding in the balancing act. A project like this would be a great way to get in tune with your inner self, and may even reconnect you with the relationships you’ve neglected or the nature in your backyard. Something like this might help to bring the family together and can be applied in the classroom for teachers looking for a creativity project. The ways to go about doing a grateful project are limitless! To find out more information about 365grateful, visit www.365grateful.com.

Photo credit 365grateful.com.

August 23, 2008: Pretending to be a candy cane.

Hailey explained, “Psychologists talk about the neural groove – that you get stuck in this particular mindset – and I think I had a bit of a mindset that things don’t work for me. And this is teaching me to be so grateful for those tiny little moments of life. There’s that quote that it’s not the destination, it’s the journey, and that keeps popping up in my head because I think, ‘Oh yeah – all this stuff is what is making my life really rich.’ It makes me think, ‘Wow, wouldn’t it be a shame to zoom through your life and miss this? This is the best part.’”

Reagan’s Model United Nations Earning Outstanding Merits Special To Welcome Home he Reagan High School Model United Nations team are enjoying the fruits of their labor after earning its 10th Best Delegation award in just 15 visits to the Central Texas Model United Nations Conference. The week before Thanksgiving holiday, the University of Texas at Austin hosted more than 400 students at the conference. Ten Reagan students attended the event and were able to attend the event and in addition to five individual awards, came away with the Best Small Delegation award. The conference focused heavily on the current conflict in Syria and Iraq with


sessions covering International Efforts to aid in the destruction of ISIL and the use of weapons against civilians, especially women, in Syria. Other committees recreated historical crisis such as the Russian Civil War, the Progressive Reformers in Chicago at the turn of the 20th Century, and the collapse of Japanese feudalism in the 19th Century. Over three days the students debated these topics or attempted to change the history of events based on the motivations of the nations and individuals they represented. Prior to the conference, students spent weeks in research and training. As a follow-up, on Dec. 5, a dozen

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Reagan delegates were able to attend a one day conference hosted by the Liberal Arts and Science Academy in Austin. Focused more on historical international crises including the independence movements in India, Israel, and Indochina along with Cold War Berlin and the rules of war set by the Geneva Conventions. Five of the Reagan delegates were recognized individually for their work in committee, including awards as Best Delegate in four of the seven committees.


Five of the Reagan delegates were recognized individually for their work in committee, including awards as Best Delegate in four of the seven committees.


Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Half Marathon

The Runners were ready to Rock and Roll at the starting line.

Kara Goucher, the American Olympian dominated the women’s half marathon race.

By Rock And Roll Marathon Staff early everything is big in Texas and so it comes as no surprise that the victories in the men’s and women’s Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon & ½ Marathon on Sunday were super-sized versions. Kara Goucher, the American Olympian dominated the women’s half marathon race, clocking one hour, 11 minutes, and 10 seconds for the 13.1 miles. “I wanted to either win or run under 71 minutes,” the 37-year-old Goucher recalled afterwards. “As the race was unfolding, the women were using it as a workout, and so I was just by myself. I’m not comfortable leading and so this race was a good exercise for me. I had never been that far ahead since college, so it was a learning experience for me.” Goucher is one of the most popular female American distance runners and her fame was evident on the course as many spectators held up “Go Kara!” signs. Goucher says she really appreciated that support. “It was awesome,” she said. “Honestly, I would have retired years ago if it weren’t for my fans who truly believe in me.” Goucher is gearing up for the 2016 U.S.



Runners were cheered on by the crowd while they made their way to the finish line.

Olympic Marathon Trials in February and admits that she’s just been “plugging away” at mileage in anticipation of that. “The more weeks of uninterrupted training I get, the more likely it will be that I run faster on February 13,” she said. Goucher is the proud mother of a son, Colt, who was born in 2010 and says that she’s been thankful of the support she’s received from Competitor Group. “They are the only company that supported me during my pregnancy,” she said. “I am near and dear to them. They have been with me during the good and the bad. They’ve stood by me. I love these events. They are like the Olympics for all types of runners. I love how it’s all about celebrating here and it doesn’t matter what your goal is. Some are here to make the Olympic team and some are here to finish. Everyone is respected.” Goucher’s nearest rival on Sunday, eventual second-place finisher Sasha Gollish, making her half marathon debut after winning the Bronze Medal in the 1,500m for Canada at this summer’s Pan American Games, was a minute behind in 1:12:35. Shalane Flanagan took third in 1:12:42, the same time as her training partner Amy Hastings Cragg who came in

fourth. The men’s winner in the 13.1-mile race was 28-year-old Aaron Braun from Alamosa, Colorado, who broke the finishline tape in 1:04:11—over 90 seconds ahead of second-place finisher Jeffrey Eggleston (1:05:44). Both are considered contenders in February’s U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials, with Jeffrey being ranked as the #2 American Marathoner in 2014. “It was great,” Braun said of his win. “I enjoyed being back in my comfort zone, running half-marathon and marathon pace.” Braun ran the first half of the race with Eggleston. “We just kind of worked together,” he recalled. “I think I was feeling better than he was at the hills [mile 5] and just picked it up a little bit. Phillip Baar came in third in 1:06:39 in his half marathon debut. The full marathon was held in conjunction with the half. In the men’s division, Mark Greene from San Antonio prevailed with a big PR of 2:31:32. David Rodriguez was second in 2:33:03, while Jose Roberto Zavala Calderon rounded out the podium in 2:35:29. “I was actually talking to myself during the race,” the 25-year-old Greene recalled. “I said that I can and I will. I believe. I


believe.” Greene made a comeback during the race—seizing the lead after mile 22. The women’s marathon winner was Stephanie Wurtz of Manitou Springs, Colorado in 2:59:02. Second and third went to Tanja Ivandic (3:07:35) and Ashley McGee (3:12:11) respectively. Conditions in San Antonio on Sunday couldn’t have been better with clear skies and calm winds. Along with the elites, 25,000 runners from all over the world took to San Antonio’s scenic streets to run a marathon, half marathon, relay or 5K distance. San Francisco-based 90’s postgrunge band, Third Eye Blind, serenaded finishers and their families at the post race Toyota Rock ‘n’ Roll Concert Series at the city’s Alamodome. The event once again featured two days of running with the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio 10K on Saturday. Participants that ran the 10K and any distance on Sunday took the Remix Challenge and earned a third medal in addition to each race’s finisher medals. SUBWAY KiDS ROCK San Antonio powered by San Antonio Sports also took place on Saturday at SeaWorld San Antonio. Thousands of children in grades kindergarten – 7th completed a one mile run.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Reagan Donates Thousands Of Toys To Blue Santa

Santa posed with students at Reagan.

The Reagan Drumline performed for Blue Santa.

Reagan student council T-shirt.

Toys filled the main office.

Special To Welcome Home eagan High School’s Student Council believes it broke its own record for toy donations to the Blue Santa Program. “Go big or go home,” said Adam Hirani, a junior at Reagan. Students collected and organized an estimated 6,000 gifts for needy children in San Antonio. Council members spent two weeks accepting donations and organizing


the toys. Some teachers offered incentives to students who donated. Some organizations counted it as community service. The Reagan drumline and dancers performed as Blue Santa and his team of officer elves arrived on campus Friday, December 11. “This is one of the biggest pick-ups,” said Officer Moses Berban with the San Antonio Police Department. “We take these toys to underprivileged children and let them see

police officers in a positive light. SAPD will deliver toys to nearly 12,000 children before Christmas as part of the Blue Santa Program. It was started in 1976 to provide clothes, food, money and toys to families in our community. The toys are organized and sent to substations around the city. Officers distribute them to families who need something for Christmas. “It’s fantastic. It’s one of the best things we do,” said Officer Donald Leonard with SAPD. “Everybody loves Santa. Everybody deserves to get a gift from Santa.” About Blue Santa In 1976, the Blue Santa Program was created to help bring holiday happiness to families and children throughout San Antonio. Blue Santa is all about bringing hope and joy to families that struggle to make ends meet during the toughest times of the year, the holidays. Police officers are in a unique position to

NEISD Community Approves $499.95 Million Bond

Submitted By Daniel Segura oters in North East ISD have approved the NEISD bond referendum, with 66 percent voting in favor of the $499.95 million bond. The package includes a total of 69 projects and will affect all campuses within the District. “We appreciate the community that went to the polls and voted,” said Dr. Brian G. Gottardy, Superintendent of Schools. “A lot of great things are going to occur for students at every one of our campuses.” The District will use the bond money to upgrade, renovate or replace older campuses and facilities over the next five years. The


plan is divided into five categories: Safety and Security, Technology, Operations, Extracurricular and Facilities. Some of the projects include adding security checkin vestibules, expanding the wireless network for technology devices, replacing the 60-year-old bleachers at Comalander Stadium, and expanding or replacing band halls and fine arts facilities at several middle and high schools. The largest portion of the bond, about $225 million, will go toward facility equity and additions. This portion includes a new fine arts facility at Lee High School, the Regency Place Elementary School

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Portable Replacement Project, and campus replacement projects for Jackson, Krueger and Garner middle schools. The entire process began a year ago when principals and District staff completed a comprehensive facility needs survey. Then, an online survey was conducted by parents, students, and community members. A facility steering committee was formed with community members to prioritize projects and finalize a budget. Several community meetings were held and feedback was gathered. In June, the steering committee presented a final proposal to the Board of Trustees. In August, the Board voted to


The Reagan Rattler and Blue Santa.

see the struggles families endure throughout the year. The San Antonio Police Officers Association (SAPOA) recognized these difficulties and began partnering with community companies and volunteers to collect food, clothes, toys, and monetary donations to assist thousands of families in our city. A simple gift can change a life. Blue Santa is SAPOA’s way of saying to the community… we care and we are here to protect you and your family! During the month of December, San Antonio police officers, volunteers, and the Blue Santa, work very hard to deliver all the needed items to these underprivileged children and their families. All money raised from the three biggest events, the Sporting Clay Shoot, and Blue Santa Golf Tournament, goes to the SAPOA Outreach program to fund the Blue Santa project.

approve the recommendation to hold a bond election on Nov. 3. “I’m proud of the entire process. We provided so much information to our community, and we could not have been any more transparent,” said. Dr. Gottardy. You can view the entire list of bond projects here. The total costs provided by the District include construction design fees, site development costs, construction, project contingencies, and furniture, fixtures and equipment. The District anticipates that the bond will not increase the tax rate for at least five years.


Ring In The New Year With Your Pet

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Special To Welcome Home t’s the time of year when people make resolutions to be a better and healthier version of themselves. So why not make resolutions that will mutually benefit you and your pet? Here are some ideas to help you and yours have the best year yet. Eat more fresh food. This may seem like an easy resolution. However, it takes time and preparation. For humans, this means incorporating more fruits and veggies into your diet while for pets this means ensuring that their pet food uses ingredients such as fresh turkey, salmon and duck, fresh omega 3 and 6 oils (from coconuts and canola), wholesome berries and fruits and vegetables like peas, spinach and carrots. Now Fresh


premium pet food by Petcurean is a great example. You can learn more about choosing a pet food with the freshest, healthiest ingredients at petcurean.com. Get more exercise. Did you know pets can decrease our blood pressure and cholesterol levels and increase our opportunities for exercise, outdoor activities and socialization? Exercising together will not only help optimize your health but also allow you to spend more time together. Use that agenda. This doesn’t seem like a resolution, but sometimes making a plan is the only way resolutions will come to life. Most of us schedule time for other appointments and meetings, so why not set aside some priority time for pets too?

Creative Ways To Ring In The New Year Special To Welcome Home ounting down the hours until the New Year can be exciting, as the world anxiously anticipates the adventures in store for the months ahead. Celebrating the New Year dates back thousands of years to the ancient Babylonians, who celebrated a New Year come the first full moon after the spring equinox. The New Year is now commemorated in various ways across the globe. According to History.com, one million people gather in New York City’s Time Square to watch the famed crystal ball drop each year. Across the pond in London, celebrants watch thousands of individual fireworks launch over the Thames River.


In Sydney, Australia, roughly one million people line the shoreline each year to watch a fireworks show over the famed harbor. To match the excitement of New Year’s festivities, each year party hosts and hostesses are on the lookout for innovative ways to entertain and ensure everyone has a blast. The following are a few ways to do just that as you and your guests prepare to close the book on 2015 and usher in 2016. Go bowling. New Year’s Eve probably isn’t a big league night, so it’s likely you can reserve a number of lanes. Book in advance to take advantage of affordable food and drink packages. Some alleys now offer more than just bowling, with live music or deejay

entertainment as well. You do not have to be a professional bowler, either, as the goal of bowling with friends is to simply have some fun and make some lasting memories. Try a “first”. There is a first time for everything, and why not try something you have been thinking about doing for some time on the first day of the New Year? Maybe you’re ready to tap into your adventurous side and try skydiving. Or, you may be looking to travel abroad to experience something you have longed to see, such as the Egyptian pyramids or the city lights in the romantic city of Paris. Cheer for every time zone. Thanks to the various time zones across the globe,

“Happy New Year” is shouted multiple times throughout the night on New Year’s Eve. TimeandDate.com notes that, depending on how you define the time zone and if you include the International Date Line, there are 24 or 25 standard time zones. That gives revelers 25 opportunities to usher in the New Year. Choose a country in each time zone, and then employ that country’s cultural traditions to celebrate the New Year. Design a scavenger hunt. A fun activity for both adults and children, scavenger hunts can send guests in search of clues and answers based on things that happened over the previous 12 months. Include photos and other mementos when preparing clues.

STEM Freshman Creates “Help For Heroes” Special To Welcome Home TEM Freshman creates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Academy freshman Bryanna Harmon’s dad is a hero who is home for the holidays on a permanent basis. That’s because the twelve-year veteran of the US Army is now medically retired. When her dad was away on tours, she remembers trying to find ways to help him endure the loneliness. One day, she began sending him handmade, holiday-themed things. Of course, these items made her dad’s tours much more bearable and he remembers looking forward to receiving a little bit of home from home, especially during the holidays. One day in early November, she thought



about other students whose parents are deployed, and that’s when she came up with Help for Heroes. “Help for Heroes,” said Bryanna, “was created to send our troops overseas a little bit of home in the form of much-needed food and non-food items, as well as handmade drawings.” “They are my heroes,” said Bryanna when explaining what inspired her to name the program Help for Heroes. Knowing she couldn’t do it alone, she sought help from Summer of Service (SOS) San Antonio. SOS is dedicated to fostering informed citizenship and engaged leadership in San Antonio’s youth by providing students with the opportunity to use what they have learned to better their own communities.

To fund her plan, Bryanna launched a fund-raising event. Her world geography teacher Amir Samandi helped her organize the event at California Pizza Kitchen at the Quarry. She even set up donation box sets at a large local grocer and in an ice and golf center. Bryanna jumped for joy when she got one anonymous sponsor who donated $1,500 to help with shipping costs. With the fund raiser at the California Pizza Kitchen and with the help of the anonymous donor, Bryanna was able to stuff two cases full of goodies to send to a platoon in Afghanistan. The enthusiastic student determined where she would send her donations by visiting adoptaplattoon.com. In a sense, Bryanna’s efforts have done


more than just send goodies to troops overseas. She has shown the San Antonio community that, even in the smallest of ways, you can discover the true meaning of the holidays and share it with people thousands of mile away.

Bryanna stands near her donation box at the California Pizza Kitchen.

January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

Building Relationships, Growing Businesses In 2016 WHAT WE DO: SOBA serves as an advocate and a resource for businesses. Our innovative programs and services give our members the ability to network with other like-miunded individuals, and grants them the opportunity to futher develop their professional skills in a social setting. Members have access to resources of versatile amd powerful business tools to help today’s businesses grow and succeed. Working with you, we can understand the needs of your business and demonstrate the wide variety of ways ours association’s programs and services can help you acheive your goals. Choose the level of membership that works for you and your business. LEARN MORE ABOUT the STONE OAK BUSINESS ASSOCIATION and JOIN at StoneOakBusiness.com Social Memberships: $250.00 Business Memberships: $525.00 Executive Memberships: $625.00





Stone Oak Business Association

Ph: 210.348.8233 • E-mail: SOBA@satx.rr.com • www.StoneOakBusiness.com


NET WORKING Speed Networking is one of SOBA’s premier events! During this

meeting, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to everyone in attendance. Because of the high turnout, make sure to RSVP early. Please bring a minimum of 150 business cards.

Date: Wednesday, Jan 27, 2016 Time: 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Location: Canyon Springs Golf Club 24405 Wilderness Oak

Cost: $20 for Members $25





Stone Oak Business Association

RSVP: (210) 3 4 8 - 8 2 3 3 e - mail: sob a@s at x .rr.com w w w. S ton e O a kBusin e ss .c om

for Non-Members $30 at the Door

SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258



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January 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258

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