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January 2017 Issue
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January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
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NET WORKING Speed Networking is one of SOBA’s premier events! During this
meeting, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to everyone in attendance. Because of the high turnout, make sure to RSVP early. Please bring a minimum of 150 business cards.
Date: Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017 Time: 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Location: Canyon Springs Golf Club 24405 Wilderness Oak
Cost: $20 for Members $25
Stone Oak Business Association
RSVP: (210) 3 4 8 - 8 2 3 3 e - mail: sob a@s at x .rr.com w w w. S ton e O a kBusin e ss .c om
for Non-Members $30 at the Door
SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
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Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112
For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit
January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
Note From The Publisher Take A Hike
appy New Year! Wipe that slate clean and let’s kick off 2017 with a bang. I love New Year. I know you can start over anytime but there is something about waking up on January first knowing that you have an entire year ahead of you. Oh and who can forget those New Year RESOLUTIONS! Gyms are full, pantries and refrigerators stocked with lettuce and brown rice. All good intentions and goals. I want to offer some sage advice; do what you can. So many of my friends and families, even myself walk into the new year with this all or nothing mentality that immediately sets us up for failure. We live in a world where busy is glamorous. If we stay home in our PJs and binge watch Netflix we’re lazy. Do you and your family a favor. Be lazy. I promise you it is worth it. Our generation is missing the little things. We are over informed and under experienced. Our schedules are so full that we have no time to experience, we do and move on to the next thing. As a community let’s try a novel concept and maybe not do but experience. Take a hike and enjoy it. Don’t schedule to 45 minute “hike” into your calendar and stare at your watch the whole time. When we learn as a society to make time for ourselves we will also learn to make time for others. Your spiritual and mental health are not the only things that suffer due to “busy”. Healthy HUMAN interaction also suffers. I know what everyone I know does because of social media, but I have no idea
what they experienced. Contrary to popular belief a photo does not say a thousand words. It says here is a very small moment in my very long life for you to look at. 2017 should be the year of the phone call! I said it, let’s talk to someone! Perhaps it will be so amazing that you’ll want to do it again! Who knows until you try, right? My New Year’s Resolution is to make time. Time for fun, friends, family and myself. I am determined to de-glamorize “busy”. This year, Saturday mornings will find me with coffee and a good book, you know what, Saturday nights will find me there too! I truly do hope we all find what we need in 2017. That each one of you finds your New Year’s wishes come true. Thank you, for making 2016 as fantastic as it was. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Kristin Oliver
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24183 Boerne Stage Rd San Antonio, Texas 78255
January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
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On The Cover
Open House Breakfast and Tour of Homes Meet our friendly residents and see why they Love the Independence Hill Life! We look forward to seeing you on
THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th 9:00 AM Kindly RSVP by January 23rd
(210) 209-8956 20450 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas 78258
By Alissa Reinhard KFITNESS is a health and fitness studio staffed with health and fitness professionals that are degreed in a fitness-related field, have one or more years of experience in that field, and have at least one or more nationally recognized fitness certifications. Each of the nutrition and fitness programs offered at JKFITNESS were created by Julia Karlstad who holds a Masters in Exercise Science from Auburn University of Montgomery as well as a Bachelors from the United States Air Force Academy. Additionally, she is pursuing a second Masters from the University Of Western States in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. Karlstad and her staff pride themselves in understanding every client’s needs and limitations so that each individual can be led through a safe and effective nutrition and exercise program. While JKFITNESS is indeed a fitness facility, they go above and beyond the fitness component of wellness, offering a complete program with multiple services to clients of all demographics. These services include personal training (both in the fitness studio
and remote training), group training, nutritional programming, mental health workshops, yoga (both individualized and in group settings), athlete training, and more. To learn more about JKFITNESS turn to page 9.
Rocking 2017
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Submitted By The Stone Oak Business Association anuary 2017 is here and the Stone Oak Business Association is ready to kick it off right. Speed Networking is just around the corner. On Wednesday, January 25 from 5:308:00 p.m. SOBA will be networking in style at Canyon Springs Golf Club. RSVP online to reserve your seat. To get in the networking spirit we will have our first Ribbon Cutting of 2017 at Sweet Soul Yoga on January 11! We could all use a little Zen after Speed Networking Jan 2016 drew over 125 people. Save your the holiday rush, right? The day after seat by RSVPing! our Facebook page to see who showed up Speed Networking we will be cutting some more ribbon at Global Insurance. and what kind of goodies Rodry’s is selling! In February we will have a breakfast These events are just the tip of the iceberg for the new year! We are so excited for a networking event sponsored by Judy new year of new businesses and friends. Jackson with Waddell and Reed Financial 2016 wrapped with a final Ribbon Cutting Advisors. Her talk will discuss “The 5 at Rodry’s Liquor on December 2. We Deadly Mistakes Most People Make When couldn’t have asked for a better turn out or Saving for Retirement”. The beginning of better end to an amazing year. Check out the year is the perfect time to learn about this and put a plan into action. SOBA has several meeting sponsorship spots available in 2017. If your business is interest in CELEBRATING 15 YEARS E R ’ E W sponsoring a meeting give us a call to see what’s available. The first quarter is always our busiest time of year. Make sure to check your email and watch our social media outlets for upcoming events and ribbon cuttings. We Boarding, Grooming, Daycare or hope that everyone had a safe and happy Merchandise during the month of January. holiday. Let’s get busy with rocking 2017! See you at Sweet Soul Yoga!
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January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
Concordia Lutheran Honors Police Officers
Concordia Lutheran National Junior Honor Society students compiled baskets filled with gifts of appreciation for campus and local police officers.
Officer Scott Boehm with two Concordia Lutheran NJHS members.
Submitted By Deb Rich Herczeg oncordia Lutheran School is proud to support an active chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). Students in seventh and eighth grades who demonstrate outstanding academics, consistent integrity and excellent character are invited to join NJHS and meet monthly to plan service projects, many of which lead them out into the local community. This fall, Concordia’s NJHS students elected to honor officers from the San Antonio Police Department. In light of recent events and the continuing dangers to members of law enforcement, students perceived that the officers were not often thanked for their work. Concordia
students believed an outward demonstration of support was in order, not only for the officers that serve the campus each day, but also for the officers who place themselves in harm’s way in order to serve the San Antonio area. Students collaborated and brainstormed what items the officers might appreciate receiving, and then coordinated efforts to collect those items. After collecting the donated gifts, NJHS students invested their time assembling baskets to deliver to individual officers. In addition to snacks, gift cards and drinks, students recorded a video to show the officers their gratitude and placed the DVD in each basket. They took great care to make each basket both visually
The baskets were filled by students with donated snacks, gift cards, drinks, and a recording of the students thanking the heroes in blue for their service.
appealing and meaningful in content. Students then delivered the baskets to
Officer Gus Segura with his basket.
the SAPD precinct on Prue Road, as well as to the individual officers who serve the Concordia campus each week.
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You Are Not Too Young For Menopause
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 recently attended seminars at the American College for Advancement in Medicine, featuring the latest trends in alternative or integrative medicine and new research from scientists and physicians. The opening speaker was none other than Suzanne Sommers. Sommers has a new book detailing the disturbing trend of younger age at menopause/andropause... I have seen this in my practice, also. About 10 years ago, when I first had an office, most clients were in their late 40s or 50s. Now, the age range is
between 35-45! It begins in women, usually at night with increasingly uncomfortable feeling of warmth and worsening insomnia, followed by exhaustion and irritability during the day. Andropause, or the decline of testosterone in men, begins with general feelings of fatigue –too tired to work out and lack of interest in sex. Both sexes experience weight gain along with commonly, feelings of depression. The first hormone to decline in women is progesterone, not to be confused with the pharmaceutical –made up in a lab-progestin,
Step Into Decorating
By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he beginning of a New Year comes clients…and for those potential clients that with excitement and novelty. The lists I have not met yet. 2014 brings a fresh new are written, the goals are set, and the color palette for decorating and design. beginning of the year is here. The big markets are here and we are After a few weeks of 2014 have passed, I excited about attending and seeing all the can say that interior designing and decorating new items that are being introduced. Our is at the top of the list for many of my vendors have been preparing for these
Take Charge Of Your Retirement Destiny
By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 s we age, most of us hope to live to make the choice for them. It really appears independently as long as possible. to be a “win-win” for everyone! The last thing we want to do is to Living in a retirement community allows become a burden on our working or recently you many freedoms. There’s no need to rely retired children who have responsibilities on your family for daily needs, including and lives of their own. While it was once the transportation. Your social calendar will norm to move in with your adult children, also remain your own and can be filled today it no longer seems to be the preference with activities and events to enjoy with for aging adults. Seniors are instead planning new friends your own age who share your ahead for their future, choosing a retirement common interests. Delicious meal options community so that their children do not have and wonderful company to dine with is
similar name but different molecule and actions. Progestin was used along with horse derived estrogen in the infamous WHI study, which newspapers inaccurately publicized as: “hormones are killing women.” Later analysis showed that when progestin was added to the synthetic horse derived estrogen, invasive breast cancer had a slight increase. So the take home message should have been: “avoid synthetic hormones, especially progestins,” but instead it was “avoid all hormones.” Progesterone is not progestin and should not be confused as that. This is what you should do if you are wondering, “am I going through the change?” Ask your doctor to (please) check an FSH/LH level. Follicle stimulating hormone/Leutinizing hormones come from the brain and are increased to 23 or greater if in menopause. If in perimenopause, FSH/LH will be less than 23. Perimenopause is characterized
by excess estrogen (surprise!) with lack of progesterone. Men should have testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin, and estradiol levels obtained. Testosterone can vary depending on stress levels and even time of day. So get a repeat level in the afternoon several weeks after the first blood draw. Answer the question, “Am I too young for this?” by getting your blood levels checked! Then seek a competent, caring physician who will listen to you, check blood values (never saliva), and get ready to enjoy your second 50 years! Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www. antiagingsa.com.
markets for weeks. Decorating Introductions: • Our chocolate colors continue to lead the way with some beautiful spa blues and greens. • Textures are again heavy with animal prints. • Bling has come into our lives with our accessories and even new furniture lines. • More functional tables are emerging to accommodate the technical lives that we live. • Rugs are hotter than ever and so are drapes. Softness mixed with heavy textures dominate the window industries. • Natural stones, bling, glass and mirrors are entering our lives in furniture as well as floor and wall coverings.
Call us for your consultations. With over 7,000 vendors, we are here to help you update, organize, and yes…furnish your home with gorgeous furniture, artwork and accessories. Remodeling has been keeping us busy as well. Our MAGICAL MAKEOVERS are truly MAGIC. The Home Is Your Castle! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at (210) 490-0161 or via email at mjkgl@ aol.com or jessicajenkins2@gmail.com. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www.thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup. com. Join The Jenkins Interior Design Group on Facebook, Twitter and on LinkedIn.
another plus. And of course, you still have the freedom to visit with your family and share in memorable times. This lifestyle truly gives you the best of both worlds. There is definitely something to be said about maintaining your privacy and having your own place to hang your hat! If you have not looked in to a retirement community yet, it is never too early. Deciding on a community that is the best fit for your lifestyle is very important and visiting communities to experience it for yourself is key. Take the first step today and join us for the Independence Hill Open House Breakfast and Tour of Homes on January 26 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Come enjoy our wonderful breakfast buffet, tour a variety of homes, and experience our fun-filled lifestyle. While you are here, you can also learn about our other communities within the same campus that
offer a resort-style neighborhood of homes for adults 55+ and our Assisted Living. Planning ahead is always empowering and will allow you to choose your destiny. At Independence Hill Retirement Community, the Lifestyle Specialists have years of experience helping seniors find the best place to call “home!” We would love to help make your retirement decisions come true. To attend our Open House Breakfast and Tour of Homes, please RSVP by January 23 by calling 210-209-8956. Cheers to your Happy Retirement! Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community is located in Stone Oak at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit www.independencehill. com
The Resolution To Lose Weight- No Small Task Special To Welcome Home eight loss is a popular resolution come the new year. But in spite of that popularity, the resolution to lose weight is no small task. When resolving to lose weight, men and women will encounter an abundance of information about dieting and weight loss. It’s difficult to know who to believe and to determine which plans will be effective. Research published by Shape magazine says nearly one in three young people embark on a new diet each month, but 45 percent give up after one week, and about half abandon their goals within a month. Data released in the Daily Mail in 2013 said that although one in seven (13 percent) women stick to a diet for 13 weeks or more, nearly one in five
(19 percent) succumb to their favorite food cravings after a month. What’s the magic formula for weight loss? Experts advise that there isn’t any. Weightloss strategies that require fad dieting or restrict certain foods may not produce longterm success. Rather, a lifestyle overhaul is often the most effective weight loss strategy. • Recognize that quick fixes do not work. Drastic weight loss approaches may produce immediate results, but such plans are not sustainable. Drastic plans include certain detoxes and cleanses; diets that eliminate all but a few foods; some prepackaged foods; and food-replacement strategies. Feelings of deprivation or boredom may make people following these diets unsuccessful in the long run. Losing weight means changing one’s
food and exercise plans over the long haul. • Eat in regular intervals. Researchers at the National Weight Control Registry offer that spacing food evenly throughout the day is the key to successful, long-term weight loss. People who eat healthy food at regular intervals are better nourished, think more clearly and report fewer mood swings than those who eat erratically. • Recognize that not all carbs are bad. People trying to lose weight often hear that they should increase protein consumption and drastically reduce their intake of carbohydrates. While it’s smart to reduce consumption of processed carbs and those that are made largely of white flour, there are some healthy carbohydrates, including beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
• Be flexible. As a person’s body ages, his or her metabolism will change. Men and women should revisit their recommended caloric intake every few years. In addition, men and women can routinely revisit their exercise routines to determine the efficacy of those routines and alter their workouts to reflect the physical changes their bodies are going through as they age. A person’s first step before dieting or attempting to lose weight should be to consult their physician, who can help men and women achieve their weight loss goals in a way that’s healthy and easy to maintain for years to come.
January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
The Ke y To U l t i ma te We llne s s
By Alissa Reinhard
New Year, a New You. Sure, you’ve heard that one before. You’ve probably even said it a few times yourself. But what makes this year different? Every New Year, millions aspire to be a new, better version of themselves. Especially now, living in an era where social media has all sorts of tips and tricks for how to accomplish your goals. But how about putting all that aside and trying something truly new in 2017 - getting back to basics. If you’re ready to make a positive, healthy lifestyle change in 2017, the professionals at JKFITNESS are ready to help you succeed. JKFITNESS offers a realistic, lifestyle approach to long-term weight management. If you’re ready for a new beginning, it’s important to start at square one. Jumping headfirst into the latest fitness craze or trying out the newest fad diet won’t generate the lasting results that you’re looking for. There are fundamental steps that are necessary to achieve and maintain physical fitness and optimum health, and it all starts with proper nutrition and exercise. While most people understand this general concept, it can still be very difficult to understand what habits you must change, what foods to eat and avoid, and what exercises will work to get the best result for YOU. We are each individuals with our own limitations, busy schedules, medical issues, special concerns, etc. The professionals at JKFITNESS understand that optimal results can only be achieved by treating each client as a unique individual. “At JKFITNESS, we utilize scientific testing to determine one’s overall fitness which the staff then uses to individualize the client’s programs in an effort to help them not only meet, but surpass their health and fitness goals,” explained Julia Karlstad, JKFITNESS Founder and President. “What I think is probably one of the biggest differences between JKFITNESS and other health and fitness studios is that all of our staff members are highly educated, experienced and passionate about the field of health and fitness.” JKFITNESS is a health and fitness studio staffed with health and fitness professionals that are degreed in a fitnessrelated field, have one or more years of experience in that field, and have at least one or more nationally recognized fitness certifications. Each of the premier nutrition programs offered at JKFITNESS were created by Karlstad who holds a Masters in Exercise Science from Auburn University of Montgomery as well as a Bachelors from the United States Air Force Academy. Additionally, she is pursuing a second Masters from the University Of Western States in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. Karlstad and her staff pride themselves in understanding every client’s needs and limitations so that each individual can be led through a safe and effective nutrition and exercise program.
January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
New JKFITNESS clients are treated to a comprehensive consultation that entails a review of your health and exercise history, nutritional habits, and your health and fitness goals. Your work schedule and personal lives are also factored into the design of a tailored program that will work for you. During each visit to JKFITNESS, you can expect a professional experience that will consist of a combination of physical and nutritional counsel. “We also do several assessments – cardiovascular, muscular endurance, body composition, girth measurements, weight, metabolic testing, and flexibility - in the beginning of a client’s program and throughout to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments along the way,” added Karlstad. “And once you begin your program, we will guide you throughout each workout, hold you accountable, and offer the motivation you need to finish strong. Again, this is the biggest reason why I think our clients find success we offer science-based programs that are realistic and use a change of lifestyle approach to achieve long-term health and fitness.” Karlstad and her team have worked with clients of all different fitness levels, including the bariatric population. They understand the struggles of obesity and realize that it is a disease that requires a personalized approach with accountability consisting of fitness, nutrition and mental health. While JKFITNESS is indeed a fitness facility, they go above and beyond the fitness component of wellness, offering a complete program with multiple services to clients of all demographics. These services include personal training (both in the fitness studio and remote training), group training, nutritional programming, mental health workshops, yoga (both individualized and in group settings), athlete training, and more. JKFITNESS can even customize a wellness program for different businesses through their corporate wellness services. Karlstad works with business owners to customize a wellness program that emphasizes the importance of a healthy staff equating to better work performance, less missed work days, lower health insurance premiums and an overall improvement in morale. There is no better time than now to open your mind to the possibility that a healthier you isn’t an unachievable goal. Not all fitness centers are created equal. Karlstad and the professionals at JKFITNESS are ready to help you learn and truly understand how your body works and will respond to a properly designed nutrition and fitness program customized just for you. After all, it is a New Year, and JKFITNESS can make it a New You.
Before client Pamela Bienek-Harling joined JKFITNESS, she subscribed to fad diets and weight loss gimmicks that were impossible to sustain. In addition, she had never been fully taught the importance of understanding the basic principles of nutrition while incorporating healthier lifestyle choices…until she met Karlstad who introduced her to one of JKFITNESS’s custom-designed wellness programs, Power 30. “During my initial consultation with Julia, she introduced me to the Power 30 principles,” Bienek-Harling explained. “Initially, I was very skeptical and unsure if I would remain committed. As I transitioned into the Power 30 lifestyle, I relied upon Julia to help guide me and most importantly, to hold me accountable. I am very pleased to report that this program has yielded great results and I honestly feel fabulous. I have developed healthier eating habits and a structured exercise routine. JKFITNESS has been instrumental in my success and I couldn’t be happier.”
Naomi Brewer, a colon cancer survivor, was unable to walk unassisted when her doctor recommended JKFITNESS. Brewer’s battle against the disease and journey back to health is a true testament to the talented professionals at JKFITNESS and her will to not just survive, but thrive. “Just before my 71st birthday, I went into the hospital for colon cancer,” explained Brewer. “My family was told that I would not survive, but even after being taken off life support, I’m still here. I went through normal rehab, but I was not able to walk without a walker and was bent at an 80 degree angle.” Today, Brewer can walk with the assistance of canes only and at a 30-degree angle, a huge improvement. “I can hardly believe my progress,” she stated. “I did 30 sit-ups last week. I want people to know that if JKFITNESS can help me, just think what it can do for you. It’s given me the time to really live.”
In September 2009, Carol Lynn Waryas, walked into JKFITNESS convinced it would do her no good. She was 63-years-old and had recently recovered from bariatric surgery. “The only reason I was there was because I had been told that unless I exercised, I was not going to be successful in continuing to lose the weight,” Waryas explained. “I had no hope of being successful. I met Julia that day and she told me later that she could read on my face that I had given up on myself, but she decided that she would not give up on me. And she never has.” Waryas began working with Karlstad twice a week and slowly but surely, exercise became something that gave her a new lease on life something she actually looked forward to doing rather than dreading. “Working with Julia has been the best thing I’ve ever done for my body, but also for my mind,” said Waryas. “I still have a ways to go, but I have gone from morbidly obese, to obese, to now just overweight, and Julia has been with me through every step of the way. Above all, she is a true friend and supporter who has helped me learn that even at my age, I am stronger than I think I am, I can do more than I believe I can, and I’m braver than I know.”
1800 NE Loop I-410 78209 www.jk-fit.com
15683 San Pedro 78232 210.388.0989 9
Make Proper Vehicle Care Your New Year’s Resolution
By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
i, Rusty Belden here from our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires. As a New Year begins, most of us are busy getting organized and trying to stick to our New Year’s resolutions. But have you ever prepared a New Year’s resolution when it comes to caring for your car? I recently came across a great article from the Car Care Council that shared some great tips on how to make and stick to a 2017 resolution related to the care of your vehicle. Be diligent about changing the oil and
filter at recommended intervals. Check the fuel, air and transmission filters at the same time. Make sure the exterior and interior lights work and headlights are properly aimed. Check to see that heaters, defrosters, lights and wipers work properly. This is all to ensure good visibility as you are driving down the road in any weather. Cold temperatures reduce a vehicle’s battery power so it is important to keep the connections clean, tight and corrosion
A New Year, A New Year’s Resolution
By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 New Year is here and with is comes New Year’s resolutions! One of the best resolutions you can make is the resolution to take better care of your heart with good exercise and a commitment to eating heart healthy seafood like salmon! One simple dietary change of eating seafood twice a week can do wonders for your heart health, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease. Seafood is a lean protein packed with things good for your heart, including essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and
DHA, along with selenium, vitamins and minerals. And it’s no coincidence that the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recommends even more seafood as it is included in such heart-healthy dietary patterns as in the Mediterranean diet and DASH Eating Plan. Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian of the Harvard School of Public Health has stated that “seafood is likely the single most important food one can consume for good health.” In his research studies, Dr. Mozaffarian observed that eating seafood twice a week reduced the risks of dying from heart disease by 36 percent! Given the amount of data demonstrating
Inspirations For Grilling By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 nspirations. We all have them. I was inspired to begin cooking thanks to numerous influences in my life dating all the way back to my childhood memories of my grandmother, in Odessa, cooking for my cowboy grandfather. She prepared the most delicious homemade yeast rolls. In high school, my family moved to San Antonio, where I met and was inspired by none other than Lucas Postolos, famed
owner and general manager of the San Francisco Steakhouse. I began working there as a busboy, eventually graduating to preparing tableside famous New Orleans classic flaming desserts like Crepes Suzette, Strawberries Flambé, Bananas Foster, and Cherries Jubilee. Yes, we prepared them right in front of the customer back then, and it was quite the show… replete with a few unexpected pyrotechnic moments. That’s what happens when you use 151-proof rum to light the dessert! Alas, restaurants hide their preparation in the kitchen nowadays!
free. Batteries won’t always give warning signs before they fail, so it’s a good idea to have your battery tested periodically. Have the brakes inspected and check the tire tread depth and tire pressure. During winter, tire pressure should be checked often. Resolve to keep the gas tank at least half full at all times. During winter it decreases the chances of moisture forming in the gas lines and possibly freezing. After all, you wouldn’t want to be left stranded, would you? Our vehicles should always make our New Year’s resolution list! Think about it – we need our vehicles for almost everything
we do on daily basis…to get to work, to shop, to travel, etc. For these reasons and many more, make a pledge to keep your vehicle as healthy as you plan on being in 2017! Let our friendly and experienced service advisors help you at any of our six locations. Look us up on the web at beldensautomotive.com for great coupons. As always, from our family to yours, Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has six locations: San Pedro: 210-494- 0017; Medical Center: 210-690- 1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366- 1122; Boerne: 830-9319700; Bulverde Rd: 210-481- 3330; Prue Rd: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www. beldensautomotive.com.
the health benefits of seafood, it is surprising to learn that, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), only one in five American adults and one in 10 American children eat the twice-per-week amount of seafood recommended by the USDA/HHS Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This makes sense though believe it or not. In my experience the top reasons people don’t eat seafood (even if they know it’s good for them) is that they simply don’t know how to cook or order it. I can understand that. In this day, we’re very used to getting things pre-packaged at the super market and the transition of moving from that to an open ended “how much mahi-mahi would you like” kind of question can be a little intimidating. To make matters worse, the question in the back of the head is “okay, even if I order this right…. how am I even going to cook it?” Does this sound like you?
This is where your hometown seafood experts at Groomer’s Seafood come in. Our crew is here for you! We will take the time to tell you exactly how to cook your seafood, what kind of portions you’ll need and we can even print recipes for you. Most seafood that is eaten these days is at restaurants, but if you’re looking to do that twice a week that can really add up in terms of money! Learning to cook seafood at home is ideal for most people and is something that both your heart and your taste buds will really appreciate. Don’t live by one of our locations? Remember we do ship! And the more you order the more you save on each fillet! We also have a recipe section where you can find many of our homemade recipes catered to be simple and delicious. So come on down to show your heart a little bit of love, we’ll show you just how easy, fun and delicious seafood can really be!
(As for me…I abide by a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy myself!) Later on down the road, my in-laws bestowed upon me an old, tired and wornout Arkla gas grill, and then, for Father’s Day one year, my then young sons gave me my current Weber Genesis. That was nearly 15 years ago and it’s still cooking like a champ! Today I also own a ceramic cooker and I find sources of inspirations all around. BuzzFeed’s 45-second “Tasty... Oh YES!” videos have become one of my favorites. Although the video chefs usually prepare their goodies in the oven, anything done in an oven can be prepared in a ceramic cooker like the Big Green Egg. Can you say, HELLO?! Other YouTube and blogging favorites of mine include Chef John at Food Wishes,
America’s Test Kitchens, Stoked on Smoke, Tessa Arias at Handle the Heat, Kaleb Wyse at The Gray Boxwood, and last but not least Jesse Pryles, an Australian lass who now lives in Austin and describes herself as a Professional Hardcore Carnivore! Ahhh… my kinda of gal! So, come on by Jeff’s Backyard and let us inspire you with your backyard cooking desires. Oh, and one more thing…turn to page 26 in this issue of Welcome Home to find our ad and a coupon for a free refill of propane in your 20 lb bottle with a $10 or more purchase, an $18 value! From our yard to yours, Jeff’s Backyard! For more information, call us at 210342-4760, or email us at jeffsbackyard@ att.net. Better yet, come visit us at 435 West Nakoma, San Antonio, TX 78216.
Girl Scouts Serve And Leaders Celebrate Holiday Season
Submitted By Risa Weinberger t was a wonderful day of community service for the teen Girl Scouts in Community “U” on December 4. For a month, the girls had collected all types of cleaning supplies for the Ronald McDonald House on Sid Katz Dr. After learning that the families who stay at the houses are responsible for cleaning specific areas, the girls set out to help these families with supplies to make it easier to keep their areas clean. They delivered bags full of bleach, window, kitchen and bathroom cleaners.
Once they had checked in, the girls were given a tour of the Ronald McDonald House. During the tour, the teens learned about the eligibility and rules of the house. For example, only families with a patient 21 years old or younger can stay at the Ronald McDonald House and each bedroom is only large enough for a maximum of four people. The girls were also surprised to learn that the Ronald McDonald Houses and McDonald’s restaurants are not connected. Each house runs through the generosity of local residents and organizations and through a variety
of grants. There are three different Ronald McDonald Houses in San Antonio. The group was inspired by their visit and are currently considering future service ideas to help benefit the residents like baking and decorating cookies with the children, organizing a BBQ dinner for families, and setting up a cleaning and organization day. The teens plan to further discuss their future involvement with the Ronald McDonald House at their next meeting. Also in early December, Girl Scout leaders gathered for their regular monthly
meeting. However, this meeting was a little different. Everyone was asked to wear their best ugly Christmas sweater to help set the mood for the evening and bring an appetizer or sweet for the snack table. After the brief meeting, leaders enjoyed playing a couple of holiday games, opened white elephant gifts, and had fun socializing together. It was a fun night to kick back and start the holiday season.
January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL Fine Ar t s De pa r t me nt P re se nt s
By Alissa Reinhard
hristmas is over, and the New Year’s Eve celebrations behind us. So, what will we do to keep ourselves entertained? Why, we can go see the Johnson High School Fine Arts Department as these amazingly talented kids present “The Addams Family: A New Musical Comedy!” This musical reintroduces the audience to the beloved Addams family: Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, Wednesday, Pugsley, Grandma, and even the faithful Lurch. As the musical begins, the ghoulish Addams are visiting the family graveyard for their annual gathering of all family members—those living, dead, and some even undecided. As the family wraps up a celebration of what it means to be an Addams, Uncle Fester interrupts the ancestors returning to their graves to explain tragedy has struck the Addams clan: Wednesday has invited her new boyfriend and his family to dinner, and they are normal! They don’t wear black; they never torture one another; and they don’t even have a pet squid. How will the Addams family be able to relate to these unassuming and uninteresting people with whom they have nothing in common? How will they cope
January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
with their little girl growing up? Meanwhile, Wednesday herself is facing an identity crisis: will love keep her from being an Addams? The Johnson High School Fine Arts Department has been hard at work preparing for the performances. Over one hundred students will be involved in the production in some way. From cast, to crew, to orchestra, Johnson is gearing up to make this musical a wonderful, entertaining event! Leading the cast are Senior Seth Higgins as Gomez and Junior Gabriela Garcia as Morticia. Richard Nava is introduced as the beloved Uncle Fester, while the very funny Ashley Taylor Barnes plays Pugsley. Brandon Shimp and Senior Sylvie Girard play the unforgettable characters of Lurch and Grandma, respectively. The boyfriend and his family, the Beinekes, are played by David Dryden (Mal Beineke, the father), Tessa Kusenberger (Alice Beineke, the mother), with Nicholas Dettmer and Joe Donoghue tagteaming to fulfill the role of the boyfriend, Lucas Beineke. Sophomore Sofia Rodriguez is introduced as the love-struck Wednesday Addams. The cast is rounded out by Gabriel
Belmonte, Megan Black, Lauren Brower, Allie Byrd, Madison Callan, Emily Carter, Corey Clemons, Cassie Cole, Ian Compton, Connor Fitzmaurice, Savannah Fox, Alex Goeke, Karla Liwanes, Cole Lunsford, Sarah Marks, Elaina McCoulskey, Katia Ortiz, Michael Packard, Jordan Pennell, Erica Reyes, Jeffery Rico, Logan Rivard, Ava Thompson, Peyton Willis, Dani Wilson, Adin Wright, and Vanesa Zuniga. So many others have contributed to this wonderful event, including Theatre Directors Jay Asterman and Megan Thompson, as well as, Choir Director Christie Brown, Assistant Choir Director Ashley Hester, and Orchestra Director Karen George. Performances will take place on January 26th through 28th at 7:00 pm and January 29th at 2:00 pm in the Johnson High School Auditorium. Both general and reserved seating is available and can be purchased online or in person. Cash, checks, and credit cards are accepted. For more information or to purchase tickets online, visit the Johnson Theatre website: www.johnsontheatre.com.
Tex Hill Honor Dinner, An Honor For Us All Submitted By Tex Hill 6th grade student Madge Ohman t was a star studded night, stars and stripes that is. On Veterans Day Tex Hill hosted an honor dinner for WWII veterans. With the help of teachers, students, and families Tex Hill saved up money to host a dinner for veterans after they were selected to attend an Honor Flight to Washington D.C to look at the memorials. The Tex Hill band kicked off the evening for the veterans which was followed by the color guard’s posting of colors and then led into did the Pledge of Allegiance. The Tex Hill Choir performed America the Beautiful which was so BEAUTIFUL! I think everyone was feeling very patriotic. Principal Rochkus welcomed everybody and we watched a wonderful slideshow. Dinner was served by our own student council members and some of the desserts were made by an awesome Tex Hill mom. The rest of the night included the recognition of veterans, a super cool school video by students talking about their active duty and veteran parents, poems read by student council members, a KSAT video and more. I had the honor to interview two VERY important people, Earlene Sheets and Lt. Col. Everett Delashmutt. Here are a few things I learned about Earlene: she got out of nursing school in Austin in 1941 and the Red Cross recruited her (at age 22) shortly after. Within 10 days she became an Army nurse at Ft. Sam Houston. In 1943 she received orders to England by way of the Queen Elizabeth in New York and “zig
Madge Ohman is pictured with Ms Earlynn Sheets.
zagged” all the way to Scotland — they had to zig zag across the ocean to prevent from being hit by submarine -torpedoes! When she arrived in England her hospital was one of the first to take on the first combat wounded from D-Day. She also married her sweetheart the day before D Day and said, “The next morning we saw the planes overhead and just knew.” My favorite part was when I asked her what the hardest part of the war was, she replied, “None of it was hard, we were young and we loved it!’ Next I interviewed Lt.Col. Delashmutt, who served in the Air Force for 20 years. His overseas tours included China, Burma, India, Okinawa, and Korea and he was 20 yrs. old when he signed up. During his time
On Veterans Day Tex Hill hosted an honor dinner for WWII Veterans.
in the war he said his job was “to fly over China and drop bombs.” I asked Everett what the hardest part was, he said, “trying not to get shot at!” I also got to interview Principal Rochkus. I first asked what his favorite part was and he said, “Watching the kids give the food to the veterans.” Then I asked if he wanted this to become a regular event and he said, “Of course! Next year we will have Korean vets.” Then I got to talk with Mr. Reyna, an 8th grade math teacher and leader of student
council. I asked him if anybody in his family is a veteran and he said is father was in the Army and which made this special for him. He hopes to continue to be a part of this. Towards the end I asked Theresa, a student council member what her favorite part about the night was and she said, “Knowing that these veterans care about this country!” Boy, do I agree! So in conclusion, Veterans Day couldn’t have been any better as it was a great night for all!
K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
Celebrating 15 Years Of Four-Legged Fun!
we can Together rs keep Othe WARM!
Taking Donations now thru February 28th Donations collected will be given to SaMMinistries & Hill Country Daily Bread
13811 San Pedro Ave. San Antonio, TX 78232
22000 Bulverde Rd. San Antonio, TX 78259
We Keep You Rolling!
Approved Auto Repair
an you believe it’s been 15 years since K9 Country Club opened its doors? We are so blessed to have become a part of such a wonderful neighborhood and community. Pet people are awesome and we have loved becoming your pet’s one-of-akind home away from home. We have grown in so many ways throughout the years. In the beginning, October 2002, we opened our doors with just 18 kennels, a laundry room, kitchen, bathroom, and office… oh yeah, and a Cattery… all housed in a 700 square foot room. Today, we house 63-runs and our facility has a separate laundry room, two kitchens, two bathrooms, offices, a fullservice grooming room, AND a separate cat jungle for our furry purrers! We’ve added new staff, nationally acclaimed trainers, and full-service grooming. Membership opportunities at K9 Country Club are unlike any other in Texas. Giving the gift of a membership to your family pet opens up world of adventure filled with excitement and treats and your wallet to so many savings. Plus, we’re the only facility in town to feature a full-size K9 Health Gym and training in nearly every dog sport available. From Agility and Herding to Rally Obedience and Scent Work, we offer it all.
Need a CGC on your dog or have a special need for a service dog? You can find all the assistance that you need at K9 Country! If you haven’t been out to visit us, now is the perfect time. K9 Country Club will be offering fun events and specials throughout 2017 in honor of our birthday! We’re kicking off January with a bang! Enjoy 15% off your total bill! That’s right, you heard correctly…Boarding, Grooming, Daycare, and merchandise purchases will be marked down 15% off regular pricing throughout the month of January. In addition, we will be hosting our very first Scent Work Play Day on January 29. Come out and watch dogs of all shapes and sizes show off their talented noses. Learn how you can get your pooch involved in this or many of the other fun activities we have to offer. Plan to join us for puppy socials, agility fun matches, free “pupcakes” in October, and the biggest Beach Luau this summer! Let us help fill 2017 with fun for you and your four-legged best friend. To stay up to date with the latest special and events, like K9 Country Club on Facebook at facebook.com/k9countryclubtexas or visit our website at www.k9countryclub.net for a full schedule of our latest classes. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde, TX 78163. For more information, call 830-980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.
January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
Medical Allergy & Immunology Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 • www.faasonline.com
Allergy & Immunology
Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 494-0690 • stoneoakallergy.com
Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Ste. 2601 545-5224 • www.antiagingsa.com Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men
Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D.McMyler, MD P. Mehta, MD., R, Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 614-1234 • www.gastroconsa.com
General Dentistry
Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533 www.dentalcareSA.com
General Dentistry
Canyon Dental Care Jeff Beal, DDS & Justin Rich, DDS 3111 TPC Pkwy., Ste. 114, San Antonio, 78259 424-3611 www.dentalworks.com
General Dentistry
Dr. Perry E. Wood Family Dentistry, Cosmetics & Orthodontics 16616 San Pedro (281/Thousand Oaks) 491-9898 Accepts most insurance
General Dentistry
Garrison Family Dental Austin J Garrison DDS, Gary J. Garrison DDS 22100 Bulverde Rd., Ste. 114 494-7222 www.garrisonfamilydental.com
Internal Medicine
Orthodontics For Adults/Children
Internal Medicine of Stone Oak Lubna Naeem, M.D. 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 105 490-3800 Laser treatment, Botox, Skin care available
Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Ste. 201 272-7129 www.alohasmiles.net
Pediatric Dentistry
Alamo City Eye Physicians, P.A. J. Mark Berry M.D. William T. Walton M.D. 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 216 491-2020
Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry Dr. “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 491-4141 www.drsusie.net
Speech Therapy
Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 119 697-3821
Speech & Language Center of Stone Oak Barbara A. Samfield 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 108 495-9944 www.stoneoakspeech.com
Urgent Care
Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) www.stoneoaktso.com
Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • www.fossilcreekurgentcare.com Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine
Iron Tribe Fitness Coming To San Antonio
oug Kisgen is no stranger to entrepreneurship and fitness. He began his career as a personal trainer and instructor in Cedar Rapids, and then quickly fell in love with growing and nurturing businesses, turning them into successful franchises. Kisgen recently purchased the rights to three locations in San Antonio where he intends to plant three Iron Tribe Fitness gyms. The Iron Tribe model, Kisgen said, appeals to his desire to impact lives in his community while offering a premium product that can’t be found anywhere else. “When I looked into Iron Tribe I thought ‘This is amazing,’” Kisgen said of the gym which only accepts 300 members at each location and limits class sizes to 20 participants in an effort to maintain a oneon-one coaching style. “When I saw there wasn’t one in San Antonio, I made my inquiry.” Each class begins and ends on time, lasts only 45 minutes, and is designed to get you in and out while creating a real “tribe” feeling. One of the mottos at Iron Tribe is “Fast. Fun. Fit.” There are several types of workouts that appeal to all fitness levels. The key is to assess where you are today and to help make you a better version of yourself tomorrow. While there is naturally some friendly competition in some of the workouts, the main person you are competing against is yourself. Class times are offered early mornings,
QUENEDIT ballet school
mid-mornings and evenings at this point, but more classes will be added as demand increases. Each class consists of a maximum of 20 participants, and two coaches are available to give one-on-one suggestions and assistance. The great thing about Iron Tribe is that the exercises can be tailored to your needs, and no one is made to feel inferior because they can’t complete a certain exercise. Maintaining the class size and the same athletes at all times means that members come to rely on one another for encouragement as well as accountability. Some come in already fit and want to simply maintain their fitness level, while others come in to increase their energy or lose weight. Different membership levels are available, and there are some advantages to getting in on the ground floor, so don’t delay! The wait is over. The weight is next! Whatever your fitness goals are, Iron Tribe can help, and it doesn’t matter whether you can do a pushup or not! They will help you figure out a plan that works for you - where you are right now - and where you want to go! For more information on Iron Tribe Fitness, visit irontribefitness.com. For information on how to become a member of Iron Tribe Fitness Stone Oak, visit https://irontribefitness.com/lp/launchstoneoak or call 210-490-0100.
January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
Registration Open (Ages 3 - Adult) • Creative Movement • Pre-Ballet • Ballet • Pointe • Stretch & Strength • Jazz • Modern • Hip Hop • Adult Ballet & Tap • Training Program for Home Schoolers (Advanced Level)
For more information please call us at 210.535.4165 or e-mail us at inquiry@queneditdance.org
22610 US Hwy 281 N, Suite 221 (The Village at Stone Oak) 210.535.4165 • www.QueneditDance.org
Johnson High School Students Bridging The Gap Submitted By Jodi Meyer ohnson High School Spanish National Honor Society and Beta Club students reached out to new members of the San Antonio community, thanks to the dedication of one of their officers, Oisakhose Aghomo. Aghomo volunteers with the San Antonio Center for Refugee Services and decided to bring awareness to the Johnson High School community through her active involvement in the Spanish National Honor Society and Beta club. At an October meeting, she explained to her fellow students how these families had to leave their homes, through no fault of their own, with only the things they could carry. Aghomo actively participates with the refugee groups because, “As an immigrant I know that adapting to a new environment due to a voluntary relocation is hard, but imagine fleeing your home because it is too dangerous for you to live there. An experience like that can shatter a person’s sense of hope and faith in humanity. My goal is to help restore that faith, by welcoming and supporting refugee families as they rebuild their lives in our community.” When the students learned of the opportunity to lead a coat drive, and the
chance to interact with fellow language learners, they were eager to participate. Student volunteers came out on a Saturday morning, expecting to help with the sorting and handing out of donated materials. Instead, they found themselves interacting with the families, helping them choose items based the needs of each family member. A local volunteer brought a load of clothes to donate, so in addition to helping with the coat drive, several students sorted and helped families of all ages shop for clothes. Little girls went home with dresses, pants, and sweaters, and little boys left with Spurs jerseys, jeans, and sweatshirts. Moms and dads, grandfathers and grandmothers were able to walk away with nice clothes, suitable for work and social occasions. One young volunteer who attends middle school DATA, Connor Ingersoll, shared about his experience. “I got to help people find clothes they needed and to hang out with my family.” His mother is a sponsor of the student group, and so the whole family attended together in support. It surprised Connor that “people who have so little would turn down things when they felt they had received enough. They wanted to make sure the next family also
got what they needed. It was cool how people were willing to look out for each other, even if they were strangers.” Even though the various languages of the refugees are different from Spanish that these students study, they were able to use strategies learned in class to communicate with the English learners. “The students were gracious and respectful because they understand what it is like to learn a language. These opportunities build awareness of culture and compassion for people of all Johnson Spanish National Honor Society Students contribute to the community backgrounds,” says Jodi in a coat drive for refugees. Pictured: Brooke Burgess, Kaelyn Carnahan, and Meyer, sponsor of the Oisakhose Aghomo. Spanish National Honor Society & Co-sponsor again on a toy drive for refugee children. It of the Spanish Club. you would like to learn more about the San As the holiday season approaches, the Antonio Center for Refugee Services, please clubs plan to collaborate with the Beta Club see their website at http://sarefugees.org/.
Holy Spirit Gathers For Thanksgiving Luncheon Submitted By Mary Delaney aith. Community. Academics. These are the three pillars that represent what is most important to Holy Spirit Catholic School (HSCS). In an effort to build and maintain community, two staff members envisioned a school-wide Thanksgiving luncheon to bring together the HSCS parents, students and staff. This was a first for the school, so organizers were unsure as to what type of reception or interest they would receive. “As long as we met the minimum required to carry out the event, we would be happy,” said Maria Littlefield, one of the staff members who came up with the holiday luncheon idea. To her surprise, over 600 parents, students and staff members took part in the luncheon, exceeding all expectations. The meal, catered by Bill Miller’s, was enjoyed by all. Table runners transcribed
The entire school community, including parents and families, gathered at Holy Spirit Catholic School for a special Thanksgiving luncheon.
with the words “Blessed,” “Thankful,” “Family,” and “Grateful,” in addition to homemade decorations, adorned the tables in Holy Spirit’s Banquet Hall. The goal of the event, to bring families together, was certainly accomplished. To walk around the room and see everyone sharing a meal
Over 600 families were in attendance for the special At Holy Spirit Catholic School, students, teachers and meal catered by Bill Miller’s. staff truly are family.
together, especially parents who are not normally able to get away to have lunch with their child, created a sense of joy and togetherness. In between visiting and taking bites, students and staff stopped to snap a picture using a makeshift picture frame border. The afternoon schedules were a little off due
to this special event, but the teachers were flexible and covered for each other, helping to solidify what Holy Spirit means when they say “We Really Are a Family.” A special thank you to all who participated in the success of the Thanksgiving luncheon. A new tradition at Holy Spirit has been born.
Alamo Heights Student 2016 Fencing National Champ
Submitted By Velizar Iliev n November 11, Alamo Heights Junior School student Isaac Oden earned the title of 2016 Fencing National Champion in Youth 10 Men’s Epee event held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Isaac competed against Top 40 fencers across the country for the Youth 10 event. He managed to remain undefeated throughout the five hour tournament. During the final bout for the Gold Medal, Isaac defeated Spencer Burke from San Diego 10:7, earning him the 2016 National Champion title. Isaac also received E-2016 fencing classification rating. Isaac has been training and competing for three years. The sport of fencing has
presented him unique opportunities to travel and helped him form friendships with other athletes across the United States and beyond. Isaac belongs to the Olympian Fencing Club in San Antonio and trains with some of the best fencers in the nation. He is coached by Velizar Iliev, a United States Olympian and three-time World Champion. For more information about this competition or Olympian Fencing Club, please visit www. OlympianFencingClub.com. Fencing Champion Isaac Oden and his coach, Olympian and World Champion Velizar Iliev at the 2016 USA Fencing National Championships in Milwaukee. Isaac won gold and earned the 2016 National Champion title in November.
January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78259
College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors t is our pleasure to start off the year by announcing the College Tutors Educator of the Month for January. The purpose of the award is to highlight and recognize a local high school educator that acts as a role model to our students. The award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do, Results Matter and Leave It Better. This month we recognize Addie Garcia Dubravec. As the AVID Campus Coordinator, she takes
an individual interest in each of her AVID students. She sets high expectations for those involved in the program. Her motto is “no one will ever rise to low expectations” and continually challenges students to set high expectations for themselves. Addie Garcia Dubravec is invested in each of her students which reaches beyond the classroom; she continually works with her seniors to successfully complete the college application process. Many AVID students are potential first generation college graduates, and they have already been accepted to at least one university or college. In fact, one of her AVID seniors has
already being accepted to six universities. Through the AVID program, students are empowered with the skills and confidence necessary to achieve their individual goals. Addie has a great impact on her students at Johnson High School and is an outstanding role model for all students. The owners of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. We firmly believe that the quality of education in our community is primarily a direct
reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award please contact College Tutors at 210-2020303 or stoneoaktx@ collegenannies.com. Addie Garcia Dubravec
Former “Voice” Contestant Visits Local Pediatric Patients
Holly was happy to sing for the patients and share stories about her experience on the hit reality television show.
Submitted By Erin Kirwan t’s not every day you get to meet a country recording artist and former contestant on “The Voice” who worked closely with, and even has a guitar from, none other than Blake Shelton. Patients on the pediatric floor at North Central Baptist Hospital were recently granted this special treat. Holly Tucker, country artist and 2015 Baylor graduate, was in San Antonio in November to promote her latest radio single, “(You Know) You’re In Texas” and stopped by the hospital to hang out with and even play a few songs for patients. She even took requests.
She visited the hospital because of her belief in the significant power of music to inspire a sense of happiness and maybe even the ability to heal. The patients, patients’ families and nurses welcomed Holly’s casual visit. They asked Holly about songwriting and of course - Adam Levine. Laughing, Holly let them in on a little secret. “Adam is known around the set of ‘The Voice’ as a little bit of a diva - and so very nice,” she said. Holly strummed on a guitar that was given to the Top 6 semi-finalist by her coach, Blake Shelton. Sitting around the table with the patients she played several songs off her album “Steel” and a few covers by
Holly Tucker, former contestant from “The Voice” stopped by North Central Baptist Hospital in November to perform for patients on the pediatric floor.
other country artists as the patients watched the recording artist wide-eyed. Nurses and staff clapped along. Holly also visited the pediatric intensive care unit, and, though she was not able to visit with children inside their rooms, she played for them from the nearby nurses’ station. Holly also spoke to the children about her experience on season four of NBC TV’s hit music reality show as a part of Team Blake. Holly, then just 20 years old, was attending Baylor and in the University Marching Band when she decided to audition for the show. Several auditions later she found herself in
the Blind Auditions in front of Blake, Adam Levine, Usher, and Shakira. Holly sang her heart out and received a coveted and very impressive “four chair turn.” Since competing on “The Voice,” Holly launched a full-length album produced in Nashville with the help of Rascal Flatts’ Jay DeMarcus. “(You Know) You’re In Texas” is Holly’s third radio release off “Steel.” Holly is scheduled to go on her first tour since “The Voice” this spring, playing in venues throughout Texas, and likely, Oklahoma.
Republican Women Support Wreaths Across America By Alissa Reinhard his holiday season, Bexar County Republican Women donated 50 wreaths to be laid on the headstones at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery as a part of the Wreaths Across America initiative. Each December, on National Wreaths Across America Day, the organization coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies at over 1,100 locations in all 50 states, at sea and abroad. Bexar County Republican Women board member and Caring For America committee chair Betty Hayes helps facilitate support for organizations that care for and support active duty military, Wounded Warriors, their families, and veterans. She often delivers needed items donated by the group to the Fisher House at Fort
Sam Houston, a home away from home for military families. Like Fisher House, Wreaths Across America’s support and remembrance of veterans fell in line with the beliefs of the Bexar County Republican Women. “Being a political group, saluting the American and Texan flag at all of our meetings, we are well aware of and always remember the services these men and women have given to our country,” said Hayes. “My Caring for America interests include the Wounded Warriors who are staying at Fisher House as they recover from their injuries, the families who support them, and the deceased veterans who deserve our respect and prayers for what they have done for our country, standing between harm and home.” Members of Bexar County Republican
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Women gathered at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery on the morning of December 17 to help lay the wreaths on the tombstones. There aren’t enough wreaths to lay on every tombstone, but with groups like Bexar County Republican Women helping to do their part, there’s hope that this won’t always be the case. To learn more about Bexar County Republican Women, please visit bexargowomen.org.
At Right: Bexar County Republican Women members at the wreath laying ceremony last year.
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