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January 2017 Issue



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January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

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NET WORKING Speed Networking is one of SOBA’s premier events! During this

meeting, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to everyone in attendance. Because of the high turnout, make sure to RSVP early. Please bring a minimum of 150 business cards.

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Cost: $20 for Members $25





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January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Note From The Publisher Take A Hike


appy New Year! Wipe that slate clean and let’s kick off 2017 with a bang. I love New Year. I know you can start over anytime but there is something about waking up on January first knowing that you have an entire year ahead of you. Oh and who can forget those New Year RESOLUTIONS! Gyms are full, pantries and refrigerators stocked with lettuce and brown rice. All good intentions and goals. I want to offer some sage advice; do what you can. So many of my friends and families, even myself walk into the new year with this all or nothing mentality that immediately sets us up for failure. We live in a world where busy is glamorous. If we stay home in our PJs and binge watch Netflix we’re lazy. Do you and your family a favor. Be lazy. I promise you it is worth it. Our generation is missing the little things. We are over informed and under experienced. Our schedules are so full that we have no time to experience, we do and move on to the next thing. As a community let’s try a novel concept and maybe not do but experience. Take a hike and enjoy it. Don’t schedule to 45 minute “hike” into your calendar and stare at your watch the whole time. When we learn as a society to make time for ourselves we will also learn to make time for others. Your spiritual and mental health are not the only things that suffer due to “busy”. Healthy HUMAN interaction also suffers. I know what everyone I know does because of social media, but I have no idea

Sessions include time for consultation and dressing. New clients only. May not be combined with any other offers or discounts. Limited time offer."Best" claim based on Net Promoter scores from 2013 via Listen360.com.

what they experienced. Contrary to popular belief a photo does not say a thousand words. It says here is a very small moment in my very long life for you to look at. 2017 should be the year of the phone call! I said it, let’s talk to someone! Perhaps it will be so amazing that you’ll want to do it again! Who knows until you try, right? My New Year’s Resolution is to make time. Time for fun, friends, family and myself. I am determined to de-glamorize “busy”. This year, Saturday mornings will find me with coffee and a good book, you know what, Saturday nights will find me there too! I truly do hope we all find what we need in 2017. That each one of you finds your New Year’s wishes come true. Thank you, for making 2016 as fantastic as it was. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258


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January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Start the New Year feeling your best

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On The Cover


hristmas is over, and the New Year’s Eve celebrations behind us. So, what will we do to keep ourselves entertained? Why, we can go see the Johnson High School Fine Arts Department as these amazingly talented kids present “The Addams Family: A New Musical Comedy!” This musical reintroduces the audience to the beloved Addams family: Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, Wednesday, Pugsley, Grandma, and even the faithful Lurch. The Johnson High School Fine Arts Department has been hard at work preparing for the performances. Over one hundred students will be involved in the production in some way. From cast, to crew, to orchestra, Johnson is gearing up to make this musical a wonderful, entertaining event! Performances will take place on January 26th through 28th at 7:00 pm and January 29th at 2:00 pm in the Johnson High School Auditorium. Both general and reserved seating is available and can be purchased online or in person. Cash, checks, and credit

cards are accepted. For more information or to purchase tickets online, visit the Johnson Theatre website: www.johnsontheatre.com.

Rocking 2017 Submitted By The Stone Oak Business Association anuary 2017 is here and the Stone Oak Business Association is ready to kick it off right. Speed Networking is just around the corner. On Wednesday, January 25 from 5:308:00 p.m. SOBA will be networking in style at Canyon Springs Golf Club. RSVP online to reserve your seat. To get in the networking spirit we will have our first Ribbon Cutting of 2017 at Sweet Soul Yoga on January 11! We could all use a little Zen after Speed Networking Jan 2016 drew over 125 people. Save your the holiday rush, right? The day after seat by RSVPing! our Facebook page to see who showed up Speed Networking we will be cutting some more ribbon at Global Insurance. and what kind of goodies Rodry’s is selling! In February we will have a breakfast These events are just the tip of the iceberg for the new year! We are so excited for a networking event sponsored by Judy new year of new businesses and friends. Jackson with Waddell and Reed Financial 2016 wrapped with a final Ribbon Cutting Advisors. Her talk will discuss “The 5 at Rodry’s Liquor on December 2. We Deadly Mistakes Most People Make When couldn’t have asked for a better turn out or Saving for Retirement”. The beginning of better end to an amazing year. Check out the year is the perfect time to learn about this and put a plan into action. SOBA has several meeting sponsorship spots available in 2017. If your business is interest in CELEBRATING 15 YEARS E R ’ E W sponsoring a meeting give us a call to see what’s available. The first quarter is always our busiest time of year. Make sure to check your email and watch our social media outlets for upcoming events and ribbon cuttings. We Boarding, Grooming, Daycare or hope that everyone had a safe and happy Merchandise during the month of January. holiday. Let’s get busy with rocking 2017! See you at Sweet Soul Yoga!


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January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

All-Girls Rocket Team Blasts Off At Smithson Valley M.S. Special To Welcome Home or the last six years, Smithson Valley Middle School science teacher Bart Cooper has gathered a group of students to form a rocket club. This feat is unique enough at the middle school level. During most of their competitions they are squaring off against a majority of high school teams. Another fact is most of the students involved in rocket club during Cooper’s tenure at SVMS have been boys. But something strange happened on the way to outer space at the beginning of the 201617 school year. When it came time for the first rocket club meeting to convene, Cooper was amazed to see that he would be able to form an all-girls team for the first time. “It’s pretty awesome,” Cooper said. “Statistics show that only 18 percent of girls in college pursue degrees in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) related fields. To have so many girls interested in rocketry, something that combines all four STEM fields, was exciting.” For the past two years, SVMS has qualified for the Team America Rocketry Challenge in Washington D.C., a competition that matches up the top 100 teams from across the country. The competition challenges middle and high school students to design, build and fly a rocket to meet altitude and flight duration parameters. Last year’s rules required a rocket carrying two raw eggs to reach as close to 800 feet as possible and return it to Earth uncracked within a timeframe of about 46 to 48 seconds. Vishali Baker, an eighth-grade student, was one of only two


girls on last year’s SVMS team that went to nationals. This year Baker is the captain of SVMS’ all-girls team. “We’ve been able to form a bond pretty quickly because we’re an allgirls team and we’re interested in STEM,” Baker said. “It’s neat that I’ve been able to meet new people who have the same interests as I do. Without a doubt our goal is to get to nationals and to do better than we did last year.” Baker said she wants to continue toward a STEM-related career. “Both my parents have medical backgrounds,” she said. “And I’ve done both rocketry and robotics now, so I would really like to major in biomedical engineering and work for NASA one day making sure rockets are safe for men and women to travel into space.” Baker’s classmate Makenzie Clinton is also on the all-girls team. It’s her first year in rocket club. “I think before this year a lot of people thought rocket club was mostly a guy thing, but I think we’ve broken down that barrier,” Clinton said. “We have a volleyball player, someone from the dance team, people that have all sorts of other interests that happen to love the rocket club too. I think we’ve opened doors for girls in the future to think that rocket club is cool for them as well. This is just the beginning of something great and I’m glad that we helped start a new tradition.” Morgan Sholund is also a firstyear student on the all-girls team. “I’m very competitive so this is right up my alley,” Sholund said. “The Rocket team is a perfect fit for me. I want to be an engineer and I feel


Pictured are (l-r) Lauren Lozano, Bart Cooper, Grace Remey, Monali Baker, Emma Johnson, Morgan Sholund, Team Sponsor Allison Hallmark, Brooke Carlson, Makenzie Clinton, Reagan Hoffman, Clara Conner, and team captain Vishali Baker. Cooper started the Smithson Valley Middle rocket club six years ago, and Hallmark coaches the school’s first-ever all-girls team this year.

if I can get the science part down now it will help me so much when I get to college.” Smithson Valley Middle now has a total of three rocket teams. Since Cooper can only officially coach two during competitions, SVMS science teacher Allison Hallmark is coaching the all-girls team. “I was beyond thrilled and I jumped at the chance to coach the team,” Hallmark said. “I’m not sure many other schools in the country have an all-girls rocket team so this is obviously a unique opportunity.” Hallmark said she

knows what it’s like to be in a job full of mostly male colleagues. “As an adult female teaching science, to see these girls have an interest in STEM fields at the middle school level is so exciting,” Hallmark said. “They are really empowering each other as well as the girls who may have an interest in joining us, or other clubs such as robotics. I think what they are doing this year is laying a foundation for something that will only grow in popularity and for that I’m very proud of the 10 young ladies on this team.”

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INFANTS • TODDLERS • PRESCHOOL • BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL • SUMMER CAMP January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261



You Are Not Too Young For Menopause

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 recently attended seminars at the American College for Advancement in Medicine, featuring the latest trends in alternative or integrative medicine and new research from scientists and physicians. The opening speaker was none other than Suzanne Sommers. Sommers has a new book detailing the disturbing trend of younger age at menopause/andropause... I have seen this in my practice, also. About 10 years ago, when I first had an office, most clients were in their late 40s or 50s. Now, the age range


is between 35-45! It begins in women, usually at night with increasingly uncomfortable feeling of warmth and worsening insomnia, followed by exhaustion and irritability during the day. Andropause, or the decline of testosterone in men, begins with general feelings of fatigue –too tired to work out and lack of interest in sex. Both sexes experience weight gain along with commonly, feelings of depression. The first hormone to decline in women is progesterone, not to be confused with

the pharmaceutical –made up in a labprogestin, similar name but different molecule and actions. Progestin was used along with horse derived estrogen in the infamous WHI study, which newspapers inaccurately publicized as: “hormones are killing women.” Later analysis showed that when progestin was added to the synthetic horse derived estrogen, invasive breast cancer had a slight increase. So the take home message should have been: “avoid synthetic hormones, especially progestins,” but instead it was “avoid all hormones.” Progesterone is not progestin and should not be confused as that. This is what you should do if you are wondering, “am I going through the change?” Ask your doctor to (please) check an FSH/LH level. Follicle stimulating hormone/Leutinizing hormones come from the brain and are increased to 23 or greater if in menopause. If in perimenopause, FSH/LH will be less

than 23. Perimenopause is characterized by excess estrogen (surprise!) with lack of progesterone. Men should have testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin, and estradiol levels obtained. Testosterone can vary depending on stress levels and even time of day. So get a repeat level in the afternoon several weeks after the first blood draw. Answer the question, “Am I too young for this?” by getting your blood levels checked! Then seek a competent, caring physician who will listen to you, check blood values (never saliva), and get ready to enjoy your second 50 years! Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.

College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors t is our pleasure to start off the year by announcing the College Tutors Educator of the Month for January. The purpose of the award is to highlight and recognize a local high school educator that acts as a role model to our students. The award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do, Results Matter and Leave It Better. This month we recognize Addie Garcia Dubravec. As


the AVID Campus Coordinator, she takes an individual interest in each of her AVID students. She sets high expectations for those involved in the program. Her motto is “no one will ever rise to low expectations” and continually challenges students to set high expectations for themselves. Addie Garcia Dubravec is invested in each of her students which reaches beyond the classroom; she continually works with her seniors to successfully complete the college application process. Many AVID students are potential first generation college graduates, and they have already

been accepted to at least one university or college. In fact, one of her AVID seniors has already being accepted to six universities. Through the AVID program, students are empowered with the skills and confidence necessary to achieve their individual goals. Addie has a great impact on her students at Johnson High School and is an outstanding role model for all students. The owners of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for

their efforts with our local students. We firmly believe that the quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award please Addie Garcia Dubravec contact College Tutors at 210-202- 0303 or stoneoaktx@ collegenannies.com.

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January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL Fine Ar t s De pa r t me nt P re se nt s

By Alissa Reinhard


hristmas is over, and the New Year’s Eve celebrations behind us. So, what will we do to keep ourselves entertained? Why, we can go see the Johnson High School Fine Arts Department as these amazingly talented kids present “The Addams Family: A New Musical Comedy!” This musical reintroduces the audience to the beloved Addams family: Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, Wednesday, Pugsley, Grandma, and even the faithful Lurch. As the musical begins, the ghoulish Addams are visiting the family graveyard for their annual gathering of all family members—those living, dead, and some even undecided. As the family wraps up a celebration of what it means to be an Addams, Uncle Fester interrupts the ancestors returning to their graves to explain tragedy has struck the Addams clan: Wednesday has invited her new boyfriend and his family to dinner, and they are normal! They don’t wear black; they never torture one another; and they don’t even have a pet squid. How will the Addams family be able to relate to these unassuming and uninteresting people with whom they have nothing in common? How will they cope

January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

with their little girl growing up? Meanwhile, Wednesday herself is facing an identity crisis: will love keep her from being an Addams? The Johnson High School Fine Arts Department has been hard at work preparing for the performances. Over one hundred students will be involved in the production in some way. From cast, to crew, to orchestra, Johnson is gearing up to make this musical a wonderful, entertaining event! Leading the cast are Senior Seth Higgins as Gomez and Junior Gabriela Garcia as Morticia. Richard Nava is introduced as the beloved Uncle Fester, while the very funny Ashley Taylor Barnes plays Pugsley. Brandon Shimp and Senior Sylvie Girard play the unforgettable characters of Lurch and Grandma, respectively. The boyfriend and his family, the Beinekes, are played by David Dryden (Mal Beineke, the father), Tessa Kusenberger (Alice Beineke, the mother), with Nicholas Dettmer and Joe Donoghue tagteaming to fulfill the role of the boyfriend, Lucas Beineke. Sophomore Sofia Rodriguez is introduced as the love-struck Wednesday Addams. The cast is rounded out by Gabriel


Belmonte, Megan Black, Lauren Brower, Allie Byrd, Madison Callan, Emily Carter, Corey Clemons, Cassie Cole, Ian Compton, Connor Fitzmaurice, Savannah Fox, Alex Goeke, Karla Liwanes, Cole Lunsford, Sarah Marks, Elaina McCoulskey, Katia Ortiz, Michael Packard, Jordan Pennell, Erica Reyes, Jeffery Rico, Logan Rivard, Ava Thompson, Peyton Willis, Dani Wilson, Adin Wright, and Vanesa Zuniga. So many others have contributed to this wonderful event, including Theatre Directors Jay Asterman and Megan Thompson, as well as, Choir Director Christie Brown, Assistant Choir Director Ashley Hester, and Orchestra Director Karen George. Performances will take place on January 26th through 28th at 7:00 pm and January 29th at 2:00 pm in the Johnson High School Auditorium. Both general and reserved seating is available and can be purchased online or in person. Cash, checks, and credit cards are accepted. For more information or to purchase tickets online, visit the Johnson Theatre website: www.johnsontheatre.com.




January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Winter Celebration 2016… It’s A Wrap

By Alissa Reinhard o holiday season is complete without the Annual Winter Celebration featuring AirLIFE Santa event organized by Welcome Home Community Newspaper and North Central Baptist Hospital… and 2016 was no exception. Thousands gathered at North Central Baptist Hospital on December 10 to celebrate a holiday tradition of giving back while enjoying food, fun and fellowship. 2016 marked Winter Celebration’s 14th straight year of holiday festivities organized for the entire Stone Oak and surrounding communities to enjoy. In addition to spreading holiday cheer, Winter Celebration also supports Living Through Giving, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting underprivileged children across San Antonio. Winter Celebration attendees brought toys to be donated to these children in the hopes that they too can enjoy a very, merry holiday season. The outpouring of generosity each and every year cannot be underestimated. Organizers predict that approximately 8,000 toys were collected, an astronomical number! These toys were in turn donated to various organizations with direct access to children in need including CASA San Antonio, Davison Respit Home, The Chidren’s Shelter and the Department of Family and Protective Services. Winter Celebration is a wonderful family-friendly event perfect for all ages. The celebration kicked off with a spirited parade showcasing performances by local school choirs and marching bands. Then, Santa made his grand entrance, flying into the event via AirLIFE helicopter. Every head was turned to the sky, welcoming the guest the honor! Children then enjoyed an opportunity to take a photo with Santa while filling him in on their Christmas wishes. One of Winter Celebration’s main attractions is SNOW.


January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

REAL SNOW! Each year, 60,000 pounds of real snow are imported directly from the North Pole to the Winter Celebration grounds, perfect for downhill sledding, snowball flights and snow angels! There’s nothing like a little cold weather and some fluffy, white snow to get everyone in the holiday spirit. And of course, this huge event would not be possible without the support of local vendors who purchased booths in order to share their business and goods with the community, hordes of volunteers who made sure the event ran smoothly, and the organizers and coordinators from both North Central Baptist Hospital and Outside the Box Productions. And of course, YOU! The community! Winter Celebration exists so that everyone of every age can gather together to enjoy the talents of the local youth while partaking in holiday traditions and giving back to a noteworthy cause. As a New Year begins, so does the early planning stages for 2017 Winter Celebration. If you’re business, performance group or volunteer organization would like to be involved, please call 210-348-8233.

Lliving Through Giving www.livingthroughsa.com 210.348.8233



Former “Voice” Contestant Visits Local Pediatric Patients

Holly was happy to sing for the patients and share stories about her experience on the hit reality television show.

Submitted By Erin Kirwan t’s not every day you get to meet a country recording artist and former contestant on “The Voice” who worked closely with, and even has a guitar from, none other than Blake Shelton. Patients on the pediatric floor at North Central Baptist Hospital were recently granted this special treat. Holly Tucker, country artist and 2015 Baylor graduate, was in San Antonio in November to promote her latest radio single, “(You Know) You’re In Texas” and stopped by the hospital to hang out with and even play a few songs for patients. She even took requests. She visited the hospital because of her


belief in the significant power of music to inspire a sense of happiness and maybe even the ability to heal. The patients, patients’ families and nurses welcomed Holly’s casual visit. They asked Holly about songwriting and of course - Adam Levine. Laughing, Holly let them in on a little secret. “Adam is known around the set of ‘The Voice’ as a little bit of a diva - and so very nice,” she said. Holly strummed on a guitar that was given to the Top 6 semi-finalist by her coach, Blake Shelton. Sitting around the table with the patients she played several songs off her album “Steel” and a few covers by other country artists as the patients watched the recording artist wide-eyed. Nurses and

Holly Tucker, former contestant from “The Voice” stopped by North Central Baptist Hospital in November to perform for patients on the pediatric floor.

staff clapped along. Holly also visited the pediatric intensive care unit, and, though she was not able to visit with children inside their rooms, she played for them from the nearby nurses’ station. Holly also spoke to the children about her experience on season four of NBC TV’s hit music reality show as a part of Team Blake. Holly, then just 20 years old, was attending Baylor and in the University Marching Band when she decided to audition for the show. Several auditions later she found herself in the Blind Auditions in front of Blake, Adam

Levine, Usher, and Shakira. Holly sang her heart out and received a coveted and very impressive “four chair turn.” Since competing on “The Voice,” Holly launched a full-length album produced in Nashville with the help of Rascal Flatts’ Jay DeMarcus. “(You Know) You’re In Texas” is Holly’s third radio release off “Steel.” Holly is scheduled to go on her first tour since “The Voice” this spring, playing in venues throughout Texas, and likely, Oklahoma.

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By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 s we age, most of us hope to live Deciding on a community that is the best independently as long as possible. fit for your lifestyle is very important and The last thing we want to do visiting communities to experience it for is to become a burden on our working yourself is key. Take the first step today or recently retired children who have and join us for the Independence Hill Open responsibilities and lives of their own. House Breakfast and Tour of Homes on While it was once the norm to move in January 26 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Come with your adult children, today it no longer enjoy our wonderful breakfast buffet, tour seems to be the preference for aging adults. a variety of homes, and experience our Seniors are instead planning ahead for their fun-filled lifestyle. While you are here, you future, choosing a retirement community can also learn about our other communities so that their children do not have to make within the same campus that offer a resortthe choice for them. It really appears to be a style neighborhood of homes for adults 55+ “win-win” for everyone! and our Assisted Living. Living in a retirement community allows Planning ahead is always empowering you many freedoms. There’s no need to rely and will allow you to choose your destiny. At on your family for daily needs, including Independence Hill Retirement Community, transportation. Your social calendar will the Lifestyle Specialists have years of also remain your own and can be filled experience helping seniors find the best with activities and events to enjoy with place to call “home!” We would love to help new friends your own age who share your make your retirement decisions come true. common interests. Delicious meal options To attend our Open House Breakfast and and wonderful company to dine with is Tour of Homes, please RSVP by January another plus. And of course, you still have 23 by calling 210-209-8956. Cheers to your the freedom to visit with your family and Happy Retirement! share in memorable times. This lifestyle Independence Hill Retirement Resort truly gives you the best of both worlds. Community is located in Stone Oak at There is definitely something to be said 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX about maintaining your privacy and having 78258. For more information, call (210) your own place to hang your hat! 209-8956 or visit www.independencehill. If you have not looked in to a retirement com community yet, it is never too early.



January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Teachers Rule The Runway At Tuscany Heights

Tuscany Heights teachers ruled the runway to encourage students, friends and families to sign up for the 2017 Run For The Heights 5K and Kid’s Fun Run scheduled for March 4.

Submitted By Erin Kirwan f they weren’t already employed as teachers, a handful of Tuscany Heights Elementary educators might just have a second career waiting for them…as runway models! Five Tuscany Heights’ teachers recently owned the runway to help their students, fellow staff, and families kick off the start of registration for the 2017 Run For the Heights (RFTH) 5K and Kids’ Fun Run to be held March 4, 2017. The special event was held at Beefy’s Backyard. “We really wanted to build the excitement


surrounding the start of Run For The Heights Registration,” said RFTH Event Chairperson, Kelly Lepeska. “We knew kids would not want to miss seeing their teachers on stage.” As registration officially opened, the five teachers took to the stage with their best top model walk and expressions. Fifth grade student, Sam Lepeska acted as the show’s sound engineer. Other students organized crowd applause and took turns introducing the teacher/models. Clothing worn by the models was donated by iRun. “I know how important RFTH is to our

Students enjoyed seeing their teachers outside of their element at the runway event held at Beefy’s Backyard. Clothing for the teachers/models was provided by iRun.

school as our one big fundraiser so I was happy to model,” said Claudia LeBeau, first grade teacher. “It was actually pretty fun.” “It was pretty cool to see our teachers on stage having fun and not wearing their usual teacher clothes,” added Cambria Kirwan, Tuscany Heights’ fourth grade student. The biggest surprise of the evening came at the conclusion of the show when third grade teacher, Kayla Fonger, entered the stage wearing a tall wig and mismatched running clothes, complete with long socks

with turkeys on them pulled up over her leggings! Online registration for this year’s Run For The Heights 5K and Kids’ Fun Run on March 4 opened December 1. New this year, the Kids’ Fun Run will include an optional “color blast” for those who want to be doused with the colored powder. Proceeds from RFTH go towards funding enrichment programs and other PTA sponsored events and activities.

A Date That Will Live In Infamy Special To Welcome Home tudents in classrooms across Comal ISD learned exactly why December 7 will be forever known as ‘A date which will live in infamy.’ On the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day, more than 20 campuses district-wide had lessons commemorating the attack that plunged America into World War II. At Canyon High School, student council members made remembrance ribbons for the CHS staff to wear. In addition, student council president Maya Bohem led a moment of silence and said a few words in honor of Pearl Harbor Day during morning announcements.


“I wanted to make sure everyone knew how much people sacrificed that day,” Bohem said. “So many people lost their lives and I know a lot of students might not know just how important some of these major historical events like Pearl Harbor Day are. I think doing things like this ensure that we don’t ever forget our past.” At Smithson Valley Middle, students watched a video that told the story of the attack on Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. They then had a chance to look at photos taken on December 7, 1941 and ask questions. “If you don’t learn about the past, you’re destined to repeat it,” said SVMS teacher Kelly Evers. “Students of any age can

A New Year, A New Year’s Resolution

By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 New Year is here and with is comes New Year’s resolutions! One of the best resolutions you can make is the resolution to take better care of your heart with good exercise and a commitment to eating heart healthy seafood like salmon! One simple dietary change of eating seafood twice a week can do wonders for your heart health, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease. Seafood is a lean protein packed with things good for your heart, including essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, along with selenium, vitamins and


minerals. And it’s no coincidence that the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recommends even more seafood as it is included in such heart-healthy dietary patterns as in the Mediterranean diet and DASH Eating Plan. Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian of the Harvard School of Public Health has stated that “seafood is likely the single most important food one can consume for good health.” In his research studies, Dr. Mozaffarian observed that eating seafood twice a week reduced the risks of dying from heart disease by 36 percent! Given the amount of data demonstrating the health benefits of seafood, it is surprising to learn that, according to the National

January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

understand that.” SVMS student Maddison Steger said she learned a lot about the attack on Pearl Harbor from the day’s lesson. “It was really tragic,” Steger said. “We need to respect the fact so many lives were lost. It also definitely makes me want to pay tribute to anyone who fought for our freedom in World War II.” At Rahe Bulverde Elementary, students tied yellow ribbons around trees surrounding their campus, and during one lesson at Mountain Valley Elementary students viewed historical photos taken in Oahu in the early 1940s, and explored how common places and things are similar and different compared to present day.

Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), only one in five American adults and one in 10 American children eat the twice-per-week amount of seafood recommended by the USDA/HHS Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This makes sense though believe it or not. In my experience the top reasons people don’t eat seafood (even if they know it’s good for them) is that they simply don’t know how to cook or order it. I can understand that. In this day, we’re very used to getting things pre-packaged at the super market and the transition of moving from that to an open ended “how much mahi-mahi would you like” kind of question can be a little intimidating. To make matters worse, the question in the back of the head is “okay, even if I order this right…. how am I even going to cook it?” Does this sound like you? This is where your hometown seafood experts at Groomer’s Seafood come in. Our crew is here for you! We will take the time


Smithson Valley Middle student Taitum Layton studies a photo of USS Oklahoma rescue crews at Pearl Harbor. Comal ISD observed the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day with district-wide classroom lessons.

to tell you exactly how to cook your seafood, what kind of portions you’ll need and we can even print recipes for you. Most seafood that is eaten these days is at restaurants, but if you’re looking to do that twice a week that can really add up in terms of money! Learning to cook seafood at home is ideal for most people and is something that both your heart and your taste buds will really appreciate. Don’t live by one of our locations? Remember we do ship! And the more you order the more you save on each fillet! We also have a recipe section where you can find many of our homemade recipes catered to be simple and delicious. So come on down to show your heart a little bit of love, we’ll show you just how easy, fun and delicious seafood can really be!


Make Proper Vehicle Care Your New Year’s Resolution


By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

i, Rusty Belden here from our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires. As a New Year begins, most of us are busy getting organized and trying to stick to our New Year’s resolutions. But have you ever prepared a New Year’s resolution when it comes to caring for your car? I recently came across a great article from the Car Care Council that shared some great tips on how to make and stick to a 2017 resolution related to the care of your vehicle. Be diligent about changing the oil and

filter at recommended intervals. Check the fuel, air and transmission filters at the same time. Make sure the exterior and interior lights work and headlights are properly aimed. Check to see that heaters, defrosters, lights and wipers work properly. This is all to ensure good visibility as you are driving down the road in any weather. Cold temperatures reduce a vehicle’s battery power so it is important to keep the connections clean, tight and corrosion

Inspirations For Grilling By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 nspirations. We all have them. I was inspired to begin cooking thanks to numerous influences in my life dating all the way back to my childhood memories of my grandmother, in Odessa, cooking for my cowboy grandfather. She prepared the most delicious homemade yeast rolls. In high school, my family moved to San Antonio, where I met and was inspired by none other than Lucas Postolos, famed


owner and general manager of the San Francisco Steakhouse. I began working there as a busboy, eventually graduating to preparing tableside famous New Orleans classic flaming desserts like Crepes Suzette, Strawberries Flambé, Bananas Foster, and Cherries Jubilee. Yes, we prepared them right in front of the customer back then, and it was quite the show… replete with a few unexpected pyrotechnic moments. That’s what happens when you use 151-proof rum to light the dessert! Alas, restaurants hide their preparation in the kitchen nowadays! (As for me…I abide by a “Don’t Ask, Don’t

Discoveries Thru Vision By Dr. John M. Nevelow Nevelow Eye Associates (210) 349-2437 • www.drsnevelow.com the basics for glasses and contact lenses, but now covers eye injuries, infections, diseases and some systemic problems that can affect or decades people have looked to an our eyes. Health issues such as diabetes, optometrist for their glasses or contact hypertension, thyroid disease, multiple lenses. At one time this may have been sclerosis, lupus, hardening of the arteries, accurate. However, for many years most certain brain tumors and some cancers can optometrists have been able to provide ninety affect our eyes. The optometrist works percent of our eyes care needs. This covers with other physicians and surgeons in comanaging these problems.

What Your Optometrist Can Do For You


Step Into Decorating

By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he beginning of a New Year comes that I have not met yet. 2014 brings a fresh with excitement and novelty. The lists new color palette for decorating and design. are written, the goals are set, and the The big markets are here and we are beginning of the year is here. excited about attending and seeing all the After a few weeks of 2014 have passed, new items that are being introduced. Our I can say that interior designing and vendors have been preparing for these decorating is at the top of the list for many of markets for weeks. my clients…and for those potential clients

T 14

free. Batteries won’t always give warning signs before they fail, so it’s a good idea to have your battery tested periodically. Have the brakes inspected and check the tire tread depth and tire pressure. During winter, tire pressure should be checked often. Resolve to keep the gas tank at least half full at all times. During winter it decreases the chances of moisture forming in the gas lines and possibly freezing. After all, you wouldn’t want to be left stranded, would you? Our vehicles should always make our New Year’s resolution list! Think about it – we need our vehicles for almost everything

we do on daily basis…to get to work, to shop, to travel, etc. For these reasons and many more, make a pledge to keep your vehicle as healthy as you plan on being in 2017! Let our friendly and experienced service advisors help you at any of our six locations. Look us up on the web at beldensautomotive. com for great coupons. As always, from our family to yours, Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has six locations: San Pedro: 210-494- 0017; Medical Center: 210-690- 1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366- 1122; Boerne: 830931- 9700; Bulverde Rd: 210-4813330; Prue Rd: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive.com.

Tell” policy myself!) Later on down the road, my in-laws bestowed upon me an old, tired and wornout Arkla gas grill, and then, for Father’s Day one year, my then young sons gave me my current Weber Genesis. That was nearly 15 years ago and it’s still cooking like a champ! Today I also own a ceramic cooker and I find sources of inspirations all around. BuzzFeed’s 45-second “Tasty... Oh YES!” videos have become one of my favorites. Although the video chefs usually prepare their goodies in the oven, anything done in an oven can be prepared in a ceramic cooker like the Big Green Egg. Can you say, HELLO?! Other YouTube and blogging favorites of mine include Chef John at Food Wishes, America’s Test Kitchens, Stoked on Smoke,

Tessa Arias at Handle the Heat, Kaleb Wyse at The Gray Boxwood, and last but not least Jesse Pryles, an Australian lass who now lives in Austin and describes herself as a Professional Hardcore Carnivore! Ahhh… my kinda of gal! So, come on by Jeff’s Backyard and let us inspire you with your backyard cooking desires. Oh, and one more thing…turn to page 26 in this issue of Welcome Home to find our ad and a coupon for a free refill of propane in your 20 lb bottle with a $10 or more purchase, an $18 value! From our yard to yours, Jeff’s Backyard! For more information, call us at 210342-4760, or email us at jeffsbackyard@ att.net. Better yet, come visit us at 435 West Nakoma, San Antonio, TX 78216.

The education, training and constant continuing education courses have taken a profession of routine exams, glasses and contact lenses to one with the latest technologies for detecting and managing most eye and vision problems. Optometrists work with eye surgeons in co-managing laser vision correction, pre operative evaluation, and postoperative care to ensure the best visual outcome possible. Optometrists provide our aging population with pre and post cataract surgery care. After all, who knows better when someone is ready for cataract surgery than his or her eye doctor? Optometrists are able to manage dry eyes and ocular allergies with the latest developments in medications and technology. These are just a few of the reasons to

see an optometrist yearly. Should your optometrist not be capable of providing the type of eye care you are looking for, then find one who does. It can be the difference between good vision and healthy eyes. Should you have any questions concerning this topic or other eye concerns please contact Drs. John and Erin Nevelow at 210-349-2437 or email questions to jmnevelowod@satx.rr.com and look us up on Facebook. John M. Nevelow, O.D., is a fellow of the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Nevelow Eye Associates is located at 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 120. For more information, call (210) 349-2437 or visit www.drsnevelow.com.

Decorating Introductions: • Our chocolate colors continue to lead the way with some beautiful spa blues and greens. • Textures are again heavy with animal prints. • Bling has come into our lives with our accessories and even new furniture lines. • More functional tables are emerging to accommodate the technical lives that we live. • Rugs are hotter than ever and so are drapes. Softness mixed with heavy textures dominate the window industries. • Natural stones, bling, glass and mirrors are entering our lives in furniture as well as floor and wall coverings. Call us for your consultations. With over

7,000 vendors, we are here to help you update, organize, and yes…furnish your home with gorgeous furniture, artwork and accessories. Remodeling has been keeping us busy as well. Our MAGICAL MAKEOVERS are truly MAGIC. The Home Is Your Castle! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at (210) 490-0161 or via email at mjkgl@aol.com or jessicajenkins2@gmail.com. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com. Join The Jenkins Interior Design Group on Facebook, Twitter and on LinkedIn.


January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

K9 Corner

From Our Yard To Yours,

Jeff’s Backyard!

Family Owned & Operated Since 1995

By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

Celebrating 15 Years Of Four-Legged Fun!


an you believe it’s been 15 years since K9 Country Club opened its doors? We are so blessed to have become a part of such a wonderful neighborhood and community. Pet people are awesome and we have loved becoming your pet’s one-of-akind home away from home. We have grown in so many ways throughout the years. In the beginning, October 2002, we opened our doors with just 18 kennels, a laundry room, kitchen, bathroom, and office… oh yeah, and a Cattery… all housed in a 700 square foot room. Today, we house 63-runs and our facility has a separate laundry room, two kitchens, two bathrooms, offices, a fullservice grooming room, AND a separate cat jungle for our furry purrers! We’ve added new staff, nationally acclaimed trainers, and full-service grooming. Membership opportunities at K9 Country Club are unlike any other in Texas. Giving the gift of a membership to your family pet opens up world of adventure filled with excitement and treats and your wallet to so many savings. Plus, we’re the only facility in town to feature a full-size K9 Health Gym and training in nearly every dog sport available. From Agility and Herding to Rally Obedience and Scent Work, we offer it all.

Need a CGC on your dog or have a special need for a service dog? You can find all the assistance that you need at K9 Country! If you haven’t been out to visit us, now is the perfect time. K9 Country Club will be offering fun events and specials throughout 2017 in honor of our birthday! We’re kicking off January with a bang! Enjoy 15% off your total bill! That’s right, you heard correctly…Boarding, Grooming, Daycare, and merchandise purchases will be marked down 15% off regular pricing throughout the month of January. In addition, we will be hosting our very first Scent Work Play Day on January 29. Come out and watch dogs of all shapes and sizes show off their talented noses. Learn how you can get your pooch involved in this or many of the other fun activities we have to offer. Plan to join us for puppy socials, agility fun matches, free “pupcakes” in October, and the biggest Beach Luau this summer! Let us help fill 2017 with fun for you and your four-legged best friend. To stay up to date with the latest special and events, like K9 Country Club on Facebook at facebook.com/k9countryclubtexas or visit our website at www.k9countryclub.net for a full schedule of our latest classes. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde, TX 78163. For more information, call 830-980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.

The Resolution To Lose Weight Special To Welcome Home eight loss is a popular resolution come the new year. But in spite of that popularity, the resolution to lose weight is no small task. When resolving to lose weight, men and women will encounter an abundance of information about dieting and weight loss. It’s difficult to know who to believe and to determine which plans will be effective. Research published by Shape magazine says nearly one in three young people embark on a new diet each month, but 45 percent give up after one week, and about half abandon their goals within a month. Data released in the Daily Mail in 2013 said that although one in seven (13 percent) women stick to a diet for 13 weeks or more, nearly one in five (19 percent) succumb to their favorite food cravings after a month. What’s the magic formula for weight loss? Experts advise that there isn’t any. Weightloss strategies that require fad dieting or restrict certain foods may not produce longterm success. Rather, a lifestyle overhaul is often the most effective weight loss strategy. • Recognize that quick fixes do not work. Drastic weight loss approaches may produce immediate results, but such plans are not sustainable. Drastic plans include certain detoxes and cleanses; diets that eliminate all but a few foods; some prepackaged foods; and food-replacement strategies. Feelings of deprivation or boredom may make people following these diets unsuccessful in the


long run. Losing weight means changing one’s food and exercise plans over the long haul. • Eat in regular intervals. Researchers at the National Weight Control Registry offer that spacing food evenly throughout the day is the key to successful, long-term weight loss. People who eat healthy food at regular intervals are better nourished, think more clearly and report fewer mood swings than those who eat erratically. • Recognize that not all carbs are bad. People trying to lose weight often hear that they should increase protein consumption and drastically reduce their intake of carbohydrates. While it’s smart to reduce consumption of processed carbs and those that are made largely of white flour, there are some healthy carbohydrates, including beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. • Be flexible. As a person’s body ages, his or her metabolism will change. Men and women should revisit their recommended caloric intake every few years. In addition, men and women can routinely revisit their exercise routines to determine the efficacy of those routines and alter their workouts to reflect the physical changes their bodies are going through as they age. A person’s first step before dieting or attempting to lose weight should be to consult their physician, who can help men and women achieve their weight loss goals in a way that’s healthy and easy to maintain for years to come.

January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Weber | Big Green Egg | Trailblazer Smoker | Built-in Grills | Grilling Accessories

FREE Refill on your 20 lb propane bottle with min. $10 purchase. Present this coupon to receive discount. Exp. 1/31/17


435 W Nakoma, #104 • San Antonio, TX 78216 www. JeffsBackyardStore .com

The Jenkins Interior Design Group

Jessica Jenkins, Mary Jenkins-Asquith, and Jennifer Jenkins

• • • • • •

Custom Draperies Window Treatments Mirrors & Custom Art Furniture & Custom lamp Wall Coverings Oriental & Area Rugs

• • • • •

Carpet & Flooring Artwork & Framing Finishing Touches Floral & Silk Plants Christmas Decorating Commerial or Residential





STAR Bowling In Comal ISD

Smithson Valley High School STAR (Specialized Training in Athletics and Recreation) athlete Cassondra Marinesi and SVHS student volunteer Katherine Phoijai are all smiles at the district’s STAR bowling competition November 14 at Fiesta Lanes in New Braunfels.

Special To Welcome Home ora Peterson doesn’t have to say much to watch a sign of sheer joy come over the face of her daughter Myla, a student at Canyon Lake High School. “All I have to do is tell her it’s bowling day today and she gets a huge smile and throws her hands up. She gets so excited,” Peterson said. “We absolutely love this program because it’s so family friendly. We’re very grateful it’s available.” Peterson was referring to Comal ISD’s STAR (Specialized Training in Athletics and Recreation) Athletics program. STAR athletes from the district’s three


comprehensive high schools and three Comal ISD middle schools practice for four weeks before a district tournament at Fiesta Lanes in New Braunfels. The middle school district tournament was held November 4 and the high school version was held November 14. In all, more than 150 athletes competed and everyone received a medal. In addition, students from Canyon, Smithson Valley, and Canyon Lake high schools, as well as Texas State University, volunteered with the events, presenting the colors, singing the National Anthem, assisting bowlers and handing out medals. Leza Marinesi’s daughter Cassondra is

Canyon High School student Karina Sanchez takes a quick break from bowling to give a big hug to CHS’ famous mascot Calvin the Cougar during the district’s STAR (Specialized Training in Athletics and Recreation) bowling competition Fiesta Lanes in New Braunfels.

currently a student at Smithson Valley High School. She’s been a STAR athlete since she enrolled as a sixth-grader at Spring Branch Middle. “Cassondra just loves the freedom that being able to get together with the other athletes from around the district gives her,” Marinesi said. “It makes a big difference because it gives her a lot of confidence. She loves the competition and camaraderie.” Comal ISD’s STAR Athletes will now pivot to their track and field season in the spring, with the middle and high schools sharing one big district competition day in

Seeing to your family’s needs

Canyon Lake High School STAR (Specialized Training in Athletics and Recreation) athlete Hunter Ballard gives a thumbs up after bowling a strike. Comal ISD’s STAR bowling competition was once again a hit.

April at Canyon High School.

“Let yourself be... sensual. provocative. sexy.” Strip away all of your inhibitions and just let yourself go. Celebrate who you are with an experience that will leave you feeling beautiful, luminous and confident. You are worth it! Come just as you are. We’ll do the rest.


t Nevelow Eye Associates, we focus on the specific needs of each patient. Regular eye exams are key to healthy eyesight as well as early detection of certain diseases, including glaucoma, diabetic eye diseases and macular degeneration. We provide the l a t e s t fashions in glasses, all types of contact lenses as well as laser vision consultations for the entire family.

Call to schedule your free consultation today!



www.drsnevelow.com Nevelow Eye Associates • 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 120 • 210.349.2437



January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Volleyball Success At SVHS

Operation Christmas At SVMS

L to R SVMS Student Council students who participated in Operation Christmas Child: Samantha Lira, Monali Baker, Elle Superman, Parker Jackson, Alyssa Schafer, Isabella Kerr, Ryann McAnelly, Arin Reedy, Elizabeth Haegelin, Ashley Pech, Mandy Martin. Pictured (l-r) are Macy Berg (Texas A&M-Kingsville), Sofi Thomas (Benedictine College), Bekah Brodbeck (Georgia State University), Maja Kaiser (University of Southern California), and Tenley Housler (Texas A&M-Kingsville). Also pictured are SVHS coaches, back row (l-r) Jordan Madill, Liana Gombert and Lucy Capt.

Special To Welcome Home fter another highly successful Smithson Valley High School volleyball successful season, it’s no wonder five seniors from head coach Liana Gombert’s area finalists recently signed national letters of intent to continue their collegiate careers at the next level. The quintet helped lead the Rangers to a 3411 record in 2016 and a bi-district playoff


win over San Antonio Clark. Berg, Thomas and Kaiser were first-team All-District in 27-6A. Kiaser was a unanimous selection for the third straight year. Kaiser was also selected to the All-Area Super Team for the second year in a row. Welcome Home and the community want so give these ladies a huge round of applause. We wish you the greatest success in your college careers

Iron Tribe Fitness Coming To San Antonio


oug Kisgen is no stranger to entrepreneurship and fitness. He began his career as a personal trainer and instructor in Cedar Rapids, and then quickly fell in love with growing and nurturing businesses, turning them into successful franchises. Kisgen recently purchased the rights to three locations in San Antonio where he intends to plant three Iron Tribe Fitness gyms. The Iron Tribe model, Kisgen said, appeals to his desire to impact lives in his community while offering a premium product that can’t be found anywhere else. “When I looked into Iron Tribe I thought ‘This is amazing,’” Kisgen said of the gym which only accepts 300 members at each location and limits class sizes to 20 participants in an effort to maintain a oneon-one coaching style. “When I saw there wasn’t one in San Antonio, I made my inquiry.” Each class begins and ends on time, lasts only 45 minutes, and is designed to get you in and out while creating a real “tribe” feeling. One of the mottos at Iron Tribe is “Fast. Fun. Fit.” There are several types of workouts that appeal to all fitness levels. The key is to assess where you are today and to help make you a better version of yourself tomorrow. While there is naturally some friendly competition in some of the workouts, the main person you are competing against is yourself. Class times are offered early mornings,

mid-mornings and evenings at this point, but more classes will be added as demand increases. Each class consists of a maximum of 20 participants, and two coaches are available to give one-on-one suggestions and assistance. The great thing about Iron Tribe is that the exercises can be tailored to your needs, and no one is made to feel inferior because they can’t complete a certain exercise. Maintaining the class size and the same athletes at all times means that members come to rely on one another for encouragement as well as accountability. Some come in already fit and want to simply maintain their fitness level, while others come in to increase their energy or lose weight. Different membership levels are available, and there are some advantages to getting in on the ground floor, so don’t delay! The wait is over. The weight is next! Whatever your fitness goals are, Iron Tribe can help, and it doesn’t matter whether you can do a pushup or not! They will help you figure out a plan that works for you - where you are right now - and where you want to go! For more information on Iron Tribe Fitness, visit irontribefitness.com. For information on how to become a member of Iron Tribe Fitness Stone Oak, visit https://irontribefitness.com/lp/launchstoneoak or call 210-490-0100.

January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Special To Welcome Home mithson Valley Middle School Student Council members participated in Operation Christmas Child through the Samaritan’s Purse organization recently. Using funds raised throughout the school year working at the SVMS home volleyball game concession stands, student council students and their sponsor Elizabeth Terry visited the local H-E-B in Spring Branch to pick out various items such as stuffed animals, toy cars, basketballs and footballs. “The students even included a picture of the entire Student Council and our school address so that the children receiving the gifts could hopefully write us back,” Terry said. “It was a very exciting project for everyone involved.” SVMS will soon box up the Christmas presents. Their next destination will be the


Samaritan’s Purse organization drop-off site in San Antonio. The students will then find out where their presents ultimately ended up. Samaritan’s Purse works in more than 100 countries around the world. “I hope we get to serve as many children as possible,” said Arin Reedy, SVMS student council president. “It was great getting to pick out all the presents knowing they will go to children somewhere, perhaps halfway around the globe, who might not be as fortunate as we are.” As a result of the student council’s effort, several other SVMS students are contributing to Operation Christmas Child, led by GT students Bethany Wanke and Allison Podanoffsky, meaning even more presents will be headed to the drop-off site early next week.

SVHS 2016 Baseball Signings

Garrett with his parents Michelle and Kenny Egli, and SVHS coaches (l-r) Chad Koehl, Jarod Hickle, and Ben Woodchick. Cade signs a national letter of intent surrounded by family and coaches.

Special To Welcome Home endy and David Galvan and little brother Luke, and Smithson Valley High School head baseball coach Chad Koehl, are all smiles as SVHS senior Cade Galvan signs a national letter of intent to continue his playing career at Odessa College. Galvan has been on varsity since his sophomore year with the Rangers, and has been a valuable utility man for Koehl’s squad, playing second base, outfield and designated hitter. Galvan was named honorable mention All-District after his junior year, where he batted .319



and scored 23 runs during the season. Koehl said Galvan should also see some time on the pitcher’s mound during his senior season at SVHS. Smithson Valley High School senior pitcher and first baseman Garrett Egli signs a national letter of intent to play at Midland College. Egli was limited by injuries during his junior season, but SVHS head coach Chad Koehl is expecting big things from him this spring. “He should be one of our top two or three pitchers this year,” Koehl said. “We need him to throw a bunch of innings for us. If he stays healthy, I think he has a chance to have a really good college career.”


Comal ISD Partners With St. Jude’s Ranch Jingle Bell 5K Run

Runners take to the starting line at the St. Jude’s Jingle Bell 5K Run presented by Comal ISD as race officially begins in front of famous Gruene Hall on December 10.

Special To Welcome Home ime and time again the holiday partnership between Comal ISD and St. Jude’s Ranch proves to go together like marshmallows and hot cocoa. This year, it might have taken two cups of hot cocoa, but despite the chilly weather, the St. Jude’s Jingle Bell 5K Run presented by Comal ISD in Gruene was a resounding success for the fifth straight year. On Dec. 10, the event started at famous Gruene Hall with more than 1,100 registered runners and walkers. There was a 5K for adults and older students, and a 1K for younger children. Comal ISD’s Community Education Department was one of the St. Jude’s Jingle Bell 5K Run’s major sponsors for the third straight year. Comal ISD began its partnership with the St. Jude’s Jingle Bell 5K Run in 2012. “Our early estimates are that we raised almost $60,000 for the St. Jude’s Ranch,” said Cynthia Lopez, St. Jude’s Ranch Director of Development. “Because of Comal ISD, we’ll be able to


make sure all of the local St. Jude’s Ranch foster kids have everything they need to have a successful school year and a Merry Christmas. These are things some of them have never had before.” Miriam Hobbs, of the Canyon Lake High choir, sang the National Anthem, and band members from Canyon High and Smithson Valley High were present to help get the atmosphere revved up before and during the race. “It’s invigorating,” Lopez said. “The kids, the bands, the choirs and the drum lines make it such a festive event.” Lopez said she hopes the partnership with Comal ISD lasts for many years to come. “It not only gets people in the community involved, but it also gets people thinking about being healthy,” she said. “I definitely think the five years we’ve had Comal ISD as a partner is just the beginning. This race is only going to continue to grow because of our partnership. The community really comes out to support the cause and the children that we care for. We are blessed and grateful for this

Santa hangs out with members of the Canyon High School drumline as the group helps liven up the crowd near the starting line of the St. Jude’s Jingle Bell 5K Run presented by Comal ISD.

partnership with Comal ISD.” Comal ISD Community Education Director Lori Montelongo agreed. “Anytime that Comal ISD and Community Education has the opportunity to strengthen our bond and grow with the community it’s a winwin,” Montelongo said. “It’s great that despite the cold weather on Saturday so many showed up for this community event and to support St. Jude’s Ranch.” Many of Comal ISD’s campuses formed teams, dressed up in festive holiday gear, and ran together. Micaeli Smith, Comal ISD PE/Health/ Wellness Specialist, said a teamwork atmosphere is always a great fitness motivator. “Living a healthy lifestyle and wanting to be fit helps when you have your friends around you for support,” Smith said. “I think teamwork is a big reason this race is so successful. It’s wonderful that so many of us are supporting St. Jude’s Ranch

Superintendent Andrew Kim takes a moment to pose with Comal ISD educational specialist Susan Haynes (left) and Church Hill Middle counselor Cindy Vernon at the St. Jude’s Jingle Bell 5K Run presented by Comal ISD.

and taking the initiative to live healthier lifestyles in the process.” The race continues the Comal FIT health initiative. Comal FIT challenges the district’s students and staff to live healthier lifestyles through exercise and diet.

Teacher, Nurse Are Super Heroes To Specht ES Student Special To Welcome Home pecht Elementary first-grade student Jacob Block is a very lucky little boy. Last month, not one, but two Super Heroes came to his rescue. SES nurse Erica Ward and Brooke Hevner, Jacob’s teacher, saved him from a potentially dangerous situation. It all started on Oct. 27 when Hevner’s students were outside at recess. “Jacob ran over to me and said, ‘Mrs. Hevner, some ants just bit me on my ankle and it really itches.’ I took a look at it and said ‘Oh no, Jacob, let’s put some cortisone cream on that ASAP to help with the itching,’” said Hevner. “I called my class inside and I did what I could with my first aid kit in my classroom. We thought all was good and I started teaching.” But soon Jacob’s wrist started to itch, even though the ants hadn’t bitten him there. “I instantly thought, ‘Oh no, it’s spreading,’ Henver said. “So I asked Jacob if he was allergic to ants and he said no. I said, ‘Don’t panic, Jacob, but it seems like this is spreading.’ I looked at his face and I noticed



some red marks there as well. I asked him to not scratch anymore and wrote him a nurse’s pass.” From there, Jacob headed to see Nurse Ward, who called Jacob’s mom to inquire about allergies to ant bites. His mom wasn’t aware of any, so Ward continued to monitor Jacob for a few minutes. The marks continued to spread and before long, Jacob started to have a hard time breathing. Ward notified Jacob’s mom that she would be administering an EpiPen and then called 911. Jacob was taken by ambulance to a local hospital, but he started feeling better very quickly and told his mom he was more concerned about missing out on the school’s Book Fair and Halloween event than some old ant bites. “I am just so glad that I did not treat it in my classroom and went with my gut and sent him to the nurse,” said Hevner. “Poor thing. He was so brave and now we all know to watch out for ants.” SES principal Jackie Sundt was very pleased with how the incident was handled. “I want to give a big shout out to Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Hevner,” said Sundt. “Thanks to

Specht Elementary first-grader Jacob Block is hugged by his two Super Heroes, teacher Brooke Hevner, left, and Nurse Erica Ward. Both played a key role in making sure Jacob got the care he needed after he had an anaphylactic response to ant bites at school.

Mrs. Hevner’s attention to the rapid change in her student and Mrs. Ward’s quick


decision-making, Jacob got the care he needed. I’m proud to work alongside them.”

January 2017 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Concordia Lutheran Honors Police Officers

Concordia Lutheran National Junior Honor Society students compiled baskets filled with gifts of appreciation for campus and local police officers.

Officer Scott Boehm with two Concordia Lutheran NJHS members.

Submitted By Deb Rich Herczeg oncordia Lutheran School is proud to support an active chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). Students in seventh and eighth grades who demonstrate outstanding academics, consistent integrity and excellent character are invited to join NJHS and meet monthly to plan service projects, many of which lead them out into the local community. This fall, Concordia’s NJHS students elected to honor officers from the San Antonio Police Department. In light of recent events and the continuing dangers to members of law enforcement, students perceived that the officers were not often thanked for their work. Concordia


students believed an outward demonstration of support was in order, not only for the officers that serve the campus each day, but also for the officers who place themselves in harm’s way in order to serve the San Antonio area. Students collaborated and brainstormed what items the officers might appreciate receiving, and then coordinated efforts to collect those items. After collecting the donated gifts, NJHS students invested their time assembling baskets to deliver to individual officers. In addition to snacks, gift cards and drinks, students recorded a video to show the officers their gratitude and placed the DVD in each basket. They took great care to make each basket both visually

The baskets were filled by students with donated snacks, gift cards, drinks, and a recording of the students thanking the heroes in blue for their service.

appealing and meaningful in content. Students then delivered the baskets to

Officer Gus Segura with his basket.

the SAPD precinct on Prue Road, as well as to the individual officers who serve the Concordia campus each week.

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