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July 2013 Issue


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July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

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July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261




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6/5/2013 3:55:25 PM

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261


Note From The Publisher The Greatest Country In The World

s I look at our front cover, I think about what our country represents to me. I am always proud to be an American, but during July, our month of Independence, the feelings are especially strong. We are a nation of freedom. We are a nation that is allowed to have freedom of expression and to have our own opinion without fear of punishment or torture. As you travel to the coast or on your family vacation during the month of July, take a few minutes to reflect as a family the freedoms we have in this country. As you are out and about in San Antonio and see the different military service men and women, take a few moments and thank them for their service to our country. Our military is second to none. The sacrifices of our military is the reason we are allowed to have the freedoms we enjoy each and every day as a citizen of the United States of America. As I write this letter this morning, the Spurs have just won game 5 against the Miami Heat. What an event for the city of San Antonio to experience! Everywhere you turned, the city was caught up in the joy and excitement of being on the national stage and San Antonio did not disappoint. Our Spurs fans showed their support and stood behind our team. Being at the AT&T center for Game 5 was electric and you could just feel that this was a game the city and the team was not prepared to lose. Manu Ginobli won our hearts again and led our team to victory in what may be the last home game of his career. I can only hope by the time you read this the San Antonio Spurs will be the NBA Champions. I will take time during July to travel to South Padre Island with my daughter for

our final vacation before her Senior year of High School. I am looking forward to having an incredible time. It will be a very emotional trip for me since it will be her final trip with me as my child. I have no idea where all the time went. Just yesterday, I was holding my little baby girl. Now, she is driving and trying to decide where she will go to college. Okay, back to our vacation. I am from the valley, so I will be able to take her and show her where I went to school and grew up. For me, the best part will be the travel time to and from the coast when we can talk. The older I get, the more I have come to value just talking to my daughter. Just one on one, hearing her voice and not by text or email. Lastly, value those things in life that are truly precious, your family and your freedom.


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Distribution Israel Vazquez

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Contributing Photographers Comal ISD

Copy Editors Amanda Burris Chasity Furse Erica Cavazos

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Robert Steele Jacob Hereford

Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

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On The Cover By Amanda Burris hile July may be filled with swimming, barbecues and soaking up the sun, it is also the month that hosts our nation’s Independence Day. Known as “the fourth of July”, our country celebrates its anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, which declared independence from Great Britain. This month, the front cover of Welcome Home has the pleasure of featuring four exemplary cadets from the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) from Reagan, Johnson, Churchill and Smithson Valley. To be involved in a program such as JROTC, students not only get great values instilled in them, but they also learn to be part of the community and work as a unit to accomplish goals. All of the Cadets featured this month have shared what Independence Day means to them, while also understanding that it is not just this one day that should be celebrated, but every day. Including



Photo By Chasity Furse

L to r: Trevor Wulff, Katherine Hardy, Walker Hobson and Dalton McCord.

everything from believing that it is a day for remembrance and honor, to being reminded that individuals have the opportunity to express who they are and should fight for what they believe in, Independence Day is one that is truly important to celebrate. To learn more about the Cadets featured on the July the front cover, turn to page 15.

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By Debby Seguin

hat has 6 legs, goes an average of 70 miles an hour, gets aggressive when touched and occasionally omits a foul odor? Our family on vacation! Vacations. Who invented these things anyway? “They” say a vacation can bring you closer together. If our kids got any “closer” the U.N. would have to step in to avoid an international incident. A typical conversation: “Stop it!” “Stop what?” “I said stop.” “I’m not doing anything.” “You’re touching me!” “Am not.” “Am, too.” “Not.” “Too.” “Not.” “Toonottoonottoonottoonottoo….” Wow. Now there’s an exchange that can only lead to more “closeness” (possibly in a counselor’s office). “They” also say road trips are a great way to “get to know your kid.” Ma-a-y-y-b-e-e. Here is an actual transcript of a teenager’s responses to such non-threatening questions as “Are you having fun?” and “What did you think about the water park?” (Notice the use of a mere 3 letters of the alphabet. Amazing!) OK, here goes: “um-m-m-m…” “h-m-m-m…” “uh-uh.” “uh-h-h-h…” “uh-huh.” After a few minutes of this, I turned my attention to my spouse, thinking perhaps “they” meant bonding with someone closer to my own age. But, alas, he was driving and I had the map, NEVER a good combination. Another excerpt: “Where are we?” he asks. “Right here by this little dot right next to the big dot,” I say, attempting to show him the all-important dots while he is trying to


cross 4 lanes of traffic. “Which dot?” he says, frantically grabbing the map and splaying it across his steering wheel, which I promptly remind him could be life-threatening, to which he responds with his best “life-threatening” look and says, “We should get off on exit 243, what is coming up?” As I look up and see exit 548, I lapse into teen-speak: “Uh. H-m-m-m. U-m-m-m.” (Now I know why they do that). My son moved a little closer to me and actually smiled. Despite these minor setbacks, I, too, believe vacations are a necessity. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy (My husband adheres to THAT rule like one of the 10 commandments). Just being together and away from the ordinary day-to-day may offer an opportunity to see your child or spouse in a different light. “They” were right after all. Debby Seguin (who has recuperated from her vacation) can be reached at writewell62@yahoo.com

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Join Tanji Patton For Goodtaste Bus Driver Saves Student TV’s 5th Birthday Celebration At Mercedes-Benz Of Boerne



amiliar to San Antonio, Tanji Patton is an Emmy award-winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Her fun, engaging and informative website, “Good Taste With Tanji” features chefs, wines and food pairings from Houston, Austin, San Antonio and the west coast. By traveling to different parts of the world to discover the art of choosing a glass of wine Tanji has been making it a fun and tasty experience for her viewers for the past five years! Tanji also hosts Goodtaste Girls’ Night Out events that feature local vendors, food and wine in both San Antonio & Houston. To celebrate 5 years of “GoodTaste” Tanji’s event planners at Outside the Box Productions are throwing a “Birthday Bash” on Thursday, July 11th from 6pm - 9pm at Mercedes-Benz of Boerne. “I can’t believe it’s already been 5 years. We have had so much fun bringing great food, wine and interesting places to our viewers. I just love San Antonio and the people here and we are really excited to invite everyone to come help us celebrate! We have teamed up with some great partners to make the night a memorable one,” said Patton. Some of those partners include Ounce Steakhouse who will be serving up some of their favorite bites, wine tastings courtesy of Deutsch Wines, beer tastings courtesy

Special To Welcome Home Vietnam veteran performed a lifesaving miracle in Comal ISD on the first day students returned from the Memorial Day holiday. When bus driver Walter Wingo noticed a boy was choking, he immediately pulled over and went into action. Wingo performed the Heimlich maneuver and dislodged a piece of chewing gum from Mountain Valley Middle School student Damian Jennings’ throat on May 28. “I noticed the boy’s face was turning red, and he was giving the international sign of choking by holding his hands to his throat,” Wingo said, who served as an Air Force Technical Sergeant from 1967 to 1971. “I just did what anyone would have done. It was a big relief when I saw the boy could breathe again. It felt good to know I was able to help someone like that.” Gus Rodriguez, Comal ISD’s Director of Transportation, said Wingo, who has been a full-time driver with the district since 2009, set a shining example. “Obviously this was a very serious situation, and we’re very happy with the result,” Rodriguez said. “We were very happy with the swift actions of Mr. Wingo. He took control of the situation and was very cool, calm and collected as he saved the student. Being well-trained in First Aid is always a big priority with any of our drivers, and this is a great example of how that training pays off.” Jennings said once the piece of gum became lodged in his throat, at least a minute went by before he could breathe

of Ben E Keith & amazing giveaways all night long including weekend leases from Mercedes-Benz of Boerne. As with all of Tanji’s events, there will also be fabulous shopping including Stella & Dot, Bolingo Bags and many more as well as great entertainment. Tickets are available for $30 at goodtaste. tv so get your tickets now and join Tanji as we raise our glasses to celebrate 5 yearsCheers!

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261


Wingo and Jennings smile together after getting through a scary ordeal.

again. “I couldn’t breathe at all. I was thinking about my younger brother and how he would feel if I wasn’t there,” Jennings said. “I just didn’t know how to react. I was bouncing off the seat holding my hands to my throat. After Mr. Wingo did the Heimlich maneuver, I was fine. I was thinking about much he was a hero to me.” Wingo did try to diffuse the stressful situation about 10 minutes later. “I told Damian, ‘I’m glad you’re okay, but I’m going to have to kick you off the bus for chewing gum,’” Wingo said. “Everyone, especially Damian, got a good laugh out of that.” Viviana Jennings, Damian’s mom, was contacted before the bus arrived at their home. “When I got off the bus, my mom was right there,” Damian said. “She got on the bus and gave Mr. Wingo a big hug. My family is definitely planning on doing something nice for him. I’ll never forget what he did for me.”


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Are You Estrogen Dominant?

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 ttractive, dressed in muted shades of beige and taupe, this home schooling mother who managed a large home and 4 active children, did not appear desperate. She began calmly describing symptoms of hot-cold at night, surges of warmth during the day, feeling mildly confused and forgetful all the time. Now, the smallest upset during her busy day might lead to an angry outburst, which very much surprised her. But she also noted that she could cry “at the drop of a hat-for nothing at all, really!” She had learned to just walk away from her family into another room when she felt so unbalanced and emotional. Suddenly she burst out: “it seems to be getting worse! I can’t stand myself!” She apologized, and I told her it was not her fault. As women approach menopause, the hormones begin to fluctuate. The first hormone to precipitously drop is progesterone, the great balancer. Progesterone is a mild diuretic and sedative. Without progesterone, the unopposed estrogen causes one to feel very emotional and anxious. There are progesterone receptor sites throughout the body. Progesterone moderates many side effects of excess estrogen by reducing water retention, headaches, bloating, bleeding, and fibroids. Progesterone in excess


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causes sedation, while the right amount is calming. Yet, most menopausal women are prescribed only a synthetic estrogen without the balancer, progesterone. The synthetic progestin has effects very different from the bio-identical progesterone. Progestin side effects may include depression, breast swelling, weight gain, water retention, and in some studies, increased risk of breast cancer. Progesterone decreases proliferation of the cells in the milk ducts by 400%. (Fertility Sterility 1995; 63:785-91) Progesterone protects against hyperproliferation in the uterus as well as the breast. The mom described above had a high level of estrogen, practically no progesterone, and very little testosterone. I discussed in detail with her the side effects of hormone replacement therapy, history, physical, and reviewed three pages of her labs. Women’s hormone replacement must be precisely prescribed based on laboratory analysis. Hormone replacement should not be prescribed according to age-adjusted normal. Rather, hormones should be prescribed according to the levels of a young adult. I suggested progesterone by mouth at night to balance her estrogen dominance and a precise amount of testosterone cream. Later, she told me, “I feel like myself, again!” I want to help you feel better, too. Dr. Donna Becker, 210-545-5224.

Betsy Dippo State Farm (210) 496-3276

our bags are packed, your tank is full and you’re ready to hit the road. Get to your destination safely with driving tips for your big road trip. Prep properly. Defensive driving starts before you pull out of the garage. Go through a pretrip checklist prior to leaving, says James Solomon, program development and training director for the National Safety Council Defensive Driving Courses. Important tasks include locking the car doors, adjusting the mirrors and buckling your seat belt. Stay alert. Your mind may be on your destination, but it’s important to stay “in the moment” when driving. “Whether you’re going two miles or one hundred miles, the most dangerous mile is the one ahead of you,” Solomon says. Ensure your focus is on the road by choosing not to drive when you’re drowsy, emotional or impaired. Be proactive. “Look down the road, and try to spot the hazards,” Solomon says. Does a driver need to change lanes? Attempt to move over. Is it starting to rain? Ease up your speed. Does the driver ahead keep slamming on the brakes? Maintain at least a three- to foursecond gap between your two vehicles. Avoid distractions.


Besides your cell phone, there’s another gadget guilty of taking eyes off the road: a GPS. “Program the GPS before you leave the driveway,” Solomon says. If your GPS takes you off track, Solomon suggests pulling over before adjusting the GPS or reading a map. Slow down. Follow the speed limit, and reduce your speed according to road conditions. This safety precaution also gives passengers time to enjoy the scenery. And if you enjoy looking out the window, consider driving in shifts. “Driving is a full-time job,” Solomon says. “Everybody else gets to look; the driver has to drive.” Remember: Even the safest drivers can get drowsy. Plan to break up your trip by rotating drivers periodically. That way, the person behind the wheel is fresh and alert, and the one in the passenger seat can help the driver stay focused. Betsy Dippo, State Farm agent, Long Term Care Professional. Betsy’s office is located at 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 112, San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) 496-3276 or visit www.betsydippo.com.

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Dr. Maria-Isabel Atique and her husband Jose Atique with the Atique Orthodontics team.

The Beauty Of A Perfect Smile By Amanda Burris


beautiful smile can completely change someone’s face, complementing his or her features. Though it may be yet a simple gesture, it has the power to change someone’s face completely and give someone the inner confidence that they need. While a smile may have so much influence, you have the option to perfect it in a variety of ways. At Atique Orthodontics, Dr. Maria-Isabel Atique and her staff will work with you so that you can have the perfect smile that you have always dreamed of. Dr. Atique is a Venezuela native and grew up around an orthodontics practice. Her mother, who practiced for over 40 years, was one of her main influences into getting into the business. As someone who found a passion in what she does, Dr. Atique perfected her skills by obtaining her dental degree from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and acquiring her orthodontic specialty from the University of Pennsylvania. She is also a Board Diplomate, meaning that she decided to take a step beyond and go through a voluntary certification process that involved a thorough Written Examination covering all areas of information on which an orthodontist should be knowledgeable, and also a presentation of treated cases which are evaluated by a panel of expert examiners of the America Board of Orthodontics. Only a small percentage of orthodontists are Diplomates. While straight teeth may be aesthetically pleasing, it also can keep your teeth in a healthier state. While brushing, flossing and using mouthwash are all helpful to maintaining a healthy set of teeth, having straight teeth can considerably improve the cleanliness of teeth and therefore help to battle disease. “It’s much harder to keep crowded or crooked teeth clean,” explained Dr. Atique. “They accumulate more

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

plaque because they are more difficult to care for. There are so many health benefits to having a straight smile.” Atique Orthodontics gives their patients options for straightening and perfecting their teeth. One of their top options is providing Invisalign®, a product that is popular amongst teens and adults alike. A clear alternative to straighten teeth, Invisalign® is made up of removable aligners that can be easily removed to eat, brush and floss normally. Invisalign® is a custom-made series of aligners that are made of smooth, virtually invisible plastic that can be worn over the teeth. This method will gradually shift teeth into place, without people really even noticing that the product is there, straightening your teeth. “Several parents are hesitant to choose Invisalign® for their teens because the aligners are removable.” explained Dr. Atique. “They’re worried about the responsibility. But what I’m finding is not only are the kids excited about Invisalign®, but they’re motivated and interested in the newest technology. They’ve done their research and often know more about Invisalign® than their parents!” While Invisalign® may be a popular choice among many, Dr. Atique also offers SelfLigating In-Ovation braces. What sets this apart from normal braces is that it uses “free sliding technology,” offering the patient less discomfort, faster treatment and smaller, more comfortable, easier to clean braces. At Atique Orthodontics, Dr. Atique treats patients of all ages and encourages that every child by at least the age of seven should be evaluated. “It’s a good time for us to evaluate the patient, make sure everything is fine, and take steps if early intervention is necessary,” explained Dr. Atique. “Early detection can


One important thing that I think everyone likes is how we treat our patients…we don’t rush and we try to know our patients.” – Jose H. Rojas Office Administrator, Atique Orthodontics

help with self-esteem, prevent speech issues, and make space for teeth as they come in preventing bigger problems in the future.” Atique Orthodontics started more than 5 years ago as a family project with Dr. Atique and her husband Jose H. Rojas who is the office administrator. As a family oriented business this orthodontist office has been a great asset to the community. ”One important thing that I think everyone likes is how we treat our patients…we don’t rush and we try to know our patients,” Jose said. “We kind of become a big family and that is what sets us apart.” With two boys of their own going to local schools and being located right in the midst of the community, Atique Orthodontics has stayed involved and found various ways to reach out. “I love being out there in the community and involved with the schools,” said Dr. Atique. “It’s a great area we live and work in, and a great district.” As a family friendly business offering the latest technology in orthodontics, patients are sure to have a great experience while feeling right at home when going to Atique Orthodontics. A smile can make all the difference and at Atique, the staff is knowledgeable and skilled in making that beauty available to everyone. The friendly staff will work with clients so that a payment option can be developed based off of your budget. At Atique Orthodontics, a beautiful smile is not only the goal but they make it a reality for countless individuals.

Atique Orthodontics 2770 East Evans Rd., Suite 103 210-497-5500 www.atiquesmiles.com 9

We Keep You Rolling By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

Keeping Your Car Clean


lame it on time. We never have enough time, we always say. However, making an effort to keep your car clean might just be worth the time! We must admit: our cars say a lot about us. They tote us around town, to work, to practice, to volunteer. They are an extension of us, so just as most of us wouldn’t leave the house in blatantly dirty clothes, we shouldn’t drive

around in dust-covered, week-old-Frenchfry-filled cars. Additionally, keeping a kempt vehicle helps protect your investment! Here are some ideas to help you put your best wheels forward: Details, details… Sometimes, a vehicle needs a solid, deep clean. Carefully select a reputable detail company that you can be assured will complete the job well. Most details includes washing, vacuuming,

Discoveries Thru Vision By Dr. John M. Nevelow Nevelow Eye Associates (210) 349-2437 • www.drsnevelow.com t seems the summers get shorter and children’s learning. It has been estimated shorter each year. Just as the children that 85 percent of what we learn is through are home, going to camp and planning our eyes. It is also estimated 1/3 of all vacations, it’s time to get ready for school school age children do not receive a proper all over again. vision exam. The eye test at the family One of the most important parts of doctor’s office only determines they can preparing for the upcoming school year see the wall. It does not assess one’s ability is to have your children’s eyes examined. to see binocularly or with both eyes. It Vision plays the most important part of our does not determine depth perception, color



Rusty Belden Vice President

Ronnie Belden President

waxing, buffing, shampooing, at minimum. This can be imperative to keeping your car not only looking nice, but also genuinely clean. Additionally, many detailers can help alleviate small scratches, dings and dents that your car acquires over time. Light the way… A quick way to help your car look cleaner is to freshen up those yellowing headlights. Crystal clear headlights look great and help allow more light to shine through, creating more nighttime driving visibility. The best news is that headlight covers don’t need to be replaced! Getting them cleaned is inexpensive and can take at little as 30 minutes. Belden’s does offer a head light restoration kit – ask about it when dropping your vehicle off with us! Cool it… There are a million fabulous things about the San Antonio in the summer, but the heat is not high on that list. One

way to help beat the heat is to have your windows tinted. There are legal regulations about how dark windows can be tinted, so be sure to check with the tinting company, but the darker the cooler. Rock on… I-35 can be a quick way to get through town, but it’s an equally quick way to get a rock thrown in to your windshield. Rectify these chips quickly and easily. Maintaining the quality of your windshield instead of replacing it will save you money and time.

vision deficiencies, focusing abilities or ocular health. All of which are necessary for adequate learning. Teachers know the importance that good vision plays in our children’s success in school. Eye muscle coordination allows for better reading and eye tracking in copying from the board to our papers and back. Focusing on our papers and books and then to the board plays a vital role in ones success in school. The perception of what we see and its interpretation is all dependent on good vision. Without all our aspects of vision working together, it can create learning difficulties, which are difficult to overcome, as we get older. Just as important as what we learn, is how we learn. You cannot expect your children to be able to compete well in school and in

life without a good foundation. Vision plays a leading role in this development. We all want our children to succeed in life. Don’t neglect their eyes, as this is a large part of their education. The doctors at Nevelow Eye Associates have over 50 years of combined experience in making sure that your children’s eyes are working at their top efficiency. Health care providers and educators all agree that early and periodic vision and ocular health exams are essential to ensuring the overall health, development and academic success of our children. Should you want further information on this topic or other eye or vision related subjects please call our office at 210-3492437 or visit us at www.drsnevelow.com or on Facebook. Stop by to ask about our specials in the optical boutique.

Roll up with a clean, nice smelling, shiny car and just see how it brightens your day. Don’t forget to check us out on the web for coupons and specials at www.beldensautomotive.com. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!

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July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Bill Brown Sisters Raise More Than $1,000 For Charities Submitted By Jason Gordon isters Presley and Olivia Smith, students at Bill Brown Elementary, decided that instead of asking for gifts for their birthdays they would select a charitable organization to donate to. Between the time that Presley’s birthday came in February and Olivia turned another year older in March, the sisters raised a total of more than $1,000. Presley chose the Bulverde Humane Society for her charitable work. She and her friends collected more than $100 in cash and 120 items ranging from collars, beds, toys and dog food. “The Humane Society had just received a litter of puppies and we were able to name all of them,” Presley said. “It was pretty cool.” Olivia chose The Smile Foundation. The


non-profit group’s international mission is “To put smiles back on the faces of children with congenital facial deformities. Our arms are open to all children of the world who are in need of facial care.” “My goal was to collect enough for one surgery to help a child in need, which would cost $240,” Olivia said. She and her pals were able to do much better than that, collecting more than $400 in one night. In all, with the help of a corporate sponsor that matched every penny they raised, Olivia was able to donate $960 to The Smile Foundation. “What a great way to start out a life of giving at such a young age,” said Dr. Ross McGlothlin, Bill Brown Elementary principal. “Olivia and Presley have set a great example for our community, our school and our school district.”

Sisters Presley (left) and Olivia Smith, who decided it was better to give than receive during their birthdays.

Spring Branch MS Band Wins Top Honors At UIL Contest Submitted By Michelle Matula he Spring Branch Middle School (SBMS) Wrangler Band recently participated in the annual 2013 UIL Contest at Clemens and Steele High Schools. Both the SBMS Symphonic Band and SBMS Wind Ensemble Band received straight 1s—Superior—for both their concert and sight reading performances. The UIL Contest was divided into two portions—a concert and a sight reading. Three judges for each portion critiqued performances, assigning a rating of 1 for Superior, 2 for Excellent, 3 for Average, 4 for Below Average and 5 for Poor. Thirty-eight non-varsity and sub-non-varsity groups and 41 varsity groups competed from all Comal County and San Antonio schools.


For the concert portion, the SBMS Symphonic Band, directed by Jeannie Reed, performed Spitfire March (Michael Sweeney), Corps of Discovery (William Owens) and Majestica (Gary Gazlay). Directed by Cody Richardson, the SBMS Wind Ensemble performed Activity March (Harold Bennett arr. Larry Clark), Colliding Visions (Brian Balmages) and Simple Gifts: Four Shaker Songs-Mvt. II – Dance (Frank Ticheli). Judges commented on both bands’ great overall ensemble sound, musicality, preparedness and detail work. The sight reading portion followed the concert performances. Each band received less than 10 minutes to review and discuss a piece of music that they had never seen before they played it. Judges commented on

the overall execution and musicality of both bands. “Our band is nearly 300 students strong, and each and every one of them has been working hard all year to prepare for this prestigious contest,” said SBMS Band Director Cody Richardson. “Our students constantly amaze us with their ability to rise to the advanced level and as a result, we were awarded with a Sweepstakes trophy for receiving top honors in both categories.” For more information on the Spring Branch Middle School Wrangler Band, visit www. comalisd.org/Schools/SBMS/.

The Wrangler Band performed superbly in the recent UIL contest.

SV Middle Students Earn State And National Recognition Submitted By Jason Gordon our Smithson Valley Middle School students received statewide recognition in the Duke University Talent Identification Program. One of those students, Diego Cervantes, received national recognition. The program recognizes those who perform at an exceptionally high level when taking the SAT or ACT college entrance exam as 7th graders. SVMS students Cameron Horton, Cole Snody and Elvis Synodinos met the qualifying score criteria for state-level recognition. Diego Cervantes qualified for the national grand level by scoring better than


90 percent of recent high school graduates. Only about three percent of students across the United States who participated in the Duke University Talent Identification Program qualified for grand recognition. Cervantes attended Duke University in North Carolina with his family for the award ceremony in mid-May. “I couldn’t be more proud of these students,” said SVMS principal Michael Keranen. “They are great representatives of our campus and our district.”

(l-r) students Cameron Horton, Cole Snody, Diego Cervantes and Elvis Synodinos all qualified for state recognition in the Duke University Talent Identification Program.

SeaWorld Visits Johnson Ranch Elementary Submitted By Linda Harlan eaWorld paid a visit to Johnson Ranch Elementary School. The Animal Ambassador Team brought a red rough lemur, an African porcupine, an albino python and two penguins with them to the school. Jason Baca who takes the animals around the nation (most recently Good Morning America) was able to show the animals and discuss animal conservation and how we can help in simple every day ways to help keep the habitats in which these animals


thrive. The students were able to hold and touch, Sunshine, the albino python. The two penguins, Pete and Penny, also performed for the students. It was a great opportunity for the students, where fun and learning came together. Overall, it was a great success. It was a great opportunity for the students, where fun and learning came together. A Johnson Ranch student gets the opportunity to pet one of the penguins that SeaWorld brought to the school.

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261



Smithson Valley High Grads Earn “Run For The Hills” Attracts Doctor of Medicine Degrees Huge Crowd, Breaks Records Submitted By Carl Mertens he 14th Annual Bulverde/Spring Branch 5/10K Walk/Run attracted a record crowd of 443 registered runners on May 4. Temperatures in the 30’s did not deter the runners, walkers and those attending the Health Fair Expo. Former Bulverde Mayor, Mal McClinchie, acted as emcee and opened the ceremonies with a prayer. The Smithson Valley Junior ROTC Color Guard presented the colors, which was followed by the National Anthem sung by Joy Alexander. The event was dedicated to the “Wounded Warriors” of the area. Mayor Bill Krawietz commented that Bulverde’s city council had a long history with the race site. The council donated the land for the original building, the Bulverde Senior Center, and held their meetings there. Earlier this year, the center announced a DBA change to the Bulverde/ Spring Branch Activity Center and plans for a major building expansion. The city council waived the building fees assisting in the process. The Mayor also announced that Cougar Bend would be expanded with new five and two foot road shoulders in front of the center. These shoulders would be used by bikers and walkers and are needed as a safety issue. The award for the largest group at the run/walk went to the Texas Landmark Survey Group who had 25 participants. In the newly set-up 10K division the top


Henry and Croley pose with Mann, their most influential teacher.

Submitted By Jason Gordon wo Smithson Valley High School graduates received their Doctor of Medicine degrees on June 1 from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Sawyer Croley was valedictorian of SVHS of the Class of 2005 and a member of the National Honor Society. Kyle Henry, Class of 2006, was a member of the football team and the National Honor Society. While at SVHS, both graduated Summa Cum Laude and both chose Troy Mann,


their GT teacher at Spring Branch Middle School, as the teacher who most influenced their academic success when they were honored at the Comal Education Foundation Academic Recognition Banquet. It was only fitting that Mann was present when the duo received their medical degrees. Croley will continue his orthopedic residency at UTMB in Galveston. Henry will continue his Internal Medicine residency at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona.

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male runner was 35 year old Bryan Morales with a time of 45:37 minutes. Angelina Felsing won the female division with a time of 45:42 minutes. In the 5K division the top male runner was 15 year old Isaac Perez with a time of 18:18 minutes. Kirsten Swanson won the female division with a time of 20:48 minutes. She also was the winner last year. The “Best of Show” dog award went to Archie, a Doberman Pinscher owned by Denise and Phil DeNicolo. The silent auction featured over 45 items and attracted a large following. The day’s events included a health fair conducted by the Spring Branch/Bulverde Lions Club with free vision, blood pressure, glucose, and hearing tests. “Even though the race is sponsored by senior citizens, over age 50, it has evolved for the past 14 years into a family event that is supported by our area businesses,” explained Carlton Mertens, Publicity Director for the 5/10K. “We have children, parents, grandparents and family pets all participating together and having a lot of fun.” Laurie Wilson, executive director of the Activity Center said that proceeds dollar amounts from the event will be announced soon. All proceeds are targeted for a 6,200 square foot addition to the center’s existing building. Next year’s 5/10K race will be held on May 3.

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July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Honoring Our


By Amanda Burris


elcome Home dedicates its July issue to honoring the individuals who serve their country. As we celebrate Independence Day on July 4th, we have our soldiers to thank for their dedication to our country, to uphold its legacy. For this issue, we asked the community to share their friends, family

and loved ones with us who represent our nation in uniform. These nominated men and women are truly heroes, as they take on dangers and challenges everyday. Welcome Home is proud to feature these inspiring soldiers as a reminder to us of the sacrifices and bravery they posses, in love of their country.

Jessica Spaits Submitted By Joanne Spaits

Jessica Spaits is my daughter-in-law. She is married to my son, who is an Ensign in the Navy. She is still young but has given years to the Air force. She has been overseas, and is currently at Lackland in San Antonio, TX. As a senior airmen, she worked in the military police and now is learning to work with the canines. She loves animals. She is a joy to be around. She is always smiling. She helps out with out having to be asked. I have never seen my son happier than when he is with her.



Jonathan & Jordan Bishop Submitted By Pat & Debbie Bishop

We would like to show our respect, appreciation and admiration for two of our sons, Jonathan and Jordan Bishop who are currently serving in infantry in the USMC. LCPL Jordan is now in Afghanistan and is expected, hopefully to come home sometime in October. CPL Jonathan is the older brother who has already been to Afghanistan once and is scheduled to go again in September. On his first deployment he was a sweeper. While on patrol one of his fellow Marines stepped on an I.E.D. Jonathan was thrown about 6 feet and had a temporary loss of hearing, but the worst part was his buddy lost part of his lower leg. Jonathan was able to apply a tourniquet to his leg and ultimately saved his life. He was awarded The Navy and Marine Corp Achievement Medal. These two young men have sacrificed a lot, as all others have, and we are very proud of everyone who serves.

p n Bisho Jonatha

Jordan Bishop

Jonathan Ayla Graduate from Madison High School, EM3 Ayala, Jonathan entered basic training for the United States Navy in July 2012. He continued his education in the Nuclear Engineering Program in Charleston, SC and finished “A” School in April 2013. He is currently finishing this Program in Charleston, SC and might finish his schooling in New York. He is considering his Navy career in a submarine. His friends and family in San Antonio, Texas are so very proud of their sailor.

an Matthew Kursm

Matthew Kursman Jonatha n Ayala

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Matthew Kursman is in the United States Air Force, Airman First Class, who is working for the 2nd Bomb Wing in Shreveport, Louisiana for the 2nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. His job is a Communication and Navigation Journeyman for the B-52 one of the oldest airplanes still in service today. Matthew (Matt) is a great friend, caring brother and a wonderful son. His family and friends are very proud of him and always wish him the best!



Apple Lemonade For Summer

New to the Area?


emonade is often associated with refreshment and hot summer days. When the mercury on the thermometer has reached record heights, few beverages are as refreshing as a cold glass of lemonade. This summer figures to have its share of hot afternoons. But while the higher temperatures might be typical this time of year, your choice for refreshment can be anything but -- even if you insist on sticking with lemonade. The following recipe for “Apple Lemonade” from Elsa PetersenSchepelern’s “Cool Smoothies: Juices and Cocktails” (Ryland, Peters & Small) offers a unique take on a summer favorite.

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Apple Lemonade: Serves 4 2 to 3 cooking apples, unpeeled, chopped into small pieces Sugar, to taste Juice of 1 lemon Sparkling water (to serve) Ice Put the apples into a saucepan, cover with cold water, bring to a boil and simmer until soft. Strain, pressing the pulp through the strainer with a spoon. Add sugar to taste, stir until dissolved, then let cool. To serve, pack a pitcher with ice, half-fill the glass with the apple juice, add the lemon juice, and top with sparkling water.

Growth Tops Workshop Discussion

Submitted By Julie Jerome nrollment growth—projected to be an additional 11,722 students over the next 10 years—and how to address it from a facilities’ standpoint topped the discussion of the Comal ISD School Board workshop in early June. “This workshop is intended to give the board and the public an overview of where we’re going down the road from a growth standpoint,” said David Drastata, president of the school board. “We’re looking at upwards of 30,000 students over the next 10 years, and with that anticipated growth, we need to look at the infrastructure, particularly at the middle school and high school levels.” From here, Drastata said, “We need to be looking at the question, ‘How do we as a board and district continue developing a road map for bringing this to the public?’” Bob Templeton, president of Templeton Demographics in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, gave the board a look at the housing growth in Comal ISD over the past year, as well as projections for the future. “New home construction in Comal ISD is up 38 percent from the first quarter of 2012,” Templeton said. “That is the highest since the second quarter of 2008, and that is likely to stay strong for the next two and a half to three years.” According to Templeton, of the San Antonio area school districts, Comal ISD is ranked second to Northside ISD in new home starts (1,228) and future lots (26,527). In terms of enrollment over the past five years, the district is the fourth-fastest growing in the Austin area and third fastest in the San Antonio area, after Northside ISD and North East ISD. “The growth of 864 students in a oneyear period is one of the strongest in the area,” Templeton said. High growth areas are along the State Highway 281 corridor in the Kinder Ranch, Indian Springs and Timberwood Park elementary school attendance zones, and Interstate 35 corridor in the Garden Ridge, Morningside, Clear Spring and Oak Creek elementary school attendance zones. Some of the potential subdivisions, ranked by future inventory are: Crescent Hills, Kinder Ranch, Vintage Oaks at the Vineyard, Four S Ranch, Comal Springs and Mystic Shores. Templeton said that Comal ISD could see 2,361 additional elementary students by 2017, with seven elementary schools over capacity by 2022. At the middle school level, 1,309 additional students are projected



by 2017 and an additional 1,274 high school students are expected by 2017. “Enrollment growth will pressure capacity at Canyon, Smithson Valley and Spring Branch middle schools by 2014,” he said. Kari Hutchison, deputy superintendent, reviewed the results of a long-range facilities survey and covered the purpose of the community Long-Range Facility Planning Committee. Six-hundred parents responded to the survey and board members and administration are currently gathering names of parents and community members to serve on the committee. “The goal is to invite 60 people to serve on the committee,” she said. “They will review and problem-solve and ultimately make recommendations to the school board.” Carr Hornbuckle, with Pfluger Architects, recapped discussion of the bond election planning process. “When you’re looking at future bond elections, you want to look at what types of schools do we need to build, where will they be located, when do they need to open and how much will they cost,” he said. “Within the next 10 years, we’re looking at two to three new middle schools, one to two high schools and five to seven elementary schools. So you’re looking at $550-$600 million to ask of this community for bond elections.” A $300 million bond package would carry an estimated two cent increase on the tax rate, according to Duane Westerman with SAMCO Capital Markets, based on various criteria. He reminded the board that Comal ISD is one of the few school districts in Texas with an additional 20 percent homestead exemption. This means that while the tax rate may be a little higher than neighboring districts, the amount of taxes paid on a $200,000 home averages $575 per year less in Comal ISD. “You have to take that into consideration,” he said. “Your tax rate looks artificially higher than neighboring districts.” Andrew Kim, superintendent of Comal ISD, told the board that administration is planning an in-depth background, experiential orientation for the Long Range Facility Planning Committee. “We will be looking at the factors and information to help answer the question, ‘what does this mean as a mindset to be a fast-growth district, like ours?’” he said. Drastata agreed. “In reality, we are a fast-growth district, and we have to look at these bond packages every two to four years,” he said.

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

JROTC Cadets Honor Our Country By Amanda Burris


or Katherine Hardy of Reagan, Trevor Wulff of Johnson, Victoria King of Clark and Walker Hobson of Smithson Valley High School, being a leader seems natural. They are all leaders in JROTC by the examples they set, or by leading their teams to success in competitions. As upcoming seniors, these individuals will also be leading their peers through the hallways and in their classrooms. These young individuals have dedicated countless hours to accomplish goals and have learned to set the standards high for themselves. By using JROTC as a

way to stay active in the community, these four have found that giving back is a way to represent and practice the values that this country was developed around. Welcome Home had the opportunity to interview each of these cadets and discover how they became involved in such an honorable program, and how it has shaped them into exemplary students and active members of the community. In honor of Independence Day, these cadets represent the future leaders that our country will have the pleasure of looking up to, as they grow more and more into the outstanding citizens of America that they have already proven to be.

Dalton McCord

Katherine Hardy

Dalton McCord, of Winston Churchill High School, was inspired to join the JROTC program due to his brother Andrew who was a role model to him. By seeing the opportunities that the program offered, along with the fun and involvement, Dalton looked forward to joining as a member himself. “Being involved in the program is a responsibility above most of the average teenager,” Dalton said. “Being part of this program means to be dedicated, and to form a bond with your teammates as brothers and sisters, to become a family where we don’t just see each other at practice, we see each other out of school and we are always there for each other if someone is in trouble. Our JROTC instructors help instill these kinds of values in all the incoming cadets, so that we always have someone there for us in a time of need.” By being part of this group, Dalton has had the chance to become a commander of the Physical Training team. As well as the leader of the Raiders team in the annual

competition. On these teams, Dalton has to act as a leader, believing that his peers will be r e s p o n s i bl e and put their trust in his decisions that will lead them to success. Dalton has many goals for his senior year. While hoping to gain a full Navy/ Marine ROTC scholarship, graduate suma cum lade and be accepted into A&M University into the Corps of Cadets, Dalton also hopes to have some fun and have his best year yet in JROTC. “[I hope to] be able to make JROTC fun for all the upcoming cadets,” Dalton explained, “and make sure that I do my best to be a role model to the freshmen, and set an example that they will remember for years to come in their lives.”

Trevor Wulff Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, Trevor Wulff is on the JROTC at Claudia Taylor Johnson High School. Inspired by his family, he has found that being involved in this program not only has taught him many valuable skills in life, but also has given him the opportunity to be part of a supportive and close group of individuals. “My dad was in the military and I always wanted to join the military after high school. JROTC enabled me to begin my leadership training and advance my interpersonal skills along with so much more,” Trevor said. “To me, being in JROTC is being a leader. I have learned to naturally lead peers.” Trevor understands the importance of being a leader to his fellow cadets. While stepping up and taking charge can be some of the qualities of a leader, Trevor feels that the focus should be to influence, motivate and inspire others. “Being a leader is making a difference and setting an example for others to

Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Katherine Hardy has found her place in JROTC at Ronald Reagan High School. While she originally planned on going into Cross Country, meeting some of the cadets from the program helped her to realize that she wanted to challenge herself and experience something new. “To be in this program means hard work and dedication and courage to step out of one’s comfort zone and be the leader,” Katherine said. “I remember how shy and quiet I could be at times and how terrifying standing up in front of a class to present was. JROTC broke me out of my shell and I have the courage to get out there and speak my mind.” JROTC has become Katherine’s home away from home where she has developed an abundance of friendships over the last three years. With fall bringing her final year at Reagan, Katherine has set various goals for herself, mainly based around the JROTC program. “As the Battalion Commander, I

hope to help improve the program at my school; as the Diamondback Drill Team com mander, the team’s goal is to make it to Army Nationals and Daytona Nationals, so we will certainly be working hard next year for practice; as the Female Raiders commander, my goal is to get my girls in shape and ready for the Raider competition next spring. For school in general, my goal is to not let “senioritis” get the better of me and maintain the high grades I typically receive.” As Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, Katherine has always done her best to set a good example for the other cadets. With hard work, dedication and always staying highly motivated, she has truly become an outstanding leader.

Walker Hobson follow. It is more than a title. It’s a characteristic that defines a rare type of person,” he said. Trevor has found he can be a leader as a Company Commander at Johnson High School. With this position, he has gotten the opportunity to work with other leaders and help many become one. Inspired by making a difference, especially to the freshmen, he has found that his position in JROTC is one that is meaningful and inspiring. “During senior year I hope to improve the battalion here at Johnson and over all set myself up for success. I’m looking at applying for WestPoint or the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M,” Trevor explained. “It should be a good year.”

July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Cadet Commander Walker Hobson of the Navy JROTC has proven to be not only a leader amongst his peers but an outstanding student at Smithson Valley High School. His involvement with in JROTC has consisted of over 5,000 hours of community service and dedication to his school and unit. “I was inspired to join [JROTC] by my grandfather who served in the US Marine Corps. He has been a huge inspiration in my life, and I hope that I can become half the man he is,” Walker said. As a member of the NJROTC at Smithson Valley, cadets are leaders and examples to many of their peers. “You have to constantly make sure that what you’re doing is what’s right, so that those that see you will be encouraged to do the right thing as well,” Walker commented. “I try to do this as best as I can so those around me will see the example that I set and try to emulate it.” After finishing off his junior year, Walker looks forward to his senior year


and has set many goals for himself. Some of his goals are to increase the size of his NJ ROTC unit, win the Distinguished U n i t Award, get accepted into Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and to be awarded a Navy ROTC Scholarship. Walker has found one of his favorite parts of being in JROTC at Smithson Valley is the sense of family that comes with being a unit. “You get to know everyone so well, and they have become some of my best friends,” he shared. “We all depend on each other so much, and I don’t consider them to be fellow students, but rather I consider them to be my brothers and sisters.”


Exercise Keeps You Motivated And Healthy At Every Age! By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 xercise is essential for everyone, a week. The benefits are seen each and including people 65 and over to every day. You probably know someone prevent injuries and illnesses, and to who seems to defy the laws of aging and preserve independence. Exercise regimens remains in top physical shape well beyond enable seniors to strengthen core muscles, their peers. At Independence Hill this is which helps to maintain stamina, balance not uncommon. There are many residents and strength. Countless research has shown enjoying these opportunities daily, loving that consistent and vigorous exercise it, and reaping the rewards! One resident throughout the later years can slow the is a primary example of this, as he is very clock down significantly. fit and running in competitions at the age of Whether you join a class or workout on 78. A couple of others are swimming laps your own, doing it consistently is the key. several times per week, practicing all the Make a plan and stick to it. That is why competition strokes. Independence Hill Retirement Community Everyone is encouraged to take part has up to 3 exercise classes per day 6 days in as many opportunities for exercise as


Step Into Decorating

By Mary Lozano-Jenkins The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 ummertime brings families closer certain items in order. Make sure you have: together and it’s the best time to look • Plenty of relaxing areas in your home at your home in a different way. Spring for your visitors and for your family. has come and gone, and it’s time to play and • Color and more color in everything you relax and enjoy time with family members own, from the patio table to the guest rooms we often do not see. Let’s take a look at the and bathrooms. Lime greens, yellows, and inside of our homes and make sure you have reds are always welcome to bring in the


possible. From regular fitness classes to Zumba, even Yoga or line dancing. There is something for everyone. Mrs. Glenn, a long time Independence Hill resident, has strong opinions on why exercise is a must. “After dealing with several medical issues including hip replacement, back surgery and arthritis; I made a decision that if I was going to live to be 100, I better make sure I keep moving. So first I joined the PACE group (People with Arthritis Can Exercise) and realized how much it improved my mobility. That was 14 years ago and I continue to workout several times per week at our Independence Hill fitness classes and I even lead the Saturday class!” Since most of the decline in health and mobility as we age is due to a lack of use, it is imperative to keep as active as possible no matter how small it may seem. The change in overall fitness will be noticed if a routine is consistent. Incorporating movement (walking, stationary cycling or water aerobics) with weight-bearing and summer mood. • Patterns to make things more interesting; summertime is the time for those stripes and plaids. • Water features are important during summer—in our homes they create so much relaxation and are very inviting. Place a fountain on the kitchen counter or even on that backyard patio. Summer is a great time to get the children involved in redecorating their rooms. Some fun, new bedding with fresh painted walls will give them an uplift for their return back to school. Have your summer wreath on your front door and always a few summer flowers by the entrance. Inside, fresh fruit

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July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

Senator Donna Campbell Joins Comal ISD’s Let’s Remember Drive Submitted By Jason Gordon enator Donna Campbell joined Comal ISD’s Let’s Remember Drive during a visit to Hoffmann Lane Elementary on May 28. The students and families of Comal ISD were conducting a dollar drive for the families in Moore, Oklahoma who lost loved ones and homes during the tornado on May 20. Collection containers were at every campus in the district, plus the Support Services Building in New Braunfels, on May 28 – 29 for the Let’s Remember Drive. One dollar per household meant a potential $18,000 toward relief for these families. Donations were given to the


Senator Campbell and Hoffmann Lane students Lauren Albracht (left) and Haile Ostrand at Let’s Remember Drive.

Salvation Army. “Giving to those in need is the first step in service learning and part of our culture in this district,” said Andrew Kim, superintendent of Comal ISD.

SVHS Sophomore Recognized For Skeet Shooting Submitted By Jason Gordon mithson Valley High School sophomore Colton Anderson was recently named to the National Sporting Clays Association Krieghoff AllAmerican Team for his accomplishments in the sport of skeet shooting. Of 25,000 competitors, only 210 received AllAmerican status and only 60 of the 210 were high school students. Achieving this honor requires considerable personal commitment to a specific goal, many hours of practice,


and exceptional skill. Colton is the son of Heidi and Matthew Anderson. He will receive special recognition at the National Sporting Clays Championship in San Antonio in October.

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Sophomore Colton Anderson named to the National Sporting Clays Asssociation Krieghoff AllAmerican Team.

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July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261



Summer Library Fun Submitted by Sam Salas, Librarian of Bulverde/Spring Branch Library he Bulverde/Spring Branch Library is ready for another summer with many events that kids and adults can enjoy during the month of July. Parents can bring their toddlers for Toddler Story Time, which is held each Monday at 10:30 a.m. The children can enjoy having stories read to them by Miss Becky. Each Tuesday night, kids can have fun taking part in Family LEGO Night. Come create a LEGO masterpiece together. All ages are welcome. Beginning Wednesday, July 17 at 10:30am, Preschool Story Time will return. Preschoolers can come enjoy hearing


stories read by Miss Connie that are geared more towards their age group. The Friends of the Library will have another Freaky Friday book sale on July 12 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Build your personal library with hardcovers, paperbacks, magazines and videos, all at discounted prices. The Bulverde/Spring Branch Art Group will have their works of art on display in the library hallway throughout the month of July. This month’s theme will be “flowers.” For information about the art display, contact Marlene Skaggs at marsbar@gvtc. com. For more information on these library events, call 830-438-4864 or visit the library’s website at www.bsblibrary.org.

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More Than 1,150 Comal ISD Graduates Walk The Strahan Coliseum Stage Submitted By Jason Gordon omal ISD graduated more than 1,150 seniors on June 1 at Strahan Coliseum in San Marcos. Canyon High started the pomp and circumstance in the morning with about 460 seniors crossing the stage. Smithson Valley High followed in the afternoon with nearly 500 seniors graduating, and Canyon Lake High followed with about 205 seniors receiving their diplomas. Each school also announced its valedictorian and salutatorian. Jayci Givens (CHS), Charles Cevallos (SVHS) and Katilyn DeHaven (CLHS) were named valedictorians. Caleb Connor (CHS), Caitlin Smith (SVHS), and Eric Schafer (CLHS) were named salutatorians. “We are the future,” Givens said. “We will move forward from this day and change the world.” Cevallos said experiences at SVHS would serve as a lifetime guide. “Looking back on all the memories here will propel us into the future,” Cevallos said. DeHaven spoke about the lessons learned while her class transitioned into adulthood. “This is the completion of the chapter called childhood,” DeHaven said. “You are the ones who will now decide where to go.”


CHS grad Ryan Cavalier shakes the hand of Superintendent Andrew Kim.

SVHS valedictorian Charles Cevallos and salutatorian Caitlin Smith are all smiles.

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July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261


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Stone Oak Business Association

When: Friday, July 26, 2013 7:00 to 10:00 PM Where: Canyon Spring Golf Club 24405 Wilderness Oak San Antonio, Texas 78260 Cost: $20 for Members | $25 for Non-Members

To RSVP: 210-348-8233 E-mail: soba@satx.rr.com www.stoneoakbusiness.com July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261



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July 2013 • Welcome Home • 78260/78261

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