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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas Postal Customer

June 2013 Issue


The Jenkins Interior Design Group

Alamo Kiwanis Club Charities, Inc. Presents

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June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

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Stone Oak Business Association Presents

Eat. Bowl. Play. NETWORK!


et The Games Begin! The Stone Oak Business Association invites you, along with your friends and family, to join us for an action-packed summer networking mixer at Main Event Entertainment.

Sometimes the best business relationships are forged through a little friendly competition. Join SOBA for a casual buffet, drinks, bowling and an old-fashioned good time with fellow professionals and potential clients.





Stone Oak Business Association

When: Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:30 to 8:00 PM Where: Main Event Entertainment Legacy Shopping Center 1911 N Loop 1604 E (East of US HWY 281 N) Cost: $20 for Members | $25 for Non-Members

Admission Includes: • Two Drink Tickets • Buffet • Bowling • $10 Fun Card for Games

To RSVP: 348-8233 E-mail: soba@satx.rr.com www.stoneoakbusiness.com 4


June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Note From The Publisher Celebrate Summer!

325 E. Sonterra Blvd. Suite 110 San Antonio, Texas 78258

Medical, Cosmetic & Surgical Dermatology


s I am writing this letter, I am caught up in the excitement of the NBA playoffs, so I decided to dust off a photo of my father and I with Sean Elliott. It’s not the greatest photo, but in the Groomer family, anything Spurs is great. The Spurs have had another great run this year and my family and I have been right there along with them. If you are one of the very, very few readers who don’t like to hear about the Spurs, don’t worry, as soon as we win the NBA Championship (Don’t let me down, boys!), I will mention them for just a few more months and then not until next year. I love going to the Spurs games because I go with my Mom and Dad. I treasure every moment I am blessed to spend with my parents. June is when we celebrate Father’s Day. Take the time this month to let the man who has been a father figure in your life know how much he has meant to you. Fathers are the men who are there for you – when you need them and when you think you don’t. My father always tried to teach me lessons but I just seemed to want to learn them the hard way. It’s not that my father was a bad teacher, it’s just that as I was growing up, I knew way too much to listen to him. As I grow older, my dad now teaches me without even having to say a word. Now, when I am in trouble or have a question, I think, “what would daddy do?” Or, I reflect on how he lived his life, and try to be the man he would want me to be. Remember to let your fathers know you love them. As a dad myself, I can assure you that we never get tired of hearing it. In May, we experienced some of the coolest weather on record, but this is San

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Antonio, so the hot, hot days are now upon us. We live in an incredibly beautiful city, so go outdoors and have a good time! Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, and all that the city has to offer. Be sure to visit theme parks, shops and downtown events. Remember to take care of your kids, your animals and yourselves. Stay hydrated and have fun! Welcome Home once again is a sponsor for Fiesta Noche del Rio. This is a live music and dance show at the Arneson River Theatre. I see this show every year and I love it even more every time. Take some friends, head downtown, relax and enjoy the show. Whether you are graduating from high school this month, heading into summer vacation or are parents celebrating summertime, remember to live in the present and enjoy each day. As always, if Welcome Home has inspired you to visit one of our advertisers, please let them know Welcome Home sent you!

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Until next month,

20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com

Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Managing Editor Kalyn Stralow

Contributing Photographers Northside ISD

Copy Editors Chasity Furse Amanda Burris

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Robert Steele Darcy Delamore

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer Contributing Writers Paula Allen Latoya Davis Leticia Herrera-Price Walter Lyssy Ben Ventresca Stacy Wisner

June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

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On The Cover

We want to share

By Kalyn Stralow ongratulations to the Class of 2013! As a newspaper that focuses on the successes and triumphs of youth in our community, Welcome Home has had the opportunity to watch the young men and women of the 2013 graduating class grow up. As their proud parents and educators have submitted stories to us over the past 12 years, we have had the privilege of spotlighting these students since they entered elementary school. How fun to now see so many familiar names and faces cross the stage with multiple awards, honors and scholarships as they graduate from high school! Photo By Chasity Furse Featured on this month’s Top-ranked 2013 Clark graduate, Harry MacTough. front cover is Tom C. Clark High School’s valedictorian. After spending four allowed him to achieve this honor. Continue years committed to academic success, Harry reading on page 9 for more about Harry’s MacTough emerged as the top student in accomplishments and plans for life after the 2013 graduating class. Congratulations, high school. Best wishes to the Class of 2013 as Harry! Welcome Home is proud to recognize they graduate from high school. We look Harry for the incredible hard work, forward to celebrating their future successes commitment and determination that as emerging leaders in our community and beyond.

community news! C R YOU

Submit stories, upcoming events and photos to: articles@welcomehomesa.com or welcomehomesa.com/submit-a-story Submission Guidelines: x x x x x

Optimal articles for print are 300-500 words in length Calendar submissions require date, time, location, cost, and RSVP information Send high resolution photos (greater than 300 dpi) Include a photo credit when applicable Include contact information for more details

Not a writer? No problem.

Each submission will be reviewed by our editing staff before going to print.

Family Life

Welcome Home Community Newspaper is pleased to offer this free service to the community. Upon submission of a story idea or photo, you give Welcome Home and its affiliates the right to use that submission without compensation. By submitting to Welcome Home, you guarantee that your material is sent with the express consent of the owner, and that its contents are non-proprietary and non-confidential. We cannot guarantee all announcements will be published. Welcome Home is under no obligation to use any idea, photo or article submitted. We reserve the right to edit or alter announcements for conciseness and grammar as needed and may need to prioritize certain events, for any reason, before publication.

 Mesquite

Art Show 

JUNE 28–30, 2013

Friday 1PM – 7PM • Saturday 9AM – 7PM • Sunday 9AM – 3PM

Over 25 Custom Artists All In One Space Once a Year—For Three Days Custom designed, custom made, solid mesquite wood furnishing, keepsakes, objects de art. Meet the artisans—all booths will be occupied by the artisan who designed and crafted the items on display.

FREE ENTRY • FREE PARKING Alzafar Shrine Center 901 North Loop 1604 W

Label Lingo


ant to do something special this summer that will last a lifetime? Teach your kids to read food labels. Just picture it: You have all of your little ones lined up in a row, anxiously awaiting your nutritional wisdom. What to do first? Let’s begin with our morning chant, “Down with sugar, up with whole grains! We choose foods that help our brains. Down with fat and up with lettuce, the grocery store is out to get us!” Harsh, you say? Perhaps the raised fists in the air are a bit much, but let’s start with the cereal aisle. All the cereals that have anything nutritional to offer are way up out of a kid’s reach, have four ingredients and boring earth-tone pictures of wheat on them. The kid’s eye level offerings have brightly

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By Debby Seguin

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colored superheroes on them and free glowin-the-dark decoder rings that can hook up to the NASA website and give free simulation rides in the space shuttle. The box says “naturally sweetened” as if you just walk out into some field and pick space-shuttle shaped cereal pieces with sugar coating right off the stalk. How about some truth in advertising here? The box should say, “Sugar is our #1 ingredient! Guaranteed to make your kids smile!” A ride at Disneyland should make my kid smile. What he eats should make him healthy. How about the little old ladies who give us free samples? They look like sweet, unassuming grandmas but you’d think they get paid by the sample. “Try our Bucket-O-Sardines, enough for the whole family!” (As if anyone but our cats would be interested). “Try a nibble of our cheese, bacon, sausage and beef tallow stuffed pita bread”, she croons. “What’s the fat content?” I ask. “Just try!” she says. “Fat grams?” I insist. “It’s delicious!” “Fat, please.” “It’s on sale!” “FAT, LADY!” “Oh, fine” she snaps. “Eight grams. Are you satisfied now?” “Only eight grams of fat? In one serving?” I ask, clearly interested. “Uh, no…in one nibble.” Teach your kids to read labels. It is a lifelong, or should I say long life, gift. Debby Seguin (who speaks fluent “labelese”) can be reached at writewell62@ yahoo.com.

(830) 980-8476


June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Mesquite: Great For Barbeque, But That’s Not All

Give your pool a new look with

CLEAR SPRINGS POOLS! Renovations • Construction • Repairs

Submitted By Walter Lyssy esquite is a wonderful wood for cooking when smoking a brisket or grilling a bunch of chickens. But that is not the only thing mesquite wood is good for. Most people do not know that it is one of the finest woods in America for crafting furniture and cabinets to flooring and keepsakes. It is a gorgeous wood with varying grain patterns which gives it a distinct character. Mesquite wood is almost never stained because of the natural beauty of the wood. It is also a very stable wood which means it is less prone to warping or twisting and once it has dried and is ready for use it does not shrink and expand like many of the more common woods that we are used to. There are a group of craftsmen who harvest, mill, dry and use mesquite wood in producing some very fine woodworking projects. Most of these individuals are from Texas and many from the San Antonio area. It takes a lot of time and effort to work with mesquite. The first step is to find and harvest a mesquite tree. There are many mesquite trees in Texas but only a few are large enough, straight enough and of good quality to be used as furniture wood. The next step is to mill the tree into lumber. In the last 30 years or so, the portable band saw mill has


become available, and there are a number of them operating in the South Texas area. These mills can be set up in a small area and do an excellent job of turning a mesquite log into lumber. Mesquite lumber does not give up moisture very easily. It takes almost a year for mesquite, which is one inch thick, to dry when the lumber is air-dried. Besides airdrying, a lot of mesquite lumber is kiln dried which speeds up the process. Once all of the steps are completed the very special lumber is ready to be used in fine woodworking. One will not find mesquite wood at the local stores and even at many of the specialty wood stores. It is almost necessary to know someone who has a supply of mesquite lumber to access it. When working with mesquite wood it is important to know how to get around the challenges of mesquite wood. There are many cracks, flaws, wormholes and other imperfections to work around. The wood is

very hard and sharp blades are needed in the shop. Most all of the craftsmen are older men, retired and do woodworking as a hobby. It takes a lot more time and expense to build something from mesquite wood than other more common woods such as oak or cherry but the end result is worth the effort. These artisans use mesquite wood, which is recused from the bulldozer. They process the wood and then create exceptionally fine pieces of furniture and keepsakes, which are custom designed and hand crafted. A fine piece of furniture made of mesquite wood, built by a really good craftsman is a piece that is probable going to be in the family for many generations. An opportunity to see many fine pieces crafted from Mesquite by a group of artisans, visit the Mesquite Art Show on June 28, 29 and 30 at the Alzafar Shrine Center. Entry and parking are free. Visit www.mesquiteartshow.com for more details.

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Nominate Your American Hero


o you have a loved one bravely serving our country overseas or right here at home? A son you pray for each day? A daughter whose phone calls from overseas you cherish? Someone in uniform whom you respect, miss or love? Nominate your soldier, and let Welcome Home spotlight them in our July issue! July is the month in which we celebrate the birth of our nation and the freedom under which it was founded. The members of the armed forces are the caretakers who work to defend this freedom, day in and day out. But they are also our husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters. Welcome Home would like to feature your soldier and remind our community of their sacrifices and love for our country. If you have someone who you would to nominate, email the following information to articles@welcomehomesa.com. Your first and last name, phone number and email address. Your soldier’s name, his/her relationship to you (son, wife, friend, etc.) Where your soldier is currently serving and their military branch, rank and unit. An explanation of why you are nominating them. We will contact you to let you know your soldier has been chosen to appear in our July issue and to gather additional information

including a photograph. Nominations can be accepted now through June 7, 2013. Thank you to our service members and

June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

their families for their strength and courage each and every day. God Bless America!


A hand up, not a handout. Visit HabitatSA.org

for more info or call 210.223.5203


Hormones-More Than Sex

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 ormones affect the way we think, act and feel to a great degree. I recently attended a seminar about testosterone replacement therapy for men. The physician, a board certified urologist, told us that in men treated for prostate cancer by completely eliminating testosterone, severe depression and anxiety were common side effects. The same depression and anxiety are seen in some men whose testosterone


level has declined due to age. The physician exclaimed, “Psychiatrists should check the testosterone level of a depressed male patient and give him what he really needs!” The audience laughed, but the statement is true — blood levels of hormones should be checked. If abnormal, hormones must be restored to optimal level. (There is no blood deficiency of anti-depressant). He also said that testosterone had a beneficial effect on restoring neurotransmitters. Side effects of testosterone therapy may include

We Keep You Rolling


By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

hile we’ve enjoyed the slow start to summer, the heat is coming fast! Because of the heat, it’s important to take extra precautions with your vehicle. This month we are focusing on four heatrelated concerns. 1. Keep your engine cool: Make sure the cooling system is flushed and the coolant is replaced periodically. Between flushes, make sure the coolant is filled to the proper levels. Inspect hoses and drive belts for cracking, soft spots or other signs of poor condition. Worn parts are more susceptible to failure in hot conditions. 2. Stay cool: Exceptionally high

temperatures can cause an uncomfortable ride. Take the time to get your vehicles air conditioning system serviced. Make sure it’s operating at maximum efficiency. 3. Avoid excessive heat where the rubber meets the road: Driving on underinflated tires can affect the handling and braking of a vehicle, but it also can cause tires to overheat and increase the likelihood of a blowout. 4. Have your battery tested: High temperatures can make the battery fluid evaporate, which damages the interior of the battery, and drastically shortens the life of the unit! Also, the high temperatures can

K9 Corner


ith the summer months here, I want to remind you of the seriousness of heatstroke. All too often people think their dog can cool themselves down after play or will stop playing if they feel overheated. Not true! Most dogs won’t stop until they’re about to collapse and then it might be too late. Dogs don’t sweat like humans so they have a harder time cooling off. Even on a not so hot or warm breezy day, your pet can quickly get overheated. This is a very serious condition and could cause death in a short period of time. Prevention is best but if you notice any of the following signs you must take action. If your pet seems listless, wobbly, is panting rapidly, has labored breathing, glazed eyes, and/or red, hot ears, it may be suffering from heatstroke. Drinking water is not always enough. If possible, immerse your pet in cool water (not ice cold) or lay cool, wet towels on him. You can apply ice packs to the head, neck and belly. Applying rubbing alcohol to the paw pads can also help. While trying to cool your pet, contact your veterinarian or the emergency hospital immediately.


testosterone to give her confidence and sexual zest. Thyroid is another little helper hormone that declines gradually as we age leading to cold hands and feet, constipation, and foggy thinking. One protocol for treating depression in either sex is to prescribe a tiny dose of thyroid along with the antidepressant for the synergistic affect. Blood levels before and after replacement should be checked. Youthful bio-identical hormones should be in the optimal range and not the reference range. Furthermore, hormone decline does not serve any positive biological function. We don’t need to dwindle until we die. Side effects and contraindications to hormone replacement need to be discussed in detail at the time of an appointment. Call me: Dr. Donna Becker at 545-5224.

encourage corrosion and deterioration. We have lots of savings this summer, so please stop by any of our four locations to take advantage of these offers: Wednesday is Ladies Day! Receive 10 percent off any repair, with no limit, for Ladies who drop off on Wednesdays. All first time customers receive a free one-hour diagnostic fee when repairs are performed. Refer a friend and have them mention your name and you receive a free oil change! “Chalk Board Special” is our Summer A/C Special: With this special we will do a full air conditioning service and will evacuate and recharge the system and check for leaks. We would like to remind you of two free roadside assistance options! Pronto Roadside Assistance or AcDelco Consumer Assurance Program is helping ensure that you are aided in your time of distress. Both programs’ offer nationwide 24-month/24,000 mile warranty and a

variety of other services to help you when you are in need. Don’t forget to check us out on the web for coupons and specials at beldensautomotive. com. We look forward to seeing you soon at any of our 4 locations. As always, from our family to yours: Buckle up and drive safe! Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Rusty Belden, Vice President. Belden’s Automotive & Tires has four locations: 13811 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78232, phone number (210) 494-0017; 29137 IH-10 W., Boerne, TX 78006, phone number (830) 981-9700; 8825 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, TX 78240, phone number (210) 481-3330; 22000 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78259, phone number (210) 690-1100. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive. com.

Clark Art Student Wins In National Competition

By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

Hot Fun In The Summer Time!

prostate enlargement. Breast enlargement in men who are taking testosterone is due to the change of testosterone into estrogen. So estrogen levels must be monitored as well. Sperm count, but not ejaculate, is usually decreased in testosterone replacement. I have definitely seen the similar debilitating mood changes in many women who have undergone a complete hysterectomy. Usually, the woman is replaced with a token amount of estradiol and nothing more. Without progesterone and testosterone, she may find that the smallest incident will cause her to cry, and that her happy camper self can switch into a raging fury in a nano-second. She does not need an anti-depressant, although that is what is commonly prescribed. She does not need to exercise more or drink more water—her brain needs progesterone to calm her and

Some things you can do to prevent heatstroke: Provide adequate shade and fresh water outside. Filling a kiddy pool is a nice way to keep your pet cool. Consider a summer cut for longer haired dogs. Be careful not to have your dog shaved to the skin. Did you know dogs can sunburn? DON’T EVER leave pets inside the car! Even with the windows down, the temperature of a car can reach 120 degrees in just 10 minutes! I’ve witnessed first-hand the aftermath of a dog that has died after accidentally being left in a closed car. It is a horrible, horrible death. PLEASE, don’t risk it! And please be an animal’s advocate when you are walking through parking lots. Take your walks during the cooler hours and bring water along for Fido. Remember, the pavement gets very hot, and although you can’t feel it through your sneakers, your dog’s paw pads aren’t so lucky. Keep in mind his level of activity during the winter months. If he’s packing on winter weight, don’t push him too quickly. You can also spend your days playing at the cool Beach Club at K9 Country Club!

NISD art winners (l-r): Linda Fleetwood and Brandi Casas, Marshall HS, third place; Mark Peavy and Duo Xu, Clark HS, first place; Jorge Palacios, Taft HS, second place and Elise Johnson.

Special To Welcome Home uo Xu, a student at Tom C. Clark High School, is this year’s recipient of the 2013 District 20 Congressional Art Award. Her first place oil painting, titled “Curiosity,” will hang in the U.S. Capitol with other Congressional winners for a period of one year. She and a parent will be flown to Washington, D.C. for the reception in early June, and will



receive a cash prize of $2,000. Other Northside ISD winners are Jorge Palacios, a Taft High School student who won second place, and Brandi Casas, a Marshall High School student who came in third place. Congratulations to Duo Xu and her fellow art students who have earned this honor!

June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Clark’s Harry MacTough Reaches Academic Pinnacle By Kalyn Stralow or academically driven students entering high school, there is one ultimate honor — graduating at the top of the class. Emerging as the top-ranked student at a large, scholastically rigorous school is no small feat. At Tom C. Clark High School, that position belongs to Harry MacTough, valedictorian of the Class of 2013. While Harry was always driven to succeed in school, it was never his ultimate goal to become the top student. Instead, he simply worked hard in his classes and is now reaping the rewards of four years of dedication. “I’ve always enjoyed school,” he explained. “I never consciously sought valedictorian but just had fun and tried my very best.” This is perhaps most evident in his diverse involvement both in and out of school. Despite his commitment to a heavy load of coursework that would earn him the number one rank in the class, Harry still found plenty of time to be involved in extracurricular activities. Harry has been active member of the Boy Scouts, Clark Interact Club, the cross country team and Quiz Bowl, in addition to his involvement


with his church and Guide Dog of Texas. With such broad interests outside of the classroom, Harry attributes his academic success to his ability to keep up with his schoolwork. Only missing two days of school in four years, Harry ensured that he never fell behind on any of his assignments. “I studied hard, slept very little, and asked lots of questions,” he recalled. “My advice to freshman entering high school would be to not look at school as a chore but to approach every single class, project, and assignment as a challenge and to try to have fun with studying.” Harry’s positive mentality on education is something he learned by example from a slew of excellent educators over the last 13 years. “I have had great teachers in each major subject area that have shown me how to enjoy studying and challenge myself in each area,” he said. Now, as Harry heads off to Texas A&M University in the fall, he will be able to apply that same study ethic as he begins working toward his Chemical Engineering degree. He chose his major, which plays to personal interests including science, math and the great outdoors, after seeking the advice of a number of industry professionals.

Cherice Chochrane Foundation Honors Teens

Submitted By Leticia Herrera-Price hase Guillory and Presley Price, two Amazing Teens from Louis D. Brandeis High School were honored by the Cherice Chochrane Foundation. Chase is a junior, an athlete and scholar and was honored as Teen Fiesta 2013. Presley Price, Miss San Antonio’s Outstanding Teen 2013 is a 15-year-old sophomore, an athlete and a scholar at Brandeis. Chase and Presley are active leaders in the San Antonio and surrounding communities and will continue to serve as volunteer leaders in the years to come. Presley’s platform is Teens Against Bullying and visits elementary and middle schools as well as youth organizations, speaking to students about bullying and focusing on building self-esteem and confidence in young children. “A Tribute to San Antonio Amazing Teens” was the theme at the Scholarship and Mentoring Awards Banquet sponsored by The Cherice Chochrane Foundation for Mentorships, held at the Kendrick Brandeis Students honored as Amazing Teens in San Antonio, Club, Randolph Air Force Base. Two Chase Guillory and Presley Price. The Cherice Chochrane Foundation both inside and outside the classroom,” said was established by Ms. Claudette Chochrane Lewis in loving memory of Ms. Lewis. “Booker T. Washington once her daughter Cherice, who passed on at a said ‘Success is to be measured not so much very young age. During her short life on by the position that one has reached in life this world, Cherice not only accomplished but by the obstacles which he has overcome things beyond her years, but she also while trying to succeed.’ Your demonstrated inspired and motivated others to pursue leadership, academic excellence and commitment to volunteerism are truly their dreams and goals. “In keeping with the theme: ‘A Tribute amazing and your parents and mentors are to Amazing Teens,’ I applaud each and proud!” The CCF honored 22 other teens from every one of you for your outstanding accomplishments in all of your endeavors throughout San Antonio.


June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

“After college I hope to become a petroleum engineer, but I am majoring in chemical engineering to have a broader engineering background,” Harry said. Harry MacTough and the Clark High School Class of 2013 graduate on Saturday, June 15. Congratulations and best wishes to Harry and his classmates as they celebrate the conclusion of this chapter of their lives.

TMI LAXmen Earn State, District Honors

The varsity lacrosse team from TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas.

Submitted By Paula Allen he lacrosse team from TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas has been recognized with multiple honors from the Texas High School Lacrosse league for the 2013 season. Senior Jose De Alba has been selected as an Academic All American, an honor awarded to only four players within the league who combine outstanding academic and athletic performance. At TMI, De Alba is a member of the National Honor Society; earlier this year, he was featured as a Scholar Athlete of the Week by KSAT-TV. He plans to attend Princeton University in the fall, where he will study international relations and political science. Panthers named to the league’s all-state honor team are: Garrick Cantrell, attack; De Alba, goalie; Dylan Hodge, midfield/faceoff; and Chuy Suday, defense. TMI players



named to all-district for San Antonio Division II are: GW Bodden, attack; Alex Graham, defense and Markell Henderson, midfield. Jonathan “JAC” Clark and Connor McMillian received Honorable Mention for defense and attack, respectively. TMI’s Head Lacrosse Coach John Beck was named San Antonio District Coach of the Year, an award that honors coaches who exemplify the ideals of the game and recognizes coaching performance and contribution. “We are thrilled to see that Coach Beck has been named San Antonio District 2013 Coach of the Year,” said TMI Athletic Becky Geyer. “He’s an outstanding leader and a first-class lacrosse coach. TMI grabbed four out of twelve All State positions, the highest number among any of the schools. We are very proud of the TMI lacrosse program and their passion to play and to grow the sport of lacrosse.”


Step Into Decorating

By Mary Lozano-Jenkins The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 his time of year can be extremely and catching up on spring cleaning and you busy. Combine the end of school may not know where to begin. with graduation, planning family As an Interior Designer, it’s my job to vacations, preparing a home for summer, assist my clients with paint, flooring and


Leon Springs Fundraiser Rolls In The “Dough” Special To Welcome Home eon Springs Elementary School Participated in Olive Garden’s Pennies for Pasta fundraiser benefiting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The fundraiser was organized by the Leon Springs Student Council. Taelor Brown’s fourth grade class was awarded a pasta party from Olive Garden for raising the most money of all the classes. Since Leon Springs collected more than $3,000, the winning class also received a field trip to Olive Garden. While there, the students learned about the various types of pasta, how to bake bread sticks, how to make pizza, and received a tour of the restaurant.


Gabby Moreno and Molly Pierce participate in “Pennies for Pasta.”

NISD College-Bound Seniors Awarded Scholarships Submitted By Debbie Pfitzenmaier ecurity Service Federal Credit Union (FCU) has awarded $1,000 scholarships to each of five Northside Independent School District (NISD) high school seniors. This year’s recipients include: Tom C. Clark High School senior Kelsey Wong, John Jay High School seniors Natalie Cormier and Mariah Cannon, William H. Taft High School senior Ilianna Walker and Communications Arts High School senior Jayme Greene. “What better way to give back to our community than to support these bright, future leaders as they pursue their college educations?” said Jim Laffoon, Security Service FCU president. “We select our recipients based on a strong academic record, well-rounded interests, a character of integrity and focused goals. Each of these students is outstanding in all these areas.” Kelsey Wong, Tom Clark High School, plans to attend University of Texas at Austin to study biology and pursue a career in dermatology. Wong is a member of both the National and Spanish Honor Societies. She serves in several leadership positions including student council member, class treasurer, and Clark Student Ambassador. Active in the Interact Club, she also volunteers at Odyssey Hospice and SA Humane Society. Natalie Cormier, of John Jay Science and Engineering Academy, is an ROTC Flight Commander, AP Scholar and member of National and Spanish Honor Societies. She serves as Book Club president and participates in several organizations including UIL, Girl Scouts, Mu Alpha



Theta and Camp LEAD. Cormier plans to attend The University of Texas at Austin and pursue a career in chemical engineering. Mariah Cannon, John Jay Science and Engineering Academy, is an honor student, athlete and science and math scholar. A member of the National Honor Society, she is also an active volleyball player and captain of her JV soccer team. She plans on attending Baylor University to study nursing. Ilianna Walker, William H. Taft High School, is valedictorian of the Taft High School Class of 2013. A distinguished graduate of Northside Independent School District, Walker has served in several leadership positions including National Honor Society secretary, German National Honor Society vice president, Air Force JROTC chief of staff and laurel president of her Latter Day Saint Youth Group. Having received the President’s Education award and American Veterans National Award, Walker also earned Academic Achievement awards in English, German and history. Walker plans to attend Brigham Young University with the goal of becoming an obstetrician/gynecologist. Jayme Greene, Communications Arts High School, is an AP scholar, member of the National Honor Society and secretary for National Spanish Honor Society. An accomplished musician, Greene participates in the Youth Orchestra of San Antonio, UIL Solo & Ensemble and marching band. She plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin to study architecture. The awards are part of the SSFCU community scholarship program. Over the

furniture selects. Organization and Feng Shui can also become important as each client begins to make his or her selections. How each client feels emotionally is often taken into consideration when selecting colors, lighting and items for a home. The colors we select for our homes can project different emotions creating a restful setting or a busy and chaotic feeling. The ambience of a room…the music, lighting, fabrics… are all an important part of the creation. Introduce summer to your patios with bright colors and great textures. Finish up

those last minute items on your list and call us if you need any assistance. We are having a fabulous drapery and art promotion this month. Your Home is Your Castle! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer at mjkg1@aol.com or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Designer at jessicacjenkins@gmail. com or 210-464-1519. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com.

Local Student Goes The Distance

Submitted By Stacy Wisner n June 16, Lopez Middle School student Alex Becker will run his first full marathon (26.2 miles) in Vancouver, WA at the Vancouver USA Marathon. He is using this opportunity to raise funds to help fund research to find a cure for hydrocephalus in honor of his young neighbor and Hardy Oak student, Morgan Hawk. Five-year-old Morgan was born with hydrocephalus and had his first brain surgery Five year old Hardy Oak Elementary student, Morgan Hawk, whose before he was even one neighbor and friend will run his first marathon in his honor. month old. He has had a total Hydrocephalus can strike at any age of five brain surgeries so far. Hydrocephalus is a common disorder, and there are 180 different causes. One also known as “water on the brain.” The million people in the United States have standard treatment, a shunt, was developed hydrocephalus. Alex, 13, has run seven half marathons in 1952 and has a 50 percent failure rate after just two years, which is the reason so since he was 10 years old but this will many have to have multiple brain surgeries be his first full marathon. Donations can be accepted at www.gofundme.com/ just to stay alive. There is no cure and very little research. runforhydro. All donations will be given The National Institutes of Health spends directly to the Hydrocephalus Research 60 cents per person with hydrocephalus, Guild in Seattle, WA. For more information, per year, compared to $300 per person, visit www.hydroresearch.org. Links can per year, with Juvenile Diabetes, though also be found on the Lopez Middle School the prevalence of the disease is the same. website at www.neisd.net/lopez.


(from left) Shamzy Romero, SSFCU business development officer; Jayme Green, senior at Communications Arts High School; Ilianna Walker, senior at William H. Taft High School; Kelsey Wong, senior at Tom Clark High School; Natalie Cormier, senior at John Jay Science and Engineering Academy; and Jessica Leal, SSFCU senior communications specialist.

past 23 years, the credit union has presented in excess of $210,000 to more than 265 college-bound students. The scholarships, which can be used to pay for tuition, books,


lab fees and other related educational expenses, will help these outstanding students attain their educational objectives and professional goals.

June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Dream Team Raises The Standard

Susan Moulton Named Miss Texas Pageant Woman Of Achievement

Special To Welcome Home n Saturday, April 6, Miss San Antonio Brooklyn Dippo honored her mentor and friend, Susan Moulton, as a Woman of Achievement at the 2nd Annual Woman of Achievement Banquet in Allen, TX. Susan is the founder of The Will Smith Charitable Foundation, named after her young son, Will, who was tragically killed in a car accident in Maui in 2007. The banquet invites Miss Texas hopefuls – like Brooklyn – to nominate a woman in their community who has made a difference. Brooklyn, a senior and honor roll student at TMI - The Episcopal School of Texas, first met Susan at the annual Will Smith Charitable Foundation gala. Brooklyn was volunteering at the event. So inspired by Susan and her work with The Will Smith Foundation, Brooklyn decided to nominate Susan as a Woman of Achievement. The two instantly connected, tethered by the loss of Susan’s son to an impaired driver and Brooklyn’s platform, “Drive Safe, Not Silly,” which emphasizes the importance of safe, non-distracted driving. “Susan founded The Will Smith Foundation just months after her son’s death,” explained Brooklyn. “Its focus is to provide positive life experiences for children through art, music and acts of compassion – all in the name of her son. Susan turned a tragedy into a philanthropic effort to impact the lives of countless young children and that is what makes her a Woman of Achievement.” Will was a cheerful, joyous young boy who always thought about how he could help others. He touched the lives of many. The Will Smith Foundation has ensured Will’s benevolent and giving spirit will carry on and continue to touch lives. To date, the foundation has supported countless humanitarian efforts and bettered the lives of children here in Texas and as far


AAU District Champions, the Dream Team dedicated their medals and game to Cindy Matteson of Cindy’s Pink Ninjas (center).

Submitted By Latoya Davis on’t write these boys off because they wear pink! When the Dream Team steps on the court, they mean business. City by city, this team is making a name for themselves, all while putting San Antonio basketball on the map. Defining Rules and Establishing A Mark (DREAM) is what the Dream Team is all about. Dream Team was formed in July 2012 by Stacey Adams and Anthony Walker. The desire to start a basketball team that played for more than winning trophies inspired the drive to create a team that played for purpose. Dream Team plays on behalf of cancer survivors and their families. With each win, the trophy is dedicated to a survivor or to the family member of someone who has passed away due to cancer. What greater gift can we give the boys on the team than the gift of humility? It has been said many times that basketball should be used as a tool to get where one desires to be in life. Well, why not inspire others along the journey? A brief encounter with Cindy Matteson,


of Cindy’s Pink Ninjas, at a Sonic DriveIn fundraiser created a unique partnership. Cindy’s Pink Ninjas and Dream Team share the common bond of finding a cure for breast cancer. Dream Team partners with Cindy in many of her fundraising efforts, including the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Cindy and her “ninjas” come out to support Dream Team in many of their home games and fundraising efforts as well. The Dream Team organization has an eighth and a ninth grade team. The boys on both teams have shown tremendous leadership qualities on and off the court. With all of their outstanding off-court achievements, it is their performance on the basketball court that leaves fans in awe. Dream Team has established themselves as the team to beat in San Antonio and surrounding areas. Without a doubt, when Dream Team hits the court, prepare yourself for spectacular passes, precise shots and unstoppable defense. With a giving heart and a helping hand, Dream Team has raised the standard in youth boys’ basketball one trophy at a time.

Campaigning For A Cure

By Amanda Burris aniel Edelen has become not only an inspiration, but through campaigning and sharing his story, has become an image of hope. While not many can take a difficult time in their lives and turn it into a positive thing, Daniel has done just that by using the opportunity to change the lives of others. Daniel was diagnosed with Leukemia at age seven. It was a parent’s nightmare come true as their son was forced to face three years and four months of chemotherapy. His other treatments included three surgeries, 21 spinal taps, 22 blood and platelet transfusions, 88 days in the hospital, over 55 IV treatments through his port, daily chemo pills and cranial radiation. “The diagnosis and subsequent treatment was the hardest thing our family has ever been through,” said Chris and Joan Edelen, Daniel’s parents. “We are so grateful to God for Daniel’s healing, for excellent medical care Daniel received and all the prayers that our family and friends said for Daniel and


our family.” Daniel is now considered cured and on his sixth year of treatment. While the 16-year-old’s days of his personal battle with Leukemia are over, Daniel now works to help make a difference for others facing the same struggle. The Leukemia and Lymphoma society puts on a national 10-week fundraiser campaign for numerous communities to raise funds to help find cures for blood cancers. Known as the Man and Woman of the Year Campaign, community members are nominated to compete in a fundraiser in honor of children who are local blood cancer survivors. Daniel is the first childhood survivor to run for Man of the Year. Daniel’s campaign, known as Daniel Be Hopeful, focused on sharing his story and reaching out to the community for support. “It is a way for me to give back, because if others had not donated before I was sick, I wouldn’t be here,” Daniel said. “I hope that by telling other people about my journey it will give them HOPE that they can get

June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Susan Moulton, Woman of Achievement, with Brooklyn Dippo, Miss San Antonio.

as Africa and in Hawaii. “Will was very compassionate and understood that not everyone was blessed with the life he had,” added Brooklyn. “He always wanted to share with others, and that’s exactly what his foundation does now.” Will inspired his mother to fill other’s lives with cheer and happiness. Each year, Susan organizes a special gala to remember her son and raise money to help others in our community. The Will Smith Charitable Foundation helps facilitates to educational opportunities, safety programs, athletic events, theatre productions, abuse shelters, and special outings – all aimed at making life better for deserving children that need an extra hand. To learn more about The Will Smith Foundation, please visit www. thewillsmithfoundation.org.

through their disease and survive it like I did.” Big names such as Peyton Manning, Bruce Bowen, Mayor Julian Castro, Rick Cavender and Greg Simmons have done public service announcements and have shown their support for his cause. “This campaign has been very uplifting for our family,” Daniel’s parents shared. “We are so happy to see the positive effect it has had on Daniel and are so pleased with his attitude of wanting to give back and set a positive role model for other children and people diagnosed with a blood cancer.” On May 16, all of the hard work paid off and Daniel was not only named Man of the Year, but also set a national record for the campaign, raising $466,000. By the end of June, Daniel and his family will find out if this accomplishment still stands as the national record holder, but regardless, they are happy to have made a difference and to have spread hope.


16-year-old Daniel Edelen, San Antonio Man of the Year for 2013.


Brandeis Air Force JROTC Aces Nationals

By Amanda Burris ntegrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do.” These are the core values of the Air Force. For the Brandeis Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC), these values are practiced and executed throughout each school year and at all of the competitions that they attend. There are two drill teams that are extracurricular activities with AFJROTC. The armed drill team, the Nighthawks, consists of 21 members and is typically made up of male cadets who become proficient with Springfield 1903 rifles (replica versions). The unarmed drill team, the Blue Aces, has 20 members and is typically female cadets who perform using their hands, arms and legs in a choreographed routine. Both of these teams have worked hard to earn titles at many competitions this year. After both teams earned a RunnerUp Air Force National Champions title in Washington D.C. during Spring Break, the team went on to gather more accomplishments. On May 5 – 6 the teams went to the All-Service National High School Drill Team Championships held in Daytona Beach, Florida. At this competition, each team was given the opportunity to participate in all phases of the competition and was evaluated by active duty members of the four branches of service. This highest level of competition included inspection, regulation drill, large exhibition, small exhibition and color guard. There were over 70 high schools from all over the U.S. in attendance and Brandeis walked away with


14 trophies. The Blue Aces, commanded by Cadet Captain Janie Rosales, who was second best commander in the nation, took first place in the flight exhibition phase, second in the regulation phase and third in the inspection phase. The Color Guard, commanded by Cadet Lt. Colonel Lauren Snyder, placed fourth at the competition. As for the Nighthawks, commanded by Cadet Major Alexander Usseglio, they placed first in platoon and squad exhibition and third in the regulation phases. The Color Guard, commanded by 1st Lt. Bradley Dozier, placed first in the Color Guard phase. The tandem team of Cadet Dozier and Cadet 1st Lt. Andrew Grove achieved a second place finish. In the knockout drill phase, Cadet 1st Lt. James Inglis placed third and Cadet 1st Lt. Neil Bergonio placed first in the nation. Both the Blue Aces and the Nighthawks earned Runner-Up National Champions honors in their respective divisions as well. It takes a lot of dedication to be involved in the Brandeis AFJROTC and to reach the level where these accomplishments are earned at competition. Both of the teams started their practices when school began in August. From there, they practiced 14 hours every week which involves two hours during the school week and four hours on Saturdays. Many students also found time to practice during or before school to further perfect their routines. As hard working individuals, these students gain so much from the experience of being involved in these programs. “All our cadets, regardless of grade level, have increased self-confidence, character,

The Brandeis unarmed drill team, the Blue Aces.

personal discipline and respect for good citizenship,” said Colonel Patrick Lopardi, Brandeis AFJROTC. “They not only display this while in AFJROTC classes but in all classes and in out-of-school settings as well. Our cadets are active in their community, display academic excellence, leadership, character and physical fitness. Basically, our cadets become better U.S. citizens.” As this year comes to an end, the AFJROTC has so much to be proud of. By making their name known and hard work apparent at each competition, the cadets have also developed into a unified team of many leaders. “While there is so much to be proud of as the AFJROTC Senior Aerospace Science Instructor at Brandeis High School,” said Colonel Lopardi, “I am most proud of our cadets! Their conduct, demeanor, academic

The Brandeis armed drill team, the Nighthawks.

excellence, cohesion as a team, dedication, pride in their Corps and their determination to be the best, far exceeded my expectations. As this school year draws to an end, we wish all of our graduating seniors the best of luck and look forward to another rewarding school year next year.”

Top Bronco Receives Texas Scholars Award Special To Welcome Home yler Tschirhart, son of Mark and Cindy Tschirhart and student at Louis D. Brandeis High School, is one of 50 2013 State Farm Texas Scholars. The award honors Texas high school seniors who demonstrate strong community involvement as well as involvement in any UIL sanctioned competition. Tyler is ranked one out of 604 students at Brandeis, making him the 2013 class valedictorian. He is a National Honor Society and Latin National Honor society member and successfully completed 12 Pre-AP/Honors courses and 12 Advanced Placement/Dual Credit courses. Earning top scores on multiple AP exams, Tyler has also been acknowledged as an AP Scholar with Distinction. Tyler will graduate with 30+ hours of college credit for the scores he achieved on his AP Exams as well as his Dual Credit courses.


Tyler is also a Texas Music Scholar and earned Magna Cum Laude and Cum Laude distinctions on the National Latin Exam. He is a member of the Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics Honor Society and captain of Brandies High School Science Bowl team. Tyler served in the school band as Band President and Brass Commander. Previously, he has served as its Vice President and Low Brass Section Leader. He sits first chair tuba in the Varsity Band and Full Orchestra, as well as having participated in the German Polka Band. As a participant in a quintet, he earned a First Division Rating at State Solo and Ensemble Competition in Austin, Texas while performing “Three Pieces” by Maurer. Serving as Vice President of his graduating class he played an active role in preparing for prom. He has been a member of the NISD District UIL Science Team and a member of the Latin and German Clubs, having participated at the State level for

Tech And Gadgets, As Seen On Pinterest


By Winfield Little Owner of Kuhlhost.com (210) 452-2029

interest is a great way to find some inspiration each day as you scroll through pinned pictures of interesting ideas. We at Kuhlhost have put together some of our favorite Tech boards to follow


that pump us up each day. These boards cover a few different topics as we look at pictures of amazing things and overall just cool stuff. Check out the Pinterest boards that we have listed below.

both. In addition to serving at his church, Tyler has volunteered at St. Luke’s Baptist Hospital for the past three years. He has given his time in the Neurology Unit, the Pathology Lab, the Surgical Pavilion, and the Intensive Care Unit, assisting nurses and hospital staff with patient care and administrative duties. Tyler has given over 100 hours of volunteer time to St. Luke’s Baptist Hospital and its patients. Tyler also gives his time to the Garcia Middle School Science Bowl team, helping keep younger students’ interest in science alive. He gives them direction in their studies as well as in building their model hydrogen fuel cell car. His freshman year, Tyler helped to develop a community awareness program at Carl Wanke Elementary School to warn parents and students about the dangers of the internet and child safety. Upon graduation, Tyler will attend the One of the boards that we have is called “High tech – always on the edge”. In this board we have high tech gadgets, web trends, software, photography, audio and video. If you can spare some money, take a look online at the following link to find something unique to purchase: www. pinterest.com/squerne/high-tech-alwayson-the-edge. Another interesting board, “Home Screens,” shows what some of the leaders in the startup and tech world have as their mobile home screens. This board is fun because it offers a peek at some of the


2013 Texas Scholars Award recipient and Brandeis High School valedictorian, Tyler Tshirhart.

University of Texas at Austin, where he plans to study biochemistry, followed by medical school to become a neurosurgeon. personal touches of industry leaders and how they organize their mobile devices. To check out this board, visit: www.pinterest. com/thenextweb/home-screens. The last board we would like to share with you is the “Tech & Gadgets” board. This includes the best technology, latest gadgets, coolest electronics and attentiongrabbing design concepts. To see these interest-provoking gadgets, check out www. pinterest.com/mashable/tech-gadgets. Kuhlhost hopes these boards give you a little bit of technology inspiration! Happy pinning!

June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

June Calendar of Events 10 WEST MEETING: SUCCESS IS A JOURNEY Thu, June 20 (Maggiano’s Little Italy, 17603 I-10). 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Join the 10 West Business Association for lunch and a special presentation by Manuel Diotte, motivational speaker and author of “Success Is A Journey”. The cost is $15 for members and $25 for non-members. For more information or to RSVP, call 210-348-8233 or email info@10westbusiness.com. SOBA JUNE MEETING Thu, June 27 (Main Event Entertainment, 1911 N. Loop 1604 E.). 5:30 – 8 p.m. Let the Games Begin! The Stone Oak Business Association invites you, along with your friends and family, to join us for an actionpacked summer networking mixer at Main Event Entertainment. Join SOBA for a casual buffet, drinks, bowling and an old-fashioned good time with fellow professionals and potential clients. The cost is $20 for Members and $25 for Non-members. To RSVP call 210-348-8233 or email soba@satx.rr.com. STAAR TESTING Mon, April 1 – Fri, July 12 (Dates vary based on grade level and sections, makeup days are also available). The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is the new rigorous program that focuses on readiness for success in subsequent grades and courses and, ultimately, for college and career. For more information, visit www. tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/staar/. RIVER CITY RUN – 5K RUNNING TOUR Sat, May 4 – Sun June 30 (Alamo Plaza). 8 a.m. River City Run is a 5K running tour of downtown San Antonio that takes place every Saturday and Sunday at 8 a.m. The course is a group oriented jog with 15 stops along the way where we share interesting and historical information about numerous landmarks with our runners. Please register prior to the run of your choice through our website registration page at www.rivercityrunsa.com Also, please feel free to contact us with any questions at 210-201-3786 or rivercityrunsa@gmail.com. This is a great activity for locals, visitors, singles and families to enjoy together! POOCH PARADE Sat, June 1 (Phil Hardberger Park West, 8400 N.W. Military Hwy.). 9 – 11 a.m. Bring your dog on a leash to the annual pooch parade located in the field behind the playground. Walk with your dog on the trails with the San Antonio Big Dawgs Association at 9:30 a.m. Pooch Parade starts at 10:15 a.m. Prizes awarded for most unique, best costume and cutest dog. For program inquires call 210207-3106 or 210-226-8339. A donation of $3 per individual or $5 per family is suggested. (All donations fund the Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy). To find out more, visit www. philhardbergerpark.org. SAN ANTONIO SUMMER ART & JAZZ FESTIVAL Sat, June 1 (1300 N. Main Ave. at Cypress Street). 12 p.m. One of San Antonio’s best jazz festival returns for the 11th season! The San Antonio Summer Art & Jazz Festival is a free, three-day event featuring an outstanding line-up of local and nationally known jazz artists, an arts & crafts fair and delicious local foods. To find out more, visit www. sanantoniosummerartjazzfestival.com/.

SUMMER READING PROGRAM Sat, June 1 (San Antonio Public Library branches). Registration for the San Antonio Public Library’s Summer Reading program opens on June 1. Learn more about the programs and events for children, teens and adults by visiting mysapl.org/srp or contact 210-207-2500 for more information. BRIDAL EXTRAVAGANZA Sun, June 2 (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, 200 E. Market St.). 12 – 5 p.m. The Bridal Extravaganza is Central Texas’ largest bridal show! Tickets are $15. Children 12 and under are free. Featuring a special presentation by designer, beauty and fashion expert Randy Faneoli star of TLC’s Say Yes to the Dress, Randy to the Rescue, Randy Knows Best, and author of It´s All About the Dress. To find out more visit www. saweddings.com SUMMER FENCING CAMPS Mon, June 3 – Fri, Aug. 23 (dates and camps vary). Your kids will learn from Coach Vellizar, a US Olympian, World Champion, Pan-American Champion & National fencing Champion! The Olympic sport of fencing provides a great physical and mental workout and is lots of fun to learn to do. Learning to fence is a challenging mix of physical and tactical training that is equally suited to boys and girls age 6 & up. Our fencing program is provided in a safe environment and we emphasize safety rules at all times. To find out more or register, call 210-872-2004 or visit www.olympianfencing.com/summer-schoolfencing-camps/. TEXAS FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL Fri, June 7 – Sun, June 9 (UTSA HemisFair Park Campus, 801 E. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd.). Fri 5 – 11 p.m., Sat 11 a.m. – 11 p.m., Sun 12 – 7 p.m. Join in the celebration of all things Texas at the Texas Folklife Festival. Hosted at The Institute of Texan Cultures, this threeday cultural extravaganza brings more than 40 ethnic groups together in one place to showcase their authentic food, traditional music and dance and authentic crafts. Come celebrate your heritage and share in a Texas tradition. BARK IN THE PARK Sat, June 8 (McAllister Park Dog Park, 13102 Jones Maltsberger Road). 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Come join us to celebrate your pet or adopt a pet from the Animal Defense League. Family fun with food trucks, Kona Ice, entertainment and much, much more! There will be a raffle, dog house build silent auction, low cost pet vaccinations and more. 5K Fun Run starts at 9 a.m. for $20. To find out more, visit www.wcrsanantonio.org. SUMMER FUN DAY AT HARDBERGER PARK Sat, June 8 (Phil Hardberger Park West, 8400 NW Military Hwy.). 8 – 10 a.m. Bring the family our for FREE fitness fun with the 2013 San Antonio Sports Fit Family Challenge! Families can sharpen their soccer skills with players from the San Antonio Scorpions, participate in a bike rodeo, race in the human Hamster Ball and hang with the Spurs Coyote! One lucky family will also win the first $1,000 prize of the 2013 Fit Family Challenge! Sign up today at FitFamilyChallenge.com.

June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

SUMMER WINEFEST Sun, June 9 (Boiler House Texas Grill & Wine Garden, 312 Pearl Pkwy., Building 3). 12 – 4 p.m. Enjoy summer served the Boiler House way –grilled and chilled and set to music featuring cool beverages and grilled gourmet treats and meats including baby lamb, suckling pig, quail, local sausage, and venison, pared with gourmet taco bar offerings. To find out more, call 210-3454644 or visit www.boilerhousesa.com. PINT SIZED SCIENCE CAMP Mon, June 10 – Fri, June 14 (San Antonio’s Children Museum, 305 E. Houston St.). 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Ages: 4 – 6. Calling all budding scientists! We invite your child to discover the world around them in our Pint Sized Science Summer Camp. We’ll spark their curious minds with marble racetracks, slithering creatures, and a few things that go... boom! Snack will be provided (please indicate any food allergies at time of registration)! For more information, visit sakids.org Contact: Mary Compton, Group Sales & Marketing Administrator at mary@sakids.org or 210-212-4453 ext. 1310. SUMMER TEACHER INSTITUTE: EVERY OBJECT TELLS A STORY Tues, Jun 11 – Thu, June 13 (McNay Art Museum, 6000 N. New Braunfels Ave.). 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. This summer, teachers experience three days of storytelling, art making and careful visual investigation. Teachers earn 18 hours of continuing professional education credit for attending all three days. Fee includes lunch on Thursday and museum admission all three days. Two or more teachers from the same school may receive a discount. Registration deadline is June 6. For more information, call 210-8051768 or go to www.mcnayart.org. 3RD ANNUAL ART IN THE DARK Thu, June 13 (Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway St.). 6:30 – 9 p.m. Meet some of the best artists, potters and sculptors in San Antonio that have donated their art to Art in the Dark. Each piece will be draped and the artist will discuss the piece and show other works they have designed. You can touch the art…but no peeking. Guests will have the opportunity to bid on the art throughout the evening. The San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind Choir will provide entertainment throughout the evening. Tickets are $25. For more information or to purchase tickets contact Nancy Lipton at 210-531-1533 or nlipton@salighthouse.org or visit www. SAlighthouse.org/events. CONCERT UNDER THE STARS Thu, June 13. (San Antonio Botanical Gardens, 555 Funston Pl.). Gates open at 6 p.m. and music starts at 7 p.m. Admission is $5. Bring your own seating. No outside food is permitted. Food will be available for purchase by the RK Group and beverages for purchase will include wine, beer, soft drinks and water. For more information, call 210207-3250. BRANDEIS H.S. GRADUATION Fri, June 14 (The Alamodome, 100 Montana St.). 3 p.m. Join the Brandeis graduates as they graduate from high school! CLARK H.S. GRADUATION Sat, June 15 (The Alamodome, 100 Montana St.). 3 p.m. Celebrate the Clark


graduates as they graduate from high school! ULTIMATE LOUISIANA PARTY Sun, June 16 (The Reggae Bar, 2016 Austin Hwy.). 4 p.m. – 2 a.m. Ultimate Louisiana Party Juneteenth Featuring: Henry Turner Jr. & Flavor $10 cover charge Free Red Beans & Rice, Skillet Cornbread. There will be Music, Food and Vendors. To find out more call 210-646-9939. JUNETEENTH Wed, June 19. Observances throughout the city, including a picnic, festival, Freedom Fair, and cultural celebrations honoring the date, June 19, 1865, the day that Texas slaves received word of the Emancipation Proclamation. To find out more information and to find an event, visit www. juneteenthsanantonio.com. ETSY CRAFT PARTY Thu, June 20 (Tres Rebecas, 117 W. Mistletoe). 6:30 p.m. Join this event for a night of fun, food and crafts. This year’s theme is “Craft for the Community”. This is a free event but we do ask that you bring a small side dish (5-6 servings) highlighting your favorite San Antonio style and/or flavor. In addition to crafting activities and yummy treats, we will be having some cool door prizes as well! To register for this event, visit www.etsycraftparty-sanantonio-zvents. eventbrite.com/. NEW SUMMER TENNIS LEAGUES Thu, June 20. Texas Team Tennis is a new local organization who is currently organizing Mylan World Team Tennis Leagues in San Antonio. This unique and exciting format features co-ed teams, coaching and player substitutions during the match. A minimum of two men and two women can form a team! This season begins June 20th. The matches are scheduled on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. and local winners have the opportunity to advance to national qualifiers and national championship. To request a team or get more information about our tennis leagues, go to www.texasteamtennis.com. TEXAS COMICON Fri, June 21 – Sun, June 23 (San Antonio Event Center, 8111 Meadow Leaf Dr.). Fri. 12 – 8 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Visit Texas Comicon to meet some of your favorite movie and TV stars! Plus, some of the biggest comic book writers and artists in the industry! Visit www.texascomicon. com/ for more details and to purchase tickets. DISNEY JUNIOR DOC MCSTUFFINS CLINIC/EVENT Wed, June 26 (St. Judes Ranch for Children in Bulverde, 1400 Ridge Creek Ln.). 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. This event, sponsored by North Central Baptist Hospital, includes Doc McStuffins clinic, Doc McStuffins Arts and Crafts, Radio Disney songs, games, dancing, a water slide, health and wellness vendors and other kid-related activities. This event is for the children that reside at the St. Judes Ranch as well as open to the community. Contact Jennifer Meachum, North Central Baptist Hospital, 210-297-4910, for information on space reservations. Fax the completed reservation form to 297-0400, ATTN: Jennifer Meachum or email to jmmeachu@ baptisthealthsystem.com by no later than June 14th.


Business For Breakfast With 10 West By Amanda Burris he 10 West Business Association members started their Monday morning off right at Mimi’s Café on April 29. While Monday mornings are rarely anticipated with any eagerness, the large group in attendance had a great time networking over breakfast and coffee. After checking in, members had a chance to mingle with other business professionals from their area. With new faces mixed in alongside familiar members, it was a great way to begin the week. The meeting was officially set into motion when the 10 West staff invited everyone in attendance to introduce themselves and tell a little about their company. A delicious breakfast was served by the Mimi’s Café, beginning with an oversized muffin. While guests were chatting amongst those sitting at each table, a plate filled with an omelet and potato wedges were brought out. As people finished eating, many stayed engrossed in the conversations around them, while others ventured off to other tables to pick back up on earlier ones or continue to meet new people. While Monday mornings are often met with a sense of dread, this particular event, which inspired networking and provided great food, was the perfect combination to start the workweek on a high note. The 10 West Business Association would like to thank Mimi’s Café for hosting this successful event and providing great service and food. The 10 West members and community have shown an amazing response to all the events thus far and


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Rusty Belden Vice President

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continued to do so with this breakfast. For those interested in finding out more about the 10 West Business Association or who would like to attend the next meeting, please consider joining the organization for “Success is a Journey,” a luncheon at Maggiano’s on Thursday, June 20. Both members and non-members are invited to enjoy a full lunch, including Maggiano’s delicious pasta, salad and bread, while hearing from renowned motivational speaker and author, Manual Diotte. For more information, including other upcoming events and membership inquiries, please call the 10 West office at 210-3488233 or visit www.10westbusiness.com.

10 West Business Association Welcomes Koko FitClub

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he future of fitness has joined the 10 West Business Association! 10 West is proud to welcome “the world’s first and only automated personal training studio” to its growing business community. Thanks to amazingly innovative technology, Koko FitClub replaces the personal trainer with a method to precisely analyze each member’s unique fitness level and design a customized training plan based on individual fitness goals to deliver “the world’s best 30 minute workout.” “Koko FitClub isn’t just another ‘gym,’” said owner Paul W. Kummer. “It is a totally


new fitness solution for men and women who have given up on traditional gyms due to high cost, poor results or lack of time.” The new Koko FitClub is located at 11703 Huebner Rd, Ste 113, in the Huebner Commons shopping center. This location has been open since January 2013, and clients have already seen drastic results in their journey toward health and wellness. For more information on this location, please call 210-368-2041. To join Koko FitClub or try a free demonstration of the Koko Smartraining System, visit the website at www.kokofitclub.com.

June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

10 West Business Association Luncheon featuring:

"Success is a Journey" World-renowned author of the hit books, “Happiness is a Pair of Shorts!” and “Success is a Journey,” Manny Diotte works with and speaks for organizations that want to inspire their people to perform at their best on a daily basis and to help them reach their potential. For over 20 years, Manny has provided thought-provoking insight and business success to increase sales, service, performance and leadership. He has generated millions for his clients. Manny has been compared to the industry giants Zig Ziglar, Les Brown and Tony Robbins. He is the founder of theferrarikid.org and was a contributing author to the #1 New York Best Seller “Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul.”

When: Thursday, June 20 11:45 AM – 1:30 PM Where: Maggiano’s Little Italy at the Rim 17603 IH 10 W Cost: Members – $15, Non-Members – $25 (members & non-members invited to attend)

E-mail: info@10westbusiness.com

To RSVP, call 348-8233 or visit www.10westbusiness.com June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257



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June 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

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