March 2014 78258 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Stone Oak, Canyon Springs, Vineyards, and Rogers Ranch and immediate areas Postal Customer

March 2014 Issue


The Jenkins Interior Design Group

Call for your spring makeover. Mary Lozano Jenkins 210.325.3720

Jessica C. Jenkins


This Spring...





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SERVICE TIMES: Sunday Worship 9:30 – 10:45 AM Children’s Sunday Ministry 8:45 – 9:45 AM Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 – 8:00 PM

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258


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Production Manager: C. CAPOSINO Project Manager: L. WILMESMEIER


DPI: 300


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The official Event Planners for A Taste of the Northside

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 5:30pm to 10:30pm

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2/7/2014 3:38:39 PM

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Note From The Publisher

Life Only Gets Better


arch is always a great time of year for me. It’s the birthday month of both of my children. My son, Blake, will be 22 and my daughter, Rashell, will be 18. I am fast approaching the time when I will become an empty nester. It brings a smile when I think of this term because I have always associated this phrase with being old. What’s interesting is that I don’t feel old. I feel better than I have in twenty years. I feel more alive and more aware than I ever have in my life. I wake every morning with a joy for living. With that being said, let me tell you of a couple of events my company is involved with that we would love for you to participate in. On March 27th, we are hosting a seminar with a special guest speaker, Manuel Diotte. Manny, is one of the most sought after speakers in his field and is a personal friend of mine. He has agreed to speak at the Drury Plaza North to bring his message of growing your business. Every person I know can use Manny’s positive message for increasing their sales. This is an event you can send your whole sales staff to. You will never have a better opportunity to hear a more dynamic speaker in your lifetime. Look on page 30 for more information on this event. March is also the month for Reagan and Johnson High School students to turn in their essays and applications for the Stone Oak Business Association’s scholarships. We have been so privileged to be able to support our local schools high school seniors each year for the past eleven years by providing scholarships for graduating seniors. Our company has always believed in giving back to the community which supports us.

We are also one of the proud sponsors for Taste of The Northside in April. Every year this event continues to inspire and represent the Northside as one of the best Fiesta events. I love seeing many of my friends and family attend this event and I love being a part of this event since I know it benefits the children from the Brighton School. The Brighton School is an incredible member of our community and provides an invaluable service for these children and their families. Come by our booth and have your photo taken in front of the Welcome Home front cover. As you are going on your Spring Break vacations be sure and share with us your adventures. We love to hear what our community is doing as a family. Remember, if you have a feel good story in any of our areas, please let us know so that we can share it with our community. We are here to spread the good news about our community and the great people who live here. Please remember to support the businesses that make this paper possible and let them know you saw them in Welcome Home. One final thought until next month... GO SPURS GO!!!

Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Managing Editor Amanda Burris

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Libby Thorman

Administrative Assistant Julia Wickwire Sierra Hernandez


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20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

Office Manager Chasity Furse


Staff Writers Debby Seguin Contributing Photographers Chasity Furse Deb Martilla

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Contributing Writers Catherine Bulatao Tina Galindo Kathy Johnson J. Kaiser Kelly Lepeska LTC Paul Loveless Kimberly Neville Lindsay Richard Margaret Rizzo Michelle Shaw Julie Teplitz Jennifer Townsend Melissa Volz Risa Weinberger Yangki Wojcik


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On The Cover By Amanda Burris t takes more than just talent to be in the Reagan High School Choir. Students must also be willing to dedicate their time, work hard, be involved in auditions and competitions and push themselves to new lengths. This month, Welcome Home had the opportunity to highlight the Choir program and feature freshman Mikayla Simonsen, sophomore Eric Kenneth Johnson, junior Carter Sharp and senior Elizabeth Seitter, all choir students, on our front cover. While choir does consist of singing, the student are involved in constant events throughout the year which ultimately give them opportunities to improve musically while also building relationships and making Photo Credit: Chasity Furse life-long friendships. As the students prepare for Reagan Choir members (Back row) Eric Johnson and Carter competitions and shows throughout Sharp with (front row) Elizabeth Seitter​and Mikayla Simonsen. the year, it is their fellow classmates, director Mary Cowart. “This is not an easy the booster club, their voice instructors, job and I don’t always feel that I am equal family and of course their wonderful to the task, but working with these kids directors that continue to motivate and reminds me every day why I do this.” encourage them along the way. To learn more about what the choir “They make me smile and they fill my program consists of at Reagan and to read heart with joy and love as I watch them about some of their involvement this year learn and grow and mature,” said choir and programs to come, turn to page 11.


Family Life

Ode To Spring Break RHEUMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES of SOUTH TEXAS Kevin J. Kempf, M.D. Everett H. Allen, M.D. Thomas A. Rennie, M.D. Gautam Moorjani, M.D. Emily T. Marx, M.D.

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By Debby Seguin


hh, Spring Break. How do I love thee? Let me count the days… Now, I’m a teacher, and you may think this a disloyal sentiment. After all, it is my calling and I should be only too happy spending my days training, influencing, shaping young minds, being positive, energetic and upbeat, and selflessly giving day after day after…oh, sorry. Um-m, yes, Spring Break. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the kids. I love the kids. (Who called me Pinocchio?!) It’s not the school lunches. (Whoops! It’s growing again!). So why do I count the days until Spring Break arrives? It’s…it’s…O.K! It’s MATH CLASS! (My therapist was right, that DOES feel better. Only 11 steps to go…) Now, you may be thinking “Hello? Agility




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It’s not rocket science.” Yeah? Well, let me tell you, pal, it’s not like the old days. Remember when Sally had two apples, Johnny had five apples, how many apples did they have altogether? Just try THIS: Shahirisse had ten apples. She gave 1/3 of them to the animal shelter and of the remaining apples, four were given to Hapejnah, who cut them into thirds, saving 15 seeds for his Arbor Day Civics project, then climbed three flights of stairs with 14 stairs per flight and gave 2/3 of the slices to Su Yong Po who proceeded to eat 3/5, saving the remaining slices for her brother and two sisters who were attending self-awareness training. How many apples do Shahirisse and Hapejnah have left altogether? Huh? Exactly. Not being so judgmental NOW, are we, hmmm? I now separate math questions into a 1-tylenol group, a 2-tylenol group and the “let’s just give ‘em the answers out of the teacher’s manual and make a blood pact of silence” group. Spring Break used to mean beaches and sunshine but now it means a slight reprieve from studying my “Math for Dummies” (beginner version) book. It’s five glorious days of not having to say or hear the words “factor,” “angle,” or “length of the hypotenuse to the 4th power.” And if my own kids need any help with the M-word, I say, “Sorry honey, you’ll have to ask your teacher!” as they hear faint, maniacal laughter drifting through my locked door… Debby Seguin (who switched to language arts where everything “makes sense”) can be reached at writewell62@

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

5th Grader Keynote Speaker At Symposium Special To Welcome Home fifth grader at Wilderness Oak had the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at the Leader in Me Symposium on Thursday, January 23 at the Norris Convention Center. Elijah Kahlenberg was chosen to speak to the more than 825 people in attendance. Kahlenberg did an amazing job sharing what the Leader In Me program has done to help him become a better leader. On that very same day, Wilderness Oak opened their doors to 85 educators and administrators for a day of learning and fun. Wilderness Oak holds the status of a Lighthouse School, the first in the North East School District. The school adopted Steven Covey’s Leader In Me program, which is based on his book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” in 2010 and since then teachers, administrators and staff learned about and began teaching the 7 habits and


integrated them into their daily routine to teach students to be independent leaders. The school is very proud of their students and how amazing they have done over the years learning and teaching others what a leader truly means. Brooklyn Garcia, a first grader in Mrs. Foltz class, said a leader is “ helping my brother without my mom asking me to.” And Tyler Hurst, another first grader in Mrs. Foltz class said, “Being a leader is making good choices even when no one is watching.” During the tour visitors were invited into classrooms to experience a Leader in Me classroom in action. Visitors were able to ask students questions about being a leader and look at a variety of different aspects of Leader In Me; the morning meetings, data notebooks, student led conferences, curriculum integration as well as leadership roles. The student leaders also presented

Annual NEISD PTA Book Sale Submitted By Michelle Shaw he NEISD Council of PTAs is sponsoring the 12th Annual Used Book Sale with the help and participation of local parent teacher associations from schools in the North East Independent School District. The sale of more than 80,000 books will be held at Blossom Athletic Center in Littleton Gym located at 12002 Jones Maltsberger Road, the first weekend in April. More than twenty-five book categories


are represented including cookbooks, romance, mystery and thrillers, sci-fi and fantasy, classics, health and fitness, biography, business, hobbies, how-to, self-help, religious and inspirational, fiction, reference, western, military, history, parenting and childcare, art, young adult, comics, and DVDs as well as an ENORMOUS selection of children’s books that includes picture books, board books, chapter books, and series books. The sale begins the first weekend in April and continues as a three-day event: Friday,

Elijah Kahlenberg and his mother with Stacia Fitzsimon (principal) and Kathy Johnson (counselor) at the Leader In Me Symposium at Norris Convention Center.

their leadership jobs. It was an AWESOME day for all of the student leaders!

April 4 and Saturday, April 5 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, April 6 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hardbacks and DVDs are still priced at $1 and paperbacks at $.50. Sunday is the ever-popular bag sale day where a bag can be purchased for $15 and stuffed to the brim with all the books that can fit. Additional bags on Sunday can be purchased for $10 each. Cash AND credit cards are accepted. Please, no checks. Used book sale proceeds will fund PTA projects such as the Blossom Scholarship

Fourth grade student leader Ryan Love speaks on the Recycling Club to visitors.

Fund, Arts in Education, Health Education Awareness, Alcohol and Drug Education, Project Graduation, Bicycle Rodeos and many, many others. These projects benefit students throughout the North East Independent School District. Please support the PTA and get some FANTASTIC buys at the same time. It’s the best bargain in town. And at these prices, there is something for everyone! For additional information, please email Stacy Husted at or call her at 210-748-3150.


— $10,000 REWARD — Nico is still missing. Hi. I live in the Stone Mountain subdivision in Stone Oak and I’m looking for my cat that has been missing since April 26, 2013. If anybody has seen Nico or recently adopted a cat without knowing that he belongs to somebody that loves him very much, please call Debbie at (210) 497–7170 —or take him to the nearest vet to check his microchip. Please help me find my Nico by going to and click on “Like” and “Share” below Nico’s pics to help spread the word. There is a $10,000 REWARD for the return of my Nico. Your help is greatly appreciated, Debbie

19141 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste 605 · (210)494-5858 *5230 DeZavala Rd, Ste 234 · (210)558-0636 *SOON MOVING TO: 10003 NW Military Hwy, Ste 1103

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258


We Keep You Rolling


By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

nfortunately, we meet many of our customers on a day that everything seems to be going wrong. Few of us budget, much less plan, for a vehicle to break down. We are caught unprepared for both the time away from the vehicles we use every day, and for the financial strain of unexpected vehicle repairs. Because Belden’s Automotive and Tires understands that auto repair can be a major stressor, our goal is to create the best possible experience during our customer’s time of

need. Belden’s Automotive and Tires is about relationships. When a customer walks in the door, he or she will be greeted warmly, and our trained service writers will assist in getting the customer the best assistance possible; customer service is our highest priority. We offer free Wi-Fi, comfortable waiting rooms with fruit, coffee, flat-screen TVs, and reading material and work stations. Our goal is to make the time spent as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

Not only can car repair be frustrating, but it can also be confusing. For those not technical or without car know-how, one often feels anxious about information received concerning complicated vehicle repairs. Our family at Belden’s strives to educate our customers, allowing them to make the best decision. Our service writers aim to speak in laymen’s terms so as to not overwhelm the customer with auto repair jargon, as today’s vehicles and components can be complicated. The peace-of-mind that comes with repairing a vehicle at Belden’s is that we offer support to each of our customers. Not only do we offer complimentary pick-up or dropoff service, but we also provide discounted rental support for customers in need of short-term transportation. Additionally, Belden’s is proud of our 24 month, 24,000 mile Nationwide warranty, ensuring that our customers are taken care of in the event that

repair is needed. Belden’s also provides two different kinds of roadside assistance to help customers stuck out on the road – ask your Service Advisor for details. Belden’s Automotive and Tires wants to be your neighborhood garage! We are here to help during those frustrating breakdown moments. But don’t forget, we also offer Diesel repairs, tires and perform custom exhaust work. Don’t forget to check us out on the web for coupons and specials at www. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive and Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Five Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830-9819700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330. For more information, call one of the locations or visit

Hornet Teachers Have Buzzing Success

By Amanda Burris his 2013-2014 school year, Hardy Oak has had the pleasure of having yet another year of outstanding teachers. While each teacher has been successful in their classrooms in various ways, two stood out and were recognized for their efforts. Kristi York, a first grade teacher, won the Trinity Prize of Excellence and Bridgett Dunlap, third grade co-teacher in special education, was named Teacher of the Year on campus. The Trinity Prize of Excellence is an award given by Trinity University’s Department of Education to outstanding teachers from pre-kinder through 12th grade. To receive this award, Kristi York had to be nominated by her fellow teachers at Hardy Oak. The award is given to those who exhibit outstanding teaching practices and educational leadership. “Kristi is the perfect teacher for this award,” said Hardy Oak Principal, Lola Folkes. “She is a master teacher, is involved in our school, loves the children and is adored by our parents and staff. Kristi works extremely well with all students and is our inclusion teacher in first grade.” York found that her calling was teaching a little later in her life. Originally in retail and corporate sales, she eventually decided,


with the encouragement of her husband, that getting into education was her perfect fit. York has now been at Hardy Oak for six years and continues to change the lives of many children each year. “My goal as a teacher is always to help my students to grow academically, socially and emotionally,” York said. “I want to teach them the content they need while giving them life skills that will help them to be successful now and as they grow in their school careers. More than anything, I want them to leave knowing that I want what is best for them and that I will always love them.” Through challenging her students and enjoying seeing them succeed, York is continually proving her dedication and commitment to education, which is exactly what the Trinity Prize is all about. For Bridgett Dunlap, being named Teacher of the Year for Hardy Oak is an honor that has the potential to make it to further levels of recognition. To qualify for this title, she had was nominated by a teacher then earned the overall vote from the school. “This award means so much to me and I will always cherish being nominated and selected by my peers,” Dunlap said. “I am probably the most surprised by receiving this award because I enjoy my job so very much. I come to ‘work’ and work hard trying to

Parman Library News Corner By Tim Johnson, MLS Librarian II Parman Library at Stone Oak San Antonio Public Library (210)207-2703 unxsutawney Phil postulated and predicted plenty of post-February polar plunges but even that prodigious rodent


can’t stop spring from coming. Parman has plenty of programs to help make a push for warmer days. We have designed a series of DIY courses on a wide variety of subjects: altered books, basket weaving, beading, coffee, couponing, photo transfers, and woodcarving. More courses will follow in April so be on the

find the key that helps each individual child understand learning. I truly feel I do not have to work with children, but I get to work with children.” Dunlap has had the opportunity to work in various grade levels in NEISD. Starting as a substitute then an assistant, she went on to teach kindergarten at Wilderness Oak and Hardy Oak. After also teaching first grade for two years, she decided to use her Special Education background and accepted her current position as a co-teacher with Andrea Palen in 3rd grade. “I absolutely love working with students who need a little extra to be successful,” Dunlap said. “I welcome differences in children and unique learning styles. Every child is different and their success depends on me unlocking the key to achievement.” Her passion for teaching and hard work made Dunlap stand out to her peers to be voted as Hardy Oak’s Teacher of the Year. “[Bridgett] is a fabulous teacher who loves the children,” Principal Folkes said. “She is extremely patient and believes in her students. She spends a great deal of time before, during and after school working with her students to make sure they are successful. She so deserves this honor.” Dunlap will now have the opportunity to earn this title at a district level. Through

W 8

• Accounting coached by Mrs. Kiz Mannheimer: Senior Alex Arndt, Juniors Ethan Swallows, Ian Durben, Trent Yeglic, and Emilio Mena. • Number Sense coached by Mrs. Yangki Wojcik: Freshman Michael Lange, Senior Sai Annaluru, Junior Liam Crumm, and Sophomore Christina Zhu • Calculator coached by Mrs. Yangki Wojcik: Junior NewNew Cheng, Senior Rocky Luo, Freshmen Michael Lange, Drew Neely, and MD Sunbeam • Mathematics coached by Mrs. Yangki

a packet of questions, a district committee will select a representative from elementary, middle and high schools for this honor and from there, one final district Teacher of the Year will be named. As Hardy Oak Elementary School continues their legacy of success, there is no doubt that it is due to the outstanding teachers who work there. Congratulations to both Bridgett Dunlap and Kristi York on their success.

lookout for our follow-up selections. Please sign up online at We are hosting another ACT practice test on March 2 at 1:30 p.m. Interested parties should sign up online. During the week of spring break we will have a special Monday Teen Time where participants will experiment with snap circuits. Tuesday will cover squishy circuits. These events, of course are in honor of Teen Tech Week. On March 11 we will have the San Antonio

Astronomical Association out and again attempt a Parman Star Party (Mother Nature conspired against us in February, forcing a reschedule). Please check our calendar for a full listing of all our programs including board games, book clubs, story times and more. Stop by or call the branch with any questions. As always, we’ll see you at the library.

Wojcik: Freshman Michael Lange, Seniors Sai Annaluru and JT Pirog, Junior NewNew Cheng • Current Events coached by Mr. Kirby Whitehead: Seniors Fernando Acuna and Matt Lassman • Science coached by Mr. Tye Pannkuk: Seniors Carson Casey, JT Pirgo, Jonathan Balraj, and Sai Annaluru • Social Studies coached by Mr. Kirby Whitehead: Seniors Andres and Kathryn Miller • Spelling coached by Mrs. Rebecca

Robinson: Sophomore Nicole Major and Junior Emiliano Reyes • Computer Science coached by Mr. Wayne Becken: Juniors Liam Crumm and Austin Ikerd, Senior Abraham Adberstein • Ready Writing coached by Miss Michelle Hunter: Senior Destinee Steele • Journalism coached by Miss Monique Sondoval: Jaymi Morris, Lauren Morris, Nathan Ryan, Urub Khawaja, Nellie Jaafar

Reagan UIL Sweeps Academic Meet Submitted By Yangki Wojcik e would like to congratulate the Ronald Reagan High School UIL Academic team for sweeping another meet. Reagan received first place sweepstakes at the MacArthur Meet on January 25. This was the fourth first place sweepstakes the team received this year. Supporters would like to applaud the individuals and coaches who have been working hard for this huge success. Congratulations to all of the UIL participants. Keep up the good work, Reagan!

Kristi York, winner of the Trinity Prize, and Bridgett Dunlap, Teacher of the Year for Hardy Oak.

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Signing On The Dotted Line

Reagan senior Ty Summers, signs his letter of intent to play football at TCU in the Big 12 Conference after previously having being committed to Rice.

By Ben Spicer sk any college sports fan, and they’ll tell you Christmas comes in February. That’s because the first Wednesday in February every year is officially National Signing Day for collegiate athletics. National Signing Day is the first day a high school senior can sign a binding national letter of intent for certain college sports, most notably football. And while graduating athletes are free to sign an offer at a later date, most university athletic departments and coaching staffs attempt to finalize their incoming class on that day. But for the athletes themselves and their families, the day is one of celebration for all the hard work students have done throughout high school. “It’s a relief, and it’s exciting, and it’s nerve-wracking at the same time,” Krista Kolbinskie, senior volleyball player for Reagan High School said. “I’m just really excited and truly blessed to have the people in my life that got me to this point.” By signing a National Letter of Intent, a prospective student-athlete agrees to attend a designated college or university for one academic year. Institutions in return agree to provide financial aid to the student-athlete, provided he or she is admitted to the school and is eligible for financial aid under NCAA rules. “This a dream come true for my family, but mainly for my daughter,” Edwina Kolbinskie, mother of Krista said. “She has worked since age three in organized sports for this day. She had lots of opportunities to go to a lot of different places, but I’m just so grateful that she ended up Arkansas – she’s got family there, and it felt like home immediately.” The process to chose a school can be an intense and pressure filled one for an


athlete. Colleges recruit high profile athletes intensely, and some recruiters will say whatever it takes to get a player to their school. “It’s a business, so coaches will kinda say things cause they’re trying to convince you,” Reagan senior Ty Summers said. “They might promise something they might not be able to keep.” The day however can also be tough for coaches as occasionally an 18-year-old might change their mind. And it is never fun for a student to have to tell a coach he’s decided to go a different direction. Ty Summers for example originally committed to Rice to play football but decommitted prior to signing day to sign with TCU. “It’s not fun, I felt bad about it, cause I had committed to them and I respected all those coaches. But in the end, I felt like it was the best decision for me, for my future.” Sometimes decision-making on the day is helped by family loyalty – like a father who played at a particular school, or a sibling already on the team, and makes the decision a little easier. Darion McElhannon, a senior football player at Johnson, was one of nine seniors at the school who signed letters of intent this year. He and another one of his teammates signed on to play football at the Air Force Academy. “This is a great day, the kids have been focused on going to the Air Force Academy for a number of years,” Neal McElhannon, father of Darion, said. “They are excited about playing together. I played football at the Air Force Academy so I guess they’re keeping with tradition – so we’re pretty excited in the McElhannon house. We couldn’t be any happier, we’re pretty blessed for the whole thing.” Glenda Rast, mother JC Rast the other

Krista Kolbinskie, seen with her family, signed her letter of intent to play volleyball at the University of Arkansas.

Johnson signee to Air Force, could hardly contain her enthusiasm for the day as she gushed about her son with pride. “We’re really really proud of him, he’s worked really hard. He deserves this opportunity,” she said. “Being a retired air force lieutenant colonel I am just bursting inside with pride, I couldn’t be prouder of him.” For families, signees and their guests,

Welcome Home Community Newspaper’s Known Signing Day Signees Churchill High School Rachel Gurinsky, Soccer, St. Mary’s Univ. Alicia Smith, Track, Texas Southern Univ. Lucas Saenz, Football, Texas A&M Comm. Deja Morrow, Football, Texas A&M Comm. Johnson High School Nick Dauphine, Soccer, Lubbock Christian Caitlin Schwarz, Soccer, Sam Houston St. Nia Stallings, Soccer, Rice Sarah Fish, Soccer, Ouchita Baptist Tiana Soulas, Soccer, Ouchita Baptist Robert Ford, Track, USC (Univ. of So. Cal) Robert Ballard, Football, Stephen F Austin Darion McElhannon, Football, Air Force JC Rast, Football, Air Force Jeremiah McCutcheon, Football, Wayland Baptist Brandeis High School Corey Hayes, Football, Houston Baptist U. Jonathan Robinson, Football, Texas A&M Kingsville Chase Guillory, Football, Harvard Univ. Larry Stephens, Football, Angelo State U. Johnny Garcia, Football,Texas Lutheran U. Roxana Cruz, Soccer, St. Mary’s University Clark High School R’Mani Bettis, Football, Wayland Baptist

Reagan Thespian Troupe Earns Honors Submitted By J. Kaiser he Reagan Thespian Troupe #6151 traveled to Dallas in November for the annual Texas State Thespian Convention. Mr. James Kaiser, troupe sponsor and Mrs. Gloria Robinson, co-sponsor, took 50 of Reagan’s theatre students to the convention to compete in individual events, audition for colleges and scholarships as well as participate in workshops. For the individual events, students


performed in front of a panel of three judges. Students had to earn an aggregate score of 270 out of a 300 possible points from the judges in order to be a national qualifier. National qualifiers are then eligible to compete at the International Thespian Convention in Lincoln, Nebraska at the end of June. The Reagan Thespians had national qualifiers in all of the following categories: • Solo Acting – Julia Toney • Duet Acting – Zoie Kruger, Chase

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

signing day is a day that is filled with picture taking, food, and cheer. “It (The day) exemplifies all the hard work that he put in year-in-year out,” Jerrod Summers, father of TCU signee Ty Summers said. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for him to play college sports, but the reality is it’s the means to the end. Because football will end. But the character he had to build to get to where he is, that will last him a lifetime.”

Bradshaw • Group Acting – Julia Stier, Kolby Jacobs, Kristen Peeler • Solo Musical – Bethany MacLeay • Duet Musical – Corbyn Sprayberry, Michele Yamin • Group Musical – Abbie Roberts, Antonio Abarca, Bianca Garza, Daniel Seavers, Gabriella Dyson, John Abiassi, Jordan Dohogne, Juliana Zepeda, Lily Myatt, Madison Merritt, Mason Wilhite, Nick Hone, Rachel Ryan, Samantha Lopez,

Smithson Valley High School Garrett Smith, Football, Louisiana Monroe Forrest Forte, Football, Navy Joseph Barsalou, Football, W. Texas A&M Tyler Coiner, Football, Morehead State Shane Piatnik, Football, University of the Incarnate Word Zach Carroll-Ramirez, Football, Mary Hardin Baylor Brady Melde, Football, Abilene Christian Anna Cozart, Track, TCU Taylor Hawes, Track, Texas A&M C.C. Reagan High School Ty Summers, Football, TCU Nick Hardy, Football, Yale Trent Walker, Football, Trinity Daerek Wilson, Football, St. John’s (Minn) Krista Kolbinskie, Volleyball, Arkansas Connor Bjugstad, Golf, Odessa Jr. College Taryn Sherman, Soccer, UTEP Nikki Popa, Soccer, Univ of Incarnate Word Carly Hankins, Soccer, University of Incarnate Word Ashley Long, Soccer, Sam Houston State Maggie Miller, Soccer, OLLU Bryan Warhurst, Baseball, Hill Country Junior College Drew Brooks, Baseball, Hill Country Junior College

Savannah Mortenson and Tim Watson • Stage Management – Sabrina Fields • Costume Design – Hilary Rubio • Costume Construction – Makaylah Gebott • Theatre Marketing – Nikki Bowman Reagan had more national qualifiers in the individual events than any other Texas high school at the convention. Tomas Sanchez-Rodriguez and Zoie Kruger also each earned $1,000 Thespian Scholarships for their college expenses.


The Upside of Downsizing

By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 or many people, making the move some of the following: Do you really to a retirement community means need the large house and the rooms you downsizing and parting with rarely go into? Is maintaining your home sentimental possessions. As this is hard for becoming more of a burden to yourself than many to do, it is much more fun when it is a pleasure? What is physically and mentally not viewed as a negative thing, but a new most important to you right now? positive chapter in life. Downsizing can actually be perceived as When you can sit back and honestly you finding a new home that better fits your evaluate your situation by asking yourself a lifestyle. This allows you to focus on things few simple questions, it makes the process you would like to do versus worrying about much easier and more pleasant. Start with the things you must do as a homeowner.


By planning ahead, you are in control and looking for services and amenities that are important to you and not just settling somewhere. Remind yourself that having to keep up with a part of the home you never use or climbing a ladder to change a light bulb is simply not sensible. In fact, most accidents among seniors happen at home while taking care of simple daily tasks. Having the freedom from home maintenance allows you the opportunity to socialize and participate in all the things you have talked about doing but have not had the chance. Most retirement communities have an array of social activities that allow you to rekindle past hobbies and explore new and exciting ones. Residents at Independence Hill comment that they should have made this move much sooner!

What usually delays or stops people from making the move is not knowing where to start. There are wonderful companies that will take care of every detail of downsizing and moving; providing a one-stop shop for packing, moving, make ready, cleaning, estate sales, storage and the sale of your home. They are truly professional and understanding of how hard it is to downsize. Call the Lifestyle Specialists at Independence Hill and let them share with you the many things offered to enhance your life and find the home that better fits your lifestyle today! Remember… the key is to plan ahead and celebrate life now! Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community is located at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit

Twirler Competes Towards Collegiate Twirling Special To Welcome Home eagan High School’s feature twirler was invited to a live audition for Dr. Gary Westbrook, marching band director at Tarleton State University, and has accepted a four year offer for The Sound and The Fury’s Feature Twirler position. Margo Dausin, a senior, has spent the last six spring semesters participating in the rigorous National Baton Twirling Association’s competitive circuit in Texas. “His (Tarleton State’s) band has not had a twirler so I am very excited,” Margo Dausin said. “I had other schools that I had been in contact with to audition but as soon as I toured Tarleton and met with Dr. Westbrook,


I knew it was where I needed to be. It will be exciting to set the pace and standard in the art and sport of twirling. Being entrusted with this collegiate position for such an amazing school is an honor and dream come true.” Having just come off her fourth of eight contests on the schedule this season she earned a 1 rating along the way at Region 12 Solo and Ensemble, securing her spot to compete at UIL State in Austin at The University of Texas on Memorial Day weekend. Dausin likes the discipline contest season demands. “Competing has helped me to be the best

twirler I can be, and honestly I don’t know what else I’d be doing if I wasn’t competing – although I am enjoying watching Olympic figure skating,” Margo Dausin said. Margo clearly has been thinking and planning for her future after Reagan. She considers all the years of twirling, and especially those as Reagan’s feature twirler, a practice for the grand prize, which is twirling at the university level. Knowing that math and sciences would be her focus in college she began looking into schools that offered the academic program she needed and then investigating where that plan also met her desire to twirl in college.

Margo Dausin won the Dallas Twirling Festival on February 8.

Tarleton State University has been growing in student enrollment and passed the 10,000 mark in 2012. Welcome Home would like to congratulate Margo on her selection.

Wilderness Oak Raises Money For Breast Cancer

Submitted By Kathy Johnson t Wilderness Oak Elementary, the school is growing great leaders! One of the school’s fourth grade classes raised money for breast cancer research because of an idea a fourth grader, Blake Trench, developed with his amazing teacher, Mrs. Nancy Whitehead, who served as his inspiration. “Mrs. Whitehead is a very important person in my life and I can’t imagine her not being here with us,” Blake stated. The fundraiser was a lot of work but worth every minute as they donated the money to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. First, the Student Leader of Communication wrote emails to parents of their class and to the Wilderness Oak community informing them of their project. Then, they learned about marketing


and advertising by creating and writing commercials and recording them using their awesome iPads. The commercials were emailed school wide to promote sales. The hard work continued after school as the students went home and busily crafted homemade items to sell. Rubber bracelets, magnets, hair-bows, scarves, ribbons, Gak, paintings, finger puppets were just some of the items that covered the table when the doors opened for business on January 16. “We were jumping up and down cheering because we raised over $200 on our first day of sales! So, you can imagine how excited we were to surpass our goal of $500 when the final count came rolling in at $1,166 after only five days of selling,” student leader Kaitlyn Zamagni exclaimed while counting money during math class. Whoever thought a small idea, a big heart

Students created items to be sold to help raise money Wilderness Oak Elementary students donated a check to the Susan G. Komen foundation in the amount of for breast cancer research. $1,166.76.

and homemade crafts could ever amount to so much in so many ways? “This fundraiser has shown us how to run a business, create fun ways of learning math and writing, but most importantly, it has taught us the importance of giving back

SOBA Scholarship Applications Due March 31, 2014


he Stone Oak Business Association will once again award $1,000 scholarships to Reagan and Johnson High School students graduating in May 2014. Selection is based on grade point average, letters of recommendation and school and/or community activities during high school. Scholarships will be paid (in the student’s name) to the college or university attended. Please note the following criteria: • Student must be a graduate of Ronald Reagan High School or Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School • Full-time enrollment (12 hours or more) at an accredited college or university • Copy of application for admissions to


school of choice • Incoming college freshman who maintained a “B” average throughout high school verified by high school transcript (may be unofficial) • Completed SOBA scholarship application ( • Two letters of recommendation from individuals with direct knowledge of your abilities and potential Applicants must also write two onepage (300-word minimum) essays on the following topics: 1.If you were given $10,000 to better you community, what would you do and why? 2.What one event or person has influenced you the most during your

four years of high school? How will this influence the decisions you make as you head off to college? On a separate sheet, list your high school involvement in the following areas (during grades 9-12): • Community Activities • Clubs • Athletics • Student Government • Other Organizations Be specific about the length of time you were involved and what role you played. Please give the complete name of the organization rather than acronyms. In addition, list any honors or awards you received during high school. Send your

to our community,” explained Blake Trench. As the school motto states, “Where the heart is, stars are born.” Friday, February 7, Mrs. Whitehead’s class presented a check to Susan G. Komen for $1,166.76.

completed application with attachments (letters of recommendation, school involvement, etc.) to: Stone Oak Business Association, 20770 Hwy 281 N., Ste 108149, San Antonio, TX 78258. The application can be downloaded in PDF form at It is located on the home page on the top right hand side. Applications and materials must be postmarked by March 31, 2014 to be considered for the 2013-2014 school year. Incomplete applications will not be considered. For more information, please call 210-348-8233.

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Reagan Choir Sings Melodies Of Success By Amanda Burris


ne Ronald Reagan High School fine arts program is continuing to flourish and thrive thanks to its heady director. Choir director Mary Cowart has been at Reagan since fall of 2005 and has impacted the program greatly over the years. Beginning her career there as assistant director to Jo Scurlock-Dillard for six years, she is now the head director of the choir department. She currently works with Christian De la Cruz, an assistant director, and together they help prepare and teach their students at various levels. Inside the choir department, there are six specific choirs each focused on developing students’ vocal skills and understanding of music. Students in 9th – 10th grade who came from middle school choir programs or are new to choir have the opportunity to be in Treble choir (for girls) and Cantus choir (for boys). There are two varsity choirs offered for students in 10th – 12th grade, Ben Canto, the varsity women’s choir, and Kantorei, the varsity mixed choir. “These four choirs are considered foundational choirs because in these choirs we emphasize music reading skills, proper vocal tone and production, and cover techniques and practices that are necessary for any choir to be successful,” said Cowart. For the advanced students who have already mastered the basics of good choral singing, there are two select ensembles the students in Ben Canto or Kantorei can audition for. The first ensemble is the Chantez Nouvella, a girl’s cappella group that performs pop, vocal jazz and madrigal music. The second is Soundsations!, which spends part of the year as a show choir where they sing and dance, performing pop, Broadway and jazz. The other part of the year they act as a chamber choir where they perform collegiate level music and compete in the Texas Madrigal Festival in early March. “My overriding goal for my students after four years in my program is that they have become good enough musicians that they will be self-sufficient in their ability to use and enjoy their musical skills for the rest of their lives,” said Reagan Choir director, Mary Cowart. “I also want them to go away with important life skills, like determination, an appreciation for hard work and confidence in themselves to

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

go out and accomplish their goals and get a job done.” The program at Reagan offers students an opportunity to continually push themselves to work harder, audition and perform at higher levels. Besides a fall and a holiday concert, as well as performances for the elderly, sick, handicapped and for students at local elementary and middle schools, the Reagan choirs have had a chance to audition for an all-state choir (mixed choir, men’s choir or women’s choir). “The all-state students who have placed in each of these choirs go to the Texas Music Educators Association convention here in San Antonio and rehearse and perform with the best music students from around the state,” Cowart said. “Nationally recognized choral conductors are brought in to work with them and over a three day period, these talented children rehearse, prepare and perform three of the best choral concerts you will ever hear anywhere in this world.” Reagan High School did an outstanding job at the auditions this year, with 14 of its students making an allstate choir –the high school with the most students to be accepted in Texas. “Making All-State required a lot of hours of practice and hard work, working constantly with my fellow competitors and having my teachers help me succeed,” junior Carter Sharp, who is in Kantorei and Soundsations! said. “… Making the All-State choir would not have been possible without my directors, Ms. Cowart and Mr. De La Cruz. They make all things possible with the lessons and tactics they provide.” Cowart and De la Cruz believe that putting in the necessary practice hours, hard work and a good foundation of music reading skills is essential for preparing for shows and competitions each year. Through their continuous support and preparation, many of the students found themselves more equipped for all-state auditions. “I went through a four month audition process that was pretty stressful,” 9th grade All-State and Treble Choir performer Mikayla Simonsen said. “I competed in a total of four competitions which included sight-reading and difficult pieces. The last round was the most stressful because I knew I was competing against amazing vocalists.” For many of the students, making an all-state choir was their favorite moment of the year. However, choir has a lot to offer to its students.

Reagan choir director Mary Cowart and assistant choir director Christian De la Cruz.

“My favorite part of the Reagan Choir program is the amount of different events and such that we get to do (thanks to Ms. Cowart and Mr. De La Cruz),” sophomore Eric Kenneth Johnson who also made it into an All-State Choir said. During the rest of the year choir holds a number of events that the students look forward to. On March 25, the students will participate in Pre UIL where they will perform their competition pieces for UIL. The actual UIL concert and sight-reading competition will be on April 15 and 16. To end the year, the students have one final concert, open to the public called Pop Show. At Reagan High School, the choir is more than a means for the students to use their talents. It is a place to gain fellowship, friendship and a sense of family with others who share the same passion. “My favorite part of being in choir is the encouraging and supportive friends I have made,” said senior Elizabeth Seitter, choir president who made it into an all-state choir. “This choir organization has become a second family in a way since we often spend hours together in rehearsals. They are always there for me and these friendships will be long lasting. I also love the music that we have the opportunity to perform. I am given the chance to do many amazing experiences that not many others get to do.”


NEISD Bus Driver Receives Purple Heart Submitted By LTC Paul Loveless n January 30 the Ronald Reagan High School JROTC program was honored to support a small but important ceremony presenting two Purple Hearts to Norman Fulkerson, a North East Independent School District bus driver. As an infantry soldier, serving in Vietnam during July 1968, Mr. Fulkerson was wounded twice, first on July 6 by a bullet fragment he still carries. The second time was on July 18, receiving wounds to legs, his right arm, hand, and face. With these wounds he was evacuated back to the United States, Fort Knox, Kentucky where he recovered, departing the Army in September of 1969. He received his certificate for the Purple Hearts he earned in the mail shortly after his departure from active duty. A ceremony to award his medals


waited 45 years to take place. So, how does a soldier leave with honorable service without the presentation of this very significant medal earned? We never will know exactly why but a little history might help provide a possible explanation. America’s first major engagement of the Vietnam War began on 14 November 1965 when the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry entered the Ia Drang Valley. By the time this battle ended, the battalion suffered 96 soldiers killed in action and 121 wounded. This number overwhelmed the Army’s casualty notification process with taxi drivers initially delivering notifications to families living at the battalion’s home station, Fort Benning, Georgia. 709,918 Americans served in uniform in Vietnam. 304,000 of these Americans were wounded. At the time Mr. Fulkerson left Vietnam the number of American soldiers in

Vietnam exceeded the number of personnel on active duty in the Army today. “It was a time of typewriters not computers or data processors,” Mr. Fulkerson said. So, it seems that the medals he did not receive when he served was simply the result of an Army overwhelmed by the task of honoring those that served. Neither remembers the exact day this year when Norman shared his story with a fellow bus driver and retired Air Force Sergeant First Class; Karen Morgan. It was Karen who took on the task of organizing the ceremony, obtaining service records, obtaining ribbons, and the Purple Heart medal. As part of her duties she drives Reagan students to school and has often driven Reagan JROTC cadets to drill meets or orienteering practice. So, the Reagan JROTC program was a natural choice to contact for help with ceremony.

Reagan Color Guard with Norman Fulkerson, (left to right) Curtis Lopez, Max Crisp, Diego Ramirez, Isaac Chasse, and Jalen Hawkins.

The ceremony took place at the districts north bus barn with fellow employees, many of them veterans, with many of these men and women who had also served in Vietnam, present. Norman’s daughter, son-in-law, and grandchild attended as well.

Hardy Oak Hosts ‘The Leader In Me’ Events Submitted By Margaret Rizzo n January 23, Hardy Oak Elementary hosted the Leader In Me Symposium site visit. In attendance were teachers and administration from different campuses across the country interested in becoming a Leader In Me School. The Leader In Me program is focused on creating a professional network of students and teachers who practice life skills and leadership centered on The 7 Habits outlined in the program. This visit allowed for students and teachers to highlight The Leader In Me principles utilized in the curriculum and school, as well as how students are able to


connect leadership principles and habits. Aubrey Hernandez and Katie Guild served as emcees for the event, and did an excellent job of explaining the program at Hardy Oak. Teachers Sue Platt and Heather Kelley presented lessons on incorporating skills learned in The Leader In Me program into daily classroom routines and implementing technology within the classroom to promote the leader within every child. On February 4, Hardy Oak held The Leader In Me night, an event in which students showed their leadership skills by performing skits, songs, and personal stories of how they use the 7 Habits at home and at school. Second grader and Truman award

Reagan Band Hard At Work

Lopez Art “Yarn Bombs” Hallway



Submitted By Melissa Volz es, it is true. Lopez Middle School was “bombed” with yarn. Some of art teacher Melissa Volz’s students learned about Magda Sayega, a local artist, who started “yarn bombing.” The students loved the idea of yarn bombing and wanted to do it to the school. In class, the students learned the craft of hand knitting. Each of Mrs. Volz’s students had their “hand” in the project as each student had knitted with the end in mind. Students knitted yarn and then had the task of stealthily covering the atrium area of the school with their finished projects without being noticed. Once the yarn bomb exhibit was up, teachers and the art students paid attention to other students’ reaction as they traveled through the glass walkway where the “yarn bombing” was done. The awed students


Reagan Percussion is holding a performance March 8 at 6 p.m. in the Reagan Auditorium. Tickets are $5.

Submitted By Kelly Lepeska he groundhog may have seen its shadow, but that didn’t stop Reagan Band members from having a fantastic February. On Saturday, February 8, over 150 band students participated in the UIL solo and ensemble contest. As expected, several members received Superior ratings and will perform their pieces again for the UIL State Solo and Ensemble contest in May. The second week of February was the annual TMEA Convention, held at the Harry B. Gonzales Convention Center. Reagan Band was thrilled to see senior Tristan Torres, juniors Kyle Popovec, Will Pyle, and Kayla Shapiro, sophomore Andrew Xiang, and freshman Evan Arnold represent Reagan’s amazing band program. Congratulations again on qualifying for Texas All-State, the highest individual honor available to high school musicians!

recipient Christian Robinson presented The 7 Habits the Leader In Me program promotes. “I like Habit 7, Sharpen the Saw,” Robinson said. “I like to exercise when I get home and then maybe read a good book.”” It was a very successful day and evening for students and teachers. Hardy Oak is proud to be recognized as a Leader In Me Lighthouse school. “I was so proud of the teachers and students for all of their hard work for both events,” principal Lola Folkes said. “It was so rewarding to sit back and allow the children to take the lead and explain their leadership roles at Hardy Oak.”

The Winter Guard members have been competing in the TCGC contest with their showed titled, “Aurora.” This year they have moved up to a new class and are making great strides. Come see them at the Winter Guard International Regional Championship at Wagner High School on March 8. TCGC Championships are at the end of March 2930 in College Station. Good luck, Guard! The percussion section is hosting its Second Annual Perc Up! Percussion clinic for students in grades K-5 on Saturday Mar 1st. Students will learn orchestral percussion, world percussion, steel drums, and of course drum line! Same day registration is still available and $35 at the door. For more information, contact Kelly Lepeska at Kick off your spring break with a Percussion Concert, featuring the Amazing Reagan Percussion Section, the Bush and

Lopez Middle School Junior Percussionists and be treated to a special guest appearance by world renowned Ignacio Berroa. Tickets are only $5 and available at the door, or by contacting your favorite Reagan Band Percussion student. Spring cleaning? Need a new mattress? The Reagan Band will be hosting a Mattress Sale on Saturday, March 22 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. in the Reagan High School Band Hall. Most name brand mattresses are available and offered at a significant savings. Also, they are very proud to say that these mattresses are made in the USA. All profits go directly

Lopez art students yarn bomb the hallway.

enjoyed the unique project, saying things such as, “Oh, it looks like so much fun,” and “a cat would love to hang out in here!” After this exciting project, the Lopez art students are excited to strike again. to benefit Reagan Band. If you mention your favorite Reagan Band or Color Guard member, that student will get credit in his or her student account. If you were thinking of getting a new mattress, why not help Reagan Band, AND get a better night’s rest! As March winds down, students will be preparing for UIL Concert Band contests and the Color Guard will be hosting its first clinic for girls in 5th – 8th grade. For more information and registration information, please contact either Kelly Lepeska at or Levi Chavis, Head Director of Bands at

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

The Ride of A Lifetime

Photos by Rashell Groomer By Amanda Burris


aya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” For Manny Diotte, a cancer survivor, speaker, author and coach, he has taken these words to heart and is continually using his experiences and position in life to impact children with The Ferrari Kid experience. The Ferrari Kid experience is designed to give children coping with cancer or other illnesses a break by making them feel like a celebrity for a day. Diotte was inspired to begin the program by his own experiences. At age seven, Diotte was told that he had six months to live due to cancer. After 48 surgeries, three and a half years of going in and out of hospitals and two years of chemotherapy and radiation, he beat some of the toughest odds. Although his cancer was cured, the aftermath of chemotherapy and radiation left him with damage to his body and infections. Once it was decided that his leg would have to be amputated to save his life, he found himself being flown to Los Angeles in 1987 to see if he would be a candidate for a special procedure. After arriving in LA and walking out of the airport, he saw a red Ferrari that caught his eye. The owner let him sit in it and take pictures, a moment he would remember for the rest of his life. “Now that I am older and have been traveling and helping people all over the country, I decided I wanted to help people in my own backyard, which is what sparked the Ferrari Kid, so I can travel less and do something here to better my community and help kids who are suffering,” said Diotte. The Ferrari Kid experience begins by picking up the children at Aldinos in Ferraris and taking them to Main Event Entertainment where they pull up to a red carpet and with “paparazzi” who are there to document their arrival and get their autograph. Each month, about five to eight kids get to take part in this experience and Diotte hopes to give this opportunity to more kids in a few months. This May, the two year anniversary of The Ferrari Kid, children will also have the chance to be taken to and from their treatments in a Ferrari as a way to give a

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

great experience to more of the children on the waiting list. “I say cancer sucks, but the ride to the hospital doesn’t have to,” commented Diotte. “It just gives them something positive to look forward to on a day that can be very negative and dark.” The month of May has many things in store of The Ferrari Kid. While currently the children are all taken to Main Event, they will soon get a catalog where they can pick an option from three to five “celebrity” experiences. These experiences may range from a spa package to a dinner to a shopping experience. Regardless of where the children go and what they do, they are getting an experience they can truly cherish. “I think the most rewarding thing is that I know I am fulfilling God’s purpose for my life,” Diotte said. “And because I went through the same experience as these kids I am able to connect and speak to them in a way that others might not be able to. And of course, another thing that is the most rewarding is knowing that I took their pain away even for a moment. I think that is rewarding to me to know that they got to be a kid again, because I feel like my childhood was robbed. So they get to be a kid again and laugh and just not think about the pain they are in, even if it’s just for a day.” He went on to say that the experience is more than the flashy cars that they get to ride in. The cars may be what gets people’s attention, but it is what the whole experience leaves these children with and the memories that makes it so special. “It is what I do after when we meet, to encourage their heart and build their self-esteem and to remind them that they were born for greatness,” he explained. “So I tell the kids three things: God heals, miracles happen and dreams really do come true.” Besides Diotte’s dedication to reach out to these children, and Marc Miller, the President of the Ferrari Club who has involved his club members with this program, the Ferrari Kid program is made possible through the generous donations of others. It costs $250 to sponsor a child, giving them a memory they can cherish with their family in such a difficult time. If you or your business is interested in sponsoring a child, visit or email Manny Diotte at

Best friends Angel (age 12) and Alejandro (age 8) with Manny Diotte on the red carpet.

18-year-old Logan in front of a red Ferrari 430.

14-year-old Joseph next to a charcoal grey Ferrari 430.

Brothers Isacc (age 5) and Elijah (age 7) in front of a red Ferrari 456.


Happenings At Stone Oak Elem.

PHOTO CREDIT: Deb Martilla

PHOTO CREDIT: Deb Martilla

Author Aaron Reynolds visits the library at Stone Oak Ammar and Ananya receive medals for their spelling bee contribution. Elementary.

Nursery School · After School Recreation · Mother’s Day Out Preschool · Private Kindergarten · Summer Camp

Now Enrolling for Summer Camp!

Submitted By Jennifer Townsend tone Oak Elementary Bobcats were enthused to welcome New York Times Bestselling Author Aaron Reynolds to campus this February. Mr. Reynolds entertained students with games and captivating, hands-on storytelling about his children’s books, “Creepy Carrots!” and “Joey Fly, Private Eye.” “Creepy Carrots!” received the Caldecott honor by the American Library Association for distinguished artwork and his mystery, “Joey Fly, Private Eye” was nominated for the Edgar Allen Poe Award in 2010. Students’ loved the visit and Mr. Reynolds hilarious style.


Stone Oak Spelling Bee The annual spelling bee was an exciting event as the student body watched 5th grader Ammar Thayani and 4th grader Ananya Lertpradist go word for word in the final five rounds. After 12 total rounds, Ammar became Stone Oak’s 2014 spelling bee champion with the word “hackamore.” Fellow students and teachers would like to offer their congratulations and wish him luck as he moves to the citywide spelling bee on February 8 at Trinity University. Walkathon at Stone Oak The Junior Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) hosted a walkathon on campus in February. Children were encouraged to raise funds for diabetic research and were educated on type 1 diabetes disease. The walk was a great way to show support for fellow Bobcats who live with T1D. For added fun the student body dressed up in their favorite Rodeo outfits to celebrate Counselor’s Sammy Mokate and Laura Dimas for Counselor’s week.

STAAR Information Night In February, Stone Oak invited parents to an information night on the STAAR test. This evening was essential for any questions that parents may have on how to successfully help their child prepare. Students in third through eighth grade continue to be tested annually in the same subjects as the STAAR’s predecessor, TAKS, however, STAAR was created to reflect college readiness standards that measure a broader range of student achievement and therefore has required many changes in testing assessment and curriculum. STAAR night is a great way to connect educators with parents and help to navigate all the changes. Stone Oak will begin testing April 1 and 2 with fourth grade writing and fifth grade math, then reading. Testing will resume on April 22 with third and fourth grade math and April 23, with third and fourth grade reading and fifth grade science. Any fifth grade student who does not initially pass the math will be allowed a re-test on May 13 and a reading re-test on May, 14. Stone Oak’s Family Movie Night To close out February, Stone Oak Elementary hosted a family movie night of Despicable Me 2 in the cafeteria with pizza and snacks. The goal of keeping strong community ties and facilitating a nurturing environment on campus are what make family movie night important to the school. Creating a place where students feel welcome to come has provided a foundation for not only successful academic results, but highlights the goal of having happy students too. Stone Oak Elementary would like to wish you a great close to the long winter season and blessings for the upcoming spring!

New Developments

Rainbow Station is accredited by NAEYC.


By Ben Spicer YaYa’s Thai Restaurant Now Open The Stone Oak community has a new restaurant for lovers of Thai food. Yaya’s Thai Restaurant, known for exquisite food of Thailand, opened its newest location in February at 20330 Huebner Road just East of Stone Oak Parkway. Yaya’s Thai offer a variety of chef’s specials with entrees running in the $12 range. Lunch specials are offered from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The new location will be YaYa’s third in San Antonio, joining the ones already on McCullough Avenue and Callaghan Road. Hours are Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. On Sunday they open at

noon and are open until 9 p.m. For additional information, go to, or call 210-499-0464. Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill to Open at Rim An exciting restaurant potentially is opening up for country music lovers on the Northside. The restaurant, Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill named after the musician’s hit song, is scheduled to come to the Rim Shopping Center. A restaurant and bar with locations all across the country, the restaurant is said to have an extremely southern feel. The project has yet to begin construction. A spokesperson with the Rim Shopping Center said it is intending to be

See new developments, Page 22

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Heavenly Phở: The Healthy Choice For A Family By Amanda Burris


ulture, tradition and savory flavors can all be found at the Vietnamese restaurant, Heavenly Phở. Recently opened in August of 2013, owners Linda and Kenny Phan have brought Asian dishes from the Far East to the community of San Antonio. “Our family has owned multiple restaurants and so we’ve wanted to continue the business to reflect our own dreams,” said Linda. “We also wanted to build up the healthy food options in San Antonio.” Besides bringing authenticity to the area, Heavenly Phở prides itself as being a restaurant that cooks healthy dishes and offers its customers great taste and flavors without sacrificing nutrition. “We focus on fresh and raw ingredients. We don’t freeze our food and everything is made to order,” said Linda. “What really makes us unique is our ability to fit any customer’s needs. We have a lot of customization options.” Besides many of the dishes being MSG free, Heavenly Phở is allergy friendly and offers a selection of dishes that are gluten/wheat free and dairy free. There are also vegan and vegetarian options available. Of course, one of the top dishes at Heavenly Phở, is the Phở. Phở found its origins in northern Vietnam during the mid-1880s and is heavily influenced by Chinese and French cooking. Eventually making its way south in 1954, additional ingredients evolved it into the dish it is today.

The main two ingredients that Phở requires are fresh rice noodles (bánh phở) and a savory soup stock. The flavorful broth is produced after hours of simmering and enhanced with a unique blend of Asian spices. To assemble the favored bowl, the noodles and a choice of beef, chicken, seafood or their unique meatless, vegetarian-tofu medley are added with the Phở. Thinly sliced onions, scallions and cilantro can then be added followed by bean sprouts, lime wedges, basil and sliced chilies. From there, various sauces can be added to further enhance the flavors and aroma of this delicious soup. While Phở is the most popular dish, along with their egg and spring rolls, there are many options on their menu. “If you’ve never had a Vietnamese food experience before, we can always recommend our sandwiches; they are simple and tasty,” Linda explained. “They are packed with fresh cut veggies and seasoned meat. It’s an easy transition from American to Vietnamese.” For the Vietnamese customers, Heavenly Phở offers a variety of options, including favorites such as the baby clams with lemon grass and shrimp chips. Heavenly Phở also offers salads, beef stews, pork noodle soups, vermicelli rice noodle bowls, rice plates, Pad Thai, Thai Curry and a selection of Chinese entrees. This local and healthy lunch and dinner restaurant has a happy hour from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays, where they feature

50 percent off beer, wine and select appetizers. Heavenly Phở is an excellent choice to find rich and savory flavors locally as a delicious healthy option. Owners Linda and Kenny hoped that in bringing this restaurant to the community of San Antonio, that they could establish a place where people would be happy to frequent and introduce what true Vietnamese food is like. Whether you’re dinning in or taking out, Heavenly Phở has something the whole family can enjoy, ensuring you will leave happy. “We love satisfying our customers and treating them like family,” Linda said. “We came up with these recipes on our own and it’s a pleasure to pass our traditions on to others.”

Heavenly Pho Vietnamese Cuisine 19178 Blanco Rd, Ste. 305 210-545-3553

Gastroenterology Specialist, Seema A. Dar, MD Treated Conditions:

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Offer good after 2:30 PM, March 1 – 31, 2014. Dine-in only. Not valid with Happy Hour specials.

Happy Hour: Monday thru Friday, 3 – 6 PM 50% OFF beer, wine and select appetizers.

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‘Fun, Funky & Functional’ Clothing & Accessories! March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Located in the Blanco Pointe Shopping Center 19178 Blanco Rd., Ste. 305 • San Antonio, TX 78258

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Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry “Caring for your children as if they were our own!”

• Convenient appointments orget r f t ’ n Do regula t to ge ck-ups! e ch

• Ask about complimentary presentation for your mom’s groups, preschool or elementary • Accepting new patients

Christmas Voice Recital Special To Welcome Home ack on December 20, Juli Henderson Voice Studio held a Christmas voice recital at CrossBridge Community Church on Overlook Parkway. In attendance of the recital were 30 voice students out of 40 and 195 guests. Everyone there had a great time singing and enjoyed listening to all those amazing voices. It was apparent to all who witnessed the event that Mrs. Henderson loves teaching her students to sing, and that her students certainly love her too! Juli Henderson’s enthusiasm and positive attitude makes one want to soar higher and higher at each lesson, exactly what parents are looking for in a teacher for


Voice Students at Juli Henderson’s Voice Studio gave a Christmas recital during the holidays.

their children, no matter what age the child. The event was a wonderful way to start off the holidays. A big thank you goes out to all that were able to attend the recital and to those that chose to share the gift of their voice.


ALLERGY SEASON! Stone Oak Allergy Dr. Susie Hayden Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Courtney Alexander Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Renee Mikulec Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78258

Dr. Royana Lin Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Specializing in allergy, asthma, and immunology diagnosis, testing, and treatment for adults and children.

210-491-4141 •

Same day appointments available. Call today!

20322 Huebner Suite 103 • San Antonio, TX 78258 • 210.494.0690

The After Sunday Project and Frontline Camps Presents:


ð Looking for a unique gift or a beautiful statement piece for your home? Triple R Mercantile offers wonderful European antiques, as well as upscale cowhide rugs, antique handmade area rugs, pottery, original art, handmade jewelry and soaps, essential oils, pillows, trims and even hand forged knives. Come and shop in San Antonio's best kept secret!

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Open Thursday, Friday & Saturday around 10 AM ‘til about dark, or call for appointment – 210.913.1502

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258





Family Medicine

Allergy and Immunology Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Kristin Bussey-Smith M.D. Board Certified in Allergy & Immunology 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 495-4335 •

Reshmey Medical Clinic David K. Tharakan, M.D. 57 Family Practice • see map pg. 19 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 301 828-2311 •

Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 494-0690 •

Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. John N. Phillips, M.D. and Medical Staff 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 202 33 496-7999 • see map pg. 19


Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 545-5224 • Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center Vernon F. Williams, M.D., 495-8558 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 240, • see map pg. 19




Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic Wellness, P.A. Michael R. Golab, D.C. 1205 N. FM 1604 W., Suite 211 4 764-8888 • see map pg. 19


San Antonio Dermatology Board Certified in Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Suite 103 497-1475 • see map pg. 19

Texas Fertility Center Summer L. James, M.D. 502 Madison Oak Dr., Suite 230 370-3800 San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates J. Johnson, MD, Eddie Flores, MD. M Lindner, M.D., J. Bullock, MD 150 East Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 36 545-2555 • see map pg. 19 Texas Institute of Gastroenterology S. Dar, MD, J. Theard, MD, M. Naeem, MD, D. Sharma 19226 Stone Hue 268-0100 •

Hospital 15

Ear, Nose & Throat Adult/Ped. Advanced Sinus Clinic Anthony P. Sertich, II, M.D., F.A.C.S. 502 Madison Oak, Suite 346 37 614-8625 • see map pg. 19 Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of SA Talley•Spears•Desai•Gleinser•Henderson, M.Ds 150 E Sonterra Blvd., Suite 200 36 499-4589 • see map pg. 19

Ear Specialist Ear Institute of Texas Lance E. Jackson, MD, FACS 525 Oak Centre, Suite 100 696-HEAR (4327)

Family Dentistry Smile Source® Dr. Cheryl E. Hubble & Dr. Kaci L. Tibbetts 2950 Thousand Oaks Dr., Suite. 16 496-5422 • see map pg. 19 64

North Central Baptist Hospital Baptist Regional Children’s Center 520 Madison Oak Dr. 297-4000 • see map pg. 19


12 Dr. Monica Allison, O.D. 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite. 106, see map pg. 19 495-9020 • Stone Oak Vision Source

Dr. John M. Nevelow, O.D., F.A.A.O. Erin M. Nevelow, O.D. 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 120 349-2437 “Discoveries Thru Vision” Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) • see map pg. 19


COR Medical Billing Services We concentrate on you, While you concetrate on your patients Phone: 210-477-1956, Fax: 210-468-2355


Neurosurgical Associates of S. A., P.A. Donald L. Hilton MD., Arnold B. Vardiman MD. Donald P. Atkins MD. 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 240 477-1956 •

Obstetrics Gynecology Serrano OB/GYN Christopher Serrano, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. 20726 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 545-7700



Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Suite 103 491-4141 • see map pg. 19


Stone Oak Pharmacy Specialty Compounding & Delivery Retail Pharmacy Services & DME 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 494-4272 • see map pg. 19


Healthlink Outpatient Rehab Center 525 Oak Centre, Suite 450 297-4525 • see map pg. 19



Tricity Pain Associates P.A. U. Dar, MD, S. Vasireddy MD, R. Alvarado, MD, K. Monis MD. 110 Stone Oak Loop 268-0129,




Huebner Pediatrics Dr. Michelle Storandt • Dr. Adelnery Gonzalez 15714 Huebner Rd., Bldg. 3 447-3000 Tejas Pediatrics Dr Bauer, Dr Beatty, Dr. Henigan 20642 Stone Oak Pkwy. 479-3000


Physical Rehabilitation Institute Dr. Bussey • D. Harrington G. Molina • S. Bussey 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 107 545-9355 (well) • see map pg. 19

Hill Country Pain C. William (Bill) Murphy, M.D., Justin J. Vigil, M.D. J. Kaleb Shaw, M.D., Nancy Burgher, PA-C. 14800 San Pedro, Suite 202 582-6600


Physical Therapy

Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Suite 201 272-7129 •

A thru Z Pediatrics Meena Chintapaui, MDFAAP, CEO 1314 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 102 490-8888 • see map pg. 19



To add your listing to the Stone Oak Medical & Professional Directory, call 210-348-8233

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Little Teeth of Texas Shawna Gerling, D.D.S. 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 102 497-8787 • see map pg. 19

Kelly J. Smith, MD 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 615-3700

Orthodontics For Adults/Children Britton and Ferris Orthodontics Bloyce H. Britton III., DDS, • MS Tyler W. Ferris, DDS, • MS 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 497-6688 • see map pg. 19

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatrics Pulmonary & Sleep

Pain Management

Medical Billing

Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 119 697-3821 • see map pg. 19

San Antonio Eye Center Abrams, Erdmancyzk, Hahn, Harris, Nicolau, Ming-Zhao, Stephenson, Roberts 14807 San Pedro 226-6169 •


Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care D.M. Chaney • W. Strash • R. Perez, DPM’s 57 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Bldg. 3, Suite 302 829-8770 (by Clock Tower) • see map pg. 19 South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers North Central Imaging Center 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 31 617-9000 • see map pg. 19

Urgent Care Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice 115 Gallery Circle, Suite 102 481-6060 • Family Practice, Open 7 Days

Weight Loss San Antonio Weight Loss Center Jorge L. Rincon, MD FACS 1162 E Sonterra Blvd., Suite 210 587-7744


Finding Your Way in the Menopause Maze By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224

“I just don’t feel like myself.”


his statement exactly summarizes the problem with menopause for many women. Without hormones, you really ARE NOT the same. Recently an attractive woman came to see me, saying that I was her last resort. Some other doctor had placed her on a strange mix of hormones based on “saliva analysis.” She had never had a blood level drawn. She suffered with hot flashes around

the clock for several years. Unable to sleep and exhausted, naturally she became distressed about her condition. She had not had marital relations in about a year due to painful dryness, which lubricants did not remedy. Her unhelpful doctors had placed her on antidepressants which made her feel worse, and the hot flashes continued. “But I don’t feel like I am depressed,” she said to me. And then to her vexation, she began to cry. “I’m sorry! I just cry at the drop of a hat,”

she said. I understand, I told her, it happened to me too. I told her that I was 65 now and had been helped so much by an antiaging doctor over a decade before and that I had dedicated my practice to helping other women just as I had been helped. We discussed the risks and side effects of hormone therapy in detail. The risk is, of course, breast cancer, uterine, or ovarian-and blood clots to the brain, lung or heart. Unfortunately, one can develop all of these conditions, even without hormone replacement therapy. However, most researchers believe that hormone replacement therapy does increase the risk. Hormone replacement therapy is not for everybody. We must weigh the risk to benefit ratio and, as best as we can, manage the risk and proceed if the benefit is substantial enough. My patient’s blood work revealed

menopausal levels-nearly absent, in other words, of progesterone, estradiol and testosterone. Interestingly, she also had extremely low levels of vitamin B12 which can also lead to neuropsychiatric or hematologic abnormalities in 10 percent of people! Her vitamin D was also very low, as it is in most people, I told her. Low vitamin D in some studies is believed to be a risk factor for cancer! Vitamins, fish oil, exercise, and vaginal application of hormones to speed her healing completed her focused therapy. Not yourself? It does not have to be that way. Get blood work and see an expert to get yourself well! Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit

Lessons From Library At Canyon Ridge

Special To Welcome Home o you know how to “mash” apps? Ask any 3rd grader at Canyon Ridge Elementary and the resounding answer is “Yes!” Third grade students spent January researching forces of nature such as tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes and tsunamis. They delved into books, online encyclopedias and websites that were specially selected by librarian Wendy Howk. After researching answers to their questions about their natural disaster and how to stay safe if one were to occur, the students were tasked to create a digital graphic novel that would teach their peers about what they learned. The first step of creating their graphic novel was to learn about storyboarding and create a storyboard. Teams of four to six students synergized to create their storyline. Here’s where the “mashing” began. Students used library iPads to take pictures of group members in various poses, such as fleeing, reporting or acting scared. Then the students learned about copying and saving copyright friendly images for their backgrounds. These two photos were brought together into their first app, Puppet Pals HD, and combined to create the visuals for their graphic novels. Students then exported their images into a second app, Strip Designer, in order to


add speech bubbles and text to match their storyboards. Finally, all students exported their pages into Dropbox where Mrs. Howk combined them using the Book Creator app into one coherent story. Did you follow all that? The final result was 23 graphic novel iBooks that have been designed and created by Canyon Ridge third graders. These iBooks are available on all third grade iPads so students can learn from each other and celebrate being authors. And that’s not all that’s been happening in the library in the past few weeks. At the beginning of the year, Mrs. Howk set a challenge for all third, fourth and fifth grade students. “I mustache you to read five Bluebonnet books.” The Texas Bluebonnet books include 20 fiction and nonfiction books that are selected annually for their interest and literary quality for young readers. Each year students in third through sixth grade are asked to read at least five of the books on the list and then vote for their favorite. The winning book and author are honored annually at the Texas Library Association convention. This year almost 100 students met the mustache challenge of reading and voting for their favorite Texas Bluebonnet book. Every student who read at least five books received their own mustache and their

Third grade students mashing apps to create their research-based graphic novels on the iPads.

Students participate in the Texas Bluebonnet Mustache Challenge.

picture was proudly displayed outside the library. Younger readers have been participating in their own reading incentive, called the Texas 2x2’s. The Texas 2x2 Reading list is specially chosen for readers from ages two through second grade. The younger coyotes have been enjoying

a wide variety of picture books, from “Creepy Carrots” by visiting author Aaron Reynolds, to beautiful photo layouts of insects in “Step Gently out” by Helen Frost. Each class raced to finish all 20 books as a giant graph grew to the ceiling outside the library. This unit culminated with a week of voting on the iPads for their favorite book and planning a celebration. This is just a small sample of what goes on daily as students check out books, share great stories, research the world, and learn to use technology tools for gaining knowledge and creating projects to share newfound learning. Your local library is an exciting place to be! Come check them out!

Girl Scouts Thank Stone Oak Submitted By Risa Weinberger he girls and leaders of Girl Scout Troops 808 and 1097 held a huge fundraiser on Sunday, January 12 to raise money to go to Florida during spring break. By working with Cynthia Erp and the Goodwill non-profit organization program, the girls collected donated items for more than six months. Their goal was to fill five Goodwill trucks on the collection day in front of the Wells Fargo Bank on Stone Oak. With the help of their families, Stone Oak neighbors, Girl Scout families in the area, Holy Trinity Knights of Columbus, Stone Oak Wells Fargo Bank, San Antonio Self Storage, Audrey and Bubba at Blue Llama Storage, Janet Craig with Antiquen Treasures Estate Sales, and their Reagan High School friends (Kevin B., Logan, Josh, and Kevin W) who helped move items



– the troops were able to collect and fill six Goodwill trucks. It was a very long day, but oh so worth it! “We collected all kinds of donated items for six months. It took three storage units, five garages, and some living rooms to hold all the donations,” Mary Ann Salinas, Leader of Troop 1097 said. “The day before the Goodwill trucks arrived, we had troop families out collecting last minute large items. It was a huge undertaking, but the girls learned a lot about working with the community and goal setting.” “Our troop members were very dedicated to this project. They all worked different weekends to load up donations, unload the items, and helped box up and stack the donations in the storage units,” Lucy Gutierrez, Leader of Troop 808, added. “We wouldn’t have been able to collect a lot of the donations without the use of Julie

Girl Scout Troops 808 and 1097 are ready to load the Girl Scouts from Troops 808 and 1097 stack up collected Good Will truck with the collected donations. boxes of donated items.

Steele’s truck and trailer. We also appreciate that Ruben Rios, manager of Wells Fargo Bank Stone Oak, agreed to let us use the front driveway on our collection day. Our troop families got behind this project and really gave their time and muscle to make this fund raiser a success. We so appreciate all their help.” Now that their financial goal has been

met, the girls can now finalize their plans to go to Florida in March. As high school Girl Scouts, they are able to travel nationally and internationally. They are very excited about their trip to visit Mickey Mouse at Disney and Harry Potter at Universal Studios. A thank you goes out to the community of Stone Oak with helping with this fundraiser. Stone Oak has shown to be a great community.

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258



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Physical Rehabilitation Institute 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 107 210-545-9355 Internal Medicine of Stone Oak 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 105 210-490-3800 Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Inst. 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 101 210-495-4335 17 Green fields market 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-495-4644 19 21714 Hardy Oak Little Teeth of Texas (Shawna Gerling, DDS) 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 102 210-497-8787 20 Premier Pain consultants 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 215 210-298-4900 21 21702 Hardy Oak 22 Hope Church has moved 17903 Corp. Woods Drive 210-545-4673 (10:15 a.m. Sundays) 23 North Central Urgent Care 19223 Stone Hue 210-490-5911 24 Family Allergy & Asthma 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-342-6200 25 Stone Oak Medical Office Bldg. Center For Cosmetic Surgery 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-545-4848 Urology Of Stone Oak 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-490-3040 26 north central baptist hospital 210-297-4000 Healthlink 525 Oak Centre, Ste. 450 210-297-4525 27 The Atrium building Dr. Sertich 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 346 210-614-8625 Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 140 210-647-3838 28 Stone Oak Physicians Plaza II 29 Stone Oak Physicians Plaza I Lan Anh Ngo, M.D., P.A. 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 140 210-494-9109 The Wellness & Aesthetics 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 240 210-495-8558 30 Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Red l

Methodist Stone Oak Hospital

1604 64

1 STONE OAK PLAZA Alamo Eye Institute, PA (Lynnell C. Lowry, MD) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 119 210-697-3821 K Charles and Co. Full Service Salon 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 123 210-403-0955 Stone Oak Orthodontics (Tito Norris, DDS, P.A.) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 207 210-402-3322 2 Cornerstone Church 3 The Blanco Market Center Great Clips For Hair 18630 Blanco Rd, Ste. 114 210-404-0994 4 The Vineyard Shopping Center Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic and Wellness PC 1205 N. Loop 1604 W., Ste. 211 210-764-8888 5 Bismarck Art Studio 930 Proton, Ste. 202 210-379-8743 11 Stone Oak Village Slater White Cleaners 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 101 210-494-4126 State Farm Insurance, Betsy Dippo 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 112 210-496-3276 Stone Oak Florist 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 104 210-495-7442 12 Stone Oak SQUARE Vision Source 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-495-9020 13 Stone hue Center Pizza Hut 20323 Huebner Rd, Ste. 103 210-497-1123 14 ERA colonial Real estate 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 260 210-477-9400 15 Stone hue Professional Plaza North Hills Family Medicine 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 104 210-481-6800 San Antonio Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 103 210-497-1475 16 the medical Park at stone oak Romes Pizza 19298 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-490-0700 Good Night Pediatrics 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, 210-545-7581

Area Map


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Stone Oak




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Stone Oak Park

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Parman Library



Canyon Golf Rd.




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Hardy Oaks Elementary

Thousand Oaks

31 Sonterra Medical Park South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-617-9000 32 SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Chiropractic 225 E. Sonterra, Ste. 113 210-493-9119 33 325 E. Sonterra Blvd. Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 202 210-496-7999 34 325 E. Sonterra Blvd. Dr. Kevin J. Whritenour Au.D. 18838 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 210-316-7856 35 Spine Hospital of SOUTH Texas 36 Stoneterra medical plaza S.A.G.A. 150 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 100 210-545-2555 CVS Pharmacy 120 E. Sonterra Blvd. 210-404-9006 stoneterra retail Center Prescott’s Orthotics & Prosthetics 158 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 106 210-496-0800 Stone Oak Pharmacy 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 101 210-494-4272 37 The Creek at stone oak Diabetes America 20330 Huebner Rd., Ste. 104 866-693-4223 Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry (Susie Hayden, DDS) 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 210-491-4141 40 Gastroenterology Consultants of s.a. 855 Proton Road 210-614-1234 42 Dermatology Associates 18540 Sigma Road 210-490-4661 43 The Club At Sonterra 901 Sonterra Boulevard 210-496-1560 45 La arcata center Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition & Wellness 115 N. Loop 1604, Suite. 1207 210-545-1144 46 19310 StONE OAK PARKWAY 47 mcdonalds 20750 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-403-9066 48 Best Western Hotel 18555 US.  Hwy. 281 N. 210-490-9191

49 International Bank of Commerce 18750 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste. 100 210-496-6111 50 Stone ridge market International Bank of Commerce HEB at Hwy. 281 and Evans Rd. 210-369-2914 210-283-6500 Texas State Optical 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 210-490-3937 (EYES) 52 sonterra office park 53 SA DENTAL SPECIALISTS Britton and Ferris Orthodontics 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-497-6688 54 115 Gallery Circle Dr. Webb’s Chiropractic & Wellness 115 Gallery Circle, Ste. 209 210-798-9322 55 Stone oak crossing center 56 Lane K. Walsh, dds 1162 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 200 210-499-1110 57 clock tower Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 302 210-828-8770 A Thru Z Pediatrics 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 102 210-490-8888 Reshmey Medical Clinic 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 301 210-828-2311 58 Methodist stone oak hospital Alamo Maxillofacial Surgical Assoc., PA 1139 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 505 210-402-3550 59 San Antonio Federal Credit Union 1717 N. Loop 1604 E 210-258-1604 60 wells fargo bank 18488 Blanco Rd. 210-856-1141 61 Wells Fargo Bank 20826 Hwy. 281 N. 210-856-8408 62 Holy Trinity Catholic Church/Banquet Hall 20523 Huebner Road 210-497-4200 / 0700 63 The Fellowship of san antonio 23755 Canyon Golf Road 210-402-3672 64 smile source 2950 Thousand Oaks Dr., Ste. 16 210-496-5422


Las Lomas Achieves Lighthouse Status Submitted By Tina Galindo as Lomas Elementary was honored with Lighthouse Status during the Leader In Me Symposium on January 24. Las Lomas is the first LEED (Green) school to receive Lighthouse Status. As a new campus in 2012-2013, 95 percent of their student body and faculty came from Leader In Me schools, so the school began its journey with the 7 Habits already in practice. Las Lomas was designed to be a Leader In Me school and leadership is even evident in the campus design. Las Lomas is also the first NEISD school to submit Leader In Me evidence binders for evaluation online. Their evidence binder for the 2013-2014 school year to date is over 650 pages. Even the Las Lomas’ mission statement, “Leading With a ROAR,” portrays the vision for the Lions to apply the 7 Habits to


their life in order to proudly lead and serve at their school, at home, and in the community. Guests at thier recent site visit reflected that “The leadership present in all the students is apparent, and the campus is an excellent model of a Leader In Me campus… there are endless possibilities to what students are able to do.” The Leader in Me equips students with the self-confidence and skills they need to thrive in the 21st century economy. Leadership roles students serve in at Las Lomas include 7 Habit cheerleaders, welcome students, greeters, patrols, tour guides, statisticians, Lion Student Leadership Committee members, data notebook experts, student keynote speakers, motor lab coaches, peer mediators, cafeteria/recycling crew, LLTV anchors, LLTV tech crew, global ambassadors, SWAT (Students Who Assist With Technology), Roarin’ Robotics

Step Into Decorating

By Mary Lozano-Jenkins The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he cold is finally gone and we can manicures and pedicures, it has also entered begin to bring life back into our plants our fabrics, upholstery as well as drapes. and decorate our homes. Mirrors, mirrors and more mirrors remain The markets this year are filled with popular with furnishings and accessories. bling and glitter. Rugs are coming in with a lot of color and a Just like glitter has entered our adult lot of texture.





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members and Honor Choir members. Lighthouse Status is a result of an evaluation of performance against nine criteria: A Lighthouse team is in place at the school, meets regularly and oversees schoolwide implementation of the leadership model with students, staff, parents and community members. The school campus environment reinforces the model by adding leadership language displays and bulletins to hallways and classrooms that emphasize individual worth and leadership principles. Teachers integrate leadership language into school curriculum and instruction daily. The staff collaborates and works together to effectively build a culture of leadership in classrooms and throughout the school. The students are provided with We have been very busy with organizing Magical Makeovers and remodeling. Clients are updating their homes with new accessories as well as new colors. Orange and lime green are hot, as are hot pinks and hot blues. Clearing your space and making changes is something that might not be fun. However, we open the good chi into our lives by doing this. What are you trying to achieve in your decorating? What new mood? Who are you entertaining? Are you ready for change? Please call us and we can come over and

meaningful student leadership roles and responsibilities. The parents of students understand The Leader in Me model and the 7 Habits and are involved in activities that support the leadership model. A system is in place for setting and tracking school-wide, classroom, academic and personal goals. The school sees improvements resulting from implementing The Leader in Me process, which includes measuring, collecting baseline data and tracking results to determine how the leadership model is bringing improvements. The school holds events to share their leadership model with the community and other schools and hosts a mini or full Leadership Day or a similar event that includes parents, business partners and educators. assist in developing your new design and decorating plan. Your Home is Your Castle! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer at or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at or 210-464-1519 or Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jennjenkins720@ or 210-325-3772. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www.

Junior Academy Of Science Wins Submitted By Kimberly Neville wo Lopez Middle School students took part and placed at the Junior Academy of Science competition, held at Robert E. Lee High School on February 8 and 9. Jared Schilling and Connor Burrage both competed in the event, sponsored by the Alamo Regional Academy of Science and Engineering. Connor Burrage was awarded first place in the Botany division for his project titled, “Potassium Chloride versus Sodium Chloride: Which Type of Water Softened Water Will Plants Prefer?” His research found that the use of sodium chloride water softened water and increased the rate of seed germination and root length when used on deer corn. Jared Schilling received second Grand


• Award-winning memory care

Lopez students Jared Schilling and Connor Burrage won awards at the Junior Academy of Science Competition.

Prize in the Environmental division for his project titled, “Trash N Gas.” Schilling researched the use of trash to produce biogas as an alternative fuel. His research found the use of cow manure mixed with persimmon created the most biogas. ​ Congratulations Lopez Panthers!​​

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March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Sonterra Dermatology Staff: (L–R) Cindy Pagan, Medical Assistant; Barbie Bryant, Medical Assistant; Julie Carlo, Front Office; Annabelle L. Garcia, MD; Jennifer Conner, PA-C; Kim Nees, Front Office; and Darlene Herrera, Front Office.

Sonterra Dermatology:

Meeting Your Cosmetic and Medical Dermatology Needs By Amanda Burris


ur skin, which plays a major role in the way that people perceive us, deserves our attention and care to keep it looking healthy, radiant and beautiful. Whether you would like to enhance your complexion, wish to keep your skin’s youthful appearance, or you have problem areas that you wish to improve, Sonterra Dermatology is available to meet all of your skin care needs in a warm and welcoming environment. Dr. Annabelle L. Garcia joined Dr. Neil Haddock and formed Sonterra Dermatology in 2011 and have since established a team of trained professionals and dedicated clientele. Dr. Haddock, a San Antonio native, graduated from the University Of Texas Medical School Of Houston in 1981 and spent his residency at Brooke Medical Center in San Antonio. Involved in various dermatology societies over the years, he has years of experience and knowledge to offer to the dermatology field. Dr. Garcia has had the opportunity to move around Texas before settling in San Antonio. Growing up in Laredo, she earned her undergraduate degree in Biology at the University of Texas-Pan American and later graduated from Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Garcia then went on to train in dermatology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas before eventually moving to San Antonio to help open Sonterra Dermatology. Serving patients of all ages, Sonterra Dermatology helps address a variety of skin issues along a vast medical and cosmetic spectrum. Medically, the doctors treat everything from psoriasis, eczema, rashes, acne, skin cancer and more. While these issues can be treated, Dr. Garcia also stresses the importance of being proactive and taking measures to prevent future harm to your skin and its overall health. “We recommend annual skin exams for skin cancer surveillance,” said Dr. Garcia. “I frequently encourage my patients to perform monthly self-skin exams at home to monitor for any new or changing moles or non-healing lesions.” She also recommends daily sunscreen, SPF 30-50 with broad spectrum coverage, on all sun exposed areas.

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Sonterra Dermatology offers a variety of cosmetic, noninvasive procedure options such as injectable fillers and neuromodulators which require little to no down-time and are

abnormalities with minimal pain and discomfort.

At our practice, patients can expect individualized attention to best address their medical and cosmetic needs. I want my patients to feel involved in their treatment plans and in making medical decisions that will hopefully enhance their lives.” – Dr. Annabelle L. Garcia considered safe. “There are a variety of fillers available depending on the area of the face we want to enhance,” Dr. Garcia said. “Fillers, in general, are trying to create a more youthful appearance by restoring facial volume that has been lost with aging.” The most popular fillers are hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a substance we have in our skin naturally, however it is lost over time with the normal aging process. These fillers are a cosmetic option for patients looking for a safe and subtle way to diminish wrinkles and enhance their overall appearance. Fillers can last anywhere from six months to two years, with a majority of them lasting about a year. At Sonterra Dermatology, they recently introduced Juvederm Voluma™, which lasts up to two years and naturally restores cheek volume. Other fillers available at Sonterra Dermatology are Radiesse™, Belotero™ and Sculptra Aesthetic™. For particular areas of the face, neuromodulators such as Botox™ are an effective safe way to soften and diminish fine wrinkles, such as those caused by frown lines. Technology is an important aspect in a modern dermatology practice and Sonterra Dermatology offers some of the latest. The Coolsculpting™ machine is one of the newest technologies offered, and is a new method to reduce stubborn fat through a safe, non-invasive technique. Laser treatments with the Cutera Excel V™ laser are also offered, which effectively help the appearance of rosacea, brown spots, scars (including acne scars), stretch marks, broken blood vessels and other pigmentary

Sonterra Dermatology offers free cosmetic consultations to determine what combination of products will work best for an individual patient and their needs. Feeling comfortable and confident with your appearance is something that can be enhanced in subtle ways, and the team at Sonterra Dermatology wants to help you achieve these goals. “At our practice, patients can expect individualized attention to best address their medical and cosmetic needs,” said Dr. Garcia. “I want my patients to feel involved in their treatment plans and in making medical decisions that will hopefully enhance their lives.” Dr. Garcia almost went into pediatric dermatology until she realized she would miss interacting with her adult patients. She enjoys seeing patients of all ages and even various generations in the same family. Staying involved and getting to know patients on an individual basis, and continuing to see them over the years has become one of the special qualities the team at Sonterra Dermatology has to offer. The practice is currently accepting new patients. “My favorite part about my job is the opportunity to make a positive impact on my patients’ lives, while helping them improve the overall health of their skin,” said Dr. Garcia.

Sonterra Dermatology 325 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 110 210-496-5792 21

Should I See A Fertility Specialist?


Dr. Summer L. James Texas Fertility Center (210) 370-3800

hen you should start an infertility evaluation and treatments is not an easy question to answer. The answer depends on circumstances. First I should explain that trying to conceive means unprotected intercourse on a relatively routine basis. Couples will come to a fertility specialist and say that they have been having routine unprotected intercourse for the last five years, but they have only

been “trying” for the last year. They will go on to say over the last six months they have been doing basal body temperature charts, ovulation predictor kits and timing intercourse as best they can. It is important to realize that most couples do not need these lengths to conceive. It is typically not necessary to time intercourse perfectly with a positive LH stick or to chart your temperatures, and lying in bed with your

legs elevated is also not required! If you have resorted to these measures, something may be wrong. If you are under the age of 35 and just starting to have unprotected intercourse, then pregnancy should occur within a year. If you are not pregnant in a year’s time, then see a fertility specialist. If you are over the age of 35 and just starting to have unprotected intercourse, then it’s okay to try for six months. If pregnancy does not occur in six months, a fertility evaluation should begin. Fertility declines as a woman ages, so time is precious. If it’s been longer than six to twelve months (depending on age), then start an evaluation. The six months over 35 and one year under 35 rule does not apply to everyone, however. Regular ovulation results in

Bush MS Wins Quaker Oaks Contest Submitted By Julie Teplitz tudents and faculty at Bush Middle School received a $5,000 Best Buy gift card for their school’s technology needs as the Dairy MAX winner in the Quaker and Fuel Up to Play 60 Make Your Move Video Contest. Bush Middle School students showed off their commitment to get active for at least 60 minutes a day by creating a video showcasing a wide and impressive activity range. The video features Bush students playing basketball, football, running and enjoying fun P.E. activities – promoting the importance of staying active and healthy. Bush is the only Dairy MAX winner in addition to the Quaker Oats national winners. The gift card supports the school’s technology needs.


As part of the larger Make Your Move campaign to inspire students to get active for a healthier future, The Quaker Oats Company, a subsidiary of PepsiCo, Inc., partnered with Fuel Up to Play 60 for the Make Your Move Video Contest and encouraged parents and teachers to submit on behalf of a school a short video of their students moving and getting active. Quaker is helping fuel healthy families by donating a total of $125,000 to support Fuel Up to Play 60. Fuel Up to Play 60 also partnered with the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) for the overall Make Your Move campaign. Created by the National Football League and the National Dairy Council, which was

Our biggest successes come in tiny packages Texas Fertility Center-San Antonio continues a legacy of building families that was born in Austin 30 years ago. Since then, we’ve welcomed over 12,000 babies into the world. At TFC, we devote our attention to the one outcome that matters to you.

founded by America’s dairy farmers and in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Fuel Up to Play 60 is the nation’s largest in-school wellness program and empowers students to make healthy changes in more than 73,000 schools. As a result of the program, last year 14

Special To Welcome Home manda Kolodejcak will never forget 2011 and the painful twist in her stomach after hearing an assessment team explain her daughter’s diagnosis. “Your daughter has autism.” Amanda sat there and felt like she was having an out of body experience. It was as if she was watching herself sit there and have a panel of professionals explain how everything in this life was about to change. How did this happen? Where did I go wrong? So many emotions are experienced when one goes from being a parent to being a special needs parent. Everyone handles things differently. Amanda cried for days and days. But then they immediately jumped into action. Flash forward to today and you will see a beautiful, thriving, happy and almost six year old little girl dancing around in a tu-tu keeping her parents on their toes. Autism has taught Amanda much about life and about herself. They’ve conquered things that would seem so small to a parent of a neuro-typical child that they are just over the moon about! Since the diagnosis, with the help of family and friends, Amanda created Afton’s Army. Every year they participate in the San Antonio Walk for Autism and look forward to supporting friends at Any Baby Can. Afton’s Army has been a blog – one which was great therapy for this Momma in


built in Phase V of their development plans.

18707 Hardy Oaks Dr, Suite 505 | San Antonio, TX 78258 210.370.3800 | 22

million students made better food choices by selecting nutritious options like low-fat and fat-free dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Additionally, 14 million students are getting more physically active during the school day.

A Journey For Awareness

new developments, from Page 14

For Dr. James’ Top 10 Tips on How to Conceive in the New Year visit

monthly menstrual cycles, meaning you should start your period every 24 to 35 days. If your cycle is not this regular, then you may not be ovulating and you should have an evaluation to find out why and what treatments can be started to help with ovulation. Also, if you have a history of a medical problem or exposure that is likely to reduce fertility, you should seek help earlier. For example, if you have had chemotherapy in the past or have been diagnosed with PCOS or endometriosis, you should consider seeking help right away or sooner than what is recommended above. Dr. James is Board Certified in Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility and Obstetrics. Call 210-370-3800 to make an appointment or receive more info on fertility testing.

US 281 North Expansion and Tollway Latest The Texas Department of Transportation or TXDOT, since the year 2000 has had imminent plans to expand and upgrade Highway 281 north of 1604 – including potentially adding tolls. The project however presently is on hold pending completion of an environmental impact statement (EIS). But according to the website, the EIS will be completed and approved in late 2014 or early 2015.

the beginning of her trip down autism lane. Now it’s more of an online support group that you can read about on Facebook. Autism is real. It’s not a disease, it’s a disorder. It’s an epidemic. And it’s not going anywhere. Not yet at least. According to the CDC, 10 years ago one in 10,000 kids were diagnosed with autism. In 2013 the statistics were reported as one in 50 school aged children are now diagnosed. One in 50! With that being said, it’s obvious there is a huge problem. And until there is a solution parents will not stop talking about it. Autism need awareness but more importantly needs acceptance too. Parents need to understand that an autism diagnosis is not the end of the world but a detour to a different way of life. Back in January, TxDOT announced funding had been accumulated to expand US 281 from Loop 1604 to Borgfeld Road using non-tolled and tolled roads. According to barring any other legal delays, construction is slated to begin sometime in 2015. The plans however still are preliminary and are subject to more possible changes. The northern San Antonio area is everexpanding, welcoming hundreds of new families and businesses to the community each year. Know of a new business or development going up near you? E-mail to let Welcome Home know.

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Speed Networking – A Productive Working Dinner By Ben Spicer he Stone Oak Business Association and the 10 West Business Association combined on January 29 to hold one of their premiere networking events of the season. The event, held at Canyon Springs Golf Club, was a speed-networking opportunity – based much off of the concept of speed dating. More than 150 people came to the meet and greet to chat with other local businesses and take in a free dinner. The event was $15 for members, and $25 for non-members. Julia Wickwire, SOBA and 10 West Business Association organizer, said the event is a good way for local businesses to interact and make a possible connection. “This event has become a community staple for a while now,” Wickwire said. “We tell every person attending to bring at least 150 business cards for a reason. The turnout is always good, and everyone seems to benefit from it.” J.J. Rodriguez, a nine year SOBA member, attended the event to promote his company. He said he enjoys attending


SOBA events such as these. “It was a nice evening, there were a lot of different people, and a lot of different businesses represented. It’s a great opportunity to get to know your neighbor,” Rodriguez said. “Places perhaps you’ve already been to and didn’t realize it, but now your able to put that place with a face and name of the person who owns it. It’s good for everybody.” Manny Diotte, CEO of TheFerrariKid. org, attended the speed-networking event for the first time. “I came out to support SOBA,” he said. “I’ve been in Stone Oak almost all my life, so I wanted to support the cause, come out meet new friends, and of course like everybody else I wanted to network for some more business.” Diotte said what he took away most from the event was the type of people he met. “There were such amazing people. Anytime someone carves 3-4 hours of their night to come to an event to further their business, you know they are serious,” Diotte said. “These are the type of people you want to surround yourself with.” The event started with some basic

introductions before opening with a buffet style meal. This gave people the chance to ease into the night before starting on the main event. Realtor Lisa Polasek of Reliance Residential Realty is a new SOBA member who was attending her first meeting. “I thought it was fun, I love speed networking. The ones I’ve been to before, normally each person would pass by someone – person to person, but this one was table to table,” she said. “I liked it. Oh, and the food was great. The chocolate cake The speed-networking event was a good opportunity for local businesses to was awesome.” The Stone Oak and the 10 interact and make a possible connection. West Business Associations “This is one of the biggest events I’ve are organizations that provide the growing been to, and I’ll be back, so it must have community with networking opportunities, been pretty good,” John Pickels of Relive the free exchange of information and mutual International said, easily summarizing the support. The organizations holds monthly night. networking events for companies to become more involved in the business community.

Invitation For Incoming RHS Freshman Parents Submitted By Catherine Bulatao he Ronald Reagan Parent Teacher Association is hosting a parent information program for all current eighth grade parents. The event will take place Wednesday, April 9 from 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. in the


Reagan auditorium. The transition from Middle School to High School can be as anxious for parents as it is for students. Let this program help relieve some of that anxiety. During the program you will meet Reagan High School’s new principal,

Brenda Shelton, who will be discussing exciting changes taking place on campus. Reagan PTA president Paula Hilken will be discussing opportunities to get involved with PTA, and Reagan counselors will be discussing the ins and outs of adjusting to high school, scheduling, and Pre-AP classes.

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After the program, Reagan PALS will lead you on a tour of the school. Please RSVP to tungstenkittycat@ by Friday, April 4 so the school may plan accordingly.


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March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

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700 E. Sonterra Blvd, Ste. 202 • (210) 496-7999


The Inside Scoop On STAAR “Don’t Let Your Child Get Lost In The Shuffle”


By Leslie Jernigan, M.A. Learning Foundations Diagnostic and Learning Center 210-495-2626

f your son or daughter is struggling in school, and you know of or suspect a learning difficulty, this information is for you. This spring will be the third year that Texas public schools will use the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR). For the 30 percent of children who have some degree of learning or attention difficulties, this test could be the difference between passing and failing the year. Last month, Janice DeHaven, Director of Special Education for NEISD, visited Learning Foundations to give us an

overview of the STAAR and to help guide our parents through the process of acquiring accommodations for standardized tests. As stated on the TEA website, accommodations for the STAAR are “intended to provide students effective and equitable access to grade-level or course curriculum and assessments.” To learn what that means and to see if your child may be eligible for accommodations, visit www. and download our free, detailed guide. NOTE: This guide has information that many teachers do not yet have, so do PRINT

What is InfantSee?


adjust them as necessary, but will typically evaluate visual acuity, refraction, motility, alignment, binocularity and overall eye health. As detailed below, these tests will determine signs of strabismus, amblyopia or diseases of the eye. – Assessments for visual acuity and refraction are largely intended to measure the degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness – common risk factors for amblyopia. Assesment of visual acuity may include tests to ensure that the infant can fix his eyes on an object and follow it. The doctor

By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020

nfantSee is a public service providing a comprehensive examination free of charge for infants between 6-12 months of age. The InfantSEE® assessment offers early detection of potential eye and vision problems. Optometrists will gauge the babies’ comfort levels with specific techniques and

Stone Oak Business Association Presents

2014 Business Expo hosted by Ronald Reagan High School

The 2014 Stone Oak Business Association Expo is excited to be welcomed back to Ronald Reagan High School for the 12th annual EXPO. This well attended event benefits both Reagan and Johnson High Schools. As a vendor your business will gain exposure to the community, parents, teachers and students. All funds raised from the Expo will help the SOBA Scholarship Program to award scholarships to outstanding seniors graduating from Reagan and Johnson Fine Arts departments. Donated raffle items are also needed and appreciated.


When: ces by: Performan

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by an examination of the inner eye through dilated pupils, which can also detect ocular diseases such as retinoblastoma, the seventh most common pediatric cancer. We are providers for the InfantSee program and also provide comprehensive eye care for the whole family at Stone Oak Vision Source. Visit our website @ www. or call 495-9020 to schedule your appointment today. Drs. Monica Allison and Lindsey Denison practice at Stone Oak Vision Source located at 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 106. All of the doctors are members of Vision Source, the nation’s number one network of private practice optometrists. Founded in 1991, the Vision Source network includes more than 2,100 offices in all 50 states and Canada. If you or a loved one needs to find a family eye doctor, please call (210) 495-9020 or visit www.

S. Texas Says Goodbye To Legend

By Amanda Burris illie Crafts, a man who impacted so many throughout his life, passed away at age 75 on Monday, January 20. Crafts was known in South Texas for his passion for football. He began his professional career when he was selected to play with the Denver Broncos in the 15th round of the 1961 American Football League draft. He also played for the Minnesota Vikings, played two seasons with the Edmonton Eskimos of the Canadian Football


Ronald Reagan High School Cafeteria 19000 Ronald Reagan Dr. San Antonio, Texas 78258 $85 for Members | $125 for Non-Members •




Stone Oak Business Association

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Lady Bird JOHNSON H.S.

To RSVP: 210-348-8233 E-mail:


may also use lenses and light from a small hand-held instrument to assess how the eye responds to particular targets. Ocular Motility/Alignment/Binocular Potential – Assessments for motility, alignment and binocularity can determine if one eye does not aim at the same object as the other eye, called strabismus. This can lead to amblyopia, if undetected, or may indicate a number of ocular diseases. Using instruments, such as penlights, finger puppets or toys, the optometrist tests the eye’s ability to move by getting the baby’s attention and observing how the baby follows the movements of the object. By shining a penlight toward the baby’s eyes, the doctor can gauge eye alignment. Overall Eye Health – The optometrist will assess the eye’s external structure as well as eyelids, tear ducts and other parts of the eye. Pupil function is then checked, followed

Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:30 to 8:00 PM


Ronald Reagan H.S.

everything you find. Many accommodations are available for struggling students regardless of whether or not they have a 504 plan or an I.E.P. Further, even if your child did NOT qualify for accommodations in previous years, she may be eligible for some accommodations this year as long as you request them with enough time. Some allowable accommodations include: • Preferential seating (close to the teacher’s desk, away from windows and other distractions) • Use of scratch paper for notes, mnemonics or math computations. • Reading assistance on third grade math problems and answer choices read by test administrator.

• Writing prompt read aloud by test administrator • Use of stress ball, noise-cancelling headphones or non-lyrical classical music. • Colored overlays to reduce distortions or discomfort when reading. • Highlighters and colored pencils for students to use to mark important information on test booklet. Also available is a 2-tiered “Accommodations Triangle” that groups accommodations according to the nature and severity of the student’s learning challenge or disability. For a detailed explanation of these accommodations, eligibility requirements, and examples, visit www. Leslie Jernigan is Program Director and Diagnostician at Learning Foundations Diagnostic and Learning Center in San Antonio. Email questions or concerns about your child’s learning challenges to leslie@ or call (210) 4952626 for a Free Consultation.

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League and played with the San Antonio Toros in the early ‘70’s. Besides playing professionally, Crafts coached throughout the South Texas Region, which included an assistant coaching position at his alma mater, Texas A&I University (now Texas A&M-Kingsville). Crafts retired in San Antonio in 2000. In 1977 Crafts was inducted to the Texas A&I University Athletic Hall of Fame. In 2003 he was inducted to the Hispanic Sports Hall of Fame in San Antonio and the Rio Grande Valley Sports Hall of Fame. In 2009 Crafts was inducted to the National Hispanic Heritage Hall of honor in San Antonio. Though football played a large role in his life, he also had a family. Crafts got married to Arinda Gomez in 1965. He is survived by his wife and his children West, Marianna (Briseno), Krystal (Pigott), Easton and Jonas, and seven grandchildren. Crafts was honored during the funeral services that were held on Thursday, January 23 at Our Lady Of Guadalupe Church. Crafts left his mark on many throughout his life. As a teammate, coach, husband, father and grandfather, one thing is for sure: he will be remembered and kept alive in the hearts of those whom he impacted.

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Belden’s Automotive and Tires: “We Keep You Rolling” By Amanda Burris


s the world around us continues to evolve, changing with the ever-growing advances in technology, vehicles still remain to be an essential part of our everyday lives. While vehicles themselves are also enhancing with time, finding an automotive company that you can trust to provide proper maintenance and repairs may sometimes prove to be a difficult task. However, at Belden’s Automotive and Tires, a family owned and operated business, customers will not only find a company with top service and educated technicians, but also quality service that will keep you coming back for years to come. “I have had the great pleasure of doing business with Belden’s for over 10 years,” said Doug Boom, a Belden’s Automotive customer. “Ronnie has built a high quality service center that provides the best in customer service along with outstanding automotive repair. I have never had a problem with any repair performed, advice given or recommendation provided. Truly a high quality business!” Belden’s Automotive and Tires was started in 1972 and taken over by Ronnie Belden in 1979 with the goal of developing a business grounded in customer service and quality work. Belden’s has since grown to include locations on San Pedro Ave, Fredericksburg Rd, Bulverde Rd, in Boerne and a new fifth location on Lockhill Selma. The newest location, now known as Belden’s Alamo Garage, had been run by the Ferguson family for over 20 years before they retired from the automotive industry and Belden’s Automotive and Tires was able to take over. Now, with five locations, they continue to serve their customers throughout the San Antonio area. Established as a family business, Ronnie’s son Rusty Belden joined the company in 2005 and has now taken over as President with his father’s retirement. Various other family members also help to run the business, including Jason Belden, Rusty’s cousin, who joined in 2012 and is the General Manager. “I grew up in the business and have had the privilege of being in and around he shop, working side by side with our employees and learning from the ground up,” said Rusty. “From a young age I have always wanted to continue in my father’s footsteps…it’s exciting to be part of something that keeps growing and come to work knowing that you are building something and carrying on a legacy.” Over the years, Belden’s Automotive and Tires has established itself as a one-stop shop, providing full automotive repairs including basic oil changes, brake service, engine and transmission repair, diesel repair,

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Our goal is a lifelong customer. We want to be able to build a relationship with our customers based on honesty and integrity so that we can be the people that you turn to... we look at educating the customer; that is a big part of what we do, so that you can make an educated decision.” – Rusty Belden, Belden’s Automotive and Tires President electrical diagnostics and more for both foreign and domestic vehicles. Rather than going to various places to get specific repairs for your vehicle, Belden’s Automotive and Tires has continued to work hard to provide services such as an exhaust center and a tire center. Technicians are also continually staying up to date with the changing technology of cars through classroom training, numerous online training and seminars. By being a company that offers so many services, Belden’s Automotive and Tires has had the opportunity to build strong relationships with their customers. “Preventative maintenance is a top priority in extending vehicle’s life,” Rusty said. “Cars are made better to last longer and you can put more miles on them as long as you maintain your vehicle and stay up to date with your vehicle’s maintenance. By doing this, it will add life to your vehicle. “Our goal is a lifelong customer,” said Rusty. “We want to be able to build a relationship with our customers based on honesty and integrity so that we can be the people that you turn to…we look at educating the customer; that is a big part of what we do, so that you can make an educated decision.” Before services are even offered, Belden’s Automotive begins their customer care by ensuring their locations are nice, clean and professional, making it a comforting environment to walk into. To ensure their customers remain educated and feel confident in putting their car needs into the hands of trained professionals, Belden’s Automotive and Tires will not only look into the issue you came in with, but also check for any other problems your vehicle may have. By prioritizing what needs to be done immediately, what may need to be fixed down the road or simple maintenance that needs to be done to meet the manufacturers recommendations, they keep their customers completely informed about their cars and any problems or future problems they may run into. While the various services offered, the up to date skills and knowledge of the technicians, and the great customer service at Belden’s Automotive and Tires are all top priority, what sets them apart is their enthusiasm for

staying involved with the community. Each year, as a way to give back, Belden’s Automotive and Tires gets involved with events and causes, such as Stuff the Bus and donations to the San Antonio Food Bank or other shelters. This past year, Belden’s also contributed and coordinated a large event with Morgan’s Wonderland to benefit the Walker Belden Foundation. “We are not super aggressive, but we have so many people that walk through the doors that it is just a good opportunity,” Rusty said. With a decorated donation box usually kept in the waiting room, they try to encourage giving back and even make it fun as either a way for friendly competition amongst the employees or sometimes as an incentive for discounts for customers. Due to Rusty, Lacey and Jason being Clark High School graduates, they also try to give back to their alma mater and other local schools and organizations when they can. As a business forged on family values, community involvement and dedication to the automobile industry, Belden’s Automotive and Tires has grown to become the preferred neighborhood garage of many. While they continue to grow and reach out, they make it their goal to “Keep You Rollin!”

29137 IH 10 West 13811 San Pedro San Antonio, TX 78232 Boerne, TX 78006 830-981-9700 210-494-0017 2035 Lockhill Selma 22000 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78259 San Antonio, TX 78213 210-366-1122 210-481-3330 8825 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 210-690-1100 25

Caring For Your Deck & Patio

By Barry Hagendorf Deck & Patio Care (210) 822-9147 Q: Why should a wooden deck be sealed? A: Different woods have different chemistry. Treated Yellow Pine is a water base wood. When it becomes wet, it expands and when it dries, it shrinks. A 10 lb. board shrinks to 7 lbs. This constant movement with weather will cause treated yellow pine to warp, split, and crack. To stop expansion and contraction it has to be sealed with an oil base penetrating sealer designed to look for dry cell structure allowing the sealer to move through the wood. Cedar and redwood are oil base woods. In time the oil will evaporate, allowing the wood to rot. These woods rot from the bottom up. So when sealing cedar and redwood, you need a sealer that can follow dry cell structure, allowing the sealer to move to the bottom of the deck. Q: Why seal limestone, flagstone, and rocks? A: These surfaces are porous and allow deep penetration for water, as water temperature moves the direction toward freezing that water expands. When temperatures of rock moves in the direction toward freezing, the rock contracts. So as temperatures change through out the day, the water and rock move in opposite directions, this causes cracking and flaking. Q: Why should pebblestone be sealed? A: We seal pebblestone for two reasons.

Wilderness Oak Builds Dreams in Africa Submitted By Lindsay Richard ilderness Oak Elementary recently was honored by The Heart Smiles Organization for raising over $17,000 over the past for years. The money raised was used to help build the organization’s first main building in Ghana, Africa for orphaned children. “I think what is so special and unique about Heart Smiles is that it is a program that is continually growing and changing from year to year. It truly is the heart of our community and our school touching the hearts and lives of the children in Ghana, Africa,” said Joy Towell, physical education teacher at Wilderness Oak. The kitchen and offices were dedicated and named in honor of Wilderness Oak. The school was presented with a plaque baring Wilderness Oak principal Stacia FitzSimon and second graders Olivia the picture of the building and Ramirez, Roberto Beas, Chance Mackie, Jacquelyn Tovar, Aidan the dedication date. Every year Underwood, and Sophia Braun pose with the dedication plaque. Lindsay Richard’s second grade If your school or place of business is students lead a fundraiser in which students of Wilderness Oak purchase interested in raising money and having a Valentine’s for their classmates and donate building dedicated in your name, please contact The Heart Smiles through their money raised to The Heart Smiles. “I feel good helping other people. We website or email at can save people’s lives. I just love it,” said second grader Olivia Ramirez.

W 1. To protect the surface, keeping the rock from popping out. 2. For an enhanced look. The construction of pebblestone leaves a concrete film on the rocks. Acid washing the rock will remove this concrete film. Sealing the stone with acrylic will give a permanent wet look. Q: Why seal a wooden fence? A: Wooden fence deteriorates quickly for a number of reasons. 1. The bottom of the board acts like a straw, sucking the water into the board. 2. The boards are thin allowing moisture penetration from all six sides. 3. The wood has tannic acid and when the acid comes to the surface and the sun shines on the board turning the tannic acid gray or black. Sealing a fence can eventually double it’s life. Q: Why is my paint growing mold? A: The paint does not have enough mildewcide in it. Always add mildewcide to all exterior paints at the paint store. This stops mold from growing on the painted surface. As a Welcome Home reader, please take advantage of the $59 discount located in this paper.

Deck & Patio Care Cleaning & Sealing Decks for 28 years in San Antonio

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Our proprietary Oil-Based Penetrating Sealers are designed to STOP Rotting, Warping & Splitting!

• We’ll show you how to get 30 to 40 years life out of your deck! • We clean & seal FLAGSTONE to stop chipping and flaking • We clean & seal PEBBLESTONE to golden wet look • We CUSTOM BUILD: DECKS • ARBORS • PATIO COVERS • OUTSIDE KITCHENS • FIRE PLACES

by Barry Hagendorf


March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

Stone Oak Family Doctors: (L–R) Rohan Coutinho, MD; Stephanie Hoefle, MD; John Phillips, MD; and Wendy Nguyen, MD

Stone Oak Family Doctor, John Nguyen, MD

Stone Oak Family Doctors: Where Technology Meets Trustworthiness

By Kalyn Stralow


iving in an age of technological advances is a blessing, especially when it comes to ensuring your family has access to the quality care they need to stay healthy and active. While technology on its own does not guarantee the best health care, it can be a powerful tool when wielded effectively by experienced doctors. For the expert team of medical professionals at Stone Oak Family Doctors (SOFD), using all available means to provide their patients with comprehensive care is second nature. Since the inception of the practice over a decade ago, SOFD has developed a winning combination of experience, diversity, and cutting-edge technology that allows them to successfully treat the residents of Stone Oak and the surrounding area. SOFD’s founding physician, Dr. John Phillips, has cultivated that patient-focused atmosphere since the practice’s inception 11 years ago. Dr. Phillips, who has been in practice for more than 25 years, is one of the pioneers of the medical profession in Stone Oak. Over his distinguished career, he has become skilled in developing and maintaining doctorpatient relationships in family medicine. According to Dr. Phillips, the key to creating a relationship where patients feel safe and confident is to demonstrate an ability to assess and diagnose a patient’s comprehensive needs. Patients have come to trust that the doctors at SOFD not only have their best health and wellness interests at heart, but that they also have the competency to treat them. Developing that level of trust between patient and doctor is critical to a person’s success in managing their health. One of the most frustrating scenarios for a medical professional is to give a patient all the tools necessary for effective treatment, only to have the patient fail to follow through and their condition not improve. “You have to be willing to trust the physician’s decisionmaking and be willing to follow their instructions,” said Tina Turnipseed, SOFD Business Administrator. “They are medical professionals who have created a specificallydesigned treatment plan, and they are asking you to trust that they know what they are doing.” And that patient trust is exactly what makes SOFD a place of healing for so many. Throughout Dr. Phillips’ career, his loyal patients have been confident in his care in every

March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

phase of their lives. And they have instilled that sense of loyalty in their children – the next generation of patients. A family practice, SOFD sees people of all ages, beginning as young as four years old through geriatrics. There are five physicians who are proud to be on the SOFD team. Dr. Phillips is joined in his practice by Wendy T. Nguyen, M.D., Rohan P. Coutinho, M.D., Stephanie A. Hoefle, M.D., and John Q. Nguyen, M.D. Each brings something unique to the practice, and ensures that patients will find a good fit with one of the doctors on staff. “The key to a successful doctor/patient relationship is for

We strive each day to be a practice that emphasizes customer service and is a standout in the community, with good patient-physician relationships in a space that is technologically forward.” – Tina, SOFD Business Administrator patients to find a doctor that they feel a connection with,” explained Tina. One of the ways that SOFD is set apart from other medical practices in the area is their commitment to the families of Stone Oak. Patients who live in the Stone Oak area tend to stay local, and they want to see a doctor who is a part of their community. SOFD is conveniently located within an easy distance of North Central Baptist Hospital. The proximity is important because the physicians at SOFD still make rounds to visit their patients at North Central Baptist. While many doctors have discontinued the practice of making hospital rounds, SOFD patients can trust that their physician will be there for them if they ever need to be hospitalized. Going beyond their trustworthy reputation, SOFD strives to make the doctor visit experience as hassle-free as possible for the patient. In addition to regular appointments, SOFD recognizes that many injuries or sudden illnesses simply cannot be scheduled. For these needs, walk-ins are welcome through SOFD’s Express Care service. The physicians share Express Care duties, ensuring that a medical professional

is always available to see walk-ins on a first come, first serve basis. Express Care services are available without an appointment continuously from 8 a.m.-4:15 p.m. on weekdays, although there is a limit to the number of patients that can be seen. Urgent Care Clinic, open on Saturdays from 10 a.m.-12 p.m., is available for non-chronic issues such as earaches and the flu. Technologically speaking, SOFD strives to provide advanced concepts both to more effectively treat patients and also to streamline the paperwork process for patients. One way that SOFD helps to create a better experience for patients is through the use of the on-site digital X-ray. The ability to digitally manipulate and send X-rays means that they can be sent for evaluation almost instantly, speeding up the wait time on patient results. Because the images are computer-based, the doctors are also able to quickly and easily perform analyses. “We strive each day to be a practice that emphasizes customer service and is a standout in the community, with good patient-physician relationships in a space that is technologically forward,” explained Tina. SOFD continues their outstanding customer service even as new federal regulations and alterations in healthcare become prevalent. SOFD remains dedicated to the Stone Oak community and focused on helping aid their patients to the best of their abilities, as they stay current with the upcoming changes. Whatever the medical need, Stone Oak Family Doctors is prepared to help. The comprehensive family medicine practice provides services ranging from annual physicals, health screenings and vaccinations to X-rays, blood tests and lab services. Patients can rest assured knowing that they have a team of trustworthy medical professionals managing their health with their best interests in mind.

Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 202 (210) 496-7999 27

Ribbon Cuttings And Grand Openings COR Medical Billing Company

The Stone Oak Business Association recently welcomed COR Medical Billing Company to the association. COR Medical Billing Company is committed to first in class service to both healthcare providers and their patients. They follow all state and federal laws while achieving the highest level of quality and excellence in the industry. Long after the patient care is complete, they continue to work with healthcare provider’s patients to answer questions, fight rejected claims and set up reasonable payment plans. COR Medical Billing saves clients time and money by taking the hassle of billing and collections out of the picture, allowing office staff more time to focus on running an effective business providing the best patient care possible. COR Medical Billing comes to you with more than 20 years collective experience in billing and collections. COR Medical Billing looks forward to serving the healthcare community. For more information please call 210-468-2015 or visit their website at

Accurate Pest Control Accurate Pest Control, who recently joined the SOBA, is a 24 year old full service family owned and operated pest control company that operates on the simple principle of treating their customers how they themselves

would like to be treated. They employ skilled, highly trained and licensed technicians that utilize the latest equipment in the fight against pests. Accurate’s clients enjoy a personalized level of customer service and comprehensive treatment options that won’t break the bank. All work performed by Accurate Pest Control is backed by their 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, so they won’t rest until you’re free of pests! They service both commercial and residential customers with not only general pest control options, but a variety of specialized services such as animal trapping, rodent control, bed bug eradication, termite treatment, as well as bird and bat exclusions. The next time something is bugging you call Todd Bufalino at 210-793-4040.

Patty LaBarbara, REALTOR® Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper, REALTORS®

Patty LaBarbara, a member of the Stone Oak Business Association, prides herself in not only knowing the workings of the real estate industry, but in her ability to educate her clients about all of the pieces of the puzzle, an important asset in real estate negotiations. Sellers, your home can appear on television on The Sunday Showcase of Homes, marketing that’s exclusive to Coldwell

Banker D’Ann Harper REALTORS® and just one of many elements of our Powerhouse Marketing plan. Call Patty to get your free comparable market analysis. Buyers, let Patty help you find your new home by understanding your needs and updating you on search results meeting your criteria on a daily basis. To contact Patty, call her at 210-483-6338. Making Dreams Come True, One Home at a Time.

Daddy’s Burgers And More

Family owned Daddy’s Burgers and More is one of the newest members of the Stone Oak Business Association. On Friday January 31, 2014 both the Stone Oak Community and Friends were present for the Grand Opening of Daddy’s Gourmet Burgers at 19202 Stone Oak Parkway The owners understand the value of good food and quality family time. At Daddy’s you will experience healthy, delicious and gourmet burgers, salads, wings, shakes and much more. Daddy’s is home of the 50 / 50 Burger made with ground chuck (steak) and brisket blended to make a great tasting burger. Also, you will fall in love with the

sweet sourdough bun, “simply the best that you have ever had.” Daddy’s Burgers invites you to come enjoy a Delicious Burger. One visit and Daddy’s will quickly become your family’s new favorite place. Hours of operations are Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Closed Sunday. For to go orders call 210-545-3696.

The Vethan Law Firm, P.C.

The Vethan Law Firm, P.C. recently joined the Stone Oak Business Association. The firm is a full service business and trial firm representing established and growing businesses throughout Texas and the United States for almost twenty years. They offer a full range of services including corporate, trademark and copyright matters, as well as complex contract and commercial disputes. As an AV Preeminent rated law firm, they are rated in the top eight percent of law firms in the United States. Their clients and colleagues have come to them for their exceptional experience and expertise. Their clients stay with them for their uncompromising service. Let them show you why so many leading entrepreneurs and growing businesses have chosen The Vethan Law Firm, P.C. to represent them. Contact them today at 210-824-2220 for more information on how The Vethan Law Firm, P.C. can work with your business as it grows to the next level.

New to the Area? If you are new to the area, we’d like to extend a special welcome with a free gift filled with maps, magazines, local business coupons and info to help you get settled in your community.

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March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

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et your alarm clock EARLY and join the Stone Oak Business Association on Thursday, March 20, for a GREAT opportunity to meet your Stone Oak business neighbors! Each attendee will be able to introduce themselves and their business—so don’t forget to bring your business cards!

Date: Thursday, March 20 Time: 7:30 – 9:30 AM (Breakfast Served at 8:15 AM) Location: The Egg & I 700 E Sonterra Blvd, 78258

To RSVP: 210-348-8233 E-mail:

Cost: $10 for Members & Non-Members S




Stone Oak Business Association

SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258



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March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

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March 2014 • Welcome Home • 78258

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