March 2015 78255 56 57 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER

March 2015 Issue


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March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

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SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


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The Welcome Home Community Newspaper has had the privilege of serving the community for 11 years as one of the few local papers that shines a spotlight on the good things in life – the accomplishments of our amazing youth, inspirational stories and the residents and local businesses that comprise the heart of our area. With �ive different papers covering northern San Antonio, Welcome Home is directly mailed to over 60,000 households and businesses as well as rack distribution.

How To Submit Articles • We work a month in advance so submit by the given deadline (ex: if you submit in January it will be for the February edition) • Like us on Facebook or let us know if you would like to be put on our email list that will notify you of each deadline

What To Submit

• Email articles to:

• News tips or story ideas that one of our writers can turn into a story

• Or submit articles to our website at:

• Announcements (births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and grand openings)

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• Community, School, and Sports News • Upcoming events *Always submit photos with your submissions! Welcome Home Community Newspaper is pleased to offer this free service to the community. Upon submission of a story idea or photo, you give Welcome Home the right to use that submission without compensation. By submitting to Welcome Home, you guarantee that your material is sent with the express consent of the owner, and that its contents are non-proprietary and non-confidential. We cannot guarantee all submissions will be published. Welcome Home is under no obligation to use any idea, photo or article submitted. We reserve the right to edit or alter submissions for conciseness and grammar as needed and may need to prioritize certain events for any reason before publication.

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March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Note From The Publisher

Enjoy The Little Things


arch is always a great time of year for me because it’s the birthday month of both of my children. My son, Blake, will be 23 and my daughter, Rashell, will be 19. As the years progress and they both continue to become their own person, I could not be any prouder of them. My son is in charge of the retail store at Groomer’s Seafood. Given his responsibilities, if you have any seafood needs, be sure to pay him a visit. He also has written an article on page 12 about the upcoming crawfish season. My daughter is in college and working toward a degree in mortuary science. Every month that I begin piecing together the upcoming edition of Welcome Home, I am reminded of my surrounding and how lucky I am to live in an area that cares about their kids as much as I do. Although we don’t cover college stories often, our front cover is very special to me since it has our UTSA basketball team on it. These young men truly represent San Antonio and I love watching as this local university continues to grow each year. This issue was such a joy to put together. We had so many submissions from the community. So many great things are happening in San Antonio. I love highlighting what the community and our children are doing to make each of our neighborhoods and school districts special. Johnson High School once again won the trophy for collecting the most toys for our Annual Drive. I cannot find the words to thank them enough or every school that participates each year to make our drive bigger and bigger so that we can reach out to more and more children within San

Antonio. These children and young adults have such great hearts and a passion to help others. I love talking with them and being a part of their clubs as they represent their schools. March is also the month for High School students to turn in their essays and applications for the Stone Oak Business Association’s scholarships. We are so privileged to be able to support our local schools’ high school seniors this year, as we have done for the past twelve years, by providing scholarships for graduating seniors. We are also one of the proud sponsors for Taste of The Northside in April. Every year this event continues to inspire and represent the Northside as one of the best Fiesta events. I love seeing many of my friends and family attend this event and I love being a part of it since I know it benefits the children from the Brighton School. The Brighton School is an incredible member of our community and provides an invaluable service for these children and their families. As you are going on your Spring Break vacations be sure and share with us your adventures. Remember, if you have a feel good story from your side of town, please let us know so that we can share it with our community. Please remember to support the businesses that make this paper possible and let them know you saw them in Welcome Home. One final thought until next month... GO SPURS GO!!! Sincerely,

20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: Ad Inquiries Email:

Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver

Writer/Copy Editors Stefanie Young

Contributing Photographer Karen Little

Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Katrina Cunningham Heather Jemente Sierra Hernandez

Staff Writer Debby Seguin

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Contributing Writers Paula Allen Tracey Bennett Ana Bribiesca Banta Brighton Ruben Caraveo Velizar Iliev Erik Ramirez Michelle Shaw




2/8/13 4:52 PM

On The Cover By Stefanie Young and Ben Spicer s the UTSA men’s basketball team’s regular season winds to a close, each game down the stretch means that much more for the three senior starters – center Kaj-Bjorn Sherman, guard Keon Lewis, and four-year player Jerome Hill. The trio has put in countless amounts of time and effort competing at the highest of levels to get to where they are. The team finished up its regular season playing Photo Credit: Karen Little four more games in 2015 UTSA Basketball Team. February before hosting its final two regular receiving a bye in the first round. The season games of the year at the Convocation winner of the tournament then gets the Center versus Rice and North Texas during ultimate prize of playing in the “Big Dance” the first week in March. also known as March Madness or simply The top 12 teams in Conference USA the NCAA tournament – one of collegiate advance to an end of season tournament, sport’s biggest stages. with the top four regular season records



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By Debby Seguin


hh, Spring Break. How do I love thee? Let me count the days… Now, I’m a teacher, and you may think this a disloyal sentiment. After all, it is my calling and I should be only too happy spending my days training, influencing, shaping young minds, being positive, energetic and upbeat, and selflessly giving day after day after…oh, sorry. Um-m, yes, Spring Break. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the kids. I love the kids. (Who called me Pinocchio?!) It’s not the school lunches. (Whoops! It’s growing again!). So why do I count the days until Spring Break arrives? It’s…it’s…O.K! It’s MATH CLASS! (My therapist was right, that DOES feel better. Only 11 steps to go…) Now, you may be thinking “Hello? It’s not rocket science.” Yeah? Well, let me Agility




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tell you, pal, it’s not like the old days. Remember when Sally had two apples, Johnny had five apples, how many apples did they have altogether? Just try THIS: Shahirisse had ten apples. She gave 1/3 of them to the animal shelter and of the remaining apples, four were given to Hapejnah, who cut them into thirds, saving 15 seeds for his Arbor Day Civics project, then climbed three flights of stairs with 14 stairs per flight and gave 2/3 of the slices to Su Yong Po who proceeded to eat 3/5, saving the remaining slices for her brother and two sisters who were attending self-awareness training. How many apples do Shahirisse and Hapejnah have left altogether? Huh? Exactly. Not being so judgmental NOW, are we, hmmm? I now separate math questions into a 1-tylenol group, a 2-tylenol group and the “let’s just give ‘em the answers out of the teacher’s manual and make a blood pact of silence” group. Spring Break used to mean beaches and sunshine but now it means a slight reprieve from studying my “Math for Dummies” (beginner version) book. It’s five glorious days of not having to say or hear the words “factor,” “angle,” or “length of the hypotenuse to the 4th power.” And if my own kids need any help with the M-word, I say, “Sorry honey, you’ll have to ask your teacher!” as they hear faint, maniacal laughter drifting through my locked door… Debby Seguin (who switched to language arts where everything “makes sense”) can be reached at writewell62@

31305 Oak View, Bulverde (830) 980–8476 •

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

UTSA Basketball: Seniors Lead the Way

By Ben Spicer or the hard-working athletes of the UTSA men’s basketball team, daily schedules can be tight this time of year with both limited free time and tons of travel. As the team’s regular season winds to a close, each game down the stretch means that much more for the three senior starters – center Kaj-Bjorn Sherman, guard Keon Lewis, and four-year player Jerome Hill. The trio has put in countless amounts of time and effort competing at the highest of levels to get to where they are. Unlike paid professional athletes, these fortunate students have to split their time between doing what they love which is playing collegiate basketball, while still having to go to class and progress towards degrees in their chosen field. “Days start with very early mornings,” forward Jerome Hill said. “Usually the younger guys have school. My schedule is pretty good. I do all my classes at night. I am on campus though until around 11 p.m. We don’t get any special treatment that’s for sure. It just brings a different aspect to the schooling side – you have to have good time management, and you have to be organized.” The six-foot-eight inch Hill, who came to the Roadrunners by way of Cairns, Australia, is making sure to appreciate his final season and all that it has to offer this last go around. “I am enjoying myself. We have a good group of guys this year. I am just trying to leave some sort of legacy,” he said. “I’ve gotten so much out of being here – I’ve been here five years. I got a master’s degree, an undergraduate degree, I’ve been to the NCAA tournament and played in a bunch of top-level games. I have no regrets of my time here.” Hill said following his senior year he will try to play professionally, but knows there is no certainty in that. “If I keep playing well I will definitely give it a go and see what happens,” he said. Kaj-Bjorn Sherman, another senior who is playing in his second season with UTSA after transferring in from an Idaho junior college, said he came to San Antonio after liking what the coaches had to say about the program. “I came out on my visit, and I really liked what the coaches had to offer. I liked that this was an up and coming school. The Spurs being here was the cherry on top – I love the Spurs. Ultimately I also liked having three familiar faces that I like playing with.” As an athlete and seven-feet tall, Sherman stands out on campus in a big, big way. “Me being seven-feet tall is what brings in the attention – more than being an athlete I suppose. But San Antonio has been a great community, and what they say about southern hospitality has been true – everyone has been so kind to me.

It’s the same way across the whole campus.” With the step up in competition faced this year, Sherman has had to rely on his teammates, most notably the other two seniors to take the team where they intend to go. “Last year we were plagued with injuries so we didn’t have the greatest season in the world, but it got us into the mindset of what we have to play against day-in-day-out, so it got us ready for this year,” he said. The team finishes up its regular season playing four more games in February before hosting its final two regular season games of the year at the Convocation Center versus Rice and North Texas during the first week in March. “We just got to keep on doing what we’re doing. It got us this far. We’re just getting better at what we do. We have to keep spreading the floor with our shooters and have me and Jeromie clean up the misses inside.” Keon Lewis, the third senior on the team who also came to the program via a junior college, said the coaching staff led by head coach Brooks Thompson has been instrumental in the team’s improvement down the stretch. “He’s more of a teacher. He has that knowledge and he’s going to give us that knowledge. He tells us when to pick our spots, and I really like that about him. I’ve never had a coach like him that breaks things down like he does,” Lewis said. The top 12 teams in Conference USA advance to an end of season tournament, with the top four regular season records receiving a bye in the first round. The winner of the tournament then gets the ultimate prize of playing in the “Big Dance” also known as March Madness or simply the NCAA tournament – one of collegiate sport’s biggest stages. “I want to get a conference ring, and get into the NCAA tournament. I am really going to miss this team. This is a great group of guys this year,” Lewis said. To purchase tickets to games visit, call 210-458-8872 or email

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57



Don’t Be Fooled: Insist On The Real Deal By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224

Progesterone vs. Progestin


rogesterone begins its slow decline in the 30s in most women, the perimenopause. For years women with low progesterone may suffer bloating, headaches, painful periods, and tender breasts. Without progesterone, estrogen stimulates the lining of the uterus to thicken which may cause heavy, irregular periods. Progesterone promotes restful sleep and

acts as a mild diuretic. Night sweats resolve with the right amount of progesterone. Progesterone is very safe and may even be given to pregnant women to prevent miscarriage. Progestin and Progesterone are entirely different substances with similar name. Progestin, a synthetic hormone which is foreign to the body, may worsen symptoms of estrogen dominance including weight gain, depression, migraines, and breast tenderness. Even doctors get confused on this point: Progestin is not Progesterone. Quick point: bio-identical means that the

molecular structure of the hormone is exactly the same as if the body produced it. For example, pork insulin is derived from the pig-no one uses pork insulin anymore to treat diabetes. Rather, we all use an exact copy of human insulin, “humulin” to treat diabetes. Ms. K., about 20 and overweight, recently visited me with symptoms of excessive menstrual flow, bloating and weight gain-all typical of the low progesterone, estrogen dominant, woman. Insomnia resulted in day time exhaustion. She was still having periods, but they were coming every 3 to 6 weeks. Blood tests revealed several vitamin deficiencies, high estrogen, no progesterone and low testosterone. I gave her progesterone in a capsule, testosterone in a cream to apply to the vaginal area, extensive nutritional information, vitamins, and a pedometer.

I explained to her that gradually, as her estradiol declined, I would re-test and replace as required. We talked about the risk-benefit ratio for her in taking hormone replacement. The risks which were demonstrated with the synthetic hormones and purported to occur with any hormone replacement therapy, are blood clots, cancer, and heart attack or stroke. Diet, omega 3 fish oil, and exercise may help to lessen these risks. Progesterone helped with the migraines and her periods became more normal, mood improved. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit

Girl Scouts Recognized During Girl Scout Month Submitted By Risa Weinberger, Girl Scout Volunteer ach year in March, Girl Scouts of all faiths join together to celebrate the spiritual side of Girl Scouting. The Interfaith Committees in Scouting invite you to celebrate Girl Scout Sunday and/ or Sabbath at the service of your choice. This is the perfect time to recognize an adult for their contribution to the spiritual development of young people. Girl Scouts of the USA does not endorse or promote any particular philosophy or religious belief. The motivating force in Girl Scouting is spiritual and the ways in which members identify and fulfill their spiritual beliefs are personal and private. These events are for all Girl Scouts and their families. This is the perfect occasion to attend a religious service of a faith other than your own. If a Girl Scout is working on her religious award that requires her to


Girl Scouts begin Girl Scout Sabbath by lighting the Sabbath candles.

participate and/or attend a religious service that is different from her own religion, this service gives the girl the opportunity to witness the diversity while in a comfortable setting with other Girl Scouts. This year, Girl Scout Sunday will be celebrated during the 2:00 mass at San Fernando Cathedral on Sunday, March 8th. Girls and their families are asked to check-

Cars Break Down At The Most Inconvenient Time


By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

egrettably, we meet many of our customers on a day that everything seems to be going wrong. The day may start off with snoozing the alarm too


many times, trying to get the children up, dressed and off to school, the traffic may be worse than usual and then… the car breaks

Girl Scouts celebrate Girl Scout Sunday at San Fernando Cathedral.

in by 1:45pm. Girl Scouts are requested to wear their current vest or sash to this mass. On Friday, March 20th, Girl Scouts and their families are invited to be recognized at the “One Friday Night with Friends” Sabbath service at Congregation Agudas Achim (16550 Huebner Rd.) at 6:15pm followed by a vegetarian pot-luck dinner. All current and alumni Girl Scouts are invited to attend this lively musical service.

Girls are requested to wear their current vest or sash to the service. Other religious institutions may also be recognizing Girl Scouts during the month of March. Check with your local church, temple, or synagogue for religious service dates. For more information, contact Risa Weinberger at or the Girl Scout office at (210) 349-2404.

down. Most often, we are caught unprepared for both the time away from the vehicles we use every day, and for the financial strain of unexpected vehicle repairs. When a customer walks in the door, he or she will be greeted warmly, and our trained service advisors will assist in getting the customer the best assistance possible. For those fitting a repair into his or her busy workday, we offer free Wi-Fi, comfortable waiting rooms with fruit, coffee, water, flat screen TV’s, reading material and work stations. Our goal at each of our locations is to make the time spent as relaxing and comfortable as possible. Not only can car repair be frustrating, but it can also be confusing. For those not as technical you may feel anxious about information received concerning complicated vehicle repairs. Our family at Belden’s strives to educate our customers, allowing them to make the best decision. Our service advisors will speak to you in a way that you can understand and be comfortable in making your vehicle repair choice. This peace of mind comes along with other support for you and your vehicle. Not only does Belden’s offer a complimentary pick up or drop off service, but we also provide discounted rental support for customers in need of short term transportation. Additionally, Belden’s is proud of our 24 month, 24,000 mile nationwide warranty, ensuring that our customers are taken care of

in the event it is needed. Because Belden’s Automotive and Tires understands that auto repair can be a major stressor, our goal is to create the best possible experience during our customers’ visit. We recognize that there are multiple options when it comes to finding a repair facility, including both local mom and pop shops and large fancy dealerships. Belden’s Automotive & Tires wants to be your neighborhood garage! We are proud to be your one stop shop for all your automotive needs. We are here to help during those frustrating breakdown moments. And don’t forget, we also offer Diesel repairs, tires, and perform custom exhaust work. We look forward to seeing you and your foreign or domestic vehicle at one of our six locations. Belden’s Automotive & Tires prides itself on being YOUR alternative to the dealer! Don’t forget to check us out on the web for coupons and specials at Buckle up, Drive Safe, and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires, “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Five Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830-9819700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330. For more information, call one of the locations or visit

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Can Anyone Beat Johnson High School?

By Stefanie Young elcome Home Community Newspaper and the Non-Profit Living Through Giving hosted an award ceremony on Wednesday, February 3 at Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School as winner of the 2014 Toys Drive Challenge. This is the second year in a row Johnson has won the challenge. Elementary, middle and high schools were welcome to participate in the friendly competition, all for a good cause. This year, Johnson brought in more than 1,000 toys, earning them the trophy for another year! They competed against 20 other schools from NEISD and NISD with only Madison High School coming close with roughly 800 toys.


The Welcome Home staff was honored to meet with the student council of Johnson High School to present them with the trophy once more, with another silver plate engraved on the front, and a $500 check for the school to use as they choose to. The Toy Drive Challenge trophy represents the good that can be achieved when students of the school come together in support of a great cause. As 2014 winners, Johnson will be allowed to hold onto the trophy for a full year until the next Toys for Tots challenge, where they will have to win it again, or give it up to the 2015 winners. Overall, with all the schools accounted for, the Toy Drive brought in over 7,000 toys for the children of San Antonio who wouldn’t have had toys without their

TMI Swimmers Take First At Regionals

TMI Students Receive New Award Submitted By Paula Allen he first three winners of the new Middle School Student of the Month award at TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas were announced Jan. 27 during daily chapel. The award recognizes exemplary behavior with an emphasis on community involvement, respectfulness, responsibility and safety. Honorees are: Simon Rupe, sixth grade; Montserrat Martinez, seventh grade; and Alec Neiman, eighth grade. Student of the Month candidates are nominated and voted on by Middle School faculty. The winners are honored with ribbons, chapel recognition and an end-ofyear party.


TMI varsity swimmers celebrate their first-place, combined-team victory at the TAPPS Central Regional Championships, held Jan. 28 in Blossom Athletic Center.

Submitted By Paula Allen he varsity swim team of TMI, the Episcopal School of Texas, won the TAPPS (Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools) Central Regional Championships on Jan. 28 in the Josh Davis Natatorium at Blossom Athletic Center, taking firsts in the Girls Regional Championship and the Combined Team Championship for the second year in a row. The girls team, with 147 points, outscored the second-place team, St. Michael’s Catholic Academy of Austin, by 54 points


and were the highest-scoring girls team in all three divisions competing. The TMI boys were a close second with 106 points, only nine points away from first-place St. Michael’s, and the Panthers’ combined score of 253 bested their own 231 that earned them a 2014 victory. Other TMI regional champions were: Girls medley relay, Emilee Bassett, Elizabeth Holmes, Isabella McCafferty and Grace Metz; 200 IM and 100 breaststroke, Grace Metz; 100 butterfly and 500 free, Robby Devlin; girls 200 free relay, Bassett,

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

efforts. Welcome Home and Living Through Giving would like to thank the community for never failing to deliver, even when the expectations continue to grow! Here at Welcome Home, we hope more schools will participate in the upcoming year and that more toys will be delivered to the local children within our neighborhoods who need the reminder that they haven’t been forgotten. With friendly competition in mind, we hope to see a school step up to the plate and aim to beat Johnson in their third run for the trophy! To find out how you and your school can participate in the upcoming year, email or call (210)348-8233.

Holmes, Isabella McCafferty and Mary McCafferty. Times at the regional meet qualified several TMI swimmers for the conference’s Feb. 13 state competition. They are: Bassett, Devlin, Holmes, Isabella McCafferty, Mary McCafferty and Metz; as well as Chris Clark, Eric Gibbons, Sean Isbell, Garrett Lindemood, Armando Martinez and Nathan Romo. Other swimmers may qualify after all regional meets have been held. “From start to finish, I seriously doubt this team could have swum better,” said TMI Head Swim Coach Stephanie Barnes. “Their team spirit was amazing, and they stood out among all other teams. After such a great season, I can only imagine what they have in store for all of us at state.”

First-time winners of the Middle School Student of the Month award are Simon Rupe, left; Montserrat Martinez and Alec Neiman.

TMI’s 200m free relay team of Emilee Bassett, Elizabeth Holmes, Isabella McCafferty and Mary McCafferty shows off first-place medals at the TAPPS swim championships.


AQUAS Student Wins SCAC Award

Brook Hollow Library News By Tapley Trudell Adult Service Librarian Brook Hollow Branch Library 210-496-6315 his spring the Brook Hollow Library invites you to learn new skills, stimulate your mind, and, best of all, to play! Programs such as American Sign Language classes, the Mayor’s Book Club, Family Lego Night, and International TableTop Day ensure that there is something for everyone to enjoy at the library. Throughout the spring semester, MacArthur High School students will offer free American Sign Language classes on Sundays at 3 pm in Brook Hollow’s meeting room. No sign-up or prior experience is required. Each class is treated as an individual event, so it is not necessary to come every Sunday. Adults and children are welcome. Mayor Ivy Taylor has selected 12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northrup as the spring title for the Mayor’s Book Club. Brook Hollow will be hosting a discussion of the book on Saturday, March 21 at 3:30 pm. Discussions of the book and the movie,


Submitted By Kaitlyn Goertz ant to see what one of the AQUAS students is accomplishing in her young life? Meet Kaitlyn Goertz, a basketball player from Marshall High School in San Antonio and now a Junior playing for the Mountaineers of Schreiner University. She is an amazing young woman who loves helping and mentoring young students in middle schools. But that’s not all, she is in charge of coordinating new


student orientation at her college, and yet with all that, she still found time to learn knitting and now participates with a group that knits products for the homeless and less fortunate. Now you can see why, for the second year in a row, Kaitlyn, a mathematics major, won the Southern Collegiate Athletic Character & Community Award. AQUAS is proud beyond words that this scholar-athlete sets the bar as high as she has.

Beauty For Brighton Event

With the help of Brighton Center and her bravery and determination, Kaitlin is able to be “just like everyone else”.

Submitted By Banta Brighton tone Oak Dermatology is hosting a skin care open house event benefitting Brighton Center for children with disabilities. Come learn about products and procedures. Part of proceed s to be donated to Brighton Center through the Queen of the Vine candidate Janine Sauer. Janine’s daughter, Kaitlin, was born with facial paralysis and disfigurement. With the help of Brighton Center and her bravery and determination, Kaitlin is able to be “just like everyone else”.

S 10

Without Brighton Center, children in San Antonio who are born with a disability would not have the opportunity to become the confident, aware, and included children that they deserve to be. The event will feature demonstrations, education, refreshments, and door prizes. If you would like to donate to Brighton and Janine’s campaign please visit www. or to learn more about Brighton Center.

as well as other related events will be happening at library branches around the city. Visit the library’s website at www. for more information on this citywide initiative. The whole family can have fun at Family Lego Night! This event will be held on Monday, March 30 from 5:30 pm to 7 pm. Legos and Duplos will be available in the children’s room for budding builders of all ages to indulge in creative, brainstimulating play. Saturday, April 11 is the 3rd annual International TableTop Day when board game aficionados and newbies around the world will gather to play tabletop games of all kinds. In a program inspired by the popular web series, “TableTop”, Brook Hollow will be a gaming haven all day, from 10 am to 6 pm. Attendees will be able to play games featured on the show, such as Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Cataan, and Tsuro. Standard favorites like Monopoly and Scrabble will also be available. No registration is required, just stop by anytime during the day to play some games!

Franklins Named EY Entrepreneur of The Year Submitted By Shirley Wills ubra and Susan Franklin, founders of the Franklin Companies, a growing family of companies that provides senior living and multi-family housing solutions, have been named finalists for the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2014 Award, the world’s most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The only finalists from San Antonio and the only couple to be recognized, the Franklins now advance to the national competition with winners from 25 cities across the country. The awards program recognizes entrepreneurs who demonstrate excellence and extraordinary success in such areas as innovation, financial performance and personal commitment to their businesses and communities. Past winners have included Michael Dell of Dell Computers, Howard Schultz of Starbucks, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google, Inc. “Aubra and Susan Franklin embody the entrepreneurial spirit that drives innovation,” said Teri Steffek, EY Entrepreneur Of the Year Central Texas program manager. “They have infused professional expertise with personal passion to build an enterprise dedicated to values, people and excellence.” The Franklin Companies provides development, construction, and management services and employs more than 400 people. Franklin Park, the senior living brand, provides exceptional housing solutions with unparalleled care of seniors. The company’s affordable housing brand, Artisan, has crated substantial value for residents, investors and municipalities. The firm’s foundational values of “Freedom, Family and Friends,” are the guideposts by which strategic and managerial decisions are made. The Franklin’s values-based management style extols servant leadership. By putting


The only finalists from San Antonio and the only couple to be recognized, the Franklins now advance to the national competition.

the firm’s mission and values first, the Franklins have seeded a culture that results in individual and corporate success. Award winners in several national categories, as well as the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year National Overall Award winner, were announced at the annual awards gala in Palm Springs, California, on November 15, 2014.

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Everyone Needs A Mentor

Submitted By Steve Johnson aving a mentor in your life can provide guidance, support, and opportunities you may not have otherwise. You may look up to someone for different reasons, or look up to multiple people for different areas of life. Reaching out to a person you admire takes courage and a little effort, but could benefit you greatly in the long term. Educational Mentorship: One critical area for a mentoring is in the area of educational resources. Finding a tutor or other type of mentor to assist in your educational development is a great way to make progress towards your high school or college goals. Are you interested in becoming an AP student? Would you like to graduate with honors? Are you looking to gain acceptance into your dream school, and aren’t sure where to start? There are plenty of people who have been through the same obstacles, and are willing to help make your process as smooth as possible. Look for a mentor who held success in the area(s) you are interested, and they will be able to point you in the right direction. Professional Mentorship: Finding an industry mentor is a great networking tool for professional development. Look for someone in your current or desired field who is where you want to be. Reach out to them and find out what journey they took to get to their current position. You should ask for recommendations or tips to develop your own progression. They most


Menopause Conquer

likely have learned some hard lessons and could provide you the guidance on how to succeed through your own professional obstacles. Making connections with a professional mentor could lead you to valuable connections later on. Put your best foot forward at all times and a mentor can help you make significant progress in achieving your career goals. Lifestyle Mentorship: Mentors aren’t only for educational and professional development. Many times, you may look up to someone in your community for the lifestyle they live or the values they place throughout their daily activities. Reaching out to them to learn how they got to where they are may help you see the value in their lifestyle, and allow you to pick up on their healthy habits, as well. Thank Your Mentor: Take some time to show your mentor appreciation for the influence they have in your life. This could be as simple as sending them a handwritten Thank You card, buying them a gift or gift card, or taking them to dinner. Letting your mentor know that they have made a positive influence on your life may be the best reward, so ensure that they always know your appreciation! If you’re looking to become a mentor for a young student, check out available Role Model positions near you! College Nannies and Tutors works hard every day to Build Stronger Families in our community, and we are always recruiting new role model mentors.

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Heather Jemente

NASA Astronaut Speaks At Holy Spirit Catholic School


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210-305-1778 Colonel Collins spoke about what it was like to be in space: spacewalks, robotics, eating, sleeping, and performing science experiments, looking at the Earth and a typical day in space.

Submitted By Lisa Rosenfeld n January 30, 2015 Holy Spirit Catholic School’s 5th-8th graders received an incredible treat during “Student Appreciation Day” of Catholic Schools Week. Eileen Collins, retired NASA Astronaut and United States Air Force Colonel, former military instructor and test pilot, and the first female pilot and commander of a space shuttle was on campus to discuss her mission and her time as a NASA Astronaut. Colonel Collins spoke about what it was like to be in space: spacewalks, robotics, eating, sleeping, and performing science experiments, looking at the Earth and a typical day in space. She described how the shuttle flies in orbit, as well as how it launches and lands. She said, “Being in space is a wonderful


feeling… microgravity gives us challenges but once we learn how to move around, it is fun and easy!” The kids found this fascinating! Most interesting was Colonel Collins narration of a video of her 3rd mission: deploying a large telescope called the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. She spoke about how wonderful it is to live in the USA where we can choose our schools and careers; and that we should never take our freedom for granted. Colonel Collins said, “I value a Catholic education for many reasons but mostly because our religion and our faith are integrated into all our classes.” (Her two children attend Catholic Schools!) She let the students know they could be an astronaut if they really want to. “Don’t underestimate your abilities. Listen to your teachers, they want you to learn!”

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

k gu e r r a @p h y l l i s b r o w n i n g . c o m 2 4 2 0 0 IH-1 0 Wes t , S u i t e 1 0 1 • S a n An t o n i o , Te x a s 7 8 2 5 7

New to the Area? If you are new to the area, we’d like to extend a special welcome with a free gift filled with maps, magazines, local business coupons and info to help you get settled in your community.

Please call (210) 414-6200 or e-mail


Making Room For A Cocktail

By Tanji Patton GoodTaste (210) 273-3155 he word diet puts me in a bad mood. And, if that diet goes even further and eliminates my daily glass of wine, that mood gets even worse. If your New Year started out with great intentions, but you find your resolve has faded a bit—good news! You can work a glass of wine into your diet, perhaps even a cocktail or beer. If you’re on a gluten-free diet, there are gluten-free beers, and wines are gluten-free. So, there are ways to enjoy your favorite cocktail or glass of wine without destroying your diet.


Sugar is what it all boils down to with any alcoholic drink as they relate to a diet. All drinks have calories, and some have a heck of a lot more than others. So, let’s break it down. A very common question is which has more calories red or white wine. They are almost identical; and frankly, it depends on the wine - some whites if they’re heavy on the sweet side will have more than reds. Some reds, if they’re big, high alcohol varietals will have more…sometimes a lot more than white.

Crawfish Boil And Louisiana Flavor Blake Groomer Groomers Seafood (210) 377-0951 reak out the corn on the cob and your potatoes because crawfish season is in full swing down here at Groomer’s Seafood! You are sure to hear about your friends firing up their boiling pots on the weekends during the peak of the crawfish season, and why not join in on the fun? Lucky for you, that “peak” is right now! March, April, and May have the ideal temperatures and rain amounts for our guys over in Louisiana to harvest the best crawfish there is to find, and Groomer’s Seafood trucks them straight to our store for you to pick up for your weekend boil. Because crawfish is a live product, we


K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

Planting Pet Proof This Spring!


operate on a pre-order basis so there isn’t any waste of delicious mudbugs. Groomer’s makes pre-ordering a simple and painless process. To ensure you’ll have your order, give us a call on the Monday or Tuesday of the week you are having your boil (Between our hours of 9 and 4:30). We’ll take your name, number, how many sacks you need (each sack is about 35 pounds) and credit card to hold the order. Then we’ll take care of the rest! First thing Friday morning our expert fishmongers will personally hand sort your order and have it all boxed up and ready for you to pick it up! If it’s your first time boiling crawfish, it may seem like a bit of a daunting task, but fear not because that’s where Giby’s Fish Camp Crawfish Boil comes in! Developed by our

pring is going to be upon us in a hurry and with it comes planting gardens and landscapes. While plants add color, fragrance, and food to our lives they also can add an element of danger to the lives of our pets. Over 700 plants have been found that can produce enough toxins to cause harmful effects in animals. Reactions can range from mild nausea to death. It is very important that you do your research before you shop because many garden employees will not be familiar with toxicity to your pets.

Take a look at these various plants and what parts are dangerous for your pets: Azaleas (Entire Plant), Bird-Of-Paradise (Pods), Buttercup (Entire Plant, Especially the Stem/Root), Caladium (Entire Plant), Daffodil (Bulbs), English Ivy (Entire Plant, Especially Leaves and Berries), Lantana (Foliage), Larkspur (Young Plant), Lily of the Valley (Leaves & Flowers), Oleander (Leaves), Philodendrons (Entire Plant), Poinsettia (Leaves, Stems, Flowers), Rhododendron (Leaves), Sago Palm (Especially Pods/Seeds), Wisteria (Pods & Seeds).

Prosecco and sparklings in general are lower in calories. Typically, the pours are smaller than a glass of wine as the flutes are smaller; and, the alcohol levels are lower. So, sparklings average about 70 calories a glass. The alcohol levels are key. You’ll find the alcohol level on the label in itsy-bitsy print. Up until about the last five or six years, the average alcohol level on most bottles of wine was about 12.5%. That number has increased to about 14-15%…some are even pushing the envelope at 16%. A 12.5% glass of wine, red or white, with a 5 ounce pour is approximately 120125 calories. Bump up that alcohol level to 14.5% and you add about 25-30 more calories to the glass. BUT, it gets even more interesting. Alcohol levels are not only a game changer in your diet when it comes to calories; they also dramatically affect the blood-alcohol level in your body.

A doctor quoted in Forbes magazine recently described the relationship between alcohol levels and intoxication this way saying that at 12.5% alcohol, a couple can easily drink a bottle of red wine and be none the worse, but at 14.5% a couple will be feeling intoxicated. And, he said that couple who decided to drink an entire bottle of a 12.5% wine, he says, could still consume more than two vodka tonics before reaching the same blood alcohol level as they would had they consumed only the 14.5% alcohol wine. For more delicious recipes, fun food, wine ideas and to subscribe to my newsletter, visit Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Tanji explores the inviting worlds of chefs, wine makers and culinary newsmakers. If you would like more information, she can be reached at

patriarch Gilbert Groomer our Crawfish boil combines the freshest all natural ingredients to give you the best Cajun flavor you’ll find outside of Louisiana. Perhaps the best part, especially if you’re health conscious, is that Giby’s Fish Camp contains much less salt than other boils giving you all the flavor you want without all the negatives that come with too much salt. Our expert fishmongers will be equipped to give you any further information you may need upon pick up, such as how to store them, how to purge them, or even just how to eat them! A crawfish boil is by far one of the best times to share with friends and family! Sitting back enjoying each other company, while peeling some fantastic Louisiana

mudbugs paired with corn and potatoes is one of the finer pleasures in life! I know it’s definitely going to be a weekly occurrence at my place! Give us a call at 210-377-0951 to place your pre-order before I get them all!!

This is just a small sample of some of the many plants the HSUS has linked to producing toxic reactions in our pets if they come in contact with or ingest any of them. The problem is sometimes we are unaware that our pet has done either. Look for signs such as unexplained vomiting or diarrhea that doesn’t go away within 24 hours. If a dog has both, they can go downhill very quickly. You should consult your veterinarian or animal poison control at (888) 426-4435 right away. If you take the time to research and properly pet proof your backyard you can spend more time enjoying it, instead of spending that time at the vet clinic. We are also excited to be offering Saturday classes now. If you have been unable to take advantage of our very talented instructors because of work, now is your chance. Don’t forget new Puppy, Basic, and Clicker classes begin the end of March. For a complete schedule visit And if you are still looking for a little

Plants such as Holly, Easter Lily, Hyacinth, Iris, along with many other plants can produce enough toxins to cause harmful effects in animals.

something extra to do with your canine athlete or overweight pet, come to one of our Gym Days, every Tuesday from 6:308:00pm. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476.

Olympian Fencing Club At Houston Cup Submitted By Velizar Iliev n January 9th, Saint Mary’s Hall’s student Farrah Lee-Elabd won the Bronze medal in the Junior Women’s Epee fencing event at the 2015 North American Cup in Salt Lake City, UT. Farrah competed against 180 top junior female

O 12

epee fencers in the North America age 19 and under. Farrah is a Cadet fencer and she is 16 years old and at this moment she is one of the top US Junior female fencer. On January 31st, our 11 year old Luke Kolbinskie finished 3rd and Bronze medal at the Houston Cup for Youth 14, he also earned his very first fencing classification C

2015, this makes him one of the youngest fencers with classification “C”. At the same time on January 31st, our Cadet Robin Cheong and Team USA earned Silver medal at the European Cadet World Cup in Helsinki, Finland. Farrah Lee-Elabd, Luke Kolbinskie and Robin Cheong train at Olympian Fencing

Club in San Antonio, TX with some of the best fencers in the nation. They are coached by Velizar Iliev, an Olympian and 3 times World Champion and Viktor Svatenko, former USA Olympic Team fencing coach and retired Penn State Fencing Coach.

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

We Keep You Rolling! From Our Family To Yours

13811 San Pedro

29137 IH 10 West

8825 Fredericksburg

(210) 494-0017

(830) 981-9700

(210) 690-1100

San Antonio, TX 78232

Boerne, TX 78006

San Antonio, TX 78240

NEW LOCATION L to R back row: Ray Roberts Business Development, Robert “Bobby” Sowards - Corporate Technical Shop Foreman, Jason Belden - Vice President, Rusty Belden - President, front row: Lacey Belden - Asst. Comptroller, Jan Kyrish Comptroller, Veronica Partida - Human Resources Director.

22000 Bulverde Rd.

2035 Lockhill-Selma

(210) 481-3330

(210) 366-1122

San Antonio, TX 78259

By Rachele Reinhard ehicle upkeep and maintenance are an important part of being a responsible vehicle owner. Automobiles are amazing pieces of technology that – when properly cared for – are built to last for many years. However, preventive maintenance and repairs are often left out of the budget or ignored until the problem has grown worse. At Belden’s Automotive & Tires, the Belden family has spent the better part of four decades earning the trust of the San Antonio and surrounding communities through honesty, fairness and convenience – establishing itself as a one-stop shop for full automotive repairs, oil changes, brake service, engine and transmission repair, electrical diagnostics and more for all vehicles. Belden’s opened its doors in 1972 and was taken over by Ronnie Belden in 1979. Ronnie had one goal in mind – to develop a business grounded in customer service and quality work. Belden’s has since grown to include locations on San Pedro Ave, Fredericksburg Rd, Bulverde Rd, on Lockhill Selma, in Boerne and a new sixth location, Belden’s Automotive Hi Tech (formerly Hi Tech Automotive) on Prue Rd on the Northwest side. To help his father further realize his goal, Rusty Belden, Ronnie’s son, joined the family business in 2005 and a little over a year ago, took the reigns heading up the business as President upon his father’s retirement. Rusty is joined by other members of the Belden family, including Jason Belden, Rusty’s cousin, who serves as Vice President. “My family has to work very hard to stay in tune with each of our six locations,” explained Rusty of the family/ business dynamic. “But it’s comforting to know that you have five family members working hard throughout the company to maintain a certain level of customer service that our company requires.” Belden’s Automotive & Tires was established upon Ronnie Belden’s core values including honesty, integrity, and a strong work ethic which help the growing business and its employees to never lose sight of their “small, family business” mindset along with their ultimate goal of 100% customer satisfaction. Rusty and the whole Belden team act to build upon this strong foundation by working to close the gap between customer and mechanic. “When you have the chance of retaining a new customer you only get one shot, so we better make it count!” explained Rusty. “We employ ASE Certified Trained technicians,

many of which who are also factory trained and certified by vehicle manufacturers. We take pride in our employees and they take pride in the work. On major repairs, they are instructed to leave their own personal business card in the vehicle so the customer can see who worked on their vehicle. If you’re going to put your name on something, it better be right. We also keep a clean and organized shop and welcoming and comfortable waiting area. Appearance is everything in our industry and we take that very seriously.” In 2014, Belden’s corporate shop foreman, Bobby Sowards, who has been employed with Belden’s for 26 years, was selected as 1 of 7 technicians for independent garages in the entire country as Pronto National Technician of the Year. “I think the general public would be shocked to know how smart the individuals who are working on their vehicle truly are,” added Rusty. “The mental capacity and knowledge required to work on vehicles today would absolutely blow their mind. Today’s vehicles are extremely advanced and require a certain skill set that is very hard to come by. I have had the privilege to work alongside some of the brightest individuals in our industry.” Preventative maintenance and educating and advising the customer on what’s right for their vehicle further closes that gap. Every vehicle is different and requires different levels of maintenance. “It’s our job to simply educate our customer on their vehicles specific needs based on the year, make and model,” explained Rusty. “Vehicles today are built better and can last longer if you maintain them. By clearly articulating the vehicles needed maintenance and explaining the benefit of performing these services, we are helping the customer prevent a costly repair that could have been avoided.” With gas prices at their lowest point in years and perhaps a road trip or two on the horizon, now would be the perfect time to bring your vehicle to Belden’s for their free multipoint inspection. Trained technicians will look the vehicle over from bumper to bumper, inspecting key components and systems including tires, brakes, cooling system, fluids, wiper blades, and fuel systems. “From the first time a customer steps into our front office, we work extremely hard to build a relationship with the customer,” explained Rusty. “We want a relationship built on honesty, integrity and mutual respect. It is very important that we address the customers concerns first and

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


San Antonio, TX 78213

6519 Prue Rd

San Antonio, TX 78240

(210) 877-2929

foremost followed by any safety concerns we may have. . We then offer quality repairs at a fair price all backed up by a 24 month/24,000 Mile Nationwide Warranty. The last and most important item, in my opinion, is that if or when we do make a mistake - and we will because we are human - we will make it right for the customer.” Customers choose Belden’s because they do things the “right way.” When Rusty took over the family business, his father left him with several important rules to operate by – not only in business, but in life. “As he told me his points of wisdom, I began to realize that our family business is more than just a business,” said Rusty. “It has become something that our community can depend on and that we were not only creating jobs but helping our employees to provide for their own families. It was at that moment that I took great satisfaction in what he had created, maintained and now passed on to me.” The Belden family’s efforts have not gone unnoticed, and they have in fact earned many lifelong customers including Charlie Cantu. “A big thank you is in order to everyone at Belden’s Automotive for keeping our family vehicles in top shape,” said Charlie. “It is great to depend upon your very own ‘Top Pit Crew’ taking care of all the automotive needs for your family vehicles. Thank you again for protecting my family with your friendship and professional skills.” As Belden’s Automotive & Tires moves purposely and determined into a new year, Rusty will continue to lead by his father’s example by always taking care of the customer and his employees with integrity and fairness. “For the last 43 years our family has been extremely blessed,” concluded Rusty. “We are grateful for our continued success and hope that with hard work and taking care of our customers we will continue to grow as a company.”

Belden’s Automotive & Tires



What’s New In District 122


By Lyle Larson State Representative District 122 (210) 402-5402

ood morning! Hope your week is off to a great start. Here in Austin, the Session activity is increasing with each passing day. Over the last two weeks, we’ve been fortunate to have advocates from District 122 travel to the Capitol to discuss good public policy related to their respective fields. We held some informative meetings with the American Subcontractors Association San Antonio Chapter, the School Choice Coalition, the Texas Independent Automobile Dealers Association, the United Methodist Women, the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, the Bexar County Sheriffs and San Antonio Police Associations, the Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists, the Texas Seed Trade Association, the Texas Classroom Teachers Association, the Texas Land Title

Association, the International Council of Shopping Centers, a group of Longhorns and Aggies known as the Orange and Maroon group, the Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute, Nurses in Advanced Practice, the National Association of Women Owned Businesses (NAWBO), and physicians with the Bexar County Medical Society who all took time out of their busy schedules to discuss their legislative priorities with myself and other lawmakers at the Capitol. Early in February, we had a candid discussion with Land Commissioner George P. Bush about some innovative projects the General Land Office is working on related to water, the Alamo, and coastal conservation programs. Look forward to working with Commissioner Bush and his office throughout this session! My office was honored to host UT System

New Developments Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill

Their fun and rowdy atmosphere is inspired by the music and the attitude of the “Big Dog Daddy” himself, Toby Keith. They will soon be opening at the Rim near La Cantera. You’ll find it all here – great, down-home cooking, the best in high-energy live bands, and a friendly environment that makes you feel like a part of the family! I Love This Bar offers a mason jar full of entertainment all week long with live music, plasma TV

screens and, of course our “Whiskey Girls”! Whether you want to watch live country music and dancing, watch the big game, ride our mechanical bull, “Toby,” or if you are just here to eat, Toby Keith’s “I Love This Bar And Grill” has a little something for everyone. Order from their 85 foot guitar shaped bar, or strike up a conversation with one of our beautiful Whiskey Girls — some of the hottest waitresses and bartenders in the business. Toby’s has 2 private indoor ‘barns’

March 2015

Chancellor Admiral William McRaven for a meeting to discuss his new role with the University of Texas System. We are confident he will provide the leadership needed to move the UT System away from the controversy that has stymied it for the last two years. He’s a great man with a great attitude and we look forward to working with him. We also hosted a group of legislators at Fort Sam Houston and Randolph Air Force Base for our biannual Joint Base San Antonio Day legislative event. This event provides legislators and staff to visit with our military folks and learn about some of the JBSA operations. This year, the delegation included Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, Chairwoman Donna Campbell, Chairman Jose Menendez, Reps. Justin Rodriguez, Eddie Lucio III, Dwayne Bohac, Gary Van Deaver, and Rick Galindo. At Fort Sam, we toured the Warrior & Family Support Center, which provides rehabilitative services to warriors who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom as well as support services to families. We also learned about the Center for the Intrepid, also on the Fort Sam campus, where soldiers from

all over the world are treated for burns, amputations, and functional limb loss. At Randolph Air Force Base, we learned about the flight training, unmanned aircraft training, and aircraft maintenance missions carried out at the base, which included a hands-on experience with the T-38 flight simulator used to train Air Force pilots. Finally, we discussed challenges that these installations and others across Texas are facing related to encroachment and preparation for the upcoming Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process. We look forward to working with the Department of Defense and local and state officials to secure Texas’s military presence throughout this process. As always, we thank our courageous service men and women for the sacrifice they make to keep us free every day. As always, please feel free to contact me if I may ever be of assistance to you by phone at (210) 402-5402 or by email at lyle.

adjacent to the dance floor available to book for private parties, corporate events, or a group night out on the town. For an even more exclusive atmosphere Toby’s offers a glass enclosed VIP room within full view of the dance floor.

would put any sports bar to shame. With golf pros strolling the tee line offering tips and climate-controlled hitting bays, Topgolf is flat-out fun at any age, skill level or time of year. It’s like drinks with your best buddies, the weekly poker night, a Sunday tee-time, playing Wii with the kids, and the best date you’ve ever had – all rolled into one. Today, Topgolf serves more than 2.7 million annual visitors worldwide. They want you to be one of them. Let’s Play!


Topgolf is now open at the Rim! They have become a best-in-class entertainment facility, complete with dynamic event spaces and a food and drink menu that


Lyle Larson

Ribbon Cuttings And Grand Openings Castle Hills Complete Urgent Care

With the flu season in full swing, SOBA would like to welcome Castle Hills Complete Urgent Care to their business association! Castle Hills Complete Urgent Care is located at corner of Blanco Road and 410 in the “Blanco Junction Shopping Center” next to Dough Pizzeria. This location is the newest addition to Castle Hills, Texas. Injuries and illnesses can happen at any time, Castle Hills Complete Urgent Care is ideal for treatment of minor emergencies like fevers, coughs, Sports injuries, sore throats, urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, nausea vomiting diarrhea and lacerations. They feature in providing an onsite


laboratory, digital x-rays and splinting for fractures and lacerations repairs. They offer a quick, thorough and comfortable experience. Castle Hills Complete Urgent Care employs a compassionate team of Physicians and Nurse Practitioners that are there in your time of need and they are dedicated to providing a five-star healthcare within our community. Castle Hills Urgent Care accepts all major insurance’s carrier’s plans. Additionally, they offer great self-pay discounts for noninsured patients. Castle Hills Complete Urgent Care offers $15 Sports Physicals for all students, from elementary to High School. College/Vocational students please call for select pricing. They’re open later than a standard medical office and they provide prompt, professional medical attention, 7 Days a week. Mon.-Fri. 9am to 9pm and Sat.-Sun. 10am to 6pm. Visit for more information, or call (210) 202-1333.

Altesse Nail Spa

January 27, 2015 marked the ribbon cutting and welcoming of Altesse Nail Spa to the SOBA family. Altesse Spa has a wide variety of full service of nail treatments, body, skin care, and massages. These services are accented by high quality product lines, including Glo Therapeutics, Organic, 100 percent Pure, OPI , BCL, CND Shellac, Orly, Cuccio, etc. They also have special treatments for special occasions, such as weddings, baby showers, and other events. Their services are designed to pamper

you. They offer many different types of manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, and much more. You pick the one that is right for you. Each nail technician, hair stylist, skin care specialist, and makeup artist at their salon and spa has the ability to meet your expectations and fulfill your needs while creating an inviting and relaxing atmosphere for you to enjoy. They also have a VIP room for couples or for your next girl’s day out. The next time you have a reason to celebrate or a need to relax, visit them at 22211 Interstate 10 Frontage Road, Suite 1108. If you would like more information on their service, call (210)698-1001 or visit their website at They welcome appointments and walk-ins and they offer complementary snacks and adult beverages with the purchase of their services.

March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

2015 SOURCE IS HERE! The Guide With All Your North Side Information The Source is a Business & Medical Directory. It includes: Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Medical, Maps, and more!—right at your fingertips. Pick up a FREE 2015 copy at any of these locations: • • • • • • •

Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112

For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit

Stone Oak Business Association Presents

Networking To Maximize Your Business Join the Stone Oak Business Association for lunch and networking. We have brought together some amazing networkers from within the association to give you tips on how to maximize your networking abilities and grow your business. Lunch will be served at 11:45 a.m. During lunch we will have a skit and a presentation on “how to network”. At 12:45 p.m. we will open the floor for networking and Q & A. Remember to RSVP, as space is limited.

When: Thursday , March 26 • 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Where: Independence Hill 20450 Huebner Rd., 78258 Cost: Members – $15, Non-Members – $25 (includes lunch and refreshments)


From networking like this.

To netwoking like this

RSVP: 348-8233 or visit www.stoneoakbusiness. com March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


Altesse Nail Spa uses high quality products, powerful natural antioxidants, rich emollients, the finest herbs, and fruit extracts. It’s truly a purely organic spa experience like no other.

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Mon – Sat: 10 am – 7 pm Sun: Noon - 6 pm Walk-Ins Welcome

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Belden’s Automotive & Tires Since 1972

Jason Belden Vice President

Oscar Gonzales Shop Foreman

Rusty Belden President



(210) 494-0017

San Antonio, TX 78240

San Antonio, TX 78232

29137 IH 10 West Boerne, TX 78006

(830) 981-9700 2035 Lockhill-Selma San Antonio, TX 78213

(210) 366-1122

6519 Prue Rd

(210) 877-2929

Family Owned & Operated

10% OFF Any Repair

Max. Value $75 OFF. Valid at all 6 locations. Present this coupon at time of purchase. Not valid with any other offers, tires, special orders, dealer parts or menu priced items. Exp 4/15/15

8825 Fredericksburg San Antonio, TX 78240

(210) 690-1100

22000 Bulverde Rd. San Antonio, TX 78259

(210) 481-3330

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March 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

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