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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER

March 2016 Issue






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Fa ct s an d Fi ct i o n of Fi n a c i al Adv i sors


oin us on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 as Financial Advisor, Brent McCrary, dispels the myths surrounding the Financial Services industry. He will provide you with much needed information on where small business owners and individuals should focus their investments. Come prepared with plenty of questions and, of course, lots of business cards.

Brent McCrary is a Financial Advisor at McCrary Stone Financial Solutions, a financial services firm specializing in estate strategies, wealth accumulation, business strategies and executive benefits for both publicly and privately-held companies. As a financial professioal Brent is uniquely qualified to address the diverse needs of high net-worth individuals. He provides recommendations for asset allocation, funding for education, retirement and long-term care insurance. He works closely with business owners, executive teams and their advisors to help realize their financial goals.





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March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Note From The Publisher

Family And Spring Break


arch is always a great time of year for me because it’s the birthday month of both of my children. My son, Blake, will be 24 and my daughter, Rashell, will be 20. As the years progress and they continue to become their own person, I could not be any prouder of them. Blake is in charge of the retail store at Groomer’s Seafood, so if you have any seafood needs, be sure to pay him a visit and read his article on page 11 about the upcoming crawfish season. Rashell is currently attending college; working towards a degree in mortuary science. Every month that I begin piecing together the upcoming edition of Welcome Home, I’m reminded of my community and how lucky I am to live in an area that cares about their kids as much as I do. March also brings SPRING! Texas is not known for its long Winters but nothing puts me in a better mood than clear skies and sunshine. This issue was such a joy to put together. We had so many submissions! Great things are definitely happening in San Antonio and highlighting what the community and our children are doing to make each of our neighborhoods and school districts special is what Welcome Home is all about. Johnson High School once again won the Living Through Giving Toy Challenge for collecting the most toys. The trophy remains in their care for another year. I cannot find the words to thank them and every school that participates each year to make our drive bigger and bigger so that we can reach out to more and more children within San Antonio. These children and young adults have such great hearts and a

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Making life easier for Moms (it’s what we do). passion to help others. Talking with them about their goals for the future shows me what an amazing generation of adults we can look forward to in the near future. Welcome Home was founded on the principles of highlighting the achievements of our youth, nonprofits and other organizations. Students and teachers today make this an easy task. As you are going on your Spring Break vacations be sure and share with us your adventures. Remember, if you have a feel good story from your side of town, please let us know so that we can share it with our community. And remember to support the businesses that make this paper possible by letting them know you saw them in Welcome Home. One final thought until next month... GO SPURS GO!!!

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Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver Prinda Jemente Dianne Grosso

Writer/Copy Editors Stefanie Young Nicky Rodriguez Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante Staff Writer Debby Seguin

Contributing Photographer Oscar McAnally Sales Representatives Patrice Long Denise Wirth

March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Contributing Writers Beth Graham Dionna Sanchez Jerod Jerry Julie Ann Matonis Kimberly Arellano Laura Aplin Marianne Lewis Mary LeRoy Richard Herrera Sam Johnson Stephen Chavez Steve Johnson Sylvia Farber Tracey Fontenot



Kitchens • Bathrooms • Whole House Remodels • Additions Look for our Home Improvement article each month in Welcome Home

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On The Cover


exas isn’t known for long cold winters but it is known for its heat! Spring leapt at us early this year and temperatures are already on the rise. While most of us dread the summer heat Spring is a wonderful time in the Lone Star State. Spring Break comes along in the middle of the month giving everyone a much needed break after the holiday hustle and the bustle of the new year. Spring Break is also a precursor to the student dreaded STAAR testing. This year Spring Break and Easter coincide nicely. Egg hunts and Easter Bunny appearances starting getting announced in February. While we know these seventy degree temperatures won’t last Texans definitely find the time to get outside during this month. With Summer break just a few months away schools are also preparing for GRADUATION and PROM.

March is full of amazing family activities, holidays and breaks. We hope you enjoy this edition of Welcome Home and find tons of Spring events within our pages. Happy Hopping!

Family Life Letter To Me


By Debby Seguin

here’s a popular song by Brad Paisley called “Letter to Me”. Now that he is a grown man, he looks back on his youth and wants to give himself counsel. I thought I’d give it a try. Dear Me, When Jackson dares you to eat that worm in 3rd grade, don’t do it. In fact, when anyone dares you to do anything they haven’t actually done, they are just looking for free entertainment. When anyone dares you to do anything they HAVE actually done, and it turned out badly, they are testing your intelligence. For the sake of our future reputation, don’t fail the test. (For examples of people who did fail the test, Easter, Spring Break & Fiesta Week All Fill Fast. Book Your Pet Today

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see America’s Funniest Videos, youtube: Search- fire/ beer, or any state prison). In 7th grade, when Miss Pritchard tells you to study for that test, study. I know there are a lot of distractions; FUN distractions. But those distractions aren’t going to get you where you want to go. It is important to spend some time having fun, but please, girlfriend, INVEST some time, too. When mom and dad tell you ANYTHING, listen, take notes, make copies, and refer to your notes as often as possible. Their advice will sound like arcane stuff no sane kid would take seriously but I’m telling you, it’s good stuff. Like picking up the toys outside so nobody falls and gets hurt? Yea, remember those 13 stitches? And like not laying in the sun? THAT one is costing me now. No skin cancer, but my crow’s feet have settled in for the long haul. There are even more important ones like don’t go to parties where they are drinking. Trust me. They drink, they do stupid things, they throw up. Wow, isn’t THAT impressive. And boys? Think of them like bees. When they are young, they are just looking for any available bright flower petals they can find. As they get older, (especially when daddy’s not paying his bills and mama’s no longer cooking his meals), he gets pickier. Be patient and the right one will find you. In the meantime, keep your petals closed. Sincerely, Me Debby Seguin, the mother of 2 bees and 1 flower, can be reached at writewell62@

March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

What Can You Do With $10, $20 or $50?


couple of years ago Welcome Home Director, Kristin Oliver, was given the news that her uncle, Mike, was diagnosed with Adult T Cell ALL Leukemia and Lymphoma. Mike is a San Antonio Fire Fighter, a loving husband, a friend and a rock for a lot of her family members. The news devastated her family. Her uncle received his bone marrow transplant in Summer of 2015 and is now on his way to recovery, albeit the road is slower than he’d like. Kristin wasn’t there for his treatments or for his fight with cancer, but has heard the fear in her family’s voice when they talked about it. She kept up with the blog her aunt wrote to keep everyone up-to-date on his health while they traveled to MD Anderson in Houston, for the best treatment possible. Once someone you love is facing cancer, the universe shoves a gleaming reminder in your face; everywhere you look, someone was fighting a type of blood cancer. In November the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) asked if Kristin Oliver would be willing to be a part of their Man and Woman of the Year Fundraising Campaign. She accepted, because she wanted the opportunity to do something that raised awareness about Mike’s fight and the fight so many others face. Kristin wanted his fight mean something; furthermore, she wanted to inhibit this disease from barging in and taking over more lives. There are several fire fighters in San Antonio that are fighting not just blood cancers but many other forms of cancer. Kristin has a goal with this campaign: raise

awareness for these fighters. If fifty thousand dollars can be raised, a research grant would be placed in the name of the San Antonio Fire Department and Mike Grosso. So, here’s the part where she asks you for money. If every reader of Welcome Home can donate $10.00 to this cause, a change CAN be made. Starting on March 31st, Kristin will begin raising money for LLS. 85% of the funds raised during this campaign go directly to research. The research conducted doesn’t just benefit blood cancer, but many different forms of cancer. Significant strides have been made in treatments based on LLS research. Below is an address and link where you can send any donation and look up more information about where your donations go to help those in need.

What’s Happening With The Mayor?

Special To Welcome Home elcome to my weekly digest, which includes a recap of top issues and a look forward: I spent time in Washington D.C. for the annual SA to DC Chamber of Commerce trip. Over the course of the trip my main objective was to advocate for nonstop flights between San Antonio and Reagan National Airport. Currently, federal law requires Congressional approval for an exemption to the Reagan Mayor Ivy Taylor reads to students with Ronald McDonald. National Airport perimeter rule Achievement show that children who grow which prohibits nonstop air transportation up with books in their homes reach a higher between Reagan and another airport that is level of education than those who do not. more than 1,250 statute miles away. Unfortunately, a recent study found that I believe San Antonio needs to be an while there are approximately 13 books exception. With a robust military presence, per child in middle income neighborhoods, easing travel between Military City, USA on average there is only one book per 300 and the Pentagon would reduce costs, children in low-income neighborhoods. save time, and increase the connectivity In an effort to help change this picture, I between our bases and the airport nearest to teamed up with local McDonald’s restaurant Washington, D.C. owners to hand out HarperCollins children’s I’d like to thank both the San Antonio books to Pre-K 4 SA students. The donation Chamber of Commerce and the Hispanic of these books will help promote literacy Chamber of Commerce for co-sponsoring and give our youth access to reading the trip, as well as IBC Bank’s Eddie materials. McDonalds also recently began Aldrete for chairing SA to DC. including a children’s book in every Happy In other news, studies from the Center Meal. for Improvement of Early Reading


March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57



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Hormones: How Will You live Your 2nd 50 Years?

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 varian failure, the menopause when the body slowly declines until frailty and death, may begin as early as third decade. When the big three hormones, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone begin to fade, the nervous system can become deranged. Progesterone, the first hormone to decline, may cause terrible insomnia, followed by exhaustion and irritability with unstable mood. Lack of testosterone may present as complete disdain for sex, lack of


K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

The Best Canine Athletes In The World


motivation, an indifference to life. The last hormone to exit the body, estradiol, results in extreme vaginal dryness and the dreaded “foggy brain”. These symptoms may be very minor in some women with only sleep disturbance. Other women with more symptomatic complaints of moodiness may be prescribed an antidepressant or sleeping pills. I have seen this type of patient at the 15 minute free consult. “I don’t know if you can help

he 2016 Summer Olympics may be in Reno but not for the best canine athletes in the world. They will be competing in their own Olympics in LaagSoeren, Netherlands, April 13th - 17th and our very own local resident, Catherine Laria, will be representing Team USA! Catherine, owner

of K9 Country Club, in Bulverde has been trialing and training dogs for over 20 years. They have competed all over the country and Mexico but this will be their first time on Team USA. Throughout the years if Catherine and her dogs were not traveling for Agility or Sheep Dog trials they are home training and teaching. The sport of agility is the fastest growing dog sport in America. People of all ages and dogs of all kinds can spend time together running, climbing, and zig-zagging

me” with eyes downcast, “My doctor says I am depressed”. As she slowly recounts the memory loss, lack of interest in everything, no libido, and disturbing mood changes, I can barely restrain myself from saying, “You’re not crazy! It’s just menopause. We can fix this!” By correcting the measured hormone deficiencies to the premenopausal level, sexual, mental, and physical well-being may be restored. Of course, not all women suffer symptoms of hormone decline as severely, and not all women need hormone restoration. Some women manage menopause by exercise, weight control, and perhaps over their way through obstacle courses. There are many organizations who sponsor this sport. Catherine and her border collie, Blizzard, will be competing at the International Federation of Cynological Sports (IFCS) World Championships. Twenty dogs from all over the US will be competing in various games and jump heights. In fact, FIVE of those going are from TEXAS! That is a huge representation of our great state. Whether or not you want to compete at the world level, agility takes a lot of time to go from beginning to competition and there is no better place to get started than at K9 Country Club. You can find everything you need to go from being introduced to the sport all the way to competing at the local, national, or even international level. Say you just want to have the coolest dog at the dog park. There are ways to make agility not

the counter herbal preparations. I measure hormone levels and some women in their mid-fifties have levels of estradiol sufficient to maintain the vaginal tissues, without hot flashes, or even insomnia. Good for them! For the rest of us who don’t want to suffer, bio-identical hormone replacement may be the answer for the 2nd 50 years of your life. Although some studies support an increased risk of various cancers, blood clots, and stroke with any type of hormone replacement, we know that women may suffer these maladies whether they take hormones or not. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit only fun but safe for your canine partner. Agility is also a great way to expend some of that excess energy if you have a very active pet. If you would like to watch the IFCS World Championships they will be streaming live at Help cheer on Catherine, Blizzard, and Team USA all the way to gold! But they need your help! Costs for a team of 20 exceeds $50,000. Show your support with a tax-deductible contribution by visiting To help Catherine and Blizzard directly, contact K9 Country Club at 830-980-8476 or email Fundraising efforts are still underway. For more information on classes, lessons, or the Whirlwind Border Collies visit www.

San Antonio Symphony Announces 2016-2017 Season Submitted by Laura Aplin he San Antonio Symphony is excited to announce its third season at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts led by Music Director Sebastian LangLessing. The Symphony shines the spotlight on 14 awe-inspiring Classics Series concerts; a Mozart winter festival; and six eclectic Pops Series concerts offering a wide range of talent—fantastic pianists, superb singers, world-class violinists, a Rock ’n’ Roll legend, a sublime guitarist, high flying aerialists, and more —all contributing towards an unforgettable 2016-2017 season. “Each year, we continue to raise the bar to the next level and this upcoming season will be our best yet due to the dedication and hard work of our musicians plus an amazing lineup of diverse soloists presented at the multitude of events we have planned this season,” said David Gross, San Antonio Symphony President. “We look forward to celebrating our third season at


the Tobin Center.” Season tickets for the 2016-2017 concert season officially go on sale on February 3 at a private special event held at the Tobin Center, at which processing fees will be waived during the evening for renewing subscribers only. New and returning subscribers can call the Tobin Box Office at (210) 223-8624 to secure preferred seats and waiving of processing fees by the Symphony’s Early-Bird deadline of March 4th. Single tickets will go on sale to the general public in August and can be purchased by calling the Tobin Center Box Office at (210) 223-8624 or visiting Programs and artists are subject to change without notice. The San Antonio Symphony is a nonprofit performing arts organization with the mission to inspire and enrich our community by vigorously influencing the artistic fabric of San Antonio through excellent symphonic performance, education and service.

The San Antonio Symphony, with more than 70 professional musicians, serves over 130,000 people per year including 45,000 students. Follow The San Antonio Symphony on Twitter at @ sasym, Instagram @sasymphony and Facebook San Antonio Symphony for updated news and information. Go to w w w. s a s y m p h o n y. org to sign up for the email newsletter or request to be added to the distribution list by emailing tickets@

2nd Annual Encino Park Fiesta Festival Submitted By Sylvia Farber ncino Park Elementary PTA invites all community members to the 2nd Annual Encino Park Fiesta Festival and Silent Auction on April 8 from 4:308:30pm. Wristbands will be on sale and available at Encino Park Elementary for $15 for unlimited carnival games or $20

E 8

for unlimited carnival games and a BBQ plate from Smokey Mo’s. Wristbands will be on sale the day of the carnival for $20 for unlimited carnival games or $25 for unlimited carnival games and a BBQ plate. There will be a few ticketed booths with each ticket being $.50. Proceeds from the event will go directly

The San Antonio Symphony performs Copeland’s Ben-Hur at the Tobin Center.

into Encino Park Elementary to fund a fully equipped, modern science lab as well as some much needed furniture for the school. A few of the unlimited games will include: ring toss, washer toss, duck pond, Plinko, Operation, bean bag toss, Angry Birds, gaga ball, and Just Dance. Some of the ticketed booths will include: a dunking

booth, jail, cake walk, and silly string war. The festival will also include live music, inflatables and other fun activities. We hope that you will be able to support the Encino Park Fiesta Festival! We look forward to hearing from you. 2250 Encino Rio, San Antonio, TX 78259.

March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

The Right Supplies “Superbowl Of Savings”

A view of the Right Supplies Store.

Submitted By Jerod Jerry he Right Supplies has successfully embarked on the first leg of a longterm plan to give back to San Antonio’s teachers and strengthen America’s education system. Through their “Gift of Educational Resource Sweepstakes,” they have distributed $600 in supplies to local school teachers, and they are launching their first full campaign this month. Barely open two months, The Right Supplies has already monumentally changed the way San Antonio teachers supply their classrooms. In their inaugural campaign, titled “The Gift of Educational Resources,” the school supplies store that caters specifically to parents and teachers gave out $600 in savings and sweepstakes prizes to deserving teachers. The winners,


Patrons shopping at the Right Supplies Store.

Melanie Wilkes and Tina Flores, are both kindergarten teachers from Indian Springs Elementary in the Comal Independent School District. “We love having your wonderful store right around the corner,” said Flores. The supply store has no plans to slow down. In February, they launched their first full campaign, called “Superbowl of Savings.” Throughout the month, teachers, parents, homeschoolers, and daycare centers can save on all inventory in the entire store. Started by a former teacher who had a desire to help the community with educational needs, The Right Supplies was formed to be a resource for teachers and parents—rather than the other way around. With an extensive vetting process for all inventory, the store only sells the highest

quality educational materials, classroom décor and school supplies for Pre-K through 8th grade, at affordable prices. This allows them to stay true to their motto: “You’ll never go wrong with The Right Supplies.” “I left the classroom as an elementary school teacher last summer to open up a teacher/ parent resource store to help save teachers in the central Texas region time and money,” said The Right Supplies CEO Sheryl Moss. In addition to providing teachers with a more cost effective alternative to other sources for supplies, The Right Supplies is located on highway 281N in north central San Antonio. This can save area teachers up to an hour of driving time. “Schools start in August, but school teachers cannot spend money until October

or November due to their school districts’ fiscal year budgets,” Moss added. “This is the primary reason teachers use personal funds to help their students.” Moss and her team are working hard to reduce the high amounts of personal money that teachers in San Antonio spend on school supplies. For those teachers, parents nationwide, Moss and her team have developed an easy to use online catalogue. Also, as part of its campaign, The Right Supplies is offering 15% off all purchase orders by school districts between now and March 15. The Right Supplies: 22502 US 281 N. Suite 107 San Antonio, TX 78259, Store Hours 9 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday,(210) 538-2500

Magik At The Empire! The Jungle Book: A New Telling Of An Old Favorite Submitted By Beth Graham he Magik Theatre and the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre are once again partnering to present a special Spring Break production: for 2016, it will be The Jungle Book: A New Telling of an Old Favorite. The special limited engagement will run at the Empire Theatre, 226 N. St. Mary’s Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205, from Thursday, March 17th, through Sunday, March 20th. The Magik version of Jungle Book brings together the familiar characters: Mowgli, his wolf parents, Bagheera the panther, Baloo the Bear, Kaa the python, the mischievous Bandar Log monkey tribe, treacherous tiger Shere Khan, and Shere Khan’s jackal accomplice Tabaqui. Based on Rudyard Kipling’s classic stories, the show was adapted for the stage by David Morgan, with music by Jaime Ramírez. The cast includes Anthony Bosmans as Mowgli, Apollo Bradley as Bagheera, Melissa Zarb-Cousin as Baloo, Kelly Petlin as Girl/Kaa/Tabaqui, John Stillwaggon as Shere Khan and Joe Cooley as Akela/Monkey. The director is David Morgan. All performances will take place at the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre, 226 N. St. Mary’s Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205.


About The Magik Theatre The Magik Theatre is San Antonio’s

professional family theatre. Founded in 1994, the theatre was created as a voice for young people and families throughout the region. Today, Magik stands proudly as San Antonio’s only professional resident repertory theatre company, and has presented more than 160 main-stage and touring shows to over 2 million children and their families. The Magik Theatre, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, brings the world of creativity, learning and amazement to its audiences, and enhances the lives of children with disabilities and at-risk youth through its community education and outreach programs. For more information, About the Empire Theatre The Charline McCombs Empire Theatre was built in 1913 on the site of the former Rische’s Opera House in downtown San Antonio. Designed in the style of a European palazzo by architects Mauran, Russell & Crow of St. Louis, the Empire operated as a vaudeville house and then a motion picture theatre, but fell into disrepair and was closed in 1978. With funding from the Las Casas Foundation, a local non-profit, the Empire was redeveloped as part of the neighboring Majestic Theatre project and, after $5 million in renovations, the venue reopened as the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre in 1998. The Empire is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is operated by Arts Center Enterprises as a selfsustaining performing arts facility. For more

March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

information, visitwww.majesticempire. com. Tickets will range from $17.50 to $27.50, with special rates for groups of 11 and up. Reservations are required. For more information, or to purchase tickets, call The Magik Theatre at (210) 227-2751 or visit their website;

go online to; call Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000; or visit the Majestic/Empire Box Office at 226. E. Houston Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205. Service charges will apply to Ticketmaster purchases. Magik Theatre season tickets, coupons, gift certificates and vouchers will not be accepted for these performances.


Better Than Real: Porcelain Wood Tile Gaining Popularity

By Mike and Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750 ardwood flooring has been popular While the possibilities are almost among homeowners for hundreds of limitless, our suppliers have told us that the years because of its beautiful, classic faux wood tile has become one of the most look, as well as its durability. However, frequently requested flooring materials many homeowners have opted for using amongst homeowners. Here’s why: porcelain wood tile as a superior alternative. 1. Design Flexibility – Porcelain wood tile Advanced printing techniques give the tile is incredibly versatile in terms of aesthetics. pieces the appearance of wood that has been Porcelain wood tiles can be made to look weathered, aged, and even burnt. Consumers like any style wood you want. You’ll have to are recognizing the benefits, coupled with the look more than twice to know whether they most innovative 3D printing technology, as are the real thing or not. superior to the ‘real’ thing. 2. Long-term Costs – Its durability


results in little maintenance being required, which means little money needs to be spent on caring for it, or for repairs since it’s so durable. 3. Cost of Ownership – Hardwood floors can be quite pricey depending on the variety of wood you choose, meaning that porcelain wood tile can be a more affordable option. 4. Durability – Porcelain is a type of ceramic tile that is much tougher and scratch resistant than hardwood, not to mention it’s more durable and resistant to stains as well. Hardwood floors need to be sealed on a regular basis in order to be stain

Spring Time Vehicle Clean Up


By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

pring time is here and it couldn’t have come sooner. Typically, people are pulling out cleaning supplies and tidying up houses; and it shouldn’t be any different for your vehicles. Now is a great time to get your vehicle up to speed after all your winter driving and do a quick check on all belts, hoses, tires, and antifreeze. Come by Belden’s Automotive & Tires and let our certified technicians perform a Multi - Point Inspection on your vehicle and get you ready for the hot summer driving. Here

are a few friendly reminders: Have all engine performance problems like hard starts, rough idling and stalling conditions checked out. These problems can affect your gas mileage and if corrected you can catch minor problems before they escalate into costly repairs in the future. Cooling System: Because overheating is the leading cause of roadside breakdowns, Belden’s Automotive & Tires attaches special emphasis to our Cooling System Service, make sure and have your

vehicle’s cooling system serviced with a comprehensive set of products and tools to ensure reliable performance of this allimportant system. Check the conditions of your tires including your spare. Remember that uneven wear, ‘cupping,’ vibrations, or ‘pulling’ to one side indicates problems with your tires or suspension system. Beat the Heat: Have your air conditioning system serviced by a qualified technician and remember the air conditioners on older vehicles often contain ozone-depleting chemicals that could be released into the air through improper service. Routine brake inspection and service is important for safety and can save you money in the long run. Failure to replace

resistant. In addition, using wood tile gives the appearance of a hardwood floor without worrying about warping, rotting or any of the other aggravations associated with real wood. It’s not just the floor that’s getting the hardwood treatment. Wood tiles are common on walls too, mostly in the kitchen and bathroom. As an added perk, wood tiles will better withstand the heavy traffic and high moisture prevalent in both rooms, where real wood wouldn’t last long. While real wood wouldn’t survive as bathroom flooring or a kitchen backsplash, tile can. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. For more tips on home improvement, subscribe to our newsletter at worn brake pads, for example, can result in more expensive damage to rotors and wheels. Belden’s Automotive and Tires wants to be YOUR Dealer Alternative! We are proud to be your one-stop-shop for all your automotive needs. Don’t forget, Belden’s also offers diesel repairs, tires and performs custom exhaust work. Check us out on the web for coupons and specials at www. Buckle up, Drive Safe and remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Six Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830981-9700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330; Prue Rd.: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit

Khaki & Plaid Gala Raised Money For Families Submitted By Stephen Chavez ack in September, ten servant leaders answered the call and said “yes” to help bring hope to families who were trying to send their children to a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, but were unable to afford it. These ten leaders comprised the Khaki & Plaid Gala Homecoming Court Nominees. Their four month long journey to raise funds and awareness for Hope for the Future and Catholic schools culminated on Saturday, January 23rd, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center at the 7th Annual Khaki & Plaid Gala Homecoming 2016. In total, the event was estimated to have raised over $760,000, surpassing the goal set forth by event Executive Chairs, Bruce and Cindy Vaio. Along with Honorary Chairs Clarence and Tina Kahlig, who were models of service in this community, the 2016 gala was the most successful to-date. “Because of your support, your prayers and your commitment, there are 2,200 grateful and hope-filled children, who are thriving in their Catholic school classrooms today,” said Archbishop Gustavo GarcíaSiller during the event’s opening remarks in front of 1,300 guests. Hope for the Future is currently providing $2.5 million in tuition assistance for the 2015-16 school year. It is through events such as the Khaki & Plaid Gala, that funds are raised to impact so many families and children.



“Our children can truly encounter Christ in their families and parishes, but also in their lessons, teachers and their daily encounters with their Catholic school classmates,” said Archbishop Gustavo. “I am still in amazement over the tremendous work all ten Homecoming Court Nominees accomplished over the last few months,” said Tracy Ladgenski, Director of Hope for the Future. The Homecoming Court Nominees held numerous events during their “campaigns” including concerts, dinners and lunches, home receptions and even a chili cook-off. “While fundraising was at the core of the Homecoming Court, what I believe as an equally powerful accomplishment is having ten community leaders tell their own stories about Catholic school education and how Hope for the Future can help children have the same experiences they did while attending a faith-based school,” said Ladgenski. The 2016 Homecoming Court consisted of Fabius Bascon, SAWS; Patti Jo Bliss, Frost Bank; Paula Dickson, Community Leader; Bryan Grundhoefer, WellMed; Tim Laudadio, Bell Consulting, Inc.; Kevin McLoughlin, Nationwide Insurance; Janet Pollock, Alamo Group Inc.; Anabel Rodriguez, Community Leader; Sr. Jane Ann Slater, Archdiocese of San Antonio and BJ Stewart, GDC Marketing & Ideation. The event climaxed with the crowning of the Khaki & Plaid Gala Homecoming 2016 King and Queen. On-hand to crown

the winners were the 2015 King, Fr. Eric Ritter and Queen, Diana Barrios-Trevino. The winners were selected based upon total dollars raised and certified by the gala’s official accounting firm, Tsakopulos Brown Schott & Anchors. Former FOX San Antonio news anchor, Michael Valdes, announced the 2016 King and Queen as Bryan Grundhoefer and Paula Dickson. Following the Khaki & Plaid Gala Royalty announcement, Austin-based band, The Nightowls, helped to fill up the dance floor for the remainder of the evening. “The event was an overwhelming success and would not have been possible without the tremendous efforts of all the staff, schools and volunteers,” said Ladgenski. A very special Khudos to the Khaki & Plaid Gala Khommittee of volunteers who make it their mission to see that the event is success. Without the dedication and passion from the khommittee the event would not be as plaid-tabulous as it was.” Plans are already underway for the 2017 Khaki & Plaid Gala which will mark the ten year anniversary of Hope for the Future

Khaki & Plaid Gala Homecoming Queen Paula Dickson, Community Leader and King, Bryan Grundhoefer, President of WellMed.

March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Local Lamb From The Lone Star State! By Tanji Patton have BIG news to share with you… Goodtaste with Tanji will be a television series next spring sponsored by Sysco Foods! As we enter our eighth year of producing our online show at Goodtaste. tv, we are grateful to you for your ongoing support. Without it, our television show would not be possible. The show Goodtaste with Tanji will feature wonderful stories from fabulous restaurants in San Antonio, Houston, Austin and the Hill Country. We’ll entice you to dine out! Also, we’ll include some wonderful wine finds as well. We’ll be seen on KPRC in Houston, WOAI in


San Antonio, KEYE in Austin, KFDM in Beaumont and KGBT in the Valley. Who knows, maybe even other markets as well! After all, who doesn’t love dining out in Texas! There is a delicious protein trending if you do happen to be dining out. If meat is on the menu in 2016, you really can’t lose with lamb. Fact is, a number of top eateries from around Texas are already experimenting with this trendy protein. A staple of the Mediterranean diet (which limits red meat consumption), locallysourced lamb products are a lean, hearthealthy option for meals with virtually no

Crawfish Season By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951

carbs whatsoever! Love thy lamb… When shopping for that perfect cut, look for those with a firm, fine texture and a pinkish center. Organic, 100% grass-fed lamb is the gold standard, which contains a lower overall fat content, yet still delivers that moist and tender tasting experience we’re after. Interesting to note, traditional Chinese medicine makes mention of lamb as a warming agent to the body, aiding with blood circulation… who knows! Maybe that’s why it’s such a popular winter-time delicacy. Visit Goodtaste online to try some of these ideas at home: Texas Lamb Duo: A tantalizing Hill Country combo of Rosemary Grilled Lamb Chops and Malbec Braised Lamb Shoulder from Executive Chef Ross Burtwell of the Cabernet Grill – part of Cotton Gin Village in Fredericksburg, TX. Plated with a bleu cheese/white bean ragout. Lamb Ham: This ‘Lamb Ham’ from Chef Peter Maffei of Finn & Porter at the Hilton Austin is deboned, rolled and tied much like you would a roasted ham. The outer crust is coated with a mixture of ground fennel, coriander and chili flake… Colorado Rack Of Lamb: Pan seared Colorado Lamb Rack from Executive Chef Eduardo Guizar at *17, the on-site restaurant at The Sam Houston Hotel in Houston, TX. Chef plated his finished product with baked

sweet potatoes & seasoned asparagus in a beautiful Muscat grape demi glaze! Braised Lamb Shanks: Cook this rangefed lamb from Boudro’s Texas Bistro ‘low and slow’ in the oven. There is a photo of it plated on my site with a buttery Pappardelle Pasta cooked al dente and seasoned with fresh herbs that looks amazing! Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Tanji explores the inviting worlds of chefs, wine makers and culinary newsmakers. If you would like more information, she can be reached at

Get Your Life Back With


reak out the corn on the cob and your potatoes because crawfish season is in full swing down here at Groomer’s Seafood! You are sure to hear about your friends firing up their boiling pots on the weekends during the peak of the crawfish season, and why not join in on the fun? Lucky for you, that “peak” is right now! March, April, and May have the ideal temperatures and rain amounts for our guys over in Louisiana to harvest the best crawfish there is to find, and Groomer’s Seafood trucks them straight to our store for you to pick up for your weekend boil. Because crawfish is a live product, we operate on a pre-order basis so there isn’t any waste of delicious mudbugs. Groomer’s makes pre-ordering a simple and painless process. To ensure you’ll have your order, give us a call on the Monday or Tuesday of the week you are having your boil (Between our hours of 9 am and 4:30 pm). We’ll take your name, number, how many sacks you need (each sack is about 35 pounds) and credit card to hold the order. Then we’ll take care of the rest! First thing Friday morning our expert fishmongers will personally hand sort your order and have it all boxed up and ready for you to pick it up!

All Natural Hormones If it’s your first time boiling crawfish, it may seem like a bit of a daunting task, but fear not because that’s where Giby’s Fish Camp Crawfish Boil comes in! Developed by our patriarch Gilbert Groomer, our crawfish boil combines the freshest all natural ingredients to give you the best Cajun flavor you’ll find outside of Louisiana. Perhaps the best part, especially if you’re health conscious, is that Giby’s Fish Camp contains much less salt than other boils giving you all the flavor you want without all the negatives that come with too much salt. Our expert fishmongers will be equipped to give you any further information you may need upon pick up, such as how to store them, how to purge them, or even just how to eat them! A crawfish boil is by far one of the best times to share with friends and family! Sitting back enjoying each other’s company, while peeling some fantastic Louisiana mudbugs paired with corn and potatoes is one of the finer pleasures in life! I know it’s definitely going to be a weekly occurrence at my place! Give us a call at 210-377-0951 to place your preorder before I get them all!

March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

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The Communities We Live In!

Submitted By Mary LeRoy ello, my name is Mary LeRoy and I am the art teacher for two Christian schools in San Antonio. One of my schools, St. Thomas Episcopal Church and School, my second grade class has just completed their “Communities” art project. Each year the second graders study about the different types of communities we live in: small towns, suburbs or cities. We make three communities using recycled boxes, left over marker caps and all types of lids, construction paper, markers, glue and more. In art, the objective is to support the classroom learning experience with a ‘hands on’ art project on the same topic. This is quite a large project and takes several months to complete. To begin the project, we discuss the different types of buildings and neighborhoods found in these communities, including basic government services, such as post offices, grocery stores, schools, restaurants and in some, hospitals. When naming our businesses in each community, we reference the businesses which surround


Pictured is the “small town” community project.

Pictured is the “suburb” community project.

our school and homes where we live. Every year our little communities always include

our favorites, especially in the suburb, where we live. These businesses include HEB (in each community of varying sizes), Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Target, Broadway Bank, Security Service Bank, and more! Of course, the school is always St. Thomas Episcopal School. In the suburb, this year’s students have included even more details, such as 1604 and Stone Oak Parkway and in the small town, a Comal County Courthouse. The communities of course vary, because of

Pictured is the “city” community project.

size and populations. Each student has the opportunity to work on buildings, roads, trees, and signs. It is truly a ‘hands-on’ project with all involved. The “Communities” art project, which we create each school year, has been a great way to help our students learn about not only their community, but the ones that others live in too! There are also great art lessons in designing, cutting, gluing and lots of developmental skills involved.

Alamo Heights Night Celebrates 30 Years Submitted By Kimberly Arellano he 30th Annual Alamo Heights Night celebration will take place on Friday April 15th, 5:30pm to 11:30pm at the campus of the University of the Incarnate Word at 4301 Broadway. “This year will be our 30th annual event. It has grown significantly over the years but still retains its fun, family oriented atmosphere. Proceeds from the event have provided scholarships to hundreds of students attending university and vocational training programs and over a million dollars to local charities and special projects” said Rick Berchin, Operations Manager. “Our club is looking forward to another 30 years of successful events and community support.” The event dubbed “Party Time in ’09” (“09” being the last two digits of the Alamo Heights zip code) is famous for their incredible selection of food from some of San Antonio’s favorite restaurants. This year’s bill of fare will feature sweet


and savory items from restaurants such as Rainforest Cafe, Los Barrios, La Madeleine, Fresh Horizons Catering, Al’s Nuts and Bunuelos. The family-friendly atmosphere will deliver entertainment and activities for kids of all ages including a carnival midway and a performance by Fire on the Mountain Cloggers. Live music will take place all night on multiple states as Hotcakes will return to perform on the main stage along with Suede, the premier variety cover band from Austin who made their Alamo Heights Night debut last year. Additional musical entertainment will include the Rick Cavender Band, Tennessee Valley Authority, mariachis and other special surprises. Admission is free for children under 12 and for all active duty military with a valid ID. Tickets are $5 for ages 12-17and students with a valid ID and $12 for adults. All ticket sales will take place at the event site (no advanced sales). Free park and ride service available from Alamo

Heights Methodist Church and Alamo Heights High School. Shuttles will run from 5:15pm until 12 midnight. Parking will be available in the AT&T lot at Hildebrand & Broadway and VIA will offer park & ride service from Wonderland Mall of the Americas/Crossroads Mall in Balcones Heights (151 Crossroads Blvd, 78201). The Alamo Heights Rotary Club has raised over $2,000,000 in support of non-profit organizations and community service activities since its inception. Alamo Heights Night is their largest fund raiser, organized by over 100 volunteer Rotarians who head numerous committees and recruit 700+ volunteers to make the event a success.

Visit for more information or find them on Facebook at or call 210-842-2462.

What The New SAT Means For Your Student By Sam Johnson he last examination using the old version of the SAT was administered at the end of January. So if you are a parent of a student who has not yet taken the SAT or is going to retake the test, you will want to learn about what these changes mean for you. In a nutshell, the SAT has been reformatted so that its results can more accurately reflect a student’s abilities for the colleges and universities. To give you an idea of the new test, College Tutors of San Antonio has created a brief overview of what changed. Scoring The SAT will no longer be scored on a 2400 point scale. Instead it will go back to the old maximum score of 1600. This is because they have eliminated the division



of the reading and writing sections and combined them to become the “Evidencebased Reading and Writing” section. This section accounts for 800 points of your total score. The other 800 points are allocated for the math section. Finally, the essay is optional and scored separately from the rest of the test. It is broken down into three components that are scored from 2-8 each and added together for your total essay score. Evidence-based Reading and Writing The reading and writing questions are all multiple choice and follow the reading of a passage. For the reading questions, the student is asked to use context clues and information gained from the reading to answer questions about the meaning of the passage. For the writing questions, the student is required to point out grammatical

errors and rephrase certain parts of the passage to improve effectiveness of the message. Math This portion of the test focuses on testing a student’s ability to answer questions relating to three areas of mathematics. First, the “Heart of Algebra” questions focus on the mastery of linear equations and systems. Second, the “Problem Solving and Data Analysis” questions test being quantitatively literate. Finally, the “Passport to Advanced Math” features questions that require the manipulation of complex equations. Remember that you can find more information on the format of the new test, testing center locations and dates as well as registration information through the College Board website. The staff at College Tutors of San Antonio is here to answer any

questions that you have over the test. We also regularly offer free practice tests to the community. Call us at 210-202-0303 to learn more about the new SAT or to sign up for the next free practice test session.

March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Tutors t is our pleasure to once again honor and recognize a local educator at Brandeis High School as the College Tutors Educator of the Month for March. This award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do Attitudes, Growth and Results Driven and Leave It Better. For March, we honor Jimmy Holman, Brandeis High School Registrar. Jimmy constantly Leaves It Better and is a tremendous resource for students, parents, teachers, administrators, and counselors. He is a proverbial encyclopedia of valuable information. People for across the district at various and offices will refer to him regarding procedural information and to answer various questions. Furthermore, Jimmy plays a KEY role in ensuring that all students have met the proper criteria for graduation. Jimmy is an unsung hero and is a former NISD graduate from Holmes High School. The owners of College Nannies + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition


with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. The quality of education in our community is primarily Jimmy Holman. a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, please contact College Nannies + Tutors at 210-202-0303 or nwsanantoniotx@

Ceramic Cooking By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 owdy, Neighbor! When you think of cooking in the backyard, what comes to mind? A charcoal grill? A gas grill? How about a big, honkin’ BBQ offset smoker? All three are well known grilling systems, but there is another – ceramic – and you may be surprised at how effective it can be. Actually, ceramic cooking is not new. Clay pots were used for food and cooking over 2,000 years ago in Europe, some 3,000 years ago in China, and even 4,000 years ago in India. In India and neighboring countries, this style of cooking evolved into the tandoor oven, which uses charcoal or wood to achieve cooking temperatures as hot as 900°F. The tandoor is still a popular cooking utensil throughout Southeast Asia, and you see it manifested in a growing list of popular foods in America, most notably naan flatbreads and various kabobs. By around 300 AD, the Japanese incorporated some of the Chinese influences with its “mushikamado” cooker (“Mushi” meaning “steam,” and “kamado” meaning “oven” or “kiln”). Obviously, it evolved differently than the tandoor, but it retained similar attributes: earthen clay formed into a vessel of some sort then used with wood or charcoal to produce extreme heat for cooking. At the end of WWII, American servicemen noticed the Japanese people using the “kamado” cooker, and they became so enamored with it that they started bringing it home to the United States. One

The Chapters of Retirement

By Eric Zeitler Client Centric Wealth Management (210) 807-7599 he journey to and through retirement spend money. Chapter 4 (the mid-sixties through occurs gradually, like successive chapters in a book. Each chapter has the late seventies). This is when some people get a little restless. It is also when its own things to consider. Chapter 1 (the fifties). At this stage of some people find their retirement savings life, retirement becomes less like a far-off growing disturbingly smaller. You may get dream and more like a forthcoming reality. bored with all-leisure, all-the-time and want You begin to think about when you can to volunteer or work on your own terms, retire, and about taking the right steps to health permitting. Chapter 5 (eighty & afterward). The retire comfortably. During your fifties, you may contend with “lifestyle creep” – the last chapter of retirement is one frequently phenomenon of your household expenses characterized by the sharing of legacies and life lessons, a new perspective on the growing along with your pay raises. Chapter 2 (the early sixties). The process of living and aging, and deeper anticipation builds at this point; you start engagement (or reengagement) with to think about the process of retiring and children and grandchildren. This is also the precise financial and lifestyle steps the time when you should think about your involved. You also begin to think about the financial legacy, and review or update your near future – not only what you will do next, estate plan so that when you leave this but how you will do it. This is also a time to world, things are in good order and your dial down risk in your portfolio, especially wishes are followed. Before and during your retirement, it if a bear market occurs right before you retire. You have little time to recover from is wise to keep in touch with a financial professional who can guide and consult you a downturn. Chapter 3 (the start of retired life). The when questions about income, investments, first year or so of retirement is akin to a wealth protection, and wealth transfer arise. Eric Zeitler and Eric Weissgarber an “honeymoon phase” – you have the time and perhaps the money to pursue all kinds offer securities through Sigma Financial Member FINRA/SIPC. of dreams. The key is not to spend wildly. Corporation. Lifestyle creep also affects new retirees; Client Centric Wealth Management free time often means more chances to is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC.



Local, Independent, Credentialed, Planners & Investment Managers. Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corporation. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor. Client Centric Wealth Management is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC”

of these early ceramic fans was Ed Fisher, who started the Big Green Egg (BGE) Company in the early 1970s in Georgia. Since then, design improvements have made the BGE one of the most versatile cooking systems in or out of the kitchen. Instead of earthen clay, BGE now uses high fiber ceramics similar to those used on the Space Shuttle tiles, which in turn allows for temperatures of up to 1,200 °F. By using various accessory pieces, you can do a host of cooking on it: grilling, roasting, slow roasting, baking, and smoking. You can use radiant (direct) or convective (indirect) heat; either way, moisture retention is simply first-rate. As we like to say at Jeff’s Backyard, “you can cook anything from briskets to biscuits” on this thing! Come to Jeff’s Backyard to check out your Big Green Egg. Before long, you’ll be an Egghead, too!

March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

210.807.7599 • 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315


Champions of the Heart

Northside Sports Gym “Topping Out”

The Final Entry View of Northside Gym.

The Garcia M.S. Basketball Team poses with the Kinetic Kids.

Submitted By Tracey Fontenot ust days before winning the NISD North Zone end of season tournament, Hector Garcia Middle School’s 8th Grade A Basketball team showed their hearts are as big as their game. On February 2nd, members of the HGMS team attended a Kinetic Kids basketball session to drill, practice and scrimmage with a group of children with disabilities. Kinetic Kids is a local, nonprofit organization that provides sports opportunities to children with special needs. Both the Kinetic Kids team and the Garcia team spent the evening laughing, competing, talking, running, riding, coaching, shooting and rebounding. More importantly, they made friends and memories. According to HGMS guard Cole Cervantes, “It was so much fun hanging out with the Kinetic Kids. They were a blast to be around.” Three nights later when the Garcia team stepped onto the court for the championship tournament, members of the Kinetic Kids basketball team were in the stands ready to cheer for their favorite middle school team. After spotting their newest fans, Jordan



Rise And Shine

By Dionna Sanchez hen I was a young girl I had the opportunity to spend the night at my grandparent’s house a few times. When morning would come, my grandma would always come in to wake me up and she’d say, “cock-a-doodle-do, rise and shine!” I loved it. There was something so cheerful about the way she greeted me. Something that made me want to face a fresh new day. My youngest daughter is NOT a morning person. Sadly, she gets this from me. But it can be a task to get her moving on school mornings. So this year, I dug back into the archives of my mind, and instead of hollering at her to get moving from my room as I tried to also get ready for the day, I started crowing to her. “Cock-a-doodle-do! Rise and shine!” I’d even add something from her childhood. I’d say, “Rise and



Submitted By Julie Ann Matonis n Wednesday February 10th, four giant trusses were hoisted on top of Northside Sports Gym by a 500-ton crane. Each truss, or giant beam, is 154 feet long (approximately half the size of a football field) and weighs 35,000 pounds. Together, they will hold the roof in place. This is considered the first phase of “Topping Out,” or putting the highest structural feature on the building. The Northside Sports Gym is expected to be completed in fall 2016 and is funded with savings from School Bond 2010. It will serve as the District’s second competition gym in addition to Paul Taylor Field House which was constructed in the early 1970s when NISD only had three high schools. Northside’s eleventh comprehensive high school, Harlan High School, is currently under construction and will open in 2017. Approximately 33 varsity teams are expected to compete in the new Sports Gym, for volleyball and basketball, and the facility will seat 2,500 spectators. The

A Garcia M.S. student shows great sportsmanship with the Kinetic Kids.

Two Kinetic Kid students play Basketball.

Wood, an HGMS shooting guard, said they were, “Definitely an inspiration for us. We couldn’t let them down.”

shine and kick down the glory, glory!”--an adaptation of a Sunday School song that she mis-sang as a child. She usually groans. One morning, I was just about to holler “Cock-a-doodle-do” and I heard her get up. So I refrained. A little while later she came into my bathroom all clothed for the day, and she looked at me and said, “Why didn’t you try to wake me up this morning?” I explained to her that it was because I heard her get up. Then I looked at her and said, “You kind of missed it didn’t you? It grows on ya!” And she let out a small smile. You never know what tradition or legacy you will leave to your children. It can be the way you call them in for dinner or the way you wake them up in the morning. It can be the way you snuggle in for a movie, or how you console them after a fight. But oftentimes, it’s the “constant” of those things – the reliability that creates a sense

A crane lifts a truss as the first phase begins.

facility is located in the Farris Athletic Complex near Farris Stadium and the Northside Swim Center. Contacts on site: Wayne Cure, Northside Senior Construction Inspector, cell phone 825-2221 or Mike Qualls, Northside Inspection Manager, cell phone 825-2031.

Brandeis Band At South Texas Jazz Festival Submitted By Richard Herrera ongratulations to our Band Boosters and Jesse Cuellar for running a first rate contest at the second annual South Texas Jazz Festival. I heard very positive comments from the directors that attended the festival and plan to come back next year. Special thanks to Roland Dominguez for chairing the event. He and Mr. Cuellar worked tirelessly on promoting and organizing a successful festival. I hope


you had a chance to listen to all of the talented students from area schools, as well as, our very own Jazz Combo and Big Band. Special thanks to our featured artist Henry Brun and the Latin Playerz. The featured concert was truly amazing. Jazz education is alive and well at Brandeis High School. Many thanks to all the boosters, family, and friends of our band who worked, donated money, donated food, and who sponsored the Jazz Festival.

of familiar and security in them. It may start out as something they didn’t quite enjoy, but over time, it becomes something they cling to and hold onto as identity. The ordinary becomes something cherished. Something they will call back on and hold close to their hearts years later when they no longer are able to partake in it day in and day out. I’m thankful that this little cheerful way of waking up my daughter is something that began as an innocent welcome to me from my grandma, and then travelled down to

become something passed down to my own daughter. A legacy. A tradition. Part of our heritage. Words draped in love. Dionna Sanchez is a freelance writer and member of the San Antonio Bloggers. You can visit her blog at beautyinthestorm. com where she writes from her heart to encourage others.

March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Starts April 1, 2016 at a School or Business near you. 210.348.8233

Living Through Giving

“You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.” Unknown “Our mission is to bring hope to families in the San Antonio community by reaching out and touching the hearts of our future. Our intent is to provide children with hope and friendship while trying to ensure that they have the tools necessary to become the future.” By protecting the hopes and dreams of children, it is LTG’s desire to allow children to see kindness and have hope during a time where both may be hard to find. The core of our passion is the belief that when children become part of ‘the system’ they become our collective responsibility – our children – and deserve the same opportunities that youth from healthy families have. For more info: 210-348-8233 March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Living Through Giving (LTG) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) which focuses on children and youth who have experienced abuse, neglect, family disruption, or a range of other factors that jeopardize their safety, permanence, or well-being.


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