A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Stone Oak, Canyon Springs, Vineyards, and Rogers Ranch and immediate areas POSTAL CUSTOMER
March 2016 Issue
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March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
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March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Note From The Publisher
Family And Spring Break
Did you know that there are
enefits that can help B A V offset the cost of living in a retirement community or assisted living?
arch is always a great time of year for me because it’s the birthday month of both of my children. My son, Blake, will be 24 and my daughter, Rashell, will be 20. As the years progress and they continue to become their own person, I could not be any prouder of them. Blake is in charge of the retail store at Groomer’s Seafood, so if you have any seafood needs, be sure to pay him a visit and read his article on page 22 about the upcoming crawfish season. Rashell is currently attending college; working towards a degree in mortuary science. Every month that I begin piecing together the upcoming edition of Welcome Home, I’m reminded of my community and how lucky I am to live in an area that cares about their kids as much as I do. March also brings SPRING! Texas is not known for its long Winters but nothing puts me in a better mood than clear skies and sunshine. This issue was such a joy to put together. We had so many submissions! Great things are definitely happening in San Antonio and highlighting what the community and our children are doing to make each of our neighborhoods and school districts special is what Welcome Home is all about. Johnson High School once again won the Living Through Giving Toy Challenge for collecting the most toys. The trophy remains in their care for another year. I cannot find the words to thank them and every school that participates each year to make our drive bigger and bigger so that we can reach out to more and more children within San Antonio. These children and young adults have such great hearts and a
passion to help others. Talking with them and their goals for the future show me what an amazing generation of adults we can look forward to in the near future. Welcome Home was founded on the principles of highlighting the achievements of our youth, nonprofits and other organizations. Students and teachers today make this an easy task. As you are going on your Spring Break vacations be sure and share with us your adventures. Remember, if you have a feel good story from your side of town, please let us know so that we can share it with our community. And remember to support the businesses that make this paper possible by letting them know you saw them in Welcome Home. One final thought until next month... GO SPURS GO!!!
Attend an informational session on the Veteran’s Aid & Assistance Benefit Program at Independence Hill. Tuesday, March 22, 2016 10:00am 20500 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas 78258 RSVP to (210) 209-8956 by March 21st
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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer
Distribution Israel Vazquez
Director Of Production Kristin Oliver
Staff Writers Debby Seguin
Writer/Copy Editor Stefanie Young Nicky Rodriguez
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Denise Wirth
Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver
Contributing Photographer Oscar McAnally
Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante
Contributing Writers Sylvia Farber Leigh Anne Roeber
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Shawn Jensen Laura Aplin Jaime Ravelo Kimberly Arellano Velizar Iliev Gary Colamander Lyle Larson Kecia B. Smedley Michelle Shaw Tim O’Shaughnessy Kristen Chen Kecia B. Smedley Lisa Ray Mayor Ivy Taylor Cari Goodyear Mary LeRoy
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ver plan on getting a DWI? No one does, but if you happen to find yourself in this horrible situation The Law Office of Jamie Balagia (a.k.a “The DWI Dude”) is on your side. After graduating from the University of Texas School of Law, Balagia opened his practice in 1992. Since then, he has been fulfilling his passion of defending everyday citizens and educating the public about their constitutional rights. In addition to the many certifications Balagia has attained, he also travels the state, nation and world speaking at the top DWI seminars. Through his continued education, Balagia has gone above and beyond making sure he is one of the top minds in this specific field. However, his standards do not stop there. His knowledgeable staff includes seven attorneys, five paralegals and two receptionists in the San Antonio/ Austin metros. All are fully dedicated and ready to serve their clients with the utmost comprehension and capabilities. Balagia is a family man. He by no means condones drinking and driving and if he found himself in the position to stop someone from making that mistake he would do whatever he had to to make sure that it didn’t happen. But he also understands that people are not infallible
Photo By Oscar McAnally
and mistakes happen; he just doesn’t think you should have to live with them for the rest of your life. See The Law Office of Jamie Balagia’s full story on page 9.
Family Life Letter To Me
When You Need Help Buying or Selling Your Home
Monica Rodriguez
By Debby Seguin
here’s a popular song by Brad Paisley called “Letter to Me”. Now that he is a grown man, he looks back on his youth and wants to give himself counsel. I thought I’d give it a try. Dear Me, When Jackson dares you to eat that worm in 3rd grade, don’t do it. In fact, when anyone dares you to do anything they haven’t actually done, they are just looking for free entertainment. When anyone dares you to do anything they HAVE actually done, and it turned out badly, they are testing your intelligence. For the sake of our future reputation, don’t fail the test. (For examples of people who did fail the test,
Buying or selling a home is one of the most important things you will ever do. I want to help make the experience as smooth and successful as possible.
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see America’s Funniest Videos, youtube: Search- fire/ beer, or any state prison). In 7th grade, when Miss Pritchard tells you to study for that test, study. I know there are a lot of distractions; FUN distractions. But those distractions aren’t going to get you where you want to go. It is important to spend some time having fun, but please, girlfriend, INVEST some time, too. When mom and dad tell you ANYTHING, listen, take notes, make copies, and refer to your notes as often as possible. Their advice will sound like arcane stuff no sane kid would take seriously but I’m telling you, it’s good stuff. Like picking up the toys outside so nobody falls and gets hurt? Yea, remember those 13 stitches? And like not laying in the sun? THAT one is costing me now. No skin cancer, but my crow’s feet have settled in for the long haul. There are even more important ones like don’t go to parties where they are drinking. Trust me. They drink, they do stupid things, they throw up. Wow, isn’t THAT impressive. And boys? Think of them like bees. When they are young, they are just looking for any available bright flower petals they can find. As they get older, (especially when daddy’s not paying his bills and mama’s no longer cooking his meals), he gets pickier. Be patient and the right one will find you. In the meantime, keep your petals closed. Sincerely, Me Debby Seguin, the mother of 2 bees and 1 flower, can be reached at writewell62@ yahoo.com
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
What Can You Do With $10, $20 or $50?
couple of years ago Welcome Home Director, Kristin Oliver, was given the news that her uncle, Mike, was diagnosed with Adult T Cell ALL Leukemia and Lymphoma. Mike is a San Antonio Fire Fighter, a loving husband, a friend and a rock for a lot of her family members. The news devastated her family. Her uncle received his bone marrow transplant in Summer of 2015 and is now on his way to recovery, albeit the road is slower than he’d like. Kristin wasn’t there for his treatments or for his fight with cancer, but has heard the fear in her family’s voice when they talked about it. She kept up with the blog her aunt wrote to keep everyone up-to-date on his health while they traveled to MD Anderson in Houston, for the best treatment possible. Once someone you love is facing cancer, the universe shoves a gleaming reminder in your face; everywhere you look, someone was fighting a type of blood cancer. In November the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) asked if Kristin Oliver would be willing to be a part of their Man and Woman of the Year Fundraising Campaign. She accepted, because she wanted the opportunity to do something that raised awareness about Mike’s fight and the fight so many others face. Kristin wanted his fight mean something; furthermore, she wanted to inhibit this disease from barging in and taking over more lives. There are several fire fighters in San Antonio that are fighting not just blood cancers but many other forms of cancer. Kristin has a goal with this campaign: raise
awareness for these fighters. If fifty thousand dollars can be raised, a research grant would be placed in the name of the San Antonio Fire Department and Mike Grosso. So, here’s the part where she asks you for money. If every reader of Welcome Home can donate $10.00 to this cause, a change CAN be made. Starting on March 31st, Kristin will begin raising money for LLS. 85% of the funds raised during this campaign go directly to research. The research conducted doesn’t just benefit blood cancer, but many different forms of cancer. Significant strides have been made in treatments based on LLS research. Below is an address and link where you can send any donation and look up more information about where your donations go to help those in need. www.mwoy.org/pages/sctx/sat16/koliver
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March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
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Hormones: How Will You live Your 2nd 50 Years?
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 varian failure, the menopause when the body slowly declines until frailty and death, may begin as early as third decade. When the big three hormones, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone begin to fade, the nervous system can become deranged. Progesterone, the first hormone to decline, may cause terrible insomnia, followed by exhaustion and irritability with unstable mood. Lack of testosterone may present as complete disdain for sex, lack of
motivation, an indifference to life. The last hormone to exit the body, estradiol, results in extreme vaginal dryness and the dreaded “foggy brain”. These symptoms may be very minor in some women with only sleep disturbance. Other women with more symptomatic complaints of moodiness may be prescribed an antidepressant or sleeping pills. I have seen this type of patient at the 15 minute free consult. “I don’t know if you can help
me” with eyes downcast, “My doctor says I am depressed”. As she slowly recounts the memory loss, lack of interest in everything, no libido, and disturbing mood changes, I can barely restrain myself from saying, “You’re not crazy! It’s just menopause. We can fix this!” By correcting the measured hormone deficiencies to the premenopausal level, sexual, mental, and physical well-being may be restored. Of course, not all women suffer symptoms of hormone decline as severely, and not all women need hormone restoration. Some women manage menopause by
What Is Different About Vision Source? A 21st Century Experience! By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020
hat is different about Vision Source? Vision Source was founded in 1991 with the belief that eye health care is best provided by an independent family eye doctor, free to make his or her own decisions about what is best for the continued good vision of the patient. As a member of Vision Source, a private practice optometrist has access to the shared knowledge and resources of a network with
more than 3,200 offices. And because each office is independently owned and operated, your entire eye care experience – from examination through fitting of eyeglasses or contacts – takes place under the watchful eye of your family optometrist. At Stone Oak Vision Source, we have received education and access to technology earlier because of the Vision Source network, in order to better serve our patients. Some of the things that set us apart at Stone Oak Vision Source are the following: We have digital imaging devices to
provide a better look at the back of the eye. We have a nerve fiber analyzer that screens for glaucoma and can potentially detect changes sooner than previous devices. We do not charge for this screening to our patients. We have a corneal mapping device to get the best computerized image of the front of the eye. This is automatically included in your contact lens examination. We have digital equipment that makes the choosing “one or two” process a lot smoother. It is not the usual machine you
exercise, weight control, and perhaps over the counter herbal preparations. I measure hormone levels and some women in their mid-fifties have levels of estradiol sufficient to maintain the vaginal tissues, without hot flashes, or even insomnia. Good for them! For the rest of us who don’t want to suffer, bio-identical hormone replacement may be the answer for the 2nd 50 years of your life. Although some studies support an increased risk of various cancers, blood clots, and stroke with any type of hormone replacement, we know that women may suffer these maladies whether they take hormones or not. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com. would see at an eye doctor’s office. Our patients love our digitized examination! No stress at the eye test. In addition to the routine methods of vision correction, we provide corneal molding to patients that qualify for this procedure. This process gently reshapes your cornea at night while you sleep, utilizing a contact lens. In the morning, the lens is removed and all day long your vision is clear without the need for daytime contact lens use or glasses. If it has been over a year since you or a family member have had your eyes examined, call us at 495-9020 to schedule your appointment today or visit us online at www.visionsource-stoneoak.com.
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March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
“The DWI Dude” Stands Up For SA I made a conscious choice to represent DWI cases when I realized that my clients in this field were everyday people. But it happens, and it happens to good people and good kids who don’t deserve to have their lives ruined by a criminal conviction.” – Jamie Balagia The Law Offices of Jamie Balagia
By Nicky Rodriguez
magine being at a party where alcohol is being served. You have a couple of drinks but decide not to overdo it, because you’re driving a friend home who has been drinking too much. On the way home you’re pulled over for speeding and the officer asks if you have been drinking. You admit you have had two drinks, but are not intoxicated. You are then given a portable breathalyzer test, because you didn’t know you could refuse. The test incorrectly concludes you are over the legal limit and you are placed under arrest. You spend the night trying to get out of jail, your car is impounded, you miss work, you have to come up with the money to get released and you’re facing a mountain of legal fees and a possible conviction that will haunt you for the rest of your life. Believe it or not; this happens all the time and it happens to everyday people. Enter, Jamie Balagia. Known as “The DWI Dude” his reputation and skill set has made him one of the leading DWI attorneys in the country. With a solid stance of experience and intelligence in the courtroom, his presence is enough to shake the opposition, instantly. Jamie Balagia has been working in the criminal justice system since 1977. Early in his career he was a police officer and has seen first-hand the fatal mistakes made by drunk drivers. “I don’t drink and would do whatever it took to stop any drunk driver from driving a vehicle and endangering themselves or anyone else. Think what it would feel like to wake up in a jail cell, hung-over to find out that you had killed another person and were looking at going to the penitentiary for many years, or worse-- imagine if your kid did that?” Balagia said. He later made the decision to become a defense attorney, after graduating from The University of Texas School of Law on a full academic scholarship, and opened his firm in November of 1992. “I made a conscious choice to represent DWI cases when I realized that my clients in this field were everyday people,” Balagia explains. “People who didn’t wake up deciding they were going to get a DWI or that their kid would get busted possessing pot that day. But it happens, and it happens to good people and good kids who don’t deserve to have their lives ruined by a criminal conviction.” Since then Balagia has put in additional work to thoroughly understand DWI procedures, in order to help with his clients’ defense. Balagia is a certified instructor of field sobriety tests, certified in the breath testing device,
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
certified as a ‘“lawyer/scientist”’ in the gas chromatography instrument which tests your blood for drugs and alcohol and he is a phlebotomist. He also is present in the legal community as a faculty member of the National College of DUI Defense and at the Trial Skills University, he is the legal adviser of San Antonio NORML and a charter member of the DUID Lawyers Association. Balagia also travels the state, nation and world to speak at top DWI seminars. “I put in the work to learn and teach as much as possible on DWI to ensure each of my clients has the most up to date information for their defense available. I realize each client is more than a case. Their livelihood and their future is at stake,” Balagia said. In addition to Balagia’s staggering list of qualifications that quantify and qualify him as one of the best in his field; he is passionate about the Constitution. “I am amazed at the lack of respect citizens and the police have for the Constitution, (both United States and Texas). The beauty of our Constitution is that we all benefit from the rights we have. Sadly, our rights are violated on a regular basis and particularly in DWI cases. If you listen closely to my radio or television commercials, I share tips on how to invoke your rights. I believe every citizen must know their rights and every parent should make sure their children know their rights when encountered by police. Learning about the Constitution is great, but understanding how to apply its rights is even more valuable in life and in the court of law.” Going through the process of an arrest can be a scary situation. According to Balagia here is what you can expect after contacting him for help: 1. After arrest: Balagia’s staff arranges for a jail release if needed, since most people whom have been arrested don’t know who to call. 2. They then explain the Driver’s License suspension to you and file an appeal to stop it. If the suspension of the license is upheld by the administrative law judge, they get you an Occupational Driver’s License. 3. Balagia’s staff makes an appearance in criminal court, files Motions to protect your rights, examines discovery in the case against you, and obtains a copy of the video of the arrest. Then they begin their own investigation into your case. 4.They attend court with you and enter into plea negotiations with the prosecutors. If the state doesn’t make a great offer they begin preparing the case for trial.
5. A trial can be very difficult emotionally and financially but a bad offer must never be accepted. “Ultimately, we always get our victory cases expunged so clients can move forward and put the nightmare behind them with a clean record,” explains Balagia. While the process can still be daunting, Balagia makes sure his staff is knowledgeable of the field. Out of the San Antonio and Austin metros, they include seven attorneys, five paralegals and two receptionists- all of whom are seasoned in this complicated area of the law. Balagia always makes it a point to meet with new judges and court personnel. “My staff is the most caring and wonderful group of committed team members you could ever hope to find. They attend the top training events in our field and all employees get the best DWI training available. I want my receptionist to know more about DWI enforcement tactics than most lawyers in the courthouse,” says Balagia. Balagia sees his job and that of his staff, is to remain ahead of the curve in all issues surrounding DWI/DUI and more. He is quick to share his insight on the rise in cases of female arrests for DWI and arrests for prescription drug use while driving. Moreover, the 30% of wrongful arrests for DWI are where Balagia is most effective. Clearly, no one wants to be in these situations, life happens to us all. Knowing that you have an experienced lawyer on your side could save a lifetime of trouble. Balagia warns, “I have assisted clients who have initially gone to their family attorney to represent them for DWI and had terrible results. In some instances, where a client should have never been arrested; have ended with disastrous outcomes. Hiring a corporate, family law or tax attorney to represent your loved one in a DWI case is almost a guarantee to end up with a conviction.” Save yourself the hardship of a situation like those listed above by contacting the Law Offices of Jamie Balagia. Plan ahead, know your rights, be prepared and don’t simply hope for the best. Balagia encourages everyone to study his website dwidude.com.
The Law Offices Of Jamie Balagia 313 South Main Ave 210.394.3833 lawofficesofjamiebalagia.com 9
Spring Time Vehicle Clean Up By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
pring time is here and it couldn’t have come sooner. Typically, people are pulling out cleaning supplies and tidying up houses; and it shouldn’t be any different for your vehicles. Now is a great time to get your vehicle up to speed after all your winter driving and do a quick check on all belts, hoses, tires, and antifreeze. Come by Belden’s Automotive & Tires and let our certified technicians perform a Multi - Point Inspection on your vehicle and get you ready for the hot summer driving. Here are a few friendly reminders:
Have all engine performance problems like hard starts, rough idling and stalling conditions checked out. These problems can affect your gas mileage and if corrected you can catch minor problems before they escalate into costly repairs in the future. Cooling System: Because overheating is the leading cause of roadside breakdowns, Belden’s Automotive & Tires attaches special emphasis to our Cooling System Service, make sure and have your vehicle’s cooling system serviced with a
Caring For Your Deck & Patio By Barry Hagendorf Deck & Patio Care (210) 822-9147
Q: Why should a wooden deck be sealed? A: Different woods have different chemistry. Treated Yellow Pine is a water base wood. When it becomes wet, it expands and when it dries, it shrinks. A 10 lb. board
shrinks to 7 lbs. This constant movement with weather will cause treated yellow pine to warp, split, and crack. To stop expansion and contraction it has to be sealed with an oil base penetrating sealer designed to look for dry cell structure allowing the sealer to move through the wood. Q: Why seal limestone, flagstone, and rocks? A: These surfaces are porous and
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comprehensive set of products and tools to ensure reliable performance of this allimportant system. Check the conditions of your tires including your spare. Remember that uneven wear, ‘cupping,’ vibrations, or ‘pulling’ to one side indicates problems with your tires or suspension system. Beat the Heat: Have your air conditioning system serviced by a qualified technician and remember the air conditioners on older vehicles often contain ozone-depleting chemicals that could be released into the air through improper service. Routine brake inspection and service is important for safety and can save you money in the long run. Failure to replace allow deep penetration for water, as water temperature moves the direction toward freezing that water expands. When temperatures of rock moves in the direction toward freezing, the rock contracts. So as temperatures change through out the day, the water and rock move in opposite directions, this causes cracking and flaking. Q: Why should pebblestone be sealed? A: We seal pebblestone for two reasons. 1. To protect the surface, keeping the rock from popping out. 2. For an enhanced look. The construction of pebblestone leaves a concrete film on the rocks. Acid washing the rock will remove this concrete film. Sealing the stone with acrylic will give a permanent
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wet look. Q: Why seal a wooden fence? A: Wooden fence deteriorates quickly for a number of reasons. 1. The bottom of the board acts like a straw, sucking the water into the board. 2. The boards are thin allowing moisture penetration from all six sides. 3. The wood has tannic acid and when the acid comes to the surface and the sun shines on the board turning the tannic acid gray or black. Sealing a fence can eventually double it’s life. As a Welcome Home reader, please take advantage of the $59 discount located in this paper.
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worn brake pads, for example, can result in more expensive damage to rotors and wheels.
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March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
SculpSure Is At Stone Oak Dermatology
ven with diet and exercise, most adults have stubborn areas of fat that seem impossible to get rid of. Now you can target these problem areas without surgery or downtime. SculpSure is a breakthrough in noninvasive body contouring that treats bothersome areas of fat, helping achieve the shape you want. SculpSure is a 1060nm laser fat removal system that works by directing laser energy into your treated areas. This laser energy heats the fat cells and surrounding tissues, thereby causing permanent destruction of the fat. Your body naturally removes the fat cells and leaves the treated area flat, firm, and tight. The heating energy of the SculpSure laser also causes the production of collagen and elastin, the two necessary building blocks for youthful, healthy skin. Collagen and elastin will help the treated area look firmer and younger. The 25 minute procedure uses light based technology to permanently destroy up to 24% of fat in problem areas such as the abdomen and love handles. Achieving a slimmer more sculpted appearance is possible with the help of SculpSure. Stone Oak Dermatology is a solo practice that provides personalized patient care. This Center for Healthy Skin also performs Botox, filler, liquid facelift, microdermabrasion, micro-needling, photo-
facial, chemical peels, laser resurfacing and personalized medical grade skin care programs. Trust your skin care to experts in the field. Dr. Banta and staff look forward to welcoming you to the practice and becoming part of the Stone Oak Dermatology family. Dr. Linda Banta is a board certified dermatologist with over 25 years of experience. Dr. Banta, performs full skin exams for cancer screening on all patients at the first visit and at regular intervals. In addition to providing comprehensive care with the highest standard for medical conditions, Dr. Banta offers evaluation of the skin and makes recommendations for procedures and skin care products. Dr. Banta has extensive training and experience in Juvederm, Botox, chemical peels and microdermabrasion and photo-rejuvenation. Call us for a free consultation at (210) 494-0504 and learn more about your customized treatment. Stone Oak Dermatology is located at 109 Gallery Circle Suite 135.
By Dr. Linda Banta Stone Oak Dermatology (210) 494-0504
Stone Oak Dermatology
“Experienced Care With The Personal Touch” Solo Private Practice
Center for Healthy Skin
Medical, Surgical & Aesthetic Dermatology • Skin Cancer Screening & Prevention
Far Beyond Cool – Now Offering SculpSure or Call F REE Your lFtation! C o n su
Stone Oak Dermatology now offers the first non-invasive laser for fat reduction/body sculpting. • 25 minutes • No Downtime • No Pain Return to work or go to the gym after treatment.
• Photofacial • Microdermabrasion • Chemical Peels • Botox • Laser Skin Resurfacing • Microneedling • Hair Removal • Juvederm Voluma Se habla español.
“Like Us" For Special Offers
109 Gallery Circle, Suite 135 • (210) 494-0504 www. StoneOakDermatology.com
Linda J. Banta, M.D. Board Certified Dermatologist
Living and Breathing An Enjoyable Life By Amanda Burris IFE CHANGING FREEDOM! That is what Dr. Amanda Trott has given our family with her cutting edge treatment and care at Stone Oak Allergy,” said Frederick, Rahnae and Joshua of the Johnson Family. “For years we suffered with the miserable symptoms of seasonal allergies. Watching our son have problems with congestion and trouble sleeping, we turned to Dr. Trott. She is innovative, compassionate, caring and dedicated to helping each and every one of her patients as if they were her only one. We now have the freedom to be outdoors enjoying nature instead of being indoors, captive to our allergies, and our son can now participate in school sports. Try Dr. Amanda Trott as we did. You walk in as a patient and leave as family.” At Stone Oak Allergy, an enthusiastic and friendly staff, headed by Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio, is eager to welcome and assist old and new patients, to get them living a more enjoyable life, just like the Johnson family. While South Texas locals are more than familiar with sneezing, runny noses and the various other symptoms that are the consequence of allergies, Dr. TrottGregorio offers testing and treatments to manage these nuisances. “Since living here for the past few years, the biggest thing that I’ve noticed about the population of San Antonio is just how allergic patients are,” said Dr. Amanda TrottGregorio. “It’s rare that you meet someone that doesn’t complain of allergic symptoms,
and yet, the majority go untreated and unevaluated and just kind of suffer through it. It is a shame because it really interferes with your quality of life.” Allergies, an abnormal reaction of the immune system to typically harmless substances, can not only cause unwanted symptoms but can also be the cause of asthma and eczema, which she also treats. Consequently, allergies and associated problems can keep many people from everyday activities, places and opportunities. As Dr. Trott-Gregorio explained, “This part of Texas is a really allergenic little piece of the world we love to call home. The San Antonio/Austin area is the only part of the United States with a winter pollen issue- cedar. We are more allergic here, as a population, than most of the world.” At Stone Oak Allergy, Dr. Trott-Gregorio and her team not only work with their patients on a personal level to find out the causes of the problems, but they also work to obtain the perfect solution specifically designed for each person. Whether it is treatment through avoidance, medication or injections, Stone Oak Allergy is determined to find the right solution for each person who walks through the door. “‘I got my life back’ is a phrase I hear almost daily from my patients,” said TrottGregorio. “It means living without the burden of allergy symptoms or breathing limitations. Why not feel good every day? We can make that happen.” Although allergies and asthma are the
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
most commonly treated conditions, Dr. Trott-Gregorio also sees patients for allergic skin disorders, chronic cough, non-allergic nasal symptoms, immune deficiencies, and patients who have recurrent infections. Her skills and expertise in these areas are not limited to any particular age, opening the door to even newborns, from which various mothers benefited. “My baby had a severe rash all over, especially on his face, since he was 2 days old, and we saw a pediatrician and a dermatologist who both told me to stop breastfeeding,” explained Melinda Rippy, mother of 9-month-old patient Luke. “I wanted to find a way to fix his rash and continue breastfeeding, and Dr. Trott was the first doctor who took the time to listen
and figure out a way to make both of those things happen. Now his rash is gone!” At Stone Oak Allergy, patients will feel right at home as they join Dr. Amanda TrottGregorio and her talented staff on a journey to enhance their lives. Visit their office on Sonterra Boulevard or call 210-494-0690 to schedule an appointment.
Stone Oak Allergy 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 (210) 494-0690 www.stoneoakallergy.com 11
THE 3 S’s O F S PR ING : S U NS HIN E, SW IMMIN G, & SEASON AL ALLERGIES There are so many things to look forward to with Springtime approaching: consistently warmer weather, clear blue skies, swimming pools, picnics, BBQ’s, camping trips, blooming trees, flowering plants….the list goes on forever. Do you know what also comes with Spring, what hits its hardest during this time of year, what we don’t look forward too? Seasonal allergies and their complications. It’s well known that Spring-time is, unfortunately, the season for seasonal allergies and all the ugly things that come with it. The pollen from all of the blooming trees and plants spread like wildfire with the warm spring winds and make their way directly into our lungs, noses, and eyes. This in turn causes our bodies to release a product called histamine which is responsible for some asthma attacks, itchy and watery eyes, runny noses, and scratchy throats. While most of the complications that come from these seasonal allergies are merely a burden to our daily routines and can be handled by staying indoors during peak pollen counts, using nasal sprays and hepa filters and bathing your indoor pets to wash off excess pollen, it’s the less common complications that we have to worry about: ALLERGY INDUCED ASTHMA ATTACKS:
Seasonal allergies are frequently the trigger to “asthma attacks” for many people in high pollen areas. Unfortunately for residents, we live in a designated high pollen area, San Antonio is considered by many to be in the “allergy belt.” If you or a loved one is experiencing progressively worsening wheezing, chest tightness and trouble breathing it is likely time for a medical evaluation and treatment to help you breathe easier, feel better, and live happier.
While clear nasal drainage, nasal congestion, an itchy nose, and frequent sneezing are all signs of an allergy “flare-up,” there are certain symptoms that we all need to be aware of to determine if this little “flare-up” has now turned into a bigger problem. Signs of a true sinus infection include symptoms lasting longer than 10 days, dental pain, sinus headaches, thickened or dark colored nasal discharge, and fevers with any of these symptoms. If you begin to experience any of these listed it is likely time for you to seek medical attention.
Asthma attacks and sinus infections are just two of the complications that can arise from seasonal allergies. It’s important to “listen” to your body, to trust your instinct and to seek medical care when home remedies aren’t working. At Prestige Emergency Room you have access to Board Certified Emergency Medicine physicians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, who are always ready to see and care for you, to give our expert medical advice and to treat you when necessary. We are here and ready to help you get out and about and get the most out of the Spring season.
What’s Happening With The Mayor?
ALLERGY SEASON! Stone Oak Allergy
155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78258
Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Specializing in allergy, asthma, and immunology diagnosis, testing, and treatment for adults and children.
Same day appointments available. Call today!
www.stoneoakallergy.com • 210.494.0690
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Special To Welcome Home elcome to my weekly digest, which includes a recap of top issues and a look forward: I spent time in Washington D.C. for the annual SA to DC Chamber of Commerce trip. Over the course of the trip my main objective was to advocate for nonstop flights between San Antonio and Reagan National Airport. Currently, federal law requires Congressional approval for an exemption to the Reagan Mayor Ivy Taylor reads to students with Ronald McDonald. National Airport perimeter rule Achievement show that children who grow which prohibits nonstop air transportation up with books in their homes reach a higher between Reagan and another airport that is level of education than those who do not. more than 1,250 statute miles away. Unfortunately, a recent study found that I believe San Antonio needs to be an while there are approximately 13 books exception. With a robust military presence, per child in middle income neighborhoods, easing travel between Military City, USA on average there is only one book per 300 and the Pentagon would reduce costs, children in low-income neighborhoods. save time, and increase the connectivity In an effort to help change this picture, I between our bases and the airport nearest to teamed up with local McDonald’s restaurant Washington, D.C. owners to hand out HarperCollins children’s I’d like to thank both the San Antonio books to Pre-K 4 SA students. The donation Chamber of Commerce and the Hispanic of these books will help promote literacy Chamber of Commerce for co-sponsoring and give our youth access to reading the trip, as well as IBC Bank’s Eddie materials. McDonalds also recently began Aldrete for chairing SA to DC. including a children’s book in every Happy In other news, studies from the Center Meal. for Improvement of Early Reading
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Basics To Real Estate Investing
By Bill Barkley River Valley Real Estate (210) 853-5327 veryone wants to increase their wealth and there are many methods to consider. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the extra time available to explore a lot of the options. Putting your money to work at the bank just doesn’t provide the desired return with interest rates being so low. The uncertainty and recent decline in the stock market makes such investments risky and to employ a broker with quality knowledge is expensive per trade. Real Estate is the other common alternative. Today you can’t turn on the radio or television without hearing someone advertise about their program for easy real estate investment with little or no money down. I wish it was really that simple. The plain truth is that it’s not that easy or simple, and if it were, those same people would not be selling their program. They would be sitting on their private island counting their money. However, don’t let me discourage you! I confidently believe real estate is one of the best available investments you can do with your money. Why do I believe this? Let me give you three core reasons: 1. Real Estate is finite. Meaning, we cannot make any more land, so the supply is limited. Demand is constant. It fluctuates due to current economic conditions, but there is always a demand. 2. Values for the most part always appreciate. Like all things, they go up and
down, but historically speaking land values ultimately only go in one direction. 3. Real Estate has utility. You can use it unlike a stock or bond. So what do you really need to know to be a successful investor? First you need a plan. Second, you need capital to support you investment. Third, you need experts, and I would recommend a seasoned realtor, a trusted lender and a qualified contractor. The Plan – Your plan has to have both an entry strategy and an exit strategy. Most failures occur due to not following the entry strategy, and not having an exit strategy. By the way, buy low and sell high is not a plan. Any investment plan revolves around the capital available to invest. You must anticipate all costs associated with the investment such as the down payment, insurance, taxes including income taxes on profits, repairs and maintenance, association dues, city and county permits, selling and closing costs. Each investment has to have a timeline. House flippers typically do not account for delays to their timelines and wind up making no return or even losing the investment entirely. Your timeline has to be practical and it must account for unexpected delays. If there is no margin for error, there will be no profit in the end. An exit strategy is the way you will realize your return. The obvious answer is to sell for a profit, but a good strategy has a contingency plan such as rental income. So
Step Into Decorating By Mary Lozano-Jenkins The Jenkins Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he cold is finally gone and we can begin to bring life back into our plants and decorate our homes. The markets this year are filled with bling and glitter. Just like glitter has entered our adult manicures and pedicures, it has also entered our fabrics, upholstery as well as drapes. Mirrors, mirrors and more mirrors remain popular with furnishings and accessories. Rugs are coming in with a lot of color and a lot of texture. We have been very busy with organizing Magical Makeovers and remodeling. Clients are updating their homes with new accessories as well as new colors. Orange and lime green are hot, as are hot pinks and hot blues. Clearing your space and making changes is something that might not be fun. However, we open the good chi into our lives by doing this. What are you trying to achieve in your decorating? What new mood? Who are you entertaining? Are you ready for change? Please call us and we can come over and assist in developing your new design and decorating plan. Your Home is Your Castle!
during the investment evaluation process, the investment must be able to cash flow as an income producing rental property. This article scratches at the basics of real estate investing which is a personal passion of mine. I have been at it for over 20 years and I still don’t have all the answers. I do encourage those interested to jump in, and I enjoy assisting my clients in establishing their own personal investment plans. So, if you have been considering becoming a real estate investor, let’s schedule a meeting. I won’t tell you it is easy. I won’t promise that you will soon be a millionaire, but I will help make sure you have made the best investment decisions based on your plan and capital. I will be with you every step of the way. As San Antonio continues to grow, more families will look for such communities like Mystic Shores. If you’re one of those in search of your piece of Texas history call us at River Valley Real Estate, 210853-5327 or visit our website at www. rivervalleyre.com, or contact Bill directly at bill@rvreco.com.
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The Jenkins Interior Design Group
Call for your Spring makeover. For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer at mjkg1@aol.com or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jessicacjenkins@gmail.com or 210-464-1519 or Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jennjenkins720@ aol.com or 210-325-3772. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Mary Lozano Jenkins 210.325.3720 mjkg1@aol.com
Jessica C. Jenkins
210.464.1519 jessicacjenkins@gmail.com
The Right Supplies “Superbowl Of Savings” Submitted By Jerod Jerry he Right Supplies has successfully embarked on the first leg of a longterm plan to give back to San Antonio’s teachers and strengthen America’s education system. Through their “Gift of Educational Resource Sweepstakes,” they have distributed $600 in supplies to local school teachers, and they are launching their first full campaign this month. Barely open two months, The Right Supplies has already monumentally changed the way San Antonio teachers supply their classrooms. In their inaugural campaign, titled “The Gift of Educational Resources,” the school supplies store that caters specifically to parents and teachers gave out $600 in savings and sweepstakes prizes to deserving teachers. The winners, Melanie Wilkes and Tina Flores, are both kindergarten teachers from Indian Springs Elementary in the Comal Independent School District. “We love having your wonderful store right around the corner,” said Flores. The supply store has no plans to slow down. In February, they launched their first full campaign, called “Superbowl of Savings.” Throughout the month, teachers, parents, homeschoolers, and daycare centers can save on all inventory in the entire store. Started by a former teacher who had a desire to help the community with educational needs, The Right Supplies was formed to be a resource for teachers and parents—rather than the other way around. With an extensive vetting process for all inventory, the store only sells the highest quality educational materials, classroom décor and school supplies for Pre-K through 8th grade, at affordable prices. This allows them to stay true to their motto: “You’ll never go wrong with The Right Supplies.” “I left the classroom as an elementary school teacher last summer to open up a teacher/ parent resource store to help save teachers in the central Texas region time and money,” said The Right Supplies CEO Sheryl Moss. In addition to providing teachers with
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A view of the Right Supplies Store.
Patrons shopping at the Right Supplies Store.
a more cost effective alternative to other sources for supplies, The Right Supplies is located on highway 281N in north central San Antonio. This can save area teachers up to an hour of driving time. “Schools start in August, but school teachers cannot spend money until October or November due to their school districts’ fiscal year budgets,” Moss added. “This is the primary reason teachers use personal funds to help their students.” Moss and her team are working hard to reduce the high amounts of personal money that teachers in San Antonio spend on school supplies. For those teachers, parents nationwide, Moss and her team have developed an easy to use online catalogue. Also, as part of its campaign, The Right Supplies is offering 15% off all purchase orders by school districts between now and March 15. The Right Supplies: 22502 US 281 N. Suite 107 San Antonio, TX 78259, Store Hours 9 a.m.to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday,(210) 538-2500
Canyon Ridge Holds Annual Economics Fair Submitted By Kellie Spencer anyon Ridge Elementary just had its Annual 2nd Grade Economics Fair. The students have been studying economics and they had four weeks to make at least 15 products to sell to the students at school. We sold our products on February 9th over a period of 2 hours. All of our students sold out and we raised $1327.00. Our students decided to donate our earnings to The Reagan High School Got Hope Club. This club was started by Reagan student, Kaylee Carew who recently passed away after a battle with cancer. The club goes to local hospitals and brings games, activities, art supplies, puzzles, etc. to bring the children joy and companionship. www.gothopeclub.weebly.com
A student from Canyon Ridge Elementary participates in the Economics Fair.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Fastframe of San Antonio Wins “Franchise of the Year” Award
Submitted By Tim O’Shaughnessy im and Lisa O’Shaughnessy, owners of Fastframe #361 of San Antonio, were honored with the Fastframe USA “Franchisee of the Year” award during the picture framing franchise leader’s annual meeting on January 24-25 in Las Vegas. The award is given to the Fastframe franchise that shows ongoing dedication to providing quality service to Tim and Lisa O’Shaughnessy honored as “Franchise of the Year” in Las its customers, demonstrates Vegas. proven increases in customers, this prominent award,” says Tim sales and growth within its O’Shaughnessy. “It’s a tribute to my local community. Since purchasing the business in exceptional team and all they do each and February of 2008, Fastframe #361 has every day to support our business and offer experienced steady growth every year. high quality picture framing services to our Additionally, they were awarded as the customers.” Fastframe is located in the Northwoods store with the highest sales last year. This record of strong performance reflects the Shopping Center, near the intersection of O’Shaughnessy’s commitment to their Hwy 281 and Loop 1604. The store is open base of loyal and appreciative customers Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. until and to the community they serve. Tim also 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 am until 5 participates in the Fastframe Franchise pm. For more information about Fastframe, please visit www.fastframesa.com or call Advisory Committee. “I am honored to be selected for (210) 499-5312.
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Alamo Heights Night Celebrates 30 Years Submitted By Kimberly Arellano he 30th Annual Alamo Heights Night celebration will take place on Friday April 15th, 5:30pm to 11:30pm at the campus of the University of the Incarnate Word at 4301 Broadway. “This year will be our 30th annual event. It has grown significantly over the years but still retains its fun, family oriented atmosphere. Proceeds from the event have provided scholarships to hundreds of students attending university and vocational training programs and over a million dollars to local charities and special projects” said Rick Berchin, Operations Manager. “Our club is looking forward to another 30 years of successful events and community support.” The event dubbed “Party Time in ’09” (“09” being the last two digits of the Alamo Heights zip code) is famous for their incredible selection of food from some of San Antonio’s favorite restaurants. This year’s bill of fare will feature sweet and savory items from restaurants such as Rainforest Cafe, Los Barrios, La Madeleine, Fresh Horizons Catering, Al’s Nuts and Bunuelos. The family-friendly atmosphere will deliver entertainment and activities for kids of all ages including a carnival midway and a performance by Fire on the Mountain Cloggers. Live music will take place all night on multiple states as Hotcakes will return to perform on the main stage along
with Suede, the premier variety cover band from Austin who made their Alamo Heights Night debut last year. Additional musical entertainment will include the Rick Cavender Band, Tennessee Valley Authority, mariachis and other special surprises. Admission is free for children under 12 and for all active duty military with a valid ID. Tickets are $5 for ages 12-17- and students with a valid ID and $12 for adults. All ticket sales will take place at the event site (no advanced sales). Free park and ride service available from Alamo Heights Methodist Church and Alamo Heights High School. Shuttles will run from 5:15pm until 12 midnight. Parking will be available in the AT&T lot at Hildebrand & Broadway and VIA will offer park & ride service from Wonderland Mall of the Americas/ Crossroads Mall in Balcones Heights (151 Crossroads Blvd, 78201). The Alamo Heights Rotary Club has raised over $2,000,000 in support of nonprofit organizations and community service activities since its inception. Alamo Heights Night is their largest fund raiser, organized by over 100 volunteer Rotarians who head numerous committees and recruit 700+ volunteers to make the event a success. Visit www.AlamoHeightsNight.org for more information or find them on Facebook at facebook.com/AlamoHeightsNight or call 210-842-2462.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
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By Eric Zeitler Client Centric Wealth Management (210) 807-7599 Chapter 4 (the mid-sixties through he journey to and through retirement the late seventies). This is when some occurs gradually, like successive chapters in a book. Each chapter has people get a little restless. It is also when some people find their retirement savings its own things to consider. Chapter 1 (the fifties). At this stage of growing disturbingly smaller. You may get life, retirement becomes less like a far-off bored with all-leisure, all-the-time and want dream and more like a forthcoming reality. to volunteer or work on your own terms, You begin to think about when you can health permitting. Chapter 5 (eighty & afterward). The retire, and about taking the right steps to last chapter of retirement is one frequently retire comfortably. During your fifties, you may contend with “lifestyle creep” – the characterized by the sharing of legacies phenomenon of your household expenses and life lessons, a new perspective on the process of living and aging, and deeper growing along with your pay raises. Chapter 2 (the early sixties). The engagement (or reengagement) with anticipation builds at this point; you start children and grandchildren. This is also to think about the process of retiring and the time when you should think about your the precise financial and lifestyle steps financial legacy, and review or update your involved. You also begin to think about the estate plan so that when you leave this near future – not only what you will do next, world, things are in good order and your but how you will do it. This is also a time to wishes are followed. Before and during your retirement, it dial down risk in your portfolio, especially if a bear market occurs right before you is wise to keep in touch with a financial retire. You have little time to recover from professional who can guide and consult you when questions about income, investments, a downturn. Chapter 3 (the start of retired life). The wealth protection, and wealth transfer arise. Eric Zeitler and Eric Weissgarber an first year or so of retirement is akin to a “honeymoon phase” – you have the time offer securities through Sigma Financial Member FINRA/SIPC. and perhaps the money to pursue all kinds Corporation. Client Centric Wealth Management of dreams. The key is not to spend wildly. Lifestyle creep also affects new retirees; is independent of Sigma Financial free time often means more chances to Corporation and SPC. spend money.
Las Lomas Elementary Students Go Around The World In 80 Minutes Submitted by Anna Pina and Barbara Leas as Lomas Elementary School was extraordinarily packed on the evening of February 2nd. Parents, students, and staff joined together for an event to share cultural experiences all over the world without leaving the school. The process began with each classroom selecting a country from a specific continent represented by each grade level. Students then researched both continent and country leading up to event night. Teachers encouraged students to use various tools and resources of their choice in order to develop enriching activities to be enjoyed by all attending. Music, dance, artifacts, crafts, and various exhibits splashed the halls and classrooms on event night. Students donned stunning traditional attire, teachers sang and danced folklore, and even parent volunteers, who once hailed from other countries, spoke to the children of their experiences abroad. Upon visiting each classroom and participating in each activity, travelers received a stamp on their passport to be redeemed for a sample of foreign delicacies from each continent. All foods and other contributions were donated by Las Lomas families and staff members. “This is such a rewarding experience,” first grade teacher Barbara Leas exclaimed. “Even though staff members facilitate the event, it is actually mostly student led. By
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Students, Labrini Zgonis and Gabby Crump, become world travelers at Las Lomas Culture Night.
each child becoming a cultural ambassador, they are able expand one another’s educational horizons, ultimately promoting global stewardship.”
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Family Medicine
Allergy and Immunology
Obstetrics Gynecology
Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Kristin Bussey-Smith M.D. Board Certified in Allergy & Immunology 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 495-4335 • aairmd.com
Reshmey Medical Clinic David K. Tharakan, M.D. 57 Family Practice • see map pg. 19 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 301 828-2311 • www.reshmeymedclinic.com
Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 494-0690 • stoneoakallergy.com
Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. John N. Phillips, M.D. and Medical Staff 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 202 33 496-7999 • see map pg. 19 www.sofdpa.com
Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 545-5224 • www.antiagingsa.com Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center Vernon F. Williams, M.D., 495-8558 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 240 www.twaamc.com, www.measureage.com www.edinstituteoftx.com • see map pg. 19
Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic Wellness, P.A. Michael R. Golab, D.C. 1205 N. FM 1604 W., Suite 211 4 764-8888 • see map pg. 19
Stone Oak Dermatology Board Certified in Dermatology 109 Gallery Circle, Suite 135 494-0504 www.stoneoakdermatology.com
Ear, Nose & Throat Adult/Ped. Advanced Sinus Clinic Anthony P. Sertich, II, M.D., F.A.C.S. 502 Madison Oak, Suite 346 37 614-8625 • see map pg. 19 www.sertichmd.com Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of SA Talley•Spears•Desai•Gleinser•Henderson, M.Ds 150 E Sonterra Blvd., Suite 200 36 499-4589 • see map pg. 19 www.entclinicsofsa.com
Ear Specialist Ear Institute of Texas Lance E. Jackson, MD, FACS 525 Oak Centre, Suite 100 696-HEAR (4327) www.EarInstituteofTexas.com
Family Dentistry Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N Loop 1604 E. Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533 • see map pg. 19 45 www.dentalcareSA.com
Serrano OB/GYN Christopher Serrano, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. 20726 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 545-7700 www.serrano-obgyn.com
Pediatric Dentistry
Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Suite 103 491-4141 • see map pg. 19 www.drsusie.net
Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 119 697-3821 • see map pg. 19
Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D. McMyler, MD P. Mehta, M.D., R. Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 40 614-1234 • see map pg. 19 www.gastroconsa.com San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates J. Johnson, MD, Eddie Flores, MD. M Lindner, M.D., J. Bullock, MD 150 East Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 36 545-2555 • see map pg. 19 www.sagastro.com Stone Oak Gastroenterology S. Dar, MD, C. Mallikarjun (Mallik) MD, M. Naeem, MD. 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 102 268-0124 • www.sagidoc.com
Internal Medicine
Marcos Medical Care Yolanda Marcos MD FACP Lawrence A. Alder MD, Penne Jaster FNP-BC 510 Med Court, Suite 210 494-4290 • www.marcosmedical.com
North Central Baptist Hospital Baptist Regional Children’s Center 520 Madison Oak Dr. 297-4000 • see map pg. 19 Baptisthealthsystem.com
12 Dr. Monica Allison, O.D. 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite. 106, see map pg. 19 495-9020 • www.visionsource-stoneoak.com Stone Oak Vision Source
Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) • see map pg. 19 www.stoneoaktso.com
Orthodontics For Adults/Children
Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Suite 201 272-7129 • www.alohasmiles.net
Pain Management 26
Medical Billing COR Medical Billing Services We concentrate on you, While you concetrate on your patients Phone: 210-477-1956, Fax: 210-468-2355 www.cormedicalbilling.com
Neurosurgical Associates of S. A., P.A. Donald L. Hilton MD., Arnold B. Vardiman MD. Donald P. Atkins MD. 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 240 477-1956 • www.neurosurgerysa.com
Hill Country Pain C. William (Bill) Murphy, M.D., Justin J. Vigil, M.D. J. Kaleb Shaw, M.D., Nancy Burgher, PA-C. 14800 San Pedro, Suite 202 582-6600 www.hillcountrypain.com Tricity Pain Associates P.A. U. Dar, MD, S. Vasireddy MD, K. Monis MD. S. Patel, MD, R. Sharma, MD, 110 Stone Oak Loop • 268-0129 www.sapaindoc.com, www.tricitypaindoc.com
Huebner Pediatrics Dr. Michelle Storandt • Dr. Adelnery Gonzalez 15714 Huebner Rd., Bldg. 3 447-3000 www.huebnerpediatrics.com
To add your listing to the Stone Oak Medical & Professional Directory, call 210-348-8233 March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Kelly J. Smith, MD 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 615-3700 www.pedipulm.com
Stone Oak Pharmacy Specialty Compounding & Delivery Retail Pharmacy Services & DME 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 494-4272 • see map pg. 19
Physical Therapy
Healthlink Outpatient Rehab Center 525 Oak Centre, Suite 450 297-4525 • see map pg. 19 www.healthlinksa.com
Dr. John M. Nevelow, O.D., F.A.A.O. Erin M. Nevelow, O.D. 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 120 349-2437 “Discoveries Thru Vision”
Britton and Ferris Orthodontics Bloyce H. Britton III., DDS, • MS Tyler W. Ferris, DDS, • MS 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 497-6688 • see map pg. 19
Pediatrics Pulmonary & Sleep 1
San Antonio Eye Center Abrams, Erdmancyzk, Hahn, Harris, Nicolau, Ming-Zhao, Stephenson, Roberts 14807 San Pedro 226-6169 • www.saeye.com
Texas Fertility Center Summer L. James, M.D. 502 Madison Oak Dr., Suite 230 370-3800 www.fertilitysanantonio.com
Children’s Physicians Group 20642 Stone Oak Pkwy. 479-3000 www.chofsa.org/physiciansgroup
Physical Rehabilitation Institute Dr. Bussey • D. Harrington G. Molina • S. Bussey 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 107 545-9355 (well) • see map pg. 19 www.myPRI.net
Texas Physical Therapy Dr. J. Sams, PT • Dr. S. Stratton, PT • Dr. J. Clark, PT Dr. A. Fong, PT • Dr. J. Morello, PT, • Dr. D. Clark, PT Dr. L. Magalong, PT • Dr. B. Guarriello, PT 300 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 210 494-4500 • www.texpts.com
Podiatry Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care D.M. Chaney • W. Strash • R. Perez, DPM’s 57 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Bldg. 3, Suite 302 829-8770 (by Clock Tower) • see map pg. 19 www.podlink.com
Radiology South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers North Central Imaging Center 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 31 617-9000 • see map pg. 19 www.stric.com
Urgent Care
Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • www.fossilcreekurgentcare.com Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice 115 Gallery Circle, Suite 102 481-6060 • www.soucfp.com Family Practice, Open 7 Days
There Are Veteran’s Benefits That Can Help Pay For Independent Living Or Assisted Living
By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 f you are an American wartime Veteran or Numerous residents have mentioned how a surviving spouse, you could be entitled this benefit has allowed them to continue to to the Veteran’s Aid and attendance live independently while giving them the benefit. This benefit is paid in addition extra help they now need. to the monthly pension. It is available to Here’s what the daughter of an individuals who may require assistance Independence Hill Resident said, “This with various activities of daily living (to was a tremendous help financially for my include bathing, dressing, etc), who live mother. It has allowed her to have the extra in a full service retirement community, money from this benefit over and above her assisted living community, personal care pension and social security income. It had home or skilled nursing facility. This could been a blessing to get her into Independence also provide assistance for those who have a Hill Assisted Living several years ago when need for personal in-home care. she decided that she no longer wanted to live
Crawfish Season By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 reak out the corn on the cob and your potatoes because crawfish season is in full swing down here at Groomer’s Seafood! You are sure to hear about your friends firing up their boiling pots on the weekends during the peak of the crawfish season, and why not join in on the fun? Lucky for you, that “peak” is right now! March, April, and May have the ideal temperatures and rain amounts for our guys over in Louisiana to harvest the best crawfish there is to find, and Groomer’s Seafood trucks them straight to our store for you to pick up for your weekend boil. Because crawfish is a live product, we
operate on a pre-order basis so there isn’t any waste of delicious mudbugs. Groomer’s makes pre-ordering a simple and painless process. To ensure you’ll have your order, give us a call on the Monday or Tuesday of the week you are having your boil (Between our hours of 9 am and 4:30 pm). We’ll take your name, number, how many sacks you need (each sack is about 35 pounds) and credit card to hold the order. Then we’ll take care of the rest! First thing Friday morning our expert fishmongers will personally hand sort your order and have it all boxed up and ready for you to pick it up! If it’s your first time boiling crawfish,
Local Lamb From The Lone Star State! By Tanji Patton Goodtaste.tv have BIG news to share with you… Goodtaste with Tanji will be a television series next spring sponsored by Sysco Foods! As we enter our eighth year of producing our online show at Goodtaste. tv, we are grateful to you for your ongoing support. Without it, our television show would not be possible. The show Goodtaste with Tanji will feature wonderful stories from fabulous restaurants in San Antonio, Houston, Austin and the Hill Country. We’ll entice you to dine out! Also, we’ll include some wonderful wine finds as well. We’ll be seen on KPRC in Houston, WOAI in San Antonio, KEYE in Austin, KFDM in Beaumont and KGBT in the Valley. Who knows, maybe even other markets as well! After all, who doesn’t love dining out in Texas! There is a delicious protein trending if you do happen to be dining out. If meat is on the menu in 2016, you really can’t lose with lamb. Fact is, a number of top eateries from around Texas are already
experimenting with this trendy protein. A staple of the Mediterranean diet (which limits red meat consumption), locallysourced lamb products are a lean, hearthealthy option for meals with virtually no carbs whatsoever! Love thy lamb…When shopping for that perfect cut, look for those with a firm, fine texture and a pinkish center. Organic, 100% grass-fed lamb is the gold standard, which contains a lower overall fat content, yet still delivers that moist and tender tasting experience we’re after. Interesting to note, traditional Chinese medicine makes mention of lamb as a warming agent to the body, aiding with blood circulation…who knows! Maybe that’s why it’s such a popular winter-time delicacy. Visit Goodtaste online to try some of these ideas at home: Texas Lamb Duo: A tantalizing Hill Country combo of Rosemary Grilled Lamb
alone. Mom has improved so much under their care that she will be now be moving into their independent living community. Her Veterans Aid and attendance benefit will follow her and continue to provide her this financial help.” This benefit that is administered by the VA, is one of the most misunderstood. There are veterans and spouses who have been told they do not qualify to receive this, when in fact they do. We have referred many seniors to the Veteran’s Administration experts who have helped them understand the qualifications and processes needed to apply for and receive this amazing and well deserved benefit. They will also analyze individual qualifications and direct people it may seem like a bit of a daunting task, but fear not because that’s where Giby’s Fish Camp Crawfish Boil comes in! Developed by our patriarch Gilbert Groomer, our crawfish boil combines the freshest all natural ingredients to give you the best Cajun flavor you’ll find outside of Louisiana. Perhaps the best part, especially if you’re health conscious, is that Giby’s Fish Camp contains much less salt than other boils giving you all the flavor you want without all the negatives that come with too much salt. Our expert fishmongers will be equipped to give you any further information you may need upon pick up, such as how to store them, how to purge them, or even just how to eat them! A crawfish boil is by far one of the best times to share with friends and
Chops and Malbec Braised Lamb Shoulder from Executive Chef Ross Burtwell of the Cabernet Grill – part of Cotton Gin Village in Fredericksburg, TX. Plated with a bleu cheese/white bean ragout. Lamb Ham: This ‘Lamb Ham’ from Chef Peter Maffei of Finn & Porter at the Hilton Austin is deboned, rolled and tied much like you would a roasted ham. The outer crust is coated with a mixture of ground fennel, coriander and chili flake… Colorado Rack Of Lamb: Pan seared Colorado Lamb Rack from Executive Chef Eduardo Guizar at *17, the on-site restaurant at The Sam Houston Hotel in Houston, TX. Chef plated his finished product with baked sweet potatoes & seasoned asparagus in a beautiful Muscat grape demi glaze! Braised Lamb Shanks: Cook this rangefed lamb from Boudro’s Texas Bistro ‘low and slow’ in the oven. There is a photo of it plated on my site with a buttery Pappardelle Pasta cooked al dente and seasoned with
to other benefits that could possibly be an even better solution. Independence Hill will be hosting an informational session with an Aid and Attendance Veteran’s Benefit expert at 10 am on March 22nd at 20500 Huebner Rd. They will discuss this benefit and how to determine if you are eligible. Please call (210) 209-8956 by March 21st to RSVP. At Independence Hill we are all about keeping our residents as informed as possible so they may enjoy their independence in comfort for as long as possible. Come by for a tour so you too can personally experience the difference. Knowledge is Power!
family! Sitting back enjoying each other’s company, while peeling some fantastic Louisiana mudbugs paired with corn and potatoes is one of the finer pleasures in life! I know it’s definitely going to be a weekly occurrence at my place! Give us a call at 210-377-0951 to place your preorder before I get them all!
fresh herbs that looks amazing! Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Tanji explores the inviting worlds of chefs, wine makers and culinary newsmakers. If you would like more information, she can be reached at Goodtaste@tanjipatton.com.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
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Internal Medicine of Stone Oak 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 105 210-490-3800 Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Inst. 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 101 210-495-4335 LILI’S VET 20210 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 301 210-257-8496 21714 HARDY OAK Little Teeth of Texas (Shawna Gerling, DDS) 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 102 210-497-8787 PREMIER PAIN CONSULTANTS 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 215 210-298-4900 21702 HARDY OAK HOPE CHURCH HAS MOVED 17903 Corp. Woods Drive 210-545-4673 (10:15 a.m. Sundays) NORTH CENTRAL URGENT CARE 19223 Stone Hue 210-490-5911 FAMILY ALLERGY & ASTHMA 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-342-6200 STONE OAK MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG. Center For Cosmetic Surgery 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-545-4848 Urology Of Stone Oak 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-490-3040 NORTH CENTRAL BAPTIST HOSPITAL 210-297-4000 Healthlink 525 Oak Centre, Ste. 450 210-297-4525 THE ATRIUM BUILDING Dr. Sertich 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 346 210-614-8625 Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 140 210-647-3838 STONE OAK PHYSICIANS PLAZA II STONE OAK PHYSICIANS PLAZA I Lan Anh Ngo, M.D., P.A. 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 140 210-494-9109 The Wellness & Aesthetics 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 240 210-495-8558 METHODIST AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-617-9000
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Red l
Methodist Stone Oak Hospital
1604 64
STONE OAK PLAZA Alamo Eye Institute, PA (Lynnell C. Lowry, MD) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 119 210-697-3821 K Charles and Co. Full Service Salon 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 123 210-403-0955 Stone Oak Orthodontics (Tito Norris, DDS, P.A.) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 207 210-402-3322 CORNERSTONE CHURCH THE BLANCO MARKET CENTER Great Clips For Hair 18630 Blanco Rd, Ste. 114 210-404-0994 THE VINEYARD SHOPPING CENTER Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic and Wellness PC 1205 N. Loop 1604 W., Ste. 211 210-764-8888 STONE OAK VILLAGE Slater White Cleaners 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 101 210-494-4126 State Farm Insurance, Betsy Dippo 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 112 210-496-3276 Stone Oak Florist 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 104 210-495-7442 STONE OAK SQUARE Vision Source 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-495-9020 STONE HUE CENTER Pizza Hut 20323 Huebner Rd, Ste. 103 210-497-1123 ERA COLONIAL REAL ESTATE 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 260 210-477-9400 STONE HUE PROFESSIONAL PLAZA North Hills Family Medicine 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 104 210-481-6800 San Antonio Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 103 210-497-1475 THE MEDICAL PARK AT STONE OAK Romes Pizza 19298 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-490-0700 Good Night Pediatrics 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, 210-545-7581 Physical Rehabilitation Institute 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 107 210-545-9355
Area Map
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47 Barbara Bush Middle School
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Oak Wilderness
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Stone Oak Park
Lopez Middle School
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Thousand Oaks
32 SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Chiropractic 225 E. Sonterra, Ste. 113 210-493-9119 33 325 E. SONTERRA BLVD. Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 202 210-496-7999 34 325 E. SONTERRA BLVD. Dr. Kevin J. Whritenour Au.D. 18838 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 210-316-7856 35 SPINE HOSPITAL OF SOUTH TEXAS 36 STONETERRA MEDICAL PLAZA S.A.G.A. 150 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 100 210-545-2555 CVS Pharmacy 120 E. Sonterra Blvd. 210-404-9006 stoneterra retail Center Prescott’s Orthotics & Prosthetics 158 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 106 210-496-0800 Stone Oak Pharmacy 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 101 210-494-4272 37 THE CREEK AT STONE OAK Diabetes America 20330 Huebner Rd., Ste. 104 866-693-4223 Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry (Susie Hayden, DDS) 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 210-491-4141 40 GASTROENTEROLOGY CONSULTANTS OF S.A. 855 Proton Road 210-614-1234 42 DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES 18540 Sigma Road 210-490-4661 43 THE CLUB AT SONTERRA 901 Sonterra Boulevard 210-496-1560 45 LA ARCATA CENTER Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition & Wellness 115 N. Loop 1604, Suite. 1207 210-545-1144 Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Suite. 1104 210-496-2533 46 19310 STONE OAK PARKWAY 47 MCDONALDS 20750 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-403-9066 48 BEST WESTERN HOTEL 18555 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-490-9191
49 INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 18750 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste. 100 210-496-6111 50 STONE RIDGE MARKET International Bank of Commerce HEB at Hwy. 281 and Evans Rd. 210-369-2914 210-283-6500 Texas State Optical 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 210-490-3937 (EYES) 52 SONTERRA OFFICE PARK 53 SA DENTAL SPECIALISTS Britton and Ferris Orthodontics 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-497-6688 54 115 GALLERY CIRCLE Dr. Webb’s Chiropractic & Wellness 115 Gallery Circle, Ste. 209 210-798-9322 55 STONE OAK CROSSING CENTER 56 LANE K. WALSH, DDS 1162 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 200 210-499-1110 57 CLOCK TOWER Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 302 210-828-8770 A Thru Z Pediatrics 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 102 210-490-8888 Reshmey Medical Clinic 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 301 210-828-2311 58 METHODIST STONE OAK HOSPITAL Alamo Maxillofacial Surgical Assoc., PA 1139 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 505 210-402-3550 59 SAN ANTONIO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 1717 N. Loop 1604 E 210-258-1604 60 WELLS FARGO BANK 18488 Blanco Rd. 210-856-1141 61 WELLS FARGO BANK 20826 Hwy. 281 N. 210-856-8408 62 HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH/BANQUET HALL 20523 Huebner Road 210-497-4200 / 0700 63 THE FELLOWSHIP OF SAN ANTONIO 23755 Canyon Golf Road 210-402-3672
Valero Junior Texas Open Named AJGA Most Improved Tournament Of The Year
Submitted by Stephanie Sage he American Junior Golf Association has presented the 2015 Valero Junior Texas Open with the Most Improved Tournament of the Year Award. In 2015, the Valero Texas Open came on board as the title sponsor of the event and helped to provide a PGA TOUR experience for the players. Each year, the AJGA presents awards to the tournaments with the best individual hospitality, Junior-Am Fundraising Tournament, charitable giving and
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volunteer base. Awards are also given to the events with the highest media and social media participation. Finally, the AJGA recognizes the year’s most outstanding golf professional, superintendent and general manager, as well as the most improved event, best new event, best Junior All-Star tournament, best Invitational and overall tournament of the year. Tournament awards for the 2015 season will be presented on-site at the 2016 tournament. “On behalf of the Valero Texas Open, we are humbled that in our first year as title sponsor of the Valero Junior Texas Open it was selected as the AJGA’s Most Improved Tournament for 2015,” said Valero Texas Open Executive Director Larson Segerdahl. “We made significant strides this past year to elevate the stature of the event- not the least of which was moving the tournament to TPC San Antonio and the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa.” In 2015, the event provided a PGA TOUR tournament feel with a press conference, player lockers, players’ lounge area, pairings reveal party, access to the beautiful TPC San Antonio and JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa facilities which included a pool, tennis courts, workout facilities and several restaurants. In addition, the Boys and Girls Division champions were awarded exemptions into the 2016 Easter, Spring Break & Fiesta Week All Fill Fast. Book Your Pet Today
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Junior PGA Championship. “The event provided the juniors with a special PGA TOUR experience and we are thrilled to partner with such a historic event as the Valero Texas Open,” said AJGA Senior Regional Director, South Central, Darren Nelson. With full support from the TPC San Antonio facility and the Valero Texas Open, players, parents and coaches enjoyed a week geared towards offering an experience unlike any other. Local community members came out to support the Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE) Grant and local charities through the Valero Junior Texas Open Junior-Am Fundraising Tournament. “Thanks to Valero and our many corporate sponsors, not only were we able to conduct a wonderful tournament, but we were able to further the mission of the Valero Texas Open and use this platform to raise even more funds for worthy charities, including the AJGA’s ACE Grant program and The First Tee of Greater San Antonio,” Segerdahl said. The event will celebrate its 25th year on the AJGA schedule from July 11-14 in 2016, solidifying itself as an opportunity for local juniors to compete at a high level of competition. ABOUT THE AJGA The American Junior Golf Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the overall growth and development of young men and women who aspire to earn college golf scholarships through competitive junior golf. The AJGA provides valuable exposure for college golf scholarships, and has an annual junior membership (boys and girls, ages 12-18) of nearly 6,500 members from 49 states and more than 50 foreign countries. Through initiatives like the Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE) Grant, a financial assistance program, and Leadership Links, a service-oriented platform that teaches juniors charitable-giving skills, the AJGA fosters the growth of golf’s next generation. Taylor Made-adidas Golf became the AJGA’s National Sponsor in 2016 after more than 25 years of support. Rolex, which is in its fourth decade of AJGA support,
became the inaugural AJGA Premier Partner in 2004. In 2007, after 12 years of support, Ralph Lauren became the AJGA’s second Premier Partner. AJGA alumni have risen to the top of amateur, collegiate and professional golf. Former AJGA juniors have compiled more than 600 victories on the PGA and LPGA Tours. AJGA alumni include Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Jordan Spieth, Rickie Fowler, Bubba Watson, Webb Simpson, Sergio Garcia, Hunter Mahan, Dustin Johnson, Patrick Reed, Zach Johnson, Justin Thomas, Stacy Lewis, Vicky Hurst, Alison Lee, Lexi Thompson, Inbee Park, Paula Creamer, Brittany Lincicome, Cristie Kerr and Morgan Pressel. Contact: Tim Jackman, AJGA (678) 425-1789, tjackman@ajga.org ABOUT THE VALERO TEXAS OPEN The Valero Texas Open is the 6th oldest professional tournament in golf world-wide, the 3rd oldest on the PGA TOUR and the longest held in the same city. In 2012, the tournament celebrated its 90th anniversary. It’s list of champions includes some of the greatest names in golf history: Walter Hagen, Byron Nelson, Ben Hogan, Sam Snead, Arnold Palmer, Ben Crenshaw, Hale Irwin, Lee Trevino, Nick Price, Justin Leonard, Zach Johnson, Adam Scott, and 2015 Champion Jimmy Walker, to name a few. The Valero Texas Open is always driven by its charitable mission - to give back to the community. In the tournament’s previous 92-year history through 2014, $94.5 Million had been raised for charity -- $90.5 Million of which had been raised since Valero became the title sponsor in 2002. The 2015 tournament raised $10.4 million for charity, making us proud yet humbled to become only the fourth PGA TOUR event to eclipse the $100 Million milestone in funds raised for charity. Valero Texas Open o:210.345.3839, f:210.345.3853 stephanie@ValeroTexasOpen.com PO Box 690330 San Antonio, Texas 78269 April 1824, 2016: Website Facebook Twitter
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Khaki & Plaid Gala Raised Money For Families Submitted By Stephen Chavez ack in September, ten servant leaders answered the call and said “yes” to help bring hope to families who were trying to send their children to a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, but were unable to afford it. These ten leaders comprised the Khaki & Plaid Gala Homecoming Court Nominees. Their four month long journey to raise funds and awareness for Hope for the Future and Catholic schools culminated on Saturday, January 23rd, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center at the 7th Annual Khaki & Plaid Gala Homecoming 2016. In total, the event was estimated to have raised over $760,000, surpassing the goal set forth by event Executive Chairs, Bruce and Cindy Vaio. Along with Honorary Chairs Clarence and Tina Kahlig, who were models of service in this community, the 2016 gala was the most successful to-date. “Because of your support, your prayers and your commitment, there are 2,200 grateful and hope-filled children, who are thriving in their Catholic school classrooms
today,” said Archbishop Gustavo GarcíaSiller during the event’s opening remarks in front of 1,300 guests. Hope for the Future is currently providing $2.5 million in tuition assistance for the 2015-16 school year. It is through events such as the Khaki & Plaid Gala, that funds are raised to impact so many families and children. “Our children can truly encounter Christ in their families and parishes, but also in their lessons, teachers and their daily encounters with their Catholic school classmates,” said Archbishop Gustavo. “I am still in amazement over the tremendous work all ten Homecoming Court Nominees accomplished over the last few months,” said Tracy Ladgenski, Director of Hope for the Future. The Homecoming Court Nominees held numerous events during their “campaigns” including concerts, dinners and lunches, home receptions and even a chili cook-off. “While fundraising was at the core of the Homecoming Court, what I believe as an equally powerful accomplishment is having ten community leaders tell their
San Antonio Symphony Announces 2016-2017 Season Submitted by Laura Aplin he San Antonio Symphony is excited to announce its third season at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts led by Music Director Sebastian Lang-Lessing. The Symphony shines the spotlight on 14 awe-inspiring Classics Series concerts; a Mozart winter festival; and six eclectic Pops Series concerts offering a wide range of talent—fantastic pianists, superb singers, world-class violinists, a Rock ’n’ Roll legend, a sublime guitarist, high flying aerialists, and more —all contributing towards an unforgettable 2016-2017 season. The San Antonio “Each year, we Center. continue to raise the bar to the next level and this upcoming season will be our best yet due to the dedication and hard work of our musicians plus an amazing lineup of diverse soloists presented at the multitude of events we have planned this season,” said David Gross, San Antonio Symphony President. “We look forward to celebrating our third season at the Tobin Center.” Season tickets for the 2016-2017 concert season officially go on sale on February 3 at a private special event held at the Tobin Center, at which processing fees will be waived during the evening for renewing subscribers only. New and returning subscribers can call the Tobin Box Office at (210) 223-8624 to secure preferred seats and waiving of processing fees by the Symphony’s Early-Bird deadline of March 4th. Single tickets will go on sale to the general public in August and can be purchased by calling the Tobin Center
own stories about Catholic school education and how Hope for the Future can help children have the same experiences they did while attending a faith-based school,” said Ladgenski. The 2016 Homecoming Court consisted of Fabius Bascon, SAWS; Patti Jo Bliss, Frost Bank; Paula Dickson, Community Leader; Bryan Grundhoefer, WellMed; Tim Laudadio, Bell Consulting, Inc.; Kevin McLoughlin, Nationwide Insurance; Janet Pollock, Alamo Group Inc.; Anabel Rodriguez, Community Leader; Sr. Jane Ann Slater, Archdiocese of San Antonio and BJ Stewart, GDC Marketing & Ideation. The event climaxed with the crowning of the Khaki & Plaid Gala Homecoming 2016 King and Queen. On-hand to crown the winners were the 2015 King, Fr. Eric Ritter and Queen, Diana Barrios-Trevino. The winners were selected based upon total dollars raised and certified by the gala’s official accounting firm, Tsakopulos Brown Schott & Anchors. Former FOX San Antonio news anchor, Michael Valdes, announced the 2016 King and Queen as Bryan Grundhoefer and Paula Dickson. Following the Khaki & Plaid Gala Royalty announcement, Austin-based band, The Nightowls, helped to fill up the dance floor for the remainder of the evening. “The event was an overwhelming success and would not have been possible without the tremendous efforts of all the staff, schools and volunteers,” said Ladgenski. A very special Khudos to the Khaki & Plaid Gala Khommittee of volunteers who make it
Khaki & Plaid Gala Homecoming Queen Paula Dickson, Community Leader and King, Bryan Grundhoefer, President of WellMed.
their mission to see that the event is success. Without the dedication and passion from the khommittee the event would not be as plaidtabulous as it was.” Plans are already underway for the 2017 Khaki & Plaid Gala which will mark the ten year anniversary of Hope for the Future
“Let yourself be... sensual. provocative. sexy.”
Symphony performs Copeland’s Ben-Hur at the Tobin
Box Office at (210) 223-8624 or visiting sasymphony.org. Programs and artists are subject to change without notice. The San Antonio Symphony is a nonprofit performing arts organization with the mission to inspire and enrich our community by vigorously influencing the artistic fabric of San Antonio through excellent symphonic performance, education and service. The San Antonio Symphony, with more than 70 professional musicians, serves over 130,000 people per year including 45,000 students. Follow The San Antonio Symphony on Twitter at @sasym, Instagram @ sasymphony and Facebook San Antonio Symphony for updated news and information. Go to www.sasymphony. org to sign up for the email newsletter or request to be added to the distribution list by emailing tickets@sasymphony.org.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Strip away all of your inhibitions and just let yourself go. Celebrate who you are with an experience that will leave you feeling beautiful, luminous and confident. You are worth it! Come just as you are. We’ll do the rest.
Call to schedule your free consultation today!
How Can I Get My Child To Focus In Class?
By Leslie Jernigan, M.A. Learning Foundations Diagnostic and Learning Center 210-495-2626 he school year is nearing the home reason for this disparity is that a video stretch. But while most parents are game can provide a stream of constant starting to plan their summer, you’re and constantly changing stimuli that many still burdened with phone calls and emails real life situations can’t. Leading Attention from the teacher: “If he would only focus Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) better,” “She does not want to follow expert Russell Barkley has suggested that instructions,” “He just won’t pay attention.” ADHD might better be termed Attention Sound familiar? Are you just at your wit’s Dis-regulation Disorder because these end by now? students have difficulty regulating their A child may be super-focused for hours attention and can seem to veer between on his iPad, but can’t sit still for more than inattention and hyper-focus. 2 minutes in church or in math class. One So is it your child’s fault that she
College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Tutors t is our pleasure to once again recognize a local educator at Reagan High School as the College Tutors Educator of the Month for March. This award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do Attitudes, Growth and Results Driven and Leave It Better. This month, we honor Faith Newton. She has years of experience, a heart of gold, and a desire to reach students. These characteristics define this teacher. Faith works tirelessly to provide quality instruction for her students. She is willing to be innovative and try techniques involving technology that might be new to her teaching style. She is a consummate professional, always giving of herself to help Reagan students excel. The owners of College Nannies + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home
Help her develop a strategy for regaining focus. For example, “When I feel tired and get distracted, I will get up and stretch my legs and drink water.” If your child is having difficulty staying focused in the classroom, the smart thing to do is to assess his or her cognitive processing skills. If there is an uneven pattern of strengths and weaknesses in your child’s processing skills, then 1 on 1 attention training is the most effective way to boost your child’s attention, self-control and confidence. Leslie Jernigan is the Director of Assessment at Learning Foundations Cognitive Training Center. If you have a child that is struggling in school, contact (210) 495-2626 or visit www. learningfoundations.com/adhd for more information on how to get help for your child.
US 281 Expansion Update
Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. The quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models Faith Newton for our students. For more information on this award, or to submit a nomination, please contact College Nannies + Tutors at 210-202-0303 or stoneoaktx@ collegenannies.com.
A map of the expansion.
Submitted by Lyle Larson State Representative-District 122 he Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) announced its recommendation to allocate $170 million of $1.3 billion statewide for two congestion relief projects in San Antonio, one of which is in District 122. The US 281 project includes the expansion of roadway between Stone Oak Parkway to the County Line. The roadway will be expanded to a six lane highway with frontage roads at a total cost of $304
Stone Oak Elementary Bluebonnet Battle Submitted By Deborah Deel ach year the Texas Library Association has selected 20 books to be part of the Bluebonnet Reading list for third through sixth graders. School libraries then developed their own programs for their specific school to encourage students to read the selected books. Stone Oak Elementary has always provided fun incentives and special activities to encourage Bobcats to read Bluebonnet Books. In the past it culminated with a special celebration for students in third through fifth grade who had read at least five Bluebonnet Books. Students gathered in the library for special prizes, a chance to “win” books, and most importantly to vote for their favorite Bluebonnet Book. Once the votes were tabulated for each grade Ms. Martilla, the Stone Oak librarian, announced the book which the Stone Oak students voted as the
can’t seem to pay attention? Is it YOUR fault? The answer is neither. A child with attention challenges often is unaware that she has shifted her attention. These shifts of attention are not intentional. So how do you teach your child to control his attention? Try teaching your child these four steps and have her practice using them at home and school: Help her begin to recognize what it feels like to be focused and what it feels like not to be focused. Guide her in becoming aware of what she is doing when she is not focused on the task at hand. What is her body doing? How is she sitting? What does her breathing feel like? Identify what triggered the loss of attention. A tapping pencil? The ringing of a phone? Children playing outside the classroom?
favorite book of that year. The winner was then sent to be tabulated with other Texas schools votes to choose the Bluebonnet Award Winner. Last year the fifth graders asked Ms. Martilla for another battle event as the Battle of the Books was only for third and fourth grades. Thus the Bluebonnet Battle was born. Fifth graders who wished to participate would test on the books and each class would then compile a team of three members and an alternate to compete against the other classes. On Tuesday, February 2nd, the second annual Bluebonnet Battle was held in the Stone Oak library. Contestants were resplendent in their vibrant (bluebonnet) blue shirts. The teams were set up in a game show format with desks and buzzers. Each team was given specific questions with other teams allowed to buzz in if their answer was
million and a projected completion date of December 2022. For more about this project please see this article in the San Antonio Express-News. We appreciate the hard work and leadership of Texas Transportation Commissioner Bruce Bugg and San Antonio TxDOT staff. Their commitment to solving our community’s transportation challenges is commendable. We look forward to continuing to work with them to ensure optimal mobility in San Antonio.
Students from Stone Oak Elementary participate at the 2nd Annual Bluebonnet Battle.
incorrect. Teams also participated in the lightening round where quick buzzing was almost as important as knowledge of the
books. The Battle was broadcasted to the fifth grade classrooms so classmates could watch as their team competed.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
The Best Canine Athletes In The World
he 2016 Summer Olympics may be in Reno but not for the best canine athletes in the world. They will be competing in their own Olympics in LaagSoeren, Netherlands, April 13th - 17th and our very own local resident, Catherine Laria, will be representing Team USA! Catherine, owner of K9 Country Club, in Bulverde has been trialing and training dogs for over 20 years. They have competed all over the country and Mexico but this will be their first time on Team USA.
Throughout the years if Catherine and her dogs were not traveling for Agility or Sheep Dog trials they are home training and teaching. The sport of agility is the fastest growing dog sport in America. People of all ages and dogs of all kinds can spend time together running, climbing, and zig-zagging their way through obstacle courses. There are many organizations who sponsor this sport. Catherine and her border collie, Blizzard, will be competing at the International Federation of Cynological Sports (IFCS) World Championships. Twenty dogs from all over the US will be competing in various games and jump heights. In fact, FIVE of those going are from TEXAS! That is a huge representation
Summit Christian Center Holds “Eggnormous” Easter Hunt
Families participate in the 2014 Easter Egg Hunt.
Submitted By Marianne Lewis he San Antonio community is invited to worship at Summit Christian Center on Easter weekend, March 26-27, 2016, when we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ with communion and praise & worship music. Three services are planned beginning with Easter Saturday at 5 pm and followed by Easter Sunday, at 8:30 am and 10:30 am. Immediately following all three services, stay and enjoy an “Eggnormous” Easter Egg
Children take photos with the Easter Bunny during the 2014 Celebration.
Hunt with 20,000 eggs as part of a family fair with games, inflatables, give-a-ways, food trucks, carousel rides and pictures with the Easter Bunny. Summit is located at 2575 Marshall Road. SA, 78259, just east of the intersection of Highway 281 North and Marshall Road. More information online at summitsa.com or by calling the church office at 210-4020565.
of our great state. Whether or not you want to compete at the world level, agility takes a lot of time to go from beginning to competition and there is no better place to get started than at K9 Country Club. You can find everything you need to go from being introduced to the sport all the way to competing at the local, national, or even international level. Say you just want to have the coolest dog at the dog park. There are ways to make agility not only fun but safe for your canine partner. Agility is also a great way to expend some of that excess energy if you have a very active pet. If you would like to watch the IFCS World Championships they will be streaming live at www.cynosport.tv Help cheer on Catherine, Blizzard, and Team USA all the way to gold! But they need your help! Costs for a team of 20 exceeds $50,000. Show your support with a tax-deductible contribution by visiting www.usdaa.com/ifcsteamusa.cfm. To help Catherine and Blizzard directly, contact K9 Country Club at 830-980-8476
or email k9countryclub@dogmail.com. Fundraising efforts are still underway. For more information on classes, lessons, or the Whirlwind Border Collies visit www. k9countryclub.net.
SA Fencers Attend Princeton And Stanford University
Submitted By Velizar Iliev e are proud to celebrate our Olympian collegebound fencers Farrah Lee Elabd and Robin Cheong who will be attending Princeton University and Stanford University (Class of 2020) respectively. Farrah and Robin are both seniors at Saint Mary’s Hall. Their outstanding academic achievements combined with their passion for fencing enabled each student to be recruited to the Division 1 fencing college of their choice. Farrah and Robin have Pictured from left to right, Coach Viktor Svatenko, Farrah Lee Elabd, been fencing since the ages of 8 and Robin Cheong and Coach Velizar Iliev. 10 respectively. Both are “A” rated Antonio, TX with some of the best fencers fencers who competed both domestically in the nation. They are coached by Velizar and internationally and brought home many Iliev, US Olympian and three-time World medals from high ranked tournaments. The Champion, Viktor Svatenko, former USA sport of fencing has brought each fencer Olympic Team fencing coach and retired unique opportunities to travel the world and Penn State Fencing Coach. For more form long-lasting friendships from all over information about our fencing club please the United States and beyond. visit www.OlympianFencingClub.com Farrah Lee-Elabd and Robin Cheong train at Olympian Fencing Club in San
Book Bargains Are Back! 14th Annual NEISD PTAs’ Used Book Sale Submitted Michelle Shaw he NEISD Council of PTAs is sponsoring the14th Annual Used Book Sale with the help and participation of the local PTAs in the North East Independent School District. The sale of more than 80,000 books will be held at Blossom Athletic Center in Littleton Gym, 12002 Jones Maltsberger Road, 78216. The book sale is the largest of its kind in the area and is not only a fundraising effort for PTAs throughout North East ISD, but is also a community service project. Prices are kept low, low, low to promote literacy in the home. The sale is one of the best bargains in town with softcover books priced at $.50 and hardcover books and DVDS/CDs at $1.00!
The sale begins the second weekend in April and is a three day event: Friday, April 8th and Saturday, April 9th from 10 am to 6 pm and Sunday, April 10th from 11 am - 4 pm. Sunday is the ever popular bag sale day where a bag can be purchased for $15.00 and stuffed to the brim with all the books that can fit; additional bags can be purchased for $10 each. Cash and Mastercard/Visa are accepted. Please, no checks. Admission is free. Readers’ favorite subjects are easy to find as more than twenty-five book categories are represented including: art, biography, business, classics/poetry/plays, comic books and graphic novels, computers, fiction, foreign language and travel, health and fitness along with self-help, history,
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
military and politics, hobbies, how-to and crafts, horror, humor and games, music, mystery and thrillers, non-fiction, parenting and childcare, pets and animals, reference, religious and inspirational, romance, scifi and fantasy, sports, westerns, young adult, CDs and DVDs. The ENORMOUS selection of children’s books is divided into board books, picture books, leveled readers, chapter books, and series books. You name, we’ve got it. Used book sale proceeds will fund PTA projects such as the Blossom Scholarship Fund, Arts in Education, Health Education Awareness, Alcohol and Drug Education, Project Graduation, Bike Rodeos and many, many others that benefit students throughout NEISD.
For more information email booksale@ necouncilpta.com.
The Communities We Live In!
Submitted By Mary LeRoy ello, my name is Mary LeRoy and I am the art teacher for two Christian schools in San Antonio. One of my schools, St. Thomas Episcopal Church and School, my second grade class has just completed their “Communities” art project. Each year the second graders study about the different types of communities we live in: small towns, suburbs or cities. We make three communities using recycled boxes, left over marker caps and all types of lids, construction paper, markers, glue and more. In art, the objective is to support the classroom learning experience with a ‘hands on’ art project on the same topic. This is quite a large project and takes several months to complete. To begin the project, we discuss the different types of buildings and neighborhoods found in these communities, including basic government services, such as post offices, grocery stores, schools, restaurants and in some, hospitals. When naming our businesses in each community, we reference the businesses which surround
Pictured is the “small town” community project.
Pictured is the “suburb” community project.
our school and homes where we live. Every year our little communities always include
Pictured is the “city” community project.
our favorites, especially in the suburb, where we live. These businesses include HEB (in each community of varying sizes), Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Target, Broadway Bank, Security Service Bank, and more! Of course, the school is always St. Thomas Episcopal School. In the suburb, this year’s students have included even more details, such as 1604 and Stone Oak Parkway and in the small town, a Comal County Courthouse. The communities of course vary, because of
size and populations. Each student has the opportunity to work on buildings, roads, trees, and signs. It is truly a ‘hands-on’ project with all involved. The “Communities” art project, which we create each school year, has been a great way to help our students learn about not only their community, but the ones that others live in too! There are also great art lessons in designing, cutting, gluing and lots of developmental skills involved.
Disney Domination - National Spirit Competitions
Junior Varsity Cheer team with their 3rd place Competition Routine.
Varsity Cheerleaders at UCA Competition with Coach Hoenes.
Submitted by Cari Goodyear, RHS Spirit Board and Bailey Goodyear, Silver Star Colonel he Reagan High School Varsity and Junior Varsity squads competed at the Universal Cheerleaders Association’s (UCA) National High School Cheerleading Championships at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. First year Cheer Coach Nick Hoenes was, “infinitely proud of these awesome athletes.”
Silvasy, Jasmine Singleton, Emily Spears, and Mallorie Thomas. Varsity went up against 58 teams from around the nation and made it into the finals earning 9th place at UCA. Congratulations Varsity Competition Squad on their outstanding performance: Jessica Stiglmeier Paige Alderink, Sara Benavidez, Alysa Blake, Megan Bradford, Amanda Christiansen, Kaci Cunningham, Maria Diez, Avery Essex, Lucia Gaona, Emili Labanna, Kaitlyn Reilly, Kalen Rodriguez, Taylor Simmons, Hannah Williams, Brittany
The JV team made history with their first ever top three finish going up against teams from across the country. Congratulations to the team on their third place finish at Nationals: Madison Hager, Ellie Kiesle, Kassidy Olivarez, Katie Ammon, Jezel Barrera, Emily Brant, Abby Burk, Kierra Burkhart, Claudia Cruz, Abby Dotter, Camryn Essex, Elizabeth Galle, Alyssa Grove, Savannah Gutierrez, Kirby Hayden, McKenna Hastings, Ellie Hinojosa, Erynn Kennedy, Madison Moore, Taylor Mzyk, Elizabeth Mueller, Ryan Schaner, Erin
2nd Annual Encino Park Fiesta Festival Submitted By Sylvia Farber ncino Park Elementary PTA invites all community members to the 2nd Annual Encino Park Fiesta Festival and Silent Auction on April 8 from 4:308:30pm. Wristbands will be on sale and available at Encino Park Elementary for $15 for unlimited carnival games or $20
E 24
for unlimited carnival games and a BBQ plate from Smokey Mo’s. Wristbands will be on sale the day of the carnival for $20 for unlimited carnival games or $25 for unlimited carnival games and a BBQ plate. There will be a few ticketed booths with each ticket being $.50. Proceeds from the event will go directly
into Encino Park Elementary to fund a fully equipped, modern science lab as well as some much needed furniture for the school. A few of the unlimited games will include: ring toss, washer toss, duck pond, Plinko, Operation, bean bag toss, Angry Birds, gaga ball, and Just Dance. Some of the ticketed booths will include: a dunking
Bleess. Both cheer teams went after their dream and made it happen! Diamond Dancers Varsity Dance Team also traveled to the Universal Dance Association (UDA) National competition also held at Disney World’s Sports Complex. At their second ever appearance, they had an impressive performance in the hip-hop category and advanced to the semi-finals. Amazing job by all of the Reagan spirit teams!
booth, jail, cake walk, and silly string war. The festival will also include live music, inflatables and other fun activities. We hope that you will be able to support the Encino Park Fiesta Festival! We look forward to hearing from you. 2250 Encino Rio, San Antonio, TX 78259.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Reagan Future Educators Go Out On Top At Houston Competition Submitted By Kecia B. Smedley he Ronald Reagan High School chapter of Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) attended the TAFE Teach Tomorrow Summit at The University of Houston in Houston, TX, January 30 – February 1, 2016. TAFE is a co-curricular statewide non-profit 501(c)(3) student organization created to allow young men and women an opportunity to explore the teaching profession. Attendees to this three day conference included members of TAFE, which consisted of approximately 1,600 students, interested in becoming educators. The conference gave these students the opportunity to meet others from around the state with the same interest, gain an understanding of what it takes to be a successful college student and learn the skills necessary for becoming a successful educator. This was the second year to have the annual conference at a university. Having the conference on a university campus opened up many more opportunities for our student members. Six Ronald Reagan students competed at the University of Houston TAFE competition. Kelsey Lovell and Megan Siegel won 2nd place in Impromptu Teaching and will be competing at the National Competition at Boston University. Hannah Ozark and Danielle Bowers won a Blue Ribbon in Project Visualize, Freya Disrud won a Blue Ribbon in Bulletin Board, Micaela Medeiros and Danielle Bowers won a Blue Ribbon in Chapter Scrapbook. Kelsey Lovell, Micaela
Medeiros and Hannah Ozark won a Silver Certificate in the Educational Leadership Fundamentals. This year’s conference theme was “Find the Treasure in Teaching”. The students learned about the different types of treasures that can be found in teaching. TAFE’s mission is to encourage students to learn about careers in education and assist them in exploring the teaching profession while promoting character, service, and leadership skills necessary for becoming effective educators. The meeting featured a series of breakout and general sessions in which members had opportunities to develop skills for becoming effective educators. While at the conference many of the members also participated in competitive events. The events are designed to offer future educators exciting, authentic opportunities to measure their creativity, skills, and initiative against high standards and against their peers from across the state. There are 31 competitive events and 21 of those events advance to nationals. The students who placed in the top 5 in each of the national events have the opportunity to go to the Educators Rising National Conference June 24-27, 2016 at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts. The first keynote speaker was Dave Burgess, author of “Teach Like a Pirate”. He said that “Pirates” are known for having hooks and he challenged us to find the hooks that draw students into learning. The second keynote was from Danny Ciamarra and Nick Jackson. Danny
Pictured left to right: Kelsey Lovell, Megan Siegel, Micaela Medeiros, Hannah Ozark, Daniella Bowers and Freya Disrud.
and Nick challenged us to find the treasure in each and every one of our students. “It is my hope that the students left the conference with a greater understanding of the education field, a clear vision of how to get into college to pursue their dreams, and knowledge of what it takes to be successful in college,” said Donita Garza, TAFE State Program Director. If your middle school or high school student is interested in a career in the field
of education, please join us on Saturday, March 5th, 2016 at Ronald Reagan High school at 10 am. We will have information on the Education and Training High School endorsement classes, Future Educators of America Club and have a panel discussion with local teachers that are Reagan High School alumni. There will be door prizes and refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact Kecia Smedley at kbatse@neisd.net.
Reagan’s SkillsUSA Carpentry Contestants Win Big
Daniel Ayala and Stockton Harker of Reagan High School.
Daniel Ayala and Stockton Harker of Reagan High School.
Submitted By Shawn Jensen his week the citywide regional competition for SkillsUSA took place. The event is sponsored by the Lowe’s store at Blanco and 1604 and The Builders’ Exchange of Texas. The two companies believe in students’ education so much, that they provided construction
materials and some $500 worth of prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Thank you Lowe’s and The Builders’ Exchange of Texas for your continue support for student education and for your support of the SkillsUSA Carpentry competition. In the competition were two of Northeast’s finest, as well as other students
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
from the city that prepared to compete against each other in an on-site carpentry build off. The students were tasked with building a three sided structure that was designed with a door and window opening, a standing rafter roof, and a stair stringer in 2-1/2 hours. Daniel Ayala of Ronald Reagan High
School placed 1st, Stockton Harker of Ronald Reagan High School Placed 2nd, and Jose Luis Acevedo of Southwest High School placed 3rd. These students did a great job in the event and have earned their spot at the Texas State competition which will be held in Corpus Christ, TX on April 1st, 2016.
MAKBots – A Stone Oak Award Winning Robotics Team Submitted By Kristen Chen f you like science and engineering, you will love to build robots. The MAKBots robotics team was founded four years ago by three ten year olds, Andy, Kristie and Michael. They were STEM lovers and were drawn together by their common interests. Andy’s dad, Dr. Joe Li (Coach Joe), Assistant Manager at Toyota and a Stone Oak resident, was a robotics enthusiast and a robotics team coach at a local high school. He decided to lead the nascent MAKbots team and joined the First Lego League (FLL) in the 2012-2013 season. For the next three years, MAKBots grew from three to ten members. Among them, four team members are from Reagan High School and Bush Middle School. They successfully competed at the Alamo Regionals and advanced to the national level twice in the last two seasons. With the accumulation of experience and maturity of team members, they joined the First Tech Challenge (FTC), a competition designed for students in grades 8-12. This program allows students to build true robots using an assortment of metal parts, including motors, sensors, controllers, frames and wheels/treads etc. They recruited Dr. Qiaoying “Joy” Zhou (Coach Joy), an Associate Professor at the Mathematics and Engineering Department of Northwest Vista College and an energizing and resourceful coaching staff, to lead the outreach and professional development, while Coach Joe focuses on the competition strategy, robot
design and robot programming. The team is sponsored by Toyota, Ray CPA, and Ms. Nancy Du from Coldwell Bander/D’Ann Harper Realtors®, and with the support from Dr. James Lewey of Lopez Middle School. The ten team members have divided into three groups to build, program, test and operate the robot. They met every Saturday and Sunday at Andy’s home. At these meetings, the team built their robot and developed a strong sense of team unity. Coach Joe and Coach Joy helped bring team MAKBots to their fullest potential by guiding and encouraging them when they were having difficulties. In addition to the robot project, the team also reached out to help junior teams, participated in various library robotics activities at Parman, Igo and Forest Hills Libraries, and performed at HEB Central Market to promote the robotics program. This season, team MAKBots has participated in North San Antonio FTC League. In the final competition, where MAKBots was seated first due to their outstanding performance at the previous competitions, MAKBots met their toughest competitor. After the first two competitions, MAKBots and their alliance team were in a deadlock with their opponent. At the beginning of the final match, the MAKBots’ alliance team had troubles: a missing wheel and broken robot treads had occurred in the previous rounds, rendering the robot not fully functional and only capable of pushing the floor debris. As a rookie FTC team
MAKbots team photo at the North San Antonio FTC League Competiiton.
and lack of fierce competition experience, the young robot drivers were extremely nervous. Miraculously, team MAKBots was able to score in the highest basket in the last round, bringing their alliance to a victory, and an advancement to the regional competition as the top scoring team from North San Antonio FTC league in February.
MAKBots is a team with passion for robotics and STEM. Their mission is to gain an understanding of FTC and basic engineering concepts; strive to learn and innovate; inspire, appreciate and help others while having fun! If you would like to know more about MAKBots and FTC, please contact Dr. Qiaoying Zhou, qzhou2@ alamo.edu.
Hardy Oak Elementary Students Sharpen The Saw! Submitted By Lisa Ray ecember is usually filled with advertisements and commercials enticing everyone to fulfill their needs and wants. Colorful and engaging, it is easy to fall into the “I want” mode of thinking. Second grade students at Hardy Oak spent several weeks learning about the cost of products and services in their community and the importance of saving and spending hard earned income. They then used their own resources and talents to manufacture goods which were sold at the Annual Schoolwide Economics
Fair. It was a Bull market and their talents and efforts helped raise $3,079.00. Students at Hardy Oak practice the Covey Habits which inspired them to give back to their community. They did so generously by donating the monies to charities like Wounded Warriors and SNIPSA. This enriching experience reminded everyone, that although we all have needs and wants, using your gifts and talents to help others in need is the greatest reward of all! Thank you to the Hardy Oak family of parents, students, and teachers who synergized to make this year’s Economics Fair a wonderful success!
Hardy Oak student, Banet, smiles proudly at the Hardy Oak students, Jack, Emma and Adi participate at Economics Fair. the Economics Fair.
SA Fencer Wins Bronze At Fencing Tournament
Submitted By Velizar Iliev n January 30th 2016, Basis San Antonio School student, 11 year old Ricky Gonzalez finished 3rd and received a Bronze medal in the Youth 12 Men’s Epee event at the Super Youth Circuit in Gardena, CA. He competed against 30 male athletes, within a 12 year age difference, from around the U.S. and Mexico. Also, at the Youth 14 event, Ricky placed 16th out of 40 fencers, within a 14 year age difference, from the U.S. and Mexico. Ricky has competed in the Olympic sport of Fencing for over 3 years. He is training at the Olympian Fencing Club in San Antonio, Texas and is coached by three-time World Champion and US Olympian Coach Velizar Iliev. Congratulations Ricky! Olympian Fencing Club is devoted to
teaching the art and sport of fencing as a club and fencing school for beginners to advanced students. People call fencing “Physical Chess”. And while watching a fencing “bout”, the movements, attacks and defensive strategies can be so fast that it is hard to see or understand the calculated nature of the sport and the athleticism to be a great fencer. The Club is focused on providing a rewarding experience that will build confidence, reinforce teamwork and inspire the personal growth necessary for children to take the next step in life. Many of our fencers earn medals in various local, national and international competitions. For more information about this competition or our fencing club please visit www.OlympianFencingClub.com.
Pictured is Ricky Gonzalez.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Ribbon Cuttings And Grand Openings Alamo City Chocolate Factory
For more information please visit www. AlamoCityChocolateFactory.com.
HCPCC –Bulverde/Spring Branch Has Celebration Event and Open House
The Stone Oak Business Association was thrilled to welcome The Alamo City Chocolate Factory into the business community on January 21st. Alamo City has a large selection of chocolate confections to choose from with over 100 selections in its main retail case which include delectable ganaches, nut clusters, barks, chocolate covered pretzels and sea salt pecan turtles. Other treats include decorated chocolate covered Twinkies, Rice Krispie Treats and Oreos. You can even find custom chocolates in several different shapes, including the state of Texas and the Alamo. Specialized gift baskets designed for families, friends and clients are also available. All treats are available in white, milk and dark chocolate. For the healthier life style, 72 percent dark and sugar-free chocolates are also available on hand every day for many products. Alamo City Chocolate Factory is located at 1203 N Loop 1604 W, Suite 117 and can be reached at (210) 490-5333.
The Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center now has a satellite office serving the Bulverde/Spring Branch area. Each Friday from 10 am-1 pm staff are available at the EMS building on Rodeo Dr. in Spring Branch and every other Thursday from 1:30-3:30 pm services are available at St. Joseph- Honey Creek. The services available include pregnancy tests, first trimester sonograms, 1 year free maternity vitamins, prenatal and parenting classes, STD testing and treatment, and material assistance with baby items. Services are available in both English and Spanish. This new Bulverde/Spring Branch Pregnancy Care Center is having a free
Celebration Event on Tuesday evening March 8th at the Bulverde Baptist Church. There will be dinner and a program featuring Dawn Millberger, an abortion survivor who will share her life experience. Anyone interested in supporting this event by sponsoring a table of 8 for $100 is encouraged to send a check to HCPCC, PO Box 52 Bulverde, TX 78163. To register for seating please call 830-446-9245 or go to www.eventbrite.com. An open house is planned for Friday March 11th at the EMS building office. Visitors will be able to preview a parenting class (English and Spanish), view the sonogram facility and meet the staff. Anyone interested in volunteering can call 830-249-9717 and ask for Kimberly. A training program will be held at the EMS facility this Saturday, Feb. 6th from 8:30 am-3:30pm.
The Web Design and Internet Marketing Company of San Antonio
WSI is a full service web development and internet marketing company serving small and medium sized businesses in the greater San Antonio area. WSI specializes in responsive web design, search engine optimization, pay-perclick advertising, social media marketing & reputation management. WSI offers quality web solutions at affordable prices. WSI has a large team of developers and programmers that specializes in building mobile websites and apps for all kinds of businesses. WSI has a solution for small businesses to boost their search engine ranking and get more qualified leads from their website. WSI provides you with ongoing support and measurement tools needed to ensure your website is working for your business. Visit WSI at www.wsitopwebdesigners. com and sign up for a free consultation and competitive analysis or contact: Madhu Chadha at 210-858-9302 or email mchadha@wsitopwebdesigners.com
Opening a New Business? To Schedule Your Ribbon Cutting call 348-8233 or visit www.stoneoakbusiness.com
Taking A Spin Around The Tables With SOBA
Directors of SOBA, Kristin Oliver and Russell Groomer
By Rae Dominguez n January 27, 2016 the Stone Oak Business Association (SOBA) came together for one of the biggest events of the year. Speed Networking! SOBA hosts Speed Networking two times a year and the January meeting is always hopping. Canyon Springs Golf Club graciously hosted over one hundred SOBA members and nonmembers for a night of networking. “Speed Networking always has an amazing turn out.
SOBA’s Speed Networking event is always well attended and enjoyed by over 100 area businesses.
This meeting forces even the shyest business owners and representatives to come out of their shell and talk about their business for two minutes at least five different times during the night.”, says Russell Groomer, Director of SOBA. To make the event even more lively Give Back Auctions came out and set up a small auction to benefit the charity Living Through Giving, a non-profit founded by Directors of SOBA Russell Groomer and Kristin Oliver. Groomer also
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
announced that Kristin Oliver has been nominated to run for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Man and Woman of the Year fundraiser. “We are so excited about the growth of SOBA and seeing what 2016 brings. Speed Networking is the best way to kick it all off.”, Oliver said. All in all, this event had a fantastic turnout, introduced several new businesses in the area and pulled together association members and non-members for a few great
causes. The Stone Oak Business Association meets once a month for networking events; make sure to check the calendar and watch for your invitations via email. They also host ribbon cuttings several times a month. If you are looking for a grass-roots, growth oriented organizations to help grow your business network give SOBA a call at 210348-8233 or visit them at stoneoakbusiness. com.
Vineyard Ranch Elementary Becomes A Lighthouse School
Lopez Middle School Student Wins 4th Grand Prize At Fair
Submitted By Jaime Ravelo n Tuesday January 12th, Vineyard Ranch Elementary was named the 167th Leader in Me Lighthouse School by Franklin Covey Co. The Leader in Me process inspires leadership and life skills in young students to become 21st Century leaders. “We have been working toward this goal since we opened our doors in 2012. We are honored to become a Leader in Me Lighthouse School. We have focused on goals of technology use to improve reading skills, improve attendance rates and homework completion. Our students have become more driven to accomplish their personal goals. This process has had a significant impact on students and we expect to see greater results over time,” said Vineyard Ranch Elementary Principal, Tammy VanCleave. This achievement was made possible thanks to parents, students, teachers, and school administrators by embracing the Leader in Me principles and practicing the 7 habits every day. The staff and students at Vineyard Ranch Elementary are looking forward to share their success with others at the end of the month, when the school will again be a site visit for educators across the city, state and nation. “Our students learning, practicing, modeling and teaching others about leadership qualities is what it’s all about,” VanCleave concluded.
Submitted By Kimberly Neville opez Middle School student, Nicole Johnson, competed in the Alamo Regional Academy of Science and Engineering (ARASE) Fair. ARASE reaches 32 surrounding counties where over 700 students from grades six through twelve have the choice of 14 different categories to compete in. For 50 years, ARASE’s goals have been to develop students’ appreciation of science and engineering, foster good science principals of ethical research and humane treatment of animals, provide opportunities for the scientific professional community to interact with students and to give public recognition to students, teachers and schools. Nicole’s project compared compounds, Potassium Chloride and Sodium Chloride, used for softening water in order to see which best promotes plant growth. She won 4th Grand Prize in the botany division. Congratulations Nicole Johnson!
What The New SAT Means For Your Student Pictured is the Leader in Me Lighthouse School Award.
Reagan Cabinetmaking Student Wins SkillsUSA Contest
Reagan Students compete in Cabinetmaking Contest.
Submitted By Shawn Jensen onald Reagan High School students competed against the reigning state champion school in the SkillsUSA build-off Cabinetmaking Contest. Five students from Reagan and two students from Medina Valley High School faced off in a two hour cabinetmaking build-off. Each contestant was to build a cabinet drawer that fit and functioned according to given specifications for an opening in a cabinet. The students had to measure, joint, groove, attach hardware, and fasten together their pieces of material to match a design that was given to them.
Pictured is Nicole Johnson.
The race was extremely close, as places one thru four were only separated by a fractions of a point. Jerry Chen of Ronald Reagan High School edged out two students from Medina Valley High School who placed second and third with Reagan finishing out the places. Jerry Chen now qualifies to compete in this year’s state competition as he will be competing in an on-site cabinet build. If Jerry wins State, he will qualify for the SkillsUSA National Competition in Louisville, Kentucky. Congratulations Jerry and best of luck to you! Strike-em Rattlers!
By Sam Johnson he last examination using the old version of the SAT was administered at the end of January. So if you are a parent of a student who has not yet taken the SAT or is going to retake the test, you will want to learn about what these changes mean for you. In a nutshell, the SAT has been reformatted so that its results can more accurately reflect a student’s abilities for the colleges and universities. To give you an idea of the new test, College Tutors of San Antonio has created a brief overview of what changed. Scoring The SAT will no longer be scored on a 2400 point scale. Instead it will go back to the old maximum score of 1600. This is because they have eliminated the division of the reading and writing sections and combined them to become the “Evidencebased Reading and Writing” section. This section accounts for 800 points of your total score. The other 800 points are allocated for the math section. Finally, the essay is optional and scored separately from the rest of the test. It is broken down into three components that are scored from 2-8 each and added together for your total essay score. Evidence-based Reading and Writing The reading and writing questions are all multiple choice and follow the reading of a passage. For the reading questions, the student is asked to use context clues and information gained from the reading to answer questions about the meaning of the passage. For the writing questions, the student is required to point out grammatical errors and rephrase certain parts of the passage to improve effectiveness of the message. Math This portion of the test focuses on testing a student’s ability to answer questions
relating to three areas of mathematics. First, the “Heart of Algebra” questions focus on the mastery of linear equations and systems. Second, the “Problem Solving and Data Analysis” questions test being quantitatively literate. Finally, the “Passport to Advanced Math” features questions that require the manipulation of complex equations. Remember that you can find more information on the format of the new test, testing center locations and dates as well as registration information through the College Board website. The staff at College Tutors of San Antonio is here to answer any questions that you have over the test. We also regularly offer free practice tests to the community. Call us at 210-202-0303 to learn more about the new SAT or to sign up for the next free practice test session.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Las Lomas Hosts As LIM Symposium Site
Bush MS Invites You To The Annual Bulldog Festival
Student leaders at Las Lomas are ready to welcome visitors for the “Leader in Me” Symposium site visit.
Submitted By Leigh Anne Roeber as Lomas hosted 75 guests as a “Leader in Me” Symposium site visit on Wednesday, January 27th. Guests from as far away as Denmark gained “Leader in Me” 7 Habit implementation strategies and leadership insights from the Las Lomas student leaders. Almost half of our student body served in a schoolwide leadership role during the visit. These leaders inspired guests as
tour guides, statisticians, greeters, keynote speakers and student-led honor choir performers. In addition, several Las Lomas student leaders were invited to present speeches at the “Leader in Me” Symposium. Las Lomas students answered questions as part of a student panel, delivered a keynote address, and introduced thought leader and passionate education advocate Geoffrey Canada.
Spring Break Adventures That Stray From The Norm
Spring Breakers hang out on the beach.
Special to Welcome Home pring is a time of year when students plan their annual treks to warmer climates. Areas such as Florida’s Daytona Beach and Cancun, Mexico, attract hundreds of thousands of revelers each spring break. It is wise for students to plan their trips as early as possible to beat the rush. In addition, savvy students can educate themselves about potential spring break
pitfalls. Spring break has earned a reputation as a potentially dangerous excursion, in part due to bad behavior and criminals preying on young students. But spring break doesn’t have to be a lesson in debauchery. There are many ways revelers can enjoy their extended vacations from school. Lend a helping hand. Many college students spend their spring breaks giving back to the less fortunate. In 2012, more than 10,000 high school and college students signed up to spend their spring breaks
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Students rally at the Bulldog Festival.
Submitted By Gary Colamander he Bush Bulldog Festival was rescheduled due to inclement weather last fall. The new date is Friday, April 1, 2016, 5-8 pm. The Bulldog Festival is a community event and has many activities for all ages. The event is largely attended by students and the community, and is a wonderful way to gain recognition for your business. Some of the activities offered at the Bulldog Festival is a pep rally, music, vendor market, obstacle courses and so much more. We need the support of businesses in our community in order to make this event a success. If you are interested in sponsoring our festival, there are several sponsorship levels to choose from. All levels include different levels of benefits. Please choose the level that works best with your business and goals. Levels are as follows: $500 Top Dog Sponsor includes a booth at festival, yearbook ad, logo on website, Facebook, and online news site, included on ad advertising, and mentioned on all flyers and signage.
building houses with Habitat for Humanity. Many organizations sponsor spring break programs for youngsters. Explore foreign culture. Make spring break an opportunity to travel internationally and learn something new about a country’s history and impact on the world. Research the country’s legal system before traveling, however. Foreign laws can be quite different from the American and Canadian law, and roughly 2,500 Americans are arrested on spring break trips to foreign countries each year. Also, be aware of political turmoil or unrest at your destination. You may inadvertently put yourself in harm’s way. Try something new. Rather than spend spring break letting loose, you may want to get together with like-minded friends and try a new hobby or project. Enroll in a music or art class. If your interests lean toward the daring, try skydiving or trapeze lessons. You will likely save money on travel expenses in the process and still come away with lasting memories. Be unique. There’s no need to follow the masses to the nearest beach town. A vacation from school and home can be enjoyable no
Student, Michael Merritt, poses with the Bulldog Mascot.
$300 Bulldog Buddy Sponsor level includes a booth at the festival, yearbook ad, and included on all signage and flyers. The deadline to be included in our yearbook is March 10, 2016. $150 Bulldog Friend Sponsor includes name on all signage on day of the festival. $25 Vendor Tables includes a table for craft/direct sellers wanting to sell goods at festival. We hope to see you at the festival!!! If you have any questions, please contact us by email at BulldogFestival@gmail.com or (210) 356-2950. matter where you head. Cruises are attractive because you pay one fee that includes food and accommodations. In addition, cruise ships have a number of guided excursions available to guests. While many cruise lines travel to tropical waters, there are some that hug the eastern and western coasts of North America northward to Alaska or Novia Scotia. Visit family. While spring break is often a time for letting loose, for some it can present the ideal opportunity to catch up with distant relatives they do not often see. Accepting their hospitality can stretch vacation budgets even further. Take advantage of last-minute specials. If you can’t decide where to go, pay close attention to travel Web sites and any specials they may offer in the months and weeks leading up to spring break season. Inexpensive last-minute packages may become available as spring draws near. You just may locate a destination that wasn’t what you had imagined, but it can turn into an exciting and memorable experience.
Starts April 1, 2016 at a School or Business near you. LivingThroughGivingSA.org 210.348.8233
Living Through Giving
“You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.” Unknown “Our mission is to bring hope to families in the San Antonio community by reaching out and touching the hearts of our future. Our intent is to provide children with hope and friendship while trying to ensure that they have the tools necessary to become the future.” By protecting the hopes and dreams of children, it is LTG’s desire to allow children to see kindness and have hope during a time where both may be hard to find. The core of our passion is the belief that when children become part of ‘the system’ they become our collective responsibility – our children – and deserve the same opportunities that youth from healthy families have.
info@livingthroughgivingsa.org facebook.com/livingthroughgivingsa For more info: 210-348-8233 30
Living Through Giving (LTG) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) which focuses on children and youth who have experienced abuse, neglect, family disruption, or a range of other factors that jeopardize their safety, permanence, or well-being.
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Fa ct s an d Fi ct i o n of Fi n a c i al Adv i sors
oin us on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 as Financial Advisor, Brent McCrary, dispels the myths surrounding the Financial Services industry. He will provide you with much needed information on where small business owners and individuals should focus their investments. Come prepared with plenty of questions and, of course, lots of business cards.
Brent McCrary is a Financial Advisor at McCrary Stone Financial Solutions, a financial services firm specializing in estate strategies, wealth accumulation, business strategies and executive benefits for both publicly and privately-held companies. As a financial professioal Brent is uniquely qualified to address the diverse needs of high net-worth individuals. He provides recommendations for asset allocation, funding for education, retirement and long-term care insurance. He works closely with business owners, executive teams and their advisors to help realize their financial goals.
Stone Oak Business Association
SOBA’s March Meeting is Sponsored By:
Date: Time: Location: Cost:
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 7:30 am to 9:30 am The Egg & I Sonterra 700 E. Sonterra Blvd. 78258 $10 for Members and $15 for Non-Members
R S V P : ( 2 10 ) 3 4 8 - 8 2 3 3 e - m ail : s o b a @ s a t x.r r.c o m w w w. S t o n e O a k B u s in e s s .c o m
SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses
2016 SOURCE IS COMING! The Guide With All Your North Side Information The Source is a Business & Medical Directory. It includes: Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Medical, Maps, and more!—right at your fingertips. Pick up a FREE 2015 copy at any of these locations: • • • • • • •
Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112
For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit
March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
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March 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258