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May 2013 Issue



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May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

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May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Note From The Publisher The Many Blessings Of May


ay is a time of celebration, remembrance and transition. We begin the month with multiple celebrations, starting with the always fun and festive Cinco de Mayo. I love that we get to keep that Fiesta spirit going for a little bit longer as we celebrate a part of our rich cultural heritage here in San Antonio. Mother’s Day is the following weekend, on May 12th. Mark your calendars and be sure to plan something special to show gratitude and love to your mom on this Sunday. I am so thankful for my own mom and the wonderful example that she has been for my siblings and me. Small in stature—my brothers and I tower over her— my mother has a big heart, always showing unconditional love and spirit. To borrow words from Shakespeare, “though she be but little, she is fierce.” My mom has always played a very major part in my life, and is now very close to my son and my daughter. I have always said that Mom is the glue that binds my family together. We love you, Mom! While I am writing this letter, she also seems to be holding together our extended Spurs family as we head into the playoffs. She rarely misses a game, and even though the Spurs are written off every year, San Antonio continues to put together a team that everyone – especially Mom – can be proud of! In honor of every mother who keeps her family together, turn to pages 8-9 in this issue of Welcome Home, where readers have shared tributes to their own mothers. May is also a month of remembrance, as we observe Memorial Day on the 27th. I am always grateful to live in Military City

USA on this holiday, because the people of San Antonio have a deep reverence and appreciation for the sacrifices of our military men and women and their families. May we never take for granted the high cost at which our American liberties are earned. For many in our community, this month is also a very transitional time of year. With school wrapping up and summer right around the corner, teachers and families are celebrating the end of classes and looking forward to summertime activities. For graduating seniors who are coming to the end of their high school careers, this transition may be the greatest they have ever faced. The Stone Oak Business Association once again had the privilege of granting scholarships to eight seniors from Reagan and Johnson high schools, who will be announced this month. The many scholarship applications confirmed what we already knew – the Class of 2013 is full of bright young leaders who are full of potential. I look forward to seeing the positive impact they will make on the world in the coming years. Also in a transition in May? Our Spurs! You’ll find me at every home playoff game, cheering on our boys right alongside their number one fan – my mom. Go Spurs GO!

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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Managing Editor Kalyn Stralow

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Robert Steele Nikii Groomer Darcy Delamore

Copy Editors Nikii Groomer Amanda Burris

Contributing Photographers Hidden Forest Elementary NEISD

May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer Contributing Writers Aubrey Chancellor Leslie Payne Julie Steele Tapley Trudell Kim Wolf

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On The Cover By Kalyn Stralow Making a decision to have a child - it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. – Elizabeth Stone


s there anything more precious than the love shared between a mother and a daughter? Liezel Thompson, the beautiful mom featured on Welcome Home’s May cover, is joined by her daughter, Lily, who will be turning two this summer. Having Lily in her life has been a wonderful lesson in love and selflessness for Liezel, and she has embraced motherhood with open arms. “There is so much I love about being a mom,” Liezel shared. “I couldn’t have anticipated my heart expanding this much – each snuggle, struggle over dinner, kiss, bedtime story, tantrum, prayer, sleepless night, unconditional love and each new discovery…I wouldn’t change a thing!” This Mother’s Day, Liezel and her husband, Mark, have even more reason to celebrate the holiday. They are eagerly anticipating the birth of their second daughter, Nina, this month.

Photo By Nikii Groomer

Liezel and Lily Thompson are excited to welcome baby sister Nina to the family!

“I am in awe of and so grateful for the life growing inside of me,” said Liezel. “Every movement reminds me that God, who called each star by name, also called me to be a mama to two of His princesses.” Even as Liezel celebrates her role as a mother to her sweet little girls this month, remember to express your gratitude to your own mom. Turn to pages 8-9 to read on as members of our community share the impact that their own moms have had on their lives. From all of us at Welcome Home, Happy Mother’s Day!

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By Debby Seguin

ongratulations Class of 2013! In the commencement address will be advice about working hard, about goals and that you can be anything you want to be (although the closest I ever got to my “be a princess” goal was being called a “royal pain”- so I joined the Army). Looking back, I can’t help but think that some helpful wisdom was left out, so here goes. As part of your education, you learned that the world revolves around the sun but when you move that tassel from one side to the other, it marks the beginning of a new journey where you will discover that the world does not revolve around you! There will be new “pseudo-parents” out there who are going to be only too happy to help you learn this. First, and foremost, will be your boss. Although he won’t care if you stay out all night, he will expect you to meet your 8 a.m. curfew and to be courteous and professional until curfew ends at 5 p.m. (if you have all your responsibilities taken care of, that is. Otherwise, the 5 p.m. thing is negotiable). Then there are your neighbors. They do not care if you “pick up your room!”(you have to live in it) or “clean up your dishes!” (you have to smell them) or “turn out those lights, they waste electricity!” (you have to pay for it). They will, however, expect your yard to be kept up and the noise level to be kept down. In addition, just as you are relishing your new-found freedom from your parents arcane rules, there is Officer Friendly who will insist that you follow all these other “draconian” rules such as having liability

insurance, an updated license, no beer on the vehicular premises and those pesky speed limits that you see next to the Children At Play signs. Your landlord will also have a few expectations, such as being paid rent on time and not damaging her property. Otherwise, she will happily move your belongings to a new location (probably Goodwill) and rekey the locks. Welcome, graduate, to The School of Life! As the music plays and you see tears in the eyes of the two people who love you more than their own lives, know that it is not because they feel they were too tough on you but that now, maybe they feel they were not tough enough… You can contact Debby (whose second graduate is in the Class of 2013) at

May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

We Keep You Rolling


By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

f you drive a diesel, you know the importance of having a dependable diesel repair facility. Belden’s has certified factory-trained diesel technicians available to work on all types of diesel trucks and cars. Often we are asked questions about the reliability, efficiency and gas mileage of diesel engines compared to gasoline engines. If you are considering buying a diesel, these are all pertinent questions. The greatest advantage of a diesel engine is the fuel economy. Diesel engines burn less fuel than gas engines. Some have lasted 400,000 miles or even longer. Also, exhaust systems tend to last a longer time. Lastly, diesel engines lack an ignition system, saving you money by alleviating the need for a tune-up. The disadvantages include less get-upand go than a gas engine. There are turbodiesels, though, if this is really important to you. Mainly, these vehicles tend to be fairly noisy. Driving at normal speeds, though, the noise is usually as quiet as its competitor. The other important information to keep in mind is that diesel is not as refined as gas. A 3,000-mile oil change is vital to maintaining diesel engines. If you have a diesel or decide to buy a diesel for your next vehicle, keep in mind all the diesel products we offer:

• Air Intakes & Exhaust • Diesel Engine Repair • Pumps/Injectors/Turbos/Transmissions /Clutches • Diesel Fuel Injection Services • 24-Month/24,000 Mile Warranty • Roadside Assistance • Free Shuttle Service • Full-Line of Tires Don’t forget to check us out on the web for coupons and specials. We look forward to seeing you at any of our locations and allow our service writers to give you more information on your diesel needs. As always, from our family to yours: Buckle up and drive safe! Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Rusty Belden, Vice President. Belden’s Automotive & Tires has four locations: 13811 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78232, phone number (210) 494-0017; 29137 IH-10 W., Boerne, TX 78006, phone number (830) 981-9700; 8825 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, TX 78240, phone number (210) 481-3330; 22000 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78259, phone number (210) 690-1100. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive. com.

Girl Scouts Honor Sister Scout


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Members of Junior level Girl Scout Troop #566 hold the 12 wigs they purchased for chemotherapy patients.

Submitted By Julie Steele, Leader Of Girl Scout Troop #566 irl Scout Troop 566 is well on the way to earning a Girl Scout Bronze Award. After losing a sister Girl Scout, Alexis Steele, to Leukemia in October, the troop decided to get involved in the fight against cancer. Troop 566 found a charity and developed a plan to make a difference for cancer patients by raising money to purchase wigs for the American Cancer Society Wig Closet. The ACS staff educated the Girl Scouts about cancer, chemotherapy, and why hair falls out during treatment. In partnership with Jo Vonne Wig Salon, the troop was able to purchase twelve wigs and six turbans for cancer patients who lose their hair due to the effects of chemotherapy. “I’m really proud of the initiative and leadership of our


troop. They managed to turn a tragic loss into hope for cancer patients undergoing treatment,” said Troop Leader Julie Steele. Troop 566 will not stop at wig donations. They also decided to adopt the Relay For Life at the STAR Soccer Complex on May 3-4 as a service project. “We have to do something so that this never happens to another kid,” said Girl Scout Morgan. At the event, they will welcome participants, cheer and assist cancer survivors, sell Luminaria, and several other activities. The troop is asking sister Girl Scouts to join them at the event to honor those lost to cancer and celebrate those surviving cancer. Patches will be given to all Girl Scout volunteers. For more information, please email

May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

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From The Bottom Of Our Hearts…

Happy Mother’s Day! To all of the moms in our lives, thank you for every act of caring and selflessness on our behalf.

We love you! Veronica Medina

Valerie Wilkerson

Submitted By Caitlin Medina

Submitted By Jacob Wilkerson

The love of a mom is the purest love we have. Hello, I’m going to tell you about why my mom is special to me. She loves me and cares for me. My mom cares for me by paying for me. She pays for my dance class, which is really expensive, and I love dance. Without my mom I would never go there. “I’m pretty hungry!” Mom to the rescue. My mom has you covered, she’s always there for a meal. 96 times 89, I’ll never find the answer. Lucky for me, I have a mom who could do these questions like that. “Another sheet of homework, ugh!” Here’s why my mom loves me. She gives me hugs and kisses, she does it so gently, nicely, and lovely. I love it when my mom walks me to bed. When she tucks me in I feel like a chicken wrapped in a burrito and I love that feeling. I’d never met a more stylish person ever in my life. Should I go with this or that outfit? If you are having trouble picking your clothes, call my mom. She buys me the most beautiful outfits ever. She probably will buy you good clothes, too. That is why my mom is special to me. “Mom, if you’re out there, I just want you to know that I love you.”

Holly Wilkinson

Hello. I’m here to tell you about my mom, Valerie. She is very helpful, caring and loving. One way she is helpful is she helps me with my homework. Whenever I am stuck on a problem, whether it is math, reading, science or writing, she will help me. Another thing she does is the laundry. Whenever I need some clean clothes she will make sure my clothes are clean for me. The last thing is cleaning. She is always cleaning, dusting and vacuuming to make our house look nice. My mom is also loving and caring. One way she is loving is she can cheer me up when I’m sad. For example, when I have had a bad day and just want to be in a bad mood, she cheers me up by telling me it’s ok and that tomorrow will be better. Another way she is caring is when she gives me medicine when I am sick or a pill when I have a headache to make me feel better. She loves me. She always hugs me when she gets home from teaching piano lessons. She takes care of my brother and me and our whole house whenever my dad has to be deployed. That is all I can tell you about my favorite mom. Bye for now.

Sigi Cyriac

Submitted By Brooke Wilkinson

Submitted By Riya Cyriac

A stronghold, my rock when situations became tough. She is my inspiration and the one who urges me to chase my dreams. My mother is the most important woman in my life, and I love her from the bottom of my soul to the blazing cosmic pearls shooting through the heavens. God gave me to my mom and I couldn’t have chosen someone better. A light hidden in a darkness can be seen even from the farthest point. My mother is my light and I love her very much. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

Do you have a special mom? Well I do! My mom is special to me because she cares for me and loves my soul. She is the best mom a kid would ever dream of. My mom helps to make me strong. She helps me block away all of the rude things people say, and do. Whenever my heart cries she tells me to take deep breaths and I count to 100. Yes! I’m a straight A student because she encourages me to study for one hour, but some days I don’t want to hit the books. My mom loves me by drying my tears and patching the holes in my heart. Her suggestions always lead in the right path. Mom listens to me with her ears open because she loves me. She knows that it makes me feel important. Whether my mom helps me be strong or dries my sad tears, she is the best mom I will ever have. Thanks, Mom!


May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Isabella Mallants

Corrie Washburn

Submitted By Erin Rodriguez

Submitted By Bailey Washburn

Not many moms would move across the country for their grandkids, but I’m so fortunate that my mother did. And even cooler is that she’s our nextdoor neighbor! She’s always been there for me and growing up she instilled that value. Now that I’m a mom to four kids of my own (three boys with Autism and a baby girl), I really have to “be there” for my kids in a way that takes lots of patience and understanding. My mom was always involved in my activities and helped me pursue my interests. Because of her, I do the same things for my children. My mom pitches in to support my whole family as well. Sometimes, she plays chauffeur or chef. She changes diapers, plays with our threeyear-old energetic son. She’s a jackof-all-trades in the grandchildren department with five, ranging in age from 1-11! We’re so lucky to have her so close.

Mary Herald

I also think my mother is caring. She tucks me into bed on stormy nights. The nicest thing I think she does is dry my tears when I am sad. My mother is caring and helpful and those are two wonderful things about her. I love my mom, and I bet she will feel great on Mother’s Day. I hope yours feels the same way. Mothers are kids’ angels.

Submitted By Nicholas Zavala

Why my mom is special? My mom is special because she is nice, kind, sweet and works really hard to get things done. She also cooks great food. My mom also used to volunteer at my school and my brother’s school as a librarian helper. She also comes to my school events too and helps out. My mom helps me at EVERY THING. My mom makes sure I have fun. My mom is the best mom in the world and my mom is unique!

Jennifer Hilgenberg

My mom changed my life by helping me and loving me. My mom is helpful because she assists me with my back stabbing home work. Then she cleans up my pig-like room (which has a layer of clothes under it). She also helps me fix my toys that I always break in a blink. My mom is loving because she kisses me when I am under the twinkling night stars. My mom also feeds me mouth watering food like crunchy pieces of warm bacon. So whether my mom is making food or working her heart out helping me with my home work, she is the best mom a 9 year old kid could have.

Celine Johnson

Submitted By Avery Hilgenberg

Submitted By Mary Herald

Have you ever thought of why your mom’s special? Well do you know why? IT’S MOTHERS DAY! My mom is a sugar cookie! She is very loving. When I am cold she gives me warmth. When I am chilly she warms me. When I go to school my mom wants me to be there on time and especially when something important is going on. My mom shines. She is so kind. She buys me nice things that I need. She bought me a Hollister jacket that is so cozy. She also bought me a Lego organizer and it’s a big help! Zoom! Through the city she takes me places like school so I get knowledge in side of me. She takes me to eat so I don’t starve to death. Moms keep you warm and take you places.

May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

I think my mom is helpful because she makes my bed in the morning when I forget. She also helps me with my homework (we all have been there!) She also does her best for my family. For example, she got my brother a job and she made a doctor’s appointment for my dad when he was sick.

Rosario Zavala

Submitted By Gloria Herald Kunnapilly

Moms are a flower in the meadow.

Happy Mother’s Day! Have you ever thought about why your mom is important to you? Well, I know I have! My mother is important to me because she is helpful and caring.

My mother’s love for us children is unconditional. She is a great cook. Every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner were delicious meals made from scratch. She was a working woman. She never complained about all the work she had to do. Every day no matter how late, she always knelt down in prayer and made sure we prayed too. She went out of her way to help people both in cash and kindness. She always told me that when people treated me badly, to treat them well and pray for them. She taught me to share. She made time for everything and everyone. She always led by example. She read my mind, even before I could ask for something, it was already provided for me. Both my parents sacrificed a lot so that my brother and I had the best of everything. I always took everything she did for granted, never thanked her. Our home was a peaceful place. My mother is the best.


Experience Art…In The Dark Special To Welcome Home lind and low vision children should have the same expectations for a fulfilled life as those with sight. Although visually impaired children and those with sight have similar hopes and dreams, the prospects for many children with vision loss are different than those that have no disabilities. All of the proceeds from Art in the Dark will benefit the San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind’s newest program, The Blind Children’s Education Program. This program will serve ages birth through 14, one of the only of its kind in the state of Texas, and is available to all blind and legally blind children in San Antonio and surrounding areas as well as a resource for the entire family. The Blind Children’s Education Program will include Braille training, computer assistive technology skills, mobility training and everyday activities and assistance with daily life skills. All of these skills work toward preparing these children for mainstreaming into the public school system. This year The Witte Museum, Presenting Sponsor for the event, generously donated the museum for this most unique evening. Marise McDermott, CEO/President of The Witte is the Honorary Chair. Art in the Dark is an evening to remember, as the “touch,” the “feel” and the “sense” of art is explored. Some of the most distinguished local artists have donated their art to Art in the Dark – Diana Kersey, one of the artists, was commissioned by the


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San Antonio River Authority to do all of the ceramic art on the overpasses - the pieces are draped and the artist will discuss the piece and show other works they have designed. You can ask questions and touch the art but cannot look at it, purchasing art as a blind person would. The evening begins with hors d’oeuvres from restaurants and caterers like Laurents, Zedric’s, Adalonti and so many others, wine and great conversation. Musical entertainment will be provided by our extremely talented blind employees including the San Antonio Lighthouse Choir. Guests will have an opportunity to bid on the art. When dessert is served from Ruth’s Chris, Kate’s Frosting, Cheesy Jane, Freddy’s – just to name a few – the art will be unveiled and the winning bids announced. For the past two years every piece has been sold.

For 80 years the San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind (SALB) has been San Antonio’s icon for training and educating both the blind and severely vision impaired, in addition to being a leader in manufacturing for the military and government agencies. While the products and manufacturing jobs may have changed over time, the SALB’s focus on providing opportunities for people who are blind has remained steadfast, never losing sight of its mission – independent and high-quality lives for people who are blind and severely vision impaired. The 3rd Annual Art in the Dark will be Thursday, June 13th at The Witte Museum. Tickets are $25 per person. To find out more, visit or email or call 210 5311533.

Churchill Choir Sweeps The Competition

Salinas Challenges Incumbent For District 9 Council Seat By Kalyn Stralow he City Council General Election is approaching on May 11, 2013. The council seat for District 9 is up for election, with the incumbent councilwoman, Elisa Chan, running against eleventh hour addition to the ballot, Jason Salinas. A newcomer in running for Council, but not to the San Antonio city government, Salinas hopes to win his first council seat over Chan, who has headed District 9 since 2009. Welcome Home took the opportunity to hear from Salinas on his motivations for running for Council and what he hopes to accomplish should he prevail in the election. Salinas, who identifies himself as a conservative independent, states that his primary motivation for running is “about giving voters a real choice.” Up until nearly the last moment during the open Candidate Filing period, it appeared that Councilwoman Chan would run unopposed. “Democracy works best when voters are given legitimate choices,” Salinas said of his decision to run. Chan and Salinas have worked together in the past. Salinas was previously employed in the District 9 office for over two years under Councilwoman Chan’s leadership as the Chief of Constituency. Prior to that role, Salinas already has experience working with and for the government. “I have more than 20 years of government work experience at the federal,



state, regional and local levels,” Salinas said. “I also have many years of experience in leadership roles in various volunteer organizations.” So what would this new role look like if Salinas was elected to City Council? The crux of his platform is a belief in a city government that is “responsive to the taxpayers,” working to eliminate waste and inefficient spending. He plans to work to improve traffic conditions in the area, maintain police and fire protection and “improve overall quality of life for District 9 and the City as a whole.” Most specifically, Salinas is interested in developing a Senior Center in District 9 as an all-purpose facility for use by senior citizens and the community as a whole. “District 9 seniors have voiced a need for this type of facility and I will work to make it a reality,” he explained. Salinas is a San Antonio native who enjoys sports, including hunting and fishing, with his family. “I am passionate about my kids and their activities, my family and civic responsibility,” shared Salinas. “I take an active role in my community.” Early voting began on Monday, April 29 and will run through Tuesday, May 7. Election day is Saturday, May 11 from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. For more information about the City Council, the election and the candidates, please visit

The Churchill Choir, pictured here, invites the community to “Dinner and A Song.”

Submitted By Kim Wolf he Winston Churchill High School Freshman Girls’ Choir, Varsity Women and Varsity Mixed Choir won Sweepstakes at the UIL contest on April 10! The UIL competition was held at Canyon Lake High School and months of rehearsals were spent in preparation for this incredible honor. A huge “thank you” goes to Choir Director, Ken Turner, and Assistant Choir Director, Bonnie Smith. We invite all our neighbors to join the choir on May 24th, as the Churchill Choirs present “Dinner and A Song.” Dinner


will be served and entertainment will be provided by individual choir members. A Silent Auction will also take place, and tickets for the event will go on sale soon so see your favorite choir member for information. The highlight of the evening is always The Parents’ Number which usually involves a lot of really bad singing and dancing to the delight of the audience and the embarrassment of the kids. “Dinner and A Song” is also the Seniors’ chance to say farewell before graduation. It’s a great evening of fellowship and music so we hope you can join us on May 24!

May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

A Woman Who Nearly Became A Man

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 ately, it seems that every doctor thinks he/she can prescribe bioidentical hormones. I saw a woman recently in my office with a dangerously high level of testosterone after being given weekly injections of testosterone by another physician. Her level was over 500, while a normal young woman’s range of testosterone varies between 20-75. I explained to her that elevated testosterone in a woman can produce permanent physiologic changes such as deepening of the voice, facial hair, baldness, and changes to the breasts and clitoris. Thankfully, she came to me after only three weeks of this terrible treatment. I have seen women who have elevated testosterone levels of around 100 without any obvious physical changes. Mentally, some increase in testosterone produces energy and self-confidence bordering on arrogance-which can be desirable in a depressed or shy individual (personal observation). But very high testosterone is not natural, not physiologic, and there are no studies about the long-term deleterious effects. I remember another patient, about 45 years old, who admitted she had used injectable testosterone and synthetic male-like hormones as a young aspiring body builder. Other than a deep voice and muscular body, she had normal female appearance. She regretted her illegal use of hormones and only wanted to be


correctly balanced, which I provided. The most common error I see in men treated with testosterone is either too low or too high estradiol. Estradiol is the predominant female hormone. An enzyme, aromatase, chemically changes testosterone into estradiol to a small degree in young men. When men with very low testosterone are prescribed testosterone replacement, sometimes the testosterone changes to estradiol. However, most doctors use medications to block aromatase, which causes the transformation. Problems occur when the estradiol is blocked too much or not at all. Elevated estradiol can produce permanent breast enlargement, moodiness, and weight gain. However, bone loss and memory problems may occur when the aromatase enzyme is blocked too much resulting in very low estradiol. Blood levels must guide therapy in women and men. Failure to monitor prescribed hormones can be disastrous. Sex hormone replacement must be properly evaluated the same as thyroid or insulin hormones. I treat adults with age-related decline of hormones. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit

Brook Hollow Library Transformation

Got Hackers? SOBA Learns To Reduce Risk By Kalyn Stralow he Stone Oak Business Association welcomed guest speaker Larry Hurtado of Digital Defense for the March networking meeting. SOBA members gathered for the luncheon at Franklin Park Sonterra on Tuesday, March 26. A delicious spread of sandwiches, homemade chips, pasta salad and cheesecake awaited attending members and guests upon arrival at Franklin Park. Larry Hurtado, CEO and founder of Digital Defense since 1999, is a subjectmatter expert on the topic of digital security. He was invited to speak to SOBA members on the topic of “Reducing Risk To Maximize Your Business,” giving insight on how companies can protect themselves from the security risks that threaten their business. From network security and accessibility of credit card data to the physical security of their facilities, businesses face multiple security risks on daily basis. Hurtado opened the meeting by sharing some surprising – and concerning – statistics. The query that topped searches for subjects of popular gossip fodder (i.e. Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian) was for the phrase “how to hack,” with more than 45.5 million queries in the last year. For comparison purposes, “Justin Bieber” was searched 30.4 million times. Hurtado went on to share the common security risks that are prevalent in both small and large businesses, as well as steps that a company can take in order to minimize


and protect against those risks. Reducing business risk is an important aspect of protecting the assets, security, and reputation of a business of any size. Following the presentation, meeting attendees were able to ask questions that pertained specifically to their own businesses and circumstances. SOBA would like to thank Larry Hurtado and Digital Defense for sharing their expertise with the association! SOBA is an ever-growing organization that provides the increasing number of businesses in the Stone Oak area with networking opportunities, free exchange of information and mutual support. Events like this luncheon create an occasion for individuals to forge and strengthen business relationships, while learning from the cumulative knowledge of the entire community. Join SOBA in May for the association’s most popular event of the year – Speed Networking. Held on May 30 at the Drury Plaza, this event is a must for creating local business-to-business connections! For details about Speed Networking or SOBA membership opportunities, call 210348-8233 or visit www.stoneoakbusiness. com.

Visit us at our NEW Location!

700 E. Sonterra Blvd, Ste. 202

By Tapley Trudell Adult Service Librarian Brook Hollow Branch Library 210-496-6315 rook Hollow Library has had a makeover, and it’s looking better than ever. After 3 weeks of refurbishment, the library reopened for business on March 16, and the response to the branch’s new look has been overwhelmingly positive. The shelves have been rearranged to give the building a more open feel. Replacing the window blinds with tinted film and a fresh, colorful paint job The Brook Hollow Library, after its transformation. provide a cheerful atmosphere. program on the creation of the Japanese Tea New carpeting and furniture combine to Garden in Brackenridge Park. On Monday, make the library appear new. May 20 at 7 pm, Dr. Donald Lien, Director The layout of the library has changed of the UTSA Confucius Institute, will speak as well. All juvenile materials, including about the current opportunities for doing movies and audiobooks may now be found business in China, and the advantages of in the children’s room. The teen section studying Chinese language, culture and has moved into its own nook within the social etiquette. Dr. Lien will speak again library. Nearly all of the library materials on Wednesday, May 22 at 7 pm. On this have found new homes, so library staff date he will discuss the many reasons for encourages the public to ask for assistance students to consider the study of the Chinese in finding their way around. They would language from an early age. Finally, on June love to show off what has been done! 2 at 3 pm, Dr. Makiko Fukuda of UTSA East In celebration of Asian/Pacific American Asia Institute will offer a presentation on Heritage Month, Brook Hollow is hosting Japan and the potential benefits to students some special programs. On Sunday, May who choose to study Japanese language and 19 at 3 pm, the San Antonio Parks and culture. Recreation Department will present a

Our Family

Caring for Yours


May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Nikii Groomer, Larry Hurtado, and Robert Steele.

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Medical Allergy and Immunology Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 • Southwest Allergy & Asthma Martin • Rodriguez Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 494-0690 •

Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 545-5224 • Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men

Facial Plastic Surgery William R. Thornton, M.D., F.A.C.S. Ophthalmic/Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Cosmetic Eye Lid & Facial Surgery 15316 Huebner Rd., Suite 101 576-5150 (by appt)


Gastroenterology & Pain Mgmt

Theda Oaks J. Theard MD, S. Dar MD, L. Rosenkranz, MD U. Dar MD, M. McKee MD, M. Naeem, MD 19284 Stone Oak Parkway 268-0129

General Dentistry Smile Source® Dr. Cheryl E. Hubble & Dr. Kaci L. Tibbetts 2950 Thousand Oaks Dr., Suite. 16 496-5422

General Surgery



Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 119 697-3821

Stone Oak Pharmacy Specialty Compounding & Delivery Retail Pharmacy Services & DME 18866 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 101 494-4272

San Antonio Eye Center Abrams, Erdmancyzk, Hahn, Harris Ming-Zhao, Nicolau, Roberts, Stephenson 14807 San Pedro (281 & Winding Way) 226-6169

Orthodontics Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Suite 201 272-7129 •

San Antonio General Surgery Jorge L. Rincon 1162 E. Sonterra, Suite 210 587-7744


Neurosurgery Neurosurgical Associates of S.A., P.A. Donald L. Hilton MD., Arnold B. Vardiman MD. Donald P. Atkins MD. 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 240 477-1956 •

Huebner Pediatrics Dr. Michelle Storandt, Dr. Adelnery Gonzalez 15714 Huebner Rd., Bldg. 3 447-3000

Radiology South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers North Central Imaging Center 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 617-9000

To add your listing, call 210-348-8233

What Do I Do About This Joint Pain?

Submitted By Brian Schulze, M.D., Orthopaedic Surgeon, Northeast Orthopaedics t some point in our lives, we will all experience pain in our joints. For the lucky ones this pain will be transient and may never require any form of treatment. However, the vast majority of us will have to adjust to daily symptoms such as pain, swelling, stiffness, restricted motion and altered mobility. When joint pain is stemming from arthritis, some of us may ultimately have to consider joint replacement or ARTHROPLASTY. Surgery should always be considered a last resort, but often times I hear patients reporting that their hip or knee replacement has given them “their life back.” I have always maintained a conservative practice. I spend a great deal of time educating my patients on non-operative treatment of their arthritis. I must constantly remind patients that once arthritis symptoms begin to prevail that they have to focus on activity modification. Physicians and surgeons want our patients to remain as active as possible for a myriad of reasons. Being as active as one can is generally beneficial for one’s health - especially their heart health. Modifying your activity to better cope with the symptoms of arthritis does not mean that you have to become sedentary - quite the contrary is true. Often times, I have seen severe arthritis in some of the most active people. What I try to convey is to stay as active as possible, which again is usually going to help improve your general health and wellbeing. If one becomes too sedentary, then he/ she is likely to gain weight and eventually place more strain on their lower extremity joints - especially the hips and knees. I try to have my patients participate in a physician-



approved exercise program on a regular basis. If a patient has difficulty with “regular” exercise, then often “low impact exercise” is in order. This can range from walking to elliptical machines to stationary bikes to stair masters to swimming. Swimming is the ultimate low impact exercise and is more accessible at this time of year. Swimming can also help burn a tremendous amount of calories. A good well-balanced diet is also tantamount to overall good health. Most importantly, you should focus on burning more calories than you take in. Overall, keeping your weight under control can depend upon an appropriate balance between diet and exercise. Beyond these basic treatment options mentioned above, you may begin to explore more directed treatments. Analgesics become an option for most. These can range from topical to oral pain medicines and antiinflammatories. So-called NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often a good place to turn next. Topical and oral analgesic can be available over-the-counter (without prescription) and by your doctor’s prescription and thus obtained at your pharmacy. As your arthritis follows the path of natural history and progresses, you will find that you may have to consider more progressive treatment options. Once the analgesics are no longer beneficial, you may consider injection therapy. Both steroid injections and visco-supplementation treatments become an option. The latter refers to injections of “gel” or “rooster comb” or “hyaluronic acid” and are available in most orthopaedic surgeons’ offices. Often times, your Primary Care Provider can offer either kind of injection.

As time goes by, you may find that your arthritis symptoms begin to interfere with your activities of daily living (ADL’s) and you have to consider stepping up your treatment. When the arthritis starts to control and rule your life, you may have to strongly consider the drastic consequences. If and when the above treatments no longer provide enough relief, many patients are left with only two options— live with the pain and limitations OR proceed with joint replacement surgery. This should always be YOUR choice, and Joint pain from arthritis may be cause to consider arthroplasty. you should make the most informed and ask me what they need, I tell them that they educated decision you can. need to make an informed decision. When My best advice is to talk to your doctor they ask what I recommend, I usually wryly about your options and seek out the advice recommend that they consider their options of an orthopaedic surgeon EARLY in the and I recommend that “each patient makes process. When you make your decision a patient-specific treatment choice.” The to proceed with the surgery of joint bottom line is that the treatment of your arthroplasty, you will want the comfort of arthritis should be YOUR CHOICE. having known your surgeon for a long while. North Central Baptist Hospital Lastly and most importantly, you should be is located at 520 Madison Oak Dr., cautious of anyone who tells you that you San Antonio, TX 78258. For more “need” this treatment or that surgery. In my information, call (210) 297-4000 or visit practice of orthopaedics - both surgical and non-operative - I encourage my patients to consider their options. When my patients

May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Preventing Back Injury By Houston Brown, CSCS our legs are the largest muscles on your body. So it is very important that you use it them your advantage. The muscles of the lower back are smaller and designed more for stabilization rather than strength. They are really good for endurance, working all day every day providing posture and spinal stability. However, if you start asking them to do the job of the legs they will not hold up for long; that’s when injuries happen. Keep your legs strong and use them well for the big movements such as bending, lifting, squatting, and locomotion. This may all sound very familiar and common sense for most people, so lets discuss how having stronger legs can give you a stronger back. Synergistic muscles are muscles that help out or work together to accomplish a certain movement. With any movement you can think of, there are primary movers and synergistic muscles. For most leg movements the back acts synergistically. Here is an example: say you drop your keys and you reach down to pick it up. As you come back up your gluteus (muscles of the buttocks) and hamstrings (back of legs) should be the primary movers and the back provide support for them to pull against. Since it is almost impossible to isolate only one muscle or muscle group during normal day-to-day activities, it is very important to practice body movements properly when exercising. This is why I encourage multi-joint free weight exercises. When you are sitting in a fixed position working one muscle group you are effectively eliminating any synergistic muscles from activating which is the case



with most weight machines. Now, when you are doing free weight exercises (such as: squats, lunges, step ups, standing rows, and standing presses) you are allowing your body to work together. Any of these exercises, if performed properly, will stimulate and strengthen the muscles of the back and torso. Many times people are intimidated by free weights and are afraid of hurting their back rather than helping. Free weight exercise does not always have to involve heavy external weight. It is a good idea to start off with manageable weights along with the guidance of a trainer; this way you can be sure to build strength and muscle and avoid injury. HealthLink is a health and fitness center owned by the Baptist Health System. HealthLink is located at 288 Bitters Rd., San Antonio, TX 78216. For more information, call (210) 297-9900 or visit

NEISD Community Unites In Wake Of Fires Submitted By Aubrey Chancellor any never think it could happen to them, but thousands of house fires occur every year, destroying prized possessions and in some circumstances, taking lives. Four apartment fires that occurred recently in a span of five weeks, affecting 16 families in North East ISD, have not gone unnoticed by the surrounding community. The community response was apparent by the amount of donations pouring into NEISD’s McKinney-Vento Homeless Project. Led by Director of Family Support Services, Tyler Shoesmith, M.Ed., the program has raised $12,049 (including cash, checks and gift cards) to help out the NEISD families affected by the fires. One family alone dropped off a $400 Wal-Mart gift card. “The response has been very generous, especially when you look at the time period we live in, with regards to the economy,” said Shoesmith. “I think there are some families that don’t know what to give, they don’t know who to give it to, and they want to give it to an organization that doesn’t have any overhead,” said Shoesmith. “There’s no administrative cost when you donate to our program, it goes straight to the family – every cent.” The sudden epidemic of fires in NEISD first ignited in February at the Coronado and Rayo Del Sol apartments near Blanco

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Start your morning right with a delicious breakfast at the

10 West Breakfast Mixer



et your alarm clock EARLY and join the 10 West Business Association on Thursday, May 23, for a GREAT opportunity to meet your 10 West business neighbors! Each attendee will be able to introduce themselves and their business—so don’t forget to bring your business cards!

Date: Thursday, May 23 Time: 7:30 – 9:30 AM (Breakfast Served at 8:15 AM)

Some of the damage at the Wood Hollow Apartments after the fire was extinguished.

Road. Fires at the Wood Hollow and Canlen West apartments followed shortly after on Feb. 25 and Mar. 3 respectively. The latest fire occurred on Mar. 18 at the Fox Run Apartments not far from MacArthur High School and across the street from Regency Place Elementary School. While homes and possessions were destroyed in all of these fires, no lives were lost and our students remained safe. The district is grateful for this good fortune and for the generosity of its community members. Last year, NEISD had more than 1,200 homeless children in the district. If you are interested in making a donation to the families affected by the recent fires or to the many families in need of simple necessities, please contact your school or the Family Support Services Department.

May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Location: The Egg & I @ the Colonnade 9985 IH-10 West, 78230 Cost: $8 for Members & Non-Members

To RSVP: 210-348-8233 E-mail:

10 West • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses


May Calendar of Events SOBA SPEED NETWORKING Thu, May 30 (Drury Plaza SA – North, 823 North Loop 1604 East). 5:30 – 8 p.m. Join the Stone Oak Business Association for Speed Networking. At this event you will get the opportunity to introduce yourself to everyone. Make sure you RSVP early and bring a minimum of 150 business cards. We will also have a check presentation for the 2013 SOBA Scholarship recipients. Don’t miss out on this great event! The cost is $15 for members and $25 non-members. To RSVP call 210-348-8223, go online to or email 10 WEST BREAKFAST MEETING Thu, May 23 (The Egg & I, 9985 I-10 West). 7:30 – 9:30 a.m Set your alarm clock EARLY to start your Thursday morning right with breakfast with the 10 West Business Association –and don’t forget to bring your business cards! This will be a great opportunity to meet your 10 West business neighbors. Each attendee will be able to give an introduction of themselves and their business. The cost is $8 for members and non-members. To RSVP call 210-348-8223, go online to or email EXHIBITION AT THE MCNAY: FIESTA, FETE, FESTIVAL Wed, Jan 16 – Sun, June 9 (McNay Art Museum, 600 N. New Braunfels). Scene and costume designs from the Tobin Collection reveal that San Antonio’s own Fiesta belongs to a rich tradition of popular and court celebrations. Please visit www. for museum hours and exhibition related programs or call 210824-5368. STAAR TESTING Mon, April 1 – Fri, July 12 (Dates vary based on grade level and sections, makeup days are also available). The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is the new rigorous program that focuses on readiness for success in subsequent grades and courses and, ultimately, for college and career. EISENHOWER M.S. 6TH GRADE CHOIR MUSICAL Thu, May 2 (Eisenhower M.S. Auditorium). 7 – 8 p.m. Join us for this great production! It is one you will not want to miss! RELAY FOR LIFE Fri, May 3 – Sat, May 4 (S.T.A.R. Soccer Complex, 5103 David Edwards Dr.). 7 p.m. An organized, overnight community fundraising walk for the fight against cancer. For more information or to donate to the cause, visit www.relayforlife. org. ALAMO CITY DANCE COMPANY AUDITIONS Sat, May 4 (San Antonio School for the Performing Arts, 12915 Jones Maltsberger Rd. Ste. 200). 2 – 4:30 p.m. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to audition time for registration. Females/Males 12 and older. Wear dance attire with hair in a bun and bring pointe shoes. Must be proficient on pointe. A resume and headshot is a plus. The Alamo City Dance Company is a semi-professional company. Please call 210-495-2787 or go to www.


sanantonioschoolfortheperformingarts. com/ for further information. ALICE! A BALLET WONDERLAND Sat, May 4 – Sun, May 5 (Palo Alto College Performing Arts Center, 1400 W. Villaret Blvd.). Sat 7:30 p.m. and Sun 3 p.m. Adapted from “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the LookingGlass” by Lewis Carroll. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for children. For more information, visit www.alamoartsballet. org or call 210-344-9428. CINCO DE MAYO Sat, May 4 – Sun, May 5 (Market Square, 514 W. Commerce). Sat 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. and Sun 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. The 16th Annual Cinco de Mayo event is full of culture. The sounds and smells of authentic Mexican food, Mariachi music on the plaza and Folklorico dancers with their colorful dresses, transport you to a front row seat in a part of Mexican history. For more information, visit RIVER CITY RUN – 5K RUNNING TOUR Sat, May 4 – Sun, June 30 (Alamo Plaza). 8 a.m. River City Run is a 5K running tour of downtown San Antonio that takes place every Saturday and Sunday at 8 a.m. The course is a group oriented jog with 15 stops along the way where we share interesting and historical information about numerous landmarks with our runners. Please register prior to the run of your choice through our website registration page: www. Also, please feel free to contact them with any questions 210-2013786 or This is a great activity for locals, visitors, singles and families to enjoy together! SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Mon, May 6 – Fri, May 10 (Thousand Oaks Elementary School Library). 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Scholastic delivers its Fairs to schools, with the majority of books arranged in mobile, easy-toaccess cases. Scholastic also provides planning materials, promotional tools and merchandising displays to help the school create an exciting bookstore environment. Find out more at bookfairs/about/. TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK Mon, May 6 – Fri, May 10. This week is a time to show your appreciation to those who have impacted the next generation so greatly through teaching. AUTHOR ADAM GIDWITZ VISIT IN THE BRADLEY M.S. LIBRARY Tues, May 7 (Bradley M.S. Library). 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Adam Gidwitz, author of “A Tale Dark & Grimm” will be visiting Bradley Middle School. 1st period is Team 6X, 2nd period is Team 6Y, 3rd period is Team 6Z. Any students who purchase a book in advance will also be invited to attend during these periods. Lunches 6 – 8 Book Club & Clash “Writer’s Workship” will be held during 6th period. CHURCHILL SENIOR AWARDS Wed, May 8 (Littleton Gym, 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd.). 7 p.m – 9 p.m. During this night Churchill High School will honor its graduation seniors. Come out and show your support for these talented young men and women.

NEISD GT FIFTH GRADE THINK-ATHON Thu, May 9 (Tejeda M.S.). 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. GT students will go to Tejeda Middle School to participate in a Creative Thinking event with other NEISD Schools. FIESTA NOCHE DEL RIO Fri, May 10 – Aug 10 (Arneson River Theater, 418 Villita St.). Every Friday & Saturday at 8:30 p.m. An outdoor show on the San Antonio River Walk featuring lively singing and dancing from Mexico, Spain, Argentina and Texas – plus live MARIACHI music! Proceeds benefit local children’s charities. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for Seniors (60+), $5 for children ages 6-14, $10 group rates and $10 active and retired military. To purchase tickets, visit or call 210226-4651. BEXAR COUNTY ELECTIONS Sat, May 11 (Various locations). City and School Spring Elections. To find out more, visit MARCH FOR BABIES (MARCH OF DIMES) Sat, May 11 (Sea World San Antonio, 10500 Sea World Dr.). 8 a.m. When you walk in March for Babies, you give hope to the more than half a million babies born too soon each year. The money you raise supports programs in your community that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. And it funds research to find answers to the problems that threaten our babies. To find out more, visit www. or call 210-696-1030. NATIONAL CHILDREN’S BOOK WEEK Mon, May 13 – Fri, May 19. Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country. Every year, commemorative events are held nationwide at schools, libraries, bookstores, homes -- wherever young readers and books connect! Find out more at ELEMENTARY TRACK & FIELD DAYS Tue, May 14 – Thu, May 16 (Heroes Stadium, 4799 Thousand Oaks Dr.). 4 – 6 p.m. For 4th and 5th grade selected students. BAND HOMECOMING CONCERT & SPAGHETTI DINNER Wed, May 15 (Bradley M.S. Cafeteria). 5 – 8:30 p.m. Join the Bradley Middle School band as they perform along with a spaghetti dinner. CULINARIA EVENTS Wed, May 15 – Sun, May 19 (locations and times vary based on event). A pursuit initiated by a few very passionate people in San Antonio who searched for an opportunity to bring taste and share great new discoveries of wines and flavorful recipes from around the world. From formal dinners, casual luncheons, tequila and Texas produce tastings, cooking classes extraordinaire, chocolate and champagne pairings, as well as a wide array of event activities for connoisseur and amateur alike. To find an event, visit or call 210-822-9555.

DISTRICT-WIDE “CLASH OF THE TITLES” Wed, May 15 (Littleton Gym, 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd.). 6 – 8 p.m. NEISD middle schools will battle with knowledge of books. Clash of the Titles celebrates the love of reading by introducing students to the annual Texas Lone Star Reading List, recommended by Texas librarians for grades 6 – 8. BRADLEY M.S. 8TH GRADE SEMIFORMAL DANCE Fri, May 17 (Bradley M.S. Gym 2). 6 – 9 p.m. Bradley 8th grade students are invited to the semi-formal dance for a night of fun! Contact the school for more information on this event. EISENHOWER M.S. THEATER ARTS SPRING PRODUCTION Fri, May 17 (Eisenhower M.S. Auditorium) 7 – 8 p.m. Come support the students involved in Eisenhower Middle School’s theater arts spring production. You don’t want to miss the creativity and talent that these students bring to the stage. AMERICA’S ARMED FORCES RIVER PARADE Sat, May 18 (San Antonio River Walk, 110 Broadway St. #500). 6 – 8 p.m. To honor those men and women in the Armed Services, as well as those who have served in conflicts throughout recent history, there will be professionally decorated floats down the River Walk. These themed floats will feature live entertainment from military groups, as well as local artist. The parade is free from the patios and balconies of the River Walk Restaurants or you can purchase a reserved seat in the Arneson River Theater for $20. For more information, visit www. COLUMBUS AND HIS MUSICAL VOYAGE Sun, May 19 (Laurie Auditorium, 1 Trinity Pl). 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Enjoy vivid music inspired by Spain’s rich culture as they follow Columbus on his epic voyage to the New World. Come witness the unforgettable culmination of the Symphony’s popular Paint to Music Contest featuring a special showcase of children’s visual artwork during a performance of the very works that inspired them! This program will also feature collaboration with the grand prize winner of the Symphony’s annual Future Stars Competition, open to all area instrumentalists of high school age and below. Tickets are $16 for adults and $8 for children. For more information, email or call 210-554-1066. BRADLEY M.S. CHOIR “POP SHOW” Thu, May 30 (Bradley M.S. Cafeteria). 6 – 8 p.m. Come out to Bradley Middle School and enjoy the great performance that will be put on by the choir as they perform for their annual Pop Show! EISENHOWER M.S. BAND CONCERTS Thu, May 30 (Eisenhower M.S. Auditorium) 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. & 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Join the Eisenhower band as they put on great concerts that are sure to be memorable. Ask a band member for more details!

May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248


Attention NEISD Moms, Summer is Coming and unless you do something about it,


Your Child Will Forget Everything He Learned This Year...

2012 CoTY* Best Exterior 2012 ToRH** Best on Tour

“For many students, summer means that much of what they have learned in the past nine months goes out their heads like summer heat rising from the blacktop.” Dr. Ruth Peters Clinical Psychologist

2011 CoTY* Best Interior 2011 ToRH** Best on Tour

Downlaod our FREE Report and learn how to avoid and even reverse the dreaded “Summer Brain Drain” problem. Also learn... -Why teachers will spend 4 to 6 weeks re-teaching material that your child forgot during the summer once August comes around.

2011 CoTY* Best Kitchen

Awarded 2012 NARI Contractor of the Year • 3-D Drawings • Design and Build • Additions • Full Interiors • Kitchen/Bath • Backyard Design *CoTY - NARI Contractor of The Year Awards **ToRH - NARI Tour of Remodeled Homes Awards

Exquisite Design • Expert Construction

-How keeping your child’s brain active during the summer is critical to prevent the loss of these critical learning skills. To get your Free Report, visit


Call for a Free Design Consultation Check out our Web site & Photo Gallery

or call (210) 495-2626

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SPEED NETWORKING Speed Networking is one of SOBA’s premier events. During this meeting, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to everyone in attendance. Because of the high turnout, make sure to RSVP early. Please bring a minimum of 150 business cards. SOBA Gives Back! The May Speed Networking event will begin with a special check presentation ceremony, honoring the 2013 Reagan and Johnson graduates awarded $8000 in SOBA Scholarships. Thank you, SOBA members, for your impact on our community’s future!





Stone Oak Business Association May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Date: Thurs., May 30, 2013 Time: 5:30 to 8:00 pm Location: Drury Plaza Hotel - SA North 823 North Loop 1604 East Cost: $15 for Members $25 for Non-Members

To RSVP: 348-8233 E-mail:



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May 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

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